
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 236: Two O'Clock Spoons

Lionel worked straight through until almost midnight. He'd just shut down his laptop, marking his place in the spreadsheet to begin with tomorrow, and sighed. He'd even pulled up the digital floor plan of the Hercules building, staring for half an hour at the master office in the building and brooding over it.

But he'd closed his laptop, taken a shower, and settled down into bed beside his lover. It was now about one in the morning, all things done, and Lionel was settling in to sleep beside his lover.

Dominic was at Graham's house. It was dark… the moon, lit but shadowed behind thick clouds, crept into existence once in a while, shadowing light onto the ground. The flowers surrounding the walk up to Graham's house were quiet, almost sinister, glaring at him with their little petals as he walked.

He was barefoot. He didn't know why.

He stopped on the porch... pushed open the door. It gave, easily, under his hand, but he'd expected it to, now hadn't he? He stepped inside... into a world he never thought he could even imagine, let alone consider.

Graham lay, in a pool of his own blood, beside the couch. His throat was slit, his insides laying on the outside. His eyes were open, still alive, as he gasped in agony, and reached out to him. Too late, too late now to do anything, because Toni was there, Toni was screaming, as the bony woman, with her clawed knife, stabbed into her gut. Curved... carved her open, and Dominic's entire heart shuttered closed with a horror he'd never thought he'd see, as he watched his half formed child slide out of Toni's body and hit the floor.

He screamed. On top of his lungs, he screamed as hard as he could and didn't know if he wanted to run or to succumb to the devil bitches blade. Instead he turned, took flight, felt something trying to touch him, to grasp him but he shook it off. Stumbled down the stairs, down the garden path, and heard the sickening sound of Toni's body falling to the porch steps, of the sinister woman's laugh as she ran after him. Fast, she was so fast, so impossibly fast and he couldn't find it in himself to scream, or cry, or do anything but run.

He ran as fast as he possibly could, as hard as he could, into darkness, into abyss, shaking with the cold of the forest he found himself in. Oppressive trees, thick and black, and pants and gasps from his own chest, and the intense dreading fear that she was close. He could feel her, sense her around him even as he crashed through the trees, the bushes and brambles, racing as fast as he could. Adrenaline spiked through his body, carrying him through the woods, and it was too late when he saw the tree trunk.

He could do nothing but slam against it, stopping the full brunt of the hit with his side, and slid down as he felt something give in his legs. Weak, useless, and he looked up, sobbed as the blade came down to crash through his face, and woke up.

He was in the bedroom he shared with his lover. Leaning against a corner of the wall, and through the flee through the woods, he'd somehow made himself as small as was physically possible, hiding himself from what would have been a knife, hunched in the corner.

Lionel was almost frantic as he knelt beside Dominic, shaking him gently with one hand and feeling for the cordless phone with the other. The ear-splitting shriek had been one terrifying thing, and then Dominic had leapt out of bed and started running.

Lionel had barely managed to beat him to the bedroom door and slam it shut, turning the key in the lock so that Dominic would be trapped in the bedroom. He was yelling for Dominic as he tried to wake him up, and his heart was pounding in his chest as his lover refused to become aware until the nightmare had run it's course.

The piteous little wailing sob had ripped Lionel's heart out of his chest, and he was drenched in frightened sweat as he crouched in front of Dominic, feeling for the phone so he could call someone, anyone... maybe God, to help.

Oh, father. He'd done it again, he could tell even though he was having a hard time concentrating at the moment, as he looked up into his husbands face and saw the fear there. It was only then did he finally take in a breath, gasping breath into his air starved lungs, and shuddered and shook. He wasn't going to move, not just yet, because it was safe here even if she was coming--but she wasn't coming. It was a dream, Dominic, snap out of it. He gasped for air, swallowing it as he finally looked into Lionel's eyes, and nodded softly, as his teeth clattered with his shakes. "Mm… I'm okay... Lionel, okay."

He wasn't. His stomach was roiling, his body was tense, his heart was shattered, and he kept reliving the nightmare every time he blinked his eyes.

Lionel gave a little cry as he reached out and pulled Dominic towards him, crawling into the corner with him to hug him tightly and cradle him safely against his body when he didn't move. He just wrapped his arms around his husband, tucking Dominic's head under his bearded chin, holding him tight and rocking. "Sssh. You will be okay. Come on. I'm trying to find the phone as we speak. I'm going to call Toni."

Dominic didn't say anything. The last few times he'd had these nightmares he'd had a severe crying jag, lost all the contents of his stomach, and nearly lost his bowels. Now? Nothing. He just let Lionel hold him, his heart pounding furiously in his chest, and tried for long, slow, quiet breaths even as he trembled in his lovers safe embrace. He closed his eyes, tightly, ignoring the sneering woman and holding his lover back as much as he could, as they sat there together. "It's okay. Call... ask if she's okay, okay? But… but I'm okay."

