
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 245: Attempted Infidelity

"Oh... Lionel."

Low, quiet, groan. Lionel's lips were so perfect right... there... and he shuddered as he pressed in, close.

The elevator was quiet, humming, and though his heart had sped up, his nerves jingled and his grip on his lovers arm had tightened, Lionel had done the fantastic, bloody wonderful job of reminding him just how good those lips could be. Low, long kiss, then nipples against his neck, and Dominic made another quiet sound as he arched his neck up to the touches.

They were stopping in Lionel flat to set their things for the dance competition there for later. Or something. Not that he was listening. His fingers were dived deep in his husbands hair, his throat was arched up to the delicious touches, and he was pressing in close, snuggling in and carefully undulating his hips suggestively.

Lionel was very deeply involved in nuzzling Dominic's throat, nibbling lightly with his teeth and scoring the delicate skin of Dominic's neck as he sucked. "Mmm?" he murmured softly, in answer to the call of his name, and pressed closer, pushing his lover firmly against the wall and returning each little undulation with a rub of his own against his lover's hard cock.

"You''re sure... stopping… making out... coming? Bad idea?" He asked, groaning deeply as his lover did that thing that nearly had him twitching. Instead he gave a long, low groan of pleasure, tipping his head back even further to the nuzzles and licks. "Right there, caro… ohhh yes."

A little grin against Dominic's throat. "Yes, I'm sure it's a bad idea," Lionel murmured softly. "We still have to find your tuxedo for Felicia's wedding, find the appropriate boutonniere for both the wedding and the dance competition tonight, we have flowers to order for your sister, and we have to have this done in time for Clark and Lex to meet us for lunch." Each thing on their list was numbered by a bite to Dominic's throat and a squeeze of his ass.

And with each squeeze and bite Dominic's groans increased, his skin tingling all over from each of Lionel's sure, quiet little bites. "They can't wait?" Maybe he was whining, but just a little bit. His fingertips skated over the side of his lovers suit coat, stroking inside and rubbing long flanks as he nipped and licked the corners of his lovers lips.

"No, beloved, they can't wait." The elevator dinged their arrival, and Lionel picked up the two black suit bags from the railing and put them over his arm. "Come on. The faster we get this done, the faster we can finish and get back here so that we can do the kissing and making out."

He shivered, and heaved a very quiet, very shivery little sigh, as he straightened his own jacket. He had on a light polo and a light jacket, and it felt comfortably cool and good as he stepped out of the elevator beside his lover.

The fact that his neck was wet with kisses helped, and he shuddered in the pleasure of that thought as he did so, taking one of the black bags from his lover as he ran his fingers suggestively down his butt. "Promise?"

"Of course I do." He juggled the other bag in his hand, and pulled out his keys. "We'll have to enter quietly; I'm sure that my son and Clark are still asleep at this hour of the--late morning," he said, with a quick look at his watch.

The fact that seven fifteen in the morning was early for Lionel had Dominic rolling his eyes around in his head, even as his back twinged, and he gave the bandage on his back a rub as Lionel tugged his keys out. "Dear lord, I sincerely hope we don't find the remnants of last night. They were going to Brandywine, correct? Christ, I know too much about my step sons sex life." He muttered into Lionel's ear, even as he shifted the bag to the other arm so the clothes within wouldn't get too wrinkled.

"Yes, they were. I would suggest we be prepared to find Rico and his paramour as well, and in whatever state of dishabille we can conceive of."

Dominic grinned crookedly at his husband, and would have said more but the door swung open. He sideglanced inside... and a little smile touched his lips. Right inside of the doorway was the grand living room, and on the long, creamy couch, Clark and Lex were asleep. He grinned again at Lionel, rolling his eyes teasingly, and quieted his footsteps as they stepped in.

"I told you so," Lionel said softly. "Let's take our things to the bedroom and leave as quickly as possible, before we wake them up."

"Indeed, then." He was very quiet as he walked around the couch, checking on them briefly as they sat there asleep together, and rolled his eyes as he waited for Lionel to join him.

Lionel closed the door carefully, locking it behind them for the moment and then joined Dominic behind the couch. "I'm actually frightened of what that blanket might be concealing."

"Which is why we are not looking." Dominic snickered, and he stepped around the couch and followed the way back to the bedroom. He pressed the door open, sideglanced around the room. Stopped. And let out a bellowing cry. "BLOODY HELL!"

CK was still naked, curled up in the blankets, but when he heard the bloodcurdling bellow, he shot out of bed, letting out a scream of his own as he jerked up the blanket and wrapped it around himself. "KAL!!! KENEP!!!!"

Lex bolted awake right at the bellow of his name, and shot off Kal's lap. "CK!" He blinked rapidly, assessing the situation, thundering past his father and a stunned Dominic. "Kal! Get in here, help me calm him down!" Lex barked.

Lionel blinked, looking back and forth at the... well, twins came to mind, though he knew that they were not. "Well. This is rather... interesting."

