
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 14: Feather Dusters and Ham Sandwiches

It was snowing. Beautiful, thick white flakes drifted from a cool, comforting and gray sky as the press, 500 strong, the corporate executives and heads, and of course, Lionel and Lex, all gathered for the official press conference. It had been other choice, for the amount of people who'd shown up from the town, and it was cold and wet and oddly comforting. To Dominic, anyway. His wound was stiff with cold, his arm and fingers numb, but he sat at Lionel's side without a word, dressed to kill in thick wool pants and sweater, jacket and blanket over his lap, the sling discreet and even classy. It didn't look like he was a frustrated, exhausted, anxious, sex deprived man, just cool and elegant and ever the quiet force by Lionel's side.


Lionel stood there, beside him, wool as dark as midnight, long mane sexy and full. Lex, beside his father, as classy as he'd ever looked, both coming off as the high power business executives they were. Cutthroats and kind, both at the same time.


For as far as he could see there were cameras and towns people and paparazzi. Of course, they had staged this in front of the wreckage of the plant, but whatever.


Lionel looked to either side of him; on his left side was Dominic, his right side, Lex.  Lover and son, and for once, all three presented a united front instead of a temporary, uneasy truce.  One of the lower-level LuthorCorp speakers was warming up the crowd, giving out the final tallies of wounded and dead, the final cost, and all the numbers that nobody else in the conference could be bothered to give.  Behind the podium, Lionel's hand rested on the small of his lover's back.  The only thing that dissatisfied him about this situation was the lack of warmth.  He'd wanted it held indoors, but the number of people showing up had precluded that, and he'd almost forbidden Dominic to come.  Almost.


Then, almost before Lionel realized it, the man at the podium had finished, and was motioning Dominic forward. 


Lex watched his father watch the crowd.  The people he knew; he'd faced most of them in situations similar to this before, when making plant announcements.  The sea of press faces didn't bother him, and he stood by Lionel's side, surprised to have been given the symbolic position of power by his father's right hand. He caught Clark's face in the crowd, along with Jonathan and Martha, Chloe and Whitney and Gabe... all faces he knew, gathered around the podium to find out what the official story was going to be.


Oh, shit. This was the part he hadn't been looking forward to very much. Slowly, but as elegantly and effortlessly as he could Dominic climbed to his feet... swaying a moment, gripping blindingly onto Lionel's arm for a moment as his hazed eyes cleared, whispering under his breath, "Sorry, sorry, god." Then a slow, easy walk to the podium, looking out over the crowd and not really seeing them. "Ladies and Gentlemen, people of the press, Board Members, and the Citizens of Smallville. Behind me stands what is left of one of the most economically sound buildings that theirs been in this town since the 1920's." The gasp of people, looking behind at the wreckage of building. "Early Tuesday afternoon it was destroyed."


Lionel steadied his lover without a word, and fought the urge to order him off the platform and give the speech himself.  "Love you," he muttered quietly in response to the apology.


Lex sighed.  His building, destroyed.  But he would rebuild it, rise from the ashes, and as he listened to Dominic's speech, his mind was already wandering two places; to Clark, and to his rebuilding plans.


The low murmur of voices quieted as Dominic continued. "The building was blown up by a madman, from the second wing, section E, exploding outward and outward until ten minutes after the detonation, it collapsed." A roar of voices, and one of the main board members asked for everyone's quiet cooperation, letting Dominic continue. "Thankfully, only 50 out of 400 people were wounded, and half that many lost their lives. So many people were saved thanks to the proper care and design of Marc Tony, LuthorCorp's building designer.  We will be compensating those wounded, and families who lost loved ones in the explosion." The roar of voices again and he was getting light headed, swallowing a little as he tried to remain steady. "We care only about family."


Clark was there in the crowd, jacket on tight and arm around his mother...watching his lover with big green eyes that shown right through to his soul.


Lex's eyes focused on Clark, curving in a small smile meant for him alone.  It was really because of Clark that he wanted to rebuild Plant #3, because he wanted to stay in Smallville for his lover.  He didn't fidget, but pulled his coat tightly around himself, rubbing in the process the spot where Clark had burned their initials into his skin.


