
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 208: Educational Resources

The early morning air was cool on Lionel's skin as it breezed in gently through the open window. He had his laptop on his knees, the glow from the screen muted as much as he could as he typed. Didn't know why he felt the sudden urge to check in with the rest of civilization, but he'd gone through his email, read through CNN's headlines for the day, and was finishing an entry in his electronic journal when he heard his lover stirring. A look at the little clock in the corner of the screen showed it was barely six AM, and Lionel quietly clicked the laptop closed so he didn't wake his lover as he slept.

Quiet melancholy washed over him as he stroked over Dominic's back with a practiced, gentle touch as he pulled the sheet up over bare skin to protect it from the chilled morning air.

Rod Stewart was playing.

The small auditorium, filled to brimming with people, was lit with quiet, warm lights of a good concert. Rod Stewart, a young version of him anyway, was singing Maggie on top of his legs, dancing on the stage with his guitar in arm. Dominic watched him, puzzled, as the rest of the crowd went nuts. He had been standing near the stage a moment ago, but now, as he watched, he was getting further and further away, though he hadn't walked anywhere.


"Wake up, Maggie... I think I got something to saaay to yooouu." He sang along, quietly, though the feeling of being discontent changed, fluctuated, and he was getting more wary by the minute. This was bad, definitely bad, and he glanced over his shoulder.

A moment too late.

The bony figure, with her dripping, skeletal sneer, appeared from no where and grasped his hair tightly in her fist. A searing agony pierced his belly, unbelievable and agonizing, and he gaped, pain and blood pouring from the knife in his gut as the skeletal woman sneered in his ear.


He gasped, gagged on the gasp, and flew up in bed. Covered in a cold, clammy sweat, shaking with fear, and he dropped his hands to his bare stomach. Nothing. Fucking hell. Those same hands moved from his belly to his face, as she leaned over and tried to calm himself.

Lionel had nearly fallen out of the bed as Dominic had sat bolt upright, the sweat and fear nearly palpable in the small bedroom, and he watched quietly as Dominic checked himself. "Dominic? Are you all right?" He reached his hand out, gently touching his husband on the shoulder. "Dominic."

He shook his head, not speaking. Not yet. Heavy, deep breaths, first, as he inhaled and exhaled slowly. He was shuddering in fear, quietly holding his head as he waited for the trembles to pass. This one hadn't been as bad as the last one, not nearly as bad, but he could still feel the icy blade stuck inside of him, feel the bone fingers gripping his hair. And he shuddered, again, and didn't speak as he unclenched himself long enough to wrap his arms around his lovers neck and hold him close.

Lionel wrapped his arms tightly around his lover's shoulders in return, holding him close and rubbing his back quietly. "Sssh," he whispered softly. "Whatever it is, nobody can harm you while you're with me."

Dominic just shuddered with fear, his fingers digging into his lovers neck, shoulders and hair as he held tightly to him and swallowed. "L… Lionel, it... it… s-she stabbed me, again, in the stomach, stabbed me a-and laughed, and it was Rod Stewart, and nothing ever happens at a Rod Stewart concert, but there she was, and she grabbed me because I was... was going away from the stage, and stabbed me, hard, here in my stomach."

"She who?" Lionel asked softly, rubbing his bearded cheek against his lover's. "I didn't know you liked Rod Stewart; I thought that was just Clark's misguided fancy." Anything to get his lover to smile at the moment. "It was just a dream."

He did. Only his little laugh sounded like a barely controlled sob as he swallowed, hard, his voice squeezing tightly and grinding as he spoke. "I don't, not really. But she was there, Lionel. A skeleton, in a black robe, with jewels on it. That stupid BITCH keeps stabbing me in my dreams."

The laugh was better than nothing, and Lionel strove to keep his tone light. "Well? At least she seems to have good fashion, if she's wearing a jeweled robe." His hands kept rubbing comfortingly over Dominic's back.

"She looked like Liberace on steroids." Dominic croaked quietly, and let go enough to move his lovers laptop, and replace it with himself, sliding into his lovers embrace tightly. "Lay back with me, okay? Just for a moment. My bearings are still in Smallville at the moment."

Lionel laughed softly. "You'll get off Smallville time just as it's time for us to return," he joked, and leaned back in bed with his lover, holding him close. "It's early; go back to sleep, if you can."

