
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 205: Dinner and a Disagreement

The sky threatened rain. As lovely a morning as it had been, a few dark, ugly looking clouds had moved in from the east and blocked the sun from the earth. Dominic didn't know whether it was a curse of a god send...the dreary, overcast sky only led more of a magic to the vast land.

He and Lionel had gone to go see Blarney Castle and all of its lovely magic, and though they didn't kiss the stone itself, they were lucky enough to have one another, right now, and it was enough. They'd taken their picnic basket and sat on the bank of the River Lee, on a thick blanket, with the old druid ruins behind them. And it was just as they were finishing a lovely lunch which had stuffed them full, it had grown dark and overcast.

Dominic looked up, as he finished packing up what was left of the food in the picnic basket, and sighed. "How horrid. It looks like it'll rain before much longer. Lets go see the ruins… then we'll head on home, beloved?"

"We've still got to head to Dublin Antiquities and pick up the sea chest they're holding. It's paid for and all, so it just need to be picked up and brought back to the house. If you don't want to lug it home with you, you can leave it, in the bedroom, as a dresser of sorts, for when we come back. We've also got to look for furniture for the house, though I'm not sure if you want to do that tonight, or in the morning."

"The chest is coming home with us." He grinned at his lover as he rose to his feet, dusting off the seat of his jeans and shrugging on his leather coat. "We can get those things tomorrow, if the person holding it for you won't mind? And we can get some furniture as well, I'm sure Margee won't mind lending us her SUV again."

Lionel rose too, elegantly, hands brushing off his own jeans as he picked up the duster he'd worn earlier in the day and shrugged into it. "He won't care if he holds it two weeks, as long as it gets picked up. Apparently, the idea of doing business with Lionel Luthor is enough of a bonus to allow him to hold it for me indefinitely, if need be."

Dominic grinned, broadly, and brushed off his lovers shoulder before bending down for the blanket. He rose with it, blanket in arm, and shook it out, before folding it up and setting it on the basket. He took the keys from his pocket and went to the SUV, which they'd parked right behind them on the grass, and set the basket on the passengers seat before returning to his lovers side and offering his arm. "Come've got to see them. They're quite beautiful, they are."

Lionel stretched. "I'm glad I had the foresight to buy boots." He stuck out his foot, clad in fairly-expensive hiking boots. "They feel quite good, actually." He took his lover's arm as it was offered to him, and laced their fingers together. "I can't think of a better tour guide than you, Dominic."

Dominic smiled at him, and leaned in for a tender kiss. "Of course you can't. And indeed, they're very lovely boots. Gucci?" He squeezed Lionel's fingers gently in his own and brought the intertwined hands up for a kiss as they began to walk, to the crumbling architecture. "They say that these ruins were where the Druids turned King Lir's beloved babes back to human." A glance at his lover told him that didn't mean much, and he was all too pleased to tell the story. "Long ago, before Christ had even come to the land of Ireland, there was a great and famous king, King Lir. He had four beautiful children who he adored endlessly, more so after their mother died. When he again remarried, his second wife, the children's step mother, was so overcome with jealousy that one night she took the children to a lake and cast a spell on them, turning them into white swans, confined forever to the waters of Ireland for nine hundred years. However, as soon as she realized the great pain she'd brought down on King Lir's kingdom, she went back to the lake where the children were, and felt such a guilt that she bestowed upon them the gift of exquisite song. And there the children remained, for nine hundred years. At the end of those years they once more returned to their human form, but were wizened and weak, and died soon after. King Lir then decreed that no swan in Ireland should ever be killed... and that law stands tall and true today."

Lionel listened quietly, happy to let Dominic tell the story because it meant he got to listen to the quiet rumble of the brogue, the soft lilt in his voice. "That's a beautiful story," Lionel said softly. "I can... understand the jealousy easily." He raised his hand to rub his thumb over his lover's cheek. "I'm very glad you never felt that jealousy towards Lex." Another tight squeeze to his hand as he walked near the water's edge, and just crouched there for a moment, listening to the rush of the river.

"Of course not." Dominic smiled down at him. "This river connects with the bay… in the mornings you can see the fisherman out here by the dozens." He crouched next to him, grinning, and pointed at the beautiful white swans up the river. "They're very beautiful. Its illegal to kill them, but people do anyway, and sell their meat and their skins and feathers on the black market. Goose skin jackets, hats, etcetera. A goose skin jacket would run one up of sixty thousand pounds. Megan wanted one for the longest, the tramp, though she never got one, and good for that, as well."

Lionel turned his head to watch the swans in the river upstream. "People will always go out of their way to destroy beauty that they can't have," he said suddenly. "And if it's denied to them, they'll try even harder to obtain it, and in the process, annihilate it."

"Of course they will. Its the uneducated, my darling." He shook his head gently, and rubbed his lovers fingers as they sat there at the bank, crouched and watching. "They're the most beautiful of creatures. When I was a boy I used to follow them when they flew, in the spring time, through the woods. There's a pond in the middle of Bakers Cove that they nest in... at the perfect time of year, all you can hear is the little darlings chirping and squeaking for their mums." He grinned at him, softly. "Ireland, you'll discover, is a lovely place to get back to nature, the way we were supposed to live in it. Its a lovely place to write, as well." Didn't make a too obvious mention of the half finished book Lionel had been writing for some time, just smiling gently at him.

Lionel just glared back, and studiously ignored the hint.

Still smiling, though it turned more to a lopsided grin, and twin blond eyebrows popped up. "You're so proper."

"Proper?" He asked, raising his own eyebrow.

Was he goading? Of course not. "Perhaps." And that's all he said, as he rose again. "Come now, beloved...we'll see these ruins, then head home before it--"

Started to rain.

The skies opened up and rain fell like buckets of water, leaving Dominic's eyes wide as it absolutely poured. He blinked through the falling water, pulled his glasses off to store in his pocket, and blinkblinkblinked at his lover as he offered a hand. "Well then. Home it is."

