
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 239: Working At Odds

"Are they now?" Dominic asked, blearily, and grunted at the pain in his back as he shifted a little. "Dr. Bryce, hallo. How did everything turn out, then?" He asked softly, as he tried to wake himself up the rest of the way.

"Yes, they're in." Dr. Bryce came to sit beside Dominic's bed, folders of papers in hand. "You back awake with us yet? How are you feeling?"

"Shitty." His voice echoed, and he winced. "Headachey." His head was throbbing, right behind his eye, as it had, and he rubbed it as he sat up. "There... I'm here. How is everything?"

Anthony tucked his papers away. "I won't lie to you, Dominic." He paused. "You're in perfect health."

He looked at him for a long moment, and gave a long, slow breath of relief, as his eyes shifted to Lionel, then back to the doctor. "Thanks be to God. It all came back negative?"

"It all came back negative. Your CSF analysis came back, no meningitis, no MS, nothing." A bright smile.

Alright. He smiled, at that. Thank Christ. "You know, now that its over, I'm glad I did it." He smiled again, and sat up now, a little, wincing again as his back pulled. "I'll be alright, then? Can I go home?"

Lionel put his hand on Dominic's stomach and held him down. "There's more."

The doctor nodded. "This means that what you do have is cranial swelling, from the repeated bumps to the head. I'm very serious when I say that if you have another incident, come and see me right away. Other than that, yes, you're free to go. Lionel has your prescriptions, and if you'll stop by the check-out desk, they'll schedule your follow-up."

He tipped his head, then. "When do I have to schedule another appointment with you? So you can see if the swellings gone down?" He asked, even as he cupped Lionel's hands on his belly with his palms.

"We're aiming for three weeks to a month. If you notice worsening, come in earlier. The anti-inflammatory that we've given you should help the swelling go down, but it won't be affecting your performance." He smiled. "If the swelling has gone down when you come back, then I won't need to see you again."

"Okay." He smiled again, and offered his hand. "Thank you, Dr. Bryce. I appreciate what you've done for me, even if it was a barbaric lunacy." Another grin, then, and a dimple winked in one cheek, even through his headache. "If the headache doesn't go down, what should I do?"

He winced. "It will probably linger for a couple of days; the best you can do is stay off your feet for about forty-eight hours, and drink a lot of caffeine-containing beverages."

"Ah. Fabulous." Dominic sighed, though very softly, and smiled at the man anyway. "Thank you, Doctor."

"You're welcome." He put the clipboard down. "Anything else I can answer for you? Because if not, you're free to go, as soon as you're ready to get back on your feet."

"No, that's quite it, thank you." Dominic answered with a little smile, as his gaze flickered to his husband's.

Anthony smiled. "All right. Then you're ready to get out of here. And I don't wanna see you back again unless it's for a checkup, hear me?"

"Haven't got to tell me twice." Dominic snorted, even as he nodded. "Thank you again, doctor." His eyes moved again to Lionel's lovely face and he grinned at it, reaching a hand up to gently stroke his fingers over his lovers beard.

Lionel wrapped his arms around Dominic and squeezed hard. "Come on. Let's get you dressed, and then get you home to Ms. Bird's tender care."

- = - = -

Lex was settled in his father's office for the day. He was more than slightly worried about Dominic, but he hadn't heard anything yet, and was working under the assumption that new news meant good news.

He wouldn't allow himself to think any different.

He was also more than slightly uncomfortable in Lionel's office, considering the less than civil state they'd left each other in. He had work to do in his own office, but today, he was needed here.

And none of this was taking his mind off worrying about Dominic, but he straightened the papers on his desk as he waited for Gabe to arrive.

Nervousness was not an emotion Gabe liked to show often. Tried never to, in fact. With a daughter like Chloe, and the true and total mess she'd gotten herself in, though, Gabe had found himself mellowing out considerably with his good friend, Jack Daniels. Not that he could drink while on the job, of course, and oh Jesus, how he wished he had a tall glass of it right about…

Well, no.

He knocked on Lex Luthor's--Lionel Luthor's, really--office door, and shifted, paperwork in his briefcase.

"Come on in, Gabe." Lex knew who it was without even having to look, and he flipped the switch under his father's desk that swung the doors open for him. "Have a seat, make yourself comfortable, and please, it's Lex."

"Thank you." He answered, shifting to his other foot as he entered the room, shoulders thrown back. Made sure his suit was unrumpled as he sat down, unbuttoning the bottom button even as he shook Lex's hand. "Hello, sir. Thank you for seeing me today."

Lex laughed softly. "Please, Gabe, don't call me sir. Sir is my father." He turned to the well-stocked bar. "Would you like a drink?"

Desperately. "No thank you, ah… Lex." Weird, WEIRD on his tongue. "I've got to get back to work after our meeting."

Lex nodded, and refrained from fixing one for himself. "Gabe, please. Relax. I didn't call you here to fire you. I called you here to let you know that despite my father's opposition, the rest of the board voted unanimously, and I'm officially offering you the position of plant manager at the Smallville plant. If you're still interested, that is."

His eyes widened. Oh, thank God. Not that he'd figured Lex would fire him. Yell, sure. But... Jesus. "No, sir... I'm very interested. I've wanted to run the plant for a long time now. No offense." He added quickly. "I've watched your leadership, learned a lot of what I didn't know before, and I feel I'm ready to take responsibility for it."

