
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 251: The Egg

Lex felt like he'd just closed his eyes seconds ago when the phone rang. They were still gritty and aching from the long night, and as he pried them open, the numbers on the clock came into bleary focus, proving it actually had only been seconds, and he groped in the darkness for the phone. "Lu'or," he muttered.


Dominic's voice was low, trying to speak in under the ambulances. He kept as close as was possible to his lover, shivering as they sat there on the curb together, and he closed his eyes, tightly, guilt swamping him as he heard the sleepy voice. He was so close to crying anyway, but he chewed on his lip, keeping himself steady. "Lex, darling, your father and I had an accident."

Your father and I had an accident. That was enough to send Lex bolting upright in bed, dislodging CK's leech-like grip around his waist as he scrubbed his arm across his face. "Dom? What's wrong? You're all right? Where's Dad? Is he all right? What hospital are you at? I'll meet you there in a few minutes." He was already up and flailing for the lamp, cursing as he couldn't seem to find the on switch.

"Baby, hush." Dominic's voice caught, as he looked across at his husband. "Your father and I are fine. A bit bruised, a bit banged up, but we're still sitting here on the highway. Its alright love, don't panic. My car? My car is totaled, completely. But everyone's fine. Drunk driver love, hit us sideways. I hit another car, but everyone is alright."

"Would you please stop your probing?" Lionel roared in the background. A piece of metal from the car had cut his scalp open, leaving a jagged, inch-long cut along his forehead that the ambulance worker was bandaging even as Lionel cursed.

Lex's chest heaved, and he let out a noise between a sob and a laugh as he heard his father bitching in the background, and Dominic's voice on the phone. "You guys are really all right?" Then what Dom said penetrated. "Man, Dom. Shit. I'm so sorry."

Kal sat up, then, and looked at his lover. He didn't sat a word, his eyebrows furrowed tight... hadn't even heard Lex get in, but he stayed quiet as he talked to whoever... Dominic… on the phone.

"Yes, then. Your father got cut up a bit from some glass, and my knee is now a throbbing aching bruise, but we're fine, outside of that. Don't worry, love." His voice hitched again, and he had to cover his mouth. He was sitting on the side of the road in a police car, staring at his car. His feet were propped up on the door edge and he all but sobbed again as he looked at his poor car. "Oh, fuck. I'm not going to break down now. My car. My poor car. Oh, fuck."

Lex winced. "I feel your pain, man. Remember when I wrapped the first Murcielago?" He gave another little half-sobbing noise from his throat. "Tell me where you are, and I'll be there in a minute."

"We're right off the highway. We had just got on it when it happened, ducks." Dominic said softly, as he climbed to his feet, then. He set the blanket the state trooper had given him on the back of the police car and walked towards his lover, his knee screaming at him with each step, as he did so.

"Okay. Wait for me; we'll be there in a few minutes. I'll bring Dad's Azure from the garage, and Kal will follow in the Ferrari with CK."

Lionel was still swearing at the ambulance attendant as the man was taping the bandage into place, and switched his dark glare to his lover as he came walking over. "You do not need to be--for the love of Christ, man, would you STOP!--walking on that knee, Dominic!" he blasted.

"It's alright, sweetheart, its quite fine." Dominic murmured softly, as he sat down next to his lover on the ambulance back, and shifted close to him. "Quite alright, duck? I called Lex, he's on the way." A quiet sigh. The drunk driver had been unhurt, and he was sitting in the back of the second cruiser. The woman and her boyfriend in the corolla were sitting in the other ambulance, quietly, and Dominic looked at them for a moment, before sighing again and pinching his nose.

Lionel just rolled his eyes. "Of course you're all right," he snapped, finally snarling and backing the attendant off a pace as he reached up and fixed the bandage in place himself. "You always limp when you're fine." Another snarl at the man for good measure and then back to his lover. "We'll get you set up with my walking stick when we get home; I remember where it is and I think you'd rather have it than a pair of unwieldy crutches."

"Actually, I do limp. I find it puts a nice gait in my walk, after all. Like a little jig. And I do indeed have the ass for it, don't I?" Dominic deadpanned quietly, as he rubbed his nose until the ache went away, and heaved a very quiet sigh as he set his head on his lovers shoulder and looked at the wreckage his car was. "I can't believe we've walked away from that. My little darling, she was a tough one."

Lionel just wrapped his arm around his husband's shoulder, and held him close. "I can't believe we did either. But I am glad of it. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt and in the hospital again." He nuzzled Dominic's cheek gently. "She was a tough one, but she gave her life to protect you."

