
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 155: Instant Gratification

SweetJiminyC [2:35 PM]: PSSST.

LovelyOne58 [2:35 PM]: Hello, little Cricket.

SweetJiminyC [2:35 PM]: Hi!

LovelyOne58 [2:35 PM]: How are you feeling, Jiminy?

SweetJiminyC [2:36 PM]: Good! Very good. I'm better now. In fact, I'm going to get dressed in ten minutes and come out to the building.

LovelyOne58 [2:36 PM]: Absolutely not.

SweetJiminyC [2:36 PM]: Too late, I've got my shower running.

LovelyOne58 [2:36 PM]: Dominic Luthor, if you walk out of that door, I will divorce you the moment you step foot on this property.

SweetJiminyC [2:37 PM]: You will not, you love me too much.

LovelyOne58 [2:37 PM]: You're absolutely correct, but the fact remains.

SweetJiminyC [2:38 PM]: I am better. No more coughing, fever is gone, just have a runny nose. I CANNOT STAY COOPED UP ANYMORE. If my sister brings me one more bowl of soup I'm hurling it at her.

LovelyOne58 [2:39 PM]: You will continue to get bed rest until the nose running has ceased, just as Toni has told you to, and you will not throw soup at Lindy unless you wish to go over my knee, and not in a way that you will enjoy.

SweetJiminyC [2:40 PM]: Ohhh. I will enjoy it. .....SEE? I can have sex thoughts. I'm well again!

LovelyOne58 [2:41 PM]: You are not well again.

SweetJiminyC [2:41 PM]: I am so.

LovelyOne58 [2:41 PM]: You are not, and I'm not going to get into an are not/am so argument with you.

SweetJiminyC [2:42 PM]: Lionel, *please*. I cannot stay here another moment. Do you understand what it is to be cooped up with my sister? And my *mother*?

LovelyOne58 [2:42 PM]: You are free to tell your mother to take a bloody hike any time you feel like it. Preferably before I get home.

SweetJiminyC [2:45 PM]: That's very true. Though I don't think I can. ...We sort of made up.

LovelyOne58 [2:45 PM]: Very well, you can tell her the hike is my idea. Because that's nothing but the truth. However, I am glad that you made up.

SweetJiminyC [2:47 PM]: I told her to shut the fuck up over Toni and Pete, and then she cried a little and told me a story. ...And that's all I can remember. Though Lindy tells me it was quite moving.

SweetJiminyC [2:48 PM]: Ugh. I'm mad at you.

LovelyOne58 [2:50 PM]: What have I done now?

SweetJiminyC [2:50 PM]: Conspired to keep me home. However, I have no problem with climbing out the window.

LovelyOne58 [2:51 PM]: If you climb out the window, I'll not take you to the hospital for broken bones.

SweetJiminyC [2:52 PM]: Yes, you will, because you love me.

LovelyOne58 [2:53 PM]: That is completely beside the point.

SweetJiminyC [2:56 PM]: You really hate me, don't you?

LovelyOne58 [2:56 PM]: I don't hate you at all, little cricket.

SweetJiminyC [2:56 PM]: If you didn't, you'd come get me. Because I am much, much better.

LovelyOne58 [2:56 PM]: And you are going to continue resting until Monday.

SweetJiminyC [2:57 PM]: Nooooo!!

LovelyOne58 [2:57 PM]: Yes, Jiminy.

SweetJiminyC [2:57 PM]: :'(

LovelyOne58 [2:57 PM]: Do not cry with me; it will not help.

SweetJiminyC [2:58 PM]: I am a sad, sad Dominic.

LovelyOne58 [2:58 PM]: You are also a sick Dominic.

SweetJiminyC [2:59 PM]: No I'm not. I'm not sick anymore. I'm just snuffly. And I miss you. And I'm bored and tired.

LovelyOne58 [2:59 PM]: And cranky.

SweetJiminyC [2:59 PM]: NUHT UH

LovelyOne58 [3:00 PM]: yes, you are.

SweetJiminyC [3:02 PM]: Do you really not want me to go out?

LovelyOne58 [3:02 PM]: I really want you to stay in bed and get well.

SweetJiminyC [3:03 PM]: Then I'll stay. But not because you want me to. ...Alright, entirely because you want me to. You're a frustrating man.

LovelyOne58 [3:04 PM]: And you're quite the handful yourself, Jiminy. Nevertheless, I adore you.

SweetJiminyC [3:13 PM]: Will you come at least visit me? I couldn't even sleep last night, knowing you weren't home. I'm sorry about the snotty tissues yesterday, I won't do it again.

LovelyOne58 [3:14 PM]: The snotty tissues didn't bother me much at all. Yes, I will come by and visit you, and I will probably be sleeping at home tonight, especially since we need to get a good night's sleep before facing the harridan on Monday.

SweetJiminyC [3:15 PM]: Everything's set up for Monday then?

LovelyOne58 [3:16 PM]: It is, and I'll be faxing the list of questions to her tonight, assuming it's finished and we both agree on it.

SweetJiminyC [3:16 PM]: I might go Kung Foo Jiminy on her. I'll try hard, though.

LovelyOne58 [3:16 PM]: I'll protect you from any lawsuits.

SweetJiminyC [3:17 PM]: You're such a wonderful lover.

LovelyOne58 [3:17 PM]: Yes, yes, I am.

SweetJiminyC [3:18 PM]: I cannot believe you just told me on our list to stop haranguing Clark over ice cream. I'll have you know I am eating some right now.

LovelyOne58 [3:19 PM]: Even though I've all but forbidden it?

SweetJiminyC [3:19 PM]: YES!

SweetJiminyC [3:19 PM]: Actually, no. Its sherbet. But close enough!

LovelyOne58 [3:19 PM]: Then you are the one that's going to be punished, not me.

SweetJiminyC [3:19 PM]: Promise?

LovelyOne58 [3:20 PM]: You may count on it.

SweetJiminyC [3:20 PM]: Come punish me now? Forget work. Work can wait. ..Alright, no it can't, but we can pretend it can.

LovelyOne58 [3:20 PM]: Sadly, it can't. Consider it part of your punishment, that I'm not there to properly see to things.

SweetJiminyC [3:21 PM]: All talk, no follow through.

LovelyOne58 [3:21 PM]: Would you like to add more onto what you already have coming to you?

SweetJiminyC [3:21 PM]: Oh, yes, definitely.

LovelyOne58 [3:22 PM]: Then please, continue along this line of thought.

SweetJiminyC [3:22 PM]: What, that you can't find five minutes to come home and punish me properly? After you forbade me to leave the house and eat ice cream?

LovelyOne58 [3:23 PM]: It would take quite a bit longer than five minutes for what I have in mind.

SweetJiminyC [3:23 PM]: God I hope so.

LovelyOne58 [3:23 PM]: Dominic... down.

SweetJiminyC [3:24 PM]: Bite me.

LovelyOne58 [3:24 PM]: No, I think there's been enough biting lately.

SweetJiminyC [3:24 PM]: No one's bitten *me*. I feel oddly left out.

SweetJiminyC [3:24 PM]: Are you sure I can't come out and just visit?

SweetJiminyC [3:24 PM]: As odd as it sounds, I miss Charlie.

LovelyOne58 [3:26 PM]: I believe Charlie is out with your Miss Emily. I haven't seen him since I snarled at him Friday morning; he scampers like a frightened puppy every time I go near him.

SweetJiminyC [3:26 PM]: Of course he does. He's a sweet boy, just a bit...odd.

SweetJiminyC [3:26 PM]: I'm going to go find something to eat. I feel like yogurt. I'll be back in a moment.

LovelyOne58 [3:26 PM]: Odd. Yes, well, that is certainly one term for it.

SweetJiminyC [3:35 PM]: I've returned. I love ms Bird. If I weren't already married to you, I'd run away with her to Bermuda.

LovelyOne58 [3:35 PM]: Welcome back, and what has the sweet lady done now to earn your gratitude?

SweetJiminyC [3:36 PM]: She made me beef stew. The thick, good kind.

SweetJiminyC [3:37 PM]: Also darling, before I forget, the weekend we come home from Ireland? We won't come home. We're going to be spending Saturday afternoon and evening at the Met. I've got us a private showing of John Waterhouse's work, and a reservation at the Ritz.

LovelyOne58 [3:38 PM]: Oh, that sounds exquisitely appealing. I need to acquire a new painting for my boardroom office anyway; perhaps this showing will help me find what I need.

SweetJiminyC [3:39 PM]: Indeed. All the museums and private collectors have brought Waterhouse's paintings together in the most complete set in history, and we'll be the first to see it in its entirety.

LovelyOne58 [3:39 PM]: it's a pity that someone doesn't acquire all the canvases and display them year round in a single collection.

SweetJiminyC [3:42 PM]: Phillipson, a man from Britain, has the largest number of them… but refuses to part with them, even for a museum. The Met had to all but bribe him, or so Richard said. He's reserved the presidential suite for us again, by the way.

LovelyOne58 [3:44 PM]: Quite a good man, Richard is. Have him schedule a meeting with that Phillipson man, because I'm quite sure I can offer him a larger bribe than the Metropolis Museum could.

SweetJiminyC [3:51 PM]: Probably. In so saying, are we going to go antiquing next weekend or not?

LovelyOne58 [3:51 PM]: You are. I sincerely doubt I will join you on your quest.

