
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 21: Aushna'

And while Dominic and Lionel kissed and hugged and strengthened a commitment, a love, a bond Clark had just begun to feel with Lex, he was waiting for Chloe in her office after classes. 3:15, and he'd just bolted out of Algebra like a bat out of hell, and now sat comfortably, relaxingly in his best friends office, waiting to see her before they all went home for the night.


The last person he expected to see was Whitney.


He immediately bristled, climbing to his feet as the jock walked in, his brows creased and eyes guarded. "Hey."


"Clark... hackles down, man... I'm just lookin' to talk to you, that's all."  Whitney held his hands up in surrender. 


"Sorry." He frowned and sat back down. "You wanted to beat my head in this morning... I was just being ready."


"Yeah, well... the head-beating thing is still a possibility, but only if you screw up again."  He ran his fingers through his hair as he dragged a chair over and straddled it.  "Look, Clark... here's the thing.  I got nothing against you, man.  You helped me get the balls up to ask Chloe out, and I'd like us to be friends.  But... she's my girl.  And I love her.  A lot.  And you hurt her... which pissed me off."


"I didn't..." He looked down at his lap. "I didn't mean to. I don't know what got into me... I was just pissed. I'm sorry." He shifted in his own chair, tugging his big overcoat off and dropping it in the chair beside his book bag full to brimming with homework.


"I know you didn't mean to, man.  You weren't yourself, even I figured that one out, after I calmed down anyway.  And Chloe forgave you, so we're okay on that score.  I just promised her I'd find you, and we'd set the score straight.  Cause... I owe you one, Clark.  I actually owe you more than one, but... yeah.  I owe you big time for helping me hook up with Chloe, so... yeah."


"Well, as long as you're not out to castrate me, then...hey." A little sideways grin. "You guys really hit it off?"


"Not gonna castrate you."  Whitney returned the half smile.  "Yeah, we did.  We hit it off great.  She's just... amazing."


"Told you she was. If anyone ever gave her a half a chance, they'd realize it...and you did, man. She told me she really likes you, too. A lot. And Chloe never says "a lot" about anything.”


Whitney flushed a pleased, bright red.  "A lot?  A lot don't even cover it."  Whitney's watch went off, and he looked down.  "Shit.  I've gotta go; don't tell Chloe I was here, all right?  I've got a surprise for her tonight."  He held his hand out to Clark as he got up off the chair.  "Wanna try this friends thing again?"


"Most... most definitely." He took it, shook it firmly. "Hey, by the way..." Clark rubbed the back of his neck with his palm and flushed. "Sorry about... the other night... with Lex and I."


Whitney blushed again. "No problem, man... sorry about me and Chloe... we just kinda... got carried away.  I'll forget it if you do?"


"Forgotten." A nod, and a dazzling smile. "See you later, Whit."


"Later, Clark."  Whitney blew out the office door as quickly as he could, ducking through the people in the halls until he was in the parking lot and in his truck.


Chloe shook her head as Whit flew past her without noticing.  "Was that my boyfriend that just ran out of here, or am I finally succumbing to the meteor-enhanced hallucinations around here?"


"Not only are you finally succumbing, dear Chloe of mine, but your skin as turned a delightful shade of impressive green." A serious nod at her, kicking back in the chair and grinning. "How was class?"


"Bite me, Clark."  Chloe plopped down in her chair and kicked back.  "Boring.  As hell.  As always.  Did... Did Whitney say where he was going, by any chance?  And... did he talk to you?  And hey, I've got something for you, but only if you answer my other questions first."  She grinned at him, all teeth and flippy hair.


"I will not bite you, class was boring, Whit and I are friends again, and gimmie!" He held his hand out and shut his eyes...snatching it back a moment later with a leery look on his face. "This isn't like last time, right, with the gum?"


"No, no gum, and you are never gonna let me live that down, are you?"  She grinned again, then tucked whatever was in her hands behind her back.  "Close your eyes, and don't peek."


"I cant peak, my eyes are closed. Really!" Oh, x-ray vision, you're so fun......even though I won't use you. Dammit.


"Okay.  Good.  Now, I know that you get all... you know, weird, when we fight.  But, we're okay, and so I just wanna give you something, so you know that it's all cool."  She pulled the red heart out of the lead box, and plunked it in his hand.  "Now, okay.  Whitney gave me this, and I want you to have it cause... well, you're my Clark and I love you, you big dork."  She sniffled.  "Okay, so open your eyes."


