
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 28: Morgan

Snow. So much snow, everywhere, white and fluffy, falling from the sky at a leisurely, but steady pace. As the pilot, the same one who'd been operating the helicopter for years now slowly circled the mansion, he glanced in his rear view mirror. Lionel Luthor was asleep in the back, and he barely could blame the man. He'd just made a 20 some odd hour trip, simply because he was a stubborn old mule and refused to rest. Something about needing to go home to see someone or something.


Bill knew it was his assistant, Mr. Senatori. He'd seen them giving each other googly eyes for the better part of two months now. But who was he to pass judgment on anyone?


He circled the mansion once more and landed with a little thunk on the asphalt some dear soul had cleared, and turned around. "Mr. Luthor?"


Lionel hadn't even realized he'd fallen asleep until the pilot woke him.  Two weeks, and he felt like it had been two decades.  He was bone tired, almost exhausted from working around the clock.  The situation in Hong Kong had nearly reached critical mass before he'd gotten there, and it had spread as far as Beijing before he'd had a chance to contain it.  He'd spoken to Dominic every night, but it still hadn't been enough to soothe the ache in his chest.  "Yes?"  He blinked himself away, looking at his surroundings.  "Smallville?"


"Smallville, the mansion, in fact." A warm smile. "I didn’t want to wake you and ask you where you wanted to go, as I already knew." He opened the door and climbed quickly out, letting the cold air whisk in, and opened Lionel’s door, yelling over the whir of the slowing chopper blades, "Be careful with your footing, the grounds slippery!"


"Good man."  Lionel wrapped his coat around himself, the wind from the blades and the weather was bitingly cold as he got off the helicopter.  He carried nothing but his suitcase and his briefcase, and as he'd been admonished, he watched his footing in the treacherous snow.  The last thing he needed was to slip and fall.


He knew the path to the front door almost better than he knew any other walk in the world, and it was the work of seconds to carefully navigate it to the steps, and to pound on the front door for admittance.


A half a moment later, Enrique cracked open the door in his stately suit with red Christmas tie...and he all but beamed, stepping aside. "Meester Lut'or. It ees vera goot to see you."


"Thank you, Enrique.  It's nice to be home, finally."  He stepped inside and shook the snow from his hair and shoulders as he handed his coat, scarf and gloves to the servant.  "Do you know where I might find Dominic?"  He needed to see his lover.  There was noise coming from the back of the house but he ignored it for the moment; Dominic was his priority at the moment.  "And have my things taken to the laundry and pressed before they're returned."


And as Enrique stepped back, he was sure to let Lionel see that he'd all but stepped into Christmas headquarters. There were decorations, subtle and gorgeous, everywhere. An enormous tree with all the trimmings sat in the living room just off the door, lit and glowing white. The smell of ham and cookies was in the air, and a huge Christmas themed rug sat right in front of the steps. The banister had been wrapped in evergreen and maroon velvet bows, and...there was a tiny little boy sitting on the bottom step. Blond hair, shockingly bright green eyes, and he got up and raced back through the hallway in his tiny shoes to the back rooms.


"Ah, sir, he ees upstairs, asleepin'."


"Enrique... who was that child and what was he doing on the staircase?  And... we were invaded by a band of roving Christmas Gypsies?"  He handed Enrique the suitcase, and shook his head.  "I am going upstairs. Perhaps Dominic can explain to me why it looks like a Christmas factory exploded in here."  Without another word, or waiting another moment, he climbed up the stairs to the bedroom.  He paused outside the door, and then pushed it open quietly.


He didn't expect to find his lover asleep with a blonde in his arms.


A small, pixie-faced child of about four or five years of age lay snuggled in Dominic's arms.  The child's shock of blond hair and the upturn of one closed eye--that he could see--told him that this child could have been Dominic's, and must then be a member of his family.  Belatedly he recalled that the entire Senatori family would most likely be here and he sighed.


The sight of the little girl curled up so trustingly in Dominic's arms froze him in place, and he leaned against the doorjamb, taking off his tie with one hand while he studied this picture with the other.  He came to the conclusion that it was beautiful.  Dominic and this child seemed so well suited to each other, and he'd never seen Dominic's face so peaceful and relaxed before.  He walked as quietly as he could over to the side of the bed, and sat down on his side, behind Dominic.  "Jiminy?"


In a very real, strange way, it seemed like Lionel had left him in the same spot in which he found him. Dark slacks and a blue sweater covered him, shoes on the floor, his socked feet curled up tight. He remembered distinctly that he'd been reading to Eleanor before she'd fallen asleep, and he was so tired after such a long day that he'd curled up and fallen asleep right with her.  But what was most shocking, the most shocking of how much he'd changed in a few weeks time. His face lacked that gaunt, haunted look he'd had since he'd been shot point blank in the chest. It was full...the dark circles under his eyes gone. His hair was a little shorter, as he'd recently gone to get a trim, and he'd gained a little bit of weight. He looked like his normal he'd been before the accident. Healthy and robust and dead to the world as he slept, Eleanor, the tiny, tiny child she was, curled deep in his arms.


Lionel took in all the changes to his lover, and a tired smile crossed his features.  It had been worth it, the last two weeks of Hell on Earth, merely to see Dominic back to himself again.  "Jiminy.  Wake up."  He put his hand lightly on Dominic's shoulder, and shook as gently as he could.  "Jiminy."


Sixteen days of not having his lover...of going to a cold bed every night, of sleeping alone, and he almost passed the voice off as a dream.


Then the voice, again, and his eyes flew open, unfocused a moment....before his face melted. He let go of Eleanor with one arm, the arm that had been wounded and was now healed and fine, and wrapped it tightly about his lovers neck, bringing him in tightly like he was walking in from the rain.  "You're back." Quiet croak into a solid throat.


"I'm back.  I told you I would be."  He held his lover tightly as he could in the awkward position, pressing light kisses over his hair.  "I'm home.  I came up straight away; I haven't even showered."  He tightened his grip on Dominic.  "I almost didn't want to wake you, you looked so beautiful lying there with this child."


"With....oh." He couldn’t help smiling as everything inside of him screamed to slam his lover against the nearest wall and take him so hard he quivered, instead reigning it in when he saw the exhausted flush in the sweet face… and brought his mouth to his, touching… letting go...touching, tasting...delving deep...deeper. "I missed you. I missed you so much. Lionel, I missed you."


"I missed you," Lionel managed to get out between kisses.  "There wasn't a night that I didn't want to come home to you."


A tiny shift and the sweet little girl rolled closer to Dominic, as if sensing his movement, her tiny lips puckering for a moment as that old reaction to looking for a bottle slipped over her in dreams. A tiny hand fell on Dominic’s chest, and she let out a quiet snore, content and deeply asleep.


"Missed you, missed you, want to make love to you, want to make love, but Lionel, Lionel, theirs family." He looked up at him in mortification. "They’re driving me insane. I had to come hide up here with Ellie because Shayla kept asking too many questions and my mother, and oh, god, Ms Bird. Lionel, please, pack me up in the Limo and whisk me away?"


"I'll take you anywhere that you want to go," Lionel said quietly.  "The limo is in the garage, Enrique can drive us... anywhere you can think of to go."  His hands stroked all of Dominic that he could reach.  "You don't know how much I want you right now, Dominic.  Tell me where you want to go--Bermuda... Tahiti... France... Italy... it's yours."


"I'll go for a Burger King on FM 78." He nearly twitched at it, mock shuddering as he leaned in to his lovers caress. "No grease for two weeks. Do you know what its done? No grease, no carbonation, no Lionel. I think I left my dick somewhere in the shower." He raced kisses over his face, sliding his other arm free from his niece and wrapping his arms tightly about his lover.


She shifted...felt her favoritest uncle pull free, and her tiny green eyes opened and... peered. Her uncle... was hugging..."Unca Ommie?"


He froze. "Hey...uh, hey pumpkin. This is Mr. Lionel...say hello, sweetie."


She propped herself up on a single elbow, looking at him from her snuggle next to her uncle. "...Your face is funny."  


"Mr. Lionel?" he questioned gruffly as he looked at her.  "My face is not funny, child."  He looked from pixie faced little child to Dominic.  "My face is not funny, Dominic.  Laugh and you will find that the appendage you mentioned earlier will remain in the shower."


She climbed right over her uncle, her little snowman PJ's wrinkled and showing her tummy, and reached out to yank at his beard....gasping. "It don’t come off! Unca Ommie!"


"Shhhh...hey, see? Its alright, precious. Look...Unca Ommie has a beard too, and I leave it on all the time, right?"


"Y-Yours is lellow." Near tears.


"But its the same. Promise. So its just a little funny, right?"


Chin trembling nod.


Lionel nearly recoiled from the child as she yanked at his beard.  "Dear child, that is attached, and I would thank you very much not to yank on at again like that."  He raised his hand to his face and rubbed his smarting cheek.  "Unca Ommie?  Might... Mr. Lionel have a word with you?"


He blinked up at his lover and couldn’t help an adoring grin before down at Eleanor. "Go find mama, baby. She’s making cookies I think."


"COOKIES!" She squealed and got up, bouncing twice on the bed before THUD, and she threw herself down, running to the door....stopping, racing back, and hugging Lionel hard about one leg, reciting from memory... "I's nice to meet you, Mr. Weirdy Man!" And ZOOM she was gone.