"You're not okay. I'm not a medical doctor but even I can feel your pulse racing and your lungs fluttering. You're panting like you've run the marathon, you're drenched in sweat, and you're trembling." He finally found the phone and with a sure grip that he didn't feel, he dialed Toni's home.

Graham had just gotten home from a late repair job at the school, replacing floor tiles in the chemistry lab where some genius had spilled acid and eaten a hole through the floor. His eyes had just closed when the phone rang, and he growled like a bear. "What d'ye wan', an' y'better be ready t'die."

"Shut up this instant and let me speak to Toni; it's fairly urgent." Lionel had no time to waste on Graham's posturing.

Dominic grit his teeth, tightly, finally whimpering and letting his lover go enough so he could lay his head down on Lionel's lap. He closed his eyes, ignoring everything but breathing, and gave a wracking tremble when he saw, in his minds eye, what that woman had done to Toni. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes again, shifting and curling up into a little ball.

Toni's eyes flew open, and she turned, to look at Graham, and the phone in his hand. She'd heard Lionel's voice and she snatched it up quickly, speaking into it. "Hello? Lionel? What's wrong? Is everyone okay?"

"No, everything's not all right. Dominic has been having nightmares, and tonight he was sleepwalking. I barely got the door locked before he got out of it, and I couldn't wake him up. But he wants to make sure you're all right." He held the phone to his lover's ear. "Ssssh. It's Toni, little cricket."

Dominic didn't say anything for a moment, eyes tightly closed, grasping his lovers thigh in his hand even as his body slackened with relief. If Lionel was talking to her, than she was alive. "Are you alright, Toni?"

Toni sat up more, letting her feet come off the side of the bed, and switched the phone to her other ear, eyebrows furrowed tightly. His voice was shaking and hollow, and she frowned, deeply. "I'm just fine, sugar. How are you feeling?"

"I've been better. And Aurora?"

"I can tell. Aurora's fine, sleepin' like a dream here in my belly." A deeper frown. "Just calm down baby, mmkay? Wake yourself up, drink something with citrus in'll sharpen your senses, get rid of the dream. Did you hurt yourself, baby?"

Dominic swallowed... looked down... then back up, shaking his head. "No. Stubbed me toe, but its alright. I'm okay."

"Put Lionel back on, sugar bear."

Lionel took the phone as Dominic's shaking hand held it out to him. "I'm here, Toni." He kept Dominic's head against his shoulder, rubbing his back with one hand. "What should I do?"

"Don't let him take a shower, or get in the bath. You can let him wash his face, but that's it, okay? Keep him warm, get him something to drink, hun." She thought for a moment. "He been having these nightmares long?"

"I understand." Lionel reached back to the bed again and pulled down the thick goose down comforter and wrapped both their bodies in that, so it would trap their body heats and warm his lover faster. "He's been having them on and off since I've been sleeping with him, but they've been worse the past few days. Once, on the plane home from Ireland, and now."

"Might just be stress, sweetie. I suggest, since you guys see a counselor, that you bring this up. In the meantime, come by tomorrow, I'll give him a thorough examination to make sure there's nothing else triggering these attacks, and get him on some relaxants he can take 'fore bed."

"He won't take drugs, Toni. I've tried. There's a combination that Elaine--that's our therapist--prescribes for his plane trips, and he won't take them at all."

"I bloody hell won't. I'm not insane, and I'm not taking drugs when there isn't a use." Dominic muttered, darkly, from under the blanket, and lay his head back on his lovers thigh, sliding in closer with only a quiet shift.

"Not drugs, baby. Relaxants. It'll keep his body relaxed, so he doesn't sleep walk anymore. I've seen a whole hell of a lot in my career, Lionel, and sleep walking is something we don't want to mess with. Broken bones, cuts, head and spinal injuries, even death, if he decides to plunge from the terrace or take a flying trip down the stairs."

"I'll keep the doors and windows locked, but I've read that won't stop him if he's determined. I've read of them being able to untie knots in their sleep." He stroked Dominic's head as it slid down to his thigh. "I love you, Dominic," he said softly, then brought the phone back to his mouth. "I'm worried about him, Toni."

"Of course you are. Wouldn't be a fine husband if you didn't, now would you?" She glared at Graham like the devil and stood up, setting the phone in the crook of her neck and tugging her robe on, then her slippers, and walked out of the bedroom and down the steps. "I know it. Don't know what on earth could be causing such violent attacks...are these new? Outta the blue?" She reached the kitchen and flipped the overhead lights on, before going about preparing a cup of coffee for herself.