Strange. He felt weird again, all of a sudden, and as he opened his eyes... oh. God. He knew why. It was shiny, red, sitting there in his palm like a delightfully gorgeous poison, and it took everything in him not to chunk it across the room. "Ch... Chloe, its gorgeous, I... but I can't take this." He handed it back quickly, climbing to his feet and beginning to gather his things. Why should he take it? He was a guy, dammit, not some little girl and oh God. "I gotta go, Chloe, I love you and anything I might say in the next day or two, please remember that."


"Clark?  Clark, wait?  What's wrong?"  Chloe stuck the rock in her pocket as she hurried around the desk to block him.  "What, did I say something wrong?  C'mon... it's me.  Talk to me, Clark."


", Chloe, I gotta go. Its not you. I promise I'll call you, we gotta study together, I love you." And he turned on his heel as the weirdness washed over him, fighting to take over when he very, very badly didn't want to.


"Clark!  Clark, wait a second!"  She ran after him, to the door of the office.  "Clark!  Talk to me, please!  I'm worried about you."


"Maybe you don't have to be worried about me. Mind your own business, Chloe. This doesn't concern you. Just Lex." Even the way he held himself had changed. Shoulders thrown back, eyes slick in his head, his gate smooth, graceful... predatorily.


Uh oh.  Chloe shrank back.  "Clark... what's wrong with you?  Two seconds ago you were... you were my Clark and now... now you're being a jerk again.  If you're having problems with Lex, that sucks, but... just talk to me, don't take it out on me."  She crossed her arms over her chest, moving closer to him.  "Please?  We're friends, right?  That's what friends do."


"We're friends." He smirked. "Just friends? I know the way you looked at me, Chloe, I'm not a fool. You still want me? Still want my dick?" He was laughing at her, tossing his book bag by her desk and walking off again. "See you later."


Chloe watched in shock; she couldn't believe what Clark had just said to her, and she pulled the red heart out of her pocket and threw it at him.  "Fuck you, Clark!" she yelled after him, sniffling.


He turned back around, picked up the rock from the floor...and if she'd been close enough, she would have seen the veins in his eyes flash red. "Thanks, but no." Another laugh and he was gone.


Chloe sniffled, and choked back a cry.  What the hell was wrong with her Clark.  She went back to the desk, picking up the little box that Whitney had given her, and snapped it shut, and then picked up her cell phone.  Dialing through the fifteen thousand numbers on it, she found Lex's and called the house.


Lex had just walked into his office when the phone started to ring, and he seriously considered not answering it.  Instead, he picked it up with one hand as he started tugging his tie off with the other.  "Luthor."


The girls were watching him. The vicious thrill of it boiled in his veins, had him giving the females still wandering the halls after classes quietly sexual looks. Gorgeous. Fucking...gorgeous. He would have put um in a line, fucked each one into a screaming pile of orgasm, if he didn't have his own fuck toy waiting for him at home. He slipped the red rock into the pocket of his jeans, discarded the flannel in the waist basket outside of the school as he walked down the steps...white t-shirt tight and showcasing cold nipples, jeans snug, and his eyes burning with malicious intent and lust.


It was a good day to be Clark Kent. Fuck. Yes.


"Lex! Hey, its Chloe." Her voice hitched with unshed tears, and she held the receiver to her ear tightly as she watched out the window.


"Chloe?"  Lex immediately noticed the tears in his voice.  "What's wrong, is your father all right?  He should be on his way to Metropolis; I sent a driver for him earlier."


"No, no...Lex," She wanted to be angry, she really did. "What did you do to Clark? Huh? Did you hurt him somehow? Because every time someone's nice to him for two and a half seconds he turns into Mr. El Creepo, and frankly, I'm sick of it!"


"I don't understand, Chloe.  I haven't done anything to Clark; I saw him earlier this morning, before school, and he was fine; a little upset about something that happened last night, but he was all right." 


"Well!" She glared at the wall, and swiped at her tears angrily. "He came in here and we made up, and everything was fine until I gave him a present and you better fix it Lex Luthor, or I'll kick your ass myself!"


"Present?"  Lex raised an eyebrow.  "What kind of present did you give him?  Could that have upset him?"  He stopped in mid-tug, giving all of his attention to the young woman on the other end of the phone.  "Chloe, talk to me... I can't fix it if I don't know what the problem is."