"Like the proper little warrior angel." Dominic murmured, and rubbed his cheek against his husbands hair quietly as he set their heads close together. "I love you, baby. I thought for a few moments there that I'd killed you."

"I thought for a moment you had too," he said, but squeezed Dominic's hand tightly in his. "But we're both mostly all right, and I'm glad of it."

"Its a thankful thing, after all." he closed his eyes. "Lionel, honestly, I'm tired of accidents. When are our lives going to be normal? Really? All of his hubbub is most unbecoming on me." He looked at his poor car, as the firemen began to attempt to take it apart from the Corolla, and winced, hard, at the screaming of the metal. "Oh, my baby."

"Our lives will never be normal," Lionel said with a sigh. "And I curse the fact of it." He stroked over his lover's flinching shoulder, and shook his head. "Don't worry; we'll find you another one like her."

"There will never be another one like her." Dominic finally sobbed, as the screaming cars broke apart, and oh, god, the monstrous wound gaping from the front end of his beloved blue beauty had him biting his knuckles to keep the scream in. It looked like she'd flat walled a pancake, and he gasped his horror and buried his face in his husbands shoulder.

"Dominic... she is simply a car, and she gave her life so that you might live," he said, slightly philosophically. "You'll replace her, but never forget her."

"She was my first car. The first thing I ever bought with the money I earned. I lived out of her for a while. She… she..." Another bite at his knuckles as the front fender fell off.

"Was loyal, faithful, and ultimately? Replaceable. You, however? Are not." He pulled Dominic's hand away from his mouth and looked at him. "I would rather it be the car, than you."

"But... my baby!" He wailed, and didn't even hear the cop closest to him chuckle. "She's... smushed! Look at her! She looks like a can of sardines! No fluffy lovey dovey words are going to fix that! She looks like scrap metal! THE LEATHER IS RIPPED TO SHREDS!"

Lex pulled up beside the ambulances, leaving the driver's side door to the Azure open and shooting a look over his shoulder to let Kal know he was going to find his father and Dominic. "Dad! Dominic!" He ducked through and around Metropolis police, familiar enough with him to know not to get in his way, and he pulled up short as he saw the mess that was left of Dominic's car. "Oh my God." He turned around to see his father's head bandaged, Dominic sitting beside him and he blew a breath out between thinned lips. "Are you all right?"

Lionel winced at the yell from his lover, followed by the one from his son, and gingerly pressed his palm to his throbbing head. "Alexander Luthor, if you raise your voice again, I will disinherit you on the spot."

Dominic was in tears. Just... it all fell on him, his baby was gone, crushed, to smithereens, and he buried his face in his hands and wailed. Couldn't help it.

Kal didn't move. He hadn't said much since Lionel had left, if it came to that. He'd held CK close after he'd finished with the old man, and tried in vain to get any amount of sleep he could. Couldn't, because only minutes later Lex had come, and he'd pretended to sleep while he showered. Of course then they'd gotten the phone call, and there he sat, beside CK in the backseat of the car, holding onto his hand firmly to keep him close.

Lex patted Dominic awkwardly on the shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Dominic, I promise. Make arrangements with the tow truck to have it towed back to Smallville, and we'll turn it over to Hans. He'll have your baby running again in no time, even if he has to rebuild it from the chassis up," he said gently. "He did it to the yellow Spyder, and it runs like a dream."

CK's eyes were huge in his head as he sat in the backseat with Kal, looking at all the noise and flashing lights and sirens. Lex had said that Lionel and Dominic were okay, and he kind of wanted to see for himself, but Lex had said stay in the car, and CK had just nodded in agreement, and pressed up against Kal.

He hadn't been saying much either, not since the blow up at the competition.

"My... baby… is... dead." Dominic gasped, and slumped against his husbands side. Didn't rock Lionel, because Dominic was so slight that him slumping against anything wasn't that much of a burden, so he stayed there, eyes closed, as he fought for his composure.

Kal gently stroked over CK's hair, quietly, letting him snuggle up against his shoulder, and he sprawled in such a way that it was comfortable to keep his beautiful other close. He'd had a lot of time to think tonight, time he didn't think he'd have been able to have otherwise, and it kept his fingers in CK's hair, his body pressed close to his beautiful others.

Lex couldn't help the fleeting smile of relief. "Come on. Make the arrangements with the tow truck. CK and Kal are waiting in the car; we had a brief change of plan, and we're all coming home with you. No, Dad, you're not driving," he said, and Lionel snapped his jaw shut. "Dominic, neither are you. Dad, you're in the front seat with me, Dominic, you're going to ride in back with CK and Kal, all right?"

