
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 269: Virginity, Part Deux

"You know, he's going to give me a heart attack before it's over with." He checked behind Clark to make sure the door was closed, knowing it was but needing something to do with his hands, and then he shoved them in his pockets. "I need... I don't know what I need. Want to come and help me get it? A drink, maybe?"

"Sure. Scotch." A little grin at him, hoping to cheer him. "My fifth glass in an hour. Though, I'm relatively not completely drunk, so that says something." He squeezed Lex's hip, taking a last look at Lionel's closed door, and set his head on Lex's as they walked. "you need to just be, baby. You finally got through to him. Elaine is going to be ecstatic."

Lex smiled back, but he wasn't cheered much. "You're not drunk because somehow, I'm guessing you've inherited my tolerance for alcohol, much as I seem to have inherited your ability to process things faster and run independent trains of thought, which, thank you for by the way, it comes in very useful sometimes." He kept walking with Clark. "We got through to him, Clark. Not me. We."

"Isn't that grand?" Clark murmured, an eyebrow raised at him. "I've been thinking like that all of my life. It used to drive my teachers batty, until I just shut up and stopped participating in class. Taken for "shy" or whatever." he shook his head as he squeezed his lovers hip again. "No. You did. That comment about Dominic struck home, I think, more than anything else has."

"Your teachers are or were imbeciles. How did your exams go, by the way?" Then he sighed. "I wouldn't have thought about that if you hadn't mentioned it before. I just took it and ran with it. You gave me the right idea; I just ran with it."

"Exams... went. They just went. It was boring, I'm positive I passed, had to make a few mistakes on purpose. I hate that." He made a small face, before switching to their other topic. "Dominic would be pissed as hell if he woke up and found the company in ruin. He's worked there for nearly twenty years. He's vice president. Damned right he'd be pissed."

"When will you hear back? And, by the way, remind me tonight to have a talk with you, because I think I've come up with what we should be getting Whitney and Chloe for graduation." He rubbed his cheekbones gently, then his eyes. "Yeah, he would be. And Dad knows it, whether or not he'd admit it. Somebody just had to shove it in his face, so he couldn't ignore it any longer."

"Talk tonight, check." But then Clark shook his head as he scooped up Freddie, hiding behind a potted plant, and set the baby on his shoulder as they walked down the stairs. "Hey, how are Felicia and Ethan doing, by the way?"

"Felicia's a wreck, understandably, and she hasn't been working since the accident because of the baby. She started a false labor early, but it didn't deliver; they've got her on bed rest and everything until the baby is ready to come." He scrubbed his cheeks. "We sent her flowers, I hope you don't mind, from you and I and Dad."

He nodded, quietly. "My dad called me and told me. They're in Metropolis, right?" He blew out a soft breath and closed his eyes. "Lex, so many lives are going to be hurt if… if.." He couldn't say it, so he let it trail off as he squeezed Lex's side gently and kissed his temple. "Drinks. Is it still too early for vodka?"

"Yeah, they're staying in Felicia's apartment. Most of her furniture was left, though nothing much else was. Enrique helped move some of their clothes and everything else. Ethan has, if I'm not mistaken, taken a brief leave of absence and we have a Miss... Adams, I think, as our temporary sheriff." Then he gave a wan smile. "It's never too early for vodka, Clark."

"Well good. Elaine's watching Dominic. Why don't you and I get stone cold drunk? Its.." He peered at his watch. "Two thirty. We leave for my parents at seven. Five hours for booze." He sorely, sorely needed an escape. And his lover inside of him, but that wasn't for now. So he nodded, opening Lex's office door and looking at the bar reverently.

Lex laughed softly. "It's going to take a little more than five hours to get either of us drunk."

"Are you sure? If so, I want my innocence back." Clark grumped quietly, as he left his lover to get them whatever he deemed appropriate, and plunked on the couch again, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms.

"Pretty sure, considering the last time I was drunk was after a twenty-four hour binge five years ago." He wandered over to the bar anyway, and picked up two brandy glasses, pouring each one half full of vodka, then half full of orange juice from the pitcher sitting on the bar. He dropped a few cubes of ice into the glasses to chill the juice and liquor as he swirled the glasses, watching the two liquids mix, and then carried it over to Clark. "Here. Grusse Gott."

"God bless you." Clark answered, as he patted the cushion beside him for his lover and put his feet up to rest them.

Lex slid onto the cushion beside his lover, propping his legs up over Clark's as he drank from his glass, then sighed and closed his eyes. "Yep. I was right. Never too early for Vodka."

Clark drunk from his own glass, and before when it would have been sharp on the tongue, now soothed. He sighed quietly in pleasure and set the glass on the table before leaning back, yawning and gently stroking his lovers knee where it lay over his lap. "I love you, you know."

Lex's eye cracked open, and he smiled broadly. "I know, but I like hearing it; you've spoiled me." He scooted a little bit closer. "I love you too, Clark."

"It feels like forever since I told you." Clark murmured, as he stroked a warm knee through slacks, then a calf, gently, soothingly. "We'll go flying tonight. If you want."

Lex's other eye cracked open and smiled. "Yeah. I want to. I'd like to, Clark. We haven't in a while; I want to."

"You said... CK didn't have any problems with it, right? It was really easy for him?"

"That's right." Lex's hand slipped down to stroke over Clark's. "He didn't. He flew without a hitch."

"Weird." Clark just shook his head as Lex stroked his hand... then turned the palm so their fingers were face to face. He carefully touched the pads of his lovers fingers with his own... fingers which could bring so much pleasure and draw so much pain. He thumbed the life-line gently, stroking it tenderly, and smiled at his lover quietly as he looked at him from under the bangs which had grown long and wispish again.

Lex laced their fingers tightly together as Clark stroked over his palm, and he gave a little smile. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were propositioning me," he said softly, leaning over and kissing the back of Clark's hand softly before sitting back.

His eyes widened, and he was modest enough to let the twinges of color rise in his cheeks. "Am not." he said sulkily, even as Lex kissed his palm. "Maybe tonight." And the blush got a little redder. "But... not now. Right?" A nod at his lover.

"Definitely tonight." He brought it Clark's hand up for another kiss, nibbling gently and mouthing Clark's thumb gently, sucking it into his mouth and then letting it slide back out to smile at the high dots of color in his lover's cheek. "You're so beautiful when you blush," Lex mused softly, rubbing his free thumb over the warm skin. "It makes you look so... innocent. So sweet."

At that he glared, because he felt his neck heat, and harrumphed as he leaned back into the cushions. He adjusted his lovers knee the smallest bit so the evidence of what Lex sucking on his fingers did to him didn't impale his lovers leg, and blushed again as he looked sideways at him. "'m not innocent." He mumbled, but the pleasure in the words his lover had spoken rang through.

"No, you're not," Lex answered, feeling his lover shift and smiling gently. He dipped his head again and sucked Clark's thumb back into his mouth, scraping his teeth along the ridges of his fingerprint and then sucking over the nail. "You're not innocent, but you look so beautiful. Like someone set out to make the most beautiful, most innocent angel in the world, and your face is what they came up with."

His breath trembled in his throat as Lex sucked on his finger again, teeth and tongue nimbly sliding over it. His fingers slid over Lex's face, almost cupping it, as he shivered in pleasure. His eyes fell to half mast, druggy and sleepy with pleasure, as his lover spoke. "'m not." he murmured.

"You're not what? An angel? Yes you are. You're my angel, Clark. My guardian angel; you've saved me from so many things." His free hand slid down into Clark's lap, feeling his lover's hard cock as he kept sucking on Clark's fingers.

