
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 102: The End of Everything


Clark's dreams were strange. They were filled with sleepy clouds and night time caresses and memories of people he couldn’t quite see. He'd tossed and turned all night... fallen asleep on the mattress fully clothed after dinner, and had felt Lex's fingers and soft words going over his skin as he'd been undressed.

His back hurt. His head hurt. His belly and sides hurt. He couldn’t find a position he was comfortable in and had turned and moved all night long.

At about three in the morning he finally fell into a deep sleep, thank God.

It was just a shame that he had to be up at six, to go help his dad at the farm and go to school.

So as the buzzer went off on the alarm by the bed, he just opened his eyes and stared at it. Couldn’t be time to get up, he'd just gone to bed! He groaned and threw his arm over, coincidently smashing the alarm to bits, and sat up.

Stinging ACHE in his back and he hissed, straightening as he stumbled from the sheets and went to the bathroom to pee.

Lex rolled over as Clark smashed the alarm. He'd realized at some point that Clark had been restless last night, and he pulled himself to sit up on the side of the bed.

He hissed as his feet hit the cold floor, and he cradled his head in his hands. For no reason he could think of, a headache seemed situated behind his eyes, and he hunched over, elbows resting on his knees as he waited for Clark to come out.

Clark took care of his business, washed his hands as even THAT had been drilled into him by his insistent mother, and stumbled out of the bathroom. He stretched his arms and gave a loud, sleepy yawn, before realizing his lover was up as well. He plopped on the mattress and muttered a good morning… not quite ready to go find orange juice.

For the first time in his life, he realized what exhausted was. "Mmm'lo."

"Morning." Lex turned his head over to look at his aushna'. "How are you feeling?"

"Mmmmm." He muttered, and laid his head on Lex's shoulder. "'msleepy." And through their link he felt his lovers pain, and gently reached up to caress Lex's temples. "Headachy, 'shna'?"

"Just a little one." He sighed in pleasure at his beloved's soft touch to his temples. "Feels good... keep doin' that." He put his arm around Clark's shoulders, and held him tightly. "Didn't sleep well... promise me you'll come home and take a nap after school."

"Mmmmm." He muttered, gently sitting back. He had a few minutes. He tugged Lex up and between his legs, so his lover could rest against him , and brought both hands up, massaging his lover’s temples and head softly, as he murmured words of love. "Love you. Glad you're worried. Makes me feel loved. Love you."

Lex gave a soft, pleasured moan. The headache had been caused by worry for his lover, and as his lover touched him and reassured him, the knot behind his temples slowly started to loosen. "You're my aushna', Clark... how can I not worry. I love you; I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Love you too. You're my family." He said softly, pressing soft kisses to his lovers ears and neck as he massaged. His fingers never stopped moving, calm and peace in his heart given to his Lex, his beloved man, and he continued to whisper soft, loving words. "Always here to protect me... always here to love me. Love you so much. Good to me, good to our family."

Lex kept moaning softly in his throat. "You're my family too, Clark. The only family I ever want. You and me... Samson." He gave a little smile as he thought of the dog sleeping in his new little puppy bed. "Us, Clark. Always us."

He giggled. Who wouldn’t? Samson was living like a king, right at the foot of their bed, and he murmured, "Shh… listen." And you could hear, very softly, as the puppy snored. He giggled and pressed a kiss to Lex's ear, his cheek, his jaw… and finally turned his face a little to kiss his lips. "I love you, Lex."

Lex brought his hand up to hold Clark's jaw gently as he kissed, tasting him and chuckling softly at the little puppy snores coming from the floor. "He's spoiled. I love you, Clark. So much." His fingers stroked his lover's face as they kissed. "You're everything to me."

"Really?" He asked softly. "Everything?"

Lex nodded. "Really, Clark. I'd give up anything else in the world, so long as I had you."

His grin was this side of wicked into the side of Lex's neck. "Everything so much that you'll take me to the Talon for breakfast, even though you don’t have to be up for another hour?"

Lex chuckled. "So much so that I will take you to the Talon for breakfast. And I will take you to school in the Ferrari."

"Yeah??" He beamed. Yeah. He liked the Ferrari. Even after what happened the last time he used it, he still liked it. "The red one?"

"If that's the one you want."

"Yeah." Another grin. "Mostly, I want to see you in it. You’re so sexy." He kissed again, and feeling that the pain in his lovers head was gone, beamed and slid out from behind him. "Shower with me?"

"Mmmm... like I could say no." He caught Clark around the waist and used the handhold to pull himself up to his feet. "But I want it hot, Clark. Not cold. I don't care how asleep you are. You put me in a cold shower, and I'll put you in a hurt locker."

He was buck naked, and just realized it as Lex's fingers pulled up on his waist. He felt... strange. Everything felt strange, and he wasn’t sure it was a good thing. But he beamed, as to not worry his lover, and chalked it up to some new power he was probably getting as he giggled and wrapped an arm around his love. "Hot shower. Check." A moment of innocence. "I'll even wash your back."

Lex arched as he stretched, and he missed the odd look that crossed Clark's face before the beaming smile. "And... if you're nice... I'll wash yours."

"Heh. If I beg really pretty, will you wash more then my back?" Clark asked sweetly, as they stepped into the bathroom.

"Of course." Lex's grin was just this side of wicked. "I can't resist a beautiful, begging boyfriend."

He offered Lex a mock glare as he got the shower on and the towels out, hopping on the cold tile floor as he jumped from little bathroom carpet to little bathroom carpet, yelping his cold. He pulled out the Suave shampoo he'd bought the other day, melon something that he'd liked, and an extra bar of soap. "Rub a dub dub?"

"Rub a dub dub, Clark and Lex in the tub!" He grinned at the glare, and snickered at the shampoo and soap. "Come on, Clark. You don't like my Fleur de'Champs body wash?"

