
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 231: Names Have Been Changed To Protect the Ignorant

Jor-El looked up at the new arrivals, and he smiled. "Ah, Dominic, Lionel. Please, join us. We were just having a... what did you call it, Kal? Midnight snack?"

Lex just kept serenely eating, because he knew if he looked up and at Dominic's face, he was going to lose it and just start cackling.

Lionel banged into Dominic's back and opened his mouth to speak when he saw what Dominic was looking at. "Jor-El?"

"I... how rude of me. I... Jesus." Dominic took a step forward and offered his hand. "I... Lex mentioned something about... you're..." Oh, yes. He was beautifully educated, wasn't he?"

Clark blushed softly, and winked at Lionel. "He's solid, and alive. Lex and Father found a way to make him real, with us."

Jor-El hunted around the bar for something to clean his hands with, and Lex just quietly passed over a linen napkin. Jor nodded in thanks, wiped the oil from his fingers, and came around the bar, his hand outstretched to shake hands in the human greeting. "Please, sit. We are family now, there is no rudeness between family members. In this case, I would say it's justified shock." He shook Dominic's hand firmly, and then offered it to Lionel.

Lionel returned the handshake, noting with surprise that the hand was much more real than when he'd shaken it before, and then he remembered the greeting that Jor-El had given them the last time, and placed his hand over his heart, and then lowered it, palm up.

Jor-El smiled. "You honor me with your remembrance, Lionel Luthor."

Dominic was still wide eyed, staring, and he felt distinctly under dressed as he wrenched his eyes away and met Lex's. A blink at him… another blink at Clark, who's dimples were shining, eyes dancing, and turned and plunked down in the stool across from Clark, Jor, and Lex. "Wow. I mean... wow."

"Its amazing." Clark said softly, as he winked at Dominic and motioned his head at Jor. "I'm really... really happy."

Jor-El watched with slight amusement as Dominic fell heavily onto the stool, and he pushed one of the cups of coffee over to him. "Here, I understand from my son that this drink is supposed to have restorative powers." He gazed penetratingly at Dominic, meeting him eye to eye. "You have not been resting well, Andes-El."

Andes who? Dominic didn't know, or understand, but he felt... a wash of pleasure he couldn't explain, even as he bit his lip and accepted the cup. "I... no. Not really." A hard swallow, before he grinned down at the coffee. "It's got restorative powers, indeed. It… wakes you up, when you're sleepy, and gives you energy when you're tired. its also much more disgusting than it smells."

Another deep, penetrating gaze. "Let go of your past, and do not let it shade your eyes so." Then he shifted his eyes to Lionel, and smiled again as he extended the other cup to him. "Join us, please."

The words surprised, again, and Dominic looked down into his coffee in a bit of quiet shame as he thought. "Come, Lionel, sit. Jor-El, if I might be so frank, how are you with us in this way?"

"You can be." He smiled into the glass of tea he was drinking. "Though I am not sure I can explain it in a way that you would understand." He sighed. "The ship that brought Kal-El--my son, Clark--to this planet contained my artificial intelligence matrix. It is more complex than the rudimentary ones you have created here, because mine allowed me to become the semblance of the person you saw projected from Clark's ship. There was a transformation process that Jor-El--the true Jor-El--programmed into the ship whereby the most of it's mass could be transmuted into flesh and a body created to house the intelligence matrix. Clark initiated that process, and as result of it, I am here."

Kal El. That was a beautiful name, and Dominic absorbed it as he sideglanced Clark chowing down on at least a pound of spaghetti, before looking back to Jor. "So... you're you, then? Clark's father? You said his intelligence was rooted into the ship... Jor-El, I do not wish to be rude, or disrespectful. But Clark is" My step son. "Lex's aushna', and he will one day soon be a part of this family, legally as he is already. I do not wish harm to come to him, and I have to ask you if you have his best intentions in mind. Please, don't think me to be disrespectful, because I'm not." Though he winced, a little.

Jor-El considered the question quietly. "You do not know what you have just asked me, Andes-El. You have challenged my honor, and the honor of my house by implying that I am here to damage Kal in some way. However, I know that you do not know what you have done, and I will let this pass. Moreover, I will answer your question, this once, and I will not answer it again." His eyes darkened, just a little. "I am more than Jor-El's intelligence, Andes-El. I am his feelings, his thoughts, his desires, his memories and his knowledge. Save for the soul, which rests in the Other, I am the recreation of Jor-El g'hansa. As such, I feel his pain at having lost both his children, one to the Other and one to the vast reaches of space, and I feel his relief at having found that son again, whole, alive, and happy. Do not presume to think I am merely some mechanical entity. I am Jor-El. I am his father."