"Bloody buggering hell!" Dominic yelled again, looking up as Lex came streaking--naked of course--past him, then... then another young man, CLARK, in clothes thank Christ, and… and...he just stared, open mouthed, and snarled, "You, get the hell out of here! The fuck! You… you...Lex, what the bleeding Christ did you DO?"

Kal streaked right past Dominic and Lionel, a sob caught in his throat at the way CK had screamed his name, and he sat down immediately on the edge of the bed, gathering him up tightly in his arms and hugging him tightly. "Baby, its okay, baby! Look at me! Its okay, okay? Take a deep breath, baby, take a deep breath."

CK wrapped his arms around Kal's chest tightly and heaved a little scream until he calmed down, panting softly as he curled up tightly against Kal and shivered as his naked skin was exposed to the air.

"Dominic, shut up and stop screaming for a minute." He jerked a pair of boxers on--didn't know if they were his, Kal's, or CK's and really didn't care--sticking his feet in them as he ran and shimmying them up his hips with one hand as the other reached for the blanket off the bed and wrapping it around CK as he crawled behind him. "It's okay, CK. It's just Dad and Dominic. It's okay, baby. I promise, they're not going to hurt you.

Both of Lionel's eyebrows were elevated to his hairline as he looked around. "Lex? You do intend to explain this, don't you?"

"And how the bloody fuck am I to stop screaming?!" Dominic demanded, as he pointed at both Clarks sitting there like it was nothing, sitting there like bloody... he didn't know what, but damn! "There's two of them!"

"Take the stick out of your ass, gramps." Kal shot at him, even as he gently rubbed CK's back, jerking Lex away with apology in his eyes, even as he tucked CK against his chest and gently rocked him, with tender kisses.

"I… I.." Sputtering. "I am not a GRAMPS! Excuse me VERY much, you… you... person that is not Clark!"

Lex nodded, and squeezed Kal's shoulder tightly. "Out, get out, get out of the bedroom. His name is Kal, now out."

CK just held tighter onto Kal's waist and rubbed his face into Kal's shoulder, hiding from the yelling and the harsh words as he cuddled in closer, breathing deeply and trying to calm the trembling in his body.

"Lex, we are not leaving--"

"Dad, you either get out of the bedroom and give me two seconds to get dressed and come out there, or so help me, I'll have Kal throw you out." He growled it, and squeezed Kal's shoulder again.

"We are going to have words!" Dominic yelled, before grabbing his lover and tugging him out of the room. Furious? A little. Horrified? A little. Confused as fuck? A lot. He grunted as he tugged Lionel out of the bedroom, ignoring all the naked skin as bile rose in his throat at the thought, and closed the door behind him. "Vodka at seven a.m. is alright in circumstances like these, correct?"

Lionel nodded. "It's quite all right, and in this case, highly recommended." He held his hand out for a glass as Dominic poured.

Lex hopped foot to foot as he pulled on the black pants from last night, and picked up the white t-shirt Kal had tossed aside last night. "Are you going to be all right with CK while I handle those two?" A quick kiss to Kal's mouth, and then to the crown of CK's hair. "Hey. CK. Don't be scared, all right? Dad and Dom are just scared. They don't understand. But I'm going to make them understand, okay?"

A little nod as he hid his face against Kal's shoulder again. "Don't let them yell at me again, Kenep."

Another soft kiss to his hair. "I won't, baby. I promise."

"They won't." Kal snarled it, in affirmation, his fingers sliding through CK's hair gently as he lay back with him, and tucked him in close to his chest and body. "No one will hurt you, baby. Those mother fuckers. Here… lay with me." He tugged him back against him, close and snuggly.

Lex kissed Kal again, and nodded. "Call me if you need me," he said softly, and then closed the bedroom door behind him.

He headed straight to the bar, and held his hand out for a glass of whatever Dominic was pouring. "You could make a living bartending, Dominic, and if you raise your voice again, I'll rip your vocal chords out."

"Try me. One more inch of naked skin from you and I'm going to lose last month's breakfast." He tossed back the second glass of vodka and poured Lex one he was holding out, even as he glared and drank again. "There's two of them. Can you please tell me how there are two of them? And how one looked like he was going to rip my spleen out and wear it as a charm bracelet?"

"That would be Kal." Lex dropped into the overstuffed chair that was sitting beside the bar. "Kal is... slightly more aggressive than you're used to. The other one is CK, and he's a bit more mousy than you're used to." He emptied the glass. We went to the Brandywine club. They redecorated. God-awful red scheme. Beaded curtains in the fuck rooms upstairs. Dom? Remember the time you and I had to hunt Clark down cause he ran out on us? Same thing. Red Kryptonite--meteor rock, that is--split him into his two... sides, I suppose."

Lionel just blinked. "Split him in two? I was under the impression that it simply turned him into an aggressive arrogant boy."

Lex snorted as he raised his glass. "Join the club, Pops."

