
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 272: Irish Poker

The harsh jangling of the five AM alarm came early. Too early, Lex thought, and he stay motionless in bed for several long moments as he stared at the ceiling. Too much to do today, not enough time to get it all done in, and he was cold despite the fact he'd been leaching heat off Clark all night.

He wondered, briefly, if the muddle of dark dreams he'd had during the night were a precursor to the day's events. The week itself was dragging, the hours creeping by slowly, and he wondered if anyone would notice if he left. If he simply shunned all of his responsibilities, all of his worries, and just stayed, here in the room with Clark, where nothing bad could make it past the walls of their shared bedroom.

The alarm continued to jangle sharply until Lex rolled over to turn it off, and jerked back as he heard a puppy squeak where it had been accidentally squished by his rolling over.

"Dun skish bebies."

Clark was already half awake, had been for five minutes, because he couldn't roll over Lex to take the alarm off without squishing tiny babies *and* his lover. So he'd stayed right where he was, curled up against Lex's side, their legs still twined, their bodies snuggled in close to one another. Clark was still half asleep on Lex's shoulder blade, and already it felt like he'd slept for an eternity, when in fact it had been something like seven hours. Too long for him to sleep, and he yawned again, deeply, struggling to wake up.

Lex paused for a minute, trying to decipher that, and finally came up with, don't squish the babies. "I'm trying not to." But he finally managed to get the alarm turned off without any more puppy squishing, and he reached under him, picking up the fat blob of Samson butt that had nestled right by his hip. "Here's your squeak toy."

"Mmmm." Clark muttered, closing his eyes again and resting his head against cozy Lex shoulder. He yawned, deeply, and struggled to sit up a little without having to actually move. Meaning he didn't move, period.

Lex chuckled softly. "We're going to need bathroom breaks all around in a minute," he warned. "Unless you want to change the bed."

"P'nis is too hard to pee." Clark muttered, not particularly liking the feeling, but one he'd had to deal with for the past seven years of his life.

Lex wriggled his ass against the organ in question. "Mmmm. So it is." He reached back behind himself, gripping Clark's cock tightly and stroking him. "Let's see if we can get rid of that."

"Meep!" Stroking it bad! Good, but bad! "Stop that! I've got to pee like a racehorse." Which came out more of a whine than anything, and he struggled with stroking into Lex's hand, or going to take a nice, long piss.

Lex nodded, and moved his hand away. "Okay." He pushed himself up, his back against the headboard, peering out into the darkness by the window. The sun would be up soon, and he intended to be at work by the time it did. "Remind me before I leave to call Wally from the car phone and have him meet me at the office--I forgot to call him last night and tell him we're coming in early. I'm not going to roust Charlie, though; he deserves to sleep until seven."

Waiit wait wait. Noonnoono. "I have to pee. I didn't say stop." Clark murmured. "Gimmie sec. Gonna pee. Want you. Stay right where you are." He got up, albeit a bit unsteadily, and went to the bathroom. The morning piss was a thing of joy, and he quickly utilized all the happiness out of it, and flushed. Washed his hands, and his softening, but interested, cock. Scrubbed his teeth too, while he was at it, and then stumbled back into the bedroom and back into bed. The puppies were there, yeah, but they were on the other side of the bed, and for now Clark slid himself over that delicious body and arranged himself so he could snuggle his Lex in tight.

Lex just raised an eyebrow, following Clark into the bathroom and quickly urinated, washing his hands and going back to bed. He settled back down onto his side of the bed while the puppies had all deserted him for the warmth of Clark's side of the bed, and his hands were laced behind his head as he looked up at his lover as Clark loomed over him, and he grinned softly. "Good morning to you too."

"Mornin'." Clark muttered into Lex's neck, as he pulled him close and began to kiss and lick over that delicious body. the heat of the bed was wonderful, the puppies' snoring didn't bother him, and he began to lick over Lex's neck and throat, then down to his nipples as he arranged their cocks and began to undulate and rub against his wonderful lover.

Lex gave a contented, almost-purring sigh as Clark rubbed against him, his own cock stirring hard at the contact as he slid a hand down and caught both shafts in his hand, stroking and jacking them together, heads sliding over each other as he nibbled at Clark's earlobe.

"Mmmmm." His own low, contented groan echoed from his lips. He was too sleepy still for too much exertion on foreplay, and as it was obvious they were both very, very ready, Clark reached for the lube by their bed and opened it. He'd taken Lex just the day before, so he didn't bother stretching his lover, just stroking his fingers over his cock to fully slicken it, and then carefully led the way to his lovers entrance.

He breached it wordlessly, a soft gasp and low sound of pleasure escaping him over the heat and delicious tightness of Lex's body, and began to rock his way in gently, back and forth, slow and sure.

Lex held himself up for Clark's entry, but once his lover was inside, Lex let his legs wrap tightly around Clark's waist and he used the leverage to pull himself further down his lover's cock. His movements complemented Clark's rocking thrusts forward, so that quickly his lover's entire length was buried in his body.

"This is alright?" Clark whispered, very softly, against Lex's neck. He licked and sucked a hickey into the flesh of his collar bone, where a shirt could hide it, and slowly began to rock in and out of his lover. He carefully grasped his lovers hips, angling them up a little, and cupped the back of one so Lex would wind his legs around his back.

"This is perfect," Lex whispered back, arching into each stroke and sliding his legs up further, so that they were wrapped higher around Clark and he could thrust in deeper with each stroke.

His fingers slid through Clark's hair as he was marked, and he shivered in excitement at the suction as his cock twitched hungrily between their bodies.

Love making with Lex at the early parts of the morning, when the world was still asleep, had to be in the top three things he loved most about his life. Lex's body, slow and angular, would swell and rise up to meet him with every thrust. Those deep, soulful gray eyes would watch him, filled with their own wanton pleasure, and Clark would be lost. His skin, as pale as ivory, looked like porcelain under his hands and he was careful to stroke it gently, lest he hurt his wonderful, loving, perfect lover. He kissed his neck, his throat, his lips, tracing the scar with his tongue as he lay himself in the valley of Lex's hips and slowly thrust. Lazy, even, gentle, pleasure for the sake of having it with Lex.

And Lex answered every lazy thrust with a gentle rocking of his own. Wasn't trying to hurry it, wasn't even thinking about what time of the morning it was or what all he had to do. He wasn't thinking of anything except being with Clark.

His mouth still had the taste of Clark's skin from where he'd nibbled his lover's ear for long moments, his fingertips still felt the lines and ridges of Clark's shoulders and back, his heels rested right below the birthing scar and the little protrusion he knew would give Clark pleasure.

But he didn't rub it, not yet, just looking up at Clark with half-lidded eyes and arched neck, chest rubbing against his lover's with a barely-audible rasp of skin scraping against skin.

"Feels good?" Clark whispered into the gentle hollow of darkness between them, as he slowly moved. Lex's thighs, muscular and taut, were wonderfully provocative, and Clark stroked them gently with the heels of his palms. He licked Lex's neck again, softly, tenderly, and reached a hand down to his lover's erection to begin softly caressing it.

"Feels wonderful," Lex confirmed, moving his hands through Clark's hair and directing his aushna's mouth down to his for a hot, firm kiss. His shaft twitched hard as Clark's hand wrapped around it, and the head leaked a thick spurt of slick precome when it was touched.

Clark grinned into Lex's kiss as his fingers stroked over the hot spurt, using it to lubricate his strokes gently. The touch was familiar, wonderful, and he licked at Lex's lips as he shivered in pleasure. His cock was firmly incased, and he didn't know how he'd ever gotten over the feeling of wantingtocomerightnow whenever he got inside of his lover. It was delicious, and wonderful, and he murmured such as he kissed Lex's beautiful mouth gently.

