
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 284: The Worst Assignment Ever

Life? Life was good, in Clarks very important opinion. His step father in law was awake, Lionel was talking to him again, he and Lex had had fantastic sex last night, and was that a bounce in Clarks step? Yes, yes it was. Was that why he was sitting in a chair next to Lois's desk, waiting for Perry to finish berating whoever it was he was deballing in his office, drinking a Dr. Pepper and trying to ignore the looks she was giving him? Yes, yes it was.

Tucked into his back pocket was the brand spanking new check book and debit card he and Lex had gotten done at the bank just a little while ago, and in his satchel was his new article on his life. His ticket, he prayed, to his very own column, which he wanted so badly he could taste it.

Or maybe that was just Dr. Pepper. Yeah. Probably just the Dr. Pepper.

"You know, Smallville, rattling that can in your hands like that ain't gonna make Perry yell one bit louder, you know. Recycle bin's over by the break room, dump it or else I'm gonna break your fingers and you'll be typing with your nose."

Lois was a tad grouchy because she'd had to fight tooth and nail to drag her interview out of Kresheva Whateverthefuckhername was, because the modeling beat really was not her thing, but Kresheva had been there for an important fundraiser for a children's art program or some shit, and she'd drawn the assignment.

But it was burning her ass because really, how many lines could you type about hair and nails before your brain dribbled out your ears?

As if Clark could read her mind, he chirped, "Your forgot skin complexion." His voice went up an octave. "Because, like, its so gorgeous? And there are no blackheads? And no wrinkles of age? Like, how old are you, Ms. Lane? Like, I could so tell you where to find a good scrub and mask!"

He got up and ducked whatever smacks were coming his way, instead snickering and throwing the can away in the trash.

"I'm going to beat your ass myself, Smallville!" she yelled after him, glaring at her notes and deleting half a paragraph where she had indeed forgotten the insipidly boring and inane comment about how good skin tone and complexion could benefit the children.

"Can't say much, I've got two friends who are crazy over stuff like that." Clark answered, plopping in the seat in front of her desk this time and swinging the satchel into his lap. He completely didn't notice the mail room girl who nearly fainted as he ran a hand through his hair to get it off his face. He would need a haircut soon… it was getting into the realm of ridiculously long. "You could poke fun at her even as you talk about her, you know. Phrase it a certain way and you've got gold. I'm sure the people who ran the benefit thought she was a joke, too."

Lois just glared. "Oh gee golly, Mr. Smallville, sir, however did I manage to write before you came along with your book of handy tips for us hacks?" Her eyelashes fluttered sarcastically. "How did I ever manage to win the Pulitzer Prize without you telling me how to write?"

"Dunno. Might go for another one now that I'm around." Clark answered, ever so cheerfully, grinning at her and totally enjoying her sarcastic anger.

Before Lois could formulate another scathing reply, the door to Perry's office slammed open.

"Now get out, and if you make this paper late for one more deadline, you're FIRED! LANE!" he bellowed. "Where's that piece on the children's benefit? I want it on my desk in half an hour! KENT! What the hell are you doing here? Get in my office, boy!"

Clark tipped his head at Lois in goodbye and climbed to his feet, passing the swooning mail girl, and her friend, now, and walked into Perry's office, lifting the Satchel from over his head as he did it and offering his hand. "Hi, Mr. White."

"That's Perry--never mind!" Perry glared at Clark. "Sit down!"

He plopped down. Perry was like his father--when things were said in That Tone, you didn't do anything but obey. He set the satchel on his lap and opened it up, digging into it. "Got my article, sir."

"Good! Overachiever. I like that, Kent." Perry sat behind his desk and lit a cigar, then cracked the window behind his desk open, despite the fact the air conditioning was on. "I've got another assignment for you, because I like you. I like the way you write. You've got some raw talent there, kid."

Clark grinned. Who wouldn't? "Thank you." He set the article on the desk for Perry to look over, and closed the satchel again as he listened. "What assignment is this?"

"Whole of Metropolis has been talkin' about Lionel Luthor and that partner of his in the coma. Now, I know it's a sensitive story for you, and that's why I want you to write it for me. I want interviews, quotes, the whole story. Make me cry with it, dammit. The world wants to know what's happening, and the Daily Planet is going to be the paper that gives it to them!" Perry thumped his fist down on his desk in emphasis.

Fuck a goddamned duck.

Clark stared at Perry, as if he hadn't heard him correctly. AN interview. On Lionel and Dominic? Fuck. Shit. Fuck. FUCK! Lionel was just starting to come around... what if this set him off again? What if he hated Clark again? Clark had dealt with it when Dominic was in a coma, because that hadn't really been Lionel talking. But now? Now? Shit.

"I..." What, Clark? Tell the man no? Get your ass fired again? Nell was bad enough. But... "Can… you give me about ten minutes, sir? I'd like to...uh. Call Lex, and Lionel. I want to ask them, first. Would that be possible?"

