
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 229: Goodbye and Hello

Lex couldn't help looking around the Dublin airport one last time. It had been... not hard, exactly, because he had been ready to go home, but it hadn't been easy, either, leaving the place where he'd gotten his aushna' back.

It was still dark; two AM and it was a god-awful time to be traveling but since they were Luthors, and on a private plane, nobody argued with them. The darkness lay over the land, the stars were shining and twinkling brightly in the night, as though waving goodbye to him as he climbed up the steps to the plain. Their baggage was already stowed underneath, the rabbit--and Dominic--were both safely medicated for the trip, and Lex... just stood, at the bottom of the steps, looking around again.

He knew he'd be back. With Clark, to start their family.

Clark stood, beside him, and took in one last deep, long breath of Irish air. Their was something weighing his pockets down, clinking softly, and Clark slid his hand into his pocket to feel it. Twin rings, both of a warm, soft gold on two chains. One for Lex, and one for Clark. Gran had given it to him before they'd headed to the cottage, and Clark had found it more than appropriate. He had yet to tell Lex, but he thought he would, on the way home, before they finished flying over Irish soil.

Twin rings for people that would share their lives with one another.

The rest of the evening and into the night had been calm, quiet. Clark and Lex had sat with Dominic on the couch in shifts as they packed, because it had hardly been time to leave and already Dominic had begun to hyperventilate. He was calm now, already on the plane, asleep so Lionel had said, and Clark looked over his shoulder at him as he smiled. "Gonna miss it." He murmured.

"Yeah, I think I am," Lex said softly. "And it's strange; I know that I can come back any time that I want to, and I know that the country won't have changed all that much, and yet, I feel like... I'll never come back to the same place again."

Clark looked up, and smiled, warmly. "You'll come back to a better place. This is our memory, Lex. The first one we have that will always be with us... we made up here, we promised our babies be born here. How cool is that?" Another warm smile drifted across his face when he turned his head, and pressed a kiss to Lex's jaw. "I love you."

"I know," Lex said softly, and turned into the kiss. When it landed on his jaw, Lex moved again, put another one on Clark's lips softly. "I know we will. This was... better than I'd anticipated, actually, and I don't think I'd have enjoyed it at all without you."

"I know. I'm important, like that." Clarks eyes danced green in the dark hours of the night, and he turned then, to give his lover a gentle, soft kiss to warm lips. "Come on, lets get on the damned plane. I hate planes." His fingers wound with Lex's, tightly. "Was Dominic okay?"

"We don't have to get on the plane, you know," Lex said softly. "You can..." and here he coughed a bit. "Fly us home yourself." Then a little grin. "Dominic... is sedated at the moment, nearly asleep. I don't think he hurt himself or Dad, so yeah, I'd say he was okay."

Lionel stood quietly at the top of the steps, clearing his throat gently. "Gentlemen, this is the final boarding call for LuthorCorp Transatlantic Flight to Metropolis International Airport."

Clark's lips twitched, warmly, as he pressed a kiss to Lex's and turned, to wind his arms around Lex's back and waist. "One day, I'll be able to fly us wherever you want to go." He would have said more, but Lionel cleared his throat, and Clark let go of Lex to take his hand, and smile. "From the ocean to corn fields. Can't I just stay here?" melodramatic whine, as he climbed the steps.

"What about Samson, Cleo, and Artie? Chloe, and Whitney? The project we're doing with your--I'm suddenly realizing that was a rhetorical question," Lex answered, cutting himself off in mid-sentence.

Clark snickered over his shoulder, as his thick black boots clumped up the steps. "You don't say?" A squeeze at Lex's hand and he trumped up the steps, sliding in through the door of the airplane. It was spacious and lovely, comfortable, and Clark was able to stand straight. He smiled, warmly, and looked across the lovely upholstery. "Nice, Lionel."

"Yeah, it is. The VP jet that we brought isn't nearly as nice as the Exec one." Lex nudged Clark gently in the ribs, his elbow still sore from the last time he'd elbowed Clark. "Keeps the best for himself, and gives me hand me downs." A little sniff.

Lionel glared. "I have given you a private jet of your own, at your beck and call, and you are complaining that it isn't posh enough. Lex, I have come to the conclusion that Clark is right, and you are indeed a spoiled brat."

Lex just died laughing.

Clark grinned broadly, though pretended to sadly nod, and heave a sigh. "Spoiled from his bald head down to his cute toes. Its a shame, really." His dimples curved in as he grasped Lex's hand and tugged him towards the lovely chairs. "As long as there's a blanket and pillow somewhere so I can sleep, I'm happy."

"They're in the floor compartments," Lex nodded. "Against the wall; they're fleece blankets and down pillows. I'll be joining you in just a few minutes, but I need to dial in and make sure Wally's gotten everything in hand, and I've got to edit the statement he wrote and make sure that it's ready to be issued Monday morning. Dom said before we drugged him that if it wasn't, he'd help clean it up but I want to get a look at it first."

"Okay." Blah blah, working stuff, blah, and he didn't let Lex go, just tugging him into a chair and snuggling down with him. Didn't let him go to go do whatever the fuck he wanted, just wrapped him in close, kissed his temple, and snuggled him in for sleep.

"Clark?" Lex pushed at a granite-like shoulder. "Clark?" He pushed again, and it didn't move. His sigh was muffled against Clark's shoulder, and he let his head fall back against the back of the cushy chair.

"Good show." Lionel went to one of the floor compartments and got two pillows and a rather large fleece throw, and spread it over the two boys as he tucked the pillows in behind their heads. "Clark, make sure you've got your seat belts on, because we won't be able to take off if you don't. Dominic's safety harness is already on, and as soon as we're belted in, we'll be ready to go." He settled into the chair beside the table, buckling his seat belt in and picking up the laptop carrier by his chair.

"Kay." Clark mumbled, quietly, and closed his eyes, leaning his head against his lovers on the back of the chair. The blanket was cozy, unexpected and wonderful, and he snuggled Lex into it even as he shuffled with Lex's seat belt, then his own, and beamed in a proper indignant fashion as he licked and kissed his lovers cheek.

Dominic was asleep. He was sitting in one of the chairs across the little way from them, the second one in from the aisle, fast asleep. Their was a cozy blanket tucked in around him, and his own blanket, and he slept on in a quiet, drugged stupor, though he was beginning to stir from it.

"You're a huge oaf, Clark Kent," Lex grunted from under Clark's bulk. As he felt Clark fiddling with the seat belt, under the cover of the blanket, Lex slipped his hand down to stroke over his lover's slightly bulging crotch. "And how very, very glad I am of it."

Lionel just rolled his eyes and picked up the remote control from the little pouch in the side of the chair. He flicked the panel above the liquor cabinet open and cued up the CD changer.

Shot a deep glare at Dominic as Aerosmith blared out, and quickly flipped CDs until he found a nice, soothing bagpipe medley.

Dominic shifted, though only a little bit, and slept on silently, his hair that badly needed a haircut falling over his forehead as he did so.

"Me? An oaf?" The plane trembled beneath them as the engines roared, and they began to move. "I am not an oaf, Sir Lexalot."

Once Lionel felt the plane taxiing down the runway, he put the laptop back on the floor, to wait until they were safely in the air. "Lex, Clark, please. If you're going to grope each other under the blanket, please wait until I am no longer in the room." A glare to the boys.

"Okay." Clark peaked a grin over Lex's shoulder. "We weren't, anyway. At least, I wasn't. I still have some shame." Clark snickered, wickedly, and closed his eyes again, setting his head on Lex's smooth head as the plane bumped along.

