
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 30: Labor of Love

"AJ!!!  Get your skinny ass in here already and answer my question!"


"Shayla, I am not saying another word about my father's sexual prowess."


"Come on!  All I asked is how a sixty year old man still get it up!"


"Kind of wanting to know too, Lex.."


"Clark Kent, you should be ashamed."


"Sorry, Ms. Megan."




"Awe! Lex! Shane called you daddy again!"


"Could one of you enormous brutes PLEASE help me with these bags?"


"Child, I am not your father."


"So you still didn't answer my question.  And neither did you, CK.  I wanna know how prime meat like you landed tall bald and beautiful here."


"Shayla Marie, if Mama doesn't wash your mouth out with soap then I will!"  Lindy huffed in and pushed past the young people.  "Here, Meggie.  Give me some of those."


Clark blushed hard and scratched his fingers through his hair as he stepped into the mansion. Large, sprawling, and it smelled like Christmas... complete with all the ladies and their different perfumes to the silly grins the kids gave... to the cheer and joy only family brought. "We didn’t exactly land...or, actually, that first time we did.."


Oh. Here came the lip. Sticking out from his face, and Shane turned and snuggled into his aunties arms...and sniffled piteously.


"Uh, thank you." Megan hefted over the Neiman Marcus bags and glared at her younger sister. "We would have gotten back sooner if pinky here hadn’t decided she wanted to stop in every boutique on main street, try to convince me to get her a tattoo, and perused me into buying her more of that pink crap she puts in all her pretty hair."


Marie was laying down in the living room, still having not said anything...but then one of her favorite people stepped in, and she waved at Lex sweetly before laying her head back down and flipped the channel on the little TV cart Ms Bird had gotten for her.


"Hey!!  It's not crap, thank you very much!  A lady has to look her best you know!"


"At least, that's what my mother used to say," Lex added helpfully.


"I am not talking to you, AJ."


"One could only hope."  Lex planted a kiss on Marie's cheek as he wormed his way into the room.


"GRAHAM!!!!   I don't know where you're hiding but get your fuzzy ass down here and help with these packages!!" Lindy bellowed.  "And Miss Shayla, the day you get a tattoo is the day brown-eared donkeys fly outta my ass!"  She flopped the packages down on the table. 


Marie moved a bit to offer Lex room, sitting up with a heavy oof… and a lance of pain she hid. She rubbed her belly instead, smiling as she watched her overzealous family come tromping in, the two newest additions adorable in her eyes. "Hello, Clark. Did you boys have fun?"


Clarks eyes lit up like Christmas trees and he grinned like an idiot, stripping out of his jacket as he flopped into an arm chair by the couch. "Lex took me to Bloomingdale’s! I’ve never seen it during the parents refused to battle traffic for over priced stuff. But...oh, wow. Its like an adventure all by itself." A cheesed out grin. "And we ate at some French place...what did we eat again, Lex? That fish stuff? What was it called?" He didn’t wait for the answer rushing on. "Whatever it was, it was good, and yeah, we had fun."


Marie laughed out loud. "I’m so glad you both had fun! You look very happy." She beamed.


Megan set her packages next to Lindy, the already wrapped packages just waiting to join the huge pile already underneath the Christmas tree. "Good lord, almighty." An oof, and she landed beside her sister in law. "I’m tired."


Behind them, Eleanor raced down the hall like a bat out of hell, squealing until a door slammed at the end of the hall.


"ELEANOR!!!!!!!!!!"  Lindy bellowed, and then sighed.  "I usually do not like using those child leashes on children, but Lord almighty if she doesn't make me want to go to PetSmart and buy one!"  Another deep breath.  "ELEANOR!  IF I HAVE TO COME AND LOOK FOR YOU YOU ARE GOING TO GET A SPANKING!!"


Shayla crept up the stairs to the closed and locked bedroom door, and rattled the knob.  "Hey!!  Morgan!  Get your butt out here, we're home!  We require entertainment!  You and Big Daddy come put on a show!"


Graham came at the bellow from his sister.  "You called, sister mine?"  He'd been hiding in the other end of the house until they'd come back home, brooding.


From down the hall, an itty bitty blond head peaked out from the door, and Ellie was so adorable, standing there with her little tennis shoes and jean dress, hair in pigtails with her big green eyes watching her mom as she walked slowly, dragging her feet. "I...I sorry mama." A glance up once she'd stopped in front of said lady, eyes full of tears.


Dominic barely restrained the laughter, looking at his lover with dancing eyes as they gently kissed, clothed in standard Lionel and Dominic gear; Dominic himself in black slacks and a dark green polo shirt...having dressed up just for his love of course. He nuzzled his bearded cheek and kissed it softly, slowly linking their fingers before turning and bellowing, "We'll be out in a bloody goddamn minute, go downstairs this instant, Shayla Marie!"


Megan moved and stood beside her sister, ever so slickly snagging her niece in her arms and grinning cheekily at her sister as she swept Eleanor towards the kitchen. "Lets get some hot chocolate!"


"...and when I saw him I nearly lost my composure, cause their was the lead singer of Creed, right THERE, shopping for thongs! What was I supposed to say? "Hi, sir, I love your music, the blue is nicer then the red"? No. So I just googled from afar, despite Lex and his..." Clark motioned. "Lexness."


"Hello? Anyone home? I hope I’m not interrupting any--...." Martha stopped mid word, and her smile spread across her face, as the steaming plate of Christmas cookies sat in her hands, dressed in one of her best dresses, Jonathan in his suit and lugging along the four plates of food she'd made earlier that afternoon. "We came a little early to help."


"Scott is quite a nice gentleman, Clark, and not nearly as stuck up as you seem to believe."  Lex reclined back on the couch beside Marie.  Clark had not drawn breath since he came in and started talking, but Marie seemed entranced.


"C'mon, just a peek at His Buffness?"  Shayla frowned when they came out fully dressed.  "Party poopers, both of you." She slipped her arm through Lionel's.  "So, tell me, big daddy... what exactly was it about my brother that caught your eye and do I have it?"


"Boil her in it," Lindy muttered.  "I love you, Ellie!" Lindy shouted after Meggie and Eleanor.  "I'm going to kill that kid." 


Graham grimaced as he saw Shayla on Lionel's arm. 


Lionel looked at the young woman with something akin to horror.  "Little girl... No.  Come back when you're legal."


Jonathan followed his wife into the large mansion.  He hadn't been this uncomfortable in his entire life.  But he shifted the goodies that he carried and straightened his tie.


