
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 117: A Man Is Measured

There were clothes all over the floor. Book bags, note pages, pens and pencils. Stray shoes... a wallet. Hair pins and a pink bra, over a dark blue flannel shirt that one of the buttons had ripped off again.

And the bed swayed with each thrust.

Pete's bare, dark skinned backside rose and fell over his lovers sweet, beautiful body. His hands covered her hips and back, guiding her hips up and down as he feasted on her breasts. Pressed his face into them, sucked and lapped at each round sphere, even as her body admitted him and let him go, like a tight little fist.

They'd come home, talked to Dick for a while, and had come here in a sudden rabid need to mate. Not that Pete was saying no, of course, he was boiling from the inside out as he stroked into her tight, warm sheath.

It was home. It was delicious, erotic, and beautiful. And he moaned his pleasure.

Shayla was just as hot and as eager as her lover. Her fingers dug tightly into Pete's hard shoulders, nails scraping over the taut, strong muscles of his back as she raised herself up to meet each one of his strokes.

Her mouth worked hard, tongue wetting her lips as she kissed Pete's mouth and throat whenever she could each time his head raised from her breasts.

Sweat built up between them and their bodies slid together on a cushion of it as her hands moved down to squeeze his firm ass tightly.

He buried his face into her throat, speeding up his hips as he wanted. And because he felt like it, because his mind craved a power game, he pulled her wrists tightly above her head, holding them firm as he thrust. "Mine. Mine." He gritted. His erection slid in and out of her easily, pulling and pushing, thrusting and moving. He moved all the way out before slamming back in, the beds rocking quickening as he moved. He arched his hips on every thrust, so her clit would be rubbed, and stroked down on every move out, so he could press against the dildo hot and hard in her tiny back hole.

His own, ten inches and thick, was moving against his prostate with each and every movement.

Shayla twisted, trying to pull her hands off, but not really struggling because she adored it when her lover got strong and possessive. "Yours, baby, always yours." She arched up, rubbing against him, pressing down hard on the vibrator in her backside.

She didn't quite have the nerve to ask him to make love to her there yet, but she would soon. Cause it felt nice, and good, and dirty in a way that made her move her hips up harder against him. "oonh... more, Pete, please, harder."

"Love that, beg, fuck," Pete moaned, rolling over so she was pressed over him. He pushed her downwards, holding her hips and belly to his own as he fucked upwards, pushing into her as their bodies shook and shuddered, as his own pushed faster, faster still, against the hard intruder in her body. tight, unmercifully tight, and he grunted, arching his back once...twice...fuck, he was... he was, now, and he dropped his hand, rubbing her clit fast and furious between their bodies as he arched. Close, close, holding it, close, close, close, and he arched, thrusting inside of her as fast and deep as he could, and came.

He erupted inside of her, feeling her soft, velvet walls accept him and fuck he snarled his pleasure, head arched back as he stayed as deep as he could inside of her. Good, so good, so fucking delicious and he moaned, falling back now as he continued to rub her.

Hard rubs, soft mewling noises from her throat, and the vibrator in her ass was hard as she clenched down on it. Coming hard, she felt it, was more aware of her ass than she'd ever been before, the hot flood of his come inside her making her come just all the harder for it, pleading with soft cries for his body, his mouth, his arms.

Christ, yes. He held her close to him, mouth diving, his tongue pushing her lips apart and stroking deeply inside as he thrust his orgasm out, gentle movements as his hands gentled all over her. Soft, beautiful little touches, gentle strokes and caresses all over her ass, back, thighs, neck, rolling onto his side with her in his arms as he moaned softly inside of her mouth. "Sh... oh. Shayla."

She curled up tightly on his chest, licking his throat as he offered it to her, kissing him and resting her cheek on his shoulder. "Baby, yeah." She grinned up at him like an idiot.

He grinned right back, nuzzling her cheek, her face, her throat, as he held her. Stayed close, kept himself inside of her as he looped a leg over hers and chuckled. She'd had the same wicked look as she'd slid the dildo inside of him, inch by glorious inch...and of course he'd had to do the same for her before fucking her blind. And fuck they did. He was sweaty, sticky, lovely. Felt used, abused, and delicious, and he gave a shudder as the dildo rubbed his prostate. "Mmrmph."

"Oh, oh yeah. Second that motion, definitely." Cute giggle. "Pete..."

"Mmrrr?" He muttered into her hair, stroking his fingers through it as he held her close. Each blond lock smelled like lemons, oranges....nice. He breathed it in softly, nuzzling the silky strands as he continued to rock, just a little, inside of her. It always felt so good to do it, and she never said anything so he let himself enjoy her, holding her slender body close.

"I... there's something... I've been wanting... to ask you. But I don't know how," she rushed out, snuggling against him and putting her leg over his hip.

"Mmm?" He murmured, still nuzzling her face and throat. He was not good on the vocalizations after a bout of really good sex, and he shuddered in post coital pleasure, muttering soft nothings in her skin as he held her. His skin was sweaty, her leg sliding close on his hip so they were snuggled close, and it was way too soon but his interest was already stirring again. So he forced himself to speak, clearing his throat before asking, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Nothing's wrong! Just... I... don't know how to say this. But... you know? With the vibrator? Well... could... you know, could you? Maybe?"

"Could I?" Pete blinked, his eyelashes lowering as he stared at her. "Shay? M'blood is in my penis. Please restate that last question?"

She blushed a bright, vibrant red that clashed with every single pink thing in her bedroom.

And he couldn't help laughing. "What? I'm serious, Shay! Are you trying to ask if I'll take you up the ass, baby?"

Shy nod, as she buried her burning face in Pete's shoulder. "Yes," she croaked out.

