
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 3: Hope You Don't Mind

It was dark when Dominic returned to Metropolis. He never thought he'd be able to make it back before nightfall but here he was, the sun just setting behind him and the orange glow of the earth washed over him and his car, which he was currently parking. He pulled the handbrake and climbed out of his nicely expensive car, buttoning the bottom button of his suit jacket and tucking the manila folder under his arm. A sweep through the front doors, not a word from the elderly, overweight woman sitting at the desk. Elevator...69th floor. He stepped through the small hallway until he reached the wide oaken door of his employers office, knocking softly on it with the backs of his fingers.


"Come in!" Lionel barked from the other side of the door. 


He pulled the solid gold handle and stepped inside, waiting just inside the threshold. "Mr. Luthor."


"Dominic.  I do hope you have good news for me, because I know you wouldn't be moronic enough to come in here with bad, now would you?"  Lionel's fingers drummed on his desk as he waited.


He swept in, all cool elegance and grace, shaking his head as he stopped at Lionel's desk and set the folder on top of it. "Not at all. It was precisely where you said it would be."


"And this is everything?"  Lionel picked the folder up and thumbed through it.


"Everything you asked for. Including the photographs."


Lionel studied them.  "Very nice picture quality."


He glanced down at Clark's face caught in a scream of passion, raising his brow accordingly. "The records include the hard copies of Lex's transgressions, and were erased off his computer."


"And he hasn't discovered this yet?"  Lionel picked up one of the pictures, fingers unerringly finding one of his son's mouth pressed against Clark's.  "He doesn't know?"


"He's too involved with Mr. Kent to think clearly I think, Mr. Luthor. I've never seen your son this enamored with anyone, and he's making mistakes. Vital ones."


Lionel's fist crumpled the photograph.  "I assume this infatuation is why he's not here now?"  The trashed picture flew unerringly into the trash can.  "What did you tell him, Dominic?"


Lionel mad was not a good Lionel. "That he was to return to Metropolis right away, to help you clean up this problem."


"And he refused?"


"Outright. Told me to get the fuck out of his house, to be precise." He said it mechanically, methodically in the tone he always used around his... employer.


"Have the helicopter ready to leave in half an hour.  We're going to see my son."  Lionel straightened.  "And Dominic?  Make sure the office doors are locked."


"Of course, sir." He turned and left, leaving Lionel with the package, and started to bark orders into his cell phone.


"Did I tell you to leave?" Lionel asked coolly.


He stopped mid step out the door, lowering his cell phone and swallowing reflexively. "I'm sorry, sir."


"Don't be sorry, Dominic.  Simply listen."


He nodded, keeping quiet as he looked at Lionel with flashing hazel eyes.


"Finish your phone call.  Then, as I said before, make sure that the doors are locked."


His eyes went wide and he put the phone to his ear...telling his assistant to get the helicopter fueled and ready, and to have Johnson waiting for them. He snapped the phone shut and slipped it into his coat pocket, turning around and locking the doors with a single click before facing Lionel again. "Sir?"


"Don't play games with me, Dominic.  I am not in the mood."


He squeezed his teeth tightly together and walked closer. "I'm not sure what..."


"If you finish that sentence, I will terminate you this instant, do you understand me?"


His throat contracted hard and he nodded, walking around the desk. His eyes were big as he dropped to his knees, scooting closer as he watched him. Again. Pissed off Lionel? Not a fun Lionel.


"Good man."  Lionel ran his fingers through the short-cropped hair of his most trusted assistant.  "We're running on a schedule, Dominic.  Make it fast."


He shuddered as the long, slim fingers slipped through his hair, and dammit, dammit this was sofuckinghot but he wouldn't let his body believe it. Instead, he unzipped his employer carefully from his pants, ducking down to swipe his lips over the hard head...and took a chance at a whisper and a question that shouldn't be his business...but it kind of was. In a way. He usually knew things no one else did about Lionel...not even his own son. "Seeing those pictures did this to you...didn't it?"


Lionel's fingers tightened in Dominic's hair.  "Yes," was his hissed reply


And of course the tightening of the dominant hold on him made him suck hard at the exposed ridge right there in front of him, his body jerking at the hot spear of lust. "Was… was it the Kent boy?"  He was sick. He had to know, just like he always did.


"Fuck... no.  It wasn't."  Lionel's hips rose out of the chair, thrusting forward into Dominic's mouth, silencing him for a moment.  "It was my son."


He sucked hard at the sudden intrusion of his mouth, pulling more out of the pants that cost more then his education and wrapping his fingers around the base. "Sick bastard." He punctuated it with another hard, long, erotic suck, moving his hips in time against Lionel's chair leg. Maybe he could get off before the flight....because he sure as hell couldn't be comfortable like this. Not with the knowledge that Lionel had been in his mouth, his mouth, wanting him.


Lionel thrust harder into Dominic's mouth.  "Be.  Still."  He gritted the order through clenched teeth.  He knew just how sick he was, but he didn't care.  "Suck... Dominic.  Suck me deeper."


He moaned softly and held still, closing his eyes tight as his mouth was invaded. He felt his heels push into his ass and it was a kind of a reprieve. Something to not think of the tension. He sucked hard, swallowing until his nose brushed the pubic hairs and the soft underwear, swallowing reflexively. A long, shallow suck out...then back in, not daring to touch anything on this man other then his cock.


Lionel rocked his hips into Dominic's mouth, appreciating the fact that the man obeyed commands without question.  "You're a good man, Dominic.  When we get back.... after we see my son... perhaps I'll reward you.  Which would you rather, Dominic?  Coming now... or getting fucked then?"


He moaned again, louder, sending vibrations through his throat and into the cock pumping in and out. In. And. Out. He would not come. He knew if he did, the deal was off and he wasn't going to get laid by one of the most exquisite men on earth. So he kept still and sucked for all he was worth, eyes fluttering open to look up into Lionel's with what he knew was the deep sincerity and partial smirk he could imitate from Lex any day of the week.


Lionel shuddered, coming hard into Dominic's mouth.  The smirk had undone him, one he'd seen so many times on Lex's face, and he remained arched, his seed pumping into Dominic's throat before dropping back into the chair.  Without a word, he jerked Dominic forward and into a harsh kiss.


He had barely swallowed before his mouth was being punished, tongue thrust in to scrape against his and he. Would. Not. Come. He refused to. Instead he kissed back with eager passion, not daring his fingers any where over Lionel's body but his forearms, and just a light touch. He groaned softly, shuddering as he was explored, hoping his breath would stop hitching in his chest with a passionate ache.


"Do it, Dominic.  Touch."  Lionel's rough hands unbuttoned Dominic's slacks, shoved them down enough to free the hard cock that wept for a touch.  "I gave you an order, Dominic.  Touch.  Either yourself or me, but do it now."  His teeth bit harshly at Dominic's throat as he waited.


Another long, heavy moan and he rushed his fingers through Lionel's hair, turning his head to return a harsh, passionate, long kiss. He swept his palms over the strong shoulders, down the long, hard chest as he gave in to one of the most enduring fantasies he'd ever had. His cock was jumping on its own accord as he traced the line of Lionel's arms...then his thighs, groaning loudly as he grasped his cock and jerked up, his free hand tracing over Lionel's chest and back... shoulders… hair.


Lionel rose from his chair, dragging Dominic with him and shoving the man back against the wall behind his desk.  The rough wool of his suit slacks scraped against Dominic's cock as Lionel shoved his thigh between Dominic's as his tongue fought to possess his lover's mouth.


The sounds coming out of his mouth were almost embarrassing. Loud moans, harsh grunts as he fought to touch, dragging his nails under the shirt tail that had come undone and skin. Warm, wonderful skin, and he thrust up into the wool covered, rough leg pushing into him. "Li... Lio..." A moment, because he knew....Lionel wasn't thinking about him. He knew it, and a little piece of him broke, but his emotion for this man was too heavy and thick. Too raw, so he whispered something else. ""


Lionel's hand closed tightly around Dominic's cock, jerking it roughly, fisting it with long, hard strokes.  His tongue lapped at Dominic's collarbone, biting again and again, sucking the bitten skin into his mouth as he hissed.  "That's right, my boy... I'm here."