Lionel chuckled softly as he quickly got soaked. "Yes, yes, I think home would be an excellent idea."

"An afternoon nap sounds splendid." Dominic muttered through the rain, as they began to squish back to the car. Though they wouldn't be sleeping, and he grinned, crookedly, eyebrows wriggling as he took out his keys again and went around the SUV to get the driver door opened. He slid it and popped the locks for his lover, quickly getting the big truck started.

Lionel just gave a secretive little grin as he got into the car, running a hand through his dripping locks. "I think a shower, a healthy conditioning, and then a nap sounds like just the thing."

Dominic smiled back, and leaned over to give his lover a gentle kiss as he revved the engine and took the car out of park. "It's entirely odd driving this way, you know, though its exactly like an old bicycle. Kind of." He flashed another grin and took his glasses out again, cleaning them as best he could with a little tissue in his pocket, planted them back on his nose, and started off.

Lionel reached over, took the fogged up glasses off his lover's face, reached into the pocket on the back of the seat, brought out a clean, dry tissue, and wiped Dominic's glasses clean before putting them back on his lover's face. "I'd like to reach the house in one piece."

He snorted, pushing them up onto his ears, and rolled his eyes. "I can see just fine without them, you know. I'm not getting that old."

"Of course you can," Lionel said, obviously humoring.

"Hey! And ugh!" Dominic bat at him, but instead of hitting him, he caught his lovers hand and laced their fingers as he drove. "You're such an ass, you know. I cannot believe its till death do we part." A mock eyeroll his way. "What am I to do with you?"

Lionel squeezed his lover's fingers together, and then looked down at their hands. "It's always going to be like this," he said quietly, as though he'd just decided it. And then he looked up at Dominic. "Bury me under the house beside your mother?"

Dominic smiled across at him, only it was gentle, and real. "Of course it is. We've got to get on with things, and there's no use being fumbling teenagers, now is it?" A loving squeeze, their rings sliding across each other. "And darling, I won't bury you beside my mother. I'll bury you out on the front lawn, beside the front gates. Think of what an attraction you'll be."

Lionel chuckled softly. "Yes, I can just imagine. The Big Bad Luthor, guarding the gates and scaring away the children at Halloween."

"Of course. I'll even do so much as buy one of those creepy Halloween tapes, and deck your grave stone out in fake cobwebs and a witches cauldron. It'll be a hit." He grinned across at him, as they bumped along the rural road, and he braked to a stop at the interstate road, looking both ways, making sure he had a clear way, and got on it, revving the engine.

"That's... a frightening thought." Lionel tightened his grip on his lover a second before having to let him go to turn the wheel, but as soon as the wheel was turned and they were back out on the road, Lionel caught his lover's hand again.

"Bull. Could you imagine the PR?" Dominic turned a big smile on his lover, and didn't pay attention to the fact that they were holding hands again. "Speaking of public relations gold, the children's library should be open by my birthday. I'm planning a big celebration… a dinner banquet, two of them. One for children, and one for adults. And a party afterwards... still separate, of course. I've hired the Wiggles for the kids, and a string quartet here out of Smallville for the adults. It should be... quite an interesting evening. I've already hired all the teenage girls in the vicinity to baby-sit, as well."

Lionel nearly recoiled at the mention of the Wiggles. "Dear God in Heaven, I do hope you're not expecting me to put in an appearance at the children's banquet. I will not suffer the little children to come unto me."

"Darling, I'm quite afraid you will indeed have to make an appearance, though I'm sure the Wiggles won't make you sing and dance with them. I'll make sure of it." If Dominic looked too innocent, it was just the light reflecting off the windshield wipers. "It should be a fabulous party, I do hope."

"Yes, you should make sure of it, because I'd hate to murder those obnoxious creatures in front of all those impressionable children."

"No, you wouldn't." Broad grin. "You know, its the perfect weather for a good game of American football. My cousins must be absolutely thrilled."

"Yes, I would. You underestimate my detestation of children and all their accompanying baggage." Glare to his lover as he leaned back in the seat, and closed his eyes for a moment, hand still firmly gripping his lover's. "This is the perfect weather for drinking coffee and reading as you listen to the rain on the thatching."

"Indeed, it is." Amused little smile at him. "And I should hope you don't really mean the detestation of all children, as we've got one on the way." But he smiled because he knew just how mushy his lover was around little ones, and brought the windshield wipers up a notch. "You just might get to do that, with my Gran."

"No, not all children. Just... the majority of them."

"The majority which wouldn't include Eleanor and Shane, I'm correct to presume?"

Little growl in his throat, and he didn't bother to answer.

"Oh, good, I'm quite glad. Because as we're going to buy both darlings pretty trinkets from Ireland, I've got to go about it with the soundest mind that you adore them ceaselessly." Cough, and he hummed innocently. "And we're almost there." He let go of his lovers hand to grab the wheel with both hands and flip the signal light on, getting them off the interstate and down through Cobh's main road. "We can take the interstate come tomorrow, to go into Cork, my love. You know, we could have most of what we buy delivered, if you want to take the trolley instead."

"The... trolley?" A sigh. "And yes, I do adore them both and you know it." He let go of his lover's hand as Dominic tugged away to turn onto the main road. "What is this trolley we're taking, and how would they know where to deliver these things?"

Dominic snorted, and looked across at him. "Beloved, its a very small island, and more so here in the region of Cork. I'm related to most everyone, you've to remember. They'll know my granny for sure, and have everything sent over here after we buy it, I'm positive." His lips quirked. "its only twenty miles to Cork, and if we take a taxi, or the trolley, it might be a bit easier. For as much as the regions changed, tis stayed the same, and finding a parking space is like trying to find an honest politician."