"You didn't have to get shy." Pete smiled softly, rubbing his palm up and down her back soothingly. "Come on, Shay. Why did you think you had to ask me?" He reached down, tracing a palm over where the dildo was peaking from her back entrance, rubbing the base of it gently and cocking a brow.

She rubbed her cheek against his. "Cause! It's... just.... weird? For me!! I mean, not you."

"I wouldn't mind, you know." Interest had begun to return, still buried deep inside of his girlfriend as he squirmed, just a little. "If you... to me. But I'd love to have you there, Shayla." A shy little grin. "It feels insanely, outrageously good."

She blinked. "Pete? I don't... I'm not exactly equipped to do deep diving like that." She kissed the little grin.

"No, you're not." He looked at her expectantly, one eyebrow raised as he gently massaged the long thick plastic inside of her, rotating it wickedly as he gently licked and kissed her jaw.

"Oh... OH!!!!!" The implication hit her about three seconds later, about the same time as flush of wet heat hit between her thighs. "Oh!!!!!!!"

Pete's grin widened as he brushed his generous lips across the edge of her jaw, and across to her ear, murmuring softly, "Mmm hmm. Oh." He slowly, gently began to thrust the long plastic in and out, no more than an inch, his free palm brushing over every inch of skin. Across her backside, thighs, legs, back, up to her slender waist so he could hold her close to him. Her internal muscles were already moving around him, wet heat trapping him all over again. "Would you like that, Shayla? Would you like to share a dildo with me?"

She nodded, hard. "Yes. Yes. I would. I'd like that. I'd really, really like that. I don't know how to do it, but... yeah." She wanted to. She arched up against him, gently stroking her body against him as he held her close, clenching his shaft with her muscles as he stayed nestled inside her warm body. "Yes, please?"

"I'll get one." Pete murmured, softly, brushing one palm between their bodies and over her firm, lovely breasts. He tweaked a hard little peak between thumb and fore finger, his hand keeping the same pace on her backside as his fingertips traced the cleft between her cheeks. The mental image of her, over him, thrusting into him, making him submit to her every whim was outrageously erotic, and he grunted softly as the blood rushed to his cock. He was hardening inside of her as she squirmed and God it felt good.

A soft, breathless squeal came out of her as she felt Pete getting hard inside of her again, and she squeaked, sitting up to kiss him as his hands and fingertips worked magic on her body. She giggled softly and licked his throat, nipping over his shoulder and wiggling down on his fingers. "Promise? I can't wait, baby... wanna share it with you."

"Promise." He muttered, kissing her back as he moved, shifting on his cock and oh, he was hard, hard as stone. it was delicious not having to work for pleasure, letting her move and squirm over him, and he increased the thrusts of the dildo, moving out a little more, before in, deeper. "Tell me." He murmured, as he ducked down to clasp her nipple in his mouth, sucking on it softly. "Tell me if its too much."

"Not--not too much," she gasped out softly, rocking against her lover, squeezing him as she squirmed. She felt him stroking the hard plastic out of her as she rolled up, and back in as she pressed down. She sat up completely, pushing Pete onto his back and riding him, her torso dangling over him so that her breasts huge like ripe fruit over his mouth, and she grinned down at him. "I love you, Pete. Just... so you know." Her nails scraped over his chest and belly gently as she rode him.

Fucking hell. He grunted, gasping hard as his mouth reached up to claim. He licked, nipped, sucked on her soft breasts even as she worked over him, giving him… oh. GOD. At this angle it was tight, so TIGHT that he could barely move, moaning in pleasure as he increased his movements on her backside.

And like so many times, decided he was unsatisfied.

He grasped her waist, rolling easily over her so that he lay splayed between sweet, delicious thighs. "No. I'm going to have you the way I want, Shayla." He murmured, nipping her breasts...her lower lip, her tongue. He reached behind them, on the large bed where they'd thrown their toys, and sought out… yes.

The tiny bottle of lube. Pete unscrewed it, his hips working inside of her still in acheful want as he spread the thin, slippery substance over his fingers, as he gently removed the dildo in her back side.

And replaced it with his fingers.

She didn't fight him. Instead she wrapped her legs around his waist. "Okay," she whispered, pressing up against him, giving him the kisses and the nips he sought from her.

Her teeth were on edge from want, and she whimpered slightly as he pulled out her dildo, but the whimper turned into a hard, satisfied moan as his fingers pushed inside her.

Different, felt so good and she couldn't control the spasm that bit down on his fingers and tried to pull them deeper inside of her.

Fuck. He groaned, pressing both fingers deep into her already stretched little channel. He could feel them moving against his cock, and he grunted, hard, slowly slipping out of her to rearrange himself. A soft, erotic slither down her body, and his mouth buried itself between her thighs even as his fingers pressed in further.

He tasted her, the ripe, sweet taste that was his Shayla...and his own come, from before. The mixture was the most erotic thing he'd ever tasted and he sucked, licked, lapped wildly at her as his fingers stiffened, rubbing up where his tongue was stabbing into her. His free hand clamped on her waist, pulling her closer to him as he lapped, moaning in pleasure.

The noise Shayla made was caught between a moan and a whimper, but it came out choked and stuttered as his tongue thrust inside her. She rocked her hips down on his fingers, grunting softly as she felt his fingers filling her up behind as he lapped her gently. "P--Pete," she called out softly, rubbing against his mouth.

Her body was on fire, and she could feel the flames shooting through her body and blood as she squirmed, pleading with soft cries for her lover.

"You, taste you, and me," He grunted, lifting himself up to look at her with his face covered in her moisture. His fingers, which had scissored deep inside of her, slipped free, and he sat up, offering his arms to her. "Come here, Shayla."