He shook his head tightly for a moment, just snuggling into his lovers arms as the rain that had continued all night plinked on the roof. "I don't think I want to." He answered quietly, fingers settling on his lovers chest to warm them. "What are you doing up so early yourself, darling?"

Lionel gestured at his laptop. "I just felt the need to check in with the rest of civilization. I read my email, answered a few urgent inquiries, read the headlines at CNN." Didn't mention posting in his journal.

"Anything from Lex?" Dominic asked, softly, from his pillowed cushion on his lovers shoulder. Right here was where it was safe, warm, comfortable, and he let his eyes close again, so he could listen and feel to the rumble of his lovers words in his chest.

"No, nothing, and I'm more than mildly surprised," he admitted. "I was worried about leaving he and Clark alone for so long, when they just seem to be steadying themselves after so long. The lack of email makes me wonder if they have self-destructed, or if they're so busy they don't need the shoring up."

"Well..." Dominic took a glance at the clock. "its midnight in Smallville...I know they're still awake." He sat up, rubbed some of the clammy skin on his neck, and reached around his lover to take the linen shirt his lover had worn to dinner last night off the floor, tugging it on without buttoning it back up. Just to get himself warm again. He tugged the blankets up close over his lap and reached for his cell phone.

He dialed the overseas number by memory, after punching in through his cell phone company, and dialed the number to the upstairs hall that Clark, Lex, Lionel and Dominic himself shared.

Whitney was the first one woken up by the phone ringing, and he didn't even pull his head out from under the pillow. Didn't know where he was or anything, just shoved the phone under the pillow. "'lo?"

Blink. "Hello, this is Mr. Luthor... might I please speak with Lex and Clark?"

"yokay. sure." Whitney picked the cordless phone up and with the accuracy ground into him by his quarterback training, hurled the phone through the door, across the hall, and into the bedroom of Clark and Lex.

Lex raised his head as a phone clattered in from across the hall, and sighed against his lover's shoulder. "I think we have an incoming phone call," he grunted, and pulled himself up out of bed and padded over to the phone in question. "Luthor."

"Lex? Hello love, its me."

Clark didn't say anything, just looked up from the ice cream he was enjoying in bed. He and Lex... had had quite a good time, but then he'd gotten a craving for ice cream, and that was that. He was re-watching the Two Towers, again, eating his ice cream happily as he snuggled under blankets.

Lionel had rolled his eyes at the need for Dominic to identify himself, and he wondered just who in God's name was answering the phone.

Lex grinned as he plopped back down on the side of the bed and thumped Clark in the shoulder. "Dominic! How are you and Dad doing? Are you enjoying yourselves?"

"HI DOMINIC!" Clark yelled, grinning as he sat up.

Yeah, Dominic pulled the phone away when the bellowing came through, but he smiled anyway and put it back close. "Hello, love. We're doing quite well, and of *course* we're enjoying ourselves. Are you joking? A house, in the middle of nowhere, all to ourselves?" But he laughed as he said it, and the horror of the nightmare pulled away a little. "How are you and Clark doing?"

Lex tossed a little glance at his lover. "We're doing all right. There's been a couple of times where we've almost yelled for you guys before we remembered you weren't in the house." His voice dropped softly. "Dom... have you had any... weird dreams, or anything, lately?"

That Lex had needed them, forgetting they weren't there, made Dominic's heart warm, though the warmth only lasted for a moment before dropping down into his gut. "That depends. What do you mean?"

"You remember that thing you helped me with? Before you left home?" Lex sighed. It kind of got out of control, at one point, and I think it hit you and Dad. If you've been sad, or angry for no reason lately, or had weird nightmares... it's my fault."

Dominic looked at his lover in a quiet shock and pulled the cell phone from his ear, putting it on speaker phone. "Could you repeat that love?"

"Yeah." He heard the click of the speakerphone, and sighed softly. "If you and Dad have been feeling angry, or upset or sad for no reason, or having nightmares... it's my fault. Dad... I'll explain when you get home, okay?"

Lionel blinked. "Explain what, exactly?" he demanded.

"Trust me, Dad. You'll want to be home and sitting down for this."

Dominic winced, and nodded. "I just woke up from a particularly nasty one. And about...a day and a half ago, we were napping and the same thing… I woke up rather upset, as did your father, for no particular reason."

"Your dad will pass out if you tell them now, Lex." Clark murmured quietly, wincing as he listened to his lover speak.