Consuela's voice echoed through the cockpit. "Seat belts properly secured, gentlemen. We'll be in the air in five minutes, and after that, you're more than welcome to take your belts off and move around the plane. Tracey will be around with food and drinks in a bit, as well."

"And we already know I have no shame." Lex's eyes were closed as he leaned his head back against the chair again. "Let's get back to what we were doing."

Dark glare from Lionel. "Clark, as soon as we're in the air, I'm going to get you to help me move Dominic into the bedroom."

"Okay." Clark answered, even as he rubbed his lovers belly gently in his palm. Smooth, slow, wicked little circles over and over, as he pressed gentle kisses to his lovers temple. "How's he doing? still asleep?"

"Thankfully, yes, and he should be waking up soon." Lionel went into his pocket and looked at the three prescription bottles, and pocketed one. "As soon as he wakes up, I'm supposed to give him two each of these two, with a bottle of water. He's to have no alcohol, because they dull the way the pills work."

Even as Lionel spoke Dominic shifted, rolling his head the other way, and heaved a quiet sound as the airplane took off. Smooth, not a bump to be had, just sailing quietly through the sky as it elevated and took flight. His ears popped... he was still too asleep to feel it much, just shifting again quietly and softly.

"Got it. Two of each. Think he'll even remember he's on a plane?" Clark asked, though he was serious, as he looked over Lex's head. he tucked his lovers noggin into the hollow of neck and shoulder, and gently held him close.

Lex snorted. "Not if we're lucky. Both of those things together should keep him so out of it he'll be singin' Christmas carols. One's a Thorazine-derivative cut with a placebo and the other's a mild narcotic."

Lionel eyed the bottles carefully. "Should I ask how you know that, Lex?"

Lex didn't even open his eyes. "I used to freeball that shit when I was sixteen, Dad."

Clark heaved a sigh and buried his face in smooth, scented skin. "My little crack addict." He murmured around a wicked grin, and pressed a kiss to the hollow of his lovers throat. "And if I remember correctly, from what your dad said, we'll be meeting a Mr. ...Herbert, is it?"

"Yes, his name is Herbert, and he's a free-associating... foot." Lionel made a little face.

Lex rubbed his smooth cheek on top of Clark's hair as his face rubbed his neck. "Oh, I remember free-associative." Little heaved sigh. "I never had a Herbert, thank Christ, just very... vivid hallucinations."

"'Lusions 're bad." Came a soft, very soft voice, from beside them. Dominic's eyes were open, foggy and distant, still half asleep, and he made a low sound as he shifted the smallest bit, to get a cramp out from his side. He yawned, getting his ears to pop again, and didn't immediately know where he was. Too groggy too, he set his head on his lovers shoulder and closed his eyes, sleep beckoning once more.

Lex gave a little chuckle. "Yes, they are. They are bad. They are very bad, in fact." Lex kept his hands stroking on Clark's back and hips under the blanket. "Go back to sleep, Dom."

Lionel shifted his shoulder closer to his lover and stroked his forehead gently. "Yes, sleep, little cricket."

"Where 'r we?" His eyes opened, blearily...though they were crossed, and rolled back under his lids as he fell back to sleep.

Clark grinned, softly, and returned the slow stroking under the blanket, only he was much... less... innocent about it. over his lovers hips, crotch, and right underneath, to press and stroke his fingers along where his lover's delightful opening was.

"We're on the way home," Lionel said softly, keeping up the soft stroking.

Lex gave a very quiet little moan as Clark rubbed against him, and he spread his legs under the blanket, giving Clark's fingers as much access as they could while he was still clothed.

"Hussy." Clark murmured, though in pleased amusement, as he kissed his lovers cheek, his throat, the indent of shoulder to neck, and slid up from the blanket, quietly, when the seatbelt sign switched off on the console above them. He rose to his feet, stepping over Lex, and walked to the aisle right across from theirs, to crouch down in front of Lionel. "Let's get him in bed?"

Lionel nodded. "Yes, please. I think he'll be more comfortable there." He got up first, and went to the bar, going through the bottles in the small refrigerator cube until he came up with water. He tucked that in the pocket of his blazer, alongside the medication, and he looked at Dominic. "Dominic... Clark's going to help move you to bed, all right?" He pointed to the back of the cabin. "The bedroom's behind the door there; I'll go and open it for you and wait for him in bed; can you manage him?"

"Bedder no' move me... blo'dy wanker." Dominic muttered, opened his eyes a slit to glare, and turned his head the other way, to keep sleeping. Didn't really feel the seatbelt getting unlocked, or his book closed, but he did blink with wide, glassy eyes when something hefted him up. "Bloody hell, pu' me down."

"Shh." Was all Clark said, as he adjusted Dominic's smaller body in his arms, and motioned for Lionel to lead the way.

"Thank you." Lionel blinked as he led the way to the small bedroom at the back of the passenger cabin. The bed had been made up with sheets from Lionel and Dominic's bed in Smallville, in the hopes of fooling his drugged lover until they got home, and smiled as he petted the bed. "Sssh, Dominic, you're sleepy. Clark's bringing you to bed with me." He pulled the water bottle out of his pocket, along with the medicine bottles, and sat them safely to the side.

"Sleepy." Was all he said, softly. And Clark was warm, which Dominic was not at the moment. The chest holding him rumbled with a soft laugh and he glared at it, even as he was set in… oh. Ohhh. Cozy sheets. Smelled like Lionel. This was good. Someone took his shoes off, thank God, and he turned, cuddling into his warm pillows softly.

Clark set the second sneaker down by the bed, quietly, and helped tug the blankets up over Dominic's quiet form. "He's so great." Was all he said, grin sliding over his face as he looked up. "Need anything else?"

"No, I think we're quite settled. Just don't change the music; I know that Dominic relaxes to music like this, and these are... Celtic Bagpipes, I believe, or so I was told when I procured the CD from the establishment." He petted his lover's shoulder gently. "Come here, little cricket, I need you to take something for me."

A low snore was his only answer.

Clark smiled again, nodded, and motioned a shoulder out of the door. "I'll put it on repeat." He tipped his head. "Want anything? Some food, or a drink?"

"No, not right now, thank you. Enjoy yourselves, please. The stewardess will be in through with the meal shortly, just have her knock before coming in when she brings it."

"Okay." Clarks eyes twinkled softly, and before he could stop himself, he hugged Lionel, tightly, and tugged out the rings from his pocket. "Gran gave me these." he said it, softly, and held up each gold chain. "I'm kind… of nervous, Lionel. I want to give it to Lex. I'd been saving to buy him one, and I will anyway, but means something."

Lionel returned the hug quickly, and ran the chain through his fingers. "I don't think you need to be nervous, Clark," Lionel said softly. "Not unless you aren't sure about how much of a commitment that you want to make to Lex." He caught Clark's hands gently. "And I don't mean that you don't know what you want. Out of all of us, I am sure that you know more than the rest of us what you want. What I do mean is, you are still young, and in his way, so is Lex, and this is a big step for both of you. If you're asking me? I think you're ready, and I think Lex is ready."

Clark… well, he beamed, first off. Second...he beamed some more, and his cheeks reddened softly. "I'm ready. I love him, so much. He's my aushna'... I want to spend my life with him. I already am engaged to him… but he's human. I think, in his heart, he needs me to give him something that means we're betrothed." Clark said, softly.

"The'n buggering give 't t' him." Dominic growled, from the sheets, as he rolled over onto his back, and glared. "'m tryin' to sleep."

Lionel gave a little smile. "I'm proud of you, Clark," Lionel said softly. "Realizing that there's two parts of each of you, and each of those parts needs something different." He squeezed Dominic's shoulder gently. "I'm sorry, little cricket. Didn't mean to wake you up."