"Gabe, no offense, but the job should have been yours the day I came to Smallville, and we both know it. The only problem was, my father needed a place to put me until I had a chance to get my life together. I've done that, despite his thoughts to the contrary, and I think it's past time that the position goes to the person that is most suited to it. And that's you." He paused, and gave a small smile. "You know that I respect you, Mr. Sullivan, and you've been invaluable to helping me learn what I needed to learn. If I can be of any help to you in the future, please, don't hesitate to let me know."

He beamed. Who wouldn't, after all? "Thank you, Lex. Its Gabe, by the way." He offered his hand again, and shook it vigorously. "I'm sure I will do everything to your standards, and I would be more than pleased to have you at the factory, anytime you should choose."

Lex gave a small chuckle. "Believe me, Gabe, I've seen quite enough of that place for the next few years of my life. However, I will keep the invitation in mind." He returned the firm handshake.

Dominic watched it, from the door, and he sideglanced his lover quietly before tapping two knuckles on the back of Lionel's door. "Hallo, then. Might we be coming in?"

Lionel just growled softly. "I never thought that I would see the day where I would have to petition for entrance into my own office." He glowered.

"Certainly you can!" A smile lit Lex's voice gently, and he handed the contract over to Gabe. "If I were you, I'd sign this before my father comes in. He's not thrilled that I didn't tell him first."

Gabe's eyes widened, and he turned his eyes to Lionel. Angry Lionel? Not the best of all things. He signed his name on the bottom of the contract with a scrawl, and handed it back, wincing at the growling coming from the door.

"Mr. Sullivan." Dominic walked over, without any outward appearance of what he'd been through all morning, and offered his hand with a quiet smile. "Nice to see you, as always."

"Mr. Luthor." Gabe said back with a smile, shaking Dominic's hand tightly.

Lex stood up from behind the desk. "Dominic." He walked around and shook Dominic's hand, paused a minute, and then hugged him. "I'm glad you're all right. Gabe and I were just finishing up here, trying to get our i's dotted so that he can start as plant manager first thing Monday morning."

"Mr. Sullivan," Lionel said, with just a touch of frost. "Congratulations on your promotion, and I trust you'll continue the excellence that we've come to expect from the Smallville plant." It wasn't exactly a question.

Dominic visibly winced when Lex touched him, though he returned the embrace, and hissed softly. "Don't squeeze too hard love, alright?" He said softly, even as he hugged gently, and let go to look at Gabe. "Congratulations, Gabe. It couldn't have gone to a better man." He smiled, then, and sat down on the chair beside Gabe's to rest.

Lex nodded and let go, settling on the corner of Lionel's desk, seeing as how Lionel himself had moved to sit behind it, in his proper place. "I agree; nobody knows the factory like you do, you've proven that time and again, and I'm glad the position is going to someone I know we can trust. I'll be available over the next few months if you have any questions about anything I've implemented, but I have confidence in you."

Lionel scowled at his desk. He was generally not in a good mood right now. Dominic should have been home resting, but had insisted on coming, insisted until Lionel caved. It had irritated him further to have to ask for admittance to his own office, and it was putting him in an even fouler humor to see the proceedings in front of him happening at all, much less without his consent.

Gabe sensed the disquiet. He wasn't stupid. He smiled at Lex, then at Dominic, and nodded. "Well. I should be getting back to work, then. If any of you would like to contact me, I can be reached at extension four-oh-six, instead of four-of-eight. We had Mid-Western Bell come and fix everything for us this morning." Another smile, a nod, and he gathered his things quickly.

Yep. Dominic had pissed Lionel completely off. Not that he cared. He couldn't rest his back against the back of the chair, and his headache was beginning to pound delightfully, and he wanted to go home, but he needed to make sure everything went alright right now before he did.

"Thanks for coming by today, Gabe. I'll send you a copy of the contract through the office; look it over tonight, if there's any changes or questions, get them back to me by Friday. I can have our legal team work on them over the weekend, and we'll be ready to go on Monday morning." He offered another handshake. "It's been an honor working with you, Gabe. You've taught me a lot."

"Likewise, Lex." Gabe shook his hand fiercely, grabbed his things, and skedaddled before the wrath Lionel was about to unleash hit him.

Dominic smiled as Gabe took his things and all but ran, shifting to get comfortable as he steepled his fingers and looked at Lex over them. "That's that, then, hmm? Feel any better?"

Lex smiled. "That's that. Gabe's officially plant manager now, and I'm assuming full CEO status of LexCorp." He situated himself further on the corner of the desk. "Bruce and I have a conference call in the morning, and we're going to partner my Cadmus Labs with Waynetech's development division, and he's going to--at least temporarily--outsource his projects to me while I develop several other interests to their peak. Once that's done, he'll pull his projects out after completion, and Cadmus will be running on it's own. I've got my eye on STARlabs as well, but I won't be acquiring it for at least a year, unless a drastic shift in their stock happens. Right now, I'm just slowly acquiring what I can."

"Swell," Lionel growled softly, turning to the bar behind him and pouring a glass of scotch.

Dominic looked at Lionel's back, barely choked the laugh down, and looked back up to Lex again, grinning and motioning to the chair beside him. "You look better, Lex. Like a weights finally rolled off of your shoulders. As for partnering with Waynetech, that sounds like a very, very profitable venture, for the both of you. STARlabs, as well, though you might want to wait another six months. They're predicting a fallout in stock prices from under it, because there's some internal turmoil going on, and you should be able to buy it cheap."

Lionel growled again as Dominic offered his advice.

