
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 158: Up In the Air

Lex had his hands very, very full of a delicate situation.

Clark was prowling the bedroom like a caged tiger. Furniture was tossed about in disarray, as they'd been in the middle of rearranging the room when Clark had gone almost completely feral. Snarling, yelling, and it had taken every ounce of Lex's willpower and then some to keep his lover from barreling out the door.

There were red welts on his skin from where he'd fought Clark at one point, during the height of his rage, but they were already disappearing as time passed.

Not to mention, there was a very interesting development in the weather that Lex was almost certain had to be related to his lover.

He hadn't meant to. The moment he'd realized he'd hurt his aushna, he'd let go in horror, and the anger he felt went down a level. As it was, however, he was walking back and forth in fury, snarling every time Lex tried to talk to him. He could barely keep hold of the human part of his soul and he stalked the bedroom, fingers flexing at his sides as he fought to reign in his temper. He was a calm young man, but when ANY of his sha'nauch were in trouble, hurting, anything, he couldn't help what he did, or how he felt.

"Clark, calm down." Lex said it for the thousandth time, and didn't expect any more of an answer or a reaction this time than he'd gotten any other time before.

A snarl at the part of the room Lex happened to be sitting in, as he prowled, back and forth. He was not going to stop until the two people he cared for as he cared for his aushna' were safe. His muscles were thrumming, his body tight with anger and adrenaline, and he rubbed his fingers through his short hair.

Lex didn't realize he was baring his teeth at the snarl until he felt his mouth moving back into place. "You are going to wear a groove in the floor if you don't stop pacing. You can't simply go and rip Chloe and Whitney out of their homes."

"You do not tell me what to do!" He roared back, barely keeping himself from tearing the room apart as he snarled it, and kept right on pacing. If he didn't pace he was going to tear a hole through the wall.

Another baring of teeth. "Actually I do, because in this case, I know what I'm talking about."

This time Clark caught it, and he snarled again, louder and harder. How dare his lover try to keep him from protecting their sha'nauch! TRENK! "You wish me to keep away, to not help them? They are SHA'NAUCH!" He roared.

"Yes, and you'll only make it worse on them if you barge in there, all Kryptonian guns blazing. You'll not only out yourself to half of Smallville, you'll terrify their parents, and keep them away not only from each other but you instead. Is that what you want, Clark?"

He glared at his lover for a long moment, as more of the fight seeped out of him and he let out a loud roar of fury before flopping face first on the bed. The adrenaline slowed from his pounding veins and he slowly returned to his normal contours, long fingers grasping the blanket in fury as he let out another long cry into it.

Lex moved from the corner of the room he was leaning against and sat down on the bed beside his lover, stroking his shrinking back. "I know how you feel, Clark. I know how you feel helpless."

Clark didn't bother saying anything, just laying sprawled on the sheets as the thunder rolled overhead, and he breathed calmly. Calm. Water. Trees. Spring. He could be calm. He could be very, very, very calm. Only the lord knew how he was trying, as he turned to press his face into his lovers thigh, his hands stroking up his sides. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Clark. You didn't hurt me, see?" He raised his shirt to show where the red marks were all but gone. "It's all right. I understand being upset."

"I know." He raised up, pressing his lips to where the marks were disappearing, and looked up at his lover softly, sadly, as he fought the rest of his temper like a mad man. "I'm sorry. He was so angry. I couldn't help it."

"I know you couldn't. I don't blame you." Lex pulled his shirt off the rest of the way, and scooted up to lie beside his lover so they met face to face, his hand resting lightly on Clark's hip. "I'll talk to Mr. Sullivan tomorrow and see if Chloe can come over Saturday."

"I thought he was going to go over there and kill him." He whispered softly to him, as he brought a big arm around a slender back, cupping his lover closer and sharing a pillow with him effortlessly. He was feeling guilty now, big time, and he rubbed his lovers flank gently with tender fingers. "Baby, I'm so sorry."

"Don't give it another thought." Lex rubbed his hand over Clark's hip and the curve of a firm ass as Clark snuggled him close. "I know you were. But that's why I'm here. To help you remember you can't do that." He kissed Clark's shoulder gently. "To help you deal with the anger."

He nodded softly and let his body melt back into his lovers hands, calming down until he felt himself loosening. His muscles relaxed, his heart stopped trying to beat out of his chest, and he rested softly on the blankets, his eyes closed.

Until he felt a very cold nose nosing the small of his back, and he blinked at Lex in suspicion for a moment.

Sniffle. Snifflesniffle. The Clark Butt smelled good! Sniiiiiiiiiiiiiifff.

Lex raised his head to peer over Clark's shoulder, then dropped his lover and held out his hands to his little princess. "Come here, baby," Lex called out.

Clark oomphed and rolled onto his back, sighing and rolling his eyes at the ceiling as Cleo hopped up, all ears, onto his belly. He peered at her, and she peered right back at him with big brown eyes. "How is it that every time I'm about to proposition my lover, you and your brothers show up?"

"Arf!" Big beam, and she leapt from his belly and right into The Lex's arms. YAY! She thought she was going to get lost, but then, she didn't! Cause she was cool and all.

Lex caught his little girl easily, and scratched behind her ears. "Tell your father that you're the smartest one of all the pups, and that's how you know." He rubbed his chin on top of her head, and kissed a velvety soft ear.

No fair!! Samson arfed from the floor, and wiggled his butt as he got ready to jump. He landed right in the middle of the bed, and plodded up Clark's chest to plop right in the middle of it, so that his nose was right up against Clark's. "Whuff!"

Couldn't care less. HELLO there was The Lex and Cleo was wicked happy to just BE there. I mean, really. Kissies, and her bruders, and The Clark giving the big lip smile thing that the big people did? Yeah. She was happy.

Clark glared even harder, even as a smile tugged his lips, and he pushed his nose against a wet one and gave him the stare down as he swung his puppy's tail around. "Look at this, no manners. And I love you guys toooo much to spank you like you should be."

"You're not going to spank this little princess." Lex kissed her ear again. "I know what you want." He leaned over, then realized the dresser wasn't there, and dug under the pillows instead and came up with the small bag of puppy treats that all but lived in their bed. "Here we are."

"Leeex." Clark made a face, making sure Samson was on his chest with his arm, and leaned down for Artie, who was waiting patient beside the bed. He lifted him up and snuggled him on top of a shoulder, nosing his little cheek gently and hugging his dear little dogs close.

"ARROOOOOO!" Cleo exploded, leaping in The Lex's arms. YES! The Nummy Things! WOOOOOOOO!!!!! "Aroooooobarkbarkbark!!!"

"Claaaaaark," Lex whined back.

Artie was one laid back little pooch, and he knew it. He was cool. He was the John Travolta of the litter, and he didn't work for it. He knew, for example, if he waited long enough, the Clark would pick him up. Cause the Clark was cool that way. So Artie hunkered down and waited for liftoff, then licked Clark's mouth when he nosed him. "BAAARK!!"

"BARK!! arfarfarfarfarfarfarfarf!!!!" Samson wiggled around until his butt was in Clark's face and he was nosing the bag full of treats.

Clark lifted Samsons little hind legs in the air by putting them in his palm, and snickered around at him as he looked at his little puppy upside down. "No Samson butt, thank you." He pushed himself to sitting and leaned over Cleo's wild little barking, and kissed his lover. Pressed his mouth close… slanted... and dove. His tongue slid in and sucked, kissing softly as he wound his around Lex's and pushed a little closer, as Cleo barked and grabbed onto his shirt collar with her teeth.


Samson skidded down Clark's chest, scrabbling for grip as he ended up in his lap, and then launched himself at Lex, thudding into Lex's chest as he pawed at the bag, whining.

Lex held the bag up out of the reach of curious puppies as he kissed his lover, thrusting his tongue back in answer to Clark's possessive pushes, and squeezing as close to his lover as he could without squishing puppies between them. He carefully plucked Cleo off Clark's collar and set her back in his lap as he used the other hand to cradle Clark's face carefully.

Clark's own fingers left, letting Artie slip into his own lap as he cupped Lex's neck gently and turned him into his kisses, licking softly at delicious, soft, wide lips, nipping at them a little sharper than he'd meant to, tongue tracing the outrageously sexy scar. His fingers came up and stroked over the knob that drove him crazy, eyes fluttering softly as he made a quiet nose in his chest, gently kissing his lover again.

UGH! No FAIR! They were getting THE smell, the one that meant the puppies had to leave them alone so they could make noises! NO FAIR! SHE WANTED NUMMIES!

She head butted the Lex in the stomach. HELLO. PUPPIES! HERE!

Lex moaned softly at the nibble to the scar, and then again, a little louder and harsher as Clark's hands stroked the knob on the back of his skull. Never before he'd met Clark had it been such a pleasure spot for him, but his lover's mild obsession with it had made it so and he arched in happiness as Clark stroked it and touched it.

Then he oofed softly into the kiss as he was headbutted, and dropped the treat bag behind him as his hand scooped Cleo up and put her on the bed beside him.

The oomph in his mouth brought a blink out of Clark before he looked down at the puppies looking expectantly at him. He was... everything was kind of hot now, but the little puppies were gazing at them so piteously, and Cleo was crying, and he sighed softly. Let Lex's lips go and gazed down at the puppies staring at them with huge eyes, Cleo crooning softly as she cried, and he lifted her up and gave her a big kiss on the head. "Shhhh. Spoiled. Come on, sweetie. We'll feed you doggie treats." A glance at Lex slyly, shyly, almost teasingly as he climbed from the bed. "You guys can hang out here, while we finish moving, kay?"

"Unrgh." Frustrated growl from Lex, and he plucked Cleo out of Clark's arms and held her up to his face. "You're lucky I like you, little princess." He cradled her in the crook of one elbow as he picked up the bag of puppy treats with the other, and handed the bag to Clark. "Come on, little girl, don't cry." He rubbed his cheek against her soft, soft tummy. "It's okay, Lex loves his little princess Cleopatra."

YAYAYAYYAYAY! The tears were gone in a sec and she barked happily, bopping in his lap as she arfed at the Clark. YEAH! Come ON The Clark!

Clark coughed hard, and if he muttered sucker amongst it he didn't let on, smiling innocently at his lover as he offered a treat for Cleo, and another two for Artie and the same hand. He'd been noticing something about Samson lately, and he watched carefully to see if his puppy greedily took both little treats.