SweetJiminyC [3:51 PM]: Pleeeeease?

LovelyOne58 [3:51 PM]: Do I look like an antiquing partner to you, Dominic?

SweetJiminyC [3:52 PM]: You are a Sex Partner and you are a Foils Partner and you are a Barb Trading Partner. You've got long hair and a beard and big brown eyes and a gushy soul like a big yellow marshmallow peep. Indeed, you look like an antiquing partner.

LovelyOne58 [3:53 PM]: You need your eyes checked.

SweetJiminyC [3:54 PM]: Fine, fine. Then I suppose I'll go antiquing with Toni. At least she appreciates the value of it.

SweetJiminyC [3:54 PM]: Unlike SOME Multi millionaires I know of.

LovelyOne58 [3:54 PM]: I'll send my checkbook along instead.

SweetJiminyC [3:54 PM]: Noo you won't.

LovelyOne58 [3:55 PM]: I'm not going to let you spend outrageous amounts of money on these little trinkets

SweetJiminyC [3:55 PM]: Darling, you've got it wrong. I hardly spend any money, and what I do spend it on its worth it.

LovelyOne58 [3:56 PM]: Nevertheless, since I am not going along on this expedition into the wilds of the antique world, you must let me at least finance it.

SweetJiminyC [3:56 PM]: Nope. I saved for it this year, and I'm not going to let you give me any money.

LovelyOne58 [3:56 PM]: Don't be stubborn, Dominic!!

SweetJiminyC [3:57 PM]: I am a stubborn, stubborn man.

LovelyOne58 [3:57 PM]: Yes, you are, and I usually adore you for it, but you will NOT be stubborn about this!!

SweetJiminyC [3:57 PM]: I will so.

LovelyOne58 [3:57 PM]: You will allow me to finance this

SweetJiminyC [3:58 PM]: No I won't.

LovelyOne58 [3:58 PM]: Yes you will, dammit. Because you work hard for your money, and I'll not see you spend it on trifles.

SweetJiminyC [4:00 PM]: They're not trifles. And what else have I got to spend it on, Lionel? My bills are as follows. My car. My apartment. The electric. And that's *it*. My school loans were paid off long ago, credit cards the same. And I'm going to buy pretty, pretty things for our baby girl, and possibly a painting or two, but that's it. Its my money to spend where I see fit.

SweetJiminyC [4:03 PM]: Are you angry with me, Lionel? Its not that I won't accept your money, you know. Dammit. I knew this was going to be a problem when we got married, the stupid, stupid, worthless money.

LovelyOne58 [4:03 PM]: Dominic, you don't understand. This is also *my* baby girl, you are *my* husband, and in case you haven't realized this, I have *quite* a bit more money than you! I would prefer that you held your own money back in case of an emergency, or to use with your own family, and allow me to take care of ours.

SweetJiminyC [4:05 PM]: Yes, Lionel. I have realized that you do have a great deal more than I do. However, what I have isn't chump change, and I think I can take five hundred dollars and spend it on things I want. But I'm not going to sit back and watch you finance everything that has to do with us. Is that what you really feel?

LovelyOne58 [4:07 PM]: I'm not saying that it is chump change, Dominic. I know precisely what your salary is as I am the one who pays you every month, and I would just... feel better about things if I knew you had your own money saved, in case something happens to me, and you need something to fall back on.

SweetJiminyC [4:10 PM]: Nothing is going to happen to you. And even if it did, I have more than enough to take care of our daughter. I would take on more than one job if that's what it took to raise her, Lionel. But you simply cannot ask me to sit back and not touch the money I earn every month, because of fear that something will happen to you.

LovelyOne58 [4:10 PM]: I can, and I just did.

SweetJiminyC [4:10 PM]: I can't believe you.

LovelyOne58 [4:11 PM]: Why not? Because I'm asking you to realize that, for once, I am an old man, whether I'd like to be or not, and there is the possibility, strange as it may seem, that I will not live forever?

SweetJiminyC [4:14 PM]: You don't have to be sarcastic. And you know, none of us live forever. I might keel over and die tomorrow. But I'll be damned if I'm not going to spend the money I have sweat and bled to earn, in the ways I deem fit. You are welcome to my money whenever you chose, Lionel, but I simply cannot take yours. You have to understand. I'm not in this relationship for your money.

LovelyOne58 [4:15 PM]: I never once presumed you were, Dominic. I know why you are in this relationship, and I realize that it's not for money. However, the money *is* there to be used by you, me, or anyone else in my family.

SweetJiminyC [4:15 PM]: But I cannot. I'm not going to spend your money, when mine is right there to use.

LovelyOne58 [4:16 PM]: I would rather you spend mine.

SweetJiminyC [4:16 PM]: I'm not going to. Because then whatever I spent it on wouldn't really be mine. How would you feel, if I asked you to put your own aside and use mine, Lionel?

LovelyOne58 [4:16 PM]: I would actually think you'd lost your mind.

SweetJiminyC [4:17 PM]: Then?

SweetJiminyC [4:17 PM]: Why are you asking it of me?

LovelyOne58 [4:17 PM]: Why, Dominic? Why is it so insane of me to ask you to save your money, and spend mine, when I have almost more of it than my great-grandchildren can hope to spend?

SweetJiminyC [4:17 PM]: Because I didn't earn it.

LovelyOne58 [4:17 PM]: No, but I did.

SweetJiminyC [4:18 PM]: You know, I have a solution for this.

LovelyOne58 [4:18 PM]: Let me hear it.

SweetJiminyC [4:19 PM]: We make an account for the both of us, where I shall deposit what I make in a month, and you shall deposit what you make in a month. that way… its ours. And the other account I'll do as you ask. I'll save it, for an emergency.

LovelyOne58 [4:19 PM]: I think that is an excellent solution, Dominic.

SweetJiminyC [4:19 PM]: However, Lionel, I am quite aware of what you make in a month, and if I catch you depositing any more into it I'll have your balls in a wringer.

LovelyOne58 [4:20 PM]: Then prepare your wringer, because half of my monthly stock dividends will go into the account too.

SweetJiminyC [4:21 PM]: No it won't. Those go in your New York accounts, and I know it better than you do as I'm the one who does your books.

LovelyOne58 [4:22 PM]: Not my WayneCorp stock, because there's *been* no dividend yet. However, it will be coming at the end of the month, and since there is designated spot for it, it will go into the joint account, since the merger is a joint move for the both of us.

SweetJiminyC [4:25 PM]: No. I've already made an account for it in New York, along with your other accounts in the same bank. Don't try and weasel, Lionel. I'm talking about your base earnings, as well as mine, as whatever stock I've got goes into the emergency account. Alright? And from there we'll buy our daughter her things, and go out to dinner, etc etc etc. Its not like we'll suffer, beloved. It'll be close to a quarter million ever month.

LovelyOne58 [4:25 PM]: Then at least let me make the opening deposit.

SweetJiminyC [4:26 PM]: Of?

LovelyOne58 [4:26 PM]: $250,000

SweetJiminyC [4:26 PM]: Will it appease you?

LovelyOne58 [4:26 PM]: Yes, it will.

SweetJiminyC [4:27 PM]: Than it'll appease me, as well.

LovelyOne58 [4:27 PM]: Thank you, Dominic.

SweetJiminyC [4:27 PM]: I don't like fighting over money, Lionel, but I knew it would happen.

LovelyOne58 [4:27 PM]: I don't like it either. I wish it were a non-issue.

SweetJiminyC [4:28 PM]: Its not. Money means less to me then dirt. Its just a means to an end. and when you don't have the means, then you work until you get them again. But this is an issue I won't back off from. I don't want you, or other people, or Lex, or anyone, every even ONCE thinking I'm in this for your fortune because I'm not.

LovelyOne58 [4:29 PM]: I don't believe that anyone in this family thinks that, and if they think it outside of us, it's because they are jealous and cannot conceive of the fact that someone *does* love a monster like me.

SweetJiminyC [4:30 PM]: You're not a monster, Lionel. I wouldn't love a monster.

LovelyOne58 [4:30 PM]: Yes, but the rest of the world sees me as that, as it's the image I've worked the last two decades to project.

SweetJiminyC [4:31 PM]: I want Luthor on our checks. City Hall should be sending you the finalizing papers on making my name yours. If you still want it to be, and its entirely your choice. If you're not comfortable with it, they can appeal if and change it back, beloved.

LovelyOne58 [4:32 PM]: No, I am very comfortable with it. It's me who should be asking you if *you* want to change your mind and appeal it.

SweetJiminyC [4:33 PM]: God, no. I feel like I've finally become the person I should be, letting the baggage go. I want very badly to share your name, because I love you like I've never loved anyone before.

LovelyOne58 [4:33 PM]: Then I have no problem with it either.

SweetJiminyC [4:33 PM]: I'm sorry we've argued, Lionel.

LovelyOne58 [4:33 PM]: I am, too.

SweetJiminyC [4:35 PM]: I'm sorry for my stubborn temper.

LovelyOne58 [4:35 PM]: Don't be; it's part of who you are and is part of why I love you as I do.

SweetJiminyC [4:36 PM]: You're not old. And you're not leaving. So get it out of your head, Lionel.

LovelyOne58 [4:37 PM]: I'm nearly sixty.

