
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 182: Office Romance

Dominic absolutely loved being Vice President.

No doubt about it. He loved it. He had his own cushy office, he could wear polo shirts and slacks if he so wanted, he could sneak away with his lover for a half hour of private time whenever he wanted, and did he mention the cushy office? Had a great view with windows from wall to wall, an electronic rolodex which was just, so much better than his regular kind. He had a state of the art computer, all his files meticulously organized, the finance room right off his office perfectly labeled and organized. His cell phone was hooked into its charger, on as he voice chatted with Dick Cheney, as the older man had been nice enough to call and ask how they were.

Charlie, bless his little teeny heart, was at his desk right across from him in his corner, working away, and he tossed the calculator his way as he'd motioned for as he lifted his phone and pressed the normal speak button. "Yes, thank you, thank you, sir. Indeed, we did get the fruit basket, its truly lovely. Yes... thanks. Uh huh. Uh huh. Buh-bye." He hung up, set the phone on his desk, and lifted his files as he opened the door and crossed the hall to his lovers, giving it a swift knock.

Lionel muted the phone call he was on for a second. "Come in." He turned the call back on. "Yes, Mr. Case, I understand that." He smiled when he saw his lover, and motioned him in. "I realize that, but what you don't seem to realize is that your online service is a piece of crap, if you'll pardon the crassness. Before I start my own service and attempt to lure your customers to my services, I think it would be more beneficial to both of us if you'll allow me to replace your servers and technicians with trained LuthorCorp personnel." He pointed to the chair in front of his desk. "Yes, do think about that." He terminated the call, and looked at his lover, hands clasped on the desk. "Hello, Dominic."

A wicked snicker as Dominic pushed the door closed with his hip, files, folders, and fruit basket in hand. "From Cheney. He says hello, and that that Senator seat is still open if you want a crack at it this term. I finished up the paperwork on Wayne Enterprises, and Charlie's going to go fax them now to Gotham. I finished all the ends of the legal spectrum for the law suit on ABC, and there are six cases of Laecono wine sitting on a boat at Gotham harbor right now, for us, from the lovely President of Spain. He gives his well wishes." He took a breath, and barreled right on. "Their are some papers I need your signature on to start the daycare up from CCDS, they give their regards on how lovely the daycare is and how many children we have. They just need a few things signed for the state from you. The construction on the school starts tomorrow, finally on schedule after all the ghastly rain, and they want to have a ceremony before they pour the foundation. Finances are coming up, stocks have risen five percent from last week, and Sir Harry sends his well wishes."

"Dear Christ, why would I want to take the Senator's seat? I'd lose every bit of influence I have. No, tell Mr. Cheney that despite the kind offer, I must decline." He sighed as he listened to everything else. "Give me the papers to sign, and have one of the President's wine cases brought to the office here, for the christening ceremony for the school and the daycare. He's quite generous with his gifts, and we can honor him by using the wine in such a special occasion. Have the other five cases sent to the house." He held out his hand for the papers. "Sir Harry can go fuck himself."

Dominic grinned and handed it over before he took out his little palm pilot and made the notations quickly, plunking himself down into the seat in front of his lover. He set the pilot to the side and opened the first file, motioning to where he needed signitures, and nodded. "The wine will be here in a few hours, Ive already made arrangements for it to get to Smallville."

He loved being Vice President.

But as far as Mondays went, he was pooped.

He settled back in the chair for a moments rest, sighing softly and rubbing his head for a moment with a soft, deep sound of finally getting a moment's rest.

Lionel moved quickly, practiced hand scrawling his signature wherever it was required. "Dare I ask where my son is?"

He's talking to Bruce in the Board Room I believe." Dominic answered, and sat up again to point out where signatures were needed on the scrawling paperwork. "At least that's what he said."

Lionel kept signing. "Then I'm assuming that means the videophones got installed? Excellent. Who does Lex have coordinating the factory now that his office has been moved here, and when can we expect delivery of the new shipment of laptops?" He passed the signed forms back over to Dominic, and then turned back to his computer, fingers flying over the keys. "Also, did you take a look at this email from accounting? There were some families who didn't take advantage of the benefit extensions that LuthorCorp provided, though I don't know if that was out of stubborn pride or ignorance. We need to have that tracked down; did Winston make the move with us?"

"Gabe Sullivan, I do believe." Dominic answered back, sitting back up. "Lex has Gabe Sullivan at the factory. The video phones were installed this morning, the shipment of laptops comes in.." He looked down at his palm pilot, pushing two menu's, and answered. "Thursday. I saw the email, and I already started tracking them down. Two of the families simply didn't know they existed with a mail flub... Smallville's post office has suddenly needed massive expansion, as you can imagine, and I don't even want to think of how its going to be during the holiday season. Winston didn't, I'm afraid, so we have that spot open in accounting I've already posted on the website about, looking for an employee. He runs half of accounting, or ran anyway, with the Colonel, so we'll see what happens there. Villaconstant has it under control for now, however."

"Build the annex; bid low, and we'll get it, and we'll have it extended by the end of the summer." Lionel rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands for a brief moment as he ignored the ringing phone. "What about Riley? Would he take the promotion to the empty spot?"

"No, not since we moved..." he swallowed, a moment. He didn't want to bring the name up that had nearly cost their relationship. What a pity, as the man was nothing more than garbage, and he had caused so much anger and pain. "Riley's taken up one of the partner positions. The only other person I could possible think of is Stamos. He's a good man, has worked for us for fifteen years, and his work has always been exemplary."

"Then promote him, and put his old position out on the website; I'd rather move up the people we have now and train for the lower positions than have new people come in on the top echelon. At least for now, anyway. I'll be sending out a memo to make that company-wide policy before the afternoon is out."

"Got it." He scrawled it down on his pilot as well, and then slumped forward so his head knocked against the wood, plopped their on Lionel's desk like a blob. "Have I mentioned in the last fifteen years how much I hate Mondays?"

Lionel laughed softly. "Only every Monday that you've come into the office, that's all."

"Ughmph." He looked up, though, emerald eyes dancing as they matched his shirt perfectly, sighing softly and shaking his head as he set his head on his hand. "I'm pooped, angel. At least we're getting on our plane on Friday." A bright smile, then, as he reached for Lionel's fingers, gently stroking over them, over the expensive suit shirt, thumbing the cuff links softly.

"I'm sorry it had to be postponed because the opening date got pushed up, but now that we are open, running, and fairly well re-established, I have no qualms at all about getting on that plane Friday afternoon."

Big beam. "I can't wait. Its going to be so much fun. Though at the moment I'm thinking, less fun, more sleep, of course." He stroked his fingers through Lionel's for a moment before letting go, slapping his thighs, and climbing to his feet. "Alrighty, let me go get some more of this work done. I'll come tell you when Charlie gets the faxes over to Gotham."

Lionel got up quickly and shut the door to his office before Dominic could walk out of it. Instead, he pushed his lover gently back against it, and kissed him hard, tongue stroking firmly as his hands moved from Dominic's collar to his hips, then this ass, squeezing and lifting slightly.

Oh!!!!!! HELLO!

The file fell with a slap against the floor and Dominic lifted up on his toes to kiss back, shocked fingers running across Lionel's shoulders and around back to his back as he was kissed. Firm tongue pushing in past his lips and he met it eagerly, joy lighting his heart as he squirmed his hips back into his lovers searching fingers. "Mmmmmm." Muttered in his throat, softly as they kept right on kissing, his fingers up and running through Lionel's hair.

Yeah. Had he mentioned he loved being Vice President?

Lionel chuckled softly at the wide, radiant grin that infringed on the kiss they were sharing, and he muffled his own grin in Dominic's shoulder until he could look up soberly again. "I haven't had the time to ask yet; do you like your new office?"

Big beam. Just... big beam, crossing over his face and dimpling his cheeks. "Uh huh. Most definitely. I've got a window office. How cool is that? Everyone wants to hate me, but can't. I find it outrageously amusing."

"You have a corner office with a view," Lionel corrected. "Technically, it's not the corner of the building, since mine is, but you're right across the hallway from it, so it's still categorized as a corner office with a view on the top floor of the highest building in the plaza."

"Which makes me giggle like a giddy idiot every single day when I walk in." Dominic beamed it, and nuzzled his lovers cheek softly with his nose. "You've yet to see my dance. Don't let yourself see my dance. Charlie had to excuse himself."

"As long as it doesn't involve throwing your head back and dancing anything like that ridiculous cartoon dog, then we're quite fine with whatever dancing you like to do."

"Hah! Not hardly, but close enough." But he smiled again, and nuzzled his husbands cheek again, kissing his lips softly and nibbling them just a little bit, to taste. "I love my job. I thought it would be different... it is, but not all that much. Responsibility, in a different capacity. Not as strenuous as it was before."