Samson pounced on the offered hand, scarfing down both of the delicious little nummies and licking Clark's hand clean of crumbs, looking up for more.

Artie just looked up, sighed a little puppy sigh, and put his head back down.

Lex took the treat from Clark and put it in the palm of his own hand and offered it to Cleo. "Here you go, princess."

Clark swat Samson on the butt. Not hard, but enough for punishment, and he glared down at the puppy, as much as he didn't want to. Artie hadn't been eating for at least two days, at least not what was coming out of his bowl, because Samson was a little pig. "Bad. Puppy." He took out two treats and lifted Artie into his arms, setting the baby down on his lap, and offered the little guy the two treats as he glared at Samson. "Your brother has been through enough, and you're being a pig. Jeez, Samson."

Samson cried. The Clark had popped him! He whined and cried, making sad little puppy noises as he jumped off the bed and scurried under it, crying softly and whimpering. The Clark didn't like him anymore! He'd been a Bad Puppy!

Artie sniffed the treats for a second, waited to see if anyone was going to snack them, and when they didn't disappear, Artie inhaled both of them. Barely chewed, and snuffled in Clark's empty hand for more.

"I am not bending." Clark said it Lex's way, as he lifted Artie in his arms. "I'm going to go feed him, he's starving. Samsons been eating his food, that's why Artie's been sleeping so much." He cradled said little King Arthur in his arms and climbed up to his feet. "Need anything from the kitchen baby?"

Lex snapped his mouth shut on the protest he was about to make. "No, I'm--wait. Yes. There's a pint of fresh strawberries in the refrigerator. Bring those, and whipped topping, with you when you come back. I'm getting hungry. Meanwhile... I'll try and coax Samson out."

Clark's heart was nearly broken at the little whines coming from under the bed, but he tried as hard as he could to stand firm, as he cradled Artie close. "Have to show him he can't be doing that. I'm not going to let Artie die from malnutrition because Samson's a big oinker." He turned on his heel and down the steps he went.

Luthor House was very quiet for a Thursday evening, but he didn't mind it. He just walked into the kitchen, careful of the squeaky door so he wouldn't disturb Ms. Bird in her rooms, and got out the strawberries Lex had asked for, as well as the cream. Added in a bottle of that ty-whatever that Lex loved so much, though Clark had no idea why he would other than for rim practicing, and then opened a can of the good dog food, not the dry kind. He warmed it a little in the microwave, and bent down for Artie's little bowls. One for water, one for the good food, and he set both in front of his puppy as he sat down in front of him and gently coaxed him close. "Here, baby. See? its good. Come on, my baby boy."

Artie sniffed around as Clark opened the dog food can, and squirmed a little bit as he realized the other hims weren't around. Which was way too cool. Because... yay, food!

He padded quietly over to the Clark and to the yummy smelling bowls. Oh, yum. Warm and yummy and he snuffled it, then looked up at Clark.

Clark was near tears. "Its for you. See?" He smiled at him and pushed the bowls gently towards him, nodding as he rubbed his babies back. "I'm sorry I didn't see earlier than this, Artie. Its been wild around here lately. Eat, baby. I won't let Sammy take your food anymore, okay?"

Artie turned around and licked Clark's hand, and then flomped down in the floor in front of the bowl, nose going straight in the food as he started chowing down. Slurp, gulp, barely chewing, chomping some more, popping jowls, and the food quickly disappeared.

Clark knew better than to give him more, as it was going to make him sick, but a little more wouldn't hurt. He rose and opened a second can, putting half into a little microwave bowl, and heated it up just enough, before he settled back on his knees and poured it into his little babies bowl. "There. Eat all you want, kay? I know you were hungry, baby. I'm sorry I couldn't tell before. I love you, Artie, you know. I'm sorry, baby."

While the Clark heated up more of the yummy food stuff, Artie stuck his nose in the water bowl, sneezed when he got a snootful, and started drinking. He lapped up nearly half the bowl when he raised a drippy mouth and planed a sloppy wet kiss on Clark's cheek. "Whuff!" he barked, and then buried his nose back in the bowl and scarfed.

Oh yeah. So maybe he did cry a little, but it was his business, wasn't it? He got up and got a glass from the cupboard, filling it with cold water and refilling the bowl of water. Set the glass down beside him as his baby ate, gently stroking his flank once in a while as he ate. "That's my little baby. Yes, it is. You eat really good, Artie, you know that? You've got my digestion, little man."

Artie licked Clark's hand every once in a while as he finished eating, then he gave a little puppy burp and flopped in front of the water bowl and started drinking again. He drank another half bowl of water, then shook his jowls dry, and peered up at the Clark. "Woof!"

He beamed at his puppy and pulled him in close to his arms, rubbing his back softly so he could digest a little. "There you go. See, there we go. I'd have figured it out sooner or later. There's my little puppy." He pressed soft kisses to the top of his head, and gently rubbed his long ears. "There we go."

Another wet lick with a cold tongue. "Wooooooof!!!!" He wiggled down. Not that he didn't love the kisses and the strokes, but there was serious puppy business to take care of.

Like getting rid of all the water.

"Oh. Oh!" A quick nod and he rose to his feet, letting out the supersonic whistle for the other two to get their buns down the steps for their last walk of the night. He retrieved the three leashes off the hook on the wall beside the kitchen door, stepping out with Artie in his arms. "Lex! Hey, Lex, lets get the puppies out before it gets any later. The rain stopped."

Lex didn't bother yelling. He knew Clark would hear him. "Samson won't come out, but Cleo's on the way down."

Dammit. "Can you hold it, Art?"

Whine, but Artie ran to the stairs instead of the door.

Up the stairs he went, following Artie quietly and patting his leg for Cleo, who'd dashed down the steps at super speeds, to follow them back up. Down the darkened hall and to the light spilling out of their cracked open bedroom door. It was so strange not stopping at the third door, but rather the eighth down, and he paused for a moment to look at the locked door.

It seemed appropriate. That part of their lives were over, and now nothing but good was on the way. But he looked at the door sadly, anyway, for a single moment before he continued down the hall. He could hear Sammy whimpering and he whimpered a little himself, as he pushed open the bedroom door and looked at his lover, crouched on the floor. "Dammit."

"He won't come out. All he does is cry and whimper. And I can't reach him; he's scooted all the way in the back. He won't even come out for treats." Lex sighed, half his torso and his head angled under the bed.

"Artie ate two bowls of water and food." Clark said softly, as his hand ran down the length of his lovers spine... down his ass, cupping where he knew the tiny hole was and stroking with his entire palm over the area. His middle finger stroked up further, across the bottom of his lovers balls, all through clothes, all to tease, as he crouched down too. "Samson, get out of there right now, mister." He said evenly but seriously at the tiny fur ball under the mattress.

Lex arched into the teasing strokes, and nearly banged his head against the underside of the bed as he slid out. "Bastard," Lex swore softly as he turned around to bite lightly at Clark's throat and shoulder.

Samson just cowered in the back corner under the bed.

Clark groaned softly, trapping Lex a little as he bit and sucked, and swallowed down another one so he wouldn't frighten his puppies. "Samson. Samson, come on. I'm sorry I popped you one, okay? You can't go around eating other people's food. I don't want Artie to die, Sammy, and if you keep eating his food he will. You know? So come out here, and let's talk, man to man."

"aaaaaaaaooooooooooooooooo," Samson howled softly, and hunkered down further. He put his paws over his floppy ears and cried.

"Okay. Crap." Clark pushed back and lifted it. ..The bed. Entirely. It wasn't hard, at all, and he balanced it carefully so he wouldn't bang and break the other furniture in the room. "Could you get him, Lex?"

Lex just blinked. "Um. Yeah." Lex crawled over to Samson, cooing softly at him as he picked the scared little puppy up and scooted out from under where the bed sat, and moved to sit against the wall. "There we go. It's okay, little guy."

Samson just cried all the harder, and shoved his nose and face under Lex's elbow and snuffled.

Oooh. What fell? Artie trotted over to the floor where the bag of treats had fallen. Quick whuff as he grabbed it in his teeth and tugged it out of the way, and then pawed at the bag until he shredded it open.

He took one of the treats in his mouth, and trotted over to Samson. He spit the slobbery treat out on Lex's knee, and chomped on Samson's tail to get his attention.

Cleo blinked at the Clark. Must have been the puppy chow.

Ever so carefully, Clark lowered the bed to the middle of the insanely moved around, not yet done room, and straightened the mattress and covers before he crawled his way to Lex and Samson. Saw what Artie had done, and yeah, he loved his little puppies so much, as he tapped Samson on the head. "Excuse me, sir."

Samson just scurried deeper under Lex's elbow, vanishing almost completely before turning around and sticking his nose out at the Clark.

Clark softened and sat down beside his lover, offering his arms for the puppy. "C'mere, Samson."

"Bark!" Sharp little yip, and he hid back under Lex's arm again.

"Alright." He blew a breath out. "Samson, I'm sorry I had to punish you. I didn't want to, but you've been eating Artie's food, you know? And I've been in a temper all day, so I'm sorry I kind of took it out on you. I just... don't want you eating Artie's food anymore, kay? You've got to share. He's your brother after all, the only one you've got, and you've gotta take good care of him, sweetie. Eating his food is not called taking care of, its called taking advantage of. And I know you can't understand a word, but come on."

Samson just left his nose poking out, nothing else.

Lex sighed, picked up the puppy, and held the tubby little guy out to his lover. "I think this belongs to you."

"Throw it back in, he's too fat." Clark muttered, as he took the little puppy and pulled his knees up to sit Samson on top of them. Eye to eye, man to man. "I'm sorry, Sammy." He said it softly, rubbing his head, neck, and back gently. "But the next time you take what's not yours, I'm gonna do the same thing. You can't take your brothers stuff. Cleo will bite your head off, but Artie's too gentle, you know? You gotta take care of him, cause you're the oldest brother here."

Samson growled at the Clark. The Clark didn't like him anymore, so he didn't like the Clark. The Clark had never hit him before.

"Sammy." His heart broke when Samson did the little growl at him, and he tipped his head. "I'm sorry, Samson."

"BARK!!" Samson followed it with another growl, and tried to jump down.

Artie. Had had. Enough. And he really, really had to pee. He loped over to where Samson was sitting on the Clark's lap, and took another hard chomp out of his brother's tail, and then growled at him.

