
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 227: American Male


The first sound made by Clark's favorite song. He loved this song, and he made his fingers into a guitar, strumming it with every beat of the hard guitar on the radio. Even the Irish liked themselves a little Lenny Kravitz, and Clark sang it as he got dressed, wearing nothing but his socks as Lex finished in the shower. "American WOMAN! Stay away from meeeee. American wooommnaan, mama, let me be. Don't come hanging round my door, I don't wanna see your face no more. I've got more important things to do then spend my time going on with you. Now, woman, stay away. American woomaan, listen to what I say. Duh! Duuuhduhduh!" More sturmmings and Clark tugged his boxers on, even as he... rocked out.

In the shower, Lex couldn't help but roll his eyes as Clark sang. His aushna was like a radio sometimes, channeling the oddest music in combination with the recent top 40. Not that he minded, as it kept him abreast of the music situation in the rest of the world, but sometimes? Lex had to wonder about Clark's tastes.

Regardless, He got out of the shower and dried off quickly, towel sweeping over his bare head and body with careful rubbing strokes, and he knotted it around his waist as he pushed the bathroom door open.

And was met by Clark all but skidding across the floor in his socks. "Shall we change the music to Old Time Rock and Roll?" he asked dryly as he came into the bedroom.

Clark stopped singing on a dime, grinned, and started singing an entirely different song, the actual song playing juke box style in his head, as well as Lex's. Alicia Keys. because Clark was hip that way. Sort of. "Ahhhhyyee...ohhh...I have your picture beside my beeeed. And I still remember everything you sa-a-aaaiddd...ohhhhh...I always thought our love was so right... I guess I was wr-o-o-oonnggg.."

Lex's eyebrow crooked and he came the rest of the way into the tiny bathroom, shivering lightly in the cool air as he crawled onto the bed, intending to cover up and get warm again before he got dressed.

And nearly knocked the laptop off the foot. "Claaaaaark," he drawled softly. "Why did I almost kick the laptop into the floor?"

Clark grinned, then, broadly, tugged his boxers on the rest of the way, snapped around his hips, and plunked back on the sheets. He picked up the computer and set it where it went, on his lap, as he snuggled in with his lover. "I was waiting for the net to connect."

Lex nodded. "All right, that's logical." He bit his lip. "Why are you connecting to the internet two hours before we're due at Crystabel's for Easter dinner?"

"Cause we're due at Gran's house in two hours." Clark said innocently, as he clicked up his password at the final step of logon, and signed in to his hotmail account. "Heey. There I am. I'm glad it worked, I was wondering if it would." He typed in his screen name, having to retype "Special" twice because he kept misspelling it--tiny laptops weren't made for clumsy, thick fingers, but he finally logged in and beamed. "Cool. Email."

"Dare I ask who it's from?" Lex snorted it as he curled up around the nice, big, warm Clarkbear that currently inhabited the bed with him.

Clark caught the thought in his head, even if his juke box was still running, and snorted at his lover as he clicked down through the junk mail. "Heey. Shay wrote, twice. Pete wrote. Chloe did, too. What, are they all bored or something?" A snort, and he clicked up the first one, from a pink_skittle, and waited for it to load.

TO: (Clark Kent)

FROM: (Shayla M. Senatori)

DATE: 04-20-2003

SUBJ: Peter Cottontail Goes To Hell

Clark Kent, you are going to kick yourself in the flannel-covered ass for missing *this* Easter. First of all, I was going to be having dinner with the Rosses. Then, since Lindy came out about having been dating Dogwood for a while now, she was going to be having dinner with me, and the Rosses. So, Gloria--that's Pete's mom, btw--said that since half of us were going to be at her house anyway, we should all eat together cause we're gonna be inlaws anyway.

You should have SEEN Mama's face when Gloria said that. Talk about a nuclear meltdown. Anyway, even though Graham had to step on her foot, Mama said yes, so everybody--and I do mean, everygoddamnedbody--is here at Graham's. Me, Pete, Sam, Andy, Jack, CJ, his girlfriend, Dogwood, Lindy, Gloria and Dogwood Sr., Megan, Phillippe, Marie, Riley, Aeryn and Aaron, Ruddy, Ariel and the rest of the kids, Graham, Toni, Shaney, and Ellie. Needless to say, Graham's a basket case, Shaney's screaming for Lionel, Ellie's chasing Shaney around with my makeup case, and the rest of the kids are playing in the yard. Thank Christ the Ross kids are civilized, cause we sure as hell ain't.

Oops, gotta run; Mama's having a breakdown and I gotta referee! Miss you, CK! Hurry home! And kick AJ's ass if he doesn't start treating you better!!!!


Clark choked on his laughter...then just let it out, cracking the hell up. "Oh. My. Dearest. God." He hit reply, thought a moment… and grinned.

TO: (Shay)


DATE: 04-20-2003

SUBJ: Re: Peter Cottontail Goes To Hell



Wow! Sounds like you're having one hell of an Easter. Have I mentioned lately that I'm really, truly, completely glad that Lex and I ran away to Europe for the holiday? Have I rubbed it in your face?

Let me remind you. *Europe*. Not Hell.

:-) We're bringing you home a cool dress, by the way. I was sure you'd like it, and to make sure, I asked Dominic. He most definitely agreed. They'll match the shoes Megan gave you.

Anyway, I don't blame you for hiding out. Graham's house is big. Find yourself a good coat closet with Pete, and don't ever, ever tell me what you both plan to do in it. As for your mom, tell her to stop being such a fuddy--she's going to be *related* to those people in a few months time, three times over. Hee. Now that's funny.