"No!" He glared at the kid. "Am I going to have this problem with you all the time, Kent? I give you an assignment and you have to run home and call Mommy for permission? You work for me now, not the Luthors!" Another thump of his fist, and Perry was puffing on the cigar so hard the end was glowing bright red and ash was falling all over the papers on the desk.

Oh, HELL NO. "Am I going to have this problem with you all the time, Mr. White? You give me an assignment, and expect me to expose my family to whatever it is you want?" Clark said, as respectfully as he could. "I'm not a pawn between you and Lionel Luthor. Besides that--if he finds out you want to do an article on him, he's going to want to know all the specs and all the questions beforehand--this is Lionel Luthor we're talking about."

Perry White was livid. "This newspaper has NEVER given Lionel Luthor preferential treatment and he knows it!" His voice was thunderously loud now, shaking the glass walls of his office. "You've got balls, kid, stand up and use 'em! Tell the old coot that he can do the interview like the rest of us lowly humans on the planet!!" He sat back down in the chair with a loud thump, stabbing his cigar out on the ashtray.

"He's my family." Oh, Clark was using his balls alright. He wanted, badly, to scream at the man back for DARING to defy the honor of the house of El, but he choked it back. Just barely. "You want me to do this article for a reason, and its got more to do with the fact that I can write. He won't let anyone else get near him, will he?"

"No, he won't! Not even Lane, and she's the best damn reporter I've got on the staff! No offense, Kent--you're good, she's better. But you? You can spin it as sympathetic as you want. Make him out to be bloody Mother Theresa if you want, I don't care, I just want the story!"

He almost laughed when Perry told him Lois was better. It was true, but the compliment under an insult amused him. He didn't laugh though, didn't even let his face crack, as he watched the man across the table with hawk eyes. "The Inquisitor spins. I'll write the truth. If he'll do it." Clark said back, diplomatically.

"You better get him to do it, Kent!" Perry glared back. "You're no reporter of mine if you can't get the tough stories!"

He was less than intimidated by Perry's bellowing, so he stood up and turned to leave. "I'll have your answer by this evening."

"You'll have it in an hour, Kent! That edition rolls at midnight, and I want the story in for the morning!"

Clark rolled his eyes up at the ceiling and closed Perry's door behind him. He plunked down the steps, ignoring the now small gaggle of females standing around by Lois's desk, and saluted her saucily as he passed. "Good luck with Ms. Complexion!"

"Kiss my high-heeled ass, Smallville!" she yelled after him.

He snickered and stepped out of the revolving door of the Planet, and finally let the cold sweat break out over his body. He ran a hand over his face and through his hair, before walking down the street quickly. He had a spot where he took off running from now that wasn't too far from the Planet itself. Christ, he had a lot to tell Lionel.

Perry thumped his fist on the desk, and opened his office door, bellowing out to the newsroom. "OLSEN!!!! Somebody get that Olsen kid in my office now!"

Clark found his spot, right behind the old Farmers Market, and took off toward Smallville. He kept to dirt roads and countryside, forests and places he could be hidden as he ran, and made it back to Smallville in less than five minutes. He rubbed his fingers over his face again and adjusted the strap of the satchel around him as he made it in the through the garage of the Manor. He waved at Ms. Bird and took off up the steps, hoping against hope to find Lionel was still in the house.

It was late in the afternoon, and Lionel was not home for long. After Dominic's lunch, he'd gone right back to sleep, first just pretending as a way to avoid Lionel and then later falling completely asleep.

The occupational therapist had come to the room just a half hour ago, and had woken Dominic up for their exercise, which meant mainly her shifting his limbs around and him trying to help, and Lionel had been exiled before the session began. He'd managed to finish all of the work he'd brought with him, and he'd come back home long enough to drop off the finished paperwork and switch files and reports for the ones still left to do.

The breeze going by the door caused his hair to ruffle and the papers on the desk to slide just a little. "Good afternoon, Clark. Are we in a hurry to get somewhere, or did you just overshoot your landing?" Lionel asked to the empty room, a bit more testily than he meant, but he'd known Clark would hear it anyway.

Thank God. "I'm glad you're home." Clark stopped mid run down the hall and turned back, poking his head into Lex's office with a sigh. "Thank God you're home, actually. I need... to run something by you. And abuse you terribly. Want a drink?" He didn't stop to ask again, just getting himself a cold glass of scotch, swallowing it, then getting another.

"No, thank you, dear boy. I believe you're drinking enough for both our livers." He rapped his papers sharply on the corner of the desk to straighten them. "What can I be of assistance with this time?"

"Ah... alright. Well. How exactly.." Clark stopped... huffed, and closed Lex's office door, before pulling his bag off and plunking on the couch. "Its kind of serious. Sit down?"

"Do stop dallying and spit it out, Clark. I'm due back at the hospital very shortly." Lionel thrust the straightened papers into the empty portfolio sitting in front of him on the desk and he walked around to the other side, reaching into the plastic tray sitting on the corner and pulling out four CD-ROMs with the last four months' reports on it.