Lionel chuckled softly. "All right, I give in. We'll take the trolley, and have the things delivered here."

Dominic beamed, and took his hand again as he started through the town. "Fabulous. We can go up to Dublin tomorrow after we purchase our things, and get the chest...and perhaps stay for dinner. Id love for you to see the Book of Kells, as well. A lovely thing it is, from the... I believe... sixth century? They've got it illuminated, and its just absolutely amazing."

"Aaah. The Book of Kells is something that I would like to see." And possess, but he didn't mention that. "I've seen photographs of it, though I've never taken the time to actually see the book itself. The scrollwork and the illumination along the pages is some of the most exquisite penmanship I've ever seen."

"Its utterly amazing, love. Who knew the four gospels could look so amazing? I had a frame, long ago, of the first page of St. Matthew after the opening words of his gospel." He turned a smile at him. "Its at Trinity College, I believe, along with several other Bibles of the time, though none as exquisite, of course. If we leave early enough from Cork, we might be able to see it before the college closes for the night."

"Or we could call ahead and arrange for a special, private showing for just the two of us for half an hour after closing to the public," Lionel pointed out. "There are advantages to being a Luthor."

His lips curved, and his eyes brightened. "Aye, their are. We might be able to see the Book of Durrows, as well. And within the Old Library, their's the oldest harp in Ireland, dated some time right before the Book of Kells. Quite lovely, beloved. And here we are." He pulled to a stop on the curb, in front of the path leading through the thick thicket of trees to the little cottage. "My father always said he was extremely grateful to have built the house so secluded like. Kept us a bit away from all the family." His lips curved, as the sky thundered and the rain fell all the harder. "We're going to have to make a run for it, ducks."

"Neither of us are made of spun sugar, little cricket. I think we'll survive the run to the cottage."

"I don't know about that." Dominic peered at him. "One of these days, all that conditioner that's soaked into your blood is going to make your skin flap off into pieces." But he grinned, took the engine off, and threw open the door, sliding out. soaked in the process but he didn't mind too much, just tucking his glasses away again and walking around, to get his lovers hand in his. "Come on!" he yelled, over the thundering rain, hair plastering to his forehead.

"I do not use too much conditioner!!" Lionel pulled the collar of his coat up around his neck as he got out of the SUV and ran around the front, making sure to link his fingers through Dominic's as they started towards the house. "Christ this is a cold rain!" he shouted in complaint, though whether to Dominic or the Almighty was up in the air.

"Of course it is!" Dominic yelled back, as they made their way through the thick trees, which provided some shelter. "It always is in Ireland, even dead smack in the middle of the summer. Its always freezing rain, one thing my da' couldn't stand." He quickly led them through the trees and up the stone back, to the front door, who's eaves provided more shelter as Dominic got the door open.

"Your father was a smart man!" Lionel spilled quickly into the house and shed his sopping coat first thing, hanging it up on handy pegs by the door as he went further in, and stood in front of the fireplace, shedding the rest of his wet clothes as he waited for Dominic to come in.

Dominic did as well, shuddering so hard his teeth clacked, and shed out of his coat, boots, and gloves quickly, before gathering some of the kindling from under the kitchen sink, opening one of the standard made logs and setting it in the fireplace. He reached up and got the long lighter, quickly lighting the fire with soft blows on it, before climbing to his feet again. "Fuck me its cold. Come on... lets warm up some coffee. I'll turn down the blankets in the bedroom, it should have stayed warm in there. Will you heat us some coffee? The microwave is working beautifully."

Lionel reached out and reeled his lover into him, wrapping his arms snugly around Dominic's waist and kissing him hotly, hands sliding down to grip his hips and knead the firm cheeks of his ass. "Mmm," he muttered, in response to the request for coffee before muffling his lover's mouth entirely with his own.

Dominic grinned into the lovely mouth and kissed him back, warmly, softly, still shuddering but wrapping up closer, closer still, arms around his neck. "I'm… cold." He muttered into his lovers kiss, licking at the warm lips as he tried to get warm by snuggling in close. "And...very wet. We should change before we catch chill and die."

Lionel waved one hand down at his own naked state. "Change then. I'm... rather happy how I am." He squeezed the soggy denim in his hands, and pulled his lover closer to him.

Dominic smiled, broadly, and rolled his eyes. "Show off. Go get in bed before your dick freezes off. I'll be there in a moment love, I'll get us some coffee to warm up with."

He rubbed the dick in question against his lover's thigh, and shivered as the wet fabric rubbed against him. He licked Dominic's throat quickly, sucking on a trail of rainwater that was trickling down behind his lover's ear.

Okay. SO the licking was definitely not doing good for his state of mind. His eyes rolled closed as he arched his throat in offering, murmuring softly as that slick tongue licked and moved. "Lionel..." He ached to rub back, his cock becoming very... very interesting, especially after the man handling his frozen ass was just beginning to realize it had sustained, and he purred, quietly.

"Yes?" he muttered against his lover's throat, still licking and sucking.

"I like that." He answered, softly, and even though the room had yet to warm, he tugged the sweater up over his head, letting it fall in a pile with Lionel's with a wet plop. "Warmth. Cold now. Coffee... lick here." His fingers had threaded through his lovers soaked hair, and with the handful against the back of Lionel's neck, he dragged him to his throat again.

Lionel let Dominic pull his mouth back without protest, sealing his lips against his lover's throat and licking as requested, sucking on the smooth, cold skin, warming it with his breath and his tongue as he nibbled lightly, hands sliding down to unbutton Dominic's jeans and slide his hands into the seat to squeeze Dominic's ass.

"Uhhn… fuck." He hissed, as the hot hands touched his freezing skin, and he arched forward. His eyes were closed, head tipped back without a thought, and he'd rolled onto his tip toes when Lionel squeezed just... like... that. He didn't know what his lover had planned but whatever it was, he knew it would be absolutely lovely, and he purred, in pleasure, as his lover licked.