Lex nodded. "That's what I've been hearing too, which is why I've been quietly acquiring stock through several other fronts to keep my name out of it. I don't want to slip and cue anyone that LexCorp is at all interested in it. If the fallout happens, then LexCorp will move in, buy what it can off the market, and then I'll sell to myself and offset the losses with the Waynetech income. At least, that's the plan anyway." He gave a quicksilver grin. "I feel better. I feel like... me." And then a snort. "Dad, stop growling. We all know you're here, we all know you're pissy, so get over yourself."

Dominic bit his lip at that, though his lips twitched, and he rose a brow himself. "Lionel, love, will you get me some juice or something while you're over there?" Then back to Lex, his grin widening. "I'm so proud of you. You're taking initiative, and changing what upsets you in your life. My love, that's one of the best things anyone can ever hope to do. Recognize a problem, and be fearless in changing it, no matter who it upsets. It shows you're truly becoming an adult, and I'm just so glad."

Lionel glared as he looked through the bar, and ended up finding a bottle of ginger ale, which was the only drink he had with caffeine in it. He poured a glass full of it and handed that over to Dominic with a roll of his eyes. "It shows that he's becoming brash, childish, and arrogant."

Lex laughed aloud at that. "You're just unhappy because it's you I pissed off this time. If it were anyone else, you'd be applauding me for taking the initiative to take what I wanted."

Dominic took it, his grin slightly impish, and winked at Lex before he spoke. "You'd be congratulating him on a job well done, because he took what he wanted and fucked over a slew of people to have it. In fact, I'd say you'd have a tear or two in your eye, as well."

Lionel kept glaring, at his son and his husband. "This situation is entirely different, and the both of you well know it. This isn't some fly-by-night deal where you're screwing over a competitor. This is alienating your own partner, your own support so that the next time you have a grandiose scheme to concoct, you are going to be left in the lurch because you do not have anyone left to trust."

Lex stiffened slightly, his back still towards his father. "I'm sorry, Dad, but I didn't realize that doing what I wanted with my life was going to alienate you, but maybe I should have. I've gotten used to you liking what I do, but that's because I was still under your thumb, wasn't it? Now that I'm going out on my own, you can't control what I do, and you can't stand it."

Dominic just sighed, drinking some of the ginger ale, and glared at the both of them. "Oh, do shut up, won't you. I'm not in any type of mood to hear your bullshit right at the moment, because all it is is hurt pride and angry feelings. So come off it and shut up, because I'm too tired to try and get you both to talk." He said angrily, and as it was rare that he showed anger like this, he hoped they'd listen to it. "Lionel, you know perfectly well you aren't going to leave your son out of anything, and if he were to ever come and ask you for anything you'd crack like the Liberty Bell. And you, Lex, you know your father appreciates and loves you dearly, and would never want to control you. So just... both of you, shut up."

Lionel snapped his mouth shut, and just glared at his husband.

Lex shook his head. "I know you believe that, Dom," he said softly. "I just wish that I could. You see? Every time I've rebelled against his outline for my future, he's gotten angry and tried to do something to stop me. This time, he can't and he knows it."

"This company is your legacy, Lex!" Lionel slammed his hand down on the table. "And I won't see you abandon it!"

Dominic? Dominic just pinched the bridge of his nose, tightly under his glasses, and heaved a heavy sigh.

"Get it through your thick head, Dad! I'm not abandoning anything! I'm going across the fucking plaza, not the end of the world! LexCorp is still under the LuthorCorp umbrella, and frankly, I don't intend to change that. Just understand that I have things I want to do with my life that may not coincide with what you have mapped out for me."

"You are abandoning me, this company, and everything that I have worked my entire life to create for you, Lex, and I won't have it. You are not going to walk out on your responsibilities to LuthorCorp or to this family, I won't have it."

"If you'd both stop and listen to yourselves, YOU'D SEE YOU'RE NOT FIGHTING ABOUT RATIONAL THINGS!" Dominic bellowed, and stood up, slamming the ginger ale bottle on the table. "LOATHE the day that I married into this family of idiots! Both of you listen to me, and listen to me well." He snarled, and glared at the both of them. "Stop. You're stupid as fuck, the goddamned both of you, proud down to the core and you are not listening to each other. Lex is working at LexCorp, now, Lionel. Get over it. He signed over a job you sent him here to do to a more qualified man. Lex. You are not understanding what your father is telling you--he doesn't want you to leave this behind." Dominic snarled, at the both of them, and glared. "And I'm going the bloody well home."

"You are not going anywhere, Mr. Senatori-Luthor, do you understand me?" Lionel bellowed it. "You are going to sit your ass down, this instant."

Lex cracked up. "Mr. Senatori-Luthor? Dad, um, hi? Have you met this man? You know, your husband, who does kind of have a first name? It's Dominic?" He turned his face towards his stepfather. "I'm sorry, Dom. I shouldn't be laughing. I can't help it."

"You will bloody NOT tell me what to do! I will do whatever I so please, and bullocks to you if you think otherwise!" Dominic yelled back, but he sat down again, snarling at him. "Pompous, ignorant, self righteous, pig headed ASS!"

Lex was holding on to the edge of the desk as he snickered to keep his footing. "Dom? Seriously? Tonight? Put your pillow over his head and suffocate him. Not a jury in the world would convict you."

"Thank you ever so much for your concern about my welfare," Lionel said acidically.