AJ and I are better. He's sitting here beside me... we got our differences worked out. ..Mostly. Preferably. Sort of-ly. We're kind of in a valley right now, while your brother and his husband are hitting a crest. You should have heard them bickering.

I signed onto AIM. Hit me an IM if you sign on, okay?

Love you.


PinkRangerShay: Oh my GOD, thank God you're there. Clark? I'm about to go out of my pink little mind.

SexyOnAisleOne: Don't you even give me any audio. If I have to hear the screaming, I might go into cardiac arrest.

PinkRangerShay: Audio my ass. You mean you ain't hearing it all the way over there? Next time? I'm hidin' my little ass in your suitcase, bucky.

SexyOnAisleOne: If I listen, *really* hard, I can hear Graham grinding his teeth.

PinkRangerShay: LOL! I bet you can; I'm getting the live show of it, and hoo. I can hear it on the other side of the house, and it's still early morning. What in the *hell* possessed Mama to have everyone over here at the ass-crack of dawn is beyond me. Something about sunrise services, but I was safely asleep, tyvm!

SexyOnAisleOne: If it helps, I've been up since 5. Your brothers going to help Gran get dinner started, at five this morning he was told, and Lionel decided it'd be great fun to run the water in the kitchen. Dominic screamed so loud that I think *you* could have heard him.

PinkRangerShay: You're kidding. She had Morgan up that early? Fuckin' hell, he can barely get it moving on a *good* day. Then again my Gran? Can put the fear of hell into anyone.

SexyOnAisleOne: Yeah, right. Lionel's not scared of her.

Clark looked up, then, and glanced at Lex, who he grinned, softly, at.

SexyOnAisleOne: Lex is laying here beside me. He says hi.

PinkRangerShay: Then Lionel's got shit where his brains should be.

HI AJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lex just sighed deeply, and reached both hands around Clark's waist.

SexyOnAisleOne: Hello, Shayla. There's no need to shout, I'm right here.

Clark's grin broadened. "How can she yell? Its the internet."

SexyOnAisleOne: Lex is a bonehead.

"Yelling is all caps, Clark, and it's rude."

PinkRangerShay: Kiss my ass, AJ. Right here on the left side. I'm not yelling, I'm just glad to finally see your head after it's been up your ass for so long.

SexyOnAisleOne: I have not had my head in my ass.

PinkRangerShay: Says you.

SexyOnAisleOne: Enough already. Babies. Anyway, *my* head has been in his ass, Shay, and don't you forget it. ....Alright. That was dirty. Sorry about that. Speaking of dirty jokes, where's Pete?

PinkRangerShay: You couldn't fit your head in his ass. Foot, maybe, but not your head. And, he's, at the moment, chasing down Jackie from wandering upstairs, but he'll be right back in a second.

SexyOnAisleOne: Shay, baby, you're the sweetest, most naive girl I've ever met, and I love you dearly for it. And hey, that's cool--tell him I said happy Easter, and I got him the soccer he wanted. He'll know what I'm talking about.

Clark was choking on his giggles. "She'"

PinkRangerShay: Notice I didn't mention your hand, Clark, just your head. Your hand? Could probably fit, if you greased it up well. Chloe's got this one set of pictures she gave me, and a clip that she got off the internet? Guy's got his arm all the way up to the elbow. So don't you go there, Clark J. Kent.

"Oh. God." He couldn't talk, he just pushed the laptop over to Lex, and moaned, heavily, his head falling back. A hundred images, like a scrap book, flipped through his head, showing him just what he'd done, the pressure on his fist when it had...oh, GOD.

Lex took the laptop and caught it neatly before his lover dropped it. He leaned over and nibbled Clark's throat, and then grinned at the screen.

SexyOnAisleOne: Go away, little girl. Clark and I are going to have fun now. We'll send you pictures later. No, I'm not serious. Go. We'll see you at home tomorrow.

He put Clark's away message up then, and put the laptop carefully on the floor as he crawled up and straddled Clark's lap as he sat up, head back and throat exposed for nibbles.

He was trembling, hard, though he didn't say anything as he looked up at his lover as he straddled him, rubbing against the hard, surged erection that had just filled and thickened and he moaned, softly, trembling in fear, anticipation, deliciousness. "I-it freaked me out, a little. I was scared...too much, too fast. Thought I'd hurt you… but it w-was so fucking sexy. To... to get filled, so hard, so deep."

Lex raised his hands to run his fingers through Clark's hair. "You shouldn't be freaked out; you weren't hurting me, it felt so good." He undulated just a little on Clark's lap, thrusting forward just a bit as his fingers tightened and he started to suck on Clark's exposed throat.

Clark moaned, very softly, very quietly. His fingers ran up long thighs, soft legs, and a hard, slender little waist, but even as Lex started to suck, Clark gentled his touches... brought their fingers together in one hand, and gently, lovingly, reverently, kissed his aushna'. A gentle, pressed touch, then another, and he cupped his face, gently. What a peace he knew, even if it was aroused peace, and he smiled, gently, as his thumb ran over Lex's lower lip. "I freaked out. I know it had to feel good… I could feel it from you."

Lex accepted the kiss easily, linking their fingers and smiling back at his lover as he wiggled just a little on Clark's lap, getting himself comfortable before leaning his head forward on Clark's shoulder. "It did feel good," Lex admitted softly, giving a little purr and squeezing Clark's fingers. "You can do it again, sometime, if you'd like."