Dominic winced, this time making a soft sound, and looked down at his coffee while Jor spoke. Shit. "I'm sorry." He said quietly, even as he looked back up. "I had to ask, Jor-El. I wouldn't be a proper person in this family if I hadn't asked. Clark is, in part, my responsibility, as well as Lionel's, and we love him dearly. I ask of you, if you sat where I am right now, if you wouldn't ask the same questions I ask. I'm sorry if I've dishonored you, or challenged you in any way."

Clark was just... just smiling at him, softly, even as his father sat angry beside him. "I love you too, Dominic."

Jor-El still glared. "Were we on my world, there would be no reason to ask. Does it set your mind more at ease to know that Kal-El was born of Jor-El's body? Does it relieve you more to know that to do harm to that child is to destroy all that I am or was?"

Dominic's heart burned hot, even if his voice was quiet. He felt indignant, angry, but at the same time, wished he hadn't said anything. "I know he was. He told me, himself. Again, I ask for your forgiveness. I only seek safety for Clark, Jor-El." Something in Dominic's heart was making his words clipped and strange, and he felt oddly strange, like some part of him was... Lex. He was feeling what Lex would, and he shifted his eyes to him before looking back to Jor-El. "I apologize for doubting you."

"I know what it is you seek, Andes. Do you?" His eyes bored into Dominic's. "You know the answers to these questions already, and yet you seek reasons to be angry with yourself for asking, or with me for answering. You seek out the anger of others as though you believe that only the angry strike of a hand shows affection for you." He did not move his eyes from Dominic's. "Do not raise my ire again."

Not even Lionel had ever demeaned him in such a curt and swift fashion and he nodded, looking down again. He wanted to tell him that he did know the answers, but he couldn't let Clark or Lex ever be in any type of pain again, but he didn't say it, just watching the cream in his coffee make swirls along the top of it.

"Father." Clark said softly, and squeezed his hand to take his attention from Dominic. "Eat. Are you enjoying your food?"

Jor-El did as his son wished and transferred his attention from Dominic to him. "Yes, Kal, do not worry. The food is very good."

Lex had been quiet up to this point, but he finally spoke now. "Jor-El, you owe Dominic an apology," he said softly. "He is jur-naie, and he is my father and my friend. He wants the best for Clark and me both, and you dishonor him by dismissing and demeaning his desires."

"Well said," Lionel murmured softly, as his hand came to Dominic's back to rub in gentle encouragement.

Dominic shook his head, tightly. "If I were in his shoes, I'd be rightly pissed off as well. He owes nothing." He looked up at him for a moment. "I am assured they have given you a proper bedroom? If there is anything you should ever need, you only need ask one of us to assist you. There are many people that live here, and I'm positive you will meet them in the coming days. There are also many people who come and go, including a great number of my own family." A shift. "Some people do not know of Clark's special gifts. There are myself and Lionel, Lex of course, Clark's sha'nauch," With his accent, it came out 'sha'nuach', "as well as my sister and her boyfriend. Clark's parents, do, as well, but my family, save my sister, does not know."

Jor-El nodded brusquely. "I will be cautious in what I say, have no fear."

Lex continued to glare at Clark's father. "Jor-El... if you dishonor this man, then you dishonor me. He is of my family, of my house--Luthor--and he is my friend," Lex repeated. "Do you challenge my honor and the honor of your son by dishonoring his kinsman?"

Dominic physically winced. "Lex, stop. It's forgotten, aye? Be quiet, now, and finish your supper."

Clark's voice, very quiet, rose with his lovers. "He is my friend, father. He has taken care of me, both he and Lionel. Honor me, and my happiness, please."

"It's not forgotten," Lex said softly, but he didn't take his eyes from Jor-El, and he didn't show a sign of weakness to his aushna's father.

At his son's words and Kenep's challenge, Jor-El relented. "I apologize to you, Andes. Perhaps I was... unnecessarily harsh."

"Yes, you were," Lionel said softly. It had pleased him more than he was willing to admit that Lex had not only defended Dominic, but called Dominic father. It's why he had not stepped in, because he hadn't wanted to bring Lex's attention to what he had said, and have him revoke it.

"Its not needed." Dominic looked up at Jor-El, himself. "I'm sorry I questioned you."

Fuck. Clark winced, quietly, at all of them, and kept eating his spaghetti, as fast as he could shovel it. This wasn't how he'd wanted this to start, and he sideglanced Lex, helplessly.

"It was needed," Lionel reassured his lover, stroking his back.

Lex intercepted the glance and nodded in understanding; he hadn't wanted this either, but perhaps it was for the best, for ground rules to be understood. "Jor-El... you and I both have adjustments to make, I think," he said softly. "Clark and I just reconciled our differences because of a rift caused, in part, by my overprotective nature. I have reacted towards Dominic just as you have, and we are both in the wrong for having done it. We will learn, the both of us together, to remember that Clark does not need our constant protection, nor is he still the child you knew him to be."