He let out a loud moan because he couldn't hold it back any longer. He came, heavy and hard and the rush of it had his eyes rolling back and his spine arching, grasping onto Lionel's arms tightly as the bites went straight from his brain to his balls. "Dad! DAD! Oh, GOD!"


Lionel sucked Dominic's cries into his mouth, feeding hungrily on them as he kept Dominic's legs parted with his own.  He waited until the orgasm had been ridden out, and he gifted Dominic with a single, deep kiss, not for Lex but for himself.  "I know what you do for me, Dominic... and it's not forgotten."


He gasped heavily under the kiss, because something in it had changed... something sweet and kind of... well, nice. He swallowed hard, looking into his employer's eyes and nodding softly, trembling through the aftershocks of his powerful orgasm. They always were, with Lionel. "Th...thank you."


Lionel kissed him again, tongue forcing his way in.  "Make sure the helicopter's ready.  You're coming with me."


The kiss nearly took his knees from under him and he nodded as best he could, waiting until Lionel stepped away before tucking himself back into his pants and smoothing his shirt with hands that shook. He helped Lionel back into his, zipping him up and smoothing his shirt just so, before pulling his phone back out and starting to dial again. Pause...and he turned back from the door. "Is there anything else you'd like of me, sir? Anything to bring along with us?"


"Quite a bit, Dominic. But nothing that can't wait until we return from Smallville.  Clear the calendar for the weekend; unless it's my son or the end of the world... I am unavailable."  Lionel paused.  "And so are you.  Do you understand me?"


He was sure Lionel could see his throat constrict. "Yes. Yes, sir. I...." A quiet flush and he turned, unlocking the door and sweeping out....before he stopped mid sweep and glanced back. "Thank you. Again."


"Think nothing of it, Dominic."  Lionel smiled.  "It was... my pleasure."


"Lionel....sir. It is always mine." he nodded and swept out again, closing the door with a soft click behind him.


Lionel swept the papers on his desk back into the folder, barely pausing over the photographs before tucking them into his briefcase and waiting for Dominic's call.


It was ten minutes later before Lionel's phone trilled. Dominic held his to his ear, waiting patiently by the helicopter just starting to rev its engines once more.




"Mr. Luthor, the helicopters waiting, and your son is on line three. He asked to speak to you personally." He shifted a little bit further away from the helicopter as the noise got a bit loud.


"And what did he want?"  Lionel picked up his briefcase, pausing by his desk phone.


"I'm sorry sir, he wouldn't tell me."


"And yet he asks to speak to me personally.  That's... very interesting."  Lionel reached to the desk phone.  "Hold the takeoff until I get there."  He hung up on Dominic, and then picked up the line with Lex waiting.  "Whatever this is about, Lex, it can wait.  I'm on my way to Smallville, and I'll be there in half an hour."


Lex slammed his fist down angrily on the desk.  "My files are gone, Dad."


"And what files would those be, son?  And please, make this snappy.  Dominic is holding the helicopter for me."


"I'd like to have them back.  And don't tell me that you don't know what I'm talking about."


"Of course I know, Lex!  And I told you.  It can wait until I get there.  I'll see you shortly... son."  He hung up on Lex, and swept out the door, dialing Dominic as he swiftly climbed the steps to the roof.  "I'm on my way," he said, as soon as Dominic answered.  "And he knows the files are gone, I expect an explanation."


"Sir… there's no way he could have known. No way." His heart was jacktripping. Shit. "He suspects...but he doesn't know."


"No, Dominic.  He knows.  And is demanding them back.  I want an explanation, and I'd like it as soon as I get there."  He hung up again, tucking his phone away.  Perhaps he shouldn't be so hard on Dominic, but the man could be so much better if he could develop... ruthlessness.


Ruthless? Him? Hah. He tried, but he was as sweet as a Georgia peach in the summer time. Dammit. How could Lex have known!? Their was no way. He'd copied them from the hard drive, printed them out, and took the paper copy with him. He couldn't have known, couldn't. Have. ...except he did. DAMMIT. He was going to lose his weekend with Lionel because of the little worm.


Lionel burst out onto the roof of the building, throwing his hair back as he glared at Dominic.  "What are you waiting for, man?  Get in or get out of my way."  Lionel climbed into the helicopter and strapped himself in.  "I want an explanation, Dominic.  And I want it now."


He quickly got in behind him, calming the shakes in his elbows with the power of self control. "There was no way he could have known, sir. None. I was exceptionally careful."


"So Lex has suddenly developed telepathy?  I expected better from you, Dominic."


"Sir." He would not look desperate. "I was very, very careful. As careful as one can be."


"Apparently... not careful enough."


He winced and looked down at his lap, which he hoped was covered by the rumble and pitch of the quiet helicopter. "My apologies, sir."


"Your apologies aren't good enough, Dominic.  I want to know how he found those files were missing.  Don't... fail me again."


"I won't. That I can assure you." He nodded, looking through the files on his lap as he tried to hide the burn of embarrassment.


"Good."  Lionel watched his assistant hide his red face.  "You did well to get the files out without being seen in the first place."


"I haven't read them." He said it quietly, nodding. "But I am wondering why they hold such significance for Lex."


"Does it matter?  It suffices that they do.  They, and the photographs, should be enough to pull him back into line."


"May I ask a question that's out of line?"


"Of course."


"Are you going to ask him to stop seeing Mr. Kent?"


"Yes.  But I know he'll refuse, if for no other reason than to spite me."


He chose his words carefully. "It just seems to me....from what I saw of those pictures, that Mr. Kent means something to him. And you know how Lex is...he never lets anything mean something to him. So...that's why I asked." Please shut up.


Lionel pinned Dominic with a glare.  "I'm well aware of that, Dominic.  And the one thing that I bred into my son was to never let anyone in.  Never let anyone mean anything to you.  And if this... boy... has ruined my work with Lex, then he needs to be brought back in line.  One way or another."


He lowered his eyes quickly, nodding a bit. "Yes, I understand sir."


"What is it, Dominic?"


"Sir...I just..." A quick glance up. "I've never seen him smile in all the time I've been employed to you, until yesterday morning."


"Tell me more, then, Dominic.  Apparently you believe that I should leave Lex to his own devices where Mr. Kent is concerned... I'm willing to listen."


"He… he was cheerful. Companionable to me, and to his manservant, which I've never seen before. He was...light hearted, and very, very sharp when he spoke to me to ask what I was doing at his home. He didn't miss a detail." Rambling, you're rambling, man! "It was like seeing a different person."


"And you think it's because of this Kent child."


"I do." A little nod.


"And what would you have me do?"


"I-I...well, I don't know. It just seemed like something you should know."


"Don't lie to me, Dominic, and don't tell me what you think I want to hear.  I won't stand for it.  You work for me because I trust your opinion on things, and if you can no longer provide that for me, then we are terminated, do you understand me?"


"Yes sir, I understand." He paused and didn't think twice of the threat...not like he didn't hear it ten times a day. "What I'm saying is that your boy is happy for the first time in his life. In short, I believe a happier Lex would do a better job of running your plant, and be more open to your ideas and thoughts and demands without immediately saying no just to spite you, as you said yourself a bit ago, and generally be easier to communicate with."


"And if you turn out to be wrong, how do you propose to bring him back under control?"


He thought for a long moment. "I suppose you don't. Let him finish his rebellion, and when he's ready, he'll be back. He's a Luthor, after all, and it's in their blood to settle in and make an empire."


Lionel stared at Dominic long and hard.  "All right, Dominic.  You've convinced me.  We will... try things your way.  For now."


