
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 225: Gran

Lionel was a pacer. That was something in his behavior that had been well established, long before now.

But Crystabel Finn wouldn't stand for pacing in her house, and even if she had, the cozy little apartment was barely big enough to work up a fine brood in. Instead, he just sat in one of the comfortable, overstuffed chairs, and glanced down at his watch again. 5:35, and still no sign of Clark and his son. He leaned over to his lover. "You did leave the directions and the cab fare on the dining table, yes?" His fingers drummed impatiently on the arm of the chair, and his eyes shifted to the door every few seconds.

Dominic nodded, for the fifteenth time in the last two minutes. Truth be told he was a bit worried for the lads as well, though his Granny seemed to be utterly amused with the situation, and Dominic couldn't help feeling a bit of her amusement.

Though the quiet silence, as Granny cooked and Lionel watched the TV, sort of, Dominic felt a quiet stirring in his heart. He was so... just so inexplicably joyful. Rushes of excitement ran through his head and heart every now and again, and it had taken Dominic a few times of it happening to understand what it was.

He was happy. He was truly, completely, happy. Something he hadn't been in a very, very long time, so despite his lover's movements, his Gran's singing, and anything about where they were... he just grinned, like an idiot.

"When Clark said they'd be a little late, I wasn't expecting this late," he muttered quietly to his lover, and couldn't help smiling in return of Dominic's grin. "What brought this on?" He couldn't stop his drumming fingers, though, even though it scandalized him to think that Ms. Finn knew exactly why Clark and Lex were late. "I'm going to have a very, very long talk with that son of mine."

"Oh, hush. They're fucking, leave them be for two blasted minutes, why don't you." Dominic just yawned, softly, curled up there on his granny's couch, in his lovers arms, and just... well, he grinned, dammit. Couldn't help it, as he tickled his lovers side softly. "You're just grumpy. Beloved, hasn't my Gran told you how many kids and grandkids she's got? She knows what sex is, after all."

"I am not grumpy." Much. "Lex is my son, and he should know better by this stage in his life. His dick should be firmly in his pants and he should be knocking on the door and apologizing for his tardiness." He sighed, partly in mortification because he knew that is exactly what Clark and Lex were doing. "When I gave them permission to be late, I didn't have any idea that it would entail this much lateness."

Dominic grinned up at his lover, turned his head, and kissed the fullness of those pouting lips. "At least we left when the screams began. They'll be here any moment, I'm sure. Let them be, love. My Gran's tickled pink, as she so wonderfully said, and if they're a bit more late, we'll be able to take a nice evening walk." He kissed his lover again. "Come on. Let them have their fun. They don't ever get to be alone when they have sex."

Lionel's frown deepened. "Dominic... please do not say that again."

"Say what?"

"That my son is having sex. It's bad enough that I know it. Do not speak it. Please."

"Sex? Of course he's having sex. Sex." Was he a sadistic bastard? Of course. "Seee--eeeee--eeeexxx!" he sang, loudly, nicely too, and beamed at him as he squeezed his cheek. "That snickering is my Gran." He rose his voice, "Think they're done yet, Granny?"

"Not a lick!" She yelled back, popping her head into the parlor and smiling at them with flour in her hair. "Morgan, be a good boy, now. You've gone and made your sweet husband blush." A wink and she disappeared again.

Lionel reached out and smacked Dominic across the back of the head. "Shut. Up. If you ever want to have it with me ever again, shut up. Now." Then he sighed. "Ms. Finn, you are a horrible influence on your grandson!" he called out, as she disappeared back in the kitchen.

"Don't I know it!" Cackled back.

Dominic grinned, ducked out of the smack, and kissed his lovers chin before resting back against his shoulder. "I can just imagine your face when Clark knocked on the door."

"At least he was wearing a towel, which is more than I actually expected." He raised one hip off the couch and pulled his telephone out of his pocket. "Give me your number; I never have to call you because you are always here."

Dominic looked up, aghast, though he was snickering on the inside. His eyes widened, his mouth dropped, and he just looked at his lover incredulously. "You... don't have my number in your... speed dial?!" Another gasp, a smack to his forehead.

Lionel just glared. "Give me. Your number."

"You... you... I'm shocked, appalled by you." Another feinted gasp.

Lionel gave a little growl, deep in his throat. "I have had to call you once, in the... what, fifteen years you've been with me? Your cell phone number is sitting at the LuthorCorp office in Smallville, on my Rolodex file. It is NOT in my speed dial, as I have never had to call you."

"What if I were in...China, hmm? or at the store! And you had to call me! You DON'T EVEN know my NUMBER!" Dominic cried. "I could be dead, on the side of the road, and you'd be wondering if I were bringing home chicken or fries!"

Lionel picked up the cell phone, dropped it in his lover's lap, and got up from the couch. "Ms. Finn? I'm going back to the cottage to check on those boys, and possibly drag them back here. Could you keep an eye on Dominic for me?"

"Come back, you damn brute!" Dominic yelled after him, tugging at his lapels and pulling Lionel back half into his lap and half on the couch. "You melodramatic, brazen hussy." He lifted the phone and dialed his number, setting it on his ear as he wound an arm around Lionel's waist, clamping him close. "Though the amusement of you walking in on them would supply me for months." He muttered into his lovers ear.

"I am not a brute." But he didn't say anything else, as he sat there listening to the phone ring with Dominic's arm around his waist.

Lex wasn't quite asleep yet, just in that stupor between sleep and awake, right before falling, and he heard the phone ringing.

And refused to answer it, instead pulling the pillow his head was laying on over his ears so he didn't hear it.

Dominic waited, as the phone rang, and rang, and rang, and RANG.

"If don't pick up, will chunk to Alaska." Clark muttered, into his lovers ear.

"You're saying that like I care," Lex muttered back, but his hand reached out for the phone and found it by touch. He brought it to his ear and answered it. "What the fuck do you want now?"

"Hallo!" Dominic chirped, cheerfully. "Are you quite through fucking now? We're waiting on you to eat, dammit."

Lex put the phone against his shoulder and looked at Clark. "Are we through fucking?"

Clark wriggled his hips against Lex's... and when his spent cock didn't rise from the sweet pressure against his lover's butt, he nodded. "Yep."

Lex brought it back to his ear. "Clark says yes, we're done fucking now."

Lionel just slapped a palm to his face and didn't say a word.

"Your father's mortified. Put on something respectable and come over here so I can eat, eh? I'm starved, and Granny won't feed me until you're here."

Lex nudged Clark in the ribs. "Are you hungry? Dominic says Crystabel's cooking."

Yeah, right. All Clark's tummy had to do was growl, like a tiger at the thought of good food, and he rubbed it against Lex's back as he purred softly. "Mmm. Food."

"Okay. You've convinced us. We'll be there in a little while." Lex scrunched his eyes as he looked for his watch. "Christ. We'll be there by a quarter of, okay? Tell Dad to stop pissin' his panties. We'll be there in a timely fashion."

Lionel glared acidically at the phone for that. "I am not... never mind. Just get over here!" he yelled into the mouthpiece.

"See you then!" Dominic hung up and set the phone on the table top, then wound his arms around his lovers waist and hugged him, tightly, setting his lips on the back of a lovely shoulder, and grinned into it. "Don't act like you're better than them. We've canceled many a thing to have sex."

Lionel just glared. Didn't say anything to that, just glared. "They had better hurry."

Dominic gave another smile, a brilliant one, and hugged him all the tighter. "I'm so happy, Lionel."

That had most of Lionel's grumpiness fleeing, and he hugged his lover in return. "I'm glad to hear that," he said softly, kissing his lover gently on the temple. "I like when you're happy."

"I like when you are, too. But...let me tell you a secret." He leaned in, quietly, and whispered, "I miss our home."

Lionel stroked through Dominic's hair gently. "I do too, to be honest. But we needed this vacation, little cricket. We needed to clear our heads, hearts, and minds of Metropolis and Smallville for a while, and just... enjoy ourselves."

"I think we did. But now… I find myself missing our fluffy sheets… and our chairs, and our things." He squeezed Lionel's hand, gently. "Even if we share it, it is our home."

"And your cat," Lionel teased softly, but snuggled Dominic in closer. "I think... despite the fact that it's not home because we share it... sharing it makes it more of a home, rather than just the castle it is." A little chuckle to himself. "If that makes sense."

"It does, in an odd sort of way." But Dominic just smiled, even though his belly churned. "When will the plane be here?"

"Ten o'clock Monday morning," Lionel said softly. "Not too early, but early enough."

"Indeed. Elaine… she sent me the prescription. I've already got it filled out. She also sent me one for... pain killers, for you. For the headache you're sure to get. The bitch."

