
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 125: The Party Planner

When Whitney had gotten the phone call from Pete last night about the party for Clark, he hadn't quite been able to believe his ears. Parties were for people who hadn't had their lives destroyed. Parties were for people who hadn't lost children only a few days before.

Parties were for people who didn't know what he and Chloe knew.

But here he was, with Lifehouse tickets in an old necklace box waiting for Chloe to wrap them.

And here he was, with a Rod Stewart CD with the shiny Fordman's label still on it, with the price tag peeled off.

Here he was, with the love of his life and he wasn't even sure he could smile at her.

Her hair, all hundred pounds of it, was pinned up on her head. Her eyes were on her work, letting a roll of cheerful birthday paper roll open. She hadn't quite grasped the concept of what they were doing, but here they were. They sat on Whitney's living room rug, her legs crossed Indian style and scissors in hand. Whitney had called her, to tell her what was going on, and she had come just because she didn't want to disappoint him.

After her screaming jag, they hadn't said more than two words to one another, and she sort of glanced up at him, looking away quickly as she swallowed and cut the birthday paper in a neat little square.

"Chloe..." He swallowed to. "Are you... are you all right?"

"What?" She glanced up as well, nervously, as she shifted and looked back down at her things. "Yes. You?"

"Yeah... no... I don't know." He reached out and took the scissors out of her hand, and made her look at him. "I mean... not okay. But... okay."

"As in... you and I okay? Or general world okay? or Clark and Lex okay?"

"You and me okay, Clark and Lex okay. I know you're general world okay."

"Clark and Lex okay..." Another nervous look down at her paper. "Clark and Lex are just... Clark's an alien, Lex is his claimed lover, they had a baby. It kind of.... of goes without saying how I'm okay, with them." She swallowed, tucking strands of her hair behind her ear. She was wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt, hidden under a hooded sweater, and she rubbed the side of her bare neck a little before shifting her weight. "You and me okay... I don't know, Whitney. Are we okay?"

"I don't know, Chloe." He scooted closer to her. "I know that I am still so much in love with you I can't see straight. I know that nothing is going to change that... but I don't know why I can't relate to you. I don't know why when I look at you, I never know what to say anymore." He ran his fingers through the wisps of her hair that fell down over her ear, and tucked it behind.

Oh. Her chin trembled, and she looked away, so he couldn't touch her hair. "It's my fault. I'm sorry, about Shayla."

"Chloe... no." He moved closer so he could touch her again, made her look at him again. "It's not that. That was... that was kinda hot, actually." He flushed as he dropped his eyes. "And you needed it, and it made you happy. So no, it's not that. I don't... I don't know what it is, but you're right here in front of me, and I feel like... I feel like you're a million miles away and I'm losing you every second."

Her chin trembled again, harder, but she refused to cry as he made her point her face up and look at him. And she couldn't help it, because for the first time since she'd known him, she almost felt like she couldn't talk to him, about anything. "Is it something I'm doing?"

"No. I don't know. I just... know that I hate it."

"Tell me? Why do you feel like you're losing me?" Chloe asked, looking up at him under her blond bangs. "What makes you feel like that?"

"Because I don't know what to say to you. I don't know... I don't know how to talk to you. I don't even get what's inside me. I don't get why I'm constantly so fucking sad and angry at the world, and I don't get why I can't talk to you about it. But I can't. And I hate not being able to talk to you." Whitney pounded his fists on his knees in frustration. "And I'm not even good with words in the first fucking place."

She sucked her lower lip into her mouth as she forced herself to keep straight, eyes shifting up at him as she gently cupped his face. "I'm mad, too. But you have to accept it, Whitney. Accept it happened, and hold it close." She rubbed at her lower lip, then her cheek, softly. "You can't talk to me because we grieve differently. You hold it in, and I let it all out. But its okay. Id never say anything bad against you because you're sad, you know."

"I know. I just hate it because it means that there's something between us. I don't want that, Chloe. I don't want there to be anything between us."

"I don't either. I love you, Whitney." She nodded it, but looked down into her lap again...before looking up gently. "I am sorry. About Shay. I couldn't... couldn't go through with it, knowing you hurt the way you did."

"Baby... baby, no. No, don't be sorry." He reached out for her then. "Don't you ever let me get in the way of what you want to do or need to do. You needed somethin' then that I couldn't give you, and I got that. Chloe, please. Don't."

"You have to get in the way. You're my lover. I just… Whitney, Shayla... it was a need. I don't love her, in any way that I love you. She's my friend, and she's... she's whatever she is.'re my boyfriend, and I hope, one day, my husband. And I feel like I'm such a slut sometimes, when I do things like that. And I'm just... I'm sorry." She slipped, easily, into his arms, wrapping around his sturdy chest and setting her ear on his collar bone. "You... you're connected to Clark, more then Lex. And I'm....with Lex, more than Clark. And you felt... what Clark felt. And I... Lex, he was trying so hard to be strong for Clark, and Clark was at the end of his rope. He was going to kill himself, Whitney. And you felt it all. Its natural."

"You're not a slut. At all. Dammit, no." He hugged her fiercely. "You're not. I love you, Chloe. And anything you need, includin' Shay, then okay. You need that." He cupped her face as she rested her cheek on his shoulder. Hearing her calmly talk about their connection was a lot better than him rattling on in his head about it by himself. "I wish that we'd never been connected with them, Chloe. Not if it's going to wreck us like this."

She held him closer, hands linking on the small of his back as she pressed closer, smaller then him but perfect. "I do. I'm glad, we were. If Shayla is what I need.....Clark is what you need." Chloe looked up, then, gently stroking his cheek. "I never, ever thought, when I started dating you, that we'd have an open relationship. But... if you can stand me making out with Shayla, I can take your touching Clark."

"I don't know why, but I need him," he confessed, dejectedly. "I'm sorry. I tried to be a good man for you, Chloe."

"And what, on earth, makes you think you're not a good man to me, Whitney?"

"Because we're here. I mean, at a place where I can't talk to you because I'm screwed up inside, because of what happened with Clark. Because I know you need things that I can't give you, and if I were a better man, I'd be able to give 'em to you."

She lifted her head, then, and gazed at her lover. She cupped his cheeks gently, stroking her thumbs over his cheekbones, and murmured, "Right now is what I need. This, you telling me what's been on your mind, is what makes me happy. What gives me things, parts of you, that I need. You can't talk because you're screwed up... I can't stop babbling and making mistakes and messes with the most wonderful people in my life. So Whitney... we're two for two, baby. I love you, you're my world. I'm yours. But don't ever... Don't think you're not a good man, a great man. Because you are."

