
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 26: Belong

Back at the Sullivan house, Whitney watched as Clark left with Lex and Dominic, and shook his head quietly. God. This had just brought up so many things that he wasn't ready to deal with yet... or ever.

Instead of sitting and brooding, Whitney got to his feet, spreading the white blanket out over the couch again, picking up the bruised rose and pulling the petals off, strewing them over the white rug on the floor as he picked up another thornless stem and worried it between his fingertips as he waited for Chloe to come in.

So many things he didn't want to deal with... and the one thing he knew, that he would lose his Chloe because of what had happened here tonight. The best thing in his life would be gone. And it was all his own fault.

And there she was. All sweet grace and big green eyes, pink sweater in place with her pale cream jeans, standing at the threshold with keys in hand and her satchel over her shoulder. "Whitn--…hey, sweetie." She paused…a radiant grin spreading from side to side as she looked at the spread. "Whitney, what?"

Before he said anything, Whitney walked across the living room and met his girlfriend at the door. "I love you, Chloe." Pulling her against him, Whitney kissed her softly at first, then harder and deeper, knowing that in all likelihood, this would be the last kiss he ever shared with her. "I love you so much," he whispered quietly before kissing her again, and then pressed her face into his shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair.


She blinked a little dumbly from her current squeeze between Whitney’s arms and oomphed softly. coming home to be squeezed, kissed, showered with love and hugged was a...tad strange. "I just went to school, Whit, not the Korean War. What’s wrong?" A quick frown and she tried to pull away from the lock of his shoulder.


"We... we need to talk, Chloe."  Whitney didn't let her go until he felt her pulling away, and then let her go, turning so that he didn't have to look at her as he told her what had happened.  "I... I don't know where to start."


She studied the back of his neck, frowning softly. "Honey...what exactly is going on? Are you okay?" She reached out and tenderly skimmed fingertips across the back of his neck.


"No... yeah, I'm okay.  Just... okay.  We... there's stuff you should know."  He flinched away from her tender touch, angry with himself and guilty to boot.  "I'm sorry."


Chloe tucked her fingers close to her chest and finally closed the door. She'd changed, before she left school...the simple flower dress falling right below her knees. Her heels were tall, tall enough so that she was eye level, and she watched him with trepidation and a little fear as she tucked the strands of hair out of her eyes. "Whitney...what’s wrong?"


"I'm wrong, Chloe.  Wrong for you, wrong for us... for everything."  He paced towards the kitchen and then back towards her, somehow managing to not meet her eyes. "It's me."


"What?" Tears flooded her eyes almost immediately, shock and denial already bubbling in her throat. "Is that what this were going to break up with me?"


"No!!  God, no.  Never, Chloe!"  He crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her, still not looking at her.  "I'd never break up with you, Chloe.  I meant it... I love you.  I will always love you."


"I feel a but coming." And she couldn’t quite bring herself to hug him back.


"There is a but, Chloe.  And the but is... I've done something that I don't think you'll be able to forgive me for.  The but is... I will always love you, but I know that I've lost you forever."  He let his face rest gently against her hair, again breathing in the scent of it as he held her.


She frowned. What else could she do? She blinked, eyebrows crinkled, and she stroked her fingertips along his angular waist. "I love you, too… Whitney, but what is this about?"


Whitney shook his head.  "I don't... I don't know where to start.  I don't know what to tell you in what order, so that it'll make it easier to understand.  Ask... ask me something, Chloe... anything.  Just... give me a place to start."


"Okay, Whit?" She pulled him away a little bit and grasped him by the shoulders. "Sweetie, you're not making any sense. What’s wrong?"


He sighed, and looked up at her for the first time.  "I know I'm not making any sense.  Just... okay.  Come here."  He pulled her over with him until they were sitting together on the couch, the couch draped in faux white fur and had it wrapped around them both.  "Okay.  I'm going to try to start.  Clark.  Clark came over tonight, just a little while ago.  Before you came home.  He... he was upset.  He and Lex... they'd had some kind of fight.  or something.  And he was looking for you but found me here instead."


Oh, God. Somehow, this was... "Is it because of the reaction to the meteor fragments? Lex told me Clark's allergic to them...they make him act all wonky and out of character." A nod, grasping his fingers tightly in his because...Whitney, and Clark, and she had a very bad feeling in the pit of her belly where this was going.


"I don't know anything about that," Whitney confessed softly.  "But yeah... he wasn't acting like himself.  And when Lex came over, he said that Clark was sick, and that he'd tried to help him and that was what had hurt Clark.  I didn't know what was true or not, just that I had found Clark on the doorstep, freezing his ass off and a weepy, crying mess because he said Lex had hurt him and didn't want him any more."  His arms tightened around Chloe, fingers clinging to hers like a lifeline.  "But... it's what happened before Lex got here.  Clark... okay.  Chloe... you can't completely blame Clark for this, all right?  Promise me.  Because it's not all his fault."


"Whitney, if you don’t spit it out, I might go scuba diving for it."


Spitting it out.  And didn't that bring bad images back to his mind, and he scrubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes.  "Clark and I... he gave... he blew me, Chloe.  I kept telling him to stop, but I didn't make him."


The words sounded hollow in her ears. Just...there. She heard them, she understood them, but the full complication of it didn’t reach her until a moment later, as tears filled her eyes and one slid down the side of her face. "W...what? He...what?"  She dully realized she was crying a half a moment later, swiping her cheeks violently and pushing the golden locks from her face. "What...Whitney, what?"


