
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 191: Hole In One

"Sweeeeet emootttiooonnnn...." The first chords of Aerosmith's Sweet Emotion were echoing through the house. Not that Dominic cared, in any sort of sense. "Talk about things that nobody carrrrrress... wearing out things that nobody wears! Calling my name, but I gotta make cleaaar, I can't say baby where I'll be in a yeaaaaaar!"

Two suitcases lay before him, an extra bag and a hanging suit bag hanging off the closet door. A pile of underwear was already sitting in the bag, mixed up just as it was in their drawer. Their underwear had mixed up together, and he didn't know one from the other anymore.

Which he loved, of course.

He pushed in socks into the corners of the bag, leaning over Lionel's suitcase to do it, and straightened a moment later to walk back in the closet.

Lex was well acquainted with Aerosmith, and was whistling the song as he walked down the hallway. His bag of clubs was already slung over his shoulder, and his toes wiggled freely in a brand new pair of shoes bought expressly for Clark's wish that Lex have at least one pair of Nike tennis shoes in his closet. His 9-iron was in his hand, rather like a dapper man's walking cane, and he used the head of it to tap on Dominic's bedroom door. "Mr. Senatori? Your golf partner is waiting for you." He straightened the hat that was perched on his head--again, with Clark's explicit threat that he'd be cut off for a month if he didn't protect himself from the sun--and leaned against the doorjamb, clubs on his hip.

"Hold on!" Dominic finished tugging on the blue polo shirt, leaving it untucked over khaki pants, and he opened the door just as he was--

Exploding into a fit of coughing.

Oh, dearest Jesus.

He hacked, coughing hard and turning his back as he fought to keep himself from bursting out laughing, coughing all the harder and clearing his throat. "Ah. Sorry." Cough. "Please, come in. I'm just finishing the packing, would you mind waiting for a moment more?

"Not at all." Lex sashayed into the room, swaying the bag of clubs behind him, and then dropped down onto the bedspread.

The plaid pants were, at least, purple.

"I... ah." Love your outfit? HEE! What he'd give for that digital camera right about now. "Ah. So." He was a polite gentlemen, and since Lex seemed so happy in his...well. Outfit. Dominic stayed cheerful, and polite. He went back into the closet, grinning to himself and rolling his eyes, and pulled a few sweaters from the top shelf down for Lionel. He dropped them on the floor, crouching to see what ones he wanted, and selected three, including the orange one, before returning to the bedroom. "What do you think of this one? When we go into Metropolis, I need to hit Old Navy and get your da' some more jeans. Three pair should be enough, you think? With slacks, and his Dockers?"

"You've obviously never traveled with Dad before, or at least, never packed for him. Dom... no. He's gonna need about eight pairs. Because, trust me, he's my father, I know this about him, he's a picky son of a bitch and even though they're exactly the same, he'll go through three pairs before he finds something he likes."

"Never packed, no." He grinned it, sheepishly. "Well...three pairs of jeans, three slacks, the Dockers Clark gave him, and three khakis?"

"No. If you want him to actually wear the jeans, you'll need at least five pair. I'm serious."

Sigh. Deep, deep sigh. though... "You know, if I buy them he might wear them here at home, as well. Alright." He brightened. "Four pairs, we'll buy. I've got the ones he wore in the closet, I'll take them with us, and Lex, are you wearing golfing shoes?"

He sighed. "No, I'm wearing... I think they're called cross-trainers?" He blinked down at his black-and-white clad feet. "Clark picked them out."

He bit his lip. Tightly. Alright, he wouldn't ask anymore, just pressing the sweaters into the suitcase, next to the polo's, long sleeved shirts, and slacks. The sports jackets and suits were already in the tall hanging suitcase, just in case, because he never knew with his family, and he took a glance at his own suitcase. He didn't think he'd need anything else, though one never knew, but...alas. He closed it, latched it, and locked it, doing the same to Lionel's. He hefted the heavy things down, beside his closed carry on laptop, and zipped the second bag with their amenities...tooth paste, deodorant, shampoo, and the like, and set it beside the other two cases. "Alright, I think that's the end of it, thanks be to God. Now, golf. My clubs are in my car, I believe. Are we flying out or driving?"

"We're flying out to Metropolis, landing at the helipad in front of the airport, and Philip's meeting us there with the car. The chopper should be landing on the lawn in about five minutes."

"Fabulous. Uh… don't forget your," Small tasseled creature. "Hat. I'll just get my clubs love, meet you in front of the house?"

Lex picked up the flat hat and put it on his head, where it opened up into a normal golf hat with a little knitted tassel ball on top. "Five minutes, Dom, or I'm leavin' without you." He shouldered his bag of clubs and walked out the bedroom door.

Holy... God. He just rolled his eyes, thanking God once more for his step son, no matter his... effeminance, and coughed as he grabbed his things, gave a prayer to himself for getting through the day, and headed out the door. He pounded down the steps in his tennies, and was with wallet, light jacket, and keys out the door in another moment. He retrieved his golf clubs, a gift from Lionel five years before, and shouldered them easily. He snapped the trunk of his car closed and maneuvered his way around the other cars and back out into the house. Lex, with all his purple glory, was waiting for him through the opened front door, and he sighed a sigh of prayer, one more just in case, and joined him outside. "And here I am, ducks."

"Wonderful!" He pointed up to a black dot in the air. "The chopper's here!!" He took his hat off as the chopper started it's descent, because otherwise the blades would have blown it away. "Ready to have fun, Dom?"

"Yes. Yes, indeed." Holy Christ. He was going to have to be straight faced with the furry tasseled animal all day. It had to be Lionel, the mother fucking bastard.


The landing of the chopper cut off conversation for the next few minutes, until Lex and Dominic were both settled in the chopper, and safety belts buckled. "Dad gave me something to try this morning!" he yelled over the blades, as the chopper lifted off. "Haven't had a chance to try it yet!" He thrust a little console over to Dominic, about half the size of a normal laptop. "It's wireless internet, completely! It doesn't have a dialup card; the wireless card taps into a remote server!"

Dominic's fingers were white on the arm rests for a long, long moment, as Lex bellowed at him. He was breathing quietly, evenly, trying to keep himself calm through the panic that they were going to crash and die and it would be that tasseled demons fault. "I bet he did." Dominic gritted, and stayed that way, tense, until they finally rose in the air and got to moving. Then, only then, did he calm, his fingers letting go of their painful grip, and he accepted the small machine from Lex with a sigh. "Might I use it?"

"That's why I'm giving it to you!" he bellowed again, and sat back in the seat. "Clark's phone has text messages but he's in school right now, and as much as I'd like to taunt him with thoughts of cybersex, I'm really afraid he'd kick my ass when he gets home!"

Yeah. Bullocks. Dominic knew exactly why Lionel had given it to Lex this morning and he smiled chipperly at Lex, and looked down at the machine in his hand. Already up and running and he sighed, deeply, opening up the small keyboard. He logged on to AOL easily, surfing through the windows with the tiny mouse pad, and yes. His bastard husband was waiting for him.

SweetJiminyC: You right fucker.

LovelyOne58: I have no idea what you're talking about.

SweetJiminyC:  Bull. How could you do this? How?

LovelyOne58: How could I do what?

SweetJiminyC: You sicced Lex and his tasseled monkey on me AND DIDN'T TELL ME! You bastard of a man, you right fucking ponce. I should kill you where you sit.

LovelyOne58: Tasseled monkey? Oh, the hat. Darling, that wasn't my idea. I merely had to let you see it. That? Was a gift from Clark.

SweetJiminyC: It wasn't some sort of practical joke, love? I mean, really. REALLY. Its purple and blue and fuzzy and that tassel. Tell me, please, just tell me he won't wear it while we golf.

LovelyOne58: You want me to lie to you?

SweetJiminyC: Remind me that I'm a good, sweet stepdad and won't tease him for that ugly ass monkey thing.

LovelyOne58: You are a good, sweet stepfather who loves his stepson entirely too much to tease him about the ugly fucking hat he is wearing.

SweetJiminyC: Yes, I thought so. I can't believe you didn't warn me, you bastard. I should castrate you for it. I nearly inhaled my tongue when I saw it.

LovelyOne58: What, and deprive you of the surprise? I'd do no such thing.

SweetJiminyC: You're going to hell for this, you mark my words.

LovelyOne58: I've already reserved the penthouse.

SweetJiminyC: How's work going today, love? I've only a moment more, before I have to speak to your son.

LovelyOne58: It's going well; I just received the most uplifting email from our Australian offices; Lisa's doing a wonderful job down there. She said the reorganization is going quite well, and that she hopes to see us soon.

SweetJiminyC: Oh darling, Lisa's quite the dear. She wrote me earlier this week to praise the pictures of LuthorCorp we've gotten on the web...we're going to have to have her come over and see them later on in the summer.

LovelyOne58: Do make sure it's over in late May or June, because I believe it's in the middle of winter there, and perhaps she'd like a bit of a summer trip to warm her up.

SweetJiminyC: Indeed. Alright. Love, I've got to dash. I packed everything up...Lex and I, if I can convince him to don something other than plaid pants, are going to get to the stores and get your jeans, and a couple more for myself, as well. Alright?

LovelyOne58: Quite all right. I trust you to purchase the right pair. Good luck in getting him to change.