"Martha!!  Come right in, push on through, they'll move!"  Rosalyn was herding people out of the way.  "Come on, come on, everybody move out of the lady's way!"


She offered Lex a charming grin, listening to Clark babble with fascination. He really was a truly adorable boy, good to the very core, and she adored him; just as she adored Lex and his aloofishness that wasn’t nearly as much as he'd hoped. "I’ve never met him, but you can cut diamonds on that mans abs."


"That’s what I said! But Lex just glared!"


Dominic was immediately pushed to the side and rolled his eyes towards the heavens. "Shayla, darling, I adore you, but get your hands off."


"Mom!" He leapt off the couch and quickly hustled over to help, giving his dad a huge grin as he took a plate of mac and cheese surprise that was his mothers specialty, beaming at Mama Senatori.


HIS BEST FRIEND! EEEEE! Shane beamed from ear to ear and clapped from his seat at the top of the steps, stuffing his slightly very dirty pacifier in his mouth and clapping again, hands up, wriggling his fingers. Big blue eyes shined in his chubby face and he squealed. His best friend was here! Yay!!


"Rosalyn, hello dear." Martha kissed her cheek and followed afterwards, already starting to chatter with her over the ham and how it went cooking it, like they were the oldest of friends.


And Jonathan was just sort of...watching the chaos from stance on the steps, as they came down.


 "He's never been known for his attention span," Lex said dryly.  "It was a miracle I could convince him to sit still through Lord of the Rings and even that took me sitting in his lap and holding him down."


"Hey, that's not fair!  I'd let you share if I had a big... handsome... juicy lookin' stud like this."  Shayla ran her hand up Lionel's arm as they walked down the stairs three abreast.


"Young lady, if you do not remove your hand from my person, it is quite likely that you will lose it."  Lionel winced at the clapping from the bottom of the steps.  "Hello, Shane."  He was tempted to just step over the boy, but the big blue eyes suckered him in, and he picked the baby up off the steps and let him attach to his shoulder.  "Have you figured out I'm not Mama yet?"


"Fraulein!"  Ms. Bird insisted on the girlish term for Martha Kent even though she was married.  "Chu did not hef to do all of this!"


"Hush now, Hilde!  You need help fattening those boys up!  That little boy with my son is nothing but skin and bones!"  Rosalyn tutted as she helped unload Martha and Jonathan.


"He's a lovely boy." Marie smiled at Lex, eyes twinkling. "I get tired just by looking at him. However, he seems to have shared his energy, so would you mind helping me up dear?"


"Mama." And Shane's beam was so bright it lit his entire face, eyes twinkling as he grasped and hugged him hard, giving him wet baby kisses and grabbing handfuls of his beard.


Dominic grabbed Shayla and with a single haul, had her over his shoulder in a fireman’s walk. She wasn’t exactly big, slim and tiny, and he hauled her easier, grabbing her legs and starting down the stairs. "Shall I shake you upside down dear? Would I like to see what came out?"


She gave Ms Bird a kiss too, beaming at the ladies and it had been so LONG since she'd been around women that these three had immediately clicked. Martha set the cookies on the table, shooing her son out after he'd set the things down. "Things to talk about, scoot!"


Clark snagged a cookie, got slapped in the hand for it, grinned and walked out.


"Martha, you look beautiful." Megan smiled from her spot on a stool, Eleanor having long ran off as she just finished chopping up some tomato for Ms Bird.


"Well thank you, dear." A happy beam and she smiled at Rosalyn. "I must say, the award for best fashion goes to Ms Rosalyn. You look fabulous, dear."


"He's my angel," Lex confessed softly.  He got quickly to his feet and held his hand out to Marie, steadying her and using his weight as an anchor.


"I see we've yet to master masculine pronouns."  Lionel sighed as he disentangled chubby fingers from his hair and his beard, throat choking up slightly as the baby hugged him.  "Let's try this.  Papa.  Paaaaaa paaaaaa.  'p' instead of 'm.'  Let's try that, shall we?"


Shayla shrieked and flailed her arms and legs as Dominic threw her over his shoulder.  "Let me down this instant you cocksucking brother of mine or so help me, I'll scream the house down!!"


"You're doing a fine job of that already, dear," injected Lindy.


"Morgan!  Put your sister down.  Shayla, you are not too big to go over my knee, do you understand me?" Graham bellowed at both his younger siblings.


Jonathan was standing uncomfortably in the kitchen, and he kissed his wife on the cheek.  "I'm gonna get out of you girls' way," he said, ducking out into the living room.  He faded into one of the corners, and watched Lionel.  Lionel was carrying a little baby who seemed attached at his shoulder, and Dominic was walking beside him.  That could have been--should have been--him by Lionel's side.  Maybe it would have been their child Lionel carried with him now, or maybe Clark would have been theirs instead.  He sighed, still hiding in the corner.


Rosalyn blushed and tutted again.  "Thank you, dear, but it's really nothing.  Morgan bought this for me last Christmas, but it was so pretty, I didn't have anywhere else to wear it, so I saved it for a special occasion."


"Chu look beautiful too," Ms. Bird clucked to Martha.  "Beautiful little fraulein."


Marie hefted herself up, groaning as the weight hit her feet, and rubbed her poor belly while giving him a crooked smile. "He's worth it. Sweet, sweet boy. How long have you been seeing one another?"


Shane stared at him, blank faced, as Lionel spoke.


Stray punches and kicks but if anything Dominic was used to it...spotting his brother in the hall as he trooped downstairs, and blushed, grinning cheekily at him. "She's a big girl. She can take it. Cant you, darling?" He pinched her thigh and twisted without mercy.


"Well thank you." Another bright smile, and Martha sniffed the air. "Oh, dear, that’s sin, isn’t it? It smells positively delightful."


Little blond hair and blue dress raced by...stopped...and turned back. Eleanor stared in the main living room, blinking, rubbing her eyes, then blinking again. She walked in, tugging at Lex's pant leg, expecting attention here, people.


"We've been seeing each other for a few months now or over a year, depending on your definition," Lex said, holding her hand and helping her steady herself.  "You all right?"


"You're not understanding a single thing that I'm saying are you?" asked Lionel ruefully.  "Well, that figures.  Come along now, we'll find something to keep us entertained, shan't we?"


Shayla shrieked, kicking and punching all the harder, and then she started jerking at his pants.  "You put me down right now or I'll give you a wedgie all the way up to your ears!"