"There's always an interesting side bar in our lives, gentlemen." Dominic muttered, as he took his drink and plunked himself into the stool beside Lionel, rolling his aching shoulders as he pinched the bridge of his nose tightly. Dominic didn't say anything--he'd been to the Brandywine a few times when he was young, and though it had been quite classy then, he wondered about it now, that Lex said those things. But he winced, as he listened, and just... sighed. "One aggressive, one not. Have they tried to hurt you?"

Lex had to snort at that. "I said they were divided, not that they didn't know who I was. I'm his aushna', Dom. Even though there's two of them, that hasn't changed. Neither one would hurt me; it's not in them."

"What… are the characteristics?"

"CK's everything that's innocent about Clark. And I do mean everything. You couldn't get that one to say a four-letter word if you put a gun to his head." Lex held out his glass for another refill. "Kal? Is everything else. Drive, aggression, need... conscience and compassion."

Lionel dragged his fingers through his hair. "So you're telling us, Lex, that Clark's been divided into two individual personality components. And you don't seem to be at all upset about this."

He gave a little shrug. "Aside from the fact I get double the pleasure and double the fun... in what we've experienced previously, the effects of red Kryptonite should wear off in 48 hours or less. Should that not hold true this time, we're going to return to Smallville, consult with Jor-El and reopen the lab to synthesize the red deterrent that Dr. Hamilton concocted."

"I could have gone for the next forty years without hearing that." Dominic muttered, even as he pinched his nose. Sudden, swift thought overtook him, and his eyebrows furrowed, tightly, as he looked up. "Two personalities. One innocent, the other not. Does… does... Kal... know what's happening? Are they separate people, separate entities?"

"Define separate entities. Are they two different people, complete with intellect, feelings, and the ability to know who they are? Yes. Do they comprehend that they are Clark split? Yes, they do. Do they know they'll have to essentially die when their time is up? Kal does, yes. CK doesn't understand, and I'm not going to make him. He's satisfied with the explanation that he and Kal will be together forever, and that's good enough for the both of us." Little shade of a protective growl entered his voice.

Lionel caught it. "Calm down, Lex. Nobody is threatening anyone. We're just trying to figure out what is going on."

Dominic felt something very sad stir in his heart as Lex spoke, and he waved a hand impatiently. "None of that alien mumbo jumbo feelings shit, Lex, I'm too tired for it." A glare at his growl, even as he continued. "I'd bet you anything, anything, that this… well. How to put this without making me sound--...alright. Clark desires to be a part of a family, correct? He said, you told us, that he often feels incomplete, alone, without his brother Kal. This is far fetched, indeed, but what if he was having the thought while he was walking through the red rocks? Even subconsciously?" He waved a hand. "Listen, first. The first time he was touched by the kryptonite, he went crazy and started branching out, because he felt completely overwhelmed, if I recall. The second time..." He made a face. "I'm not going into that. But he wanted you. And this time... his brother that never was might have… been on his mind." A shrug. "Sorry. That idea sounded better in my head."

"Kon is his brother, he's Kal, and you're right. That is entirely possible. There's also the possibility that he's still split over the decision to take the contract with the Daily Planet because of how much it's upset Chloe. At the moment? Either one is equally as plausible, because I just don't know."

"Perhaps asking Jor is the right course of action?" A brow in question. "Or are you wanting to leave them here?"

"I don't want to leave them anywhere, dammit. They're not a couple of old socks. CK and Kal both seem happy and comfortable here, and I'm loathe to disturb that. I don't want to change CK's scenery unless there's no other choice, because he's gotten used to the apartment here." He glared at Dominic.

"I meant staying here with them or taking them home, you stubborn monkey ass." Dominic shot back, with a glare right back at him.

"I know damn well what you meant."

Lionel intervened. "Children, please. Lex, if you do intend to stay here, you're going to need enough food to feed the two of them. Considering how much Clark consumes, it would be prudent for you and Dominic to go out and purchase what you need to hold you here through the weekend, before there is a great many people out and about asking why you are buying enough food to feed a small Egyptian army."

Dominic glared at his step son, even as he rose and fixed the collar of his jacket, muttering under his breath as he stomped to the door. "I'll start the damn car. You had better be ready in ten minutes, Lex, or I'm hauling your naked ass into the street."

Lex just glared. "If Kal's not all right with this, I'm not leaving him," he said firmly. "You and Dad can do it, or we'll keep the pizza place down the block in business for a few days." He stalked into the bedroom and closed the door quietly, sitting on the bed beside Kal. "How is he?"

The room was completely quiet, but for CK's quite hiccups, and Kal looked up from stroking his hair to look at Lex. "Scared. Lionel and Dominic scared the fuckin shit out of him. Bastards. Stomping in here like fuckin' world war three." Kal growled maliciously, as he turned into CK's gentle embrace, hugging him close and kissing his lips softly.