"Of course it's not as strenuous. You have other people to do your work for you now. More people to delegate to. The ultimate responsibility still lies with you, however, you're not actively searching it out."

He tipped his head. "What would that be?"

"Making sure everything runs smoothly, and reporting the problems to me." A soft caress to Lionel's face. "Not a job many people would care to take on."

"Hee." he turned his head up into the tender stroking. "I don't mind it much at all, as I've been doing it for quite some time. And you've yet to nibble my head off in any way that's not utterly pleasant, so I'm not dissatisfied."

Lionel slipped one hand down to caress his lover's groin while the other hand still caressed his face. "I've come to like both heads... exactly the way they are."

Oh. A soft, long breath, and his eyes slitted. "Naughty boy. What if poor, misguided Charlie were to hear you? You've ruin what's left of his darling... uhnnn...." A cleared throat. "Darling brain."

"If poor, misguided Charlie were to hear me, it'd simply broaden his horizons. I assume that poor little Charlie isn't an idiot and he does know what sex sounds like." He rubbed a little harder, a little more teasingly.

His head fell back, the back of it clunking against the wood, and arched up the smallest bit to let Lionel... get a better handful. His throat bobbed, Adams apple moving up and down, as he stared at the ceiling off behind Lionel's head and let his eyes slit. "Mmm?" A cleared throat, as much as he could, as one hand came up to brace on his lovers shoulder. "Mmmmm."

Lionel didn't slide his hand any further down, any further back, or stroke any harder. He just kept stroking at the same teasing pace, smiling down at his lover. "Mmm, what?"

Yeah. Yeah. Bastard. "Mmm good." Dominic answered, doing his best not to make any sounds of whimperdom that were more than necessary as he arched, rubbing his very, very interested crotch against Lionel's very, very subdued hand. "Mmm."

Lionel pulled his hand away all together, bracing them both on his lover's shoulders. "Good?"

Oh. His eyes flickered open, head coming down from clunking on the door as Lionel stopped, and now he made a sound very much classified as a whimper, because yeah, he was interested, little Dominic was veeeery interested, and now his blood was roaring and... yeah.

Lionel sucked.

"G… good." He answered back, half whisper and half moan, clearing his throat quietly as he took a deep breath.

Lionel just grinned down at his lover, and reached behind Dominic to lock the door, and then stepped back, and kept grinning.

He was sort of fuzzy eyed, swallowing deeply, and he leaned back against the door, shrunk against it almost, because that smile was not innocent in any sort of capacity, and it usually meant he wouldn't be sitting for a week, or more. Not that he minded, because yes, his cock was having a field day in his pants, and yes, his nipples were hard and his body was flush, but who wouldn't be? It was Lionel Luthor for Christ's sake. So he took a step with him, watching warily as excitement began to make his blood rush through his body. Oh yeah. "Wh... what are you doing?"

Lionel didn't answer, as he meticulously stripped out of his suit jacket, folded it over the back of his chair, and then sat down in it, legs crossed and hands resting on his knee. He raised an eyebrow towards the other chair, and waited.

Oh, crap. Dominic swallowed, and since he just had on shirt and tie he just... yeah. Plunked down in the other seat a little harder than he'd meant to, the wood underneath the ample cushion jarring his brain about a minute as he swallowed, and never once took his eyes away. He was growing more excited by the moment, his very skin tingling, and his throat bobbed tightly.

Lionel moved his chair over to the edge of his desk, rollers whispering quietly across the floor as he reached his lover's chair, ran his hands over Dominic's thighs, teased the well-known creases of his hipbones through the thick fabric of his pants and underwear.

Then, without a word, Lionel glided easily to his knees, opened his lover's fly, and licked over the head of his cock, tongue lapping and sucking gently.

He gasped, hard, eyes widening down at his lover as his head fell back and oh, Christ. Oh. Christ. Lionel had been doing this... a lot lately, and he didn't quite know why but he liked it and most definitely didn't want him to stop. He moaned quietly as his fingers slid through his lovers hair, and gazed down at what he was doing. His cock was well on its way to fully hard with each suck and lick of Lionel's mouth, and he watched those lips part and take him in and "Uuhnn." He whispered, watching, watching because he wanted to, watched what Lionel did to make him feel so fucking good.

Knowing nibbles along the shaft, and light licks to the base, and Lionel sucked all of Dominic's cock into his mouth. His thumb rubbed the scar on his lover's thigh while his other hand wrapped around the bottom of the shaft, stroking it as Lionel sucked. He wanted to tease his lover more, so he refused to suck him completely down, not yet, and instead, he rained soft kisses over the head, wrapped his tongue around it and tugged, blew soft breaths over it before using the scruff of his beard to tickle his balls.

"L-Lionel. Lionel, Lionel." He whimpered it, quietly. No way could he not whimper it, his lover was teasing him to distraction. His head fell back, fingers scrambling up to loosen his tie before he choked to death and with the loosening of it came the loosening of his inhibitions, because his fingers came down to stroke over his lovers lips where they wrapped around his dick, fingertips moving over it so he could feel and see and it just made him surge harder, hard now, fully hard, and uuuuhhhhnn! Had he mentioned that? Definite uhhhhn qualities here.

Lionel smiled as he pulled off completely, and looked up at his lover with wide, innocent eyes as his fist stroked over the hard length. "Yes, Dominic?"

"Wh-why, wh... tease, bastard tease, aren't you?" He asked it on a moan, as his fingers stroked over Lionel's lips, his beard, his jaw line quietly, and realized quite suddenly his thighs were spread like a bitch in heat and his body tense, waiting. Which kind of made him giggle in self amusement, eye brows waggling as his leg came around to stroke over Lionel's waist.

Lionel sucked at the fingers that stroked over his lips and let them go to slide over the rest of his face, and he rubbed his cheek against Dominic's thigh--which let the bristly hair of his beard scrape against his lover's cock. "Yes... I am a bastard tease, and I fully expect you'll make me pay for it later." But he went back to sucking, letting himself settle easily into the crook of Dominic's leg around his hip, seriously getting down to business with longer, steadier sucks, and pushes deeper into his throat.

"Li... Lionel?" He whispered it, because yeah, a thought had come to his head and it wasn't all together one his lover might approve of in any regard, but he had to ask. He was getting sucked, sucked right down a tight throat, and as much as he wanted to stay right there... he wanted something else, more. And he had gotten to the point in his life, and his marriage to this beautiful man, where he could ask. His fingers came down, softly, slowly, to stroke over his lovers face and raise it up, even as his own throat bobbed. "Lionel?"

Lionel slowly pulled off his lover's cock, hand still bracing the shaft, moving over it in smooth jerks as he rocked back up on his heels to look at his lover. "What's wrong, Dominic?"

"N... uuhnnn... nothing." He cleared his throat, hard, coughing softly and shifting under his lovers gorgeous movements on his burning cock. "I... can... can I a-ask? S… something." Okay. So maybe asking didn't come quite so easily.

"You can ask anything you want, but if you're thinking, then my cocksucking skills apparently need fine-tuning," Lionel said with a wry grin. "Yes, beloved. Ask."

He cleared his throat. "Not… in any, ay way... no fine t-..." Cough. "Tuning. No. Like... yes." he realized he was babbling, and his eyes were slightly crossed, but whatever. "I w...want. Want you, to... if... if you want. Work, can't. Wanted... ride me." He didn't dare look down. Fear of rejection from any source when he was midway through having sex was not something he liked. At all.

Lionel tightened his grip on his lover's cock. "You want me to ride you, Dominic? Here and now?" He stroked the cock in his fist again, and went back to his desk, going through the drawers until he found the small tube he kept in there, just for this reason. "I don't have a problem with that."

Ohmygodshitandholyfuck. His eyes widened, considerably, and his throat bobbed tightly as he watched his husband retrieve the tiny tube and look at him just so. "I… in. In your chair. I wa... want. In..." Maybe he took it too far with that but he couldn't help it, because he'd fantasized over it for years, and now, just this moment, it would come true. Uuuuuhhnn. "Please...if. If you'd not be minding."

Lionel held out his hand in answer. "I don't mind."

Yeah. Kid. Candy store. Dominic scrambled to his feet, caught his slacks at the last moment before they fell, and let himself swallow hard as his fingers stroked over his lovers face. Uuuhhnnnnnnn! "You don't mind? Really? Holy shit." His cock surged, twitching with blood and darkening as he muttered in pleasure, grasping his lover close and kissing him, roughly, deeply, hotly. He'd had his lover, gotten to be inside, much more recently and yeah, he loved that sooo much, way too much. He pushed his lover against the desk for a moment, though, and dropped down to his knees, tugging at a belt and a pesky zipper before swallowing his lover down to the root, sucking hard as his thumb began to stroke over the mark Dominic had left on Lionel's ass.