An apologetic grin that was more giggle then anything else, Dominic's eyes dancing as he watched his lovers face, blood beginning to flow to his groin as he slowly climbed to his feet. "Lionel.."


"Mr. Weird Man?" Lionel repeated.  "Unca Ommie?"


He shrugged sheepishly, taking a step closer...another. "Lionel.."


“Dominic."  He didn't move from his spot until Dominic got within arms reach, and then without a word he all but dragged him as close into his personal space as he could possibly get.  "If it's not 'I love you, lovely one, it's wonderful to have you home, now strip and I'll shower with you,' then it's not what I want to hear right now," Lionel growled into his lover's throat.


His fingertips were already starting to ghost over his lover...chest....neck....face. Thighs, ass. Slim, soft touches that he couldn’t believe were uninterrupted. "If you say you're going to fuck me so hard I don’t see into next w-week.." A low groan. "Then the answer is yes."


Lionel gripped Dominic's forearms with his hands, propelling him quickly into the bathroom.  He slammed the door shut with a resounding THUD and when he turned back around, he raised his hands and started to methodically and rapidly remove his clothing.  Jacket on the floor, dress shirt unbuttoned and dropped on top of his jacket, undershirt untucked as he paused to kiss his lover again.  He brought Dominic's hands under his shirt as he slid his own under Dominic's shirt, touching the skin he'd been without for far too long.  "Of course I'm going to be with you, Dominic... you'll feel me every time you sit down," he promised.


He streaked his fingers hard over the warm flesh, moaning loudly and pulling him in hard so their hips aligned...and he gave a hard, shallow thrust against his lover, tearing at his own sweater and tossing it behind him. He streaked his fingers over his own nipples... then pulled Lionel’s shirt up and engulfed the nipple with the ring in his mouth, sucking as hard as he could as his nails dug into his back and streaked downward. "Uh, L..g..."


Lionel's back arched as he pushed against his lover, his cock rubbing against Dominic's as he brought his hands to the small of Dominic's back, holding him close.  He hissed in happy pleasure as Dominic's nails scored his skin, and he moved his hands only long enough to tear open the button and the zipper of his pants and push everything down in a hurried pile.  He dragged Dominic's mouth up to his for another hard, fierce kiss, tongue thrusting deeply.  "I know, love... I know.  So am I."


A great pounding on the door of the bedroom interrupted them.  "Morgan!!  Morgan Senatori, what in the world is going on with you!  Eleanor came downstairs screaming about some strange man up in the bedroom with her uncle!  Open the door this moment, do you understand me?"  Rosalyn Senatori was a small woman, possibly an Irish version of Lionel's housekeeper, Ms. Bird.  Even so, her fists pounded thunderously hard on the strong oak door.  "Morgan!"


He kissed as hard as he could, fingers aching and tugging and yanking his own pants down, off, and then… well. He pushed Lionel back hard against the wall of the bathroom, dropped to his knees, and sucked his lovers cock right down his throat, burying it until his nose brushed the public hairs. He began a wild, rapid pace, fingers streaking over his balls, his small puckered hole, the base of the erection in his mouth whenever he stroked up. His tongue moved fiercely around the stiff column of flesh, possessing it, claiming it as his again....before his eyes flew open, and he looked up at his lover in horror.


He let go of Lionel’s erection with a slow slurp, gazing at him in apology before turning and bellowing, "Mama, its fine! Go back downstairs, I'll be there in a moment." ...And damn, he kept his voice nice and steady. Good for him.


Lionel was thrusting hard into his lover's mouth, hands twined in the short strands of Dominic's hair, and froze at nearly the same time his lover did as he heard the pounding and the bellowing.  "Dominic.... I am going to kill your mother."


"Well, what a fine day this is!  I never thought I'd live to see the day where I'd be dismissed by my own son!"  The huff in her voice carried through loud and clear.  " 'I'll be there in a moment' indeed!  Like I'm just a door to door salesman being brushed off by the Lord of the Manor!  Well, I won't have it!  Open the door this moment, Morgan, or I'll have Graham come and break it down!"


He slowly rose to his feet, giving Lionel’s cock a loving, apologetic caress, and pinched the bridge of his nose hard. "Lionel, darling, its very possible that I’m going to admit her to a psychiatric old folks home before this holiday is over. Understand this, accept it." He turned and grabbed his robe from the back of his door, throwing it on, and he opened the bathroom door, stomping through it to open the bedroom door and give his best partial glare at his mother. Or, well, look down at her to do it. "Mama. Stop banging on the door, please. Its just Lionel; Lionel’s home."


"At this moment, I will gladly co-sign and expedite any papers necessary to that end," Lionel growled as Dominic stalked out of the bathroom.


"Lionel?  You mean the man you work for?  What is going on in this bedroom, Morgan?  I want to know this moment, why is this man coming into your bedroom and scaring poor Eleanor half to death!?"  Mama Senatori put her hands on her hips and glared back up at her son. 


He grit his teeth hard, but plastered on his best smile. "Yes, the man I work for. He just got in from a business meeting and we were saying hello." He sincerely hoped Lionel wouldn’t be angry for not telling his...erm...slightly insane family that he and Lionel were together. He hadn’t wanted to deal with it alone, because their was only so much Shayla jokes he could take without taking her pretty little pink head and shoving it through a window. "Eleanor's fine, mama."


And here came the smile, big and charming and Dominic offered her his grin, praying to all holy hell that his erection would go DOWN. It was a thick robe, but fuckaduck, not that thick.


"Well, saying hello, don't I like that?  Ellie said the man was all over you, and that he dragged you away from her!"  Rosalyn raised up on her tiptoes to crane her neck.  "Well?  Where is this man?  Trot him out, let me see him!  If there's anything inappropriate going on in here, I want to know about it!"  A mother of six grown children and one teenager, she was well used to ignoring things, but what was showing through her son's robe was a bit difficult to ignore.  "And for the love of God, Morgan, put pants on when you're speaking to your mother!"


Lionel remained quiet for the moment, shutting off his tired brain.  It was questioning why the family didn't know about him, but he was too exhausted to think straight.  He knew that once he was rested, the answer would obviously present itself.  And then, he snickered softly.  Pants wouldn't fix the problem, only getting laid would.


"I...I cant, see, because he’s showering! Yes! He's SHOWERING." Overly loud, then another charming smile. "I told him he could use my shower...because...Shayla used all the hot water on the west wing! So he's showering. And mama, for gods sake, theirs nothing inappropriate going on. Just go finish making your cookies and I'll come down with pants on. Alright?"


Shower meant water, and Lionel turned the shower on.  He could no longer hear the dialogue between mother and son, but that was fine.  He needed a shower anyway.  As soon as the steaming hot spray hit his head and face, he almost melted.  He closed his eyes as he ran his fingers through his hair, and then picked up the shampoo bottle, smirking at the memory of the last time he'd been in a shower with Dominic as he started to lather his long locks.


"Nothing inappropriate, is there?  And that would be why you've got a troop of Cub Scouts in your pants?"  No nonsense now, and she pushed past her son.  "Out of my way; I want to see this man for myself."  Once in the bedroom, she headed straight for the bathroom door and flung it open.  "Nothing inappropriate, my eye!" she tsked, staring at the piles of clothing disarrayed on the floor, and then the naked form showering behind the translucent glass of the shower door.  "What are you doing with my son, little boy??"


He gasped, followed, almost screamed for Lionel to close and lock the door...but it was too late. Lionel was in the shower, their clothes were all over the floor, and his mother was a mortification unlike anything else on the earth. Ever. He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose again, obviously the thing he'd taken to doing since his family had arrived. Exactly an hour after Lionel left. And really, had he had a moment’s reprieve? No. "Mama!!! For the love of God, he's not a little boy!"


Lionel didn't look up as the bathroom door opened; he figured it was Dominic returning to join him.  When no one stepped into the shower, however, Lionel rinsed off his face, and turned the shower down.  He was absolutely shocked to find... "Madam... would you please mind getting the hell OUT of my bathroom?" he thundered.  Forget a psychiatric institution; Lionel was going to have the woman killed.  "Depart, woman!  NOW!"


"Woman?  Now I like that, indeed!  Like I'm nothing but a scullery maid instead of a guest in his home!"  She turned in a huff to her son.  "Are you going to let that little boy speak to your mother like that?"


"Mama, this isn’t a little boy. He's the owner of the house, my boss and...he's fiancé." And it hung there, like a boulder, for about ten seconds, and he watched his mothers face in near horror.


And damned if Lionel would lose his dignity.  "Dominic, would you hand me a towel, please?"  Voice granite-hard and cold.


"This... this..."  Rosalyn's face quickly cycled through all shades of pale and then dove into red.  "What... you... this little boy?  And my son?  Absolutely not, Morgan!"  She took a deep breath to calm the sputtering.  "He... this man has been a bastard to you for as long as you've worked for him!  I'll not... no, sir!  Just you... maybe you'll listen to Graham if you'll not listen to your mother!"