"Headache? Why would I be getting a headache on the trip home? Just because I'm sharing the plane with my son, his lover, and a rabbit?" He sighed. "Tell the dear lady that I appreciate her foresight."

Dominic gave a helpful smile at that. "At least I'll be unconscious?"

Lionel thumped his lover gently on the back of the head before kissing the thumped spot.

"Ow!" But then his lover kissed him, and his grin returned, sparkling and slightly wicked. "Well? I will be. I'll be half there before we board the plane."

Lionel just rolled his eyes. "Oh, yes. I can't wait for Clark and Lex to meet Herbert."

"Oh, no, darling." Dominic shook his head. "I'll be completely out. Elaine made sure of it. So I'll sleep in that lovely bed you've got, and wake up a bit before we land."

Another snort. "Well, in that case, I won't argue. No Herbert, a sedated rabbit, and me hiding in the bedroom with you while Clark and Lex do whatever they are going to do together in the cabin."

"Whatever?" If Dominic was getting a kick out of teasing his lover he didn't show it; instead, he hooked an elbow around his lovers neck, leaned over and turned so he could see that beautiful face, and kissed him soundly. "I want to talk to you again about the teaching things, Lionel. When the time's right. I haven't forgotten."

"Nor have I," Lionel said softly, and looked up at Dominic. "And I say to you now what I said to you then. The decision is yours to make, and mine to accept. Whatever you do, I will support your choice."

"You're upset." But he was amused, just a little. "You wouldn't be jealous, would you?"

"I'm neither jealous nor upset, little cricket." Lionel rolled his eyes just a smidge.

It hurt his feelings, but he covered it with a glare. "Alright. I was just wondering, then." He let go of him and rose. "I'm going to go see about Granny, mm?"

"And I'm going to call and nag our wayward little sheep, who have yet to find their way to pasture here." He let Dominic roll off of him, and then he sat up on the edge of the couch, grunting softly as he popped his neck.

Dominic glared down at him for a half a moment, barely noticeable, before walking out of the room. Ass. Fine. He wanted to be like that? He wanted to keep everything from him? Not a problem. He wasn't going to let Lionel's hurt, jealous feelings get in the way of him doing what he wanted. He wanted to teach dammit, and he'd be damned if he'd let anyone stop him from doing what he wanted to do for so long.

If Granny noticed the mopey glare she didn't say anything, just arching a blond brow up high as she finished sliding the last potato into the baking pan. "Problems, my love?"


"So I'm to presume you did eat a sour apple." His little flickering grin made her smile, even as she finished wrapping the potatoes up and leaned down to set them in the oven. "What's the matter, my little teacup?"

"Nothing." He crossed his arms, and leaned back against the counter. "My husband. He's so hard headed."

"Of course he is. You wouldn't have married him otherwise, would you?" Gran raised her brow once more, and wiped her sticky fingertips on her apron.

"You've always a point, Granny." He just heaved a sigh, and rubbed his fingers through his hair. "I love him, to pieces, but he's so damned stubborn."

"And you're a rose blossom."

"Of course I am." Dominic grinned at her, through his fingers, as he rubbed his face.

If Lionel had been eavesdropping, he would have snorted at the sentiment. However, he hit redial, and then send, holding the cell phone to his ear and raking his hands through his hair as he stayed sitting on the couch.

Lex grunted at the phone as he stopped by the door. "Okay. If this is Dad, calling to tell me to hurry up? I'm going to tell him where to stick his telephone." He picked it up carefully and answered it. "Hello?"

"You realize, son, that you are not where you're supposed to be right now?" Lionel raked his hand through his hair again as he glared balefully at the kitchen nook where his lover had disappeared to.

"And I would be there by now, if some jackass hadn't called me on the phone and kept me from leaving," Lex pointed out snidely. "Clark's waiting outside for me, and what do I hear, as I am walking out the door, but the Moonlight Sonata in digital rings."

"Hurry," is all Lionel growled, and hung up in his son's ear. Tossing the phone back on the table, he stalked over to the kitchen. "They're on the way, and should be here momentarily," he reported.

Dominic looked up, demurely at his cranky husband, and rose his brow. "He tell you where to shove your phone?"

Granny choked on the giggles that almost, almost exploded from her, but she put her cloth hanky to her lips and masked it with a coughing spell even as her shoulders shook.

Dominic, too, shook with silent laughter, grinning at his lover. "I'm sure it was quite colorful."

Lionel turned his glare around the room even as his lips turned upwards. "No, he didn't. He didn't get a chance to, as I hung up on him before he could. Rude of me, I realize, and yet."

"Right, and him bellowing at you wasn't rude." Dominic crossed his ankles to match his arms across his chest, and tipped his head at his lover. "Granny was just calling me a... what was it? A rose blossom?"

"Of course." Complete serene, as she washed her hands clean, and went behind Lionel, lifting a huge linen bag from the pantry door and setting it on her small counter. She pushed the linen back to bare a dried pigs leg, which she began to shave off thin slices of dried ham for her appetizers. "Lionel, my darling little dear, the next time you and my teacup come about to Ireland, I'll introduce you to my hair stylist. I go every week for my coloring and style, and she does European cuts... she's from...France? Does them lovely like. She'll calm your hair down, indeed, and give you a nice sleek cut, if you're to be wishing for one." Innocently said, as she bat her lashes at him.

Lionel almost physically recoiled, first from the pork leg, and then from the offer of a haircut. "Madam, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I would love to have tips on calming it down in this hideous climate, but if she lays a single scissor blade on my hair, I will have to have her fingers chopped off at the knuckle."

Granny caught the look, and nearly cracked up… then did so. The ham was fresh and soft, delicious, and she rolled up a piece and handed it to him. "Try it. Its divine… I'm sending two home with you, for your beloved Hilde. She wrote me and told me she has nearly seventy recipe's for salted pork, but they don't offer it for anything less than six hundred dollars in the states. Mine cost me twenty American dollars, indeed."

Lionel was hard-pressed not to dangle the offered slice between his fingers like refuse, and he sniffed it once before lifting it to his mouth.

The paper-thin slice of meat melted on his tongue even as he put it in his mouth, and the rich taste of pork settled across his taste buds. Better than most pork dishes he'd tried in the Americas, Lionel mmm'd his appreciation softly as he swallowed it. "It's quite good." He paused in thought. "I am sure that in a small farming community, there are people who sell and slaughter pigs. Probably the Kents, in fact. If you'll send Ms. Bird the procedure to dry and cure the pork like this, I will buy her as many pigs as she'd like."

Granny smiled, and winked at him as she listened to his sounds of appreciation, and giggled to herself as she kept cutting. "I dunna cut these, my darling. Only professional slaughter houses here in Europe do, and you'll be hard pressed to find someone who'll tell their secret. You can order them though, my love, and I've already sent the papers along with Morgan so you might. I know Hilde will be pleased." Her dimples came on as she looked up at him and offered another piece. "Make yourself useful, Morgan, and get your granny the cheese."

"Oh, Dominic will be glad to hear that, that he doesn't have to deal with Jonathan about arranging to buy slaughtered pigs." Gave his lover an innocent smirk as he accepted the slice of ham, and popped it into his mouth.

And jumped, slightly, when there was a knock on Crystabel's door. "If we're lucky, that will be my wayward son and his friend," Lionel muttered around the ham.

Dominic glared, darkly, after him, as he gave his grandmother the thick slice of cheese from the fridge. "That--" He blinked... looked at his Gran. Blushed, hard. Couldn't say what he wanted to, so he just seethed quietly, and snarled around the piece of cheese she pushed into his mouth to shut him up.

"I *told* you not to get used to calling him that," Lionel said with another smirk. "Ms. Finn, I'm going to answer your door, as you seem to have Dominic well in hand." He slid off the stool he'd sat down on, and prowled across the living room until he opened the door and snarled softly at his son. "About bloody time you graced us with your presence, oh mighty Luthor Scion."

Lex held out his hand. "You can kiss my ring, Mr. Luthor, if you're so inclined, and if you're not, you can kiss my ass." He kept his voice pitched low, so Crystabel wouldn't hear him and take after him with a wooden spoon, and he drew Clark into the apartment behind him.

Clark was blushing. Hard. He hadn't stopped blushing since about, oh, four thirty. Couldn't stop. He'd blushed with Lex, he'd blushed through their shower, he'd blushed all the while they were getting dressed, and even now, fingers clasped with Lex tightly, he was a soft shade of pink. He'd... done something extremely dirty just a bit ago, and the blush was even harder now, pinking his cheeks.

Could barely. Look. At Lionel.

He entered the apartment, and it was a new place, so even worse, and then the extremely tiny squealing woman came in, and he was six shades of red, and two of purple.