Her voice trembled. "I gave him a stone Whitney found at the dig sight, and he was like, "I love you, Chloe, don't forget that" and then he was all rude! He told me to mind my own business, an-and if I wanted his..." Her voice broke now, hard, and she bit her lower lip tightly.


"A stone?  From the dig?  Chloe, this is important... was it red?"  Deep, deep feeling in his gut as it started to twist in his belly.


Lex was a gorgeous man. I mean...come on . Look at him. And Clark did so, staring at the long, lithe form bowed slightly over the telephone...smooth sweater, slick slacks, dress shoes that were more comfortable then dressy. There, in his office, weight on one hip as he spoke...wasn't he gorgeous? He didn't speak...watching Lex try to put together the clues that led to the words "well screwed".


Cause he was about to be.


"Yes...I....Lex, what's going on?" She bit her lip tightly and held the phone tighter to her ear, eyebrows creased.


Lex sighed deeply.  "Fuck.  Chloe.  You didn't know.  He's... those rocks make him sick.  He's allergic to him; when he gets around them, they make him sick, make him say and do things he normally wouldn't do."


He rose from his slouched position at the doorframe, clapping once...twice...three times. "Good boy. Put it together quick, didn't you?" He smiled sweetly, eyes dancing as he watched him with intent in his face that was neither sweet, nor in any way Clark.


"I....allergic reaction? Lex? Oh God, what are we going to do? How long does it last?"


Lex didn't take his eyes off Clark.  "I don't know, Chloe... but I'll have to call you back."  He hung up on her before she could protest, and turned to face Clark.  "I know what's wrong, Clark... give me the red rock."  He held his hand out, refusing to show the fear and the exhilaration that raced through his veins at the reappearance of his more... savage lover.


"Red rock? What red rock?" Innocent question in his eyes as he prowled closer...making Lex start to take steps back. "Theirs lots of red rocks in the world, Lex." He pushed him with his palms, but not in an unkind way. No. This was in a completely different way. "I happen to know a few blue ones you're in possession of." When he was a hairs breath away he turned, pulling his t-shirt over his head to reveal the henna...the sweat...the lust, apparent in the lump in his jeans and the rocks his nipples were. "Gonna fuck you. Just...thought you should know." Amusement in his face.


Lex put his hands out, palms covering his lover's rock hard nipples.  "And if I tell you no you're not?"  His fingers ached to pinch, twist, and knead, but he wouldn't give Clark the encouragement... not yet.  Not until he found out what was going on.  "And you know what red rock.  The one that Chloe gave you."


He laughed right in his face. "Who says what I'm going to do? You couldn't stop me if you wanted to, little man." He thrust his chest up into the hands, smirk on his face and his eyes The veins in his eyes were red, just for a moment, as he shoved his lover up against the wall.


Lex knocked on the wall behind him, a small panel falling open and he pulled out a lead box.  "I have something in here for you, Clark... something I don't think you'll like.  You give me the red rock, or I'll open this box all the way."  Closing his eyes and steeling himself, Lex opened the box that held the green meteor rock, opened it just enough to glow.  "Don't make me hurt you, Clark... give me the red rock, and you can do whatever you want to with me."


He gasped, gagged on the breath and scooted back quickly, a handful of steps as the veins in his arms squirmed a sickly green. "Fuck you, Luthor. It's mine, I'm not giving it up. Don't you understand? I don't want to go back to the fucking loser I was! Don't you get it? I'm sick and tired of leaning on you and crying like a pansy assed bitch! I'm sick of my parents treating me like I'm a child!" He roared it, furious. "I'm sick of everything!"


Lex clapped the lid shut as soon as Clark stepped back.  "Clark... you're not a loser.  I wouldn't have loved you if you weren't who you are.  I like you like this, I won't deny that, it's incredibly arousing… but I don't want to lose him for you."


"If you like me like this...let me stay like this." He growled it darkly, watching him like a tiger about to pounce...amending his words. "I'll stay like this if I fucking want to. I can get anyone I want. Anyone. I don't have to fuck you to get what I want."


Lex carefully sat the box of green rock down on the desk beside him, refusing to give into the rage and the hurt.  "No, you don't.  You can do what I used to do, Clark, and go fuck anyone you want to.  But when you are done, there is going to be a hollow feeling inside you because you're missing something."  He looked at his Clark.  "I do like you like this, Clark... but I don't want you like this forever."