Dominic would have made a scathing comment if he weren't so miserable, and he sniffled, rubbing his face with his hands as he took one long, long look at his beautiful baby. "My poor darling. I can't even get anything out of her. She's just gone. Oh, my darling." He couldn't look anymore, just grasping Lionel's hand in his and making a soft sound of pure sadness.

Lionel cleared his throat. "One would think that you were mourning me instead of a car," he said, somewhat huffily.

Lex just shot his father a look that said plainly, you just don't understand.

Dominic sniffled, ignoring his husband as he kept his eyes away from his poor car, his heart kicking in agony. He had to leave her here. To these ruffians! It was a miserable thought indeed, and he whimpered before turning to Lex's car. They'd signed all the reports already and he just... pushed the door open, then the seat forward, as he slid into the backseat beside CK, and bit his lip tightly.

Lex just chuckled softly and held his hand out to his father. "Do you need any help up, pops?"

"If you call me pops once more I'll--"

"Yeah, disinherit me on the spot, I heard."

"I was going to say, slap you, but yes, I will disinherit you as well." With an elegant groan, Lionel pulled himself to his feet without wavering. "As you can see, I'm quite capable of walking without help."

"And you're also capable of being a stubborn old bastard," Lex muttered under his breath. "The Azure was the only one big enough for all five of us, so I had to get it out of storage."

"If you damage it in any way, I will hold you personally responsible, Lex." Lionel levered himself into the front seat, and sighed as he settled in.

Lex opened the back door and crouched beside Kal for a minute. "Are you okay?" he asked softly. "If you'd rather go separately, that's okay; I can take you back to the penthouse and have Phillip pick you up and follow us."

Kal looked up... shook his head, and couldn't quite meet Lex's gaze, as his eyes followed back down to CK's hair, to continue its insistent stroking.

Dominic lay his head back against the back of the seat and heaved a little stuffy sigh, before closing his eyes. CK was a warm weight beside him, the cool air was blowing into the back seat from outside, and it was good enough for him to curl up and try and go to sleep.

Lex gave a little sigh. "Now's not the time for me to ask what's wrong, because I know you won't tell me." Another sigh. "I just wish you'd let me help." He straightened up and closed the door then, opening the driver's side and getting in beside his father. The first thing he did was turn the radio back on, switching from his rock station to the classical one that he knew Dominic and his father preferred, and turned the volume up just enough to prevent conversation but not too loud to disturb.

Dominic was very, very glad of that. He was a mess. He couldn't help being one. His knee ached, his lover was hurt in the front seat, the twins were silent beside him. He didn't like this, not one bit, but he couldn't really think of anything else as he closed his eyes. He was certain he and Lionel were going to have shining bruises for the wedding this week. Fabulous.

Lionel cracked open one eye at the noise, and reached out, turning the volume down several notches until it was slightly less offensive. He closed his eyes again, and clicked his seat belt over his chest as Lex pulled out onto the highway.

CK had cringed just a little bit when Lex had slammed the door closed, and he couldn't help flinching from the little wave of coldness that he felt drifting between Kal and Lex. Instead, he just turned slightly so that Dominic could burrow up against him, and looked down. "Glad you're okay," he said softly, then went mute again, hiding his cheek against Kal's shoulder.

Dominic didn't say anything, just yawning as he leaned against the younger man, and nodded in exhaustion. It took him only a few minutes of driving, the sirens quieting in the distance, for him to fall to sleep.

He opened his eyes, only a few minutes into slumber, and blinked his grogginess away. The cold woman beckoned him into sleep, and he'd be damned if he let her. He curled up against the side door panel instead, hugging his chest as he looked out at the cold night, flying by as Lex drove.

- = - = -

Lionel gave a groan as he sank back into the tub. The drive home had been miserably silent, except for the music, and he hadn't been comfortable enough in the car to do anything but take little naps, and he was exhausted. Aches from being banged around in the accident were starting to stiffen his body, and the hot water soothed and cradled his aches as he settled into the water, shifting slightly to better situate himself.

A large ceramic pot sat on a wheeled cart by the tub, full of lemon chamomile tea, ready for the pouring, with honey and milk to sweeten it with.

Ms. Bird had nearly had herself a heart attack as they'd limped in, and Lionel had spent twenty minutes reassuring her that they were fine. The tea had been her idea. It was actually a good one, too, he reflected, waiting for Dominic to join him before he poured it.

The brandy bottle sat on the second shelf of the cart, waiting for consumption after the tea.

Dominic was still in the bedroom. He'd just gotten off the phone with Toni, as she would listen to the news in the morning before he did, and she was sure to panic. He left a message on her machine, and then did the same for Megan. His mother didn't answer, for whatever reason he didn't want to think of, and he finally let himself relax on the bed for a moment, as he toed his shoes off.