"Out of the way!" Granny ordered of her grandson, and then his husband, and threw her arms around her great grandson. Standing there, all handsome, and sure, it was the first time they'd met, but he was just so handsome! As bald as he'd told her, and she gave him a hard squeeze. "Oh, and aren't you as handsome as the devil!"

Lex gave the tiny woman a hug back, and he was smiling. "Oh, I don't know about that, Crystabel, did you ask him?" His eyes pointed to his father as he grinned, and he squeezed her back. "Thank you, for having us on such short notice." He'd dropped Clark's hands to hug Crystabel, but now, he reached back behind himself to find his hand again. "Crystabel... I'd like you to meet my fiancé, Clark Kent."

Lionel glared at his son for the devilry comment, but let himself be pushed out of the way before he was run over by Gran. He gave a little blink as she hugged Lex tightly, like an old friend, and was even more shocked when Lex hugged back.

Clark was sure he'd reached mulberry status. He smiled at her, and offered his free hand… then got yanked in for a tight hug and he hugged her back, stooping over to do it, and chuckled softly. "Hi, Ms. Fin--uh... Cryst--...Gran. Its nice to meet you."

If Granny was crying a little, no one had better dare mention or bring notice to it. She sniffled, even as she hugged him, and chuckled softly once she could find it in herself to let you. "And its nice to meet you, my--" Oh. Well now. She put a hand to her heart, taking a good look at him, and then to Lex, and oh, my dear. "Aren't you both a handsome couple? Come come, you've got to be famished. Your father told us you were having sex. Good for you. I'm sure all the arguing has been cleared?" She asked of Lex, as the dark headed boy was gaping at her. "And that's a good thing to know, now isn't it? Come come. Food!"

Lex's fingers still held Clark's tightly. "Yes ma'am. All the arguing has been cleared, and we were indeed having very, very nice make-up sex." Lex paused. "Which, thankfully, my father didn't interrupt. Just the post-sex nap, which I'm sure he's just as thankful for as I was." Wasn't blushing a bit, but could almost feel the heat radiating off Clark, and used his grip on Clark's hand to pull his lover closer, then kiss his fingers again. "Clark's famished--his stomach growled almost the whole way over, and I'm a little hungry myself."

Lionel was looking around for something to gag his son with, and he was hissing with anger. "Alexander Luthor, you do not speak of such things in this company, do you understand me?"

Lex gave a bland little grin to his father as he followed Crystabel. "Piss off, Dad."

Granny grinned around Lex, and took Lionel's hand as well, hooking her hand through his elbow so he'd lead her to the kitchen. "Pish, Lionel, darling. Alexander and I have a lovely relationship. He's a wonderful conversationalist once he's going, isn't he? He told me all about the arguing, that I hope you don't mind, Clark." A shake from the red faced boy, and she smiled. "He's a dear. And so handsome. You must be so proud, Lionel. Morgan, stop eating my potatoes!" She let go of Lionel and flittered back into the kitchen, poking her head out for a moment. "Sit! Alexander, come help me with drinks!"

"Wonderful... conversationalist, yes," Lionel said, shooting daggers at his son as he walked Crystabel into the kitchen. "I'm very proud of him, but at the moment? I'd be happier to wring his neck."

Lex dropped another series of kisses onto Clark's hand, and nodded towards the table. "Save me a seat while I help Crystabel?" He slipped away from his lover and into the kitchen, hands held out to accept glasses, ice, drink pitchers, or whatever else was handed to him.

"Thank you, dear." Granny got a good long look at Lex with her shrewd, but big, green eyes… and finally smiled, softly. "Your poor fiancé is so shy. You will tell him I don't bite, won't you?"

"Much." Dominic snickered, and got thunked in the head for it. "Ow! Dammit!" He lifted the bowl of crisps and the pitcher of beer, stuck his tongue out, and walked out of the kitchen to set the things on the table.

"I've already told him, Crystabel. He's just shy. And I think he's embarrassed that all of you know what it was we were doing and why we were late." He gave a little inward grin as he thought of Lionel's reaction to knowing exactly what they had been doing. He keeled over and hit the floor in Lex's head, and he buried the snicker. "He's my shy angel."

LEX! Clark screamed in his lovers head, and buried the blush in his hands.

"He seems like such a dear, for all I've talked to him." Her dimples came on, matching Dominic's to exactness, and put on her oven mitts to tuck out the potatoes and roast she'd put in to keep warm. "Don't be shy, now. For this is Ireland, the land of romance and love. If it embarrassed me I would have said it. Don't tease him now," She chided it, even as she smiled at him. "You're as I've pictured you, you know."

"Tall, broad and bald?" he teased softly, picking up a doubled-over dishtowel and holding it out for the roast to carry to the table. "I'm surprised you haven't seen pictures of my father and I, though I have to admit, they don't do either one of us justice." A little bit of preening pride, and then he all but cracked up at Clark's bellow in his head.

"Broad my ass." She glared him over. "You're as skinny as a rail. A right wind would blow you to Dublin with the proper strength behind it. But don't you mind--if I got your father and Morgan to gain a bit, you will to, indeed." Granny smiled again and handed him the roast, then handed Lionel the other two cooled dishes as he came back, lifted the napkins and condiments herself, as well as the potatoes in her other hand, and bustled them out of her kitchen and towards the tiny dining room.

"I'm not skinny!" Lex protested. And was glad that his purple mock turtleneck was a bit on the baggy side and she couldn't see the bare indents of his ribs poking through. Clark had told him once that he could play xylophone on Lex's rib cage. "I'm just wiry."

"Wiry," sniffed Lionel. "That would be the bullshit term for skinny." He took the dishes carefully in hand and preceded Lex to the dining table, where he set each of the dishes down at the end of the table, and then moved to let Lex lay down his burden.

Lex put the roast at the head of the table, near Crystabel's plate, and slid into his chair beside his aushna', squeezing Clark's fingers and caressing his lover's thoughts with his own.

"Th-thank you, for inviting us." Clark said, softly. The bottle of wine that had gone unnoticed in his hand was sitting open now, which he'd popped open easily, and he looked down, shyly.

Granny was in love. She was just... she was in love, and she smiled and took Clark's other fingers, squeezing them tightly. "Don't be shy now, little teacup. Its quite alright, I assure you. My home is your home. Now. Let's eat!"

Lex gave his lover a little nudge for that, rubbing his elbow gently. "Pour me a glass?" he asked softly, and reached for the roast, which smelled divine. "This all smells... so delicious, Crystabel," Lex complimented. "I'm surprised your children and grandchildren haven't all turned into butterballs like my puppies."

Lionel rolled his eyes at that. "Your boyfriend is more perceptive than you are, Lex. He noticed that we're fatter now than we were when we left home. That should tell you something."

Lex glared. "I noticed, but I didn't bring it up. I figure if it's fattening Dominic up, it's got to be amazing. The man's got the metabolism to die for." His glare eased once he moved it away from his father, and he smiled at his lover again.

Dominic looked up... rose a brow. Kicked his lover under the table. Then made a motion of bowing his head, and did so again, as his Gran had already done so.

Clark was busily pinching his lovers thigh, motioning his head down, as Gran was midway through prayer without them having noticed.

"--nk you, almighty Christ, for the bounty we are about to receive. You feed us from Your hand, and nourish us from Your soul and for that we are eternally grateful. Thank you for the family who sits around this table, for indeed that's who they are, under the blanket of Your Holy love. May You continue to bless us each and every day that's gone, and each and every day that's to come. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen."

"Amen." Dominic echoed, then grinned up at his lover at his total faux paux. "God, I love you." A big kiss to his cheek, before he snickered at his step son. "Its not metabolism I've got, its the workload. Don't you know I'm your fathers pack mule?"

"Well, that was a new experience," Lex muttered softly. "Aside from the dinner with Dominic, I can't remember the last time I've had a meal prayed over." But he'd lowered his head, out of respect for Crystabel if nothing else, and reached under the table to smack Clark's hand lightly for pinching his thigh so viciously.

Lionel almost choked on his first sip of wine after the blessing had been said. "Good Christ, Dominic, you say that as though I weight you down with heavy packs!" But he was grinning as he tried to mop up the spilled wine with his napkin.

Dominic grinned, broadly, and pat his lashes. "I'm your workhorse."

Clark gave a tiny, still blushing, smile, and grinned across at his lover before looking up at Ms. Finn shyly. "He just says that because Lionel spoiled him rotten."

Gran just burst into peals of laughter, as she began passing the great bowls of food around. "He does now, does he? And what does he do, indeed?"

"Oh, you know, buys him stuff, lets him--"

"That's enough of that! Traitor!" Dominic cried, though he was laughing, as he tried to glare at Clark.