SweetJiminyC: Bite me. I love you.

LovelyOne58: I love you, little cricket.

Dominic quickly signed off and closed the little machine up once more, smiling down at it. It had been a product in working when last he'd seen it, and it was sleek, lovely, and worked like a dream. "Thank you, Lex. It works wonders, love, when's it coming out to buy?"

"In about six to eight months, depending on how many of the servers we can distribute and what the final range of these things are." He sighed. "They won't be cheap, but they're fast, and a damn sight better than AOL or anything else out there."

"Indeed, I agree. AOL's a piece of garbage, though I like how theirs a selection of what you want to load and get into. What are you planning on tasseling it?" ..Blink. "Calling it."

Lex just smirked. "We don't know yet."

Waita go, Morgan Dominic. Insert foot and swallow. He winced, lightly, to his credit, and offered his step son another smile. "Its a nice contraption." He shifted, tightening his seat belt absently, as he looked at their twin sets of golf clubs. "Your father got them for you?" He asked it, and motioned his chin.

Just another smirk. "Yeah, he did. Birthday present when I was eighteen. I think I've used them a total of five times since."

"He got mine, too. I wonder if he was trying to say something." Dominic grinned it, as he motioned to his.

"Only that it's the gentleman's game, and that I should learn to play it, if it not appreciate it, merely so that I don't make a fool out of myself when I'm invited to charity tournaments, to professional games, and on outings such as this." A sardonic grin. "Besides, what else was he going to buy me? I already had a car."

A bubbling laugh escaped Dominic's lips at that, finally, and he snickered with the pent up laughter from the morning, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "He would say that. I don't play it much, because of work, but the few times I have I've enjoyed it. The last time... I went out with your father to play it, and he kicked my ass up one side and down the other." A smile, at the memory. "Though I should say, I've never had such a colorful partner such as yourself, Lex."

"Really?" His eyebrow quirked. "Why do you say that?"

Yes. Well. "Ah...your liveliness, and your spunk."

"My spunk? How do you know anything about my... spunk, Dominic?"

"You're possibly the most disgusting boy I've ever seen." Dominic glared, and kicked him in one purple shin with his tennis shoe.

"Hey now!" Lex rubbed his shin. "No fair kicking. You're the one who brought my spunk into this discussion, not me!!"

"Spunk, spunk you ass, your initiative and panache. Not... your spunk. Ew!"

Innocent blink. "Oh. Well. Why didn't you just say so?"

Wasn't often he did, but Lex loved to act his age.

And Dominic knew it, so he didn't chastise him too much. He just rolled his eyes to heaven, and alright, he was going to have to ask or it was going to bug him all day. "Ah… love, might I ask you... where did you find such... interesting pants?"

"You like?" Lex stuck his purple-plaid leg out. "Clark. He picked it out and helped me buy it. He saw the golf clubs, decided I should have a golfing outfit to go with it. So we picked one out, and I'm rather afraid I let him have free reign."

Oh. Dominic shook, with the effort to keep himself from laughing. "Are we pussy whipped, little Luthor?"

"No, because there's no pussy involved. I'm quite happily cockwhipped, thank you."

His lips spread. "Well, love, its not so bad. I mean, they're... well, purple. Your favorite color. And... well, the top is polo… ish. So that isn't too bad, either. Though, I should say, you must love Clark very much to wear...uh. That raccoon."

Lex puffed up. "Are you by chance referring to the lovely hat Clark picked out for me?" Ugly glare that he was fighting like hell to keep.

Dominic but his lower lip, tightly, and for once, thanked God for his goatee, because it was hiding most his twitching lips. Effort to stay straight faced was hard won, and he swallowed, cleared his throat, and nodded serenely. "Yes, indeed."

"Don't. I rather like this hat. I think it's... rakish." Lex tilted it to the side so the little knitted ball bobbled.

Dominic was a strong man. A very strong man. But he dissolved into helpless laughter when Lex tipped it, tipping himself over on the seat and just dying of laughter.

Lex couldn't hold it any longer. He just hooted when Dominic nearly fell out of the seat, laughing as hard as he could as he tried to help Dominic sit back up and failing miserably.

He cracked up, all over again, dying as Lex got near him with that thing and he couldn't help the laughter bubbling out of him as he rose again, throwing his head back and cracking up. "Lex, d-darling," he panted, between laughter, grinning at him and laughing again. "I think… it was a cruel joke on Clark's... Clark's part."

"Probably, but...choke, wheeze can't... can't let him down... can't let him down and not wear it!!" Lex was still hooting.

Dominic was just dying over Lex's laughter, laughing because he was and damned it was funny. "Do... you know... how hard it was to keep a straight face?!" he wailed on another round of laughter.

"Hell yes. I wasn't going to miss that for the world!!" Lex's sides were aching as he straightened back up in his seat, and adjusted his hat again. "Had... to make you squirm."

Dominic was still grinning, like an idiot, leaning back against his seat and snickering wickedly. "Lex, it looks like a purple shite on your head."

"It does not." Lex stroked his hat unconsciously. "Clark likes it."

Dominic gave him an incredulous look, taking a much needed breath and rubbing his eyes clear of the laughter tears. "You and your father are just alike. You with purple plaid, your father with jeans."

Lex glared evilly, between giggles. "I am not like my father. I wear jeans. Occasionally. Okay, so, once."

Dominic grinned, broadly. "I meant, wearing what your lovers want you to."

Instead of the snicker from before, Dominic grinned, his eyes dancing as he blushed softly. "Indeed." And it wasn't a bad thought, now was it? Christ, he loved that man. "And in so saying, Clark and I both spoil you both rotten."

Lex settled back into the seat as the helicopter started it's descent. "Of course you do. But we spoil you too, both of us, and we adore you both."

"A strange little family we've got, Lex. Funny enough, its the best one I've ever been a part of."

"Really?" Lex sighed. "I think... I think Clark's the best family I've ever been a part of. And Dad and you? You just... you kinda fell into place after that."

"Gee, thanks." But he was grinning. "Are we still on for the theater when your father and I get back? I have a feeling after being with my extended family for more than two days, he's going to want to drag me home."

"Oh, yes. We are. I haven't talked to Clark to finalize things yet, and find out when his break is, but yes. We're still on for it."

"Wonderful. We can spend the evening at the Penthouse, because the only tickets I was able to get were for ten. Dinner, and then the theater. You and Clark can spend the night in my flat, if you like."

"Um... no. Thank you. I know what goes on in your apartment."

Dominic's eyebrow rose, and a wicked grin came over his lips. "You're right. Though we've only done it once... well, let me rephrase, one night, and through the haze of tequila on both our parts its a bit fuzzy. But, alas." Dominic snickered, evilly. "We've cooked their, taken showers, watched TV, eaten takeout, fought, nearly killed one another, but only had sex one measly time. You're safe, sweetheart." Dominic grinned at him, shaking his head as he shifted more comfortably.

"DOMINIC!!" Lex bellowed it. "I DON'T NEED TO HEAR THIS!!!!! I DON'T WANT TI KNOW ABOUT THE TEQUILA!!!!" Then he paused. "My father drank tequila?" A quick shake of his head. "I DON'T WANNA KNOW!"

Dominic's lips spread and he grinned again, crossing his legs with a brow raised. "He drank half... I drank half. Right out of the bottle, too." Another snickering chuckle, cause he just loved tormenting him.

"Out of--" Lex groaned. "I don't wanna know this!!" The chopper landed with a thump, and Lex shouldered his clubs. "Out, before I throw you."

Dominic gave a laugh of amusement and lifted his clubs before sliding out of the door and holding it open. The head of the airport, a Mr. Wales, was waiting for them, and didn't take his eyes off the man when Lex descended in his... golfing outfit.

Mr. Wales caught himself amidst a rather severe coughing fit. "Mr. Ah. Mr. Luthors. Please, this way. Your cough. Your driver is waiting this way." His eyes were watering as he spluttered.

Lex looked calmly at Dominic. "Must be the dust kicked up by the chopper."

"Must be." Dominic answered, just as calmly, though his dimples winked in each cheek, and he shouldered his clubs up a little higher. He pushed one of his rings on a little tighter on his finger with the movement and made sure he had his wallet, as he followed the man with his step son. "Thank you, Mr. Wales. How are you and your lovely wife?"

"We're cough We're quite well, thank you. My wife just found out last week that the lump she found was benign, so we're very thankful for that." Mr. Wales was dabbing his eyes with his hanky, trying to keep himself calm.

"That's lovely news. I had a feeling she was going to be just fine. Tell her congratulations, from both Lionel and myself, as well as my plaid step son, here." He jerked a finger back to let the poor bloke know yes, it was fucking funny, and he shot him a grin. "Thanks again, Mr. Wales. We'll be back 'round Id say about four thirty, but we'll call you and let you know.

"Thank you, sir. We'll be waiting for your call, and we'll have your helicopter ready." A soft cough of agreement, that yes, the outfit was entirely laughable, and then cleared his throat. "Do have a good time."

"Thank you." He smiled at the man and motioned for his step son to hurry up, as he carefully cut down the steps with bag in tow. "Where are we going golfing, anyway, kid?" Dominic asked of Lex with his practiced, quick walk.