His own fingers moved down, down to the thick cock, erect and rubbing against his wet jeans thigh, and he grasped it, tightly, giving it smooth, even strokes.

"Here?" Lionel murmured, moving to the other side of his lover's throat, sucking on another rivulet of water as it poured down. "Against the wall? Right here?"

Oh fuck. Dominic shuddered, letting his eyes open to the spot, the exact spot, where the wallpaper had faded, where his mother had once had some god ugly vase on a stand for years, and Dominic moaned, deeply. He arched up again, wriggling as his jeans became tight, kicking them off at the bottom even as he continued to stroke Lionel's cock. "Yes, please, yes, yes, against the wall, yes."

Lionel nodded, and pushed the wet denim down, helping his lover kick it off and rubbing the flat of his palms against his lover's ass, spreading the cheeks then pushing them back together, kneading gently as he sucked.

"Please, Lionel please, please," Dominic whispered, whimpered, as he opened his hand and took his cock in his grip, so he was stroking both himself and his lover. He stroked firmly and quickly, his toes nearly curling on the upstroke, and because Lionel was taller he had to get on his toes on every upstroke but he did. Not. Care. This felt good, very good, very... very good and he ached, whimpering softly as he wriggled in warm hands.

Lionel let Dominic stroke them both, rocking forward into each stroke, and then pulled away, turning his lover against the wall, so that Dominic's hands braced on it. "Ssssh." He sucked his fingers into his mouth, slicking them with his spit, and rubbed just the pads of his fingers over Dominic's opening.

Dominic shuddered, all over, holding the wall tightly with both hands firmly planted on it, and spread his legs, shuddering as his cock ached between his thighs. Hard, hanging like a weight, twitching every time his lover stroked over his opening and he moaned. "Lionel, please, God, please," he begged quietly, arching his hips slightly in invitation.

"Go get the lube," Lionel whispered hoarsely, hand reaching around to stroke his lover's cock as he whispered to him.

He had to move?! Crap. Lionel was expecting him to... okay. He rose, unsteadily, from his lean, and grasped the wall to steady himself as he nodded, choking on the whimper as he walked towards the bedroom. His skin was goosebumped fiercely, his limbs shaking, and he dropped down to his knees in front of the suitcase, rummaging for a moment... and finding one of the bottles. Completely didn't remember there was one sitting on the night stand.

He stumbled back into the main room and offered Lionel the bottle, swallowing hard as he ran his free hand over his lovers hard cock... tummy… chest… strong, sturdy shoulders.

Lionel caught the hand running over his body and brought it to his mouth. Without dropping his eyes, he sucked the index finger into his mouth, sucking it, tongue laving the length of it before pulling off, and moving to the next finger, treating each one to a lengthy sucking as his other hand squeezed the bottle open, and let the cold gel squirt onto his cock.

His chest squeezed, tingles raced over his body as his lover sucked his fingers, and he stood there, gaping, shivering with want as his body trembled and moved. As his lover licked he scooted in close and sucked on his lovers neck, licking and sucking, rubbing his cock against the wet, slippery one between Lionel's thighs. He nipped, biting at warm skin, up to a sexy earlobe, then down, down a long neck, a long shoulder, and to the nipple thing, which he sucked into his mouth. His free hand moved over the ridges of muscle along his lovers back, down to his ass, to give it a squeeze.

Lionel tossed his hair back over his shoulder, to give his lover free access to his chest, and then he squeezed Dominic's ass again. "Turn back around; face the wall."

He let go of Lionel's nipple ring with a little pop, and turned around, licking his lower lip in anticipation. He faced the wall, bending over a little to expose himself, and groaned softly in his throat as his body clenched and unclenched, shaking and shuddering because it knew what was coming, and it couldn't wait.

Lionel's slick fingers slid into his lover's opening, one at first, then two to stretch the muscle that was by now well-accustomed to his entry. A third finger, just to make sure that Dominic was well-opened for him, and his hand slid back down to his cock, stroking over the shaft and spreading the lube firmly as the wide head pressed at Dominic's opening.

"I love… love your f-fingers inside me." He whispered, as he tried to keep a handle on his cries. "Love... knowing... inside of me, intimate, slicking your fingers in-inside me." He didn't know how else to express it as he bent over further, allowing his lover to press against him, and he bit his lip to keep the cry of pleasure in, as his body shook.

Lionel began to slide inside of him effortlessly, his muscles, ecstatic to have him be inside again, tugging him in, closing around the long shaft tightly, and Dominic reached down between his thighs to give his cock a squeeze and slow, tight strokes as his lover pressed inside of him… pressed inside forever.

Lionel didn't stop his press forward until he was completely embedded in his lover's body. His balls rested against Dominic's cheeks, and his hands rested on the wall on either side of his lover. He started moving them, rocking up on his heels and driving deep with every movement, sucking at his lover's shoulder, licking the back of his neck as he stroked.

Dominic gave a short, heavy cry at the first thrust, and spread his legs further, to accommodate the movements. He pushed back, rocking his hips back with each thrust forward, and straightened up. Now that they were joined, it was easier like this, where he could grasp his lovers wet hair and feel the thrusts all the way inside his brain, as he pressed his body against the wall. His cock was trapped between plaster and belly and that's how Dominic left it, rocking and moving in pleasure.

Lionel thrust violently when Dominic's hands went into his hair and pulled, and he moaned. His hands left the wall and came up to Dominic's wrists, firmly planting his lover's grip in his hair to stay there, and he leaned back against the wall, each thrust of his cock more fierce than the one before it, teeth scouring his lover's throat and neck as he rocked, eyes shut as his fingers scratched at the walls.