"--lets Dominic tell him what to wear, got him a kitten that's possibly Satan incarnated in a feline, just little things like that," Lex inserted wickedly, while Dominic was laughing.

Lionel huffed, and tried to maintain his dignity, even though his lips were twitching again. "You, my son, are not much better, what with the purple plaid outfit you had weeks ago. I thought you were going to blind me, and Dominic was sitting there on the helicopter with you cursing me every step of the way for not warning him about the tassel."

"The tassel!" Dominic almost fell out of his chair laughing. He'd sent his Gran a picture of it, and he met her eyes as they both cracked up. "Dearest God, it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen. Every time he coughed, or sneezed, it swung about like a monkey on a trapeze. I thought I was going to die laughing."

Lex tried to glare, but he was too busy remembering the fantastic sex with his lover that had come out of the purple tassel and plaid pants. "I was actually rather fond of that outfit," he sighed, and filled his plate as the bowls and dishes were passed to him, and then passed them along to Clark. "The hat especially."

Clark almost choked, on nothing, and burned hot again, which just made Granny laugh harder, and he couldn't help a little shy smile upwards, before back down, in horror.

"Oh, darling, its alright." Gran pet his hand gently, squeezed it, and wagged a finger at Lex. "And you, stop being so mean. The poor dear, he's a sweet thing."

Lex just gave a little laugh, and caught Clark's face in his hand. He gave his aushna' a kiss on the cheek, then a light one to the mouth, and then one to his ear as he whispered into it, for Clark's hearing alone. "Don't worry, Clark, nobody but me knows I jacked you off with the hat."

Clark was purple. Red. Orange. Every shade of the rainbow, as he looked down at his plate.

"Granny, what time do you want us all over here, by the by?" Dominic was asking, as he handed his lover the bowl of roasted potatoes and tipped his head.

"You, my laddie, a quarter of six. You're helpin' me with those pies this year, indeed." Granny wagged a finger at him, even as she smiled. "Your husband and Alexander and his Clark, about... mmm.... twelve or so."

Lionel didn't dare snort at the thought of Dominic getting up at five in the morning. "Ms. Finn, I can barely get him rousted out of bed at seven thirty. You will have plenty of coffee on hand for him, won't you?"

Lex frowned softly, and leaned in again. "I'm sorry, Clark, I shouldn't tease you so." His fingertips rose to stroke over Clark's upper back and shoulders. "Don't be upset."

Dominic grinned at his grandmother, even if he kept na eye on the murmuring young men before him. "I'll make it. Just to show this incredulous man up, I'll be there at five thirty." A beam at her, even as he stood, and poured them each a glass of the fine wine Lex and Clark had brought with them, like the good boys they were. "This has been a vacation to remember, you know."

"I can tell." Granny said, as she brought some of the soft potatoes to her lips, and sighed softly. "There's a change in you, Morgan, that I see in these men around us. They're good men, and a good family... one I'm sure your mother, once she extracts her bloody head from her ass, will see."

All right. Lex couldn't stop the spew of tea across the table at that, and he barely got the napkin up in time to stop it. He strangled on it, blotting his eyes, nose, and mouth as he felt his eyes watering and tea pouring out of his nose. "S-sorry!" he barked out as he wheezed.

Lionel lost it when Lex strangled on his tea, and he broke out into loud peals of laughter. "Ms. Finn, you have it entirely correctly. Dear God in Heaven, what I wouldn't give to bury that woman under the house and never deal with her again."

"She's my daughter, but the woman has very little sense. Gets it from her da', you know." She rolled her eyes, at that. "Hard headed stubbornness, down to the marrow of his bones. Spends more time with bloody God than with me, wouldn't you know it. Don't any of you ever let your work take your life from you, no matter how good that work might be. He'll be seein' God plenty after he's dead." But she waved a hand. "My daughter is as pig headed as they come. She'll come round to the idea of your having a marriage soon enough, especially after little Briar Rose comes about into the world."

"I had wondered where the good Father Finn had disappeared to," Lionel said musingly. But he did have the good grace to blush when she chided him about not letting the work take over his life.

Lex blushed too, and squeezed Clark's hand tightly. He didn't say anything, because he knew that he was just as guilty of it as his father was, and he just buried blushing cheeks in his wine glass.

Ah hah. She knew she'd hit a vein, and she rose a brow. "Life is for living, indeed, not for working your ass off. At the end of the day all we've had are our lives, not our work. Work is work, 'tis there to give you something to do. But when you're my age, going on the beautiful age of..." She smiled. "Well now. Better not to disclose that. But when you're as old as me, you think about those things. Your children, your life, the evenings you had with those you love. That's what you remember, not the bloody work."

Lex nodded in answer to that. "You're right about that, Crystabel. I'm changing that as I speak... I've found that it's much, much more fun to spend time with Clark than sitting behind my desk." Unless you are tucked under that desk and sucking me off, Lex thought softly, and he turned to look at his aushna'. You are quiet, Clark... I'm worried. Are you all right?

I'm okay. A little weird, but okay. Clark answered softly, as he ate peacefully, listening to the talk around him with interest, even as he held his lover's hand.

"Isn't it now?" A peer at Lionel.

A little weird? Lex echoed, brow furrowing mentally but kept a straight face outwardly.

Lionel just gave an embarrassed little cough under her gaze. "Ah. Yes." He cleared his throat. "It is more fun to spend time with Dominic, however, he is usually working right there beside me." Yes. Get the glare off him.

Clark didn't know how to explain it so he just soothed his lover by letting him know he was fine, and continued to eat quietly, though his lips curved at Lionel's cough.

"None of that, now." Granny chided. "I want you having yourself a good time, now. You're family, and I won't have my family overstressing themselves needlessly."

"We're getting as financial person." Dominic offered, smiling at his Gran quietly. "Someone to do all the numbers."

Lex smiled at the reassurance, but squeezed Clark's hand again anyway. We'll talk about this when we leave? he asked softly. He was more than a little wary of embarrassing his lover again, but he didn't feel the same panic, or fear, that he had felt before, just normal consideration of his lover's feelings.

Lionel coughed again. "I believe you may know her, Ms. Finn. You too, Dominic."

"Hmm?" Dominic asked. He'd been a bit distracted by the constant music his granny had playing in her home… it had been one of his favorite dance songs, and he'd tapped along to the beat with his foot, not really listening, until his name was said.

"Really? And who might it be?" She asked as she sipped her wine.

"Your granddaughter Lindy," Lionel confessed softly. "I saw that when LuthorCorp held the resume-writing classes for anyone who didn't want to make the move with us that she attended, and I got her resume and educational history. She's only a few courses short of her CPA certification. I'd have to talk to her when we get back to the states, but I'd like to offer her the position of our private financier."

Dominic tipped his head… and grinned. It was so like his lover, indeed. "Now that's wonderful. I didn't know you had anyone in mind, Lionel." He said softly, and squeezed his lovers hand in happiness as his granny ate, her own smile on her face. "She is indeed; Roddy, the bastard, didn't know she'd taken the classes here and there."

"Dad, do we still have the Educational Reimbursement program?" Lex asked. "Because if we do, she can turn the tuition, books and material receipts into accounting and be reimbursed for the cost of getting the certification."

Lionel nodded. "We do have that, yes, and if by the end of the course she has over a 3.0 GPA, we will pay for board certification as well, provided she stays employed with us for longer than six months."

"I've a feeling she won't be going anywhere." Dominic rose a brow. "Granny... our Lindy's gotten quite involved with a local man, Dogwood Ross. From what Toni's been telling me, they're spending a great deal of time together, indeed."

Clark's eyes came up... widened. He'd heard they'd been seeing each other, but… "Wow. That's... that's so cool. Pete and I'd be… well, would we be anything? Second cousins?"

"Haven't the faintest anymore. Already related to have the bloody town, including that ass farmer." Dominic growled, as he tossed back the last of his wine.

"Your step father in law's sister, which would make Lindy your... step-aunt, marries Dogwood, which would make him your step-uncle once removed, and since Pete is Dogwood's brother... he would be your step-uncle once removed as well." A little grimace. "Just as, thanks to Dominic and my father's marriage, Pete is my uncle as well, because my father's sister is my aunt, and that gives me Aunt Shayla and Uncle Pete. Which... just, absolutely not."

Lionel listened as Lex puzzled out the genealogies. "Now, now, Dominic. Clark is your step-son, which makes Jonathan your brother in law, once removed. I find that amusing, that the man is also my brother, and that Martha is my sister. Which, I suppose, would make her an honorary daughter in law for Rosalyn, and a granddaughter and grandson for you, Ms. Finn."