"Okay." Another quiet smile, a pressed kiss to his lovers temple, and he closed his eyes for a moment, rubbing the long back, even as his cock throbbed. He wanted gentle, and loving, right now, because he missed it. "Not in a while, though. I have to not freak out over it anymore, first." He stroked over Lex's head, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb, even as his hands slid over a naked ass, sitting there on his boxers so lewdly. "Do you want to come, Kenep?"

Lex gave a deep, rich chuckle. "Don't freak out." But he knew what his aushna' wanted, and he gave a little purr. "I do, but do you?" He tightened his grip on Clark's fingers before letting them go to stroke over his body. "Because I want to come with you. Make love with you."

He nodded, softly... big eyes, innocent even if he didn't know it, looked into Lex's. "Uh huh. I want to make love with you... you have such a beautiful body. I can't believe sometimes... that its mine. Mine to do with what I want... anything I want. Its weird and wonderful and yeah, maybe my bloods out of my head." He gave a little grin at his lover, all dimples and fired eyes, as his cock throbbed between them.

Lex's fingertips rose to stroke over Clark's eyebrows, and over his eyelids for a brief second. "I want, too, Clark. You... are so perfect, so good, so... right, that sometimes I'm surprised that you are mine." He wrapped one leg around Clark's him and squeezed gently.

"Not perfect. Not good. Right... I aaaamm right." He sang songed, in a low, deep Barry White tenor, and wriggled his hips in a little dance even as his dimples deepened, and the fire in his eyes danced with amused green.

"You are right." Lex grinned at his aushna' at the glitter dancing in his eyes, and he wiggled his ass against Clark's cock, squeezing gently with his cheeks as he did.

The laugh ended on a moan, and Clark let a smile of pleasure flicker his face as he leaned back against the fluffy pillows, Lex seated still on his crotch, and spread his thighs a little and rose his knees up, to support him. "You look so good. Look at you… all that fencing. I never just tell you." Clark murmured. He was enjoying his view, completely, from the heavy, powerful thighs spread around his hips to the long belly, well muscled, sleek chest, broad shoulders, and his bare, naked, deliciously sexy skull. "You look so good I could fuck you blind, Lex."

"Yes you do. You tell me." Lex slid his hands down to his towel and tossed it to the side, then settling his bare ass and crotch over Clark's. "You tell me how nice I look, and how much you want to rip clothes off of me and fuck me. I take that as a compliment." A throaty laugh. "Then fuck me blind, Clark. You can lead me around the rest of the day."

Clark grinned, broadly, though it was coupled with hot arousal, as his fingers found his lovers cock and wrapped tightly around it. "I'll tell you how beautiful you are... how treasured you are... how I want to take you in my arms and kiss you until you cry out with want, lick you until you scream, and touch you until your body goes pliant under mine." Softly, whispering. "Then make such unspeakable love to you that tears will come to your eyes, because you'll know how you are loved."

Lex's other leg wrapped around Clark's waist and he leaned back, pulling Clark with him so that his lover towered over him. "I'm yours," Lex said soft. "To do what you want to with. Just like you are mine, to do what I want. I choose you, Clark Kal-El. I choose to love you and worship you, forever."

"I choose you, Lex Oakenepel. To love, and to worship, forever." Murmured back on a soft sigh, as his lips twitched softly. "I want to have you, Lex. Is that okay? Can I have you?"

Another throaty laugh. "You can have me, Clark. I want you to have me, in fact. As many times as you want me. And then tonight? It will be my turn, to have you."

He trembled. Couldn't help it... the mention of it made him ache all the way down the middle. "Have me?"

Lex nodded. "Yes." his fingers trailed gently down Clark's chest. "Be buried deep inside of you, over and over again, kissing and caressing you, possessing you, your body, your heart."

Which aroused, even more, and Clark's body gave heavy thumps, even as his fingers stroked his lovers cock, over and over, his tongue whipping out to lick his lips. "Hard, inside?"

Another nod in answer. "Yes. Hard, deep, pounding strokes inside of you. To the hilt, every time, hot and tight body pulling me deeper and deeper every time I push forward into you, fingers and hands clasped together and rocking... as one." His tongue darted out to lick Clark's lower lip as his back arched and pushed his cock into Clark's stroking hands.

He was trembling. Couldn't help it. When Lex spoke words like that, it made him shake and mutter, ache and go hot and weak with pleasure. "Love it when you're inside me." he whispered, softly, as he rubbed his aching length against his lovers thigh, and rubbed the tip of Lex's with his thumb, insistently, over and over.

"Then tell me what you want," Lex whispered back. "Have me now, or give yourself to me?"

"Both. Both." He whispered it, softly, and grasped his lovers hips, tumbling him back into the thick blankets and sheets in one movement he turned, shifting, leaning down and sucking his lovers cock into his mouth, even as he swung his leg over Lex's shoulder and positioned his cock over Lex's lips, waiting even as he sucked his lover down his throat.

Lex's hands moved to his lover's hips as soon as Clark was in position, and he slid his mouth over his lover's waiting shaft. Hard, familiar organ and he buried it deep in his throat, swallowing carefully around the length to squeeze it tight with his muscles as curious fingers rolled and tugged gently at full, hanging balls that were begging for attention.

Clark moaned, softly, deeply, around Lex's velvety length. Hot and long, nudging the back of his throat, and he let go of one of his fistfuls and pushed his lover deeper, past his gag reflex so he could swallow around him. it was the strangest feeling, deep throating someone, because he knew his lovers organ was deep down inside, he could feel it when he breathed and swallowed, the hefty weight of him, and the long, hard suck back up left him tingling as his fingers slid over his lovers balls and thighs, stroking insistently.