"Metropolis Country Club and Green," Lex answered quickly, heading out to the car. "Dad practically owns the place, and I've got a membership there too that I never use, and I'm sure you do too. And even if you don't, you can get in as my guest."

"I do, indeed. That's where your father and I have held many a party. We haven't lately though, thanks be to God. I hate those damn things. Phillip! Hello, love." Dominic smiled at him, broadly. He hadn't seen the man in almost a month, as there hadn't been a need for a car in Smallville, though the man would be moving out their with them in the next week and a half. "I saw your mother the day before yesterday, and Christ she's a dish. She's looking just lovely, it seems everything's healed up?"

"Yes, sir." Phillip answered with a smile as he held the door open. "Healed up just fine. Col. McNamara is getting a transfer here to Metropolis soon, so that he'll be near my mother too. That suits me; the colonel always liked my mother, oddly, and she's got a sweet spot for him. I can't believe my mother and my ex-CO are going to start seeing each other. No, that's not at all intimidating." He waited for Lex and Dominic both to get in the car before closing it, and then climbed into the driver's seat. "Where are we going, sirs?"

He grinned at him, as he slid into the car, with the clubs in tow. "Metropolis Country Club and Greeeen." He said it with the worst British accent he could do, which with a thick Irish brogue was impossible, but he wriggled his brows anyway. "She's a dear lady, as it were, so I'm just delighted to hear she's on the mend and already catching all the boys."

Lex chuckled. "At least you can kick his ass if he tries anything, Phillip. I still remember a few bruises from you myself."

Phillip hid the grin at that. "Sorry, sir. But you did ask." He looked in the mirror at Dominic as he pulled into traffic. "Don't talk about my mother catching all the boys, sir. My mother? Doesn't do anything like that."

"She caught me didn't she?" Dominic rose a brow right on back.

"No, sir, she didn't." Firmly said.

Dominic grinned. "Good lad. Indeed she didn't. Though will she be making the move out to Smallville?"

"No, she's going to be staying here in Metropolis. One of the assisted living centers that the hospital recommended to us is accepting new patients, and she'd rather live there, than move in with her son, and I quote, cramp that non-existent life you're always trying to tell me you have. So, she's going to stay there, and I'm going to be making the move alone."

"For the better. Your mother happens to be a lovely woman. Mine is the spawn of Satan."

"Ms. Rosalyn isn't all that bad, sir," Phillip said with a grin. "I've driven her about a time or two and she's quite a polite lady. Perhaps you'd like to talk to her about the same community my mother's moved into?"

"I might. She's the devils own, Phillip, I kid you not. The woman has an evil streak about her. Since she found out we're having our baby though, she's been sweet as a lamb. Its terrifying, like the beast has finally calmed enough until she's least suspected."

Lex choked hard on that, whamming the back of his head against the padded seat. "The woman's a bitch, and don't you ever forget it, Dominic. I'm going to wring her neck."

Dominic nodded, sadly. "I love her. She's my mum. But she's crazed, I tell you, crazy as a damnable fox. You should see her, she's been cooing at Toni like a big bad mama wolf, ready to swallow her down."

Another choked-off snort. "And I can just imagine Toni's ready to deck the little harridan. Poor Graham, stuck in the middle of that, and being in the shithouse for beating you up to boot."

"Indeed." But the subject of Graham saddened him, incredibly, and he looked away a moment, out onto the street. "You know, I don't think I've ever truly loved this city."

Phillip looked up at that. "Sir? If you'd like to train, you just have to say so. My SEAL skills might be a few years out of date, but that doesn't mean I still can't teach you to kick ass. Sir."

Dominic's lips curved, but only the smallest bit. "Its alright, Phillip, though thank you. Graham and I are just having a bit of a row, over his girlfriend having our daughter."

"Would you like me to do it, sir? I wouldn't mind a bit." A grin, as he turned the large car across two lands of traffic and onto the private drive where the country club was located.

A little laugh. "That would be a sight to see, a lumberjack and a SEAL, battling it out."

"I could kick his ass for you, no problem. All you'd have to do is give the word."

Lex coughed. "I can vouch for his skills."

"Thank you, Phillip, I'll keep it in mind." He leaned forward and patted Phillip's shoulder, before grabbing his bag and opening the car door. The green lay out before them, lovely and fresh, and though rain clouds loomed off towards the east it was a warm, balmy afternoon to golf. "Fabulous. Thank you again, Phillip, we'll call you 'round when we're through."

"I'll be in the chauffeur's lounge, Mr. Luthor. Just send for the car when you're done." He pulled through the main circle and got out, opening the door for his two charges. "Enjoy your game, Mr. Luthor, sir."

"Thank you." A smile at him and he motioned for Lex to hurry along, as he reached into his back pocket and rummaged for his wallet and the pass in it. "Lex, look. Look, the woman just saw us. Hee!" Dominic couldn't help the snicker of amusement as she got up and ran off, quickly into the back of the building, and Dominic and Lex were just entering the door when the massive owner of the club came waddling out with the nervous young woman.

"Hellooooooo!" Sherlock Gatsbury, the fine owner of the establishment, cried, and gave each man a hardy shake of the hand. "Mr. Luthors, sirs! Its an honor to have you here!"

"Yes, I'm sure it is," Lex said airily, doing the best impression of his father he'd ever done without even realizing it. "Mr. Gatsbury, my friend and I would like to be escorted to our green please, without hesitation. We've a rather tight schedule today, and we'll be dining in the dining hall after the game."

"Oh, of course, of course, we'll furnish you a cart and a caddy for each of you, of course!" The man was still wringing each of their hands firmly. "It's an honor, sir, for you to grace us, the both of you! Quite an honor, we haven't seen the Luthors here in years, and bless us all, you're back!"

"Yes, indeed we're back, and one extra atop it all." Dominic answered, eyebrow raised though he couldn't help smiling at the poor mans exuberance. It was something Lionel had warned him off early on in their relationship, but it still tickled him pink to be accepted as a Luthor, and to be fawned over. "Thanks so much, sir, your hospitality is much obliged."

"Please, please, right this way. Don't worry, the paparazzi aren't allowed on the premises, so you will be able to enjoy your game in peace! Quite, yes, and if you'll tell us your favorite dish, I'll make sure it's made available for your dining pleasure!" The gentleman hustled them through the crowds, pausing to shake hands and make way as he led them through, and out the back onto the sports concourse. "Here, the pro shop is right here, and anything you need is on the house!"

Dominic smiled at him, and nodded, raising one brow at Lex as he turned around to set his clubs down beside one of the cozy looking couches. "Thank you, sir. Ah... Lex, anything in mind for dinner?"

Lex looked entirely bored with the whole proceeding. "Shrimp and garlic quiche, with a bottle of white Zinfandel, and bit of cherry topped cheesecake, if you don't mind."

Mr. Gatsbury's head bobbled. "Of course, of course, the finest possible." His head was still bobbing as he turned to Dominic. "You, Mr. Luthor, is there anything we can provide for you?"

"The same, sir, would be just fine, thank you so much for your generosity." Dominic smiled kindly at him, aware that the other men in the room were watching them, and felt a little... singled out. There were Senators here. Men of power. And yet.

Which of course amused him all the more, and he grinned.

Lex did what he always did. Ignored them. He picked one of the couches to sit down on, and he crossed his legs at the knee. "Have a seat, Dom. Be comfortable. Ignore them."

The manager nodded again. "I'll have your caddies and cart sent round right away, and please, let me give you something to drink, you have to be tired after your trip from Smallville!" He bustled behind the counter of the Pro shop and came back with two bottles of water. "There you are, my friends, the coldest and clearest water straight from the Canadian mineral springs!!" He disappeared out the back of the shop, and his raised voice was still audible in the front, though his words weren't.

Dominic took the bottled water and just… shook his head, tucking one leg under him comfortably as he plopped down. "I see now why you have to watch what you do and say. Thank God your father married a loud mouthed Irishman who doesn't give a fuck what other people think." The last part said a skosh on the loud side, with a knowing glance at the suddenly embarrassed men in the room. "Ponces. Anyway, Canadian mineral springs? What springs? Its Canada, for crying out loud. Jesus, do you get this attention everywhere you go?"

Lex unscrewed the bottle cap and nearly spewed his mouthful all over his purple plaid pants. "Holy Christ, Dominic!! The answer is yes, we do. We get this attention when we go anywhere. It's what Dad kept trying to warn you about." Deep sigh, as he tried not to strangle on his water. "It's French-Canadian, actually, and to be honest, I don't know where in Canada the springs are."

A grin towards his step son. "Its a good thing attention doesn't bother me. If they've something to say, come buggering say it to my face, not be a rat assed mother fucker and mutter behind my back, you know? Your father warned me, though I don't think he understood the part where I could care less." He opened his own water, and took a drink. "There aren't springs in Canada. And if there are, they're all contaminated. Let me tell you, Lex, bottled water is the biggest crock of a lie people ever fell for. Water is water, processed in plants and slapped with pretty labels. Pure? Pure my ass. Its water, its always going to have something in it, no matter how much you process it."

Lex choked again. "There are springs. And there are mineral springs. And sometimes it is processed. But, for example, Ty-Nant isn't. It's oxygenated, purified straight from the tap, and bottled at the source. It's why I pay out the ass to have it."