"I love you." Quietly, softly, as he rested there in his lovers arms. "Stop talking about me. So much for behind my back." A little glance up, a little smile.

"No, they're not out of the blue. He's had these nightmares before, just never quite this badly." He looked down at his lover again. "Don't be silly. Of course I'm going to talk about you to your doctor. I'm worried sick." He turned back to the receiver. "I'm sorry about that. Yes, he's had them before. The last time that I remember was months ago, when we were moving LuthorCorp. Dominic had that terrible case of the flu--you came out, and gave me a flu shot, in fact--and it was later that night that he had the nightmare."

Toni chewed on her lip, for a moment. Her mind was racing, and a single thought kept coming back, over and over, that terrified her. "And they've been worse in the last few weeks?"

"Yes, they have." He blinked. "What are you thinking, Toni?"

She wasn't going to say. She didn't want to upset either of them, and they'd had such a bad go of it. "Nothing, actually. Just come on it, mm? I'm going to consult you to a dear friend of mine, Dr. Anthony Bryce. He's absolutely brilliant, came in a week and a half ago for a months rotation. He's the best neurologist in his field. Id like for him to take a look at Dominic, just in case, alright? Get in a CAT scan or two."

"We'll do it." Lionel didn't even give Dominic a chance to protest. "We'll be there first thing in the morning." A squeeze to his lover's shoulder. "Tell me, Toni. Don't do this; you've always spoken frankly to me and I prize that. Please continue to do so."

She looked down at her coffee, as she sat down at the kitchen table. "I know, sugar." A moment to think. "I shouldn't tell you this without telling him first, though. That goes against patient doctor confidentiality, but..." Another moment to think. "Before you both go to a therapist, I want to make sure it isn't a mass."

Lionel didn't let a flicker of the panic he felt at that statement show, in either his face or his voice. "I understand, thank you." He took a slow breath. "What time will Dr. Bryce be there in the morning?"

"Don't worry, Lionel." Cause she knew how his face must have looked. "Its just a precaution. I wouldn't have even considered it, if you hadn't said its been getting steadily worse. It was bad enough for you to call me, then it was bad enough for me to tell you what we're going to do." A pause. "Explain it to him, tomorrow morning. Don't let him worry about it now, okay?"

"Believe me, Toni, I don't intend to." He was very careful in choosing his words. "We'll both make sure to get a good rest tonight, as best we can, and we'll talk in the morning."

"Alright, honey." She closed her eyes a moment. "Go on, to sleep, mmkay? I'll catch you both tomorrow morning, bright and early."

"We'll be there with bells on." Lionel hung the phone up carefully, and then tugged Dominic close to his chest, holding tightly as he wrapped the blanket tighter around his shoulders. "Are you warm enough?"

Dominic stirred from his half sleep when he got jostled, and he shook his head, softly. "Carpet is cold. Can we sit somewhere? I'm so tired. I want to sleep, Lionel, but I can't. I see her face. And my shirt is sticky." His throat was tight, his voice a croaking whisper. "And I'm stinky, aren't I?"

"Come on. Let's get you into bed. We'll sit up, and I'll read to you a while. You can wash your face, and we'll get you a clean shirt, and I'll read to you." Lionel started untangling the blanket from around both of them.

"Alright." No scathing quip, no sarcastic snicker. He just sat up, quietly, swallowing as he looked across the room for a moment, and quietly rose up to his feet with little effort. Shifted, made sure he had his balance, and offered his fingers to his lover to help him up. "So tired, Lionel. We have to be up soon. I'm so bloody tired."

"No, we don't have to be up soon. We're going to see Toni in the morning, so we can sleep in a little, until her shift starts. I'll call Lex in a few hours and explain what has happened and have him handle things today." Lionel held out his hands and helped Dominic to his feet, wrapping Dominic's arms around Lionel's waist so that he didn't tip over.

His eyebrows furrowed, tightly. "Lionel, we've been away from work too much. I can go to the doctor alone. I don't think anything is wrong with me… I've had these nightmares many times, over the years, like I told you. You should go to work." He sat down on the bed a moment later, and let his lover go enough to yank his sopping wet t-shirt up over his head. "Ew."

"If this company cannot run without it's master at the helm for one more day, then every single worker I have from Lex on down to the lowest maintenance worker at the plant is useless, overpaid, and I'll fire them on the spot and close the entire bloody complex down," he snapped.

"No, goddammit! You listen to me, Lionel Luthor." Dominic glared up at him. "We're not going to flip out over this. You're going to go to work, and you are going to let me go to the doctor alone. I am, after all, almost a forty year old man. You cannot be away from work again, after we just got home. My absence can be excused away--yours cannot. It is your work, your life, and you must treat it accordingly, do I make myself clear?"