Lionel had taken all that he could stand, and stepped forward.  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sure you'll all understand if I take things over from here; Mr. Senatori was one of the many people injured in the blast, and despite that, he wished to be here for you all today.  So please, if you'll allow it, I'll be handling the rest of the conference."


Lex's surprised eyes snapped to his father's side, and he stepped up quickly to assist Dominic should he need it.


Clark noticed it. God, yes, he did. And his grin spread from ear to ear, eyes dancing as he watched....then let the smile slide away at Dominic’s pale face and the grip Lionel had on his arm.


God, he wouldn’t be weak, he didn't need help. He didn't. ....he did. He took Lex's offered hand with a gratitude he'd have to thank him for later, settling back in the wheel chair with an avid wince and a swallow, struggling for composure and gaining it, nodding once to Lex before tuning in to what Lionel had to say. Gaining back his breath, his heat, fingers shaking in his thick gloves as he pressed them close to himself.


Lex remained by Dominic's side for a few moments longer, passing over a cup of hot coffee that had been brought by one of the aides and put his mouth close to Dominic's ear.  "Do you need anything else?"


Lionel cleared his throat, obviously waiting to make sure that Dominic returned to his seat without trouble before beginning.  "I'm sorry for such an unceremonious beginning.  As Dominic told you, LuthorCorp Plant #3 was destroyed two days ago by a madman with a bomb.  Roger Nixon--whose remains were discovered yesterday morning in the rubble, along with the detonator--was attempting to blackmail my family and my company with falsified documentation.  Unknown to us, he had broken into the plant and was using it as his base of operations, most specifically, the manager's office."  Lionel paused for a sip of the icy water that was on the lectern.  "He shot and killed his accomplice, Victoria Hardwick, and when his demands were not met, he shot Mr. Senatori and destroyed the plant, killing himself in the process."  There was a rumble from the crowd, and Lionel waited for it to die down before offering his next piece of news.  "After careful consideration and inspection of the situation, it has been decided that this site will be cleared, and the plant will be rebuilt within the next few months.  My son will be filling you in on the details of that."


Dominic listened quietly, a shake of his head at Lex with a grateful look at the warm coffee, if nothing but to take the chill from his hands. The board members seated at the left of the lectern all were watching silently as well, as the press stayed quiet and Lionel spoke.


Lex cleared his throat, and stepped up to the podium as his father cleared it, and Lionel moved to sit beside his lover. 


"Thank you, Dad."  Lex's eyes focused on Clark.  "The people of Smallville have become like a family to me, especially those of you who have worked here at Plant #3.  You've worked with me, worked for me, and together we turned it around.  I can't thank you all enough for that.  Now, however, it's my turn to give back to all of you.  We will be redesigning the plant, updating it with new equipment and new layouts.  When you come back to work--you will all have jobs if you want them, I promise you that--you will find that the plant will be a cleaner, safer, and hopefully, more productive place to work at.  But it means we'll all have to work harder at first, to learn the new machines and the new technology, and I will be learning, right along with you, just as I did the first time."  A look back at his father, and a nod of permission.  "All employees of the plant will be receiving half salaries until the plant re-opens, and any medical treatment stemming from the accident here will be taken care of by the company.  As Dominic and my father both have said... family comes first, and you are all part of the LuthorCorp family."


What a load of crap. It amused Clark and he grinned, eyes dancing at Lex's phrasing as the media went nuts with questions, calling out as he kicked back a little, arm still tight around his mom. Dominic looked too pale, Lex looked amused at having shoveled the shit right there in front of his lectern, Lionel looked genuinely proud. Not so bad for a cold winter’s day, and he was happy for the first time in a long time.


"I'm fine. Stop worrying." A murmur, low under his voice as Dom took a gentle sip of coffee.


Lex returned his lover's smile, knowing full well the steaming pile of bullshit that he'd just shoveled; it could have fueled the plant for nearly a month as he took questions from the press and the board members.


"I'll stop worrying once you're back in bed, safe and warm, not out in this absurd weather," Lionel hissed back in the same, under his breath murmur.