"I don't mind." His hands grasped the side of Dominic's face gently, but firmly, returning the kiss with just as much heat and ferocity as Dominic gave him. This was the man he loved, and he let Dominic know it with every kiss. Then when Dominic slid down and sucked him, Lionel moaned softly, rocking back an forth, rubbing against the stroking thumb before thrusting into a wet, hot throat. "D--Dominic."

He sucked and licked to his hearts content, feeling the solid heat go up and down, over and over, before he pulled away with a wet little pop and since his lover was facing his desk anyway, he crawled around it, lifted his dress shirt and lowered boxers so that he could dive his mouth between firm, tense cheeks. Yeah. Paperwork forgotten, work forgotten, just this moment where his lover was keening above him, his tongue sliding in, deep past clenching muscles and into his husband, and muuuhhhnnnn. At least the noise had escalated.

"S--soundproofed the walls," Lionel said, words jerky. "Didn't--know I'd be making such quick use of them." He leaned over the side of the desk, spreading his legs just a little, as far as his pants would let him as he exposed himself to Dominic's tongue. Something he never thought he'd like and couldn't imagine not doing now, and he gripped the sides of the desk tightly.

"Needed it." Muffled from between his lovers cheeks as his quick fingers spread them even more, sucking and licking, then biting, none too gently, on the rim itself, fingers coming around to stroke his lovers cock. Lovely, divine, beautiful, and he was smiling into him as he gave one last warm kiss and rose, rubbing the back of his hand over his mouth free of saliva and plunked down into the large, thick executive chair, eyebrows waggling as he waited for his lover.

Lionel reached around the chair and pushed the armrests down, something most models of higher-rate office chairs had, and he picked the tube up from the desk, and leaned over, squirting the lube directly onto his hand, and then warming it just a little before slathering it thickly over his lover's cock. "Facing you, or towards the wall, lover?"

"Oh, God." he whispered it, hoarsely, and he didn't know. Didn't know. On one hand, he wanted his lover to look at him as they fucked, on the other hand… it would be hard, quick, brutal, all about the pleasure if his lover faced the other way.

Uuughhhhhh. But Dominic could touch his cock while he did it.

"Wall. Face... face the w-wall." He shuddered, hard, when his husbands fingers finally left his clock, and he stroked over his lovers body as the mess and the pleasure in this escalated. He arched up, tugging down his slacks so that they were around his thighs and not his hips should they get mussed, and his shirt unbuttoned and spread to the sides. "I want... you to face the wall. No... wait." he whispered it, as he stroked his husbands belly, his hip. "Face me. Face me. I want to watch your face when you slide down onto me... want to see how you feel." Dominic whispered it, settling back in the chair with a kiss-my-ass smile, a dare, a smirk, and raised a brow. "If you can take it."

"As you wish, master." Lionel said it softly, teasingly, licking across his lover's mouth as he turned back around again, facing him before straddling his lover's hips. "I can take it." One hand reached under him and steadied his lover's cock as he slowly started to ease himself down, the extra-thick coating of slick gel allowing Dominic's cock to penetrate him without the benefit of stretching.

Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Lionel pushed himself down, arched in pleasure as his body swallowed more of his lover's length, stretching slightly of it's own accord to embrace the familiar length and pull it even deeper.

"Oh, dearest God." Moaned, whispered, screamed, Dominic didn't know what. All he could feel was Lionel sinking down on him inch by glorious inch, and he wasn't long but he wasn't short either, so the delicious, excruciating slowness of it had his eyes rolling and his fingers squeezing his lovers thighs tightly as he kept his legs closed, allowing his husbands knees to hit each side of the wide, lovely chair. "Lionel. Lionel. Going to make you scream, lover, going to make you want."

Lionel didn't say anything until he was firmly settled on his lover's cock, the length of it burning inside him, his own cock wet and hard, jutting between them. "I already want," he said quietly, and started to move. Pushing himself up and sliding back down again, every twitch of his body caused his ass to tighten around Dominic's shaft.

"Oh, my GOD!" He yelled it like a bitch and did he ever not care. He began to stroke up as much as he could, though he enjoyed letting Lionel do the work for him, just so he could watch those fabulous muscles move, those delicious abs to tighten, and he sucked on hard nipples, fingers stroking over a hard and weeping cock as he did it. Light, teasing strokes, over ass and cock, fingers idly stroking where Dominic was thrusting inside of his lover, feeling the hot, wet, delicious feeling of his lovers muscle tight around him with each stroke.

The chair bounced under them as Lionel rode, moving faster and harder with each passing second, pulling himself almost completely off his lover's cock before pushing back down to the base. He shuddered at the touches to his cock, head tossed back as he pushed gently against Dominic's stomach, bracing himself and twisting softly so that each stroke filled him entirely.

Big, wicked, evil smile, as he caught his lovers cock in his hand, looking up at him and hee. Yes. He squeezed him, held him tight and refused to let him stroke, as he spoke. He was beyond want, but he wanted this, so he spoke, voice gusty and dark, hardly intelligible, and murmured, "Tell me, Lionel. What do you see."

Lionel shuddered again on Dominic's cock. "See... red. Red haze. See... see the back side of my office; looking out the window while riding you." He looked down. "See... I see you."

A growl, deep in his throat, and yeah, well. He was strong, so why not put that strength to use. he snagged his lover around the waist and pushed up, pushed him over his desk, sending pens, paperwork, and staplers flying as he began to thrust hard, pounding strokes into his lover as he kissed him ferociously. He snagged twin arms, dragging them up to pin against the wooden desk, and snarled into his ear, "What do you see now?"

Lionel was lost, for a moment, as Dominic pounded into him, and his greedy body opened up and accepted it all. "My world!" he cried out softly, riding each thrust as much as he could, not trying to fight being pinned down. "I see my world."

But Dominic loved it, loved the fight, and he snarled as he kissed him even harder, bruising both their lips, surely, in the process but he didn't give a fuck when his body was tingling, his cock was pounding, sweat dotted his temples and he was having the one thing he craved more than life itself. "Tell me, tell me, more, more. Feel, what do you feel lovely one? What do you feel, tell me, I want to know. You can't escape, you can't fight, I have you, you are mine."

Key words, you are mine, and he'd never felt belonging before. Not even with Lillian and he wasn't thinking of that at all, just riding the thrill of being claimed, riding the thrill of learning what it's like to capitulate your will to someone you loved so completely, and he looked up at the bruising kisses, licked his lips as he tried to croak out words. "I feel hot... hungry, possessed even. I don't want to fight; I want to lie back and accept and take and ride out every pounding thrust, shuddering on the desk or the bed beneath you."

Ughunghmp. He was sure, even being a gay man, he'd never felt more masculine in his life. He groaned, deeply, the pounding slowing to soft, sweet loving thrusts that came almost all the way out and thrust inside, his fingers gentling on his beautiful lover as he wrapped him close around his body and stroked. Soft, gentle, even if he was keeping his lovers arms up over his head firmly, even if he was still taking his body in solid strokes. That's all Dominic had wanted in his entire life, to be Lionel's and for Lionel to be his, and in this very moment, in this very instant, he had it. Would always had it, and joy, joy.

"No," Lionel whimpered softly, arching up into his lover. "Don't... don't slow down. Please." Begged it, didn't care, just begged it. "Don't slow down, keep... keep it hard, keep it fast."

"Tell me." Dominic whispered it into his husbands ear like a dying man, the words broken by emotion and lust. "Tell me what it is you're wanting, lover. Tell me, and I'll give it to you."

Lionel wanted nothing more than to wrap his legs around his lover's waist and pull him deeper, but he couldn't. He'd remedy that later. "I want you to fuck me, Dominic. Hard... fast... I want to feel every stroke when I sit back down in this chair this afternoon to finish working."

" my command." Dominic murmured, and his thrusts became rocking jabs. Hard, pushing hard with each stroke, mouth attacking his husbands as they fucked like barbarians over his lovers desk. Everything scattered onto the floor, he half mounted the desk itself as he fucked his lover, hard, hard, hard, want, his cock burning and screaming and aching even as he reached underneath himself and wrenched his balls. He wanted his husband to come first, he wanted to hear Lionel's cries for more, he wanted him to come.

Lionel writhed in happiness beneath his lover, in ecstasy that made him twitch and shiver, push up for more and beg for it, whimpering "please" over and over again, meeting each violent push into him with a hard raise of his hips and a shift so that Dominic's cock probed against his prostate.