Clark jumped and looked over Samson's little shoulder at little King Arthur, setting Samson down on the ground before Artie chewed his tail off. "Woops. Sorry, bud."

Cleo was just… plopped a few feet away, watching all of this. The Big People were truly nuts, and she blinked. Twice.

Samson yelped as Artie bit his tail, and he looked startled at the growl.

Artie bumped his hard little noggin against Samson's, and then took another bite out of his leg. Then, thumped Clark's shin with his head, and then plopped his butt back down.

Raised brow, and Clark looked from one puppy to the other, before looking at his lover. "They're insane."

Lex laughed at that. "You've just noticed? They've been insane since day one." He reached out and picked up Cleo, snuggling her into his lap and petting her. "I think that Artie's trying to tell Samson something. What? I have no idea."

His eyes were carefully watching what Lex was doing, stroking a long fingered, soft palmed hand gently over Cleo's back, and a hard shiver rushed down his back before Clark could stop it. Didn't dare look at his lover, but blinked a little as clues came together. "I... left the strawberries downstairs. I'll go get them… after our puppy problem is solved."

Peer down at the two babies, one of his big hands stroking over Artie's head gently...and then down Samsons back.

Yeah, Artie was down with the petting. Full bladder aside, there was always time for petting. He arched his back like a cat, then flomped down on top of Clark's foot, so he couldn't move. So he had to keep petting the Artie.

Samson whined sadly, but wiggled into the little pet.

Clark gently scooped Samson in his big hand and brought him close, gently stroking, petting, scratching, rubbing, as he cradled him close to his chest. "I love you, Sammy. Don't think I don't, baby." he rubbed his cheek in soft fur and looked a this little puppy in sadness, as he brought Artie up to his chest too, snuggling them both close.

Little pitiful lick to Clark's cheek. "bawr?" Samson cried it softly as he snuggled against Clark's shoulder and licked his cheek again.

Clark refused to cry. He would not cry. Instead, he gathered Samson and Artie even closer to his chest, hugging them tightly, snuggling them up into his arms, and leaning over to Lex could get in too, wrapping an arm around Lex's waist and pulling him close into his arms too. "I'm so whipped."

Lex just snickered. "Yes, you are." His head went to lean on the shoulder not occupied by a puppy, and became aware of a very, very frantic wiggling against his side. He looked down, and Artie was almost dancing. "Clark?"

"He's gotta pee." Clark said softly, as he pressed a kiss to Lex's cheekbone and sniffled very softly. Not crying. Nope. He climbed to his feet and set both puppies on the floor. Gave the whistle again and motioned for his lover to follow without looking at him, starting out the door and down the steps.

Lex didn't put Cleo down; he just carefully got to his feet with her snuggled against his wide shoulder, watching the two other puppies underfoot as he walked out behind his lover. "You are going to have to teach me how to do that whistle."

Yeah. This was the place. Even if it was the Dark Time and she was getting veeeerry sleepy. Her brothers were bouncing along but she just... was not going to give this up for ANYTHING, as she snuggled in, nosing the Lex's floppy thing on the side of his head.

Clark's voice was slightly gruff as he spoke. "I hurt him for doing something innocent."

"Stealing another puppy's food isn't quite innocent, Clark." Lex carefully picked his way over the two tumbling furballs to come up beside his lover. "You had a right. You're only trying to protect Artie."

He didn't bother answering, as he linked his fingers with his lovers, and brought their intertwined hands to his lips. "I don't like being angry. Next time I am, give me a kick in the crotch, okay?"

"Arr?" Cleo blinked at her two Big People and reached up to give the long hand things a few licks. Mmm!

"Okay." Lex leaned over to plant his own kiss on Clark's knuckles, and barely missed a mouthful of Cleo tongue. "Yick. Cleo, back off, he's mine."

"Arr?" Another blink as she reached up and licked the Lex's mouth. Mmm! The Clark was there! And she gave it a few more licks, arfing in happiness.

Clark just chuckled softly as he watched them, and then down to the little boys, as they reached the bottom floor. They didn't need leashes... they were going to stay on the property, and all three babies had been taught to come running at the whistle. So he let them run free, as he opened the front door to the mansion. The sun had set a while ago, and though the storm clouds that had passed overhead had moistened everything, Clark didn't think Lex would mind giving the babies a bath.

"Actually, the bath chore is going to be yours," Lex commented dryly. "By the way, I have something to ask you, which might not be anything important, but I still have to know." He kissed Cleo on the nose, then put her down on the damp ground and patted her butt once. "Do your temper tantrums always produce thunderstorms?"

Clark blinked at his lover once, before rolling his eyes and letting out a snort as he followed the puppies outside into the darkness.

A blink at the Clark. A blink at the Lex. Were they... YES! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!! She let out a squeal and raced over to her brothers, tumbling over them, snapping at them once, before raising her nose and trotting off to find somewhere worth peeing on.

"I'm serious, Clark." Lex followed his lover, hands in his pockets. "I'd never really put it together before, but now that it happened tonight, I keep looking back and finding all these things that point towards it."

A sideglance, and he realized softly that his lover was. Telling the truth, and being serious. The smirk slid off his lips, and he wrapped his arm through his lovers, gazing at him imploringly. "What made you think of it, Lex?"

"Tonight, actually. The weather was beautiful and clear, until you got upset about Chloe and Whitney. Then out of nowhere... hideous thunderstorm. It didn't let up until you'd calmed down, and now that you're back to yourself, it's gone entirely."

Clarks eyes flickered back and forth for a moment. Maybe he was being a super mope, but the guilt of the accidents he could have caused because of his anger made his throat bob, and he shifted, wincing as he watched the puppies. He was barefoot, but it didn't really matter, as he slid his arm through Lex's and set their heads together. "That sucks."

"No, it doesn't." Lex squeezed his lover's arm. "I've been thinking back since I noticed it; when Mar-El died, the entire world was so bleak and cold, a hard freezing winter that lasted longer than it should have. But now, look. You've gotten better, you're dealing with it more, and the world's exploded into springtime. There was a thunderstorm Sunday night, again when you were angry."

He didn't say a word, as he thought. Just carefully stepping over Cleo when she got too rambunctious, and somehow, they were already making their way up the hill, to where the lilacs were blooming and their son was buried. The moonlight shown on the hill softly, beautifully, and Clark stayed quiet as he watched his puppies. ..And then.. "Sometimes I think I'm too strong. Because I'm careless, because I'm inexperienced, someone will die because of me."

Lex shook his head in response. "No, Clark. You're not too strong. You're just strong enough. You may be inexperienced, but it's not from your lack of trying. You never knew who you were, until what? Two years ago? You can't belittle yourself for not being able to cram fifteen years' worth of knowledge into twenty-four months."

Clark simply nodded, his fingers taking his lovers again and bringing them to his lips. "You're my best friend. I ever tell you? You make me feel better just by being you." He kissed long fingers, tenderly. "Lets not talk about this stuff now though, okay? There's time for science and aliens tomorrow. Right now… we're just Lex, Clark, and three puppies who are peeing all over the yard."

"You're my best friend, Clark. More than anyone else I've known." He stroked his fingertips over Clark's hands. "All right; No more talk." A wicked smile. "I'll fix strawberries and whipped cream while you wash three little puppies who've pissed their brains out."

A raised brow at him, and his lips quirked juuust a little. "The question is, where are you going to fix them."

"In bed," was Lex's grinned reply.

Puurrr now and he wrapped his lover in his arms, making him walk backwards as he growled like a puppy himself and dove in for a blown raspberry on his lovers neck, falling forward into the grass and flowers flat on his back.

Lex reacted to the purr in his lover's throat as he rubbed himself, cat-like, over Clark's body. His hands rested on Clark's shoulders and he rubbed, chest to chest, groin to groin, leg to leg, the differences in their heights virtually meaningless as he rubbed the top of his head under Clark's chin.

"Leeex." Clark whispered to the flowers they'd fallen into, arching softly as he grinned in the moonlight. He lowered his lips to his lovers ear, and whispered, "Having dirt down my pants has never been more erotic."

"BARRKKKKKK!" Cleo squealed it, as the Clark and the Lex went toppling. WOOOO! A GAME! She stopped chewing on Samson's ear and bounded over to where they were playing. "BARKBARKBARKBARKARRRRRR!" She squealed, and leapt right into the fray. WOOOO!

Lex chuckled throatily and slid his hand down to stroke the hardening cock behind his lover's zipper, cupping the weighty mass in his hand, stroking and massaging through the metal and denim.

Then cried out as a puppy landed in the small of his back, and he yelped as cold, muddy feet touched warm skin where his shirt had ridden up.

Samson's head raised up, and he tugged Artie's tail. The Lex was making fun noises, and the followed Cleo over to where the Big People were rolling around and wrestling. He put his feet on Clark's shoulder, and wormed his face in between them.

Artie yipped as his tail was bitten, but plodded over anyway, and flomped down on Clark's crotch, sniffing and licking Lex's hand.

Clark let out a shuddering groan. Okay. The second hard on of the night, powerful, tight, painful, and lovely behind the buttons and zipper and cotton of his boxers... and there were puppies. Puppies he was not supposed to be having this reaction to Lex around, because they got curious and sniffles were had, and he winced, whimpering softly. "Guys, you suck."

"ARF!" Cleo squealed, and nosed down to where the Lex was warm under the shirt thing he had on, and crawled up inside of it. Warm! YAY! And she was a SLEEPY Cleo, and she had peed, and WOO! She flomped down and sighed, snuggling against warm the Lex skin and sighing happily.

Lex dropped his head to Clark's shoulder, and slowly withdrew his hand from Artie's curious tongue. "I couldn't agree more." He twisted his head to look at Cleo over his shoulder. "You're going to have to carry me in like this, Clark. I can't disturb the princess."

Yeah, well, he didn't mind that. He climbed up to his knees, caught his balance because... the blood was in other places, very interested places that had softened only a little, and he climbed to his feet with Lex and Cleo in his arms. Blew a kiss at the hill here his baby was buried, and shifted Lex closer, eyes dancing as he leaned in to lick and nip at a slender jaw, very shyly. "Come on, Artie. Samson, lets go."

Lex didn't mind being carried, either. He just made sure that Cleo was secure against him, and then wiggled a little higher in Clark's grasp so that his hand could... wander.

It wandered straight down to his lover's zipper.

Whistle!!!! Samson grabbed one of Artie's floppy ears and tugged, pulling him along cause it was time to GO IN!