Lex spread his thighs open a little wider for the inquisitive fingers, and he sucked hard along Clark's cock. His eyes were closed as his hands guided the motions, pulling Clark back and forth to thrust in his throat, keeping himself relaxed so that each of Clark's deep pushes would bury him to the hilt. He could feel Clark's warm sac sliding over his chin, and one hand left Clark's hips to stroke over them, wetting them just a little with the slick saliva that coated his lover's cock as it pumped in and out, and he rolled them carefully on his fingertips.

Lex… was so much better at blow jobs than Clark. He moaned, deeply, as he pressed Lex back in, and couldn't help the quiet scrape of teeth as his eyes clenched. Lex had a little habit of swallowing sometimes when Clark was deep inside of him, swallowing three times in quick succession, and it made Clark's eyes roll in pleasure. He stroked his lover, a little harder, a little deeper, inside, and sucked all the way back up, the wet slick cock sliding easily out of his mouth... before back in, deeper. He leaned on one elbow down between Lex's legs, head bent and tucked in tight to a hard crotch, and it gave him free movement of one hand, which he used to stroke over a tense little hole.

Harsh cry of intense pleasure as teeth scraped over his cock and he sucked hard on Clark, tightening his grip for a moment on his lover's balls before releasing them and dragging his nails over Clark's ass instead. Should have left red furrows but didn't even dent the skin as Lex scratched, but he arched his back and pushed harder into Clark's mouth as he started to speed up his own sucking. His hands came back up, one to stroke over Clark's ass and hip, the other to jerk his lover off as for, at least the moment, Lex filled his mouth with Clark's balls instead, mouthing each hard little orb through the soft sac before squeezing them both in.

Clark wailed, loudly, around his lovers long cock when he was suddenly met with the incredibly beautiful, odd, lovely sensation of his cock getting jerked and his balls engulfed in wet heat. It only made them rise tighter, aching with want as they were, and Clark pushed his lovers cock back down his throat even as he whimpered. He wanted, badly, and his hips gave a jerk even as he wet his thumb with the saliva on his lovers cock and pressed it into the rosebud of his lovers opening, waiting for it to spread and admit him inside.

Lex slowly let Clark's testicles slide out of his mouth as he moved back to his cock, and slid the head of it back in. As he did, he felt Clark's thumb pressing against his opening and he sighed in happiness, relaxing his body and sucking Clark's thumb into the entrance of his body as he deepthroated his lover's cock. His fingers, instead of doing the same, slipped around Clark's hip and stroked over his lower back, avoiding the bump for the moment but pressing around it as he sucked.

Clark's eyes rolled, and for once, for the first time, he quietly fused and funneled his power into what his father had told him, in one of their private conversations, was a store cell, where his powers could be put in case he ever needed to pass as a normal human being. he did it now, quietly, as he'd been practicing, and the red welts from his lovers fingernails lit his cinnamon skin, each rub around the nub on his back enflaming the area, which grew hot with arousal. His cock felt all the more sensitive and he moaned around Lex's, sucking hard on his own treat, even as his thumb thrust in and out, shallowly, in his lovers body.

Lex felt the welts rising on his lover's skin and he dragged across them again, making a little criss-cross of red stripes that lightly marred Clark's skin, over and around the little bump. Slapped Clark firmly on the ass once before kneading the creamy, firm skin and pushing him deeper into his throat, whimpering around the length as his hips hunched forward, riding Clark's thumb gently.

Clark moaned, deeply, softly, rubbing down against his lovers working mouth as his own closed. His face was flushed hot, arousal spiking all over his body, and their was no more playing, now. He needed, and he needed now. He sucked, harder, faster, working his fingers now into the tight sheath as he did, moaning around Lex's velvety cock as it moved across his tongue, twitching with his movements.

Lex felt the intensity shift in his lover's mind, his thoughts, his demeanor, and shifted his to accommodate it. He sucked Clark to the hilt, left him buried deep in his throat for a moment, sucking as hard as he could, then slowly let Clark slip out before leaning forward and licking over Clark's opening, thrusting the tip of his tongue into Clark's ass and wetting it thoroughly with his tongue before teasing again with two fingers as his mouth went back to Clark's cock.

Clark wailed, loudly, heavily, when his lover... did... that, and he couldn't take this, nooononono, couldn't, nope. He turned, puling his cock from Lex's mouth with a pop, and turned, not even stopping to ask. His feet went under thick pillows, he faced his lover, tugged Lex's knees up to hook over his shoulders, and grasped for the lube on the night stand beside them. He grasped it and opened it, squirting some out onto his fingers, before jerking and pressing them into his lovers passage.

Lex slid his hands down and looped them under his knees, just as he had before, and held them to his chest. Knew Clark could get deeper into him this way and loved it, made sure his body was relaxed as Clark's fingers penetrated him, and he gave a groan and a squeeze, tightening around Clark's fingers as they pushed inside him.

"Like this?" He whispered, softly, as his mouth ran over his lovers knee and calf, sucking and licking at the hairless skin even as his fingers twisted. "Want?"

"Love this," Lex whimpered, moaning softly at the little licks and sucks to his skin even as he grunted and pushed down on the fingers inside him, working them just a little deeper as he rode their persistent stroking. "I want, so much."

Clark's grin, wicked around the edges, fell on his lover. "Want to ride?"

Lex wiggled for several seconds, then yelped his positive reply as Clark's fingers stroked over his prostate. He let his legs fall, then held his hand out for the lube as he slid down, getting himself situated on Clark's lap. Sat facing him, then, caught his lip between his teeth as he turned around and settled his back against Clark's chest.

Forgot about the lube, didn't even care as he felt the hot, hard head of Clark's cock rubbing against his opening, and he reached back, steadying the hot length as he sunk down on it carefully, his body slowly swallowing him inch by inch.