Lex frowned softly. "That'd be my fault. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"What won't happen again?" Lionel asked testily. "Lex, if there is something I should know about--"

"Dad... just don't. Dominic, if you wanna explain, you can, otherwise, he's gonna have to wait until you guys get home."

Lionel growled at the speakerphone. "Clark? What is going on there?"

"Nothing, Lionel. Over the phone, not the best thing to be. But... we're definitely okay now, and you guys should be just fine, okay? Also, if you guys don't bring me home something edibly good, I'll send you back." There was a smile in his voice, as he leaned his head against Lex's to hear the phone. "We miss you guys."

"We miss you, ducks." Dominic answered, with a soft smile, as he shook his head at Lionel pleadingly and squeezed his hand.

"Bah," Lionel grunted, sitting back against the headboard, but remaining silent for the moment.

"We're really doing okay, Dom. I promise. And oh, I'm sorry about the phone, but Whitney's staying for the weekend and he got to it before we heard it over the TV."

"That's alright, tell the lad I'm quite sorry for waking him." He smiled, and squeezed Lionel's hand. "We'll check in again in a few days… you both get your rest."

"He'll be fine; he's probably back asleep already." He paused. "Are you going to be home by Sunday? Or are you staying the weekend?" Most casual way he could think to ask.

Dominic's lips quirked, and he barely hid the grin as he glanced up at his lover. "I haven't the faintest, I haven't talked to your father about it. Sunday is... Easter, right?"

"Yeah it is," Lex answered with a nod.

"Would you like us to be home for it?"

He really, really did. But he wasn't going to make them come home early. "I was just curious; Martha has already invited me to their house, with the sheriff and his fiancée."

He thought for a moment, and glanced up at his lover. "Lex? Clark's got Spring holiday off, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, he does. He's off from..." he paused to think. "This coming Thursday through the end of the next week."

Oh. Oh, that was good. "Why don't you come for Easter dinner?"

Lex blinked. "You're serious?"

"I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't." His grin widened, and he cuddled up next to his lover, taking his arms in his and hugging him close. "Id be delighted to have you meet my relatives, and my Gran needs to meet the rest of my family. I'm sure she'd be thrilled, and theirs so many people here, two more isn't any type of hassle. You can stay here for the night and go home with us on Monday? Fly out by... mmm... Friday night perhaps, and we can spend the weekend here."

"Crystabel has been haranguing to get me over there for a visit." He turned to Clark. "What do you think? Feel like a little trip this weekend?"

Yeah right. Clark was grinning like a lunatic. he'd never been out of the US... well, unless one counted Quebec, and he didn't. He just beamed, nodding several times, and did a little wriggle dance in excitement.

Dominic just about died laughing.

"Clark's doing a little happy dance on the bed, so I think the answer is going to be yes. I know there's another LuthorCorp jet that's just arrived from the Taiwan shipment, and I'll have the pilot make sure it's ready to fly by the weekend." He nudged his lover's ribs gently. "We'll have to get Clark a passport and everything else, but we can do that in time."

Dominic was still chuckling madly. Lex was the only individual who could call his Granny by name and get away with it. "Alright ducks, that's going to be fabulous. I'll let her know you're coming. Be careful, and be safe, alright? Call us when you get the flight booked, so we can come get you in Dublin, and perhaps have a spot of dinner and the theater. Alright?"

"Is there anything I need to bring to you? More of Dad's conditioner?" Couldn't help the smirk. "The weather reports say Dublin's been getting soaked and I'm assuming you are too."

"We're getting it torrentially, I'm afraid." Dominic answered, though he was smiling. "I do miss you, lad. Go on now, get to bed, we'll call later on this week."

"All right." A pause. "Take care of yourselves, all right?"

"We will, indeed." Dominic elbowed his lover.

Lionel just glared. "Be careful, Lex. And yes, there is something you can bring me. Bring me the small box from the dresser, from Frederick's veterinarian. There's several things in there I'm going to need."

Dominic choked on the laughter. Just... cracked the hell up, and he couldn't help smacking his lover on the arm, and kissing him warmly, before grinning broadly and just rolling his eyes. He'd been feeling like giving his lover a good blow since last night when they'd gotten home, because they'd both been much too tired to do anything but sleep. So he carefully, gently, straddled his beautiful lover and began to kiss his throat, his neck, in quiet little movements.

Lex just laughed. "All right, Dad. I'll trust that you're not going to use these on Dominic's family." Another snort. "I'll talk to you later, all right?" He curled up next to Clark, and snuggled back.