"You are, after all, my husband," Lionel shot back. "And I will be by your side."

"Is it that serious, then? What did Toni tell you?" Dominic demanded, glaring as he rose again, steadying himself and going to the dresser for another t-shirt.

"She told me not to allow you in the bathtub or the shower, and to let you rest," he snapped again. "And to keep you warm."

"You're hiding something from me. I'm not a stupid man, Lionel." He snarled back, and yanked his t-shirt on over his head, over his ears, down and tugging it over his belly, as he went into the bathroom.

Lionel rolled out of bed and padded into the bathroom behind him. "What are you doing?"

"Washing my face." Was all he said back, growling at him as he put the faucet on with a twist of his wrist.

Lionel didn't make any further inquiry, just walking into the bathroom and tossing him a washcloth, and then a towel to dry his face with.

Dominic caught them both, glaring at him as he dunked his head under the faucet and washed his face and his neck, scrubbing away the night sweats as he did so. Rubbed his face dry with the towel, making sure his neck was dry and wouldn't get his shirt wet, before setting both towels in the hamper and stomping out.

Lionel stomped out behind him, making sure the door was locked, and he pulled the key out of the lock and tucked it in his pocket. He got into bed and re-straightened the quilts and blankets, and then held his lover's side open. "Bring me the book you're reading, and I'll read to you while you get warm."

Lionel taking the key made his glare darken, no matter how much he hated it because he knew his lover was right. If he didn't bring the book he'd been reading to his lover he was almost certain he'd look like even more of a child than he was right now. So he picked it up, Lord of the Rings, and walked regally over to him, sitting on the edge of the bed, laying back, and glaring as he set the book on Lionel's stomach.

Determined not to listen to a lick of it, too.

Lionel picked up the book as he wrapped the blankets snugly around his lover, and moved down so that they were of close to the same level. His fingers flipped through until he found the marked page, he cleared his throat, and he began to read.

Another glare... blatantly ignored his lover, as he turned on his side, facing away from him. But even as he did it he looked out of the terrace glass doors, at the moon. He was incredibly upset, very much so, and his throat tightened, for a moment, as he looked out at the world beyond the doors. "Lionel? Put the book down, alright? I need you to touch me for a while." He didn't say anything for a long minute, closing his eyes quietly. "She killed Graham, and Toni. Gutted her, right there, and our baby..." His voice choked and he bit his lip, tightly.

Lionel immediately set the book down, as soon as he was asked, and he turned onto his side, wrapping both of his arms around Dominic's waist and drawing their bodies together. "It was just a dream, Dominic. Brought on by the fight you had with Graham."

"It was horrible. I ran from her, after… she caught me. In the woods." Was all he said, quietly, as he watched the moon. It wasn't like the one in his dream; it was bright, happy, alive, quiet in slumber. "She caught me, and stabbed me."

Lionel just nuzzled his lover gently. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from her."

"No one can protect from her." He said quietly, and his hand cupped Lionel's in his and pressed them gently against his chest, to hold there. "No one can hide from her. She found me, no matter how hard I was running. I was running fast." He said quietly, though he didn't say anything again for a while.

Lionel kissed the back of his lover's neck. "You must know that in reality, I will not let anything happen to you, to Toni, or to our daughter," he said finally.

"It doesn't matter. She'll find you. She's an evil hag." Dominic said vehemently, and now he gave a tremble. "And she's so fast. Christ, she's fast. She wears… ripped black robes, all over, and her face is hidden just enough, but inside... her eyes are sunken, her skin is almost green, and she leers and smirks every time she hurts one of you. She's the devil, Lionel."

Lionel hugged him tightly. "She doesn't exist outside of your dreams, my love," he said softly. "And if she does, then you know none of us will let you come to harm. Though Lex will never admit it, he will help you, as will Clark and I will lay down my life for you."

"She's not real, not like you're wondering." He said quietly, even as he closed his eyes again. "I'm so tired, Lionel."

Lionel laid soft kisses on top of each closed eyelid. "I know you are, little cricket. We're going to see Toni tomorrow, and I think she'll be able to help."

Dominic was quiet, for a long, long time, and almost seemed to be asleep, until he spoke. "Does she think its a tumor?"

"I don't know what she thinks for sure," Lionel said, evading the question as much as he could.

"You're lying to me."

"No, I'm not. I could tell you that she's made wild suppositions, but that won't help either of us. Better we wait until the morning and see what we can know for sure."

Dominic turned his eyes up to his husband. "Does she think it's a tumor, Lionel?"