"Indeed it has." Her lips twitched. "Though all of that is quite a mess, indeed. Morgan, just for marrying this lovely man, you've put everyone at odds." But she grinned, softly, because she saw Dominic had halfway spaced out, and she rose a brow, looking up... and realizing he was listening to the music. "A bar hopping favorite, if I remember correctly?"

"Hmm?" Embarrassed look. "Oh. Sorry. Yes, indeed. I used to dance with all the pretty girls to this song. So fast, it got your feet all tangled up, though I was always the best at doing well with it." A little far away grin, before shaking his head. "The man is not my brother in law. He will never be family. Ever. He's gross. And horrid. And a bastard. A horrid, mean, evil, bastard of whom I dislike quite a lot."

"Old boyfriend?" Granny asked Lionel.

Lionel nodded. "Yes, very old, though, there's been..." he paused, looking over at Clark. "Complications, in the last year or so, that are thankfully done with now. And yet Dominic still insists on treating the man as a... how shall I put it mildly... cow-buggering bastard?"

Granny nodded, and pet Dominic's hand as he glared. "He's got a bit of a jealous streak in him, hasn't he? The dear."

Dominic just scowled. "I can't stand him. Sorry, Clark."

"Hey, no offense." Clark rose his hands. "He's my dad and I hate the guy."

Lionel raised his eyebrow at that. "Clark, I should tell you now that that isn't the way you should feel about your father; look how many years it crippled Lex and I before we were able to work through it and I don't want to see that happen to you." Then he nodded to Crystabel. "Yes, he is a jealous, stubborn man, and I adore him for every inch of it."

"I don't really hate him." But Clark didn't say anything else. He was enjoying the interaction, and the flow of accents from both female and male, and it made him kinda mushy to listen to it.

"Of course he is." Granny smiled, and lifted her eyes to all of them. "Are you enjoying it?"

"Oh, yes, Gran." Dominic nodded. "It's delicious."

Lex just had to nod in agreement. "While this is more food than I'd likely ever eat in a week, it's very, very delicious." He inhaled deeply. "It's very, very tempting."

Hah! Gran's eyes danced, and she ever so nonchalantly pushed the mushroomed beef his way... what Lionel had told her was Lex's favorite dish, and didn't say anything else as she smiled at the older Luthor gently. "Are you prepared for tomorrow evenings festivities, little teacup?"

Like Lex was going to turn that down? It smelled so mouth-wateringly delicious, better even than he could make himself, and he ladled several spoonfuls of the thick gravy over the beef, and breathed in deeply. "I'm not going to fit into my clothes after this," he muttered under his breath as he started to eat.

Lionel just snorted at his son in amusement. "Yes ma'am, we are. Although it means we'll be going home the next day, I'm still looking forward to it. Tell me, how many of your clan will be here?"

Dominic snorted out a heavy laugh beside his lover...peaked an eye at him, laughed again, and took a drink of his wine in amusement.

Gran glared at her grandson before turning her attention on Lionel with a smile. "All of it. Those living here, anyhow." Her eyes danced, though, at that. "I think the laddies will be having their football game, as well, if the weather keeps. We'll be havin' roasted ham, turkey and veal, indeed." Her eyes twinkled as Dominic gave a gag. "Which my little teacup refuses to eat, indeed. But it should be quite… interesting." She squeezed Lionel's hand. "You stick with me and you won't get lost in the melee."

Lionel couldn't help the widening of his eyes at the comment, all of them. He was struck with the impossible urge to cross himself, and instead, satisfied himself with a deep, hard glare at Dominic. "It sounds... lovely."

Lex raised his head from the mushroom beef. "Guinness braised veal?" Lex asked hopefully. "You've been teasing me with it for weeks now; tell me you're finally going to follow through the teasing."

"Of course I am." Gran smiled at Lex, then burst out laughing at Lionel's horrified glance, and she squeezed his hand again, tightly. "A good... ah... eighty to a hundred people. The building here belongs to my husband and myself, and the bottom room that leads out to the large yard in back is where we'll be havin' it. Its lovely, and large enough to house us all, and keep the laddies and lassies out of our hair, indeed." Her eyes were twinkling. "And that's why my Morgan, and his cousins Joshua and Leon, will be here at the ass crack of dawn helping me."

Lex chuckled at that. "I should have brought the video camera; Whitney would die to see this football game. There's no games in America on Easter day, and I bet he'd get a kick out of seeing this one."

Lionel's eyes widened in dread. "You... ah. I will find a nice, quiet spot to hide in and perhaps smoke one of my cigars."

Dominic's lips curved, broadly, as he looked up at his step son. "No, laddie. She dunna mean on the tele. We play it. My cousins and I, and if I remember correctly," Smug little grin, "The Finns won against the O'Careys every damn year until I left home."

"And that indeed hasn't changed," Granny said with a grin, even as she winked at Lionel. "Quiet and nice you won't be findin', my dear, though we might find a good place for you."

Clark perked when he heard the words 'play' and 'football'. "Yeah?"

Lex's lips twitched. "Yes, Dominic, which is why I said a video camera instead of a VCR. She's told me about the yearly games, and I cringe to think of the glut of broken limbs." He grinned at his lover. "Can Clark play on the Finn team, as he's an honorary Finn by almost-marriage?" He added his pleading eyes to Clark's.

Lionel coughed. Softly. "Define good."

"Of course he can, indeed." She smiled and reached over, to pinch Clark's cheek, just to watch him blush again. Christ but he was adorable, and her eyes turned to Lex. "That is, if his fiancé is to play too." A little innocent hum, before her eyes turned to Lionel. "Cooking with me, of course. You can be my taste tester indeed."

Lex choked. "I... no. Thank you for the invitation, but no. I don't... I am not a football player, but I thank you kindly for thinking of me. Clark can play for the both of us."

Clark turned huge, pleading eyes on his lover. The puppy dog look he'd perfected long ago, with wide eyes and a slightly trembly lower lip. "Please?"

"You really want to see me, flat on my a--back in the mud with every bone I own broken?" But he leaned forward and nipped the trembly lower lip, tugging it gently with his teeth. "I'm a second-string player, people. I am not starter quality."

Another sniffle, and a kiss right back, more big eyes, with a teeny sheen of tears. "Pleeease?"

"God knows I am a sucker," Lex muttered. "Okay. Yes. I will play. A LITTLE," he qualified, strongly.

Dominic was watching, eyes wide, mouth hanging open, as Clark's pout slid away into a smile. "Bloody hell, you're my hero, aren't you now?" Dominic stared at Clark for another minute as the boy laughed, then turned his big eyes on his lover. "And here I thought you cracked after a sniffle."

"Yeah, but what Clark knows and you don't is that he'll pay for it later." Sharky smile as his hand slid under the table. "He'll owe me a hot soak, a massage, champagne and strawberries in bed."

Lionel glared. "I do not crack."

"You crack like day old bread, Lionel." Dominic sniffed, kissed his lover over their dinners...then looked up at his Granny as she broke out into song, singing along to one of her favorite songs. He watched her, smiling as the rest of them fell into silence, and then came into it with her. "It was my fathers anger that drove my love awaaay. But I still have hopes we'll meet again, in North America. My love he was faair and haandsommee..."

"And to him I gave my heart. Oh, but little was our notion that we would ever part. It was in my fathers garden that this flower, it did decay. But I still have hope twill bloom again, in North America." Gran sang along with him, then laughed as her grandson did, shaking her head. "Many a year since I've heard this song. 'Twas going through my head the other day, indeed."

Dominic grinned along with her. "That was the first song Meggie and I learned how to do on the piano."

"I had to beat it into the both of you." Granny smiled back, and shook her head, dabbing her mouth with her napkin.

Lionel gave a little start. "I do believe I've heard that song before... North Amerikay, I believe, it's called?" He sniffed with the disdain of being accused of cracking like day-old bread, but didn't bring it up again or protest.

Lex gave his own little start, and stroked his hand over Clark's thigh as he did. "You... my lover... make me a sucker." He grinned, but he smiled. "I'll be glad to play with you, Clark."

"Its been the first song played at every Finn wedding for many years now." Granny smiled, her dimples crinkling softly in her old, wrinkled face, as she chuckled.

Dominic smiled back at her, winked, and continued to eat, as if their musical interlude had never happened, going on normally. "Is Granda' going to be about, Gran?"

A heaved sigh. "Tomorrow, at best. After mass in the morn', I be believe'n."

Clark grinned at him, softly, and kept right on eating, sipping from the wine glass every once and again. "I'll make sure you don't get smushed."

"Yes, yes, you will." Lex grinned, and kept stroking Clark's leg under the table.

Lionel sighed softly. "Ms. Finn, I give you all the admiration in the world for having married a man of God."

Lex snorted again. "I can't wait to meet Father Finn. I've heard so much about him, and most of it cursing." A grin to Crystabel for that.