Whitney just stared at his girlfriend for a very long minute, then pulled her even tighter against him, his arms tight around her waist and hugging her close to him. "I love you, Chloe. I love you so much." He kissed her temple, holding her close to him and rocking, just a little. "I love you so much, baby, I promise I'll fix myself."

"You don't have to." She said, muffled from where she was pressed tight to his shoulder. "I have everything I need, right here. Don't ever change yourself. I love you, Whitney." She kissed his shoulder, his neck, his lips, and cupped them softly as she looked at him. Nuzzled his cheek gently... and smiled. "Come on. Lets finish Clarks present."

Whitney caught her hands to his face, then kissed her neck in return of the little nuzzle. "Not going to change myself, Chloe. Just... fix whatever's wrong inside my head. Get back... get back to where I was and where we were." He kissed up her cheek and then rubbed his lips across hers. "Okay," he said. "Then you gotta help me pick out something to wear."

Her eyes danced as she gazed up at him, stroking her thumb across his lower lip, his jaw, and his nose. Climbed to her feet...offered her hand to him. "Come on. it won't take any time to wrap our gifts...lets get your clothes in order. I brought mine with me, so we've got to match."

"I'm about as coordinated as a colorblind ox, Chloe. You're going to have to give me a little help here," he pointed out. "My wardrobe are jeans, sneakers, and t-shirts. I wore beige slacks to Metropolis, for Christ's sake!"

She choked on a giggle, biting her lip as she looked up at him, leading him up the steps. Whitney's house was neater than a pin, as his mother was fond of little lacy things and pine sol. Much cleaner than her OWN house, of course, but as they got to the top of the steps, she glanced at him shyly. She'd never been in his bedroom before so she giggled a little, motioning a hand. "Lead on."

"Nothing will bite... I don't think." Whitney pushed open the door to his bedroom, and sighed. "It's... a guy's room."

There were clothes piled in every corner. The bed was made, but not neatly, as it was still rumpled from where he'd thrown himself down on it after making it up. His letter jacket was thrown over the chair to his desk, from the last time Chloe had left it over here. His walls had posters on them, of football teams and, on the closet door was a Catwoman poster in full leather and whip. He blushed at that.

It smelled like him. it was a typical boys room, down to the scraps of paper forgotten on the desk, but the scent is what got her. It was like wrapping herself in a big Whitney blanket, and she grinned, hugging herself...and bursting out laughing at Catwoman. She struck the same pose as she had, grinning at her lover, and shucked out of her zip down hoodie, setting the much smaller sweater over his letterman jacket. The shirt was sleeveless, but with thick straps holding it up, and she gave it a tug to straighten it as she rubbed her hands on her thighs and opened his closet.

Whitney laughed and blushed harder as Chloe posed in the middle of his bedroom. "You know, if you had a whip, you might just be able to pull it off." Then he noticed. "No! Don't! You'll--"

Too late. Chloe opened his closet, and junk cascaded down. Balls--a football, a basketball, and a soccer ball--fell off the shelf over his clothes. Books fell too, several ratty paperbacks, a coffee table book of Harley Davidson motorcycles, papers and more... just CRAP kept trickling out.

"--get buried."

She let out a shriek, keeping her hands up over her head as debris fell over her to land in a mountainous heap around her. About twenty seconds later she finally peaked through her arm, staring at her lover as she blinked, eyelashes blinkblinkblinking as she looked around her... then at her lover.

"Remember to get some trash bags and extra pine sol from Fordman's on Monday, Whitney. You and I have a date for next Tuesday."

"We do?" Whitney gripped her waist firmly and lifted her out of the pile of stuff that had fallen around her, tucking his arm under her knees and carrying her to his bed. "What's the occasion?"

She snorted at him, hanging on with one arm around his neck as she pointed to the mini mountain. "You have to ask?"

"Oh, that. It's just my stuff, don't worry. I'll cram it back in there when we're done... five minutes, good as new." He sat down on the bed with her in his lap.

Oh man, and she giggled, rolling her eyes at him as she peered at his clothes hanging on the hangers. Tons, and tons of it, slacks of every shade, jeans of every color, shirts, sweaters, nice shirts, and Chloe gave him the hawk eye. Her legs hung off the side of his, swinging as she wound her arms around his neck. "Sweetie? I love you. But no." She gave him a smacking kiss and motioned. "I'm going to be wearing black sandblasted jeans and a red sweater. What do you have that you think would match?"

Whitney left Chloe in his lap as he started looking in his closet. "Um... I think I got some black jeans. I know I got that red button-down thing, that we all had to get for the Crows thing." He kept staring into the depths of his closet. "Wait!! I got... hang on..." he dumped her off his lap and onto the bed before digging through the layers and coming out with a little red t-shirt with the Eddie Bauer duck logo on it. "Yes!!! I thought mom shredded that!" He threw it over to Chloe. "It's a little casual, but you know."

Her nose wrinkled up as she laughed, holding the shirt up over her head... and giving it a soft sniffle as she snuggled her butt into his bed. It was thick and cozy, perfect for cuddly sleeps, and she enjoyed snuggling in it as she looked at his shirt. "No, baby... you can't wear exactly what I'm wearing. You have to wear like... maroon, and dark blue jeans. Do you have any boot cut ones? With that sandblast, old color?"

She could roll over, right now, and get herself off in his sheets. And the sudden thought had her cheeks coloring, which she hid in his shirt as he was looking in his closet.

"Me? Boot cut? You're joking, right? I don't even own boots." He glared at her. "We're not going shopping again, are we?"

"Sure you do. What about the clothes we bought from the mall, that you must have hid in the deepest burrows of your closet never to think about again?" She grinned and kicked off her shoes, tucking her feet up Indian style as she hugged his shirt and grinned at him. "I'll take you to your own store so fast your head would spin."

"I do? Those things? Um.... hang on." Whitney jumped up, grabbing a bag, and jumped up again to pull it the rest of the way down. The bag fell over his head, and all the clothes that they'd bought at the mall spilled out, with tags and receipts fully intact.

"Yeah!" She could ignore that he had them stashed away and lifted up the UBER sexy pair of deep blue, wash board jeans, biting her lip and grinning, broadly. She handed them over, plus the deep maroon knit polo shirt that had shown off every delicious pectoral, and climbed to her feet, stepping into the hall with the lovely clothes to her chest. Her teenie feet were silent on the hallway floor as she stepped into their laundry room, where the ironing board was propped up waiting. She plugged it in and set the clothes on it, and ten minutes later reemerged with pressed clothes, plus a pair of green boxers she'd picked from the clean laundry basket, handing it all over to her lover and nodding.