He tugged the slacks off, the jacket, the suit shirt, and finally hooked his thumbs in the elastic of his boxers before he let them pool at his feet. He stepped out of them and yawned, quietly, as he walked into the bedroom.

His knee? Black, blue, and swollen. But not bad, as he peered down at it. It would go down with some ice and some rest, and he just sighed as he carefully tugged his watch off, setting it on the basin.

He got into the end of the tub wearing nothing but his wedding ring, and he looped his legs gently around Lionel's as he sank into the bubbles with a heavy, thick sigh.

"Honey, how was your day?" Lionel asked with a soft chuckle.

Dominic's eye opened, and he gave his lover a sleepy smile from across the bubbles. "Very well. It was so exciting--I had rye, instead of white bread, for lunch."

"Mm. That had to be the high point of your day. High on rye, you were." A little smile of his own. "Dominic? I think you are looking at the world's largest hypocrite."

"Really? And why is that?" He opened his other eye, then, and lifted his chin from his chest as he sank in a little lower, rubbing his feet gently against his lovers hips.

"Because I have spent half of my night bullying and yelling at Kal while all the time trying to get him to open up to me, when I am the champion of not sharing."

His lips spread, then, as he regarded his beloved husband with a little grin. "No. You. Not share. Now that's just shocking." Softly teasing, though he didn't move. He was soaking, and he really didn't want to have to go through the work of soaping up and soaping down. They could do that tomorrow, after all. "Did he?"

"Yes, he did, though I feel mildly guilty for breaking him down to tears before doing it." A windy little sigh, and he reached up just enough for the tea pot.

"You made him cry?" Dominic's eyes opened, at that. "We are talking of Kal? Tall young man, red hair?"

Lionel nodded. "And mildly guilty is an understatement." He poured one cup for himself, and another for his husband, balancing his own on the side of the tub as he held Dominic's out.

Dominic took it, bubbles clinging to his skin as he lifted the cup from Lionel's hands, and took a sip of it. Warm, spicy, lovely, and he sighed, quietly. "What did he tell you?"

"That's he's terrified," Lionel said softly. "He's angry because he doesn't have more time to live, but at the same time, he's scared to experience it without his twin. He doesn't want to hurt Lex, or hurt CK, so he's pushing them away as hard as he can, though I'm not sure he realizes that all he's doing is hurting them more." He paused to sip from the cup. "He was angry because he couldn't leave a mark on the world, he was angry because once he's gone, nobody will have known he existed. What I don't think he realizes is that none of us will forget him."

"No, most certainly." Dominic listened to him quietly, though, sipping his tea as he did. "I can't imagine how scared he must be. I wish there were something we could do for him." He said quietly, as his eyebrows fell and he set the teacup on the bath shelf beside him.

Lionel was silent, and just stared at his cup for a long moment. "I can't imagine it either."

"This is such a unique experience, Lionel. Are you frightened we're not more weirded out by it than we should be?" Dominic suddenly asked, quietly, as he rested his head against the porcelain.

Lionel set his cup to the side at that, and closed his eyes. "After having seen that young man give birth to a child in a pool of his own blood? Very little that happens to him will surprise me anymore," he answered quietly.

"I agree." Dominic gently rubbed his lovers hip again, then motioned him over. "Come over here, rest against me for a while. I don't like you being so far away."

"Are you sure your leg will be all right?" Lionel asked, concerned for his lover's health.

"Of course." A little smile at him, even as he stroked Lionel's ankle softly. "Do you want to make love, like the other night, with me? If you feel up to it, anyhow."

Lionel moved gently in the water, so that he came to recline against his lover, his back against Dominic's chest, his head resting on his lover's shoulder. His hands slipped beneath the water to stroke over his legs, and he gave a little smile under his beard. "I always feel up to it with you, little cricket."

"Alright." If there was delight in his voice, he didn't show it. Instead he just shifted Lionel closer to his body, and let his husbands muscles relax in the water. "Rest first. Your muscles are all tensed up baby."

"After today? I'm surprised that you aren't." Lionel sighed as the dual heat--from the water, and from his lover--penetrated tight muscles and aching bones.

"I am. But I also have a slight advantage in years over you, my love. Add to that the enormous mocha I drank while we were driving to your flat to pick up the boys before the dance." Amusement in his lover's ear as he wound his arms around Lionel's belly, overjoyed to feel it slightly thicker than it had been only a month or two ago, and hugged his lover close, linking their legs. "There we are. Just don't bang on my knee much. It doesn't like me at the moment."