"Not a child." Clark repeated, softly, as he looked at the two men across from him, and then to Jor-El. "Not a child. I won't have you all arguing. You, and Lionel, and Dominic, and my dad, are all my father. You have all saved me, and helped me find a life I never thought I could find again. I owe you all my lives, and I love you all, in equal. There is no need to bicker over me... Dominic used much kinder words than my dad will use, Father. He asks because he loves me... just as you would ask, as you love me, as well."

Lex traded a cringing glance with Dominic at the mention of Jonathan, and he leaned over the table, motioning Dominic close. "I'll print the tickets to this meeting, you sell them, and we'll split the profits on our way to Tijuana?"

Lionel spoke up then. "Jor-El, I can, perhaps, understand a little better than the others, because were someone to question me about my intentions towards Lex, I would be similarly upset." He picked his next words carefully. "But if I recognized that the person meant me no harm, and cared only for the welfare of my son, I would find it in myself to let it go."

Lex barely hid the snort, and skillfully ducked the dark glare Lionel sent his way.

Jor-El gave another nod. "You are all wise men, and you all speak with wisdom." He turned back towards Dominic. "Many apologies to you, Andes-El. I said before that you are a teacher, and you seem to have taught your lessons well to these children--these young men," he corrected himself, and he made half a bow towards the other man.

Dominic was still a palled shade of white, as he looked at Lex, and leaned over to whisper, "You say that like I couldn't stay for the carnage of the sequel--Jonathan's revenge. His big guns? Cow patties. Won a medal every year at the County Fair for throwing them long distances." He looked up, then. Making the big alien angry had horrified him, but now that Jor-El spoke, he found himself relaxing again, just the smallest bit. "I have taught them nothing, Jor, only to be communicate to one another when they are in distress. They are very intelligent young men, and have found their way. I only hope you will share in the joy Lionel and I have, in seeing them grow and become closer."

Lex buried the snicker but not the fleeting smile the comment brought him as he envisioned Jonathan hurling cow patties at Jor-El.

"If you have taught them that, then you would be honored among the tutors of our world, for that is the hardest lesson of all to teach our children, to speak to one another as they should, and not as they would to protect each other from their true feelings."

"You honor me." Dominic said softly, and reached across the table to squeeze Jor-El's hand. "I thank you."

Jor-El met the reaching hand halfway, and returned the friendly squeeze in kind. "I speak only the truth," he pointed out.

Dominic pulled back the next moment, and smiled again, quietly, as he glanced at his lover. "Tomorrow, will you join us for breakfast?"

Jor-El nodded. "Of course I will. I do not require sleep, as such, so I would very much like your permission to explore the libraries and the rooms of this great house."

Lionel nodded. "Of course, help yourself. You are welcome to explore any room in the house, save for the locked bedroom on the first hallway."

Lex swallowed hard. He knew why that room was forbidden, and he looked at Clark quietly and nodded.

Clark felt, in his heart, that he needed to explain, and he spoke up quietly. "It is where Mar was born, father, and where he died. The room has been torn apart… there is nothing left in it." He said it, quietly. "I have blessed it, already, do not worry yourself with doing so."

"Yes, of course." Dominic offered him a smile, even as the smile slid away into a furrowed brow of sadness. "Well, that's enough emotional turmoil for a single night, isn't it? Rest, now, laddies. We'll be seeing you in the morning." Dominic rose from his seat and set his coffee mug in the sink, before giving both Clark and Lex a big hug. "Thank you, both. Good night to you."

"Night, Dom." Clark muffled in Dominic's shoulder, squeezing back tightly.

Lex got up with Dominic and returned the hug tightly, squeezing as firmly as he could. "Goodnight, Dominic. Sleep well." He hugged again, and then slowly let him go, and slipped his arm around Clark's waist.

Lionel nodded. "The room has been cleaned, fumigated, and everything in it destroyed with Clark's approval," he said softly. "The only thing we wait on now is for all of us to decide together what to put there instead."

"I'll be upstairs." Dominic said softly, as he pressed his lips to his lovers temple, and padded out quietly.

Clark shifted his eyes from Dominic's back to his father, and nodded, quietly. "Everything's gone." His throat tightened for a moment, before looking back down. "I ask for your guidance, Father. I don't know if my gifts and blessings are what I should have done."

Jor-El brought Clark gently against his chest. "Do not think of this now, before you sleep, because you do not want ill wishes to haunt your dreams." He kissed Clark's forehead softly. "We will speak of this together in the morning, though from what I can see in your thoughts, you did all that you could do for your child."