SweetJiminyC [4:37 PM]: Yes, you are. But you're not leaving.

LovelyOne58 [4:38 PM]: I sincerely hope that's the case. God knows I've had enough brushes lately that if I were, I would have already. But that does nothing but make me realize how *possible* it is.

SweetJiminyC [4:39 PM]: I won't lose you just as we've found each other. So get it our of your head. You're going to stay with me, we're going to bring our baby girl into the world, we're going to have fun with her, and love her as deeply as we do.

LovelyOne58 [4:40 PM]: Dominic... be rational. We both know that is what I am hoping for, but you have to realize that, barring a miracle, you will outlive me, you and our little girl both, and it worries me at times because you refuse to acknowledge or understand that.

SweetJiminyC [4:43 PM]: That's where you're wrong. I both acknowledge and understand it more than you think. But I refuse to *believe* you will leave me. When you go, I'll be right behind you. I'll make sure our little girl grows into a beautiful woman, but its all I think i can take.

LovelyOne58 [4:44 PM]: No. You have to promise me that you will not abandon our family. Not just our daughter, but Lex and Clark, and the rest of your clan. I won't stand for it, Jiminy.

SweetJiminyC [4:44 PM]: Lionel, you are my family.

LovelyOne58 [4:44 PM]: And so are our children.

SweetJiminyC [4:46 PM]: I don't want to talk about this anymore.

LovelyOne58 [4:46 PM]: You never do, Dominic.

SweetJiminyC [4:47 PM]: What do you want from me? Yes, I'll be just fine after you pass on?

LovelyOne58 [4:48 PM]: I want you to promise me that you will be here for our children and help them. The way that I should have been there for Lex. Because I don't want Aurora to grow up thinking that her father didn't love her because he couldn't deal with his own grief enough to be there for her.

SweetJiminyC [4:49 PM]: All I've done my entire life is deal with grief. I'll take care of her until she's grown, Lionel, and I'll love her with my whole heart. But goddammit, you'll be there beside me.

LovelyOne58 [4:49 PM]: Yes, I will be. I will be there by your side.

SweetJiminyC [4:50 PM]: Don't turn this around. You cannot leave me, Lionel.

LovelyOne58 [4:50 PM]: I don't intend to, Dominic.

LovelyOne58 [4:50 PM]: I don't intend to leave you any time soon.

SweetJiminyC [4:50 PM]: You're already making plans.

LovelyOne58 [4:51 PM]: Because I have to know. I have to make sure that my daughter and my son and my husband will be taken care of.

LovelyOne58 [4:51 PM]: Because I can't make the same mistakes twice.

SweetJiminyC [4:53 PM]: Do you feel better?

LovelyOne58 [4:53 PM]: Yes, I do.

SweetJiminyC [4:54 PM]: I'm glad, then.

LovelyOne58 [4:54 PM]: I'm sorry this upsets you,

SweetJiminyC [4:55 PM]: I live my life beating at deaths door.

LovelyOne58 [4:55 PM]: Not anymore, you don't. Not so long as I have anything to say about things.

SweetJiminyC [4:56 PM]: It feels like that sometimes.

LovelyOne58 [4:56 PM]: I wish that it didn't.

SweetJiminyC [4:57 PM]: I do too.

LovelyOne58 [4:58 PM]: Tell me what to do and I will do it, Dominic. Tell me what demon to slay, whom to have killed, what angel to wrestle.

SweetJiminyC [4:59 PM]: Death itself. But at the end of the day, its still coming for you, if you like it or not.

LovelyOne58 [4:59 PM]: Yes. Death is the one thing I can't stop. Not with my money, my intelligence, or anything else that I possess. Though if I could, for you I would.

SweetJiminyC [5:02 PM]: I'm scared of being alone.

LovelyOne58 [5:02 PM]: You'll never be alone now. You have me, Lex and Clark, our *daughter.* No matter what happens to me, or anyone else, you will never be alone again.

SweetJiminyC [5:03 PM]: Maybe.

LovelyOne58 [5:04 PM]: Not just maybe, it's true.

SweetJiminyC [5:04 PM]: How is everything coming along? I meant to ask you before, but didn't get a chance to. How are the buildings looking? And the houses? Lex gave me a report on how many we've got built... impressive number.

LovelyOne58 [5:05 PM]: You're changing the subject.

SweetJiminyC [5:05 PM]: Yes, I am.

LovelyOne58 [5:06 PM]: You're also crying.

SweetJiminyC [5:06 PM]: No I'm not.

LovelyOne58 [5:06 PM]: So if I called you, I wouldn't hear you congested and scratchy throated, swallowing your sobs.

SweetJiminyC [5:07 PM]: No.

LovelyOne58 [5:07 PM]: Then answer your phone.

SweetJiminyC [5:07 PM]: Fuck you.

LovelyOne58 [5:07 PM]: That's what I thought.

SweetJiminyC [5:08 PM]: I'm sure it is.

LovelyOne58 [5:08 PM]: I can see you're angry with me; perhaps we should talk later.

SweetJiminyC [5:08 PM]: I'm not angry with you.

LovelyOne58 [5:09 PM]: So you say "Fuck you." to everyone that you speak with? Or am I just a special case?

SweetJiminyC [5:09 PM]: I don't want to answer me phone. Stop calling.

LovelyOne58 [5:10 PM]: I don't believe you, you realize.

SweetJiminyC [5:10 PM]: What?

LovelyOne58 [5:10 PM]: That you aren't crying. I know you too well.

SweetJiminyC [5:10 PM]: And what if I am?

LovelyOne58 [5:10 PM]: At least be honest with me and tell me that I've upset you.

SweetJiminyC [5:11 PM]: I don't want to. I don't want this to be a thing we can't talk about. Because its real, even though I don't want to think about.

SweetJiminyC [5:11 PM]: about it, I meant.

LovelyOne58 [5:12 PM]: It's already something we can't talk about, Dominic. Because when I do, you get upset and change the subject, and I allow it because it breaks my heart to see you upset.

SweetJiminyC [5:13 PM]: I wish I weren't the way I am. Its serious to you. I won't let what I think interfere anymore.

LovelyOne58 [5:13 PM]: It's very serious to me, but you are more serious and more important to me.

SweetJiminyC [5:15 PM]: I might be too dependant of you, but if I am its because it can't be helped. I love you so much.

LovelyOne58 [5:16 PM]: I like that you are dependant on me. I do. Because it makes me... feel. It makes me feel things that I wouldn't otherwise, and I like that. I love you, Dominic, you are the most precious thing in the world to me. Which is why it troubles me so to think of you... broken.

SweetJiminyC [5:17 PM]: I am broken, Lionel. And have been for quite some time.

LovelyOne58 [5:18 PM]: No. You *were* broken, but you've put yourself together over the last few months, or you're at least well on the way to it. And I can't stand the thought of you going back to that.

SweetJiminyC [5:19 PM]: I can't bear to think of you dead and gone and without me to help you and care for you as I've done for so long . So I think we run hand in hand in that.

LovelyOne58 [5:20 PM]: Believe it or not, there are more important things in this world than me. You are one of them; our daughter will be another.

SweetJiminyC [5:21 PM]: Perhaps in your world their are.

LovelyOne58 [5:21 PM]: It should be so in your world too. Think of me without you, and then tell me you're not important.

SweetJiminyC [5:21 PM]: I can't think of me without you.

LovelyOne58 [5:22 PM]: You will have to, many many years down the road.

SweetJiminyC [5:23 PM]: I know.

LovelyOne58 [5:23 PM]: But you don't have to yet. And won't, for quite some time to come.

SweetJiminyC [5:24 PM]: You can't be sure of that.

LovelyOne58 [5:24 PM]: Not 100%, no. But I was given a clean bill of health at the hospital after the last incident with the kidney stone.

SweetJiminyC [5:25 PM]: I know.

LovelyOne58 [5:26 PM]: Don't worry. I won't be leaving you for quite some time. I just... want to know that you're prepared for when.

SweetJiminyC [5:27 PM]: I'm sorry.

LovelyOne58 [5:29 PM]: Don't be.

SweetJiminyC [5:30 PM]: I have to be. I wish I was braver.

LovelyOne58 [5:33 PM]: You, little cricket, are the bravest man I know.

SweetJiminyC [5:34 PM]: I doubt that, very sincerely. But I am going to go to sleep now. I suppose I'm not as well as I thought I was, you were right.

LovelyOne58 [5:34 PM]: Dominic... I love you.

SweetJiminyC [5:35 PM]: I love you too, Lionel. I don't want you feeling badly over this, are we clear? I don't want you to feel you can't talk to me, because of the way I'll react.

LovelyOne58 [5:35 PM]: I already feel badly that I've upset you.

SweetJiminyC [5:37 PM]: Don’t'. I'll be upset many times in the course of our marriage, and you can't hold information from me because I'm as emotional as a field of flowers.

LovelyOne58 [5:38 PM]: I don't withhold information from you. I just don't like giving it to you because I don't like upsetting you.

SweetJiminyC [5:38 PM]: I know. I'm sorry.

SweetJiminyC [5:38 PM]: I'm going to sleep. I'll see you this evening?

LovelyOne58 [5:39 PM]: Open your door.

LovelyOne58 [5:39 PM]: It's the beautiful thing about wireless technology.

SweetJiminyC [5:39 PM]: What?