Lionel gave a small snicker. "That's right, parade your youth and suppleness in front of this cranky old man and then tell him not to take advantage of it." But his words were laden with a smile, even as he groaned and shifted very carefully.

Dominic's lips twitched in amusement against his lovers ear, giving it another gentle kiss, as he carefully swept over his lovers tummy with his hands. He didn't really have it in mind to arouse, because they could have sex or they didn't have to--it was up to their mood. And he loved that, he loved knowing that he could have it if he wanted to, but if he didn't want to, he didn't have to, either. "I love being married to you." He said, softly.

Suddenly Lionel's voice was dryly sarcastic. "I should hope so, as you're going to be stuck with me for quite some time to come."

His lips twitched, again, as he gently tweaked the hairs on his lovers belly, wet and lying against his skin. "You know what I mean. Its so comfortable, with you."

"Ow," Lionel said to the playful tweaks, and laced his fingers through his lover's. "Yes, I know what you mean. And it's supposed to be comfortable; that is the point, after all."

"I didn't think I understood, till just… now." Dominic said softly. He tipped his head to smile crookedly and sideways at his lover, their fingers squeezing on Lionel's stomach. "You're so fun to be around. You really are my best friend."

Lionel found himself blushing at that, and cleared his throat, hiding it under his beard. "And here I thought Frederick took top billing as your best friend." But his hands were squeezing his lover's tightly in understanding, even though he teased.

Dominic saw the blush, and he was utterly delighted. "When Frederick learns to carry on an intelligent conversation and stops leaving presents all over the library, you might have some competition." He nuzzled the spot under Lionel's ear as he grinned, and brushed his lips across the soft skin as he nuzzled his newly trimmed goatee against his lovers newly trimmed beard.

Lionel listened to the soft scrape and crinkle of hair against hair, and smiled softly at his lover's soft kisses. "Well, at least the presents I leave are much more expensive and palatable than Frederick's."

Dominic cracked up against his lovers skin. Couldn't help it. "We should certainly hope so. Don't want to doubt how housebroken you are, do I?" Dominic asked, still grinning as he kissed his lovers jaw and teased his stomach again.

Lionel leaned his head back a little more so that he exposed all of his jaw to his lover, and grinned up at the laughter. "Made you laugh," he said softly.

"You often do, even when you don't mean to." Dominic grinned back, as he licked a light sneak across the hairy jaw, and kissed the edge of it, right at his chin, as his fingers tightened around his lovers. "You've got adorable dimples. I loved seeing them when you were shorn late last year."

A playful little growl. "Remember them well, because I sincerely doubt you will see them again, unless I should have another accident or another reason to be shorn like a sheep."

"I'll tell you, you looked bloody odd without it." he ran his opposite fingers down his lovers cheek, turning Lionel's head slightly to press a light, wonderful kiss to those smooth lips.

Lionel's hand slid up out of the water, to gently cup a lightly-fuzzed cheek as he returned the kiss, licking and tasting gingerly as it was offered. "I felt even odder," he confessed against his lover's lips.

Dominic smiled as well, and pressed a last, warm kiss to his lovers mouth. "I can rightly imagine. Though it was worth it, to see your dimples." He traced his lovers cheeks, where the little indentions would be, as he tucked Lionel a little closer to his neck, gently.

"If you say so." Lionel settled comfortably back against his lover, and sighed. "I wish that I could do more for Clark, in this state he's in," he said softly. "It bothers me slightly that I can't."

"It does me, as well." Dominic said softly, as he ran his hand over Lionel's tummy quietly. "He's a smart young man, you know. I think he'll make it through just fine... be stronger for it."

"I hope you're right, Dominic," Lionel said softly. "Did you know that Kal cannot read?"

"I figured it out while you and Lex were arguing over CK's tux. He asked me to read the dry cleaner tag that was in the suit he was putting on." Dominic answered, quietly. "Of the two, Lionel, he's the most... I don't know. Real, maybe? Alive? He is just so completely aware of everything."

Lionel nodded in agreement. "He is the most aware. CK... doesn't seem as aware of what's going on outside of him, but I think... did you notice the yellowing of the bruises on him? I think CK is the part of Clark that keeps his powers in check, and is therefore more... internalized. In tune with what's going on inside rather than the outside world. Kal... is starved for that outside contact. He said himself, Clark always keeps him buried, and never lets him out. I think that's why he's so aware, because he knows what he's missing, and how impossible it is to experience everything in the short time he's here."