Oh Christ and he gave a heavy, aching cry of pleasure. Lionel's teeth at his throat, ear, neck, were driving him absolutely insane, fingers gripping and yanking as his lover thrust into him. Sturdy, deep thrusts that made him cry out, rocking up and down, almost leaving the floor with the power of the movements, and let out a sharp sound of pleasure as he turned his head, tugged Lionel's hair, and kissed him, deeply.

A growl ripped out of Lionel's throat as Dominic pulled at his hair, and he gave the kiss fiercely, tongue thrusting deep into his lover's mouth, sucking and licking as his cock kept up the relentless pounding in his lover's passageway. One hand moved from the wall to squeeze one of Dominic's nipples as they kissed, and his hips bucked sharply.

Oh, Christ. He groaned, softly, and his body just... reacted. He'd gotten past the point where he could control anything, just given the endless, sharp pleasure of a good fuck. He let out cries, whimpers, pleas and aches, all sobbing for pleasure as he reached down to his cock and squeezed it, hard. It was standing away from his body, dark with blood, and he moved, grunting, gasping into his lovers mouth as they kissed.

Lionel reached down and pulled Dominic's hand away from his cock, using his body to push Dominic against the wall, holding his lover's hand behind his back as Dominic's other hand stayed buried in his hair. He gave deep, throaty growls as he fucked his lover against the wall, and he shifted Dominic's body just a little so that his cock could seek out and pound against his lover's prostate.

He wailed, sobbing for pleasure, sobbing in pleasure as Lionel hit his prostate. He let out sharp, loud cries, pushing back into him, then into the wall, begging the plaster for a little bit of feeling as he moved back and forth, was moved back and forth, shoulders holding him up against the wall as Lionel fucked him, fucked him hard. Because he knew it, gloried in it, he gave another sob, squeezing his lover tightly in ecstasy. "Yes, Lionel YES!"

Lionel just grunted, biting his lover's shoulder again and leaving a bruise that he sucked into livid brightness, feeling Dominic's ass squeezing around him. Then, and only then, did he let go of his lover's wrist, and used the hand that had been holding his lover back to jack him off.

The bruise had the first physical cry echoing from his lips, and he yelled, on top of his lungs, as his lover gave him a damn hickey that had felt like the tip of his cock on his neck, and began to stroke him off. He arched, pushing into the fingers as he grasped his lovers hair in his fists, dragging him down for another hard, brutal kiss as he pumped, pushing, eyes squeezed shut as a wail built in his throat.

And he came, painting the wall in front of them with his come.

Lionel grinned in savage ecstasy as Dominic came, feeling the clamp down on his cock at the same time Dominic jerked fistfuls of his hair. Hard, shuddering stroke as he buried inside of his lover to ride out Dominic's orgasm, and forced his own down as his cock was milked and squeezed.

Dominic let out a soft, heavy cry of pleasure as he finished coming, orgasm washing through his body, his mind, that almost left him weak kneed in ecstasy. He shuddered, all over, and expected the hot wash of come inside his body. When he didn't, and still felt his lover lanced inside of him, he shuddered all over again. Didn't know what Lionel was up to but he knew he'd like it, once he regained his senses. "Uuuhhnn."

Lionel's arms wrapped around his lover's chest, holding him tightly as he moved them both, grunting with the effort as he pushed him over the little table and leaned over his lover, his chest to Dominic's curved back and hands on firm little hips as he started thrusting again, fucking hard and with long, deep strokes.

Dominic groaned and didn't protest, didn't even want to protest. He leaned over the table, belly flat on the cold wood, and it woke his lethargic body back up to take a pleasured moan from his lips. When his lover started moving again it brought a jolt through his body and he shook, trembling as he spread his legs and helped him as much as he could, squeezing and encouraging his lovers orgasm. "Lionel, Lionel, oh, Christ."

Lionel's mouth occupied itself with sucking at the top of his lover's spine as he fucked, and before long, moved up to his lover's ear. "I'm here, my cricket. I'm here." He stroked over Dominic's sides as his strokes started to get slower and more erratic, and he felt his orgasm building.

Dominic gave another cry, heavy as his body moved, pleasure swimming in his aching blood as he pushed backwards, the sucks and kisses making him shake and shudder. He brought one hand down to cup over one of the ones on his hip, biting the inside of his cheek so he couldn't cry out, because through the touch he could feel the power behind Lionel's thrusts, and he let out another cry, then a yell, aching, cock starting to jerk and try to fill. "I love you, I love you, oh Christ, I love you!"

Lionel buried himself deeply on his lover's last cry, orgasm spilling out of his cock and into his lover's body. His nails dug into Dominic's hips as he pulled him back, making sure their bodies were sealed together as he kissed his lover's face, cheeks, and lips when he could reach them.

Dominic kissed back, as much as he could, the hot wash inside of himself as his lover came, the sharp spurts that thrust the lovely heat deep, made his eyes roll closed, watering in pleasure behind the lids a he slumped back over the table, and just gave a heavy... quiet... deep... moan.

Lionel stayed bent over his lover until his orgasm was done, and then he carefully extracted himself from Dominic and stood him up. "Here... are you all right? Did... Did I hurt you?"

Dominic just... shook his head and stood up straight, wrapping his arms around his lovers neck and yeah, his feet weren't' steady under him, because… mind boggling sex, and he was sure he said that out loud but he didn't care, moaning softly as he held onto his beautiful lover, hugging him, holding him. Cuddles were definitely necessary right now, and he muttered the very sentiment as he let go enough to take his lovers hand, ignoring the stain on the wall he'd left, and tugged him into the toasty bedroom.

Lionel supported his lover carefully, arms around his waist as he guided him into the room. "Yes, cuddles are necessary." His hand stroked over his lover's body, nibbling softly on an ear.

"Mmmm." Dominic muttered, as he slid into the bed, his ass giving a thrumming ache that made him hiss, in pleasured ache. He squeezed around nothing and shuddered, as he tugged Lionel into bed, the familiar squishy wet feeling driving him insane with pleasure. "You're inside."