He blushed hotly, sleepy eyed and wild haired, as he opened the shower door and stepped inside, beckoning his lover to join him. "I do... and would, if I didn’t feel so guilty about using it. I'll stick to my ivory soap, thanks love." His eyes crinkled as he smiled and backed up into the hot water... bliss, falling over his back, and he sighed in pleasure as he winked. "Coooooming?"

Lex looked down, and then back up at Clark. "Not yet, but I'm sure something can be arranged."

A loud snicker, and as the hot water enveloped them, Clark enveloped his lover tightly.

~ * ~ * ~

6:40 AM--Luthor Estate, Smallville

Freshly cleaned and showered, both Clark and Lex had been heading out towards the garage, to pick up the Ferrari for breakfast, and had instead been caught by Lionel and Dominic.

Instead of blowing them off, as was Lex's first initial reaction, he and Clark were now seated at a small table in the solarium, sharing a large pot of coffee and a pitcher of orange juice.

Lex sat close to his lover, almost in Clark's lap, snuggled as close to his lover as he could manage.

Dominic looked half dead. He had his cup of coffee, his phone, the newspaper, and he just looked...exhausted. Pleased, but exhausted. it had been a... very pleasurable, long night, and the food had sat in his belly and had lulled him into a deep sleep that didn’t want to end at six thirty.

But he'd rose, pulled his sweatshirt and sweat pants on, and was now half asleep beside his lover. "Uh."

Clark grinned at the older man. He was dressed in usual school attire… snug jeans, boots, and a t-shirt with his jacket waiting for him behind his chair. He'd helped his dad with the chores, which had taken him five minutes, and had zipped home to brush his teeth not ten minutes ago.

"Its ungodly gettin' up at this hour." Dominic muttered.

"A very articulate observation, Dominic," Lionel said with a snicker as he poured coffee. "Lex... I'm surprised to see you up and about this early in the morning, as you don't have to be ready to leave with Dominic and I for another... forty minutes or so," he finished after looking at his watch.

Lionel, of course, was immaculately dressed for the day, suit and tie in place, sunglasses in his pocket.

"Are you joking? Ungodly isn't the word for it." Lex took a long drink of coffee. "I promised I'd take Clark to the Talon for breakfast in the Ferrari and the drop him off at school."

Dominic. Glared. "I can't believe I married a morning person." He glared, deeply, at his lover, before turning the caveman look on Lex. "Poisoning your young man. Ashamed."

Another grin from Clark as he shifted, downing the third glass of juice in a single gulp before sighing in pleasure. "I can't wait to see the buildings." Clark offered the older Luthor with a smile. "They must be beautiful, if you bought them."

Lex grunted and hooked his thumb over his shoulder at his lover. "Here. I say we lock our two morning people up in a room together and go back to bed."

"They are beautiful, Clark. The artwork in the building is just... beautiful. It was done by an artist... Dogwood. A last name wasn't available at the time, but we're searching for the artist now because we will need his help in the restorations and the preservations."

"It's Greek, Clark," Lex warned. "Get him started, and he'll lecture you."

"Best idea I’ve heard all week." Dominic muttered, yawning deeply before setting his cheek on the newspaper. "Lioiiooeennneelll." He whined. "Bloody hell, take me back to bed."

"Dogwood Ross." Clark supplied instantly, smiling. "Pete’s brother. He painted those buildings when we were in the fifth grade. I remember going with him and watching as he lay on his back to paint the ceilings, just like Michelangelo." But he grinned at Lex and shrugged. "I don’t mind lecturing, I like Greek Mythology."

"Pete's brother? You mean, the Ross family, who despises and begrudges every breath of air a Luthor takes?" Lex blinked. "That's news. Dad... you might want to start looking around for a different artist to preserve the murals and such for you, because I don't believe Mr. Ross would do it." Then he dropped a look to Dominic. "Well... that is, unless Dominic's sister uses her influence with Pete to talk his brother into it."

"Not using my baby sister for anything other then taping American Idol." Dominic yawned, jaw popping with it, and snuggled into the chair... then reached over, pulled Lionel’s arm around his shoulders, and snuggling that way. "I am so bloody tired."

"Pete’s brother might do it, though, anyway. He likes his art, and he'll do anything to keep it tip top." Clark smiled it, tipping his head and glancing at his own watch. "Lex, we've got to go."

Lex nodded. "All right. Dad, Dominic, I'll be back. You want to drive separate cars or take one; it'd be easier to take one car but whatever. Let me know when I get back." He pushed himself to his feet behind Clark. "Come on, baby. Let's go."

Lionel snuggled Dominic against his side, laughing softly. "You can nap this afternoon while Clark and I are fencing."

Clark rose... his back gave a scream, but he straightened without a word, pulling his coat on and waving. "Bye Lionel, Dominic." And with that he followed his lover out the door.

"Goodbye, Clark!" Lionel called, snapping his newspaper back up.

Lex was whistling softly as he walked out the door, juggling his keys as he looked over his shoulder at his baby. "Everything okay with you, Clark? I mean... really? You seem kind of... off."

"I’m good." He smiled reassuringly... even if he didn’t feel it. Though, the morning he got his laser vision he'd felt something similar to this, so he just pushed it away, rolling his eyes mentally as he thought about the annoyance of more powers. Something extra to be a freak about. Sigh. But he followed regardless, offering a quiet beam as he walked into the garage with his love.

And gave a low whistle. "Lex, I’m so happy you're a car whore."

"Slut, Clark. Car slut. There is a difference. A car whore buys any cheap piece of metal with wheels. A car slut.. only buys the best." He flicked the overhead light on in the garage. Two Lamborghinis, three Porsches, four Ferraris, two Astons, the Cayenne SUV, a Mercedes, and three motorcycles sat in the garage. "There's more in the back garage, but these... these are my babies." He put on his sunglasses and pulled his driving gloves over his hands. "Come on, Clark, let's go."