Whitney followed to the door of his bedroom, amazed. She had picked out his clothes, ironed them, made them presentable for wearage, and then had picked out underwear to boot. She was just... unbelievable, and totally in the good way. While she was busy, Whitney crammed all the stuff back in his closet, and wedged the door shut, giving Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwomanly backside a nudge with his shoulder as he threw his weight into it, and then jumped guiltily when she handed him the clothes. "This is what you want me to wear?"

Her teeth glinted, chin raising as she nodded, and nudged him towards his bathroom. Cluttered, but even from *here* she could smell the cleaning supplies his mother undoubtedly had him use everyday, plopping back on his bed and snuggling his pillow in her lap. "Well, duh. Do you like them?"

"Can I wait on answering that until I've tried 'em on again?" he asked plaintively, and then handed her back the green boxers. "Here. You can have those. Pick me out a pair of the black ones from my drawer, okay?"

A long thought for a moment...and her eyes suddenly danced in pure, mischievous pleasure, as she approached her lover and tapped a fingertip against the center of his chest. "I have...a better idea. Whitney, how much do you like women's lingerie?" Asked as she unbuttoned her jeans and slipped her palm under her waist band, beginning to squirm.

Whitney... just blinked. "I... like it a lot. You--you know that." He watched as she started to unbutton her jeans, and his body jumped and eyes widened as he realized what she was about to suggest. "Oh yeah."

She shifted her hips, biting her lip in though a moment before she crouched, and pulled a very, very lacy, high on the hip, low on the belly maroon panties from the cuff of her jeans, and lifted them up with her thumb as she looked at him questioningly.

Whitney reached out without thinking and brought the underwear to his cheek, rubbing the soft lace against his skin as he nodded. "If they'll fit me." The green boxers still dangled from his other hand. "Yeah, baby."

Oh, and she liked that, giggling at him and rolling her eyes as she turned him and pushed him back with the flat of her palms, pushing him into the bathroom. "I brought my clothes with me... you change and get ready, and I'll wrap the gifts and get ready too, okay?"

Whitney caught her wrist with the hand holding her underwear. "Want to shower with me?" he asked softly. "Don't know what else might happen."

"Are you sure?" She asked softly, tipping her head. "I don't... you.... its rushing things, baby. I don't want you to feel... that's all I'm about." She gently fixed his collar, arranging it on his chest gently and smoothing it out. "I'm just kind of silly, you know? I don't want you to feel rushed. Its not about that."

"No, it's not about that." He laid his carefully pressed clothing on the bed, and kept her underwear for himself. "It's about me wanting to be next to the lady who owns my heart," he said quietly. "It's about me wantin' to be with you, and washing your back."

"Yeah?" Oh, it pleased her, and her eyes danced as she looked up at him, biting her lip as she got a little closer. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." His arms hooked around her waist again and pulled her close, where his body was starting to show interest in hers. "Yeah." His eyes twinkled down at her, and he smiled.

Her grin was this side of goofy, her fingertips dancing over his shaped pectorals as she looked up at his enormous, lovely eyes. He had a way of making her feel safe and protected in his arms, and it was a feeling she treasured as she rubbed her thumbs over his peaking nipples tenderly. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"I certainly hope so," he answered back quietly, mmming softly as her thumbs stroked his nipples.

"I was thinking about masturbating on your bed while you showered." She said it quietly, flushing softly as her fingers came up, investigating his full lower lip. Then coming up, to catch it between her teeth, tug, and kiss softly.

Whitney's hand splayed over her back, holding her closer to him and returning the kiss easily, tongue tasting hers gently. "Only... only if you wait... and let me watch," he whispered into her mouth.

She laughed, then, into his lips as she looked up at him, fixing a few run away strands of hair behind his ear as she grinned, rolling her eyes. "What am I going to do with the lot of you?" She smiled, wriggling her hip against him where he was showing... definite interest, and stroked his hip gently, her free fingers running over his face. "I adore you, Whitney."

"I love you too, Chloe." He looked down at her. "Maybe today... maybe today will get us back to normal."

"I hope so." She waited for him, though. To make the first move, to do the first thing. If he wanted it. If not, she was very, very content to help him get dressed, to wrap presents, to put on her clothes, and go to Pete's party. It was his move, because she simply wasn't going to do it this time. She pressed her lips to his chin, his jaw, his neck, softly, as she grinned up at him. "I thought you'd like to know in advance that you're taking me to the Kid Rock concert next month."

"Mmm. I can deal with that." He bit lightly around her ear, murmuring quietly. "I put your picture away... sat down and cried today. I can't look at you when I'm lyin'... next to him." He sucked hard at the earlobe between his teeth.

"Uh...oh. Uh huh." Okay. So. Move? Yeah. He was making it. She tipped her jaw and let him closer, closing her eyes as his lips moved around her ear… then sucked, and oh, she shivered, hard, a little sound escaping her in pleasure as she arched he neck up closer to him, fingers cupping his stubbly jaw. "Whitney.."

"Mmm?" He didn't stop singing quietly to her. "I thought about you for a long time... Can't seem to get you off my mind... I can't understand why we're living life this way. I found your picture today, I swear I'll change my ways. I just called to say I want you to come back home... I found your picture today, I swear I'll change my ways... I just called to say, I love you come back home."

She groaned, softly, because yeah. Her man? He could sing. Oh, and it pleased her somewhere down deep and she arched up, closer, on her toes as she directed his mouth close, her own fingers stroking around his waist and up his back. Her nails dragged down, very lightly and softly, as they swayed with each word sang.

He purred softly as she pulled him down, and he moved his mouth back up to whisper in her ear. "Shower with me." His hand slid over her back and pressed her close so that the heat between his legs pressed against her lower body. "Please?"

"Okey." Squeaked as he did this thing, with his hips, where he could press himself full length against her and oooh. Big, very...yes. Uh huh. Mercy? His? She was? Yep. She coughed, lightly, swallowing as her fingertips stroked over his back, his hips, his ass, and one palm gently squeezed as she looked up at him, lip caught in her teeth. "Uh huh."

Whitney nosed her head back just enough so that he could suck the bitten lip into his mouth and soothed it gently. "Thank you."