"Dominic and I are going shopping. There's a grocery down the street, and we need food." A little smile. "And tequila." A kiss to Kal's cheek, and he stroked CK's hair. "We'll be gone half an hour, maybe an hour at most. I just need to make sure we've got enough here for the two of you, because Dad doesn't usually stock the kitchen now unless he knows he's going to be here."

CK flinched at the door closing, but relaxed when he heard Kenep's voice. He reached out and stroked Kenep's thigh once, just to feel him close, then wrapped his arms back around Kal and squeezed, breathing a little easier.

"Alright, babe. Be fast, alright? Cause I might go postal and kick some sorry fuckin ass." His fingers carded carefully through CK's hair, gently kissing his neck and cheek, his temple, all lovingly, all gently. "Bring home some hot pockets. And some cheetos. And lime wedges."

Lex nodded. "Fast as I can, I promise." He squeezed Kal's hand. "I'm sorry my father and Dominic interrupted us this morning, but I was glad to wake up with you." A little kiss to his cheek. "Hot pockets, cheetos, and fresh limes. Any other special requests?"

CK squeaked up from Kal's chest. "P--pepperonis? The sticks, Kenep? Can I have some?"

Lex nodded. "Of course, CK. I wouldn't forget my baby." He crouched beside Kal in mid-strip, and kissed CK's knuckles. "Pepperoni sticks and pepperoni hot pockets. Okay?"

"Kay." Little nod and he burrowed back against Kal again.

Kal nodded, definitely, very, very pleased CK was happy, and gently hugged him close as Lex began to get dressed. "Yeah, cause, hello rude. I think they were leaving things here... didn't you guys say something about the dance competition, and leaving clothes here, or something?" He looked up at Lex as he said it, even as he continued to gently stroke over CK's back.

Lex swore softly. "Fuck. Yes, I did. Pete and that obnoxious little sister of Dominic's. They're competing this evening at the National finals in Luthor Hall. That's why Dad's going, because it's in his hall, and Dom's going cause it's his sister. Fuck and goddamn. We're going to have to miss it. The three of us can't go and I am NOT leaving one of you here."

"Don't have to miss it, Lex. I don't want to be away from CK, where I can't touch him. It gets strange when we're far away, and I don't like it." He grunted, as he kissed over CK's face again, gently, and watched as he closed his eyes. "Go to sleep, baby. I'm right here. When Lex goes, I'll make you feel good, okay?"

Lex growled a little. "I'm NOT leaving you alone, Kal," he said gruffly. "We won't... have that much time. I'm not going to waste any of it sitting in a fucking dance hall."

CK cuddled against Kal, letting his head fall into Kal's lap as he smiled and gave a soft little snort. "kay, Kal."

Kal's throat constricted, but he just stroked CK's hair, gently, in his hands. He looked down at him, smiling again, and sideglanced Lex as he gently lifted his other up and lay hi back against the sheets. "Want to, now?" he asked softly, as he kissed CK gently but deeply, laying half beside him.

CK shook his head just a little, and curled up tighter beside Kal. "Just wanna stay with you," he said back, just as quietly into Kal's kiss.

Lex finished pulling his shirt on over his head and picked up his wallet. He leafed through the money he had, and then went to one of the paintings over the wall. He pulled it open and dialed the combination, then opened it and pulled out ten more $100 bills. He stuck those back in his wallet, and spun the safe closed. "I won't be gone long."

When CK shook his head just like that, and looked at him just as he did, and cuddled up close, Kal's heart felt like it would shatter out of his chest. He dragged him in as close as he could, smiling gently at him even as a part of his soul died. "Alright, CK. We can just stay. Though I'm going to make you orgasm again, today. The look on your face when you do... its gorgeous." A smile at him, even as he looked up at Lex. "Be quick, alright aushna'?"

"Of course." He leaned over for last quick kisses to each pair of soft, full lips, and deepened CK's a little more. "I'll be back before you can say multinational conglomerate."

CK gave a quiet little grin. "LuthorCorp."

Kal grinned, at the both of them, before he pressed a gentle, loving kiss to Lex's hand, and shooed him off with a wave. "Dude, get out. Cuddling with my baby here. Go buy us pepperoni sticks an d hot pockets. Oh, and vanilla cock. Fuck!" If he blushed, he glared, and dared Lex to say anything. "Coke."

"Pepperoni and Vanilla Cock. Your wish is my command." He squeezed Kal's hand tightly as Kal kissed it, and then nodded. "I'm gone. Lionel's staying, but I've told him to stay out of the bedroom. If you need anything call him, or call my cell."

Lionel was staying? Kal rose a brow, even as dark, revengeful little thoughts formed in his mind, and he smiled at Lex even as he thought. "Okay. Will do." Did he dare say he loved him? "L… lo..."

"I love you too, Kal." Lex closed the door to spare his aushna' any blushing, and glared at his father. "You go near that bedroom, and so help me, Dad, I'll kill you."

Lionel held up his hands at the seriousness of that threat. "I have no intention of disturbing them, son."