Shayla moved, quickly as she could, sliding into his arms. Her mouth went to his face, gently licking and lapping at his chin and cheeks, mouth and lips as she pressed against his body, hands sliding his arms around her waist.

He kissed her back, hard, tongue sliding into her mouth to claim it for his own as his arms went around her, holding her body close to his own. He sat on his feet, knees spread wide, and he gently let go of her to turn her around, so she was back to his chest and on her knees, with her knees spread wide. He lowered his mouth to her neck, cupping her breasts in both hands to squeeze and massage, even as he whispered. "When Sam first took me, he taught me like this. There wasn't any pain.... discomfort, but no pain. Do you want this, Shay? Its okay if you don't."

Shayla nodded, trembling. "Want it, want it a lot, but... don't... don't thinka him, okay? Please, think of me, selfish I know but I want it to be me." She bit her lip after that, not knowing where the pleas had come from but wanting it--and Pete--as badly as she ever had before.

It shocked him. Shocked him to hear the words, and more so to feel her fear. Pete wrapped his arms around her, tightly, holding her as close as he possibly could, and whispered into her ear. "I love you. Only you. I won't think about him... I haven't, until now, and only because I remember how this feels. You're on my mind, and in my heart. I love you, Shayla." Pete lifted her hips, just a little, and spread her legs wider so they were on the outside of his own as he squirmed his cock close. He was wet, slick and slippery with her own internal moisture, and he held her as tightly as he could. "You guide it. You push down...tell me if you like it, or no."

She nodded, feeling horrible and foolish but good because he was thinking about her, and that's all she needed to hear. "I love you, Pete. I love you, so much." She reached back and caught his hands with hers, lacing them together and then slowly, gently sliding back.

The head of his cock pressed against her opening, and she bit her lip again, pushing down. She expected it to hurt; she didn't expect the thick shaft of flesh sliding easily inside of her, and she moaned. Holy God, he was so much bigger this way, and she felt so incredibly packed full of him that she could barely breathe. "Like--like it. More. Please, help me, want more."

Oh. God. She was tight, tighter then ever before, and he gasped, hard, the familiar feeling of sex like this so good. All he wanted to do was arch his hips and slam up inside of her... and had picked this position simply because he couldn't. She would guide it, she would make it feel good for her, and he gently held her hands, holding her close to his chest. One hand slipped down, their interlocked fingers sliding between her sopping wet folds, and he began to stroke over the soft skin, stroking and pressing up against her clit as he shifted, bringing her in deeper. She only had half of him, and he held her, tightly, waiting for her to continue. "R... remember," He grunted, heavily. "If't hurts, stop."

Jagged sob of pleasure as their fingers brushed over her clit, and she trembled against him. "Doesn't hurt, baby... feels so good... want more of you in me!!" She wiggled against him, pushing up just a little and then sliding back down, settling more of his length inside her. "P--please, help me, push in harder!"

"N... can't," He moaned, shuddering hard against her as his fingers roughened on her skin, as his own ass clamped tight around its intruder. "Can't, Shay, will hurt you fuck you feel so good, please baby, oh yes," Hot, tight, he wanted to slam inside and fuck them to a hot, heavy, slippery end. He could have, with a guy, but this was his Shayla. No one would treat her like that, even him. He pushed in, just a little, just enough to get the thicker part of his shaft past her second ring of muscles, and held himself stock still, waiting for her to continue.

And slid his fingers deep into her core.

"Won't hurt me, don't care, Pete, just please, I want you inside me so much!" She moved a little more roughly on his cock, moaning softly as his shaft slid past her second ring. Harsh, dark intake of breath as she pushed down, as hard as she could.

Starburst of pleasure slashed with pain that quickly faded as her body stretched, then clamped tightly back around his cock and his fingers, and then she moaned again as she felt him buried both places.

Oh. GOD.

Her firm little ass lay against his pelvis, and his cock was inside of her, far, deep, so fucking deep. He moaned, gasping as he threw his head back before falling forward, letting his forehead touch her shoulder as he grunted. "Fuck, shit, fucking hell, FUCK." He gasped, letting out a cry as he grasped her around the waist with his free palm. Slow pull up, fast fall down, and he couldn't help it, even if he was unable to move much at all. "Shay, please, Shay, oh, God, Shay, please!"

"Yes!" She rocked on his cock as hard as she could, feeling herself sliding along the hard shaft as their fingers stroked inside her front. "Yes, please." She pulled away, just enough, keeping her rear muscles clamped on Pete's cock as she got on her hands and knees, pulling him with her and looking at him over her shoulder. "Please?"

Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. "No. Not...." He pulled her back up, intense feelings running up and down his spine, and he pulled her back up as he reached to the side. Enough so he wouldn't slip out when he grabbed a small blue bag, dragging it over to him as he went into it. Shayla... had a small collection of very interesting home made sex toys, and he... yes.

Two clothes pins. He held them in front of her, waiting for her to take them. "Put them on."

Shayla took them from her lover's hands, and licked his fingertips before tugging them away. Lifting each breast, she licked each nipple once before pinching it between her fingers, rolling the little tip to the right shape and hardness before clamping the clips on. Two sharp hisses, two hard pulses of her muscles as they gripped his cock and sucked him in again.

Oh, GOD. YES! He let out a hiss, thrusting upwards and deep into her as he grunted, moaning harshly. Oh, oh, YES. He pushed her over, now, hand on her belly as he made her get over onto her hands and knees. The feeling was only that much more intense, and he squeezed hard on the dildo inside of him, moaning in pleasure. Now, now, and he began to thrust, easily, holding her hips tightly to his pelvis as their skin slapped rhythmically. Hot, hard, just enough to feel good as he moved, sweat breaking out over his body.