"Lex," Half whine, half gasp, and maybe a little glare thrown in for the mix as he let his head fall back. "No. Bad. Not right now. Your dad... everything's so bad." He groaned softly, as his skin flushed with something more than a blush.

Lex slowly let Clark's finger slide out of his mouth, but his hand was still in Clark's lap. "I know, Clark, but... it feels good. I feel good making you pant and moan like this." His hand squeezed the hard cock growing under his hand.

His hips twitched when Lex squeezed and he groaned again, his head falling back onto the couch as his hips slid down the cushion a little, so they were a little more accessible. All without his expression permission but oohh that was tingly. "You feel good?" He whispered, softly.

"I do," he murmured softly, stroking faster and touching more when Clark shifted, working his hand further into Clark's lap. "You make me feel good."

His cheeks flushed all the more as he bit his lower lip, eyes falling closed quietly. "Me too. Good." He murmured as Lex rubbed, and he shivered and arched, his hips moving just a little. "Bad. You are so fucking naughty. Even after I told you tonight." But it was said with a little bit of a grin.

"Yes, I am naughty." He moved forward and nibbled along Clark's collarbone, then kissed up Clark's neck to his chin, and then to his mouth. "But you love me." He squeezed Clark's cock again, then picked up his glass and pressed it to his mouth. He took a drink of the liquor then pressed his lips to Clark's, letting the drink slip through his mouth to his lover's.

Clark took a sip, eyes clenching as he swallowed when Lex squeezed at the same time, and would have choked if he'd inhaled at the same time. He shivered again, whining softly because it wasn't enough and Lex knew it, even as his fingers slid down to Lex's and pressed it into his crotch a little more.

Lex took another drink and shared it with his lover, and his fingers wrapped tighter around Clark's cock through his jeans, squeezing a little harder and stroking gently and rubbing his thumb over the head.

Clark licked his lovers salty lips as he leaned in close against him, tongue sliding in to taste it directly. He'd never done it like that before and the feeling was oddly curious, sharing liquid between them, though sexy as all living hell. He groaned again and arched, his fingers stroking over his lovers thighs and rubbing over his own crotch, gently, rubbing and feeling the heat and ache in it which pleased him enormously.

Lex gave a little smile as the shared drink turned into a kiss, and he put his hand at the top of Clark's zipper. "Stop me?" he murmured softly.

Hmm? Was his lover speaking? He blinked at him owlishly, wondering if he looked as wanton as he felt, and just purred as he went in to suck on his lovers throat. He was nineteen, not a super man. Technically. He sucked at the long line of arched neck and nipped all the way down, sucking a bruise from the base before unbuttoning the first three buttons, and wrapping his lips around a peaked nipple.

Lex laughed softly and slid his hand down, pulling Clark's zipper down as he went and letting long, cool fingers slide into Clark's pants and wrap firmly around his hot, hard cock. He squeezed, stroked and then started to tug lightly as he arched into Clark's kisses.

"Ohhmygod," Clark gasped and arched, muffled around his mouthful. "Okay. Okay. No. Upstairs?" Pleading in his voice as he squirmed onto the couch and stroked over his lovers bulge, losing thought on how to do it as he whispered, "Ride you?"

"Upstairs. Here. Either's okay." He didn't let go of Clark's cock as he stroked it, squeezing the base firmly as he teased. He arched into Clark's hand, nodding at the riding idea and nibbling over his throat. "Ride me. Hard."

Clark whimpered, very softly, eyes clenching shut as Lex spoke in that delicious Sex Voice he had that made Clarks entire body react. He shivered all over like it was forty below and he was in his underwear, and his cock twitched as Lex stroked it. Another groan, deep, because he wanted someone to fill him and take him and make it all feel good. He grunted, quietly, arching into his lovers hand as he looked at him in hope. "Tell me." He croaked, mouthing Lex's neck and throat, then down to nipples which he sucked happily. The buttons on Lex's shirt flew as he ripped it open, and he leaned down to suck at a tiny little belly button, dipping his tongue inside.

"Tell you what I want to do?" Lex's hand kept stroking Clark's cock as his body twitched, and he shuddered. "Tell you that I want to fuck you? Bury myself so deep in your ass that I'm a part of you?" His own body shuddered at Clark's mouth on his nipples and a wet tongue in his navel, and one hand fell to stroke through Clark's hair, tugging in approval as his voice deepened. "Tell you that I want to pound hard into you, make you think of nothing but me and what I'm doing to you?"

Clark moaned, deeply. Half hysteric with the welling of need that crowded his throat and his hands roughened as they stroked over Lex's hips and ass. He yanked the button of the slacks open and nudged the cock out with his nose, before sliding his mouth tightly over it. His eyes clenched as he listened to his lovers possessive words and he just moaned, all the harder, all the deeper, shivering hard as their positions changed, and he began to hump the couch, rubbing his aching erection against slick leather.

Both of Lex's hands slid down to Clark's hair, but instead of letting him suck, Lex pulled out until the head of his cock rubbed over Clark's lips. "Is that what you want, Clark? You want me to fuck you?

Oh, he whimpered in answer, trying to lean down to suck, but Lex had taught him a very important lesson early on in their relationship. When Lex had the power and was touching and moving him, he had to do as Lex asked, or he could risk hurting his lover. There was something achingly beautiful in submitting so completely and he moaned again, dragging his tongue over the tip of the erection sliding across his lips, whimpering in want.

Lex tugged on Clark's hair firmly. "Answer me, Clark." He'd apologize to his lover later for this, let it filter through their link now, but with everything else spiraling out of control in his life, he needed something he could hold onto. "Answer me, is that what you want?"

The tug just made him moan all the harder, shuddering and laying his cheek on his lovers belly as Lex demanded. He licked across the base of the hard cock, whimpering again, and nodded, hard, begging with his hands as they ran over a hard belly, and long thighs.

"Say it," Lex whispered.

"Want, want you to fuck me, fuck me please, I want you to fuck me!" Clark sobbed out, begging as his cock hardened even further at the plea, shuddering hard as he begged. "Please, fuck me, please! Yours, I'm yours, I want you, please, bury in deep, please!"

Lex sat down over his lover as Clark slid supine, his ass still in his slacks pressing down against Clark's hardening cock. "Do you want to do it here, where people can walk in and see you? Or up in our bedroom, where we're the only ones who get to share in it?" His fingers trailed out of Clark's hair, over his lips and his own cock, then back up his cheek.

He couldn't care less. He couldn't. All he knew was his body was on fire, his soul was screaming, and his thoughts weren't at all coherent anymore. So he wriggled and squirmed as Lex slid out from under him, and then the glorious solid weight of his body over Clark's made him wail like a banshee. He wriggled up and began to jerkily thrust against Lex's covered erection, aching as he cried out, over and over, fingers streaking over Lex's back and taking twin handfuls of his delectable ass.

"Here, then," Lex murmured, and slid down Clark's body, pressing his weight harder down against his lover's cock as he started opening his slacks the rest of the way. His own hot, wet erection sprang forth as he leaned over, jumping his cock against Clark's stomach, then raised himself up just a little. "On your stomach, and slide down your clothes."

The little murmur made something still functioning in Clarks brain shiver, and he looked up, eyes half crazed and glassy. His fingers stroked his lovers cheek, cupping it as he continued to rut against him, and he whispered hoarsely, "Okay? Okay? Don't have to? If you... if... don't have to."

"I want to," Lex said with a little grin. "I just didn't seriously expect you to be all right with having sex on the couch in my office," he continued, his grin widening. "I wouldn't have started it if I didn't want to do it." He turned and caught one of Clark's hands against his cheek, and pressed kisses to each digit, then the palm, and pressed it back to his cheek.