Lex turned around and glared at his father. "Dad... if you'd get your ass off your shoulders for two minutes and listen to me... I'm not leaving the company. I'm not leaving you. I'm just going my own way. Doing what I'm good at." He sighed. "But you're not going to listen." A turn back to Dominic. "Is he, Dom?"

"Oh, shut up. You're not listening to him either." Dominic glared, even as he rubbed his nose again. "I can't believe I'm a part of this family now. Jesus Christ, we need therapy like we need air. Honestly, what was I thinking." He pinched his nose again, rubbing away some of the tension as he sighed. "Listen. If you both speak to one another like the two semi rational adults you are, I'm sure you'll be able to boil this down to what it really is. On Lex's part, the need to be his own man. On Lionel's part, severe sense of abandonment. Now. Talk it out like men, and we'll see if we get somewhere, and then I. Am going. Home. And Lionel, should you ever tell me what to do again, I will shove my foot up your very sexy ass. I'm not your assistant any longer. Bode you well not to forget that."

"That's going to hurt," Lex said quietly. "You've got big feet for such a little guy."

Dominic glared at Lex. Just. Glared.

"What?" Lex looked innocent. "You do have big feet. My Dad's as tight-assed as they get. There's going to be pain, especially if you're not using lube."

Lionel slammed his glass down. "Do you know, I liked it better when we were not speaking? At least then you acted your age."

Dominic looked at his step son between his fingers and glared again, though his lips twitched. "Insufferable git." Then to Lionel. "Insufferable bastard."

"I am not a bastard, thank you."

"Hey. Thank you." Lex grinned. "I was beginning to think you didn't like me." He ignored his father's comment, for the moment. "Don't mind him. He's just ticked off that I remembered that I was twenty three, not fifty-three like him." He crossed his legs out in front of him. "How are you doing, Dom?"

"Shitty." Dominic glared, even as he blew out a very long, very slow breath. "I've been through a cat scan and a... spinal tap. Which I will hopefully never have to endure upon my person again. It turns out I've got some swelling in my head, and if it doesn't go down in the next few weeks, I'll be in the hospital again."

Lex scowled. "For what, cranial depressurization? What did they give you? I can have Toby get you a scrip for something better, and should I start hiring you a bodyguard? I'm sure Dad wouldn't mind sparing Phillip for a while, just until your brother decides to stop using you as a punching bag."

"I am quite capable of taking care of my spouse, thank you, Lex," Lionel sniped.

Dominic sighed. Again. "Cranial depressurization seems like the right word. The doctor gave me medication, so don't worry yourself. I don't need a bodyguard. Graham won't touch me again, even if I have to beat it out of him. Its a last resort, and the doctor thinks it'll be alright. I'm very sure having holes drilled in my head will hurt less then a needle shoved up my back."

Lex winced. "I feel your pain. Literally. I still have bad dreams occasionally about the one I had." Didn't look at his father. "I think I embarrassed Dad by crying; he wouldn't come in the room with me."

"Maybe he couldn't take listening to your pain." Dominic snapped back at him. "Honestly. The both of you. Dumb asses."

Lionel had opened his mouth to say the precise same thing, but snapped it shut when Dominic snarled it.

Lex just shrugged. "Either way, I feel your pain. Go home. Lay down. Drink coffee--Ms. Bird'll make it for you, I'm sure, because I know you've got a bitch of a headache and trust me, laying down and drinking lots of caffeine is about the only way to get rid of it. Pull the drapes, too--darkness helps."

"I will." He rubbed his eyes. "The both of you... you're my family, and I love you very much. But if you don't stop this insipid arguing over petty things, I may have to murder you in your sleep."

Lex laughed. "I'll make sure I lock my door, but Clark'll protect me from you."

Lionel rolled his eyes. "Do be serious, Lex."

Lex shrugged. "Why?"

"I'm going home." Staying with these imbeciles was hurting his head. "Lionel, are you coming?"

"Not yet he's not; you haven't touched him," Lex muttered.

Lionel shot his son another evil glare. "Yes, I am. I'll come home and get you settled, and then come back this evening to wrap things up." He finished his drink quickly and rose to his feet, coming around the desk.

Dominic shot him one too, and he rose, slowly, offering his lover a hand even as he winced. "My head is throbbing love. Let's go home for a bit. Lex… I trust you to be a civil human being this afternoon when your father returns, I'm correct to presume?"

Lex turned on his most innocent gleam. "Who, me? I'll be perfectly civil."

"I'm serious, Lex." Dominic answered, quietly. "Please. I'm too tired and too ill to sit here and argue with you. Please. Be civil, for my sake. Alright?"

"I'll be just as good as he is." Then he nodded. "I understand, Dominic. And I promise you. I'll behave."

"Good." He grasped Lionel's hand in his own, gently, squeezing it tightly in his and motioning for him to lead them out. "I'll see you tonight, ducks."

"We're having dinner," Lex called out after him. "I know you don't feel like much, but I'll make sure that it's good and tempting."

Lionel just held the door open for his lover. "Thank you, Lex," he said stiffly, keeping his back straight as he hustled Dominic out.

- = - = -

There were few times in Lex's life that he enjoyed a convertible. Spring nights were one of those times. Even though he didn't have hair for the wind to whistle through, the cool spring breeze felt amazing as it kissed his scalp and caused it to tingle.

One hand stayed tight on the wheel as he rocketed down the Interstate to Metropolis, and the other stroked through Clark's short hair as the car top was down.