"Good." Lex stalked out the door, and down the hallway towards the elevator.

Lionel looked back at the closed bedroom door, and just sighed. He picked up the newspaper, opened it to the financial section, and started to read.

It was fifteen minutes before Kal had CK asleep. Drowsy, snuggled in blankets, where warm kisses and gentle touches had calmed him, significantly. He'd kissed and touched, gently soothing even as he aroused just the smallest bit, and left him asleep, amongst pillows and blankets.

He paused to push CK's jeans up onto his hips, and then sauntered out of the bedroom, easily.

Lionel's eyebrow elevated as Kal swaggered out of the bedroom, and he turned to look at him. "May I help you, young man?"

"Mmm. Came for some water. Lionel, right? Hey Ly." A snicker at him, as he crossed to the kitchen, which was open to the living room, and snickered again at the vodka bottle. He picked it up, took a long swig... sighed in pleasure. "Hitting the booze a little early, Big Papa?"

"Yes, Lionel." A disapproving stare. "The last time I looked, water didn't come in a Stolichnaya bottle."

"Last time I looked, a drinka water like you didn't come in... a turtleneck and a suit jacket." His brow rose. "Where's the Armani, Big Papa?" Another grin, as he turned to the cabinets for a glass.

"My name is Lionel and I would prefer you address me as such." Another disapproving look. "My suit is in the suit bag, hanging on the back of the door there."

"Alright. Lionel." Another snicker, as he poured himself, instead of the vodka, a tall glass of orange juice. He watched it flow into the glass silently, an almost heavy pang in his heart that this might be the first, and last time, he ever had orange juice, and covered it with a smirk as he lifted his glass and walked over to the living room, where Lionel was sitting.

Lionel pulled his foot up so that his ankle was crossed over his knee, and turned to face the young man who had decided to invade his personal space. "Might I enquire as to what you think you are doing?"

"Sitting in front of you." On the coffee table, as close as was physically possible. "What're you reading?"

"The newspaper," Lionel answered easily. "A daily published collection of notable events from around the globe."

Kal would have responded, but the joke was on Lionel, so he just smiled, brightly, eagerly, and looked at it in wonder. "Really? What kind of things does it say?"

"That you should stop disrespecting your elders," Lionel said casually, lifting the paper up again. This young man reminded him entirely too much of his son only a few scant years ago, and he decided to deal with him the same way he had Lex.

"I'm sure it doesn't say that." Kal rose, innocently, and went back to the kitchen, to retrieve an orange sitting in the fruit basket, from the night before that the maid had brought to their door. He took one and walked back, settling back on the coffee table, as he studied Lionel.

And started to peel the orange like he was caressing a lover. "What things does it really say?"

Lionel ignored the fruit peeling. "If you would like to know, pick it up and read it yourself."

"Don't know how. That's CK." Kal answered, honestly. "He's got the book smarts." He licked from his thumb nail to the base of his thumb, where a drop of the sweet orange nectar had rolled. "Literally. Read to me?"

"Only if you don't interrupt." Lionel closed the business section, and picked up the front page. He scanned through the sections until he came to an interesting article. "Here we are. Brandywine Club Closed For Health Code Violations," he read. "The Brandywine Club was purchased a mere three months ago by Edge Enterprises, and the club's decor and clientele underwent a complete makeover. However, after the club's closing last night, health code officials were dispatched to the club on an emergency call, and the Brandywine has been closed until further notice."

"Huh. Weird. I wonder why? Not everyone can be allergic to red K." Kal said innocently, as he ate one of the orange slices. sucked all the juice from it, first, then crunched into it happily, licking the pads of his fingers.

Lionel scanned the rest of the article. "It seems the locked rooms at the top of the stairs had quite a bit to do with the club's closure, not to mention the illicit drugs and the prostitution that occurred there." He sighed. "I do believe that leaves La Maison d'Arc-en-ciel as the only transgender club in the city."

"Hmm. I have to tell Lex to call Aden and Rico." Kal said, as he sucked another orange slice. "Dressing up as a chick is really fun, but geez, not for all of that. What do you think about it? Dressing up as a chick, I mean. Dom ever do it for you?" As he chewed the sucked orange slice.

"I think that it's a waste of time, however if other people wish to do it, I have no problem with it, as long as they don't expect me to do it. As for what Dominic and I have or have not done with one another, that is private information."

"Private?" A raised brow. "So its okay to know what Lex and Clark do?" A little smirk. "Dominic doesn't seem the pushover type. He seems to be the kind to do the... pushing."

"If Clark and my son feel the need to share their private lives, that is, unfortunately, their prerogative to do so. However, I do not share that need."

No sharing. Hmm." Kal set his orange slices on the table top, and licked each of his fingers. "What would you do, Lionel? If suddenly you found yourself with… two... Dominics?" A little, quiet, purr. "The amount of passion you coujld have from it. The raw, delicious fuck you could have."

Lionel snapped his paper closed and looked over at Kal. "I would like to think I would be more concerned with bringing him back to himself, because that would be the man I was in love with."