Alright. So maybe things weren't great between him and Lionel after all. He shifted, wondering how best to say this, and finally sighed. "Have you been wanting to tell the press anything about what's happening with you and Dominic?"

Lionel snorted. "I believe my last words on that subject were along the lines of, No comment."

Fuck. A. DUCK! Fuck! FUCK! Fuck fuck fuck! "Even if it was to me?" He asked, meekly.

There was deadly silence for a long moment. "I'm sorry, Clark, I don't believe I heard you correctly."

Yeah. Clark was sure he was about to get sliced to ribbons. "I'm requesting an interview." He managed, then, steadying his hand and straightening out his back.

"With me?" More deadly calm.

"Yes." More horror. He tried not to show it.

"About the situation with Dominic."


"I see." Lionel slid the papers and the CDs into his briefcase, added the two diskettes and one memory stick he'd laid out before Clark had come into the room, and snapped it shut as he picked it up. "The answer is, no chance in Hell, Mr. Kent. And you may quote me on that."

Shit. "I told Perry you'd say that. I'm sorry I asked, Lionel."

"You should be, Clark." Lionel made sure the locks on his briefcase were locked, and he walked towards the office door. "Do I need to start making sure that what I say to you is off the record, or shall you be wearing your press pass when you speak to me?"

That hurt. Badly. Clark rubbed the bridge of his nose and didn't answer, just swallowing another drink from his glass. Fuck. He'd screwed it all up, again. Lex had it too goddamned easy sometimes. "Sure, Lionel. While you're at it, talk to a lawyer, see if its safe to keep me on the grounds."

"I have no doubts that it is, because you do know the locations of all the cameras, listening devices, and other security measures. However, if they should be breached? I would, in fact, know who to start with. Good day, Clark."

Clark shook his head softly and sighed. "The only reason I asked, Lionel, was because you'd have control over what was said, and what was told to the public. You could do anything you wanted. I told Perry I wouldn't be his pawn in his game with you, but I'm willing to be yours. Your very own pet reporter, to a degree."

Lionel paused in the doorway. "I don't want a pet reporter, Clark. My son had one of those and he ended up trying to blackmail us both and destroying my fertilizer plant. I would have expected you to turn down the assignment out of hand, but I seem to be overestimating people lately."

That hurt like fuck. "Do you think I would blackmail you, Lionel?" He asked, turning a little to regard the man.

"No, Clark, I don't. At the moment, I don't expect anyone to do anything." He gave a curt nod. "If you'll excuse me, I'm due back at the hospital."

Yeah. Like Clark was going to let him leave that easily. Gathering all of his pride and courage around him, he stood. "I told you I was sorry. The only reason I asked is because I thought it might benefit you. But apparently I was the one who have been underestimating people lately, because everything I say to you, you seem to take the wrong way. And frankly, Lionel, I'm tired of it. You care about me or you don't--you either trust me, or you don't. Don't really need to ask if you do, though, do I?"

Lionel turned in the doorway, stony expression staring at Clark with no real hint of anything to give away his emotional state or his anger. "If, Clark, I did not care for you as you are so clearly implying, I would not have done half the things I have done. I would not have taken care of you after the death of your son, I would not have allowed you to come to a family celebration in Ireland with my son, I certainly would not have allowed you access to Dominic as he lay sick and at one time dying, and I would not have allowed you access to me. Now, if you wish to abuse that access, by all means, try. You will only succeed in making enemies, Clark. Not friends."

"I'm not abusing it!" Clark suddenly roared, and scared even himself. "The only reason I asked was to help you. That's it. I'm not doing it for my own personal gain! I didn't want to do it in the first damn place!"

"Then you should not have accepted the assignment!" Lionel roared back, raising his voice to match Clark's.

"I didn't!" Clark yelled. "I said I would ask you!"

"You have asked! And I have given you the answer! That is the end of it!" Lionel shouted.

"This doesn't even have to do with the fucking story anymore!" Clark roared back, rounding the couch and stabbing an accusatory finger at him. "You don't trust me!"

"I trust you with my son!" Lionel shouted, tossing his briefcase onto the couch and glaring at Clark. "If I did not trust you, I would have had you removed from his life by now, and the consequences be damned!"

"Then why, why would you think I asked you for my own personal gain?" Clark bellowed back, so angry he was all but boiling, but hurt worst of all. "I knew, knew you were going to take it the goddamned wrong way, I just knew it."

"You should not have asked me in the first place, Clark!" Lionel yelled again. "You should have had the decency, the consideration, the morality to have declined it on the face of your personal involvement in the situation! You should have thought, for a second, about the people who were going to be affected by this!"

"I DID!" Clark yelled. "All I was thinking about were the people who'd be affected by this, dammit! Of you, and LuthorCorp, and Dominic, and how you could get the story out into the public. But obviously I was very wrong, and I already apologized."

"Then why are we still having this discussion?" Lionel threw his hands up in disgust.

"Because you don't trust me." Clark snarled at him. "Your first thought was that I was going to hurt you in some way."