LovelyOne58 [5:39 PM]: Open the bedroom door, Dominic.

He looked up from his computer, sitting there on his lap, at his bedroom door. He was spread in tissues, he was a wet, sobby mess, he had ugly pajama's on and his hair was sticking up all over the place. But he set the computer down to the side and grunted as he pushed himself to his feet, walking across his bedroom in pants that were too long, as they were Lionel's, socks and a blue t-shirt. And he wiped his nose as best as he could, as he opened the bedroom door.

Lionel was sitting on the floor, right outside the bedroom door. His laptop was sitting to the side, wireless phone strapped to the top of it, cell phone on the floor beside him as he stared at the open door.

He didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, so did a little bit of both, as he dropped to the floor beside him and wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging him closely to him. "You fugging basdard."

Lionel wrapped his arms tightly around his lover, pressing Dominic's face into his neck. "But I'm your bastard," he whispered gruffly, throat tight and scruffy.

"You were here all dis dime?" He plunked on the floor abruptly and wrapped his arms tightly around his lovers back and chest, cuddling into his side tightly.

"About half of it," Lionel confessed. "I was on the way home while I was talking to you."

"Imb sorry we fod. I dunna like fiding wid you. Itd makes me sad." He kissed his lovers neck softly, in fear of infecting him with flu like oggies, and though they shouldn't have been this close, Dominic did not care. He rubbed his eyes clean on the tissue he'd brought with him, as snuggled in as close as he could as he listened to his lovers gruff voice. "Dunna cry, baby. I'm sorry I was mean and horrib'e."

"I'm sorry we fought too; I hate it." He stroked his hands over Dominic's hair, holding him close, throat still gruff. "You weren't mean and horrible."

I dunna wand do fighd aboud money anymore. Money is sdupid, and all id does is push people apard." He was going to cry again, he felt it welling, and he tried so hard to keep it down as his fingers viced around his lovers waist. "I'm sorry I cried, and hurd your feelings. I dunna wand you do go... I'm sdro'g, I'll tage good care off our baby, but you cand leave me, Lionel," And it came and he could barely understand himself as his chest tightened and the words got even more muggy and his face crumbled. "You cand le've me'lone, b'gause I'been so sad s'long and you love'e so'much and you cand go."

"I'm not going anywhere," Lionel reassured him softly, fighting back his own emotions as they welled tightly in his throat. "I'm not going to leave you, at all. No more fights. No more fighting about money, about anything else. I promise you that."

"Im dired of being'lone, Li'nel, so dired. I was 'lone for a long, long dime, and you were 'lone, and you loved me and I loved you, and we didnd dell anyone, nod even ours'lves. I fought doo hard for you, and damn God if he dinks I'm going do led you go like dat."

"Ssssh." Lionel wrapped his arms around Dominic and rocked him, stroking and soothing him. "Not going anywhere."

He wrapped his arms tightly around him and let himself be rocked, because he was sick, sad, and tired, and that's what lovers did. Made you feel better, even about something that was going to happen eventually. It was just that this particular something depressed the living hell out of him, and he held his lover closely to him as he linked their fingers. His clammy, his lovers warm and firm, and he brought them to his lips to kiss. "I love you."

"I love you." Soft kisses all over Dominic's cheek and temple. He felt the sweat and the temperature fluctuating in his lover, and Lionel just held him tighter, rubbing his back and stroking him. "Sssh."

"Will you do someding for me?"

"Of course, Dominic. I'll do anything for you."

"Id's crupdic."

"It's cryptic?"

"Ids whad I said."

"I didn't quite catch the second part."

He looked up at his lover, and reached for his hand. "Someding will mage me feel bedder. When… when we go, will we be buried nexd do each oder?"

Lionel nodded. "Yes, you will be, if you want." He stroked Dominic's hand. "Yes. You'll be buried beside me."

Everything inside of him sort of calmed. Okay. He could handle that. It made him feel so much better and he didn't know why, but he stopped shaking and he stopped crying as he held his lovers hand in his own. "Okay, then."

He tightened his hand. "You shouldn't ever have to doubt that." He pulled Dominic closer to him. "Come on. Let's go get you in the shower and washed up, and then tucked back in bed."

"Doubd? Being dogeder? I thoughd maybe..maybe you'd wand do be wid Lillian, and Julian." Dominic looked up at him, his eyebrows creased. "I wouldn' mind, you know." But the truth of the matter is that yes, he would. A great deal. He didn't want to walk into the after life alone, too. If he was beside his husband, he would feel so much better.

"I thought about it, Dominic. But the time has come, that I can't hold on to what I lost without losing what I have now."

"I'd never mage you choose, Lionel." He looked up at him as he carefully climbed to his feet and caught the wall so he wouldn't end up flat on his back again, carefully helping his lover up as well.

Lionel rose to his feet, and slipped an arm around his lover's waist steadying him. "I made myself choose, Jiminy. You didn't make me do anything."

"You're da besd husband ever, you know." He wrapped his arm around his lover too, and walked carefully back into the bedroom, leaving laptop and phone where they were. Artie the puppy was snoring at the corner of the bed, and Dominic gave him a glare as he walked past him. Little thing had a habit of making his feet hot. Not that he minded, but ugh. "I love you so much."

Lionel put his cheek on Dominic's head. "I love you, little cricket." Soft kiss. "And yes, I know I am."

His lips spread. "And modesd. Very, very modesd." But he let himself be kissed, and kissed the center of his lovers palm. "Are you going bag do worg?"

"After lunch, yes."

"Wanna shower wid me? And change, and Ms. Bird will pack you some food?"

"Actually Ms. Bird is making lunch for us now, and will be bringing it up in a few minutes, which should leave us, just enough time to shower."

"I wish I werend sig. We could makge out." A sad sigh that was shaky with congestions, a snuffle and swallow, and he opened the bathroom door. It smelled like sickness, and he winced, looking up. "Sorry."

"It's okay." Lionel raised the window and let in the cool, flower-scented breeze.

He reached out, softly, and pulled his lover in close. Wrapped his arms around his lovers waist and pressed his cheek to Lionel's shoulder, hugging him gently but firmly into the circle of his embrace. Didn't move... just held him, because he could, kissing a soft shoulder gently and snuffling as much as he could, hands gently moving up and down his back.

Lionel didn't move either, just held Dominic close to him. Rubbed his cheek against his lover, stroking down his back. "It's going to be okay, Dominic. We're going to be okay."

"Promise me?"

"I promise. My word as a Luthor."

"Me too. My promise as a Luthor." A beat. "I will never get sick of hearing that."

"I won't either." Lionel started pulling off the sweaty pajamas, and turned on the shower to run warmly. "I won't ever get tired of hearing it, seeing it, or knowing it."

"You know," He muttered it down at his lover between his legs, helping him out of the pajamas. "When I ged bedder? I am really going do fug you."

Lionel looked up from his brief crouch. "I hope you do, Jiminy."

"I thing I will." He swayed. "I toog a lod of med'cine earlier. Ms. Bird broughd id do me... Nyquil... oder stuff... liddle whide pill," Snuffle, his ears popped, and his sinuses cleared the smallest bit. "A little white pill. Ms. Bird is the queen of drugs."

"Toni put her in charge of your medication, little cricket." He pulled the bottoms the rest of the way off, and tossed them to the side. "There you go."

"Heey, I'm naked."

"Yes, yes, you are. Now, into the shower with you, and I'll be in to join you shortly."

"No, I mean... I'm naked. That was fast." Tsk tsk. "Lionel, Lionel, Lionel. You should be ashamed. You can undress innocent Irish boys without their hardly noticing."

Lionel just laughed as he started unbuttoning his own shirt. "I'm quite good at what I do, Jiminy."

"I bet you say that to all the boys." Bat lashes but he grinned, just a little cause ewwww he was gooey from being sick and he sniffed his pits, shuddering. "I stink. Come on, lets get in."

"Not to all the boys, Dominic." A soft grin. "Just the ones I'm married to. In the shower with you, I'll be with you as soon as I'm undressed."

He stopped his lover though just as he turned, taking Lionel's hands in his own and linking the fingers. "For better and for worse. I love you, Lionel. You are everything to me that's worth having in the world. And I get... get scared, sometimes? That you'll leave me. We lived in a limbo for so long, because I knew… knew how you cared for me. But this place, this place where we are, this is where I've wanted to be with you for a long time. I waited for you, because you are worth waiting for. And when it was the right time, you told me you loved me." His throat was filled with tears, his eyes shiny as he squeezed the larger hands tightly in his. "I don't want to lose that, before its even begun. We're going to have so much fun together, and I don't want to dwell on what's to come twenty years from now, but what we've got now. After our lives of pain, anguish, and misery... we deserve it. We'll have it, because I say so. When you go, I'll care for both of our children, and I'll love them, and raise them to be people its in them to be. I'll be strong, and care for them, and watch them grow, and when I know they're safe, and protected, and loved… I'll be right after you. But you can't leave me just yet, Lionel. We've still got too many mishaps to get into, beloved."

Lionel paused in mid-disrobing as Dominic took his hand, and he looked seriously at his lover. "I don't want to dwell on it either, beloved, and I don't want it to ruin the time that we have now. But I think about it, from time to time, and it makes me feel that much better, knowing now that you will be prepared for it." He brought Dominic's hands up to his and he kissed them softly. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I have a requ..request, for you." His throat bobbed, as he looked up at his lover. "And then this subject is closed, until another time."