Fingers back to his nose, pinching as he reached behind him and pulled a thick white linen towel off the rack, handing it to his lover with apologetic eyes. "Mama...its not like that, its not...he's not a bastard." He grabbed her arms, as if willing her to understand. "Mama, its wonderful and we love each other. That’s why I didn’t tell you, because I knew you'd get Graham involved and then the entire family and everyone would not give me peace over it, ever again. And name is Dominic."  A deep sigh and another pinch to the bridge of his nose.  “Just... please, understand, okay?"


"Thank you, Dominic."  Voice still hard, Lionel used the towel to dry off his hair, and then wrapped it around his waist and opened the glass door to step out of the shower.  "You, madam, leave.  This instant, before I have you removed by the staff.  This is a private bedroom, not a public theater for dramatics, and I would like to get dressed."


"I knew it.  You mix in with these high and mighty types, and your given name isn't good enough for you any longer!"  Rosalyn was shaking her finger at her son.  "And you!  Little boy!  You will not speak to me like that!  At all!"  She turned back to Dominic.  "You, young man, you need to stop and think about what this man's turned you into."  She sniffed once in Lionel's direction.  "If I don't see you downstairs in five minutes, Morgan, I'm coming back up here to get you."


"Mama, its not that its not good enough...Mama!" He nearly rubbed his face; instead not answering as he watched her waddle right on out of the room. He turned very patient eyes on his lover, and gave in to the rub his temples needed. "My mother. Rosalyn Senatori. Please don’t hate her."


"Hate her?"  Lionel followed Rosalyn to the door, and then slammed it behind her.  "Why ever would you think that I would hate such an obviously... charming creature such as that?"  All the charm of a pit viper, he thought to himself, but didn't say a word to his lover.  "I am, however, going to kill her."


"Lionel, in the past two weeks I have argued; I have screamed. I have bitched and moaned, and have very nearly committed homicide. The only thing that kept me going was you, knowing you'd be home soon. I hope you understand this, you embrace it, as we go downstairs to meet my family. Because for the rest of the time they’re here, they will be teasing, poking fun, trying to rip us apart, trying to get in between us. Shayla will be making crude remarks… Graham is going to want to pop you in the eye. Eleanor will now call you Mr. Weird Man for the rest of the time she's here. Oh, and lets not forget my brothers five children, and his wife, who’s going to go into labor any minute. Really." He followed him into the bedroom, and offered his arms.


Downstairs was a different matter.  Rosalyn Senatori flitted around, seeking out her eldest son.  "Graham!!!  Graham, you will have to speak to Morgan this instant!"


"Mama... calm down.  What has he done now?"  Graham wasn't at all surprised; he was quite used to his little brother's antics, and he was accustomed to being the closest thing that Dominic had to a father.


"He... he is with that... that... man!  That little boy!  With my son!  With Morgan!  That bastard!"


Graham sighed.  "Mama, you're not making any sense."


"They're coming down!  You'll see!"


Shayla jumped off the couch and went to camp out at the bottom of the stairs.  "Move it, Shane-O," she said, scooting the kid off the bottom step as she perched in his place.  No way she was gonna miss this.  "Your aunt Shay's gotta have a ringside seat."


Lionel pulled Dominic to him immediately.  "It's all right, Dominic.  Nobody will be able to get between us.  I promise you that.  I won't let it.  Even if I have to burn down the world."  He kissed Dominic softly, and then groaned.  "As much as I would like to fuck you into next week and then sleep for another week... I don't think we should keep that charming lady waiting."


The tiny baby peered up at Shayla for a good long moment, watching with an almost adoration...then crawled right into her lap, grasping onto her shirt until he'd climbed in, and squealed in delight.


"Mama?" Megan glanced up from her spot at the kitchen counter, cross legged on a stool next to the illustrious Ms. Bird, cutting up potatoes. "What’s wrong? Is everything alright?"


"But darling, you don’t know what’s coming. You don’t." Dominic leaned in and snuggled hard to his lover, kissing his cheek softly as he gently caressed his belly. "You're so hard, you want me to...? I will, gladly." A smile up at him, tinged with regret. "I wish they weren’t here. I’ve missed you so...I just want to make love with you until New Year’s."


A rumbling of stomping feet, and Dominic suddenly burst through the back door, carrying a small child. Or what appeared to be Dominic...only younger, with brighter blue in his eyes then green, but other then that, Riley was a mirror image of his brother. He hauled up his eldest son, who at seven years old wasn’t a light feather anymore, and hauled him through the kitchen on his shoulder. "Has anyone seen Adrian?"


Megan couldn’t help but roll her eyes in amusement, elegant in a sculpted face, and continued to peel potatoes with fingers were long and graceful, slim of bone and palm, slicing the potatoes up in a move she'd been doing all her life. Boom boom boom, two of them finished. She glanced at her younger brothers wife, Marie, sitting next to her and so pregnant the woman could barely move. "Marie, darling, what ever did you see in this family? Really?"


And the nicest thing was that they all spoke with that Irish, thick accent, so it sounded like Christmas time in Ireland, with the pies baking and the children squealing and the music playing.


Shane gurgled, and awarded his favorite aunt with a sneeze and a huge bubble booger.


"All right, you little rugrat," Shayla said with affection.  "You can stay.  But only until the fun starts, and then find another rock to cling to, okay?"


"No!  It is not all right!  He... Morgan is... with that man!  The one who always treated him so, so terribly!!"


"Ja... Herr Lionel," Ms. Bird nodded sagely.  "Dey are goot for each udder.  Chu vill see this."


Lionel caught his lover's hand against his belly.  "Not if I can't see you come too... you don't know how much I thought about that, how many times I thought of your face when you come because of me."  He pressed Dominic's hand tightly.  "And I don't think your mother should find us blowing each other."


Shayla yelled in from the stairs.  "I've got... ewww!!!  Shane-O, that's gross!!"  She held the little boy out at arms length as she carried him into the kitchen.  "Mama!  He snotted all over me!"


Rosalyn took the baby out of Shayla's hands.  "Then clean him up!"  She picked up the nearest towel, one of the imported linen ones, and proceeded to wipe Shane's face clean with it.  "There you go.  Riley, don't worry.  I'm sure Adrian's underfoot somewhere, we'll find him sooner or later!"


"You're gross, kiddo."  Shayla hefted Shane back up in her arms, and took her lookout post at the bottom of the stairs.  "I'll yell when they come down!" she shouted.


Dominic shuddered and set his forehead on Lionel’s. "Each other? We can...together?" A low, heavy groan.


"Oh, you mean Lionel." Megan smiled, almost smug, and winked at Ms Bird. "I've known about him since September. Geez, people, get with the program."


He might have been gross, but man, having his granny clean him all up and then back in his aunties arms, and Shane was happy. He grabbed a lock of her bright pink hair, tugging rapidly at it, and bounced in her arms with a squeal and a giggle. "Mamamamama!"


"We can," Lionel said, rubbing his cheek against Dominic's.  "But... before we go downstairs... I got something for you while I was overseas.  It's nothing surprising... something I've been meaning to give you for a while."  He pulled away from Dominic and went into the bathroom, going through his suit jacket and bringing back a small black lacquer box.  He opened it, and inside it was a small ring, made of pearl shell and fitted to his lover's finger.  A single black Chinese character adorned the ring, and Lionel explained it as he slipped it onto Dominic's left pinky.  "It's their glyph for "world."  Because you are my world."  He kissed Dominic's hand and then let it fall.


"Ja, Lionel."  Ms. Bird smiled back.  She liked Dominic's sister, and adored his mother even more.  "Rosalyn, ve chould talk soon."


"Megan!  You mean to tell me you knew about this and didn't tell anyone?  When did you find out!  What... how... you're behind this?"  Rosalyn was shocked.


"I ain't your momma, Shane-O."  Shayla kept riding the little boy on her knee.  "Not even close."  She carefully disentangled his chubby little fist from her hair, being more careful to keep her piercings out of his grasp.


Graham was walking towards the kitchen from the hallway when he reached down between his feet and picked up the child crawling on the floor.  "Hello, Adrian.  I do believe your father's looking for you."  Graham boosted the boy onto his shoulder, and carried him into the kitchen.  "Riley?  Oh, there you are.  I believe this belongs to you."


Oh. Dominic trembled, watching his lovers fingers as they slid over his, and when they moved away...that tiny ring sat there, on his hand. Gorgeous, discreet...just the type of thing Lionel would do, and he beamed at him as hard as he could as when he looked up. "Oh. Lionel, its beautiful, thank you so much, baby." He leaned in and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him so, so tight.


"Of course I knew, but Dom didn’t tell anyone because he knew you'd be flipping out like this, ma." Megan leaned over and pressed a kiss to her mothers cheek. "Its not how you think. They’re really in love."


"Mamamam?" Shane leaned over and just plastered a drooly mouth to her shoulder.


"Oh, lord." Riley took the child from his older brother and peered at the little boy until the child burst into peels of laughter, and he offered a grin at Graham. "This place is like a hide and seek playground. I found Aaryn inside a food pulley an hour ago."


Marie heaved a heavy sigh and rubbed at her aching belly. "Sometimes I think I married into the Partridge family."


Lionel returned the embrace.  "I couldn't stop thinking about you, Dominic... and I had to find a way to show the world that you're mine."  He held up his hand, and there was a small ring on his own pinky, below the ring of his family crest.


"Of course I'm worried about my baby!!"  Mama consulted her watch.  "he's got two more minutes before I go and drag him down here!"