A muffled shout then, the hard jab against his prostate and the flare had barely faded before the new one started, and he came. Couldn't stop, no warning, just hard jets of semen that pulsed out of his cock and covered his stomach.

Dominic reached down in that moment, as he felt his lover begin to come, and grasped his cock tight, squeezing it and working him through his orgasm as his own began to light his body on fire. He stroked, hard, harder, giving every bit of attention and love to his lovely husband before he let go of the pinned hands and braced himself on the table, eyes shutting tight as he began to jerk with it as it came. Close, close, he was so close, so close, and he jerked, humping and thrusting as hard as he could as he begged the fates for climax.

Lionel pushed himself up on his arms, one hand sliding through the mess on his belly then tweaking his lover's nipples hard with slippery fingers. Then when he'd twisted both to his satisfaction, he rose up further and licked them, tasting his own come and the saltiness of Dominic's skin as he sucked each nipple into his mouth, raking over it with his teeth.

"GUH!" Dominic cried, shocked with the kinkiness of his lovers abject movement and he let out a cry as he grasped him close and came. Orgasm lit through his body like fire until his ears fuzzed and his vision swam, body locked tight as he erupted and exploded into his lover. Streams of it flew from his tightly drawn balls until he moaned, hard, and took care of his lover before he slumped forward. He gently tugged him close to him and without breaking connection pulled him back onto the chair with him, sitting back into it with sweat all over his body as he snuggled Lionel into his embrace tenderly. Bigger than him but it didn't matter, because they were together, and he closed his eyes and fought for breath as he kissed his lovers sweaty shoulders.

Lionel's arms wrapped around Dominic's shoulders, holding himself close and fighting not to collapse and flatten Dominic with his weight. He panted softly into his lover's ear as he tried to catch his breath, and found himself nibbling on the ear instead. "I'm glad of the soundproofing now."

He knew the intricacies of Lionel's body like he knew his own, and he twisted, pushing the button so the arms came up, and turned so that they could share the wide seat, wrapped and cuddled and snuggled in every which way. His eyes were closed as his muscled burned, cooling down after that delicious session of deliciousness, and began to lap and lick at his lovers throat and shoulders like a cat. Warm kisses, making sure he was okay with gentle kisses, rubs of his lips and strokes through warm hair.

Lionel licked in return, tugging gently on his lover's earlobe, swirling his tongue around it, squeezing the cock still in his ass with gentle pulses. "I'm all right," he reassured his lover, knowing the reason for the warm kisses and strokes, even though he didn't protest them at all. "I'm fine; are you?"

He just nodded, many, many times. Couldn't talk right now, he was much too busy staying conscious and licking his lover. He kissed all over his shoulders and chest, then up to his mouth, kissing him softly and deeply as his fingers stroked over where he knew there would be five fingered bruises on his lovers body in a few hours, bruises he had put there and eee! He smiled into the kiss as he stroked over his lovers ass, where he was still inside, and stroked tenderly, free fingers coming down to his lovers belly and pressing in and rubbing, so Lionel could feel how deep he was in.

The telephone was about the only thing that hadn't been pushed off the desk, and it was buzzing softly. He put a finger over his lover's lips, pleading for silence, and flicked the buzzer. "Yes, Carolyn?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr. Luthor, but you have an important phone call on line three; it's Ms. Donna Blair, of Donner Industries. She's returning your earlier call about the distribution contracts."

Lionel rolled his eyes. "Of course, put her through." Bloody timing. He wiggled slightly on his husband's lap as he picked up the phone. "Ms. Blair? Yes, Lionel Luthor. Thank you for returning my call."

Mmmm. Dominic hadn't heard, not really, and he just kept right on licking and kissing his lover as though he hadn't heard anything. Which he hadn't. He kissed all over his lovers chest and shoulders, jaw and ears, up to nibble the free earlobe, and only when he went to kiss him, and realized he was talking to someone, did he gave a big, dopey grin of the very pleased, eyes shining up at him as he squirmed his hips and snuggled his head down for more kisses on lovely, lovely skin.

Lionel's voice didn't waver as he carried on his conversation, shifting positions to accommodate his lover's kisses and caresses. "Yes. Yes, that's what we are investigating. With several other firms as well, but we've heard that Donner Industries is the largest non-manufacturing distributor of organic agricultural products."


"Yes, I realize that, but we're hoping to begin production of a completely organic fertilizer in the next few months, now that our new, upgraded facility is complete."


"I see, yes. No, it wouldn't be the standard LuthorCorp shipments. It's a smaller niche of the market, at least to begin with, so we'd only require a quarter to a half of the standard volume."

Dominic's fingers stroked over a warm, long back, his mouth stroking down over tense little nipples, and he playfully flicked his tongue across the ring looped through the left one, nibbling it softly and lapping at the piercing before switching sides, so he could tug the ring with his fingers. Slip his first finger through the loop to rub over the front of the nipple before back down, playfully, teasingly, touching because he was just so fucking happy. He murmured his pleasure around the right nipple, tenderly kissing it, and purred his way up to a warm throat. Oh, and did he ever love this place, and he purred in pleasure.

Lionel shot his lover a glare that was more than half amused. "No, that was just static in the phone."


"That's right, I wouldn't be needing the services for at least six to eight months, because the product is still in development."

Dominic had another product in development, and he thrust upwards to prove it.

Lionel strangled off a swift cry, and covered it with a light cough. "No, I'm fine. Springtime allergies, if you'll believe it. Not quite used to the country air here in Smallville yet."


"Wonderful. If you could send two packets, that would be delightful. One to myself, and one to my vice-president, Dominic--" he flicked a quick look over at his lover. "--Luthor."

Big huge dweeby beam that lit his eyes and his dimples again as he gave another soft thrust, slowly but methodically, firmly, over and over and over without stopping even if it was slow, calm, and easy. He began to make love to his lover again, fingers dropping down to Lionel's lap to stroke over his cock as his mouth found a nipple and bit into it, sucking harder as he began to move. Their positions gave just enough space for him to thrust, and he braced one foot on the floor by the leg of Lionel's desk, and moved gently, slowly, deliciously as his mouth kissed all over his lovers chest and throat.

Lionel was riding the gentle thrusts with a soft smile on his face. "Yes, that's the new address. Yes, the last name's the same on both packets; the mail room will sort them here, don't worry. Yes. Yes, thank you. I look forward to hearing from you again." He hung up the phone, and turned to face his lover. "Bad, bad, naughty little Dominic."

Heee! A wicked expression crossed his features, eyebrow raised expectantly as he continued to thrust for a moment before stopping and wriggling in closer. Mmmm. Arousal had a round, edged little corner and mmmmmm. But he was just so very, indecently, incredibly happy, and he beamed like a big idiot all over the place, hugging him close.

Lionel pulled off his lover just enough to move, so that he could turn and face the wall, hands braced on his thighs as he slid back down on his lover's cock. "Have it both ways, beloved." He unbraced himself long enough to pull Dominic's arms around his waist, and then rocked back.

Dominic stared, for a moment, at the long length of back, and felt as his lover began to rock up and down.

Well then he just had to burst out into laughter of joy and send them careening towards the floor.


Bruce was all the way in Gotham and he heard it. Sitting there, talking to Lex, and suddenly a thud and twin male voices rising in laughter and he raised his brow at the video phone and Lex's face. "You know, when I left that little zit on the ass, I thought I wouldn't be subjected to gay sex anymore. Christ, the nerve. Tender minds, here."

Lex smiled, and then snickered. "Not subjected to it? Hello, have you met Dick Grayson lately? Tall guy, cock between his legs, first name that sounds like his sex organ? Unless you've had a major lifestyle change that I don't know about, you are always going to be subjected to gay sex."

Having his friend on the video phone was almost as good as having him here, but not quite as good.

He looked completely innocent and serene. "I know none such sex god. All I know is Grumpy Man, who looks like he could be Dick Grayson, except he doesn't say much lately but curse at his cast and hit it with various household objects. Though, if I think hard enough, I could remember a certain cock."

"Christ, it's not time for that fucking thing to come off yet? It's been what, two months?" Lex sighed. "Your ass is gonna be in for one hell of a workout once he gets it off."

"I'm not planning on sitting for some time." Bruce acknowledged it with a wicked little sound, eyebrow coming up. "It comes off next week. He doesn't want me there, as he assures me the smell of cocooned carcass is less than pleasant once its cracked open 'like a beetle' like he so eloquently put it. So I have three choices. Run like hell. Hide. or take it like a man."

Lex shook his head. "Take it from me, man. You should be there. He's gonna pass out when they crack that thing open. It won't be smelly, but it will look... very white, and very dry and scaly. Best thing you can do for him? Take a bottle of oltion and slick it up. Let the dry skin soak it in."