Ooh. Oh. Her lips fell open just a little and she was this close from jumping his bones, and she shivered, fingertips stroking tenderly over his ass, thighs, legs, as she let him go, cleared her throat, coughed, and nodded, grasping his hand and all but dragging him into the bathroom. She turned midway and unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt, dragging it off so it fluttered to the ground behind them. A tug up of his t-shirt from his waist band and her fingers dipped underneath, stroking over slightly sweaty, deliciously heated skin, her fingertips cool against his warm skin as she stroked over him. Oh... oh yeah. Uh huh.

Whitney stopped her in the doorway of the bathroom and peeled the shirt off over his head, dropping it in the floor and putting his arms back around her waist. His hands slid up over her shoulders, down her arms, caught her hands by the wrists. He kissed each palm before putting her hands on his chest, right above his nipples, then leaned forward to nip her jaw as his hands slid up under her shirt.

Oh yeah. She let out a giggle, a loud one, in joy, all but jumping up and down. She looked up, eyes dancing in pleasure as she lifted her sleeveless shirt up over her head... her breasts, bare and already pink with arousal, bounced into view, nipples peaking in the cold air as her fingers stroked over his sides... his washboard belly, which always felt impossibly good against her tummy. Concave belly button, which led up to lovely, defined pectorals, and she reached in to give each one a bite and a suckle. "I want you." She whispered into his skin, over his nipples, which she sucked into her mouth. "In fact, I want you right now."

Whitney nodded. "I want you too, Chloe." He pushed her gently against the wall, holding her up with his weight against the wall as his mouth attacked her throat. "Where do you want to go? Bathroom shower? My bed?" He gave her the choice as he moved up her throat.

"Wherever you want to." She whispered, arching her chest up in asking as he sucked on her neck, using all those...really good skills, and she suddenly blinked, rapidly, looking up at him as she gently stopped his sucks and licks. "Whitney? Did you just seduce me into having sex with you?"

Guilty look flashed over his face. "Will you hurt me if I say yes?"

She let out a laugh, shaking her head as she pressed up against the bathroom, laughing all the harder at the look on his face. She thrust up at the same time, giggling helplessly as she arched her hips, begging for him to get in, right here, her eyes bright with mirth and cheeks flushed in potent arousal.

Whitney picked her up again, pulled her tightly against his chest. "Let's see... taking you up against the slick shower stall wall with the water beating down..." then he peeked into his bedroom. "Making love to you on my bed, which means I get to smell you on my blankets and pillows... mmm... tough choice there."

She was still cracking up, grinning at him as she wound her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. "My vote is for your bed. You smell...when I walked in, all I could smell was you. I want your bed."

"Aaah... then that's what I vote for too." He kicked his dirty clothes--and her shirt--into the bathroom and then nestled her bare chest against his, fingers moving to gently tweak a pink nipple. He carried her in against his chest, then put her carefully in the middle of the bed.

And she let out a loud snort, grasped him around the waist, and sent him tumbling onto her, too. Tangle of limbs, elbows and knees, but when they settled she found herself underneath him, mouthing his denim covered crotch, his knees raised just enough to allow her in. They pointed the same way but she didn't mind, raising her own knees as she sucked, tongue snaking out to lap the mound she could feel.

"Wait, baby." Whitney slid his hands down, pulling his hips back until he got himself unzipped and pulled out of his underwear. Then he reached back down and stroked her hair before he settled himself again, but he turned around, so that his mouth was down by her crotch this time, as her mouth was at his. "There, baby. There. Now we're good."

Oh. She let out a shocked little sound, though she was smiling as she began to pepper kisses along the hard head rubbing her cheek. So long since his mouth had been between her thighs and she shivered in anticipation, thighs spreading as her fingers scratched over his ass, tugging his pants down further so he'd wriggle out of his pants, her own jeans unbuttoned and waiting as she giggled, giving the head of his erection kisses as she squirmed him out of his pants, her fingers reaching up to stroke as she ducked up and drove her tongue into his small hole, working it in deep before she let go, spreading the cheeks with one palm as she lapped, biting around the edge with stinging little bites.

Whitney moaned softly as her tongue slid into his opening, and he squirmed out of his jeans as he pushed hers down too, licking over her bare mound as he exposed it. Once her jeans were down and away, his body shuddered as she nipped and licked at him, and he buried his tongue between her lips. Easy, gentle strokes as the fingers of one hand spread them open, suckling gently on her clit before pushing his tongue deeper inside her again. His teeth scraped the soft tissue of her lips, teasing them with the light touches, nibbling and licking. His tongue worked itself deeper inside her, licking over her clit before pushing back in.

Oh, yes. Yes, yes, "Yes, yes, please." It felt like sin, his tongue moving over her and she felt so loved because he would do this, and she smiled again, moving under him, legs reaching up to wrap around his upper shoulders as she nosed his long cock, squirming down a little bit, tipping her head back, and bringing him into her mouth. Soft, wet sucks as her tongue lapped over him, before she arched just a little, pushing up with her heels to bring her body up...and push his cock past her gag reflex.

First time. She gripped his hips, making sure he wouldn't pound in, and closed her eyes tightly, concentrating as she pushed up more, burying his face in her thighs and bringing him down her throat, so far that when she opened her eyes, her nose was brushing his pubic hairs.

She had nine inches down her throat. Oh, God, and she gave a hard, vibrating moan around the intruder, lips spread wide as she pulled herself down, slowly slipping him out before back down, back passed the reflex, back deep.

Jesus Christ. He felt her mouth taking him deep, deeper than she'd ever taken him before, and even though her hands braced his hips away he still had to stamp down the urge to thrust deep into her throat and fuck it roughly. He dropped his forehead onto her thigh, his moans filling her tight opening as his fingers stroked inside her wetness, then probed gently at her backside. He thrust his tongue in as far as he could and sucked hard, licking and nibbling the wet folds as he stroked with his fingers, teasing her.

When his light fingers stroked over her back opening she bucked, sucking him faster down her throat then she'd intended, but didn't really care. It felt good, and he felt amazing, and she gently let go of his hips, giving him free reign to move inside of her. Her palm rested on his hip, making sure he wouldn't get rough in his heat, as she arched her hips and squirmed, wetness slickening her thighs with her pleasure.

His fingers pushed inside of her back opening as his tongue licked between swollen, wet lips. He hadn't shaved yet and there was a little rough stubble on his chin and cheeks that he used to tease and scrape against her delicate skin. His hips rocked smoothly into her throat, forcing himself to move slower and gentler than his body wanted, but he refused to do anything to hurt her. He'd save the hard pounding for when he was sheathed deep inside her.