"Lex, for all his indiscretions, is a good kid. He just followed the wrong path, and he'll realize it, eventually. Mr. Luthor....Mr. Kent is what you said yourself: just a boy. And boys are quick obsessions to get over."


"Keep your calendar clear," was Lionel's only response.  "And make sure you find out how Lex found those files were missing."


He swallowed hard around the tight ball that suddenly lodged in his throat and he nodded, jotting both things into his small pocketbook schedule book, scribbling in a few more things as the helicopter whirred on.


"Oh, and Dominic?"


"Sir?" A glance up of dark green eyes and blond shock of hair.


"Well done.  I'm not an easy man to convince."


He allowed himself a smile. "Its not hard to convince you when your son is concerned."


"Dominic... don't throw my compliments away lightly."


"On the contrary. They mean more to me then you could ever possibly fathom." Softly, and he took a sip of the brandy they always kept on the copter.


Lionel brushed the back of his fingers over Dominic's cheek.  "Good."


He leaned into the touch without thought, meeting the older mans eyes with pleasure filled ones of his own.


Lionel let his hand fall to Dominic's leg, squeezing gently.  "We will be landing shortly; have you arranged for a car?"


"I have, sir. The limo is waiting for you at Smallville air strip. Your evening suit is pressed and in the trunk if you decide to stay for dinner with your son." He nodded quietly.


"And yours?"


"Yes, sir."


"Very good."


"Mr. Luthor?"


"Yes, Dominic?"


He leaned forward and brushed his lips very, very, very softly against Lionel's. He moved away, terrified it was out of his place to do so, and swallowed hard as Smallville came into view outside the window.


Lionel's hand came to rest on the back of Dominic's head, and drew him in again for another, prolonged kiss.


He leaned in softly and kissed, warm and wet and easy and comfortable, passionate in its own right, and he made a soft noise in his chest at the sensations pricking his skin.


"You... are full of surprises, Dominic.  I prize that."


He smiled into the warm lips, Lionel's beard tickling his nose, and rose a brow. "Good personal assistants are hard to come by."


"Yes, they are.  Especially such... accommodating ones."


His smile turned to a wicked grin that lit his eyes up. "'d be surprised."


Lionel bit sharply on the exposed jawline of his assistant.  "Surprise me, Dominic."


Surprise of his own flashed in his eyes at the sudden bite, and his eyes teetered back in his head for a long moment. "The next free moment we get, I will." His eyes widened. "If....if you care for me to, sir."


"Of course I care for it, Dominic."  He kissed the bitten skin tenderly.  "I would not have wasted time asking otherwise."


His heart was pattering heavily in his chest as he let his eyelids flutter closed, leaning into the kiss subconsciously and mewling like a kitten. "I'm...I'm so glad you..." A soft, breathy sigh. "You asked."


Lionel's hand stroked Dominic's throat.  "So am I."


A heady groan, and didn't he get noisy whenever his employer stroked him just so? "Sir..." He cupped the side of Lionel's head, keeping him to his jaw, where those fabulous lips were touching. "Are you pl… planning on staying the night? If so...I need to get you a room the hotel..."


"No... I think a return to Metropolis tonight is for the best.  My... business with Lex won't require an overnight stay, this time.  We can return together before nightfall."


"Yes, sir." He murmured softly, letting his fingers slide from Lionel's hair as the Smallville airstrip came into view.


"Does that... disappoint you?"


A devious smile slid across his face in a heartbeat before he shook his head. "Not at all, sir."


"Good.  And I'll make it clear to my son that he has you to thank for his new... toy."


Yeah. So sure he'll appreciate anything from me. His father's fuck toy. "Yes sir, thank you."


Just before the helicopter touched down, Lionel looked at Dominic, sharp eyes catching the beginnings of marks and bruises on his lover's throat and jaw.  "You realize, Dominic, just how... invaluable you are to me."


"Yes, sir." Automatic response, and the smile to go with it. "Of course." He unbuckled his seat belt as they landed, gathering his things as he waited for the pilot to open the door for them.


"Good man."  Lionel did hope, somewhere inside himself, that Dominic realized exactly how much his invalueability encompassed.


Which of course he didn't. But he wasn't going anywhere, as long as his gut told him to stay. He gathered his laptop and quickly exited the helicopter, crouching as the slowed. "Be careful with your head!" He yelled it over the drone.


Lionel dismounted under the whirling blades, waiting for Dominic to climb out behind him.  "Come on.  The car is waiting, and we need to... clear a few things up."


He hurried behind him, straightening professionally as they neared the vehicle. He took a silent, long breath in. God, how he loved the country. Not to live, of course, he couldn't stand being away from his Starbucks. But this...this was a primal, beautiful way to live, and he admired those who did so. "Yes, sir."


As soon as they were both in the back of the limo, Lionel rolled up the window that separated them from the driver, effectively sealing them off from the front of the car.  "Now, Dominic.  I don't believe that you realize exactly how invaluable you are to me," he said without preamble.


A raised brow that furrowed at the middle. It was strange for Lionel to say that twice in a row, and he glanced at him with a questioning expression. "Sir?"


"Don't 'sir' me, Dominic.  You're not that... unintelligent, despite the color of your hair."


That brought a real grin to his face, and his eyes danced all on they’re own before he sobered. "Despite it, what exactly are you talking about?"


Lionel merely set his jaw and stared at Dominic.


He seriously didn't get it, and matched his gaze to Lionel's, a raised brow to his hairline.


Finally, Lionel thinned his lips and blew out an exasperated breath.  "What, exactly, do you think you are?"


This was definitely a strange conversation. Usually he was just in the background, quiet, Lionel's employee and personal assistant in many ways. But what...?.... "Your assistant."


"Anything more?"


"Ah...." A light blush. "I aid you in other things then business, but I choose not to give it a name, sir."


"Humor me, Dominic.  Name it."  He brushed his fingers over Dominic's cheek again.


"I am your secretary. Right hand man...if you're so inclined to think of it that way. Many different odd..." He choked on the words as Lionel's fingers slipped over his cheek, so softly. "I'm...your willing whore."


"Ah.  And therein lies the difference.  You see, Dominic... I don't think of you as a whore at all.  I think of you as... a trusted lover."


His eyes closed at that, tightly shut for a long moment. "I've wished for a very long time to hear you say that."


"And I thought until this moment you realized it."


He shook his head slightly, keeping his eyes closed until he was sure he'd warred the emotion back in. "It's hard to think so, and call you sir in the next sentence."


"I think you've earned the right to call me Lionel, Dominic.  Personal affairs notwithstanding."


He swallowed very, very softly, looking up at him finally. "You mean that." Statement, not question.


"Yes, I do."


A reach over and he enveloped him in his arms, grasping the tight, warm mouth with his own...and there was something distinctly different in the emotion powered behind it, now. Not as submissive, just strong and healthy and pure as he pressed close and let him know without words what it meant to him. What hearing him meant to him.


Lionel let his own arms slide around Dominic's waist, situating him so that they pressed together from chest to hip.  His mouth gave into the fierce kiss of his lover, giving the only reassurances he was capable of.


He held him close, and for the first time in a long was enough. He knew what he was getting into… and realized he'd been in it for a long time. "Lionel." He tested it in his mouth, pressed that same mouth to the warm ear. "Lionel?"




"Can I...." Amusement was thick in his voice. "Can I still call you "sir"? It's kind of hot."


Lionel laughed throatily.  "You may call me anything you like, Dominic.  Within reason."


"Calling you "Hot Daddy" in front of the British prime minister might be a bad idea, then?" He nipped softly until his shyness had him letting go and he took on the role of assistant. "Lex is waiting for us, I presume?"


"Yes, he will be.  Quite angrily, I myself would presume."  Lionel picked up his briefcase.  "And Dominic... utter those words again, and I will have to hurt you."  He climbed out of the car, and strode purposefully towards the front gate.


He followed, amused out of his mind and happier then he'd been in weeks. Did it show on his face? Of course not.


He was a Senatori, after all.