"I know he is." A sigh. "My poor lover. the indignities he suffers."

"He'll survive it." Mock-serious face, that soon broke into a smile. "I'm sorry about leaving so rapidly after the last visit... Clark came, and he needed me at home."

"No sweat." he tipped his head. "I got your email yesterday over the... other thing that happened that night. That's definitely interesting. I want you and Clark out here for a weekend this coming month… a long weekend. Doesn't he have Easter break? Come out for Easter break, and you can check out the other things I've already finished."

"Definitely interesting isn't the word for it, Bruce. And it hasn't stopped. It's not like it's gone away; it's always there, just waiting to be tapped in, used, controlled. Clark and I have been working on it together; he's thrilled, overjoyed, ecstatic, and about fifteen other adjectives I could use."

"He's got to be. Probably the same way I felt about Dick when… you know. How are you taking it, though?" he raised a brow, and took a drink of coffee.

"How am I taking it?" Lex considered. "Shocked, surprised, shocked again, a little more surprise, overwhelmed slightly, not a little scared, and consumed with the need to look inside my own head and figure out where this all came from."

"It came from your dad." Deadpanned, eyebrow raised. "And probably the radiation blast when the meteors fell. You might have already had the means... the radiation bloomed it, and then set it into dormancy until you met Clark. Which would make sense, because of this link you both have, and the way you're able to manipulate it in your mind. He's the strength you needed to wake that power up."

Lex drummed his fingers on the tabletop for several minutes as he thought, idly scrawling notations on one of the repots he'd been working on. "You actually might be right, Bruce. About it being from Dad, I mean. Not intentionally, but the way he always made me work my mind, my thoughts, made me be always thinking, studying, using my brain... it might be that. It might have built the power up, and I know you're right in that it was Clark that helped me wake it up." He put his pen down and gazed at his friend. "I want to be you when I grow up, Bruce."

Bruce burst out laughing, and almost fell out of his desk chair. He whooped, loudly, dragging his legs from the corner of the desk where he'd had them propped and held his middle as he just about died laughing. "You… ME?! Nooooo, nononono, kid, no fuckin' way. Don't be asking for rubber cause the answer is no."

"I do happen to have a black latex outfit in my closet," Lex said dryly. "I just don't have an affinity for rodentia."

Bruce was still chuckling, and he wiped his eyes as he took in a puff of breath. "Oh man. That's... oh man. My amusement for the week. Geez, kid." But he inhaled and exhaled, giving another giggle as he calmed himself down. He hadn't laughed like that in weeks. Hee! "Your father always wanted you to think, to use your brain, to understand complex systems and intricate ideas. Its very possible he put you onto the road, and Clark was the push you needed to get you going."

Lex rolled his eyes at being called kid, but he let it pass. "Oh, so that's going to make it even more fun. Dad? Yeah, you know that whole thing where I can move pencils in midair and read your mind? Yeah. That's your fault. So, thanks!! He's going to shit gold bricks."

"Oh, what. I'll call you kid when you're 50, so stop rolling your eyes around, you look like a cranked up alligator." Bruce retorted, as he propped his legs back up comfortably. But paused, immediately after. "You can move pencils? Really?"

Lex just smiled softly, and held out his index finger. The pen on the desk he'd just been writing with rose up into the air, and as Lex wiggled his finger, the pen danced in mid-air before Lex let it fall gently back to the desk.

"Well." A moment, and he coughed softly. "Maybe we could get you suited up."

"Changing your mind about the rubber then?" Lex snickered. "Don't get your hopes up. I can't do anything else with it, no matter how hard I try. I think my biggest benefits are going to be inside my head, not little party tricks."

"You could win millions. Think of Vegas, Lex." He was joking, his lips were twitching, and the amusement he was getting out of this was priceless. "You could go up there with the showgirls. You could be a showgirl."

"No. Thank you. If I'm going to be a girl anything, it's going to be in the relative privacy of a Metropolis club, or my own home for Clark's getting-off pleasure."

His eyebrow came up. "Speaking of.."

"Of Clark getting off?"

"Of going clubbing."

Lex just raised his eyebrow expectantly. "Yes?"

Bruce raised a brow right back. "Dick asked me about it a week or two ago. He's been thinking about it. When he gets his cast taken off… he wants to."

"And you have a problem why, exactly?" Lex settled back in his chair. "Going out to a club is fun, as long as you don't make the same mistakes that I did."

"I have no problem. I just won't be wearing drag."

Lex examined his friend closely. "I don't blame you; no way you could pull it off. You're too broad, you're too muscular, and your arms are roughly the size of my thighs."

His eyes widened, before his brows furrowed in indignation. "You're telling me I couldn't? I'd be twice the drag queen. I can't believe you just told me I can't!"

Solemn face. "There's no way in hell you can."

"You bastard. Reverse psychology has never worked on me, but I'll be damned if you're going to tell me I can't pull off whatever I please!"

"Bruce, I'm telling you. there's absolutely no way on this planet you could feasibly pull off being a girl. I'm sorry." He steepled his fingers in front of his face to hide the little grin that flitted across.

"Look, Luthor, if your mountain of a boyfriend can pull it off, so can I!" But the thought of Clark had him switching gears a little bit. "When are you both going to go to do the layout for People? Dominic was telling me a few days ago that they're considering either Jamaica or Cancun."

"Clark is shaped differently than you are, plus he had me there to help." He dropped his hands at that query. "We haven't decided. The idea took us a little by surprise--shouldn't have, considering I was pushing Clark to appear in your magazine earlier in the year, but it was a surprise. Clark and I are still discussing; Dad has a house in San Dominique, right on the coast. It's about three miles outside of Clark's Town, which is both amusing and ironic. If they won't let us use Dad's house, then we're going to angle for Acapulco instead of Cancun, because Cancun's on the Gulf and Acapulco is the Pacific, and I like the Pacific blue water better than the Gulf. However, they're eager for a decision because they want it in as quickly as possible. We're hoping next month at the earliest, and if not then, it'll have to wait until summer."

Bruce listened quietly, as his friend spoke, tapping his pen against the desktop for a moment. "If you need to, you can use the chateau in Puerto Rico. The garden is exquisite, as you know, and the inlet from the ocean is beautiful. That is, if you decide that the gulf isn't so bad. There's also the house on Oahu island in the Hawaiian islands, if you should decide. Just tell me a day or two in advance and I'll have the keys express mailed to you."

"Oh, the Oahu house. I remember that place very well, the one time we went. Let me talk to Clark about that; he had, back in the original discussion, this wonderful idea for the picture layout, that was something along the lines of being on the porch and/or balustrade with the beach and ocean as the backdrop. If he still wants that, then I may be calling you for the key after all."

"Good times spent there." A slew of snickers from Bruce that had his deep brown eyes dancing. "Just tell me when you need it. I'll send you the property pictures through email for Clark to see, as well, and it might give you a better decision. But, in the meantime, let me ask... aren't you supposed to be working? The noises from your dads office stopped, after all."

"Oh, that'd be great." He sighed and held up the report to the vid screen. "I am working. See?" The report was covered in notation. "It's not my fault we have incompetent people who can't account for fifteen pounds of missing concrete."

"Maybe its what Lionel used in the middle of the night to finally bury that bitch of a mother in law."

"I heard that!" Dominic yelled through the door.

"God, one could only hope. Unfortunately, I saw her slithering about just the other day." He pitched his voice higher for the yell back. "You were bloody well supposed to!"

Dominic through open the door, and glared. He was just straightening his tie, Lionel behind him, and he gave as hard a glare as he could as he entered the room and plopped down on the seat opposite Lex. "Ass." He fixed the black suspenders over each shoulder a little better, glared at Bruce giving him a shit eating grin over the video phone, and glared at Lex all over again. "if someone attempted homicide on my mother, Im going to be very angry for not being there."

Lex scooted aside and made room for his stepfather beside him. "Don't worry, Dominic. You'd be the first person we called. We wouldn't leave you out of matricide." He clapped Dominic around the shoulders.

"Good. Just so we're clear. Hi, Bruce."

"Hello, Dominic." Bruce answered back with a raised brow and a smile playing on his lips. "Wind storm?"

"What? Oh." he ran his fingers through his hair to straighten it, and coughed. "Yes. Dreadful windstorm. It was howling, you see." Innocent blink. "Have you finished the finances on your end?"

"Just got them on my desk."

"Wind storm my ass," Lex groused.

"Now, now, Lex. You must give the benefit of the doubt." Lionel came through the doorway, hairbrush in hand. "I was caught in the same maelstrom as Dominic was and I'm quite afraid it wreaked havoc on both our appearances." He smiled at Bruce. "Good afternoon, Bruce."