"Of, come on." Innocent smile, as he rubbed his hands clean on his upper thighs. "You haven't ever thought of it? Never even fantasized about it?"

"No, I haven't." He picked the paper back up, and continued scanning through the national news section.

"I think that's the biggest lie I've ever heard." Kal rose, all fluid grace, and picked up the newspaper… sliding himself where it had been, and slid down Lionel's thighs, perching himself right on his crotch, and stroking forward, twice, with a sensual, slow slide. "Never even… once?" His fingers slid through all that delicious hair, and he raised his eyes, looking at him like a little lamb.

"What do you think you're doing? Remove yourself from my person this instant," Lionel demanded.

"I'm not in you." Kal breathed, softly, as his fingers clenched in that hair and dragged Lionel's head back, so he could run his lips over his jaw. "Not yet, anyway. I bet you feel so good... so tight..."

"Move off of me this instant," Lionel clarified, but his breath escaped in a harsh pant as Kal's lips slid over him. "Stop that at once."

"Stop what? This?" he ran his teeth over the pulse point, which had quickened, and pressed down on the crotch under his, stroking and thrusting rhythmically. "Like that?" Another bright, winning smile as he came up, and ran a hot breath over soft lips, licking over them questingly. "Ever dreamt about having me, Lionel? I think you have…"

Lionel's tongue came out to flicker over his lips and encountered Kal's. He brought his tongue back in immediately, and tried to flip the young man's bulk off him, but couldn't. "Cease this activity immediately, or I will tell Lex." Possibly the only thing Lionel could think of, as his cock was ground against, and his hands knotted in the sofa to either side, to keep from touching.

His body was only supposed to react to one person, and that was Dominic, but this boy was intent on arousing him, and he fought it with everything inside.

As if Kal could hear his thoughts, he murmured, "Dominic's not here right now. He'll never know. One touch... I won't be here in a few days. Clark won't remember any of this… I had a crush on you for a long time, all the time I was trying to pretend I didn't have one on Lex." His fingers slid down the long throat, down, over a hard chest, to stroke over taut nipples. "You were so handsome, so severe and wicked."

"He will know," Lionel gritted out, trying to close his ears to the seductive whisper. Closed his thoughts to the images that Kal was evoking, ignored the touches, as much as he could, even as he cursed inwardly as he felt the iron control he held over himself cracking. "Get off of me, boy."

"Get off on you?" Kal murmured, and groaned, deeply, as he shuddered and arched his back, rubbing even harder. "Oh, yes, please. I'm so hard, so hard I could explode. You smell so good... touch me, please," Pretty, soft little begs. "Touch me everywhere. God.." he leaned forward and grasped Lionel's earlobe, biting it, hard.

"I... am not going to touch you, boy," he growled out, tightening his fists in the upholstery of the chair. "Get off of me this instant; remove your body from mine, because despite the physical reaction, I do not want you* At all."

"No?" Kal asked, just slightly breathless, as he stopped his hips from moving and looked down. But rather than be hurt, he was intent, and his brow rose. "Then who do you want?"

"I want Dominic," Lionel gritted out, bringing his hands forward to shove against Kal's chest. "And you are not him. Get off of me."

Kal grinned. He smiled, brightly, and slid off of Lionel and onto the couch, beside him. "You are a good mate. You passed. Good for you. I've been wondering if you are for a long time, but hey, if you can say no to this piece of ass, then you've got to be strong. You are worthy." Said firmly, as he nodded. "Sorry about the..." A slight wince and motion at Lionel's hard cock.

Lionel turned around and slapped Kal, as hard as he could, across the face. "What gives you the right to play with people's relationships, you arrogant little... child!" he hissed angrily. "You have absolutely no idea what you are playing with and if you ever involve me in your games again, you will pay. Do you understand me, boy?"

The slap brought anger and fear in two equal measurements, because he could feel it. It stung, and he brought a hand to his face in shock, even as he looked up, not saying anything for a long moment, before he said, quietly, "Fuck you."

"I have absolutely no wish to do so," Lionel said coldly, and rose from the sofa. "If you'll excuse me." His voice was absolutely arctic. "I will be down in the lobby."

"Stop. I'm sorry… don't go." Half glare, half apology. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd go all off the handle."

"What, precisely, did you think I would do?" Lionel paused by the door. "I will not inform my son of your shameful behavior, because it would break his heart to know what was attempted here today. Should it ever happen again? You will answer to me."

"I said I was sorry. Please… don't go." He climbed to his feet, as well, and shifted his weight to the other foot. "I didn't mean for you to think this. I wasn't… I don't want to seduce you. I just... I'm sorry, alright?"

"No, young man, it most certainly is not all right." Lionel slammed the door to the apartment angrily as he stalked back across it.

Kal never thought he'd see the day, but even he was scared of Lionel in that moment, and he backed up, abruptly. "Dude, the fuck are you doing?"