"She said it could possibly be, but that she wants to check with a neurologist, Dr. Bryce. He's going to be scheduling a CAT scan."

He searched his lovers eyes... found them to be of the truth, and nodded, his throat impossibly tight as he turned back around. "Thank you. Although I can tell you all now--I don't have a tumor."

"I know you don't," Lionel said softly. "Don't ask me how I know. I just... I would know. And I know that you don't. But Toni wants to check everything out."

"Because if I did, I'd be acting oddly, having fainting spells. I'm not having anything but nightmares. No, this is because I'm fucked up, so don't worry your handsome head, lover."

"Of course I worry. What kind of a mate would I be if I didn't?" he asked, echoing Toni's reassurance as he stroked his fingers gently through Dominic's hair.

"Don't. There's nothing to worry about. I'm not sick." He looked up at his lover. "Much." He turned his head again. "I wish I was up to sex. I need that post orgasm sleepiness so much right now."

Lionel stroked his hand down his lover's flank. "If you'll allow me? I'd be glad to bring you an orgasm, one-sided though it may be."

He shook his head, sadly, quietly. "I couldn't get hard if my life depended on it, beloved."

He nodded. "I understand. I just... wanted to offer. See if there was anything I could do for you." He kept his love cradled against his chest.

A very gentle smile. "It means something. That you would. I love you, husband."

"I love you, my husband." Lionel kissed Dominic's cheek again and again.

Another few minutes, as the clock flipped to 2 a.m. Dominic's breaths slowed, and quieted. He didn't know how he could possess this much love for one person, but it was Lionel. Everything was Lionel, and he clasped the hands in his, as he turned and rolled onto his side, to face his lover, quietly. He slid his face close to Lionel's, even, facing one another, and shared his pillow as he opened his tired eyes to gaze into his husbands face. His hand came up, to cup the warm skin, gently.

Lionel's hand rose to cover Dominic's as soon as he felt the soft touch. He turned his head so that his lips pressed into his lover's palm, and he kissed softly.

Dominic stroked his lovers cheekbone, softly, even as he quoted one of his favorite poems. "Right now I feel like a bird, caged without a key. Everyone comes to stare at me, with so much joy and reverie. They don't know how I feel inside... through my smile, I cry. They don't know what they do to me, keeping me from flying." Dominic stroked his fingers, softly, over Lionel's face. He tipped his head. "You're my song, Lionel. My cage is my past. Maybe someday it will go away… right now, I feel so trapped. I want it to go away."

"It will go away. It is going away slowly. That's why we're going to see Elaine. Can't you see? You're not the timid mouse you were even a year ago. You've made so much progress. Please, don't give up now."

Dominic felt a smile, a real one, touch his face, even as he gazed at his beautiful husband. "I won't give up. I'm stronger than it is."

"Yes, you are," Lionel said firmly, reaching out and reverently stroking the smile on his lover's face. "You're stronger than anything that could try and keep you down."

"Damn right." He pressed his lips to his lovers fingers. "Even a skanky, bony bitch."

"Especially a... skanky, bony bitch." His repetition was unsure, but he nodded as he said it.

Dominic smiled, then, again, at his lovers words, which didn't sound right with his New England, rich accent, and grinned as he traced his lovers lips. "See? When you do things like that, I can't be cross with you."

"I don't want you to ever be cross with me, Dominic." He kissed the fingertip that rubbed over his lips.

Dominic didn't feel like teasing each other, as they often did, so he just nodded, and replaced the fingertip with his lips. A quiet, gentle touch… then a look up into Lionel's eyes, and he went in again, brushing his lips against Lionel's once... twice, before kissing, gently. Soft, quietly, before his tongue sought admission, and he brushed past his lovers lips, parting them before sliding in for a sensual, long kiss.

Lionel accepted the kiss easily, his hands sliding to the small of his lover's back and pressing him close, sliding lightly over the firm globes of his lover's ass as he kissed back, tasting and licking at Dominic's tongue, letting him lead the kiss and take what he wanted.

He kissed soft, gentle, investigating a mouth he already knew so well, and he claimed the slick tongue for his own, sucking softly at it before delving in, deeper. His fingers stroked up Lionel's back to grasp a handful of his hair in a gentle fist, tilting Lionel's head under the kiss so he could go deeper, and took in a breath when he could, though this... was so much better than air.

Lionel gave a little moan at the fist in his hair, and he arched his body gently, fitting it along the curves of his lover as he held Dominic close, offering his mouth and his tongue for his husband's pleasure, even as his fingers kneaded and squeezed his ass, moved up to rub his back and slide up his shoulders to press him down.