Shayla laughed.  "Shane-O, you're a regular drool factory.  I can't wait to fork you over to your momma."


"I'm going to go rescue Shane from Shay before she does something like pierce his tongue or dye his hair purple."  Graham surrendered the child and then walked towards the hallway.  "'Lindy."


"Graham... cut Morgan some slack, okay?"  Belinda "Lindy" Senatori paused by her older brother.  "Megan says they're really happy together, and you know how long it's been since Morgan's been happy with anyone."


"I heard that. And resent it!"


"Bite me, Senatori."


"Gladly." Riley leaned over and gave his wife a smacking kiss on the cheek, whistling as he tucked Adrian under his arm and walked out of the room


"At least Marie is better than Lindy's husband," Mama groused under her breath.  "She at least had the courtesy to show up this year."


Oh, MAN. Dominic beamed so brightly at him, giggling very softly, fingertips stroking his lovers beard...and his voice was devilish as he pressed his mouth to a tender ear. "You get to tie me up just for this. Any position you anything you want. Put a leash on me...make me crawl and suck you off." Wicked intent, and he pressed more kisses to his cheek and throat. "I love you."


"Aye, Mama." Megan sighed deeply and continued to cut the vegetables, Bing Crosby singing Christmas tunes in the background as she casually looked over at Ms Bird and shared a grin. "Ms. Bird, if it was a woman she'd be reacting the same way, you do realize this, right?"


"MAMAMAMAM!" Shane squealed and popped up and down in her arms, his little chunky legs squirming in joy, batting her on the collar bone as he grasped her face, leaned in, and pressed a wet baby kiss to her cheek.


Marie grinned at that. No matter what Mrs. Senatori said, she always loved her. "And look, I’m pregnant out of my mind. Brownie points for that, right?"


Lionel closed his eyes for a long moment, enjoying his lover's mouth on his throat.  "I love you, Dominic."  He slid his hand down to catch Dominic's, twisting the ring in his fingertips with a gentle motion.  "And I will be taking you up on that... possibly soon."


"Oh, Ja, of course she vould."  Ms. Bird nodded sagely.  "But I know somethink chu do not know.  I know how goot they are together.  I haf seen, vith my own eyes." 


"Hilde, I promise you, if Lionel is as good to my son as you say he is, then you'll hear no more from me about it.  But I just don't believe it; I've heard too many stories from my baby about how horribly that man treats him."  Rosalyn had her arms crossed over her chest as she presided over the kitchen.  "No brownie points for you, missy," she said, smiling at her pregnant daughter in law.  "You are a good girl for Riley."


Shayla giggled.  "All right, munchkin... let's try a new word.  Let's try... ass."  She grinned to herself; she loved teaching dirty words to the kids.


Dominic smiled back, then let go teasingly and stepped back to the bathroom, retrieving his clothes...and going into the closet for clothing for his lover. Dark slacks and a dark gray sweater much like his own, and he walked back into the bedroom with both sets ready to be worn. "Let me get you some socks, darling." He set the clothes on the bed and went to their curio cabinet, bending down to the lower drawer and opening it. "Gray, black, or argyle?"


"From what Dominic's told me, they’re very good together. Mama..." Megan rose, all gentle grace and long limbs, climbing to her height of 5'11  and leaned in to press a kiss to her mother. "See, before you start criticizing, mama."


"...Why is everyone suddenly fretting over Dominic? I was in the bathroom and I didnt hear." Marie blinked at all of them.


"Mama caught him with his lover."


"A him, I’m supposing."




"Well, good for him." A stout nod, and Marie continued to chop the parsley...eating more the she was chopping, of course.


Shane just stared at her...then exploded into giggles and squirmed in her arms to get down. "Mama mama mama mama! Eh! Mamama!"


"Gray, to match the sweater," Lionel said absently, unknotting the towel and using it to dry off whatever moisture remained on his body.  "You realize, of course, that I will end up killing your family before the holiday is over," he said conversationally as he started to get dressed.


"They are very goot together," Ms. Bird insisted.  "Herr Lionel has efan asked Dominic to marry hem," she said, remembering the day of the press conference, when Dominic had danced her around the study.


"WHAT WAS THAT!???" Graham bellowed, in the midst of his conversation with Lindy.  He charged back into the kitchen, his sister in tow.  "Mama!!  Tell me I didn't hear what I thought I just heard."


Rosalyn nodded firmly.  "This is why I wanted you to talk to Morgan!"


"Holy fuck, kiddo."  Shayla almost dropped Shane at Graham's bellow.  "Let's get you back to your dad, and see what all the fun is, okay?  Cause Aunt Shay is nosy.  Can you say... nosy?"


"Darling, you say that as if I don't already have first dibs." Dominic tossed a grin over his shoulder...something he hadn't been able to do in weeks, and climbed easily to his feet, handing him the socks and slowly undoing the thick robe he'd slipped on when his mother made her grand entrance. Surprisingly, he didn't even realize it was Lionel's, even as it fell to the floor.


Megan jumped a mile, wincing as she saw her oldest brother charge into the room, all furious eyes, Lindy right behind him. "Oh. Well, now you've done it."


"Dear god, Graham, calm yourself. Its just marriage...its not like they're going to have a child or something." Marie blinked.


Oh, well. Megan visibly winced at that, cause...well...she and Dom were like THIS, and...eep?


Shane's eyes got big as he heard the yell, but it wasn't exactly something out of the ordinary in this family, and he amused himself by tugging at his aunties necklace and playing with the pendant that hung from it with almost scientific attention.


Dominic jumped over his brothers bellow, and groaned. "They know."


"Graham, please, calm down and listen to everything before you jump all over Morgan!  Remember what I said about him being happy?"  Belinda fretted quietly.  She knew that something had been troubling her younger brother for many years now, over a decade, and only recently had seemed to find a peace within himself.  "Graham!"  But he was ignoring her, and she intercepted Shayla with the baby.   "Let me have the baby, Shay.  You can go back to whatever it was you were doing."


Shayla gladly surrendered the little drool machine.  "Here you go, sis.  I'm just bein' nosy... what's the commotion?"


"Why don't you go and see if Morgan's ready to come down yet?" Lindy suggested instead.  "And help me find Ellie!"


Shaney got passed from one set of arms to another, and really, did he mind? As long as he was being cuddled...woo!


"Maaaaama! I here!" A tiny, tinkling little voice from behind her granny's dress, and Eleanor poked her blond head out, pajama's in tow, teddy wrapped under one arm.


"Everyone calm down, alright? Morgan’s happy, guys, and he and Lionel are having us in their house for the holidays. So I suggest everyone be calm and civil and nice for a bloody change. Alright?" Megan huffed, but didn’t meet her older brothers eyes.


"I took your cologne with me," Lionel admitted.  "It's in my bag; I'll give it back to you after Enrique sends it back up."  He watched as his robe slid off Dominic's shoulders, and smiled softly, not saying a word.  He liked the idea of Dominic wearing his robe.  The bellow from downstairs all but shook the rafters, and Lionel looked around in amazement.  "Who knows what?"


"Graham, be quiet, you're going to scare your son!"  Lindy cuddled Shane against her shoulder as she listened to Megan.  "Ellie!  Come here!"  She held her arm out to her daughter.  "Be quiet, darling, just a moment, for mommy."


"Whoa... you mean Morg's getting hitched?  Holy shit!"


"SHAYLA!" Graham bellowed again.  "Morgan is not getting married!  To anyone!"


"Yes!  You talk to him, Graham, he'll listen to you."  Rosalyn picked Ellie up before she could run across to Belinda.  "The man nearly scared this child half to death!"


"GRAHAM!" She bellowed right back. "You are not his keeper! He'll get married to anyone he wants to, if its a man or a woman or a bloody chimpanzee!"

"Megan's right!"  Belinda did meet Graham's blustery bellowing.  "This is their home and they've invited us here!"


"My brother knows we're engaged. I'd bet you, but I'd loose the bet." Dominic pulled his sweater on, slacks and socks, and dragged his fingertips through his hair with a sigh. "Come on, lets get this over with." He offered his hand and cracked open the bedroom door, stepping out onto the landing and immediately spotting florescent hair at the bottom of the steps. A deep breath, and he squeezed his lovers hand tight. "Just remember. There’s no sex with Dominic in prison."


Ellie just blinked, curled in her grannies arms, and stared at the furious adults. "Mr. Weirdy Pants is nice."


And Dominic stepped down the stairs, hearing his brothers loud bellow, and mentally rolled his eyes as they neared the landing, muttering to his lover, "That’s what he thinks."


Lionel knew that the least thing he should do right now was the thing he wanted to do the most; walk down and tell the sanctimonious bastard ranting about his and Dominic's relationship to get the fuck out of his house.  Instead, he smiled at his lover.  "We'll get through this, you realize.  They can't stay forever."


"Graham, you're just being as stubborn as Mama is!"  Lindy shifted Shane on her hip as she rubbed his back.  "I just told you, Morgan is happier than we've seen him in a very long time, and I think Megan's right!  It's because of this man, and we--all of us, Graham, and you too, Mama--owe it to Dominic to give him the benefit of the doubt!"