Clark's grin was of shy pride, then his laugh echoed when Dominic glared at them, and he couldn't help gently stroking over wild, crazy, hair on Dominic's forehead. "Go to sleep, drugged out hippy. I'm going to go find my aushna'. If you guys need anything, just yell."

"We'll yell, don't worry." A wry smile. "Dominic's voice tends to carry, as I'm sure you're well aware." Lionel got up from the bed and walked around it carefully, hugging Clark again. "Go, make my son happy."

Clark hugged him back, tightly, enjoying the feeling of someone hugging him just because they could, and beamed. He didn't get hugged too often, but when he did, he was... well. He glowed like a light bulb, beamed, nodded, and slipped out the door to settle his aushna back in his arms.

Lex was curled in a half stupor in the chair as Clark came back into the cabin to cuddle him. "Mmm. You're still warm." His arms went around Clark's waist and squeezed.

"Still warm." Clark whispered, gently, as he slid into his chair beside his lover and wrapped him tightly, snuggly, warmly in his arms. "Lionel's got Dom. No sex in the champagne room tonight."

"Just because they're going without means I have to suffer?" He curled in tightly and grinned.

Clark giggled and nodded, into Lex's neck, and brought their blanket in cozily and comfortably as he closed his eyes. "Yep. Too many people around."

"You're just not an exhibitionist." He cuddled up close to Clark as Clark nestled in. "I thought you liked getting caught?"

A dull, thick pulse in his abdomen, and Clark purred, softly, then shyly, because yeah. Yeah. "We... surpassed all kinky, Lex. All and every kinky? We hit the top of it." His groin agreed, tightening softly, slowly.

One little gray eye cracked open. "You think that was kinky?" Yawn. "You haven't seen the other stuff."

Clark's eyes flew open, and he looked down at his lover, with an extremely shocked expression. "Lex? I take stuffing my fist up my lovers ass kind of the kink of all kinks."

Lex's eyes stayed closed. "You should see what Tony did with a horse."

His eyes flickered open...looked down again, and his mouth went into a silent "o". "To you?"

Lex laughed. "No, not to me. I do have my limits, after all, and I'll do a lot of things, but I'm not going to have an animal cock shoved up my ass or down my throat."

Clark's breath evened out. Just a little. "Its... its bad. Very bad. A sin, where I come from." He didn't know how it was--it just was. Animals are holy. You don't... take from them... that."

"You usually don't here, either." Lex cracked open an eye again and looked at Clark. "Though there are some people who do." He closed his eyes again, and exhaled softly. "And others who are forced."

"I know." And he did. He'd seen it, the waves of memory, in his lovers heart, and he closed his eyes as his fingers tightened on Lex's. "He's such a good person. He didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve any of it. Its not his fault that he took the sin… it was a sin done unto him."

"No, he didn't deserve it. But that's what I meant, Clark. Not everyone who does it chooses to." He squeezed back tightly. "No, it's not his fault at all, and I don't think he realizes that. If he did, I don't think he'd be as afraid of it as he is. But, i think that was Ethan's fault--his boyfriend, not the Sheriff--because from the brief exchange I witnessed, Ethan had trained Dominic to believe it was something to be ashamed of, something that was his fault."

"Trained?" Clark whispered.

Lex gave a little nod. "Trained, Clark. Through... probably physical, emotional, and verbal abuse."

"How... how does that happen?" Clark couldn't begin to wrap his mind around a human being training another, and he didn't understand. He just looked at his lover with furrowed brows, confusion in his heart. "How can someone train someone else?"

Lex gave a little sigh. "It's something you'll never need to know, I sincerely hope, but what I mean is... a person is so constantly shown, told, and treated like they are worthless, or that something that happened is their fault, that it becomes an engrained thought and reaction, because no matter if you are right, the constant reinforcement of another point of view will overtake your own beliefs. Take me, for example," he continued softly. "I was trained for years to think that I wasn't good enough for Dad because of the way he treated me, the things he said, and it's taking me a good while to get over that training, to get out of that mindset."

Clark's eyes lowered, and a heavy blanket of sadness settled over his heart, for his lover, and for Dominic. "He deserves." He whispered, softly, as his fingers took Lex's and squeezed, gently, in his own. "He deserves. Lionel, Aurora, everything he's got, he deserves it in spades, double, quadruple. People are so horrible, Lex. Human beings can be so cruel."

"He does deserve it," Lex agreed. "Even if he thinks he doesn't." A little sigh. "Human beings... are assholes, Clark. And I can say that, being one of the prime examples. A person? Can be nice, kind, and wonderful... like you." A little stroke to Clark's cheek. "But people, in the general sense? Are stupid, ignorant, bitter, and in all other senses... assholish."

A blink. "Assholish isn't a word."

"No, it's not, but you get my meaning."

"I do." It bought Clark a few more seconds to think, though he didn't say what he was thinking for a moment.

Well. Balls? Had some. Could he use them? More than likely no.

Yes. He could.

Breathing was good.

He shifted, lifted his hips, and gently tugged out one of the golden chains, with the wedding ring hanging from it. He looked at it, for a long moment, there snuggled with Lex, holding it up to the light. He carefully, ever so carefully, undid the clasp and slid the ring free. "I asked you to marry me... but I never gave you a ring." He held up the gold ring to the light. "I've been saving up to buy you one, a good one... but Gran beat me to the punch. I'm still going to get you one, but... consider this... your engagement ring."

Lex blinked at the golden circlet for a long moment. "Clark... this... this is beautiful." He didn't say anything else, for a moment, just held his left hand out, and used his right hand to stroke over Clark's hand. "Thank you." He pushed up just a little, so that he could kiss his lover gently, softly, lovingly. "I love you." He blinked again, just watching the way light bounced cleanly off the shiny surface, shattering into prisms around the curves and throwing shadows on the bottom arc. "Yes," he said softly, with a wide smile.

Clark smiled, quietly, and slid it on over Lex's ring finger, quietly, carefully, and smiled when it settled at the knuckle. "Heeey. it fits. Cool." He leaned down and pressed his lips over the tarnished gold. "She wouldn't tell me where its from. Just gave it to me, to give to you, and said she wants to be there when we get married." A little, shy smile.

"Did she have one for you?" Press of his lips to Clark's cheek as he looked down. "Because if she didn't, I'll scour every antique dealer in the known world until I find a match for it."

Clark smiled again, though this time it was shy, and went back into his pocket to tug out a similar chain, with a ring just the same. "She didn't tell me why they were on necklaces, but I think... I'm going to wear mine around my neck." He smiled, gently, lovingly at his lover, as he unclasped the chain and clasped it back around his neck, where it fell to mid sternum. "That way... when I run... and fly... I won't lose it."

"Try it on?" Lex asked softly. "Just for me, here, now?"

"Akay." A soft, brilliant smile and Clark unclasped it again to slide the ring from the slender chain. He slid it onto his left ring getting caught a little on his first knuckle but after a wriggle it slid down, and sat against the bottom, perfectly. "Heey. Lookit that."

"It fits," Lex said quietly, and he leaned forward, kissing the ring as it lay warm against Clark's skin. "Just like mine fit."

"Of course. It was meant to come to us." Clark wasn't surprised in the least, but he enjoyed his loves surprise, as he pressed a kiss to the back of his head, and gently pulled him close again, after he slid the ring back around the chain on his neck and tucked it into his shirt. "Sure you want to marry a farm boy, Lex?"

"I'm sure," Lex said. "In fact, I'm more sure of that than I am anything else in my life." He laid his head on Clark's shoulder, and his hand came up to rub gently against the ring under Clark's shirt. "I've never actually wanted anything more."