Oh yes. Lionel was so good at squeezing right there and he arched even as he took, not letting his lover get the upper hand by touching in the ways he had. He stroked through all of that magnificent, soft hair instead, keeping his lovers head in along his so they could kiss, and as he was on his side it was fairly easy to slide his top leg between Lionel's and arch up, instinctively, to rub Lionel's crotch gently with his thigh. He licked, softly, along that deliciously beautiful mouth before letting go to catch an earlobe, taking it in his mouth and sucking, nibbling.

Lionel gave another little shuddering moan, body jerking as his earlobe was sucked into wet heat and swirled against a slick tongue. His legs clamped gently around Dominic's, still kneading and squeezing as he rocked back against his lover, raising his hips up to meet the gentle rubs of Dominic's thigh.

"Like it?" Dominic asked softly into the shell of his lovers ear, as his thumb slid down the side of his neck, gently, gently caressing the skin as he let go of the earlobe. He slipped down, gently, and wrapped his mouth around the nipple closes to him, the one without the ring, and sucked on it, hardening it with his touches.

"Like it very much," Lionel answered back softly, raising his body into the gentle touches. Gave a little whimper as his nipple was sucked, and his fingers slid into familiar handholds on Dominic's hair. "But you should let me; let me give you."

"Why?" He looked up at him, even as his thigh rubbed up gently, carefully, even as his fingers slid into the cotton boxers his lover wore, and carefully took his prize in hand, gently squeezing the hot skin and stroking him into full hardness.

With Dominic's fingers on his cock, Lionel couldn't think of a single coherent answer to that question. Instead he just arched harder into the stroking, feeling his shaft grow under Dominic's talented fingers, and he brought his hand to his chest to tug his nipples roughly, rolling the slick one in his fingers as he pulled on the ring that pierced the other one.

Dominic's fingers slid over Lionel's hands, gently, stopping the hard tugging, as he kissed his neck, his throat, then each now red nipple. "Turn on your other side, caro." He murmured, very gently, as his fingers slid down over his lovers backside and thighs.

Lionel obediently rolled onto his other side, so that he was facing the wall instead of his lover, and his back was tucked to his lover's chest. His cock was a hard, throbbing heat against his thigh and his body trembled in anticipation as he gave a little keening cry of want as his fingers returned to his nipples.

Dominic turned over and opened the nightstand, carefully taking out the lube from the drawer, and set the bottle between his body and Lionel's as he cuddled in, gently, and swept his lovers hair gently to the side, above them on the pillow, and kissed the back of his lovers neck. More soft, very gentle kisses down his spine, peppering each vertebrae gently as he traveled. His fingers stroked over his lovers front, up to the nipples Lionel kept tugging, and he rolled them between his fingers before sweeping down to a weeping erection.

He grasped it, at the same time his tongue tentatively stroked over the split in his lovers backside.

The soft cries turned into hard demanding cries at the dual sensation of fingers working his rapidly-tendering nipples and a slick slide of a tongue against his ass. He gave permission in the only way he could, letting one leg fall forward so that the split widened just a little and his shadowed opening became visible, his ass pushing back against Dominic as he whimpered.

Oh, yes. It was what he'd been waiting for, indeed, and his tongue gently stroked over the little sunburst opening, before his fingers gently spread his lovers cheeks open a bit more and pressed his tongue in. Tight, and hot, and good, and he lanced his tongue in, as far as it would go, as his hand returned to his lovers cock, stroking gently. Another long thrust inside before he slid out, kissing and nibbling the whole little area gently, before he rose up and grasped the lube in hand.

Warmed the slicker between his fingers and gently tickled his lovers entrance gently with one fingertip, not yet pressing in, as he kissed his lovers shoulder blades.

Lionel turned his torso just enough to look his lover in the eye. "Are you sure you feel up to this?" he asked softly. "I want you, so very badly." His cock was still aching against his thigh from the gentle stroking, and he trembled.

He nodded, and smiled into his lovers skin softly, as his fingertip slid in, softly, deeply, past both rings easily, as this passage was accustomed to him breeching it. The thought was deliciously sexy and he kissed his lovers shoulder again, then up for his lips, as he did it. "I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't. Hush, now, and enjoy it." He murmured. His finger lanced in again, stroking gently, before he added a second, sliding them in and scissoring them softly. "Feels good?"

Lionel turned a little further to accommodate the kiss and returned it thoroughly, his tongue delving and scraping all along Dominic's mouth, sucking and licking as hard as he could, moaning his approval and his pleasure as he spread his legs wantonly, begging with the rest of his body for more.