Whitney touched the side of her face, using his thumb to brush away the tears.  "He... he came over here.  He was crying, and I was sitting beside him.  And then... all of a sudden... he's saying that if he'd known Lex was going to hurt him, he'd have gone after me when he had the chance.  And then... he's asking me if I'd ever thought about... you know.  Being with him."  He dropped his hand from her face, and laced his fingers through hers.  "Then... after I answered... he started kissing me.  I told him to stop, because... because I loved you.  And I didn't want to hurt you, or lose you, but he didn't listen to me." 


"And he sucked you off? He put you in his mouth and..." She pulled away from him and climbed to her feet, taking a step back as she tried to let it sink in. "Did he... he get you off? Did you… come?" 


And the mental image broke her heart and turned her on at the same time.


Whitney went after her, but gave her space as she pulled away.  "Yeah.  He did."  No use lying; he respected Chloe too much to lie to her.  "He was... touching me, first.  And then... he... he unzipped me.  And sucked me off."


Not that she liked that. That part of her that was turned on, and she shoved it very hard underneath, to the darkest part of her heart. "Did...was it better then me? Did you like it more then me?  Whitney..." She stopped herself a moment and crossed her arms across her chest. "I...I can’t jealous of Clark. If it was another woman,'s Clark. And he's...are've wanted him for a long time, haven’t you?"


"No, I didn't."  More honesty.  "The whole time... I kept saying your name.  Reminding him that I loved you.  That I didn't want to hurt you or lose you.  I would rather it have been you, Chloe."  He did follow her then, and his face wrinkled.  "Chloe... I did want Clark.  A long time ago.  But... I want you now."


"Are you bi, Whitney?" Quietly, and she met his eyes.


Whitney met her eyes and nodded.  "Yeah.  I guess I am."


Oh. Alright. So here came the tears. She walked over to him and wrapped both arms tightly around his neck, pulling him in and hugging him tightly. "Why didn’t you tell me? Whitney, its okay, it's so okay. Sweetie.." Her big eyes were shiny, nose red, and she tried to sniffle it all back in but it really wasn’t working. "Sweetie, I love you. I could never...never push you away because you found that out, or because Clark, while not in his right mind, did things to you he shouldn’t have."


Whitney wrapped his arms around her and held on as tightly as he could.  "I love you, Chloe.  I just... I couldn't stand the thought of losing you, but I couldn't not tell you this either.  I was so afraid.  Afraid that you'd hate me for what happened, tell me to get out and I'd never have a chance to be with you ever again."  He rubbed his cheek against her hair, and blinked rapidly as the tears he'd been fighting all night came out.  "I love you."


Oh. Well, so there went her heart. KerPLOP and she sniffled hard, chin trembling because this was her man, her strong, lovely man crying here in front of her; the pillar of strength she always turned to and he, it broke her heart. She leaned up and kissed him hard, swift, erasing all memories of Clarks mouth as she loved him with her whole being. "I love you. I love you. No matter what."


Whitney returned the kiss as hard as he could, holding her as tightly as he could without hurting her.  "I love you, Chloe... my beautiful, beautiful woman, I love you so much."  His voice was soft and choked with his relief, his emotion, and his love for her.  "I love you, you amaze me."


"You amaze me. You know I could rip your rib cage out and you still told me." A gentle tease as she tugged at the ends of his hair. "That, my friend, takes great skill. But...Whitney?"


"Yeah?"  He kept his face and mouth pressed tightly to her throat.


"It..." Her cheeks flushed. Confession time. "It's really sexy. Imagining you here, on the couch, with Clark li-licking you." Rushed. "Is that okay?"


"Oh yeah.  That's okay."  A rushed exhalation of breath.  "That's very okay."

"I've… I.... I’ve thought about that stuff. Before." A little glance down and she could feel her cheeks flush. " and Clark… or you and Lex. And...I need to... to tell you something."


"You can tell me anything, Chloe... anything."


A plop back on the couch was in order, and she did just that. "Something I should have told you a while ago...but I didn’t. I was scared, I guess, about how you would think of me. know, you'd think...less of me."


"I don't think that there's anything you could tell me that would make me think you're anything less than amazing," he said quietly.  "And that's the truth."


"You'll know exactly where I’m going with this after I say what I need to say." She took his hand in hers and squeezed. "Don’t be angry with me, please."


"I won't be.  I promise."  He squeezed her hand back.


"While you and Lana dated....she would come over for sleepovers sometimes. And once...well, it happened a lot. But the first time, it...we were watching Jerry Maguire, and...and suddenly, I blink and she had her mouth on my boob. And… I didn’t know how to react, but… it felt so good, and we'd...we'd make out, sometimes." Her face was a furious shade of scarlet, and she looked into her lap. "We never touched each other directly...down there, but we...we touched a lot, and kissed a...a lot. I...I’m sorry, I never… never told you."


Whitney shook his head, smiling softly.  "It's okay, Chloe.  It's okay.  I... I figured she wasn't happy with me, and it's okay.  I'm not angry or upset; I'm just... I'm glad she found her happiness with somebody; God knows she deserved it."  He kissed her face softly.  "I'm not upset."


"I’m not a lesbian, though, Whitney. I mean… I’ve never...had thoughts about other girls. It just...we did it. A lot, and it was almost like we didn’t even think about it. But...she did love you. So much. We'd lay there talking afterward and...she'd tell me how proud she was of you, and how wonderful you were. I’d get so jealous, because here she was with someone great and I'd never have that. I wanted you." A rough swallow. "So...see? We're both freaks!" Dazzling, moist smile.


“I don't think either of us are freaks... especially not you."  He pushed the hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.  "I really don't.  I am just... so happy, Chloe.  So glad that you don't hate me.  So glad."  Whitney nuzzled his girlfriend's throat.  "Thank you, for being so good to me."