The lube Clark had slickened into his lover would have to be enough, because even if a thick whine in his throat protested it, his lover sank down onto him. Heavy, pushing down, down, Lex's body swallowing him up and Clark moaned, heavily, as his heavy palm lay on his lovers belly. He could almost feel how deep he was, with each twitch of Lex's hips, and he keened softly as he looked at the ceiling above them. White, simple but elegant, and he stared at it without being able to look away as his hips pushed up, his thighs spreading around his lovers hips, pushing deeper up into him. "So beautiful, so beautiful, aushna'."

Lex moaned with each push inside of him, and he pressed down in answer. One arm went behind him, to flatten on the bed beside Clark's hip as he slid down, and the other covered Clark's hand on his stomach, lacing their fingers together and squeezing gently as he started to ride. Push up with his thighs, his body slowly and reluctantly letting Clark's cock slip out of him, then at the pinnacle, he slammed back down hard, swallowing the entire length in one motion. Another excruciatingly slow lift off, and a hard, fast, slam down, and each one drove Clark's cock deeper into Lex with each motion.

The pleasure was excruciating, but it was amazing, wonderful, because it was Lex. Clarks heart gave heavy, dull thuds of joy as they moved, the love beautiful between them, and his fingers tightened on his lovers hips before he tugged, pulling Lex down to lay his back to Clark's chest. He situated them for a moment, carefully, planting his feet flat on the bed as his fingers slid around a hard erection. "Here. like this. Don't have to work. Just ride." He stroked upwards, against Lex's weight, making his lovers hip bounce just slightly with the thrust as his fingers began to stroke over Lex's hard cock.

Hard little shudders shot through Lex's body as Clark pulled him back, and instead of using his hands to ride or balance, Lex wrapped them around Clark's hips, his cock thrusting out hard and proud as it slid through Clark's fingers. His own fingers rubbed the criss-cross of welts his nails had left moments ago, and as Clark stroked into him, he stroked once over the bump at the base of his lover's spine. Just once, then Lex laid his head on Clark's shoulder, keeping his back flat against Clark's chest, letting him push both their weights as his cock stroked in his lover's hand.

A soft, long, lingering groan. His powers filtered back into his muscles and skin, the little bit he'd put away into that mental place in his head, and he began to move in earnest, his muscles moving smoothly under his lover. He loved him because he wanted to, because he craved it, and his mouth found Lex's easily, turning his head so he could feast on lovely, soft, warm lips. "Sa'lumkana, daphstemlin'aq." He whispered, hoarsely, into his lovers ear.

Lex sucked the kisses back just as easily as they were given to him, wet and soft and quiet as he dragged his nails lightly over Clark's back again and again, keeping himself grounded. His thighs were tense and taut where they wrapped around Clark's, and the simple declaration of love had him shivering again, his cock jerking and close to toppling into orgasm. "Reshkuma, sa'lumkana, daphstemlin'aq."

"My joy, my world." He whispered into the shell of an ear. His kisses peppered Lex's skin like flowers, his body moved under Lex's like water, so they were gliding along on a wave of water, flowing up and down as easily as the breeze. He stroked his fingers over Lex's bare body… down his belly, over his thighs, even as his fingers stroked over his prize. He licked his lips... groaned, softly, and held Lex, all the tighter, to him.

Lex shifted his body, just a little, so that his weight shifted and he could more comfortably kiss his lover.

When his body shifted, Clark's cock stroked directly over his prostate, pressing hard against it with every motion. Lex screamed, into his lover's mouth at the hard press of his prostate, and his cock seized in his aushna's grip, trembling as it spat out shot after shot of come.

The orgasm was unexpected but Clarks eyes opened wide, smiling even as sweat broke out over his brow. Lex's cock, spurting and wet, hot in his hand, and he stroked it hard, pressing up against the spot and grinding his hips as he stroked his lovers orgasm out, hard and fast.

Lex cried out again, not a scream this time, but just a little mewling noise of ecstasy as Clark's cock stroked up against him, adding more and more pressure onto his gland as he rode. His fingers went back to his lover's back, stroking lightly over the nub, barely pressing down on it. His muscles clamped tightly around Clark, pulling his lover's cock deeper into his body, and he loved this feeling, of Clark still inside of him and pounding his orgasm out into Lex's body.

Clark smiled, gently, warmly, and pressed kisses to the side of his sweaty lovers face. "Coming fast is supposed to be my trademark." He was still stone hard inside of his lover, and he rubbed his hips in soft circles, as he began to thrust again. "Just... bit... longer, aushna'." Whispered as he stroked up and down, the heavy weight of his lover absolutely wonderful, and he moved, soft but steady, even as Lex's fingers slid over his back and made him whimper.

"Take your time," Lex whispered. "I like this." He pushed back against Clark, still teasing the nub lightly, but not pressing down on it, because he didn't want Clark to come yet. "I couldn't help it," he whispered again with a grin, and undulated his hips against his lover's, snuggling them tightly together.

"Beautiful when you come." His voice had dropped an octave and went guttural, soft, even as his green eyes slit to nearly closed. He moved inside his beautiful lovers body, the tension around him so arousing, and rubbed his fingers over the mess his lover had left on is belly, stroking the white streaks into warm skin. "I love my aushna'. Treasured."

Lex trembled. "I like being treasured." He tightened his grip on Clark's sides, riding Clark's movements with mirroring urgency, pushing his hips down on Clark and squeezing his cock with little motions. "I treasure my aushna'; I will honor you and protect you."