And did something Chloe had told him about. He reached to their pile of clothes, taking the panties Shayla had all but ripped off, and brought them to her little core, pushing the silky panties inside of her with the tip of his index finger.

Shayla's nipples throbbed with every movement she made, and she dug her nails into the comforter. Each slap of Pete's body against hers caused her breasts to move and she moaned. Wasn't going to come yet, wasn't going to do anything to stop this sensation of being fucked by her lover, and she arched her head back.

The slide of silk against her wetness jogged her, and then his fingers packing them inside her... oh, dear God. She shuddered with each movement, feeling the smooth silk filling her just as full as Pete had, the scrape of fabric against her inner recesses driving her nuts as a seam rubbed against her clit.

She screamed then burying her face in Pete's pillow, but every goddamned time she moved the seam scraped her clit, the pins on her nipples massaged and pinched them tightly, and Pete's cock stroked in and out of her.

Two seconds away from insanity and she never wanted to leave this place.

Her screams drove him wild, and he gasped, sobbing his pleasure as she vised around him. He was thrusting into tight heat like he'd never felt, her breasts swinging under her and he reached, leaning over her back, one palm still on her hips as he felt underneath her, and pulled on the clothes pins. Tugged, moved them, played with them, going faster as the cloth stroked him so close, with only a little barrier separating it. Good, good, felt so fucking GOOD and he grunted, harshly, moaning in pleasure as he went faster, faster, hips twisting in little circles as he moved.

More muffled screams as Pete teased the pins that clamped her nipples tightly. Every thrust of Pete's cock inside her sent the silky seams scraping across her clit, the fabric packed and rubbing her like a second, smaller cock.

Her eyes watered with it; her toes curled with it, and her muscles spasmed and locked, all with the need and the want for more, and just a little bit more pressure on the seam.

She squeezed her thighs together, as much as she could, and that was enough.

Hard, rough, jagged shaking screams as she came. Her muscles locked, body rigid, mind completely blown as her body took over and merely reacted to the pleasure of her lover inside her.

His cock was almost ripped from his body. Her scream vibrated through his ear drums, his body screamed in pleasure, and he slammed in as much as he could, letting her body hold him as he came. A rush of heat before he exploded, eyes rolling backwards as her body milked him, his balls tight and aching with pleasure, his belly melted. His nipples hardened, his hair stood on end, and he groaned out loud as he fell on top of her screaming, tensed body.

"Oh, fuck."

Shayla felt the hot, hard weight of Pete against her back and her arms buckled. She fell forward onto the bed, muscles still rippling carefully as she moved, soft little happy moans spilling out of her as she shifted under him.

Hard hiss as she brought his hands around her, brought them to the pins still on her nipples. "Tug. Off. Cuddle." Simple concepts, which was about all her brain could stand right now.

Couldn't move. Couldn't do anything. But he felt her discomfort, in every twitch of her body, and he reached under her breasts pressed tight to the blankets, unpinning her nipples as his mouth fell to the back of her shoulder. He licked, kisses, snuffling softly at her lovely skin as he gave a full body shudder.

She seconded the shudder with one of her own, and rolled back against him, so that she was half laying on his chest, cock still buried inside her as she gave little half-hearted, exhausted squeezes.

He was going to fall asleep. He knew it. He just knew it. So he reached down, gently tugging the sopping wet panties out of her tiny little sheath... gave them a few soft, delicious licks, and dropped them onto the floor. Just about all the energy he had left, plastered underneath her, flat on his back, arms and legs every which way.

And he groaned.

She licked his shoulder. "Mmm. Hungry. Food. Coffee. Smell downstairs. Want?"

"Frood?" Pete muttered, groaning as he shifted and she squeezed around him. Oh. If she was leaving, she couldn't be here and he had to get out of her. Oh. He pulled out of her, inch at a time, slowly and tenderly until he lipped free with a little pop that made him choke on an unmanly giggle, wriggling his hips as he snuggled her, massaging her abused nipples. "Mm hmm. Fooood."

"Mama made... pun'kin bread," she said, the barest lilt of an accent preventing her from saying pumpkin properly. "Bring you some up? You wanna come down and eat with me?"

"Can't move." Pete muttered pitifully, looking up over her shoulder so he could see her face. "Didya like it?"

Sunny, bright grin. "I... loved it, actually." She wiggled her bare ass against his crotch gently as she rolled off him and cuddled up to his side. "I'll... bring it back and feed it to you. How's that?" She leaned over and kissed him, little sparkles in her eyes.

"Mmmmm." Pete smiled at her, reaching underneath his own ass to pull the dildo out. Nine inches long, thick, and it slipped out of him with a soft gasp and a groan from him. Empty, comfortable, and he pulled her close to his body as he dropped the plastic on the floor, muttering his pleasure into her breasts as he gently tickled her.

She didn't argue... yet. Her stomach was growling, but hey... Pete cuddles. Priorities, after all. She plastered herself over Pete, snuggling in as close as she could, and sighing deeply. Now, she was set for the next fifty years.

And he laughed, against the underneath of one breast, as right by his ear her belly rumbled. He grinned, looking up at her with dancing eyes, and lay a smacking kiss on her lips as he let go of her. "Go, eat. I'll shower while you're gone, kay?"

"Mmm... no. Didn't you hear about the water conservation stuff?" She sat up, straddling his belly. "Save water. Shower with a friend?"

He chuckled again, cupping each hip and grinning crookedly up at her. "See, now damn." He snapped his fingers, mocking a sigh. "If I must shower with an outrageously beautiful woman, then I must."