He giggled, loudly, doing a little dance. "I’m dating Vin Diesel. This is so cool." He followed his lover, glanced back at the door... turned back, and picked up his little, sleepy eyed puppy. Gave him a big kiss on the head, snuggled him, and set him back down. "See you after class, baby."

Samson whined, pawing at Clark's backpack. He didn't WANT to be left behind AGAIN!

Oh, crap. Alright. He looked back at Lex with his most hopeful beam.

Samson turned a nearly identical look on the Lex, floppy ears making him just adorable.

Lex. Just. Sighed. He didn't even try to say no, didn't even try to argue. "Come on, you two. Get in."

Clark let out a yip and picked his little baby up, tucking him and all his ears under his arm as he walked over to the little red car. He popped open the passenger door and slipped in, folding long limbs as he brought the chair back as far as it would go. Tall guy. Little car. Not always a good combination, but this worked. He set Samson on his lap and closed the door, slipping the seat belt on as he tucked Sammy in close. And grinned at his lover.

Samson gave a huge puppy grin to Clark, and then turned it on Lex. He turned his head, popping Lex on the arm with floppy ears, then gave Lex a huge, sloppy puppy lick.

Lex sighed, and rolled Clark's window down just a little bit. "Don't fall out the window, pup."

6:58 AM: The Talon--Smallville

Lex held his hand out for the puppy. "Come on, let's go."

Clark uncovered his face with his hands. They'd driven, breakneck speed, to the Talon, and Clark didn’t know how Lex had done it but he'd parallel parked going at least thirty miles an hour. He had Samson crushed to his chest, to protect his little guy, and peaked through the palm slapped over his eyes with terror. "W....we're here?"

"We're here." Lex opened the driver's side door as he unbuckled his seat belt. "And nobody got hurt, maimed, or killed. Nor did I run over anyone, hit anything, or drive off another bridge."

"You almost hit a mailbox!" Clark cried, glaring at his lover as he handed Samson over and unbuckled his seat belt. "God, remind me to check if I peed my pants, alright?" A little rub to Samson’s back as he gave a cheeky grin at his lover and slipped out of the car. The pain was worse but he hid it well, straightening and smoothing his t-shirt.

Samson just wiggled. That had been the COOLEST!! The Clark had made all kinds of noise, the wind had been in his face, his ears had got flapped back, and he slobbered all over Lex's window. He hopped in Lex's arms, turning around and showing his butt to the Clark and licking the Lex enthusiastically.

"There was a good foot between this car and the mailbox," Lex choked out between puppy licks. "And Samson seems to have enjoyed it." He watched as Clark got out of the car. "No dark stains... I don't think you pissed yourself."

Clark snorted, loudly. "If I’d pissed, your car would be going nuclear right about now. Ask my parents. I went through this bed wetting stage when they got me, and...yeah. My dad had to buy a steel tank to put sheets in."

He reached over and tugged on Samson’s ear, giving his little baby a big smile as he turned to glance at the Talon. He half expected to see his raven haired friend when he stepped in, and knew he never would again. It brought a pang of sadness, but the pain was getting less, and the memory of her more dear. So he just smiled again, tipped his head, and shifted.

"That's more than I needed to know about your personal habits."

Hey!! The Clark wanted to play!! Samson's front paws hooked around Clark's hand as it tugged his ear, and he nipped the base of one huge giant thumb.

"Come on, let's find a table."

Clark grinned and scratched Samson’s ears as he pretended to jump his hand up and down, so Samson’s head bobbed... and grinned, broadly, as a tiny blond waved. "Hey, Chloe, Whit."

Chloe smiled and picked up her mocha, and Whitney’s, and sashayed over to a small table they'd picked out. "Morning, guys. You're here early... out for a little caffeine kick before the day?" She sat in all her wild clothes, skirt layered on pants and a snug top under her brown pea coat. Her hair was extra flippy today, her smile broad, and she beamed at the two as she plopped down.

Whitney pulled her into his lap as she plopped down. "Hey, guys. Hey, Samson." He threaded his arms around Chloe's waist as he snuggled her close and pressed a kiss to the back of her shoulder.

Lex snorted. "Ask the morning person here," he said, jerking his head back to Clark. "He's the one that made me promise to bring him out for breakfast before school."

Chloe snorted at her friend and motioned for him to sit down, as she crossed her legs comfortably, her notebook for the day's Torch layout in front of her. "Lex, you’re a very compromising boyfriend."

Clark sat down across from her with a heavy little sigh and got comfortable. As soon as he sat the pain went away, and he thanked God as he set his bookbag on the floor beside him. "What’s up?"

"The grounded life, unfortunately." Chloe sighed.

"The grounded life?" Lex sat down beside Clark, and set the little puppy on the table in front of him as he waved a waitress over to take their orders. "What did you do?"

New place! New people!! Samson wiggled his little puppy butt on across the table as he tried to sniff the notebook. Yellow Lady was all flippy and loud and smelled fun and the Lex wouldn't let him go!

"Dad... came home. Last night. And..." She blushed. "Yeah. He found Whitney in bed with me, and cried for about an hour over his little girl." She winced. "I didn’t have the heart to tell him Whitney and I have been having sex for a while and Lex, gimmie the puppy already." She set her cup down and held out her arms.

Yes! Yes!! Yellow Lady was opening her arms and that meant SAMSON CUDDLES!! He wiggled his butt out of Lex's grip and humped across the table and into the Yellow Lady's arms.

OOOOH!! It was soft and he snuggled in. Not. Moving. Yellow Lady was his new favorite sleeping place, and he huffed.