"I... was... flirting." Clark groaned as his lover kissed his fingers, and he was very aware of the state of affairs Lex often left him in, but he couldn't help it. "Wanted our bed," He whispered admittingly, shivering all over. "But... getting there? Can't. Cause...can't. Want now. Unless... yes. Bed? I can... try."

Lex laughed softly, then sucked one of Clark's fingers into his mouth. "Then let's go to bed," he murmured softly, still sucking Clark's fingers. "In bed, where it's just us."

Woo boy. Alright. Clark arched up, rubbing once, twice, and exploded.

Couldn't help it. He blushed, furiously, even as he came, groaning with horror and with pleasure at the same time. He whimpered softly as his hips stopped pushing, falling back to the couch with loose muscles. The ache inside of him was roaring, and he wanted so, so badly to be filled, but...he messed it up. He really messed it up. His eyes filled with tears as he looked up at Lex in apology, stuttering out, "I… I'm... sorry, I didn't... I'm sorry, I..."

Lex stood up immediately behind his lover, sliding his arms around Clark--one under his arm, one over the opposite shoulder--so that his hands linked over Clark's chest. "Don't," he whispered softly, kissing the back of Clark's neck, nibbling along his shoulder. "You didn't mess anything up," he whispered, kissing his neck again. "Don't." He let go and came around Clark's front, rubbing against him, stroking his chest. "Don't cry, baby, please." He didn't care that he was smearing his suit with Clark's semen, didn't care about anything as his hands rose to cup Clark's cheeks.

"But… I was supposed to wait... I messed up." Clark whispered, furious with his own actions even as he held Lex tightly close. "I want… I want you inside of me. I promise I won't mess up, okay? Please?"

"Clark." Lex gripped his lover's chin tightly and forced him to look down. "Stop. You didn't mess up." He glared, deeply, into his lover's eyes. "I teased you. You didn't mess up. Okay? You didn't. Say it with me now."

His chin trembled again as his fingers slid over his lovers shoulders, down his back, looking at him as Lex directed and swallowing the lump in his throat. His fear was hot and hard, rocking like a stone in his belly, that Lex would want Kal and CK more than him, especially when he fucked up. But he didn't dare let his lover know this, just nodded as he whispered, "I didn't mess up." His throat tightened. "I should have waited. I couldn't, I'm sorry. W-will you still be inside of me though? If… if you want?"

"I'm not asking you to be sorry!" Lex's temper flared, and he pushed it back down as he tightened his grip in Clark's hair. "I want to be inside you, Clark. You." He could see, in Clark's eyes and a brief flash before it was locked away beyond his reach, what Clark was afraid of. "I want you. With me, right now. Nobody else. You and me. Clark and Lex."

His throat closed and the tears came up again, sliding free this time and running down his temples into his hair. His lover sounded like he wasn't lying, because he usually didn't lie to him, but still. The fear, the fear was there, and his fingers trembled as they ran possessively over his lovers back and shoulders. "Clark and Lex." He repeated, voice croaking hard. Not Kal and CK and Lex? Unlikely. Though it wasn't his lovers fault, not at all. They must have been wonderful. Which only brought a sob to the surface as he clutched at Lex's shoulder. "Mine!"

"Clark and Lex." Lex wrapped his arms around Clark, holding him tightly. "Come on. Let's go to the bedroom, then you can tell me why you're really crying." He reached up over Clark's shoulder, pushing wet hair behind his ear and nibbling the lobe gently. "And after you've told me, if you're still in the mood, then I will take you hard, be inside you until I can't go any deeper." He stroked his hand over Clark's hair again.

Clark gulped in a breath and nodded as he fought to calm himself down. He slid his fingers over Lex's hands and up to his head as he nibbled on his ear, eyes closing for a moment as he calmed enough, with one last low sob, to stop crying. His breath was hitching but he fought it as he rubbed his palms over his face, clearing his throat harshly as he took Lex's hands in his and nodded. "Come on."

Lex laced his fingers through Clark's, closing his eyes and putting his head on his lover's shoulder. "Yes." He kept a tight grip on Clark's hand as they walked through the house, to the kitchen stairs. Lex paused in the kitchen to snag a bag of cookies out of the pantry, and after a quick look at his lover, the entire gallon of chocolate milk and two glasses. He gave Clark the milk and he carried the glasses and the cookies upstairs.

Once they were in the bedroom, Lex put the cookies down and went to the bed, pulling the big, soft comforter off and putting it on the floor in front of the fireplace. He tossed pillows down after it, then pointed Clark to the little nest in front of the fire. "Sit," he said, picking up the bag of cookies and following him.

Clark looked at his lover in shock when he made the cozy bed in front of the quiet fire place but didn't say no. He was sticky, so as he toed his shoes off he pulled his shirt up and wiped his limp cock and belly with it before setting it in the hamper by the door. He tucked himself away again, just for now, though left his jeans unzipped as he plunked down on the warm blanket.

He couldn't look at his lover.

Lex was quiet for a long moment, the only sound the hissing of the gas as he lit the gas logs in the fireplace, and then the crinkling of paper as he opened the cookies, then the slosh of milk as he poured two glasses. He held out a stack of five cookies to Clark with one hand, and with the other, a glass of chocolate milk, and just nibbled a cookie of his own as he watched the glowing orange flames.

Clark took it, though he didn't eat it, just staring down at the cookies and milk sitting on the blanket waiting for him. He was miserable as the fire was lit, and though he didn't look at it, the wonderful heat began to drift across his skin. He closed his eyes against it, fighting his emotions, as Lex began to eat beside him.

Lex crunched his way through his first cookie, then dusted his hands off, washed the cookie down with a sip of overly sweet milk, and looked at his lover. "So, what is it, Clark? You think I'd rather not have sex with you?"

The casual words made his throat finish closing along with eyes, as he fought back more tears. He dropped his head to look at his lap, the blanket underneath his crossed legs, and didn't say a word.

"I'm not angry," he said softly. "I'm just curious. I need to know, Clark. You're hiding things from me, and I'm wondering if this is how you felt before, when I tried to deal with things on my own." He paused, and chewed his way through another cookie. "Part of me is telling I should let this be, because I don't want to know what the problem is. But the other part of me can't help but worry."

Clark shook his head and didn't say anything. Instead he set the milk and cookies aside so he didn't spill them, and stretched out on the blanket, setting his head on the pillow, arm behind his neck, and looked at Lex expectantly. "Be inside?"

"I want to," Lex said. "More than anything right now." His hand reached out and stroked over Clark's stomach. "But I can't." He leaned over more, and rubbed his thumb over fresh tear tracks.

His chest heaved. "Why?" he whispered, eyes wide as he looked up at his lover. "Please?"

"Why?" Lex held up his wet thumb, and gently stroked the tears over Clark's lips. "That's why. If I did that now... I'd feel like I were taking advantage of you, whether I actually were or not." He gave a little shrug. "You've given me a conscience."

"Because I messed up?" Clark whispered, looking up at him and swallowing again, and then once more, striving to push the lump down. "I didn't mean to, I just… I didn't mean to mess up, I'm sorry."

"You didn't mess up," Lex said, his hand resting on Clark's chest. "But what's *wrong?*"

His throat was beyond a mess, as he looked up at Lex and squirmed under his eyes. "Because. Because of... of… them." He didn't know how else to say it, didn't *want* to say it. "I messed up. I know. I'm sorry I did. Because they were better, right?"

Lex didn't move his hand. "You think that Kal and CK were better than you?"