With each of Clark's strokes on his shaft, Lex's muscles tightened hard around Clark's cock. He squeezed it as hard as he could, teasing and milking his lover's shaft with his muscles as he kissed, swallowing the murmurs with pleasure as he nibbled Clark's lips and gave back whispers of how much he loved his aushna'.

"Cheater. heard… thoughts." But Clark smiled at him, as he undulated his hips with each thrust inward, searching for Lex's prostate. He thrust in carefully at slow, different angles, murmuring his I-love-you's back at him as he shivered and trembled with pleasure.

Lex just gave a wolfish grin. "You love when I cheat," he teased back, then gave out a sharp cry as the head of Clark's cock stroked over his prostate. His legs locked and his back stayed arched in the same position, his head rubbing furiously against the pillow as he whimpered out begs and pleadings for more and harder

Christ, Clark was undone when his lover reacted to the thrust. He smiled, ferociously, and purred back, "Ditto." Before he drew his hips back and thrust in, a little sharper than before. He smiled ferally, thoroughly enjoying the whimpers under him as he stroked Lex's cock, and brought Lex's free hand up to stroke his own nipples. "Just like that baby, just like that," He grunted, shivering with each wonderful movement.

Lex cried out with a hard little "uh!" as Clark stroked in sharply, and his teeth bared, begging for more thrusts just like it. His cock shuddered with every fierce stroke, and he dragged his nails roughly over his nipples as Clark guided his hand, pinching and pulling on the hard little nubs as he squirmed, his ass pulsing and tightening with every twist and every thrust.

Clark gave another feral grin, wicked around the edges, and pulled his hips back to thrust in sharply, just like that. Yes, just like riding a bicycle--it came back to him in spades, and he purred, deeply, in erotic pleasure as he began to pull and push, thrust and heave, giving his lover everything he wanted and more. He could almost feel the heat coming off of Lex's body like it was a pliable thing, and his mouth attacked Lex's, kissing him as deeply and as hard as he could as the tingle from his nipples shot straight to his balls.

Lex's body was moving quickly, thrusting up to accept Clark's deep driving thrusts inside of him, his legs were tight around Clark's back as he used the leverage to keep himself close, pulling Clark in to the hilt with legs and muscles as he cried out with harsh, staccato grunts of sheer ecstasy as Clark pounded him. Over and over, the specific spot where his prostate was, and Lex's cock was hard and aching, squirting precome with almost every breath.

"Come on, baby. Come on, aushna'." Clark growled softly in agonized ecstasy, as he thrust against his lover, pulling frantically on his throbbing cock. "Come for me, come for me, my beautiful lover. Come for me, come so hard for me, lover." Because he was already feeling his balls contract, losing control of his body, and he groaned as he pushed against Lex's hips, and the puppies began to wake up.

For a moment, Lex didn't think his body was going to listen to Clark's command, then he froze, his back arched as his cock twitched heavily, and Lex dragged his nails down his nipples to finish the job. He cried out, at the hard scrape and the explosion of semen that jetted hard out of his cock as he clamped tighter around his lover's cock.

Clark moaned, softly, deeply, as his lover came, and erupted right after him. he could feel his balls contract, felt his cock explode with semen, and groaned softly as his orgasm came moments later. It washed over his body, instead of an inferno a warm sweep of hot water, making his very toes curl with absolutely mind boggling pleasure.

Lex panted softly as he could feel Clark's scalding hot seed spilling into his body, and he gave a long, luxuriant groan as the heat spread out inside of him, warming him to the core and spreading to the tips of his fingers and the corners of his mouth as he smiled.

Clark's eyes were clenched shut, his elbows on either sides of Lex's shoulders, face screwed up as he pumped his pleasure into his lovers body. He groaned, deeply, jerkily, his cock shuddering, as he finally sprawled out on Lex's body with a heavy, deep, agonized sound of "Uuuhh."

Lex didn't stir to move his lover, instead wrapping his arms around Clark's shoulders and holding their bodies together, both their cocks still trapped--his between their bodies, Clark's inside his, and he snuggled with his lover tightly.

Ever so slowly, after the squeezes of coital bliss had abated, Clarks softened cock slid out of its own accord, a shift of his hips pulling the head out. As soon as he was he shifted down and lay his head down on Lex's chest, wet hips pressing into the sheets, Lex's soaking wet cock pressed to his chest. Didn't care. It felt so good, so wonderful, and he moaned softly in pleasure as he gently hugged Lex's hips.

Lex whined softly at the loss but didn't protest it, instead letting his fingers slide up to card through Clark's hair gently, stroking and petting it easily as he looked down at the beautiful features he'd come to memorize. "Hey," he said softly.

Low, breathy groan in response. "'ey." He muttered back, shivering in the morning air from the cold, and from the ache that had finally lessened in his crotch. "Bicycle. Not hard."

"What?" Lex asked, chuckling.

Clark blinked at Lex's low laughing and looked up, aware his hair was sticking up, aware there was a streak of Lex's come on his cheek, but didn't care, just grinning dopily. "Sex. Its like a bicycle. Once you ride, you never forget."

Lex chuckled again. "Yes, yes, I do suppose that's true, but... I'm not seeing the connection that created that... puzzling metaphor."

"Cause I thought I forgot how." Clarks dimples could have been cradles as his eyes twinkled up at his gorgeous lover, giving his chest a soft lick. "I love you, Lex."

Lex leaned forward enough to lick over Clark's tongue. "I'm glad you didn't forget, though I would have taught you again."

A low, low purr. "Maybe I should have played dumb." But his eyes twinkled as he said it, before growing serious. "Lex... when all of this is cleared up? I started, a long time ago, to look inside of me, see my physiology. I want… I want you to start it again. Whenever we have a chance. Because...because if something ever happens to me..." His throat bobbed. "I talked to my dad about it last night, after you went to sleep. He and I talked for a long time."

"Did it help?" Lex asked quietly. "And if your father's right, there may be records in your ship, more complete records than I can make, about your physiology and what does what."

"Talking to dad? Yes. He told me a lot of things about my mom." At that, Clark's eyes warmed with bittersweet happiness. "Did you know she was a redhead?"

"No, I didn't know that, but I'm not surprised. They're often the most beautiful women on the planet." He gave a little grin. "What else did your father tell you?"

Clark's lips twitched, eyes brightened as Lex told him that, and he grinned softly, rubbing his cheek against Lex's nipple. "Some rituals. He talked, in length, about me birth and Kon, so that when we decide to… you know, we'll be prepared. A lot of stuff I didn't know about, a lot of rituals involved I didn't know about. He told me what my world was like."

Lex's fingers still stroked through Clark's hair. "We will be prepared. It won't be like last time, I promise you, and you won't be alone." He kissed the crown of his lover's head, all he could reach with Clark that far down on him, and then winced. "I think my spinal column is starting to protest all those years I folded it in half."

"I was wondering when you'd say something." Big grin and he rolled off of his lover's chest, crawling up his body to snuggle in against his side instead, trying not to wake the puppies anymore than they were as he snuggled against his lovers side. "I can't believe we just had sex with them asleep next to us." He whispered, grinning wickedly as he kissed Lex's earlobe.

"I can't believe they didn't wake up," Lex said dryly, turning on his side just a little, and stroking over Clark's chest. "What time are you going to relieve Graham, and is today the day Toni goes to see the obstetrician?"

"In about thirty minutes." Clark murmured, as he kissed Lex's chin gently. "Yes, she is. I'm relieving him so they can go together." A gentle stroke of Lex's cheek. "I'm going to take Lionel with me. I can hear him in the shower."