"My first thought is that someone I trusted to know what was and was not acceptable has once again disappointed me. My second thought is that someone I trusted to keep my confidences will now be writing for a newspaper and I must be on my guard as to what I say and when I say it."

Disappointment and distrust. The worst pain ever. He could see it shining in Lionel's eyes, and it twisted something in the hollow of his gut. "You don't trust me. I thought, maybe, now that Dominic was better, things between you and me would change. But they haven't. I'm done taking your crap, and I'm done feeling bad just because I care about you, stick my fucking neck out on the street for you." Get fired for you, he thought bitterly, and turned to grab his satchel.

"There has never been a problem between you and me, Clark. Up until now."

"Bullshit. But hey, I don't know any better, right? I'm just a... how did you put it." He pretended to think for a moment. "ignorant little know-nothing hayseed."

"If you want to believe that is what I truly think of you, Clark, then by all means. Go right ahead." Lionel picked his briefcase back up, and with it, his masks and facades of calm civility. "I'm sure that you and my son will spend many happy, fruitful hours commiserating what a horrible man I am." He nodded, and stepped towards the door again.

"No. I love you. Remember?" Clark said, just as calmly, back at him. "I'm tired of you treating me like crap. So don't do it anymore. I'm sorry I asked you--I shouldn't have. And I've apologized for it. Don't make me prostrate myself before you, because I won't do it."

"I am not making you do anything, Clark. You asked, I refused, you apologize, and I've accepted. This conversation is, as far as I am concerned, over with."

Clark just shook his head tiredly. "Tell Dominic I said hello."

"I will." He paused again. "You won't be bothering Dominic about this, will you?"

The question made him want to cry. "No. I won't be bothering Dominic about this."

"I didn't think you would be, but I had to make sure." Lionel pulled the shoulder strap out of the briefcase, and let it fall over his shoulder. "Are you coming to the hospital with me?"

"No. Thank you for asking me." Clark answered, and turned to walk across the office and up the steps, to the door on the second floor of the library that led to his and Lex's rooms.

Lionel just sighed, walking out of the office through the double doors, and back towards the front door, where he'd left the Azure parked in the front circle.

Sitting on the bed in Clark and Lex's rooms, Samson wagged his tail eagerly as he heard footsteps, then smelled the special Clark-type smell, and he yipped once, telling Clark to hurry up.

Clark walked into the bedroom, saw his puppies, all lazily looking at him from the bedspread, and sighed at them. He sat down on the edge of it, setting the satchel on the floor at his feet, where he toed off his shoes, and picked up the phone.

He dialed the Daily Planet's number, and waited for someone to pick it up.

"Daily Planet Switchboard, this is Megan, how can I direct your call?"

"Perry White, please."

"Mr. White's line is busy, can you hold?"

"Yes, I can." His throat was feeling oddly tight around the adam's apple, and he swallowed roughly around it as he sat up a little, pushed Artie's fat tushie over a little, and leaned against his pillows and the headboard. He crossed his legs at the ankle on the bed, and gently pet Samson's head as he was clambered on.

"Thank you. One moment please." There was a click as Clark was put on hold, and then the requisite muzak started playing in his ear.

HEY! He got pushed!!! Artie humped his rump up and turned around, heaving his fat puppy butt up onto Clark's chest and plopping right in the middle of it.

Dumb butthead. Samson headbutted Clark's hand as he got petted, licking the palm as his tail thumped on the blanket.

Clark remembered too late that he wasn't expected back in Smallville for another thirty five minutes, at least, by Perry's count. He couldn't hang up now though, he knew the girl at the desk recognized his voice, and he silently cursed at himself for being a dunderhead as he waited.

Perry was in the middle of, no great surprise, yelling at Lois Lane for being late turning in her piece on the children's benefit.

When his phone beeped twice at him, however, he told her to get out of his office, and he picked up the phone. "White!" he yelled, then winced for whoever was on the other end of the phone.

Clark winced himself, holding the phone out a little bit from his ear for a moment. He swallowed his pride, and everything else, as he squared his shoulders firmly and fought not to have himself a heart attack. "Mr. White, it's Kent."

"Kent!! This better not be you calling to tell me no! Olsen's on his way to Smallville to take pictures for your piece, and you've already got the bottom half of the Human Interest section! I don't want to hear no, do you hear me!?"

Shit. Fuck. Clark closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I already asked him. He said no. I'm sorry, Mr. White. I shouldn't have asked him in the first place--I shouldn't have given him reason to doubt my intentions toward his family. So… I'm sorry."

"KENT!" Perry bellowed. "Don't you take no for an answer!" he said again. "Tell that sanctimonious old coot that Perry G. White wants that story in the next edition, and he's going to have it!" His fist thumped the desk even though Clark wasn't in the room. "Do you hear me, Mr. Kent!"

"Yes. I did. I'm sorry, Mr. White, I can't." Clark might as well waved goodbye to his job, and he sort of did, bidding it a fond farewell. He shouldn't have asked Lionel, it was wrong with him and already went against all his morals to begin with, and made Lionel doubt him. It hurt.