He shook his head fiercely... then nodded, quietly, and closed his eyes. "because they were. You had two of them, and… one was human. One… he was better. Because then you wouldn't have to worry about all... all the stuff. Like babies and getting stuck on the ceiling."

"That's actually not true," Lex said quietly, his nails teasing Clark's stomach skin lightly. "Yes, Kal was human. But we did have to worry about those things. Because we didn't know how it would affect *you* once you'd been merged together, and as much as I wanted to let Kal live, and feel, and do what he wanted to, it was more important to me to know that nothing we did would affect *you.*"

"But it was *better*." Clark answered, squeezing his eyes shut. "You wouldn't have to deal with all that if I weren't me in the first place, you wouldn't... all the pain you've felt is because of *me*. I do all these bad things to you. I can't take it anymore, I can't, I wish so much I was human."

"Then, just listen. I don't wish you were human. If you were, then I don't think we'd have ever met; if you were human, I'd be dead, and so would you, because I'd have killed you on that bridge. And I don't want to think of this world without you."

"You loved them." Clark whispered, voice a croak, eyes opening as more tears tumbled down his face with a harsh sob. "I know you did."

"Yes, I did," Lex admitted frankly. "But I didn't love them more than you."

He looked up at his lover to see the truth there.

And found it.

He nodded, swallowing hard and trying to clear his throat as he stared at the ceiling, forcing himself to calm down again as his fingers slid to his lovers hand tightly.

Lex slid carefully across the warm blanket, and crawled into Clark's lap, wrapping his lover's arms around his waist.

Clark finished lying down as Lex slid across to him, holding him tightly in his arms as he squeezed. He kissed his lovers cheek and jaw, holding him close to his body as they lay down on the pillows and sheets, cozy and comfortable. He sniffled softly against his lovers skin, letting himself be held and holding in return, quietly.

"Sssh," Lex murmured softly. "It's okay. I love you, Clark. No matter what, I love you. You are my aushna'; you're the one that I chose, and who chose me. Kal and CK, I loved them, yes, but they were not *you.* I know that's not very clear, but I can't express feelings verbally."

"I love you." He whispered back, eyes closed as he held his lover tightly to his body. He didn't know how to express his shame, but he knew his body wasn't like theirs had been. Regardless, he closed his eyes and kissed Lex's mouth very softly, begging with each touch, each kiss. "Please. Please, Lex? Please?"

"Yes," Lex said softly. "But, turn onto your stomach first, and take off your clothes," Lex said, letting his button-less shirt slide off his shoulders as he pushed up to his knees and opened his pants again.

Clark shivered all over in pleasure, as he let his lover go and sat up himself, to begin wiggling out of his jeans. "Lex?" he whispered, softly, looking up at him as he began to tug off his slightly soggy jeans and boxers.

"Yes?" he answered, letting his hand slide down to stroke over Clark's scarred back.

"Can you maybe… take my powers? For a little bit?" He had never asked Lex that before, and shifted slightly in slight embarrassment. "I want to feel."

He nodded. "Of course I can." His hand flattened against Clark's back. "Whenever you're ready, I am."

Clark nodded and finished pushing his jeans off, boxers following with his socks, and then rolled over onto his belly. He stretched out on the warm blanket, opening up the link he'd kept tightly siphoned, and felt the love wash over him like a blanket as he finally snuggled into his lovers mind, and offered snuggles in return. He sighed, deeply, quietly, and spread his legs softly in anticipation as he hugged the pillow under his head.

Lex accepted the surge of power that rolled into his body and he snuggled against Clark, his thoughts wrapping like a warm blanket around his lover's, holding them preciously close as his fingers stroked over Clark's skin. His mouth kissed down Clark's spine, sucking little kisses from each beautiful vertebrae as his back arched. His palms stroked over Clark's sides, over his ribs, teasing his hip line and licking over his scar.

"I love you." Clark murmured, repeating it again from before, as his muscles relaxed. The tension he'd been holding in his body slid out of him with his sigh and he purred quietly, very, very quietly, as Lex kissed and sucked. The sadness and misery from before were pushed to the back burner in light of Lex's wonderful mouth, that tongue over his scar, and he murmured appreciatively as he shifted his hips a little to make room for the penis hardening under his belly. "We need lube?" He asked, eyes closed though his face was pointed at Lex.

"In a minute we will," Lex agreed, moving his kisses all along the scar from Mar-El's birth, licking and sucking the raised line of flesh as his teeth nibbled it. His hands moved under Clark's hips to stroke his lover's hard cock, and as he did, his tongue slipped into the opening between his lover's cheeks.

And he received a shock. Clark's body was usually slightly relaxed and readily stretched for his invasion, but now... this was the first time Lex had touched his lover's body over the weeks since the reintegration, and he was shocked to find that Clark's body was closed tightly, as virginal as he'd been the first time he'd come to Lex.

"We're going to need more lube than I'd thought," Lex answered with a smile against Clark's cheek.

"What's wrong?" Clark turned his head towards his lover, cracking open heavy lidded eyes. His voice had dropped an octave as Lex licked over his opening, groans caught in his throat as he shifted his hips slightly. It felt incredibly ecstatically good for his lover to be licking where he was, and he purred when Lex's rumbling voice touched through his skin and quivered all the way up his body, raising goosebumps as it went. "Again?" he whispered, begging softly as he spread his legs further, to show what he wanted. "Love… your mouth… so good."

"Nothing's wrong," Lex murmured against Clark's opening, and his tongue slid inside for little stabbing licks as he puffed little breaths across the tight muscle, watching it twitch with something akin to fascination. "You're just..." Something clicked in Lex's head. "Your body's a virgin again," he murmured between stabs.

"What?" His brain was gone and he didn't hear his lovers last words, just moaning softly as he spread his legs further. "Please, inside, please, tease, terrible, please," He begged softly, twitching with each little flicker of Lex's tongue inside of his mouth. Lex was so...damn...*good* at rimming and he gave soft cries of pleasure as he tried not too wriggle, because he wanted that tongue right where it is. "Good, so good, feels so good," He whispered, still begging as he rose his hips a little.

Lex pulled his tongue out for just a minute, and laid himself along Clark's body, rubbing the wet head of his cock against Clark's opening without pushing against it. "You're a virgin, Clark," he said softly. "Like your body was created new again, and this is one of the things that happened."

Clark stopped, for a long moment, frozen as his eyes widened. "What?" He whispered, the sound caught between a moan of pleasure and a gasp of shock as he rotated his hips against his lovers erection. "But...I can't. Be."

But then the full realization of it crashed down on him. It made perfect sense. His body *had* been created new. He moaned, plaintively, in utter, total *pleasure* at the realization that Lex was going to take him as a human, as a virgin, and his entire body quaked with pleasure. There would be questions later. For now? He rose his hips and grinded against the cock rubbing his opening, wailing like a banshee as he wriggled and squirmed in ecstasy. "Oh, God! Oh my God!"

"You are." Lex quickly pulled his hips back so that Clark couldn't impale himself and hurt himself, and he slid back down, to lick Clark's opening again, already slick with his precome. "We'll need lube in a minute, but I'm not done here yet." He let his mouth fall back down, lapping and pushing in as far as he could, puffing cool breaths over Clark's wet rim.

The pleasure was so thick in his body that he didn't know what to do with himself. He shuddered all over, body aching as he pressed his hips back into Lex's talented mouth, even as he pressed his face into the pillow and moaned, deeply. He shuddered all over, muscles tensing as Lex licked over him, then pressed inside.

His muscles contracted around Lex's tongue and it felt so completely *weird* but in a good, delicious, wonderfully sexy way. He groaned softly as he rubbed back, eyes shut tight as his cock finished hardening. "Why... why I came, before?" He panted, rubbing back into it.