As Lex was steadying Marie, he looked down and saw a little blond--of course--child attached to his leg.  "Can I help you?"


Ms. Bird laughed.  "Es your recipe.  For apple cake.  I hef it in one of de cookbooks from the Farmer's Association."


"Honey, I’m nine months pregnant. Do I look alright to you?" But Marie said it with amusement, waddling her way towards the restrooms. "In about five minutes, do fetch Megan, will you? Or my husband, wherever he is? I don’t want to get stranded on the toilet seat, here."


"Lionel, darling, he can say "coo" for cookie and "mama" and that’s about it." Dominic ignored his shrieking sister until she said the wedgie comment, and with a single ungraceful move dropped her on her ass on a bench in the hall. "Next time, I pull your pants down and you explain to mama why you have "I love Enrique" written on your ass."


"I-nol." Soft beam and Shane said it very quietly, happily nuzzling in and chewing on his own shirt sleeve.


Ellie motioned Lex down to her. "C'mere?"


"Oh, my goodness!" Martha laughed, and sat beside a grinning Megan. "I haven’t made it in years. I didn’t even recognize it."


"Certainly I will."  Lex bent down to Ellie's level, getting down on one knee to do it and wondering what in the name of God a five year old wanted with him.  "What can I help you with today?"


"I do not have I love Enrique written on my ass!" she shrieked, loud enough to be heard throughout the entire house. 


Lionel lifted Shane up and grinned.  "That's my boy!" he crowed softly.  "Lionel!  That's good!  Say it again!"  He tickled the boy under his chin, letting him know with all the positive feedback he could think of that Lionel was the right thing to say.


Ms. Bird laughed.  "Chu should--chu vould make it better dan me."  Then a secretive motion.  "Herr Lex loves it.  He vill eat dis vhen he vill eat nothing else."


"I saw'd you from the door." An almost quiet whisper, and Eleanor leaned in. "Why does you no have hair?"


Dominic was too busy with his younger sister to hear his lover, just snickering at her and winking. "I have proof. Remember?"


His best friend was happy! OH! And he was in the AIR! Shane squealed and laughed after the shock of being lifted melted, and he burst into giggles when Lionel tickled him, clamping his chin down and squirming. "Inol! Mama Inol!"


Martha smile this time was one of a million. "Well, good. That boy doesn’t eat enough. Have you ladies seen how skinny he is? He breaths in and I could count his ribs. I’ve tried to feed him, but he pecks at it like a bird." A cluck of her tongue.


"I dunno. I think he's really cute." A shy grin up at the ladies gathered. "But then again, I have nothing to say about being too skinny." Megan winked.


"Because I was a bad, noisy little child and my dad yanked it all out," Lex answered mischievously.  "So if you want to keep your hair, you better be a good girl and do what your mother says."


"You... you... AAAHA!"  Shayla kicked him hard in the shin, as hard as she could.  "Asshole!!"


"Well, we had progress there for a moment," Lionel said, continuing the tickling of the squirming child.  "How about we try... just Lionel.  No Mama."


Rosalyn sniffed.  "His father doesn't eat either!  And he's all but starving my poor Morgan!"


Ms. Bird almost choked on her coffee.  "Chu are making joke, yes?  Herr Dominic packs food avay like dere is no tomorrow."  She smiled at Megan.  "Ve vill get you all fattened up."


Eleanor gasped...then smiled smugly. "Nuht uh. Only the hair cutting lady takes my hair. But she don’t take ALL of it." She tugged Lex down some more. "I's shiny." A gasp. "I see me!"


A howl of pain and Dominic grabbed his leg, hopping on one for a minute as his face flushed. "SHAYLA!"


Too late. Shane snuggled in and he wasn’t talking anymore, sucking on his thumb and happily bouncing to an unknown beat against Lionel’s chest.


Martha laughed as well, eyes dancing as she added sugar to her own cup of java. "Dominic is known for it, from what I’ve seen. He puts Clark to shame."


Where was Clark, by and by? Oh, that’s right. Watching the exchange with Eleanor and Lex, eyes dancing wicked as he listened to the little girl.




Lex looked up at the call from the bathroom.  "Megan?  Lindy?  Riley?  Marie's in the bathroom, and she needs a little help!"  Then he looked down at little Ellie and pointed towards Lionel.  "See all the hair he's got?  That used to be my hair when I was a little, little boy.  That's why his is so long now.  He yanked all mine out and put it on his own head."  He gritted his teeth and then looked up at Clark.  "Claaaaaaark..." he drawled out warningly.


"Told you to put me down!!"  Shayla pouted off, and her eyes fell on Jonathan, standing alone in the corner and started to make a beeline towards him. 


"Ja," Hilde answered.  "Vhen he came home from the hospital, de fyrst ting he vanted vas a ham sandvich.  Den later that night, he sent Enrique out to McDonalds."  Then she lowered her voice.  "And he has gotten Herr Lionel to eat those... French fries."


Dominic snagged his darling sister before she could run, and hauled her with him, walking down the hall...first door he opened, a closet, and he pushed her in there, and stepped in behind her. Threatening older brother, just like when they were kids. "Look, squirt. I know you're..." He reached up and clicked the light on. "I know you're a horny seventeen year old girl. I know it. But stay away from Lionel, because little sister, you'll have to fight me tooth and claw. And for that matter, don’t pinch Clarks butt. Or Lex's. And stay away from Jonathan Kent. Hell, if you like, I'll go out and buy you something motored and squirmy if you'll just stay the hell away. Really. Because the next time you go after them..." Voice heavy with seriousness. "I’m just gonna have to bitch slap you back to 1999."


Clark eyes were dancing, wicked, his little grin setting the dimples in his cheeks into little crevices, and smiled at Eleanor's crushed face. "He's true, Ellie. He even gave me some."


Another moment...another, and Eleanor raced out of the room, screaming on top of her lungs. "MAMAMMAMAAMAMAMAMAAAAAA!"


"Hellooo? Anyone there?"


Martha clucked her tongue and shared a smile with Rosalyn. "Bad child. I never. Ham sandwiches and McDonalds while wounded."


"Oh, get the stick out of your ass, big brother.  AJ and CK are so into each other it's not funny; I just wanna get a piece of the boy/boy love vibe... see what it's like."  She glared.  "And Big Daddy's not giving me the time of day.  Now, I don't know who Jonathan is, but I'm going after the hottie hiding in the corner, cause he's stacked, sad and alone, and that's just what I specialize in." 