"Byee!" Clark chirped into the phone, beaming as he wriggled against his lover. Ireland! YAY!

"Bye Lex, love." Dominic answered, and pushed the off button as he wrapped his arms around his lovers neck and gazed at him teasingly, wickedly. "We've got to go in a while. But... I remember that last night you asked me if Id wear your ass out." A brow raised. "still asking?"

Lionel leaned back against the headboard, spreading his legs just a little to let Dominic slide between them and give him a slightly firmer grip. A small smile graced the corners of his scowl. "I'm always asking, Dominic."

Dominic smiled, warmly, and slid from his seat on his lovers lap down to the bed, between long, muscular legs that he gently caressed, the long hairs sliding over his fingertips. "I'm very glad." He reached up to kiss him, gently, grinning at the state he found his lovers mouth. There was something... almost fun about his lover not having bothered to get up to brush his teeth, and he grinned as he kissed him, deeper, and mmed softly. "You taste like me." Down, his throat and neck, his fingertips gently holding his lovers wrists pinned down on the pillows.

Lionel didn't struggle against his hands being held down, though he was fairly certain he could have broken free if he wanted to. "Just think, little cricket, there's no one here to interrupt us, no one here to hear us."

"Just the birds outside." He murmured, gently against the lovely pulse point, and he dragged the flat of his tongue over it just to feel the pulse quicken softly. His fingers finally let go of his lovers arms and gently slid his hands over Lionel's waist and belly, stroking the pliant skin softly as his mouth skipped, skimmed, murmured against lovely skin. "You smell like summer." Whispered softly into a collar bone, as he kissed and finally bit, sharply, into the edge of his lovers throat, where it met his chest.

Lionel arched into the bite, leaning his head back even further to expose his throat to his lover's delicious teeth as he brought his hands up to rub over his lover's sides, over his hips and flanks, down his ass and back up to his waist.

Dominic ran his fingertips from his lovers belly and down to his crotch, gently cupping it and squeezing his handful gently. He rubbed his fingers under the tender spot o his lovers balls, stroking gently as he licked down to soft nipples, which he nipped at, peaking them before sucking at them in slow, practiced strokes.

And he rose up, climbed up, and went to their suitcase, rooting for a moment before he found his prize.

He climbed back on the bed, licking at the hard little nipples to harden them further, and connected a clothes pin to the one without a ring. He licked the one that had the ring through it, kissing it gently, and hung the other clothes pin off of it like a weight, gently flicking it once he had. "Mmm."

Lionel moaned softly as Dominic's fingertips stroked over him and he pushed up into the touch, then frowned as Dominic left him on the bed. He stroked his cock lazily as Dominic rooted in the suitcase, but stopped when his lover came back over.

Soft outcry as the pin clamped down on the hard little nub standing out from his chest, and another as the ring through the other nipple was tugged carefully.

Oh... oh yes. Dominic murmured in pleasure, gently licking the nub that was caught with the pin, sucking at the nipple peaking over the top, tense and reddening, and he murmured softly as he continued to kiss downwards, leaving the pins to do their job. He purred softly against a flat tummy, bit at twin hips, and then got on hands and knees over his lovers cock, elbows braced on the bed beside each hip so his hands were free, and licked a stripe over the hard cock.

Lionel's entire body shuddered at the lick over his cock, and his chest ached as the pins tugged on tender bits and hardened him further. It twitched softly in Dominic's mouth, jerking back and forth as he moaned, raising his hips up to thrust.

Dominic carefully pressed his lovers hips down, and licked over the hard, twitching cock again. He nuzzled it warmly, giving it gentle, loving kisses, nibbling the tip before leaving it and going down, to suck on warm, tensing balls. He nuzzled them, as well, kissing them and loving on them gently, rubbing his lips over each one as he licked and caressed, his mouth doing the work for him.

He shuddered, hard, as Dominic's mouth moved down to his balls, and he brought his hands down, stroking through the short, bristly hair on his lover's head, trying to pull him back upwards, to his abandoned cock and aching nipples.

At the tug his lips quirked, and he glanced up, innocently. "What is it that you want, my love?"

"Please, Dominic," Lionel gritted out, glaring at his lover. "Please."