"Don't have to be all seeerious." Clark grinned, softly, and kissed his nose. "We're gonna have so much fun."

Lex gave a little snort of laughter as he wrinkled his nose. "I'm not being serious... just honest."

"I know. But that's okay, I know you love me, and you want me." He smiled, broadly, again, and kissed his lovers cheek. "Its only cemented in my head, now."

"What, it took this to make you see that?" Lex gave a playful scowl. "You didn't catch on to that when I was like, begging for you first and your cock?"

"No." Clark said, softly, as his fingers stroked over bare skin, and his head leaned against Lex's. "At first, when you were begging for my cock, or craving my body, I didn't think you loved me. Then as time went on, I saw that sex is your way of showing it, and I loved it. Loved you. And the feeling… it hasn't stopped growing since that day."

Lex wrapped tightly around Clark, arms and legs both, hugging him. "I do love you, Clark. I don't ever want you to doubt it. I may have fucked up ways of showing it--no, listen to me, please. I know I do. But I don't ever want you to doubt it. I don't ever want you to think that sex is all I want from you because it's not. I felt... so empty, when you weren't in my thoughts, after Mar died, and so frightened when we fought, because I couldn't think of being without you."

"I know." Clark just... he grinned, and cupped Lex's cheeks in his hands. "Hush. I know. I already know, don't freak out." Another broad smile, as he kissed Lex's quivering lips. "Lex... baby, we're together. Forever, now. I won't leave you, when we fight, or have problems. I haven't left you yet, have I?"

Lex took a deep breath, and let his forehead rest on Clark's. "No, you haven't," he answered back softly, almost mouth to mouth.

"I might have been angry, and had to get away for a while, but I'm never… going to leave you. I love you, so much." Clark smiled at him, and set his forehead in snugglier, so he could look into those swimming gray eyes. "You're so beautiful."

Lex shook his head. "No, Clark. I'm not. But I could be, as long as you're with me." He rubbed the ring again, then squeezed his lover's hand gently. "Or if I am, it's only because of you, only in your eyes."

"Bull." He whispered, softly, and smiled again. "I adore you. My Lex. Mine, and no one else's. No one will ever hurt you, while you're with me."

"No, they won't." Lex moved his head enough to kiss Clark's mouth again gently. "I trust you, Clark; you'll protect me. And... I can let you. I don't have a problem with it anymore."

"Okay." Another grin, and Clark poked his lover in the ribs none too gently, as he reached for the remote and turned the TV on. "Lighten up." Another poke, then another, in Lex's ticklish spots, though he looked very serious. Trying to, anyway.

Lex gave a little snicker, and loosened his vise-like grip on Clark enough to snuggle back down in the seat beside him. The fingers of his right hand touched and stroked the ring on his left, gently turning it and rotating it as he got comfortable in the chair. "What are we watching?"

"Gilligan's Island! Huzzah!"

Lex's lip curled. "You can't be serious."

"YES!" The music came on over the TV and Clark squirmed, in glee, even as his eyes snickered at Lex when his mouth was innocently sweet. "I love Gilligan. The hat does me in, every time."

"You love Gilligan." Lex flipped onto his side, and burrowed in tightly to Clark's shoulder. "Wake me when you turn it to CNN."

- = - = -

"So... you're telling me, that that does what?"

The instrument panel on the enormous plane was impressive, Dominic had to admit. Pulls, switches, knobs, all glowing, all saying different things, and he watched, fascinated, as Consuela flew. It shocked him, in every way possible, that such a machine could even be up in the air, and he looked out the pilots window mildly, enjoying the view of the water and the clouds. It was lovely when he wasn't petrified and he smiled, warmly.

He was cold, and he rose, bidding a nodding goodbye to the woman half listening to him, and stepped back into the main room of the plane. It was abandoned, but for a laptop and a pair of shoes, and he tidied up a bit even as he tried to warm his arms. He was positively freezing and he shivered, grunting as he walked. It was so… so quiet. Very quiet. He didn't know where his lover was, and he called out, choking on the cough that seized him just as he did. "Lionel?" he tried again, clearing his throat as he stepped through the tiny hall, and opened the bedroom door.

His lover, his Lionel, lay sprawled on the silken sheets, his blood soaking into them as the bony fingered creature stabbed him. Over, and over, and over. His belly, his chest, his crotch, his legs and face, leaving the once beautiful features a mangled, grizzly mess.

Dominic screamed, as hard as he could, even as he heard the gurgled, "Run," from his beautiful lover. He screamed again, as the figure ran at him so fast he almost couldn't see it, and ran, as hard as he could, down the passenger seating. Trapped, trapped, he was trapped, there were things all over the floor and he tripped, fell, scrambling back as the creature drove the knife down, so hard it ripped the bottom of the plane. Dominic knew their should have been cargo down there but instead he saw the mad creature rip at the plane's guts, even as Dominic screamed at it to stop, ripped and ripped as the plane went down, as emergency lights flashed and wind screamed.

He wailed, crying out in heavy, agonizing sobs as the bony figure stabbed him in the gut, and used its handhold to wrench Dominic down, use his pelvic bone to move him where it wanted to, until finally it shoved him violently out of the hole it had created in the plane's belly.

There was whistling air.

And Dominic couldn't breathe.

Lionel hadn't been asleep, yet. He'd tried. But he couldn't fall asleep, not with the bagpipes playing, and the Christ-awful laugh track from whatever horrid thing Clark was watching in the main cabin.

He was glad he hadn't gone to sleep when he felt Dominic's body start to tremble, and then to jerk. He tried to hold his lover down in the throes of whatever nightmare he was having, but he was almost thrown off by the frenzied bucking and tossing. He rolled to the side and tried a different tactic, shaking Dominic roughly by the shoulders and shouting at him to wake up. All that did was cause Dominic to start screaming like a banshee, and Lionel did something he'd ask forgiveness for later.

He slapped his lover, firmly but not too roughly, a backhand across the face to try and shake him out of whatever had him in it's grip.

The impact of the ground meeting Dominic's body had his eyes flying open and another sharp, loud, echoing cry to echo from him. The cry echoed on a sob and he leaned over and wretched on the folded blanket laying over his legs.

His body was like ice. Their was terror in every part of him, so hard, so much, and he began to sob like he hadn't since he was a little boy. Tears of pure, complete fear and he gave another wrenching sob as his skin, so cold, began to shake and tremble.

Lionel shoved the blanket out of Dominic's lap, onto the floor to be dealt with later as he made sure the door was still locked and he wrapped his arms around Dominic, rocking and trying to talk to him. "Dominic. Sssh. Please. It's all right, you just had a nightmare, a bad dream. You're all right. You're fine, you're right here with me. You see? You're all right." Lionel jerked his blazer off one-handed, and wrapped it around his lover's shoulders as he shook and he dragged the sheet and the under-quilt up over him. "Come on, you're cold. It's the adrenaline. Let's get you warm, little cricket. Listen to me." Lionel's hands briskly rubbed Dominic's arms as he spoke. "Look at me, Dominic. Do you know who I am?"

The drugs from before were still heavy, everywhere, making his eyes so tired but he couldn't go back to sleep, not now, and he sobbed all the harder for it as warm arms came around him, holding him. He could almost feel the blood on Lionel's chest from his nightmare and he cried all the harder for it, legs coming up as he curled into a tight little ball and leaned into the embrace around him, rocking as he cried. Didn't speak, he couldn't speak, not now, so he just held tight and didn't say a word.