"I want you. I. Want. You. I want to feel you inside me...I want to pound your ass until you bleed." He approached again, sweeping the box off the desk and slamming his lover up against the wall again. "Liked it when I made you bleed, didn't you?" He licked a long stripe up his lovers throat. "Liked it when I made you scream." Another lick...then a savage bite to his ear, drawing drops of blood and licking them away as he spoke.


Lex hissed.  "Yes."  His hands went back to Clark's chest, finding those hard as rock nipples and squeezing them roughly between his fingers.  "I loved it, Clark... it made me want you more, made me want to scream for you."  He arched against Clark, one leg wrapping around Clark's waist.  "I loved it more because it wasn't you; it was something special."  Lex fisted his hands in Clark's shirtfront.  "I want you too, Clark... more than you can possibly realize; I want you to fuck me, ride me hard, make me bleed and scream your name, so much that I don't move without thinking of you," he hissed, biting Clark's throat. 


He arched himself, rubbing himself violently against Lex's covered dick, pushing into it and starting a rhythm he liked better then anything else. He tore at the slim sweater, literally ripping it in half in his agonized want. His mouth descended on the wounded nipple from the previous day and bit at it again, opening up the wound and licking savagely at it. "Gonna fuck you...gonna make you scream." The bite at his throat brought his hand up to the back of Lex's head, keeping his mouth to his skin as he tore at the button of the slacks...and when they wouldn't come undone, he ripped them open, too.


Lex grunted as Clark's teeth broke his skin and he keened into his lover's throat, vibrating against Clark's skin as Lex undulated against him.  Naked now and he didn't care, he pressed himself into Clark's mouth, nails raking down Clark's back and ass, scraping as hard as he could.  "Make me scream, Clark... make me hoarse with it."


Fuck, fuck fuck. Want. Need. Pushing through his system like wild fire, setting his blood on fire. Spikes running down his back...pain even he could feel for brief seconds and it was a drug in his system. Drug. He let him go with a single shove away and in a single movement, shoved Lex to the ground.


Lex's head bounced on the soft rug, and he winced slightly as he spread his legs and lifted his hips.  "Come on, Clark... fuck me already... stop screwing around and just fucking do it."


He was behind him in an instant, pushing Lex onto his back as he tore at the button of his jeans in fury. He pushed, tugged...down his legs, gone. Just the dragons, guarding their keeper. He pushed Lex's thighs down so he lay straight, and in a single shove...he pushed Lex's dick deep inside of himself. He keened with triumphant pleasure as he grasped his lovers chest hard and arched his back, shoving himself onto the slick, hard column of flesh, working Lex in as fast and hard as he could. "Yeeeesss..." Dark, low growl after the long hiss, letting go of the chest and pinching his own nipples hard, as the dragon painted on his dick looked like he was roaring in pleasure.


Lex thrust up, helping Clark work him in until he was buried to the hilt, and then his hands came to grip Clark's hips tightly as he dug his nails in.  "Ride, Clark... ride hard."  He thrust up again, leaning up so that his teeth bit Clark's fingers as he sucked and bit nipples as well, drawing the sweating nubs into his mouth.


"Don't tell me what to do, bitch." He snarled it, grasping Lex's arms and shoving them up above his head, pinning them to the carpet as he glared down at Lex with furious eyes, his ass working around the long cock stuffed up inside of him. "You're mine." He let go, instead grasping Lex's head and tugging him...up...up so they were sitting up, so that Clarks knees were around his lovers hips and Lex's face was in his his nipples. "Lick me." He rose up, planting himself down hard on the willing body underneath him, stroking quickly and setting a pace very similar to the one on that cold road.


Lex's tongue worked hard and fast, his teeth tearing at unbreakable skin as he savaged them, sucking as hard as his human mouth could suck as he bit and licked.  His hips still thrust up but his motion was limited because of the position he was in, and he moaned with every throb of Clark's ass around his cock.  "Fuck... fuck me, Clark."


He laughed, throwing his head back as he moved, hair flying as his back arched and he shoved harder. "Mine, MINE! You are NO one else's!" He hooked an arm around Lex's shoulders and slid his free hand back and around, down to the balls pressed tight into his skin. Felt the long cock as it slid inside of him, disappeared, his eyes glittering as he met Lex's. "Mireesko, allem, c'nectel phskem!" Harder, harder, pounding on top of him, body shaking, skin flushed, as he arched, pushed Lex against his prostate...used him for his pleasure. Taking it how he deemed fit, his body singing with the joy of it.