"If he'll go," Lex said softly. "I'm surprised he didn't go back during the night, actually." He looked down at his and Clark's intertwined hands. "The fact that my father won't go with Toni to the doctor is one of the reasons why I think he might not want anything to do with her when she's born."

"No, I mean… take him back with me to Dominic. I don't know why he didn't go back, but I'm glad he didn't." he nodded, and kissed Lex's neck gently. "Don't talk like that. Today's a new day, Lex. Look at it like that. Don't sink back into pain, okay? Promise me." He leaned in to press a kiss against Lex's cheek, then jaw, then lips, and rose up. "Gonna take a quick shower and join him, kay?"

"I'll promise to try," he said quietly. "That's about all I can promise." He watched Clark stand, and leaned forward to run his hand over his lover's flank. "I'm going to shower after you, and head to LuthorCorp. If you call my office, the call will be re-routed to Carolyn, and she knows to put you straight through no matter what."

"Okay." Clark kissed Lex again, gently, before he literally supersped through his shower, teeth brushing, combing, and clothes. Thirty seconds later, if not less, Clark was standing by the bedroom door, sighing softly as he ran his fingers through his still damp hair. "I love you, Lex."

"I love you, Clark." By the time Clark had completely finished, Lex had barely got himself out of bed and over to the dresser. He was staring into his underwear drawer, and wishing for coffee. "Call me... and let me know how they're both doing," Lex asked softly, before Clark could disappear out the door.

"I will." He leaned over, and kissed Lex's cheek, licking and kissing again, before he turned and he was gone.

Today, he'd gone simple. Floppy jeans, t-shirt, flip flops. It was already proving to be a warm day, if the heat in the hall was anything to say, and he had a satchel over his chest. In it was the first Harry Potter book, a warm blanket, several CD's, and a small CD player. He'd add a thermos and some snacks before he left, but for now... he knocked quietly on Lionel's door.

"Come in, Clark," Lionel called softly, towel from the shower still wrapped around his waist as another lay slung over his shoulders, catching the drips from his hair before he clicked the hair dryer back on.

Clark didn't want to know how Lionel knew it was him, but he opened the door anyway, and carefully closed it behind him. he tucked the strands of his longish hair now back from his temples, and quietly stepped in. The bed was made, everything looked in order, and he walked to the bright light spilling in from the bathroom. "Hi, Lionel, g'morning."

"No, it isn't," he said over the soft roar of the machine blowing hot air through the thick, billowing strands.

"Nope. Not really, anyway." He answered, as he leaned against the door frame and watched Lionel dry his hair. "Grahams with Dominic. I checked on him, twice, last night, and I'm going to go take over for him. I was wondering if you'd like to join me."

Lionel didn't answer for a long moment, until his hair was dry and he put down the dryer. "No, but you are more than welcome to join me. Seeing as I belong there and you do not."

"Stop, Lionel. You hurt my feelings when you say those things." Clark answered quietly. It was terrible to say but it was true, dammit, and he wasn't going to deal with it any more. "But, I will join you. I brought Harry Potter along, Dominic will be happy. His favorite's Prisoner of Azkaban, but I can't find Lex's copy. Do you have one?"

"They're all in his room, on the shelf in the second cabinet beside the bed, in chronological order. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is also there," he answered flatly.

"Ah. Lex must have put it somewhere, then. Should I get Dominic's copy, from the library?"

"I meant they're already in Dominic's hospital room. I took them there myself last week."

"Oh, okay." Clark nodded, as he watched Lionel finish drying his hair. He was cheered, quietly, that Lionel didn't put him down for daring to utter that he was hurting his feelings. Taking the feeling to heart, he leaned against the door frame a little more comfortably. "You may want to dress cool. Its gonna be a scorcher today."

"I have been choosing my own clothing since I was eight years old, Clark. I think I am yet capable," Lionel said, tossing the damp towel around his shoulders into the bathroom, uncaring where it fell.

"Sure have. I was just making a suggestion, as you haven't been outside yet." Neither had he, but that was despite the point.

"And I suppose you have been, or were you a bit too busy with my son to make it out into this "scorching" day, hmm?" Lionel ran the brush through his hair, barely watching his reflection in the mirror as he fought his hair down into some sort of tameness.

That cut to the marrow, but his face didn't even tick as he looked at Lionel evenly. "I've been busy with Lex, and my father, as well as my pets and Ms. Bird, Lionel." He said carefully, knowing full well Lionel didn't understand the depths of the insult he'd just given him, but ignoring it. For now. "Did you sleep well?"

"Does it really matter?" he asked, finally putting down the brush and running his fingers through his clean, untangled hair. "I slept--that should be sufficient."

"It is sufficient." He leaned back so Lionel could pass when he needed to. "Is there anything else you're going to bring?"

"No," he answered shortly.

"Maybe a blanket for Dominic?" Quietly asked, as he grasped the satchel strap comfortably.

"They won't allow more blankets than I've already brought," he snapped. "They don't want him to get too warm, because that will cause his blood vessels to swell and make it harder to pump blood through them. It's why the room is so cold as it is, to keep the arteries and veins open so the blood pumps unobstructed."

Clark bit his tongue. Physically. To stop himself. "Are you angry with me, Lionel?"

"No, Clark. Why would I be angry with you? Because I was forcibly removed by you from my husband's hospital room? Because you've continued to disrespect me and treat me like I am five years old despite the fact I'm nearly six times that age? Because you've been in there fucking your lover whenever and however you please when mine may be dying and you were the one who took me away? No, I'm not angry with you at all." He snapped the belt he had just gotten out of the closet, and then traded it for a black leather one that he threw onto the bed with the other clothing he'd laid out.

Clark's eyes filled with tears and he turned his head away for a few moments, to remind himself why he was doing it in the first place. Lionel, the old codger, was born with a very talented and sharp tongue. Something Clark wasn't all that used to dealing with, but he could try now. So he looked into the bathroom as Lionel dressed behind him, clearing his throat almost silently before he could speak. "I understand you're angry with me." He said evenly, quietly. "One day, you'll realize why I did it. For now, get your stuff. I'll see you at the hospital."

"I understand now why you did it," Lionel said calmly, tucking his shirt in. "Because you think that a wet-behind-the-ears teenager knows what's better for me, a grown man, than I myself do."

"Know the pathetic thing? This wet behind the ears teenager has ten times more sense than you do right at the moment. Don't fuck with me, Lionel." Calmly said, as he looked at him evenly.

"Sense? Quite possibly. Sensitivity and feeling? I quite doubt it." He finished tucking his shirt in, then did the buttons at the collar before picking up his belt and starting to thread it through the loops.

"Nope. All my sensitivity died with my kid." Clark shot back, evenly.

"Providing you had it to begin with," Lionel inserted smoothly, sliding the tongue of the belt through each loop before buckling it securely around his waist, a notch in from where he usually wore it.

"Oh, I did. Though maybe its all of the time I'm spending with you that's such a bad influence." Retorted coolly.

"Which I do believe that both your father and my son warned you of," he said, sitting down to pull on his socks. "Which just goes to show you that you listen to neither of them, so why I expected you to listen to me, I do not know."

"Naaah. They just warned me that you're a bastard. Though, oddly, quite sensitive when the mood suits you." Clark answered as he straightened up, watching Lionel put his shoes on.

"Which is quite true, and thank you for the compliment." Lionel tied each shoe in a crisp knot, then dusted off his hands as he stood up.

"If the shoe fits." Clark let himself smile a little. "After we get there I'll run for some food. Maybe some coffee, and pastries."

"Whatever you'd like to do," Lionel said diplomatically, collecting his jewelry off the table and straightening his shirt as he put on his watch, then made sure both ring bands were turned up properly.

"Mmm. You still take your coffee black, with sugar, right?"