"I'm fine. Nice and warm. See?" He barely motioned to the cup of coffee, like it were a blazing fire. He could barely move his wounded arm, but didn't let his lover see. Then he'd just worry, and pout, and he couldn't resist the pout. Sigh.


Clark was watching, listening, and felt more carefree then he'd felt in a long time. Amused, he glanced down at his smiling mom, then over at his intently listening dad, as if looking for his approval and what he was seeing.


"Don't bullshit me, Dominic.  I'm not a fool, just a sucker for your pleading," Lionel hissed.  "As quickly as I can arrange it, you're going back to the estate and back by the fire."


Lex answered each question with another steaming shovelful, layering it on sincerely thick as he expressed the right amounts of sorrow, happiness for the survivors, and determination to rebuild.


Jonathan studied Lex carefully, weighing each statement and discarding the bullshit for the truth behind the words.  The truth that Jonathan came up with was a simple one.  Lex was doing everything he could to help the people who'd been hurt in the explosion as well as the entire town. Which surprised him, but he nodded, finally, unaware of Clark's scrutiny.  He would give Lex the benefit of the doubt this time, and made a decision to try and talk to the boy after the conference.  He nodded again to himself, happy with the decision that he had made.


Out of the corner of his eye, Lex noticed his father's growing impatience by a small tic at the corner of his eye, and started to wrap the questions up.


Alright. So he didn't argue. And Dominic felt bad for making his lover mad at him, staying quiet as he watched Lex talk, weighing each comment for any backlash. He only caught two times when something might be said, but it was a fat chance. Lex did a good job. Paying careful attention and none at Lionel, of course.


Clark smiled. His dad...for all his faults...was a damn cool person, and he leaned over to squeeze his shoulder in that soft joy his face sometimes had, eyes twinkling with amusement as the snow fell harder, and people began to shift around in it.


Perfect. And the snow was coming down faster now, white flurries that would make it impossible to drive, and Dom thanked God they weren't going to be doing any of that right now. Warm pajamas. Tea. Fire. Mmmmm.


Lionel leaned over and whispered to Dominic.  "Don't feel bad, Dominic.  I don't let just anyone walk all over me."  A hidden kiss pressed to his ear as he continued to murmur.  "You'll have to return to the estate without me for about an hour or so, I have to chopper to Metropolis."


Jonathan turned and smiled at his son, squeezing his hand in return. 


Lex noticed the weather and it's reaction, and so he closed the questions down.  "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming.  It was a pleasure speaking to you all, but I believe it's time for all of us to retire to the safety and warmth of our homes.  Please be careful on your way home, and drive carefully.  Thank you again for coming."  Lex reached up and flicked off the microphone, and started to walk offstage.


A little smile but it was starting to take a toll on him. He was cold, down to the bone, and tired and achey and a little grumpy and Dom gave him the best smile he could before everyone rose, still snapping pictures and asking questions, and he knew full well they'd all be on the front page, so he put on his most quiet, reserved smile as his own assistant, Carolyn, helped him wheel offstage and down where the Limo was waiting.


Clark got up as well, helping his mom stand and shivering as the snow flakes stuck to their hair and clothes. "It got cold in a hurry. Geeze." He murmured it and knew there was no way to get near Lex for a while, but he kissed his mom and hugged his dad. "I'll be home for supper, okay?"


"Be careful on the snowy roads, son," was Jonathan's admonition.  "And Clark... tell Lex I'd like to talk to him, whenever he can fit me in."


"He'll make time for you, dad. Whenever you need." Clark nodded, smiling at them, squeezed their hands, and off he went.


Lionel followed Dominic down the ramp, and used his body to shield him from the wind as he slid into the limo, and then looked in through the window.  "I'll be with you soon, I promise."


Jonathan could feel Martha's look between his shoulder blades.  "I want to apologize to him, Martha.  For being such a jackass.  And... I need to talk to Lionel too.  I'll catch them both."


Lex looked around, having lost sight of his lover in the milling crowds, and he paused at the base of the platform, looking and scanning for flannel.


Soft nod and smile, eyeing the media trying to get close to talk to him and the cameras flashing, so Dom hoped his eyes spoke what his mouth couldn't. "Call me if you need me, sir." Then a roll up of the windows and they were gone.