Clark wrapped his arms tightly around his father, and let his eyes close for a moment as he relished in the comfort of the embrace. "I was alone. Lex… Lex doesn't even know." He rose his eyes to his lover, and held a hand out to him. "I did it before we left for Ireland, aushna'."

Lex took Clark's hand and rested it on his chest, over his heart. "If I had known, I would have been there for you, my heart," he said softly, then kissed Clark's palm.

"I did not wish for you to know." Clark murmured, quietly. "Your pain is so bright, aushna'." He let go of his father to embrace Lex, tightly, and sigh, softly. "My father is right. We'll talk again tomorrow... its been such a long night already." he looked up at Lionel, still sitting there quietly. "Thank you, Lionel, for everything." He gave the older man a tight hug. "Mr. Bun-Bun is safe, don't worry."

Lionel had to give a soft snicker. "I know he is; I'm going to bed with Dominic; if you need us, you know where we are." Lionel hesitated a moment, and Lex moved for him, hugging him gently and letting go. "We'll see you in the morning, dad."

Lex smiled sadly. "Our pain is bright," he said softly. "I don't want it to be a barrier too."

Clark smiled, quietly, softly, as the two of them embraced, and then looked at Jor quietly. "Let us retire. I'll get you some night clothes, father, so you might be more comfortable." He rose, setting the empty spaghetti plate in the dishwasher, and finished his tea, setting it in the dishwasher, as well. Set Lex's plate in there as well, and wrapped Jor's salad and set it in the fridge. "You can eat whenever you want, okay? And drink, too."

Lex drained his glass, and handed it to Clark to go in the dishwasher.

Jor-El smiled at his son. "Kal, do not worry. I am as comfortable as I can be now, there are other people in the house, and if they should come across me, I should like to be dressed for them." A little smile. "If you will show me to the library, I will be quite happy there."

"Okay." He smiled at him as he took Lex's fingers in his own, squeezing them gently, and motioned with his head. "Follow me." He smiled at Ms. Birds door, quietly, as he did, and shifted as he squeezed Lex's fingers in his again. He had a feeling Ms. Bird knew more than she was letting on but he ignored it for the moment, just leading his lover and his father out of the door. Parted ways with Lionel with a goodnight, and led his father to the enormous library beside Lex's study. It was warm, a crackling fire in the hearth, and he smiled at it, quietly, as he pushed open the oak and glass door. "Here, father."

Lex walked with Clark and Jor-El down the hallway, and when the door to the library was opened, Lex, in that moment, felt an immense swelling of pride.

Jor-El turned around, in a full circle. There were three and a half walls of books, from the floor to almost the ceiling. There was a small walkway, halfway up, just as there was in Lex's office, and there was a wrought iron staircase that led up to the small landing. A stuffed chair sat in front of a darkened stained-glass window, along with a small end table beside it. On the bottom level, there were two overstuffed love seats in front of the fireplace, with tall lamps on either side. "This is a paradise," Jor-El said softly, walking to the nearest shelf and running his fingers over the spines of the books. "How much knowledge must be accumulated in this little room."

Clark beamed, just as proud as his lover, and he gave Lex a huge smile, before shifting to look at Jor's shock and masked pleasure. "Its beautiful. My aushna' is a very intelligent man... all of the history of literature, what we as human beings are, is in this room. Father... read Shakespeare's works, first."

Surprisingly enough, Lex shook his head. "No. There's too much in Shakespeare that relies on knowledge of other things. Read the Bible first, then..." He turned to the shelves, knowledge of his books foremost in his mind, and before he'd realized it, the book he sought flew off two shelves above him and drifted down into his hand. "Then this. This is the Epic of Gilgamesh, and after you have read the story of Uruk, move on to the history and mythology of the Greeks and the Romans. Then you will be prepared for Shakespeare."

Jor-El nodded. "I will have many questions for you."

"I will try and answer them," Lex said with a smile. "So will my father, if you will ask him."

Clark nodded, and another surge of pride took him. "He and Lionel know very much of human history, father. They will guide you into the tragic beauty of the existence these people have gone through. You will come to love them as I have." A soft, quiet blush. "The Bible is the book most of religion is based on. You will understand a very big piece of the human condition after reading it."

"There are also copies of the Quoran, the Torah, the Saints' Book of Days, the scrolls of Confucius, as well as Buddhic texts and aboriginal studies." The books, as Lex named them, rattled lightly on their shelves to give their position away. "Do not judge our race on what you read in these books," Lex said softly, putting his hand on the cover of the one in Jor-El's hand. "The more you read of our history, you will see that we started out as simple people, and have become more bloodthirsty and more savage as we have matured. But that is not the human condition now; only the zealots kill in the name of the Gods in these books; know that humanity is nothing like the history portrayed in what you will read. We are a proud race, learning our way of the world, and we are worthy of your son."