The glare softened him, and he reached up to kiss his lover gently, as he rubbed the tense, hardened, pinched nipples, before back down to the hard cock. He wrapped his lips around the tip and pressed his lover in, swallowing him as he went. His lvoer was so big, pressing into him close, and he purred softly as he pressed him in past his gag reflex, taking a minute to calm it before wrapping his lips around the base. Lionel had taught him how to do that, slowly but surely, many years before, and Dominic thought of it in both pleasure and amusement as he sucked outwards, cheeks hollowing.

Almost-sobbed cry of relief as Dominic engulfed him, and his hands stroked and petted his lover's head in thanks, his throat tightening with little cries as he arched, feeling his body clenching and relaxing with each thrum of his cock, each push of blood through clamped nipples.

Dominic murmured gently, gently licking and sucking as he went. He buried his mouth back over the hard cock, sucking it deep, over and over, going a little faster now that he had his rhythm. He sucked, making quiet noises from both what he was doing and abject pleasure. He moved, licked and nipped, gently pushing and pulling, lapping at the hard cock before him with all of his concentration.

Lionel's hands dropped from his lover's head and his nails dug into his own thighs instead, holding himself from thrusting while Dominic sucked, grunting with the effort not to push and sighed, deeply. "Dominic, please, Christ, hurry."

He pulled up, quietly, and looked up at him. "I'm sorry, beloved. Come here. I to lay on your belly, leaning against the headboard. Alright? Spread your legs for me." He gently stroked over his lovers thighs in apology, and kissed his neck an shoulder gently. "I'm sorry, beloved."

Lionel grunted. "Don't be sorry. Just fuck me, please." He moved as Dominic instructed him, leaning over and opening for his lover, spreading his legs, and looking back over his shoulder at him. "Please."

Dominic nodded, smiling up at him before he arranged himself between his lovers opened thighs, and leaned down to lick across the warm starburst. He drove his tongue into it, quickly, without preamble, his own cock sitting hard as stone against his belly, and he realized it as he leaned down. He slid his tongue in as deep as it would go, flickering it gently, before back out.

When he pressed his tongue back into his lover, the little tongue vibrator was turned on and sliding into his lover.

Sharp, hungry cry as the vibrator slid inside of him, and his cock spurted out a small jet of precome as his body was stimulated. His hands gripped the headboard tightly as he pled softly, begging and asking for anything that Dominic would give him. His entire body throbbed in tune with his cock, and his eyes were squeezed close, hair tossed over his shoulder.

Dominic moaned wordlessly, and gently began to thrust his tongue in and out. He watched, with half slitted eyes, as his lover rolled his hips back to him, and he grasped them gently with one hand, the other stroking over hard cheeks, the scar, scratching his nails over it. He scooted closer, if at all possible, and tongue fucked his lover gently, slowly, just for the pleasure of it.

Lionel pushed back against his lover's tongue hungrily, tossing his hair over his shoulder again and again as he looked back, getting a glimpse of his lover behind him and urging him on with little noises out of his throat, not even words any longer.

Dominic made the noises back, to show his beautiful lover he understood, and massaged the walls gently with the little vibrating toy until he grew bored, and his mouth went numb. He stroked his lovers cock once, twice, three times as he slid his mouth free, removing the vibrating toy and reaching for the lube that had half rolled under his leg. He opened it with shaking hands, whimpering quietly, wordlessly, and squirted an ample amount onto his fingers, before slicking them into Lionel's body. Deep, deeper, spreading the slick wetness as much as he could, and did something a little odd. He slickened his lovers cheeks, the area leading to the little hole, as well.

He stroked what was left over his cock, and murmured his love gently. "We're try something new, my darling. Is that okay? I'm going to fuck you, so hard… but I want to try it this new way. If you don't want to, tell me."

Lionel nodded. "We'll try, I trust you, we'll try." Little, tiny whimper as Dominic's fingers stroked deep into him, and then over his cheeks and his opening too. "I'll tell you to stop if I don't like it."

"Okay." He murmured, but he was so lost in his pleasure he couldn't manage to make the word sound like a word. Instead? A grunt, a half groan, and a shudder. "Spread... spread your thighs. Like that. Spread them… let me in, baby."

Lionel did as he was told, spreading his thighs open, his body opening as he did, his hands gripping the headboard tightly. Anticipation tingled up his spine and he was trying not to tense up.

Dominic murmured, gently, kissing his lovers throat and neck, shoulders, to get him to loosen. His cock head was resting gently against the opening, but his lover was tensed, and he did all he could to gently stroke the tension and heat away from his body.