Dominic was horrified to feel himself welling with emotion for the second time that night. "Oh, Lionel. What a horrible experience… no wonder he flew off the handle. I can't believe he hasn't done it before now, the poor dear. How horribly sad." he whispered softly, his eyes closing for a moment. "Clark does keep him buried. His aggression, fearlessness, anger. He keeps it all closed tight, so not to upset anyone."

Lionel nodded. "I agree. And it's quite a large part of why I feel so guilty for making him cry, but I simply could not stand by another moment and watch him belittle Lex, shove away the people close to him, and let him stew in misery."

"Did he feel any better? Afterward, I mean?" Dominic's fingers stilled gently on Lionel's belly as he asked.

"I don't think so," he answered. "He's been... disturbingly silent."

"We'll hear what happened. I'm sure they're talking right now." Dominic murmured, even as he kissed his lovers shoulder softly. "Lets go to bed, Lionel."

Lionel nodded. "Yes... I think that sounds like a capital idea." He ran his hand up his lover's flank, offering but not pressing. "I'll make nightcaps for us."

"Which of course translates into whiskey so hot it scalds your insides?" Dominic asked hopefully, as he pressed into the stroke along his side, in ascent. "Do you want me inside, Lionel? Or do you want inside of me?"

"Which translates to hot whiskey, yes." He turned as he got out of the water, and picked up a towel. "I want you inside of me," he said softly, unashamed to admit his desires.

The rush of desire was hot, fast... it flushed his skin and made him blush softly. "I most definitely must say yes to that," he whispered, as he took his lovers hand in his own as he stood up in the tub, so he could kiss the moist fingertips.

Lionel took his lover's hand to help him up and steady him on the injured knee. "Are you sure you can manage it?" he asked softly, wrapping them both in the oversized fluffy towel.

"Darling, only broken hips and chopped off fingers will stop me from having you." He said quietly, as he blushed a little brighter, and climbed from the tub.

Lionel leaned forward and nibbled the blush lightly, and tightened the towel around their bodies. "Then you can have me as much, and as often, as you want," Lionel promised. "Because you have neither injury." A little lick along his ear. "I love you.'

It wasn't often Lionel said the words of his own accord, as Dominic knew, so when he did the hot flush of joy would just creep across his neck and make him blush all the harder, even as he grinned and reached up to kiss his husbands mouth gently. "I love you, too."

Lionel returned the kiss softly, growling playfully as he nibbled at his lover's lips, and while they were busy kissing, his hands scrubbed his lover's body dry with the towel, taking special care over the site of the needle's entry, and then with the back of his legs so he didn't brush the injured knee wrong.

Dominic twitched when his lover rubbed the puncture site carefully, and arched away from it with a soft sigh. The bruises the doctor had promised had flowered on his lower back, his knee was a mess, but he was still smiling as he leaned in to lick across his lovers lip. He grasped his husband gently, wrapping his arms around Lionel's big shoulders to hug him close to his body, fingers sliding into all of that hair.

Lionel cuddled his lover close and tossed the towel into the hamper in the corner, genetically unable to let it sit on the floor and make a mess. His hands stroked over his lover's sides with wide palms as he smiled down at his lover, bending his head to let Dominic's fingers work deeper into his hair.

"Why do you like that so much?" He whispered, as he grasped Lionel's hair tight and gave a tug. He brought his husbands head down a little further so he could suck on a lovely ear, purring in his throat as he did it. Lionel's arms around his waist, the hot flush of damp skin against his, was insanely pleasurable, and he rubbed very, very gently against Lionel's crotch. Purely gentle touch, just to make Lionel aware of just how naked they were, before he sank his teeth into his lovers neck.

"Because it feels delightful," Lionel growled back, and his hips bucked gently, pressing back against his lover, and then bucked roughly again as teeth sunk into his skin and sucked. Bright hiss of pleasure as rough hands brought his lover's body closer to him, and he kept his neck arched and exposed.

Oh yeah. Did Dominic know his husbands soft spots? Yes, yes he did. He bit again, and again, then sucked at the skin steadily, hoping for a...ah-hah!

He lifted his mouth from the long, tense neck and blew lightly over the hickey he'd just left, bruising and darkening already, as his eyes fluttered up to Lionel's in amusement. "Why do you like that?" He asked, teasingly, as he gently let his fingertip skim across it.

He turned his head, and gave the other side of Lionel's neck the same treatment, doing it right where his hair could cover the bruises, but close enough to being seen that Lionel would be on edge all day tomorrow.

Lionel gave soft little moans as Dominic attacked his throat, letting him suck on it as he supported his lover's body with his own, cradling him and stroking him warmly. "I don't know why; I just know that I do."