Martha let her perked brow fall back into place, looping an arm through his as they slowly walked back to their truck. "You know, Jonathan...the person you've become these last few days is quite a beautiful man."


"Lex!" Clark was suddenly loping over, writhing between the crowd as his smile brightened to blinding, stopping in front of him with a sigh. "Hi."


Lionel watched as the limo pulled away, and then sprinted to the helicopter, climbing into the passenger seat and thankful for the bubble that protected him from the cold wind as it lifted off.  Not two minutes into the air, Lionel dialed his lover's phone.


Jonathan blushed.  "I just... realized I've made a lot of mistakes all around, and I'm man enough to admit to them.  And try to fix them."


"Clark!"  Lex reached out, brushing snowflakes from his shoulders in lieu of the personal touch he wanted to give.  "I thought I'd lost sight of you for a while there."  He flashed a grin as he nodded towards the second car waiting for him.  "How did I do?"


Dominic knew he'd call, that's why he hadn't allowed himself to fall into the blissful ache for sleep that had pulled him in as soon as he'd gotten into warmth. He answered his cell phone instead, stretching in the empty limo softly. "Hi, lovely one."


"You're lucky it's me," Lionel said quietly.  "If you called anyone else that, I'm afraid I'd have to do them violent bodily harm," he teased.  "I'm sorry you had to be out in this."


"That’s why I love you." She murmured it softly, her smile priceless as they wrestled between two journalists and got to their truck which was of course, closed in by the other people trying to leave, but hey... at least it was warm.


"Lex...really well. I mean, you shoveled and piled and it sounded really good." Clark grinned teasingly as he followed Lex to the other car, the Jag, rubbing the snow from his hair as he looked almost angrily at Lex's bald, cold head. "I think for a second there I got teary eyed."


Dominic grinned. "Only for you." A pause as he shifted, sighing in comfort. "I'm alright. Cold as all bloody hell but other then that....I miss you. You'll be in soon?" A moment. "Did I make you angry with me by tagging along?" He asked it quietly, soft under his voice.


Jonathan pulled Martha against his side, wrapping his arms around her so that their body heat pooled together.  "I don't deserve you, Martha... but I try damn hard."


Lex felt the glare on his scalp and skated a gloved hand over it, brushing off the few flakes that hadn't melted.  "You did?  Then I did very well; better than I thought.  I just hope the pile didn't topple over on me."


"I'm on the way now; in the air that is.  I will be back in a little over an hour."  A quiet pause.  "No, Jiminy.  You didn't make me angry.  You just... worried me."  A quiet sigh.  "You push yourself so hard, and I let you... because I wanted you there with me.  I should have made you stay, but... I am glad you didn't."


"Pfft." She blew him off with a waved hand, reaching up to kiss him gently. "I wasn't looking for the ideal man, Jonathan. I wanted normal, beautiful. God gave me you."


Clark took his hat off and plopped it on Lex's head, opening the door to the Jag and slipping inside. "It won’t. You were very sincere and kind...did you mean everything you said?"


"I was worried I had." Dominic murmured and leaned back into the leather seats, content to be in this state of relaxation. "But I'm glad I stayed... it was worth it." His voice smiled. "Besides, do you honestly think you can keep me from what I want? Of course not."


Jonathan kissed Martha softly on the cheek, rubbing his face against her hair.  "I'm the lucky one, honey."


Lex growled at the hat being plopped on his head but didn't argue until it nearly slipped down over his eyes when he got behind the wheel of the Jag.  "I did, Clark.  It might have all been flowery words, but... I meant them."


Lionel laughed softly.  "It was worth it," he agreed.  "And no.  I wouldn't try to stand in your way.  I'd rather give you what you want, spoil you terribly in fact."



~ * ~ * ~



Ham and cheese. Wasn’t it a sin how good it was? Yes, actually, it had to be. Dominic had gotten home fifteen minutes before, changed into comfortable slacks and a light blue sweater, and it had occurred to him while sliding the silky cotton over his head, that he was starving. Famished, even. The doctor had said not to eat anything too heavy for the next few days, but he was sure she wouldn’t mind if he made a ham and cheese sandwich.