When his lovers muscles relaxed under his very gentle ministrations he pressed in, tightly, stroking in as deeply as he could in a single, long, thick stroke.

Lionel's throat tightened with his loud cry out as Dominic buried himself deeply. He couldn't help the clamping down along the long shaft, his muscles squeezing tightly around every inch of the thick erection that was splitting him open. Couldn't moan, he was filled so much, and it felt like the head of his lover's cock was nudging the back of his throat.

Dominic murmured, gently, and stroked his hand over the tensed neck, hard shoulders, and powerful chest. He gently, ever so gently, calmed him with warm kisses, gentle touches, splayed there between his lovers thighs.

When he was certain Lionel was alright, completely certain at that, he got up onto his knees and carefully spread them apart, so his lovers thighs would have to close. With his cock, still buried tightly inside of him.

He groaned, deeply, as his lovers legs closed, cheeks pressing against him, and choked on the wail as the tight pressure amplified in his lovers snug passage. It felt like a fiery inferno, a heat boiling in his middle, and he wailed quietly as his body shuddered all over.

Lionel was beyond words again as his legs closed, feeling like Dominic's cock was growing to mammoth proportions inside of him and he squeaked, deep in his throat.

Dominic hugged his lovers thighs with his knees, making sure they were closed completely, and leaned over, to hug his lover gently, turning his face for a kiss as he thrust. Pulled out and slammed back in, as hard as he could, so the bed shook and another heavy sound of pleasure broke from his lips. Over and over, hard, quick, fast thrusting with the entire length of his cock, pulling out before pushing all the way back in.

He worked his lover, over and over, pushing just so so that he hit his lover's prostate and made Lionel's cock thrust against the sheets, moving in tandem so that he could get his lover to come. Over and over, muscles clenching and unclenching, teeth tightly clenched, and he moaned wordlessly as he fucked his beautiful husband blind.

Lionel returned the kiss fiercely, his tongue thrusting into his lover's mouth and biting his lover's in return as he sucked hard, his hands tightening in Dominic's hair as much as they could, from the slightly awkward angle. His body rocked back against his lover, his cock shooting out thin streams of precome with each pound of his prostate. He was growling, lunging back like an animal, and his ass was screwed tightly around his lover's cock.

Dominic gave a hard, quaking cry before he got up on his knees, and fucked. His hips pounded in and out, holding his lovers tight hips at an angle with one hand, so he could fuck, and stroke his lovers cock at the same time. He squeezed and jacked it off in the same way he was moving into his lover. Hard, fast, giving as much as he could to make his lover feel good.

He squeezed the tight, rock hard cock, stroking it firmly, and whispered, "Like it? Hot... dirty... like it? Fucking you hard, baby, fucking you so hard. Like it?"

Harsh, snapping nod of his head as his hair flew everywhere. Yes, he did like it, but couldn't vocalize it. Instead he lunged backwards, his ass slapping against his lover's groin squeezing hard as he moved. He bucked his cock forward into Dominic's grasp, moved his own hand down to tug at the clamps on his nipples and he screamed.

The scream had Dominic's eyes rolling closed. His lover never screamed, and on the rare occasion when he did, and it was because Dominic had made him, it thrilled him on a level he could never vocalize or put into proper words. He fucked his lover, his beautiful husband, the scrape of his ass cheeks, tightly pressed together, made it feel like he was never leaving a tight hole, that he was never leaving anything, and the feeling was unbelievable. To fuck but not to leave, and he wailed, loudly, as he grasped his lovers hair in a tight fist and tugged his head back, so Dominic could feast on his throat.

Lionel couldn't hold against it any longer, and he screamed again as Dominic jerked his head back at the same time that he came. The fist in his hair felt like another fist on his cock, the brutal jerk back with the suction to his throat, and Lionel was lost. Hard rush of orgasm that built almost in a flash in his balls and then poured out like a river, jet after jet that felt like it was going to rip his cock off with the ferocity of the spurts.

Dominic stroked his lover through the whole thing. He stroked hard, harder, faster, his cock lodged tightly in his lovers body, and though he knew he was about to come, felt it in every pore of his body, he still stroked his lover as hard as he could, to prolong his orgasm. Fast, tight, squeezing jerks as he sucked a dark hickey out of his lovers neck, the fingers in Lionel's hair tightening and tugging as Lionel came.

And then he lost himself.