"Hello, Lionel." But Bruce kept right on grinning, brow raised as he let his feet plop on the ground and lean forward towards the computer the vid phone software had been added onto. "Must have been quite a storm, to blow your ties around and your zippers down."

Dominic immediately looked down... then up, and glared, when Bruce burst out laughing. "That was so uncalled for."

"I have to agree; definitely not an image I wanted to see." Lex moved out of the way again and let Lionel move into the frame.

"Oh, it was. It was quite the storm, actually. Very... intense. Lots of blowing." He examined the software. "This is quite an amazing setup, I have to say. Well worth the money we paid for it; Bruce, is it working well on your end?" He leaned back. "These will be excellent for videoconferencing."

He was still outrageously amused, and his eyes danced because catching Lex in the crossfire of this conversation was probably the highlight of his day. "Its working beautifully. Not a glitch yet, that I've seen."

"Excellent, excellent." Lionel made himself at home, for the moment, behind his son's desk. "Truly, Bruce, how were things when you got back to Gotham? I'm sorry I haven't checked before now, but things have been a little... hectic."

Lex couldn't resist. Lionel, in his chair, feet tucked under the desk, back to him, and Lex raised his first two fingers in a V and wiggled them behind his father's head.

Bruce let out a hacking cough, several of them in fact, and had to turn away as his shoulders shook with laughter, coughing and laughing at the same time.

Dominic blinked, tipped his head... then turned and his dimples winked in amusement as he peered at his husband and tipped his head, brow raised.

Lex jerked his hand down and clasped his hands behind his back, rocking on his heels and looking completely innocent while leering at the video screen.

Lionel, who had seen the rabbit ears in the reflection of the screen, said nothing. "Bruce? Are you quite all right?" He looked over at his lover. "Dominic?"

He shook his head and leaned over for a warm kiss, before he shifted in his chair and tugged his files out. "You are all a bunch of six year old monkey men."

"Says you, blown boy." Bruce retorted back, eyebrows raised and grin twitching his lips again.

"I'll have you know... well, actually, yes. So never mind that. Get your paperwork out, Wayne!"

He lifted it up, and waved. "Dominic, there is life after finances."

"Not in my world!"

Lex blanched. "Dear God, just what I didn't need to hear! BRUCE!!!! You're supposed to be my FRIEND! You're not supposed to encourage this.... awful discussion of my father's blow jobs, whether received or given!" Lex shouted.

Lionel raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Lex, let's do let the entire floor in on this, why don't we?"

"That thud you heard was Charlie keeling over." Dominic answered dryly, and rolled his eyes.

"I am your friend. I just love seeing you get into a tizzy, because if happens to be the highlight of my day. Dominic was right. Goading you is half the fun."

"Bite me, Bruce!" Lex shot back.

Explosion of coughs from Dominic as he fought to stay quiet, and half hid behind his lover.

"Clark's there to relieve me of that slightly nauseating job, thank you so much."

It was Lionel's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Bruce? Please. I know quite enough of my son's sex life as it is. I do not wish to know more of it."

Lex's head whipped around to his father. "You know about my sex life?"

"Sadly, yes."


Bruce was just about in hysterics.

And Dominic was grinning. "The hallway hasn't been sound proofed, darling. We can hear every shriek, every scream, every creak. Let me tell you, when you're trying to make out with your husband and you're hearing your step son down the hall, the fire goes out like its grandma naked on the rooftop."

"DOMINIC!!!" Lex bellowed it. "What do you think it's like when Clark and I have to listen to you and Dad getting it on??? NOT exactly the highlight of a romantic night, let me tell you."

"The two of you do tend to have sex in the strangest places, Lex. I heard something about the ceiling from young Ms. Shayla?"

"We wouldn't be going around other places if we didn't have to get away from you and the amazing sex machine here!!!" Lex hooked his thumb over his shoulder at Dominic.

At that, Dominic visibly brightened. "I'm an amazing sex machine? I don't know if I should beat your head in or giggle like an idiot. Thank you!" A big beam. "I'm a sex machine. Wow."

Bruce was just in stitches, cracking up as he watched them mutter and growl and bicker.

"As for the ceiling sex, we know all about it, you shameful boy. You could have killed my baby sister."

"You're not helping," Lex snarled at Bruce. "And it wasn't exactly my fault that I got stuck on the ceiling! It's not like Clark was going to drop me, and we wouldn't have let anything happen to Shayla, no matter how much of an annoyance she gets to be!"

"Now, now, she's not that bad. She did introduce the Marquis to those three hellhounds of yours."

"They're NOT hellhounds, and they're NOT mine. They're Clark's and ours together. They're royalty."

"Yes, they are, royal pains in my ass."

"Don't any of you worry, my darling little man will get all those rotten animals into tip top performance, or die trying. And if he dies trying, I'm going hunting for puppy pelts." Dominic retorted, and glared. "AS for them being royalty, young Luthor, it will do good for you to remember that they're only royalty because they're stealing your father's loafers and my socks, which, at the rate of consumption, is up on a hundred dollars."

"They are royalty! there's King Arthur the lazy, Queen Cleopatra the snobby, and Samson the Magnificent!" Lex pointed out. "Royal, every damned one of them!!!" A blink. "Who... or what... is the Marquis?"

"The Marquis Frederick Von Kittenstamp." To Lionel's credit, he didn't wince at the name. "Dominic's kitten."

Lex choked. "You saddled that little furball, cute little thing, black and white, that Pete showed us, with a name like Frederick Von Kittenstamp?????"

Dominic glared. "You saddled your demons with something other than Dumb, Moron, and Snitch?"

"My demons are not demons!! They're Artie, Cleo, and Sam!!! They're NORMAL! They're not Frederick Von Kittenfuckingstamp!"

"AND for your INFOrmation, he is yellow and black, not white and black, you half blind donkeys ass. And they are indeed demons, demonic evils of the underworld who steal shoes like ghosts and try to bite at my ankles. And if you say ONE MORE WORD against Freddie I'll have your liver on a chain, Luthor!"

"He was white the last time I saw him!!! And they are not demons!! They just LIKE you, so they chew up your shoes to be NEAR you!!!"

"The next TIME they chew ON MY SHOES while I AM WEARING THEM, you are going to have to replace a window and go find your damn dog on the lawn!" Dominic roared back.

Bruce was beyond words. He was laughing so hard tears were spilling from the corners of his eyes, head thrown back as he just died.

You throw one of my dogs out the window and I'll string Kittenstamp up from the chandelier by his tail!"

Lionel peeked into the videophone. "Should I stop it, or shall we let it go on?"

Bruce could barely speak. "Let... them keep going. Comedy... gold."

"You string my two month old kitten up and there will be so much hell to pay you'll be finding kitten poop in your bed for weeks. I'll hide it all over your room and let the smell bake, you idiotic little boy!"

"I have to put up with this all the time." Lionel sighed, very put-upon.

"I won't have to touch your kitten if you keep your grubby fucking hands off my dogs!!" Lex snarled it. "You won't TOUCH one of my babies!!!"

"And you WON'T TOUCH my kitten, or call him names! He's going to grow up with a cat complex, do you WANT a member of your HOUSEHOLD to have a complex such as that, thinking his uncle hates him?! Christ!"

"Like my dogs already think YOU hate them???" Lex thundered back.

"That's because they EAT MY SHOES! If they wouldn't eat them, I wouldn't hate them! If they didn't piddle on my paperwork, I wouldn't hate them! If they DIDNT TRY TO SMELL MY CROTCH I WOULDNT HATE THEM!"

THEY'RE ONLY TRYING TO GET CLOSE TO YOU!! They don't piss on my paperwork!"

Bruce just about fell out of his chair. He couldn't help it. He was laughing so hard he could barely breathe, and he just about died, and when Dick came in to see what was wrong, he just laughed all the harder, cracking up as he pointed, tears running down his face, and just... comedy. GOLD.

Dominic blinkblinkblinked at Bruce cracking up over the video phone, then at Lex, then at Bruce, quizzically, tipping his head. "What the bloody blazes?"

Dick was peering through the phone at the commotion, and he was torn between losing his own control and laughing his off, and trying to steady and help his lover catch his breath. "Oh, sweet Jesus. We left too soon." Dick was patting Bruce's shoulder gently, trying to help calm him down.

Lionel was just watching the two of them without a word. "He's just watching you two make asses out of yourself. Dominic, you know Lex wouldn't string up... the Marquis, and Lex, you know that Dominic wouldn't dare to fling one of the puppies through a window, and yet you're both sitting here bellowing about it. There's no wonder he's amused."

"You're damned right I would." Dominic grumbled. "I'd kick him out the window with Kung Fu Chop and watch him sail into the bushes. It would be one of the most satisfying moments of my life." He glared at his step son and crossed his arms with a mild harrumph.