"And I worthy of them." Clark said softly, as he stepped up as well, and looked over the leather covered tombs. "You will see our culture change as it grows older...I love books, and I'll show you the ones I love, of fiction. And Lex has about six hundred documentaries, where you will be able to watch the world change."

Jor-El gave each of the young men before him a hug. "You have nothing to fear, either of you. This world, this culture, might be primitive compared to Krypton, but it has done well by you, Kal-El, and I have no complaints of it. My curiosity however, is another story. I will not try to take you from it, fear not."

"Okay." A little smile, though he buried his face in his fathers shoulder. "I know you wouldn't. I love you, so much, father. You bring a joy to me I didn't think I had. Thank you, so much." Another squeeze. "You will love this world, as I have come to."

Jor-El let the book slide to the table by the fireplace, and he wrapped his arms around his son. "I already love this world, Kal, because it has given you a life you would not have had otherwise. I cannot complain."

"Did you mean the words you said, father?" Clark asked, very softly, whispering almost. "You are truly my father, in every way?"

Jor-El nodded. "I am. I have the feelings, thoughts, memories, personality... everything of Jor-El except his soul. I am g'hana, Guardian of the house. I am Jor-El."

Clark didn't want to leave. He wanted to hear everything, but he was so tired, and all he could do was squeeze his hands tightly in his. "You are the best man I have ever known."

Jor-El shook his head softly. "No, Kal-El. Andes is the best man you have ever known, for he puts his love of others before his love of self. He does it to a fault, perhaps, and does not think of himself when he should, but he is the best man for being able to love first."

That his father said it shocked him, very quietly, and his head tipped as he listened to him, his brows furrowed. "Dominic is a good man. A very good man. He has brought to our lives," He motioned to his lover standing beside him, "A peace and a family we thought we'd never have. In his love, he has healed the barriers that stood between Kenep and his father. He is a good man, and in him, I hope you find a friend, both he and Lionel."

"I believe that I will," Jor-El said, after a moment's consideration. "You would do well, my son, to look to this man as an example. I believe that he has much to teach you, and will be willing to do so, should you merely show an interest in it."

"There is much sadness and heartache in his life." Clark said, quietly, but he nodded, and listened to what his father had to say. "Thank you, father. I will put it in my thoughts." He reached forward and hugged him again. "I must rest... our trip was so long. If you need us, we are at the end of the first hall. Call to me, and I will respond."

"Rest well, Kal-El. I shall be here in the morning when you wake." He hugged Clark tightly, and did the same for Lex. "Sleep, both of you. I can feel your exhaustion."

Lex nodded; the nap he'd taken in Clark's lap earlier had barely staved off the tiredness, and it was starting to hit him full force now. "Help yourself to anything in the kitchen if you get hungry before we wake."

"I shall, Kenep." He stifled a grin as Lex yawned. "Go, go to bed with your aushna' before your next yawn swallows your head with it."

Clark grinned, broadly, and squeezed his father one last time as he and Lex slipped from the room. He turned to look at him again, one more time, before taking Lex's fingers in his own and very carefully, lifting his lover into his arms. He tucked Lex in on his shoulder, legs in arm and tightly holding him close, and kissed him gently as he started up the steps. "It has been the happiest weekend of my life, Kenep."

Lex curled into his lover's arms as he watched Jor-El sitting carefully on one of the sofas, book in hand as he started to read at an almost inhuman speed. Then he nestled his head against Clark's shoulder and slid his arms around Clark's neck. "I'm glad that it has," he said softly. "I can't imagine what it means to you having him here."

"It means the world. My family is complete, for now." He whispered, tenderly, and pressed his lips into Lex's temple, his jaw, his chin. "My lover. My sweet lover, how I adore you. I love you so much, Lex. Did you know that?" Another kiss to warm lips, a strong jaw. "I adore you."

Lex purred softly in Clark's arms. "I love you, my beautiful, beautiful aushna'." He nibbled back at Clark's lips as they kissed, rubbing his nose gently against his lover's at the soft words of adoration. "You complete me."

"I will, as soon as I can." He murmured, and rubbed his lovers backside, gently. "Tomorrow morning, we'll bask in the sun and make love until we ache." A gentle kiss to that little rubbing nose. "For now, I am so tired, aushna'. So tired. We'll sleep."

Lex nodded softly. "I'm tired too." But then he gave a little sheepish look to his lover. "But..."

"But?" At the sheepish smile his own smile came out, and he nuzzled Lex's cheek and jaw gently as he pressed the door of their room open, closed it with his foot, and gently deposited his lover on the warm sheets.