He came, in one explosive rush, letting out a heavy wail as each pulsing jet was taken in by his clamped, writhing lovers body. He whimpered, loudly, locked in orgasm with his lover as the intense pleasure washed over his body like a wave of pure heat.

It didn't stop. The hardest orgasm he'd had in a long time and Dominic was stroking it out of him, jerking it out almost as he rocked, his lover's hand rough on his cock and it was just what he needed. More rough stroking against his prostate as Dominic finished squeezing his cock out, and Lionel was panting, body covered in a sheen of sweat and belly wet with his own semen as he arched up against his lover, moaning wordlessly.

Dominic's teeth grit, tightly, his own groaning finally coming down to a little, aching moan as he slumped against his lover. Couldn't help it, because his muscles were burning and his body was aching, thanking Christ for the delicious orgasm, and he just moaned. Through the fog, though, he gently touched his lover, making sure he was okay, stroking over his hair neck, shoulders, as he rolled over onto his side and cradled him in his arms.

Lionel was pleasantly limp, leaning against his lover and panting softly. He was definitely all right, and as soon as Dominic rolled over, Lionel moved with him, tucking himself against his smaller lover's chest, reaching behind him to stroke over an angular hip and a lean flank.

Dominic just groaned, wordlessly, and fought to catch his breath as his fingers stroked over a long torso, gently rubbing the semen on his lovers belly into his skin, and leaned his cheek against a long shoulder as he struggled for air. "Nu... nuuuhh."

"I second that," Lionel rasped out, sucking in deep breaths as his fingers unclipped the pins on his nipples and sat them to the side, hissing softly and rubbing each one fiercely to soothe the ache.

Dominic added his own fingers, gently rolling the nipples to get the blood flowing again, and groaned softly as he licked and kissed his lovers skin, up to kiss the back of his neck, which he exposed with a sweep of his lovers hair to one side. "I love you." He croaked, quietly, kissing and licking gently, without realizing his words had sounded more like 'I luff ye'. "My darling, my beloved. I love you so much."

Lionel gave an unconscious shiver at the intoned words. "I love you, my little cricket." He picked up his lover's hand from his hip and brought it to his mouth, kissing it softly and pressing little licks along each finger.

At the shiver his lips spread, and he leaned over his lovers shoulder, to bring his hand where his lovers mouth up to meet his own. He kissed Lionel deeply, gently, pressing warm, tender touches against his neck and throat, then his lips again, licking over all the perfect little spots. "Did you like it... really?" He whispered, as he gave a little thrust into him.

The little thrust was met with a deep, rattling groan in Lionel's throat as he stretched. "Yes, I did like it, really," he reassured his lover.

Dominic smiled, broadly, and very carefully untangled himself from his lovers limbs, and gently tugged his cock out. It came free with a little wet pop and he buried his little two year old giggle in his lovers shoulder, instead raising up to sit and smile down at his beautiful husband. "I made you scream." He whispered, stroking over his lovers face gently, very gently, lovingly, eyes shining and dancing.

"Yes, you did," he answered back softly, his tongue darting out to lap at Dominic's fingers. "You made me scream."

He just grinned all over again, leaned down, and kissed Lionel's lips again, softly, making a smacking little sound at the end. "I love you, baby. I love you, very much, so much. But? its nearing seven, and we've plenty of shopping to do."

He didn't miss the emphasis on the we part. "All right; we both need to clean up, then have coffee, and I intend to have a cigar, either during coffee or after it."

Heee! Dominic kind of... well, he beamed. It wasn't often that he was this good at sex, and he beamed, happily. Getting things off his chest the night before had been the best thing he could have done, because he felt like he and his lover had turned over a new leaf. And yes, it was plenty scary, but it could be neat too, and he smiled in a sort of shy victory. "Okay. Coffee, cigar, and we'll get a taxi. Sound good?"

"That sounds beautiful." He listened the rain on the roof for a moment. "I keep meaning to ask, does the plumbing in here still work, are we relegated to outdoor showers?"

Dominic's lips twitched. "Yesterday, while you were napping, I cleaned the bathroom. Its right through the door over there," He looked over his shoulder to motion to the small door on the far bedroom wall, beside the one that led out into the hall, and living room. "Its got a working shower and working water, I had the water people come turn it on. You'll find it all smells very orangey fresh."

Lionel smiled as he rolled onto his back. "And my next question shall be... is it large enough for two?"