Lionel kept rubbing his lover's arms, rocking and trying to get him warm as he kept the blankets tucked around him. "Dominic... I need to know if you're all right. I need you to answer me." He kept his voice as calm as he could. "I need to know if I should call Elaine or the hospital, and have Consuela make an emergency landing for you. I need you to answer me now, Dominic, and tell me, if you know who I am, or if you're able to speak." He kept a modulated tone of voice going as he spoke, kept his motions calm and unfrantic.

He nodded, shook his head, nodded, didn't know what to do as his arms finally came around Lionel's shoulders as they rocked. He was trembling, hard, he was so cold, and so terrified, and he was going to throw up again at some point, but for now his voice, shaking and hoarse with his screams, sobbed into his lovers ear. "I'm kay, I'm kay, you'-you're Lionel, its okay, oh God, don't want you to die, don't want to fall out of the plane, don't want you to die, dead, there laying dead, she got you and then she ripped, ripped everything and stabbed me, and it hurts, hurt so bad, hurt." He ignored the pounding on the door, barely even heard it, as his shakes shook him so hard his teeth clacked.

"Clark, Lex, it's all right!" Lionel barely raised his voice, because he knew Clark, at least, would hear over the pounding. "Dominic's had a nightmare, and he's having a bit of a rough time calming down from it. But he's awake now," he said softly. And his hand went to cradle the back of his lover's head as he pressed it close to his shoulder. "Sssh. I have you, Dominic. You're not going to die, and neither am I. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have played that horrible trick on you back at the river." He kissed his lover's forehead. "This is my fault; I'm sorry. You're all right, and so am I. We're going to be fine. We're going to be bitching old men, as you've told me before."

His breath was shuddering in and out, but with every passing moment he was calming down. The drugs weren't so bad now that he was waking up, though he felt nauseous and sick, and he whimpered, very softly and very quietly, as his eyes closed. He leaned against his lover, trembles wracking through him, though without the intensity of before. He just let his eyes close and swallowed hard against his lover's shoulder as he panted for breath, holding him close. "Not... not about the river. She… it... it stabbed, you, then stabbed me, over and over, destroyed everything, made me fall out, and fell to the ground." He whispered, his voice hardly a croak. "Fuck. Fuck." He trembled but had to lay down and he did, leaning his trembling limbs back on the blankets with Lionel still tightly holding him. He had his face buried in his lovers shoulder and he was fighting to breathe, slowly and softly.

"I meant that if I hadn't done that, you wouldn't be having any kind of nightmare about anything happening to me," Lionel said softly, petting and soothing his lover as he laid down beside him. "Sssh. It's okay. You're safe. We're still whole, together, and still on the way home." He had almost said, still in the air, but better to not say it out loud quite yet. "It's okay. I know you're afraid, but don't be. You're with me now. I will protect you."

"I'm not afraid. I'm just choking on my heart." Dominic managed, as he turned so Lionel could spoon behind him. It was better like that, safer, and he clutched Lionel's hands in his tightly against his belly. "I couldn't wake up. I couldn't wake up, Lionel, I wanted to, but she kept coming and I couldn't wake up." His face was stinging... he had a feeling he knew what had happened, but he didn't say anything, as he trembled back against Lionel and closed his eyes. "Couldn't wake up."

"I know you couldn't; I tried everything." He held his little cricket close. "I'm afraid I even tried slapping you out of it, and I have to ask your forgiveness for doing that. I shouldn't have struck you but I was worried when you wouldn't wake up." He just hugged Dominic tightly as his lover would allow. "Deep breaths." He put his hand on his lover's shoulder, aligning them back to chest, and drew in deep, calming breaths. "Breathe with me."

"Its okay. Helped, thank you." he whispered, softly, even as his trembling, short breaths moved to match Lionel's. He couldn't stop shaking, and he was bloody freezing, and he said it, softly, as he kept closing and opening his eyes, the image of the demonic hand lady making him tremble all over again. "I tried, but she kept coming." His eyes filled with tears again and he choked them away, letting them close. "Fuck, I'm so sorry."

Lionel called out softly. "Clark? Could you please come in? Quietly? Just twist the handle until the lock gives. Dominic's cold, and I need your help warming the sheets for him." He held Dominic close. "Sssh. It's all right. Keep your eyes closed, Clark's going to get the blankets warm for us, faster than I can warm you up."

Dominic's eyes flew open, wide, and he looked over his shoulder at his lover. "He's going to do what?"

"Warm the sheets," Lionel said softly.

Dominic blinked, twice, red rimmed, blood shot eyes at his lover. Never... expected… to hear that. Ever. More staring, and he turned his head again, in shock and the beginning of pain in his heart.

Clark carefully jostled the lock on the door and broke it with a twitch of his wrist. So much for the lock giving. He winced, quietly, and stepped in, though Lex followed him in, and he said softly. "Cover up tight. It'll only take a second."

Dominic didn't have to open his eyes to know Lex was there. "Get out, get out, don't want..." You to see me like this. "Get out, get out."

"I'm getting out," Lex nodded. "Hurry, Clark." Lex departed, hiding back in the great chair in the cabin.

"We're all right." Lionel pulled the sheets over Dominic so that he was covered to the tip of his nose, eyes still uncovered even though they were pressed against his shoulder. "Go ahead, Clark." He pulled Dominic in even closer to his body, so that his lover was lying almost on top of him, Lionel's blazer still hanging off his shoulders.

Dominic had been expecting Clark to climb into bed, too. Really. he had been. He had hated the idea of it, but he'd been expecting it. When Clark didn't, when the blankets suddenly got warm… then hot, he let his entire body relax into the warm, radiating heat, and made a very quiet noise in his throat. "S'cold."

Lionel just rubbed Dominic's back soothingly as he relaxed into the warm sheets and blankets. "Thank you, Clark," he said softly. "Thank you very much. If there's anything I can do for you in return," he said gratefully, pulling the almost-untouchably hot sheets and blankets up around his lover. "Please, tell me."

"Take care of him." Clark said softly.

Dominic heard footsteps... then opened his eyes when he felt lips that were definitely not Lionel's press against his forehead. He looked up at Clark, though Clark didn't speak, and watched him as he went back around the bed and closed the door.

Dominic closed his eyes and relaxed back against his lover, though he'd relaxed, the trembles were easing, and he wasn't shaking like he had been. "Thank you, Lionel."

"I always will," Lionel answered back, just as softly, and cuddled his slowly relaxing lover close. "You're welcome." He gave a half smile as he felt the warmth radiating through his lover and relaxing him. "You see? I told you, Clark would warm the sheets for us."

Dominic felt a harsh pang of guilt in his heart, and he whispered, "Thought you were going... to ask him to get in with us."

Lionel's arms tightened, and for a moment, he debated not saying anything. Finally, he did. "I'm not going to ask why you would think that of me now, because I know you're under the influence of not only drugs, but your nightmare. So all I will do is reassure you; I wouldn't ask anyone to join us in our bed, platonically or otherwise. Especially not without your consent."

"I'm out of my mind." Dominic whispered, and it was the literal truth. He was pumped with drugs, he had just thrown up everywhere, and he was shaky, tired, and terrified. "I'm sorry. Forgive."

"I know you are," and at that, Lionel's lips half quirked. "You're always out of your mind. This is just slightly more serious than usual. Of course you're forgiven."

"I'm a little crazy blond person." Dominic croaked, though a little ghost of a smile came over his face, as he rolled over then and snuggled against his lovers side, as he looked up at him. "I can't take these nightmares anymore. I've been gutted more times that I care to think."

Lionel nodded. "I understand. Perhaps we should talk to Elaine, about getting something a little stronger? Or something to help you sleep at night?" He held the two bottles out, as he pulled them out from under his back. "Here, before I sit on them. Take two each, and wash them down with water... a bottle of which I had a moment ago... ah, there it is, trying to acquaint itself with intimate portions of my anatomy."