Oh, fuck. He surged and he felt his lower body do an entire twitch at the feeling, which just sent a shudder up his spine and a grin over his lips. His eyes fell, heavy lidded, and he nosed Lex's ear, cheek softly, grazing his teeth across the little lobe...and bit. Hard. "Lex, my cock likes you a little too much."

Soft grunt of pleasure. "I don't know... I think your cock likes me just fine." He squeezed the thickening column gently through his lover's clothes, then started to slowly ease the zipper down. "And I... know that I like your cock quite well too. So... we're even."

"Lex." Whimper out of his control, as he arched and jostled them all, sending Cleo into an uproar. His little girl was... not welcome at the moment, and he quickly set Lex down and got her on the ground, before motioning for them to follow. Of course, when Lex's feet touched the grass it gave him an excellent opportunity to wrap his lips around Lex's nipple and suck, hard, through the simple shirt he wore. "Every time... we were together, hanging out, w... whatever, and it was cold, and your nipples would get hard? I'd... I'd go crazy." Clark whispered, as he sucked and bit, licking as his free hand came up under his shirt to lick and suck. "Not...gonna make it, to… to bedroom, no, Lex, Lex."

Hard as stone in his pants. He was going to come in them if they didn't get inside, and he grinned up at his lover in abandon and pleasure as they walked backwards and sideways.

Lex frowned as he heard Cleo whine as she hit the ground, but he wrapped one leg around Clark's hip, pulling himself closer to his lover as he arched his back, rubbing his nipple and thrusting his chest into Clark's caresses. "Get the dogs inside... get them in now... shut them up in the kitchen," Lex muttered around mouthfuls of skin and sucking bites. "Will take them upstairs later... got you... right where I want you... up against the wall."

OH GOD. He let out a sobbing moan, tugging Lex tightly into his arms and his hips began to hump and roll against his lovers thigh. Tight, good, still in his jeans, couldn't come until he was out of them even as much as he wanted to, and he moaned with want. Long fingered palms stroked down each of Lex's flanks and ended up on his ass, squeezing it, hard, as they stumbled towards the front door. Supersonic whistle for the puppies to follow and he let out a laughing groan, as he rubbed the flat of his palm against his lovers back entrance through his slacks. Over and over, his fingers sliding in to rub, and his cock surged even harder. "Yessssss!" He gasped.

Lex thrust forward, growling playfully as Clark's hands kneaded his ass, one of his hands sliding down to jack Clark's cock through his jeans, scraping the pads of his fingers over the zipper and pressing down. "Tell me, Clark. Tell me how much you want to fuck me." He tightened his leg around Clark's hip and pulled him forward, rocking against him as he waited for the dogs to tumble over them and into the house.

"On… pool.... table." He hissed, throwing his head back and gasping in pleasure. He rocked up into the cup of Lex's hand, rocking up and down as they walked, which looked... oddly like the penis dance, and the thought of his lover doing it made a gasping laugh escape his lips. His own fingers got investigatory as they fumbled for a moment before unzipping Lex's pants, but instead of sliding in front they stroked down the back, cupping warm, tight cheeks and kneading them as his middle finger slid between the.

"My office?" Lex gasped. "Billiard room?" He pushed down against the curious finger that stroked inside him, and he twitched gently as he rocked, his hands still stroking Clark's cock.

"Don't. Care."

And so, his control snapped. He pushed the door open, shoved it open, and leaned Lex against the coat rack wall in a single movement. He tugged his zipper down and went searching in Lex's pockets at the same time, looking for lube.

Didn't find it.

"Fuck!" He snarled, and grasped Lex around the waist, heaving him up so Lex's legs came around his waist. He was barely aware of his actions as he grasped him tightly and stalked into the office, his mouth sucking at all the skin he could. Neck, lips, ear, chest, nipples. Rammed his legs into the pool table but he didn't care, as he turned and dropped Lex unceremoniously on top of it. He needed... needed now.

Except the puppies were looking at him from under his feet and he let out a shuddering breath as he zipped himself up as much as he could and stalked out of the room, whistling shrilly for the puppies to follow him.

The FUN smell was in the air, and Samson bounded up onto the table and licked Lex, then barked loudly and followed Clark.

"BHWUFF." Artie chuffed at Lex up on the table, cocking his head and sniffing the air until he heard the whistle, and he trotted after Samson.

Lex felt the top of his bare ass scraping on the felt of the pool table, and he scooted off of it, as soon as the dogs were out of the way, and he walked over to his desk. Nearly dumped the contents of the bottom drawer out until he grabbed the lube bottle, then climbed back on top of the pool table.

Impatiently kicked his pants down to his ankles and spread his legs as far as he could, slicking his own fingers and sliding them into his opening.

Clark lifted Cleo into his arms, who had looked at the lot of them like they'd lost their mind all night, and quickly walked towards the kitchen. The two babies were following him, and he waited for them as he pushed the kitchen door open and set Cleo on the floor. Pointed. "In. Samson. Artie. Go."

Single word sentences. He. Needed. Now.

Samson looked up at Clark, then jumped up, paws resting right under Clark's knee as he snuffled at Clark's crotch.

FUCK. Clark bent down, took Samson's legs off his knees, pet his head, and closed the door behind him, throwing the lock. If Ms. Bird had to get out she could, as it was a knob lock on both sides of the door, and he all but skidded on the carpet on his way back down the hall. Did, actually, for a minute, as he unzipped his pants and took hold of his cock, squeezing and jacking it off as his blood boiled with excitement.

And nearly came, when he came in and Lex's fingers were inside of himself.

Hard, gusty moan and he threw the lock on the office door, fingers scrabbling as he got his shirt up over his head and off. Shucked his shoes, his jeans, clothes littering his path as he walked towards Lex like a man on a mission. Which, you know, he was.

He stopped, before he climbed up, however, and got one of the pool cues off the long row of them... peering at it, and then at where Lex's fingers were ever so innocently stroking, his eyebrow coming up high in wicked glee.

Samson pawed at the door, scratching and whining as Clark disappeared.

Lex was grunting with pleasure as his fingers stroked inside him, spreading himself open and preparing himself for his lover. Hard shudder fast on the heels of that as Clark came into his view. Broad, beautiful and naked, Lex nearly lost his breath as his lover's beautiful body leaned over him.

The cue was in Clark's hands, and he slowly pulled his fingers out of himself, ripping his shirt off and kicking his pants and underwear off as he tilted his hips up in offering, for anything his lover wanted to do.

His eyes were dark, wicked with intent, as he leaned over his lover. A hairsbreadth away from sucking Lex's cock down...and instead gave it a tender little kiss, as he rose up and leaned over Lex, dominating him as it was his pleasure to do. He grasped the lube as his lips came down to kiss each peaked nipple, biting each one very innocently and licking a line between them. Slicked his fingers up and slid them inside his lovers body, the already slick channel stretched and lovely...just stretched enough. He let his fingers slide free from Lex's body and over the thick end of the cue, until it was just as slick as his cock. Innocently done, making sure it was wet and slick, as he watched Lex's eyes. He leaned over him, Lex's legs on either side of him, Clark himself on one knee with the other raised up so his knee was by his cheek. Partly because it was comfortably for his aching cock, partly to tease his lover, and his brow came up as he watched Lex like a hawk.

Soft moan as Clark bypassed his cock, and he tried to arch up, tried to grasp what was left of Clark's hair to thrust inside his lover's hot, delicious mouth, but was pinned in place as Clark leaned over him, which was a subtle torture unto itself as he tried to arch and rub his cock against his lover's smooth skin.

Then fingers inside his body and he grunted, working hips down and then whimpering when Clark slid his fingers out. His fingers dug into the felt covering, as he tried to thrust up, raising his hips in pleading as he whimpered again. "Please, Clark."

"As my lover wishes." Was the only whispered response, as he leaned down to wrap his lips around Lex's cock, relaxing his throat and bringing him all the way down, as he angled the cue and slid it into his lover. Four inches... five.... six.... seven... eight. He kept pressing it in, as far as his lover was willing to take, the cock in his throat pulsing as he squeezed around it with his throat muscles and sucked even harder.

His hand, free hand, came up to give each nipple a hard pinch, and then stroke over the scar surrounding his lovers little nipple.

"UNGh!" Cry of ecstasy as he arched to push deep into Clark's throat, shuddering as the tight wet passage tightened around him, swallowing, licking, sucking.

The hard wooden cue that slid into his ass was wide and unforgiving, and Lex tilted further up, pushing down and sucking as much of the length as he could inside of himself. Soft cries of pure pleasure as he rode the unyielding stick, pushing his cock into Clark's throat, his hands gripping the bumpers tightly.

His entire body shuddered as Lex screamed above him and he pressed the long cue in. Stopped at 12 inches, his fingers shuddering as he grasped Lex's thigh now, tightly. Oh, God. Oh, God. The sheer naughtiness of it had him shuddering as hard as he could, and he lifted his head, letting the cock slide from his throat, as he whispered, "Don't let it out."

And he climbed from the pool table.

Didn't go far, just across the room. His hard cock bounced against his belly with each shivering step, and he stopped at the little bar Lex had in his study. A small microwave in a corner of the bar for whatever; Clark didn't have time or the energy to spare, when all the blood was in his lower body. His ass tingled with it, his cock darkening with blood, and he filled a small bowl with ice cubes... and the other, with a Hershey's chocolate bar that he melted in the microwave.

Ohh yes.

Lex didn't let it out; instead he reached between his legs, grasping the cue tightly in his hand and fucked himself with it. Short, easy strokes that thrust deep, slid out, thrust back in again. Every hard thrust wrung a moan out of him, and the hand not fucking himself with the cue went to his chest, squeezing his nipple and pulling the scarred one gently, rubbing the tip firmly and rolling it against his skin.

Oh "God!" Sharp sob of pleasure as he turned back around and saw what he saw on the pool table, and it was one of the most erotic moments of his life. His cock darkened even further, surging with blood as he whimpered, moaning now as he walked back. Didn't know how, almost fell over, as he climbed back over the table and slapped Lex's hands away. He slid an ice cube in his mouth and wrapped his lips back around Lex's cock, swallowing as far as he could. The ice stayed in his mouth as he moved, keeping his lips tightly closed around Lex's cock, and he rubbed his body against Lex's upraised leg.

And thrust the cue in and out of his lover, rubbing up against the little gland he knew wanted attention.