"Yes, I do, but don't bother yourself; I'm quite capable of purchasing my own coffee as I drive to the hospital and from the hospital coffee shop, hence the name of the facility, coffee shop."

"Of course you do." Clark said diplomatically, as he lifted his weight from the frame and opened the bedroom door. "But of course it wouldn't be a bother."

"No, of course not. Just one more way to take care of the doddering old fool."

"Naah. Just because I'm nice, and want some coffee too. Besides, it'll give you time to talk to Dominic, and the doctors and all. There's more important things than coffee, after all." Clark answered lightly, as he stood in front of the bedroom door, offering Lionel out the way first.

Lionel didn't deign to look at Clark as he walked past, and made sure that his body contacted none of the boy's body as he held open the door.

Clark didn't dare let himself smile, just following quietly in suit.

Lionel went quietly down the hallway, down the side staircase and paused only long enough to pick up his briefcase, and a laptop in a black carrying case with the LuthorCorp logo on it. He shouldered both items, and glared at Clark over his shoulder. "Shall I leave a trail of breadcrumbs for you, or are you going to simply shadow me all day?"

"Mmm. As long as they're part of a cheese sandwich. I'm famished." Answered sweetly as he picked up his own laptop to work on his story, sliding it into his satchel, and deciding if he got the thermos, Lionel would leave without him. "I can run to the hospital, though, in case you don't want me to sully up the leather of your car."

"You mean you'd actually allow a simpleton like me behind the wheel of his own car without supervision? I'm touched, truly."

"Of course. You are a grown adult, Lionel."

"And you can admit that after the way you've treated me over the last twenty-four hours? I don't believe my heart can take the shock."

"You should know by now that I like to surprise people." Clark offered a grin back, and just rose his brows, rocking back on his heels. "So? What do you say? Allowing me to drive with you?"

"Oh, I'm feeling quite magnanimous today. You can ride in the car with me, as long as you do not say a single word."

"Okay. No promises, but I'll try." Clark answered serenely, crossing his heart with the tip of his index finger. "Lead on."

"It's quite simple, dear boy. Keep your mouth shut, and you'll have no problems." He strode rapidly through the kitchen, barely pausing to pick up keys from the pegboard by the garage door before walking through the garage, through Lex's cars, and onto the other side, where his own cars were kept.

The keys he had pulled down were to his Bentley, and he sighed as he walked over to the car, running his hand over the curved wheel well and the smooth domed roof. "Get in, and if you soil my interior, you will pay for it."

"Unless I start making like Samson, I won't soil anything, Lionel." Clark answered back stoically as he slid into the car, setting the satchel on the floor at his feet as he pulled the seat belt on over his chest. He kept quiet though as Lionel had instructed, instead yawning softly as he looked out the window, wrapping his arms across his chest.

"Well, we can't take any chances now can we? There's yesterday's newspapers in the back seat just in case." He slid into the car's driver's side, then cranked the car up and listened to the smooth purr of the engine as he closed his eyes. His hand stroked over the steering wheel once, and before he realized it, he was crying. Hard enough to shake his shoulders but silently, and his knuckles clutched the wheel tightly.

Dominic had taken such pride and treasure in his car, and Lionel was suddenly hit with the very big realization that he might never be able to drive one ever again.

When Lionel just began to sob uncontrollably, Clark stared. For a half a second. Before he tentatively touched Lionel's shoulders, his heart breaking at the sobs shaking Lionel's body, and he wanted so badly to wrap him tightly in his arms, but knew better than to do it if Lionel didn't want it. "Lionel… Lionel." He whispered hoarsely, and stroked his still slightly damp hair from his face.

Lionel didn't answer, just felt out blindly for Clark's arm and followed it to his shoulder, crushing Clark against him as his face hid in Clark's shoulder, soaking the thick flannel as he squeezed Clark tightly, hiccupping softly as he breathed through the wracking sobs.

Alright. That was all Clark needed. He squeezed Lionel to his body as closely as Lionel would let him, wrapping his arms around the shaking man and hugging him hard to his body. "Shh, I know. I know, sweetheart. I know. Its okay, I'm here, you don't have to worry." He pressed his face into Lionel's hair and held him close as he cried into him. "I love you so much. You've been so strong, Lionel. But you don't have to be strong with me, or Lex, because we're your family. We're here for you, and we're going to do everything we can to make sure things turn out okay. Okay? Shhh, don't cry, don't cry sweetie."

Lionel couldn't seem to stop, and he wasn't bothered by it. He knew that he shouldn't be crying, but he knew too that Clark wouldn't care. Clark was like him; Clark had lost things, lost a son, lost a family, knew Clark would understand better than anyone else, and he couldn't *stop* the flow of ache and upset that poured out of him.

But Clark understood. He loved Lionel so much, and understood better than anyone, even Lex. So he gently held Lionel to his chest, hugging him as the man sobbed into his shoulder, and ignored the break digging into his side. He just gently stroked Lionel's hair, his face, and held him close as he wept.

Lionel couldn't help shivering. The fucking car, the car of all things being the one that broke him down, and it was stupid, it was insane and unbelievable, but it was. And he didn't fight Clark anymore, didn't argue with him or anything, just cried in front of him as he couldn't in front of anyone else.

"I love you, you know," Clark murmured, gently, kissing his cheeks softly and cupping that sobbing face. "So much. You're like my dad. But look at me, Lionel--look at me." He waited until those dark brown eyes were on his own, and gazed quietly at him through his own sheen of tears. "Dominic will be okay. He's your aushna'--that power will carry you through anything. You love him like you haven't loved anyone, ever. Do you think that kind of love doesn't have a balance? That its sacred, and will always prevail?" He gently made Lionel look at him again. "Have faith, not in God, not in fate, but in what you and Dominic share. He won't leave you. He loves you too much to leave you."

"I try," Lionel said, his throat slightly hoarse and getting worse. "I try to have faith, Clark, but I can't. It's too hard, to want something so much that it's the only thing you can dream about, think about, hope about, and every day it not happening chipping away at the faith you had before, one ore day of your faith being misplaced, rejected, renounced."

"Its not hard." Clark gave him a soft shake, hearing the choked words, and nearly crying with them himself. "Its not too hard, Lionel. You can do it, you're Lionel bloody Luthor, you created an empire from the ground up, you're ruthless, you're cunning, you're Slytherin. Don't tell me you're going to give up."

"I'm not giving up," Lionel said. "I'm just too old and too tired to keep fighting."

"That's a damn lie." He glared. "You're not too old, and you're not too tired. You're more tenacious than Chloe is, you could charm the birds from the trees, you're strong and resilient and you've got a family who loves you. A family including me. And I wouldn't look up to someone who was too old and too tired to keep fighting."

Lionel just shook his head. "I can't stop death, Clark. I couldn't stop your son from dying. I can't stop Dominic from dying if he doesn't want to stay. And I'm scared, Clark," he finally confessed. "Because many is the time he's told me that he is broken or damaged goods, and that I deserved better. If he thinks that... I don't know that he won't take the chance to leave me entirely."

"Shame on you." Clark growled, low in his throat. "He would have never agreed to have a baby with you if he'd take the first chance to die. Stupid man. Your daughter is only months from coming into the world. Dominic wouldn't have ever said yes, he wouldn't have ever agreed to something like that because his dad died. Why would he want his daughter to only grow up with one parent too?"

"He knows that I've asked you and Lex to take care of Aurora should anything happen," he said quietly. "I told him that not long ago, when I had my will changed to reflect her birth. The Guardianship papers are at the lawyer's office, waiting only for Lex's signature, and yours if you'd like."