Granny grinned back, and sighed, shaking her head softly. "I give myself a headache thinking about having married a man of God, though he's done a fine job of helping raise our brood, so theirs no anger in that, indeed."

Dominic didn't say anything, but the uncomfortable remembrance of the fight he'd had with his grandfather came back, and he shifted under the weight of guilt. He didn't know how well he and his grandfather were at the moment, since he'd only seen him twice since coming home, and he settled into his brooding thoughts as his family talked around him.

Clark smiled across at Lex, though the touch was bringing back hints of arousal that were almost scary right now, though some of the fear from before had dwindled down, and he smiled and offered his lover another biscuit to soak up the gravy on his plate with.

Lex reached out under the table and viciously kicked Dominic.

At least, that's who he thought he'd kicked.

"Lex, would you please refrain from physically assaulting me while we're at the dinner table?" Lionel asked calmly. Not that he would have confessed it to a living soul, not even Dominic, there were times that he preferred his son to be the adult version of himself, and not this childish version that acted his age.

"Sorry, I was actually trying for Dominic," Lex said sheepishly, and he accepted the biscuit from Clark, tearing it in half and soaking each half in the delicious mushroom gravy with. He wiped his hands clean on the napkin in his lap, and then traced Clark's smile with a fingertip. "Don't be afraid," he whispered softly, for his lover's ears only.

Dominic looked up, at both the thunk under the table, Lionel's calm words, and blinked. "And the kick was aimed at me because?"

Gran didn't dare smile, and she choked it down behind her napkin as she watched Lex soak up every last ounce of the thick home made gravy, and chuckled, softly. Something else to send Hilde the recipe for, and her lips twitched. "You and your father are men of this region, indeed. Morgan told me you were from Scotland, but now that I see you eating my food, I believe it, indeed. My husband is Scottish, his mother gave me many of these recipe's."

Clark finished kissing his lover, then looked up, shyly, as Gran spoke to Lex, and being caught in the middle of a smooch made the tips of his ears pink as he ducked down and continued to eat.

Lex returned the kiss to his lover gently, smiling into the kiss and then beaming like an idiot when they broke apart, and he was just grinning. "Because you were starting to sulk," he said through the grin, and he used his fork to break the well-soaked biscuit into pieces and shoveled it in.

Lionel nodded. "Yes, yes, we are. My family emigrated several generations ago, though my grandfather Julian's generation was the last to have distinctly Scottish names, which ended with my great-uncle Lachlan. The rest of us trace our ancestry through the clan, but we do not carry the Scottish names."

Lex snorted. "They prefer Greeks and Romans, such as Julian, Alexander and Phillip."

"And those are fine names, are they not?" Gran's eyebrow rose. "Just because you don't carry a Scottish first name doesn't mean your second isn't completely. Luthor, indeed." She winked at Lionel, even as she continued to chide Lex. "Alexander and Lionel, indeed, are quite lovely names, so enough out of you, little unbeliever." But she ever so slooowly pushed another dish at Clark, who in turn pushed it slowly towards Lex. Thick ham fillets, with a thick, delicious white sauce in a small gravy dish, and she smiled at Lionel as she sipped her wine.

Dominic smiled a little at Lex, and continued to eat in quiet, as he listened. Lionel hadn't talked, at all, about his family, and the mention of his great uncle was a first, so he sideglanced them, listening quietly.

"Oh no," Lex said, when he saw Clark inching the dish towards him. "I've had mushroom beef, shaved ham in drippings, wrap roasted potatoes, vegetables basted with Guinness, more biscuits than I can count, and there is no way I can shove anything else down!" But he picked up the dish anyway, and took two of the ham fillets and ladled a little gravy over it. "Wasn't Lachlan Luthor the one who had his eye on Amy Kent?"

"Indeed he was, as she was a beautiful thing, so we're told, and I believe that it was Lachlan that gave us the bad reputation in Smallville to begin with, when he moved there and left the rest of the clan in the big city of the time, Metropolis."

Clark looked up at the mention of Kent, and his eyebrows rose. "My grandmother? She was... she and... your uncle?" He made a little face. "Glad that didn't happen. Eww. We'd all be cousins."

"Now isn't that an interesting bit?" Granny murmured, as she listened to Lionel talk. It seemed like he needed to talk about this, and this had been the perfect time to say it, so she listened, quietly, and pushed the potatoes her grandson had kept eyeing longingly towards him.

Lionel nodded. "Yes, son, your grandmother. Lachlan Luthor was the youngest of Grandfather Julian's siblings; at the time they came over, he was only twenty three, to Julian's almost forty. Amy was a few years younger, but not by much, but she had still been seeing Hiram for several years before Lachlan came into town. There was a brief relationship, though nothing serious came from it, but Hiram blamed Lachlan, and my family, for the fact that later in her life, Amy was not entirely happy with the pastoral farm existence Hiram had in mind for her. It was that dislike that fueled his determination to make sure that whatever relationship Jonathan and I might have had was ended before it started, and the dislike passed to Jonathan. Which, in turn, almost ended the relationship between Clark and my son."

"Tangled webs, indeed, now isn't it?" Granny said, as she looked at the boys. She knew of what had happened, from Lex telling her, and she just… shook her head, gently. "What a shame, indeed, what a crying shame it is. For one bad seed, decades of dislike and hate." Her eyes turned to her quiet grandson. "You should take a lesson from that. One resentment never patters out with one person, my darling."

Dominic didn't say anything, just met her eyes and nodded, and continued to eat.

Lex reached out and squeezed Clark's hand. "The more I hear? The more I think Clark and I are turning out to be Romeo and Juliet here." He gave a little dramatic sigh, hoping to break the slightly melancholic mood that had fallen.

Lionel gave a small laugh. "You're right in that, Ms. Finn. Hate never did any of us any good, but I think it brought us where we need to be; looking back from where I am now, I am much, much more happy with Dominic and my son than I would have been with Jonathan, and I think Lex and Clark are happier together, which would have been an impossibility."

"We would have been brothers, otherwise." Clark made a face, and grinned at his lover as well, as he nuzzled his nose softly. "I'm glad we're not." Then his eyes widened, realizing what he'd just done, and he blushed hot as he looked back down at his food.

Gran laughed as well, shaking her head and rolling her eyes, as she watched the men begin to finish up. "Well, now. Why don't we have a bit of tea and cake in the parlor? I've pound cake. With berries..." Temptation to them, a wriggle of her brows.

Lex returned the nuzzle with a laugh, and then caught Clark's blushing face, tilted it up, and landed a loud, smacking kiss to his mouth. "Come on. Why don't you help Crystabel lay out the tea and the pound cake, and I need to excuse myself for a few moments, and I'll be right back." He squeezed his lover's hand tightly. "Keep her occupied?" he asked, just for Clark's ear.

Lionel raised an eyebrow at his son, but didn't say a word.

Clark nodded, smiled, and looked up at Dominic for a moment, gauging he was still in a quiet mood, and turned his attention on Lionel's raised brow. "Gran? You said you've never been to the states?"

"Not once." Gran watched Lex saunter off and rose her own brow, though she smiled as she finished her glass of wine. "Never been out of this great isle, either, but for one time that I went to London for a concert. I'm an Irish woman... born and bred."

"Sounds like me." A shy grin at her. "Its the first time I've been out of the states."

"And how are you liking it?"

"I do like it...except..." He glanced up at his frizzed, short curls, and had her laughing.

"Except I gather that it's playing quite a bit of havoc with his hair, just as it has mine, especially for someone so used to the arid heat of the Kansas plains." Lionel snorted, and finished the wine in his glass. "You should come and visit us, in Smallville. I think you'll like it, despite the fact that it's grown a bit lately. I think it'd remind you some of Cobh here, though I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm sure you'd get along quite well with the Rubenstein family; they are the Finns of Smallville, in that they are bred through most of the town." Another snort, and he held out his elbow as he rose from the table. "Can I help you in the kitchen, madam?"

Lex waited until Clark and Lionel had taken Crystabel's attention, and he quietly darted through the living room and out the door. He took the steps two at a time, until he was down on the ground floor, and gave a little shiver as he'd forgotten his jacket. But he popped the trunk on the huge SUV, and pulled out the finely wrapped present that he and Clark had dropped off there before going upstairs, and started hoofing it back up the stairs.

"Why thank you." Granny gave a delighted smile and rose to her feet, taking his elbow and the empty tray of potatoes. "Indeed. Morgan, Clark? Go sit in the parlor, we'll have everything taken care of in a jiffy." She smiled at them, even as she gave Lionel a wink. "Perhaps. Though how would I survive without the ocean beside me, eh? I canna live without seeing my water."