Lex gave another little chuckle. "Yes, I think so." He scraped his teeth up Clark's back, over his shoulder, then bit his earlobe. "I'm going to get the lube."

When Lex slithered up Clarks body he nearly came again. He gave a short wail as his lovers weight pressed him against the blankets and it sent him to squirming again, rubbing his cock against the blankets as his lover murmured, in the sexiest voice Clark had ever heard in his *life*, about lube. Lube. Which meant fingers in the tightness. Where it meant a *cock* in the tightness.

Another cry and a hard writhe against the blankets as he found himself begging and babbling once more. "Please, want, yes, please, lube, good, want, please, want!"

"I know." Lex dropped calming kisses over the back of Clark's neck. "I want you too. But we're going to do this right. Because this is your first time. And dammit, I'm determined.

"Not… first... time!" Clark wailed, even though it was laced with a laugh as he looked back. "Fucked you every day for eight months. Just my body. Fuck me hard, want you to fuck me *deep*."

"It's close enough," Lex murmured, with a little grin. "Your body thinks it's the first time." His hands slipped over his lover's shoulders and tugged his nipples. "How many other people get a second chance with virginity?"

The nipple tugs sent shots straight to his balls and he groaned, all the way down to his soul, as he let his head fall forward. Couldn't speak though; he was curled inward to the tugs on his chest and mewling like a kitten, pleasure spiking all over his body like it was new, making him shiver all over. It was so pleasurable it nearly made him scream and he humped forward again, then stopped because he was going to come again if not, but he couldn't HELP rubbing because it felt so fucking *good*.

"Go ahead, rub." Lex pulled back and popped Clark's ass hard as he reluctantly let go of his nipples. "Since this is going to be your first time again, you should roll onto your back."

At the pop Clark cried out in shock as his entire body reacted to that, both positively and negatively. His cock didnt know whether to soften or harden at the spank, and decided to soften just enough as he rolled over onto his back and shuddered all over. He *hated* waiting for pleasure, and Lex was just *torturing* him.

He ran his fingers over Lex's chest, over his belly, tugging softly at Lex's erect cock and stroking his balls in a little bit of happy retaliation.

Lex smiled as he reached down, wrapping Clark's hand around his cock and stroking their hands together over his shaft. "Let me go and get the lube, or this is going to be over very, very soon."

He shook his head tightly, tugging at Lex's cock until he was close enough, and then he yanked him down for a hot kiss. He stroked Lex's mouth with his tongue before diving in and pulling, demanding, taking control and giving his lover as much pleasure through their mouths as was possible. He all but *purred* at how delicious his lover was, all that smooth skin, and he purred as he stroked his lovers lovely cock.

Lex wrapped his legs around Clark's waist, thrusting his hips just a little as he kissed his lover, pushing his cock into Clark's hands as they played over his skin and running his hands through Clark's hair. He nibbled at Clark's full lip, rubbing their cheeks together as his hips rocked.

Clark moaned, loudly, as his lover thrust against his hands, and he shuddered all over as he wailed. Pleasure, pleasure was *good*, so good so good and his skin heated in a blush all over his body as his hands ran down a long, lovely back and stroked over a heavy backside perfect to grasp. And grasp he did, tugging him closer still, and pushed and rolled until he had Lex over him. He began to suck at his skin, fingers pushing bruises into slender hips, his body frantic as their cocks got into line and started to move against one another.

He rolled again, frantic, overwhelmed, rubbing and stroking and crying out for pleasure as he fell on his back again, thrusting madly against his lover as his eyes rolled up into his head.

Lex felt his still-soft skin being bruised, and was surprised to find that he'd absorbed some of Clark's controls, strength and everything else hidden behind mental barriers, and he rolled Clark's nipples beteween his fingers as he thought.

And then he *thought.* Ability rusty with disuse and lack of practice, but Lex envisioned a hand reaching out, arm stretching over the many feet separating them and the bed, stretching even more until the bottle of lube rocked back and forth. Then the ghostly fingers wrapped around the bottom, dragging it shakily and inch by inch over to where their bodies were pressed together, rocking and squeezing against his lover.

Clark was lost. He couldn't think, couldn't see, couldn't do anything but touch his beautiful lover. His nipples, so, *so* sensitive unlike they'd ever been, were tugged and stroked. His cock, burning, boiling, balls drawing up with the need for release, and he cried out his warning. "Don't want to, don't want to come!" He wailed, trying to push it back as they rocked and writhed, his hair damp with his sweat, looking up at Lex's wild eyes in the firelight of the velvet darkened room.

As soon as he heard his lover's warning, Lex pulled himself off his lover's body entirely, and settled between Clark's legs. His hands trailed up Clark's thighs carefully, scratching his nails down them, and then raised one leg over his shoulder as he picked up the lube bottle and squeezed it.

Cold gel squirted out all over his fingers, and he hissed softly, rubbing it between his hands to warm it up before slicking it over his fingers and using one hand to slick his cock and the other hand to tease over Clark's opening, rubbing a slick fingertip over the puckered hole.

"Lex, Lex please, no, gonna come," Clark sobbed, and he reached down, wrenching his balls away from his body. it hurt like...well, like the dickens, but he couldn't really say anything as he threw his head back, swallowing the cry. Oh. His penis deflated, just a little bit, and he squirmed, wriggling, blush lighting his skin from nipples to hairline as he rubbed his hips into Lex's finger. "Yesssss." He hissed, settling his leg over Lex's shoulder comfortably as he stared at the ceiling.

As soon as Lex saw that Clark had a handle on himself, his finger slid inside, just to his knuckle. He pumped in and out, with agonizingly slow strokes, nibbling on the juncture of Clark's thigh and hip as he did, staying away from his erect cock. He pumped with his first finger until he could feel the loosening, and he pushed in the rest of the way.

His breath caught in his chest, at the feel of the tight muscle clamping around his fingers, and he sucked harder at the hip joint. The nibbles turned to sucks as he started the full-length strokes of a single finger.

"Ow, ow ow." Clark whispered, eyes clenching shut as his lover pushed his finger in. It felt bloody *weird* for a moment, tight and tense and *painful* which was the weirdest thing of all, but then as soon as the finger wriggled he loosened and let out a long, deep sigh of pleasure. He purred quietly, stilling now as his lover began to prepare him, and slowly met the long strokes inside of him with careful movements of his hips.

Lex's hand went to Clark's stomach, thumb stroking his navel gently to steady him. "Sssh. It's okay. It'll only hurt for a minute... aah, see?" He saw the flicker of pain disappear with the deep sigh of pleasure, and he kissed up his lover's chest. "I won't hurt you, ever." His thumb kept stroking Clark's belly button and his index finger just kept stroking in and out.

"I know." Muttered hazily with happiness as Clark moved with the finger, rubbing his hips against it as it pleased him and lightly stroking his cock, which had gone a little more soft with the initial penetration. "Weird. Feels weird. Did it feel like this for...f...for you?" He groaned, softly, as that thumb rubbed his belly button, which shot sparks to his balls and cock.

Lex gave a little laugh, that caught in his throat. "No, it didn't," he murmured softly. "My first time wasn't at all pleasant; it was a business transaction more than anything else, and the boy who fucked me was more concerned with himself than with me. It's a mistake I won't make with you." He kept his finger stroking, just a little faster as the tip of his middle finger probed gently, to test the looseness before trying to slide in.

Something nudged beside the first finger and Clark stilled his hips, swallowing a breath as his eyes closed and his hips almost levitated off the blankets. A little afraid, because he'd forgotten the feeling of being stretched, and he gave a soft, low groan as he rubbed and ached, fingers clasped in the blankets. "Rub the good spot inside?" He asked pleadingly, trembling.