Ms Bird had helped him...mayo, lettuce, tomato and meat sat in front of him on a small plate, with a huge glass of milk.


It was like a dinner made for a royal.


His arm was stiff, but not hurting him at the moment because of it, so he ate in pure blissful reprieve. It tasted like filet mignon on his tongue, the cold milk sliding like the richest wine in the world down his throat.


As he ate he got a chance to think over the previous few days, smiling a bit to himself. Lionel had treated him like a king, sweet and kind and gentle, a--. "It may sound overly dramatic of me, and I don't have a ring. But... I want you to be my partner, Dominic... my life's mate, the other half of me."


What? Wait… what? What? He stopped mid chew and let his brows wrinkle, thinking it over again.


And I don't have a ring.


Had Lionel....oh, God. Yes. He had. He had, and he'd missed it. Oh. God.


His smile was priceless, and he beamed at a cleaning Ms Bird. "Ms Bird, you ever been in love?"


"Een looofe?" she asked, accent thick.  "Never been in loofe."


"Are you joking?" He rose a brow, soft grin on his face. "A woman of such beautiful face, ripe intelligence and magnificent wit has never been in love? Hah. I don’t doubt that the men were after you like flies when you were young."


"Dey vanted.  Dey never had."  She flicked her feather duster towards her new favorite person on the estate.  "Dey veren't goot enuf."


He gave her a serious nod. "Ms Bird, none of those boys were good enough for the likes of you." He rose to his feet, albeit slowly, and snagged her, pulling her into a dance. "Not even me, because I have to admit it." His voice was all melodrama. "I'm in love with you."


"Off vit chu, Herr Dominic," she scolded, flipping the duster in his face.  "Herr Lionel vill haf my heed ef chu tire churself."  Regardless of her scolding, she obliged him with a dance.  "Vat has put chu in such a goot moot?"


He wrinkled his nose at the feathers, turning and waltzing her across the tile, sandwich and milk forgotten for the time being. Standard eye roll for the Lionel comment and cheesed out grin. "You know when things are finally go right, when all you see is pure joy for as far as you can see into your future? I see that."


"Ja, I know thet feeling.  Vat has he done now?"


He knew she knew about them, so he just continued dancing, kissing her cheek. "He asked me to marry him, and I just realized it."


Another flick of her feather duster.  "Veren't chu theer vhen he asked chu?  How did chu only chust realize?"


He let her go after a little dip that tired him, grinning and leaning back against a counter top as he caught his breath and blood flowed through his once numb fingers. "He didn't say it, in so many words. But he did... he asked me to be his partner, his life's mate. He said he didn't have a ring, and it was melodramatic… but he wanted me. Me."


"Es about bloody time," she huffed.  "Chu make Herr Lionel very 'appy."


He smiled at her again, plopping back into his seat with a bit of a sigh. Damn his bloody body, he was sick and tired of laying about. If a little dance tired him out, when again would he be able to stride across the room and take his lover?




He took another bite of his sandwich, chewing appreciatively. "I'm glad you don’t think it to be strange."


"Vhy vould I thenk et strange, Herr Dominic?  Loofe es loofe, no matter vhat person et comes to chu een."


He beamed at her again, that sweet, love stricken look he'd taken to wearing without knowing it, and took a drink of his milk. "Promise me you wont tell him I ate? He'll have a cow."


She looked scoldingly at him.  "Chu must promise not to geet seeck.  I von't tell ef chu von't."


"I promise, I promise." He held up a hand as he rose again, decidedly slower then last time, and set the plate in the sink as the sound of a chopper coming closer sounded lightly outside the window. He leaned over, hugged her again, and walked slowly to the door. "Let him know I'm upstairs, okay? I'm going to sleep a little before we go out again tonight."


"I vill let him know," She promised.  "Sleep vell, Herr Dominic.  Sveet dreems."


"Thank you, Ms Bird." He smiled at her again and slipped out the door.