Lex cringed. "You know, Chloe... that was actually stupid of you to let yourself get caught with your boyfriend in bed. If you're going to do that, at least come over to the mansion. You're less likely to get caught, and you can always use the excuse that you're waiting on Clark to do a study group."

Chloe melted into six different puddles, looking down at the handful of puppy as he snuggled into her arms, and oh. Oh. She bit her lip and cuddled him close, rubbing his head gently as she got all girly and teary. "Oh."

Clark couldn’t help smiling, rolling his eyes as he snickered at Lex, and climbed to his feet. "Chocolately mochas? Muffins?"

She glanced up, eyes all shiny and wet, and smiled. "I wanted to be in my bed. Plus, it was nice." She bit her lip and glanced to her lover, giving him a soft kiss on the tip of his nose.

Lick. Lick. Lick. Salty good stuff on Yellow Lady's face and Samson went to town. His little tail thumped like crazy as he licked her face, eating the light coat of makeup off her face with his rough little tongue.

"Cappuccino for me, but yeah, muffins are great." Lex sat back, and stuck his tongue out at the puppy. "Traitor."

Whitney snuggled her close. "Yeah. It was nice. And definitely worth it, considering your dad didn't nail me up on the wall, and didn't exactly forbid me to see you."

"Ewww!" She giggled, pulling him away before he licked her entire face. "Samson, you can't eat my makeup silly." But she kissed his head and wrinkled her nose at him, giggling.

Clark nodded, and when he turned, he let the pain show on his face. Okay, so maybe skipping again and going home to ask his parents about it might be a better option. But he'd cut class, and despite his straight A's, he needed to go.


He sighed softly, tipped his head, and looked at Ms. Nell. "H... hi."

Samson huffed. Whatever she'd said no to, he most definitely COULD SO do it. Cause he was the KING. He licked her face again, and then settled on her chest against the big squishy soft things.

"Hello, Clark." Nell was busy arranging the flowers behind the counter, but she gave him a slightly nice smile. She'd been much nicer to Clark after Lana's death, because Lana had liked him. "What can I get you this morning?"

Chloe smiled, broadly, and glanced at Whitney. "It's not just you. He likes them too."

"Hi. Could... could I have a cappuccino, a chocolate mocha, and two cinnamon muffins, please?" He asked softly.

Whitney choked on his mocha, and grabbed a handful of napkins so that he didn't mess Chloe's jacket up.

"Well... at least he's got good taste." Lex batted his eyelashes in exaggerated innocence.

"Sure thing, Clark. Muffins are at the end of the bar, help yourself. Your drinks'll be ready in just a minute." Nell turned to the cappuccino machine. "Do you want whipped cream on that, sweetie?"

"You're damn right." Chloe winked and snuggled Samson closer as she looked up at Lex. "You look tired sweetie, you alright?"

"Thank you." Clark nodded and stepped over to the end of the bar and pulled two muffins out of a small glass cake holder, setting them on a Styrofoam plate before he walked back to the front counter. And wondered why he was eating at all, he wasn’t hungry. He felt...he was just strange. Maybe when he got home after class, he'd have Lex look at him after all.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Lex answered. "But do me a favor, all right? Keep an eye on Clark. I can't... I can't tell you the details right now, just trust me. But I think that he might not be feeling his best."

"Clark? THE Clark?" Chloe cocked a brow. "Lex, Clark hasn’t been sick a day in his life."

Lex sighed. "Yes. The Clark. My Clark--our Clark. Just... please, Chloe. Take my word for it. Something's not right."

Clark set the plate down on the counter and watched as Nell finished making their coffee. "How’s everything going, Nell?"

"I'll keep an eye on him, but you know Clark. Stubborn to the end."

"It's going all right." She turned and set the cappuccino with whipped cream down, and then started on the mocha.. "I've had to hire a couple new people to help serve; we've been getting a boom in business since the contractors have been here rebuilding."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm asking you to keep an eye on him. He's got his cell phone in his bookbag, I put it in there this morning myself. "Just make sure I get called if anything happens."

"Yeah, I know." Which gave him a moments thought. "Are you hiring at all, Nell?"

"Will do , Sergeant Luthor." Chloe saluted and gently extracted Samson from his cuddly snuggle in her chest, gently handing him back over. "Whitney and I are off. Gonna work on the Torch for a while before class....Whitney promised me an interview." She grinned, and her smile was this side of wicked. "A private interview."

"More information than I needed to know, Chloe. But thanks." He took Samson back, and tucked him against his arm.

Hey!!! The Yellow Lady was passing him back to The Lex! That wasn't good!! He whined, but then, oh, the Lex snuggled him and cradled him and he settled in, happy again.

Nell blinked. "Hiring? Well, yes, I think I'm going to be, in the next few days. I think I'm going to have to let one of my girls go, because she's never on time."

She beamed. "If nothing, I’m informative." She pulled herself off of Whitney’s lap and offered her hand at him as she gathered her notebook, satchel, and coffee. "Lex, after school, I was wondering if I could have an interview with you too?" She snickered. "A real one. People are talking about why there’s so many contractors in town... think I can corner you for a little one on one?"

"Would their be any chance you could give me a call when you do?" Clark asked, and offered a smile. "I’ve been looking for a job. I’m responsible, on time, all those things. I’m a Kent, wasn’t raised to be anything but."

"It can't be today, Chloe; I've got plans most of the day and I'm not sure when they'll be done--my father and Dominic and I are going out. Friday I'm showing Clark the surprise. Tell me.... you're going to be available Friday evening, aren't you? Either my father or I one will be open, if you don't mind talking to Lionel Luthor if I'm not around."

Nell nodded. "I'll call you, Clark. In fact... here." She dug under the counter a moment, and laid an application in front of Clark. "Go ahead and fill this out, and I'll give you a call as soon as the position opens up."