"Yes. But Lex and I have already said that when our children are born, if anything happens to us, we want you and Dominic to take care of them." Clark said just as softly, as he gently hugged Lionel again. "Don't lose yourself that way yet, Lionel, not yet. Have faith in him. He won't leave you, I know he won't."

"I try and believe the same thing," Lionel said. "And most times, I do. But there are moments where I falter."

"That's why I'm here. To goad it out of you." Clark murmured gently, as he tenderly let him go. "Why do you think I'm been pissing you off for two days?"

"Because Elaine told you to," he said frankly, straightening up as Clark let him go and trying to push his hair back over his shoulder.

"Ahh, now that's crap. I just met the woman yesterday, and I like to think my approach is better, since it doesn't involve rolled up newspapers." Clark said gently, but smiled a little at him as he helped him straighten all of that fluffy hair. "Feel better?"

"Your approach is the more dangerous," Lionel said softly, and nodded. "Yes, I think I'm all right, thank you." He looked over at Clark. "And, I apologize."

"You don't have to apologize. We're family. Its alright to act like that." Clark smiled a little at him, to make sure he knew it was alright. "Next time though? Its okay to talk to me, you know. Lex and I are trying to help... you don't really think he's trying to take over the company, do you?"

"No, I actually don't. I don't think he's ready yet, nor do I think he has the desire for it." Lionel dragged his fingers through his hair as he sighed.

"He doesn't. He's doing it until you can again." Clark affirmed, looking at him sideways. "And Wally and Charlie both need substantial raises when you get back."

"If Lex doesn't take care of it, then I shall personally," Lionel nodded. "I don't know when I'll return to LuthorCorp."

"Which is why Lex took it up. So you don't have to worry about returning to LuthorCorp until Dominic's well." Clark murmured, and squeezed Lionel's arm gently. "And why I'm sticking to you like glue, so I can keep you aware of everything happening, and run things by you. Call me your personal secretary and gofer."

"Then you need a raise too," Lionel said with a soft chuckle, and turned off the car, holding the keys out to Clark. "Would you?"

Clark smiled at the soft chuckle, and nodded firmly, as he put his satchel in the back seat and climbed up out of the car to trade places with Lionel.

"Thank you." Lionel climbed out of the driver's seat and walked around, into the passenger seat. "If you're not on the LuthorCorp payroll, you should be."

"Naah. I already live here, not much else I need." Clark said softly, as he slid into the front seat and buckled up. "Get your seat belt on. Hey, did I tell you that Perry wants me to do an advanced column for July, for the Entertainment section? He wants me to go to a concert and report on it. Me! Reporting!"

"Still, though, you should have some sort of compensation for all the trouble you've been through on behalf of this family, myself especially." He clicked his seatbelt over his shoulder and lap, and looked over at Clark. "I'm sure you'll be quite capable and return the best review possible. Whom are you reviewing? And if you need tickets or anything, do speak to Lex or myself, though I am sure your press pass will get you in."

"Lionel?" Clark stopped him from talking quietly, as he touched Lionel's hand. "I don't need compensation for loving you, and for loving Lex. Get real." He started the car quietly, cranking it out of park gently, making sure to take care with Lionel's car as he pulled it out of park. "Justin Timberlake. Perry's got the advanced tickets already, I'm taking Lex with me." At that, his lips twitched wickedly, and he started out of the garage.

"Does he know he's going?" Lionel asked softly.

"Nope. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him," Clark answered mildly. "That horror is for next month."

"My lips shall remain sealed, however I wish you the absolute best of luck convincing him to go along," Lionel answered back, just as mildly.

"I won't have to convince him. Lionel, I've got the puppy eyes down to an art form."

Lionel looked out the window, quietly, at that. "So did Dominic," he answered softly, almost whispering.

"What's all this 'did' crap?" Clark said sharply, reminding him of what they'd just talked about. "Don't you know that you're going to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off when he wakes up? He's going to milk this one for everything its worth."

"And I will be so glad to let him," Lionel said, putting his hand on the window. "I'll let him talk me into shaving my head if I thought that would make him wake up, smile, or laugh."

"You know he's going to skin you alive for letting them shave his hair, right?" Clark rose a brow at him. "You're going to be paying for whatever bald spots he gets for the next twenty years, Lionel." A sad noise at him. "There's always Rogaine."

"I'll pay for hair transplants, if that's what it takes. But, the only good thing that I can see is that the doctors are predicting it to grow back thicker."

"Really? Now, that he'll be happy over." Clark grinned at his sort of father, sort of friend, as he drove steadily down the street, not going too fast or too slow. "Did they say everything was going to scar over well?"

"They haven't said yet; they won't speak about scarring or anything else until he... well, until he wakes up," Lionel said firmly. "I don't think they know."

"What about physical therapy?"

"It hasn't been mentioned, other than the fact that if he wakes up, it will be necessary."

"In the next few weeks you should get that kind of information." Clark nodded, as he finally turned into the hospital. "Not many people today, thank God. Yesterday it was packed. Come on, I'll park, we'll go up, and then I'll hunt down some coffee. Think you can hold some food down?"

"No, I don't," Lionel answered truthfully. "I don't think I can hold down anything right now."

"Well, maybe just some coffee and juice, then. And then we'll eat something really good for lunch. Its too early, anyway." Clark made a face, as he slid into the closest parking he could, which was thankfully close to the doors, and took the car off, switching the headlights off after putting the car in park, and took the keys from the ignition. "Here ya go."

Lionel pocketed the keys without a word, and picked up his things, laptop and briefcase. "The least I can do is try and help Lex out; you and Graham will be there with me, and we'll sit with him together."

"That sounds good. Graham has to go for a while in the morning, he told me, check on the business, get some errands done with Toni, but then he said he'd be back." Clark nodded as he leaned back for his satchel, and climbed from the car.

The morning was still cool, clinging to night, but the promised heat of the day already clung like dew to the air, making it sticky to breathe. Clark made a face, quietly, and waited for Lionel to follow him before heading into the hospital.

"He's going to the obstetrician with her, to check and make sure the baby is all right," Lionel clarified. "You don't have to step gently around me. I will not break."

"Sure you will. Just have to make sure," Clark said quietly back, as they walked through the swinging doors together. The nurse flagged them by and they walked together toward the elevators, where Clark caught one that was just closing and stepped in, holding it open for Lionel. "I didn't want to upset you."

"I appreciate the thought, but you still don't have to cater to me, Clark. I won't lose my mind."

"Just making sure. It'd be a bleeding shame." Clark said, as the elderly couple beside him pushed the level they were going to. He stood near the back of the elevator with Lionel, hands in his pockets. "Its a nice mind."

"It's a superb mind, if you'd like to be honest, and quite likely one of the best of my generation." Lionel shrugged his shoulders a bit to shift the laptop carrier strap higher up and take some of the weight off it.

"And its modesty overcomes all obstacles." Clark shot back sweetly, but grinned a little at him to show he was just teasing.

"But of course," Lionel said. "How else would I maintain my dignity and humble nature?" His face was still grave and straight as he fidgeted with the corner of the laptop's Velcro lap.

"That's a question for the fates." Clark answered back, smiling at the two amused elderly people before the elevator dinged and he stepped out of the elevator. He held it open for the couple, and for Lionel as well, sweeping his arm out in an, 'after you' motion.

Lionel glared out of the corner of his eye as he proceeded down the hallway, straightening his shirt again and making sure his briefcase hadn't been left in the elevator as he waited at the end of the hallway for Clark. "Do you know when Lex was intending to get in the office?"

"He should already be there." Clark answered, walking beside him and looking his casual best, next to Lionel's cool, clean appearance. Having guessed Lionel would dress to the nines, Lionel brought one of Lionel's own polo shirts with him, and it sat tucked in his bag awaiting wearing. "Heey, Graham." Clark gently shook Grahams hand where he stood right in the doorway of Dominic's room. "You look exhausted. How did everything go?"