"Don't you quit on me, Clark Kent! You've got potential, dammit, and you can get the hard stories! Now go back out there and get me that interview!!"

"Mr. White, his partner just woke up after a two month coma. He doesn't want to talk to me, or anyone. It's not even a matter of getting an interview--I won't ruin my family to get it. So... I'm sorry." Clark grit out past his lumpy throat, his fingers stroking over Artie's but on his lap calming him just enough to get through this.

"I'm not taking no for an answer, Kent! I want that story, on my desk, by eleven o'clock tonight!" He slammed the phone down and glared at it. Then picked it back up again, and dialed out to his secretary. "Get me Lionel Luthor's office, dammit!"

Clark glared at the dial tone down on the bed, anxiety eating the lining of his esophagus for a moment before he put the phone down on the bedside table and threw himself across the bed, burying his head in a pillow to scream in.

Cleo rose her head as her The Clark plopped down by her, blinked, and licked his ear before scooting up a little to snuggle against him and demand a belly rub.

Clark gave it to her, lightly scritching her tummy, blinking when he realized she was getting little nipples. "Make it a point to take them to the humane center and get them fixed. Check." Clark muttered to himself, before kissing Cleo's little paws, Samson's head, and Artie's ears before climbing to his feet. He pulled his shirt off and went into the closet, searching for a t-shirt, and pushed it, and his ratty tennis shoes, on. He kept the jeans Lex had gotten him some time ago on, as they were comfortable, and grabbed his satchel again before escaping the room to leave his pups asleep.

He took off running, and as it was the sweltering middle of the day where everyone was hiding indoors, took a chance and instead of running the whole way, he went through the forest surrounding Luthor land and flew for a few minutes. The wind felt intensely good on his sweaty body, because even though this much sun and heat was an ecstasy on his skin, it also made him incredibly hot. Sadly, not in the sexy way.

He landed right before crossing the clearing to the LuthorCorp buildings, rubbing the sweat off his forehead and moving through the Guard station and to the Zeus building. The beautiful park in the middle of the compound was filled with people enjoying the cool shade of the trees and the large pond, and he waved to Charlie before he crossed into the building where he knew his lover was working.

A hello to Carolyn and up the elevator he went. He got off of it on the third floor, stopping to say hello to Wally, and walked down the hall to knock on the CEO's door.

Lex was working hard at his computer terminal, currently juggling a telephone conversation with one of their Arabian interests, balancing the debits for this month's outlays, and he covered the mouthpiece of the phone. "Come in, Clark," he called out, and then went back to his phone conversation, settling the headset of the phone back over his bald head as he went back to the figures on the computer screen, balancing his attention between the debit balances and the factory inspection problems in Spokane, which, if they didn't get fixed in a hurry, he was going to have to fly out and fix.

Clark opened the door of the office and closed it behind him, making sure it clicked shut before crossing the room to his lovers desk. He saw him busy and settled in the chair in front of the desk, pulling the satchel in his lap again and sighing quietly. Lex was obviously busy. Fuck.

Lex held up his hand, all five of his fingers raised. Five minutes and I can get rid of the conversation, Clark. Be patient. Lex was speaking in a quick spate of Arabic even as he was looking at the computer, and he raised his head to smile at his lover.

Clark tried for a small smile back, but the anxiety currently turning his guts to mush wasn't letting him. He knew Lionel and Dominic were more important to him than the job, but he also didn't want to lose it. Talk about rock and hard place.

Lex sensed the anxiety and the difficulties, and he quickly terminated the phone call early, with an emergency that had just walked into the office, and he stripped the headset off. He set the phone to direct all his phone calls to voice mail, and he turned the computer screen off as he turned around, and gave his entire attention to Clark. "It's Perry White, isn't it?"

Clark didn't bother answering. He turned, made sure the door was closed, and set the bag on the chair beside him before walking around Lex's desk and straddling his lap. Didn't bother asking, just leaned down and took a mouthful of Lex, right below the ear, and sucked, fingers sliding around his lovers neck to hang off the back of the chair, forearms propped on the chair back.

Lex gave a little moan as his fingers fumbled over the desk, pressing the button on the underside that locked the doors magnetically. They weren't coming open until he unlocked them again, and he gave a little moan as he did, letting Clark suck under his ear as his arms wrapped around a long back and stroked.

He thrust his crotch firmly against Lex's, starting up a low, throbbing rock against his lover as his mouth moved over Lex's throat. Down his neck, to bite and nibble at the firm, warm skin, then up over his lips. Clarks own lips, wide and kind of annoying most of the time, were deeply beneficial as he kissed Lex deeply, firmly, biting firmly on that pouty lower lip before soothing it with his tongue.

He didn't stop the rocking, the intensely arousing feeling of Lex's erection a brand against his hip. He purred, low in his throat, and urged Lex's hands underneath his shirt as his fingers stroked the back of Lex's head.