~ * ~ * ~



"L...Lex..." A heavy gasp, a kick. "The gate...someone's out...Lex!" ....the room was a mess. Blankets, pillows, feathers and clothes were....everywhere. Things knocked over, mattress askew...white....? Whipped cream was everywhere. everywhere. All over the bed and floor and the two writhing bodies...and the explosion of laughter from Clark as he sprayed his best friend with the can again, nailing him in the cheek. "I win! I totally win!"  He climbed to his feet and did the happy dance, which included jumps and wriggles and bops and a song that sounded suspiciously like something the Spice Girls might have sang at one point.


"And you cheated.  Because Luthors never lose.  But for a victory dance of that caliber... I'll gladly let you have the bout."


"I have no clue what you just said, but huzzah!" Another dance before he offered his hand down, slipping a little on the very....moist carpet. "I heard someone at the gate."


"And this should concern me?  It's probably my father and his little drone."


A quick nod, swiping some of the gunk off the top of his lovers very bald head, licking at the top edge of his ear. "Didn't you say they would be coming?"


"Actually, it wasn't my idea.  My father decided to swoop down, in his arbitrary fashion, and harass me about... something I know not what."


"Maybe you should--" A raised brow as his super sensitive hearing took in their intrusion, and casually glanced over. "I think I can hear them...can't you?"


Lex paused, listening.  "I don't hear anything, Clark."


Which of course gave him the opportunity to lick his cheek and bring the smile to his face. "I heard your dad come in."


"Then maybe we'd better get dressed and go downstairs."


Amusement warred. "We're sticky."


"We could always shower.  Together."


"Mmm." Another soft, slow lick, to hide his severe blush. "You shower and go...g-go ahead. I'll clean up and get home. Don't want him know. Your dad, and all."


"Clark, I don't give a rat's ass about my father.  If he wants to fuck with me, then he can do it on my own schedule."  He pressed himself close to Clark.  "But if you don't want to stay, I understand.  My father's a beast to deal with on a good day, not to think of the fact that I've dared to have him wait."


The blush was in full force and he shrugged a little, leaning in to nip warmly. "I kinda... my dad, and... I have to explain why I skipped this morning, and... Lex… you're... really warm. Really...uh..." A skim over his back. "So warm."


"So help me cool off," Lex invited.  "Cool shower, cool washcloth... a lot of body heat evaporating in the shower..."  Lex bit Clark's nose lightly.  "Blame the skippage on me.  It'll go easier on you that way."  He licked a fleck of whipped cream off Clark's throat.


A hitched breath and he slid his fingers down to Lex's waist...lower, until he was cupping the warm ass in his palms, rubbing his lips over the edge of his lovers jaw. "W...wanna... wanna fuck you.  Not!  Not now! Cause... dad... but..." A serious nod. "'ma virgin.  Wanna... wanna loose it with you."


Lex rocked against Clark.  "Then come back tonight.  We'll help you get rid of that... troublesome virginity."


His grin was priceless. He let go with a soft squeeze, wrinkling nose at their stickiness with a soft, heavy sigh. "Go, talk to your dad. I'll be here.  O-or...actually.. I'll be at home, thinking of you." He leaned in and pressed a warm kiss to the warmer lips.


Lex flicked his tongue over Clark's lips, his hand sliding up to cradle Clark's head in his palms.  "I wish you would be here," he whispered against Clark's full lips.


Another winning smile that was all heavy lidded joy, kissing him warmly… softly, once more, before letting go and grabbing his jeans. "I'll see you tonight, Lex."


"Hurry back, Clark."  Lex deliberately turned and headed into the bathroom, knowing that if he didn't leave then, he wouldn't let Clark leave either.  The shower spray was hot against his skin as he started scrubbing away the stickiness.


Okay. So...maybe he was bad. But suddenly he had his hands full of very wet Lex and he really, really liked it. He pressed in close, tucking his face into the crook of Lex's neck, and got his grubby jeans and grubbier shirt 100 percent wet. "Mmmm. Lex smell." He giggled. "They should bottle it."  He grinned from his partial step into the shower, looking through his damp curls at his lover, and was every single bit the part of a sweet, hometown boy.


Lex stretched, surprised.  "Clark?"  He wrapped his arms and legs around Clark, and tugged him into the shower.  "Come on in, the water's... fine?"


"Gotta go. Must build fence with by-now furious dad." He leaned in and licked a strip from Lex's upper lip, mmming deeper before smiling. "I think I like you better all wet and slippery." A possessive stroke of the flaccid cock, eyes twinkling before he burst out laughing. "Okay, sorry. That was so supermarket-romance." He grinned again, pecked his loves cheek, and he was gone.


Lex blinked, and found himself alone in his shower again.  Wet and slippery?  I'll have to climb into the shower before Clark comes back.



~ * ~ * ~



The main door was thrown open for him and Lionel barely acknowledged the servant opening it as he breezed through the hallways, purposefully searching for his son's office.  Finding the doors shut, he threw them open himself in his typical theatrical fashion, and strode in.  When he found the office empty, he settled himself in behind Lex's desk and propped his feet on it.  "Make yourself comfortable, Dominic."


A raised brow as Enrique showed them into the house, following quietly and trying not to say anything. Not his place. Definitely. Dom took a seat in front of his employer, raised brow as he crossed his legs at the knee.


"Have a drink.  Lex will show up eventually.  I've nothing better to do than explore the files he so carelessly leaves out on his desk like this.  Or would you care to help me read?"


Dominic shook his head but did rise, going over to the small bar and pouring himself a snifter of brandy. "Would you like anything?"


"Yes, thank you.  Brandy would be excellent."


He nodded and poured another shot, glancing out of the colored pane windows, admiring the view of endless fields and a small lake that supported trees and what looked like ducks. "It is quite marvelous, you know."


"The view?"


"Yes. Its beautiful."


Lionel sipped his drink slowly.  "I've never noticed it before."


"It's beautiful. This is a good place to think...very wise of him to choose it." 


"One day, Dominic.  One day Lex will choose the views of Metropolis for his own.  And when that day comes.... he'll be a force to reckon with."


"He will indeed. Your empire will flourish." Dominic paused. "Lionel...may I ask you a personal question?" It came quietly from the window, taking a languid sip of his drink as the other palm slid easily into his pants pocket, the jacket wrinkled in the crook of his arm.


"Of course you can."


"Why here? Why Smallville? Why not Bloomington, or Richmond, or Herring? Why this blip on the map?"


"Because it's close to Metropolis.  It's the ass end of nowhere, Dominic, but close enough so that I can step in and take matters in hand if they get too far out of line.  So far, that's proven to be unnecessary, but I don't take unnecessary risks, either."


"He's changed."


"Yes, yes, he has.  And I have to admit to a certain... surprise.  Smallville has had quite the effect on my son, though perhaps not the effects I'd foreseen."


"Its astounding. A year ago at this time...he had a handful of different lovers, he was constantly high, drunk. He bought how many cars? He was buying jewelry for that woman... the porn star. Remember? Now, look at him. Respectable to a degree, sober. Its a transformation I find quite refreshing."


"Oh, yes.  I remember her.  Not to forget Ms. Hardwick.  Though I must agree, it is nice to see him... reformed."


"Even if he is gay." He turned from the window in time, and didn't quite see the sudden whir of displaced air in front of the castle. Instead, he crossed his arms lightly and smiled, shaking his head a bit as he heard the water switch off upstairs, murmuring, "He's quite presumptuous."


"I... prefer to think of it as my son exercising his options.  As he did with Victoria."  He trained a steady look on Dominic. 


"I hope you meet the Kent boy before the day is over. You'll understand what the attraction was."


"I've... dealt with the family before, Dominic.  I know the father intimately.  The attractive element was never in question."


The words brought a question to his eyes, and he hid the pang of jealousy quickly with another nod as he strolled to the seats in front of the desk. "Indeed."