The back seat was packed completely full of things--street clothes, club clothes, two cases of Lex's makeup, thirteen pairs of shoes to match to the outfits, three wigs for Lex, perfume, clutches, and last but not least, the brand new B-cup inserts that had just arrived that morning.

The rest of the week had passed in a fair frenzy, and this Friday night had dawned crisp, clear and beautiful. He and Clark were going out with Rico and Aden tonight, they'd sleep over at the Metropolis penthouse, then Saturday, he and Clark were going shopping for tuxedos and suits, then meeting Lionel and Dominic that afternoon for a quick lunch and a change before they all went to the competition together.

The perfect end to a perfect week, or so Clark thought with a little, wry grin. Fighting with his sha'nauch, his biological father's return, Dominic being sick again, Lex arguing with his dad. The list went on and on and on, but Clark didn't think about it right at the moment, as he rolled his head to the side to look at his lover. Looking so handsome in his slacks, polo, and light jacket. Clark looked down at himself warily, vaguely enjoying the black jeans and deep green sweater he himself was wearing--though he'd never say it of course--and tipped his head into his lovers fingers through it. "Excited?" He asked, softly.

"Excited? Mmm... Don't know, actually. A little nervous." He turned his own head just a little to look at Clark, pushing his sunglasses up with a little on his nose as he tightened his grip just a little in Clark's hair and grinned. "But yeah, a little excited too." He kissed Clark's temple softly. "This is the first real... thing we've done since we got back. I'm nervous because I don't want to mess it up."

"You mean... nervous because we're going out to have a royally fun time with the full purpose of getting laid?" He turned his head to smile at his lover, tipping his head so that he could kiss his lovers jaw, and cuddle against him despite the stick shift, laying his head on his lovers shoulder. The sun had already set, spilling its golden tinged, blue light out over the highway.

"Nervous because we're going out. Together. Period. For the first time since our son died, without anything else hanging over our head." And it gave him a little jolt to realize he could say that without choking on a rock of trembling pain.

"Yes, we are." Clark said softly, but he was beaming up at Lex as he kissed his cheek, his hair blowing every which way on his forehead. "And we're going to have fun. And things… are going to be okay. You do realize that, right? We're going to be okay, baby."

He nodded it. "Yeah. Yeah, I realize it. I wasn't sure for a while there. But yeah. I realize that we are going to be okay." He switched lanes to get in line for his exit a few miles down the road, and he cuddled Clark closer.

"And we're going to have a hell of a good time tonight." Clark answered, smirking just this side of wickedly up at his dear, darling aushna', as he pushed his shoulder against his itchy ear, and grinned sweetly. "I already know what I'm going to do to you."

A shiver skated up Lex's spine at the wicked smirk and the promise. "Should I ask, or should I just wait until we get to the salon?"

"You don't have to ask. I'll tell you." He murmured, softly, as the exit approached. "As soon as you're ready, I'm going to make you forget you have a dick, and make you think something else entirely." His fingers stroked down his lovers cock gently, teasingly, and cupped tight where Lex had his legs spread to drive.

"Oooooh." Lex gave a soft little moan as he rolled up the exit ramp, flipping on his turn signal as he lifted his hips just a little so that he could accommodate Clark's teasing fingers.

"I wonder how heavy those breasts will feel when they're real." He murmured softly into his lovers throat, even as he smiled and straightened up, making sure to buckle his shoulder strap as well as they cruised down the exit ramp.

Lex gave another moan as he shifted again, and glared at his lover deeply. "Tease," he said viciously. "You'll pay for that, Clark Kent."

"Of course I will." Clark beamed it, even as his eyes widened in pleasure. "The city is so awesome. Perry got the paperwork yesterday... I can't believe in another year we'll live here. This is so freakin' awesome." He beamed, and did a little butt wriggle.

"We'll live anywhere in the city you want." He frowned. "Except for the dormitories. I absolutely refuse to share a house with every other idiot in the college."

"Okay." Clark snickered, eyes widen and innocent even as he reached down and with an obvious movement, adjusted his half-hard cock. "Rico and Aden said they'd be waiting for us, right? Should we call them again? its been a half hour since we did...let them know we'll be there in a few minutes?"

"They're waiting for us yes, and no, we don't have to call them again. They can tell time." A little smirk. "Besides, Rico's an exhibitionist. He doesn't mind if we walk in and he's groping Aden."

Clark grinned, crookedly at him. "Does that make me an exhibitionist, too?" He asked sweetly, even as his eyes twinkled. "I can't say if I'm not going to get a hard on from hell, kay? So if I suddenly run off screaming and crying, you know why." But he squeezed Lex's upper thigh gently, suggestively, and looked out the window as they cruised down a busy by-way.

Lex gave a saucy grin. "I don't know. But we can exhibit ourselves tonight at the club, if you want. There's a little recess built in front of the stage, and it's set for couples who want to do just that."

He shook his head, violently, eyes wide even if some part of him kicked in the pleasure of the thought. "Nooo. Babe. You sincerely don't understand what I'm going to do to you tonight… I'd rather you not pass out from lack of orgasm." Innocently said, even as he beamed, innocently, and pointed. "Take this street, here. Its faster. Take it, then take the first left, and about a half a mile down is the salon."

Lex just blinked. "How in the hell do you know that?" But he knew Clark was right, and he turned as Clark instructed him.

"Because I know the grid of Metropolis is laid out in quarter sections, and that every third street on the left and every second street on the right always connect into other major bi-sections that will get us to where we want to go." Clark said distractedly, as he pointed. "That one there."