"Sure!" And Chloe nearly fell over agreeing. "Talking to the famous Magnificent Ba--...Business man, would be a treat." She beamed. "I knew being sha'nauch with you would be a good thing." Chloe snickered and cuddled her boyfriend, giving Lex a kiss on the cheek. "See you on Friday!"

"Thank you." Clark smiled and took the pen she offered, filling it out quickly. He had to go into his pocket for his drivers license for some information, but it was done in about two minutes, and he handed it over to her as he accepted the mocha. "Thank you, Nell."

Lex's eyebrow levitated. "Magnificent Bastard, did you say?" He snickered. "I'll see you Friday, Chloe. Whitney... you be good to her."

Whitney snuggled Chloe against his chest, strong arms holding her close. "Always, man. Don't even gotta worry."

Samson wiggled up from Lex's arm and gave Chloe a sloppy kiss on the mouth when she kissed Lex's cheek.

"You're welcome, Clark." She made sure he could handle both cups. "Do you need a tray, sweetie?"

Chloe giggled and kissed Samson too, giving him a scratch behind the ears before looping her arm through Whitney’s, waving at Clark, and scooting out.

Clark waved back before smiling and shaking his head at Nell. "I’ve got it, thanks." He beamed at her and walked carefully back to the table with their coffee and muffins. "Here we go." He sat down, carefully lowering the treats just out of Samson’s reach. "They had to go?"

"Yeah, they had to go. Chloe wanted to work on the Torch before school, and I think that she and Whitney are going to have sex in her office."

Clark wrinkled his nose. "Ew. I didn’t need to know that." But he handed his lover his coffee, sipping his softly as he leaned back.

7:45 AM--Smallville High School, Smallville

Lex had stowed Samson safely in the back seat and shut the door on him before leaning against the driver side. Clark stood between his spread legs, and his hands rested on Clark's hips. "Got you here in one piece, baby. Just like I promised you."

Clark was past the point of caring who or what talked about him. And for it, he'd gained the respect of his peers, and was considered 'cool'. He didn’t really give a flying leap, but it did make cuddling his lover much easier as he kissed his face, lips, nose, cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, Clark." Lex's hands slipped around to Clark's ass and squeezed firmly, as he pulled Clark close to him and kissed him. "Call me if you start feelin' bad again, okay? I'll come and get you."

"Will do." He murmured, kissing him once more as he let go and gave him a cocky grin. "Kill my Samson and you better run. If I come home and he has so much as a scratch, you’re toast, Luthor." But he grinned, waved at his baby plastered to the window, and blew a kiss at him before he turned and walked onto campus.

8:15, Luthor Estate--Smallville

After safely depositing an unscratched Samson on his purple puppy bed at the footboard, Lex quickly changed out of his Dockers and turtleneck and into his usual Armani. His gloves and keys went into his pockets, despite the fact that he wasn't driving, and met his father and Dominic at the door. "All right. Dad--by the way, you're going to be doing an interview with Chloe on Friday. She said people are asking questions about all the contractors in town, and if I'm not available, you're going to be covering for me."

Dominic couldn’t help a soft smirk. He was dressed casually, button down shirt minus a tie, tucked into a black belt and comfortable but dressy pants. He figured full on business gear might not be the best course of action, as he slipped how own wallet into his pocket. "I’m driving. We're taking the jag." And he left his lover to answer THAT as he went to get the car started with a whistle.

"You're looking at me like you think I can stop him." Lionel rubbed his hands together, greatcoat tucked warmly around him. "He doesn't listen to me. Tell your young friend at the newspaper that I will be glad to speak with her at her convenience."

Lex's grin was just this side of sharky. "She'll be thrilled to hear that."

Dominic had the car warmed up in five minutes, and he pulled around the garage and into the front of the mansion, where Lex and Lionel waited at the door. He pushed the car into park, looking at home in his cozy deep blue jag, and rose a brow at them as he popped the passenger door lock open.

"I can't believe you're making me ride in this, Dominic," Lex said, situating himself in the passenger seat. "At this rate, we'll be there by next Christmas."

Lionel folded himself elegantly in the front seat beside his lover without a word.

Dominic beamed cheerfully at Lex in the rearview mirror, pulled out of park, and drove. At the speed limit. "I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to arrive in six pieces. As its begun to rain, and the both of you are speed demons, I thought that for our mutual sanities sake, I'd drive." A grin. "Plus, I haven’t driven my baby in weeks." And he floored it, going sixty in a 40 mile zone, and let out a whoop as they sped down the deserted road.

"I am not a speed demon," Lionel protested. "I would have gotten us there safely, and in one piece."

"I would have too, and definitely more quickly."

"Alright. That was because you both are bad influences." He took a left on Conner Street, then another at Jefferson Middle School and cut his speed in half as they began to drive through the residential area. All in all, as he pulled to a park at the bottom of the hill, it had taken them six minutes to get to the building. "Six minutes, and thirty seconds. Not bad." He glanced across the car and out Lionel’s window, where the metal fence door waited to be unlocked. "Have I mentioned the fence is horridly ugly?"

"No joking it's ugly," Lex said as he got out of the car. "Dad... I hope you're having it replaced?"

"Of course I am," Lionel sniffed. "There's going to be a Greek Key design along the top and the bottom, and it's going to be ornate ironworked bars."

"Oh, thank God."

Dominic nodded and cut the car off, pulling the keys from the ignition and pocketing them as he himself got out of the car. He beeped the alarm and slipped the keys into his pocket, hands following to rest comfortably in the wool coat. He dug a minute and came out with a second set, and used them to open the fence and creek it open. "There we are. Come on, I'll lock it behind us so no animals get in or anything."

Lex walked through the opened gate and looked around. "Christ, this place looks worse, if that's possible, since the last time I came here to sketch it." He looked around. "Dominic, did you and Dad decide what buildings you're gonna use for what?"