Lex smirked up at Clark as he straightened.  "Thank you for the assist... CK."


Lionel boosted Shane up on his shoulder as he made his way to the closed restroom door.  "Marie?  Is that you?"


"At least it vasn't steak und brandy, vhich is vhat he really vanted," confided Ms. Bird.


"MORGAN DOMINIC SENATORI!!!  GET YOURSELF IN THIS KITCHEN RIGHT THIS MOMENT!" Rosalyn bellowed.  "I never!  I'm going to have a talk with that boy right here and now!"


Rather then bellow, and oh, Dominic really wanted to, he instead took her by the arms and looked her in the face. "Would you like to meet a few friends of Clarks?


Clark didn’t care who was watching. He simply reached out, latched onto Lex, and spun, dipping him low and laying a heart stopping kiss right on those lips with enough pizzazz and relish to fuel him for the next year. He let go with a wet smack, grinning down at big blue eyes, and smiled cheekily. "I should say thank you, AJ."


"Lionel? Oh god! Please! I’m stuck!"


"Mama?" Light bats on the door with a chubby hand.


Everybody in the entire house jumped at Mama Senatori's sudden scream.


"Clark has friends in this little burg?  Do they all look like him?  Lemme at 'em, big brother."  

"Oh shit." Squeak, and Dominic opened the door, leaving Shayla to her own devices, scooting down the long hallway and peeking into the kitchen. "Mama? I...Is there a problem?"


Lionel caught Shane's hand as it banged against the door.  "I could help you, but I believe you'd be less embarrassed if it were a member of your family.  I'll have Megan come right away."  He threaded his way through the kitchen, passing a screaming Eleanor.  "Megan?" he asked, pausing in the doorway.  "Marie requires some assistance in the restroom... she's stuck."  He carefully shifted Shane higher onto his shoulder.  "Martha... I didn't know you and Jonathan had arrived.  Welcome."  He nodded stiffly at Dominic's mother, and was almost run over by his lover as he skidded into the kitchen.


"Eleanor!  What is wrong with you?"  Lindy finally caught her screaming daughter by the arm.  "Tell me this moment!"


Lex wrapped himself around Clark to keep his balance, and came up smiling.  "For what?  I didn't do anything.  And, Clark... if you call me AJ again, I will have to find a way to hurt you."  His eyes sparked with heated desire for his lover. 


"You!!  You!!  You said you would take care of yourself and what do I find out??  You were eating that horrid junk food from McDonald's after you were shot!"  Mama Senatori's voice was rising as she grabbed Dominic's ear and dragged him down to her level.  "I am going to have to stay here with you to make sure you are taken care of!  You are apparently not listening to Hilde!"


While Dominic was busy with Rosalyn, Shayla slipped out of the closet, and made her way to the quiet, brooding hunk in the corner.  "Hi," she said in a low, sultry voice.  "You look... lost."  Another step closer, and she ran her hand up his arm.  "I can help with that."


Jonathan looked down at the hand on his arm, and then lifted his left hand to display his wedding ring.  "I'm sorry, little girl... but not gonna happen."


"Awww."  Shayla pouted.  "Just a little kiss to cheer you up?  You look so lonely."




Megan rolled her eyes good naturedly and climbed to her feet. "Last time she almost made me fall in with her. Lord. If you guys hear screams, call an ambulance." Megan pushed up her sleeves, and she was gone.




"Hello, Lionel." A warm smile, and Martha's eyes danced as she saw Shane all snuggled and death gripped on him. "I’m glad to see you home, its been an insane two weeks."


"Le-exx..." A gentle, evil grin as Clark skimmed his fingers down over a long, slim back. "Theirs so many rooms in this place..."


"Aye! MAMA!" Then...the words.


Dominic stopped, stared in horror at her, then Lionel, then her, and shook his head, which caused her to yank at his ear harder. "Mama, no! I’m fine, I don’t eat McDonalds anymore, I promise I'll eat soup and that’s it!" JUST PLEASE GO HOME! "I’m listening to Ms Bird! I am! I am! Right Ms Bird???" A gaze of pure desperation at her.


"Uhgmph. Abba? Yooyoo." Shane shook a finger at his hero, as if he was scolding him too.


Lionel nodded as Megan left, and then smiled at Martha.  "I've gathered that from Dominic.  I've been home... less than twelve hours, I believe it's been... and I already wonder how he's managed two weeks with his sanity intact.  He's a bastion of strength that I didn't realize he had."  Then a look of absolute horror.  That woman was not going to move in with them.  That would be... completely unacceptable.


"Ellie, sweetie, honey, calm down and tell me what you're talking about.  What scary man?  What about your hair?"  Lindy's eyes were wide.


"And almost as many people," Lex teased.  "Or is that part of the thrill, Clark... thinking of getting fucked where anyone can walk in and see you on your knees, taking my cock up your ass?"  Lex's voice had lowered to a whisper as he said the last sentences.


"Chu do not listen to me!  Chu vent out a few weeks ago and hed the entire house looking for chu!  Herr Lionel vas pacing like a madman, and poor Enrique nearly had a breakdown.  And me!  Chu gave me a heart attack!"  Ms. Bird was shaking her batter spoon at him.  "Chu do not listen!"


Martha's eyes twinkled as she watched the older man. "He's had some help from me and Clark, but he needed you. It's good you're home." Then... "Oh! Rosalyn, that’s a wonderful idea!"


"Mama! Mama! MAMA!!! De baldy man say if I bad Unca Weirdy Pants will take my HAIR!" She put her hands over her head and squealed.


A groan that wasn’t exactly quiet, and Clark pressed his mouth hard into Lex's neck to muffle it, giving it a none too gentle, discreet bite from any prying eyes. "U… uh… oh yeah. You little buttmunch."


"I do so! I listen just fine! I’m listening now, aren’t I?!" Dominic's ear was going to be ripped off at the root, he was sure of it.


"Eleanor!  Lex was just having fun with you.  Lionel is not going to touch a hair on your pretty little head, all right?"  And I'll murder "de baldy man" later, Lindy thought murderously.


"Buttmunch?  That could be arranged, Clark."  Another spark in his silver eyes.  "What if I told you to get on your knees right now, Clark?  Get on your knees behind the couch and blow me?" 


"Thank you, Martha."  A tighter grip and another jerk to Dominic's ear.  "At least someone wants me around here, don't they, Morgan?"  Rosalyn looked over at Lionel.  "What do you have to say, little boy?"