Each palm slammed down around Lex's hips as he threw his body into sucking, licking, and when the ice cube had melted, enough, he let the partially melted ice cube slide out of his mouth and down the tight balls, before filling his mouth with a little chocolate, hot against his tongue… and repeating the same process.

Lex cried out as his hands were slapped away and it jostled the cue, slamming it into his prostate. A spurt of precome jetted out of his cock at the slam, and then the cold cold feel of ice sliding down his cock wrenched another scream from his throat.

He was begging, pleading for his lover to fuck him, and then he clenched down as the cue slid in and out of him. Squeezed it tightly with his ass, rode it with short jerks of his hips, moaning as the frigid cold was replaced by smooth, silky heat and he shuddered, crying out in his throat again. His hands came up, squeezing his nipples again, pulling them, tugging and rubbing against them, eyes squeezed shut as he writhed under his lover.

Clark was in ecstasy. Watching his lover scream and sob under him, rub against him, beg with his body for a touch, drove him absolutely wild. Couldn't help it, as he dipped his fingers into the bowl of hot chocolate and rubbed it over tight balls, before sucking them into his mouth, with the cold, yet melting, cube of ice caught between them. He made sure to keep it there with his fingers as he sucked, licked, leaving a poor cock streaked with pre come and chocolate. His fingers returned to the pool cue, fucking him all over again with it, though soft and slow, as he licked and sucked at twin balls.

His cock jerked, ached for a touch, pleasure all over and driving him wild. Just a little while lover. Just a little while longer, so he could please his lover a little more, make him cry and scream in joy and ache, and he sucked and moved the cue in and out, making sure to rub against the little prostate each and every time.

"Please, please, fucking Christ on a cross, please, Clark, please," Lex begged softly. His balls were like hard little stones as they were sucked into Clark's mouth, his ass was tight around the pool cue, riding the easy thrusts with soft motions, his eyes squeezed shut and tears rolling from the corners as he ached. Pleading, sobbing, begging, all continued to spill from his throat, and his fingers dug into Clark's arms, nails raking down the biceps.

The tears did him in.

He let go of his lovers balls, letting the ice cube fall as he slid the pool cue out and tossed it somewhere not here. Replaced it, instantly, with his cock, sheathing it in deep without even realizing what the hell he was doing, and grasped Lex's palms, dragging them up over his head as he loomed over his lover. Reached down...licked each trail of wet tears from his cheeks, and his eyes rolled closed as he pulled his hips back and slammed forward, as hard as he could, his fingers loosening enough to grasp Lex's fingers and lace them with his own.

Harsh, loud sob of pure pleasure as Clark thrust into him. To the hilt, in almost a single motion, and Lex raised his body, legs wrapping around Clark's hips and pulling him down as his grip tightened on Clark's fingers as they laced through his. His mouth sought out his lover's, kissing him deeply, hungrily, sucking his lower lip and tongue, thrusting his own tongue into Clark's throat with every thrust of his body up against his lover's cock. He tightened his ass, clenching Clark's shaft tightly with his muscles, pushing down until there wasn't a centimeter of his lover's shaft not engulfed in his body.

Clark's wail was primal, dark, animalistic, against Lex's mouth. Pulled in, tightly, accepted, and he let out a vibrating sob as he began to thrust. Hard, deep, out all the way before slamming in, pushing and moving. His hands let go of Lex's hands and instead he lay down against Lex's body and cradled his lover close, in exact opposition to the thrusts he was pushing into his lovers body. He slid his hand under Lex's head and tugged him, cradled him, close to his neck, his other hand going under a strong hip and lifting Lex up tightly around him as he moved and thrust.

Lex's teeth bit down firmly on Clark's throat, rubbing his cheek against his lover's shoulder as he pressed close. Hard sucks to unmarkable skin, and he trembled against Clark as he was cradled closely. Licks and kisses to strong skin, the feeling of being cherished and protected even as he was fucked hard caused his cock to shudder again, throbbing out another jet of slick precome that mixed with the chocolate that was drying on his cock. "C--Clark," he murmured, shuddering and arching, rubbing against his skin.

"Like it. I know. Like it." Was all he said, as he moved harder, his hips lifting and raising before pushing down. Slow pull up, fast thrust down, hard as he could as he began to pick up speed. His bare ass flexed with each movement, stroking in and out of his lover like he loved to do, his thighs like steel as he pushed and moved. Cradled Lex as closely as he could, mouth dropping to bite his neck, bite over the scar that was already there, as his palm stroked from Lex's hip to his cock, and with a single touch connected them.

He let out a hard, loud scream as he felt a cock slam into him and he arched, shuddered all over as he grasped Lex even tighter to him, and moved all the faster for it.

Lex screamed too, feeling his cock driving into a hot, clasping passage that closed tightly around him, like a vise. He bucked up, rubbing against his lover, grunting and screaming as he felt himself fucking and being fucked at the same time. Animalistic bellow as Clark bit him again, sheer ecstasy shooting through him like a drug.

All that soft skin. Soft skin, everywhere he touched. Like silk covering steel, vibrating, tense muscles of a cat with the ferocity and want of a lion. And Clark was lost. Lost to everything, his pleasure undeniable. His thrusts just became movements, the pleasure intense, from every source, all over his body, as the link, so sensitive, gave him two sets worth of outrageous pleasure. His entire body shook with pleasure, as orgasm came and went, came and went, coming to the brink before falling back as he held on. Held on.

And lost his mind.

His head snapped back and he was weightless, gone, off the pool table with his lover around him like a burr, he around his lover like a clinging vine. Close, close, and he fought, with everything he was, to get Lex to come. Thrust harder, faster, his own ass filled and being slammed into, slammed into, and he screamed as he lost the battle.

He slammed in as far as he possibly could and came. Hot rush out of him like water, never ending, and as he was coming he climaxed. Hard.

Pleasure. Such ripe, outrageous, unbelievable pleasure. He came so hard he saw stars, heard buzzing in his ears, pool table getting further away from them as he was tugged, pulled almost by some invisible force, to new heights of ecstasy.

The feel of scalding heat flooding his ass at the same time he felt Clark's cock jerking as his own he screamed, and he came. Hard, fast, thick gobs of semen that slid down Clark's stomach as his eyes slammed shut, body arched to near breaking, nails dug into Clark's shoulders for traction as his legs tightened even further around his waist.

His entire body shook as he came, felt Clark filling him almost endlessly, couldn't stop the howling trembles.

Felt air all around him, didn't open his eyes, didn't have to to know they were floating in the air, and he followed his lover, humping against Clark's shuddering cock as he rode it, squeezing and milking it, teeth biting hard on his lover's skin.

He couldn't stop shaking. Couldn't stop shaking as he gasped, panting for breath, and rolled over in the air so his lover wouldn't get hurt. Realization dawned on him as soon as it dawned on Lex and he wouldn't let his lover get hurt as he carefully cradled him and began to lick him. Didn't know why, didn't know why at all, but he found himself licking the trickles of sweat from his lovers neck and cheeks, temple and upper lip. Lapped at his shoulders, his legs wrapping tightly around his lovers as he licked, kissing when he cold, nibbling, but licking more than anything.

Pleasure. Sated. Unbelievable. Wasn't going to think right now, period, as he pressed a palm to the ceiling to get them to stop moving up.

Lex had never felt more comfortable, his back to the ceiling, his chest pressed tightly to his lover, and he rumbled deep in his throat as Clark licked him. He licked Clark in return, broad, cat-like licks across his cheek, forehead, lips, and chin.

"Uhmphgn." He whispered in response, lapping softly as his palm stroked over his lovers back, ass, legs, thighs, flank. Everywhere he could touch, his body shuddering softly as he kissed each sharp cheek bone, each warm cheek, the lovely line of jaw, and his throat so, so tenderly. "Aushna', I love you."

"No more than I love you," Lex answered back softly, between licks. His hands stroked over his lover carefully, gathering him closer. "I love you."



Two puppy voices swarmed together in howling.

"Arf." Cleo huffed at her brothers, and rolled her eyes. Hello, she was sleepy. Duh.

The howling came a moment later to Clarks fuzzy ears, and he smiled just a little, dreamily, as he snuggled Lex in, kissing all the parts of his body he could. "Lex?"

"Yeah?" Lex didn't move.

"I can't get us down."

He blinked. "You... can't get us down?"

A very slight shake of his head.

"This... is a new wrinkle." Lex stretched, but couldn't quite get himself worked up about it. "Try... thinking down."

"Can't." He raised his hips, where his cock was still mostly hard... softening slowly, but his throat bobbed. "Can't."

"Push off the ceiling and land on your feet," Lex guessed, wrapping his legs around Clark's waist and squeezing his lover's cock with his muscles.

"Uhhh." He breathed softly, as his head fell back a little bit, and he rose up into Lex's squeeze. It was definitely not meant to soothe, and they only surged upward, so fast so that Lex... sort of banged his head. Clark winced softly and rose a hand from his lovers back to gently touch it, wincing and shaking his head. "Can''t."

Lex swore softly, but the predicament brought a smile to his face anyway. "Okay. No more teasing. First order of business is getting down." He stroked over Clark's shoulders. "Think unhappy thoughts."

Eye. Roll. "I'm going to really start calling you TinkerLexie from now on." He muttered it, even as his young body fought to thrust again and he moved inside his lover, sighing softly.

"Then that would make you... Peter Clark? Or TinkerClarkie?" Grin. "Hey, happy thoughts worked for Peter Pan. And me giving you a happy got us up here."

Puuurrr. Another thrust, and his palms came to Lex's hips. "Ready for… another happy t--Lex." A sigh, as he let go of Lex's hips and wound an arm around his back so he wouldn't fall. He turned a little, bracing his feet against the ceiling, and pulled out of his lover with a wet little pop, purring again softly as his brain kept trying to return to having fun. Except! No fun. No. They were stuck.

Lex gave a little grin. "Well... we're up here... we might as well take advantage of it." He sort of slithered around his lover until he was hanging onto Clark's waist, his cock rubbing against Clark's cheek as he hung onto his lover, mouth near his cock. "Let's work on it. If we can figure out how to propel you, we might be able to figure out how to drop you."