"You must." She wiggled against him. "Fresh bread, hot coffee, showering with a friend, and dinner with my family--my nephew included." She completely cracked up at that. "Lionel's my brother in law, now, so AJ's my nephew--brother's kid and all that--and since Clark's hooked up with AJ, guess that makes him my nephew too. And, just think... AJ'll have to call you Uncle Pete."

She giggled. "Is it wicked of me to get a tremendous kick out of the thought of AJ callin' you Uncle Pete and me Aunt Shay?"

Pete just snickered. Exploded into cackles, wickedly chuckling as he looked up at his girlfriend, and finally reared up, making them both fall on the bed again as he kissed her all over, laughing as he did it. "If he calls you Aunt Shay, that's the day I strip, do the hokey pokey, and take my vows into the priest hood."

"Well... don't go makin' those vows just yet." She giggled. "But I bet if I ask Morg to make him, Morg'll tell Clark and Clark'll make him do it, just so I can see you dance a naked hokey-pokey."

Pete laughed again and pulled himself up to sitting, grinning down at her. "Shay, lets go get food. Food, shower. And than I want you inside of me." A shy glance up at her. "I'm sorry I'm being like, a typically horny teenager. I just want to know you still love me, regardless of the secret you won't tell me."

Oh, and at that, she sobered up. "Pete... I do still love you." She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling herself up so that she sat in his lap. "It's... I just... I promised. And I wouldn't have promised if there weren't a good reason." She felt her heart breaking, cracking up the middle. "Pete... don't think I don't love you, please."

"Naw, I mean..." Pete shook his head, holding her, but looking away. He'd been praying she'd tell him of her own accord, but she hadn't. And it had hurt him. "I just want to know what's going on with you, Shay. With everyone. And why you feel like its okay to keep me out of shit, and stuff. I know its about Clark, and I know its about that room. And I know that you know."

"It's... it's not okay. It's really not. But it's even less okay if what could happen really happens. I mean... okay. Yeah. I know. But I'm not supposed to know, and I only found out cause I found Chloe telling it to the puppies and I was hiding in the walls. And... it's really bad if anybody knows they know, cause Chloe and Whitney could get killed."

"What?" Pete looked at her now, his eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

Shayla looked around the room, and then she looked back at her boyfriend. "Pete, swear to me, okay? That you won't ever tell, and you'll pretend like you don't know. Okay? The next time you see Chloe or Clark or Lex or Whitney, just pretend like you don't know, okay? Please? Swear. Cause... they could get hurt."

Pete frowned, gently pulling Shayla off his lap so he could set her beside him. "I swear, Shayla. You know I don't tell shit to nobody."

Her heart broke a little more as he moved her off of him, but she didn't think about it, instead taking his hands in hers. "Okay. You know I wouldn't lie to you, right?"

"I know, Shayla." He held her hands gently, linking their fingers softly, bringing them close to him as he looked at her. God, he didn't like the sound of any of this, and a deep, sinking feeling was squirming in his belly.

Okay. Deep breath. "The first thing you gotta believe, if you're gonna believe anything else that I'm tellin' you... is that Clark isn't human. He's not. I don't know what the thing is around here about meteoritis or whatever, but... we're talkin' ET, Pete."

He knew that already, but he pretended to look surprised for Shayla's sake, his eyes widening. He'd known Clark wasn't human, wasn't normal, for a long time. He'd grown up being friends with the guy, after all. Had seen Clark pull shit, lift shit, come out of burning fires and crashes without a scratch on him. "Oh, God."

"There's more." She squeezed his hands tighter. "He... he had... he had a baby, Pete. And he lost it. That's all the blood. Whit and Chloe, they know, and Lionel, he was gonna have 'em killed cause they knew, but Morgan, Morgan stopped Lionel from doing it but they had to swear that they'd never ever tell."

Okay, now THAT surprised him. Pete jerked with it, his eyes going into twin spheres as he choked out a sound, looking away. Oh. Oh, God. Clark had been acting so strange lately, and...oh, fuck. Fuck. FUCK. He winced, hard, closing his eyes and wincing softly in the empathetic pain. "Oh, fuck."

"The day he was sick at school? That's why. That's why, and I sent him home, and that's when it happened. That's why at breakfast this morning, we were all... all so surprised to see him there."

Pete swallowed, hard, fingers going through his close cropped curls as he closed his eyes. "Fuck. Is... is he alright?"

"Yeah, I think so, his body's okay, but... but it's his head I'm worried about. I may be young, but you just don't get over shit like that."

", Shayla? How the hell?"

"I don't know. I just don't know. Chloe and Whitney, they're some kind of... special something, they can like, see in Lex and Clark's heads and stuff, I didn't bug her for the details."

"No." Pete shook his head, grasping her palms. "No. How did Clark... a baby? Shayla, a baby?"

She nodded. "I know. I had the same reaction, but Pete, it's true. It fits. I mean, you saw how Chloe was. How upset, and stuff." She bit her lip. "It's kind of scary, but it's not. Because it's Clark."

Pete nodded, swallowing hard as he brought her hands to his lips and kisses them softly. "The last thing I did was call him an ass, Shay." He said it, softly, swallowing hard as he shook his head. "Shay... Clark... fucking hell."

"I know, I know." Shayla leaned forward and pressed her forehead against Pete's. "But it's not too late. You can still be his friend and everything. I bet he misses you."

Pete closed his eyes tightly, swallowing hard. That Clark wouldn't tell him something like this just made him sad, and yeah. Talking to his best friend? A definite do, next time he saw him. "Shay? lets get some food, and go find him."