She kept her throat straight, her mouth up, accepting his gentle movements as she moaned, eyes closed tightly in pleasure. He was just...yeah, and she just needed him to stroke a little rougher and she could get there. She grunted, fingers moving to cup his balls, stroking them in her fingers, tugging at the little hairs, and rolling them in her palm gently, as her free fingers slipped down, dipping where he was licking and moving back up.

Her first finger slipped easily, tenderly, into her lover.

A hard cry of pleasure as he felt his finger sliding inside of her, and he licked harder, fingers pushing more firmly in her backside as he used his chin, scraping the stubble over her clit and sucking frantically at the bottom of her slit, lapping up the wetness that oozed between her lips.

Oh, oh, and she made harsh little muffled "Uh! Uh!" noises, her hips pushing up with each of his thrusts inside of her and YES! YES! She shuddered, all over, before she tensed and thrust up, coming with a muffled cry around him, eyes squeezed tight as her entire body vibrated with pleasure. She gave a trembling shake, moaning hard around him as he moved inside of her, her finger thrusting deeper inside of him.

Whitney braced his hands on her hips and pulled himself out of her mouth as his busy tongue licked over her slit, sucking the wetness as it poured out of her, licking until his face was covered with it, and then turned his body around so that he was laying on top of her, the head of his wet cock rubbing against her lips. "drawer--beside you, baby, condom," he said softly.

"You have to be shitting me." She gasped, arching her hips and begging for him to get in. Her face was flushed with pleasure, her skin rosy and lovely as her eyes, full of storms of ecstasy, brought him down to lick at his face, tongue striping the moisture as she moaned at the taste and thrust her hips up, begging for entry.

He laughed huskily as he rubbed against her entrance. "Not... not joking... not gonna have... another scare, baby. Not gonna risk." He closed his eyes in pleasure as she licked over his face and his cheeks.

Her lips were swollen with kissing and sucking, her eyes bright, and she begged him, her heels locking around his backside as she rubbed the head of his cock against her still wet, quivering lips, begging for him to come in and make her feel good.

"Chloe--" he grunted softly. "Gotta... be careful."

"No, in." She begged, her fingernails scratching through his hair to grasp tight, bringing him to her chest. "Please, get in, please!"

"No, want, want you, want you, please," She wanted nothing more then him, him inside her, and she whimpered, begging him.

He was only so strong, after all. He'd tried. He wrapped his hand around his cock and guided himself into her wet sheath. Single push, firm strength behind it as he entered her, pushing until his balls rested against her lips. "Jesus, fucking Christ, so hot and tight!" he moaned, into her mouth. His cock throbbed as she tightened around him, and he dug his nails into the sheets over her shoulders as he started to move inside her.

"Yes! YES!" She cried, arching her back as he slid into her. He was so long and so deliciously lovely, and she felt him spear into her, all the way. Full, deeply full, open and gaping as she let out a cry of ecstasy. He'd never spoken like that about her, ever, and hearing him cry those things was just... she shuddered, hard,, bringing her hips up to match his rhythm, laughing out loud in glee.

Whitney pushed himself to his full length inside of Chloe, then pulled out almost entirely before slamming back into her again. Never too hard, never abusive, his strokes were as rough as he knew she could take, and his voice was a grunt in her ear. "So fucking tight, Chloe. Hot and wet, better than fucking your throat, better even than fucking your ass." His hand moved down, doing something he'd never done before and slapped the side of her cheek as he rocked deep into her. "Mine, baby, mine, all mine."

Oh GOD! She let out a shriek of pleasure, thrusting up harder, so hard their skin slapped as well as bone, and she didn't care because that was so good. Shocking pleasure that erupted right over her belly and chest, hardening her nipples into rocks and making her body goosebump. He'd smacked her. The sting of flesh felt outrageous, and a thousand emotions, some she knew were Lex's, erupted in her body with glee. He was thrusting inside of her hard, so hard, delicious, his dirty words making her head swim and her blood roar, as she pushed up higher, squirming in glee.

He slapped her ass again, feeling her sheath tightening around him every time he did it, and his thrusts grew harder, faster, his hand popping her each time. "Come on, Chloe... come on, you know you're mine, say it, baby, come on." Leaning down, his teeth bit her throat gently, but hard enough to mark her, sucking and bruising the skin around the bite as he pounded into her. His free hand reached up, rolling her right nipple between his fingers, then after another spank to her beautiful, firm ass he brought both his hands up, kneading her breasts and rolling them together, pressing them against each other as he kissed her.

"Yours, yours, YOURS!" She screamed, every thrust making her body shake and shudder with outrageous pleasure. She felt him thrusting, friction, delicious friction and she sobbed in her love for him, that they could let go and have wild love making that was so pleasurable. Her mouth dove, biting and sucking at his lips as she arched, heavily, slamming her pelvis against his twice before she came. Erupted like a river, her sob of pleasure quaking as she sheathed around him, her hips and back arched off the bed that smelled like him. That he would give this to her made tears spill down her cheeks with her scream of orgasm, body contracting and shaking hard as she held him tightly.

"Oh yeah, my baby." His hands dropped her breasts and dug into her hips, holding him against her as she came. His mouth licked her cheeks, tongue lapping at her tears and kissing them away, pressing kisses at the corner of her eyes as he thrust, rocking his cock into the hard thrusts up of her hip as he came. Trembling and shuddering, hands dug in as he came, he shot deep into his lover as he sucked his mark on her neck again. "My Chloe."

Chloe ground out a long, hard, vibrating moan, her hips lowering as she shuddered, eyes bright with moisture still as she reared up, his heat just... Christ, god, almighty and he was coming inside of her, and there was no feeling as beautiful as that. She moaned, trembling in pleasure as she mouthed his neck, his cheeks, his lips, her tongue dipping in between them to tenderly nip and kiss, and fuck.

Whitney let his hands stroke through her hair, carding through the beautiful blond strands as he rocked inside her, slowly thrusting into Chloe and letting himself slowly slip out of her as he came and his cock started to soften. His mouth opened and accepted the kisses as his hands stroked through her hair.

He was wet and hot against her thigh and she only shivered in pleasure, turning her face into his warm pillow. Everywhere around her she could smell him... his sheets, his body, his heat, over her. That he loved her enough to share this beautiful thing with her, share his bed with her, just made her eyes dampen all over again and smile. His clothes had been kicked to the floor in their haste, his closet still a mess, his clothes everywhere, and she giggled and rubbed her cheek against his warm bed.