"Honor and protect." He whimpered, the moaned heavily, as he thrust a little harder, thrashing under his lover as his mouth trembled open. He gave hard, panting gasps, straining against the inevitable onslaught, and moaned, heavily, hard, pushing up, up as he spilled deep inside his lover, struggling against the ecstasy he was about to--


The pleasure was beautiful, intense, so much so that he came up off the sheets a few inches before plunking back down, gaining gravity back even as the pleasure richocheted over his belly. "Oh, God!"

Lex's body contracted around Clark's cock as he came, and at the first hard rush of come inside his body, Lex cried.

Soft, gentle little tears that rolled down his cheeks as he accepted his lover into his body, and Clark accepted him in return. Fear based response as this was the first time, since they'd reconciled, that they'd accepted each other like this and only now in the safe confines of his aushna's arms could he admit he had been scared Clark would not take him back. And he didn't hide the fear, or the happiness being proved wrong brought him.

Clark moaned, softly, heavily and it wasn't until something wet touched his chin that he opened his eyes.

Tears had rolled down Lex's eyes, over his head, and had dripped down onto Clarks skin. He moaned again, only not in happiness but fear, as he slid out of his lover, turning him to face him even as they rolled onto their sides. "Aushna'? Aushna'? Wh... is something wrong? Baby, did I hurt you?" his fingers stroked over his lovers face, over his neck and shoulders, before bringing him close.

"No... no, you didn't hurt me." Lex brought his own fingers up to stroke Clark's cheeks, and through the gentle touches let flow the fear he'd had, and let flow also the relief and joy he cried with now as he'd realized the fear was unfounded.

Clark felt it, everything, panting and sweating on the sheets, and he pressed his forehead, tightly, against Lex's. "I love you, Lex, I love you, baby, I love my aushna' so much. I love you, I love you. I would never leave, never leave, stuck with me for good." His fingers stroked Lex's head, his shoulders and back, and hugged him, close, tightly to him.

Lex curled into Clark's stroking hug, pressing himself close against Clark's body and sighing softly. The brief spate of tears were over, and he was smiling wetly against Clark's shoulder. "I love you, my aushna', I would... be nothing, without you." He stroked his hands over Clark's chest, and then up through his hair.

"I love you." Clark whispered, softly, and cupped his cheek in his hand, even as he gave a little smile into the warm shell of an even warmer ear. "Ass. I'm not leaving you. If I was going to leave you, I'd have already done it."

A little sniffled chuckle. "I know. But I was still afraid. But not anymore. You've taken care of that."

"Don't be afraid. You've been afraid too long." Clark said, softly, as his fingers stroked over smooth skin. "I chose you. You're just going to have to get over that fact."

Lex gave a little snort. "Get over it? I'd yell to the rooftops if I could." He sighed. "Clark... there's something that's been lingering for about... two months now, and I need to talk to you about it."

The last time Lex had said he needed to talk about something, Clark had felt a gaping maw of loneliness in his chest and fear for his relationship in his heart. He swallowed, softly, and looked away for a moment, as he shifted on the blankets. "Forgive me for being less than thrilled with those words." A moment. "What is it?"

"It's nothing" that "bad," Lex reassured his lover. "Right around the time of Pete's birthday party, I got a phone call. From the publisher of People magazine. Because of the Diane Sawyer interview, and the fallout from it, they wanted to get on the Luthor family's good side, and offer a more positively-spun platform for coming out."

His head tipped, quietly. "In normal people words?"

Lex gave a soft chuckle. "They want to do an article on you and I, Clark. A pictorial, in fact, that would show us together, and how happy we are."

"Yeah?" His eyebrows were up. "They say that like there is a good side to Lionel." But even as he smiled, he was thinking, quietly, unknowingly stroking his lovers come into his belly. "What would it entail?"

"Us picking a site for the photos--I was thinking one of the beach houses, because I like that idea you had, about having us backed by the ocean--and depending on if we get the cover or not, which we likely will, sitting through makeup and stylists setting our makeup, posing us for the photo shoot, and then sitting down with their article writer, and basically having the article written and the captions for the pictures."

Clark made a face as his lover talked about stylists and hair people but he listened, intently. "So... basically, coming out to the known universe."

"Basically, yeah." He gave a smile at the soothing motions of Clark's hand on his stomach, and laid his head back against Clark's shoulder.

That was a hefty bit of information. He didn't know how to react, and he thought for a few long minutes, his eyebrows curved, mouth set in thought. If they did it… yeah, sigh of relief. But also... like Dominic and Lionel, they'd had to hire extra security for the buildings and the mansion, and had gone through so much mail that it had filled four trucks. Clark didn't know if he was ready for it, but it would happen eventually, and right now, this moment, was the crucial time to do things. "It'd come out next month?"

"They want it out as soon as possible, so yes."

His lips curved, very softly. "I dunno, Luthor. I think I could get used to holding your hand in public, wherever we go."

Lex nudged Clark's shoulder with his own. "You think so, Kent? I could get used to being thought of as that cute Kent boy's honey."

Clark threw his head back and laughed. Just cracked up, even as he tickled his lover. "I'm sure you wouldn't! We cold get matching t-shirts! We could sell our used sheets! We'd make millions!"

Lex laughed too, and pinched back in self-defense of the tickles. "I already have millions!" Lex protested. "And Clark Kent, if I see a single pair of our sheets on eBay, I will kick your ASS!"

"What about... panties? or... the fake boobs?" Clark was having a mad case of the giggles, unable to stop as he kept tickling Lex's side and middle. "Lex Luthor's Thong, twenty nine ninety-nine!"