"Thank you for telling me. make my whole life so much brighter. Do you see that? Understand it? Just by you being here, everything seems so much....more. There’s just more of something I didn’t have before. I feel complete and whole and its because of you. Because you're so smart and honest, sweet and trustworthy and you were sitting here while Clark blew you, screaming my name. could I not love you?"



Whitney reached out and gently touched Chloe's hair, rubbing the strands between his fingers as he looked at his girlfriend.  "I can't believe you, Chloe.  You're just... you're so beautiful.  I love you.  You're amazing.  Most girls... most women would kick their guys to the curb if they found out something like this, but not you."  His hands rose to cup her face reverently.  "I can't tell you how much I'm in awe of you."


She grinned softly and wrinkled her nose. "Again. How can I be jealous of Clark? If it was, you know, Mrs. Longburton, sure. But its Clark, and you, and I kinda knew that was there for a while. So its just...its completely okay." A sudden shy glance down, eyes flickering up. "He wasn’t better then me, though, right?"


Whitney brought her face up, waiting until she was looking at him.  "Nobody is better than you, Chloe.  Nobody.  Nobody makes me feel the way you do, just by looking at me."


She smiled again at his non-answer, eyes dancing as she gently caressed his cheek with her thumb. "I bet I’m better at giving head then he is. ...Even though I’ve never done it, and he's prolly done it a lot." She puffed up in pride. "Just cause I’m me."


"I know you're better."  Whitney leaned his cheek into her caress.  "Just because I love you.  You're better because you love me."  He looked her in the eye.  "He was not better than you.  Nobody is, and I mean that."


"Okay." She smiled a little, fingers looking for his on her face, and clasped the fingers tightly. "What did you have planned?" She glanced around...candles, lit fire, romance... rose petals! Awe! "And is food involved? I’m starved."  And despite her having forgiven her boyfriend, she decided very quietly that a little cock teasing was in order, tonight. Especially if what she thought was going to happen was going to happen. "The last thing I ate was a banana, at lunch. It was so, so good."


"Food is definitely involved... just maybe not as much as you'd like."  He grinned at that.  "Wait right here."  He got up from the couch and left her there only long enough to open the refrigerator.  He pulled out a green basket of bright red strawberries, a large glass bowl of cool whip, and nearly dropped it when she mentioned bananas.   "Ban--Banana?"  He re-firmed his grip on the fruit and the topping and tried to straighten without losing his balance again.  "You... you should eat.  Bigger.  Bigger lunches, I mean."


Of course, his disappearance gave her a chance to slide out of her sweater to showcase the strapless little red number with the barely tinted roses on it. "Mm hmm." She called back, waiting for him to return, arranging her breasts so they peaked out a little more. Damn nice padded bra. She'd have to thank Lex later for lending it to her. "Ate the whole thing. I like licking all of it first before eating it, so it makes it seem like a bigger, longer lunch that what it really is."


And this time Whitney did drop the basket of strawberries.  Thank God for plastic wrap, because that was the only thing that kept the fruits from rolling all over the floor.  "Um... You still need more.  Than a banana."  He retrieved the basket from the floor, and stopped by the couch.  "Wow.  You look... that looks great on you."  The innuendo was not lost on Whitney.


She blinked up under her long lashes and very discreetly held her chest out a tad more. "Thank you, very much." She kicked off her black heels, the sheer hose having a line that went up the back of her leg and disappeared into her dress. "I dunno. Banana's are a good choice, don’t you think?" Sweet smile. "Come sit down, Hun."


"Well... as part of a balanced meal, yeah... they're great." Whitney sat down beside Chloe, and unwrapped the basket.  "These... got these for you.  Us."  He dipped the ripe berry in the whipped topping, and then rubbed it gently across her lips.  "Open up." 


She opened her lush red lips, leaning in...and sucking part of his fingertips for a few long moments before biting into the fresh fruit. Sweet and sour and wonderful, and she chewed sweetly as she watched him. A simple lean over and she took a fingertipful of whipped cream, and traced it over the v of her breasts, were they met in the center of her chest. "Open up."


She sucked her finger into her mouth, licking away the rest of the whipped cream, and watched his face sweetly as she leaned back into the couch.


Whitney closed his eyes as Chloe licked his fingers, and then snapped them back open as he listened to her chewing the succulent fruit.  His eyes widened as he watched her finger dip in the whipped cream and then spread it down, and he looked up as she sucked her finger.  "Chloe..."  Without another word, Whitney leaned forward, his tongue snaking out to lick the valley of her breasts, cleaning every trail of sticky white from her skin as he delved deeper, stopping only when his chin caught on the V of her bra.  His tongue teased the sides of her firm mounds as he strained to lick everything he could reach.


She watched him for a long moment, swallowing a groan as her fingers laced through his hair and tugged up, shaking her head with pure devious intent in her eyes. She pushed him back...back, further, and rose a leg up so her upper thigh was exposed....she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She smeared another long bit of whipped cream right at the top of her thigh, and her eyes danced as she met her boyfriends. "Want a taste?"


Well...alright, that was a lie. Strings and a see through eye patch were underwear, right? Right. Something had to hold up the laced, see through garter belt. Everything matched, and Chloe reminded herself to thank Lex later, just for seeing the look on Whitney’s face. Priceless. She leaned into the couch cushions, letting her fingertips slide up her thigh...across her unconcealed eye patch, and watched him.


Whitney followed the trailing fingertips with hungry eyes as they revealed... everything.  "I want a taste," Whitney confirmed, his tongue almost lolling out as he saw what Chloe was offering him.  "I want... all of it."  His hands went to brace on her thighs as he slid to his knees between them, leaning in to lick up and devour.