"You'd be surprised." Dominic muttered, and comfortably stepped over Shayla at the bottom of the steps, not even giving pinky a chance as he tugged Lionel along by his hand, slipping the other casually into his pocket as he stepped into the kitchen...even here, in his lovers home, the sanctimonious convergence of everything. "Hello, everyone." Some nine odd pair of eyes latched onto him, and onto Lionel. "I'd like for you all to meet Lionel."


Love at first sight. He stopped for about twenty seconds, just staring at Lionel with almost hero worship. Shane’s eyes watched the older man and he started to giggle and gurgle in happiness, squirming in his aunties arms to get a better look at him. To get OVER to him. Hello, nice arms!


She quickly got to her feet and all but glided beside her brother, sweet smile on her face. "I’m Megan, Morgan’s twin. Lionel, its such a pleasure to finally meet you. Morga--I mean, Dominic has told me so much about you." She leaned in and pressed her cheek to his, kissing him hello European style...and if she noticed they were holding hands, she didn’t say anything. "It's wonderful to put a face on the man who's so entranced my brother."


Marie sent a pointed glare at her brother in law before he could open his mouth, pointing at Graham and glaring.


"Look! See, nana? I's Mr. Weirdy Pants!" Eleanor beamed on a high voltage, big grin on her small face. "I tol' ya he was real, huh huh? Can I have a cookie now? I wan' a red one!"


Lionel had never seen so many people who looked alike in his entire life.  He leaned over into the kiss, and then his attention was caught by the squirming arms of the chubby toddler.  Out of habit he reached out and took the child, settling the boy in the crook of his arm.  "Child... my name is not Mr. Weirdy Pants."  And those words made him seriously reconsider his sanity.  "My name is Lionel."  He held out the hand not monopolized by the baby.  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Megan." 


"Eleanor!!"  Lindy flushed bright red.  "Mr. Luthor--I'm so sorry."  She swiped at her daughter's arm, trying to catch her and pull her back over.


Shayla had followed them in from the stairway.  "So you're Doc's old man... can you even get it up any more?"


"SHAYLA!" bellowed Graham.


"What?  I just want to know!"  Shayla popped the gum tucked between her cheek and teeth.  "Can the ringmaster here get the big top to rise?"


Lionel had no idea what to say or do.  The baby in his arms showed no signs of detaching himself from Lionel's arm, he was outraged with Shayla's questions, he still didn't like what Graham had said about him before, and there were other sets of eyes all around him.  "Dominic?  Who, exactly, is Morgan?"  That was the least confusing question he could ask, and one that had been troubling him for quite some time.

Hero worship? It was...beyond hero worship. Shane stared at him...touched his beard very softly with slightly moist fingers, his lips...hooked a tiny hand in Lionel’s mouth, grabbed his teeth and pulled lightly. When they didn’t come out, like granny’s did, he took his hand out and started playing with the little hairs tufted just barely above the v-cut sweater, exploring them with curiosity and awe.


Dominic was utterly mortified. He let go of his lover and lashed out, grabbing Shayla by the ear and giving said ear a vicious twist. "I’m sorry, were you just asking if I’m going to tell mama about the night of your fifteenth year? I must have heard wrong, correct?" He let go of her, glared, then sent a little look Lionel’s way. "I’m Morgan."


"Oh. Hello, Mr. Weirdy Lion." A big smile as Ellie hid in her granny’s bosom, knowing she was gonna catch it later but ah well. Later was later, and know she just grinned ruefully.


"Marie! Darling, have you seen--"Riley stopped at all the commotion going on in the kitchen--hoisting a 4 year old little boy on his shoulder a bit higher, and offered a companionable smile at the older gentlemen holding his nephew. "Hello, you must be Mr. Luthor. Its a pleasure to finally meet you, sir." He offered a hand, the other staying on the child in his arms.


"Have I seen what, dear?" Marie piped up from the corner, where she was eating all the vegetables.


"The first aid kid. I think Ruddy has a splinter."




"Don’t yell."


Sniff sniff.


Shane tugged at the hairs...and when they didn’t come out, he laid down on the thick shoulder and sucked on his thumb, happy to hear the heart beating in the nicely smelling chest.


Lionel shook every hand that was extended to him almost on autopilot, and then his eyes fixed on... he blinked.  And it didn't change.  He blinked again.  And came to the conclusion that there were actually two of Dominic standing in the kitchen.  "Yes, I'm Mr. Luthor."  Dominic was actually a man named Morgan, and he had just met the Irish equivalent of the Manson Family, he was sure of it.  "There's... Ms. Bird, isn't there... under the sink?"  He couldn't compose a coherent sentence, and that had to be a first in his entire existence.


"Get the fuck off me, Morg!  Jesus!  Big brother or not I'll nail you in the nuts if you don't take your hands off me!"  She slapped his arm down and rubbed her ear.  "Damn, girl's just askin', you know?  Lookin' for a little play."


"Shayla!!!!!!!!"  Lindy was flushing bright red, and she finally tugged Ellie over to her.  "Eleanor!  Apologize to Mr. Luthor!"


Lionel looked down at the little hand in his mouth, and then as it pulled at his chest hair, and sighed.  Deeply.  Not even Lex had been that curious about him, and he shifted the baby up just a little higher as he went through the introductions, trying to file all the information away.


Dominic grinned softly and watched Lionel’s shock, passing a glance at his younger brother and he couldn’t help winking at him before back to Lionel. "Morgan’s my first name, Dominic’s my middle, darling." All said while grabbing Shayla by the arm and glowering at her. "Don’t. Ask."


" the mama on Lady n'd the Trampy, mama! Mr. Weirdy Lion is The Mama!"


Megan was busy introducing, of course, because her brother had his hands full of pinky, and Lionel had his arms full of Shane. "Lionel, this is my sister, Shayla." She motioned at the one Dominic was threatening. "Belinda, and Eleanor, her daughter. My mother you've met, and this is Marie, Riley’s wife."


She waved, while stuffing a carrot in her mouth. "''ello!"


"I'll introduce the children to you later, but this little guy in your arms is Shane." She smiled warmly, rubbing his back as he looked half drugged with pleasure and sleep. "And...last, but not least, the oldest of us, Graham." She sent Graham a 'be nice or die' look, and then smiled again.


Riley moved around the lot of people sitting and standing about, casually throwing a oven mitten on and taking the cookies his mother had forgotten about out of the stove. Another step and he was beside the illustrious Ms Bird, son still over his shoulder in the fireman’s walk. The little boy had an elbow propped on his fathers back, head in hand, sighing.


“It's... a pleasure to meet you all, I'm sure."  He shifted position to let someone move around him.  The little girl's screeching voice he studiously ignored, applying the same techniques to ignoring her that he applied to tuning out his son.  Unfortunately, Ellie seemed to have a larger vocal capacity than Lex. 


"Give me those cookies," Ms. Bird said.  "Right chere."  She made a corner clear on the workspace, and nodded.  "Give one to de girl."


"You need to loosen up and get laid, bro."  Shayla twisted around.  "Where's AJ?"


"Mr. Luthor, please... I'm sorry about Ellie--"


Lionel held up his free hand.  "Please.  No more Mr. Luthor."  Another "Mr. Luthor" and he was going to begin attempting to fire people.  "Call me Lionel.  And please, who is AJ?"  Not another family member, please, dear God in heaven.


I was GOING to until mother DEAREST walked in on it. DAMMIT. "Alright, don’t you people have things to do? Get. Shayla, Megan’s going into the city if you want to go shopping with her. Why don’t you go as well, Lindy? Take Ellie, go buy her things." Just please leave, for just a bit.


Shaney gave a tiny snore from Lionel’s shoulder.


Megan caught the hint...she wasn’t dumb here, after all. It was almost as if she and Dominic shared one mind, and she winked at him as she snagged Eleanor up and swept out of the kitchen. "Sounds wonderful. See you guys for dinner!"


"Shop?  In this one horse town?  For what, garden implements?"  Shayla sniffed.  "Bet the only cool place to hang out is here.  Morg, if you see AJ, tell him to get his ass home, and bring that tall drink of farm boy with him."


Lindy shook her head sympathetically at her younger brother.  "You have my best wishes, little brother," she said quietly, hugging him.  "I've never seen you look so happy, not for a very long time.  I'm so glad he makes you smile."  Her voice was soft and a little husky; she refused to cry, but seeing Morgan so happy made her want to. 


Lionel shook his head at the semi-mass exodus of all of Dominic's family, leaving him in possession of one of the little ones, the one who had attached himself to Lionel.  A handful of his hair was clutched tightly in the boy's fist and Lionel cradled him carefully.  "Who is this AJ person?" he all but wailed.  "Dominic!"


"Megan’s going into Metropolis, actually." He gave Shayla a patient smile, then suddenly found himself caught in his older sisters arms...and he hugged her, hard. Lindy had all but raised him...she was the one who cooked dinner every night, who cleaned, who watched over the little ones when his mother was gone 18 hours out of the day. It was to her that he owed his childhood too, and he adored her with everything he was. He hugged her a little harder and yeah, he was prone to getting choked up like everyone in his family, and he gently kissed her cheek softly. "He does. I love him so much, Lindy. He makes me so happy."


And strange, that Shane didn’t even bat an eye at the wail.