Dominic choked on the laugh, which was half a sob anyway, and shook his head. "I need to know why I'm dreaming about her... it. Its a female, though, I know it. I just don't know why she's coming after me, and trying to kill me as she's done for the last handful of times." A little tremble. "I don't want to sleep, Lionel."

"Don't look at me," Lionel said softly. "I'm not one to analyze dreams." He hugged his lover. "You don't have to sleep if you don't want to. We can go out into the cabin, wrap up warmly in these blankets, and watch television with Clark and Lex for the rest of the flight."

They were in a plane.

He let out a rough, loud squeak and turned back on his side, burrowing under the blankets, and against Lionel, as he squeaked again. "Oh God! So much for being a fucking courageous bloke. Jesus Christ."

Lionel successfully buried the laugh that wanted to bubble up at the squeaking noise. "Yes, you are being brave. We are still in transit, and I believe we have two to three hours remaining in the trip, though I can call up to the cockpit and check if you'd like."

"No." A shake of his head, which was little more than a shake of the covers, and twin green eyes peaked up. "Lex is full of bullshit. He said I was a Gryffindor. Please. I couldn't be any less of one."

Didn't care if it sounded like he was speaking Chinese. Just whimpered, and buried himself back under blankets.

"A... Griffindoor?" Lionel asked, mispronouncing the House name.

"Gryffindor. Christ, Lionel, you need to read Harry Potter."

"Ah. And a.... Griffindoor is what, exactly?" A little blink.

"Long winded explanations. Four houses. Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Slytherins are... snaky. Sneaky. Kind of evil. Get a means to an end, anyway they can. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff," Dominic waved a hand, as if talking about the most normal thing in the world. "Who knows? Who cares? The Gryffindors are the courageous, brave, reckless ones."

"The Hufflepuffs are the worker bees and the Ravenclaws are the intellectuals," Lionel said absently, stroking his lover's hair. "Though they do seem to get short-shrifted in the novels."

Dominic didn't think for a moment... then he blinked, and looked over at his lover, still buried under the covers. "Of course they do. They're not important. Harry's as gay as a maypole, on the up and up. Did you read the newest book? I was wondering if it was you, because I found coffee stains in chapter eight. Nevertheless, Harry looking into Snape's Pensieve? Definitely horrid."

"And that's where you're wrong," Lionel said softly. "Your workers? Are never to be discounted as unimportant. Disposable, yes, but not unimportant, because without them, you wouldn't have a job, a position, or a company. Nor would the school be complete without the fourth house." But a small smile. "Yes, I have read it, and no, the stains are not mine, I think they're Lex's. Harry... definitely overstepped himself looking in the Pensieve, but if I were in the same situation, I don't know that I could have resisted either."

"Evil man. S'why Harry should have been a Slytherin." A quiet yawn, as he snuggled against his lover. "Ron is me, you know. All those bloody brothers and sisters."

"Harry doesn't have the darkness in him to make it in the Slytherin house. Not like the Malfoys, or the Stranges, or even the Blacks. Harry has... far too gentle a soul to be a Slytherin."

Dominic grinned into the dark. "You mush ball." He squeezed Lionel's fingers, softly. "I think Draco and Harry are getting it on. Then again, I read Snape and Harry fiction. Clark writes some that could make you cry." Dominic nodded, seriously, as he squeezed again. "What did you think about Dumbledore, towards the end?"

Lionel considered. "I think that Albus Dumbledore is a seriously manipulative man whom I would not trust any farther than I could throw him. That being said, I think he fails miserably at being manipulative, and in the process, bumbles his way through."

"Really? He reminds me of you." Dominic teased it, as he looked over his shoulder, and squeezed again to show he was just playing around. "No, actually, you're Snape, love."

"You... are comparing me to a greasy-haired chemist?" Lionel blinked unbelievingly. "I should think I would be the well-coifed, well-to-do Malfoy man with the silver-tipped walking stick."

"That greasy-haired chemist is sexy as all hell."

"He most certainly is, however, I'd like to think I am much, much more hygienic."

Dominic couldn't help glancing up at frizzed curls, raising a brow, and cuddling into his pillow. "Perhaps. He's my favorite, though. Quite a deep, profound character, indeed, even more than Dumbledore, sometimes. You know who it is I can't stand? Sirius. After all the bloody shite he's done, he still thinks he can order about Harry's life."

Lionel gave another little headshake. "Out of all of them, I understand Sirius the most. He lost a dear childhood friend in a horrible accident that he could not prevent. He's been unable to protect Harry since then, and then when Harry does come to him, he sees his old friend again in Harry. James reborn, as it were. The youngest Seeker, the appearance, the hair, everything is an echo of James, and I'm not at all surprised to see that he tried to recapture that."

Dominic made a face into the dark, and sought out his lovers ring, gently stroking it with the barest touch of his fingertip. "I think its demeaning towards Harry, and cheap to try and recapture someone who's already gone."

"Yes... it is," Lionel said softly. "But I understand the desire."

"Why did you say it like that?" A glance over his shoulder. "How do you understand?"

"Understand the desire to recapture someone that's already gone? Dominic... really. Before you were what you are to me now, you and I both know I tried to recapture my wife in many ways."

"Oh… well, yes." Dominic looked at him again… got sick of craning his neck, and rolled back onto his back. "You... well, yes. I mean, the hookers, for one."

"Precisely. So while it may not have been the best thing to have done in the situation, I understand the character's desire."

Dominic nodded... stopped, yawned deeply, and opened his eyes once more, squeezing Lionel's fingers. "You're a good man, Husband."

Lionel stroked the fingers of his free hand across his lover's jaw gently. "No, Dominic, I'm just a man. But I do find myself trying, lately." His other fingers returned the squeeze as he gave a little smile to his lover.

"Not everyone would bother dealing with a thirty six year old man caught in the throes of a horrid phobia and screaming about women with bony fingers who toss their skinny asses out to swim with the fishes." But his grin, which was soft, broadened. "Not that we're both on the truly skinny side anymore, mmm?" His free fingers moved over his lovers flank, which had filled out the smallest bit, and made that devilishly handsome face all the more handsome.

Lionel gave a little chuckle. "You're still skinny enough for me to heave your ass into the river," Lionel reminded. "Though I don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon, occasional exertion is good for me. Helps keep my strength up."

"You didn't heave me anywhere." Indignant sniff. "I was tossed in on my own accord, I'll have you know."

"Of course you were," Lionel humored. "The protesting was just for show."

"Of course." Another sniff, as he rubbed his thumb in gentle circles on his lovers covered hip bone. "Speaking of good exertion, are you up for teaching me to fence with Clark, when we get home?"

Lionel cocked his head to the side. "Of course, if you're interested in learning. Clark and I were about to begin the intermediary training, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind a quick review of the basics before we begin."

"Okay." A little smile, as he cocked his head right back, so their noses brushed. "I wouldn't mind. I should like it, I would think, if you showed me." Another shy glance and he rubbed his lovers fingers, shifting his gaze to the ceiling above them. He was relaxed, which was amusing for his current circumstances, but there were just enough drugs floating around his body to make him lethargic and calm, comfortable, and he mmmed softly as his fingers drew designs in Lionel's skin.

"Then I'll be glad to teach you." Lionel closed his eyes. "I just had a horrific version. The Luthor Version of Dumbledore's Army. You, Clark, and Lex, all poking each other about with pointed foils. Do remind me to have the tips bated when we return home."

Dominic's grin broadened. "Whore. I didn't know you read Harry Potter." A little beam his way, as he sighed in contentment. "I'll have to show you Clarks fiction. Fabulous. Slashy, though."