"Yes but things like Aquafina and Everclear are, and people spend five dollars for it, when they could have it with a water filter, straight from their tap. My sister buys it by the box, and I suddenly realized I'm spouting off. Well, I'll have a shut up, now." He turned his head and grinned. "I'm a bit loopy. This trip has me on the edge of my teeth."

"If your sister is getting Everclear at five dollars a box, I want an in with her supplier." A chuckle. "You deserve this trip, Dom. I don't think anyone's worked harder than you to get this thing off the ground, and I say that having put in a quite a few late days myself. You've earned it."

"I'm nervous as hell. And you want to know the strangest reason why?" Dominic turned a glance at him. "Seeing my gran."

"Don't tell me; your grandmother is a carbon copy of Rosalyn?"

"Opposite. She's the sweetest, most beautiful, kind, wonderful woman on the face of the planet."

"So, then why the grumblings about visiting her? I mean, you miss her, she misses you? Never having had grandparents, I don't quite get the problem." Lex shrugged as he took another drink of water.

"She's the first person I told I was gay." Dominic answered, softly, as he looked down at the water bottle. "I was fourteen years old, and one afternoon Megan and I went to go see her. Megan was busy tossing the ball out in the yard with our cousins, and I was helping my Gran make afternoon tea... and I told her. And you know, she's been the only person all my life who I've told and she wasn't at all upset, surprised, shocked? She just made me promise her to bring home the man I loved, truly loved, for her to measure up."

"So you're not worried about seeing your grandmother. You're worried about whether or not Dad'll measure up."

"'m plenty worried about seeing her. Because by his standards is how I'll measure up as well. I'm worried about the man she'll see when she sees me. Lex... my gran is my life. I love her so very, dearly much, and had Lionel not come and taken her place, I would have died someday with her as the love of my life."

Lex patted his shoulder. "Dom? Really. This is my father we're talking about here. Charm a snake out of it's skin and won't even notice. He'll do fine, and so will you."

"She had a stroke about fifteen years ago. Recovered fine, but ever since she's got... a small problem. With... removing her clothes at odd times." He grinned, then. "I can't wait to see your father's face."

Lex snorted his water then, up through his nose and out as he grabbed at a box of nearby tissues. "Son of a bitch," he accused cheerfully, and just for that, he put his hat back on his head, and flicked the ball with his finger.

Dominic choked, laughing as the tassel flew and danced, and rolled his eyes. "I made no claims to a normal family, after all. Come now, Lex, wipe up, I think that terrified looking boy is one of our caddies."

Lex flipped Dominic off with the hand that wasn't mopping his face off, and then pushed up to his feet. "Think you're right."

Adam Sandela jittered anxiously by the cart, with his friend, Angel Torres. Life and balls had been threatened by Mr. Gatsbury, and he pasted on his best face. Dominic Luthor and Lex Luthor were climbing up to their feet, and yes, well, Adam tugged on Angel's arm and motioned him forward with him. "H-hello! Mr. Luthors. I'm Adam, th-this is Angel, and we'll be e-e-e-es-escorti-escorting you this afternoon." Swallow. "Please, might we have your clubs?"

"Indeed, thank you, Adam." Dominic smiled kindly at him, as he grasped his water.

Dear Christ on a fuckin' tugboat. Lex surrendered his clubs to the one named Angel, the one who apparently wasn't talking, and climbed into the front seat of the cart. "Dom? Just because I don't want to give you, or our little puppies here, a heart attack, I'll let you drive."

Angel took the clubs that were shoved at him and carefully stowed them in the little niche on the side of the seat, making sure to belt them in firmly, and he nearly fell off the cart when he heard the word drive come out of Lex's mouth. The younger Mr. Luthor was a driving legend and he exhaled softly in relief when he said he wasn't driving.

"Thank you. Because really, Lex, you can prevent car fires, explosions, and other paraphernalia resulting in injury. And Lex, be nicer to Angel, he's carrying your clubs." Dominic slid into the front seat and revved the engine, sighing softly. "It isn't my baby, but it'll do. Everyone strapped in?"

Adam nodded, several times, throat bobbing. "Y-Y-Yes sir!"

Angel got in the cart and belted himself in his seat, and patted Adam on the shoulder quietly. Adam was his best friend, after all, and wouldn't do anything stupid. Like get him killed.

Lex fastened his seat belt and leaned back. "Bite me, Dom. As I keep telling Clark, I have one blot on my driving record, and that was driving off the bridge and taking him with me. I'm just lucky I didn't hit him."

"Or kill him. Ass. Alright, here we go. Direct me about in the way we're needing to go, and I'll try not to run over hapless squirrels and other wild life." He revved the little engine, pulled it out of park, and off they went, onto the grass.

Adam swallowed, turned a grin at Angel, as if to say 'thank god', and got himself a little more comfortable, as he admired the irons. They were really nice... REALLY nice, much nicer than most of the ones men brought around, and he commented thusly. "Your clubs are exquisite, sirs."

"Thank you," Lex said. "They're top of the line Tiger Wood signature series; I'm thinking of upgrading to the Nicklaus clubs if I get good enough or play more than twice a year." Lex delved into the ugly plaid pants and pulled out a pair of silver Oakley sunglasses and perched them on his nose.

"They're very nice. One of the other men who frequent have the Nicklaus clubs, and I don't think they're any better, because he still sucks at gold." Adam answered, with a grin, as the blond man laughed.

"Darling, you haven't seen bad until Lex and I get out there. We're more likely to be shooting balls out into the street, and Lex, love, are we playing for anything?"

Lex looked at him over the rim of his sunglasses. "Only the dinner check. We're both going to be so over par it's not funny, but whichever of us is the most strokes over pays."

"Over par?" Dominic passed a look back at his step son and rose a brow. Had no fucking clue what that meant, but alas. "I'll pay anyway. Please, remind me to stop at Old Navy, Lex, because I know I'm going to forget lad. Ahh! Christ, move out of the way, squirrel!" Dominic yelled out the window, and glared as the little creature raced up the nearest tree.

"Par. The average number of strokes that it takes to finish a certain hole," Angel recited softly. "Over par means you're hitting the ball too much, usually because... you, well... you suck."

Dominic burst out laughing, and looked back at the young man with dimples winking. "That was the best thing someone's said to me all day. Indeed, Lex and I are going to be chasing the ball all around this field. We suck. As in, badly."

"But that's not going to keep us from sucking as ostentatiously as possible, and have fun doing it." He propped his feet on the dashboard. "Dom? Eyes on the green, please. Right, over towards the tee flag. Can't miss it. Red thing, waving in the air."

"Fuck you." Dominic answered cheerfully, as he carefully braked to a stop and turned the key on the red, so the little cart wouldn't go anywhere. "Alright, guys. Come now, lets get to going." Dominic slid from the cart and tugged his jacket off in the warm, humid rain, setting it on the seat as he climbed out.

Lex reached back into his bag and got out his putter, and grinned at Angel. "Dom? I'm going to be nice and let you play with my balls." Innocently said as he unzipped the side panel and tossed Dominic the plastic tube of gold and white golf balls.

Angel's eyes widened and he flipped his eyes at Adam. Holy crap.

"You're one disgusting little bugger." Dominic shot back, and rolled his eyes at the wide eyed caddies. "Excuse my step son, he's got a sense of humor better suited for a whore house." He took out a white golf ball, as it would be easier to see out in the grass, and rolled his eyes to heaven.

Adam was just as wide eyed as Angel, but he quickly got out the irons, and swallowed. "Yes, sir."

Lex just smirked. "I can't help it, Dom. You're so... easy."

Angel just blinked, wide-eyed. "R-right. Sense of humor. R-right."

He sidled over closer to Adam, just in case.

"And you're a horrid boy. Look, you've scared our caddies. They don't understand your horrid words, Little Luthor, and neither do I." A mock frivolous air, a toss back of his head, and he got his club with a shivering little sigh. "Come on, you go first. Careful, your club doesn't get caught in your raccoon."

Yeah. Adam sort of...yeah. Woo. Scary.

Lex tipped his hat back, little knit ball bobbling happily in the breeze, and he swung his club in the air a few times to get himself used to the feel. Then he swung at the ball. It made a nice impact with the ball, and the little white orb went sailing.

Straight into the sand trap.

"Fuck a goddamned duck."

- = - = -

Clark had Indian drums going in his head.

He didn't really know why, exactly. It might have been the three hour TLC marathon on Native American culture, but like jelly beans, Clark was at a loss to explain it.

Because when something got stuck in his head? It really got stuck in his head. And usually shared with his aushna'.

His shift was ending in fifteen minutes, and Clark had to hand it to the girls who worked there after he did--they had their hands full. He was part of them now...not in the hair, clothes, makeup capacity (usually), and sure their had been that time he'd showed them all how to blend, but they were his friends. And he liked them, definitely.

Ever since LuthorCorp's huge move, Smallville had exploded. The Talon was already in the process of expanding, with construction starting in three weeks. Shopping malls, houses, gas stations and restaurants were popping up everywhere, and Clark loved it. Loved being in the center of all of it, and it made him grin, cause he was becoming a city boy.

Had he mentioned he loved it?