"I have seen the boy.  He's not at all unattractive, and as fuck toys go, Lex could have chosen much worse."  Lionel noted the question in his lover's eyes.  "It was a very long time ago, Dominic."


He simply nodded. "Perhaps fuck toy isn't quite the word. I've...I've seen them, together, si--Lionel. They're quite...interlinked, if you understand what I mean."


"No, he doesn't understand, Dominic."  Lex leaned against the doorframe.  "And it's quite possible he never will."


A blink and Dominic quickly got quiet, not saying anything else as the two men stared each other down. Shit. Two very, very large egos, one very, very small room. Sigh. If only he had a shield. "Lex."


"Lex.  Working on your eavesdropping techniques, I see?" Lionel rose a brow.


"Hello, Dominic.  I'm surprised to see you here, but then again I'm not.  My father isn't known for his long leashes."  He glared at Lionel.  "Get your feet off my desk, Dad."


"Now, now, is that any way for a son to talk to his father?"


"I don't know.  I'll go find a father and ask him."


Ohh. Strike one. Dominic looked down at the papers he set in his lap, not even daring to take a sip of his drink. The very room crackled with energy, and he was careful not to say anything to have those energies pointed at him.


"Better yet, son... why don't you go and ask your friend Clark if he talks that way to his father?  I'm sure they're the perfect example of filial relations."


Oh shit. He studied the threading of the cuff of his pant leg on his knee, hoping Lex didn't suddenly blame him because having Lex Luthor mad at you was not a good position to be in at all.


Lex straightened.  "And so there we have it.  The reason for this whole song and dance.  Your little lapdog here--sorry, drone--ran back to your kennel and reported to you that I have struck up a friendship with Clark Kent.  And that's just eating you alive, isn't it, Dad?  Considering how much his father hates you?"


"Dominic is neither a lapdog nor drone, Lex.  He's a treasured employee who is doing exactly what I asked him to do."  Lionel pulled out the photographs and tossed them down on the desk between himself and Lex. "I'd say you've struck up more than just a friendship."


Dammit. Damn. It. Dom knew, from the tone of voice, that he was on the hit list now for "accidents" and he didn't like that one bit. But he stayed quiet still, though his belly did a little jump at the treasured comment. Wee.  Oh. Damn. Except, now, naked Clark and Lex, and he was a dead man.


Lex flattened his lips.  "All right, Dad.  Playtime is over.  What do you want?"


"Only for you to realize I know exactly what you're doing here in Smallville, Lex.  Dominic has... convinced me that for the moment, leaving you to your own devices with this boy is the way to go.  And I am willing to do so.  For the moment.  Provided, of course... that you do nothing to show me I should do otherwise."


Okay. Okay. Don't look too excited. Maybe he'll just push me down the goddamn stairs. Dominic continued to stay quiet, watching them now as he let himself have a drink of his brandy, and the heat of it seared his throat.


"Meaning as long as I toe your line."


"Meaning... son... that as long as you continue to behave yourself."


Proud. Yep. He let himself feel a little bit of it, cause damn he was good.


"And I'm sure that Dominic is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, because we're such close, personal friends... right, Dominic?"  Lex's hands closed tightly on Dominic's shoulders.


He was going to die a very painful death. "In a way. I'm trying to do what's best for both parties." Dominic nodded slightly.


"Right.  Because you're such a wonderful, caring individual."  Lex leaned in close and hissed in Dominic's ear.  "If I find out you're setting me up... I'll do everything in my power to bring you down with me."


"Lex!"  Lex looked up wordlessly at his father.  "Dominic is a very... integral part of my work.  Should anything untoward happen to him... I will be looking at you."


"And if anything happens to Clark..."


"Then we understand each other."


"Perfectly.  Now, if you don't mind... I'd like my files back, please."


Gleep. He turned and set the eagle eye up at Lex. Or, well, as much as he could. "Tell me, Mr. Luthor. Would you like to spend twenty to life in prison for statutory rape? Or perhaps we can go back to the cocaine charges...DWIs enough to fill a notebook...perhaps the unlawful kidnapping of an underage female? How soon you forget, Sir, that your father holds the key to prison time for you for the rest of your life. It would do you good to respect that he has the best intentions for you, as do I.  And not to forget that it was he who has kept your record as clean as possible."  And stuff. Dork. Shut up.


"Oh, don't worry, Dominic.  I know exactly who did what... and why.  Dad's just worried that my bad image might reflect back on him, and we couldn't have him raising anything less than the perfect son, now could we?"


Lionel caught Dominic's eye, and raised an eyebrow, surprised at the sudden vehement defense.


Dominic met Lionel's eyes before dropping them again to his lap. Yes. Not his place to say anything. So, he wasn't going to say anything. For now.


Lionel shook his head.  Apparently Dominic wasn't quite as good at reading him as he'd thought.  "Well spoken, Dominic."


"Like the true lapdog you are."


"Lex, that's enough."


His face was amused rather then indignant, and he simply flipped the page in his lap.


"Lex..." He looked at Lionel first to make sure it was okay to proceed.  Lionel nodded.  "Your father received a threat in regards to you yesterday evening, the same person who took your files, apparently. He, or she as there was a voice modifier attached to the telephone, requested 15 million dollars for each transgression your father had to hide." He said it calmly and quietly. "So far, we've counted 46 times you were picked up and hauled in by the police.  Currently, its somewhere close to 500 million dollars."


"And nobody saw fit to tell me this before now?"


Lionel raised his hand.  Dominic listened quietly.  "If I understood Dominic correctly, he tried to inform you of this incident earlier, and he was told to... how did you put it Dominic?  'Get the fuck out of my house?'"  Lionel looked levelly at Lex.  "Would you care to explain that... son?"


Oooohh shit. A raised brow, and he met Lex's eyes.


"I told you before... Dad.  You have business with me, you don't send your drone.  You come to me with it."  Lex's eyes bore into Dominic's.


And surprisingly enough, Dom praised Lex for that, and silently thought a 'Bravo.'


"Lex... I hate to be the one to break this news to you, but I do have other things to do in my life instead of running you down like an errand boy.  It's bad enough that I have to send my personal assistant after you, because you've frightened off nearly every other member of my staff.  I simply do not have the time to chase you down."


"Fine, Dad.  Whatever.  You don't have time for me.  That's not news.  The question is, what are you going to do?"


And sadness ripped through him hard at Lex's words. Poor kid, and that's all he was, really. A kid. "That is precisely the question. What is to be done about the ransom?" Dominic shifted in his seat.


Lionel stared hard at his son.  "Pay it, of course.  I won't have your future ruined."


"500 million dollars?" Dominic almost choked. ...almost.


"Whatever it takes, Dominic.  Lex's future is the most important thing."


"What if the thief decides they want more for the files? What then?"


"Then that's what they'll get."  Lionel dug into his case again, and pulled out the folder of pages and threw it down in front of Lex. 


"You can't be serious, Dad."


"I'm deadly serious, Lex.  LuthorCorp's reputation--and your own--must remain intact for you to be taken seriously.  I won't allow your... youthful indiscretions to stand in the way of your destiny as a Luthor."


Lex flicked a look down at the papers that spilled out over his desk.  "Do you know who took the files?"


Destiny, sure. But 500 million dollars? 500. Million. Dollars. Dominic was still in a quiet kind of awe, passing his glance over the stack in his lap. Drugs, alcohol, larceny. Lex had had a very...colorful youth.


"We have a few suspects," Lionel said.  "But nothing concrete.  We're backtracking from our media contacts now, because if they're going to go public with this information..."


"Then they'll have to have a source," Lex finished, for once proving that he was his father's son.


A glance upwards. "A very powerful source. Someone who has the brains and the means to operate something like this." Click. "Because Lex, it isn't about you at all....I believe this may be about Lionel."


Both sets of Luthor eyes slammed into Dominic at the same time.


"I do hope you intend to explain that," Lex drawled softly... dangerously.