Lionel slid into bed beside his lover, arms wrapped around his waist, situated back to chest, and he breathed little kisses onto Dominic's skin. "Yes, I am. I'm deep inside you." He brought the fingers of one hand up to brush through the sides of his lover's hair, getting slightly shaggy with time.

"Deep inside." Dominic whispered back, breathlessly, almost unable to breathe with the knowledge that yes... his lover was so deep inside. He moaned, very softly, whimpering quietly as he wrapped his arms tighter around his lovers neck and shoulders, and shuddered all over. It was... insanely extremely very very good.

Lionel snuggled his love close to him. "I'm here, lovely."

"Thank you." He croaked, into his lovers neck, holding him tighter, closer, wrapping him close as he tugged blankets up.

Lionel's arm came down to help pull the blankets up as he listened to the rain thrumming on the roof. "You're welcome," he said quietly, pulling him close and tucking the blankets around them. "I'm glad to see you... enjoyed yourself." Said softly, to tease.

His lips spread, foggy green eyes clearing the slightest bit as he rolled his eyes. "The semen dripping off my wall didn't tell you so?" He grinned it and licked a warm neck and throat, snuggling him in and closing his eyes. "Three orgasms in one day. Little Dominic can't take it."

Lionel snorted. "Little Dominic? I refuse to refer to your penis by name."

Dominic grinned from his lovers throat. "You could call him Antonio with his two drums?"

"Absolutely not."

"Pepe and the two tamales."

"You're getting worse instead of better," Lionel growled. "My husband will not have named genitals, and neither will I."

"You told me, while quite drugged, that it was Big Daddy and his Cojones."

Horrified expression overtook Lionel's face. "I most certainly did NOT."

Dominic was just... grinning wickedly from his lovers neck. "Sure, you didn't." A gentle pat on his lovers arm, as he shifted and lay his head on his lovers shoulder, arms around a sturdy waist that begged for cuddling. He wrapped his top leg through Lionel's, hugging the leg closest to him, and muttered an apology about his wet cock as he wrapped up closer under the blankets and yawned against a softy haired chest.

Didn't hear a word of the apology as his brain tried to process "Big Daddy and his Cojones." Then a smile creased his features when Dominic's face sprawled out across his chest and yawned. "Did I tire you out?"

Two nods as he lay back down. "My butt may never forgive you."

Lionel snorted. "Then I suppose I'll let you have mine to make up for it."

Evil giggle. "Okay. But not now. I don't think I can get it up again. Too many orgasms. Me balls aren't used to such a lovely treatment. Give them time to adjust, the dears."

"No, no, quite all right if it's not now. Whenever you feel like you can take care of it." Smirk down.

"My pride may never forgive you, either." Sleepy grin, and he cracked open an eye to look up at his lover. "Tonight. After the football game and dinner. When we come back... I'll make you look at this bed in a whole new light." He paused then, lifting his head up and rolling onto his lover, so from the waist down was sprawled between powerful thighs, and he could set his chin on his hands, which were resting on his lovers chest. "Lionel... might I ask you something?"

"I look forward to it." Lionel nuzzled his lover's cheek as he crawled into a new position, and he grinned up at the question. "You can ask me anything."

"I've been thinking about this for a while. Its alright if you don't like it, you can tell me." He shifted, tipped his head. "You think sometime... we can tape ourselves… doing what we just did?" A little hot blush. "I've never... done that before, and I'd like to. Not here obviously, but when we go home."

Lionel blinked. Gave a little cough, blinked again, and shifted.

Dominic opened his mouth to say more, but instead his eyebrows furrowed at his lovers expression. "Its okay, if you don't like it, baby."

Another little cough, and a very, very light blush stained his cheeks behind his beard.

Oh boy. His eyes widened, but he smiled, because he had no clue what was going on. "Does that mean yes, you want to?"

A third little cough. "That actually means you haven't looked behind the mirror in the bedroom."


"The mirror isn't just a mirror, Dominic."

Dominic's… eyes widened, a little. He had a horrifyingly good idea about what it was. "What?"

"The mirror isn't just a mirror. It's two way glass, and behind the mirror is a motion-activated camera."

Dominic's eyes widened even more, and he slowly sat up. "What? A… a camera?" He paused. "Why?"

"Because initially the room wasn't ours. The camera was there to monitor the staff," he confessed. "When we moved into it and made it our own, I had it taken off the main security circuit, and routed to a closed feed--namely, the digital recorder beside the camera."

Dominic just... blinked. Twice. From between Lionel's legs, sitting there with a sort of... dumbfounded expression on his face. "You've been... recording us?"

A nod. "I have."

He didn't know how to take that. On the one hand... he was flattered. On the other... he was horrified. Because he hadn't been at his best some of the times they'd had sex.... the private things of their bedroom, and it was almost... almost like his husband was a peeping Tom on their lives, only not, and he just... he stared at him. "And... you watch these tapes?"

"No. They're stored in my safe, beneath the paneling." Lionel was sensing the discord.

Dominic rubbed the back of his neck, quietly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I honestly hadn't thought about it, until you asked."

"You had to have thought about it, Lionel, you store the tapes."

"I mean about it being a problem, Dominic." He sighed. "I take the discs out once a month and store them in the safe."

"Why... do you tape us?" he looked down at Lionel with quiet eyes. "Why don't you just take the camera off?"

"I never thought to turn it off," he admitted quietly. "It doesn't occur to me, because I spend the majority of my life monitored by security cameras and the like."

Alright. Some of the anger was waning, and he sighed softly, running his hands through his hair. "I don't like knowing our private lives are on record, baby. I'm sorry... I almost flipped out. I just..." He saw his lovers face and leaned down, to kiss him gently, wrapping him up close again and snuggling him to his side. "Come here, get close. I'm sorry. I just never... I mean, in our intimate moments... its kind of weird knowing we were being taped. It makes me feel self conscious, Lionel. If anyone were to ever get a hold of those tapes..."