Graham woke from his light sleep with a start. "Oh, aye, Clark. Y'start'd me. Went th'same; wasna a change i'th' night." He stretched, and looked down at his watch. "Tis only a'hour or so 'til Toni's appoin'men. Goin' t'get me some coffee, an' go home afterwards."

"Alright." He smiled quietly at the older man and slipped into the other chair on the other side of Dominic's bed, and lifted the uninjured hand, squeezing it gently. "Hi, Dom!" He gently stroked his fingers over the clammy, limp digits and squeezed them tenderly. "Heeey, green pajamas today. The nurses are definitely seeing a fashion must lately, huh?"

Lionel conversed softly with Graham about Toni's doctor's appointment, and made Graham promise to send Toni down to tell him everything, then sat down in the chair that Graham had vacated. "Good morning, Dominic," he said clearly. "Clark and I are going to be staying with you this morning; I'm going to attempt to help Lex work, but in all likelihood will end up reading to you again. So if you're tired of hearing Harry Potter books, simply say so."

As he had every morning for the last thirteen days, Dominic lay there and slept. His bandages were fresh, his knee propped up by a fluffier pillow, his hospital gown green instead of blue from the day before. His eyes were dark bruises in his face, his skin a tight shade of pale.

Clark ignored all those things. Instead he saw that Dominic was having a better time breathing, and the bandages had been lifted from his head to breathe. The wounds weren't as bad as they had appeared, and neat rows of black stitches kept his skull together. Better than he'd expected, definitely, and he beamed at the man as he squeezed his fingers. "Lionel says he thinks your hair is going to grow back thicker than it was. Can you imagine? You may skive off being bald for another couple of years!"

"That's what the doctors and nurses are predicting," Lionel agreed. "That since it was shaved off, it'll grow back stronger and thicker, though I doubt even shaving will help you overcome the genetic bald spot."

"Heh." At that, Clark couldn't help giggling, and squeezed the fingers again. "You can have a hair transplant. I'll bet you anything Lionel won't mind donating for a good cause. And hey, you'll always have L'Oreal."

"Of course I wouldn't mind contributing to the cause." He leaned over and kissed Dominic's forehead gently, then both eyes and then his mouth. "I wouldn't mind contributing to any cause you wished if you'd just wake up," he pled fervently.

Clark's eyes lowered gently, feeling suddenly embarrassed for intruding on this moment, and he winced softly as he looked at Lionel. "I think maybe I'm gonna get some coffee. I'll be back, Dominic." He set Dominic's hand back gently on his belly and rose.

"You can stay, Clark," Lionel said softly. "You don't have to go."

"Maybe just for a sec. Cause eeewwww, kissing cooties." He made a face, but it was gently teasing, as he reached over to squeeze Lionel's hand in his own.

Lionel returned the squeeze tightly and looked down at Dominic. "He'll be back, don't worry." He nodded at Clark. "I won't take your seat, either," with an absolute ghost of a grin. "We'll be all right."

"I'll be back in just a few minutes. Breakfast taco's are calling my name, after all. You like your coffee black, with sugar, right? Any milk?" Clark asked of Lionel, as he set his satchel down on the floor by his chair and rose to his feet.

"Just black this morning, please. No need to dilute the first infusion of the day with anything." He gave a little nod, and he put his hand on Dominic's shoulder. "Isn't that right?"

As was per usual Dominic didn't say a thing, didn't move an inch, just breathing quietly, deeply, evenly.

And so it went. Clark took his time when he went to the small cafeteria and ordered two coffees, a bottle of Sierra Mist, two Danishes, and two soft breakfast taco's filled with bacon, egg, and cheese.

He returned to the room where Lionel was already burying himself in his work, and Clark watched TV for a while as he ate his taco's and drank his coke, the other stuff left for Lionel should he ever realize it was there. He leaned back in the chair, describing the world news to Dominic and inserting his own brand of wry humor at every turn.

They watched the CNN report and Good Morning with Bill O'Reilly, before Clark decided there was better TV on. So he flipped it to MTV and started up a card game with Dominic. Even unconscious Dominic killed at poker, and after a half hour Clark found himself down by three dollars and fifty cents.

He'd rolled the little tray table over and set up the game, betting dimes and nickels, and after an hour, Dominic had a nice little pile sitting beside the hand Clark hadn't propped up on the table.

"You. Suck." He glared at Dominic's sleeping face. "You've beat me every time we've played!"

"Of course he has," Lionel inserted smoothly as he looked up. "He's an Irishman; they play the game from their diapers on. Which is why you will never see me play with him. Chess, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter, and you might have a better chance if you played him in chess. There's a chessboard under the television cabinet if you like." He picked the phone back up, from where he'd muffled it against his leg. "Yes, Bruce, I'm sorry. I'm still here, I was just speaking to Clark about Dominic. Now, what were you saying? You were present, via teleconference, at the board meeting?"

Clark glared at Dominic. "You cheater. I've only been playing poker for three weeks. Lex taught me how to play, cause me, you know, being me, didn't know it." He leaned over to fix the tube in Dominic's nose a little better. "I dunno about you and chess though. You'll probably kick my ass again. Ahh. Lets play poker again." He lifted the cards and shuffled them again. "If you win again, I'm getting your secret."

"Yes, I was." Bruce answered smoothly, his own paperwork spread out, his computer on, trying to keep up with Lionel as he worked. "I was present, and everything went off without a hitch. The board members were more than understanding, and everyone was supportive of Lex after the wonderful game plan he wrote up."

Lionel kept half of his attention on Clark and Dominic, and half on Bruce and the laptop. "I have a copy of that letter, and the plan that went out by email the next day, and there are several holes in here that seem to be time lags, or wastes of time when something else could be done, but I don't have any background material on it. Did Lex send it out to you, or has he simply not gotten it together yet?"

"That's what he was going to be working on today, from what I gathered." A nod from Bruce as he kept the phone to his ear and his eyes on the computer screen. "I'll call him in a little bit to see what he's gotten done on it. I think the only department lagging still is finance, but that's because of the stock fluctuations in the last few weeks."

Clark handed the cards out easily, setting his hand on the table and flipping over Dominic's, peering at the cards as he fought to remember what two pair was. "Hmmm. You know, I think you won again, but.." Clark looked down at the little book he'd brought on all the known card games, and looked at the hands shown on the page, then on the ones on the little tray. "I'm not sure. Oop." He leaned over and made sure Dominic's hand was more secure, over his 'chips', which were actually Clarks old pog collection he'd finally found use for.

"It's also lagging because the push behind the department--Dominic--has been out of commission and Lindy can't carry it all by herself. Charlie should have been covering that, and I'll have to have words with him when I get back." His face was stern, and his fingers were flying across the keyboard. "Where are we on the acquisitions?"

Clark glared over at Lionel, before shaking his head at Dominic. "Pfft. Like Charlie isn't working his tushie into the ground. Poor baby. At least his girlfriend moved in with him." He looked down at the book... blinked... looked down at their cards, and the chips between them. "You Irish bastard. You won again!" he glared at him, but he was grinning as he collected the cards and handed Dominic two more dimes. "Ugh. But hey, this way, when you wake up? You'll be able to buy all the Danishes you want. Don't think I don't know you're addicted to them, Luthor." He chided as he shuffled again.

"Should be another week, ten days at the most. The Japanese want to talk directly to you or Lex, and until now neither of you have been able to. They're aware Lex took over for now, and will be contacting him shortly."