"I miss the puppies," he said in an embarrassed whisper.

"I miss them, as well." Clark said, softly, and his eyes danced. Who wouldn't? He carefully tugged his shirt off, letting it fall to the floor, and walked to the bathroom for a moment to wash his face. "They're asleep. I can feel them. Snoring, they are."

"At least they're sleeping peacefully." Lex crawled up to the top of the bed, and then yelped. "Freddie!!"

Yeah? So what? Freddie stretched and licked his chops. He'd been looking for the two big stupid people that belonged to him, but had gotten sidetracked by the nice warm bed. He flicked his tail at Lex and jumped down, streaking out of the room.

Dominic had crawled into bed again. The shades were drawn, their bed turned back, their door open a crack. He was lounging again, only this time re-reading Harry Potter, because he was quite certain he and his lover had had a conversation about it on the plane but he couldn't remember a thing about it. Order of the Phoenix was the type of book to be read six times, after all. He looked across at his lover, at his laptop again, and yawned himself softly, as he cuddled in beside him, snuggling in close, and kept reading.

Two seconds later, a streak of fur landed right in the middle of the book, and started to purr. Loudly. Finally. His big stupid people had remembered they had a Freddie at home to take care of, and wanted the attention, and he wanted it now.

Dominic jumped, nearly fell off the bed, and stared down at the little gray kitten purring on top of his pages. He blinked through his glasses… blinked again, and looked at his lover. "What did you do to him?"

Lionel raised an eyebrow as he paused his laptop. "I didn't do anything to him."

Freddie padded up the length of the book, until he got to Dominic's hand, and he butted it with his head. Okay stupidhead, get with the program and start petting the kitty.

"Was he getting into your liquor?"

The cat was touching him. And all but begging for snuggles.

The. Fuck?

Dominic did as Freddie asked, of course, gently stroking his velvety ears, and brought him in close to his chest, petting him in slow, gentle strokes over his ears, down his head and over his back, very gently and softly. "Hello, my little prince. Finished with your tantrum towards me, I see."

"Not that I am aware of," Lionel said, reaching over to pet the kitten with one cautious finger.

Okay. Now that was more like it. Freddie curled up on Dominic's chest, purring his pleasure loudly, arching his back into the strokes as he occasionally headbutted the petting hand to let the stupidhead know to keep it up.

Dominic kept giving him gentle strokes, then soft kisses on his ears, and he rubbed behind them gently, to get the itchies out. Didn't stop rubbing, just letting him sit on his chest, and watched him warily as he lifted his book back up. "There we are." He murmured, gently, down at him. "Little sweet Freddie you are, aren't you? Even if you are a mean bastard, you're my mean bastard."

Yeah. Whatever. Just keep up with the petting. When he felt the book move, Freddy shifted to block it. No way, stupidhead. What, you think you're gonna give that stupid book the attention? I don't think so. The Marquis is in the house, and Freddie's purring got louder as he stretched out to block the book.

Dominic just... sighed, held Freddie to his chest, and set the book on the bedside table, so he could rub and stroke his warm fur gently. "Fine. Be that way. That's alright, I know what happens in any case." He rubbed the baby's head gently and yawned himself, loudly, as he snuggled against his lovers side. "Lionel, are you going to wear the black pinstripe tomorrow?"

There we go. That's what the Freddie needs. He closed his little eyes then, purring loudly as stupidhead put the book down and made Freddie the center of attention.

Lionel tucked the laptop down onto the floor, and sighed. "I haven't honestly given a single thought to tomorrow's wardrobe." He put his arm around Dominic and tucked him in close.

"Mm. I was going to wear my green one, that's similar to your black one, and I don't want us going in to work like a pair of dunderheads." Dominic yawned again, softly, and as soon as Lionel's arm came around him, he snuggled in close, Freddie laying half on his chest, and half on his side. "He's really precious, isn't he? When he isn't an evil bastard."

"I think he missed you," Lionel answered back. "And yes, the green one is quite fetching on you." He kissed Dominic's forehead. "I suppose if I wore something even slightly casual, the building would cave down on my head."

"Of course it would." But he smiled up at him, broadly. "What of the navy blue one, with the crisp sides and the narrow pockets? That's a lovely one, and it looks fabulous on you, as well." He reached up for a warm kiss, himself. "If I had it in me, my darling, and you were in such moods, I think that kiss would go further. But I'm just so blasted tired."

Lionel nodded. "Yes, I think that's definitely the thing. I'll wear that tomorrow, and to hell with anyone who doesn't like it." He returned the kiss, and nodded. "I'm exhausted, little cricket. You can take it further in the morning," he offered with a grin.