Dominic nodded and rose to his feet, lifting the tray of roast that was mostly empty, and his and Lionel's plates, which he stacked. He picked it all up and walked through the hall and to the kitchen, right in front of Lionel and Dominic.

And let his eyes widen.

Father Finn looked up from the piece of pound cake he was eating...looked over Morgan's shoulder as he heard his wife's voice, and waved a hand, making a shhh motion before skedaddling into the tiny hallway beside the kitchen that led to the terrace and the broom closet.

"Sadly, I can't help you there; both Metropolis and Smallville are landlocked, except for still lakes, and the occasional river, like the one my son plowed into his first day in Smallville." Deep sigh as he caught a blur of motion over Dominic's shoulder, but he didn't say a word as he led her into the kitchen.

And noticed the missing slice of cake. "Hmm. Dominic. Starting dessert without us, I see?" Then a grin to Crystabel. "I do hope it's more of that delicious Guinness pound cake that you sent home with Dominic and I the day we arrived."

Lex scurried back up the stairs, package in hand, and squeezed quietly through the door. He took a quick look around the parlor, and put the present in the rocking chair, that he figured had to be Crystabel's, and then tugged Clark to sit innocently beside him on the small two-man love seat.

Gran snapped a pop to Morgan's hand as his mouth fell open, though it was just for show, because only one person ever took a sliver so small as to hardly be noticed. She walked around him, letting Lionel go... and rolled her eyes to heaven at her husbands butt half hanging out of the broom closet. "Oh, come on, Joe. Honestly." A harrumph, hands on her hips.

Cough. Cleared throat. Swallowed what had been left, and now he sauntered back into the kitchen. "Killed that spider, I did." All manly like, as he offered his hand to Lionel, and winked at his grandson. "Hallo, there, Lionel, and how are--OW!" He looked back at the fly swatter he'd just been smacked on the arse with. "And what was that for??"

"To smack my cake out of your bum, where its all goin'!" Granny shrilled, and set her fists on her hips again, the swatter hanging precariously off to one side of her fist.

"Right. Oh! Look, is that my great grandson?" He skedaddled, which, for a man his age was no small feat, and shuffled into the living room. "Aye! Hallo! And you've to be Lex. Hallo!" He leaned down and gave him a huge hug. "And this'm young man?"

"Clark. Clark Kent." Clark said shyly, offering his hand, which was shook heavily.

"Yes, sir, I'm Lex, and you're Father Finn." Lex returned the hug, and then tugged at the collar still around the Father's throat. "The collar was a dead giveaway." He couldn't help the idiotic grin that came when Joe pumped Clark's hand firmly, and he squeezed Clark's waist tightly. "He's my fiancé," Lex clarified, at the tail end of Clark's introduction of himself.

Lionel paused in the doorway, beside his lover. "Do you know, if she switched that fly swatter for a wooden spoon and had slightly more of a German accent and less of an Irish, I could believe this was Ms. Bird?"

"That delightful Hilde?" Father Finn asked, even as he beamed at Clark, shook his hand a little more, and then plunked down on his favorite couch. "She's a dish."


"You're much more integrally beautiful, my darling!" Father Finn called, then snickered wickedly to them. "Making her mad is quite the pastime."

"Sounds like someone I might now." Guilty little smile as Dominic stepped in, taking his lovers hand in his own as they sat down on the opposite couch. "How was mass?"

"Fabulous. Got myself a great set of sinners. You think people would learn." A mock sigh and a shake of his head, even as he started to tug off his church robe, to reveal miles of flannel and denim underneath it.

If he caught the glare Clark tossed at Lex, he didn't say anything, just smiling cheerfully at them. "I canna believe its already Easter!"

Lex caught the glare, and cringed under it. "You're not a priest, thank God," Lex muttered, "Nor do you live in Ireland." But he blinked. "Besides, I promised you I'd give it back when we got home."

Lionel glared at his lover around the corner. "I heard that!" he bellowed, and then sighed, pulling himself back behind the counter. "Ms. Finn, I don't know how you don't murder them all in their sleep."

"Patience. And entertaining myself with thoughts of killing them." She muttered, though their was a twinkle in her eye. She'd already cleared the table, cleaned it, and was loading the dishwasher when Lionel entered again. "Get the brandy down from the cabinet there, ducks? And those tall glasses, indeed. Does Clark like it?"

Lionel had to pause, and think. "Yes, I believe he does. I know he's shared it with Lex before, at any rate. I don't know if he shares Lex's fondness for it, however." He went obediently to the cabinet dictated, and brought down the brandy bottle, and did a quick head count. Himself, Dominic, Clark, Lex, Gran, and Father Finn. He pulled down six glasses, two at a time, and placed them on a wooden tray nearby for easy carrying.

"Oh, wait. Isn't he a bit young? I can never remember silly American rules." She rolled her eyes. "I raised my babes drinking red wine, indeed, and they've turned out healthier for it indeed." She sliced up the cake easily, the thick icing on top of it making it even more delicious, and she loaded the plates full, quickly and efficiently.

"Yes, he is, but... we've never been quite as vigilant in my family as we should have been. Lex was drinking it like water by the time he was fifteen, and Clark since he was seventeen." Which wasn't a lie. He had been drinking it since he was seventeen. It wasn't Lionel's fault a year got ditched somewhere around there.

Gran clucked her tongue, and shook her head at Lionel. "Its you Americans. Drinking is such a big thing… you know, in Europe kids drink all of their lives, and its a true rarity for someone to get sick and die from it. 'Tis not just a thing we do. If alcohol wasn't so forbidden, you wouldn't have such a problem."

Lionel had to agree with that. "Lex was never forbidden it--his name, money, and determination saw to that--and despite the fact that he's overindulged just to see if he could, he's never quite done anything that drastic about it. Come to think of it, I don't think he ever did; it was the combination of other things he did in addition to the alcohol that nearly killed him."

She shook her head, though her eyebrow rose. "He's told me of his somewhat insane youth, indeed. He had a crazy one, didn't he?" She didn't blame Lionel, not a lick, and she said so, "Twasn't your own fault, you know. They've a mind of their own, and though its our job to guide them, in the end we can't control their actions. He seems like a well adjusted man all the same, with a fiancé of his own." Now, her smile widened. "Clark is absolutely charming."

"Can't control him? Madam, I could barely get him to acknowledge my existence," Lionel snorted. And then he smiled. "Clark is charming. He... has been the best thing to ever happen to my son, I believe. I think that if he hadn't saved Lex's life, when he went off the bridge, then my son would not be with me today."

Her lips quirked again, though it was a quiet, private smile. Indeed, Hilde had told her some things about her family, and Granny's eyes were mysteriously sweet when she looked at Lionel's face. "I don't think so, either. He's a sweet, special individual, indeed. I think the Luthor lot is quite the... how should I say this... hard headed family?" her lips quirked, in amusement and love. "And I think Morgan and Clark were just right for the both of you."

Lionel's eyebrows elevated at the twinkling eyes and quirked lips. "Crystabel Finn, I believe you're up to something." But he kissed her forehead gently. "We are, as your grandson has called us, a couple of stubborn jackasses." A little sigh, as he picked up the brandy bottle and started to carefully fill each glass. "Yet Dominic's the one to talk, he's as bloody stubborn as they come. Clark, though... is different. He's not just stubborn, but... he takes an immense pride in who he is." He put the bottle down as he looked out the crack between the door and the wall, and just caught a bare glimpse of his son and Clark together. "He takes pride in who he is, who his family is, and he expects you to have that same kind of pride in yourself. I think... I think that is where he's done the best for my son, teaching Lex to be proud of the man he is."

Gran had noticed it, of course, right off, but she beamed herself, smiled in joy, as he spoke. "Indeed, and aren't you the right one?" She leaned over a bit to peek, too, and as she was two heads smaller than Lionel, it was quite easy. "They're a good couple. Lex needs someone strong like that, in his life. Clark's a gift, and Lex is one, as well. You're a lucky man, Lionel." Her lips twitched, then, as she looked up, though there was something sad in her eyes. "Morgan was like that, once. Very proud of who he was. I see that same spirit coming back to him now, in a way I haven't in fifteen years."

"I cringe to think what would have happened had they not found each other, because the thought of... well, I won't say inflicting themselves because that's not the connotation I'm going for, but the thought of them inflicting themselves on other people is... quite horrifying." He sighed softly, and picked up his bottle again. "Dominic... is, in a way, still proud of who he is. But it's more pride in the person his accomplishments make him, rather than pride in the person he truly is. But I think that's slowly changing."