Lionel considered for a very, very long moment, and then chose the diplomatic way out.  "Whatever you and Dominic choose to do will be fine by me, Mrs. Senatori."


Shayla slid her fingers over Jonathan's left hand, stroking over the wedding ring.  "Just one... innocent little kiss?" she asked, eyes batting. 


"Y… you promise?" Ellie hiccupped.


"I'd do it in a heart beat." Soft exhalation against a softer neck, mouthing softly at the pulse point, where the steady heartbeat thudded right there under the skin. "Cept my mom'd find us. Last thing we want. Anywhere else..." A heavy tremble, because even the thought of doing it there, behind the couch, made him swallow a moan.


Dominic looked at Lionel from his partial crouch, ear gripped and loosing all feeling, jerked and yeah, she surely had it in her hand now. Ewww. Thoughts of gooey earlessness, and he couldn’t help remembering he used to think the same thing as a child.


Then he sent his lover a look of pure, unadulterated murder.


"Alright, well." Marie waddled past Clark and Lex necking, arm linked through Megan’s. "That wasn’t so difficult."


"No, of course not." Or so screamed her pulled back.


"Am I fat?"


"Enormous, darling."


Maria beamed. "Good."


Shane peered at his granny and oh, milk! Milk! He wanted some! A bottle! Now, people! But he didn’t want to let go of his bestest friend...instead whining and fussing and looking at him with huge, pleading eyes as all the big people talked.


Lex slid his hand down to lightly rub against his lover's crotch.  "You think I really care about your mother walking in on us, Clark?"  His eyes were bright.  "She knows.  So does your father."  A lightly harder rub, and he felt the tremble.  "Excites you, doesn't it, Clark?  Knowing I could put you on your knees here to suck me off with everyone watching." 


A deep sigh.  "Yes, darling, Mommy promises.  Lionel will not yank your hair out."


Lionel skillfully ducked the murderous look sent his way by attending to the baby.  "I believe our young friend here would like something, though I'm not sure what," Lionel admitted.  "But I'm guessing, from the sound, that he wants whatever it is very badly."


Jonathan looked at Shayla, and then down at the fingers stroking over his.  "I don't think so."


Another hard yank by Rosalyn.  "There, you see?  Even that little boy is willing for me to stay here."


"I didn't say that, Mrs. Senatori; I just said whatever you and Dominic decide will be fine," he said sharply.  "You are his mother, part of his family, and the decision is his as well as yours; you'll not railroad him under this roof."


"Oh, the little boy has a backbone now, does he?  Well, doesn't that beat it all, taking his frustrations out on a defenseless little woman."  Rosalyn turned to Hilde.  "Will you please get that poor baby a bottle and show him how to feed him?"


"Madam... I raised my son," Lionel said coldly.  "I know how to feed a child."  Lionel accepted the bottle and placed the nipple in Shane's mouth.  "There, child."


"’t..." Hollow pleas as he started to fill and harden under his lovers touch, arching just barely as he sucked and stroked at the smooth, strong neck, fingers moving around to cup the back of his lovers neck.


"NO! MAMA!" A squeal, yanking at her arm. "It was da baldy man! Unca Weirdy Pants likes Unca Ommie, and dat’s nice! I saw them kissin'!" A moment. "Mama, do boys kiss too?"


Another harder fuss, and Shane's little lips pursed. Universal sign. FEED ME!


"I...mama, but wouldn’t you be more comfortable in the condo in Coast City? Really? Its so much nicer, and you’ve got the water for your arthritis and asthma, and, and not only that, you've got your own rooms and Shayla's off to college soon, you see?"


Heeeeaaaaveeen! I’m in Heaaaaavvvveeeennnn! Shane beamed at Lionel and snuggled in as close as he could, sucking at the bottle and watching him with hawk eyes as he slurped, happily chugging the milk down.


"We're here!" Marie pushed the kitchen door open where everyone had once again converged, the scents of Christmas dinner almost done making her grin like an idiot. "Yes, well. That smells wonderful. And I do need something in my belly before I go have this child. Almost done, mother?"


Megan plopped back in her stool....then stopped. Where was Shayla? Oh, God. She was always underfoot, and when she wasn’t she was getting into something. She left again, walking past the two boys still making out, and headed down through the left hand hallway, to the entrance, and where the grand living room was.


A last stroke to Clark's cock.  "Oh, Clark... you're so hard.  You're so ready."  Lex arched his throat to allow Clark access.  "My office, Clark... now.  I'll be there in a few minutes; when I get there, I want you naked and spread over my desk."


"Lex won't pull your hair off either, sweetie.  He's playing nice with Clark right now."  Lindy sighed.  She was really going to have a talk with Lex when this was over.  "That's... a question I'll answer when you're older."


"Ve haf the University in Metropolis," Ms. Bird suggested.  "Perhafs she could go dere."


Lionel rocked Shane soothingly, and held his hand out silently for a towel, which was placed in his hand.  He spread the towel over his shoulder, and balanced the bottle as he waited for him to finish.


"There, you see?  It is all worked out.  Shayla can go to the University here, and I can stay and watch over you!"  Rosalyn gave his ear one final jerk before letting it go."  She turned to Marie.  "Yes, yes, it's almost done.  Another half hour."


When Jonathan hadn't told her no, Shayla stepped closer to him, her hands gripping his biceps lightly.  "Wow... these are nice," she said quietly, squeezing them.  "So what's a stacked brother like you doing hanging out in the dark corners of the world?"


Jonathan's hands remained by his side as he raised an eyebrow.  "Just watching what's going on."


Dark, guttural sound and Clark nodded but didn’t let go, still ravishing Lex's smooth neck with teeth and tongue, lips and soft suction. Difficulty moving, when this warmth was a drug and he its willing participant.


Eleanor sniffled hard and nodded, laying her head on her moms knee and wiped her nose and eyes on her jeans.


Dominic scowled behind his mothers back and rubbed his ear, dark glare at his silent lover but he knew better then to stomp out of the room. In fact, launching himself at Lionel and kissing the stuffing out of him would have been more acceptable then stomping away, and he suddenly got a very, very dark, wicked thought. If his mother didn’t go back willingly... perhaps seeing her son making out with Lionel would do it.


He'd suddenly became an exhibitionist. And his smile was priceless. He watched his lover with the baby, grinning at him softly at what a sucker he was for big blue eyes and snuggles, then back to his mother and Ms. Bird, who he was considering having killed.


A closer snuggle, and Shane beamed as he finished the entire thing… sucking air for a moment before letting go with a heavy baby sigh of pleasure.