"I believe your fathers got it." Dominic nodded, and locked it behind Lionel...and made a face. There was trash everywhere, garbage piled into a corners, leaves, broken trees. It looked really bad. But thankfully, he was the type of man who saw opportunity in crap, and grinned his appreciation at the tall, majestic, dirty buildings.

Lex saw the futility of talking to his father for the moment, as Lionel seemed completely entranced by the buildings. "When's going to be the earliest we can get someone in here to blow the snow and get rid of the garbage?"

"Thursday. I hired a private company in Richardson to come out and do it for us, and because its a Smallville project, and I knew the mans wife, he's going to do the project half price for us." Dominic grinned shyly. "He's going to have his team hose the buildings down for us, as well, but that won’t be for another few weeks."

"Oh, thank God. That means it'll at least be started by the time I show Clark around here on Friday." Lex looked around. "We should have the crews sort what recyclables they can. Clark's high school is running a recycling program, and they get money from all the recyclables taken to the recycling center in their name. Chance for good PR, Dad."

Lionel looked over his shoulder. "Dominic? Feasibility?"

"Are you kidding? High school kids, recyclables, money? Lionel, you don’t have to ask." Dominic grinned, crouching to pick up a big branch that had broken from one of the overgrown trees growing by the fence, and tossed it more in the center of the courtyard so no one would get hurt by it. He dusted his now wet hands, wiped them on his pants as was his usual, and motioned toward his lover. "Which building first darling?"

"I mean, how feasible will it be to find salvageable recyclable things in this wet mess. And how feasible will it be to find someone who is willing to sort through said wet mess?"

"Next to nil." Dominic nodded. "This is just gross. There's dead animals and God knows what else. I say, get what they can and throw the rest out. This is nasty." Dominic nodded it, making a face as he got close to his lover and linked fingers with him.

Lionel nodded. "I concur. Lex... we'll do what we can, but getting rid of it is going to be our first priority, not sorting it for recycling."

Lex shook his head as Lionel and Dominic linked their fingers together. "It was just a thought, Dad. I've got Enrique sorting the family garbage for cans and glass and newspaper at home; that'll be enough."

"You have Enrique going through the garbage?" Dominic choked on the laugh, and rolled his eyes. "The poor bastard. I forgive him for all past transgressions just for that. You have the man going through the garbage? Lex, wouldn’t it be easier to get recycle bins?"

"Of course it would be. However, if he'd rather sort through the garbage than buy the recycle bins, then that's his choice." Lex smirked evilly. "There's three hundred dollars allocated in the house budget every month for containers of that sort, and it goes unused."

"You’re evil." Dominic nodded it, just smirking as they walked across the compound. His head was in dreams though, and he sighed softly. "I’ve got such a clear head what it could look like. This place is going to be... its going to be so lovely." He gazed up at Lionel. "Our daughter will run across the grass we'll put, the trees and flowers, Lionel."

Lex sprinted to catch up. "Speaking of... as much as this pains me to even say, I'm going to need... samples. From both of you."

"Samples of what?" Dominic asked quietly, dreamily as he thought about their little princess, their little sleeping beauty, and gazed out across the courtyard as he pictured their future here, with these buildings, with their lives.

Lionel cleared his throat, trying not to smirk. "Semen, Dominic."

Lex was rolling his eyes. "DAD!"

"Come? Ew. I don’t want Lex..." He glanced at his step son. "Necessary, huh? Ew." Dominic made another face.

"DOMINIC!" Lex bellowed. "Can we please stay as impersonal as POSSIBLE about this? I don't want to be handling your semen any more than you want me to be handling it, but yes, it's NECESSARY!!!!"

Lionel was chuckling. Just laughing as his lover blushed and his son howled.

"Well, its come. How else would you like me to say it? Semen, jizz, what? That’s so gross." He heaved a sigh. "Tell us when you want it, alright? Me brother had to give semen... Missy wasn’t able to conceive, so they did artificial insemination. Worked, but he said it was the most embarrassing moment of his life."

"Dominic Senatori... if you say that one more time, I will personally chop you off at the root." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "As soon as possible."

"Got it." But he grinned, because he recognized his own nose pinch when he saw it. He smiled at Lionel as they walked up to the main building, and he giggled in his throat before he could stop it.

"Dominic, if it will make you feel any better, I will be involved, and I will help handle your sample."

Wicked. Grin. "Will you help handling the getting of the sample?"

Lex threw up his hands in disgust. "I'm not hearing this," he said, wandering off.

9:46 AM Smallville High School, Smallville

He was in agony.

Clark didn’t know how it escalated, but he was in a type of pain he'd never felt before. He tried to listen, tried to write his story, tried to shift in the seat, but by the time third period rolled around, he could barely move. He was trying not to bring attention to it, because Shayla was right there, but the pain was coming in hot waves. Hot first, sweaty cold next, and he was having shivers and sweats.

And he didn’t know what to do. If this WAS an emerging power, he could hurt someone on the way home. If he was dying, he could... die.

All he wanted was a shower and his bed.

Shayla folded the note into a little square and flipped it over to Clark's desk.

You all right, CK?

He opened the note, and realized his eyes were blurring. It was so hard to focus... all he could focus on was the pain radiating from his lower back, and out all over his body. But he picked up his pen with shaky fingers and wrote back, I don’t think so. I think I’m going to go home.

Shayla nodded as she got the note back. Need me to call AJ for you?

God, no. Lex worries enough, I don’t want him to worry over nothing. Tell Chloe I went home, alright? Clark rose, and that in itself had him gasping, and he gathered his book bag and books as he stepped to the front of the class. He was sheet pale and sweating as he asked the teacher, "Sir, can I go to the nurse?"