A soft, purring mouth right there, so close to where she wanted his mouth, and she felt herself get wet, groaning softly as his tongue traced all her hairless, flawless skin. Legs on either side of him, and her eyes flickered down to his head, watching him as he... oh, lord. She squirmed away once he started getting a little frisky, lifting her leg over his head to join the other on the right. She climbed to her feet and back into her shoes...then unzipped.


The dress fell with a soft silky sound, pooled at her feet.


The bra made her chest look fuller, more luxurious, and the valley was more then generous. The strings around her hips, a single one following the center of her bottom and burrowing in deep. The low along her shaved front, and the garter.


And the black heels.


"You want all of it, you said, mmmm."


Whitney watched in... he didn't even have a word to describe it as he watched Chloe moving and standing.  His hands went to her hips almost immediately as he stood up, and with a quick motion, pulled her against him.  His cock rubbed against the patch of see-through lace as he pushed against her, and his mouth caught hers.  "Jesus, Chloe... you're... you make me so hard.  You're... you're like every wet dream I've ever had come true."  He licked down her throat, between the deep valley of her breasts, kissing the tops and then mouthing the nipple through the cups, and then sucking once at her belly button before ending back up on his knees between her legs.  "Jesus."


A long, low groan...his mouth was like fire, and she couldn’t stop. She wanted to tease him more, make him want, as much as she'd been for the last four hours. Then suddenly his hips, pushing into her where she was nearly naked and she let out a loud moan, grasping his hair as he slithered down between her legs once more. Fingertips slipped through...then slid up her chest and she fondled her own breasts, tweaking her nipples before one palm slid up over her neck, the other continuing at her right nipple where it was more sensitive. "Making you want. Always make me want, so much."


Whitney leaned forward, breathing deeply of her scent before his fingers slipped inside the patch and rubbed against her smooth lips.  "You don't know how much."  He pushed it out of the way, and swiped his tongue over the outside of her lips, tasting a light sheen of moisture before rocking back on his heels and closing his eyes.  "God, Chloe... you're killing me here."


Her entire body shivered and she took two steps back, fingers sliding from her breasts down to rest on her hips. "No. You get to watch."


"I want to touch," Whitney breathed softly.


"You can. In a little while. Now, you get to see what you've done to me, all day. What I’ve been dreaming of doing since you jacked off in my office." One palm slid up and slid the cup of her right breast down, exposing herself to him. She cupped it in her hand and started to massage, as her left hand slid down and slipped inside the underwear. "Drove myself insane thinking of you, helpless. Watching me." The last two words were breathless, as she dipped her fingers in deep and stroked, in time to the tugs of her nipple.


Whitney whimpered as he sat back on his heels.  His cock was throbbing inside his jeans, just from the brief contact of their bodies, and now this.  He wanted to unzip himself, jerk himself off as hard as she was stroking, but he couldn't... didn't.  He watched.  He crawled forward one step, and leaned forward to lick her hand as it peeked in and out of the small pair of panties.  "Chloe... please."


She leaned back against the wall of the living room, sliding one leg up just a little against the opposite one as her fingers stroked inside, moaning softly as she kept her eyes locked on his. "Make you hot? Make you want to tear your clothes off, drive so deep inside me?"


 "Like you wouldn't believe," Whitney moved his shoulder that her leg crooked over it, and she was half draped over him.  "It makes me want to forget the fact that this is your first time and just... fuck you as hard as I can. "  His hands moved to catch her fingers as they stroked inside her.  "I don't know where you got these things... but I like them."


She slowly let go of her breast and covered it once more with the bra, fingers sliding out of herself...and she offered them to him as she gazed down at his agonized expression. "I’m only innocent of body, baby." She slid a single fingertip over his lower lip, watching those huge blue eyes and the mussed hair and the chiseled jaw, and she was going to lose her composure. She was going to make him scream.


Whitney's mouth opened immediately and sucked her fingers in, tongue whispering over them as he licked each one, cleaning her taste off the slim digits and refusing to release them from his mouth.  He sucked hard, tongue teasing the tips as he tasted her again and again.


 She lifted her leg from his shoulder, lifted it over his head and walked a few steps away, her fingers sliding away with a wet slurp and she groaned again, watching him coyly. "First, you do something for me."


Whitney remained kneeling on the floor as he watched Chloe walk away.  "What?"


Those same fingers he'd licked she put in her mouth, tasting his distinct taste and something else that was probably herself, her opposite fingers crooking and making a come hither motion. "I want you to shower. Wash anything that’s happened before now away from you. Will you do that for me?" She turned around, making sure he got a nice, good look of her bare ass, and started for the steps, hips swaying and tall, needle heels clicking on the wooden floor.


He'd have washed the entire fucking house clean if she'd asked.  "Yes."  He got up and followed her, powerful legs propelling him after her and he nearly flat tackled her on the hallway shag.  He contented himself with following closely, nearly hypnotized by the rapid click of heels and the gentle motions of her ass.  "Chloe... you are going to be the death of me, you realize this, don't you?"  Whitney was still fully clothed, and he ached.


She shot a glance over her shoulder, light eyes dancing wickedly, and she set a single fingertip against his chest, walking in backwards to the nicely kept bathroom that was all was obvious by the floral design. "What, you thought I was going to make this easy for you?" Dazzling smile and she set a palm on her hip, cocking it to the side. "Strip."


That was more difficult than it sounded.  The shirt came off easily enough, dropped to the tile floor without a second thought.  Socks and shoes went off easily also, sailing out into the hallway and landing God only knew where.  Now was his problem.  His jeans were tight to the point of pain, and his briefs weren't much better.  He sucked in a deep breath and unzipped himself, sighing in minor relief once he'd worked the tight jeans down past his thighs and slid them off.  The briefs were next, and it was another brief suck in before they were gone, and he was naked.  "Wash my back?"