Dominic let go of his sister and grinned at his frustrated lover, having ignored his older brother for the time being, though he could feel his eyes boring into his neck. "Your son." And with that he leaned over and gently kissed Shane’s cheek, the side of his face coincidently being slid across Lionel’s face, and then he looked up at Graham with hooded eyes. He knew what was coming.


"I can tell he does; don't you lose him, Sam."  She hugged him just as tightly as she could, and then grabbed Shayla's arm.  "Come on.  You're coming shopping with us."


"Metropolis?  All right!!  Let's go!"  She cheered loudly.  "Goodbye cow-town, hello nightlife!!"  She followed as Lindy dragged her out of the room by the arm.


Lionel wasn't even aware of the fact that he was gently rocking Shane in his arms to keep him pacified through all of the raised voices.  "My... son?  Is allowing someone to call him AJ?  And... he knows these people?  Where is Lex?  Or do I want to know?"

Her husband cleared the room as well with her son in tow, and finally, when it was just Marie herself, her mother in law, her brothers in law and Lionel, she spoke up. "I hear you both are sleeping together." And what exactly did she have to lose? She was about to have this kid any day--her mother in law would be aghast for exactly one day before the new baby made her love her again. "I think that’s beautiful. You both look good together." She smiled and crunched into another carrot, her long black curls hanging over her shoulders. "Right about now I'd make a grand exit, but I can't walk very well, so I’m going to sit here and stuff my face. Don’t mind me."

Graham had been on the receiving end of very many murderous stares throughout the night, and had remained angrily silent.  His glare at his little brother narrowed at the way Morgan went out of his way to caress Lionel's face with his own, and a soft growl emitted from his chest.


"Dere, you see?"  Ms. Bird puffed up proudly as Lionel handled the child.  "I told chu so."


"Hush, Hilde.  We haven't seen him when he's not on his best behavior yet."  Rosalyn added her glare to Graham's.


Graham swallowed, and watched his older brother. They hadn’t spoken much since everyone had gotten here, and he almost knew why. "Lionel, I’m going to speak to my brother. I'll be back. Keep Marie company, will you? She's been bored."


Wriggled brows, and she held up a carrot.


Graham walked past his love and reached his brother, looking up into his face as his throat worked unconsciously. "Can we go in the other room?"


"By all means."  Graham held his hands out.  "I'll take the baby, Mr. Luthor."


"He is quiet, he is calm, and he is happy.  Leave him be.  I do not sacrifice children, no matter what stories you might have been told.  In fact, I raised one of my own.  I think I am capable of holding a small child until he wakes up."  Lionel couldn't help it; the big man rubbed his nerves raw.  But then he smiled.  "Of course I'll keep her company."


Graham looked ready to commit murder when Lionel refused to give up the child.


Dominic caught the look and nabbed his brothers rock hard arm, shaking his head at him and pleading with his eyes as he gently led him to the door. "Lets go talk in the office."


She beamed. No one wanted to talk to her these days, and it was a damn fine man to put up with her temper. "I’m not sure if you recognize me, Mr. father is Reynold Coffings. I believe you both know one another?" She offered a sweet smile, propping up an elbow on the tabletop as she took a sip of eggnog Ms Bird had poured a bit ago for her. Eggnog, carrots and tomatoes. The lunch of queens.


Shane had a death grip on Lionel’s hair. Even when he shifted, the comforting feel of holding something so soft and silky kept him asleep, and he snuggled in deep to his new hero.


Lionel sat down on one of the stools vacated by the departing family, and shifted Shane in his arms to accommodate it.  "You're Coffings' daughter?  I had no idea."  Reynold Coffings was on the LuthorCorp's board of directors, but he hadn't had personal dealings with the man in years.  "I didn't even realize you were old enough to get married."  Of course, the last time he'd even seen her, she'd been about as old as Ellie.


Marie couldn’t help a grin. "Indeed. I just turned twenty-four this last summer, and Riley and I are expecting our sixth child in a few weeks." She grinned impishly. "Not that you couldn’t tell, of course." She smiled at him warmly, big chocolate eyes dancing. "I’ve never seen Shane attach to anyone so quickly. Looks like you've got a new best friend, Lionel."


Lionel shrugged.  "You've grown up into quite a young lady.  I wonder why Dominic never mentioned it." 


"Quite a young lady is right. I’m two young ladies." She sighed and rubbed at her distended belly softly. "I'd bet Dommie didn’t mention it because its common knowledge." Her grin was sweet and teasing. "Not common enough, but you know. Would you like some eggnog?"


Come to think of it, he'd probably gotten an invitation to the wedding and had turned it down and sent a gift instead.  "No, no eggnog, thank you."


A loud, audible sniff.  "Course he doesn't know about your wedding, Marie.  Too good to come, he was.  Too good to drink with the likes of us too, it looks like."


"Aye, Nana, its okay." She smiled at her mother in law before reaching over and grasping Lionel’s hand, looking at him and still continuing to talk to Roselyn. "I like him. He's a good man, cant you see?" Then, to Lionel, "Dominic wasn’t able to come, either. Some blow up in the middle east, with a plant of yours." She smiled again, gently, and rubbed her free palm over her belly. It felt strange, today. ....and she cared not to think about what strange feelings usually were.


He shifted...and his eyes opened a moment… before squeezing tight, and he sneezed a huge booger ball.


Lionel was surprised when Marie defended him, even more surprised when she casually took his hand.  At heart, he knew her words of defense were only true because of Dominic; he was a good man only because of his lover.  "I'm sorry I took him away from his brother's wedding, though at the time, I desperately needed his assistance."  The violent sneeze surprised Lionel, and he found that the shoulder of his gray sweater was covered in... mucus.  For quite possibly the first--and last--time in his life.  He stared at the little child in his arms, and then looked at Ms. Bird.  "Might I trouble you for a wet cloth, Ms. Bird?"


"I'll take care of it, Hilde."  Rosalyn watched Lionel like a hawk as she wet a towel in the sink with hot water, and brought it over.  She wiped her grandson's face, and then huffed as Lionel took the towel out of her hands and did it himself a second time, just in time to catch another sneeze.  Delicate folds of the towel, and he cleaned off his shoulder the best he could. 


"Do you perhaps have an old blanket, or something, Ms. Bird?"  A nice chain-mail suit would have been preferable to protect his clothes, but he grimaced inwardly.  To impress the in-laws, one did things one normally would not do.  Including wiping snotty noses, apparently.


"Here.  Chu can use this."  Ms. Bird gave Lionel a dry towel to lay over his shoulder, and smoothed it out for him.  "Dere."


"Thank you."  Inwardly, he was having a mental fit.  Outwardly, he was the picture of calm.


He beamed up at his new best friend, booger bubble just...hanging there.


"Riley didn’t mind, and I didn’t, either. We see so much of Morgan that it was almost like he was there, regardless." And then the baby sneezed...and she barely kept the laughter that bubbled in her throat in at his horrified expression. She barely kept herself in check, expression crumbling more then once and choked, silent giggles escaping her. "Are you alright, dear?"


Oh. Then his hero wiped him up and he just beamed so brightly at him, giving him a huge, one tooth smile, and snuggled in again, curling up close as he finished waking up. That lasted, of course for .5 seconds, and then he began to fuss for a bottle, whining and squirming in his best friends arms.


"Oh... I'm fine.  I've raised a son.  Granted, my son did have a nurse, a nanny and a mother, but I do believe I watched him grow up long enough to remember how these things are done."  Lionel waited until Shane started squirming, and then surrendered him to Rosalyn, who was watching him like a hawk.  "I assure you, Madam, I do not intend to poison or sacrifice the child."


"Little boy, don't joke about things like that with me."  She shook the bottle at him, and it splashed him with breast milk as she lifted it up to Shane's mouth.


Her face was turned to Lionel’s, her mother in law behind her, and she rolled her eyes at the commentary the elderly woman was making. "Anyway. Why don’t you give me a tour of this beautiful mansion, Lionel? I’ve been wanting to explore, but I haven’t wanted to intrude."


Lionel couldn't help the wide grin that spread across his face.  "It would be a pleasure, but, are you sure you're up to the exercise in your condition?  And don't worry about intruding; there's so few people actually in residence here that I don't believe you could disturb anything but dust."


Ms. Bird gave a loud harrumph as Lionel implied there would be dust in a house that she was in charge of.


Her smile matched his and she guffawed, waving a hand. "Oh, please. Exercise is good for me. Keeps the baby off my bladder." She wriggled her brows and climbed down slowly from the stool, offing and grabbing his hand to straighten all the way. "Wooo. Well, alright. Note to self...don’t sit down."


He was slurping happily at his bottle, holding it with his tiny chubby fingers as he watched his nana, beaming around the nipple as he sucked.


Lionel helped Marie to her feet, and offered his arm to steady her as she regained her footing. "Shall we?"


She took the offered arm but even when she'd regained her footing she didn’t let go, smiling up at him from her little stance at 5'3, and nodded. "Indeed. Whisk me away, Lionel. And oooh, I want to see this china room that Ms Birds been so adamant about my seeing, first."


"Right this way."  Lionel escorted Marie to the kitchen door, and then held the door open for her before following behind her and offering his arm.  "Some of the china in there comes from many generations in the Luthor clan."