Lex took the urging, sliding his hands under Clark's t-shirt, palms sliding up his chest as fingertips rubbed over taut, pebbled nipples and warm skin. He moved his mouth forward, just a little as he kissed Clark deeply, his tongue entering the kiss and tasting Clark's, easing his lover's into his mouth as his nails started scraping lightly down Clark's chest, then around to drag his nails down Clark's back.

Clark let that go on for a few minutes, the feeling exquisite and sharp with pinpoints of sensation. His nipples, his cock, his ass. When that wasn't enough he slid off of his lovers lap down to the floor between Lex's knees, and unzipped and unbuttoned his slacks. He nibbled and kissed on his lovers cotton covered thighs as he did it, before, without looking, came up and licked the flat of his tongue up his lovers tense cock, which he'd known wouldn't be covered with underwear. He sucked softly along the tip like a popsicle, slurping softly at the little slit before licking and nibbling down the long shaft to suck on the vein underneath.

Lex's hands gripped the chair arms tightly as he lifted his hips, braced on the chair as Clark sucked. One hand left the chair and went through his lover's hair, pulling Clark's head gently down further onto his shaft, murmuring soft words of love as Clark licked him, then he started tugging Clark's head up to look at him. "Clark... please."

He could agree. Please indeed. His eyes were heavy lidded with pleasure and he licked the taste of Lex's hard erection from his lips, before shaking Lex's hand out of his hair and burying his mouth back down on his treat. He grasped what he couldn't take into his mouth at this angle and slowly began to suck, murmuring softly in his throat as he did it.

Lex's hands reached back for Clark's hair again, but obediently closed on the chair arms instead, thrusting gently into his lover's mouth, letting himself be guided by the hand on the base of his cock, shuddering at the soft murmurs. "Oh, God, Clark," he breathed, huffing softly and giving a little moan.

Ohh so good. Clark sucked firmly but thoroughly, carefully tugging along the head with his lips with every suck up, and working his tongue firmly around the base every stroke down. He moved fast, intending for this to be a good, quick blow job before he went on and did whatever he had to do for the rest of the day. Which was eat his own spleen, because there was no way in hell he was going to ask Lionel again. He closed his eyes against that, intent on bringing his lover pleasure.

With a very great, very hard effort, Lex pulled himself away from his lover, and slid down to his knees on the floor, pressing his mouth to Clark's and sucking hard on his tongue, pleading with his thoughts and gentle touches over his shoulder, back, and arms for Clark to talk to him, share with him what was going on, or at least let him share and give pleasure to his lover.

Clark's lips were swollen from his ministrations, eyes as heavy lidded as his heart, and he shook his head as he licked and sucked on his lovers mouth. He reached down and fumbled with the buttons of his jeans, getting the four of them undone through some miracle of God, and he clambered onto his lovers lap. Up in the second drawer was lube and condoms, Clark knew, and as Lex still had another six hours of work to get through Clark pulled down one of them down, as well as the lube. He bit his lip firmly, sliding back enough to stroke his lovers cock firmly, and quickly rolled the condom down the long length, before lubricating it. He did it to himself as well, foregoing a condom for himself and just trusting himself to catch everything. His wet fingers slid back and quickly entered himself, stretching him out as much as patience was going to allow, before he wiggled up and with a steadying hand on Lex's cock, slid himself down on top of it.

Oh. Oh, that was good. He gave a long, loud sigh of relief as he slid down, past the tight ring of muscle with a firm push, stroking Lex in little by little, gently. After a moment he felt his thighs pressing against Lex's and he sighed softly, eyes closing as he squeezed tightly around his lover and shivered.

Lex sighed in relief as Clark agreed without words, and Lex scrambled back, sitting with his back against the desk as his hands stroked quickly over Clark's body, leaning forward to lick and suck at his throat, moaning as Clark's hand rolled the condom down his cock, shuddering hard as Clark slid down on him.

Tight, slick, perfect, and Lex brought his arms up, hands going into Clark's hair and dragging him down for wordless kisses, sucking as hard as he could, panting and licking and nibbling until he thought he would lose his mind over the taste in his lover's mouth, the sweat that made the t-shirt almost see through and revealed Clark's body to him. He pinched Clark's nipples through the thin shirt as they kissed, and nudged his hips up, urging Clark to start riding him.

He groaned softly as Lex stroked his nipples, firm and tight under his shirt, and with the wordless shift upward Clark understood. He planted his knees firmly along his lovers hips and leaned forward to grasp Lex's mouth as he lifted up and planted himself down. The first thrust always felt so fucking good, edged with just enough fleeting pain to make him start up a firm, fast pace, mouth attaching to Lex's and not letting go.

And when that wasn't enough, as he knew it wouldn't be, he grasped his lovers shoulders and whimpered without words. Fuck me, please.

Lex nodded, staying buried deep in Clark as he moved, just enough so that he could shift his leverage, getting to his knees so that Clark could still ride him, but Lex could thrust. He did so hard, his hands biting hard into Clark's shoulder as he pulled himself closer, hauling himself up Clark's body to thrust deep, then slide back out again as the rocking motion of Clark's body drove him down onto Lex's cock.