"Who what where?" But Lex turned the car down the street. "Shit, Clark, I don't even know the city this well."

"It's not about knowing it. Just knowing how its laid out." Clark answered, even as he purred softly. "I can't believe we're doing this tonight." A very, very soft moan in the back of his throat.

"Neither can I," Lex said softly, keeping an eye on the streets as he turned and followed Clark's directions. "But I'm very glad we are."

Clark nodded, his throat tightening, not in sadness, but in absolute lust, as he reached down again and grasped the lump in his jeans, just for a little reprieve. "Its okay that I'm not going into the club as a girl?"

"It's quite all right. That's why we're going to Rico's first. He'll help get you fitted just right while I change, and you'll be the most gorgeous man in the club, and the most sought-after escort."

"Of course I am. But I'm only escorting one vivacious woman tonight." Clark purred softly, even as he pointed. "There it is! Awesome. Get a parking near the front, kay?"

"Of course." Lex eased the silver Ferrari into the parking lot, and paused for a moment as he looked through the glass of the sportscar dealership beside Rico's salon. He let out a low whistle as he looked at the sleek new Murcielago that was sitting in the front, and couldn't help taking a step towards it. "Looks like it's time for me to upgrade the garage again."

"Looks like we're not talking cars tonight." Clark said, as he grasped his lover around the waist as soon as he climbed from the car, and tugged him back towards the two suitcases and bag in the backseat. "Come on. You get the bag, I'll get the cases."

Lex let himself reluctantly be tugged away from the Lamborghini in the window and back towards the back of the car. "I've got the bag," he said, picking it up as well as the small wooden case that held his new inserts. "You sure you can--of course you can. I keep forgetting who I'm talking to here."

"Of course." Clark grinned, even as he pulled his sleeves up and grabbed the cases. "Get the--"

"Hello!" Aden, from the front door of the Salon, waved vigorously at the two of them and held the door open, as a very slender, very, very tall blond woman stepped out of the salon. "Bye, amor! Be careful with your wig, okay? Don't get it wet again!"

The tall blond woman... man.... smiled brightly, gave Clark a sassy wink, and walked on tall heels down to her car.


Lex rubbed shoulders with the blond as she walked by. "Andrea! Hola, amiga. ¿Lo veremos nosotros esta noche?"

The blond gave another saucy wink. "Si, Alexa, Si. ¡Yo no lo perdería!"

Lex raised his eyebrows at Clark. "What? She's a friend. She's going to be at the club tonight. Come on, let's get inside."

Clark stared at her, before his lover tugged him into the Salon, and gaped.

It was really, really nice.

Huge ceilings, wallpapered in woman's fashions and men's hairstyles. A row of thick leather seats for hair cutting, tons of products, and a very, very nice reception room, and Clark blinked at it... out the door again at the leggy blond climbing into the car, and then again towards Lex... Rico, and Aden. "Wow."

Aden just grinned, and motioned them in. "Ven, ven. How are you guys tonight?" He took his scissors and his comps out of his apron pockets as he spoke, and bellowed towards the back stairs, "RICO! THEY'RE HERE!" before back to them, as he tugged his apron over his head.

"Aden, you guys didn't tell me you'd had a new dealership move in beside you. I want the Murcielago."

"Of course you do, darling. You and half the known world." Rico stuck his head out of the back fitting room. "Send the man on back, that little Adonis, and I'll get to work on him. Aden, can you see to Lexy?"

"Of course I can." Aden beamed, even as he took one of the cases from Clark. "Come on, Lex. We'll get you set up in the adjoining bedroom." He hefted towards the stairs, not bothering to look back and see that Clark and Lex were following, just assuming they were, and trooped up the steps. "You be careful about our Clark, Rico. Don't go and scar the poor amor. He looks ready to blow up already." Aden teased gently, even as he set the suitcase down as he entered the sitting room.

Their apartment was big and spacious... nowhere near the size of the mansion, of course, but it was home, covered with artwork, comfy, cozy nooks and crannies, and what smelled like cinnamon, which was the air freshener Rico insisted upon.

Lex reached back and tugged Clark up the steps behind him, lacing their fingers together so they didn't get lost. "You've redecorated since the last time I was up here. You guys were still in the post-apocalypse phase of gunmetal gray and chrome. I like this better. You must have had your way with Rico's fashion sense."

"Fuck you!" Rico sang out. "I have excellent taste! At least I'm not monochrome, Mr. I-Own-Every-Shade-Of-Purple-In-The-Rainbow!" He was following up the steps behind Clark and Lex.

Aden beamed, proudly, and motioned his head, hips wriggling as he walked down the long, lovely hall with runner and warm hangings on the wall, and opened the first guest bedroom. "Clark, you and Rico are in here. I'm taking Lexy to our bedroom, okay?"

Clark nodded. He was still too much in shock with the blond guy he'd just seen, cause he was a DUDE, but not and people like that, for some reason, weirded him out. When they were both, anyway. He blinked again, twice, and nodded with wide eyes.

Lex turned around with a little grin. "Clark? You okay with splitting up? You want me to help you and Rico, and then Aden can take care of me?"

His eyes were still wide, and he nodded, twice. "uh huh. Cause I'm pretty hard. It'd be embarrassing." Twin blinks… realized what he'd said, and he burned crimson as he buried his face in Lex's neck. "I can't believe I just said that."