"Okay. I'll ask Morgan if he's seen AJ--AJ'll know where he is." Shayla rolled off the bed. "But just... I know. You won't tell anyone." She squeezed his hands again. "Please don't be mad I didn't tell you before."

"I won't tell anyone." Pete repeated, softly. Who would believe him, anyhow? "I'm not... Shayla." Pete rose with her, gently stopping her from leaving. His hands stroked over her arms... her shoulders, and he turned her towards him, one palm sliding up into lovely golden hair. "I'm not mad. I was just worried you didn't trust me... now I see, you do. You just gave me this secret that could cost Whitney and Chloe their lives. That you trust me, that you trust this secret in me....moves me beyond words," Pete murmured.

Shayla hugged Pete as hard as she could, arms around his waist and squeezing. "I didn't wanna not tell but I was scared to, cause this... if it gets out, it could get you killed too, and I really didn't want to do that but you need to know, so, I had to tell you." And she was babbling. She closed her mouth, and put her cheek on his shoulder.

Pete chuckled, gently, and led her into the bathroom, holding her close. He didn't feel like laughing, but if it made her smile, he'd do it. "You can trust me. I won't tell a soul, Shay."

"I know you won't." She followed him quietly into the bathroom. "I know you won't. I trust you, Pete. You're just... so great." His chuckle warmed her heart, and she gave him a small grin.

"Cupcake, if you can't trust me, who can you trust?"

~ * ~

It smelled like sin. Pete didn't know what was cooking, who was cooking, why it was being cooked...but whatever it was, it was sin. And he said so, to his girlfriend, as they walked down the steps. Cleanly showered, dressed, clothes clean and unwrinkled. They walked down the steps, Pete's hands in his pockets as he did.

And what he saw he didn't really expect. Luthor, of course. His assistant, Shayla's brother. And another man, in a wheel chair, who looked so startlingly like the Senatori clan that Pete had to blink twice and make sure it wasn't Shayla's other brother, Riley.

"That's Mama's pun'kin bread," Shayla grinned. She had her arm looped through Pete's elbow as she walked a step behind him, and then she peeked over his shoulder. "GIDEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shayla shrieked. She didn't mean to, but she nearly bowled Pete over to get to the newcomer. "GIDEON GALLAGHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Gideon chopped off his conversation in mid-stream as he heard the ear-piercing shriek of his name. "Aye!!!! There's m'li'l lassie now!" He rolled around the corner of the island so he could meet her head on. "I t'aut I tol'ya nae more growin' up!" he scolded, holding his arms out.

"You did!!! When did you get here??? Mama!!! You didn't tell me Gideon was coming!!!!!" She threw her arms around the man's thick neck and hugged, dropping into his lap like she belonged there. "Couldna help it, Gideon! It caught up with me!!" She grinned, hugely, idiotically. "Pete!!!! It's Gideon!!"

Dominic rose his eyes, grinning at his little sister as she hugged her cousin. They'd been having a love affair with Oreos and collectable baseball cards for as long as Dominic could remember. Of all of them, these two were the true soul mates. Friends till the end, Dominic always said, and he smiled and set his cheek on Lionel's bicep as he watched them.

Pete chuckled softly, and reached over his squealing, bellowing, squirming girlfriend, offering his hand. "Hello. Pete Ross, nice to meet you, sir."

"Dinna b'callin' me sir, Pete. M'name's Gideon Gallagher, jus'call me Gideon." He shook Pete's hand firmly, and shot a warning glare at Rosalyn Senatori, daring her to make a scene. "Nice t'meet ye."

Shayla squealed again. "You're why Mama ma'th pun'kin bread!" she accused. "Mama!!!!! You didna tell me about Gideon!"

Rosalyn's mouth worked soundlessly for several very long moments before she turned her attention to her daughter. "Ye didna ask, Miss Shayla! Didna even ask why he's here, just barreled down like a lout and jumped on him!"

"Well of course!! It's Gideon!" she said, as if it explained everything.

Which it did, of course. "Aye, Rosie, let'be." He flipped her hair up through his fingers. "An'when did this happen? Th'last I seen y'were pinker'n cotton candy!"

Oh. Pete stared at his girl, as the rumbling lilt just kind of... came out of her. And yeah. Huh. He all but drooled, keeping his thoughts to himself as he smiled.

But Dominic wasn't an idiot. He watched his mother, sister and cousin interact, and his eyes followed the young man who looked so much like his older brother. He was a good actor, but Pete couldn't hide the open adoration he had for Shayla. And in a way, it warmed his heart.

Of course, until he saw his mothers face, watching him as if he were an insect, and he gave his mother his own warning look, an eyebrow raising high.

Shayla grinned, and hugged Gideon again. "Surprised ye, huh? Surprised ever'body in th'house! Som'body tol'me I'd look good wi'out the pink, an'I decided to listen!" Her brogue was softer, but noticable.

Gideon examined the looks that his little darlin' girl was sendin' to the young man. "An'I c'n tell ye now who it was, can't I?" he teased.

"Aye, y'can." She giggled and hugged him again. "He's my lovely."

Rosalyn's eyes were narrowed as she stared hard at the black man in her kitchen. Her gaze slammed into Dominic's, raising her own eyebrow and glaring back at her son before switching her attention back to Pete.

To the rescue. Dominic squeezed Lionel's thigh, the message clear... help. He rose, gently sliding past Gideon and Shayla. and taking his mothers arm, as he clipped off the stove with ease. "Mama, there be somethin' I'm to be needing you for... com'long now, will you help me?" Sweetly asked, daring her to make a scene in front of company as he gently dragged her to the door.