"My high heels!" Lex shrieked as he gave in and let Clark tickle him, laughing helplessly as his eyes watered. "The cock rings!"

"Lex, we'd make billions." Clark was still cracking up, his eyes dancing even as he kissed his lovers lips, over and over. "Trillions, even." He blew a raspberry on his lovers neck, giggled again and tried to wipe his eyes.

"So this is a yes?" Lex queried.

Clark's smile was warm, soft, and completely, totally, loving. "This is a yes."

"Then when we get back to the States I'll call, and we'll set it for three weekends from now. This coming weekend, God help us, is the dance competition, the weekend after that is the wedding, which again, God help us, and the weekend after that is when I'm going to schedule the shoot."

"I can't wait for the wedding." Clarks grin had his dimples winking. "I've never been to one. To tell you the truth, I thought once that I'd be going to yours as the first one I'd ever go to. Lucky you're marrying me, instead." His eyes danced, as he kissed his lovers nose. "I gotta get a tux."

"Practice sitting," Lex advised, with a straight face. "Because that's what you're going to be doing. A lot of sitting and watching. You'll stand up when the bride comes in, then sit back down, possibly stand up during the prayer, just for politeness' sake, and then, we party at the reception."

"So, basically, my butts going to fall asleep, until I get some whiskey into me?" Clark asked innocently, eyebrows perching even as he gave a big, sweet smile.

"Pretty much," Lex said with a satiated smile, stretching out beside Clark and grinning up at him. "Here's a thought, and you can tell me no." He scooted, until Clark was looming over him and he was tucked neatly under his lover. "When we get back home, I'll open the little locked room, give you all your clothes back. But? You and I talk to Rico and Aden anyway about getting our tuxes done--yours completely done, and mine re-fitted, and no mention of the new clothes. If you want to keep them, that's fine, and if you want to give them back, that's fine too."

"Okay." But he didn't say anything for a moment, as his very sneaky lover wriggled under him. He lay over Lex's warm, deliciously beautiful body, and pressed a kiss to a slender brow. "We could wait until we meet at Brandywine." He murmured, softly, as he licked softly at the side of his lovers cheek. "You're going to be Alexia, my love… but you're going to..." He stroked down over his lovers cock," Feel everything their is to be about.." Up, over his chest. "Being a woman."

Lex made a loud purring noise, and looked somewhat shocked by it. "You wanted the bigger inserts, for both of us? I ordered them before we left; depending on the holiday backup and such, we should have them by the end of the week, *just* in time."

He nodded, softly. "For you." He breathed, softly, gently, into the sleek line of Lex's jaw. "I won't be going as a woman."

Quickly heaved little breath. "I can't wait," Lex answered back, raising one leg to hook around his lover's waist.

"I want them big. Big enough'll be able to feel it, properly." Clark murmured, softly, even as he stroked over his lovers belly. Interest was rolling in the pit of his tummy again, and he licked over his lovers throat as he spoke.

"They'll be big--but not too big," Lex said vainly. "I'm not going to be one of those top-heavy bitches who have too much tit and not enough body to carry it off."

"I want them to suit you. My beautiful AJ." Clark murmured, softly, his throat constricting as he licked down Lex's, fingers sliding over his lovers body again as interest became lust, lust became arousal, and he rubbed his hardening cock against Lex's as he touched.

Lex's legs, both of them, wrapped around Clark's hips and lifted the lower half of his body up to offer himself to Clark. Back opening, cock hardening against the heat of his lovers, and his hips thrust up against his lovers, raising his head to nibble Clark's earlobe. "What time is it?"

"Dunno." Around a mouthful of Lex's ear, where he was nibbling, sucking, biting at the lobe as he writhed, deliciously, against his lover. "Don't care." Another hard suck before he came down, grasped Lex's erection and stroking it into hardness.

Lex gave hard little grunts as Clark stroked him, bucking his hips with every stroke. "Me either," he decided, rocking his body against Clark's as he pulled himself up. He nibbled again at Clark's earlobe, sucked kisses down his throat, and teased hard, pebbled nipples with his nails.

Except... the question filtered into his brain, and Clark purred, softly, lifting his head up to peer at the forgotten laptop on the ample bed beside them.

They were expected at the house by twelve.

It was eleven thirty eight.


Lex cringed. "I take it by that fuck that it's a bit later than we thought?" He rubbed his head under Clark's chin, and nibbled on a broad shoulder.

"Fuuuuuck." Clark exclaimed, even as his cock rubbed against his lover. "Alright. Dammit." He hefted Lex up, as the numbers ticked off another minute on the clock on the computer, and tucked his lovers legs around his waist. "Hard fuck." He muttered, kissing Lex's face, his throat, fiercely, and pushed him up against the bedroom wall.

Lex had no problem with that, and he made sure his ankles crossed behind Clark's back, squeezing him hard and pulling him in close as he squirmed his ass down, exposing himself as much as he could. "Get in, get in, please," he muttered, kissing Clark's shoulder and using one hand to pinch and twist Clark's nipples tightly as the wall supported his weight.

Clark wasn't beyond teasing. Unfortunately, and his eyes grew hot and wicked as he licked a stripe from his lovers chest. "Tell me how much you love me." Said as he squirmed his cock, hard and blood hot, against his lovers sunburst, the come and lube from before making it slick.

Lex's eyes slitted at his lover, and he leaned forward, licking the nipples he'd just pinched. "I love you enough to give you the keys to my garage," he said back, with the same twinkle in his eye.