Lionel moved away, just a little bit, unwilling to feel placated at the moment after being interrogated about this. "When we return home, I'll give you the discs. You can do whatever you like with them."

The move away stung, like a bright poker, but he didn't push it. "No... its not that. I'm just not comfortable with that, Lionel. I mean... for a lark, sure. But all the time... everything we've ever done, all the times we've made love, all the times we've just talked, or what have you… its been on tape. And I hate that."

"You've made your discomfort level clear." Quiet voice. "I'll deactivate it when we return and turn the discs over to you. It won't be a problem any longer."

His eyebrows laced tightly together. "You know why I don't like it? Because my memories, of everything we've done, are in my heart. I don't want there to be something people can watch someday, Lionel." Fucking up, always fucking up, always fucking up. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry, Dominic. You have every right to feel the way that you feel. It's also allowable for me to not feel the same way. However, you're quite right, in this, and the situation will be remedied as soon as we return." He moved to his side of the bed, and put his feet into slippers he knew were waiting. "Would you still like coffee?"

"Lionel? Why... why is it, whenever I express something I don't like, anything, you make me feel so absolutely horrible?" Quietly spoken, as he sat up as well, and looked at his lovers back. "Why am I not allowed to say what I feel without feeling like... I've fucked up again?"

He turned back around at that. "I don't know, Dominic. I don't have the answer to that. I don't like being interrogated about my actions, and I don't like the implications that I heard in your questions and tones. But I understand it, and I answered it. As for why you feel that way? I don't know. You're the only one who can answer that."

"I was just shocked." Quietly. "I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I know you'd never do anything to hurt what we have." He swallowed at the burning lump building in his throat, and didn't say anything for a moment. "I did fuck up again. I'm sorry."

"You're right. I wouldn't do anything to hurt it. At all." A quiet sigh. "You have worked with me for all of these years. You have been in my life, for all this time. You know who I am, what I do, how I operate, how I think, more than anyone else in the world. You say that you don't want me to change, that you accept me as I am, and yet, you don't. You don't accept me at all, you interrogate me about behaviors that don't agree with you, and get upset with me when I don't react the way you expect me to." He came back and sat down on the end of the bed. "I love you, Dominic. I love you more than I think I loved Lillian, or anyone else in my life. But I can't be anyone other than who I am. Not at this late date in my life."

He nodded, quietly, eyes quietly blank and shifting as he looked down at his lap. "I love you, too. I accept you, Lionel. More than you give me credit for. I'm sorry." That was all he could say, as his jaw locked tightly. He didn't say anything else, just looking at his lap silently. Another fuck up, another mistake, to add to the growing pile of them. Lionel would have enough of it one day, and tell him to go. Dominic knew it, deep in his heart. It would happen, eventually, and he'd have to take all the joy he could out of the time he had with him. "I'm sorry."

Lionel reached out and tipped his lover's face up. "Then please... if you love me, if you trust me, don't think that I'm out to hurt you. That's never my first intention."

He nodded, still quiet, and looked into Lionel's eyes before back down. "Okay. I understand."

Lionel didn't let go and made Dominic look back up at him. "Do you? Or are you just placating me in hopes I won't run off, or hit you, or whatever else it is you think I'm going to do?"

"I know you wouldn't hit me." He answered, looking back up at him. He wished with all his heart he could accept every single one of Lionel's behaviors, and he wished Lionel could accept Dominic's. But it would never happen, and the lump grew bigger as he swallowed against it. "I understand."

"You didn't say you knew I wouldn't leave you, either."

"I know you won't leave me." Quietly, and added, "I'm sorry."

Lionel knew that Dominic didn't believe it. But he didn't push it, and he let his lover's chin go. "It's all right; there's no apology needed." He pulled Dominic into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Dominic hugged him back, softly, and closed his eyes for a moment. "You speak... of me not understanding you, Lionel." His voice was gruff and scratchy, quiet. "But... you don't understand me. You don't understand… why it would make me upset. You don't understand my actions and why I do them."

"No. I don't understand. But it's all right. Eventually, I will. You'll teach me why, and I will understand it all."

"I love much. But you don't accept who I am, at all. You think you're still with your assistant, who will nod for everything. But I'm not. I'm not your assistant, not anymore, and I won't... I can't stand by any more and just nod and smile and pretend everything's okay. If I don't tell you why I'm feeling the way I do, it never gets said, and we lose what we are. You told me yourself to always tell you everything, never to hide anything, but when I do tell you... I'm still in the wrong." For once, words were coming to him that were mildly coherent, and he thanked Christ for it.

"You... you're not in the wrong because we argue." Lionel let his hand stroke through Dominic's hair. "You're not. At all. We're not supposed to be in agreement all the time. We are allowed to disagree, and you don't have to feel bad because of it."

"But I do feel bad. Because you just told me, I don't accept you, or your behaviors, that I'm interrogating you. I'm still in the wrong, Lionel. I don't know... how to relate to people, I don't understand how to talk to people or tell people my thoughts, people that are my family and friends. I know how to be a business man, and I know how to be a sex slave, and I know how to be ruthless, cunning, whatever, but I have no skills when it comes to you, or Lex, or Clark, or to any of my family. I put up a show, Lionel, but I'm terrified on the inside that they're going to think I'm ignorant, or whatever." He shouldn't have been saying these things. They were his dark, deep secret. "I don't know how to relate to you, to talk to you, to argue with you. I don't know any of it, Lionel."

The words infuriated him. Not because Dominic was saying them, but because his lover had been so damaged by the bastard people he'd come in contact with that this had happened. "Look at me. You are nobody's slave. Not even mine. I don't want that from you." Little shake, but then a fierce, hard hug. "I don't know how to relate to people either. But you know more than you think, dammit. You do. Because you relate to me. You get along with Lex so much better now. Clark adores you. You do get along with them, you talk to them... Dominic, when everything is gone, I am just a person, to the contrary of nearly every image I've ever striven to create around myself. I am a person, just like you."