"Of course they do, the--" Lionel cut off his insult in midstream. "I'm going to email Lex about this but do me a favor and make sure he meets with the protocol specialist to review the Japanese customs and languages, because I don't want these people insulted; we've had to cut backflips as it is to get them to talk to us, and I don't want to walk away empty-handed. If we can acquire Tokyotronics, that'll undercut Hardwick Industries and Langershan also, which should give Waynetech a boost in your markets."

"Of course. I'm interested in their bioengineering, and I'd love to get my people in on some of it." Bruce added, as he made another note on his ledger. "Alright. I need to get into work myself, Lionel. I'll call you again, noonish, alright? Give you an update on the Japanese, and call Lex in regards to the holes in the letter."

"Of course. Time willing, I'm going to be plugging into the intranet soon and seeing what I can do from the hospital here, and what I can find out. You should be able to reach me through the system mainframe if you can't get through on the telephone."

"Got it. See you later, Lionel." And Bruce hung up.

"Alright, Dom. Lets see. I don't think you won this time." Clark peered at his book helplessly.

Lionel looked at the cards in Dominic's hands. "Yes, I'm believing he did, as they're all hearts. And a heart flush will beat nearly any poker hand you have, unless you have a royal flush."

"That sucks." Clark made a face, and took the limp cards from Dominic's hand, passing over four more dimes and a nickel. "Blech."

Lionel stretched, and his neck cracked. "I told you, Clark. Chess."

"Pfft. Are you joking? At chess? He'd beat me by a mile." But he grinned, then, adoringly, a twinge sadly, at Dominic. "He's just too good and screws us poor folk out of our hard earned money."

"Never play poker with an Irishman, Clark," he said. "If you never remember any other advice I give you, remember that. More often than not, he'll beat you drunk or sober."

"That's a damn shame." Clark answered back fondly, as he picked up the cards and the pogs, sweeping them into a plastic baggie, as well as depositing all of Dominic's winnings in it too. "Don't worry, I pay my debts. I'll buy you breakfast sometime, Dom, promise."

"Never offer to buy this Irishman a meal. He'll eat you out of house and home; he's like an ant that way. He can eat up to fifty times his own body weight, and come out of it skinny as a pencil."

"My kind of man." Clark beamed. "Yesterday? I ate two pies, a chicken, and a tub of mashed potatoes in ten minutes."

Lionel just blinked as his fingers flipped open the small wireless unit he'd shown Dominic earlier in the year, and plugged the router into the computer modem as he keyed in his LuthorCorp access code. "You and Dominic together would be a buffet's worst nightmare."

"I think so too. We'll put that theory to good use at some point." Clark smiled, quietly, as he set the cards back in his satchel and gently lowered Dominic's hand back to his belly, moving the cart table tray away a bit as he snuggled in close again. He glanced at the clock... it was already nearing ten, to his surprise, and he looked at Lionel curiously. "Get work done?"

"Not nearly what I should have, but all that I could concentrate on," he said idly, waiting for the router to pick up the signal, and then sighing when he saw the state of his mailbox.

Clark yawned and leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up comfortably next to Dominic's on the bed, and turned to watch the TV. "Hey, Dom, I'm taping you all the reruns of Farscape, like you wanted to do. I know it got canceled, but the DVDs don't come out till the winter, and I sincerely don't want you to have to wait until then for season four. Although, you know, it wasn't great."

"Mmm, which reminds me, I think there's a new season of that horrible vampire show he likes, and I need to order that for him; will you remind me of that this afternoon so I can have it delivered?"

"Buffy. The Vampire Slayer. Don't you ever say its horrible again, Lionel," Clark warned, but his lips were twitching. "Lex already ordered it a month ago. Dominic ordered some SeaQuest DVDs for him from e-bay about at the same time."

"Whatever it's called," Lionel said, flipping his hand dismissively. "As long as it's ordered, it can be called The Dracula Drains Blood Chronicles for all that I care." He sighed. "Christ in heaven, Dominic. There is so much bullshit in these emails, I need you to shovel through it for me."

"How much?" Clark asked curiously, as he flipped the channel again to an old Meg Ryan movie.

"There's a hundred and seventy five emails in the last week alone, and there's an archived compressed folder of the week before that's over two hundred." He rubbed his forehead. "Bloody fucking hell."

Clark snickered. "I told you to catch up on your crap, but noooo. Besides, you need to set up your filters to filter out the spam. Which is probably a lot. Last time I saw it though, I didn't want big juicy cock other than my boyfriends. I'm sure you agree, Dom. Because I mean, really. Viagra? No thank you."

"No, Clark. This is my corporate address. None of the emails in here are spam." He sighed again, glaring at the overflowing inbox.

Oh, at that? Clark winced. "Ouch. Wish you could delete them and ignore them."

"You and I both," he said fervently. "Unfortunately, I can't do that until I hear from Lex, hear what the damage is, and if any of these emails pertain to that, I'm free to get rid of them. Until then, I'm stuck waiting."

"Half of those people don't know how to solve their own damn problems, and that's why they come to you, instead of making adult decisions." Clark decided on finally, nodding stoutly as he thought about that. He could only picture it too well, like chickens running around with their heads cut off.

"No, most of them simply aren't allowed to," Lionel corrected. "We've had to clean far too many messes since the move to Smallville that nearly all major decisions require the okay of either Dominic, Lex, or myself."

"Mmm. I can see why. But still." Clark made a face at him, anyway. "I think that's why I'm too independent. I probably will never be able to keep a steady job. Heh. I'm not exactly the next candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize."

"No, you simply need a job where your independence and your ability to work unsupervised is key. Like... oh, just a guess out of the bag... reporting, perhaps?" Lionel growled as he snapped the laptop shut and put it in the cabinet. "Bah."

Clarks lips twitched. "Right. Perry's gonna be sick of me in a months time. My mouth is too big and my opinions to conservative."

"If that turns out to be the case--which I sincerely doubt--I'll put through my purchase option on the Daily Planet, and hire an editor who recognizes the talent that he has working for him." He closed the cabinet carefully, and dropped his head forward into his hands before dragging his fingers through his hair.

"If you want to go take a walk or whatever, I'll stay here." Clark offered gently, nodding towards Dominic sleeping beside him. "We're cool. Gonna watch Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks for a while, here."

Lionel shook his head. "No. I'm all right. Just... frustrated, that's all."


Lionel glared at that. "The situation. My inability to affect it. My inability to do anything, in fact, besides sit here and read myself hoarse."

"That part I know. I meant... what brought the feeling about?" He sat up a little, and looked at him quietly.

"I feel that way constantly, Clark. For every moment that I'm sitting in this chair, in this room, unable to alter or affect in the slightest way the fate of the man in this bed, I feel that." He dragged his fingers through his hair again, and tossed it back over his shoulder.

"But you suddenly felt it more than you have before, just now, for you to say anything." He reached across Dominic's legs for Lionel's hand. "Was it working, and not having Dom to help you?"

Lionel paused for a moment, and took Clark's hand as he reached out. "Part of it. I've worked with him for nearly the last two decades. Now... it's like trying to paint, or to sculpt, with one of your arms gone. You know the ability is there, you just can't..."

"Utilize it," Elaine finished, leaning against the doorframe. "Don't let me interrupt," she said, making little shooing motions with her hands.

"Hello, Ms. Nacheyez." Clark murmured, squeezing Lionel's hand before he could pull away, but yeah right, like she hadn't just interrupted anyway. "Come in. How are you? Can I interest you in a slightly melted Danish?"

"I'm fine Clark, thanks. And no, no Danish. I had breakfast on the way in--you guys have got a great Denny's on the corner." She sat down in the only other chair in the room, at the foot of the bed. "Sounds like I came in on the middle of a counseling session."