For that, Clark a punishing smack to the side of Lex's ass, where he could reach, and slammed into him in a hard, quick, single movement. All the way to the root, and then some, squirming and locking in, tightly. "Tell me." Another spank. "How much." Another. "You love me." A hard, thrust, coupled with a spank, which had Lex vicing around him.

Lex grunted with each slap, and they surged straight to his cock, hardening the shaft father until the skin was stretched tautly over the length as though it were about to burst. His mouth hung open at the hinge, and he was sucking kisses out of Clark's skin as he rode out the spankings and the sudden thrust in. "I love you," Lex panted softly, "enough to give you the Ferrari... to drive to school," he finished, inviting more spanks.

"Just...the..Ferrari?" More spanks, hard thrusts that nearly had his eyes rolling, and he moaned, in unbelievable pleasure, even as his teeth bared with a smirking smile. "Not... the... Martin?" Another spank, and then when his lovers cheeks were blood red, he massaged the pain into them, pleasure flittering through his body.

"Don't know... about the Aston Martin," Lex panted, the spanks crossing his eyes and causing his cock to jerk, the head rubbing smears of precum on the rough cut of Clark's abs as he rode the hard thrusts of Clark's cock. Knew sitting at lunch would be impossible but he didn't care, and he squirmed his ass into the spankings and tightened his muscles around Clark's cock. "Love... you... more than anything else... in the world."

Clark caught the words and a feral, amused laugh exploded from him as he continued to thrust, as hard as he could, spanking him all the harder for it as his pleasure swamped over his body. He rubbed his belly against his lovers cock, squirming against him, and meowled as he spoke. "Love you...more...anything else."

The spanks felt deliciously hot and stinging against his skin and he moaned with every one as he rubbed against Clark. He reached one hand between them to start stroking his cock off, and the other wrapped around Clark's neck and hauled him in closer so Clark could get deeper inside him.

Clark covered his mouth over his lovers and kissed him, senseless. Licked and sucked, kissed him as hard as he possibly could, sucked and gave his love over and over, moaning in helplessly, unbelievable pleasure as he rocked into his lover, once, twice, and exploded.

Lex jerked his cock roughly and he felt Clark coming inside of him. A split-second later, Lex slid his hands over Clark's skin and opened the connection between them further, and he was overwhelmed with the rush of pleasure that wracked Clark's body as well as his own. He came hard and fast, his ass locking tight around Clark's cock and seed spilling out over both their bodies in hot, white jets.

Clark wailed, on the heels of his lovers orgasm, and shared his own with him. Powerful, delicious, it jerked from him even as he kissed his lover, deeply, as hard as he could, pressed their against the wall. He gave hard, steady moans, shaking cries of pleasure even as he hissed in the glory of it.

Lex's eyes were screwed closed as his head leaned back against the wall, panting softly as he hugged Clark's waist with his legs. His elbows rested on Clark's shoulders as his hands slid through Clark's hair, and encouraged Clark's wide palms to knead and stroke his ass.

Clark breathed, too, hard, groaning softly as he carefully, carefully, lifted his lovers hips up, so he could slip out of the deliciously full channel and stood his shaking lover up, though his body braced Lex's for a few, long moments, as he whispered, "You're full of my come, Kenep."

"I know," Lex answered, and he shuddered with the thought. "I want to keep it all inside; I like being full of you like this." Even as he spoke, despite the tight clench he kept his ass in, he could feel the barest trickle of Clark's come sliding down the back of his thigh.

"Full of me. So full...feels heavy, aushna'? Feels full?" Whispered into Lex's temple, as he licked the sweat off. "Going to plug you up. Bend over." He let his lover go, making sure he was steady enough to stand on his own, and leaned down to their suitcase, retrieving a squat, small black anal plug that could be comfortably worn, but not uncomfortable. He stepped over his lovers clothes still on the floor, and stroked over his lovers chest. "Bend over, aushna'."

Lex did as he was instructed, balancing with one shoulder against the wall and using his hands to spread open his cheeks for his lover. "P-please, hurry," Lex whimpered softly. "Want to keep you in."

Clark's fingers stroked over the bead of come that had rolled down his lovers upper thigh, and with it, stroked over the plug enough so it slid inside, easily, and held. He purred, softly, kissing over the plastic of the base, and licked his lovers cheek, softly. "Inside. So deep inside." And he moaned.

Lex clenched down on the plug and gave a soft moan of his own, pulling his trembling legs under him as he turned around, getting on his knees to kiss Clark deeply, sucking his lover's moans into himself. He licked over Clark's cheeks and temples, and then tugged his lover's arms around his waist. "Shower fast, then get dressed, both of us."

"Okay." Clark grinned, broadly, and licked his lovers cheek saucily, kissing him back just as gently. "Like it. Like marking you. Like it. You're going to smell like me." He purred, deeply, at the end of that. "Smell like me, all day. I can smell it now." He sniffed at his lovers skin... purred, deeply, and licked where he'd sniffed.

Lex gave a very wolfish grin. "I like smelling like you. Like that it turns you on." He wiggled his ass around the plug, squeezing it and situating it comfortably in his ass. Then he wrapped his arms around Clark's neck. "C'mon. Before we're late, and they send out search parties."

"Late." He purred it, softly, then grinned at his lovers own smile. "You're an evil ass, you know that? Ruining good farm boys reputations like this. Once, I was just a virginal innocent, who didn't understand why Butt the cat liked to hump cows. Now, look at me. Look at me."

"Behold, Lex Luthor. King of all Evil." He grinned. "As long as you're not humping cows like your father, you can hump me all you want to."

Clark's voice cracked with a laugh, and he heaved Lex up into his arms, pushing into the bathroom. "And may I BOW before your greatness!"



go on to the next part