Lex had no words, only actions.  He thrust himself faster and harder into Clark, moving as much as his lover would allow, fighting the grip that pinned his arms as he was pulled up against his lover.  "Yes... yours Clark, all yours... use me, fuck me, whatever... make me yours."  He whimpered against Clark's shoulder, teeth tearing and tongue licking.


He rocked his hips, shoved, pushed in further, faster, squeezing his muscles tight every time to vice Lex in, to give him a resistance he'd never feel in his life again when screwing, anyone. His. Lex was his. He'd always be his. No matter what, he would not let anyone ever touch him, ever again. Not the women he'd seen, not any men, not Enrique. No one. 

Jealousy warred with triumph, Need with fury, and he leaned down and bit into the shoulder, HARD, drawing more then just a little blood, then kissed his lover as hard as he could, fusing their mouths together in passion, in need, in the first kiss of mates. "Aushna'."


Lex licked and sucked at Clark's tongue, lapping his own blood from the slick wet intruder as he moaned, thrusting against the impossibly tight body that locked around his cock.  He whimpered, moaned, kissed harder and deeper, sucking air in through his nose and it wasn't enough; his lungs starved, his eyes danced, eyes sparkling with stars as he twisted up to meet his lover again and again, melded together as they slid together on sweat.


He held Lex's breath...kept it…kissed violently, hard, sucking the life force he'd given his lover that fateful Tuesday afternoon back. Keeping it. Pushing harder down on the hard cock, feeling his orgasm begin to dance, to quake in front of him, and he held it in as hard as he could, held on...and opened his eyes to watch his lover struggle.


Lex twisted, writhed against Clark as he fought for breath, hips pounding upwards into his beloved Clark, eyes open and staring at his lover as the stars and spots grew, the suction of his mouth slackening as he started to pass out, still attempting to kiss and thrust as he tried to suck air into his starving lungs.  Sa'lumkana! Lex's thoughts cried, repeating the alien word from before on the road, the only thought in his mind as his eyes started to flutter closed.


He heard it. The scream reverberated in his mind like a piercing wail in the dark, and he let go of the mouth to scream his orgasm, arching blindingly and grasping his cock, squeezing it hard as he thrust up blindingly into his fist, the hot cream splashing both their chests. He let out a guttural, long roar in words, pushing down on his beloved and staying there as he came, lightening billowing in his mind as he came. "Aushna' sa'lumkana!"


Lex shuddered, gasping in breath and sucking air in as his entire body shuddered, panting and twisting and thrusting as he came, his cock nearly torn from his body by the hard vise-like grip of his lover's ass.  His throat was hoarse, but his hands scrabbled to lock onto Clark's shoulders, unmindful of the semen and sweat pooling between them as he pushed up, rubbing his skin along his lover's.


He waited until his thrusts were shallow before tugging himself out...falling to the floor beside him on his belly and staying there, unmindful of their surroundings or their state of undress, eyes closed as his back rose and fell with each panted breath. He nuzzled Lex's shoulder...then his neck, licking at the flowing blood on his shoulder and mming in his throat, like a satisfied lion.


Lex rolled onto his lover's back, straddling him and resting on his lower back as his hands kneaded Clark's shoulders, growling softly as he ran his fingers through the sweat-damp ends of Clark's curls as he continued the rough massage on his shoulders and back.


He grunted darkly, growling and arching into the touch with closed eyes, mumbling under his breath words he barely understood. "Ashme...feels so yusnik...wanna fuck you again, Oakenepel."


Lex's hands dug harder into the muscles around Clark's neck as he leaned over.  "Then do it, sa'lumkana... fuck me again," he rasped hoarsely, biting down on the shoulder he'd just massaged. 


"Need minute." Was his mumbled reply, the feeling of his lover, here, touching him like this, and this is how it was supposed to be. How it should have been in the first goddamn place.


Lex never did things like this without repayment wanted.


"What is it that you want?" Quiet rumble through his chest as his fingertips traced the lines in the fine Chinese rug they'd just ruined with come, tracing the shape and form of the color he was looking at.


Lex growled softly.  "What makes you think I want anything other than what I've been asking for all along, Clark?"  His teeth worried the same patch of bitten skin.  "I want the red rock, and I want you to fuck me until I scream for mercy." Another bite and another growl.  "And I don't care which order."


"'s mine." He was so relaxed. Dammit. "You can't have it, goddammit. I told you its mine." But the bite... ohhh. It drove him half mad with desire, arching up into it and growling softly. "Gonna fuck you."