"No, thank you. I do believe I'll draw the line at reading the actual books."

Now that was funny, and Dominic snickered. "And watching the movies?"

"Of course."

"Hah!" Nose crinkled, eyes dancing. "And if I show you a bit of the things I scribbled up, myself?"

"You won't." Lionel kissed the tip of his lover's nose. "Because I'm telling you not to."

"Okay." Another crinkle, though his eyes had fallen closed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He paused. "For what?"

"For being a good maritus." Dominic murmured, softly, and kissed his lovers nose himself, then his lips, very, very gently. "You're so good to me."

Lionel returned the soft kisses gently, stroking his beard over Dominic's cheek. "No better than you deserve," he answered back softly, helping to tuck Dominic close to his body.

"Mmm. You'll be saying such when I make you get on the treadmill at home." Snickered from under his lover's chin, where he moved to set his cheek on his lovers soft chest. "I love this shirt. Soft. Cozy."

"You'll never get me on a treadmill, simply because if you're going to force me to run, I would rather do it where there is actual scenery to be seen." He smiled down. "I'm glad you like it; it's one of my favorites."

"Mmm. I hate running." Muttered into his lovers shirt, where he was very cozy and very sleepy. He quieted for a moment, eyes open, and his throat tightened, uncontrollably. "I lied to you."

Lionel felt his chest tighten, but kept his fingers stroking slowly through Dominic's hair. "What about?"

"About the nightmares." Quietly, as he closed his eyes, and winced the smallest bit. "The first time… it wasn't the first time I'd dreamt about the bony woman. I went through a spell of it, after..." Another moment, and a swallow. "I was sleep walking a lot during the time, as well. Ended up in Little Tokyo, barefoot in my pajamas once, and had to call Meggie to come get me. I wouldn't have mentioned the spells, but... I thought this was going to go away."

Lionel tucked his lover's head under his chin as he settled. "It will go away, once whatever you're afraid of has been dealt with. Monday morning, we'll call Elaine, and we'll set an appointment to talk to her as soon as possible about this."

Dominic didn't say anything for a moment. But when he did speak, his voice was quiet, and small. "The only way it went away was through taking drugs. I don't want to do that again, Lionel."

"Then you won't," Lionel said firmly. "You won't take anything that you don't wish to take."

He didn't say anything again, and just... let it go. He was tired, very much so, so he didn't speak up again as he closed his eyes. the bony woman leapt up in his mind, sneering her skeletal smirk at him, but he ignored it quietly, just letting sleep yank at him.

Lionel hummed softly, almost under his breath, in time with the tunes playing over the airplane's sound system. "That's right, my little cricket. Rest now."

"Tell Clark and Lex...I'm sorry for waking them." Softly, as he buried his face in Lionel's warm shirt and breathed in the expensive smell of it, quietly.

"I'll tell them, but I'm sure they don't mind," Lionel said, keeping his stroking and his breathing slow and regular.

Dominic matched it, softly, even as he relaxed quietly. He couldn't sleep, not again, but he could rest, and he did so, listening to his lovers heartbeat underneath his ear. "I love you."

"I love you, Dominic," he said quietly. "Never think otherwise."

"I don't. Only the love of my life could read Harry Potter one evening, then chain me up and fuck me blind the next." A tiny glance up. "Are we alright, now? About..." He swallowed, tightly. "I won't... make you uncomfortable, any more."

Lionel nodded, and he caught Dominic's chin, tilting his face up and making him stay there. "We're all right. And no, you won't make me uncomfortable anymore, because you're going to help me get used to it."

For once, Dominic ignored the scream in his head that said he'd never do it again, and instead, gently stroked over the beautiful face pressed close to his. "I want you to enjoy it. It feels so good, Lionel, you don't know how much. It… it's a relief, when you've someone to give up everything to, after bearing the burden all the time. When you... when you grab me, and take me wherever you please, it makes some of the responsibility I hold slip away, and just listen to what you want me to do."

Lionel nodded. "I understand that. And that is exactly what you are supposed to feel. However, it's... sometimes difficult for me to give up that, to anyone." A little sigh. "Not just you, but anyone. But that is why you and I are going to explore it together, and I am going to become accustomed to it, so it doesn't frighten me. And so that I can learn to enjoy it."

"I'll be gentle." Came the soft voice, though it was tinged with a quiet smile. "I promise you." Dominic slid his fingers through his lovers hair and scooted up, just a little, to lay their foreheads together. "I wish to help you understand I won't hurt you, even if… what we're doing involves pain... the good kind, anyhow."

"I know you will be." He kissed his lover's fingers gently, then his mouth. "I know you won't hurt me; I trust you. I put myself in your hands, Dominic."

"I'm glad you do." He kissed back, twice, and smiled into it. "A trust well earned, indeed. The first time you saw me, I thought you'd be counting the silver once I'd left. Though..." Another grin, which dimpled his cheeks. "I wasn't dressed properly. I'd been late all morning, indeed."

A little snort. "The first time I saw you, I was tempted to hand you a ticket back to the train you'd just stepped off of."

A snickering chuckle rang from him, as he looked up. "And I almost wanted to get back in, after seeing the proper way you looked, and the anger in your eyes. Dearest Jesus, how we ever made it through that is a willing of God."

"You were tempered," Lionel admitted. "By Metropolis, by the travails you went through, and by the harsh rules I subjected you to in my service. By the time you were of a status to be noticed, you were ready. You'd grown up, and become accomplished."

"The rules weren't so bad." He grinned up at him, and jerked a shoulder to the left. "Did you just see what we left? LuthorCorp was fun in comparison."

Lionel had to laugh at that. "Yes, I can see where that might actually be the case."

He kept smiling, as his lover laughed, and rolled his eyes. "And they were cordial, darling. Believe me, when my Gran's in a fettle, you better run and hide. Except I never got to, cause I'm the damn favorite."

Lionel's eyebrow elevated. "I find myself once again wondering how in the name of God you survived your childhood and early adolescence."

"With many broken bones." A sensible nod. "And swimming. A lot. One had to, when one was tossed off into the ocean at odd times."

"It's a wonder you never simply swam away."

Dominic choked on the laugh, and cracked up. "I'm sorry, I didn't have, as you say, a Popsicle stick to surf across the oceans with."

"You are Olympic caliber, Dominic, or at least, would have been at that time. You are telling me you couldn't have made it up the coast far enough that you could have gotten away from your family?"

"Probably." A little smile at him. "Olympic, once. If Id have kept it up, I might still have been at that level, indeed."

"I'll tell you again, you're welcome to the pool whenever you want to use it."

Dominic smiled, and shook his head as he turned his back to him, rubbing in against his beautiful lover gently. "I chose my path. I'm a happy man, Lionel, aside from bony bitches with scythes and such."

Lionel had to give a little laugh at that. "I understand; you wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world." He wrapped his arms around Dominic's waist and pulled him tightly in. "Come on. You need to rest, especially after that last nightmare. You don't have to go to sleep, and if you feel like you can't handle being in the air, I have your medicine sitting by the side table there."

"Mmm. I'm quite drugged up, from before." A little smile at his lover. "Quite relaxed, I am, indeed." gentle fingers moved over his lovers face. "How do you feel about going home? Happy? Excited? I sincerely hope Charlie hasn't ruined everything."

"Lex has been keeping an eye on Charlie and his Mr. West both, and I believe they've both proven competent. It has only been unattended for two days and a weekend, and I have faith in the slackness of the holiday weekend that we have not missed much."