Lionel was ominously quiet, and withdrew his hand from Clark's as he straightened up in his chair.

"We were." Clark murmured, quietly, as he looked at Lionel gently, and picked up the conversation where it had been. "I think you're right, Lionel--it is like being without a limb. You guys finish one another sentences, after all. I can only imagine how weird it is not to have it."

"Imagine how you would feel--did feel--without Lex, during the... miscarriage," he said, speaking softly and choosing his words carefully. "Then multiply it tenfold, and add in the fear that he may never come back to you, and you will understand how I feel."

Clarks nodded, softly, and itched to touch Lionel again, but knew his level of comfort wasn't ready for that with Elaine in the room. "I can only imagine what you're going through. If it helps, though... I'm here for you to talk to about it. I'm glad you told me about it just now, instead of burying it."

"It's not as though I have much of a choice; if I don't, one of the two of you will certainly nag it out of me," he said snappishly, glaring at Elaine.

Elaine shrugged. "That's what you pay me the big bucks for, Lionel."

"And why I get to live in your house and needle you when Elaine can't." Clark said teasingly, as he took another drink from his Sierra Mist and carefully tucked Dominic's blankets snugglier around his feet.

"I see that I'm not to get another moment's peace," he said, still glaring at Elaine.

"Hey, you're the one who's about to blow his top like a pressure cooker, not me. Lex paid me well enough to shut my practice down until this situation was resolved, and that means? You get my full attention, like it or not."

"Clark? Remind me to remove Alexander from my will."

"Check. I'll support him, the poor dear." But Clark's eyes met Elaine's and he carefully shook his head from side to side. Don't talk, woman. Just be quiet. He tried to convey that Lionel already let a little of his steam out, by gently taking Lionel's fingers in his own again, and linking them with Dominic's limp palm, lightly, without bringing undo attention to it. "Now could you all shut up so I can watch Meg and Tom on the Space Needle?"

Lionel's fingers seized Dominic's tightly, like a lifeline, and held them as tightly as he could. Part of him prayed silently for a tightening of Dominic's grip around his fingers, but nothing happened. Instead, he left their hands together just as Clark had interlocked them, and didn't say anything else.

Elaine just gave a little shrug in answer. "Your nickel. I'm here until eleven thirty, at which time I am jaunting back over to LuthorCorp for Lex's appointment."

"Cool. then you can help me pick another movie. Because I love Sleepless in Seattle alright, but eh." Clark started flipping again. "I'm partial to romcoms, because I am in fact the stereotypical gay man, but I'll settle for slapstick and the occasional thriller. No scary movies though. I watched The Ring and nearly killed myself trying to hide behind Lex."

Elaine snickered. "The thing with horror flicks are, you've just gotta remember they're bullshit. The best ones are movies like Psycho, and Vertigo, and even Rear Window, where it's not blood, gore, and who can rack up the biggest body count, but to what extremity a normal person can go to when he's lost his mind, or thinks he has." She stretched out in the seat, comfortable in a professional pant suit and navy blouse. "Usually HBO does family-friendly movies."

"HBO is weak. And I hate the Sopranos." Clark made a face as he kept flipping. "Have you seen The Others? With Nicole Kidman? That movie is like what you said--not about blood and guts but a psychologically unnerving kinda thing. Though I only watched that one through my fingers, and according to Lex, missed the best parts. Dominic called me a wussy for it." he made a face at the unconscious man laying beside him, and Clark leaned his chair a little more comfortably against the small bedside table, socked feet cozy on the bed by Dominic's covered ones. "The remake of Psycho sucked."

"Remakes usually do, because they lose the talent when they go for the gore." She laced her hands behind her head. "I'm sure the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be the same." Then she grinned. "There's one genre of movies that you'll never have to worry about being remade, and that's musicals. They'll never find enough actors in Hollywood, who can act, sing, and dance all three."

"Hey, now. Chicago was remade for the movies from the stage, and I, personally, thought Renee' was hot. Catherine Zeta Jones was too, but in a skanky, more evil way." Clark nodded, sagely, then grinned. "Plus, I can sing every song on the damn thing."

"No, Clark, I'm not talking about a stage production being done for movies. I'm talking about a genuine Rodgers and Hammerstein type, Sound of Music and Oklahoma type movie." She grinned.

Clark made a face at that. "Well, ew. Sound of Music?" He made another face, looked at Lionel, then looked at Elaine. "Eeeww. Give me Opera, Broadway, anything. But musicals? They're so girly."

He suddenly giggled. "And now Ive got the image of George Clooney and Brad Pitt teaming up for their post-Oceans 11 movie, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers."

"God, I hope not. Neither one of them are attractive enough to be any of the Pontipey brothers." She wiggled her toes inside her shoes. "But, I'm showing my age. Lionel, how do you feel about musical remakes?"

"I have no feelings about it one way or the other."

"Lionel's an opera man." Clark nodded, knowingly. "Since I've come to live at the mansion with them, he and Dominic have gone six times to see La Boheme."

"Yeah, I know he's an opera man. He and Dominic gave me, several years back, one of Puccini's arias signed by Placido Domingo as a Christmas present, and it's framed in my office, though I doubt either of them have noticed it." She smiled. "I can't believe there's something Lionel Luthor doesn't have an opinion on. It's like... the world ending."

"Well, Ms. Nacheyez, no offense, but I don't see Lionel sitting down to watch a good musical." he glanced at Lionel gently. "No offense, Lionel."

"None taken, Clark. And you're quite correct; they're not my choice of entertainment fare, because most of the songs are puerile and catchy, written for the public consumption which I find myself miles above as far as the scope of my taste."

"Meaning his hoity-toity Italian singing fat ladies are better than Lonesome Polecat or Favorite Things, or even Getting To Know You, which has actually been used for everything from iced tea to Chevrolet Geo commercials."

Clark grinned at the both of them and rolled his eyes. "Gotta say, Ms. Elaine, I have to agree. With Lionel, that is. Plus the part where they're incredibly girly." He made a face at her as he stopped flipping for a moment and left it on CNN. "They're a lost art. And I say, good riddance."

"Ah, you just have no appreciation for the finer things." She winked at Clark and stole a glance at her watch, seeing it wasn't quit yet time for her to leave. "And they're not totally lost. I can think of two television shows who've done musical episodes."

"So can I." Clark grinned at her, before he glanced again at the television. He would have said more but Dominic exhaled quietly from beside him, and he took a moment to glance at him. Dr. Bryce said he'd do that sometimes, a particularly loud exhale when the body was removing toxins from his lungs. He squeezed Dominic's free hand gently, before looking back at the TV and biting his lip softly.

Lionel's hand tightened on Dominic's shoulder, looking hopefully at his lover's face before letting his own relax back into the numb acceptance he'd been showing the rest of the world. He adjusted the blanket to cover his motions, tugging it up and folding the hem down, straightening the fall of the sheets under it, just fidgeting.

"I wish we could at least give him some warm socks. I hate it that its so cold in here and we can't bury him under quilts. You know how he is about being cold." Clark murmured, sighing softly.

"I know," Lionel said softly. "And believe me, I've had all the words in my vocabulary with the doctors about it. but they believe this is a beneficial part of the treatment, and I cannot--will not--argue with them when Dominic's well being is at stake."

"Bastards." Clark whispered vehemently, and glared at the door as if glaring at it would solve problems. "Don't worry, Dom. When you're out of here, babe, we'll go all Dobby on you and buy you seventeen different pairs of socks."

"Yes, we will," Lionel said softly. "As many pairs as we can fit on you feet. I'll buy you an entire textile mill, if that's what it takes to keep you in socks."

Dominic just exhaled again between them, the sound slightly muffled from the feeding tube in his nose, and slept on.



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