"WOO! I'm not!" But Aden was laughing as he shooed them on. "Here," He handed Lex the suitcase that had been labeled 'Clark'. "I'll go get the other case open and finish getting everything set up, mmkay? Take as long as you need, I'll get us some brandy."

"I can believe it." Lex brazenly slipped his hand down to start stroking Clark's groin through his jeans while his other hand accepted the suitcase from Aden. "We won't be long; we'll take care of this--" Hard squeeze "--and the clothes should be no problem."

"Hijo, madre mia!" But Aden was still snickering, as he pushed them towards the master bedroom. "Rico and I will wait for you both to be done. Because he's going to help me, too." Sly little glance up at his lover. "We'll knock, or come knock, when you're through."

Rico slid his fingers up the curve of Aden's hip, then over his back. "We'll come knock, chicas." Knowing little smile.

Lex gave a delicate cough. "Yes, we understand. We'll... ah, listen for your knock." He nudged Clark towards the guest room. "Come on, Clark. Let's get busy making you shine."

Clark's eyes were still huge. Bigger than huge. "Wait... are they gonna--oh! Ohhhh." His eyes widened over Lex's shoulder as Lex pushed him into the bedroom. "I can't believe--" they were going to do this? No, he could believe it, and he purred, loudly, as he grabbed his lover's hand and yanked him into the bedroom.

Lex grinned wolfishly. "Yes, they are, and so are we." As soon as the door was closed, Lex shoved Clark up against it, flicking open Clark's fly with one experienced motion as he slid down his knees and swallowed his lover's cock into his throat. Can't have you getting dressed when you're hard; it'll throw the lines of your pants off, Lex pointed out as he sucked.

Clark's gasp got stuck in his throat, hard, and he jerked before thumping his head against the door. He vaguely got a look of lines, pretty blankets and a warm, yet sleek and masculine, bedroom, before his eyes rolled closed and his hips thrust forward in shocked pleasure that brought a keen out of his throat. He gave a short, hard sound of pleasure as he pressed forward, in, as close as he could, mortified that Aden and Rico were okay with this, and he gave another gasping sound of pleasure as he trembled all over. "Uhn!"

Lex pulled his mouth off entirely, jacking the wet length with his hand as he spoke briefly. "Look later. Get off now." Once he said that, he put his mouth back on Clark's cock, sucking hard, his head bobbing in a steady rhythm as he sucked, his mouth making little slurping and smacking noises around his lover's flesh as though it were the sweetest treat imaginable.

Clark almost lost his footing. Almost. Instead, he sank down to the ground, slowly, scraping the door with his sweater before he thudded on his behind on the floor, and pulled Lex down to his crotch with a hand to the back of his lovers head. He groaned, deeply, and shuddered as his fingers stroked over Lex's head, eyes rolling into his head.

Lex moved with Clark, moaning softly into the guiding hand that pushed him down, shuddering and thrusting once against Clark's leg as fingers skipped over the bump on the back of his head and he deep-throated Clark as fast as he could, sucking with all of his might at the cock completely buried in his throat.

Clark gave a hard sob and as his young body tried to hold it back, his heart set it free. He came, hard and sticky, long ribbons stroking from him as he came, his balls emptying in delicious release. Orgasm came a moment later, making his eyes roll back and his breath stop in his constricted chest as he did, groaning, deeply, as his lovers throat worked and moved just right.

Lex swallowed as fast as he could, drinking down the creamy shots as they poured into his throat. He pulled off slowly, licking and lapping his lover clean and smooth as he did, and then sat back on his haunches, licking his own lips like a satisfied cat as his hands braced on Clark's thighs. "Now we're ready to get you dressed."

Clark trembled, hard, shaking his head as he yanked at his lovers slacks, tugging them down and shifting up, pulling himself up so he could push Lex down flat on the floor. He tugged out his lovers aching hard cock--no underwear GUH--and pulled his wallet out. Looked in it for a moment... aha. "Condom. Don't wanna get messy." he muttered as he ripped the foil open and rolled the plastic down his lovers cock in the next moment, before he mounted him and reached behind, to stroke the slick condom, enough so he could press his fingers into himself.

Lex moaned softly when he saw Clark's intent and didn't try to stop him. He reached forward and held his cock up, steady and rigid so that Clark could slide down on it, and his other hand slid up to tug at his nipples. They were still unpierced, but he intended to take care of that this weekend. "Didn't forget promise," he grunted, bracing his feet flat on the floor and lifting up. "This weekend."

"This weekend." Clark moaned, deeply, when the thought crossed Lex's mind and he saw it, so much that his spent, aching cock twitched the slightest bit, and he stretched himself enough to keep from hurting Lex before sinking down onto him. He gasped... groaned... squirmed his hips and sank further, rocking up and down, back and forth until they lay flushed, connected, heat and flush rising in his cheeks and skin as his eyes rolled closed in absolute ecstasy. "Uhn."

Lex pushed up into his lover as Clark pressed down, pressing until his groin met Clark's ass and he moaned again. The hand tugging his nipples moved to Clark's hip, holding on tight as he started to rock, moving his body under Clark's as he slid out, just a little, and pushed back in to Clark's amazing heat.

Clark gasped softly... groaned. He was still wearing his goddamned jeans, still dressed, Lex was still dressed, and this was so dirty, so delicious, he could hardly stand it. He moaned again, deeply, and trembled as he began to rock up and down in time to his lovers movements. "Can't wait... can't wait...gonna fuck you so hard... right in your tight... oh God... yes, please, there, YES!"