"I will," Lex promised. "But I've got to get you open first."

"Do you *have* to?" Mock whine, but Clark grinned at him anyway despite his lust and stopped trying to hump against the finger inside. He spread the leg not over Lex's shoulder wider, and reached beside him to tug one of the smaller pillows that Lex had tossed on the ground under his hips. He shifted them up so Lex had a better angle to get inside of him, and purred in pleasure.

"Yes, I have to," Lex said, adamant on that point. He blinked without realizing it, watching his fingers move inside his lover, seeing how far they were from his lover's prostate. He pushed both fingers inside, watching the stretch of his fingers scissoring inside his lover, then finally reaching in far enough to nudge against the gland.

"Fuck." Suddenly the amusement was gone and Clark felt the burn of stretch, which almost *did* levitate his hips to the ceiling. It burned in a totally unpleasant fashion Clark wasn't at all familiar with, but then Lex had to nudge his prostate and he gave a bucking cry of pleasure. "Holy fuck!" He wailed, thrashing and pushing down into Lex's fingers, trying to rub them against his prostate again. "Yes, god! Yes!"

Lex, though, had pulled his fingers out to stroke them back in again, stretching slowly and carefully as he teased his lover's belly button, licking up the center of his chest and tugging the little trail of hair that led to his lover's crotch with his teeth.

"Lex, LEX!" Clark sobbed it as his cock hardened unbelievably and he rushed down around Lex's head to grasp it, squeezing it tightly and rubbing up and down. Couldn't help it, couldn't help it, wanted, wanted, he wanted it *badly* but he didn't know which he wanted more--Lex's fingers inside or his hand. So he swayed between them, rubbing back before arching forward.

"Soon, baby," Lex cooed softly, his fingers stroking smoothly. "You're almost open." His cock was still slick and he shuddered, rubbing against Clark's leg as he nibbled the little treasure trail.

"Please, want, please, please," Clark begged hoarsely back. The feeling of being so open was doing terrible, wonderful things to him, making him feel hollowed and wide, which in turn made him mewl in the newness of it. He shuddered and shivered all over, his skin flushing, hair sticking up everywhere, eyes heavy as he stopped fighting what was happening and just let it happen. Rather than counteract the pleasure with more pleasure he just let Lex's fingers take him there, his muscles relaxing as his eyes fell to half mast with a breathy, deep moan.

"I know you want. You'll have. And as hard as I can give it to you." He pressed his fingers deeply at that, wigging them as hard as he could in his lover's body and pressing against his prostate.

Then he pulled them out and added three, starting the slow stroking again.

"Leeex!" Plaintive wail as three fingers slid in, opening him up more and more, and pleasure became a sharp edged thing that began to claw at his insides. He was going to come, come *hard* and he wanted it, but he was trying so hard to keep it at bay, as hard as he could. Another cry, another, humping the blankets as his skin broke out into copious sweating and his breath hitched.

"Yes?" He smiled as he looked up at his lover, stroking his fingers and carefully rotating them until he felt like Clark was loose enough.

He left Clark's leg over his shoulder as he moved closer, leaning forward and pushing himself in, working *just* the head of his cock into his lover's stretched passageway and holding himself there as he grinned down at his lover, licking his nose.

Oh. Oh. Three fingers wasn't as big as a cock, and the blunt end of the much bigger appendage nudged against him. It pressed in the slightest bit but felt *huge* inside of him, and how the fuck had he never gotten the whole thing inside. He tensed under his lover, eyes closed as he nearly swam in the sensation, his breath shallow as Lex leaned forward over him. A quiet sound of pleasure, very quiet, even though his need was on a knifes edge, and he murmured in ecstatic knowledge as he felt the breech for the first time. "Oh. Oh." He whispered, and though there was a significant amount of pain, the pleasure was sharper, stinging his throat and the backs of his eyes as he moaned.

"Ssssh... relax," Lex murmured, licking Clark's nose teasingly again as he waited for the tenseness to disappear. He'd known the sudden intrusion was going to cause Clark's muscles to lock up, and he was prepared, and that was why he hadn't thrust further. "Let me in, Clark."

"Trying." he whispered up at his lover, and concentrated on relaxing his muscles. He slowly, slowly unclenched them from around Lex's cock, though he was positive he could come just with the head inside of him. His eyes finally opened, softly, and he relaxed in stages, quietly, purring softly as he shifted his hips the slightest bit and beamed at Lex in happiness. "See? Did it."

"Yes, you did." Lex beamed in return, kissing the broadly-smiling mouth of his lover as he slowly pushed his length in, using inching little strokes to get himself completely seated inside, until his balls rested against the curve of Clark's ass.

Lex stretching him open was a glory. He purred and gasped with each little stroke, sliding in, deep, deeper, and how on Gods earth Lex fit inside of him was a mystery. He felt split open and aching, his cock having hardened fully on his belly and streaking precome everywhere. It was delicious and his eyes rolled clothes, moaning softly as he slid his cramping leg off of Lex's shoulder, and instead wrapped it around his back with the other one.

Lex chuckled softly at the acceptance, and thrust forward again, sliding out before pushing back in and rocking his hips sharply as his hands moved to his lover's shoulders and he pulled himself down almost level with Clark. "Are you ready?"

He nodded, tightly, clenching his eyes shut when Lex thrust in hard, and it jolted all the way through his body. It flushed and it hurt, but oh, it was *good* and he keened softly as he wriggled his backside.

Lex's hand went down to Clark's hip, guiding his movements. "You've done this before," Lex murmured. "Move with me, baby." He kept his hand on Clark's hip, rubbing against him as he moved Clark up against his cock, shuddering. "Meet me." He licked up Clark's throat and sucked on the scar to the side of it, then moved down to suck on Clark's scarred nipple as he started to move faster.

He knew how. He should have known how. It just felt weird and distant as he began to jerk up towards him... stopping the movement and loosening it a little as Lex guided him with his palm. It felt weird and rusty but he followed how Lex showed him, nodding sharply even as they began to move in slow, gentle thrusts, Lex carefully and gradually bringing the pace up. He gasped, open mouthed, deeply, eyes falling to half mast as they began to move together firmly. He pulled gently on Lex to lay closer against him, body shaking as he did so, and grunted softly in trembling pleasure.

"There you go." He gave his lover a grin and started to move, settling his weight on Clark's broader chest as he started to thrust in earnest, his arms supporting most of his weight as he rocked into his lover, twisting his hips to slide completely in, kissing hard against his lover's skin and biting his throat.

"Good?" he gasped out, shuddering and pushing up to meet Lex's movements. It wasn't as hard as it seemed, especially if he tugged lightly on Lex's back when he did it to lift himself, and the pleasure was instantaneous. It felt hard and strong and doing this was like being alive again. He felt like he'd missed something integral these last few weeks and he wailed softly, shuddering and pushing up and down as his fingers slid over his lovers head and down his back, hugging him hard. "Good, doing g-good?"

"You're doing perfectly." Lex shuddered as he arched up into Clark, thrusting his cock deep with every stroke, rubbing into the fingers that hugged and stroked him. "Don't think about it; just go with it; feel it, let it rule you, fuck me back, just as hard as I'm fucking you."

Clark had no damn idea why he felt so needy right now and why he couldn't remember how to have sex. He didn't. It worried him, in the back of is head, but with every stroke into him, with every thrust, he was remembering. He pushed back sharply when Lex thrust into him, smiling almost wickedly even as he was shocked, and he moved against him sharply. Clark slithered his hand down to his belly, grasping his cock and tugging on it as they moved together, smiling up at him in hazy pleasure.