Shayla nodded. "You got it."

The teacher looked at Clark's complexion, the sweating, and nodded. "Good idea, young man." He quickly wrote out a hall pass. "Ms.... Senatori?, is it? Could you help Mr. Kent with his books, please?" He filled out a pass for her, and handed both passes to the young girl.

Shayla scooped up her books and grabbed Clark's. "Come on, CK. Let's go."

"Thank you." Clark said softly, and glanced at Shayla, taking his books from her and lifting his bag over his shoulder with a soft groan as they moved out into the hall. it hurt to walk, so much, and he trembled with the pain as he stopped to take a breath. He didn’t want to scare Shayla, though, so he just smiled a little at her and nodded his thank you.

"Come on. Give me your books, I'll walk you out to the parking lot, and then come back and tell the teach you're in the nurse’s office. Sure you don't want me to call Lex?"

"I’m sure." He said softly, and for the first time in his life, did something like that. Showed weakness. He handed her the books and winced, swallowing the scream that wanted to come up as he nodded. "I’m sure. I think I just caught a bug... I’m gonna go home and take a shower." The lie was easy enough. Something was wrong, and it might be a bug. But he smiled at her, crookedly, and pushed open the exit door for her, even as he grit his jaw.

"Actually... Shay? When you get to lunch, if I haven’t called your cell? Call Lex, okay?"

"You got it, Clark." She hugged him gently. "Go home and take care of yourself; call me when you get home, okay? You don't look great, and I wanna make sure you get there."

He hugged back, even though her palms on his back made him want to scream his head off, and took his books from her as he smiled. "Thanks, Shay."

"Welcome, CK." She watched, worried. "Clark, you wanna take my car? Pete'll give me a ride."

"No, thanks. I'm good. Its a short walk, I'll make it. But... thank you, Shayla." he smiled softly at her and waited until she'd dashed back into the building, to turn and run. Each pound on the cement made his teeth clench and tears fill his eyes. And by the time he'd gotten back to the mansion, tears were falling in streams down his face, and the pain was outrageous. He could barely move with it, and he wept silently as he creeped into the house, eyes shifting to make sure Ms. Bird didn’t hear him.

He made it to his and Lex's bedroom before he fell flat on his face and passed out.

10:25 AM Smallville High School, Smallville

As soon as class was out, Shayla ran like a motherfucker for the Torch office; out of all the places in the school she didn't know, but she knew her best friend would be in the office, and she pounded her fist against the door. "Chloe!!!!!!!! C'mon, C'lo, lemme in!"

"SHAY!" Chloe mock screamed, grinning and opening the door. It was her free period, and she always spent it in the office. She tipped her head, raising a brow and grinning at her friend as she put a hand on her hip. "What’s wrong?"

"Clark." She pushed into the office and dropped her books in the chair. "Okay. He said to tell you he went home sick last period. And Chloe, he really did look sick. He was pale, he was sweatin', and he was actin' really weird. And he wouldn't let me call Lex; he said to tell you, and then if he didn't call me by lunch, then I should call Lex. Which means he's got exactly an hour before I call up AJ."

Oh. Chloe’s eyes flashed and she turned, following her friend and going into her purse. Lex had told her to call should anything happen, and she relayed that to her friend. "Lex said call him if anything happened... apparently Clark wasn’t feeling good." She sighed, heavily. "Probably the flu, and the idiot isn’t taking care of himself." She dialed her cell phone and plopped on the edge of her desk.

"Yes!! Call him! I'm really worried about him, Chloe. I've never seen CK act weird before, but then... you know, two months I've known him so yeah." She put her elbow on Chloe's knee as she listened in.

10:32 Greek Buildings, Old Smallville

Lex's cell phone started ringing and he dug it out of his jacket pocket. "Luthor."

"Pick up, Luthor. Pick up your damn cell phone, you idiot." She rolled her eyes heavenward--then stopped off mid rant. "Lex, its Chloe."

"Chloe?" Lex's eyes immediately darkened, and he started trying to tune into Clark. "What's wrong?"

"Shay just came into my office. Clark went home in the middle of third period... she says he was acting weird, sweaty, pale. And I know you said to call you if anything should happen, so here I am."

"Thank you, Chloe. I'm on my way home. Where's Whitney? Never mind. I'm at the Greek buildings in Old Smallville; I'll be with Clark in ten minutes or less; I may need you guys. I'll call you soon, I promise." He hung up, and ran into the main building. "Dominic!!!!!" Lex was shouting at the top of his voice. "DOMINIC!!!!!!" He was feeling in his thoughts for Clark, and he was still unable to find anything other than the silver thread that connected him. Nothing much on the other end, and that was frightening. "DOMINIC SENATORI!!"

Dominic heard the scream from Lex and it frightened him down to the marrow. He hadn’t heard the boy scream like that since he'd found his mother dead that cold morning, and his head popped out of a door down the hall where he'd been taking measurements. "Lex? Lex, I’m here, what happened lad??"

"Something's wrong with Clark; give me your keys. I have to get to him. Now."

"Aye, no, Lionel!" Dominic called, grabbing up their things as he started down the hall with Lex. "LIONEL!"

"I heard," Lionel said, following Dominic. "Come on. We'll all go together."

Dominic rushed, with Lex and Lionel, out of the building. Dominic stopped only to lock the doors, and then they were rushing across the compound.

10:35 Luthor Mansion, Smallville

The pain woke him.

There was blood. He was aware of the blood, everywhere. But he couldn’t think, see, feel anything other then the burning heat erupting all over his skin. He needed to get cold, he needed to, because the deepest part of his psyche was aware that he'd die without it. He was in agony, agony like he'd never felt, and he lifted himself just enough to rip the clothes off of himself.

They were sticky with matted blood.