"I do too." Dominic murmured, quietly, as he cuddled in a little closer and licked down his lovers throat. Down until he could lave the soft pulse point, before he let go enough to take his husbands fingers in his. "Come on, husband." He murmured, and led him out of the bedroom. His cock was already becoming interested in the proceedings, half hard and twitching, and he turned back to smile at his husband as he brought their joined fingers to his lips and kissed them carefully.

Lionel's fingers tightened around his lover's, following docilely behind his lover at the moment, amused at the random thought of himself as a tamed lion ready to purr for his trainer, and his belly gave a little twitch as his chest rumbled out a deep purr when Dominic's lips touched his fingers.

At that Dominic laughed, softly, into the warm skin. "And what was that all about?" he asked it in quiet amusement, as he gently tugged his lover to sit on the bed with him. "Lay on your belly, hmm? I'm going to give you a back rub."

Lionel climbed into the soft mattress beside his lover, then crawled the rest of the way in as he obediently rolled onto his stomach and propped his chin on his folded arms. "You're going to spoil me, you realize. I don't think I've had a massage since I fired Gabrielle two years ago."

"Really? And here I thought I was just being nice." Dominic knew full well, but he didn't say anything as he opened the side drawer by their bed and took out one of the tiny bottles of massage oil Lionel kept there for when they were inclined for foot rubs. He took out a vanilla scented one and uncapped it, leaving the drawer ajar as he poured an ample amount onto his hands.

As he warmed it he climbed up over Lionel's thighs and settled himself sitting, comfortable, before his hands came down to golden skin and began to rub.

"You are being nii-" the pleasured drawl of the word was cut off by the ecstatic groan of his shoulder muscles as Dominic's fingers started their magic. They found little knots almost instantly, pressing and rubbing until they worked loose, and each one made Lionel's body loosen and limpen in relaxation, his voice turning into a slurred mumble of ecstasy.

"I used to do this for my sister." Dominic murmured, amusement in his voice as he began to knead. "We took a masseuse class together when we were teenagers. We wanted to open our own shop." He chuckled at that softly as he kept rubbing, working out all the knots with soft, yet firm, movements. "You can imagine how long that lasted." He murmured, as he kissed the back of Lionel's head and kept rubbing.

"Which sister?" he muttered. "The one with the cat-like claws, or the one old enough to know better?"

"Claws? Last time I looked, Megan didn't have them." Dominic chuckled softly, and leaned into the next rub, working out a kink in Lionel's spine until he felt the muscles got lax under his hands. "There we go. Tension ball the size of Montana, darling." He kept rubbing, slow, easy, sure, working as easily and gently as he could.

"What do you call those four-inch blood-red manicured nails if not cat claws??" Mutter as he turned his neck to let Dominic get closer to the knot he was working on. "Me? Tense? whyever would you possibly think that?"

"Oh, darling, I haven't a clue. A dear friend of mine told me the other day that you and I run into Murphy's law at every turn. I used to know a Murphey, you know. Though he wasn't a bill writer. He used to run a deli by my flat." Rambling? Sure. But it felt good just to talk, so he did.

"Lillian bought me a coffee cup once with Murphy's Law on it. I never drank from it; it was not at all appropriate for my office or my image, but if I remember correctly... yes, we do have a problem with Mr. Murphy and his damnable law."

"That's okay, though." Dominic pressed against a tight muscle until it gave, then kneaded it gently, lightly scratching his lovers skin.

"Because we always beat the law?" Lionel murmured, arching a little into the scratch.

"Usually. And have fun while doing it." Dominic looked down at his lovely husband, until he saw his eyes closed, his body relaxed, and he smiled as he arched forward to get into the drawer again.

He set the small, wrapped box in front of his lovers face, and bent down to brush his lips across his husbands cheek.

Lionel had closed his eyes under Dominic's gentle ministrations, but opened them again at the kiss to his cheek.

Blinked, twice, as he focused on the package sitting right in front of his face, and then rolled onto his side a little so that he could look up at Dominic, and he quirked an eyebrow.

Dominic just grinned, as he lifted up so Lionel could roll, and rubbed his lovers hip with his greasy fingers. "I was going to give it to you this Monday, but near death experiences make me feel giving."

"Mm. And what, exactly, is this?" He picked the package up and rattled it experimentally.

"Aye, dear God." He stopped Lionel from shaking it, holding his fingers to his husbands hand. "Don't shake it. Open it." He got down from his lovers hip and sat down next to him, rubbing his greasy fingers clean on a discarded t-shirt by their bed.

Lionel's other eyebrow rose to meet the other one at his hairline, and he sat up enough to cradle the package in his lap as he plucked carefully at the ribbon. "Nothing is going to jump out at me, is it? And it isn't alive?"