Every time Lionel jerked, begged, gasped in pleasure, Dominic went slower, taking his time. He thoroughly prepared his husband, two fingers, then three, carefully making sure he was ready, before grasping his own cock and stroking over it, making sure the hard length was lubed. "I love you, my husband." He murmured, gently, as his still slick fingers came around to Lionel's cock, squeezing it gently and stroking as he positioned himself. Blunt head against a stretched opening and with a push it gave, accepting him into his lovers body, and oh, God, that felt so good.

Deep, chest-rattling moan as Dominic slid into him, and Lionel surged back against his lover, squeezing the hard cock that was buried deep inside of him as hard as he could, his hands going back to tease his nipples as he pled for movement.

His lover rearing back felt even better and Dominic gasped, then uttered a long, quiet moan as he pressed in as far as he could. Arched up, gently tucking Lionel's head in as close to his as he could, and held his lover closely to him, gently, as his hips began to move. Gentle, very gentle, licking and kissing his neck, throat, ears and shoulders, his thumb sliding over the head of his lovers cock as he stroked it.

One of Lionel's arm reached back and wrapped around Dominic's waist, pulling him close and cuddling into him as he arched his head back, exposing more of his throat for kissing as his hips thrust forward, sliding his cock in his lover's fist as he couldn't stop moaning softly. "Dominic," he breathed out. "Feels so good."

"I know it does, my love." Soft, long desperate and quiet moan as he arched up, gently, sliding himself the last inch until he lay flushed, quiet, pressed in close to his lovers body and sheath. He kept his lovers top leg forward, gently, to let him be comfortable, and tucked a pillow under the knee, so Dominic's fingers could squeeze Lionel's erection. He let go, just for a moment, and brought his lovers hips back a little into him, before he slowly pulled out, and thrust back in in a gentle, but firm, movement. "Like this, my love?"

Lionel gave a happy little moan, arching back against his lover's sliding cock and nestling in close. His hand slid down to wrap around his lover's on his cock, and he moaned again. "Yes...," he hissed softly. "This is so good." He trembled, just a little, pressing back against his lover even as he rocked his hips.

"So good." He murmured back, and gently drew the blanket up over their bodies, so they were cradled in close, and started to move again. Slow, careful, firm thrusts in and out, his mouth returning to a beautiful ear, which he licked and sucked as he moved. He never sped up, always kept the same tempo and movements, slow, easy, as he made love to his beautiful husband. His fist tightened on his cock, careful, and sure, as he whispered soft, sweet nothings into his lovers ears and throat.

He wasn't in any rush. And he made it clear, with each gentle caress, and each loving kiss.

Lionel's hands reached back, alternating between stroking Dominic's ass as he could, and rubbing his hand down his legs. Hard, trembling shudders as his cock ached in his lover's hand, his nipples hard and waiting for use. Soft little whispers came out of his throat, answering the whispers of his lover, their bodies moving together.

His lover was pleading, in his own special ways, but Dominic didn't have enough hands. His palm was tight down on his lovers crotch, his other arm under the pillow they were sharing, cradling his lover close. Even as their skin dampened, and his strokes and thrusts continued, he whispered into his lovers ear, "Touch your nipples, my love. I know you want to, and its alright. Touch them for me."

Lionel gave a hard cry at that, and he brought his hands up to his chest, pulling the ring gently, rolling it hard, squeezing the unpierced one between his fingers. Each squeeze and tug caused his muscles to tighten around Dominic's cock as he rocked, and he grunted as his hips pushed back and his lover's cock speared deep inside him.

A low, soft groan into his husbands skin, and he sped up, pushing and rocking in and out faster… then a little faster now, because orgasm was coming. With each deliciously tightened muscle in his crotch and in Lionel's ass, which squeezed against him with his lovers touches. He moaned, very softly, and rubbed his hips in circles gently, rubbing against his lover's prostate. His fingers continued on the hard cock, going faster with short strokes and hard thrusts of his fingers.

Lionel felt the strokes inside of him speeding up, couldn't slow himself down either, and his fingers rolled his nipples faster and harder, to match the strokes in his ass.

His head arched back, resting on his lover's shoulder as his throat tightened and corded, his cock trembling and starting to jerk with encroaching orgasm. He rode the rubbing against his prostate until he could stand it no more, and he came, with a soft explosion of moans as he trembled.

Dominic pressed himself inside when he felt the muscles tighten, and was fully pressed into his lover when he came. His fingers grew wet with Lionel's orgasm, under their blankets, and he squeezed the cock hard, stroking it faster and harder in small, short jerks, to prolong his orgasm. His mouth came to his lovers, finding it tensed with climax and he licked it, seeking admittance even as he moaned himself, softly. His orgasm was only a few moments away and as soon as he felt the muscles loosen around him he stroked again, thrusting again.