Then screamed. Loudly. When Lex hit his prostate.


"Not yet, but I'm getting there," Lex smirked. He thrust even harder into his lover when he found that particular spot by memory, and rubbed the head of his cock against it with long, slow strokes as he shivered in pleasure, picking up the leaking pleasure from his lover and living it twice.

His hands pinched and tugged at Clark's nipples as he thrust, and his teeth bit lightly on the tip of Clark's nose.

Clark clenched his eyes shut as Lex teased him but he was thrusting against that spot inside of him so he didn't *care*. he arched with each stroke inside, meeting him as much as he could though he could hardly breathe with the pleasure lighting his body up, and moaned deeply as his nipples kept getting pinched. "Please, please, yes, please," A constant litany that exploded out of him as they moved.

Lex moved harder and faster still, his cock sliding in and out of his lover's ass with ease, each stroke pounding against the gland. His fingers flattened over Clark's chest as he braced himself on it, using the additional leverage to push himself deeper and faster. His eyes were closing as his head went back, and his hips were caught snugly by Clark's legs around his waist.

Clark *exploded*. Usually when he came he had the physical release first and the pleasure shortly afterward, but this time, it all mixed up into one big ball of GUH. He came so hard he fainted, his entire body strung like a bow as his cock painted his chest and belly with white, hitting under his chin and his nipples as his eyes rolled into his head with a shocked cry, and collapsed.

Lex couldn't move as Clark's body froze around him, and he had the pleasure of watching Clark's explosion. He committed every detail of it to his memory, watching the way Clark's eyes closed as he fainted, the loll of his head and the arch of his throat, even the taste of Clark's semen as he licked it off his lover's skin.

His hands gripped Clark's thighs tightly around his waist as he started stroking again, having held off his own orgasm only through Clark's gifts and shoving it down as hard as he could.

He felt slightly guilty about using Clark's body as he was passed out, but he knew--*knew*--he couldn't wait, and he leaned over, kissing his lover deeply to wake him.

Clark wouldn't have minded if he'd been awake enough to see it. All he knew at the moment was… nothing. Bliss.

And then suddenly, he woke up. To find himself. In bliss. His lover, stroking above him. Clark was aware of his muscles as they were lax, so much so that he couldn't move them if he wanted to, and his bleary, shocked, ecstasy filled eyes were brimming in pleasure as he looked at Lex in absolute *adoration*, dragging him down for a hard kiss.

Lex returned the hard kiss with equal fervor, stroking rapidly inside his lover, his strokes getting shorter and harder as his own orgasm neared. His hands had left his lover's hips and nipples and had woven tightly through his lover's hair, his eyes open and meeting his lover's as their tongues met over and over again, and then he gave a trembling cry as his cock seized inside his lover, spilling in hot spurts as he sucked Clark's tongue firmly.

Lex's erection expanded inside of him if possible, and suddenly there was a flood of warmth that made Clark shudder all over. Lex's come. Something he'd felt a thousand times or more but right here and right now it was like a warm, welcome beacon through the storm in his head. He moaned softly as Lex did, bearing down on the spurting organ and squeezing it tightly as his body shivered and shuddered, sweat making him slide on the blankets.

Lex wrapped his arms around Clark as his body shook out the rest of his orgasm. He collapsed on top of Clark, letting himself lie skin to skin, chest to chest, face to face with his lover, and the only part that didn't completely meld were their feet, because Lex's stopped a few inches short of Clark's. He snickered at that thought, and shared it with his lover because it was unbelievably hilarious at the time.

Clark blinked through the sweat falling in his eyes from his soaked hair, and couldn't help exploding into giggles. Exhausted giggles, but giggles nonetheless. he brought his legs down from Lex's waist, snuggling them around his feet as he groaned through his laughter at his ass, which was plenty, happily sore, and purred in pleasure even as he continued giggling.

Lex just burst into snickers after Clark's little explosion, and he rolled off his lover, carefully sliding out of Clark as he snuggled up to his lover's side, and wiped tears out of his eyes from the laughter. "Feeling better, aushna'?" he asked softly, still smiling widely. "I am."

He turned with him as his lover did, snuggling against his side and smiling at Lex's obvious pride. He grinned at him, knowing he had a stupid grin on his face, and stretched muscles that were deliciously sore. "I want that again. Sometime. I *like* the burn." He purred, even as he set his cheek on his lovers chest and shivered in pleasure, grunting softly as he closed his eyes and let his body rest.

"I do too, Clark," Lex said, pressing kisses to his lover's hair. "I do too." He ran his fingers through Clark's hair gently, petting and stroking him as he rested there, nibbling gently on the shell of an ear as it peeked through the scruffy hair. "You can have it whenever you want it."

He smiled at him, shyly, and gently played with his lovers chest as they came down from the delicious high. He was aware of how sticky he was but he didn't care, just stroking through what he'd left on Lex's chest, and murmured, "Was I good?"

Lex couldn't help a little crack-up at that. "You were better than good, Clark. You were amazing. Fucking *amazing.*" He paused for a second. "Or, is it amazing fucking?"

Okay. Clark just *beamed*. "Really? I mean, cause I forgot... how. Its kind of like a bicycle though, huh?" But then he snickered at Lex's turn of phrase, and nodded. "Both."

"Definitely both." He snuggled close to Clark. "You should never forget how to do that. If you have forgotten, it means you haven't been doing it enough. We've let your skills get rusty. We'll have to find a time every day to do this." Lex wasn't even *trying* to keep a straight face anymore.

Clark grinned, broadly, himself. "Yeah? Lots of practice? I wouldn't mind a lesson or eighty in oral sex, you know."

Lex just nodded. "I'll look in my appointment book, and see when I can squeeze in you--I mean, squeeze you in."

Clark burst out laughing all over again, rolling his eyes even as he laughed up at his lovers totally innocent face. "Spaz." But he grinned again and settled into the blankets, trying not to remember their life waiting for them right outside of their bedroom door, and slid his fingers through the cooling mess on his belly. And offered his fingers to Lex, after sucking on his thumb and licking the sweet, sugary taste of his come off of the pad of his finger.

"I prefer dork, if you don't mind." He dropped his head to suck Clark's fingers into his mouth, his tongue lapping up the sweet liquid as it was offered to him, sucking and licking each pad clean as possible before slowly pulling his mouth off.

Clark couldn't get enough of his lover sucking his fingers. He *loved* it. He licked where Lex had, tasting the sweet, musky flavor of his saliva, and purred gently as he set the same hand on Lex's tummy and finally let his muscles relax. "It doesn't taste bad." He whispered.

"It tastes very, very good," Lex whispered back, as though imparting a great secret, and he propped his head up on one elbow as he looked down, smiling at his lover. "You know, I should be in the shower right now, and so should you, so that I can work a few more hours before going to your parents' house tonight, and yet I can't find it in myself to get up." He reached over his head for the chocolate milk, just starting to go warm, and for the bag of cookies.

Clark grinned himself, a slightly giddy, stupid grin, and shook his head. "Me too. Tired. Lionel's snoring. I feel so good." A long stretch... a twinge in his back sang and he grunted, rubbing it absently and frowning. "Why does my back hurt?"

"Probably because you're not used to being contorted around me and being able to feel it." He paused. "Roll over, and I'll rub it for you." He shook off the mention of his father's snoring, and thought that Clark's powers had drained back into his lover without noticing it.

Clark heard the whispered thought, and his lips twitched. "No, baby. You've been listening to him snore for the last half hour. I can hear him in your head." A little grin as he rubbed Lex's temple, but shook his head at the words. "No. I like the ache. Its..." A low, long shiver of delight.