~ * ~ * ~



Jonathan studied the closed doors of the huge ancestral home with no small amount of trepidation.  He'd taken Martha home, and then come directly here to talk to Lex, half expecting to be turned away.  Climbing out of the truck, Jonathan made his way carefully up slick stone steps and knocked on the door with the heavy brass knocker.


Lex pulled his mouth away from his lover's throat with a slight growl of annoyance.  "Hold that thought, Clark... Ms. Bird's with Dominic, and I need to get the door."  Making his way out of the study, he opened the door to find Jonathan Kent on his doorstep.  "Mr. Kent!  This is a surprise, please, come in.  Clark's in my study; there's a fire going where you can get warm if you like.  This way."


Jonathan nodded.  "Thanks, but I actually came to talk to you, if you've got the time."


Lex halted in the doorway of his study, ushering Jonathan in with surprise on his face.  "I always have time for you, Mr. Kent."  He walked over to his desk, and buzzed down to the main hall.  "Enrique... hold my calls, and tell anyone who visits to come back later.  I'm in a very important meeting right now."


Clark was so glad he'd buttoned his shirt back up. He caught his dad’s eyes with a smile and straightened a bit in his chair, rubbing the back of his neck idly as Lex plopped down in front of his desk like the business man he was.


Thank God he'd had the sense to take the hat off his bald head before leaving.


"Hey, Dad."


"Hey, son."  Jonathan gave a small, uncomfortable smile as he sat down in the chair across from Lex.  "Lex, if you're busy, I can always come back."


"No, Mr. Kent, I meant it when I said that I always have time for you."  He rolled the chair close to the desk and folded his hands nervously together on the blotter in front of him, fidgeting with one of the white roses Clark had left for him earlier.  "What can I do for you, Mr. Kent?"


"You can start by calling me Jonathan."


Lex looked over at Clark for a brief moment.



~ * ~ * ~



Dominic climbed the steps with a heavy yawn, vaguely wondering if could put off the phone calls that needed to be made.


Sigh. He couldn't.


As soon as he entered the bedroom he shared with Lionel he went to his briefcase on a large antique table, opening it and laying his papers out. He sat, heavy sigh laced with pain as his shoulders hunched over into their comfortable seated positions. A sore rub at it before he glanced through his papers with heavy lidded eyes, pondering who to call first, who to talk nice to, and who to chew out.






Yeah, Clark was surprised. He rose his eyes to look at his father, tipping his head as a slight smile crossed his lips. Wow. That was kinda...well, kinda nice, actually. He sent his love a private smile, eyes dancing before he crossed his legs, ankle over foot, and quieted.


Jonathan smiled back at his son, and then turned his gaze to Lex as he pulled his own foot up, unconsciously mirroring his son's positioning.  "Lex... just let me ramble a minute, all right? I... I haven't always practiced what I preached.  I always told Clark to give everybody the benefit of the doubt, to trust until proven otherwise, and I told him those are the things that makes a man a man.  I'm sure he's told you that."  He sighed.  "This... I also taught Clark that when a man makes a mistake, he's got to have the courage to say when he's wrong."


There was a long pause, during which Lex looked from Clark to Jonathan, wondering what was going on.


Jonathan leaned forward, holding out his hand over the desk.  "I'm sorry, Lex.  I've been... well, I've been a jackass, if you'll let me be frank with you."


Whoa. Alright. Clark was blown away. His mouth fell, his eyes widened. He hadn't expected this from his father...a grunt of wary approval, indignation...but...but...apology? Never. He swallowed hard around his gasp before it could escape, his smile slipping his mouth wide.


Lex looked down in sheer amazement, before clasping Jonathan's hand in his own and receiving a surprisingly firm handshake.  "I've got to tell you, Mr.--Jonathan--that this was, honestly, the very last thing that I expected.  When Clark told me that he had made his peace with you, I was overjoyed for you both, but this... this is something that I didn't dare to think of."


Jonathan gave Lex a wry grin.  "I didn't exactly expect it either, Lex, but... Clark made me realize something.  He made me realize that you're not Ly--your father.  He made me realize that."


He beamed at them and resisted tackling them both in hugs, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Thank you, dad." He nodded at his father, because this is what he'd needed… this acceptance, this knowing that he and Lex weren't a joke; that their love wasn't a game.