He grunted softly, and cracked his eye open at her giggle. "If you're laughin' then I didn't do somethin' right."

She grinned, from ear to ear, lopsided in her pleasure as she pressed soft, loving kisses to his face, and beamed at him, as she snuggled against his bed. "I like your bed. I like thinking about how you wake up. Its homey, you know?"

He cracked the other eye open, and looked at her. "Y'wanna wake up w'me?"

Her eyes danced, slitting in happiness and seriousness at the heaviness of his words, nodding softly. "Yeah. Yeah, I do, Whitney."

"S'move in w'me after grad'ation." He shook his head, clearing it slightly. "Can get a place o'my own."

She gave him a smile, stroking his cheek softly as she tucked the strands of his hair out of his eyes, skimming the backs of her fingers over his skin softly. "Maybe. When we go to college... we could get an apartment together." Her eyes were pleasured, her body aching and delicious, and oh his bed was so comfy.

Whitney nodded. "I'd like that." He snuggled into her side, and let his chin rest on her shoulder. "I'd like it a lot."

"I think I'd like making you waffles." Her eyes danced as she stroked his cheeks softly, and giggled, reaching down to kiss his nose. "We're going to be late. Shower with me?"

"Th'pary'll start 'thout us," he mumbled, and then kissed her neck. "I'll even behave and keep my body parts to myself."

"Noo... gotta help Pete. C'mon." She giggled, turning on her side and tangling limbs, to give him soft, lovely kisses, grinning into his cheek. "You're just... you're too cute, baby. Anyone ever tell you? Between your freckles," She tapped the soft brown freckles dusting his nose and cheeks. "And your hair," Then up, to flick at all the lovely hair bed tossed and hanging in his eyes. "I can't resist you."

He wrinkled his nose as she mentioned his freckles. "Grrr. I hate the freckles. The hair I can dig." He cuddled her close as long as she'd let him. "Pete can bloody well help himself. Shay's the one with ten thousand gigawatts of excess energy, they can work it out together."

Chloe giggled and kissed said freckles, pressing her lips to them...his nose, underneath his eyes, and his cheeks, tickling them with the tip of her finger. "Come on.... they're our frriiieennndss.... and oooh, barbecue wings and cake! Come on, baby. Its cake. And barbecue! And probably porn, if Pete has anything to do with it!"

Whitney thought for a second. "Porn is always good."

"How did I know that's what would make you crack?" Her eyes danced, twinkling as she got to her knees, squirming so she could sit on her bottom, feet tucked around her naked tushie as she giggled. "Come on. We can dance! I promise I have a mean tango..."

"I didn't say I was moving," Whitney pointed out. "I just said porn was good. Napping, would actually be even better."

Chloe cracked up, eyes dancing as she leaned over to give his nose a tender kiss, tipping her head to look at him. "Come ooon, sleepy head. I want to see you in your snug jeans. Pleeease?" Her skin caught on a hair and she rubbed it away under her breast, sighing at him and tipping her head. Her blond locks had long ago fallen out of their curl, and lay mussed and straight all over her head. Paired with smudged mascara and red kissed lips, and she made quite the post orgasmic package.

He cracked open a sleepy eye. "Don't curl your hair again... looks pretty like this." Then he grunted. "Okay, okay, okay. Just for you, I'm draggin' outta bed." He rolled over towards her as he rolled out of bed. "Just five more minutes."

"Okay." She giggled it and plopped on one of his pillows, hugging it as she lay on it, gazing at him and snuggling under his sheets. They were cool and lovely, and smelled like him everywhere and ooooh. She heaved a sigh and snuggled down under them, and her eyes got heavy with sleepy comfort, giggling.

Whitney's arm went around her waist, and one of his legs went over hers, pulling her close so that they snuggled together. "Sleep, Chloe."

"Noo. Party!" But oooh, and then he had to make her warm, and paired with the cold sheets... She rubbed her face against his pillow, leaving a little of makeup she hoped he wouldn't mind, and snuggled in, yawning sleepily and peering at him with one eye. "Sneaky."

"Who, me?" Whitney gave his best angelic look as he pulled her in.

"Y-" Huge yawn, sleepy mutter as she snuggled deeper under his blankets, turning her head the other way so he was cuddled with her on her left and her face pointed to the right . She snuggled a shoulder under his side, getting close as can be, and sighed in pleasure.

Whitney had just closed his eyes two seconds ago, when the fucking telephone rang. He briefly considered ripping it out of the wall, but instead, he reached over, picked it up, and put it to Chloe's ear. After all, if he had to be bothered, so did she.

Chloe muttered wordlessly, sighing as the phone rang and brought her from dreams. She felt her lover, who she gave a sleepy glare, set the phone on her ear, and muttered, "For'm'n Red'dance."

"Chloe, I will explain this question later, but are you and Whitney having sex at this particular second?" Lex's voice was highly amused.

"'mmno." She muttered, shifting a little and sighing. Her boob was right under Whitney's arm and she shifted, getting it more comfortable as she sighed softly. "Jus' had't. Whatcha want?"

"We were wondering when you two were going to put your appearance in at Clark's party, because we need to talk to you guys for a little while beforehand." He muffled the phone with his hand and repeated to Clark; "No, they're not having sex, they just finished having it. Now will you stop hyperventilating?"

Chloe gave a sleepy giggle, opening her eyes as she listened to Clark bellow about no, he wasn't, and got up on one elbow, disturbing Whitney just a little as she did it. "What's going on? 'n yeah...We were gonna go, but then Whitney got sneaky and we fell 'sleep for a while. What's up?"

"Well, Clark and I walked in on Jonathan and Martha having sex on the kitchen counter, and Clark's a bit traumatized by it."

"TRAUMATIZED?!" Clark shrieked in the background, his voice teenie in the receiver. "I AM SCARRED FOR LIFE!"

Chloe choked down another grin and sat up, shaking her sleepy lover beside her as she slipped from his sheets, stepping quite nudely around his clothes as she headed towards her bag, which she'd tossed in the corner, that held her clothes. "Where are you guys at?"

Lex looked up at Whitney's window. "Look out your window."

Chloe walked over and glanced out... oh! Hee! She grinned and waved at him down, standing beside one of his very sleek, expensive convertibles, and waved, not giving a rats shit that she was naked... in fact, she turned, and pointed to her ass, nodding sagely. "Got some. Can't say that for you."