"Go on, Dominic.  Proceed."  Lionel steepled his fingers, his mind starting to make the same connections that Dominic's seemed to.


Ohhh shit. Dominic blinked for a moment and made sure he still had his bowels at the sudden eyes latched onto his spine and yanking. These men were so...intense. He cleared his throat softly, nodding a bit. "No one really has an agenda against you, Lex, not of this magnitude. But what would your downfall cause? LuthorCorp would go down in sales and profit, stocks would plummet, and it would be the perfect time for a hostile takeover. I believe that perhaps....this person, whoever they are, is not going to give the files back whatsoever."


"The Hardwicks."


"Perhaps, but Lionel, it doesn't ring of Sir Harry this time.  What enemies do you have?"


"Nor of his daughter."  Lionel narrowed his eyes.  "Only one other that I can think of, who'd want LuthorCorp to fall."  Lionel moved his gaze from Dominic to Lex.  "Alexander..."


"As much as I'd like to see you fall on your ass, Dad... this isn't the way I'd do it.  I'd rather destroy you to your face than come in through the back door."


He couldn't help it... the chuckle came out. How very Lex a thing to say. "Indeed." Dom pondered a moment. "The Wayne's?"


Lex cracked a smile at Dominic's open admiration.  "I doubt it; Bruce was my roommate at one of the many prep schools you shipped me off to, Dad.  I doubt he'd try anything of this magnitude."


"And I'm sure you told him exactly what kind of person you thought I was," Lionel reminded him acidically.


"Bruce has the intelligence to think for himself, Dad.  I resent the implication that you think I'm behind this somehow."


"Lionel..." Quietly. "Lex was here in Smallville with Mr. Kent when the files were stolen.  And somehow, I doubt suddenly he'd thought to have his files retrieved by someone out of the blue."


"Which means only that he himself didn't do it."  Lionel sighed.  "All right, Dominic.  I'm still open to suggestions as to whom it could be.  Thomas Wayne's death left a vacuum at Wayne Enterprises that Bruce is only starting to fill.  This is not an amateur we're dealing with, and Wayne certainly is one."


"A good boy, as well. He's never done anything to damage any of us financially, and I doubt he would begin now." A stiff nod. "Who have you angered in the past few months, Lionel?"


"Whom haven't I?" was Lionel's return shot. 


"I think what Dad is trying to so diplomatically put it is that he hasn't lost his touch with pissing people off."


"Then the question is, who have you angered enough to plot this against you?"


Lionel said nothing, his eyes once more swinging to his son.


Oh for Christs sake. "Aside from Lex." Quietly spoken.


"Then aside from Lex... I honestly have no idea."  Lionel looked at his son.  "How about you, Lex?  Anyone pissed enough at you that would attempt to put us at each other's throats?  At least, moreso than we already are?"


"Would you like a list?  Victoria Hardwick.  Sir Harry Hardwick.  Every mutant in this town.  Every inhabitant of this town, with the sole exceptions of Gabriel Sullivan and Clark Kent.  Keri Castle.  Roger Nixon."


His attention immediately spiked. "Nixon?"


Lex turned his attention to Dominic.  "Yes, Roger Nixon.  He works for the Metropolis Inquisitor.  I had... a similar problem with him earlier in the year, and I dealt with it."


"We have had a few...problems with him as well." You're overstepping your boundaries. Let Lionel talk.


"What kind of problems?"  Lex waited for an answer, and when he didn't get one, he moved, slamming his arms down on either side of Dominic, fists resting on the arms of the chair.  "I asked you a question, Dominic."


"Alexander!"  Lionel's voice rose sharply, and by the time Lex turned to face him, Lionel was on his feet and coming around the desk.  "You're overstepping your bounds, and you know it."


"If he has information.... it's time for him to spill it.  And now."  Lex's eyes narrowed at his father's sudden... interest in his drone's treatment.  "I won't scratch the new toy, Dad."


"That.  Is.  Enough."  Lionel's voice was heavy with icy finality.  "You will conduct yourself in a manner appropriate to your upbringing."


Dominic swiveled his jaw lightly and didn't break Lex's gaze, rising to his feet. "Nixon is a blood hound, and it's the Luthor's he sniffs. He'll do anything to get a Pulitzer, if he has to lie, cheat, steal...or kill."


"And the money?"


"He doesn't expect us to pay it, Lex.  He expects to be able to break the story."


A stiff nod.  "He wants the story. And somehow, he must have caught wind of your... transgressions."


"He got my sealed juvenile file.  His brother worked in the juvie courts, and Rog tried to blackmail me with it.  He's on my payroll, in fact."


Lionel slowly turned his glare onto his son.  "This... burr in our saddle is on your payroll and you expect me to believe that you have nothing to do with this?"


He didn't want to agree with it... but everything was pointing at Lex, even if he knew in his gut that the younger Luthor had nothing to do with it. "He needs to be found."


"I'll give you a list of all his little rat-infested burrows."  Lex shoved angrily past his father and rifled through his desk drawer before withdrawing several sheets and tossing them down.  "There.  You should be able to find him.  And Dad... don't ever doubt that I'm out to take you apart a piece at a time.  But I will do it to your face, and you will know it's me doing it."


Lionel wordlessly picked up the documents and passed them to Dominic.  "Lex... I have never been prouder of you than I am this moment.  Either way... you're living up to your name."


Dominic couldn't help it. He smiled as he stood, not saying a word as he began to gather that which was handed to him.


Lex glared at his father from behind the desk. 


"We'll be in touch, Lex.  Are you coming to Metropolis?"


Lex gritted his teeth.  "No.  I have things that need attending to here."


"If Roger Nixon should contact you... do be a good boy and let us know, won't you?"


"Goodbye, Dad."


He waited until Lionel whisked out the door, meeting Lex's eyes before he followed. "For what its worth...I hope he keeps you happy. Joy is an expression you should have more often."


"Get out, Dominic."  The words lacked their usual rancor, and Lex added a silent nod to them.


Lionel was waiting for Dominic by the car.  "Do you really think he's innocent in all this?"


His papers were tucked tightly under his arm, eyes meeting Lionel's as he stepped back out into the sunshine. A handful of steps and he was beside him, holding the door open for him. "In a way, yes."


"Elaborate," Lionel ordered, settling into the car and once more rolling the glass partition up to seal them alone in the back.


Dominic sat back against the plush leather, folding his hands in his lap. "I believe he's had dealings with Roger Nixon, yes. Pertaining to this? No."


"And what makes you so confident?"  No anger or rancor, just brusque curiosity.


"There's no reason for it. Why would Lex suddenly want his juvenile records, when he had a copy of his own? It makes no sense."


"He could be attempting to ruin LuthorCorp and obtain control for himself."  Lionel ran a weary hand through his hair.  "It's what I would do."


"He's your son... but I doubt Lex has that type of ambition as of yet. I believe, actually, that he's enjoying Smallville quite a bit."


"Considering that he's turned down every opportunity I've offered him to return to Metropolis, I'd wager that's a fair bet."  Lionel sighed heavily.  "Tell me something, Dominic."


"Mmm?" A questioned glance, tipping his head a bit.


"Am I just an old man humoring his son?"


He smiled at that. "Not at all. I'd say more of a father allowing his only son to flourish. Finally."


"Finally," Lionel echoed.  "Do you ever get tired, Dominic?  Of everything?"


"Often. But I suppose there's things that keep me going... keep me hoping." A little nod.


"Such as?"  A quiet wave of Lionel's hand indicated that it wasn't an order.  "Lex... makes me feel so old."


Another smile, and wasn't he a happy guy today? "You're aging like a fine wine, Lionel. Lex is still a new grape...he's yet to understand the pride of the vineyard. But he will, you know."


"I only hope that I am around to see it."  He sighed again.  "I... am sorry for his behavior towards you.  It was uncalled for."


A waved hand. "Nothing new there, you know that."


"And still uncalled for."  Lionel raised a brow.  "It's... upsetting."