Alright, wasn't thinking, because his lips had wrapped around Lex's cock and sucked it in. Tipped his head to get it all the way down and yeah, all thoughts of anti gravity were gone as he sucked. Hard. A long curtain rod was pressing into his cheek from the long velvet curtains that were always tied back in Lex's lovely little office, and the book shelves of the second floor were close, but he? Moving? No. sucking. His knees came up to brace Lex tightly, knees hitting the ceiling, and he sucked. Hard.

Lex shuddered hard, yelping slightly in surprise as his cock was swallowed into his lover's mouth again. His nails tightened on Clark, and he whimpered. "N--no fair. Not--reciprocating." He shuddered, stroking his hands over his lover. "T--turn me over. Let me--let me suck you, Clark, please."

He shook his head and let Lex's cock go, slipping it out with a wet suck, and he swallowed hard as he let go of the ceiling and tugged Lex's shoulders so his lover was facing the right way again. "Stop that. Want sex, but not so that you could possibly fall. Okay?" He pushed his hand against the ceiling again and craned his neck to peer around and formulate a plan. Because he had no. Fucking. Clue. How. To get down. "Alright, see? Your second level is over there, the book cases. I can let you down over there so I don't drop you on the tile and kill you. Think we can crab walk over there?"

Lex shook his head no. "I'm not leaving you up here."

"I'll get down. Eventually." A sharp look at him. "I'm not leaving you up here. So here we go. Hang on to me."

"Not moving!" He grimaced. "Though, I have an unpleasant solution." The grimace turned into a frown. "There's a lead-lined safe; I had it installed when I came here. There's still a lump of green kryptonite in there; if I get it and open the safe, it might weaken you enough to make you fall. The down side is, you might get hurt on the way down. Also, I don't know what the long-term effects of exposing you are."

"You said kryptonite." Clark whispered softly, as his fingertips came up to stroke Lex's skin softly. Rubbed his fingertips over the bare head softly, and for some reason, his lips curved, and pleasure and happiness came over his face. "That... that's really nice." Cough. "Once you put it away, the effects go away. Its kind of like.... think of Rico, with flames shooting out of his ass. You walk closer, and the flames hurt. The closer you get, the more it hurts. The further away, the better you feel and when you put the ass flames out altogether, you feel fine. Same concept."

Lex blinked. "Yeah... I did. I don't know why." He nuzzled against Clark's cheek, then burst out laughing at the analogy. "I know they do, Clark, but I don't know if each exposure does any damage to you, or what it might cause in the long term." He stroked over Clark's face softly. "I don't want to take the risk."

"Well, Lex, babe, I hate to break it to you," He was grinning. "But staying up here means dying of starvation, thirst, and the possibility of your dad walking in and finding hot chocolate, a bowl of melted water, come all over the pool table, a pool cue slicked and used, and two naked aliens on the ceiling. And I don't know about you, but I could live without ever having to go through that."

"I won't starve as long I have this," Lex said, reaching down to stroke his lover's cock. "Not that it would be the diet of choice, but I did read of a female porn star who was going on a thirty day diet of semen. I don't care about starving; I'm not going to risk hurting you."

Stare. "That is possibly the most disgusting thing you've ever said in your life."

"I can show you the article when we get down."

He rose his chin with dignity, and refused to let him know how erotic it was, as he raised his hips, just a little bit, and coughed softly. "Lex, we've got to get down somehow, and since I'm not letting you dive bomb to your demise twenty seven feet to the ground, you're just going to have to kryptonite me, and then..." Another wicked curve. "Nurse me back to health." A beat. "Why am I not more worried about being on the ceiling than I am?"

"Because your instincts know, even if you don't, that you know how to fly. Your instincts know that this isn't a bad thing."

Tip of his head. "Maybe." Pause. "I told you I'm terrified of heights more than once, right?"

Lex's lips quirked. "I... think you might have mentioned it once or twice."

Another pause, and his arms tightened on Lex's, as he peeked down at the ground. "Oh, Fuck."

"I'd tell you, don't look down, but that never works." Lex sighed. "All right. Since we've established I'm not getting down, I want you to try something. Hold your arm out, like a boat rudder. Towards the bookcase."

Clark burst out laughing. Just...laughed until his sides ached, cracking the hell up at the mental image of him doing the breast stroke all the way to the book cases had him throwing his head back and laughing all the harder.

"Laugh if you like, but it works for Warrior Angel. And unless you've got a better idea, do it."

Clark just kept right on grinning, peppered four kisses all over his lovers cheeks, and smiled. "Hang on to me. I need my hands."

Lex wrapped his arms and legs around Clark, locking his hand around his wrist, and his ankles together. "Okay. Let's go."

Clark grasped the ceiling, and, as he'd promised, like a crab, began to push off from it. His mom had taught him to roller skate with this same technique… of course he'd been on the floor, but he'd grabbed the wall and pushed himself along until he hadn't really needed the wall anymore. So Clark did the same thing, pushing the air and the ceiling... like a rabbit almost, lip caught in his teeth in concentration as he headed for the book cases.

And hummed the Peter Cottontail song.

"No, Clark. Don't use the wall. You're floating; all you have to do is figure out how to propel yourself."

It was the first thing Pete saw upon entering.

Hadnt meant to. He'd been looking for the good vodka Shayla assured him was in Lex's office. The front door had been locked, but like she'd always said, the side door that led from the study to the office was always open, as it had no lock.

Boy did Pete wish for a lock in that moment.

He stared at the scene before him with an almost kind of horror. It woulda been something out of damn Freddie Krueger if it weren't Clark and Lex, and they weren't naked as jay birds. What seemed to be a sex scene was spread out before him on the pool table, and Clark and Lex were crawling on the fucking ceiling. Holy. Shit.

Cough. "Hi."

"Hello there, Mr. Ross." Lex waved from the ceiling. "Don't mind us, we're just practicing."

"I see." Pete blinked again. "Can I ask what the fuck you might be practicing on the ceiling, outside of sex a la gravity-less?"

Clark was burning eighteen shades of red, four of purple, and one or two of blue as he buried his face in Lex's shoulder and didn't. Move.

"Flying, actually," Lex replied, nonplussed. "We were working on controlled flight, but as you can see, we got a bit... distracted. And now we're about to work on descent."

"Yeah. That's a damn cover story if I e'er heard it." Pete rolled his eyes. "You fuckin' stuck, aren't you, Clark?"

Whimper. Mummble. Bare. Ass. On. The ceiling.

It was a good thing Pete spoke Clarkese, because he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure you were just practicing." Bunny ears on each syllable of the word. "More Luthor and Kent ass than I ever wanted to see, fuck. Alright. What the hell can I do."

"Actually, you can't. Because the safe will only open for Clark and myself. Although, if you'll take one of the pool cues from the wall and hold it up, I think we can use it as a steering mechanism so Clark can let me off on the upper level."

Pete knew better than to laugh at the delicate situation, but OH would he EVER be ribbing them later. "Man, hold up." He leaned out the door. "SHAY! Shayyyllaa! Need your help, girl!"

Clark just keened like a wounded rabbit, grasping Lex tight and hiding his face as much as he could.

Lex absently stroked his lover's head. "Sssh. It's all right." He pressed soft kisses to Clark's ears, murmuring softly.

Shayla's pink head poked around the door. "What's up? Can't find the--holy shit." She looked up. "What's up, AJ? Besides you?"

"Shhh, Shay." Pete said it softly, before looking back up. "They got a little too high on orgasm. Literally. We gotta get um down, kay? Lock the study door." He crossed the room, making a FACE at the sex objects lying around and the splatter of--okay, he was not thinking about Clark and Lex come, so he ignored it totally and walked around to where the guys were stuck. "Alright, lesse. Uh... Dude. Shay? How you feel bout riding my shoulders?" He pointed. "Its... bout, twenty feet up?"

"27 feet, four inches, and sixteen centimeters." Clark whimpered from Lex's bare shoulder.

Blink. "Yeah. What he said. How tall are ya baby?"

Shayla... just blinked. "Um... I'm about... like, five nothing. On a good day in spike heels."

Lex sighed. "Neither of you are going to be tall enough, and we're not close enough for you to stand on the desk. You could try standing on the pool table itself, though I'm not sure it'll support your weight."

"AJ? You guys just fucked like bunnies on it. Me and Pete together don't weigh as much as Clark does. It'll hold."

Pete snorted, loudly, but made a face at the table. "Shay, dude, its covered with come--" Clark's wail didn't even put a hitch in his step. "--And I don't plan to tell my mama that my shoes smell because I stepped in my best friends load."

Mortification had a new face. And its name was Clark Kent.

"So take your shoes and socks off. I've read on one of those kinky sites I'm not supposed to know that Morg goes to that it's good for your skin." She boosted herself up on the back of the table. "Okay. Get up and gimme a boost."

"Shay, that's fucking disgusting." He muttered, and did not take his shoes OR socks off, just making sure she was on well before he picked up the bowls, the cue stick he was NOT looking at, and set it on Lex's desk. He dragged the pool table a little ways to the center, so they could still reach Clark and Lex, but they could direct them towards the bookcases. Pete climbed up with his girlfriend and plated his feet firmly apart, before motioning at her. "C'mere, girl. Grab the pool cue."

Shayla picked one up from the rack, and twirled it in her hands. "Okay. Buffy I ain't, but this is fuckin' cool." She spun it again, nearly clocked Pete in the head, only missing by millimeters, and then blushed, putting the pool cue down by her side. "Oops."

Pete blinked, the whoosh by his head nearly sending him off the pool table, and he glared at her even as he motioned with his hands. "Alright, Buffy." He pulled her so her back was to his chest. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," she confirmed, giving a little wiggle against him as she picked the cue up in both hands and held it out of the way.

He used all the strength he'd worked on since he was twelve and decided he loved to dance. He lifted Shayla up effortlessly and slid her down on his shoulders, so she was sitting up on him. Didn't even tip over, nothing, staying planted firmly on the ground with her up on his shoulders. She was a slight thing, anyway, weighing even less than Lana had, and he held her ass and back tightly so she wouldn't plunge to her death. "Alright. I can't lift my head... lift the cue, Shay. I won't let ya fall girl."

Shayla wrapped her thighs tightly around his ear. "If we weren't dancing around in Clark and Lex come, I'd say this would be kind of sexy," she teased. But she lifted the cue, balancing the weight over her head with both hands. "Get it, AJ!"

"I'm trying." Lex reached out for the pool cue, but came up short. "Clark... I'm going to need you to brace my legs while I drop down, all right?"