"Fuck me where, Clark?" Lex gave a vicious thrust up. "Tight little pussy?" Another hard, vicious thrust. "Wet cunt that's just waiting for your cock to fuck it hard?"

Clark's entire body shuddered in pleasure, the sheer dirtiness of it making him wail, arching his back hard as his lover thrust in so hard against his prostate, and his cock began to fill again, unbelievably, making him wail. "God, yes! YES! So hard, so tight, going to make you scream for me!"

Lex gave a harsh bark of laughter as he kept fucking Clark as hard as he could, using the shudders to rock his body back and push in even deeper. "Gonna shove your fingers in too, Clark? Get me all nice and wet and hot for you before you fuck me? Huh?" Each question was a vicious stab to Clark's prostate. "Too bad you can't spend the whole night with your hand up my dress."

Clark's cock was like steel again, hard up against his muscled belly, and he gasped with each thrust, his eyes opening and closing as he shook, head thrashing, curls flying as he gave sharp cries of pleasure. "Not going to be able to stop, going to make you scream, going to make you scream and come so many times, so many, many times, scream, so wet and hot, SO HARD!" He gave the sob as he came again, grinding down on his lovers cock as it hit his prostate, over and over and over, and he never came so fast so many times in a row, but his body was going to explode if he didn't get this lust out of himself.

Lex growled as he kept lunging up into his lover. "Gonna fuck me hard, Clark? Like I'm fucking you now? Pound my pussy like there's nothing better in the world for you to fuck? Huh? Gonna make me scream your name, beg for your cock?" He kept thrusting up, eyes wide open and locked onto Clark's as he stabbed over and over again into his lover.

Clark gave another sob of pleasure as he came. His lovers hot, dirty words, the hard fuck they were sharing, and pleasure ricocheted through his body like hot chocolate, warming him from his toes up his body, nipples like rock as he pinched and twisted them through his shirt, shaking as he rubbed. His orgasm lay between them, on his lovers shirt and his jeans and he didn't care, just moaning, deeply, trembling and aching with pleasure as he slumped forward to kiss his lover, hard.

Lex returned the hot kiss roughly, reaching down and smearing Clark's semen into his skin, onto his nipples as he opened his shirt enough to expose them, and came hard, in a riot of jerking thrusts as Clark's body locked tight around him and sucked it out.

Clark moaned, hard as he watched his lover rub his come into his skin and jerked in pleasure, groaning anew as he felt his lover swelling… and then felt the spastic jerks of orgasm, and groaned softly in loss. No come inside this time, but it was too dangerous, especially tonight, if they were going to play with toys. Which Clark was sure they were going to, so he just squirmed and tightened on his lovers cock, squeezing him tightly with each jerk.

Lex grunted as Clark squeezed him, shot out every bit of come he had in his body into the condom over his cock, and let his body sag under Clark's. He grinned up satedly at his lover, stroking over a still-clothed chest. "Didn't know... you liked to talk dirty."

Clark shuddered, all over, as his cock twitched between them, and arched up to let his lovers cock slip from him, so they could lay, panting chest to panting chest, and groaned, softly. "Course. Not dumb. Sexy."

Lex rolled so that he was on top, and settled on Clark's broader chest. "Sexiest man... I've ever known," he panted softly, and gave a sweaty grin. "C'mon. We need to wipe down and get dressed if we're going anywhere on time."

Clark gave a very, very deep, very, very quiet, long purr, when Lex rolled his weight onto him, and he groaned softly, even as he heard the light knock on the door, and muttered a 'go away' in his throat, even as he snuggled into his aushna'.

"The screams stopped! Are you guys alive?" But there was a definite grin in Aden's voice as he said it. "Come on, kiddos, we've got to get dressed and get going. "

"You're just jealous because you didn't get any!" Lex called out, rubbing his face into Clark's shoulder.

"Says you. You just didn't hear it over your own screams. Now, do we need to separate you two children, or can you get each other dressed... and I think I just answered my own question."

Aden snickered again. "Zip up and open up! Not like we haven't seen those stains before. Come on!"

Clark sighed, kissed his lovers neck and throat, cheek and temple, then tugged him to sitting, standing up with him as he did and tucking himself away. He was blushing, bright red, cause... obvious come stain on his shirt.

Lex rolled his eyes as he groaned, getting off of Clark's chest. "Remind me again why I'm friends with you?" he asked, letting Clark pull him up to his feet before going to the door and opening it.

"Because we're the only ones who'll put up with your bitchy bullshit drama?" Rico answered sweetly.

"And the sweat and the stains. WOOboy you guys had fun." Aden snickered, not that he was in any better shape. He was still breathless, slightly red cheeked, and shifting from the lube inside of him. But he grinned, anyway, broadly, and wriggles his brows. "Clark? Stay here. I'm taking Lex."

Rico gave a wiggle of his eyebrows. "Then that means I have you all to myself, you little--well, not little--Adonis you."

Lex gave a good-natured sigh. "If you maul my boyfriend, I'm going to maul yours," he threatened, following Aden out.

Clark watched Lex go with a deer in headlights look, and made sure his sweater was tugged down as he took a step back. Meep! Being left alone with the Latin lover? Not something he was looking forward to. It meant fear. Lots of fear. "Hi." He squeaked, barely, and swallowed the next squeak as he beamed.

"Hola, mi ratón pequeño," Rico said. "Don't worry. Your virtue, such as it might be with a boyfriend like Lexy--will be safe with me." He gave a little bow.



go on to the next part