Ask me anything." Lionel's eyes were serious as he looked into his lover's, and he squeezed their interlinked hands gently.

"If I happen to go before you do? For any reason. Cancer, a heart attack, a stroke, choking on a kabob, whatever. Have a big celi for me. Invite all of my relatives, play games, sing, dance, get drunk off your ass, and party. Because if I'm remembered at some stodgy old dress in black party, I'll come back and kick your sexy, scar ridden ass."

Lionel laughed softly. "You have my word on it. A proper Irish wake for my Irishman."

Dominic grinned, then, just a little, as he rubbed his shoulders over his wet cheeks. "A huge party. And if you bury me in something you know I hate, I'll come back and kick your ass all over again. Something loud. A Hawaiian shirt of some sort. I can't go to the after life in black, how horrendous."

"I'll bury you in your Blink 182 shirt from Shayla and a pair of your workout pants. How's that?"

"Oh, yes." He gave his lover a smile and reached up to kiss his cheek. "My mama would love you for that." Dominic's fingers worked on his lovers buttons, unbuttoning them gently, and when half were v'd, pressed his lips to a nipple, then the other with a ring.

And sneezed on the center of his lovers sternum... wincing and looking up. "Well thad was unsexy."

Lionel just chuckled softly. "Into the shower. Let me finish and I'll get in with you." He gently pushed his lover to the gently falling warm water.

He sniffled, offered a little sickly grin and climbed into the shower. The heat was marvelous and he let his head fall back for the water to rain over his face, keeping his eyes closed to the lovely shower of warm water. A thick sigh as he let his head back down, hot water running in rivulets down his back, and he reached up to stroke once over the scar on his shoulder. It was still strange for it to be there, and he ran his fingers over it, looking down. A straight line, whitening and pinking now with age, as was the one on his back, and he ran his fingers over it again as he raised his head into the heat. So many scars, so many different reasons. Why his lover would want imperfection such as him still shocked him to this day, and he rubbed his hands through the thin blond hair on his chest, wetting his body all over as he looked at the shampoo's on the shelf and wondered which one to use.

"Use the one in the green bottle," Lionel said, as soon as he slid into the shower behind his lover. He'd made quick work of undressing, and by the time he got in, Dominic was gazing contemplatively at the shampoo. "This one." Lionel picked up the bottle, squeezed the shampoo out in his hands, and started massaging it into his lover's scalp.

A soft purr, as he let his head fall back just a little into his hands. "I wish I were well." He muttered, as he moved his wet body to his lovers dampening one, situating in close so they were pressed in warm.

"You will be soon, if you keep taking care of yourself. But... I do have news. In light of the fact that you're ill, I called Diane Sawyer, and the format of the interview is changing. Since we'll have to shoot the interview live on Monday, we're simply going to fax her a series of topics that are and are not allowable to address."

"Mmm." He murmured softly, as his lover massaged his scalp with those clever fingers, and had he been this lose in days? No, no he hadn't. He closed his eyes in soft pleasure and murmured his thank you, as his fingers slipped up over his lovers wrist and he closed his eyes. "Don't let her ask about the accent."

"I won't. Your accent, our family, our business relationship, and our private lives are off limits to her. We will be talking about our wedding and such, but only within a reasonable framework."

"Who all is she going to talk to?"

"You and I, Lex, and Mr. Siegel for certain. She wants to speak to your family as well; Megan, Graham, and Rosalyn."

"Not Graham. I won't have him exposed to this, and I don't care what all he says. He and Shaney lead a quiet life, and he doesn't need anymore." He murmured, as he pushed his head under the water, his lovers fingers still in it, and reached up to cup them and rinse out his hair. Already he felt that much cleaner, his skin not as sticky and waxen as it had been, and he pushed bubbles out of his eyes. He picked up the same green bottle and squirted some onto his lovers damp hair, reaching up to kiss the corner of his chin as he began to stroke his fingers through hair grown longer in the shower. "So beautiful." He whispered, giving his jaw, and throat, a soft kiss.

"Well, it's up to Graham whether or not he wants to talk to her. I'm sure he's quite... uhhhh." Soft sigh of guttural pleasure. "Quite capable of telling her to fuck off and die."

He giggled. Could. Not. Help it. When his lover made little noises like that it just tickled him pink, and his eyes danced as he pressed another kiss to Lionel's pulse point, thumping softly in his throat. "Of course he is." He scraped his teeth along the warmly beating pulse a little harder than he'd meant to, and he soothed the scrape with a tender lick and kiss, sucking softly at the area before heading down. "Don't want to give you a hickey. Sorry, b'loved."

Another groan and Lionel closed his eyes. "You can give me a... hickey, is it? if you want to."

"Do you know what one is?" He asked softly, lapping softly at the spot he wanted, right at the base of his lovers neck, where a collared polo would hide such a...claiming mark.

"Of course I do," he said softly. "I am... always interested in knowledge."

"It is... a purpled, dark bruise, done by...well, this." He leaned in and wrapped his lips about where he wanted, sucking softly at the spot. He grazed his teeth, sucking insistently, his fingers sliding over a warm chest. He stroked through warm chest hair and tweaked a nipple, continuing to suck and only letting go for a breath once in a bit. Insistent sucking that only got harder, fiercer, the nips becoming bites, the kisses hard licks, until a few moments later he let go and inspected his work, thumb stroking over the nipple gently. It was the size of a quarter, purpling and dark, and he looked up at his lover in pleasure.

Moans and growls spilled out of Lionel's throat, and his hands slid through soapy hair as he pressed the sucking mouth to his chest. Soft grunting again, and he brushed his finger over the lightly bruised skin, and whispery sounds of pure pleasure came out of him.

His big green eyes danced as he looked up at him. "Told you I was feeling better." He rubbed his fingers gently across the mark. "By tonight it'll be dark, and bigger."

And he carefully, very carefully, ignored the grunting and moaning, just biting his lover lip and gazing at his Lionel innocently.

A near-purr rumbled deep in his throat. "I'm glad you're feeling better; if you keep... feeling better, tonight we'll be able to have... a little bit of fun."

A soft smile and he just kept stroking his fingers through all of his lovers curls, scrubbing his short nails lightly across his scalp and getting it all soaped up before bringing him under the water and rinsing his hair, fingers going over it to make sure the soap drained out of the thick locks.

The mark was already purpling. And he could not have been more pleased.

Lionel wasn't actually sure which felt better; the fingers that ran through his long hair, or the mark that occasionally throbbed on his chest. He purred at both, deep pleasurable rumblings in his throat that vibrated his chest and made the mark throb harder. "You... are naughty."

His lips spread. Broadly. "Nuht uh." He let go of Lionel's hair, kissing his cheek once before bending over for the sponge, lifting it up and straightening as he glanced across the rows of soap, as well. "Alright. Do we feel like...lilacs, strawberry kiwi, that gooky stuff you bought in China, or Caress?"

"Gooky? That is not gooky. That is actually soap made from the fatty intestine of the Chinese equivalent of a pig."

He blinked at his lover. Twice, even. And reached for the Caress, squeezing a dollop of it on the sponge and beginning to stroke it over his lovers chest, rubbed it easily over large shoulders and long arms, then down a lovely back, scrubbing gently. "What sort of things did you mean by... by bit of fun?" He asked softly, looking up at Lionel's dark eyes as he rubbed the sponge down a concave belly.

Lionel's lips turned up in a small smile. "I should be asking you that; you're the one who's made all these plans." His thumb came up to stroke over Dominic's shoulder as his hand rested on his lover's arm. "Assuming you feel well enough to put them into motion, that is."

His eyes widened...brightened, and his lips spread into a big beam. "I… yes. Indeed. If I can cure my blasted runny nose so I can breath, indeed." He smiled again, big time, as his sponge went down between thick, powerful thighs. "Think we can have fun now?"

Lionel trailed a wet fingertip down Dominic's nose. "No. Because if I wear you out now, then there's no chance of you feeling up to anything later."

Sad sigh, as he reached up to suck the finger.

All the way down his throat.

Wrapped his lips around the base and pushed his tongue against the bottom of his lovers finger, pushing it up just as he did with certain cocks of certain people and sucked, softly... twice, three times, and let go to kiss the tip.

Another groan, and Lionel realized he was noisy today and didn't care why that was so. His cock rose as Dominic sucked on his finger, and then when the tip was kissed, Lionel grunted in frustration.

Dominic's grin broadened and he caught the tip of his tongue between his teeth, looking up at him innocently.

"No," Lionel said, and it was the hardest thing he'd ever said.

In his life, and damned if Dominic didn't know it. He kissed his lover again, gently on the chest, and rubbed the sponge back over his lovers hip and down his ass, rubbing the soap between the cheeks and then down to scrub warm thighs. He bent down and scrubbed his lovers legs, kissing the half hard cock gently, licking the base as the water washed away the soap, and lapped at twin balls before his sponge came around. Up his lovers begs, once more across his inner thighs, and he handed it over, refilling it with more soap.

Lionel growled threateningly at his teasing lover, feeling his cock fill further as he took the sponge and started scrubbing his lover with it. Long, broad strokes over his back, licking the back of Dominic's neck as he soaped up arms and shoulders, brushing the sponge over slender, suckable digits, down over grippable hips and a firm, taut ass.