"And hanging kittens from chandeliers is exactly why they were given such flexible tails. And the one in the foyer is high enough off the ground that I could string him up and you'd never know for days." Lex's stance shifted to echo Dominic's.

"If you touch my baby, I'll kill you in your sleep, stepson, and then bury your dogs under the house." Dominic glared it back.

"And if you touch my babies, I'll have Clark on your ass faster than you can say I'm sorry."

"Clark wouldn't touch me. I'd karate chop him back to his cow fucking daddy."

Something subtly shifted in Lex's thoughts. "You'd be dead before you laid a hand on him." All trace of amusement was gone.

Dominic rose a brow. "Why, why is it that whenever I say anything even remotely about Clark, you go all Indiana Jones on me? Lex, take a deep breath, for the love of Christ."

"He is my aushna'." His voice was deadly calm. "You won't threaten him."

Bruce spoke up now, as he'd had time to calm. "Lex, don't make me fly to Smallville and kick in your sorry ass. Clark's 200 pounds heavier and fifteen years younger than your step dad, so take a chill pill."

"Gee, thanks Bruce." Dominic rolled his eyes.

"You can't help it if you're a little person." Big smile.

"You're quite right, indeed." He brightened. "Plus its fun being little."

"I do not care." Lex turned to bare his teeth lightly at the screen. "Do not tell me to calm down. If someone threatened Dick you would be the same. Nobody will threaten my aushna'. Not even you, not even him."

An eyebrow came up. "It was a joke. Calm down, Lex, before you do something you don't want to do. Hulk angry doesn't quite fit your repertoire, so calm it on down. I wouldn't let anyone threaten Dick, no. But I also know the line between joking and not, and somehow, its skewed for you. So take a breather."

"There are no jokes about hurting my mate." Soft snarl issued out behind the words.

Dominic just... rolled his eyes to heaven. "You're an idiot, Lex. I'm going back to my office, I'll talk to you all later on." And he was up, files in arm, and out the door.

"Good riddance." Another snarl followed Dominic out the door, and he glared at his father.

Lionel calmly held his hands up, showing he was unarmed and well-intentioned. "Nobody is going to hurt Clark, son. I give you my word."

Lex snorted, but it sounded very alien and deep in his throat. "Learn to control your mate better."

"Well that's a first." Bruce answered it calmly as well, and rose a brow even as Dick poked him, and he tried to shove his lover off as he spoke. "Fascinating, really."

Dick shoved his elbow in Bruce's ribs. "Not the first time this has happened!" Dick hissed. "Remember Clark told us how Lex flipped out before, when he was fencing with Lionel? Probably since then too!!"

Lionel blinked. Almost protected, noticed the snarling, the wide stance that his son had adopted, and he backed slowly through the door. "I'll work on it, son."

"Good." Lex dropped back in the chair behind his desk and snarled. "Trenkney gramphta f'rellick t'ski ock."

Bruce raised another brow, so both almost hit his hairline. "Fuck you too, Lex." He answered it, calmly and serenely, as he tipped his head.

Narrowing of his eyes. "Do not, Cades."

"I'm not Cades. I'm Bruce Wayne, and you're Lex Luthor. Or have you forgotten?"

Quiet snarl. "w'e'Oakenep-El, k'jurnaie El."

Clark had been quietly listening, all the while. School had just ended and he was only a mile or two from the buildings. He'd been running, full throttle, until he heard Lex's powerful voice in his head and heart. The protection of El was a hard thing to understand, and at times, mates found it difficult to understand. It had happened a week or two ago as well, and Clark had asked his father over it. He felt the same strong need to protect, just as Lex did, but not as strong. He had been told that it was Lex's duty as aushna' to protect Clark, not because they were bonded or because of the special link they shared, but because Clark was the child bearer, and he was to be protected at all times.

Which, in all understandings, made sense.

"Don't snarl at me, Lex. You think you're a badass when you're all amped up, but you know what? I'm a bigger, badder bad ass. You're my friend, so I'm telling you now, calm down."

"You will not hurt him. You will not threaten him. I will protect him; I will give my life to protect him." Lex snarled it at his best friend.

Aushna'. Clark murmured quietly, as he showed his ID pass to the man at the gate and walked onto LuthorCorp property. Calm down, my love.

Kal! Lex latched onto his lover's thoughts. You're unhurt?

Why would I be hurt, Kenep? I got out of school, I'm coming up in a minute. I was listening... I am proud of you for becoming angry, but it is something we must speak of, beloved.

"Yes. Blah blah, alien cakes." Bruce muttered. "I've got to go, I have a meeting in an hour. Calm down. I'll email you tonight." And he clicked off.

Lex didn't even notice Bruce had hung up. Nothing is wrong, is it, Kal? If something is wrong, tell me.

Nothing is wrong, aushna', I swear it to you. You simply need to stop freaking out. Clark nodded to Carolyn with a shy smile as he stepped off the stair case, and headed down the hall towards his lover. It is complicated, aushna'.

Lex could feel his lover coming down the hall, and settled mightily. He turned back to the computer to sign off his conversation, only to find that Bruce had already hung up on him. Frowning, Lex clicked the disconnect button, and the computer returned to the desktop. Have I done something to displease or upset you, Kal?

"Nothing." Clark answered, quietly, from the doorway. He had nodded at Dominic and Lionel on the way, explained in quiet words that he'd calm his lover down, and he stepped through the boardroom door and shut it quietly behind him. "Nothing at all. You are becoming El, Kenep, and I am so proud of you." He dropped his books on the table itself and leaned down, to take his lovers hands in his own. "You are protective because I am the birthing parent."

Lex's hands closed around Clark's tightly. "No one will hurt you, Kal. I love you."

"I love you, aushna'. But their is something you have to know. Our family our family, would never hurt us. You estrange them, hurt them, when you think badly of them, Kenep, and I don't want that for you or for me." Clark answered quietly, his fingertips gently stroking down his lovers cheeks to settle on his shoulders.

Lex turned his face into his lover's soft touch. "It doesn't matter who they are, Kal. Threats come from within and without. My father taught me that. I will protect you from everything."

"Yes, aushna', I know." Clark brought them close, tenderly close, and embraced him tightly. "But we count on our family, our jurnaie, for protection and love and acceptance. We can't dishonor them, either. Do you understand?"

Lex hugged Clark tightly, arms sliding around his lover's waist and cradling him close. "I understand, but I won't stand for you to be threatened, not even by them."

"Put yourself in their shoes, aushna'." Clark whispered it, quietly into his lovers ear. "When you threaten Dominic, does your father threaten to disembowel you and bury you in the house?"

"No," Lex admitted.

"Because he knows you love. What is different, Kenep, with you and I? They love."

"He is not me; Dominic is not you. they do not have the bond that we have. that is what is different."

"That is what you do not understand." Clark answered it, softly, letting go enough to stroke his aushna's face and skin, gently, lovingly. "They love as deeply as you and I. They waited for so long, they fought for so long. Because they do not speak in their minds doesn't mean they don't speak in their hearts."

Lex sighed, and put his head on Clark's shoulder, pressing close to him. "I don't care," he finally said softly. "You can't convince me not to protect you."

"I don't ask that of you, Kenep." Clark answered it, his heart doing a heavy melting when his lover wrapped around him just so, and he hugged back, tightly, fingers stroking over the familiar, beautiful long back. "I just ask for patience, and understanding. If I went after everyone who said something I didn't like about you, their would be no media in the United States."

"And you say that like it would be a bad thing, Kal." Lex breathed in deeply, enjoying the soft touch on his back. "Understanding you can have. Patience, I am not good with."

"Next time, try not to chew Dominic's head off." Clark whispered in amusement, and kissed him tenderly as he finally let go and rose to sit beside him. "And for your information, Freddie is the most darling kitty ever."

"If he touches my dogs, the cat is toast."

Clark raised a brow. "Shame on you. He won't touch the puppies. He was cuddling them just like you do the other day, so zip it and calm down. Dork." He brightened, though. "Don't have work tonight, if you wanna go out to dinner?"

Lex perked up at the mention of dinner. "Dinner. I'd love to. I'll be done here in a couple hours--you can work on your homework here, if you want, and after dinner, we'll go and visit Whitney?"

"Did my homework before I left school." Clark tipped his head. "Just needed two and a half minutes and an empty bathroom stall." he shifted a moment. "Whitney knows. About Chloe. We were writing letters back and forth during class and he said he knew... he didn't have it in him to be happy." He said it in a small voice. "He asked me to tell Chloe it was okay, and that he knew, but I didn't. Couldn't."