A smile up at him, even as his green eyes fell to half mast, and he stroked Freddie for a few long moments. "I'm scared of going to sleep, Lionel."

Lionel nodded in understanding. "I know you are. But you must try to rest, at least. If not, you'll never be able to face the day tomorrow." He moved so that his shoulder cradled his lover's head. "Here. Sleep on me. I will protect you."

His throat tightened to almost unbearable, and he slid in closer still, letting Freddie go about his business as he wrapped his arms around his lovers chest. "She'll be back. I know she will."

Freddie stalked off to curl up on Dominic's hip, still purring.

"If she is, I will be here to wake you up and hold you safely until the fear is gone," Lionel promised softly.

Dominic swallowed, and nodded quietly. "When are we going to see Elaine again?"

"Tuesday evening, unless I can convince the good doctor to work us in sometime Monday afternoon," Lionel said softly, fingers carding gently through his lover's hair.

"Alright." A face up at him. "We both need haircuts. Maybe while we're in Metropolis we can get it done." He said, softly, and yawned again against his lovers chest. "And we're meeting with my sister tomorrow, about our personal finances, correct?"

"That's correct," Lionel said softly. "I think your hair is just fine as it is."

"Bull." Muttered, as he shifted Freddie in snugglier against his hip, and yawned again. "I love you, my husband."

"And I love you, my darling little cricket of a husband." He smiled softly, and kissed his lover's yawning mouth. "Sleep. I will be here."

"Rii-iight." A quiet snort. "I give you five minutes before you pass out. Though its quite alright, indeed." A squeeze of his lovers chest. "Goodnight my darling."

"Goodnight, my cricket." He hugged his lover back. "I won't sleep until you do, and I will wake if you do. Don't worry."

"Mmm. Did you set the alarm?"

"I did, it's ready to wake us up in the morning."

"Alright, then." No other excuses. None. At all. Fuck. He tucked Freddie in and turned a little more, so he was on his own pillow again, though he was laying on his belly. He hugged the pillow close, as well as his lover, of whom he had his arm draped over, and yawned again, deeper, as he began to fall asleep.

Lionel brought his lover close, making sure that he was holding Dominic tightly, and watched as he fell asleep.

- = - = -

As soon as Freddie streaked out of the room, Lex carefully picked up the sheets, the blanket, and then the pillows, checking for any other small furry creatures that might have made their way into the house while he wasn't looking.

Once he ascertained that the bed was safe, he flopped back on it and groaned in appreciation of the familiar mattress, fluffy pillows and warm blankets. "God, this is sin." He flipped over on his side, getting ready to curl up to Clark when he got in bed, and sighed.

The answering machine was blinking. He rolled over to Clark's side of the bed to check it, and he laughed. The little digital display was blinking "00," which Lex knew from experience meant that there were more messages than the display could show. "Clark? We've got about a hundred messages here."

"Prowy all 'or," Swish, spit. "Probably all of your admirers. Or Charlie." Clark poked his head from the doorway, gave his lover a sleepy grin, and went back in to continue scrubbing his teeth. His toothbrush, his bathroom which, at the moment, was in a state of disarray, as he and Lex had taken down the wallpaper and all the ivy, to change when they went to Metropolis in the coming week. He used a fluffy white towel to rub his hair dry, then his mouth, running a comb through his locks a moment later. They went crazy in the humid air a moment later anyway, sticking up everywhere, and he heaved a sigh at it as he tried to fix it a little. "Lex? When Aden and Rico come out, maybe they can give me a haircut. I like the short hair... and this rats nest needs to go."

Lex gave a little grunt as he reached into the drawer for pen and paper. "Probably, but Charlie could have gotten me on the cell phone. Christ, if all of these are from him, I don't even want to check my email and what the fuck has Wally been doing while I've been gone, sitting on his fucking thumb?"

"From what I've heard, its a pleasurable experience." Clark said, innocently from the doorway, as he tugged the towel from around his hips and crawled in between the cool, cozy sheets. A long, soft moan of happiness and he shifted and moved, rolling onto his belly and cuddling down into his pillow. "Sleep. Messages tomorrow."

Lex wasn't hard to convince. "Set the alarm an hour early," Lex yawned, putting the paper back by his side of the bed and cuddling against Clark's side. "It'll take that long to check the damn things."

"Mmm. Tomorrow afternoon. Can wait." Clark yawned, unclenching his cozy pillow with one arm to tug his lover closer to his chest. "Love you." Kiss against his ear, which was the closest place he could reach without opening his eyes.

Lex just closed his eyes, ignoring the blinking on the answering machine. "I love you, Clark." Yawn. "Sweet--" Another yawn. "--dreams."

"Sastan uuna." Clark muttered in response. (Sweet dreams)

Fifteen minutes later, he was snoring.