"NO!" Clark cried, and grasped Lex even tighter, sending them jostling and into a half spin as he grasped him tightly. "No dropping of ANY sort!"

"Man, you are buck naked on your boyfriends ceiling wit your best friend and his girlfriend under you on your fucking come stained pool table, GRAB THE FUCKIN CUE!" Pete bellowed.

"Clark, listen to me." Lex grabbed his lover's face with gentle hands, and made Clark look at him. "I trust you. You're not going to let me fall. You wouldn't. Even if you don't have faith in yourself, I have faith in you. You're going to hold me tightly, I'm going to get the pool cue, and we're going to get you down, understand?"

"Yes." Clark whimpered before Lex had finished speaking, grasping Lex tightly to him. "But I d-don't want you to fall and crack your head open and then you'd die and Id be alone and I can't be alone because if I'm alone I'll die and you just don't understand because I love you and you could fall and I DON'T WANT YOU UPSIDEDOWN!" He sobbed it, loudly, as he grasped him even tighter and sent their heads thumping against the ceiling.

"CLARK!" Lex bellowed it, and then touched his lover's face softly with his fingertips. I know, he said in Clark's thoughts. I know you are afraid. Don't fear; you know that I will care for you and take care of you. You are my aushna'; you will let no harm come to me and I will let none come to you.

But something, something could happen, could go wrong aushna', and I could not function without you. Clark was on the verge of breaking down, huge crocodile tears in his eyes, and he grasped Lex even tighter to him, burying his face in his lovers shoulder. Promise me, you won't get hurt.

I swear to you, aushna'. I will not get hurt. Lex tightened his legs around Clark's waist. "Hold me tightly," he whispered softly. "And let go of my torso. I won't let go of your shoulders until you've got a firm grip on my legs."

Clark simply nodded, grasping his lovers body tightly as he could, as he turned a little bit to accommodate him. He didn't like this, but he SURE AS HELL couldn't stay up here until he was thirty, and he held Lex as tightly as he could, and glared down at his best friend. "You make him fall and I'll kill you."

"Don't you be makin' no threats of bodily harm, Clark Jerome Kent. Damn ass, I'm steppin' in one of ya'lls dischargly like substances, so shut the fuck up." Pete glared as much as he could around Shayla's thigh up at his friend, and grasped her easily as he straightened as much as he could.

Shayla waved the cue menacingly at Clark. "Don't you threaten my Pete, Clark Kent." But she lifted the cue carefully, aiming for Lex's outstretched hands.

Lex waited for Clark to get a firm grip on him, and with a quiet kiss, he slowly let go. His upper body dropped, lower body held firmly in place by Clark, and he studiously ignored the blood rushing to his head. "Okay. Shayla? I need you to reach again, lean forward, because there's still about a foot between us. Clark, when I say go, I want you to kick down from the ceiling, and close the distance so I can grab it."

"Holy fuck." Clark whimpered it, as he grasped Lex's legs as tightly as he could and leaned down a little bit more, as much as he could, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before letting them fly open. He grasped as tightly as he could to Lex's thighs and knees, holding him like a dying man, and whimpered. "Okay."

"Fuck. Fuck." Pete was muttering. "Damn my little height. Dammit. Fuck. Fucking shit. Fuck."

"Shut up, Pete. The only person taller than you right now is stuck on the ceiling and I'm not counting Morgan or Big Daddy. So shut up and hold me steady." She nodded at Lex. "Ready when you are, AJ."

"Good, Clark. On the count of three; Shayla, lift it up and lean when you see Clark start to kick. 1. 2. 3. Go, Clark." Lex held his hands out, long arms outstretched.

Clark pushed up at the same time, letting out a cry as he did it in fear, and held his lover all the tighter for it. "OH FUCK!"

Pete planted his feet firmly as he could, keeping Shay on his shoulders as he'd been trained to keep a woman up and steady, and let out a wince at Clarks cry. Expected a loud tumble and thud from above him... but didn't hear it, and ever so quietly he opened his eyes, and looked.

Victory. Lex had the pool cue well in hand and was straightening up to slide one arm around Clark's shoulder. He kissed Clark softly on the cheek. "Aushna'. Open your eyes."

"No. You're splattered on the floor. I'm never having sex with you in a tall room again." Clark whimpered, as he buried his face in Lex Skin and tried not to think about it.

"Okay. Hang on, people." Pete grasped Shay's thighs and hips tightly and took a step to the left, towards the book case. It was about three feet from the end of the pool table, and he walked veeery slowly, balancing his weight. "Progress?"

"I'm not splattered on the floor," Lex answered softly, his hand stroking the back of Clark's neck as he hung on. "And. Wait just a minute. If you're holding onto this... use it to pull us down. Like a kite's lead."

"No. Won't risk your life." Clark said it, simply, because he believed it, and just pushed a little with his feet against the ceiling as Pete moved them. Strong little guy, and he'd give him a big kiss later, but for now he let them get pulled. The book cases were right in sight, so close, about 7 feet down from where they were, and they made their way slowly but surely. "Shay, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I needed the upper body workout anyway. Makes the tits firm." She grinned up the length of the stick. "Lex? Want me to start reeling you in?"

He sighed. "No. Not if Clark doesn't want it."

Pete just walked, ever so slowly, until he got to the edge of the pool table. He was scared the thing'd buckle under the combined weight of he and Shay, and he didn't want to get any further. "Alright, guys, its as far as I can take ya. Hold on a sec, and stay put. Shay? Gonna get you down, baby. Lex, leggo of the stick."

"He can't. Cause if he does, we'll never get him back again. I'm good holding onto the stick Pete; let me go, Clark'll pull me up, and you can hold onto my feet and drag us that way. No, you won't hurt me, so shut up, all of you. I grew up with Riley and his kids, okay? I'm a Senatori through and through. I'm tougher than I look."

"Shay." Pete looked up, sighed. "If they can stay close 'nuff to the railing, I'm gonna get up there, get you back on my shoulders, and reel um in the rest uh'the way. I'm strong, but ain't no way I can pull you in like that, girl. Alright?"

"Shayla, do what he says. We can use the cue, of you'll leave it with me, and slide it through the railing and pull ourselves over to it. Then you'll just have to pull us in the rest of the way."

"That'll work, baby." Pete nodded. "Tell me when you've let go."

Shayla looked from Clark to Lex. "Clark?"

"I just need to get him down." Clark said with grit teeth, as he kept his hold on Lex tight. "And I'm naked, on a ceiling, Shay. Not many options."

She frowned. "Okay." She let go of the cue, and then looked down at her boyfriend. "I'm free; you can let me down."

Pete lifted her easily and brought her down in front of him, hopped to the ground, and grasped her hips, bringing her down too. "Hang on, guys. Christ, are you never living this down." But he said it to lighten their mood, grinning as he climbed the steps in front of his girlfriend.

"Bite me, Pete." Clark glared.

"If the mark on your ass is any indication? Someone already been there, done that."

Shayla's head shot up. "Oooh. That's nice and AJ? How the fuck did you manage to not break your teeth on that?" She followed Pete up the stairs. "Dayum."

"Lex's part wolf, baby, you should know that. I mean, lookit the way he's grinnin'." Pete motioned to Lex with a snicker. "Ain't innocent, babe. " He stopped on the landing where only three or so feet away, Clark and Lex were floating away. "Alright. Man, just keep things covered, aight? Don't wanna see your whatever. C'mere, Shay, back up babe."

"Oh, I wanna see it." She grinned wolfishly. "I wanna see it all." But she stepped back from the railing anyway. "Pete... be careful, okay?"

"Ain't gonna let you fall, baby." Pete said softly, and lifted her hips up as easily as he had before, bowing his head to get her up on top of him. Steadied her, planted his feet apart, kept her close as he looked at the two dangling love birds. "Alright, Lex, reach out the cue man."

"No, I mean you leaning over. Don't get too top-heavy and fall over the railing." She didn't say anything else as she situated herself on Pete's shoulders. "Okay. Let's go."

Lex easily reached out the cue over the small remaining distance, and Shayla caught it with ease. "Pete... step back. Shayla, pull the cue in towards you. Clark, push off from the wall and help her out. Once you've stepped back, Pete, ease her off your shoulders. Shayla, once you're on your own feet, hand Pete the cue, and let him pull us in." Lex felt like a traffic cop.

Clark did as he was told without a word, carefully pushing his feet against the ceiling as Pete railed them in. Mantra. He was never having sex again. Nope. Not. EVER. He let Pete pull until they were over the second floor library and he thunked his head on a lamp, wincing as the crystal chimed and rang as they eat one another, and rubbed his head softly.

"Hang on, aight? Here we go. Shay, don't let go uh the cue, baby." He reached up to grasp her and after a try, got her up off his shoulders, to sit instead on his upper chest, as he grasped her around the hips and upper thighs to ever so slowly drag down. "There we go. Nice'n easy."

Shayla bit her lip on the inappropriate sexiness of sliding down Pete like that, especially in light of what he'd told her. Instead, she concentrated on keeping her grip on the stick, and then as soon as her feet were on the ground, she transferred the cue over to Pete, and then leaned over the railing. "Okay, Pete. Pull. Lex? Grab my hand as soon as you can and I'll help pull you in."

Pete tugged on the cue, and began to pull in Clark and Lex from the ceiling, and DAMN it was harder than he thought. He yanked, throwing his body into pulling as he fought to get them down. "Clark, get your legs under you, push up from the ceiling so we can get him, FUCK, less steak, more salad." He grunted, tugging Lex in against gravity's Clark-pull.

Lex looked at his lover. "Let go, Clark. Don't think about what you're doing. Just... float. Trust me. You'll be able to, and Pete will be able to pull us in faster."

Shayla stopped leaning over the railing, and instead went to her boyfriend's side, putting her strength into hauling the cue in. "Christ almighty! For you to be skin and bones, AJ..."

"Fucking... eight… hundred... POUNDS." Pete snarled, and pulled until he could reach Lex's hand. He grasped it, tightly, letting the cue go and using his hand to tug him in… arm... shoulder... and he wrapped his arms around Lex's chest tightly. "Clark, leggo!"

"No!" Clark cried it, as he fought to keep his lover safe, and looking down at tiny Pete, and his big lover, and NO!


"Clark!" Shayla yelled. "Let him go! We've got him; we're not going to let him fall. Look, okay? We've got him. Pete's got him, and it's going to be okay. I'm going to hold the cue while you let him go, and Pete's gonna pull him back."