He just grinned, broadly, at his concentrating, irritated lover, his hips rolling back into his lovers hands as he bit his lip and tried not to chuckle. Just kissed a gently heaving chest and slid his fingers over a warm torso, squirming back into firm hands. He lived to tease his beautiful lover, and he beamed up at him as he kissed his chin gently.

Lionel bit sharply on Dominic's shoulder, leaving a small, quickly-fading ring of teeth marks as the water rinsed the soap off. His hands squeezed Dominic's cheeks tightly, kneading them as he pressed his lover back against the wall, supporting him and rubbing very lightly against him.

Heee! Dominic's eyes just twinkled, lifting a thigh up against the outside of his lovers to give him more of a place to rub, as he breathed in the hot water and sighed in pleasure, head falling back. Never too sick for teasing his beautiful man, and he rolled his hips forward this time.

Lionel met the roll forward, then he braced his hands on his lover's chest and stepped back until they didn't touch. "Out," Lionel ordered with a grin. "You're clean."

Didn't realize until that very moment just who had been under control, and he glared at his lover, though he was partially shocked. He climbed from the shower as he was told to, grasping the first towel he could get, and looked back at him, biting his lip softly. His lover had this way about him, and Dominic gazed at him softly, in hope.

Lionel shook his head. "No, Dominic. Puppy eyes will not work with me. I am going to wait until tonight."

"You're going to wish you didn't." Dominic presented himself once more because yeah. Lionel, tonight, would... well. "Going once."


"Going twice?"


"Alright." Deep, pained sigh, and he brought his hand down to give his poor, confused cock a gentle stroke, before pulling his toothbrush and toothpaste out, squeezing some on as he hooked his towel about his hips. "I need a hammer and some nails before you leave. I've tried to locate them... okay, its a lie. I've been asleep, or watching soap opera's. Where do you keep that sort of thing?"

Lionel blinked. "You're asking me? I've no idea if Lex even has those implements in the house."

Dominic peered up at him as he stuck his toothbrush in his mouth, beginning to scrub his teeth. "Ooo own oh w're or ammer ond ail's ore?"

"Who would know?" Lionel slid his hand down to his cock and stroked slowly as he answered. "Ms. Bird, or Maria perhaps. Or Enrique."

His eyes dropped to his lover stroking himself and FUCK. He rushed around and scrubbed his teeth all the harder, trying desperately to ignore what was going on in the other side of the bathroom.

Lionel didn't say another word, just started stroking himself a little harder and a little faster, closing his eyes and leaning against the shower wall as the water pelted his skin.

Of course he was watching. Who wouldn't? When their lovers were fucking their fists in the shower and he whimpered, loudly, swishing and spitting as he looked up in the mirror, at his lover... fuck. Fuck.

His towel was tented out in front of him, and he dropped his head down, looking at it once before up again. Another hard, hard whimper, as he stared into the mirror at Lionel so blatantly giving himself pleasure and it was the most erotic. Thing. Ever.

At the second whimper, Lionel pulled his eyes open, cock sliding in his fist as his hips rocked, thrusting the slick shaft in his tight grip as he looked at his lover in the mirror. "D-Dominic... nice and dry?"

He nodded. Hard. And whimpered all over again. His tongue slipped out to lick dry lips as his lovers voice grunted behind him, and he shuddered all over as he turned around to face him. "L-Lionel, please.. .pl-please, be-beloved, oh, Jesus."

"Please what?" Lionel let go of his erection, closing his eyes and turning off the water, fighting to pull himself under control. When he finally did, his eyes flared at his lover. "Please what, my lovely cricket?"

"Please touch me." Hard whimper as Lionel's eyes all but ate him alive and he pressed himself unknowingly against the sink, throat bobbing hard at the animal he saw in them.

God, it was exciting.

"Go lay down," Lionel ordered softly.

Dominic didn't even have to be told twice. He lost the towel halfway out of the bathroom, stopping in their bedroom to throw open the windows. It was still drizzling softly, but it was a cool drizzle, and he turned to push his tissues into the nearest basket... and found their bed neat as a pin. Fresh roses in a soft vase, new sheets, tissues, medicine, plates and cups gone, and the lovely scent of lemons left behind, that he could just barely smell. His lips spread, broadly, as he looked towards the door, and yes. Ms. Bird needed something made of crystal and a bouquet of daisies for this. He quickly locked the door and turned down the sheets, pulling them down before climbing into bed, staying sitting up for a moment as he rubbed his back, and then lay back, staring at the ceiling.

His cock was leaking, and so. Very. Hard.

Lionel waited until Dominic was gone before getting out of the shower, and he wrapped a towel around his waist as he did so, using another to towel off his wet hair before dropping it to the floor behind him. He stalked over to the bed, mounting it and straddling his lover as he rubbed his towel-wrapped lower body against his lover. His hands slid out and pressed Dominic's wrists to the pillows before sliding down, his tongue licking his lover's navel before puffing soft breaths over the head of his cock.

"Oh God!" He gasped, arching upwards as a hot mouth slid over him and oh! God! Lionel had swept in out of the corner of his eyes and had gotten on the bed in seconds, and now all he could smell was clean soap against the deliciously cool room they were about to dampen with his sweat. He shivered, shuddered as his hands fisted and slid up, taking Lionel's hands with him over his head. "L-Lionel, baby, I w-want… Christ you s-smell good, my lovely, L-Lionel, Jesus."

Lionel didn't say another word as he opened his mouth and slid Dominic's cock into his throat. Didn't stop until his lover was embedded deep in his throat, and he slowly slid off only to swallow him deep again. His hands locked with Dominic, keeping his lover still, hands pinned in place as Lionel gave as much pleasure as he could to his lover's weakened body.

Jesus "Christ!" and he let out a soft wail, thrashing his head to the side as Lionel... Lionel… he couldn't help it, he opened his eyes and looked down, gasping in pleasure and near wonder at his lovers lips wrapped around the base of his cock, nose in his course blond hairs. Gasped... gagged on the gasp, then gasped all over again as he arched just the smallest bit, leg wrapping around his lovers hip. He let his head fall back, whimpering loudly, and arched his back, moaning hard. "L-Lionel!"

He didn't respond, just raised his head, sucking harder, making his motions faster as his tongue worked, slicking his lover's cock and helping his head to move faster over the hard shaft. His fist wrapped around the base, stroking as he sucked, making sure that his lover's cock was always stimulated, either by his mouth or his hand.

He whimpered, loudly, letting his head fall back as he groaned, hard. So close, so "Close, baby, close, my lovely, so close, please, close," He rambled, panting as he arched and thrust, arched and thrust, just a little so he wouldn't hurt his lover, as he began the delicious ascent to orgasm. Wrenched on Lionel's hands around his wrists... nearly screamed in ecstasy when they didn't give, and his whole body shuddered, his toes nearly curling.

Lionel tightened his one-handed grip on his lover's wrists, keeping them pressed down as he sucked harder and faster, teeth coming into play as he lightly scraped the length of the shaft, teased the slit, tugged lightly at the underside of the head, humming in his throat as he sucked deeply.

"Uh! Uh! UH!"

His body spasmed once and he let out a long, soft cry as he came. Balls constricting tightly and he came, erupting in his lovers throat and moaning piteously in pleasure, shuddering in ecstasy. Orgasm danced behind his eyes, down all his synapses and up again to give him pleasure, and oh, Christ but he moaned in pleasure, shivering hard as he pushed the rest of his orgasm out band fell, in a heap.

Lionel released his lover's hands as he came, bracing both hands on Dominic's hips as he sucked hard, swallowing every drop that was poured into his throat.

He let out a harsh sob at the long, hard suck, eyes rolling back. His arms stayed above his head as Dominic sucked his orgasm from him and oh, fuck he moaned, pleasured and in a glorious ache as he shivered and thrust up softly, whimpering. "L-Lionel, oh, my lovely."

Lionel slowly pulled his mouth off his lover's cock, and rested his chin in the indent of his stomach. "Yes, my cricket, I'm here."

He just groaned, offering his arms to him. "B-baby, so hard. Let me... baby. Please, you're so..." His thigh came up to gently stroke over a hard erection.

Lionel shuddered, but rubbed against the towel that felt like sandpaper on his sensitive organ. "No, Jiminy. You can't over-exert yourself too much. I won't let you." He stroked his lover's forehead softly.

"Then get inside me. won't over-exert anything. Get inside? Want you inside me." He whimpered softly and nodded several times, fingertips stroking his lovers face. "Please?"

Lionel shook his head no, again. "As much as I want to, my cricket, I cannot. Don't... please don't beg me. I can't, because that'll just make you hot and sweaty again, and that isn't good for you." His hands tightened on his lover's hips.

"But its good hot and sweaty." And he was begging, tugging on his lovers shoulders softly and whimpering. "Please Lionel, please make love to me. Please. I miss you, I want you inside me. We can shower again. Please?"

Lionel's resolve was quickly weakening. "Please, Dominic... don't... I can't. I can't say no when you beg like this, but it's not good for you."

"Making love with you is good for me. It brings my heart up. My heart needs it too. Please, please." He begged softly, his thighs spreading and lifting his hips, just a little, under his lover, wrapping around his waist. "Please, Lionel, please. Its been too long, I want you to spear inside me, take the pleasure my body can give you. Please, I'll understand if you don't want to, but I want to. So much."