"Shayla Marie Senatori." Sudden booming voice from the doorway, and Marie's hands went to rest on her hips, giving her little sister the glare from hell.


"Now, Clark, or get down on your knees here," Lex said softly.  "I'm about to take you either way."


Lindy pulled Ellie into her lap.  "You know that Lex was just funning with you, right, sweetie?"


Lionel smiled back at his lover as he set the baby's bottle aside and laid Shane over his shoulder, large hand rubbing his small back, patting gently.  "I love you, Dominic," he whispered softly.


Shayla jerked back guiltily from Jonathan and glared at her sister.  "What do you want?  Jonathan and I were just... talking!"


Jonathan remained quiet for the moment, but rested his hand on the back of Shayla's hip.


Clark nodded, sucked his teeth between his lips, and let go, quickly turning on his heel and skedaddling.


Alright, he tried, but he had to come back for one more kiss, which he pressed against a single hard nipple, and then Clark scooted away.


"Yeah? Funning only?" Snifflesniffle, cuddling against her mom.


"Inol." Shane said, of course, before he burped, a loud one.


"'Eeeey. Good one, Shaney." Dominic pet the babies back, skimming Lionel’s fingers, and smiled at him in joy, before leaning in and gently whispering somewhat evilly, "I’ve got a plan to get rid of my mom."


Megan offered a dark glare. "We need you in the kitchen. The kitchen."


Marie was watching the unfolding drama with delight, listening to the three older woman clucking away, Morgan whispering to his boyfriend, the delighted baby and her sister in law...and promptly burst out laughing as she rubbed her belly in smooth, gentle circles. "Lord, this is like a zoo."


"Did you say something about a zoo?" Riley’s big grin filled the room as he walked in. "I’ve finally wrapped all the gifts, dear. The kids are all asleep...whoever the kind soul was that bought them Babe?" A glance about the room. "Thank you."


Lex watched his lover hurry down the hall, and waited for him to arrive at the office.  Looking down at his watch, he decided he would time it for three minutes, which should give Clark plenty of time to get naked and spread out.  Buttmunch, he'd called Lex, and Lex would oblige... but he wouldn't lock the office door.  If Clark wanted the thrill of being seen, he'd leave the possibility open.


"Funning only, sweetie.  He was only funning with you."  Lindy tried to reassure her upset daughter.  Lex's bald ass was hers.


Lionel's fingers caught Dominic's mid-burp.  "Tell me; anything I have is yours, including a large wasteland where no one will ever find the body."  He squeezed tightly and then went back to gently burping Shane.


Shayla felt Jonathan's hand touching her and a little shiver scooted down her back.  She wanted to stay, but twisted away from him.  "Sorry, Jonathan... she's gonna kill me if I don't go."


Jonathan nodded, smirking.  He'd known all along she was too young to follow through, but he'd been willing to teach her a lesson all the same.  "I understand... maybe later."


"Thet vas Clark," Ms. Bird clarified.  "He brought it last veek and left it by mistake, but he vill be glad it helped."


Which it did. All of thirty seconds. Amazing what super powers could do when put to the right uses. Clark stripped out of his clothes in a heartbeat and suddenly...blinked. When Lex meant spread out… like... laying on his desk? Or leaning over it? He'd settle for leaning over it...which only made him glance at the pool table, and damn.


Dominic grinned and squeezed back, before gently rubbing Shane’s back before looking back to his mom, making sure to give her the proper respect if she wanted to yell at him more. Like always.


"Good. God. That pig started singing and they all passed out. What I wouldn’t give for that more often." Riley toppled into the seat beside his wife, and couldn’t help the adoring smile. "You’re gorgeous."


"Sure am." Big grin, around a carrot.


Megan frowned at the older man and grabbed her sister by the arm, tugging her along to the kitchen and not. Saying. A word. Which she only did when furious.


"Alright, everyone!" Martha called over the clamor. "Time to eat!"


"Megan, let go!"  Shayla tried to wrench her arm free of her sister's grip.


Lex shoved his hands in his pockets and was whistling quietly on the way down to his office.  He threw the doors open, and then pushed them shut behind himself.  "Very beautiful, Clark... now don't move."  Lex unbuttoned his shirt cuffs and rolled his sleeves up as he moved to stand behind Clark.  "You know I love you," he whispered quietly.  Then he settled into the chair behind his desk, which only gave him a beautiful view of Clark's ass.  He stared for a few minutes and then his fingers worked Clark's cheeks apart, thrusting his tongue into the shadowy hole once before pulling it out again.  "Buttmunch, am I?"


Rosalyn gave her son quite an evil look, but said nothing.


At the call for dinner, Jonathan pushed himself up out of the slouch he'd been in.  He'd seen both Clark and Lex passing by him on their way down the hallway, and he had a good idea where they were going.  Walking down the hallway, he knocked on the office door, and it creaked open halfway.  "Clark?"


He let out a hard cry, banging his head down onto the desk as Lex's... and… his tongue. It was so powerful and good and he thrust back into it, swallowing his screams as he bit into his lower lip and he whimpered hard. "Not… n… not buttmunch...please, Lex, d...don’t… I... I c-cant take it....… please..."  Babbling incoherently never got him anywhere. Not that he could think about that now, because he was naked, leaning over his lovers glass desk, getting sucked and touched and it was DIRTY, with so many people out there, and all he could do was press his cheek into the cold glass and take it.


"You were flirting with Mrs. Kents husband. I cannot believe you, Shayla. I thought you were better then that." Another wrench. "I’m so ashamed of you."


A cheerful beam, and Dominic snuggled back with Lionel for a moment, pressing a discreet kiss to his cheek, then leaned in and kissed Shane's snoring little cheek. "Lionel, I’m sure Graham is going to appreciate the fact that Shane’s been sleeping all day and won’t tonight." Marvelous, innocent blink.


The dining room, ala Enrique, was all set and beautiful. Children’s tables and two high chairs were also next to the table for whoever needed them, and the food was being presented on the large table as everyone started to gather for it. Candles, Christmas music, spice… and it was lovely. "There we are, lets start gathering the troops, shall we?"


"That means we have to wake the troops?" A groan, and with a kiss to his wife’s cheek, Riley went to get the kids.


Lex pushed his tongue back into Clark's ass, hard as he could before pulling back out and thrusting in again.  Twice, three more times, each time getting the tight opening wetter than he had before.  "I want you to realize something, Clark," Lex said softly.  "I've still got all my clothes on... and I'm going to fuck you through these black dress pants you told me once you liked so much."  As he spoke, he unzipped his cock and let it tease Clark's wet opening.