He sobbed in pain and couldn’t rise to his feet. Tried. Failed. He crawled instead, crawled...stumbled, fell. Got up, crawled again, into the bathroom. He was in so much pain. Oh, God, he hurt so much, like his body was being ripped apart from the inside. He was bleeding from everywhere, everywhere, running down his thighs, everywhere.

He crawled into the shower, rose enough to put the cold water on, and stumbled. Had to lay down. Had to sit down. Had to something.

Another lancing pain, and this time he let himself scream with it.

10:35 Dominic's Jaguar, on the road to Luthor Mansion, Smallville

Lex was sitting in the back seat of the car when it hit him.

Excruciating pain. Couldn't tell where it originated from in his body but it hurt, pain that he didn't even know how to quantify, and he screamed. He didn't realize that he'd screamed, but he had, and he was doubled over in the back seat, arms wrapped around his midsection.

"Dominic... hurry," Lionel said, with all seriousness. He turned around in the seat as much as he could, stroking his son's arm and feeling the rock-hard taut muscles under his touch. "For the love of God, hurry."

"Its alright, lad, its alright, don’t faint, Lex, come on now," Dominic soothed, crooning it as he floored the gas. He was zooming 70 trough a 20 mile zone and didn’t care, didn’t CARE, just rushing as fast as he could home. the mansion was in view, close, so close, and he pushed the car harder, fingers white on the steering wheel.

10:36 Luthor Mansion, Smallville

Pain. Pain. Waves of pain. He was going to die here in this shower, with the cold water just a few feet away. He was going to die, here, where things were moving in his back, where he was being torn from the inside, and he couldn’t stop crying. He was going to die, he was going to die, and he sobbed with terror and agony.

10:38, Dominic's Jaguar, outside Luthor Mansion

Lex felt like a thousand years had passed since he'd gotten the phone call from Chloe. The pain, after the initial burst, became manageable as he forced himself to think through it. They were close, so close, and he was ready to demolish the car with his bare hands to get to his lover. His teeth gritted as sweat beaded on his forehead and rolled down the slope of his cheek.

Dominic pulled to a stop, the breaks screaming as he pushed them, and he yanked the belt off, turning the car off as he got out of the car, pulled his seat up and reached back for Lex's arms. He pulled the boy out of the car without a word, holding him close as he grabbed his keys and threw them at Enrique, who was gaping at them. "Come on, come on, CLARK!" He bellowed, as soon as they got into the house. "CLARK!"

Lex shoved away from Dominic; he knew where Clark would be. He shot up the stairs, pulling himself up by the railing, taking two or three steps at a time. He was hot, sweating, and he peeled off his jacket as he headed up. Cold. He needed cold, Clark needed cold, the shower was cold and that's where Lex was going.

Dark hair. Mahogany, tiny little curls. A head full of hair. Clark couldn’t stop staring, couldn’t stop stroking the tiny curls. The pain was outrageous... he was open, bleeding everywhere, he could feel his life seeping from him with each thready beat of his heart.

His baby’s eyes were green.

Dominic was thudding up the steps right behind his young friend, feet pounding as he ran, and...tats when he began to see the drops of blood. Every few steps there were more of them, and he bellowed for Lex as he followed.

Lex threw open the door to their bedroom.

Red was the first thing he saw. Maroon on the bed, red blood stiffening on Clark's clothes, and Lex couldn't speak. He just exploded through the bathroom door, and nearly skidded on the blood in there. Deep red, the color of unmined rubies, and Lex fell to his knees in the shower beside Clark. The pain was overwhelming, the blood was sheeting down the drain around them as he looked.

"Cl--" he choked, as he looked down. There was a-- "Clark--baby?"

Clark simply looked up at his lover. Hazy... focused, after a moment. "He's dying." He whispered softly. He was in so much pain, so much bitter agony, even as he looked down at his son. Tiny, dark red curls and green eyes, looking up at the both of them. He was completely normal, little legs, little arms, fingers and toes and eyelashes and belly button, where he was still connected to Clark. His entire little body was perfect. "Dying. He can't breathe." Clark whispered.

"Dying?" Lex couldn't think. Just... reacted. "He's---dying? How?" He held his arms out. "Can I? He's mine--? Can I?"

Last time he'd hold his little son. His baby. Clark reached out, just a little, the baby squirming in his hands. He could barely lift his arms and his face grew gray with the exertion. "Your baby. L… lungs, t... they’re not, not yutkind, no." Clark said softly, as tears fell down his smeared cheeks.

"No," Lex said softly, cradling the little form as he took it from Clark. "He--baby, no, we're--you can't leave, little guy." Lex was crying too, though he didn't realize it; salty tears were splashing on the bloody little body in front of him. "We... CPR. Clark, can we--can you? Like... like you did me? Can you save him?"

Clark shook his head. If he could have, he would have traded his life for his son's. The love, blinding, aching love he felt was unbelievable... he would have traded the world for his baby. But as it was, he didn’t think either of them were going to make it through this to be with Lex, and he shook his head softly at his lover. "I looked. He c… can’t breath. His lungs aren’t f... formed." He whispered softly, as he closed his eyes for just a second. He was so tired.

No. Had to look. Had to see his baby. And he opened his eyes, and watched as his little son began to go through the death throes. And Clark cried. He cried like he'd never cried before, deep wrenching sounds from the pit of his heart.

Lex held the baby close to his chest, crying. He felt the baby twitching, trembling in his arms, and he tightened his grip on the baby. "No, come on. Come on, little man. You... you can make it. Don't go. Don't leave. Just breathe, come on. We'll--we'll find a way, baby, just breathe."

But it was no use. The trembling slowly stopped, and Lex dropped from his knees to sitting flat on the floor. He was coated in the dark blood of his lover, and he held his son tightly to his chest, doubled over the still body and sobbing.


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