Lionel's hands framed his lover's face, so tenderly. "Never, ever think that I don't want you, Dominic. Every second, I want you." He leaned forward, his fingers stroking gently into his lover, slick with water and precome, then he pulled away, reaching for the small tube beside their bed. He nearly picked up the Vicks jar, and put it safely out of his reach as he picked up the clear gel instead, and slicked his fingers and his cock with a single motion. His fingers returned to his lover's opening, and stroked firmly inside.

His head fell back against the pillows and he groaned, softly, tugging one of the pillows out from under Lionel's pillow and lifting his hips enough so that he could slide it underneath. It gave him more movement, and his legs wrapped around Lionel, one on his shoulder and the other around his back. Soft grunt of pleasure as his lovers fingers speared him, so good, so thick, and he squeezed tightly around them, arching his hips in offering. He loved it, loved it when Lionel made his soft noises, when he shivered and tried not to, and he wanted the pleasure he knew he could bring his sweet lover. "Yes, yes, oh, God."

"Ssssh." Lionel moved quickly, his hard cock a weight between his legs as he groaned softly, pressing the wide head against the stretched opening, and then pushing forward. Another soft noise as he thrust in, sheathing himself carefully inside his lover, fingers moving to wind together with Dominic's.

He squeezed the fingers that came through his and opened himself more, looping both legs around his lovers upper back and shoulders as he opened himself wide and squeezed tightly around the long erection sheathed inside of him. He was so big, so very big, wide and hard and he whimpered loudly, squeezing tightly around the length as he brought him close. Couldn't kiss his lover, at all, but he could kiss everything else, and his fingers scraped hard nipples as his mouth fought for the ear hidden under damp hair.

Lionel threw his mop of damp hair over his shoulder, lowering his head so that Dominic's mouth could find the ear he was looking for, and he started to stroke inside his lover. Hard, pounding strokes instead of the simple, easy loving they usually shared, because he was hungry, his body driving him to ride hard and fast, urging towards orgasm.

Oh God yes! YES! Dominic let out a soft cry, begging as he moved his hips up with each pound into him, his mouth sucking hard at the ear he found. He bit around the edge of it and sucked another hickey from behind Lionel's earlobe, biting at the skin and sucking hard as his lover moved. His fingers continued on tight nipples, rolling and pinching them in his fingers, tugging them away from his body as his heart shuddered in pleasure. "Yes, Lionel, my love, yes, oh God, yes, please!"

The tight squeeze on the bruised nipple caused a savage thrust into Dominic's body, and his fingers moved to grip the sheets under Dominic's head tightly as he rocked, each time forcing himself deep and then rocking easily back out before burying himself again. He grunted with each hard stroke, each pinch of his nipples.

Felt himself refilling with each pound in and he wailed in joy, throwing his head back and arching his back as he offered himself to Lionel's every whim. Quick, hard thrusts that all but made his head swim, and he whimpered his pleasure as he pressed up and down, in and out, squeezing hard as his free hand came down to his cock and began to jack himself off. His eyes closed tightly and his heels pressed into Lionel's back, begging with each whimper for more, begging and pleading, because he wanted so much.

Maria blinked. Looked at the door she'd just come in from. And blinked again. No one had answered, and she'd heard cries of pain, and had rushed her Hispanic culo up the stairs as fast as she could. Banged on the door, NO answer. And so she'd pushed, shoved, and finally got her set of master keys out, opening the door to Señor Luthor's room.

She didn't expect to see Dominic Senatori with his legs over Señor Luthor's back, screaming in whatever plesuras he was having. Jesus almighty on His Cross. "Señor LUUUTTOORR!" She screamed.

Lionel couldn't help it. He shuddered and came, thrusting hard into his lover as Dominic squeezed him, pleading for more and Lionel gave it, burying himself to the hilt and coming in the exact second an ear-piercing shriek shattered the quiet privacy of their bedroom. He swore softly as he came, shuddering in his lover's arms.

Dominic was beyond hearing as he shuddered, orgasm flooding his body as he arched, gasping in pleasure and ache as he continuing to jack off his hard erection as fast as he could, groaning hard as Lionel's climax filled him full. So hot inside, so delicious, and he whimpered, not having even heard anyone enter as he shivered. "L-L... ple.."

"Señor Lutor, what are you est DOIN'?!" She shrieked, bellowing as loud as she could.

Lionel dropped his head to Dominic's shoulder before pulling out, covering his lover with the sheet and himself with the discarded towel. "I'm making love to my husband, Maria, what do you think?"

Dominic very literally gagged on his gasp, staring at the woman for a heartbeat before whimpering and wrapping his arms around Lionel's neck and hiding his face as the Mexican woman looked on. Oh, dear Jesus. Oh, DEAREST Jesus, and he flushed eight shades of crimson and two of pink as his hard cock gave an equally hard pulse. It was mortifying that she'd found them... but kind of arousing, too.

"You… your... HUSBAND?!" She shrieked again,a nd took the nearest weapon, a sock, shaking it at him. "CHU should be ashamed! Ashamed! Screaming like the house is falling apart... ashamed! I thought you were hurt! You... I canno' believe you!"

Lionel slipped his hand under the sheet as he cradled his lover beside him, stroking softly. "Yes, my husband, madam, and you will exit this room immediately. The door was locked, I do believe, and I'd appreciate it if you would surrender your keys to Ms. Bird this moment."

"You cannot be husband! You are man! MAN!" She threw the sock at him. "Don't you ever scream like that again, you terrify old women!" She threw her glare on Dominic's turned head, again at Lionel, and she glared all the more as she stomped out of the room, the door closing a little more forcefully then was necessary behind her.

"Call Ms. Bird, and make sure that she gets the keys from this... harridan, as he batted the sock out of the way. "I'll talk to Lex about her this evening."

Whimper. Nod, as he kept his face properly hidden in his lovers throat, shivering and keeping him close as his body throbbed. "Can feel your come inside me."

Soft shudder, and he pressed his cheek close. "I know." His hand started stroking again under the sheet. "Once you've talked to Ms. Bird, clean up and promise you'll rest."

"W… will rest, will..." The shudder this time raced through his body, and he raised his hips under the sheets in offering, shivering and thrashing softly. The pleasure, the heat, was a slow ascent into delicious ache, and his leg wrapped around his lovers hip, moving into the palm that surrounded his throbbing erection. "Pl… please, beloved, yes, oh.."

Lionel tightened his grip on his lover's cock, squeezing it as he stroked, thumbnail scraping lightly over the slit as he briefly let go to fondle his lover's balls once before wrapping his hand back around Dominic's cock. "Sssh... you're so beautiful, little cricket."

He jerked his hips up, whimpering once more as he grasped a handful of his lovers thick hair, dragging him down for a kiss. Didn't care if he was sick, he couldn't not kiss him any longer, and he arched, thrusting his hips as he moaned. "Sorry, so sorry, pl--.." peppered kisses all over his lips, his chin, cheeks, biting and licking at his lovers jaw as his free arm came up and wrapped around long shoulders.

Lionel kissed back, not caring though he knew he should, arching his head into the pleasurable tug on his hair as he returned the kiss with deep passion. "Don't worry, don't be sorry, just kiss me," Lionel ordered gruffly, his other hand sliding between Dominic's thighs to rolls his balls gently, scraping them with his nails as he ground the head firmly as he jacked.

"Ah! AH!" He cried as Lionel did that thing and he gasped, thrusting up as the soft pain laced with pleasure and his eyes rolled closed. He grasped his lovers hair even tighter and pulled him in for another hard kiss, his hips quickening, jerking, skin breaking out into goosebumps. He shut his eyes tightly... so close, so close, "Close! So close, close, Lionel!"

Lionel just purred softly into his lover's mouth, feeling the thrusts of his lover's hips as he repeated the same motion again, grinding the head down just a little more firmly than before, scraping his lover's balls a little more roughly than before, tugging them gently and rolling them before dropping them entirely and squeezing his lover's cock.

He exploded as soon as Lionel's fingers squeezed around him. He arched hard and came so deliciously hard, a vibrating gasp of pleasure sliding from his lips. A hard shake, a shudder, and he whimpered loudly as he wrapped his thighs around his lovers waist, and his arms around his neck, kissing him hard as his cock spurted on his belly, biting down on a delicious lip and moaning.

Lionel surrendered his mouth to is lover as soon as he felt the orgasm spilling out. He whipped the towel from around his waist and handed it to his lover to clean up with, leaning over for a little taste before sitting back up. "I have to leave soon, Jiminy," he said softly. "I do have to get back to the site."

"Mm'know." He muttered, as he wiped the come off his belly haphazardly and rolled over, facing his love. He was so warm and comfy, so cozy, and he sighed in soft pleasure as he set his head onto his lovers thigh and kissed the limp cock between his thighs, wrapping his arms around his waist. "I love you, so. Thank you, Lionel."

"You don't have to thank me, little cricket. It was... in all respects... my pleasure." He smiled down softly at his lover, and gently slid his fingers through Dominic's hair. "I love you, you realize."