Lex bit hard again, fingers digging into the bitten skin and massaging it, soothing it before switching to the other shoulder and biting it hard.  "So just fuck me and stop talking about it... or is talking all you can do?"  His throat was still hoarse and raspy, but he had a plan in mind.


He moaned, loudly, at the second bite, and alright, weak spot much? Yes. And he hated it. He pushed, bucked like an animal, shoving Lex hard so he could get him around, his cock already starting to fill again as he flipped them so Lex was on his back again. Except this time...his mind was screaming with want, erection starting to quiver and jump, this... THIS so impossibly, outrageously erotic and he wanted to scream, laugh, tell the world his pleasure as he got into the 69 position and sucked his lovers cock down his throat.


Lex reached up with one hand, steadying his lover's cock as he swallowed into his throat with a single, practiced motion, deep throating him immediately as he slid his head back and forth along the shaft, teasing the head with his tongue before deep throating him again and again.  The fingers of his other hand dipped into the pooled sweat and semen on his belly and he slicked them, thrusting two into Clark's opening and pushing them deep with a single, gliding thrust.


He let out a hollow, choked cry into his lovers erection, eyes squeezing shut in pleasure as he sucked at his lovers cock, swallowing him more... more... mmmming deeply in his chest as he massaged the tight balls in his hand, weighed them, rolled them between his fingers and tugged on the light hairs sprouting from them. He arched into the fingers sliding into him, pushing down hard, which made his cock jump, which made Lex moan, and he was in seventh heaven. He laved the ridge around the tip, let his tongue trace the tip....then tapped the spot where the ridge met and there was a little patch of skin with the tip of his tongue.


Lex shivered and moaned again, thrusting up into Clark's mouth as he sucked his lover deeper, fingers fucking the young man harder and faster as he sucked.  He dragged his teeth along the shaft, tugging the underside of the head, then letting the shaft go completely to suck his balls, pulling each one into his mouth before licking the pouch and nipping it gently, then slid his mouth back onto Clark's cock, deepthroating him again and sliding a third finger into his ass.


It was a lightening reaction. He couldn't help it, as much as his masculinity screamed in anger at him. He arched up, Lex's erection sliding from his lips and let out a bellowing roar, coming hard yet again, there in the warm heat of his lovers throat. He shoved back on the fingers and tried to stay still, tried, coming so hard he saw stars, shuddering violently and toppling onto his lover without heed, moaning loudly into the warm thigh.


Lex's mouth sucked down the thick cream that spurted from his lover's cock, fingers massaging inside the rippling passage until he was drained.  When Clark collapsed onto him, Lex raised his head, pushing Clark's thighs to either side of his head as he raised himself up just enough to slide the tip of his tongue into his lover's hole.


His moan came from all the way in his heart, weakened fingers clamping on Lex's thighs as hard as they could, which, alright, wasn't much, skin goose bumping as he thrust back into the exploring mouth, keening like a wounded kitten at how good, goodgoodgood it felt. The dragon at the base of his spine thought so too, leering out from its gorgeous design, face pointed down along the bumps and ridges where his spine met his pelvic bone. "Sa'lumkana..."


Lex moved closer, his tongue sliding deeper into his lover as he murmured his responses, the vibrations sliding into the tight passage.  "I'm here, beloved," Lex murmured quietly.  "What do you want, love?"


"Wanna fuck you." He moaned, raising his hips to meet the mouth licking him, biting his lovers thigh but not to draw blood, just laving at the skin as the erection rubbed the side of his face.


"Then fuck me."  Lex pulled himself out from under Clark, his tongue swirling deeply once before crawling away, and he presented himself to Clark, on his hands and knees, thighs and ass spread open in offering.  "Fuck me as hard as you can, Clark... I don't break easily."


He was tired, but he'd be damned if he'd react. Blood filled him again, though it took a few moments longer, his fingers working his much overworked dick before he climbed atop his lover. His palms barely touched the floor next to Lex's, covering them... grasping them, and with one solid push he shoved himself into his lover. "MINE!"


Lex bit down on Clark's hand as Clark thrust into him, keening once as he pushed back against the slick cock that shoved into him.  "That's right, Clark... yours... fuck me, baby..."  He rocked back, rolling his hips so that more of Clark's cock slid into his ass.  "NOW, Goddammit!!"