"Not alive. Nothing going to jump." If anything, Dominic lovedlovedloved to give presents, and he watched in delight as Lionel tugged the ribbon.

Lionel flicked his eyes up at his lover, gauging the sincere reaction, and once he was sure of it, he untied the ribbon without further ado, and once he had it unwrapped, he leaned over and tied a quick bow around his lover's penis with the ribbon. "There. Now you're festive."

Dominic's mouth opened and closed, twice, before he blinked down at the ribbon now wrapped around his cock. "Oh, lovely. Tie a ribbon around it, so you won't forget, eh?" A smirk, but he grinned anyway, and peered into the box. The Faberge egg, dark blue and gold, sat in a sea of bubble wrap, its tiny tinkling parts and shining detail quiet and lovely against the perfect ceramic of the egg.

"Of course, I'm an old man, I have to have help remembering these things." He quieted as he peered into the box too, and then with reverent hands lifted the delicate ceramic egg aloft as he turned it around, meticulously memorizing every exquisite detail as he rotated it. "It's beautiful, Dominic," he said softly. "Exquisite, in fact, and I've never seen it's equal. Look at the condition."

Dominic watched his face, overjoyed at the quiet pleasure he saw there, and he smiled as he looked at it too. "The dealer told me that it opens, its just that no one has ever gotten the puzzle finished to open it. See? These gold bars, here, you have to twist and turn the curly q's until they line up. Except no one has been able to do it. Its old... the woman told me over a hundred years. I thought you'd be up to the challenge."

Lionel's fingers cradled the delicate Swiss mechanisms gently. "Just think, Dominic... these were originally commissioned for the Czar of Russia and their production has spread so far through the world that even American royalty such as ourselves can obtain them." His fingers kept working the bars carefully. "The prize untouched inside, what it would be worth I can't imagine."

Dominic smiled at him. Couldn't help it, he could see the delight on his lovers face, and it warmed him all the way through. "Its been sitting around waiting for its time to be given to you. I'm glad you like it, darling." He smiled, gently, and gave him a nose wrinkle. "We're not royalty."

"We're the closest thing this country has had to it since the signing of the Declaration of Independence," he said softly, not taking his eyes off the egg.

Dominic grinned at him, as he looked at the bars again. "The lady who sold it to me didn't know its full history… she'd inherited it through family friends from Russia. She's a dealer of them, and she told me from the designs of the glass on the front, its never been opened. Though she's certain there's something inside... it weighs too much for there not to be, and yet, its hollow."

"All of the Faberge eggs were required by the Czar to have a unique, unmatched piece inside of the egg for the Czarina, and later the Dowager Empress. I can only imagine that any of the eggs that were later produced in their images would have the same kind of piece inside of them."

Oh, Dominic grinned. "If you're giving me a history lesson, I can properly say you like it?"

"I am not giving you a history lesson, and of course I like it. Are you daft? I'd have to have lost my mind to not like it." Lionel's fingers caressed the brass base as he cradled it. "I'll have a special display case built for it, to protect it." Then he paused. "Perhaps in a few weeks, when Clark's life has settled, we can ask him to look inside the egg, and give us an idea of what is inside."

"And just think, a moment ago you were shaking it. Baboon." Another smile, even as his eyes twinkled and he shook his head, covering his lovers fingers on the blue surface of the egg. "No. You're going to do it the old fashioned way. The woman told me that this egg comes from a line of special ones made in... ah... eighteen ninety six? I think? She said the line of them that year all had the same type of bars. And that the things they contained were made in such a way that if you try and break the egg, you'll break what's inside, too."

"Break the egg?" Lionel said, the censure in his tone sounding as though Dominic had just suggested that Lionel shave his head and turn into a Buddhist monk. "I have no intention of breaking this egg, have you taken leave of your senses?"

"Ahhh, now who's the one suffering history lessons?" Dominic asked with a snicker.

Lionel just glared. "I still want Clark to look inside, to give us an idea of what to tell the curators if and when I decide to let it out of my personal collection and allow it to be shown at Luthor Hall."

"Hmm." Dominic murmured, and leaned forward to kiss the glare away, gently. "You don't mind it early? I was saving it for our anniversary, but alas."

"I don't mind it at all. Of course, I will have to put it away before Monday, or else I will get no work at all done in lieu of trying to solve the puzzle," Lionel lamented.

"Of course." But Dominic smiled again as he reached down, glancing to undo the bow from around his cock, and set it on the table side. "Put your new toy down and come to me, hmm?"




go on to the next part