A blond woman, skinny little old waif of a thing who had to have been Shayla's mother was looking at him like he were the gum on her shoe. Something distasteful, and Pete straightened, immediately, in her measuring eyes. He'd known all along she wouldn't be able to see past the color of his skin, but he straightened anyway, keeping his smile easy even as his insides screamed in rage.

Lionel straightened. "Yes. We both need to have a little... discussion with you, Rosalyn. Now seems to be the best time, considering that Shayla seems to be in good hands with Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Ross." His bulk easily blocked behind her as Dominic hustled her out of the room.

"Take yer bloody hands off me, Morgan Senatori!" she hissed, jerking away. "Shayla! Make yerself useful and show Gideon to a room!" she yelled over her shoulder. "Gideon Gallagher! Dinner's at seven; be there!!"

Dominic ignored the hissing, spitting woman, knowing he'd get boxed in the ears for it later but he dragged her into the sitting room down the hall adjacent to Lex's office, chatting demurely all the way. "Is that a new haircut mama? You're looking fabulous, really. Kansas air has done wonders for your skin, who knew Vancouver was so horrid? There, we are, nice couch. Why don't you sit? I'll bring you a rum and coke, and you can put your feet up before the fire for a bit."

"Okay!" Shayla yelled back, and then bounced on Gideon's lap. "C'mon. You can check out the new TV Morgan got me for Christmas and!! I have Ferdinand!! Plus! I've got a stash of Oreos in my bedroom." She grinned at Pete. "And oh, Gideon, you've got to teach me how to play poker. Please? You promised when I was eighteen you would, I'll be eighteen in three weeks, please?"

Gideon threw up his hands in surrender. "Yer a li'l cardsharp, and I'll no be teachin' ye anythin' else t'rook people outta their money wi! T'aut ye t'play pool, and regrettin' it this day, I am!" He oofed. "Git your skinny b'hind off me and gi'e me th'tour o'this mausoleum."

Pete chuckled softly, even if his mind wasn't on his little girlfriend and her cousin. His eyes had followed where Rosalyn had been ushered out by Luthor and Morgan, and he could hear her bellows from here. He didn't say anything, though, as to not hurt his girlfriend's feelings, just smiling and listening quietly.

~ * ~

Lionel closed the door to the little sitting room and leaned against it, arms crossed. This promised to be a good confrontation.

Box them she did, cuffing him over the ear and then jerking him down by it. "Morgan Senatori, you tell me why there is a black boy with my little girl??"

"AH!" OW! FUCK! "MAMA!" And yeah, now his ears rang. It was a miracle he wasn't deaf by now. "Mama, for the love of Jesus." Dominic rolled his eyes, shaking her hand free as he glared. "Because she chose him."

"And you just let that happen?" she yelled, boxing her son's ear again. "You knew about this, Morgan Senatori, and you talked Graham out of booting him out!!"

Okay. Dominic had reached a critical mass in his life. He really had. He was a thirty five year old man, he was married, he would have children soon. And he just wasn't going to put up with his mother any more. "Mama? I adore you, y'know this. You are the light of me life, and my mother. But you are in my house. I don't ask that you respect me, I don't ask that you treat me any different. But the next time you hit me, I'm going to have you moved to another house here in Smallville. Okay?" A moment. "I talked Graham out'a bootin' him out because Shayla is really in love with this boy. She has chosen him, and it'll be good of you to remember she be your child, and has a good strong head on her skinny shoulders. So let her be the daughter you raised, aye?"

Lionel leaned forward and whispered gently into his lover's ears. "Congratulations, Dominic. You just found your balls."

"I'll be boxin' yer ears any time I think you need it young man!" she huffed, but she didn't hit box them again. "I dinna care! N'child o'mine is going to be with a nigger, not while I have breath in m'body!!" She glared her son down. "She canna have too good a head on 'er shoulders to pick one!"

Dominic. Just. Stared. He just stared at her, with the incredulous, shocked eyes of the unbelieving. Had he just heard...? He had. He had. Holy shit. He looked up, startled, having not heard his husband, and just stared at him too, before looking back at his mother. "And so its perfectly fine for you to be fucking a wet back, mama? And what of Graham? His lady friend is African-American. And Marie? She's Spanish. And Lionel? He's British. What of that, mama? Are you going to have Graham put on a kilt and scream for my honor because I married an Englishman?"

"I am a Scotsman, Dominic. Not an Englishman. I can trace my bloodlines back to one of the lower Duchies of King John in the days of the Jacobites," Lionel said quietly. "And I will tolerate quite a few things in my household for the sake of my husband's family, but I'll not tolerate this kind of behavior. Enrique is Latino; Pete and his family are African-American. Your son's LIFE was saved by the African-American woman that Graham is now seeing. Does that mean Dominic's life is now worthless to you because it was saved by a black woman?" He put his hand on Dominic's shoulder. "I'll thank you not to speak that word again in this household."

"Oh, magical." Dominic muttered, under his breath. "A Scotsman. Yes, because that makes things better." But he rose his voice, looking at his mother quietly. "You should have shame, mama."

"Leave Enrique out of this!" Rosalyn huffed. "He is Spanish, not a wetback who canna speak a word of English! He's got the cultured tones of Spain in his voice, aye!" Then she bristled at Lionel. "Y'think yer sa'mighty because ye live in an drafty old castle? Ye're nae better than me or anyone else in this wide world, Lionel Luthor!"

Lionel blinked. "I am better than quite a few, Ms. Senatori. However it has nothing to do with the color of my skin and everything to do with my background, my education, and my breeding. I am, in fact, better than you are, at this moment, because I do not base my judgment of people on the color of their skins."