He bellowed and sunk his teeth into Lex's shoulder, starting them on a wild, outrageous pace... sliding almost all the way out before pounding back into the delicious tight, hot heat. A loud groan tore from his body, followed be a growl into bleeding skin as he pressed his face close and pounded into his lover. Agonized mating of bodies, writhing, sweating, tearing from each other, cries and shouts, moans and grunts. He shoved, hand snaking around to grasp Lex's hard cock tight in his palm, squeezing it and jacking it roughly, his free hand moving to touch Lex's nipples. Lex had given him so much pleasure in a single night, and now…. When his mate was pleasured, he was pleasured. And he did everything in his power to make sure Lex felt good.


Lex howled as Clark pushed into him, his teeth tearing at his lover's hand again, biting the only flesh within reach as he pushed back, arching and rubbing his back against Clark's chest as rough fingers twisted and teased his nipples.  "God, Clark..." he thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock into the tight sheath of Clark's hand.  "Jack me harder, please, baby, please, harder."


"Bitch begging for me... begging.." But his voice didn't have that malicious quality... if anything, it was possessive, protective. He tugged and pulled and tightened his fingers around the cock in his hand, feeling it pulse and ache in his fingers. He pinched at the nipples hard, sucking the knob at the back of his lovers skull when he arched. He shoved in deeper, pistoning his hips and angling in towards the prostate, brushing it, pushing at it each and every single time he thrust. "Mine. Mine. No one else's. Mine."


Lex cried out, forgetting himself for the moment and losing himself in the sensations of being fucked so hard by his lover, riding the hard strokes and moaning, shouting Clark's name with each pound of his prostate and whimpering as he pushed his cock harder into Clark's hand.  "Love you, Clark, love you, just you, coming for you, hard, hard, love you," Lex babbled over and over again as his entire body shuddered, cock spurting hard and fast as he trembled, giving himself to Clark.


The cries sent him over the edge a fourth, fifth, twentieth time, and he pushed in as hard as he could, squeezed by his lovers tender muscles and he came, lightening hot and fast. A bellow, long cry as he felt himself shoot deep inside, deep, deeper, and the pleasure swamped his mind. Eternity as he shallowly thrust out the rest of his orgasm, feeling the body underneath his trembling and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not. He slid out with a shallow noise and fell to the ground beside his love, on his back, reaching out and pulling him in with a possessive growl and murmur.


Lex whimpered with the loss of his lover's cock, and he curled instinctively into Clark's side, bald head resting on his shoulder, panting softly as his fingers played with a hard nipple.  His other hand scratched through Clark's hair and down his throat in soothing gestures.


He grunted, still beyond verbalization, curling into him tightly, protectively. It wasn't something a normal Clark would do....not tugging him in hard to his chest, curling his whole body around him, making sure not a bit of Lex was left untucked or curled around him. Clark buried his face in a slim, strong shoulder, breathing in the scent softly, sniffling at his throat and neck tenderly.


Lex rumbled deep in his throat, wrapping around Clark and holding tightly as Clark formed their bodies together.  He pulled Clark's weight onto him, nails raking over Clark's back and shoulders as he rumbled again.  "I love you, baby."


"Mine." Quiet, licking at the blood on his shoulder, making sure Lex was marked in every spot that he was supposed to be...fingertips tracing over his throat...the shoulder wound...his nipple, where underneath the heart beat. His thigh. Everywhere that was supposed to be marked was, and he smiled down at him. "Mine."


"Yours," Lex nodded softly.  "All yours."  His hands gripped tightly in Clark's hair, pulling his head back and licking the strong column of his lover's throat.  "Nobody else's."


And it satisfied him. He offered his throat, mming softly as the tongue traced it, pleasured and happy and quiet, mumbling half heartedly as he linked their legs tight and lay his head down on the shoulder. "Nobody else's."


Lex purred, watching his lover lazily twine around him, nipping and licking carefully as he murmured nonsense words against his lover's skin.


He was so tired. So sleepy. He'd been satisfied in a way today he'd never felt, and he felt lethargic, lazy...pleasured. It was an amazing feeling, and he murmured into his lovers throat to try and tell him so, but sleep was already pulling at his conscious. "Sleepy."


"Then go to sleep, baby," Lex murmured quietly, still nuzzling, still licking.  "But let me go, I need to get us a blanket, and I'll come right back.  Or do you wanna go upstairs and sleep in that big bed?"


"Don't wanna move." But he rolled anyway, opening eyes who's veins were tinged with red as he sprawled out over the carpet. Who was he, to deny his beloved? He met him in a kiss, soft, warm, the druggy edge of passion. "Comfy." And then he paused...eyes flickering open again to look at his love. "Don't leave. Stay. I'll keep us warm."