"Yeah, well, he was flirting back.  Didn't seem like he had a problem with it," Shayla pointed out.


"Your brother can, quite frankly, go straight to hell."  Lionel still hadn't forgiven him for the earlier comments about Dominic, nor their brief confrontation.  "The boy seems to be attached to me, and as long as he's quiet, that's one less racket to deal with."


Lindy settled Ellie into a chair at the children's table.  "Now, I want you to be on your best behavior for mommy, all right?"


Graham was watching the family gather from the dining room door, making sure no great chaos ensued.


When neither Clark nor Lex answered, Jonathan pushed the door open the rest of the way.  He turned his back as soon as he saw, but what he'd seen he couldn't deny.  Lex was fucking his son, and Clark was enjoying it.  "Clark!  Your mother called us all; dinner's on the table."  His back was still to the boys.


A harsh, heavy groan and he braced his arms, pressing back...not letting his lover tease, not now, not when... oh. He pushed... felt his body accepting his love because it was like wearing a second skin now… that slow, anguish laden sexual pull to get him inside. He pressed, took what he wanted and knew he'd get punished but didn’t give a goddamn, on his elbows, head hanging between them, unruly mop of hair hanging over Lex's things.


"You’re completely enamored with him, aren’t you?" Dominic smiled.


"That doesn’t MATTER, Shayla!" She stopped her right there in the hall, turning her sister so she was looking at her. "You cannot go after a married man. It hurts him, it hurts you, it hurts his wife and their kids. You can’t. Don’t do it."


"I try mama!"


Sudden. Unmistakable. Horror. His dad had just...oh, Jesus H. Christ. Oh, God. "Get… out... please." Couldn’t speak to his father when Lex was inside of him, nononono, NO. NO!


Riley returned, with all five of his sleepy eyed, freshly combed children. Adrian and Aaryn, two year old twins...Andy and Andrea, the four year olds, and his seven year old son, who shyly stuck next to him. "The cavalry’s here."


"Hello, mommies angels." A big smile an they hugged her; Marie hugging them back as best she could with the pains in her belly and her belly itself. Once all her kiddos were seated she waddled back on to the kitchen, getting a basket of dinner rolls, walking back with her palm on the small of her back.


Lex pushed forward until he was completely sheathed.  "We... will be out... in a few moments... Mr. Kent," Lex gritted out.  "Please... excuse us."


Jonathan swallowed hard.  "I wanna talk to you boys after dinner, alone."  But he left them in the office, closing the doors firmly behind him.


Lindy was wary of leaving her over-excitable child at the children's table, but kissed her cheek anyway.  "I know you will, baby."  Taking her seat at the table, she made sure that she could keep an eye on her daughter.


"CK doesn't even know what's going on, he's got his head so far up AJ's ass.  His dad could be bangin' the cows for all he knows!"  Shayla crossed her arms over his chest.  "Jonathan was being nice to me.  He didn't tell me to get lost or go away or call me little girl or threaten to rip off body parts!  And if I want to talk to him, I'm gonna!"


Lionel looked at Dominic as though he'd grown a second head.  "He has blown his nose on my cashmere shirt, he has yanked my teeth, my hair, my beard, and has permanently attached himself to me, and you think that I am enamored of him?"  But even as Lionel spoke, he shifted to accommodate Shane's slipping bulk. 


Clark was horrified. And so hard he could have cut diamonds with his cock. He gripped it to relieve the pressure that was sending bright lights behind his eyes, stroking himself as he pushed back into his lovers welcomed erection... quickie to beat all quickies, hissing and moaning harshly.


"If you talk to him, so help me Shayla Marie, I will knock your block off. Stay. Away." She glared, took her arm, and led her to the dining room.


Dominic smiled from ear to ear. "Not only are you enamored, you're completely enamored, darling." The womenfolk were going back and forth with food, so he sat next to his love and gave himself a moment of rest, cheek to Lionel’s free shoulder. "I feel badly...but I should tell you, I wanted to see how you were with babies."


A cuddle, enjoying his power nap after that great meal, and here, on his best friends shoulder, was this side of heaven. ...even if he did have a wet diaper. He could deal. Anything for five minutes of this.


Lex put his hand in the middle of Clark's bare back and forced him down further onto the desk, thrusting faster and harder as his nails dug into Clark's skin.  "You know how beautiful you are, Clark?  when you blush like that?"  His free hand went under to feel Clark's cock.  "Make you hard, showing off to your father?"  He let go of the hard cock and angled Clark's hips up just enough to pound against his gland.  "Come on then, baby."


"You can't stop me from talking to someone I like."  Jerking away from Megan, Shayla moved to sit at the far corner of the table.  Jonathan slipped into the room after her, and took a seat three seats up from the corner.  Looking up, she smiled at the older man.


Lionel looked over at his lover.  "What do you mean?"  He rubbed Shane's back quietly as he slept, keeping him soothed and quiet.  "You know how I am with children; I like them less than they like me, as a general rule."


Graham stopped Megan on the way in.  "Meggie?  What's the problem?"


"N-no..." Clark moaned, leaning down further, cheek resting against the glass as his cock skidded through his fingers. He arched back...crying out when bright flares of pleasure lit his eyes and his belly, grunting darkly at his lover. "H-He f...found us. Mortified." But his cock said differently, pulsing in his hand as it sped up, moaning as he found a rhythm between his lover and his hand.


"Oh, I know." A tender, loving smile as Dominic watched his lover rub the babies sleeping back. "But even love and care for him, even when he's annoying and follows you everywhere. Not many people can do that, my love. And you do it without a word... it makes my heart feel full."


"Shayla. We need to like, tie her to her bedroom door." Megan hissed. "She was hitting on Mr. Kent!"


Marie seated herself next to her husband and Mrs. Kent, beaming as Rosalyn took the head of one side of the table. Shayla and Mr. Kent, Lindy and...where were-- "Where are Clark and Lex? Are they going to be joining us?"


"I think... you liked... your dad seeing me fuck you."  Lex rubbed his hands over Clark's ass, slapping it hard once and feeling his lover's passage contract around him.  "You're so hot, Clark."  Then he pulled Clark back savagely against him, sitting down in the chair with Clark in his lap, the young man's weight supported by his legs.  "Work for it."