She waddled beside him, fingers grasped tight around his arm and her dark, evergreen sweater showcasing her belly above the black leggings. Black ked tennis shoes, and that’s as far as she was going with maternity fashion...and even so, only because she wasn’t in her own home. "Oh, really? That’s remarkable! I’ve had a love of china since I was a little girl… my mother used to buy me little tea sets for me and my dolls, and I suppose I grew up loving to buy china sets for myself."


Lionel nodded.  "Yes.  My mother collected china, and she inherited her grandmother's bridal and hope chests, which were filled with china, gold plate, and jewels.  The most valuable pieces are either on display at the Metropolis Museum of Art under the Luthor Wing or in an airtight vault.  But the majority of the pieces are displayed in this room."  Lionel ushered her into the room and flicked on the light.


Oh, and how she gasped. Her chocolate eyes lit up and her full lips spread as she breathed, looking about the enormous, beautiful room with shock and pleasure. China, for as far as she could see, and she just barely kept the girlish squeal under wraps. She stepped in and held her belly as she leaned in and peered at the first of tons of glass plate showcases, the tiny rosin china gleaming up at her from the soft velvet where it was displaced. Her shoes sunk into the cushy carpet, and she all but drooled a puddle as she looked at the tiny roses on the cream plate. "Alright, well, this is my heaven."


Lionel had quietly crossed the room to stand beside a small display case in the corner.  It was newer than most of the other displays in the room, and he looked down at the contents.  White bone china, nearly a hundred years old, with a rim of gold and a border of purple thistle plants. 


"Lionel..." She stepped over next to him, the funny feeling in her belly again and she was positive she'd gone into the first stages of labor. Two weeks early, but at least she didn’t get overdo. Like with her last child, she knew it would take a long while before anything started happening, so she said nothing and she smiled up at Lionel with dancing eyes before in to the display...and gasped. "Oh, Lionel, they’re absolutely lovely. Whose were they?"


"My wife's.  They were her favorite.  My mother gave them to her as a wedding present.  The thistles... the thistles were to represent the beautiful, yet prickly path that love takes."  His fingertips traced the glass.  "See how they intertwine, with no beginning and no end?  Lillian used to say that was just how love worked... it didn't begin, it didn't end, it just was."


Her eyes filled as she looked up at him, giving him a large smile that was all soft red lips and white teeth. "Oh, Lionel, that’s beautiful." She took his hand and squeezed. "She must have been very special to you, and these must mean so much to you." She smiled again. "I see how you've separated these… put them in the middle. They’re worthy of the first attention."


"She was.  A very special lady."  He squeezed her hand back, and turned back to looking at the china.  "For almost a year after her death, I had this set put in a box and nearly thrown away.  But Dominic convinced me not to; convinced me that displaying them here would be the better thing."


"And they are. Because only you will ever know the importance of them...only you will remember the joy that these plates saw. Only you will know why certain cracks and scratches on the surface are as they are...because you were there." She beamed at him. "Its probably the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard, Lionel."


Lionel shook his head.  "I'm glad you think so... now, if you could convince the rest of your family of that, then I will be forever in your debt."  He smoothly changed the subject.  "I've always been afraid to let my son into this room when I'm around, because his temper is such that I'd find these things flung at my head."


"Oh, most definitely not. I’ve....spoken with Lex." And she let her utter amusement show. "He's only a few years younger then me, but he feels like my kid brother to me. Like I just want to coddle him and teach him how to be an adult." A moment, and she flushed. "I...I didn’t mean that as an insult, I’m sorry."


"An insult?  Then I suppose Dominic didn't tell you they came to blows a couple of weeks ago?"  A smirk.  "My son is many things, but adult is not quite one of them.  Not yet, anyway."


She couldn’t help grinning again, winking. "I saw the bloodied nose and bruised jaw. I put two and two together, as it were. Sadly, no one tells me such things anymore. I think they think I’m fragile." She snorted loudly, then rose up, albeit slowly, and beamed at him. "Lex is a good boy...I’m just afraid he and my darling sister Shayla are now running in line, glib wise."


Lionel rubbed his temples.  "Oh, yes.  The charming little child with the pink hair.  Tell me, Marie, do you ever have the intense feeling that you have fallen, not just through the mirror but through the other side of sanity?"


"Since the day I met Riley’s family." She grinned up at him and couldn’t help laughing. "They’re insane, but once you understand their system, they get easier to understand. They’re tightly bonded, much as they bicker and scream at one another, their bonds are harder then steel. They’re each others support group, in every way possible...and when new people come in, they have to completely dissect them before letting them into the circle. Hell..." She took his arm again as they began to walk once more, continuing the tour. "The first time I met Mrs. Senatori I thought I would scalp her alive. She told me, in not so many words, that I was a wicked girl and I'd seduced her son and I should just go on home and never come back. And I almost did...but you know what kept me from leaving? Riley’s face, when he told me he loved me. So you see, dear, its just...they take getting used to. You'll understand the ups and downs eventually. And when you both have children, you'll win Mrs. Senatori's heart forever."


"Just scalp her?" Lionel asked quietly, nearly under his breath.  "More like, I'm ready to hide her body and hope Dominic doesn't miss her."  Then a clearing of his throat, and he was speaking normally again.  "I'm not opposed to working, Marie.  I'm not opposed to winning people over.  But Dominic... there is something about Dominic that brings up feelings in me that I haven't had in a long time."  And he wasn't sure why he was telling Marie, a virtual stranger, all of these things, except for the fact that she had been where he was now--on the outside.  "When we came down the stairs this morning, and heard Graham saying that I would never be allowed to marry Dominic, all I wanted in that moment was to break his jaw.  And I am not a man moved to physical violence."


"I understand, dear." She pet his arm gently as they walked, and she rubbed at her belly softly. "I just...know. I know what you're going through, but what I can tell you is that from what I’ve seen...Morgan loves you a great deal. And his family will understand that after seeing it for a while. I don’t mean to be blunt, but you both are two men, and those types of relationships in an Irish family are a bit...hard to swallow. They'll get over it in due time, don’t worry." They turned the corner and walked down a long hall with paintings on each side. "Don’t worry about Graham. He's overprotective of Morgan...for some reason, he always has been, more then the others."


Her smile was priceless. "That’s because you're a good man. I told you." And she ever so casually changed the subject. "Have you both picked a wedding date? And oh, say this weddings going to be in France. I’ve always wanted to go to France." Dancing eyes thrown his way.


"Dominic mentioned Rome a month or so ago; I believe Rome is where it will be."  He shook his head.  "I don't care, as long as Dominic is there with me, it will be beautiful."


"One thing. If you want to get in Mrs. Senatori's good graces... and I know this is a sacrifice, but these types of things must be made... let her run the show. Let her decorate and choose flowers, and the entire nine."


Lionel looked at Marie in horror.  "Elopement is becoming quite a wonderful option."  He looked up as he heard footfalls on the steps above them, and then looked down to see Graham.  "Excuse me, Marie... if that was Dominic... I'm going to have a few words with his brother.  Would you like to wait in the china room?" 

"Could I?" This time she let the girlish giggle through, and beamed at him with huge eyes. "I want to look at them all. Oh, I could get lost in there." She turned to go back in, and grasped his hand gently. "Be patient. He's not a man that’s good with words." 

"Please... you're welcome to spend as much time in there as you like."  He raised her hand to his lips and pressed a gentleman's kiss to it.  "I will be the utmost in propriety." 

She beamed at him, obviously totally in love, and pinched his cheek before waddling off.





Graham allowed Dominic to pull him from the room, but glared at Marie before he left.  "If anything happens to Shane, I'm blaming you, Marie."  He walked quietly behind Dominic until they got to the office, and then slammed the double door shut, glaring at his little brother but not saying a word.  Just... glaring.


Dominic led his brother down the long hallway to the small room of the eastern wing that he'd converted into an office for Lionel and himself. He walked in after hearing the slam, hunching his shoulders and wincing as he stared at the floor. "Please. Before you even start, papa's not rolling around in his grave."


"No, he's not.  I'm sure he's digging it up so he can come and kick your ass himself."  Graham didn't raise his voice, and his demeanor softened slightly.  "Morgan, what's wrong with you?  We've all heard stories about how this man treats you, and then we find out that the two of you are getting married?  You're my little brother, Morgan.  I can't help but worry that you're making a very big mistake; a huge one.  We don't know this guy, none of us does, and he can't possibly be good for you, not after everything he's done to you."


He let his brows furrow as he watched the plate glass windows, swallowing hard but keeping his back to him for the time being. "Something changed. I don’t what, or when. But something... changed. And all those things he's done...they made sense. He loves me, Graham, he truly does, unlike anyone before, ever. And I love him, more than my own life. He's kind and patient and he cares. Can you understand that?" He turned, finally, and looked at his brother with honesty in his face. "I invited you here so you could get to know him. So you all could... could see why I care for him so."


"The man who allowed his son to stuff you into the trunk of a car for nearly eighteen hours has changed?"  Graham studied his brother's face.  "I don't believe it, Morgan.  I just... don't.  I know about the man--I know what I've read, anyway--and all things I've read say he's a royal bastard, if you'll pardon the expression."


His chin trembled and he looked down, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. "Its different now. Weren't you always the one who told me to accept change? To embrace it? He's changed...Graham, he cared for me when I was shot, he took care of me. He makes love to me, touches me like no one else ever has, on this earth. I told him about my past, and he just doesn't care, because he loves me for me. He's human, he makes mistakes."