Hawk eyes trailed over his long, lean body… the hard erection pressing tightly against his belly that was outrageously erotic, and so big. She let her tongue slip out, lick her lower lip before biting it, letting the husky groan slip from her swollen lips. "No. Keep the shower door open...I want you to watch me, and touch yourself. But Whitney..." She leaned in close and gave a single rub against his weeping erection with her fingertips. "Don’t come."


"You're kidding me, right?"  Whitney growled.  "I'm so close now it's killing me!"  He stepped into the stall and turned the water on, hissing as cold water touched his skin.  "Motherless-- just what I need... cold shower."


She smiled very sweetly. "Turn the knob the other way, darling." And when she was sure he was watching her, she reached behind her...unsnapped the bra...and let it fall at her feet. Both palms moved to caress their heavy weight, flicking her thumbs across her nipples as she watched him, sighing heavily. "'re so… you're so big... look at you... I didn’t know all of that was hiding under your clothes...are you so hard it hurts, baby? Want to feel what I’m like on the inside...wet and tight and hot as fire?"


"No... I mean, I need a cold shower if you're not going to let me come."  He ducked his head under the spray of cold water, running his fingers through his hair as he watched Chloe undress.  Even under the cold rush, his cock still did not flag as Chloe touched her breasts.  "I'm not taking a cold shower cause I like it," he growled, picking up the bar of soap.  "It's probably the only thing keeping me from blowing my load on your shower wall right about now."


 Her teeth glinted again and slowly, surely, her fingertips dipped low on her belly again, moaning softly...then louder as she let herself get drawn into her little fantasy land. Of course it was to tease, but this was so erotic, so amazing, that she couldn’t help rubbing herself through the panties as he watched, writhing softly. "Wh… Whitney..." It came out as a moan, heavy and dark. "I just...I want Clark off of you...I want you so much...Want you to unwrap your present...oh...god, yes.."


Whitney was in mid-scrub when he heard what she said, and he started scrubbing all the harder at his face, his chest, and even his cock.  He scrubbed until there were red marks on his skin and he didn't take his eyes off Chloe.  "I can't... Chloe, I want you so much.  Right now."


And suddenly, without a qualm, there stood the trembling virgin, watching him as her face flushed and goosebumps slid all over her body, her fingers shaking over herself as she pressed them tight to her tummy. All her bravado was gone, just Chloe, who'd suddenly realized what was going to happen here tonight, and she shook so hard with the want of it that she almost let out a sob, holding out her arms. "Please...Whitney, pl..."


Whitney turned off the shower and stepped out, dripping all over the floor as he wrapped a towel around his waist.  "Chloe... baby.  I'm here.  Don't worry."  He brought her into his arms, hugging her tightly against his wet, cold chest as he rubbed her back.  "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."


She laced her arms around his neck tightly, holding him for several long moments...and raced her lips over his face, peppering every inch of skin she could with light nips and tender licks, holding him like he was precious and adored...and through a tight throat, whispered. "I’m so sorry for teasing, I'm sorry for making you want so much, please, please, I want you to show me, show me what...what this...I want you to undress me, touch me, please, I'm so sorry for teasing." ...And a wicked giggle rose in her throat she could barely restrain. "Even if it was worth it, though."


“No, don't be sorry... just makes me want you so much more," he reassured her.  He kissed down her throat, and lapped at a trail of water that had fallen from his hair onto her skin.  "Let me dry off.  Then... we'll go back to the living room.  I'll show you everything I had planned... if I can hold off that long," he teased her.  He shook his head gently like a big playful dog, spraying her gently with cold droplets.


She gasped softly, eyes falling closed, and her cheeks flushed a gentle rose as she caught her lower lip between her teeth… watching him with shining eyes from under her lashes. "I wasn’t kidding, Whit.'re so big. can fit? Inside me?" Another nibble of her lips as she rubbed her chest against his, the cold water doing wonders for her flushed skin and overexcited nipples.


Whitney rubbed his cheek against Chloe's as he kissed her, sucking her nibbled lower lip into his mouth and raking it gently with his teeth before letting it go.  "Yes... it'll fit.  We'll be careful, and it won't hurt."  He took the towel from around his waist and scrubbed his hair the rest of the way dry, and then wiped her off where the water had gotten onto her.  "Chloe... are you sure you want to do this?"  His cock was screaming at him, but this was his girl.  "If you want to wait... if you're scared... then that's okay."


Husky giggle, sliding her fingers through the wild, cropped hair he shook free, watching as her pale fingers slid through it. "I did good tonight, didn’t I? Whitney likes sexy lingerie. Check." Her smile was devious but sweet, and she leaned up, clasping her mouth tight to his, kissing for all she was worth. "God, I love you. Make love with me, please. I want...I want to feel you inside. I’m not scared, not at all. I trust you, so much. Please...I want to touch you. I want to lick you... suck you... I want to show you who owns you, and who you own."


"You did great.  Whitney loves sexy lingerie."  He returned her kiss as deeply as she kissed him.  "You do own me, Chloe... I hope you know that."  He caught her hands in his and pulled her down the hall.  "Come on.  I'm going to show you, Chloe... how good it can be, how much I love you, how much I want you, need you, everything."  He tugged her behind him, until they were standing on the white rug in front of the fireplace.  He sat down, and pulled her against him with one arm while he brought the sparkling cider and glasses over with the other.  "Let's... let's start this right.  A toast.  To us."