"Aushna'. Let go. This instant." Lex's voice was calm, but firm.

Clark let go in the instant Lex told him too. Didn't have to ask. Just did it.

And it was a sack of potatoes falling on him as Pete fell flat on his back, with Lex on top of him. Thudded hard against the floor, just...bam, and he blinked with an armful of Lex at the ceiling, as Clark stared in horror down at them. Something one didn't see everyday, and he blinked, twice, before realizing a very naked Lex was laying sprawled over him.


Lex fell on top of Pete with a quiet thud, and just lay there a second, gathering his thoughts. As soon as Pete bellowed, though, Lex rolled off him and got to his feet. "Clark!!"

Pete scrambled to his feet to... pause. Cooled, rubbed a palm down his chest, smoothed his shirt, and took the cue from Shay. "Baby? Go get the man some pants. Clark! Yo, dude." He didn't dare look at Lex, who had just been very nakedly on top of him, and blushed. Hard. "How we gettin' him down?"

"No. Shayla, you and Pete stay up here." He didn't even acknowledge his own nakedness. "When Clark falls, I don't want you two to get hurt." Lex was hurrying down the stairs. "Clark!! Answer me, dammit! Are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"Go to, Lex." He was alone on a ceiling and he was freaking the fuck out, as he began to float towards the middle of the room, where the highest point of the room, was. "Run, okay?" He winced at Shay and Pete, grasping the cue tightly as he fought gravity with little froggie swimming motions… realized it was useless, coughed, and stopped moving.

Shayla leaned over the railing and shrieked. "What the fuck do you mean, falls?" If nothing else, she had Senatori lungs. "Clark?? What the fuck does he mean, when you fall?"

"Ever hear that old, What goes up, must come down?" Clark asked softly, as he watched Lex move, not altogether denying the pleasure he got out of seeing those pale buns flex, though getting hard when two of his best friends were aware of the naked? No. Nuht uh. Not good. "Lex is going to get me down."

It took her all of two seconds to figure it out. "Oh hell no! You're not gonna make him fall! Invulnerable or not, oh hell no!!!!!" She started down the stairs with a full head of steam.

Lex whirled on her. "Do you see any other options here, Shayla? If you do, I'd be glad to hear them. Otherwise, get the hell out of my face. I'm not happy about doing this either, but we're out of options." Lex jerked the wall panel open, and palmed the plate on the safe. A few clicks and whirs, and the door opened, and Lex brought out the chunk of green Kryptonite. "I'm sorry, Clark. Catch!" Lex threw it at his lover.

Clark immediately reached out and caught what Lex had been offering... and groaned softly when he saw what it was. He'd been expecting it, but the wave of nausea, fatigue, and the pain that began in his chest and gut and radiated outward had him gasping. He faltered from the ceiling a moment... winced as he caved in on himself, and fell.

He hit the railing of the second floor library with his chest and kept right on falling, hitting bare floor in the fetal position, and moaned in pain.

"Shit!" Pete hissed, as he watched him fall, rushing down the steps. "Shit!"

Lex was waiting, and as soon as he hit the railing, Lex's gut wrenched and he ran across the room, and as soon as Clark hit the floor, Lex picked up the rock and hurled it away. He barely heard glass breaking as it went out the window, and he cradled his lover against him. "Clark... I'm sorry. Are you all right? Please... please, answer me. Tell me you're all right." His hand splayed on Clark's chest, rubbing the bright red mark from where weakened skin had impacted the wrought iron railing.

Shayla skidded downstairs a few seconds after Clark hit the ground, and she launched herself at Lex. "Get the fuck away from him!" she shrieked, pummeling his shoulders with her fists.

"O....owww." Muffled from under an arm, as he took a gasping breath, and pushed up onto one elbow. "Fuckin' way t--Shayla!" Clark pushed up onto his ass and grasped Lex away, tightly, pulling him into the circle of his arms and snarling at the girl as he brought Lex closer, rubbing his shoulders softly where she'd hit him. "Aushna', w'techn'e. Qurtansta` Shayla." (Aushna, I'm fine. Shayla is frightened.)

"I don't know what the fuck you just said, but it better be, I'm fine!" she yelled, snarling back at Clark and Lex both. "What the hell were you thinking?"

Lex just glared. "That I had to get him down, any way I could, before something went wrong." He wrapped his arms around Clark, and put his head on Clark's shoulders as his lover massaged him. "Daphstemlin'aq, aushna. Netesk tremp."

"I know, baby." Clark whispered, and kissed his lovers shoulder and cheek softly before he rose to his feet. "I'm fine, Shay." He looked from her wide eyes, to Pete's. "The meteor rock." Safer to call it that, than its real name, for fear that either of them would blurt it out by accident. "It hurts me. But when I'm not around it, I'm fine. See? its okay." He reached out, and kissed Shayla's cheek softly, and gave Pete a big hug. "Thanks, guys. I'm fine, I promise."

Shayla hugged him back. "You better be." She glared at both of them. "Don't you EVER scare me like that again!!" She was shaking her finger at them both and didn't realize how much she sounded like her mother.

Clark just smiled, shook his head, and shyly looked away from them as he bent down to get his pants, and Lex's, handing them to his lover. "Okay. So. Night." A blink at the door, a blink at them.

"Man, hint taken. You sure you're alright?" Pete tipped his head.

"Fine." Clark smiled it, softly. "Thanks, Pete."

"Ain't no thing." Couldn't meet Lex's eyes, but he nodded towards him and grasped Shayla's hand, tugging her out.

Shayla didn't fight Pete, but she did pause by the liquor cabinet long enough to snag the bottle of liquor that Pete had come down here for in the first place. "Night!" she chirped, glaring again as she slammed the door behind her.

Lex got up to his knees in front of his lover, and then to his feet. His hands ran quickly over Clark's body, over his shoulders, chest, stomach, sides, everywhere. "Are you sure you're not hurt?"

"I'm not hurt." Clark whispered, and just...shook his head, chuckling as he pressed his lips to Lex's temple, taking his hand close. "Lex?"

Lex didn't stop touching or checking until Clark physically stopped his hands from roving. "Yes?"

"I love you, you know. Even when you smush Pete and make him a man."

Lex blinked. "I'm sorry?"

He grinned. Broadly. And shook his head softly, rubbing his lips over a downy soft ear. "Let's go find the meteor rock, get the puppies, and go to sleep, kay? And if I forget to tell you later?" he leaned in and kissed his lover, gently. "You're so good you made us float to the ceiling. God, I love being inside you, love being with you, love touching you."

Lex shook his head. "Forget about the Kryptonite. It's outside; I threw it out and it broke through the glass. I'll have one of the glaziers from the site come out and repair it tomorrow." He wrapped himself around Clark. "You're the one that's good, Clark; I'm not this good without you."

"Whatever. I bet a few girls had floated to the ceiling in the past." He chuckled softly and hugged his lover tightly, resting his cheek on a soft temple.

"No," Lex said. "None of them made me feel like you do. Don't ever think otherwise."

"I don't." Clark said it softly, as he let go a moment to rub at the rapidly disappearing mark. "That really hurt, you know that?" A look up, at the rail that was slightly bent now, and he shuddered, as he took his lovers palm in his. "Let's try and have sex in low rooms from now on?'

"I'm sorry I hurt you," Lex said softly, winding his fingers through Clark's. Then he gave a small smile. "We'll talk to Jor-El this weekend. See if we can get him moved into the mansion, and if he can help us figure out how to control your... flights of fancy."

"Lex, no more ceiling sex. Okay? Ever." Clark shook his head, hard, even as the thought of having his biological father so close elated him with a hard, deep joy. "I flew. once. But then I crash landed, and yeah, that wasn't cool. Hey...we need to go see the caves again. See what we can do about them. Want to do it next week?" Clark asked it softly, as he led his lover to the door, pulling his pants on at the same time.

"Yeah. We need to go." He squeezed Clark's hand. "You can fly, Clark. Whether you like it or not, you can. You have to learn to control it, so you don't get stuck like that again."

"I think we ruined Pete, too." Clark said with amusement, eyes twinkling as he glanced up.

"From what I felt, no, I don't think we did."

Eyes wide, and they flipped to Lex with shock. A moments thought... and rather than be jealous, he felt a surge of pride in his heart, as he buttoned his jeans and began to tug his t-shirt on.

"Clark--don't bother getting dressed. You won't need to stay dressed for long," Lex pointed out as he unlocked the library door, naked as the day he was born.

"I have to. If not... I'm going to have to offer myself to you. At least, this way? I have control until we get the babies washed. Plus? I don't want them sniffing my butt."

Lex had to choke off laughter at that, the image of Samson's nose stuck up Clark's butt. "Poor Clark. I'll be waiting upstairs for you while you bathe dogs."

"My ass I will. You'll be in there, bathing with me." Clark heard his babies howling and crying though, and all but ignored Lex as he hustled to the kitchen, opening the door and dropping to his knees. "Babies! I missed you!"

Cleo had been snoring, fitfully, but when the Clark came in everyone ran her over, and she nipped where she could at them and whimpered. She was sleepy, she was crunchy and sticky from The Outside, and she wanted her warm bed and SLEEP!

THE CLARK!!! "BAWR!! BARKBARKBARKBARKKKBARKBARK!" Samson almost tripped over Cleo in his eagerness to get to Clark, and hurls his little tubby body at his Clark. "BAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRKKK!!!!"

"Yes, my baby, I am so here." Clark accepted all the dirty puppy, hugging him tightly as he reached out for Artie too, and a half asleep, groggy Cleo, hugging them tightly to his chest. "yes, my babies, I almost got stuck sleeping on the ceiling. I missed you guys like hell, huh? Yes I did."

Lex ignores the other two, and picks up his little princess. "Come here, darling," he said quietly, petting and stroking her.

Cleo just rolled her eyes around and snuggled on the Lex, plopping her chin on his shoulder and letting out a puppy yawn. Imbeciles. PUT ME TO BED!

Lex cuddled her. "Come on. I'll give you a nice, quiet bath while Clark gives those other two louts theirs. You and I will get you in the sink, run some nice warm water, get a nice fluffy towel... how does that sound?"

Artie was wiggling against Clark, licking his face and chin and throat frantically, wagging his tail and whuffing happily.

"Like you have too much time on your hands when you could be inside me." Clark simply said, very softly, his eyes dancing with mischief as he glanced up and winked.



go on to the next part