Lex had poured him into snug jeans that morning, assuring him that they looked great. Which they did, but they were too tight, and his dick had been not at all pleased for a good portion of the day. Which, Clark supposed, was rightful revenge because Lex... had actually left wearing the outfit Clark had bought him for April fools. Without a twitch. Purple plaid and all.

And the tassels.


Shayla came bopping into the Talon, CD walkman streaming directly into her ears.

Anything but the music she'd been dancing to, and currently a group by the name of Ok Go was screaming in her ears and telling her to "Get Over It." Her little tushie was bouncing with the beat and she was humming along to beat the band.

Clark spotted the tiny pink ranger bopping into the Talon like she were Gods gift to men, and grinned, broadly, into the cappuccino he was making. Couldn't help it, could she get any cuter? He filled another three cups, added some biscotti and chocolate chip cookies on tiny ruffled plastic plates, cinnamon and powdered vanilla in two tiny canisters, and whisked it to the table of business men having a sit down after a long day. "Hello! Here we are."

Shayla waved at some of the girls from the school, and continued bopping her way to the empty stool at the bar, where she plopped down and started to tap her rhythm out on the counter, waiting for Clark as her feet dangled off the ground.

Whitney just sort of rolled his eyes as he came in. He'd followed The Little Bopping Butt all the way down the sidewalk, and sighed as he plunked down in a booth. "Chloe's on the way with Lex's SUV!" he yelled.

"Hey, Whitney!" Clark called back, smiling at a woman who just look pooped, and slid around her bench. The sun had just gone down, shooting the sky with a lovely rainbow of colors, and the storm that had threatened seemed to be rolling on out without touching them. Fantastic. Because the night was warm, his friends were flushed with joy, and he was going out to have fun. Hee!

"Yo man!" Pete cried, as he plunked down on the stool beside his girlfriend and tried as hard as he could not to listen to her Canadian boy band crap. "Dude, place is packed tonight!"

"It's not crap!" she yelled out over the music. Had he said it? Not this time, no, but she was well aware of his opinion of her CD. "When's Chloe gettin' here?" If she'd had bubblegum, she'd have been popping it.

Pete grinned over at her, rolled his eyes, and lifted one ear phone so he could press a warm kiss to her cheek. "You're just high on life cause you can do flips over me like a regular Kwan."

Clark offered a smile at the three of them as he shuffled back behind the counter, and set down his tray for one more serving. It was hitting six thirty and he would be off, having made up for some time he had needed, and he filled one more cup of latté and one of milk and sugar for Dominic's hyper assistant and his girlfriend. "Movies and food, right?"

"Yeah, that helps." She looked over her shoulder and saw Whitney sitting in the booth alone, so she bebopped her little buns over and plopped into the booth, dragging Pete with her. "HI!!!!!"

Whitney reached over and pulled the earphones out of her ears and dropped them around her neck. "Hi," he said, in a normal tone of voice. "See? No screaming."

"No more screaming." Clark echoed, with a grin. He swept past them, to Charlie and his girlfriend, and smiled as he lowered his tray heaped with goodies. "Here we go. Latte, chocolate chip cookies, bran muffins, and biscotti. "And for you, warmed milk." Clark smiled at the shy girl, and set the things down, setting their bill down under one of the plates as well. "Enjoy your coffee."

"Thank you." Emily whispered, shyly, dimples winking as she smiled at him, then quickly gazed down again.

Charlie rubbed Emily's foot with his as Clark disappeared, and grinned at her.

"Bite me, both of you." She stuck her tongue out at Whitney, and shook her butt at Pete. "So, where's Chloe and the big white ride?"

"Comin' round girl, Christ, chick's driving for two, give her a break." Pete glared at Shay and lay a smacking kiss on her lips, as Clark sidled past them in his ridiculous little apron that would have BEEN totally ridiculous had it not been Clark. "Gotta give the chick some leverage."

"Drivin' for two my skinny blond--Jesus fucking Christ almighty what the fuck happened to AJ?"

Lex sauntered calmly into the Talon, heading for the booth in the corner where everyone else was sitting.

Pete's mouth dropped. There wasn't anything other really to call it. Cause... Lex was decked out in purple. Purple plaid. And little stringy tassel things. And white. White and purple and tassels.

Pete was suddenly overcome by a massive coughing spell.

"Hi baby!" Apron-less, tray-less, and finally clocked out for the evening, Clark sidled up to his lover and wound an arm around his waist and hip, hugging him in all his effeminate glory close to his chest. "I missed you today! Have fun?"

Whitney was busy strangling his laughter into coughs as Lex came over. Couldn't do anything else, cause really. That outfit? God himself had to be laughing His Supreme Ass off.

Shayla didn't bother hiding it. She just fell off the end of the booth, laughing her ass off as it bounced on the floor, arms hugging her sides as they ached.

Lex hugged back, and tucked his duffel bag on his other shoulder. "I missed you too, baby, but, yes, I had fun, and I even bought Dominic dinner."

Pete was hacking away. Just coughing, as hard as he could, so he wouldn't burst out laughing with his completely shameless girlfriend, though he was rapidly losing it. Rapidly. Because... Lex, always in the gray and black, suddenly decked out with ankle socks and plaid and... oh, holy fuck, that was it. He burst. Out. Laughing.

Clark bit his lip, tightly, and gently cleared his throat as he took his angels bag, kissing him on the cheek tenderly and smiling as his friends lost it. "Sounds like you had a good time. You and Dominic didn't kill each other… points."

"Because he couldn't get past the plaid," Pete whispered to Whitney, and burst into more hacking coughs.

Whitney's strangulated coughing turned into snickers that he tried valiantly to hide, but was totally unsuccessful. The plaid comment was his undoing, and he just collapsed with the snickers.

Lex surrendered his bag to Clark. "We had a very good time together, actually. We even went to Old Navy and bought Dad some jeans for the trip. I bought myself several new pairs also, and I found a couple of shirts that didn't completely suck. The majority of clothing in the store, however, reminded me of why I hate it."

"Generally." Clark took a glance at his friends, then smiled, lovingly, at his aushna'. "I love you, Lex. So much. I love you so much. C'mere, sit on my lap for a while, and take off the hideous hat." Clark plucked it off a bald pate, giving the smooth skin a kiss, and slid into a chair in front of the booth, tugging his lover into his lap.

Pete managed, just barely, to keep a straight face. he did. He cleared his throat, smiling brilliantly, even. "Clark and I went to Metropolis to find that outfit, Lex."

"I've kind of gotten used to the hat." But Lex surrendered it, and snuggled back into Clark's lap. "I'm going to change before we go out, assuming you don't want the old fogey to stay home." Wry grin. "Which I likely should anyway because Dad and Dom are leaving tomorrow and that's going to mean it's me alone at the helm." He casually ignored Pete, and gave Shayla a vicious kick in the side.

Shayla yelped, from her position on the floor, but didn't get up as she snickered. "Lex, man... baby. Maypole."

Clark smiled, though he chastised softly, and nuzzled Lex's neck warmly as he snuggled him in close to him. He'd missed seeing his baby, all day, and he pressed tender, loving kisses to his throat and up his jaw, as he hugged him warmly. Clark had missed the clue train on appropriate PDA's, and he just loved snuggling Lex up and giving him little kisses and happy beams.

"We… uh. Never thought you'd wear it, Lex." Pete said conversationally, as he tugged Shay up to sit beside him so her pretty clothes wouldn't get tracked with dirt off the floor.

Lex hadn't missed the clue train; he just didn't give a shit. He leaned his head back against Clark's shoulder, holding Clark's hands around his waist, sighing softly as he nuzzled Clark's jaw with his lips.

Then he rolled his head up enough to glare at Pete. "Of course I would. Clark got it for me. That's enough for me." He leaned his head back against Clark and snuggled in; he'd missed his aushna' too.

Shay was like a limp noodle when Pete dragged her up, and she just collapsed against her boyfriend. "Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Please tell me you're gonna change."

"I think he looks sexy." Clark answered, smiling against warm skin as he nuzzled and yeah, maybe he felt like kisses and making out and seeing what treats the purple plaid had stored inside for him, and his hand came down, to gently thumb his lovers outer thigh, though the question, and the want, was obvious in the action. "And very... tassely." More soft, tender kisses, and a smile.

Pete just... he grinned, and would have said more hadn't a blond bombshell entered. He had to say, and did, as she approached, "Chloe's a babe, dude. Pregnancy only made her hotter."

"See? That's enough for me." Lex turned his head into the kisses so the next ones landed on his mouth, and he kissed Clark deeply, stroking his cheek with a thumb as he spread his legs just a little, shifting to get comfortable on Clark's lap and letting the seeking thumb fall a little lower. "I like my tassel," he mumbled.

Whitney was just staring at his beautiful girl as she came in. "Hey. That's my girlfriend, knucklehead. Don't you be noticin'." He thumped Pete carefully on the back of the head.

Shay rolled her eyes. "That's like not noticin' AJ's suddenly turned into a purple leprechaun."

"Can't help it, dude. She's gorgeous. Shay got a point, girl's hot." Pete grinned at him. "Ain't gonna steal her, but man, gotta appreciate it."