"You asked me to remain and I am doing so. I am closing the door to this domicile, and then I am going to sit back down and resume reading my newspaper. And I don't want you anywhere near me. Do you understand?" Lionel glared with all the intensity of his anger.

Kal wanted to ask, not even a little close?, but he didn't dare, just glaring. "This is where I live too."

"Then choose a room that I am not currently occupying, and occupy it."

"There isn't any. CK is asleep, and the other room has boxes in it. So unless you want me to go sit in the bathroom or take a nap in the hall closet, there isn't anywhere for me to be." Kal snapped back, and glared. "You used to do this shit to Lex, didn't you? As soon as he pissed you off, you sent him off out of your sight."

"Lex never had the audacity to crawl into my lap and attempt to fuck me against my will," Lionel shot back. "I do believe that gives me the right to a small amount of privacy!"

"Oh, so your cock is hard because it just wants to be?" Kal shot back, with a little smirk and a sneer. "Must come in handy."

Lionel calmly laid down his paper, and spoke with completely clear enunciation. "Do not try me, boy. If you continue with this, I will see to it that you regret it."

"How? I'm going to be dead in another, oh, thirty eight hours. What could you do to me in thirty eight hours?" Smirky raise of his brow, though he didn't dare move from his spot near the wall. "Oooh, real scared of the big bad Luthor Man."

Lionel reached into his pocket and held up his cell phone. "I could do what I am loathe to do. Inform my son of this... thing that you have attempted to do to me. See how he will react to you after knowing that you tried to seduce his father not five minutes after he'd left to go and buy food for you, the things that you specifically asked him before, because he is so devoted to you."

"No." His heart leapt into his throat, even as he smirked. "You don't have the stones." Though he knew perfectly well he did, even as he straightened and sauntered over, dropping into the chair in front of him. "You'd have to tell Dominic just what was happening, and how're you going to explain that away?" A motion at Lionel's crotch, and a smirk, even as his soul trembled.

"Dominic knows that I would not betray him," Lionel said just as quietly. "Can you say that Lex is as trusting?"

"Yes." Vehemently, even as he glared. "I didn't want to fuck you anyway. I can't fuck anyone."

"Really?" Lionel asked, flipping the case open on the phone and dialing Lex's number from memory.

"Yes." Kal muttered again, even as he turned and tugged his legs up close to his chest. "Look, I said I'M sorry, alright? What else do you want?"

Lionel paused as he finished dialing, and held the phone up to his ear. "An explanation would be nice."

He didn't have one, and he glared and looked away, setting his head on the couch back.

Lex swore in the store aisle as his phone rang, and his heart filled with panic as he picked it up. "Kal?"

"No, Lex, it's me. I have something to tell you."

Kal's entire body shuddered, and he closed his eyes, grasping his knees as tightly as he could. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He'd screwed up, big time, but he hadn't meant to!

"What's wrong? Is everything okay, Dad?" Lex's hand tightened on Dominic's bicep. "Dad!"

Lionel glared at Kal across from him, thinking for a second and seeing the curled up defeated look. "CK woke up a little after you left and asked if you could pick up some extra pepperoni sticks; he's hungrier than he thought when you left."

Lex relaxed. "Dad, you give me a fucking heart attack over pepperoni sticks. Tell CK I'll buy the whole fucking store stock of them." He hung up, and rolled his eyes. "Christ."

"I'll tell him." Lionel hung up the phone and picked up the newspaper again.

Kal didn't say anything, for a long, long few moments. He didn't look at the man sitting across from him reading his newspaper, just closing his eyes and waiting for the severe pounding on his heart to calm before he spoke. "I don't know why I did it. I told you, I'm sorry."

"I find it quite difficult to believe that you do not know why you sexually attacked someone," Lionel said from behind his newspaper. "Especially despite their unwillingness."

"Why didn't you tell him?"

"Because, despite the fact that you are an arrogant little prat, I happen to care about Clark--and that would extend to you as well, because you are part of him--and it would hurt far more people than my revenge would be worth."

"So you were doing it because you didn't want to piss Lex off?" A brow rose over at him. "I wasn't joking. Have you ever found me attractive?"

"I didn't want to hurt Lex," Lionel clarified, and put his newspaper down. "You, young man, mean the world to Lex. He's changed his entire life around for you, he's chosen to give up his position at the plant so that he is free to move to Metropolis with you when you choose to begin college, and that is his decision to make and I respect it. To know that you'd betrayed him, for whatever reason it was, with only I don't know as an explanation would decimate my son in ways I am not sure that even I could completely comprehend."

"I don't know why I did it. Why don't you just believe me?" Kal shot back, and rubbed his fingers through his hair. "I did it because I wanted to. Okay? That's all. I did it because I wanted to. Makes me a fuckin' terrible person, don't it? And you know what? I can't even tell you I won't try and do it again."