Lex kissed back hard, tongue tangling with his lover's as he crawled on top of Clark.  "Don't want someone walking in on us naked; need something to cover up with; I don't want to move either."  He slid down his lover's legs, and snagged Clark's white t-shirt, wiping off the sticky mess between them.  "Need a blanket, baby... there's a closet down the hall.  You can watch with your x-ray vision."


"Trust you." Mumble, eyes closed, his breath slowing down from its rabid beat in his chest to a slow inhale and exhale. "Don't take long?" He rolled onto his side, yawning so hard his jaw popped, pulling his legs up and sighing. "Aushna'."


Lex knelt beside his lover, kissing him softly and heart aching for what he was about to do.  "I won't take long, baby, I promise."  He slid his hand through Clark's hair and got to his feet, walking to the linen closet down the hall.


Enrique was outside the door, worried expression on his face.  "Are you--"


"I'm fine, Enrique.  I need a lead container that seals tightly, the sooner the better."  He pulled a large purple quilt out of the linen closet, and draped it over his shoulder.  "Don't question.  Just do it."


The instructions given, Lex hefted the quilt in his arms, and carried it back to the room, having been gone less than a minute or two.  "I'm back, baby."  He walked around the room, covering Clark up with the blanket and picking up his jeans, finding the red rock and sitting it on his desk.  "I hope... God, Clark... please forgive me for what I'm about to do to you," Lex whispered softly.  "I swore never to use your weaknesses to harm you, and I'm about to break my oath."  He picked up the lead box from before and opened it, sitting it on the desk as he fell to the floor, pulling Clark to him and wrapping them up in the blanket as he pulled Clark to the other side of the room.  "Forgive me baby, please."  The sickly green glow bathed the entire room in verdant light.


He gasped, eyes flying open, shrinking back as the green rock slowly sucked at the energy flowing in his blood. "Lex! No! Lex, no, please!" The veins in his arms and neck, hands and face turned that sickly green as his body struggled, trying to pull away from his lover but he couldn't move. The blanket was like a vice around his body as he kicked, squirmed, writhed to get away from the pain. His belly rolled hard, nausea filling him up...but the black spots were already overtaking his vision. All his energy....was gone. He felt useless. At Lex's mercy. And it terrified him beyond anything else. He knew, from the stories in his blood, what happened when men were weakened, and their mates, had they been unwilling to marry and forced in, would do to them. And it terrified him. He was so scared, watching as his consciousness began to fade, of what Lex might do with the chunk of rock that was a piece of a place he'd never see.


Lex shook his head, rocking his lover quietly against him.  "I love you, baby... please, forgive me.  Please, Clark... you'll understand."  He held his beloved close, rocking him, wrapping him in the blanket and using the discarded t-shirt to wipe sweat from his face.  "Believe in me, baby, I won't hurt you.  I just can't let you go out like this."  He cradled Clark close to his heart.  "I love you, Clark... believe me, please... I wouldn't do this if I didn't think I had no other choice."  Quietly he wept as he cradled his lover, feeling Clark's skin rippling under him.  "As soon as you're asleep, baby, I'll close the box.  Just go to sleep, and I'll close it.  You'll be okay then, I promise."


One more vicious struggle, the last spurt of energy, and it faded as quickly as it came, head lolling onto Lex's arm as he gave in. Scared. So scared. So scared. He watched Lex's face as body systems started to shut down... betrayal, and hurt, and fury and sadness. How could he? How could Lex do this to him? How could he have let it happen? Weak. He was so weak.


He was unconscious.


Lex felt Clark go limp in his arms, and he wept all the harder for having done this.  Gently, carefully, reverently, he laid Clark down on the floor, covering him with the blanket as he snapped his mother's lead box shut and carried it back to the sofa.  He sat it on the floor beside him, and went to his bar, downing with a trembling hand straight shots of scotch.  He carried the full bottles of scotch and vodka to the couch as well, setting them on the floor on top of the box.  He lifted Clark's dead weight, maneuvering it onto the couch as well, until Clark was stretched on the leather couch, his head cradled in Lex's lap.  "I'm so sorry, beloved," Lex whispered, and tilted the scotch bottle to his lips.  "Please forgive me."  His hand worked gently through his lover's hair as he covered Clark tightly with the blanket, tucking it in around his shoulders and cradling him in his lap.  "I love you so much."






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