Clark smiled, and murmured into the deep kiss, though he couldn't fondle his lover, let alone in purple, right here... but... "I'm going get Lex his clothes, guys. Brought some with me... we'll be right back." A big, big smile, and he rose, pecked Chloe's cheek, and grasped his lover and his purple hat, tugging him after him.

"Hi... guys." She blinked, and turned to watch big farm boy and little purple creature run past. "The fuck?" A blink. "Anyway. Hi guys!" Chloe beamed and slid into the booth beside Whitney, planting a big smooch on his lips, then a kiss for Shay on the cheek. "What's up?"

Whitney thumped Pete again, then accepted the kiss as it was planted on his lips. "Hey, baby. Don't mind them, they're just off for a little quickie because Lex's golf clothes got him hot." He kissed her again, and ran his fingers lightly through her hair.

Shayla snickered. "Yeah, he must just go for the maypole type."

Lex grabbed the Old Navy duffel, which had his new clothes in it, and followed Clark, purple hat still perched on his head. They'd no sooner made it into the quiet little supply closet than Lex pushed Clark up against the closed and locked door, and kissed him hard. "I missed you. Missed you like mad."

"Sex?" Interest raised Chloe's brow, as she gazed after the boys, and gave a fluttery sigh. "So pretty. Even in plaid."

Clark grinned, broadly, as he was shoved, and he felt the impact a moment before a hot, slippery, wet mouth covered his. He kissed back, hard, hands filling with delicious, warm Lex and hauled him closer, closer still. He wanted to spread his thighs and beg, and he was about fifteen seconds from doing it as his hand came down over his lovers crotch and squeezed, hard.

Whitney put his hand on her shoulder. "No, you are not going after them."

Shayla raised her hand. "I will!! I'll go!"

Lex's whimper was muffled as Clark's strong hand squeezed him, and he sucked hard at Clark's neck, thrusting and rubbing against him. "I missed you, I hate being away from you." He hooked one leg around Clark's waist, humping gently against him, other hand on Clark's shoulder, holding him up.

"Miss you, missed you, missed you, Christ Lex you're so big," Clark said it all in one breathless mutter as he quickly thumped down to his feet and mouthed the plaid, tugging at it with his teeth as he began to tug off the belt. He sucked and licked a the hard lump behind it, his fingers driving tightly into Lex's covered thighs and ass as he sucked and licked. He tugged open the belt and undid the buttons of the pants, big fingers fumbling a moment before he dived in and sucked his lovers cock down his throat.

Chloe heaved a mock painful sigh, and snapped her fingers. "Ruin my fun."

"You will most certainly not go." Pete gave his girlfriend a glare, and with one little squeeze on her leg reminded her of the night before.

Lex squeaked as he dug his hands into Clark's shoulders, thrusting into his mouth. "Fuck, yes," he hissed it softly. "All the way home, thought about you, wished you were with me at the store and fuck you in the dressing room." He rocked back and forth on his heels, fucking Clark's face gently as his lover sucked.

"You'll survive." Whitney pulled her quietly close and kissed her temple, hand going down to rest on her growing stomach and stroking it lightly.

Shayla leaned over and sucked Pete's earlobe in her mouth. "Don't be jealous, baby," she whispered softly, her hand under the table going to rub his inner thigh. "You're the only one man enough for me."

Clark whimpered, quietly, softly, cause he wanted "You in, you in, please, inside, inside me," he babbled as his mouth came down to twin balls, sucking them into his mouth, and finding himself totally wanting his lover to fuck him, use him. Thoughts of only a week ago, when his lover had fucked his mouth like a wild beast, and Clark had felt... strange, loved, horny as hell for being shoved out of his alpha male role and fucked blind. He loved that, loved that, and he wanted it, badly, deeply. "Lex, please, please Lex!"

Chloe's lips quirked as she looked up at her boyfriend, and covered his hand over her tummy with her own. "Maybe. Possibly." Raised brow at him, and a wriggle, before she looked to Shay. "Stop making out, boy and girl. What movie are we gonna go see?"

Lex moaned softly, and pulled back in the little room, looking around and seeing a little stack of boxes. "Over, bend over it," and Lex reached into his wallet, ripping out a lubed condom. Best way to carry lube, and he rolled it on, slick side against his cock before peeling it out, and slid two fingers inside his lover.

Quick, rough stretching, more for his own sake than Clark's, then with a gritting of teeth, he sunk deep into his lover in a single stroke.

Shayla pondered. "I vote for Finding Nemo!"

Clark couldn't scream, not with Nell a few rooms over, and clenched his teeth tightly as he bent over, spread his thighs, and a moment later a finger slid in. Then two...then something much, much bigger, and he bit his arm to keep from sobbing in pleasure as his lover slid inside of him. His own cock was caught in his jeans, still in his jeans but it was a delicious punishment, delicious punishment for no particular reason at all other than Clark loved being punished, and he pushed the bulge in his crotch against the boxes as he squeezed his lovers cock tight. "Lex, Lex, Lex, Lex."

"No, don't!" Lex reached around and spanked Clark's crotch hard with the heel of his hand. "Bad Clark, for getting me that outfit. Not that I didn't rather like it, but Bad Clark. You knew I'd wear it." He popped Clark's crotch again, and then spanked his ass. He drove in hard and deep with each spank, and bit Clark's shoulder as he pushed Clark's jeans down past his knees.

Clark whimpered, loudly, deeply, and spread himself more as he was spanked, teeth sinking deeper into his arm as he lay his head in his crossed arms and rocked. Fucked, getting fucked, really good getting fucked, so good, felt so good, so good, and his crotch was bare now, to the air, wet and cold and hot and hard. He was begging with soft whimpers on every slam into him, trying not to cry and sob with pleasure, as they moved and thrust.

Lex pulled the hat off, batted Clark's ass with it, spanking him with the crocheted fabric, rubbing the tassel over his ass. Then he reached around and wrapped the rough hat around Clark's cock, holding it tightly in place as Lex went back to spanking with his hand, cock driving deep and moaning as he was hugged tightly by his lover's passage, pulled deeper with every thrust.

Clark didn't know what he was doing, didn't know, just knew Lex had put the damned hat over his cock and held it tight so he couldn't thrust and oh, GOD. He bit down on the wail, because with every spank he was vicing around his lover and he was going to come but he couldn't because Lex wasn't touching and he pushed back into each thrust to get him to comecomecome because Clark wanted to come so badly it hurt. They always had this reaction to each other after being gone for long periods of time. Always. Except Clark always was the one who wanted to fuck, to claim again.

This time, he let Lex do the claiming, and uh. God.

Lex's grip tightened on Clark's cock and he abandoned the spankings for the moment in favor of a long, hard fuck. He kept his hand carefully away from Clark's lower back, instead bracing himself on his hip instead as he pounded into his lover. He dropped the hand, and moved to rub the mark on his own forearm, shuddering hard as he pushed deeper into Clark, then laid over him, chest stretching across Clark's back, and pulled him up, standing together as he raised up, fucking Clark viciously hard as his fingers squeezed and pinched pebbled nipples under Clark's shirt, seeing out the scars he knew should be there.

"Lex, Lex, Lex," KENEP KENEP KENEP!!!!!!!!!!! The scream rattled through his mind as he was yanked up and oh, God, his head fell back on the clenched sob. His lovers fingers were tight, hot, and Clark's own ass, tight and strong, squeezed around the length fucking him and he could feel the thrusts up into his brain. He was hot, hot, and he had to try had to because he was going to lose it. His hand came down to his covered cock, aching for a thrust, a squeeze, anything before he lost his mind.

Lex slapped Clark's hand away, biting his shoulder again as he sucked at it, fucking as hard as he could as his fingers found and rubbed over the scars that marked Clark as his mate.

He heard his lover's frenzied cry in his head, snarled softly as he shoved in, answering each cry of his name with one of Clark's. KAL, KAL, KAL. Over and over again, slapping Clark's hand away from his cock.

"Pl-please, please let me come!" he cried it, softly, only for them to hear as his lover moved, fucking him hard and he was shaking and shuddering all over and he was a freaking 19 year old kid. Mercy! MERCY! His lover stroked over the marks and he felt orgasm rise and ache to be set free, but he couldn't, couldn't, he needed a touch, just one, please dearest Jesus just one touch and he could come, one squeeze and he wailed at the stroke over the scars marring Clark's skin. "Please, aushna', aushna', please!"

Lex couldn't deny his lover. At all. He slammed his cock to the hilt, sucking in shivering, deep breaths as he fought down instinctual panic at having denied his aushna', and instead, he rubbed his hand over the small bone in the back of Clark's back at the same time his hand wrapped around his lover's cock and jerked hard once.

Clark gasped and jerked forward, and would have fallen had he not had Lex and the boxes in front of him, as he came. Orgasm erupted out of him as he fought to keep his noises quiet, jerking and coming hard, so hard. Streams of white burst from him, orgasm rocking him on his feet because Christ that had felt so good that he could hardly see straight. He whimpered, softly, ashamed to have come here, in a public place, but the shame brought on the heat of desire under his blood that he couldn't deny. His lover was inside, deep inside, hadn't come yet, and he squeezed down, bore down on him the exact same moment orgasm hit.

He gasped, gagged on the gasp and threw his head back, his entire body tensing as pleasure ricocheted like a bullet, and he opened his mouth for a silent cry, his entire throat and neck tense and arched that only produced one soft, quiet noise of pleasure.