"Might have not?" Dominic answered back, with a small smile, even as he let his lover go and rose up to sitting. He stretched his sore muscles… winced at the vertigo, but threw his legs over the side of the bed as he stretched.

"I don't believe we've missed anything earth-shattering, no," he said, watching his lover sit up. "Where are you going?"

"Piss, if you are in dire need of knowing." Dominic's eyes danced at his lover as he reached over to press a kiss against his forehead. "Its the other thing we do with our cocks. Though, of course, the much less pleasurable thing."

Lionel made a small face. "Of course. I'll be waiting here for you when you get back."

Dominic grinned at him, again. "What was that face for, eh? I thought you loved everything about me." A snicker, as he kissed his lover again.

"I do love everything about you." Lionel wrinkled his nose again. "It simply isn't one of my kinks."

"And indeed it shouldn't be, for it is gross." Another kiss to his lovers face, this time that wrinkled nose, and then soft, full lips. "Excuse me a moment. If you hear retching, or a bang, I've fallen. Mm?" He rose and slipped into the side bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"I'll listen out for you," Lionel said dryly, and once Dominic was in the bathroom, Lionel rose to his feet and walked out into the cabin. "Clark?" he asked softly. "Are you still awake?"

Yeah, right. Like Clark could sleep when Link wasn't going through the damned forest, and he looked up from his Gameboy, sitting up a bit. Lex was sleeping in the chair next to him, and Clark carefully jostled him, craning over his shoulder. "Sure… is everything okay?"

"Everything's all right," Lionel reassured him. "I just wanted to thank you again for what you did. It helped me get Dominic warm and relaxed a lot faster than I could have alone, and that probably saved him from having a minor stroke or heart attack."

Clark smiled at him, and nodded as he rose. He set the game boy on the small table and shifted to cuddle Lex in his blanket a little warmer, as he came around, with socked feet no less, to talk to Lionel. "He was just freaked out. Did he tell you what happened?"

"He had a nightmare; the same skeletal creature that usually chases him stabbed me to death, then ripped through the belly of the plane and threw him out into the air. Because of the drugs, he couldn't wake up, not even when I was slapping him." Lionel sighed, and rubbed his face gently. "I gather he woke himself up when he hit the dirt."

Clarks eyes were dinner plates. "Well, that's grizzly." He made a face, winced, and motioned for Lionel to follow him to the small kitchen off the bedroom. Very small, hardly bigger than a hallway, and he retrieved a bottle of scotch from the fridge. "You like it neat, right?"

"Yes, please." He sighed. "He says it's not the first time he's had these nightmares, and the worse they've gotten, the more he sleepwalks. I've never known him to sleepwalk while we've been together, but neither have I known the nightmares to be this bad. I can't help but thing they're my fault, caused because of that trick I played on the riverbank, and that once he is home and sure that I'm well, they'll lessen. At least, that's what I am hoping."

Clark shook his head, and handed the glass to him. "One, stop blaming yourself. It doesn't look good on you. Two, he's sleep-walked once, but Lex found him before he was down the stairs, and had him sleep in the movie room on the big couch in there. Third, the nightmares are bad because I think... well.. I don't know, really. Maybe they're just bad because its time to shed his past." Clark tipped his head. "Think maybe that's why different versions of himself keep getting stabbed in the dreams?"

Lionel had drained half of his glass, and then paused, raising the other half in toast to Clark. "Young man, have you ever given thought to becoming a psychiatrist? Or a psychologist? For someone who's mindset is different from ours, you certainly seem to have an amazing grasp of it."

Clark grinned. Broadly. "Practice makes perfect. Plus, I've gotten to study Lex." He made a shhing motion. "Don't tell him. I'm curious about him just as he is about me. I mean, honestly. Only two lungs? Thinking in such a way that categorizes stuff into like, little folders?" He made a face. "Weird."

Lionel laughed. "Your secret is safe with me," Lionel promised. "The more rigid the personality, the more strict that file structure is."

"Isn't it strange?" A low mussing. "I don't think like you guys do... at all. I mean... at all at all. its really weird, but, you know." Another little smile. "But, hey, not the topic. Dominic and you. I mean… get him to talk to your psychologist...Elaine is her name?... and see why this is going on. I'm pretty sure its the guilt he's shedding, Lionel. I'd bet you anything."

Lionel finished the drink. "I'd bet you're right," Lionel agreed. "That's why I wanted to talk to you, because you don't think like us."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Softly amused, Clark took a sip of his drink… and held up his ring finger for Lionel to see, his lips spreading softly.

"He said yes?" Lionel smiled too. "I told you that he would. Lex loves you, and that's something I've never seen in Lex before, but I know it's true."

"I know." Clark gently nudged Lionel's shoulder. "Let me make a suggestion. Lighten up, a little. Told that to Lex, too. You guys are way too serious for your own good, and just for it, we're going to DisneyWorld for summer vacation, so put it in your plans." A pointed finger, a glare.

Lionel scoffeed. "DisneyWorld? You must be joking, yes?"

"Maybe just the beach, then." But he motioned a shoulder, as he heard a door in the bedroom. "Dom's finished. Go take care of him... Consuela said we're landing in an hour or so."

"That's good news." Lionel put down the empty glass, and hugged Clark. "Thank you, son, for the help you gave me."

"Sure." He gave Lionel a hug back, and let his eyes dance as he strolled out into the cabin.

- = - = -

Lex had never been so glad to see home before. Yes, he missed Cobh, and he didn't stop to think how strange that was. It wasn't even his home; it was the first time, in fact, that he'd even visited the city, and yet, he missed it.

These were his thoughts as he climbed the steps. Nobody had yet come back from Easter dinner at their relatives' homes yet, and the house was relatively--and part of Lex appreciated the pun--quiet. His computer was over his shoulder, both his suitcases in hand, and he was climbing the steps one by one as he listened to the silence of the house.

Clark trooped up after him, solidly, carrying another suitcase filled with things they'd bought, and the bunny cage. He'd assured Lionel he'd take care of it until Lionel gave it to Eleanor, and he heard the little guy chirping softly as he walked.

Dominic had been a wreck for the last twenty minutes of the ride, and the intense fear had radiated so fiercely that Clark hadn't stopped being nauseated until they dismounted the plane. They'd gotten him and Lionel home, safely and in their rooms, and now they were headed up to their own.

Smallville never, ever looked so good, and he found himself breathing soft, quiet relief in the joy of being home.

Lex crested the top of the stairs, and then paused, shifting to the side and letting Clark come up beside him. Something... wasn't right. Something itched in the back of his head, and he sighed. "Jet lag," he said quietly, shaking his head clear of the fuzzies and heading down the hallway towards the bedroom.

"'m tired too." Clark murmured, softly, as they walked. "Want me to give you a good back rub, baby? It'll calm you down a little, make the tension go away."

"Mmmm. That sounds nice, actually." Lex cracked his neck and used his foot to nudge open the already-cracked bedroom door.

And everything in his hands hit the floor.

There was an intruder, sitting on the end of the bed, studying something in his hands as he sat there, and hadn't even noticed the entry of the rightful owners of the room. "Hey!" Lex called out.

Clark dropped his own things when Lex did, in order to catch what Lex dropped, except for Mr. Bun Bun of course. His lovers name was on the tip of his tongue...before he looked up, silently. Their was a dark haired man sitting on their bed, the edge of it, and he felt a cry of anger rise up in his throat.

Before it was completely washed away, and his knees felt weak.

The figure blinked, as it sat there on the bed, and then lifted up it's head, which was cast in the dim shadows of the dark room. "Hello, Kal... Kenep." He stood up, and when he stood up, the shadows fell away to reveal features similar to Clark's. "Welcome home."


go on to the next part