"That's because you haven't looked under my shirt lately," Lex nodded. "Get your naked ass down here. Or your clothed ass, and bring your boyfriend with you."

She giggled and stepped away from the window, giving her Whitney a thumb on the hip to get him roused, and padded into the bathroom, starting the shower as she talked. "Give us fifteen minutes, we'll be down."

"That'll give me enough time to calm Clark down." Lex made a little noise in his throat. "You shouldn't have moved, Chloe... it was a nice view," he flirted.

"Of course it was." But her voice was serious now, softly speaking as she walked back into the bedroom and sat on her lovers back on the bed. "How are you feeling, honey?"

"I'm actually doing much better," Lex said seriously. "That's part of what we need to talk to you and Whitney about--and apologize, too." He sighed. "We didn't exactly hold up our end of the deal, and we're sorry."

"What deal?" A squirm on his back, and a jump up and down. She was small, but not that small, and she glared down at his blond head.

Whitney's shoulders were shaking silently as she bounced on him. "Not. Waking. Up!" he muttered from the pillow. "Tell Lex... to go blow something."

"We're supposed to help each other out during crises, not suck the life out of both of you. But... we're just getting our bearings on everything, believe me." Then he paused briefly. "Don't worry about my father, Chloe. I've got him under control."

"Mmm." Noncommittal sound, as she giggled suddenly and straddled her lover, knees on each of his sides so she could look down at his bare back. "Whitney says you can come blow him, because he's not waking up."

Lex muffled the phone against his shoulder and looked at Clark. "Whitney's offering blow jobs; you want us to take him up on that?"

Whitney rolled over when Chloe said that, and toppled her to the mattress. "Not what I said, Lex!" he yelled at the phone.

Chloe burst out laughing, falling on her back with her lover over her, and she stuck her arms and feet up so he wouldn't get to her, bursting out laughing and almost thudding off the bed as she kept the phone right out of his reach. "He's like a Hoover, honey, you know that as well as-- AH!--" He almost got the phone from her but she rolled away, still laughing, "As well as I do!"

Clark paled, shaking his head and crossing his arms, nose going in the air. He was on a sex strike.

"Clark says no, but I might take him up on it." He flashed a grin back to his lover, and offered Clark the phone. "They're having fun, and I bet if I blow Whitney, he'll blow you," Lex teased, dangling the phone in front of his lover.

"Nobody blowing anything!" Whitney bellowed into the receiver, diving in to tickle Chloe's underarms and sides with his fingers as he sat on her legs.

Clark bit his lip. Nice thought... but no! NO! He shook his head, sticking his nose higher up as he crossed his arms tighter, glaring.

Chloe let out a shriek, still laughing as she spoke into the phone, trying not to laugh too hard as she talked. "Will... b... be--WHITNEY!--down in a minute!"

Whitney kept tickling, and then lunged for the phone. "No blowjobs, Lex! No time! Blow later!"

Lex made a little kiss noise into the phone. "Promise, Whitney?"

"Yes!!! Now hang up, dammit! Before I have to strangle my girlfriend!!"

Chloe was still laughing when she hung up.

And Clark was watching, like a hawk. He tipped his head, considering him for a long moment... a smile playing over his lips as his eyebrows quirked. "I knew you had a thing for Whitney."

Lex raised an eyebrow as he tucked the phone away, and leaned against Clark's new car. "Define... a thing for Whitney."

Clarks eyebrow lifted, though he was amused, slipping closer and not so discreetly stroking over his lovers chest and crotch once, before his fingers went into his pockets. Dark blue jeans and a deep green polo shirt that brought out his eyes, and he looked at his lover with one silly brow raised. He'd gotten a trim, and he looked neat and classy... expensive, which he'd never been in his life. Definite.... interesting feeling. "A thing."

"Again... define thing. That's... more than a little vague." He leaned beside his lover, making no bones of the fact that he was checking Clark out. "You look good."

"So do you. And you smell even better. But don't change the subject."

"I'm not changing the subject. I'm merely asking you to define thing."

"A thing. You like him, you want to fuck him, you think he's sexy. A thing."

Lex blinked. "Yes, I like him. Despite myself, it seems. I do think he's a fairly attractive young man, yes." Another pause as he blinked again. "I'm not aware of wanting to fuck him."

Clark bit his lip, his eyelashes lowering as he studied his lover, and leaned against his Sex. "And Chloe?"

Lex took an even longer time answering that. "I like Chloe. She is very attractive, and yes, there are times when I do feel myself attracted to her, but it is usually only when we are all four together. Otherwise? I just enjoy spending time with her. She has one of the most vivacious minds in this small town, and she will go far."

For the first time, in a long time, Clark didn't feel any jealousy when Lex talked about feeling attracted to their sha'nauch. And for that, he was grateful, letting his heart stay in peace as he studied him… then let out a soft sigh and took Lex's hand, squeezing it as they leaned there against the car, and he squeezed it again, hard, joyfully as he brought their interlocked palms to his lips and he kissed the back of his lovers palm, tenderly.

Lex returned the gesture, bringing Clark's hand to his mouth and kissing it softly, then bringing it down to rest over his heart. With the simple touch of hand to hand, all the love and longing he felt for his lover flowed into Clark. Daphstemlin'aq, Kal-El, his thoughts whispered softly.

Yeah. This was where all their pain had brought them. Lex's clear, loving gray eyes, under a pale, bare scalp, his lips quirked in that sweet little way he had. And Clark felt love, as deeply as it was slipped into his soul. He pressed his lips to his lovers cheek, holding his palm to the softly beating heart that was his to protect.

Heee. Yay. And the giddy joy over it had him beaming like an idiot.

Ten minutes after hanging up the phone, this was the image that greeted Whitney and Chloe as they came out of Whitney's front door. Clark's presents were tucked in a small bag behind Chloe's back, and they were, surprisingly enough, dressed to match. Even Whitney looked good in the boot cut jeans and t-shirt that Chloe had picked out for him.

Even if the damned underwear rode into the unknown.

Yeah. Chloe was dressed to kill. Slender, sleek black jeans stone washed to perfection, a blood red, deeply scooped blouse, and heeled boots that peaked from under her jeans. She had her arm through Whitney's, and she tugged on their loop, grinning up at him as she saw Clark and Lex. Holding one another, gazing like they were the two most deeply in love individuals on the face of the planet. And she grinned.