His nails dragged down Clark's shoulder to his nipples again, teasing and twisting the inviting little buds as Lex fucked hard.

His mouth trembled open and his head fell back, body breaking out in sweat again despite the cool air conditioner, for another entirely different reason. He moaned softly in his throat as he spread his legs further for his lover, raising up so they were comfortable. He held onto his lover tightly, head thrown back as he pushed down on every thrust, his cock thumping against his belly with every thrust as they moved. He stayed as quiet as possible, eyes flickering open to the door to make sure it was still closed before he attacked his lovers neck, holding onto him tightly around the shoulders as they moved.

It's locked, magnetically sealed, Dom made it for him and Dad, Lex reassured his lover in his thoughts, fucking Clark harder as he felt Clark starting to sweat harder, moving faster as he felt Clark's legs opening for him, and his hand wrapped around Clark's cock and stroking it as he thrust.

"So good!" Clark whispered, hoarsely, for his lovers ears only, as his head fell back. He moved faster, wanting nothing but the heat sizzling over his veins and making his blood boil like hot water gone over too soon, and any minute he was sure he himself was going to boil over. His cock, which hardly had needed a touch, was so hard it hurt in Lex's hand, and he looked down to watch Lex stroke him with gasping breaths.

Lex pounded his aushna' hard, hard as he could manage in this tight little space, hand jerking Clark's cock in a fierce, rough rhythm as he dropped his head, sucking and biting hard kisses from Clark's throat and collarbone.

Lex hit that place inside, and squeezed just so around his aching cock, and with one more thrust Clark came. He pushed up into Lex's hand, gasping out a warning before closing his eyes tightly and arching his back. His muscles squeezed around Lex hard as his eyes rolled back, a low, soft moan escaping him as he rubbed and writhed on his lovers lap.

Lex shuddered hard as Clark came, feeling the tight passage around his cock milking him for all he was worth, and he stroked twice more into his lover and he exploded. His hand was still working Clark's cock hard, squeezing and pumping out the last of the hot semen that was erupting as he rocked into Clark's body.

As Lex came Clark orgasmed, pleasure rushing across his body as his cock was stroked and milked. His eyes rolled back tightly, moaning softly in his throat and deeply proud he'd made Lex come. His head trembled forward and he leaned against his lovers chest and shoulder, gasping and panting as he lay his cheek on a firm shoulder.

Lex slid his hands up Clark's back, pausing to take a handful of tissues from the box on the desk to wipe his hands clean, then brought them up to the back of Clark's neck, holding his lover's head to his shoulder and kissing his ear softly. "I love you, Clark, you're my aushna'."

"I love you," Clark gasped softly, closing his eyes as he rested against Lex's body, still filled, still warm. It felt so good, so right, and he warmed, gaining courage around himself like a cloak as he raised his head sleepily. "Mmmm."

Lex just grinned and kissed Clark's neck softly, stroking and petting through his hair. "Mmmm is right," Lex said with a little smile, nibbling Clark's earlobe. "Now, you want to tell me what's got you so upset?"

Clark shook his head firmly, licking his lovers neck, then his throat, and tipped his head enough for Lex to be able to get his earlobe before he ever so carefully pulled upward. He thought all his insides were going to come out along with his lovers cock, but as soon as the thick head slid out with a low sound, everything kind of settled again, and he sighed softly. "You know, ever since I met you, you've been hell for my bowl movements." Clark said, in hopes he'd make his lover laugh, as he grinned and nuzzled Lex's cheek.

Lex did chuckle, and he let go of Clark's earlobe gently as he snuggled his lover close. "You'll survive," he said, stroking Clark's back and sides gently. "I know I have."

He grinned back when Lex chuckled, and he kissed those gently lips before scooting back off of Lex's hips enough to stand, and help his lover stand too. "Let me clean you up, baby."

"You're avoiding the issue," Lex scolded lightly. "There's a bathroom beside the bookcase; the door is built into the wall."

Clark was ignoring it, cheerfully so. He pulled his jeans up onto his hips and walked around the book case, finding the door and gently pushing it open. He reached out to take Lex's hand in his and tugged him forward, entering the little washroom quietly. "Just work stuff. Pain in the ass." A little blink at his word usage, and a little smirk as he got one of the towels on the little shelves by the toilet and dampened it in the sink before carefully starting to clean his lover up.

Lex groaned at the bad pun as he was tugged into the bathroom, and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Claaaaaaaark," he trilled lightly. "You're going to have to tell me."

"Puns ahoy!" Clark grinned back, as he carefully stroked his lovers spent cock clean, after getting rid of the condom, which he tied off and threw in the trash bin. He carefully cleaned Lex off and dried him with the still dry end of the towel, before gently helping him pull his pants up and tuck his shirt back in. "I can't, babe. Just trust me on it. I just needed to see you."