Jonathan nodded back in return.  "You're welcome, Clark.  It's just important to me that you both know that... understanding will come in time, but you've got my acceptance, and both our support."


Alright. Now he was gonna hug. Clark leaned over and squeezed tight, smiling at Lex from ear to ear, eyes dancing. "Told you he wouldn't come after you with the shotgun."


Jonathan chuckled softly.  "No, all I did was clean it and load it," he grinned back, hugging Clark tightly as he looked at Lex.


Lex blinked.  "You... Jonathan, would you have come after me with a shotgun?"


Jonathan laughed.  "No.  I'm an irrational man, Lex, but that only reaches so far.  Even I wouldn't kill a man.  But..."  He leaned forward, suddenly serious.  "But if you hurt my boy... I might reconsider that."


Lex nodded in understanding.  "I won't hurt your son, Jonathan.  I love him."


Those three words hung in the air for a fraction of the moment, but he could feel the weight of them as they sunk into his dad. Proof, now. That he wasn't a scared kid deeply in love....that they were *both* infatuated with each other. Clark reminded himself in the recess of his mind to give him a good long kiss just for that later on.


Jonathan studied Lex carefully, searching his eyes and his face for the small signs he knew to look for in his wife, wondering what of her remained in this boy-man.  "I believe you do, Lex," Jonathan finally said.  "I really believe that you do."


Clark broke the tension of the moment. "It’s cause no one can resist the Kent charm, dad. You should know that by now." He grinned sheepishly and winked at Lex.


Dominic hung up after the third call with his assistant, sighing heavily. Two more people he desperately did not want to talk to...the Deputy Commissioner and Governor Mackenzie. Dammit. He picked his phone up again, dialing the police station number he'd jotted on the back of an old cellular phone bill and waited, shifting a bit to take pressure off his arm.


Jonathan laughed, and even Lex had to grin at that. 


"You are right about that, Clark.  Charm gets you everywhere."  He reached out and rested a hand on his lover's knee.


Jonathan bit his lip at the familiar gesture, one that Lionel had used with him many times.  "Lex... I just want you to know... I'm not going to hold what your father did against you any more.  You're not responsible for that, and... I think we've all hurt enough for it."


Lex nodded.  "I know, Jonathan.  You... you should try talking to my father.  I know, from listening to him and my mother, that things weren't all as you think they are."


Jonathan nodded.  "I know.  I want to talk to him too; it's part of why I'm here.  But I wanted to talk to you first.  Ask if we could start over."


"I think I'd like that, Jonathan."


Clark listened to them with pride and a quiet kind of strength, eyes flickering from each every few moments as he listened to them talk. Things were mending...what had his mom always said? Love was the best medicine. And it was. God, it was.


Lionel flicked his thumb absently over his chest as he waited in the back of the car to return to the castle.  He was more than ready to see Dominic again, especially with the bag beside him.  The pickup truck in the front threw him, then realized that it must be Clark here to visit Lex and thought no more of it until he was safely inside the estate and heard Jonathan's voice in the study at the end of the hall.  Dismissing it with a thought of Dominic, Lionel climbed the stairs and knocked on the door f his lover's room.  "Dominic? Are you sleeping?"


Oh, shit! His brain yelled it even as he remained even and calm, thanking the commissioner for all his help in the investigation, and he jotted down another recipient of a thank you fruit basket as he climbed to his feet. Slow, steady steps before he opened the door, looking into dark eyes sheepishly as he spoke. "Yes...yes, sir, of course and we're very grateful to your sheriffs for all the help they gave us." He leaned in for a silent, sloppy kiss, speaking again a little breathlessly as he turned and walked back into the room. "Mm hmm. Mm hmm. I will. Thank you again...yes, give Beatrice a hug. Alright. Alright, bye bye." He hung up the phone and set it on top of his paperwork, turning to glance at him with a shy a child might give when his hand was caught in the cookie jar. "Hi, lovely one."


Lionel dropped the bag carefully on the floor and moved it under the bed with his foot before Dominic saw it.  He leaned against the closed door, arms crossed over his chest and glaring indulgently at his lover.  "I thought that you were to be resting, Jiminy."