Dominic hugged him back, tighter than before, swallowing hard against his lovers throat. "I don't know how, Lionel. I don't know what to say when I should say something, I don't know what to do, and I thought once it was just because I didn't know the right people. But it wasn't that, not at all. I don’t' know how to talk to someone, how to relate, and I've tried." His throat bobbed, tightly, burning hard as he fought back a flood of emotion, sealing it hard in his heart. "Its a show, Lionel. I'm just a stupid, scared man, who tries his best." Another hard swallow. "I never told you.... because I didn't want you to think less of me then you already do. And that's why.... you having those tapes makes me sick. Not because you have them, but because they have me in them. I don't want to see who I am, Lionel."

Lionel's grip tightened, and he once again forced Dominic to look up at him. "I want to see who you are. Because you are the man that I love. You could go out tomorrow and kill a hundred children, and it would NOT change the way I feel about you. You're not stupid, and if you're scared, then you don't have to be. Not anymore. Not as long as I am here for you. Trust me, Dominic. Trust me to love you."

"I do trust you. I just don't want you to leave me when you see just how truly fucked up I am." He rubbed the back of his hand against his nose, sniffling softly and shaking his head, trying to lighten the mood a little. "See why we go see Elaine now?"

"Dominic..." He sighed. He wouldn't let the mood lighten. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yes." For now. But he didn't say the last part, just sniffling again, reaching for one of the tissues from the box on the bedside table and rubbed his nose dry. "Yes, you are."

Lionel reached after him, and brought the box to sit on the bedspread beside them. "I haven't left you yet, have I?"

"You almost did." Quietly.

"But I didn't."

"No you didn't." Another wipe at his nose.

"What does that tell you, then?" He took another tissue and pressed it gently under his lover's eyes.

"You aren't going to leave." His throat tightened. "How can you live with me for the rest of your life, Lionel? Deal with this every day?"

"That's right. I'm not going to leave you." He dried the last moisture he could see, and wadded the used tissue up in his hands. "Deal with what? My husband?" A little smile. "I think I can find a way to live with you every day, every moment."

He nodded, quietly, swallowing hard and looking down. "I'm sorry, for all this. I didn't... I didn't mean to make you feel like I was interrogating you. I never meant for that, I just wanted to know."

"And you know that it's entirely possible I'm too sensitive." He kissed Dominic's forehead, and then his lips softly. "Don't apologize."

A snort, before he kissed him back, just as softly. "You, sensitive. Hello, I'm the one who's a mess here, again. Christ." He swallowed again, and rubbed his own shoulder against his cheekbone. "I'm glad you know, now."

"I'm glad I know too." He rubbed his hand over his lover's back.

He rubbed his face again with the last tissue, and cleared his throat. "I think I'm going to call my gran, and see if we can get away with just eating dinner with them. We should take a nap. Unless you still want to go early?"

"No, I think a nap and then a late dinner is just the ticket for us." Didn't mention he didn't want Dominic around his family's bitterness right now.

Dominic knew. He wasn't stupid, and he nodded. "I think if one of them were to make a surly comment Id have to go Hulk on their asses. And then we really couldn't ever come back to Ireland." He picked up the house phone they'd already gotten installed and dialed his Granny's house.

"You've reached Granny Finn, can I help you?"

"Hi, Gran, its me. Listen...about tonight, Lionel and I are only going to come for dinner, alright?"

Gran heard the clogged voice, the quiet sniffles, but didn't say anything. "Alright dear, I think your cousins are canceling the game anyway. Its coming down!" She smiled. "Take care of that man of yours, teacup."

"I will. Thanks Granny."

"Don't mind a bit, my darling. If you and Lionel aren't feeling well later, I'll bring your supper meself. Okay?"

"Okay… thank you Gran. I love you." Dominic smiled, softly, as the older woman chirped the sentiment back, and quietly hung the phone up, rubbing his eyes with his hands. He felt ten times the fool, but he didn't say anything, as he looked at his husband. "Still feel like coffee?"

Lionel just shook his head, and held his arms out to his lover.

Dominic slid back under the covers and laced his own arms around Lionel's, sliding in as close as he could. "I love you."

"I love you, Dominic. Don't ever think otherwise." He held him close, pulled him tight so that every inch of their bodies were touching each other. "Know that I want what's best for you."

"I do. I'm sorry." He winced, softly, against Lionel's body. "Every time something like this happens, I almost feel like I need to reinstate my manhood. You know... I'm strong, Lionel, right?"

Lionel nodded softly. "You're stronger, in many ways, than I am."

He swallowed and nodded, quietly. "Except in the body department." But not even he was up to jokes, and he closed his eyes. "Wake me up by six, if you wake up first?"

Lionel reached over for the small travel alarm, and set it for a quarter of six. "There. That'll wake me, and I'll wake you later." He kissed his lover's temple softly.

"I love you. I don't think anyone on this planet could take this and still agree to go eat with my insane family, all in one day." His fingers squeezed Lionel's, tightly. "I'm glad I told you."

"I'm glad you told me, too." He squeezed his lover's fingers in return. "The only reason I can is because you will be with me."

He looked up, at his lover, and gently kissed his lips. "Thank you."

Lionel returned the kiss, and tucked Dominic in closer, if it were possible. "You don't have to thank me for anything."

"Yes, I do. But I've a headache, and I'm tired." He nodded, softly, and closed his eyes, tucking his head under his lovers chin, and it took him all of five minutes to fall asleep, exhausted under the weight of their touristy day, all the sex, and the argument.

It took Lionel quite a bit longer to fall asleep, busy worrying over his lover's well-being.



go on to the next part