His cheeks flushed hotly, but he smiled under the blush, and leaned down to kiss Lionel's very kissable lips again. "Well, duuuh."

Lionel's hand came up to cradle the back of Dominic's head gently and held him to a deeper, fuller kiss. "Mmm. Then would you do me the pleasure--honor--of sharing a shower with me and letting me wash your back?"

Lionel Luthor was asking to wash his back.

The thought, years later, still made him squeak, though he tried to muffle it into his lovers lips. "Yes...yes, please." He smiled, threading his fingers through all that gorgeous hair, and tugged gently, letting his fingers slide through it like water. "I was thinking, just a while ago, how you taught me to give you a blow job."

He tried to school his features sternly, but his muscles were so relaxed he couldn't help but smile. "Yes, I did, and you were quite the apt and eager pupil, I must admit. But all things considered, I was a damnably good teacher, for this to be the result."

He blushed, even hotter, though he was grinning at his lover under his lashes. "Yes, you were a good teacher. And who wouldn't be an eager student, anyhow?" Another quiet little purr and a long shudder. "It was in France. On a business trip, you...asked me to come, as you were in your suite. And I did come. Over, and over, and over."

Lionel laughed outright at that. "Yes, I remember, and you were very eager to learn. I was... quite pleased with your progress, in fact."

Dominic blushed even hotter, and wriggled slightly. "I had a very giving, very wicked teacher. It was... a week after the whole tea incident. I didn't think you'd ever want me again."

Lionel reached out and ran a fingertip over his lover's cheek. "There wasn't ever a time when I didn't want you."

He looked up, eyes glittering, with a little grin covering his lips. "Yeah right. After I dropped scalding hot tea on the presidents lap, you couldn't have wanted me for much more than throttling. I was just telling Lex the other day, it was the most mortifying moment of my life."

"Yes, yes, I did want to throttle you, but even after I punished you, well and thoroughly I might add, I knew you'd have potential."

Ohhh shuddery little sigh, and his cheeks burned. "And what a punishment." He whispered, looking at his husband shyly, gently, a little smile on his lips. "I don't know how you ever forgave me for that. It wasn't anything but my own fault... I swear, the moment it happened, and I looked up, I thought you were going to fire me on the spot. I would have fired me."

"I nearly did," Lionel admitted, "and the only reason I didn't was because I knew you had the potential and everything else that I was looking for."

Dominic just grinned and changed the subject before he turned every shade of the rainbow, climbing up to his feet and offering his fingers. "Lets shower."

Lionel laced his fingers through the offered ones, and rose slowly to his feet, stretching around the ache and the feeling still in his ass. "Mmm. That sounds delicious."

He grinned, broadly. "You'll never want to know where I got that trick from, my beloved."

Lionel just raised his eyebrow. "No, I imagine I don't."

Another light blush stained Dominic's cheeks, as he opened the bathroom door. "Noo. You don't." He side glanced his lover, lips twitching. "Let me ask you a serious question, darling."

Lionel stepped into the bathroom, and waited for his lover to join him. "Ask me anything."

"Do you look at porn?"

"No, I don't. I don't begrudge anyone else looking at it, but it's simply not something I do. I don't find it... stimulating."

Another, darker blush. Christ, he was turning into Clark. "Mmm."

Lionel wasn't a stupid man. "Am I to assume that's where you learned the maneuver we just performed?"

"Mmm." Neither yes or no, just his red stained cheeks as he pulled two big, fluffy towels out of the linen closet in the bathroom, and set them on the sink. No... Lionel, his beautiful husband, was a skosh too old to understand the joys of fanfiction, manipulations, and web porn. Definitely. But he didn't say that as he pulled out a bar of soap, his dimples winking on.

Lionel sighed at the inarticulate answer. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were embarrassed that I know you watch porn."

"I am. Quite a bit. I like it. I own it. Its pathetic, and I feel like the stereotypical man admitting it." He glanced up, sideways at his husband, waiting for that to sink in. "I like to think that I've a healthy respect for sex."

Lionel just petted his husband gently on the shoulder. "Nobody said you couldn't own it, and I don't think less of you for it. I think it's rather... endearing, actually."

Dominic just... rolled his eyes and pushed his lover into the shower, smirking all the while. "Come on, handsome. In the shower you go."

Lionel batted his eyes comically at his lover as he stepped into the shower and turned the antique fixtures on to adjust the spray. "Come on, get in, and we'll get started on the morning afterwards."



go on to the next part