And not five after that, so was Lex.

- = - = -

Dominic was pleased.

Who wouldn't be? Honestly. The offices were immaculate, the paperwork from his little busy bees was in a perfect stack on his desk, and all of his phone messages had been logged and set beside it. It was perfect, and he'd been very, very pleased when he'd walked into his office an hour ago and found it all completely organized and well kept.

Of course, that hadn't stopped him from rounding the troops and yelling at them. Or, rather, being brusque, curt, and explaining in too few words that they had done a good job, and he expected such work from them from now on.

Still, he couldn't help but be pleased over the lot of them, even Charlie, the poor dunce, despite the fact that he'd found a pink bra stuffed into the cushion of his office couch. Didn't want to know why. Just. Didn't. Charlie's desk, which Dominic had moved into his office the week before they'd left, was in a mild state of chaos, though the work from him had been stellar. He liked to keep an eye on the boy, and as Charlie was the third person, after Lionel and Lex, that he trusted with the work, he'd awarded him with a raise he'd pushed through accounting and personnel, for his next pay period.

Of course, he didn't know that yet.

Pink bra not withstanding.

Charlie was having himself a mild heart attack. He'd... well, they, actually, but he'd left a rather... incriminating piece of Emily's clothing in Dominic's office, and he hadn't meant to, but he was trying very very hard to retrieve said item from the couch cushions before Dominic found it. His desk was a holy mess, and he knew it, but at least he knew where everything WAS in the mess. Which was a lot more than other people could say about their neat desks.

He came into the room with two cups of black coffee, cream and sugar in his pocket, only to find Dominic dangling the garment in question from his index finger. "G--good morning, sir."

Dominic blinked up from the bra, and instead set his chin on his hand, and wrinkled his brow. "You know, Charles, the Bra Fairy seems to have left something behind. I really don't want to know why she decided to leave a bra in my couch, as she knows, by now, that I'm quite gay, right?"

He set the bra down on the edge of his table, and took one of the coffees, holding his hand out for the cream and sugar. "Do I want to know why its here, Charlie?"

Charlie flushed fire-engine red. "N-no sir, I mean, I don't know why it's there, sir, but um, I brought you coffee, sir." He held out the little Styrofoam cup. "I even brought you cream."

"Cream will not save you from my wrath. Perhaps delay it, but not save you from it." Dominic glared, though his lips twitched without him meaning them to. "In the future, lets keep personal affairs off of my leather couch, shall we?"

"It was after hours when I was the only one here working!" he exploded, and then darkened again. "Yes, sir!"

This time, Dominic's grin broke through. "So you thought having a romp on my couch was justified, then?"

"It wasn't a romp, sir, it was a distraction. One that I needed, because she was, at the time, trying to get me to Easter dinner," he said stoutly. "And if I remember, you told me I needed to get out, have fun, and get laid." Then he paused, and added respectfully, "Sir."

Dominic's grin broadened, and his dimples shone in each cheek. "Yes, I did. Thank you, Mr. Siegel, that will be all." He pushed the bra across the desk with his pen, and then buckled down to his work, still snickering, as he began to transfer his notes to his desktop.

Charlie picked the bra up off the corner of the table and stuffed it in his pocket, and in its place, put the cup of coffee, and a handful of creamers and sugars. "Thank you, sir." Then he coughed lightly. "Sir, perhaps you'd like to take a look at Ms. Grant's column in the Daily Planet?" he asked, shrinking back towards the door.

"Ms. Grant?" Dominic looked up, distracted for a moment, and his eyes narrowed shrewdly, as Charlie began to back up. "What column, Mr. Siegel? Stop inching away, come sit down." Not a question, an order.

Shit, shit, fuck goddamned and shit one more time. Charlie stopped, and he was still a good two feet from the door. Fuck. "There's... well. Yes. Ms. Grant writes the lifestyles and gossip columns, and yes. Well. I thought you should read today's, before it was picked up by anyone else."

"Why?" Now he looked suspicious, as he lifted the Daily Planet, sitting on the edge of his desk, and began to rifle through it.

Didn't have to look long.

His bellow echoed, he was sure, all the way to Metropolis.

- = - = -

Baby Blues For Bickering Billionaire?

My sources have revealed the reason behind the Luthor-Kent schism! Almost a month or so ago, it's come to light that Lex Luthor was documented as spending almost five thousand dollars on infant and baby clothing, as well as high-class maternity clothing for an anonymous female. While we've been unable as yet to ascertain proof of the identity of the female companion, we believe we've uncovered her name!

The mother to be is none other than Gina, the world-renowned supermodel. Gina has very recently come out about her pregnancy and has been very secretive and private about the identity of the father.

Now we know why.



go on to the next part