"Because of you." Gran said, as she looked up at his face. "Because of who you are. You set an example, Lionel, because you are proud of who you are." She took his arm gently, and motioned at the crack in the door. "He falters, sometimes. He holds guilt to him, because he doesn't know its alright to let it go. But when you're with him, you make that guilt go away, inch by inch. He isna the same man of the last ten years, Lionel, and that's your doing. Something, I believe, that none of us could ever repay you enough for. He is the light of our family. Always has been. And for a long time, that light was snuffed out. But now I see it again, and you are the reason for it."

Lionel just stood there quietly, looking at his lover through the crack in the door, and wasn't aware that he was smiling softly. "He's my light too," he said quietly, so he wouldn't disturb the conversation in the parlor. "He keeps me from getting lost in the darkness, as cliché as that sounds."

"Its not a cliché indeed, for you're in Ireland. Its where they're made." She peeked after him, noticed Lionel's smile, and couldn't help smiling herself. "And you are his. He's told me… I knew all about you before I ever saw your face, little teacup. He loves you endlessly. You've a good mate in him, though I don't say it just as his granny. If you nurture what you have, you'll have it for the rest of your lives."

Little cough. "And I don't say it because I want many great grandbabies, you know." Shifty little eyes.

"Yes, I do have a good man in him." Lionel's smile widened, just a bit. "Don't worry, Ms. Finn. I intend to take care of Dominic for as long as he will let me, and then some." Then he had to laugh as he turned away from the door. "No, of course not. We've given you one already, sitting out there on your couch, and we'll be giving you a second in a few months. You have to come and see her, when she's born. And we will bring her over as soon as she's old enough to travel well."

Her lips twitched as she looked up. "I canna wait. We're all so excited...honestly, Morgan, having babies. It was just yesterday he was a baby himself." But she smiled then, and tipped her head. "So much love hasn't been in this house for many years. But now, its filled to brimming, even with my damnable husband out there making dirty jokes, no doubt."

"No doubt." But Lionel snickered still, and went back to filling the brandy glasses. "They're going to think we've either run off together, or fallen down the trash chute."

"And?" She put the last slice of cake on the last little platter, and set a spoon beside it. "Bullocks to them all. We can run off to Cancun or some such place, and lie out on some sandy beach, drinking Margarita's the whole night through." If Granny cackled, she didn't say a word, just smiling innocently as she set the plates on the tray as well.

"I'll have you know that I haven't lain out on the beach in decades, and I don't intend to start now." He gave her a little glare over the rims of his glasses, and picked up the tray, laden with brandy glasses and cake slices. "Here, let me carry that, if you'll just get the door for me, please."

Now she was amused, and she gave a laugh as she pushed the door open with her hip. "And if you think you're not ever going to again, then you must not know my grandso--JOSEPH!"

"--and she said it was too tight! He just said, move over!"

Clark was just about dying with laughter. He was cracking up, and blushing because a preacher wasn't supposed to be saying those things, but oh, he laughed his ass off, half into his lovers shoulder.

And so was Dominic. "Now if that isn't the filthiest thing I've ever heard!"

Lex was busy snickering when Crystabel and his father came into the room, and he buried his snicker's in Clark's hair for a long moment, until he could look up soberly at his father. "Do you need help with that, Dad?"

Lionel just glared, as he sat the tray down, and his eyes darted to the silver-wrapped package sitting in Crystabel's rocker. "No, thank you, Lex, I believe I am perfectly capable of carrying a tray from room to room without dropping it." He distributed the glasses first, each one full of rich brandy, and then left the tray on the low coffee table in the middle of the seating area, so that everyone could reach their cake slices when they needed.

Lex buried his lips in Clark's hair again and kissed the top of his head, and then snuggled them in close together. "Crystabel, sit down, you've been working enough tonight."

Granny waddled in, thunked her husband on the head with her husband swatter, smartly, and then moved to sit down… her eyes widening when the package sitting on her rocker. "Well, I never!" She glared at the four of them, and only Morgan had the good sense not to meet her glare head on. "And why did you go through the trouble of this, hmmm?"

"Because you're the coolest Gran ever?" Clark asked, even as he wrapped his arm around his lovers waist and smiled at her.

Lex snickered at the swatter. "Maybe I need to invest in one of those." He let little teasing images slide into Clark's brain, of a paddle in that shape, then popping it against Clark's bare ass. "See if they work as good in the States as they do here." He put his head on Clark's shoulder, and just grinned. "Because we wanted to, and thought that you'd like it."

Lionel, like Dominic, knew better than to say a word, and he slipped in silently to sit beside his lover. His arm automatically went around Dominic's shoulders, pulling him close and mirroring Clark and Lex's snuggle, only not quite so casually. He kept Dominic close to him, wide hands gentling his shoulders and back.

Holy crap. Clark's libido was overly sensitized, anyway, and he gave a little shiver, though he was glaring at his lover, and he pinched his hip none too gently, even as the pulses of arousal went through him again. NOT the time to be aroused so he stuffed it down, and kept glaring at his lover.

Dominic looked up when his lover sat, making room for him, then smiled a little when those arms went around him. He hugged him too, squeezing his waist gently, and didn't dare look at his grandfather as his granny plunked down.

Muttering a mile a minute she was, but Granny settled herself in her chair and set the package on her lap, glasses on her nose, and sighed at the four of them dramatically.

Lex gave a little yelp as Clark pinched his hip, and just glared at his lover for a minute before grinning, and snuggled back again. Slipped his hand around Clark's back and gently teased around the little tailbump, not touching it, just rubbing the skin around it very, very lightly. Leaned over to kiss Clark's cheek in the process, then withdrew his hand to lace his fingers with his lover's.

Lionel tightened his grip on Clark as they sat there together on the couch, one hand moving up to stroke calmingly through his lover's hair, settling Dominic's jumpy nerves as best he could while murmuring very, very softly to him.

And then Gran gasped, and all of their attention was on her.

In her lap sat the most beautiful quilt she'd ever seen. Thick and cozy, with every color of the green spectrum, hundreds of different fabrics and she just… oh, she sighed in happiness, and looked up at them. "Oh, dear. This...I canna' accept this. Oh, my dear. Oh." Was she in love? Of course. Did she love quilting? Since 1953. Oh, dear. "Oh, dear."

"Of course you can," Lex said with a grin, and his voice was no-nonsense. "It was made by the Smallville Quilting Bee, and they sold it and others like it, done in other colors, at the Strawberry Festival several months ago." Little dart of his eyes towards his lover, and he sighed. "I have one for Clark at home that's blue, and one for Dominic that's purple. They just don't know it yet." Another little grin. "I thought for sure that you'd like it when I saw it, Clark helped me pick it out, and we brought it for you."

Lionel gave a small snort. "I'm surprised Dominic hasn't taken up quilting himself, as he's gotten in with nearly every woman in the Bee."

Dominic blinked… looked at Lex, smiled... then turned a glare on Lionel and ever so casually stomped his foot. "I'll have you know its good public relations. They know everybody!"

Clark gave a very soft smile of pleasure as he looked at his lover, and squeezed his knee gently.

"Oh, my word." Father Finn pushed his glasses onto his nose and took the end of the quilt, running his fingers over it. "Isn't it a marvel? its lovely, just lovely. Thank you." He nodded his thank you at the four of them, because he knew this one was going to replace the one on their own bed, by the dreamy look in his wife's eye.

Granny just sighed, in happiness, switched her husbands fingers off of it, and cuddled it on her lap. "Indeed I am, and not a soul will know about it. Its just lovely, thank you ever so much." A big beam and she leaned over to give Lex a big kiss on the cheek, then Clark, Lionel, and her grandson.

Lionel yelped as his foot was stomped, and he glared at his lover. "They do know everyone, I won't deny that, but little cricket, you almost spent more time with the quilting bee than you did with me when we first moved to Smallville." A large smile to show he was teasing. "Not to mention dragging me out for breakfast, and planting the roses without even telling me."

Dominic's lips twitched himself, even as he rose an aloof head. "Suuuure." But his dimples winked on even as he ignored his lover, and squeezed his waist gently. Alright... couldn't ignore him long, as he turned his eyes back and smiled, as Gran and his step son chattered, with his grandfather throwing his comments in, and kissed Lionel, very, very softly, on the lips.

Clark smiled at the hubbub going around him, even as Dominic and Lionel kissed, and picked up a piece of the delicious looking cake. He grabbed two spoons and leaned back against the comfy couch cushions with Lex, filling Lex's chattering mouth with a spoon full of spongy, delicious cake, and kissed him after he did it, smiling all the while.

And as he sat there, as Lionel laughed and started to talk, as Dominic joined in, and Granny and Father Finn bickered all the while, he realized something he hadn't understood when he'd walked in.

These people had never met him, and yet...he'd been accepted, easily, as family.

And it was with that thought, and a grin on his face, that he kissed Lex again, softer, and beamed.




go on to the next part