She sank to her knees, smiling...then stopped and rose to her feet. "Wait. This isn’t right. Hold on." She climbed quickly back to her feet and unbuckled the garter belt, kicking the heels off and dragging the hose down and off. The tiny panties followed the heap...and suddenly, there she stood...naked, in front of him. Her fingers moved to cover herself, but instead she plopped beside him, cheeks flushed hotly. "A toast, to us."


Whitney watched, a smile on his face.  Now there was his Chloe.  "You know, I could have done that," he teased as he poured two glasses, and handed one to her.  "You're so beautiful when you're in front of the fire like that."  He took a drink of the cider in his glass and then kissed Chloe, parting both their lips to let the sweet drink flow between them.


Her eyes flew open before closing, and she sighed so, so softly as she tasted what he had to offer. Swallowing, the tang in her mouth sweet and wonderful, and her fingers skipped tentatively over his face before...before down. She stopped right before touching him, her curiosity and want making her fidget even as she tried not to. "Whitney...I love you, for being so romantic and sweet. But...if I have to go another five minutes without you inside me, its very possible I will die."


He laughed; he couldn't help it.  "Chloe... now you know how I feel, every second of every day I spend with you."  He put the glasses over to the side, and reached under the ice bucket.  "Here... we need this before we go any further."  He handed Chloe the packet of three condoms.  "I'll show you how to put it on me."


She looked down at the packets in her hand, pausing and scrunching her eyebrows. "You know, I’ve never seen one of these up close. Can I look at one?" Sudden blink and she grinned broadly. "Sorry. Unromantic."


"It's okay."  He laughed again.  "It's not all about romance, Chloe... it's about being comfortable with each other.  Yeah, it's important that you have the whole 'fuck you through a wall' vibe going, but hey... this is us."


She giggled and leaned in to gently press a kiss to his jaw. "We've got fuck you through a wall down pat...I wanna see." She ripped the package open and took out a tiny foil packet, frowning at it. "This isn’t gonna fit on you." She tore it...peering inside at the small ring of plastic, and took it out. "Its kinda it supposed to be?"


"Yeah, it's going to fit.  And that's... Chloe, that's lube.  It's supposed to be.  See... the point is, the lube on the rubber will help me slide inside you easier, which means... less pain, more feeling.  Although... I doubt you'll need that much help."  He took a second packet, tore it across the top, and held it up.  "Watch."  Whitney positioned the rubber ring over his cock, tip pointed up, and slowly rolled it down.  "See?  It fits."  He was careful not to tear it, and he secured it at the base of his cock.  "There.  All safe."


Her heart stopped in her chest. Just...stopped, and sat there in her throat, choking her...until a barely restrained moan broke from her lips. He'd... he'd just... and sat there, blinking at her... it.... oh, God. Her skin flushed, goosebumps erupting all over her, and she dropped the condom shed been looking at, grasping him around the neck, and attacking him. She felt him fall back and landed on top of him… did she care? No. She kissed him hard and hot, her lower body thrusting against his as her breasts pressed tight to his chest. Hard nipples, impassioned, agonized moans, and she thrust harder as her mouth latched onto his neck and bit.


Whitney yelped as Chloe's teeth sunk into him, and he growled in response.  His teeth caught her ear and then her lips, and then the tender skin of her neck as finally, he sucked and marked her there, not caring any longer if he got nailed up on a wall or what.  Chloe was his and the world was going to know it.  As she landed on top of him, Whitney slid his leg between hers and pulled her up so that their groins nestled closely together and letting her get used to the feel of his cock pressed against her bare skin.


Get used to it? Hell, she was so impassioned right now that she could barely think of anything ELSE, let alone consider him doing anything but what he was doing. He felt good, so hot and good, slippery, and she thrust harder against him and whimpered. It was so hot in her belly, heat pooling in her groin and making every movement feel like it was being shot straight down there, straight inside her.


Then he bit.


She let out a wail and arched, her nipples going hard as rock and she gasped, pins falling out of her hair as she met his mouth, again and again, before down to bite and suck at the nipples that had been teasing her for the last hour. Small and hard, there for her to nibble at, and she moaned against each one as she looked down and saw their bodies moving together.  She was going to have sex. She was. Chloe Sullivan, who thought she'd never let a man touch her, was going to have sex. Not just any sex. But sex with the man she loved. And it excited her and thrilled her and with her touches to Whitney’s face, she begged for him to touch her, to show her what she'd been missing out on for so long.


Whitney stayed as still as he could as she found his nipples were as sensitive as his own, but he had a different destination in mind for his hands.  He slid them down over her stomach and traced her slit with one fingertip.  "Let me in, Chloe... please."


"Please, please y-yes, please, please yes," pants in his ear, arching into his touch and squirming hard, whimpering. "Be on top of me...get on top, let me feel you, please, please."


Whitney rolled Chloe onto her back, staying pressed tightly to her as they moved, and for a moment, he lay himself full length on top of her, his weight pressing down against her as their naked bodies touched from toes to lips.  When he could stay still no longer, Whitney slid down her body, and gently, carefully, opened her legs as he moved between them.  A kiss to the trembling, jerking skin of her belly, and then his tongue licked between the slick lips which were already oozing.  Whitney lapped softly, teasing laves of his tongue that barely penetrated her as he tasted.  Then, his fingers again.  Teasing the slit, gently pressing it open as his tongue pushed deeper, and his fingers slid into her, one gently stroking as his thumb pressed lightly against her clit.


She couldn’t breathe. At all. No matter how hard she tried, she...Whitney was between her legs, kissing and licking and being inside and she barely restrained the scream, fingers latching hard onto the white blankets around them. She arched into him, pushing down with her hips, pulling him in deeper. She was so wet, so wet she could feel it everywhere, and the slow pace was going to drive her mad. "Whitney, Whit-Whitney, please, oh God, please, that fe-feels so good… oh, God, please, please.."