Lex's orgasm hit right on the heels of Clark's, ripped out of him as Clark's sheath rippled around him, squeezing him tight and milking it out of him. Howling cry that was completely buried in Clark's skin as he bit, nails digging into Clark's hips as he pulled him back, rocking and fucking into him as he came, pouring shot after shot of hot come into his lover's body.

Sweaty and sated, Lex petted Clark's back and shoulders carefully, straightening him up and slowly withdrawing.

Clark whimpered, softly, as his lover slipped out. "Mm." He whispered, softly, and he had to sit down somewhere. He tugged his underwear, damp with precome, up over himself...then just ripped them off, by the seams, to use to clean them both off. He turned, softly, looking at his lover with a passion that had barely been extinguished, and rubbed his boxers, which he'd put on only three hours ago, over his lovers dick. He cleaned him up carefully, softly, then did the same to himself, wadding them up, sticking them in the nearest trashcan, and then tugging the bag out to take to the dumpster. He was shivery, shaky, and yeah Lex's wet heat had stayed inside but even now, as he straightened, he felt it warm and hot against the curve of his thigh.


"UUuhn." He whispered.

Lex moved over to his lover and wrapped his body around Clark's, holding him close. "I love you, Clark," he said softly. "You're my only one." He ran his fingers over his aushna's, teasing them with his fingertips. "I'm so hungry for you."

"It didn't help." Clark whimpered. "It didn't help, I still want, it didn't help. Came, want to come again, again, inside you, fill you up, i-inside." A harder whimper, and a shudder, as he grasped his lovers hand tightly in his. "Later. Later, have each other. Promise me."

"I promise," Lex whimpered. "I promise, Clark. I want you again, I want you to have me again and again, I feel... I feel like I haven't touched you in years and it's only been a day." He ran his hands over Clark's chest and kissed him again, deeply, nearly desperately.

"Okay, then." Clark whispered, and though his body was still trembling, hard, he could calm himself a little. Just enough, to kiss his lover, and hug him close to his body. The heat of Lex's orgasm burned through his body, through his ass, and he shivered in ecstasy as he pressed tender, warm kisses to his ashimels face. "I love you, Lex. I love you, I love you. I thank God you came into my life every day. I love you."

Lex wound himself around Clark's body, returning each kiss hotly, showering Clark with his own. "I love you, Clark, I can't imagine what I'd be like now without you." He butted the top of his head under Clark's chin gently, keeping himself pressed close.

"You love me? yeah?"

"Without a doubt." Lex kept rubbing his cheek and head against Clark's shoulder and chin.

"Then you don't mind the plaid was a joke? And I never thought you'd wear it?" Clark whispered against a warm temple, licking warmly at the skin before burying his grin in a slender shoulder.

Lex stomped his lover's foot half-heartedly. "I don't mind. I don't mind at all."

"Ow!" Though of course it was mostly out of spite, and he grinned into his lovers shoulder again before carefully peeling his shirt up. It came up over his ears and head like a cloud, and Clark dropped a warm kiss against the scar marring Lex's throat. "I brought your favorite outfit, if you want to mix and match your Old Navy stuff with it."

Lex shivered as Clark's lips caressed his scar. "I can deal with mixing and matching." His own hands slid under Clark's shirt again, seeking and finding the scar that encircled his nipple. "I'd rather stay here with you."

"Coffee shop. Store room." Clark whispered, ever so softly, as he mouthed a full lower lip, and flicked his tongue over the scar. "Come on. Movie. Groping."

"Locked door. Alone." He groaned softly, slithering out of the ugly shirt and pants, shimmying and shaking his nakedness in front of his lover. "Okay. Give me the new jeans, and toss me the shirt you brought me."

Clark's mouth had salivated, while he watched his lover strip. Like a dance, his hips moving as the plaid was tugged down, side to side, over and over. The muscles in his arms and chest, his pectorals, his lovely dipping belly button... his crotch, bare of hair with the proud cock hanging heavy and free.

Missed. Everything. His lover. Said.

Lex straightened back up, expecting to be met with clothes, and he blinked when he saw Clark staring, and he struck a pose. "Clark? Clothes."

"Oh." A soft, soft whimper.

When Clark didn't react, Lex got on his knees, legs spread. "Clark? I'm begging here."

"Begging." Clark repeated, with a heavier sound of agonized want, as Lex bent down. "What... tell me. Tell m-me what.."

Lex looked up mischievously at his lover. "I'll settle for clothes. But I want you right now, because I can see your cock, I can smell..." he paused, inhaling deeply. "I can smell it, smell how much you want me."

A wave of tingles swept over Clark's body. "G-gonna get caught, caught." He whispered, but that's all he said because he shakily walked around his lover and dropped down to his knees behind his bent aushna'. He licked over pale, tense cheeks, and drove his tongue between them, seeking his prize without another word said.

Lex moaned softly, leaning forward on his elbows and folding his arms to support his head, raising his ass up and spreading his thighs further as he situated himself for Clark's tongue. "Please," he breathed out, breathy moan turning into a deep, sated sigh of pleasure.

"Taste so good." Came the quiet, quiet moan from behind. He grasped Lex's cock in a firm grip, squeezing tightly and stroking as his mouth sucked harder. His tongue lapped over it, over and over because he knew how his lover liked it, and his thumb stroked over the leaking mushroom head as he did it.

Hard shudder shooting through his body, trembling as he rocked forward into Clark's hand. Moans came out of him, muffled against his arm and shoulder, sucking at his wrist to keep himself quiet. His cock was growing in Clark's hand, jerking as he got hard and trembling, precome already starting to leak out. Recovery time shouldn't have been this quick but it was with Clark, and he jerked his entire body, pushing back on Clark's tongue. "Please, Clark, please," he chanted softly.

"Want me?" He asked of a soft, heaving whisper, kissing and licking over his lovers taut cheeks as he took back his position as alpha male. He pressed Lex's cheeks tightly apart and blew a soft, long, cool breath over a puckered opening. "Want me?"

Huge, wracking shudders. "Yes. Yes, God, please, yes. Yes, I want you."

You haven't shown me." Clark answered in a sing song little voice, coupled with a sigh. Yes, he was being evil, and horrid, and he was stroking Lex's cock to full length because he wanted to, but... "You haven't shown me, not at all."

Lex prostrated himself flat on the floor, his ass held up as high as he can go. "How do I show you, tell me, please... I'll do anything."

"A soft, low tsk, and Clark rose to his feet. He stepped around his lover easily and slid into a chair, table before him. It was a sturdy brown table made of thick oak, and Clark tapped it with twin fingers. "Come present yourself to me, Lex."

Lex crawled easily across the floor, his ass opened and aching from the rimming, cock throbbing again between his legs, and he positioned himself in front of Clark on his knees. He threw his shoulders back, hands gripping his ankles to keep his body carefully bowed, chest and crotch on display as the rest of his body bowed submissively for his lover's perusal.

He smiled, then, softly, and leaned in to give the little starburst a kiss. "On the table. We're going to do this...we're going to do it right."

Lex shivered, and jumped onto the table eagerly, splaying his body and limbs out for Clark's satisfaction, waiting to see and hear what Clark's next direction would be, and one hand reached out for his lover's cock.

Clark slapped it away with one stinging smack, and instead lowered his lover onto his back, presented to him. Long, heavy, dripping cock, drawn balls, opened entrance waiting for a cock or two.

A cock or two? That thought had wormed into his mind unexpectedly, and he shivered, hard, as he gazed up lovingly at his beautiful aushna. His entrance was tight and warm, and he carefully slid the lube from the back pocket of his jeans, climbing to his feet to hitch them back around his hips. He slicked his fingers, quickly and thoroughly, and slid them into his lover. Two fingers... three, fitting them in and stretching him wide for the assault he was about to receive that, Clark knew, he never saw coming.

He picked up the pair of boxers he'd discarded on the bag and ripped them in half, carefully removing the elastic until only a long length of materiel remained.

And he carefully, so carefully, greased the cotton up, as slick as he possibly could, and began to pack his lover up tight, full, with the slick, slippery cotton.

Lex keened out softly as Clark stretched him wide open, panting softly, arching into Clark's fingers. Then, slick something that filled him tightly, and he squirmed into it, pleading with soft cries as it penetrated what Clark was easing into him--not his cock, but the ripping cloth he'd heard earlier and he panted again, moaning at the thought of Clark's cock fucking him hard, right along side the fabric.

Clark finished sliding the cloth in, as deep as it would go, and felt his lovers belly. it was tight, packed tight, his muscles clenched, and Clark gently reached down and pressed warm, soft, achingly loving kisses to his lovers cock and balls, as he pushed in the final bit, leaving a flap out for easy removal, and sat back. "Get dressed, aushna'. We're going to be late for our movie."

Whimpers. Sharp whimpers. "Clark, Clark, no, please, please, Clark." More whimpers as he shifted around, felt the cloth piled into his ass, and he squeezed hard against it. "Please."

His lips curved up into a loving smile. "No, I'm sorry. Put your clothes on. You might want to go with the slacks... they hide more." He rose to his feet and tucked away his own aching erection, carefully zipping up the snug jeans, and tugged his long t-shirt down to hide the lump.