Okay. Dominic had stood up to his mom, but Rosalyn was about to lose it. He knew it, like he knew the sky was blue, the grass was green, and his skin burned like fire after she gave him a good whipping. And damned if he was too old for it. So he climbed to his feet, taking a healthy step backwards. "Mama, Shayla is happy. Please... for your daughter, dunna make a scene over this."

Rosalyn's temper was boiling. "MY CHILDREN ARE NO GOIN' TA BE DATIN' NIGGERS!" Rosalyn roared. "I'll no have it!" She advanced on Lionel first. "You, little boy, are no' better than I am, and I'll no' ha'e ye sayin' so t'my face! And you! Morgan Senatori, I do have shame, and it's all for ye, talkin' to yer Mama like this!"

The words were screamed, and underneath his cocoa skin, Pete paled. He swallowed, looking at the floor as Shayla's mother screamed, and he glanced up at the two people in front of him, smiling a little. It looked like a grimace more then a grin, but he swallowed, nodding. "Shay, I should prolly go."

"I don't, mama." Dominic said quietly, though his voice was steady and smooth. "I'm thirty five years old. Graham is close to forty five. Shayla will be legal age in about a months worth of time. Mama, theirs nothing you can do to stop your children from seeking out their life mates. It shouldn't matter to you how they come, as long as we find love." He looked at his mother, straight in her eyes. "I'm so disappointed and saddened in your reactions. You taught me, since I was a wee lad, to accept and love all of Gods children, no matter what. You would cuff me, every time I laughed at someone different then meself. What's changed, mama? Why are good, wonderful, solid people who will provide good lives for your children bad?"

Shayla nearly jumped off Gideon's lap at the loud shriek, and she was absolutely mortified. "Pete... No way. You're not going. Please, come on, please stay. With me?" Her eyes widened. "Gideon?"

Gideon nodded firmly. "Aye, lad. Stay wi'us. Rosie's a bit of a stubborn head but she's th'only one thinkin' that. I know m'darlin lassie here, an' if she picked ye, then yer good'nuff for the likes o'me."

"I's bad, m'darlin boy, because there's a few lines that ye dinna cross, and the color o'skin's one of 'em." She glared at her son. "I willna let m'children b'looked down on cause they wen'wi'niggers. How d'ye think the world'll look at my baby girl when she's carryin' a high-yella' child in her belly?"

Dominic looked at his mother for a long moment. He couldn't even speak, just staring at the woman standing, furious, before him. And rather then fight, argue, rage, he took Lionel's hand and left the room.

Lionel gripped his lover's hand tightly. "If you like, I'll send her and Enrique to my penthouse in Metropolis. I'm sure he'll be adequate to look after her needs until we can find a more suitable place--such as the sanitarium--for her to stay."

Pete shook his head. He was embarrassed, horrified. He'd been judged because of his color more then once in his life, but to be spoken about on this level made him so angry, bitter, horrified and guilty. Like he had no right being with Shayla. But he just smiled a little at the both of them. they'd never understand. Blond, pale, blue eyed. They'd never feel the pain of being discriminated, in the most private and cutting of ways. So he just shook his head, reaching over to sweep Shayla's hair from her eyes and give her forehead a kiss. "I'll call you, Shay."

He couldn't speak. Dominic was positive that in a long life of being angry, he'd never been this furious, this disappointed, this saddened by another individual. It had cut deep but he was wordless, simply stepping back into the kitchen with his husband at his side.

"Pete... please don't. Or... I'll go with you!" She looked up into his eyes, saw the hurt in them. "I'll go with you, Pete. You and me, right? Dick said you could use his place, right? We'll go there. I got enough crap in my room to get us set up there. Just... don't. I love you." Her heart broke, and in that moment, she hated her mother.

"No, baby." A little shake if his head. "Let her cool her jets. I'm not letting you go, and I'm not letting anyone else take you away from me. Just let everything cool off, okay?" Another kiss to her forehead, and he nodded at Gideon as Dominic and Lionel came back into the room.

Lionel put his hand on the back of Dominic's neck and massaged gently. "Mr. Ross, you are quite welcome here. Ms. Senatori does not own this house; I do. You, your brother Dogwood, any of your family in fact, are welcome here whenever they have need."

Gideon just nodded, and he hugged Shayla tight. "Don'worry, lassie. Ha'e faith. He loves ye; Let 'em go. He'll be back t'see ye."

Shayla turned hot, teary eyes on Dominic. "I... Morgan, please?"

Pete nodded a little at the older Luthor, simply gazing at his girlfriend as he walked passed them, and left the kitchen. Down the hall... passed the room where Rosalyn was infuriated. Didn't look at her, just keeping his back straight and his eyes focused on the door.

Dominic just... shook his head, rubbing his face slightly as he gazed down at his cousin. "Come on. Let us go out for some coffee."

Shayla pulled away from Gideon, kissed him on the cheek, and blasted past her mother. She caught up with Pete at the door, and laced her fingers through his. "Come on. We gotta find Clark, remember?"

"You should go find him, Shay." Pete said quietly. "I need to get going. Its nothing about you, okay?" He stroked his palms gently over her cheeks. "At all, Shay. It has nothing to do with you. I'll call you later tonight, alright?"

"no," she said quietly, trying not to cry. "It's not all right. I don't want you to go."

"I have to, Shay." He looked at her now, hard. "I was just called a nigger about five times, sweetheart. I need to get out of here, before I lose my temper. Okay? I love you, and I'll talk to you tonight."

"Then I'll go with you."

"No." A firm shake of his head, and Pete hugged her once before stepping out towards his car. "See you. Shay."

"I love you!" she yelled out after him, and sat down hard on the front steps. She didn't bother going back in the house, cause she knew she'd yell and scream at her mother if she did.

~ * ~ * ~


go on to the next chapter