The second time in two weeks worth of time that he'd had to defend his lover.


 "The Devil can't change his tune," Graham said softly.  "What, did he bring some nurse in to change your bandages on time and make sure you took your medication?  That's not taking care of you, little brother."


"He gave me a bath." Softly. "He brought me here, home, because you know I hate hospitals." He swallowed and turned again, walking over to the table to play with something, unable to look at his brother. "I couldn’t move, and he helped me pee, and he gave me a bath. I hurt so bad, but there he was, the entire time. Not once did he leave my side, until this latest trip, and even then he cut it short."


"He's not good enough for you, Morgan."  Graham walked over to stand behind his brother.  "Can you honestly tell me that you don't have a single doubt?  That you don't have a single question?  Can you tell me, to my face, that he's never done anything to hurt you?"


Softly. "Don’t. You know I cant. But the part of me that knows him, that’s not relying on my own insecurities, knows he loves me. He really cares, Graham. Why would he ask me to marry him if he didn’t? Why would he told me he loved me all the time? Why would he do anything he does, ask me to live with him, ask me to be his partner in life, if he didn’t care?"


He turned, and met his brothers eyes with challenge. "You wouldn’t be reacting like this if he were a woman, would you?"


"I didn't think you could."  Graham laid a heavy hand on Dominic's shoulder.  "Come on.  When the holidays are over, you can come back home with Mama and I.  Get away from all this, get your head clear."  He squeezed.  "You'll see.  Once you're away from him, you'll see."  Graham deliberately ignored the question of Lionel's gender.


And he deliberately put attention back on it. "If he were a woman this would be different. You wouldn’t care if she'd been bad to me before, because it would just be seen as being coy. Right? But no, because he's a man this is suddenly a huge problem for you. Graham," He took his shoulders himself and made his brother look at him. "I’m gay. I have been gay since I was 17 years old. I will be gay until the day that I die. I don’t find women attractive whatsoever. I like men. And I love Lionel." His voice gentled, and he tipped his head a little. "My heads more clear then its ever been, Graham. He and I are going to get married this coming spring, and...and that’s all there is to it."


"I’m a grown man, Graham, but I love you with my whole heart, and I...I just want your permission to do this. I need to know you, one of the most important people in my life, has given his blessing for this."


"If it were a woman, I'd be telling you she was a faithless bitch and you'd be a fool to marry her," Graham pointed out.  "Morgan... I don't accept that you're gay.  I never have, but it's the lifestyle that you've chosen and I won't quarrel with it."  A deep, heavy sigh.  "You prove to me that he's..." and Graham swallowed hard around the next bitter word.  "...committed to you, and I will hold my peace."


And for now, it would be enough. Because before he left to go home, Dominic knew in his heart that his brother would understand what he had with Lionel. So instead of fighting more about it, he reached in and hugged him so, so tightly, burying his face in the strong shoulder just as he had when he was little. "Thank you."


"Don't thank me yet, Morgan.  I'm not convinced."  But even so, he wrapped his arms around Dominic and hugged him tightly, sliding his hand up to the back of Dominic's head.  "I love you, little brother.  I just want you to have a good life."


His smile was this side of crooked when he looked up, and his eyes a little damp, but so was their way. He chuckled, rubbing his cheek, and felt about ten times lighter then he had in the past two weeks. Not telling them had been a heavy weight on his heart, but was a little tolerable. A little. "Talk to mama? She wont hear a word I have to say...please explain what you can to her."


"Graham..." He caught his arm before they left. "I know we're not prone to outbursts. But I do, thank you." It was hard for him to talk to his brother about emotions, but he tried his best. "I care a great deal for Lionel...despite everything he's done, despite anything else, he's my best friend. I just...I hope you'll be able to see that, before you leave."


"I'll try, but you know how Mama is.  Once she gets something into her head, it'll take an act of God Almighty himself to uproot it."  He rubbed his hand through his beard.  "That housekeeper that works here reminds me of Mama quite a bit."  Another deep sigh.  "Morgan... I'll try.  That's all I can promise you."

It was enough. "Well… lets go check on the baby. We've got a little bit of time before the girls get back from the city...maybe we can get some of the gifts wrapped while they’re away."


"You wrap.  I'll pull the tape off; that's about all Lindy ever lets me do.  There is a reason I have her wrap almost all my presents."  He held up his large hands.  "These don't work well with fragile wrapping paper."


He offered a little grin up at him. "Alright. You do the tape and the name labels, and I'll do wrapping paper. Mama brought the Santa one with her, and I’m sure theirs a few more rolls left in the hall closet from last week." He stepped out of the room, waiting for his brother to follow... grinning. "How are you liking having the family here?"


"We could have gone a bit downscale for this; how do you live in this museum, Morgan?  It would drive me insane; I'm living in fear that one of the children will fall into a dungeon and never be heard from again."


He laughed out loud at that, eyes dancing as he grinned at him impishly. "I haven’t even seen the whole thing. Lionel and I kind of keep to our own on the east wing. Kitchen, study, library, bedrooms, bathrooms. That’s about it. From what I’ve heard he's even got a china room, and I'll bet you ten bucks that’s where they’re at right now. You know Marie cant help be gooey over it."


Graham made a rude snort.  "Opulence.  Decadence.  Mama will say you're rising above your raisings."


It stung, but he covered it with a little grin. "I don’t know about that. I’m still the same dumb boy who broke his arm four times from that blasted tree in the backyard."


"And you're lucky.  Riley broke arms and legs falling from it."  He put his arms around Dominic's shoulders.  "You know we all just want the best for you."


"Heh, I remember. Tenth grade year, he spent half of it in a body cast. Man, those were good times." He snickered quietly, then smiled and leaned in to his brothers companionable touch. "Yes, I know."


"Good.  We worry about you, alone out here."  Alone meaning, without the entire family.  Graham wasn't comfortable expressing himself verbally.  "We hear stories."


"Stories?" He tipped his head and glanced questioningly at his brother. "I miss you guys...being out here, alone. But then I just pick up the phone and things are better, for a while. You know?"


"Stories.  Like the whole thing with you in the trunk of a car.  Morgan, you were drugged.  Shoved in a car trunk with tape over your mouth for eighteen hours.  And he didn't even let you out; just drove you back to the office and left you in the parking garage to make your own way back up to his office.  Meggie told us the details later."  A deep breath from Graham.  "How long he works you, how hard."  His hand tightened on Dominic's shoulder. 


"That was Lex's doing, Graham." He frowned softly at the recent memory, and looked away. "Lionel didn’t do that." But he didn’t stop it, either, and he frowned deeper at it, shaking his head slightly. It was before they had started to see one another. Before everything. "He doesn’t work me hard. I work myself hard, to prove to no one but myself that I’m strong, and that I can do everything that’s given to me to do."


"But Lionel didn't stop it either, did he?" Graham asked, unaware that Dominic's thoughts were going down the same path.  "He just let Lex do it, and made no move to help you.  Maybe he was punishing you for failing him, maybe he was teaching you a lesson, or maybe he was just an inconsiderate bastard.  I don't know, I wasn't there."  A pause.  "But you were.  You know, Dominic, if you'll just admit it to yourself."

"Don’t make me feel like I should doubt him, Graham." He pulled away from him and his eyes darkened. "Don’t." An almost angry type of pleading. "I had nothing in my life, Graham. Nothing. Their was no reason for me to get up every morning, no reason to go to work, no reason to eat or shave or enjoy life. For years I moved like a robot, doing things because they were my routine, not being able to fit in when I could just...stop. That’s all I wanted, Graham, for everything to stop. To not have to worry about paying bills or going to the grocery store or eating or waking up. I didn’t want to worry anymore; I didn’t want to live anymore. But just like that, God gave me Lionel. He confessed that he'd always had feelings for me, and in the span of a day, something changed. He changed, I changed. Like a click, and our lives flowed in tandem. And within him I found my reason to live. So don’t stand here and try to make me doubt him, to make me think he’s anything less then a great man. He is. Courageous and strong. He's lost a wife, and a son, and despite it...he's found a way to care for me, to love me without constraint."  He hadn’t wanted to say all of that in the hallway, but...there it was.


"I love him."  Basic words, but he didn't have words complex enough to express how much he loved Dominic.  "There's nothing that I wouldn't do for him.  Nothing that I wouldn't do to make him happy.  That's why I haven't ordered a mass hit on his family."  A small smile to show that he was mostly teasing.  "I can't imagine it being easy on Dominic, being as far as I can tell the only gay member of his family, and I want to make this as easy on him as I can, but at the same time... I don't care how hard the family tries, there's nothing and nobody that's going to keep me away from his side."


Graham shook his head.  "Sounds to me like I don't need to give you reasons to doubt him, Morgan... you've already got them.  You just aren't admitting to them."  He dropped his arm from around Dominic's shoulders.  "I hear what you're saying, Morgan.  But like I said... show me some proof."

"I doubt him because inside me I see darkness, and I don’t want to share that with him." He said it softly, looking away because he was about to lose his temper and start strangling people. "You'll see proof. It just hurts me that coming from my own brother, he would need proof." And with that, he walked off to the stairs, climbed them, and was gone.






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