Lex whimpered again, and reached for Clark's waist, rubbing his hand over Clark's crotch.

"Put your clothes on, aushna'." Clark whispered it, down into his lovers scalp, and tilted his head up for a warm kiss. "I won't ask you again." He climbed to his feet, carefully sitting his lover up so he'd get used to the heat packed in tightly inside of him, and gently rubbed the leaking cock tenderly. "There's a jock in the bag I brought you." Yeah, so maybe Clark had had a thought or two. "You might want to put it on, too. It'll pull your cheeks apart... make you feel fuller. Put it on, and your clothes. I'll be downstairs waiting for you."

Soft little squeak of unhappy denial as he stroked over Clark's body, as much as he could reach. He slid off the table behind Clark, rubbing against his lover's denim-covered ass, and whined softly again as he rubbed. "Clothes?"

A stinging pop to a warm, soft ass, and Clark dared him to rub again. "You aren't going to orgasm until I tell you so, aushna'. Is that clear?" He asked it as he unzipped his back pack, and removed the soft black slacks, a light purple sweater, and the jock, plus a pair of briefs, tucked into the slacks.

Hard little cry as Clark's hand landed sharply on his ass, and he clenched down on the fullness in his ass. Squeak as he took the clothes, ignored the jock, and got dressed quickly, pulling the sweater over his head and leaving it untucked as he bit his lip hard, shoving the arousal down as he schooled his features carefully. "You are a sadistic bastard, Clark Kal-El, and I love you for it."

"I know you do." Clark watched on, in quiet, warm appreciation, gazing at his beautiful aushna' as he pulled his clothes on accordingly. "However, I asked you to put the jock on. And you're supposed to do what I ask you to do, aren't you?" asked softly, as he landed another sharp pop to his lovers ass, then another, rubbing against his lovers ass where he knew he was tight and full. "Please, listen to me. I don't want to... have to punish you."

The pops to Lex's ass brought sharp, pleasure-filled cries from Lex as he dropped his trousers, and worked the straps and buckles of the jock easily, strapping it around his waist, between the cheeks of his ass, tight cup around his cock and he grunted as he touched himself, whining without realizing it in the back of his throat as he made the final adjustments to himself and turned around, presenting his crotch to his lover.

A wide, warm smile. Oh, yes. "Bound up, aren't you, Lex?" Clark whispered, softly, as he snapped the elastic going between his lovers cheeks, pushing up on his burden. "Oh, yes. I think...maybe I like you wearing my underwear." He whispered, and gave a warm, tender kiss to a tightly packaged bulge, licking it warmly and pulling his lovers slacks up. "Beautiful. Can you walk?"

Lex raised up on his toes, guttural moan coming out of his throat as Clark snapped his elastic, and then moaning again as Clark kissed him, then covered him up. "Walk? I can barely think of anything other than slamming you against the wall and fucking you blindly."

"But you won't. Because you're a good boy." Clark whispered tenderly, pressing more warm, gentle kisses to his lovers crotch as he finished zipping and buttoning, sliding the eye hook into place, and rising carefully to his feet. "Tell me, how tight it feels." He whispered, softly, and took the half empty back pack, sliding Lex's Old Navy bag into it and slung it over his shoulders as he took his hand.

"I'm a very, very bad boy, Clark." Lex hissed it and pushed Clark against the wall, sucking his tongue into his mouth before he could say anything else, hands on Clark's shoulders pushing him back as he kissed roughly, possessively, rocking on his toes but not thrusting against his lover.

He kissed back, but instead of it being rough and possessive, he gentled it, warmly nipping and licking soft kisses, and smiled in adoration and love, with a wicked edge, and his poor, distressed aushna'. "Shhh. You don't want my punishment, Kenep. My punishment means no come, no sex, no nothing. And you do want to come at some point tonight, don't you?"

Lex rubbed his head under Clark's chin again, and whimpered. "Yes, I do."

"Then be a good boy, and I won't put a cock ring on you." Clark whispered back, licking his lovers lower lip tenderly, then tilting his head for a warm kiss. "I love you. Lets go see our movie, what do you say?"

"I say you're a mean bastard." He swallowed hard after the warm, soft kiss from his lover, and his nails dug into his palms as he fought for control.

"I'm not mean. Just... take my time." Clark whispered back, with a warm, easy going smile that was all evil at the edges, humming softly and smiling warmly at his love as he opened the door. "How does it feel, Lex?" he whispered, softly, as he slid through the rooms with his lover in hand. "Knowing that everyone is normal, around you, but you know you're not. You know you're stuffed full, tight and hot, with no way to come."

Lex's hand slid through Clark's fingers, holding tightly. "I always know I'm different, Clark, it's easier to handle that way."

"Let me rephrase." Clark answered, quietly, as he led his lover back out into the hopping coffee shop. "How are you going to like knowing you're under my control, with our friends around?"

Shiver that cut straight through him. "If they didn't know that after seeing that outfit you had me in? Then they're not even worth it."

"Oh, but the outfit is nothing like this." Was all Clark whispered, before slapping on a smile. "Hi guys! We're back."

"Clark! Please, please tell these knuckle heads that there's no WAY that Batman and Robin could ever be gay!"

Lex choked. Died. Rolled his eyes and laughed. "Why couldn't they be, Chloe?" Bruce and Dick. Batman and Robin, not gay? Dear God in heaven. "Think about it. Robin is the one that Batman is closest to, after all."

Chloe rolled her eyes to heaven. "Get real. Batman is so dark, dashing, handsome. Robin… well, he is too, but he's more boyish. Could they ever not get along!" She gave him a glare, cause yeah, noted the flushed cheeks, and the grin Clark was wearing, but she moved on regardless. "I mean, compadres, brothers, sure. Lovers?? What on gods green earth would they have in common, aside from the suit??"

Lex ran his fingers over the back of Clark's hand, activating their link and shoring it with his own newfound power. Dear God, I want to tell them so bad, but Bruce would kill me and hang me up by my toes to dangle from the Batcave ceiling.

Say nothing, aushna'. Clark whispered, softly in his mind, and grinned instead at Chloe. "Robin's sexy, I dunno what you're talking about. But hey, listen, guys, Lex told me he's stuffed, but I'm starved. Pizza before the movie?"

"Hey, now, no idea ever sounded so sweet." Pete answered with a beam, and wriggle hipped his girlfriend out of the booth as they climbed to their feed and put on jackets again. "Supreme, everything on it, dude."

"Oh, pizza sounds good." Chloe heaved a little lusty sigh over it, and climbed up, tugging her little pink sweater on, and winding her scarf around her neck.

Lex reached out with his mind and viciously jerked Clark's balls for the stuffed comment. I'm going to hurt you.

Shayla wriggled and bopped out of the booth, and turned her Walkman back on, keeping the headphones around her neck so she could talk and listen to the music at the same time. "Ick, no, meat all the way, baby."

Whitney picked up his jacket, and slid it around Chloe's shoulders too. "There you go, baby. Don't want you to get too cold," he said softly. "And come on, we'll get you any kind of pizza you want, if you don't want Supreme."

Clark squeaked, loudly, and brought it out in a slew of coughing instead. Ass of an aushna'. But he smiled at that thought, grinning cheerfully. "Supreme and a pepperoni with sausage. And soda, lots and lots of soda. Sound good? And though Lex is packed away with delicious yummy things, I'm sure he can manage one slice." Clark answered back with a smile, and let go of Lex's hand to slide his arm around Chloe's shoulder. Protection behind a pregnant woman!

"Gotta have some peppers in their, girl!" Pete exclaimed with a little dance move, grasping her around the hips and snuggling her in close to hit, smiling into her neck. "And ooonnioonnss."

"Eat those peppers and onions, and you won't be gettin' a bit of this sweet ass!" Shayla said, bopping on her heels as she snuggled in close to Pete.

Lex just smiled sweetly and reached out again, viciously twisting with his thoughts and yanking just as hard as he could. "Pizza... just sounds delicious, actually."

Squeak!! And meep! Clark made both sounds, with another heavy slew of coughing, and smiled, tensely, at his lover as he glared. Treat me nice, aushna'. Remember who controls you tonight.

Whitney looked up from where he was fussing over Chloe and looked at Clark. "You... uh, you okay there, Clark?"

Lex just glared at his lover. Stop with the jokes then.

"Great. Peachy." Clark answered his Ashimel, then sensing the slight distraughtness, grinned at him saucily. "Just ready for pizza and a movie! And no chick flick, alright girls?"

"No chick flick, and no action movies. Capice?"

"Crap," Shayla said suddenly. "I guess that rules out Legally Blonde 2. Let's check out that creepy movie. The 28 Days one."

Whitney raised an eyebrow, but went back to coddling his girlfriend. "You warm enough, Chloe? And, you sure pizza's okay?"

Lex didn't deign to snort, ignored the grin, and held the door open. "Shall we depart?"

"Yes. I'm fine." Chloe, being Chloe, just beamed happily, and snuggled her lover, as they slipped out the door Lex was holding open.

Clark slipped past with them, and very, very innocently pet Lex's butt. "Come on, Lex, don't straggle behind."

Whitney cuddled Chloe close as they headed to the car, and kissed her neck. "Tease," he whispered.

Lex just snarled.


go on to the next part