Slow, determined licks, and Whitney's tongue pushed deeper into Chloe's wetness with each stroke.  His fingers teased until he slipped a second one inside her.  Slowly he pulled his tongue out, licking only on the outside of her lips again as both fingers worked inside her.  She was so slick, slicker than she'd ever been before, and the busy digits slid easily in the wetness.  "Chloe... one more... can you take it?"


"Yes, yes, YES!" She cried, the fullness his fingers were causing inside her making her quiver and tremble, fingers massaging her aching breasts, pinching the nipples to quiet them as she shut her eyes and let this feeling wash over her. His mouth, so hot, breathing on her tender flesh and it was so hot, so hot so hot and her body was on fire and damn him for being so good, damn him.


Whitney kissed her belly again, raking his teeth over the trembling skin as he slipped his ring finger inside her, feeling her slicken and stretch even more.  All three of his fingers were bunched together, stroking and thrusting as he moved his mouth to suck on her clit.  He was quickly reaching the limit of what he knew, though, and sped up the stroking of his fingers.  "Chloe... I need to know... are you ready?"


Her body stilled and she bit her lip, swallowing a little and shifting her hips. Another shift...another...and she felt herself open and swallow this thick digits like they were nothing. It was tight, so tight, but the pain was pleasure because of his mouth, skilled mouth, teasing her clit and making it seem so...God, so good. She arched and moved her hips with each stroke of his fingers, fucking herself on his slim digits and she let out a wail, scrabbling to grab onto him and tug him up. "I’m ready, I’m ready baby, I love you, please."


Whitney kissed her hard, his tongue pushing through and taking hers without waiting for permission as he usually did.  Too hot and hard now to do anything but take, he positioned himself between her legs, and stroked the lubricated condom, spreading it over the entire shaft and then he moved.  He tilted her hips up just enough, and his fingers gently pushed open her lips as he pushed in.  Firmly but not ungentle, Whitney moved forward until he met a slight resistance.  He broke the kiss, and nosed her cheek until her face was pressed into his shoulder.  "This might hurt, baby," he said quietly.  "Hold tight to me."


Her eyes were open...foggy...because her whole body had stopped again, brain screaming to catch up with what she was feeling. The head of his erection had slid in...he...he was... he was in halfway and he was so big, and he couldn’t fit, he couldn’t....but she trusted him to know. So instead she kissed back softly, wrapping her arms tight around his shoulders and nodding against his neck. "Please...Whitney, please."


He nodded in response.  "I love you," he whispered at the same moment he shifted his weight, and the resistance increased for a brief moment before it gave way entirely and he slid further inside her.  He stopped almost as soon as he'd broken through, and held her.  "I'm sorry if it hurt, baby, I'm so sorry."


She let out a wail into his skin, tensing up hard for a few moments as something tore inside her, and it hurthurthurt...but… it was okay. was gone, a few moments later, just a dull ache, but she wanted this so much and she leaned up, taking his lips in hers and kissing him hard, tight, not letting go of his shoulders as she leaned up and wrapped her legs around his waist. "I… I’m okay, Whit, I love you, I love you, so much, please, I love you."


Whitney wrapped his arms around Chloe and held her tightly against him, his lips finding the mark on her neck as he kissed and nipped it again, sliding further inside her.  Even through the condom he felt the warm wetness that surrounded him, and it was instinctual for him to pull out, and then thrust forward again, a gentle motion that allowed him a little deeper into her body than he had been before.  "I love you, Chloe... forever and ever, I love you."  He kissed her skin, then moved his mouth to her nipple, sucking and nipping the hard peaks, tasting the salt of her skin on them from where she'd rolled them before.  As he sucked, his hips continued to roll gently, his cock sliding in and out of her sheath, each time pushing a little deeper until he was finally all the way inside.  He looked down at her then, kissing the few tears from her face, licking her lips.  "I told you... it would fit."


She couldn’t help it...her face broke out into a smile, fogged with lust, looking at him but barely seeing him through the haze of want. She hadn’t moved, staying put and enjoying those gently moving thrusts more then she could ever put into words. "Fi… fits good." She swallowed hard, grunting and leaning up to kiss him, slide one trembling hand through his hair. "I love you. Sh... show me. Y… you can m-move. Move inside."


Whitney obliged, kissing Chloe as he started to really move inside her, longer thrusts that pulled out farther and pushed back inside, more of his strength behind each one.  His mouth and teeth worried at her throat and then her nipples, growling softly as her fingers tugged his hair, and he realized, in some small part of his brain, that he liked her fingers in his hair.  He tossed his head up further to cement her grasp, and then he moved again.  Withdrew almost completely, and then a quick, hard thrust back inside. 


As far as tears went she hadn’t felt them slide from her eyes; but she did feel his mouth on her breasts, on a sharp bite he'd given her that she swore if she could bottle she would. Felt his entire weight on her, glorious weight that she thought would crush her and instead...protected her from everything else. Of his body a part of hers, deep, so deep inside and it hurt, so tight, but in such a good way.


And then that gift of the first thrust, and her breath caught and held, watching his eyes before moaning, loudly. He rolled inside of her, and withdrew, and she wasn’t going to last long, nonono, not like this, not when it was so much better then any other fantasy she'd ever had, ever, not when she could feel him everywhere inside of her and she let out another wail, fisting her fingers in his locks and raising her hips to meet him on the next thrust.