Lionel turned his mouth into the kiss and sucked hard, his tongue moving into Dominic's mouth and tasting, licking, teasing as soon as he felt Dominic's lips touching his. He moaned, softly as he could, feeling Dominic stroking into his relaxed body after his orgasm, and he moaned softly.

"Almost." He murmured, in an almost quiet joy, as he kept thrusting. His body was aching for orgasm, but this was too beautiful not to enjoy. Lionel, pliant like putty in his arms, moaning softly, spent and relaxed, and Dominic let his pleasure shine through, as he moaned back, quietly, kissing his beautiful husband deeply.

He tried to squeeze Dominic's cock as he thrust, but his body was too relaxed and too good-feeling to tighten or squeeze. Instead, he just mewled in soft pleasure, rubbing back and letting Dominic move into him, kissing and murmuring in quiet tones as he let his body stay relaxed for his lover's use.

"Shhh, my love." He murmured quietly, even as his eyes closed tightly, kissing him back even as his muscles began to tense. He thrust a little faster, a little harder now, still quiet and loving but with a desperate edge to it. He was close, very close, and he moaned softly into his lovers mouth as his muscles began to jerk with his encoraching orgasm. Almost there, so close, so close, and he murmured it into his lovers mouth, as his fingers stroked through the mess they'd left on his lovers belly, under the sheets.

Lionel was answering back with gentle, smooth rocking motions that pushed himself back against his lover's cock while murmuring into his mouth for soon, please hurry, and how much he liked this. His nails were lightly dragging up Dominic's hip, legs rubbing together, kissing and murmuring and hissing softly at the sweet touches on his stomach.

Another thrust, another, and then he stilled, with a soft moan, as he pressed in as close as he could and came. Relief, and pleasure, outrageous pleasure that had him moaning softly, as his lovers body took each jagged spurt from him. He gave a long, hissing tremble and gently slumped against his lovers back, gasping for breath as he found his husbands mouth again, kissing him awkwardly with their angle but kissing, nonetheless.

The hot rush of semen inside of Lionel wrenched a moan out of him, and he met the awkward kiss of Dominic's mouth with another of his own as he slowly started pulling off of his lover's cock and rolling onto his back so that he could gather his lover to his side. "I love you, Dominic," he said softly. "I adore you."

Soft, long gasps trembled from him, mouth trembling open as he fought for a decent breath, and helped his lover slide off of him. He grasped his hip gently and pulled back, making sure his lover entrance closed with a sweep of his thumb, and then he gathered him in just as Lionel had to him, gently, lovingly, still panting in pleasure as his eyes fell closed. "I love you." He whispered back, gently, holding him gently, very gently, close, kissing his neck, throat, and finally his mouth, deeply.

Lionel held him tightly, stroking over his back, kissing his lover's face in return, then gave his mouth over to Dominic, letting his lover kiss him deeply. He kept him wrapped around, kept Dominic wrapped around him as closely as possible, holding him tightly, stroking, panting softly.

He whispered his love again, gently, before finally sinking against his lover and resting, eyes closing. Exhaustion came back new and he moaned softly as his cock twitched in post orgasmic bliss, already softening, and he snuggled in against his lovers body. "Clean up tomorrow, kay?"

"Of course," Lionel said, keeping his voice pitched low. "Firs thing when we wake up, with a nice, warm shared shower and a lot of that apple-scented soap your grandmother sent us."

"Don't wanna get stuck." Dominic muttered, with a low snicker, as his fingers traced the mess on his lovers belly, and finally rolled over just a little to tug his t-shirt off, and carefully rubbed his hand clean, then his lovers tummy, and dropped the shirt off the side of the bed before cuddling back together. "Unpleasantly ripped hairs aren't the way to start a morning." He murmured, snickering again as he cuddled Lionel in close.

Lionel gave a little laugh. "Yes, that's so, but you're not nearly so hairy a beast as I am; I think I have more to fear from it than you do." He snuggled back against his lover, feeling Dominic cuddle him and start to relax.

"Are you calling me hairless?" Dominic muttered, though his eyes twinkled as he puffed out his chest. "Excuse me, I have hair."

"No, no, I'm merely saying I have more hair than you do." Lionel gave a gentle grin again, and rubbed the back of Dominic's hair.

"Of course you do." A little wicked smile, though just a small one, as he set his head cozily on the pillow, and tucked the damp blankets and sheets up over the both of them. He was tired now, very much so, and his eyes drooped...then closed, as he rested. "I love you."

"I love you," Lionel answered back quietly. He sat up in bed, just a little bit, and picked up the novel he'd started several nights ago, putting his glasses on and settling in to read as he watched over his lover.



go on to the next part