Lex lifted his head as the car dropped Lionel off at the door and heard footsteps going upstairs.  "I believe you're just in time, Jonathan.  Unless my hearing deceives me, my father just came home, and is probably going upstairs to check on his assistant."  He flicked his eyes to Clark, and then back to Jonathan.  "Would you like me to accompany you?"


Jonathan shook his head.  "I appreciate the offer, son, but... this is something that I have to do myself."  Pushing himself up to his feet, he shook Lex's hand again, and then headed for the staircase.


Lex flipped an amused glance to Clark as Jonathan departed.  "Did he... just call me son?"


"I was!" While eating a sandwich and dancing with your maid. "Scout’s honor. I even napped!" A serious nod and he knew he couldn't pull the lie off worth a lick, not around Lionel. "I bored. And there were things to did. Them, that is." Pretty grin.


"Oh yeah. Lex, you've officially become a Kent." He leaned over and pressed his mouth to his as soon as he was sure his dad was off and away, kissing him hard and hot and heavy and sweet and excited, a million emotions rocketing through him because suddenly...he didn't have to sneak anymore. He didn't have to pretend he wasn't deliriously in love.


"You... were never a scout... grasshopper."  Lionel moved to wrap his arms around his lover's waist, inhaling his scent.  "I missed you."  He kissed Dominic gently.  "But, I shouldn't have to go to back to Metropolis for quite some time, so... the benefit is... you're stuck with me."


Dominic grinned from ear to ear. "I am so a scout. Remember the time I...." A pause as his lovers lips traced his neck and he pretended to think. "Okay. I'm a really bad scout. But hey, at least I get you as a reward." He grinned cheekily and leaned in to press his mouth softly to his...tasting honey and coffee, praying Lionel didn't taste his lunch on his mouth as he sucked softly at the offered mouth.


Lex wrapped his arms and legs around Clark, returning the kiss just as exultantly as his fingers wound in his lover's hair. 


He offered his sweet, tender smile, wrapping Lex around him as he held him tight and hugged. "Love you."


Jonathan had seen Lionel disappearing into the room at the end of the hallway, and he knocked on the closed door. 


"Go... away," Lionel yelled between kisses.


"Lionel?  It's Jonathan.  We need to talk."


He stopped mid-kiss at Mr. Kent's voice and he looked at Lionel between his lashes, letting him go forlornly. "Go talk to him… I'll be here waiting."


Lionel didn't release Dominic.  "You can... you can come if you want.  There's nothing he's got to say to me that you can't hear."


His face peaked with sheepishness. "Actually...I've got one more call to make to the Mayor." He smiled cheekily, squeezing one of the hands around his waist. "I'll come looking for you in a bit."


"Make it a fast call," Lionel admonished, and kissed his lover deeply.  "I'll be done with this as quickly as possible."


His brow peaked. "What have you gotten planned, Lionel Luthor?"


"Nothing that you should worry about," Lionel grinned softly.  "I just have... a few things to talk to you about."  He resisted the urge to flick his thumb over his chest again.  "Something I think will interest you."


"It’s not about my arm again, is it? I told you I won’t want the scar taken off...its..." He grinned. "Quite sexy, actually. My moment of chivalry."


"No.  It's not about your arm, your scar, your leg, your mark, or anything else like that.  It's actually... about me.  And no, before you worry, it's nothing bad.  Just... special."


He smiled and cupped his lovers sides, scratching his fingertips down the length. "Yes? Really? Will it make me happy?" He sent sparkling eyes up into his face.


"I certainly hope it will; I've heard you mention it before."  He caught Dominic's wandering hands before they could spoil the surprise.  He kissed his lover softly before disentangling.  "I'll be done soon," he whispered against Dominic's mouth as he edged towards the door.


Dom took a few steps with him, reluctant to let those warm hands go, but when they broke apart he had the silliest, sweetest expression on his face. He watched his lover leave, barely restraining from doing a very emasculating dance, and turned back to his phone and numbers.


Lionel opened the door, coming face to face with Jonathan Kent.  "Jonathan," he said softly, shutting the door behind him.





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