As soon as Whitney felt his lover raising to meet him, he growled again, the vibrations shooting through her nipple, and his hands moved to her hips, guiding them and rolling them in counterpoint to his own movements, showing her how to move with him.  His thrusts became harder and faster, pushing deeper with each roll of their bodies and his mouth moved faster over her body, ending at her lips as he took another long, hard kiss from her lips.  "Chloe... you feel... so fucking good."


She was shaking, hard, trying to learn what to do, watching him as instinct took over his body and it was so primal, so beautiful that her heart soared with it. She adored him taking her hips and just taking her, because that’s what he was doing, taking her, and it was beautiful and amazing and she let out a cry with the joy of it, the feeling of him, like this, inside, pushing so fast and she grasped his hair hard, yanked him in, and took a kiss from him, meeting him, bucking up to met him with every single push. "Yes, yes, yes!"


Whitney returned her kiss, moving her against him, moving against her and his brain was all but short-circuited with one thought.  He had to make Chloe his, had to make her his, and he did.  His mouth moved to the red mark on her throat and sucked it hard, biting it as he sucked, and his cock slid in and out of her even more rapidly.  The strokes became shorter, almost punching inside before pulling back out again, and he bit down on his lip.  He wasn't going to come until she did, and one of his hands slid down until his fingers parted her lips and found her clit.  He rubbed it a little roughly, pressing down and up in the same rhythm he was making love to her with, and he slowly became aware of the fact he was chanting her name.


She tightened her legs around him and squeezed him, inside, on his next thrust, squeezing him with her little inside muscles as hard as she could as her mouth raced over his face, arms tight around his neck, lips and teeth biting at his jaw line and ear. It was his first time, and she would tell him, tell him how wonderful he was, how good he was, how unbelievably wonderful he'd been, as soon as they came down from this experience. Give him pride over it, because he deserved it, and so much more. For touching her, for marking her, for making her his and she arched into his fingers, letting out a sob of pure ecstasy. "Whitney! Whitneeey!!!"


She screwed her eyes shut, and that was all she wrote.


She came so hard she felt her body buck before scrunch up tight to his chest, letting out a loud, agonized wail into her lovers chest as the orgasm ripped right up her legs, across her chest, then speared down to her groin. Hard and hot and she arched again, bucking and jerking against him...using her handhold on him to pull him down and kiss her, swallow her cries.


Whitney didn't move as he felt her clenching his cock with her muscles; he knew then she was close, and when he pushed inside her again, and once more, and then he felt her entire body throb around him as her arms and legs tightened, body pressing against him as muscles gripped him in a vise and then he was coming, hard and fast and his mouth opened to suck Chloe's cries down in a wet kiss that seemed to go on until he saw stars, literally.  His balls were aching from the powerful orgasm he'd just had, and his arms were tight around Chloe when he finally realized something.


He'd collapsed on top of her.  Rolling to the side, he pulled her against him, not losing a second of close body contact as his slowly softening cock remained inside her.  "I love you.  Chloe, I love you.  So, so much."


She shook against him, barely able to move as she struggled in close, panting hard in his ear as her body gave a full body shudder, her inside muscles clenching and rolling still as she came down from… the best thing she'd ever experienced in her entire life.


She really wished she could do anything other then pant and gasp, but she hoped it was enough, for her to bring him in tight, to curl up against his chest and hug him as tightly as she could.  


She really wished she could do anything other then pant and gasp, but she hoped it was enough, for her to bring him in tight, to curl up against his chest and hug him as tightly as she could.


Whitney wrapped himself around Chloe, accommodating her need to snuggle as he indulged his own to hold her.  "Chloe... you... you were utterly wonderful, you know that?"  He let his hand slide up and down her back, sliding down to occasionally caress her backside as they cuddled.


She swallowed reflexively... caught and snuggled and oh, god, this was heaven. "I..." She looked up, blond hair matted to her face, grin eyes flashing, and she kissed him as hard as she could, pouring her heart in her kiss. "I love you, so much. Thank you."


"No, baby... thank you.  His hand rested briefly on her hip and pulled her into his groin.  "You gave me... you gave me something that made me feel so special, Chloe... and I'll never be able to tell you what that means to me."  He kissed her again, sweetly and deeply.  "Nobody's ever trusted me that much before, and... I'm glad it was you."


She let her eyes drop and her cheeks flush, caressing his neck gently. "You were...amazing, so amazing. I...I feel you, so deep inside me, and it feels so good, Whitney, I can still almost feel you rocking and moving inside. It..." She shuddered, and ever so gently arched her back and pressed in tight.


The gentle arch pushed her tightly against him and even though his cock was soft and spent, he carefully moved inside her, sliding out more than anything else but moving inside her.  "I want to be inside you, Chloe... I'd stay forever if I could."


She leaned in and nipped at his right nipple...the one that was more sensitive of the two, she'd noticed, and rubbed it between her lips as slowly...gently....she rolled over him and straddled him, setting him more firmly inside her. "How.." Nibble, bite. "Long until you..." A hard suck, and she clasped the tiny nub in her mouth and pulled. "Can do that again?" She let go, watching it flush, and leaned in to suck a hard kiss out of the side of his neck.


“Keep... keep doing that... say... ten minutes."  He rolled back over, sliding out of her completely as he pulled her on top of him, taking her nipples between his fingers and teasing them gently.  "But... not you.  Tomorrow."  He bit kisses down Chloe's throat.  "Give you... time to recover... so you're not so sore."


She gave him a look of purest murder, and without a word, leaned down, tugged the condom off....and dragged her tongue flat wise against the soft penis, looking up under her brows. "Ten whole minutes?"


Whitney's fingers knotted in the soft white fur they'd been laying on.  "Maybe... fuck... a little less."  One hand slid up to brush over her hair, pushing it back from her eyes and cupping her face.  "Little less... for you."





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