"I do. There hasn't been a day since our weekend in your penthouse that I've doubted it. Of course, I tried to dissuade you, but you're quite the stubborn individual, you know." Dominic's fingertips gently wrapped around his lovers wrist, as he rose to sitting and sniffled, hard, as he felt his head getting all clogged again. "We're good for each other. More than love, I'm so very comfortable with you. I can let you see me take a piss, or brush my teeth, or kiss me in the morning before I've even done so, and its definitely alright. You… just kissed me, when my mouth is full of flu germs. I mean, if that's not devotion, I don't know what is." Big grin.

Lionel slid his hands up, to gently massage his lover's temples. "Toni gave me a flu shut, and I am fully confident in her serums, beads, rattles, and incantations. She will keep me well, and I'm not afraid of a few germs. Besides, I haven't been overworking myself as you have, and I would like to think I'm a little less susceptible than you are."

"Probably nod." Cough. "Not. I don't overwork myself, its you who overworks and I won't have it. Understood?" A soft smile at him, as he stroked over his hair. "Do you think it would be alright if I came with you, for an hour or two? In all seriousness, now, Lionel. I'll wear a sweater, and bring a blanket too, and my thermos of coffee. Id just like to work on the finances for a bit, so it won't be piled up on us later on. And as I know all of them, and since you've been sick you don't, it would be the smartest thing. I promise, I'll be home by three."

Lionel sighed. "You shouldn't ask me things like that. You know how hard it is for me to resist you." He grinned down, softly. "I do not overwork."

"Its a gift." Big smile up at him. "You overwork yourself until you're nearly dead. Last night you didn't come in until one. The night before, we both came in at midnight. Getting six hours of sleep might be a thing of our twenties, beloved, but neither you or I are twenty any longer. You need eight hours."

"I didn't get eight hours when I was twenty, little cricket. I am not going to start at this late date."

Glare. Pure. Glare.

Lionel gazed serenely back.

"Eight hours. Nine, if I can swing it. Are we perfectly clear, Mr. Luthor?"

"Are you attempting to order me around, Mr. Senatori?" Crooked eyebrow.

"Who said anything about attempting?" Eyebrow, right back. "Get used to it. It'll serve you well."

Lionel shuddered softly. "Yes, sir."

It excited him. More than he could imagine, and his eyes went wide, body going very still. Licked his lips softly... swallowed. "What did you say?"

Lionel raised a wicked smile. "I said... Yes, sir."

A pause. "Isn't that the typical response to an order?"

His long, expelled breath was just this side of shaky. Ohhhboy. "It.." Cleared throat. "Yes. It is, indeed. However... it is something you've never said to me before."


Lionel gave another smile. "You'll probably likely never hear it again either," he teased softly. "I don't call many people sir."

"You're going to call me sir." He said it without thinking, and before he knew it he was on his knees in front of his lover, glaring at him though there was heat in his eyes. "Until I'm through with you tonight, you're going to address me as sir. And if you in any way disobey me, Lionel, I'll be sure to have a true punishment waiting for you."

Lionel's other eyebrow elevated to almost his scalp. "Oh, I will?"

"Yes." Confidently spoken. "You will."

"As you wish." It was softly spoken. "Sir," was added to the end of it.

His lips spread. Broadly. Big smile, lots of teeth, deep dimples in his cheeks as he squirmed in pleasure, scooting closer. "Good. You're mine for the day, Lionel, and you know what they say about bottoms. They make the best tops." He reached out and licked his lovers nose. "I won't torture you with beads, or clamps, or anything else that could be fun. No... I'll let you work the rest of the day, with you knowing you're mine to do with as I so wish. And that the pain, and the pleasure, are something I sincerely doubt you've experienced in my own way before."

Lionel nibbled on the dimple in the cheek closest to him. "I always belong to you, little, cricket. I'm always yours to do with as you please. You've just never taken advantage of it before."

"I know." Big grin and he couldn't help cuddling his lover close, his eyes dancing as he rubbed his thumb over his lovers cheek bone. "I love it when you call me that, you know. Little cricket. No one ever gave me a nickname before you. I love it."

"Well, it's always yours. You're always my little cricket." He kissed the thumb stroking his cheekbone. "I'm glad you like it."

"If you call me that again before I'm through with you, though?" His fingers came up to twist a nipple. "Well, you'll really like the results."

"What, little cricket? Jiminy?" He hissed in soft pleasure as his nipple was twisted.

"I am sir to you, Mr. Luthor." The same tone Lionel had taken with him for years, and Dominic's insides twisted in slippery notes of desire, his eyes lighting with it as he leaned over his lover. "And if you must, you may address me as Mr. Senatori. In case of emergency. Clear?"

Lionel quirked a small grin. "It's clear... sir."

His lips spread. "Good." But he broke out of the game to wrap his arms around his lovers neck, giving him a big kiss on the cheek. "Off with you, beloved. I'm going to go back to sleep, after I speak with Ms. Bird."

"Good for you. And I'll watch for you. Do not come to the site any earlier than three, thank you, and you will leave at six. Do you understand me, because I will not have you sick again, or worsening your condition."

"Okay." Agreed, as he slid from the covers and almost fell flat on his back at the rush of blood to his head, blinking down at his cock, glaring at it into submission, and let go of the side post with a sigh back at his lover. "Sorry, darling. It doesn't know where to go. I think its in my head again." He walked into the closet for a pair of long pajama pants… Lionel's, again, in soft blue cotton, and a white t-shirt and socks. "If you leave before I come back up, I love you, Lionel."

Loud chuckle. "I love you, Dominic." He was amused that his lover was choosing his pajamas over Dominic's own. "I understand the blood rushing to your head."

Crooked grin and off he went, stepping over Lionel's cell phone and laptop and scampering off down the steps. His socks were quiet on the steps, and he stopped on the first floor closet to tug on a zip down sweater, pulling it on as well and shivering as he snuggled into it. The house smelled like pot roast and it turned his stomach, though he wasn't about to admit it to anyone. The thought of food at this particular moment, after he'd done nothing but get stuffed with soup and what have you in the past two days, made him ill. But he pushed open the door to the kitchen, and smiled at the bustling woman behind the stove. "Hi, Ms. Bird."

Hilde cursed in her native language as she was startled by his sudden appearance. "Vhat are chu doing here!!" she bellowed. "Chu should be in bed!"

His eyes widened as she yelled, and his throat bobbed with his wince as he slid onto a stool. "I'm better?" Cough. "I actually have something to talk to you about, Ms. Bird. Has... Maria come through here?"

"Ja, und she vas ranting in Spenish aboot something."

"Us. She...sort of." A furious, furious blush that turned his Irish complexion beet red. "Its all but gotten to the point that we put up a neon sign. Love Making in Progress, Please Stay Out."

Ms. Bird snorted. "Nein. Perhaps chu should tink aboot locking de doors."

"We did." Dominic gazed at her in horror. "We locked it. And she heard us..." More red blush. "Being vocal, thought someone was being murdered, and barged right in. But... she also said some things, and.." He looked down. "We'd like to keep her out of the bedrooms, if that's at all possible."

Ms. Bird just nodded. "Ja. I vill tek de keys avay from her, und give dem to Enrique instead. Chould I have un talk vith her aboot dis?"

"I don't appreciate being called a that. And her insinuating that there's something wrong with our marriage, even if it isn't a conventional one."

"Chould I talk to Herr Lex aboot her dismissal den?"

"No." A quick shake of his head. He wouldn't let someone get fired over this, no, not at all. "No. I just wanted to keep you aware of what all is going on. I don't want to feel uncomfortable in the place I live, Ms. Bird."

"Chu von't be. I'll see to it personally." She bustled over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I give chu my vord. Ve will take care of dis. I vill be speaking to Herr Lex about having her sent to de penthouse staff instead, or to the Spanish palazzo."

"Thank you, Ms. Bird." He gave her a little smile and kissed back, before he climbed to his feet. "I'm going to go sleep for a bit. I'm going to go out to the sight later," Before she flipped out, he touched her hand. "I have to. Our work is piling up, we're opening in four days, and none of the accounts are done. Have Enrique bring the car around by three, and then have him come get me at six?"

"Does Herr Luthor know about this?" she asked, hands going to her hips as she clutched a wooden spoon in her hand.

"Yes?" Wince. "I talked him into it. He was just as adamant as you've been, but I have to get out of here for a few hours." Harder wince.

The wooden spoon came up and started shaking. "Chu!! Chu chould not be vorking so soon! De doctor chust saw you dis morning!!"

"But I've been sick for two days?" Wince and he hid from her spoon. "Ms Bird, I think I gave whatever it is I had do someone." A cough, a little sniffle. "Probably Lindy, or my mom. I'm feeling much better." A moment, and he looked up at her. "You're my favorite person, by the way. Thank you, for changing the sheets and making the room look less gross, before."

The spoon bounced off the top of his head. "Compliments vill not mek me any happier aboot dis!"

"AH! Ms. Bird!!" He rubbed his head out of principle. "I'm sorry! I won't work hard, I promise. Lionel won't let me." A sad look at her. "He's like Hitler, with a handsome face."

The spoon bounced again. "Chu chouldn't be vorking at all!"

"I have to." A wince at her, as he cowered just like he did when her mother had cookery in her hands. "If not, we'll lose the business."

"Chu need an assistant!" she yelled, and the spoon banged one more time before it clattered into the sink.

"I have one. He's just too busy flirting with a young woman to come assist me."

"Den chu should hire somevun to tek his place!"



go on to the next part