"I have?" Lex just shook his head. "Christ this is weird. I hadn't realized I was even listening to Dad." He smiled at the shiver, and dropped his head back down to Clark's shoulder. "It's comfortable."

"Yeah. its like, background fuzz noise. You have to think about it to pick it up. Like..." He looked toward the door. "Listen for Ms. Bird. Can you hear her? Concentrate on her."

Lex tuned into hearing the background noise that Clark was talking about, and as soon as he did, all he had to do was think Ms. Bird and suddenly there she was, humming softly in the kitchens as she puttered around making tea, occasionally singing a verse of song in German.

Clark grinned as he heard the echoes in his lovers head and blushed softly in pleasure. "See? Its not hard. Its how I can listen to a lot of people at once, but I put in the catch device there so I won't unconsciously listen in on peoples conversations."

Lex nodded. "I understand that." He tuned Ms. Bird out again, letting her filter back into the unconscious background noise as he snuggled in. "I didn't realize how much this was for you to handle," he admitted softly. "The last time I had your abilities... I wasn't myself either."

"I know." he stroked his lovers head softly beside him, tenderly tracing his jaw as his body became uncomfortably aware of Lex's close proximity, and he almost purred in pleasure. "But now you are. Isn't it a rush?"

"It is a rush," Lex nodded, letting his fingers play with the trail of hair below Clark's navel. "I don't... think that I could handle it. Not full time, anyway," he hastened to reassure his lover.

"Sometimes it gets hard. But not always. Sometimes it comes in handy." He looked at his lover, gently, stroking his cheekbone. "Lex? I'm really happy."

Lex grinned. "I'm glad you're happy, Clark." He smiled. "I'm happy too."

"Just here, though." He rose his fingers to gently slide over Lex's back and butt, stroking softly and rubbing his lovers perineum gently, taking utmost pleasure in thumbing it. "I like being here with you." Another stroke, and was his body awake? yes. Yes, it was.

Lex arched into the gentle caresses and nibbled Clark's neck. "I like being here with you," he admitted. "There's a whole, ugly world outside this door, but it doesn't matter, as long as I'm in here with you. I don't have to think about it or deal with it as long as we're in here together, and I've got you."

"Musshyyy." Clark chastised, even as he rubbed his lovers hanging balls gently, taking pleasure in their shape as he gently thumbed the backs of them. "Pretty." He murmured, and mouthed Lex's nipple softly, flickering his tongue across the flat of it. "I want you to get a nipple ring." He murmured, gently, kissing the little nub softly. "Like your dad's."

"No, Clark, that's not at all a turn-off, mentioning my father when you're fondling my balls." He stuck his tongue out at his lover.

Clark didn't pay attention to that, just grinning at him as he nipped sharply at the nub. "Right here. A little one. It sensitizes your nipple all the time, permanent." He whispered, though he wasn't sure if he was serious or not, as he sucked lightly on the nipple.

"I promised to get them both done for you in Ireland," Lex reminded softly. "I haven't forgotten, I just haven't had time." He covered Clark's hands with his own, then gave a little gasp as Clark's teeth closed on his nipple.

He grinned upwards as he nibbled softly on the little button of flesh, rubbing the other one with his thumb as he murmured, "I'm not entirely serious. It'd just be sexy."

"Well, I am serious," Lex murmured softly. "I'd have to leave them in permanently, or have them re-pierced if I ever took them out, because it only took my ear a few days to close entirely when I was eighteen."

"I wish I could be pierced." Clark murmured, licking his lover mid-chest before slithering down.

"You probably could be, if I had your powers. Of course it'd seal up when you took them back, but if there were a stud or ring in your skin, it couldn't seal around it."

Clark shivered all over, and purred softly. "Maybe we can, sometime, then." he murmured sweetly, eyes dancing as he licked his lovers cheek, his throat, and then back down to press a gentle, gentle kiss on his lovers nipple and squirmed from around him to sitting up. "My hairs are sticking together." Declared announcement, with a stout nod.

"Fortunately, I don't have that problem," Lex smirked, lying on his back, one leg crooked as he thumbed across his nipple.

Clark looked at him as Lex touched and fondled his own body, and shivered all over as he rose. "Be… right back." He stumbled into the bathroom, blood rushing both to cock and head, and pushed a handcloth under the tap. He moistened it, rung it out, before walking a wee bit steadier back to his lover. He scrubbed off the come from his belly and chest as he did, before falling to straddle his lovers lap, and stroked Lex's cock firmly to harden it once more.

Lex just watched his lover from under lowered lids, still stroking his thumb over his nipple as Clark stroked his cock to full readiness, and he smiled up lazily, letting himself be scrubbed clean like royalty, with a smug little grin.

Clark stuck his tongue out at his lover, grinning as he scrubbed them both clean, keeping the cloth nearby as he stroked his lover hard, and without a word, without one *word*, wiped the smug grin from Lex's face by sitting down on the nice, long, tense problem between Lex's thighs. He rose up, using the lubrication and come from just a few minutes before and arched his back as he slid Lex all... the way... down. The burn was *excellent* and he hissed, stopping twice before he could settle down sitting in his lovers lap with a half crazed expression. He bent forward, elbows by his lovers ears, and purred softly as he began to push back and forth, jerkily. "Help?"

Lex's hands answered the call for help, his eyes closed but finding Clark's body by touch and instinct. "Slowly, like this," he said softly, prying his eyes open after Clark was settled, and guiding him in a smooth rocking motion, lifting up and down to slide in and out as he moved back and forth. "Just like this."

"Oh...good." Clark gasped into his lovers ear before rising up the smallest onto his palms, and began to move. His mouth found his lovers, kissing him deeply. His tongue stroked into Lex's mouth and claimed it for his own, fingers sliding over his head and cupping the back as he began to move. The strokes weren't as long as they were the first time but it still felt *excellent* and he purred in happiness as he began to move up and down, back and forth in earnest, all the while nipping Lex's mouth.

Lex raised his hips with each of Clark's thrusts, and kissed his lover deeply. His tongue still tasted the lingering bits of Clark's come on their tongues and he sucked at it greedily, his hands sliding down Clark's hips to grip his ass tightly and squeeze roughly, helping slide his lover up and down his cock with hard, but steady strokes.

And as Clark smiled, gently, down at his handsome lover and leaned down to kiss him, he didn't realize, couldn't hear, that Lionel was awake. If he had he would have stopped. but as it was he just licked his lover's cheek, his lips, and continued to thrust, slow and sure.

Lionel was awake. He'd been awake, actually, for the last ten or fifteen minutes. He'd gotten up to use the bathroom, and that's when he'd heard the muffled thumps from his son's bedroom. He'd walked past the wall twice, once on his way to the restroom and once on his way back, and the thumps had been accompanied on the trip back, by giggles, moans, and wet slurps that Lionel could only imagine were kisses.

And it killed him. Every one of those noises reminded him of the empty bed he'd woken up in, the other half cold and lifeless. He was reminded of why he never slept anymore, as his hands ghosted over the empty half of the bed.

He should have been up, packing his things and Dominic's, bringing clean clothes and clean pajamas, folding up blankets and socks and he couldn't bring himself to do it. Every thump, every slurp, every giggle tore at his heart, pulling out chunks of it with every noise.

Part of him wanted to beat on the door and demand that they stop, stop this instant, but part of him wouldn't do it, saying in soft, Irish-tinged tones to let them love, for as long as they could forget the world was waiting for them.

Lionel's only problem was he couldn't forget.



go on to the next part