"Yes, you can. Perry White called my father's office about ten minutes before you came in. Felicia's replacement took the message, but he didn't say what it's about. As I'm not a stupid man, coupled with the fact that you're upset, I can guess what the problem is." Lex's eyebrow rose.

He frowned. "Fuck."

"We just did, if I'm not mistaken." Lex peeled the purple sweater off, and tossed it into the embossed hamper beside the sink, and looked in the closet, pulling out one of his father's clean white dress shirts instead and buttoning it up over his chest, rolling the sleeves up his forearms.

Clark frowned, quietly, all the more, and as soon as Lex stepped away he cleaned himself up, sticky as he was, and carefully made sure his shirt was still clean enough to leave with before setting the towel in the hamper as well and washing his hands. "I don't want to talk about it, is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay," Lex said easily. "You don't have to share anything with me that you don't want to." Lex's arms slid briefly around his waist and hugged him tightly. "Just know that if you change your mind, I'm always willing to stop my day to help."

"I know." He frowned at his reflection in the mirror, and leaned down to splash water on his face, too. it was a little cramped in the small bathroom, but it would do. He dried his face with a small hand towel too and sighed at himself in the mirror. "I don't know what to do. What's right."

"You're asking me what's right?" Lex asked, his voice dry as the desert and as sarcastic as he'd ever been.

Clark grinned a little as he glanced at him. "Yes."

Lex chuckled. "You're asking the wrong person. You realize that, right?" But Lex leaned against the sink, tucking his shirttails in. "What do you want to do? In your heart?"

"I want to make sure what Lionel wants said comes out. And if I do it, it won't be.... I won't twist the truth, like anyone else, would. I told him that, you know, but he told me he didn't need another bought reporter." He exhaled through his teeth.

"Of course he did," Lex said, rolling his eye. "My father, the equal-opportunity piss-offer." He sighed. "Why don't you write what you feel, then? Say that you wanted to write Lionel's story from his point of view, but he wouldn't talk to you. So you had to write it yourself. Write his story through your eyes."

"Because he'll hunt me down and beat me to death with the nearest object." Clark answered without a hitch.

"He can't stop you from writing about him, Clark."

"It's not about him stopping me. It's about pride, Lex." Clark turned his eyes to his lover. "I won't betray him. He's my jurnai. I won't betray my own jurnai."

"But think about what you're going to be writing, Clark. Are you going to be lying? Writing a hack job that makes him look like an utter bastard? Or is it going to be what you know of him? Human, hurting, needing to do something but unable to affect the situation? Is it really a betrayal to tell the truth, even if the person in question doesn't want it told?"

"Yes! I'd be... destroying his privacy. Things between he and I would never be the same again, Lex. He'd never trust me again, not to use what he does as a story. God, no. I can't do that. I'd rather kill myself first." Clark answered, and rubbed a hand over his face.

"Then you've decided what's right," Lex said easily.

"I'm going to lose my job."

"I don't think Perry is going to fire you over not being able to get one interview, Clark."

"Its the first one. He's sending Jimmy Olsen here to take pictures. I already tried to tell him I wasn't going to, but he wouldn't take no for an answer." Clark said, quietly, and set his head on Lex's shoulder as he frowned. "I can't do it. I refuse."

Lex stroked the back of Clark's head. "That sounds like him. He has to have a lot of faith in you, Clark, if he thinks you can make my father do anything. That's actually the proof he won't fire you."

He smiled a little, looking up at his lover and seeing sincerity in those beautiful eyes. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Lex caught Clark's cheek and kissed him gently. "Come on. I've got a long lunch coming. let's go see Mr. White."

"No." He shook his head, firmly. "I'm going to do it on my own. But thank you, for offering." He reached up to kiss Lex's mouth softly, before turning and motioning Lex to leave the bathroom before him. "I'll see you tonight, alright? I'm cooking, Ms. Birds got the night off."

"Ms. Bird takes time off?" Lex was shocked, but he went out of the bathroom before Clark, and sat back down.

In his father's chair, with his father's shirt pushed up over his arms, Lex felt distinctly like a little boy playing Office.

Clark heard the echo of the thought and grinned over his shoulder as he picked up the satchel and pulled it over his head. He leaned over Lionel's desk to kiss his lovers forehead, then his lips. "You look like him, too. See you tonight."

Lex stuck his tongue out at his aushna', glaring at the rolled up sleeves. "I do not look like my father. Clark... be careful."

"I will. Love you." Clark murmured, leaning to kiss him again, softly...then deeper, before blushing and moving off toward the door. "Unlock?"

Lex stroked his thumb over the line of his lover's blushing cheekbone. His other hand slipped under the desk and hit the button again, unlocking the doors with a little whoosh of air. "You know, I could have left the doors locked and kept you in here with me all day, but I don't think that would be quite productive to either of us."

"Wally'd get suspicious." Clark answered, opening the door, nearly sending said person tumbling into the room, and stepped over and around him as he rose a hand to Lex and left.

"Wally needs to stop listening at doorways," Lex pointed out, and he watched his lover leave, turning to yell at his assistant.



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