"Hello? Guys? Get a room!" Whitney yelled as Chloe pulled his attention onto Clark and Lex. "You know, Chloe... it's nice to see that."

"I know it is. Even if they look like they're going to pounce on that car and get down and dirty any second." A chuckle up at him, squeezing his hand as she rolled her eyes at the two of them. "Hellooo?"

Clark started, glancing up under thick eyelashes and smiling at the two of them standing before them. He dropped his hand from Lex's chest, but took Lex's palm with him, so that their fingers spidered and linked together as he gazed at his friends shyly. "Hi, there."

Lex kept his fingers twined tightly through Clark's as he turned and met their gaze. "Hey, Whit. Hello, Chloe. Did we interrupt something?" Lex casually leaned back against Clark and wound his lover's arms around his waist as he smirked at the football player who was both taller and wider than he was.

"I was actually sucking him off when you both called." Sad sigh from Chloe, shaking her head gently as she looked up at her lover. "And we were going through the Kama Sutra, you know. Had up till twenty six finished when you block heads called." A cluck of her tongue, as she leaned forward and gave her other two favorite boys a big hug, squeezing tight. "You both smell like sin on toast. Happy birthday, sweetheart."

Clark hugged back, gently though, smiling over her shoulder at Whitney. "Thanks, Chloe."

Lex's face was completely bland as he hugged her back. "You realize of course, that they get a little more acrobatic after position thirty, and if you need any help, Clark and I will be happy to help you out." He grinned, then.

"Really? You mean I'll have to do more then just lift my legs real high?" A dramatic sigh, and she gave her lover a sad look, smoothing her hair gently. "I guess we will have to invest in that big swing, baby."

Clark... was eight shades of red, shifting as he looked at the ground, then at Lex, then at Whitney. There was attraction between them, a deep one, and because of recent events… their bond wasn't as strong as it had once been. And all Clark wanted to do was claim them as sha'nauch, over and over. He wanted Whitney inside, he wanted to hold him and hug him and let him be his again.

And the need was overwhelming.

"No, you won't. Come to me; I'll show you everything you need, including swings and stirrups. There's even a leather hammock that you can use that has built in wrist and ankle straps for those hard to reach positions." He just kept grinning.

Whitney grinned at Chloe, stroking a hand over her hair as he lifted his eyes up to meet Clark's. He saw the need in them, knew the need was there in his own eyes too, and he didn't say anything as he just walked over to Clark and hugged him. Tight, desperate hug as he wrapped his arms around Clark's chest and squeezed.

Clark hugged him, as tightly as he could. His arms wrapped around his friend and he held him as close as he could, burying his face in his shoulder. Whitney smelled like he always did, the same cologne... but there was something distinct, something new, and he didn't know what it was. Hated that he didn't know, as he held him close, and lay soft, desperate kisses on his neck, throat, face and lips, before hugging him tightly once more.

Whitney just held him closely, returning the frantic kisses as much as he could, stroking Clark's hair gently and holding him. "It's okay, Clark. It's okay." That's all he said, murmuring quietly in Clark's ear.

No, but he wanted, and he reached up, kissing him again, again, tongue dipping in each time before he let out a soft sound of sadness, holding him closer to him and rocking. Christ, the gift he'd almost lost in this boy, and he buried his face in a soft neck, holding him closely to him and swallowing.

Chloe's face was just... she was smiling. Just, every PART of her was smiling. She giggled softly, touching Lex's arm and looking up at him before again at the two boys, and sighed.

Whitney returned the kisses hungrily, stroking Clark's back with every one of the quiet sounds. "Don't be sad. It's going to be okay. Don't be sad, Clark, please. I'll stay with you, just please don't be sad." He kissed Clark in return, soft, showering kisses on his cheeks, eyes, and mouth. "I'll be with you."

Lex let his arm slide around Chloe's waist. "Well, Mother, our boys are growing up," he said softly. "They need each other, and believe it or not... I am okay with that." He kissed her forehead. "Thank you, for not losing your mind."

"Moi? Lose my mind? I am the poster child for modern proficient stability." Chloe stated proudly, though she wound her arm around Lex's waist and grinned up at him. "I'm glad you guys aren't insane anymore. I missed you."

Clark kept kissing back, whenever he could, his eyes closing for a long, long moment. He'd almost lost his best friend, the one person who really understood who and what he was, and he just... he held Whitney's waist, tighter, with one hand, the other stroking over a clean shaven face. "You'll always have me. I'm sorry I pushed you away. Everything was so bad... you're my ashimel. I'm sorry."

"You're the poster child for something, Chloe. I just haven't decided what it is yet." He pulled her closer and squeezed her tightly. "I'm glad we're back, too. And... I have to apologize for the scene at the Talon yesterday. I'm afraid I was a bit... over-dramatic."

Whitney held Clark's hand to his face, and squeezed the fingers gently. "Don't be sorry, Clark. I don't think it was anything that you could control. You don't have anything to be sorry about. I'm just... glad you seem to be better." He rubbed his other stubble-free cheek against Clark's, and nuzzled his neck softly. "Come on. We'll talk. Find out what's been going on, go to the party, have fun. It'll be like it's supposed to."

"Naah. All but losing the love of your life, and every life to come, kinda does that to a guy. I'm cool." Chloe offered him a smile, snuggling him close as she watched her boyfriend and her best friend nuzzle and stroke one another like the old lovers they were.

"Yeah. Yeah." Clark said softly, nuzzling back as he held him, gently, and purred softly before he looked up at Chloe and Lex, and slipped an arm out to drag them into the hugging too. Cause dammit, he was a huggable guy, and he needed snuggling.

"What, you don't want the chance to call Lex Luthor a drama queen? It'll never happen again, I promise." He grinned, and then dragged Chloe into the hug with Clark and Whitney as Clark tugged him in.

Whitney added his strength to the tug, creating a huge group hug. He was smooooth, though, and he nudged Clark forward just enough to slip behind him, so that Clark was entrapped in a ring of hugging arms and surrounded by people who loved him.

Oh, he snorted, giving his ashimel a kiss on the cheek for it, hugging them all hard before he reached out and bodily lifted Chloe onto his shoulder. Not giving a rats ass over her shrieking or the purse currently bounding off his head, he reached over and deposited her in his car, the top rolled down, and cocked a brow.

Oh. So maybe she shouldn't have given him a concussion. But her pride was hurt and she sniffed, raising her head and looking away.

Lex just clicked his tongue. "Clark, Clark, Clark. I would not want to be you when you get your ass in that car, my friend."



go on to the next part