Quietly. "He treats his family's employees as he should. You should be proud, actually, Lionel...that he did."


"An employee?  Perhaps.  But you are far more than a mere employee, Dominic, and Lex knows that.  And no, I am not speaking of anything other than the close working relationship we have.  You are second only to myself and that should demand his respect, not his derision."


"Perhaps he's jealous, in a way. He said it himself...he sees very little of you."


Lionel nearly laughed, but didn't quite.  "If my son and I saw any more of each other than we do, we'd kill one another."


He smiled for the both of them. "I can imagine it, and the picture isn't pretty."


The smile triggered Lionel's memory, and he leaned forward.  "Dominic.  You are allowed to speak your mind, you realize this, don't you?"


"Yes." Quietly, he nodded.


"Then why did you act as if you were speaking out of turn?"


"Ahh." He was amused again, and he met Lionel's eyes with dancing ones of his own. "I am your assistant, Lionel. You are the boss. I act out of turn at times, and I wanted to apologize for it."


Lionel growled deep in his throat.  "Dominic... I am not a man given to... outbursts or displays.  You will, however, move me to one if you do not realize--and quickly so--exactly what it is I expect of you.  I--hold you in high regard.  That alone gives you leeway few other people have.  There is nothing that you need apologize for."  Frustration began to creep into Lionel's tone as he was unable to completely verbalize his thoughts.


And he passed a look at him, that hopefully would quiet him. A look of such intense emotion Pure, perfect, adoring, and he nodded softly. "I'll remember that."


Lionel settled back in the seat, mollified for the moment that Dominic understood.  "Put those papers down, Dominic."


He set the paperwork to the side, looking at him with question again.


There was a brief silence as Lionel stared at Dominic, silently warring with himself before sliding to the edge of his seat and reaching out to pull Dominic forward.  "Kiss me," was the gruff order.  "And touch me."


"God, yes." He murmured it, leaning over to wrap his arms around the slender ones of his lover, and pressed a soft, open mouthed kiss to the lips there. Waiting for him. Heady and heavy and soft. A change of angle and he sought passage into the warm mouth with his tongue...groaning softly when he slid in to meet passion.


Lionel opened his mouth under Dominic's, sliding his tongue over the other man's as he slid his hands over Dominic's back, encouraging him to do the same. 


Another soft sound and he dropped to his knees on the floor of the limo, crawling close. He hooked his arms around Lionel's lower back, mewling softly like a kitten as he rubbed his lips over the warm jaw, licking at it...nipping, as he'd done to him before.


Lionel's hands rested on Dominic's shoulders for a moment, and then slid down his chest and unerringly found taut nipples through the thin fabric of his dress shirt and undershirt.  "I can't wait... to get you alone," Lionel whispered rawly.


He arched mindlessly, mouth dropping open as he panted into Lionel's ear, arching his chest in as he struggled not to thrust like a teenaged boy. "What...what have...have you got planned?"


Calloused fingers stroked hard, catching on the smooth sheen of blue cotton shirtfront.  "I'm going to make love to you."  A bare stumble over the word.  "Possess you.  Completely and utterly."


A throaty moan echoed from his lips as he arched into the touch, scraping his nails up the long back to fist in his hair, squirming close into the valley of his lovers thighs and kissing him roughly, hotly. "M-Me? Not...." Another husky sound echoed from his mouth. "Not Lex?"


"You.  Dominic."  The hands fisting in his hair felt amazingly, delightfully good.  "Not... a stand in for my son, but... a man I want in his own right."


"Lionel..." He murmured it, dragging his fingers through the long locks to cup the back of his head, keeping him close to his skin. "'re the most beautiful man I've ever known." Damn him and his declarations. Oh well. He sucked softly, wishing to God they had enough time to have a good fuck before they got to the helicopter, but he could already hear the whirring engine.


Lionel rested his forehead against Dominic's.  "You deserve far better than you will end up with at my hands."


He stopped to look, watching the warm eyes in front of his... eyes that only warmed for two people on this planet.  And he was one of them.  The simple pleasure of it whisked him right on up and away and he smiled, nodding softly. "I've wanted no one but you since the day I met you."


Lionel nodded once.  "You could have done so much better."


"As you know....the matters of the heart are rarely controlled." He kissed again, softly, and climbed back into his seat as they began to slow on the airstrip.


"Make your calls from the plane.  Give Nixon's scent to the bloodhounds we have working for us, and give the contact name to the answering service. Have both sets of luggage sent directly to the penthouse."


"Yes, sir." Automatic response as the door opened and the helicopter whirred for them, falling easily to an assistants duties as he gathered their paperwork in his briefcase and stepped out behind Lionel, heading to the helicopter. "Would you like to have a press statement ready in case this leaks?"


"Yes.  But I want you writing it.  Say we're looking into the validity of the charges, most have been trumped up, the usual line of bullshit."  He slowed until Dominic fell into step beside him, and the rested his hand on the back of Dominic's neck.


A turned a glance at him with dim eyes as his mind rushed to catalogue everything until he wrote it down. "Lionel?"




"You treated your son with respect, kindness, and the perfect mix of ruthlessness and love that should be shown to an heir of a business such as yours. I wanted to let you know that."


The hand on the back of Dominic's neck tightened for only a moment in acknowledgement.  "Thank you."


"To be frank, sir? I don't bullshit." Serious nod, before he led Lionel to the helicopter door held open by his own assistant, motioning for him to enter first before climbing in behind him.


"That is why I trust you, Dominic."  Lionel belted himself into the chopper and motioned Dominic to take the seat beside him.


He did so, hooking on his own belt as he set the briefcase down beside him. "Good." Ahhhh. So cutey assistant boy had a mouth. Who knew? Okay, so he cracked open an eye and grinned. Despite the point. He closed his eyes again, fighting the vertigo that always caught up with him on the first rush of takeoff.


Lionel's hand closed tightly on Dominic's shoulder, saying nothing.


A tight swallow as they pushed up into the air and his laced fingers turned white on his lap for a long moment before he exhaled slowly, sitting up a bit as the feeling passed. "Should I...bring anything? For… for the weekend."


"Only... yourself."  Lionel brushed his fingers over a bruise that was beginning to darken at Dominic's collarbone.


"Are you certain? No..." Ohh. The fingertips only speared a shot of lust to his belly. "Nothing at all?"


"I'm certain, Dominic.  Everything that is required is already there, save only yourself and me."  Lionel continued to brush possessively over the mark.


"Y...." Don't babble. "I want to feel you inside of me." Simple, earnest truth, straight from his heart.


"You will, Dominic.  I promise you that."  Lionel's mouth slid wetly over Dominic's ear.


"Yes...yes, I..." He stiffened, letting his eyes roll close. "Will you let me do the same? F...for you?" Shouldn't be asking, Should. Not. Be. Asking.


"No one has before," was Lionel's non-reply.  "But... yes."


His breath hitched hard at that and he closed his eyes, dropping his head down a bit as his cock ached to be known. He blew out a long, slow breath, swallowing hard, all as silent as possible. "You'd let me do that?"


"Yes."  It was a battle for Lionel to say these things.  "It... is how I can show you... you can see how much I... need you.  By my side."


It was a slick little click, just as it had been back in Lex's office. It all connected there, very suddenly, because he knew, beyond all things, that Lionel honestly cared for him a great deal. Not love, per se, but as close as Lionel was ever going to get... and something in him warmed infinitely for that. "I already know. You don't have to show me."


"I... want to.  I don't want to make with you the mistakes I made with Lex.  It..."  Lionel broke off to caress the back of Dominic's head gently, stroking the fine bristle of blond hair.  "This is quickly becoming important, Dominic.  I won't have it derailed."


"I'm not easily put aside, you'll come to find, nor derailed for anyone. Seems like you'll be stuck with me for a bit, Lionel." A serious nod as he watched the warm eyes, cupping his fingers against the warm jaw before sliding through all that glorious hair.