"I don't believe you a bit because I know the person that you are a part of, and he would not do something like this. Ever, but certainly not without a reason in that thick little skull of yours." He patted down his pocket, made sure the phone was safely tucked away. "If you attempt it again? I will tell Lex, despite my desire not to hurt him. Because I won't stand for it again."

"Don't believe it? Don't believe I'm a man, and I got needs?" All a lie, but whoa doggie, Kal's masculinity had come into question and he snarled and straightened, before climbing to his feet. "I'll attempt whatever the fuck I want to attempt, Big Papa, and don't you goddamn forget it."

"I'm sure Lex would like to know that," is all Lionel said.

"He already does. He ain't stupid." Kal snickered it at him, and gave him a big, wicked smile.

"Then why were you panicking just now when I attempted to call Lex and inform him of your little infidelity?" A raised eyebrow.

"I wasn't panicking. Asshole." Kal shot back, and glared even as he shifted uncomfortably.

"So you were curled fetally on the couch because it was comfortable. I see." The eyebrow raised a little further

"It was." Kal snarled. "You're one to talk, anyway. You find me attractive, or have before. Ain't no other way you would have reacted like that."

A dry little laugh. "Kal--may I call you that? In case you haven't quite realized this? I happen to be just as gay as you are. Of course another male body pressed against mine is going to physically arouse me. Whether or not I like you, or find you attractive? Is an entirely different question."

"I'm not gay." He snarled back.

"Of course you're not," Lionel said patronizingly.

"Fuck you. No wonder Lex hated you when he was young, I don't fucking blame him. Egotistical, arrogant mother fucker."

If Lionel was hurt, he didn't give this boy the satisfaction of seeing it. "I think someone is having a little problem admitting that I'm right and he isn't."

"You think you know everything, and you don't." Kal snarled back. "You think you know all there is to know. You're so full of yourself you can't see beyond your little bubble."

"I know that you are sleeping with my son, and two of his friends, and yet you seem to think you're not gay. Because of Chloe, I could stretch the definition to bisexual, but I know through my son that you do not care for women too, only this single specific woman by virtue of what she means to you. Therefore? You are gay."

Kal shot him a look of the devil, snarling at him again before turning his head back to the window, curling his legs close up under him as he did. "Fuck you, Lionel."

"I do believe we've already covered that ground, and with little success."

"Five more seconds in your lap, and I would have."

Lionel put his newspaper down again. "You are more than welcome to try again, though I warn you, it will meet with as little success as you did before."

What? Terror lit in his belly as Lionel spoke, though he didn't say anything, just glaring at him as he did it. "Your pretty little heart couldn't take it, Luthor."

"Too afraid to try, I see. Quite the pity that. We could have seen which of us is speaking the truth, and which of us is only spouting bravado." He paused. "Or perhaps we already know, and need no demonstration, mmm?"

"This is what Dominic means when he says you can domineer. Your severe ability to make people feel two feet tall, Lionel, has kept you alone up till now. It'd be a fucking pity if I told Dominic just how hot you got over me, don't you think?"

"Go ahead and tell him," Lionel said. "I think he'll find it more meaningful that I had no interest in you, which he knows, given the number of times you and my son have paraded your nakedness to us, on top of the fact that he and I had just been engaged in foreplay in the elevator coming up, so I believe that his knowledge of my... preferences, shall we say? combined with the circumstances will more than clear my name and make you appear to be nothing but a petty child."

"Is that what you think of me?" Asked honestly, as he looked up.

Lionel sighed. "Only when you attempt to outmaneuver a man who has had far more practice at being a bastard than you have." A pinch to the bridge of his nose. "Otherwise, I have the utmost respect for you."

"That's a bunch of shit and we both know it. Seriously. What do you think about me? Come on, Big Papa, don't think I haven't got a clue." Was he needling? Of course. "I can be a bastard if I want to. Got great practice in it."

"I didn't say you couldn't be a bastard Kal, only that I had infinitely more practice at it, and have had decades to refine the art of it."

"You're avoiding the question."

"What I think about you, personally and what I think about Clark as a whole entity are two entirely different concepts, Kal. Which are you curious about?" He pulled his glasses off and tucked them in his pocket, obviously giving up on attempting to read the paper.

"Both. All of it." He didn't look at Lionel, didn't dare, just glaring at his hands in his lap.

"I think you, young man, are full of shit, if you'll pardon the crass terms. You are all talk, no follow through, and you get scared when anyone calls your talk." A little breath. "Clark I care deeply for, much as I care for my own son." He crossed his legs and linked his fingers over his knee.

"I AM NOT FULL OF SHIT!" He bellowed, and snarled, darkly, at him. "You fucking slapped me! You can have all the follow through you want, I wouldn't HIT anybody!" He yelled, as loud as he could. "I could fucking break you in HALF if I wanted to, you arrogant asshole!"

CK poked his head in the bedroom. "Wha's th'yellin' for?" he asked through a yawn, hair sleep-tousled and sticking up every which way as he scratched his belly. "Wha's goin' on?"


go on to the next part