Lex nodded. "I don't blame you. It's not your place, Clark--it's not mine, either." He sighed. "I'm worried about them both. I'm worried because she hasn't told him yet, and I'm worried because he knows and doesn't care."

"He doesn't care at all." Clark answered, quietly, and he rubbed a hand through his short curls for a moment, rubbing the back of his head. "This sucks, you realize."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know." He rubbed Clark's hip soothingly. "What was his reaction about coming over tonight?"

"He said he wanted to. Chloe, for as beautiful and wonderful as she is, suffocates sometimes. I told him just to tell her she was smushing him, but he doesn't want to. I'm going to call Mr. Sullivan in a few minutes and tell him he's coming over. He went to Fordman's for a few hours, and then he'll be over. I think he wants just to be with us, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. Tell you what. Clark... I'm going to go talk to Chloe. I won't tell her anything, don't worry. I just want to see how she is doing. Let her know that someone is thinking about her."

"She's angry with me." He said it softly, and looked down at his lap again. "I screwed up."

"Why is she angry at you? You have bent over backwards to accommodate her? What could she possibly be upset with you about??"

He looked up, and his throat bobbed. "The Torch. For… changing it around, adding stuff, changing things in it. I rearranged furniture too, filing cabinets, the layout, everything. I don't think... I think she was angry at me for doing it. I shouldn't have, because its still basically hers, you know?"

"No!" Lex shook his mate gently. "She gave it to you, Clark. She was removed from it, she gave it to you, and you had every right to make the changes to accommodate you. If... if the newspaper was that important to her, then she should have thought about it before she did what she did to get suspended," he said softly.

"It is important to her, Kenep." Clark looked up, at that, back to the sleet gray of his lovers eyes. "The Torch was everything to her. Where she went for everything, when she felt she had no one, when she was sad. It was her heart, and I changed it. She made a mistake, and now she's paying for it three fold. She's never going to want to have sex again, aushna'."

Lex chuckled softly. "I think that's overstating things just a little. But yes, I know what you mean, but Clark... she couldn't have expected you to work in her shadow. She gave the newspaper to you, and you have to make it your own."

"I love it." He said softly, strongly, as he looked at his lover. "I love it so much I don't think you could even know. Lex, it's what I should have been doing all along."

"Then do it, Clark. Do it, and do it well. Excel. make her proud of you."

A shrug. Their was more important things to think about, Whitney being one of them, and he squeezed his lovers palm ever so gently in his. "Dinner. We could go anywhere you want to, Lex."

"No, we could go anywhere YOU want to. On me." He grinned. "I know I eat a lot of strange things you don't, so it's your turn tonight."

Clark smiled, softly now. A moment's peace in the pain of the day, and he took that moment to raise his hand and quietly, carefully, stroke his thumb over the warm cheekbones of his lover's face. A moments adoration that would span the rest of their lives, and he leaned forward to let their foreheads touch, to smile, his fingertips carefully touching over the almost ceramic doll quality of his lovers clear, lovely skin. "I love you."

"I love you," Lex answered back softly, closing his eyes and letting Clark's touch on his skin soothe the anger that still boiled beneath his surface. "I love you so much, my darling."

"You're so beautiful. Like watching a flower bloom, not knowing what will be at the center. Your face is that mystery, that beauty, and it pleasures me in every way to know that I watched that flower bloom into a rose." He smiled, carefully stroking his lovers eyebrows, his cheeks and ears, then his bare head, which slid like silk under his fingertips to gently rub the knob at the back with his thumb.

Lex purred as Clark's fingers rubbed over the knob at the back of his head, and the papers on the desk started to riffle slightly, as though there were a breeze in the still room. "I'm not that beautiful, Clark... you're the beautiful one, inside you. Inside of you is so beautiful I can't speak; it pains me because I can't put words on how brilliant you are!"

Heeeeee!!! Clark got the biggest kick out of his lovers new abilities, and joy spilled into his heart as he heard the papers fluttering softly on the desk behind them. Christ, he loved this man. "That's what you think. You're beautiful, Lex. I love you, so dearly. I can't explain to you how much this last month has cemented that. Knowing you...are like me. It... I can't explain it to you."

Lex's nails stroked lightly over Clark's chest. "I can feel it, though, Clark. Right here." His nails dug in lightly over his lover's chest.

"Here. And here." He stroked his lovers fingers down to his tummy. "And here." than up, over his head, into his hair, where he met his lovers fingers and the blue streaks intensified as he watched them, dance between their fingers atop his head. He let his lover have that image as he stroked their fingers down so he could kiss teh center of each of Lex's palms. "I am devoted to you."

"I belong to you."

"It is you I have loved all along." Clark sang the line quietly in his... bad voice, but he was so happy it didn't matter, as he kissed his lovers lips softly and beamed at him. "Finish your work. I'm going to go visit with your dad and Dominic for a little while. I'll be back soon."

"I'm going to go see Chloe; then I'll be back here to pick you up for dinner; this paperwork can wait until tomorrow." He kissed Clark back softly. "I won't be long."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you." Lex drew his finger down the center of Clark's face, then kissed his lips softly. "Call me if you need me."

"Don't have to call you, I have ESP Wireless. The best invention since the answering machine." his eyes twinkled as he reached up, snagged another kiss, and bopped off through the doors in all of his yellow blinding t-shirt.

Lex smiled softly after his lover, and picked up the phone. Quick dial of a memorized phone number and he waited for anybody in the Sullivan house to pick up.

"ChloeSullivanSullivanResidencecanIhelpyou?" Said in a single puff through the phone, cause yeah. Chloe had .5 seconds before she had to meet Shay at the brand new Wal-Mart and she was running through the house, dropping books and backpacks as she dashed up the steps for a change of clothes.

Lex frowned. "Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Lex!" She puffed it out as she finally reached her room. The extra weight was killing her, as of late. She'd gained at least five or six pounds with the baby, and she inhaled stiffly as she gave him or her a comforting rub before she went into her closet. "Its okay, Shay's waiting for me outside. What's up babe?"

"Well, I was going to make an unscheduled yet hopefully cheering visit, but I think I'll leave you to the kind mercies of our little pink-haired monster." But it was said with a smile.

She giggled, but the giggle was lost in the next moment as curiosity laced her voice. "I'm going to go get some clothes. My jeans aren't really fitting anymore. Want to come with?"

"Dear God no. I wouldn't be trapped with the two of you shopping for clothes if it meant my life depended on it. Come by the building, however, and I'll give you my platinum card. Buy what you want, need, whatever."

"No, its okay." And she meant it, as she rooted through her closet, and finally settled on her velvet warm up pants in a frosted, deep blue, and a white t-shirt and her running shoes. Easy to get in and out of. "He's getting big, you know. I can't zip up easily anymore."

"I know." He sighed. "I meant what I said before, Chloe. In the lab. That I'm going to take care of you during this. It's what I'm supposed to do. I know your dad can't be thrilled, neither can Whitney, and my platinum can get you a lot more of what you need."

Damn. She sighed back. "Lex, I don't... I hate spending other people's money, if its not my dads. You know? But... but I'll accept it. If Whitney... isn't ready to have this baby, I will be. I saw a crib, at Babies R Us? That I love. And Shay and I can pick up some things. If… if its okay."

"Of course it's okay. But if you're going to pick up all that stuff, it's not going to fit in that little RX7--and what the HELL they were thinking giving that child a car like that is BEYOND me--and you're going to need a bigger car. Do you think you can drive the SUV?"

"I...could possibly try. Its not stick shift, right?"

"It's automatic transmission, yes. Same one we drove to the airport to pick Bruce up in, remember?"

"Oh, good. Then... then yes. Are you sure you won't go with us, Lex?"

"If I had any hair left, I'd pull it out between the two of you."

She giggled, then, softly as she began to squirm out of her clothes, and stopped a moment to carefully rub over her slightly protruding belly a moment. "We won't bug you, I promise."

"Physical impossibility, Chloe." But he smiled again. "The first one of you that giggles, I'm going to strangle. None of the pants you try on will make your ass look big, and all the colors are flattering."

Yes! Score! She let out a high pitched squeal she couldn't help. She hadn't shopped in two months, and she wanted this, which was both depressing and happy. She wanted something to get her mind off of her boyfriend for an hour or two, and shopping with two of her favorite people would do it.

Lex held the phone out away from his ear. "You got a little supersonic there, Chloe. You and Shayla stay there, and I'll be by to pick you both up... ten minutes," he said, glancing down at his watch.

"Okay, got it." And then, a pause. "Lex? Thank you."

"You're welcome, Chloe." He squeezed the phone in his hand. "I'll be there shortly."

"Okay." Another soft giggle and she hung up, before demon dialing her bestest girlfriend in the whole world on her cell, plunking on her bed as she wriggled into her pants.



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