Lionel closed his eyes and tilted his head back into the caress of his hair.  "I will not say no," was Lionel's whispered answer. 


He smiled...and realized all too suddenly that the pilot was watching them. He let go quickly, gnawing on the inside of his cheek as he glanced up to his lover with apologetic eyes. This was, by far, the last thing Lionel needed. Fuck.


Lionel shook his head.  "He is disposable," was Lionel's only comment.  "Let him watch, his silence can be assured."


A snapped look to him, hoping he didn't actually mean what he'd implied, eyebrows knit tightly.


Lionel's face was firmly set, letting Dominic know that he did indeed mean what he had just said.


It hurt him, more then he cared to let on, but it wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. The last time he had raged in silence and hadn't let Lionel touch him for had been one of the most tumultuous times in their personal and business relationship. He frowned softly, looking at his lap in silence.


"Dominic.  Look at me."


He didn't for a long moment before pride got the best of him and he looked up.


"I told you earlier to say what's on your mind.  I don't expect to like everything you say, but I will listen."


"That is my greatest problem, Lionel. I speak from two different standpoints, and yet I am still the same person. It’s a strange position to be in, and although both sides speak, its rarely in tandem. If that makes sense at all. My business side is agreeing with you, but the other...the other person who sees you in ways other people can only dream of...that person asks you not to impede your morality or your humanity by doing away with a single individual simply because he saw that I was touching your hair."


"Does the life of someone you do not even know truly mean so much to you?"


"Yes." Simply.


Lionel nodded once.  "Then his life is yours."


He mentally sighed his relief, but his heart ached for having hurt his lover. "Perhaps there are times when I act a bit pompous." A light smile. "Feel free to smack me for it, if the case should ever arise."


Lionel shook his head.  "Though if I do start calling you Jiminy, you will understand why."


That brought a chuckle from him, eyes dancing. "I'm sure I can find ample uses for his little cane." A moment....and he tipped his head. "Can I tell you something?"


"Of course you can."


"I have..." A bite of his lip. "A bit of a confession."


"Confession?  You don't... have to share anything you don't want.  I'm not going to compel you to."


His amusement was quiet. "I have a bit of a fetish I thought I should divulge."


"Oh, by all means."  Lionel allowed the relieved amusement to re-enter his expression.  "I believe I can... relate to those."


"I...ah." He shifted a bit in embarrassment. "I enjoy...well. A slew of things, of course, but I particularly like a bit of dominance."


Lionel's grip tightened on his shoulder.  "That is a surprising coincidence, Jiminy."


He looked at him with question, arousal and amusement, tipping his head lightly as he stroked Lionel's free hand on his leg. "Why do you say?"


Lionel's grip tightened on Dominic's thigh.  "Because it just so happens... that I have a dominant streak."  He leaned in close to whisper over the chopper blades. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"  His hand slid from thigh to groin and squeezed firmly once.


And his eyes rolled successfully back in his hand. He tried to remain calm and obedient, busy fingers out of the pilots sight, and swallowed a dusky groan. "I'd be a fool not to. Tell me, you enjoy bondage?"


"Quite a bit."  Lionel pitched his voice to a husky whisper.  "I have... sometimes thought of you, Dominic... in my collar."


He kept his gaze forward but his hands shook, linking through Lionel's fingers as they touched his leg. "I've sometimes thought myself in worse." He said it quietly, with the dusky arousal vivid in his tone.


A sharp bite to Dominic's earlobe.  "Tell me.  Now."


His eyes rolled again, his breath coming out very slowly and evenly as he thrust into the air. "Whip...tie me to the bed. Fuck me, over and over… torture me with pleasure in every possible way.  Mouth…hands..." He skimmed his fingertips over his lips, then over the bulge in his pants.


Lionel's hand caught Dominic's by the wrist and pulled it away.  "No touching.  Not unless I give you permission.  And I have not."  Instead he dragged Dominic's hand to his own erection.


His breath shuddered out and he skimmed his knuckles gently over the cloth covered erection. "Yes. Yes, I'm sorry."


"Now would be the time to call me sir," Lionel suggested softly, with another sharp bite to Dominic's earlobe.  "Try again."  He forced himself not to thrust into the delicate skimming of Dominic's knuckles across his shaft.


The moan was quiet under the helicopters thrum and he gently skimmed a little harder, more pressure, just like he knew he liked it. "Yes, yes sir."


"When we land, which looks to be soon, I will be waiting for you in the penthouse.  Don't take too long clearing up the loose ends."  He gave in and thrust once against Dominic's hand, hissing slightly at the sensation.  "Don't make me look for you."


"I'll hurry...mistakeless, of course." And Christ, he wished he'd let Lionel do away with the pilot just so he could suck him off now without a qualm. But that was just it, it was childish, so he held off the feeling and squirmed.


"Regretting your decision about the pilot?" Lionel guessed, feeling his lover squirm.


He smiled. "Is it that obvious?"


"Yes, it is."  Lionel squeezed Dominic's hard cock.  "Right here."


He would not come in his pants like a randy teenager. He would not. Christ, but it was close. But he wouldn't! Because he was a self respecting man and he wouldn't do it. "Lionel...has anyone ever told you you're a tease?"


A soft chuckle.  "No one has had the balls."


"At the moment mine are so drawn up that they're not considered balls, so I'll go ahead and say it." Amusement lit his face as he scratched the tips of his fingers down the hard length of his lover. "You're a tease."


Lionel thrust shallowly into Dominic's teasing fingertips as he roughly squeezed Dominic's cock again.  "You're... refreshingly forthright."  Through the fabric of his pants, Lionel jerked his lover's length once.


And he came like the teenager he wished he wouldn't act like. He thrust up and tried not to make a sound, but Christ, it was hard. He bit his lip tightly, shuddering out the intense feeling, sticky and wet and gooooood. "Oh… Oh g..."   He jerked his lover just as hard, stroking warmly and quickly.


Lionel pressed Dominic's hand tightly to his cock until he was on the edge of his own orgasm and then pulled Dominic's hand away.  "I'll be waiting for you."  His fingers worked at Dominic's zipper, opening it only enough slide two fingers inside and retrieve a small taste of Dominic's seed.  He licked his fingers clean, and smiled.


His eyes crossed for a moment before he squeezed them tight, hearing the pilot begin his descent. "Tease. Tease." And since the pilot was busy with something else he snuck a kiss, soft and warm and heady. "Mmm..." A tentative lick. "Taste so good."


Lionel devoured the kiss that Dominic pressed to him, tongue delving deeply to share the taste of Dominic's seed still on his tongue.  "I can't wait to have you naked and begging for me, Dominic.  Do hurry."  He sunk his teeth into the skin just surrounding the previous bruised mark on Dominic's throat as the helicopter landed, biting and sucking hard to distract his lover from the landing.


He didn't even think of it, just cupping the back of his head hard as his agonizingly sensitive cock stirred and jumped and Christ, he was like a child again. He felt the vague violent twist of his belly as they landed, but he was too caught up in the feeling on his skin to realize it. He moaned softly, shuddering very softly against his lover as he grasped his shirt. "Li...Lionel.."


"I'm here, Dominic."


He wouldn't admit that he shuddered hard. "I'll hurry. I will."


"I know you will."  The door of the helicopter was opened, and Lionel disembarked.  He said nothing to the pilot, instead sweeping down the stairs from the roof, and into the penthouse.


He himself took the same stairs, going out of a side door to his car to get everything in order. He had his list, dammit, and it would do him good to remember what had to be done. Press statements, blood hounds, the works.


In the penthouse, Lionel methodically stripped, throwing his greatcoat over the couch, the rest of his clothing going into the dirty hamper to be cleaned and pressed and returned to him later.  Ignoring the full length mirror and confident in his appearance, he strode into his closet, and opened the hidden panel in the rear.  It opened into a half-room, hung with all sorts of different things, all done in leather.  


Stepping into the small room, Lionel began to select toys.





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