"It's either pick him up or step on him," Lionel scoffed, but it was without derision.  "And he is fairly low-maintenance."  He nudged Dominic.  "Take the other end of the table; it's your place, after all."


Graham glowered.  "I'll have a talk with her after supper."


Jonathan coughed at the mention of his son.  "They're taking care of some last minute... business in Lex's office.  They'll be along shortly."


Change of altitude...moving, then...oh, Christ, God, help him he was going to loose it. Clark gasped hard, legs spread around each of his lovers, cock sitting straight in the air and his upper back pressed to a hard chest.


Oh, God.


He shifted his weight to his legs, feeling the sluggish muscles almost hot wanting to move, but he forced it, and slowly, they rose and lowered him. He worked his muscles hard around Lex's hard erection, up and down, sliding, strange angle but he could do it, he could, especially when his lover was rubbing against that place inside him.


"Yeah, right. Graham's got it." Dominic watched through the open door, smiling a little softly. "Graham and my mom took good care of us when we were little. After my father died there was really no money coming into our house but for charities. So my mother went out and got two jobs, and my brother, 14 at the time, went out and worked in a steel mill that was down the street from us. Lindy would cook and clean, and I was in charge of making sure Shayla was changed and fed all the time. We'd go out shopping once Lindy got old enough, and buy groceries for my mother when she couldn’t." He tipped his head a little more onto his lovers shoulder. "Despite it, we always felt like we had so much, when now, looking back, we had nothing at all. All we had was each other, and it was more then sufficient. My mother would sing to us on her off time, play games with us...because we couldn’t afford a television, we'd play monopoly, or read to one another." He stopped for a moment, his voice a little gruffer when he spoke again. "It was the most peaceful, beautiful time in my life."


Lex thrust up, using the spring and bounce of his chair to help propel himself into his lover's tightness as he reached around and stroked his hard cock.  "If you don't hurry, they'll come looking for us again... or is that what you want?  Have your father or mine find us like this, you fucking yourself on my cock?"  He bit hard at the nape of Clark's neck, worrying the skin between his teeth. 


Lionel shook his head as he looked at his lover.  "I can't believe that you didn't turn out like the rest of this motley crowd."  He pressed a kiss to his temple, then a softer one to his mouth.  "You are definitely... the pick of the Senatori litter, and I am thankful for you."  He turned and settled the sleeping boy into a high chair, making sure to secure him so that he didn't fall out or topple over.  "There."  Once his arms were free, he wrapped one around Dominic's waist and pulled him close.


Jonathan nodded at Shayla as she sat a couple chairs away from him, and then closed his eyes for a moment as Lionel sat across from him, baby on one side and Dominic on the other.


No, but maybe that cute girl Shayla. Clark didn’t have time to voice it, though, before he lost his mind, arching, arching, two more thrusts and he came, hard, shaking and trembling as his eyes hammered shut and he didn’t say a word, coming silently as to not attract attention to themselves. Hard, hot, rough, good, and he groaned very, very softly.


Dominic hugged him, tightly, grinning into his neck as Shane snored behind them. "Not so much, but thank you, beloved." A pressed kiss to a hot ear...and if he saw the drool of milk down the back of his loves shirt, he didn’t say anything. "I do love you so, darling. You know that, right?" Murmured into a cheek as everyone began to settle down and wait for Clark and Lex.


She wasn’t stupid. At all. Since the morning when he'd gone to apologize to Lionel, Martha had noticed a distinct change in her husband. He hadn’t been intimate with her for weeks, had all but refused to touch or hold her, and only once had he kissed her...on the forehead. Instead, his eyes had been seeking out Lionel Luthor wherever they went, and inside, she could feel her heart break. But she'd known, from the beginning, that there would never be pure happiness between them, and she'd been foolish enough to think that him seeing Lionel after all these years wouldn’t affect him. If anything, she knew her husband wanted Lionel back.


Lex thrust hard, riding out Clark's orgasm and fighting off his own.  "On... on your knees... now, Clark."  He held the base of his cock tightly, holding the orgasm in until he was buried in his lover's mouth.


"I know," Lionel said softly, almost flicking the new nipple ring with his thumb before remembering they were in company.  Instead he leaned over and merely pulled Dominic closer to him.


Jonathan looked over at Martha as she sat down beside him, and he tried to muster a smile for her.  Sweet, wonderful Martha, who understood and accepted, and he felt an incredible guilt every time he looked at her.  She would have been enough to make any man deliriously happy... and he felt guilty for not being that happy with her.  But he had never stopped needing Lionel in his life.  "Martha," he said softly, reaching out to touch her hand.  And it was all he could bring himself to do.


Clark was still trembling, still shaking, but he dropped to his knees in front of the chair, laced his arms around his lovers waist, and leaned down, swallowing his erection whole. He was good at swallowing him all the way down now, so good, and he worked his throat around him as his fingers tensed on his waist. Just been inside him. Just fucked him. Come still all over his belly. All over.


"I want to make babies. Lionel, I want children. I want a baby. I want to love a child that I know is ours." And Dominic beamed. "Because you, my friend, get diaper patrol."


Martha smiled lightly up at him, squeezing his fingers before pulling away and setting them in her lap, instead turning to talk to Ms Bird, who was going to be eating dinner with them, and chatted on how lovely everything had turned out.


"Alright, people. I’m pregnant here, I don’t have time to wait, clocks a'tickin'. Clark and Lex can eat the leftovers. Lets eat!"


"Hear hear!" Megan grinned. "And mama, I promise more then pea's and carrots."


"You guys want me to go roust 'em out?"  Shayla's ears had pricked up at the mention of Clark and Lex disappearing together, and the thought of catching them in the act was too much for her to resist.  "I don't mind."


Lex lasted for three thrusts inside his lover's throat before his hands tightened on the arm of the chair and he came, pouring his seed into Clark's mouth and throat.  "Fuck!  Clark!" he hissed, hips rolling as he came and then dropped back down in the chair.  "See now... why I said naked?  Run... shower.  Clothes'll be here for you."  Lex panted softly, trying to pull himself back in control.  Then he grabbed Clark's hair and jerked him up into a long, deep kiss.  "I love you."


Lionel turned a thrilled look towards his lover, and smiled.  "You mean it?  You still want the family?  With me?"  He brought Dominic's hand to his mouth and kissed it.  "We'll talk to Lex tonight, after dinner.  About working it out."


Graham nodded, and thudded his fist on the table for attention.  "We're all thankful to be here together, and with that thankfulness in mind, let's all eat together and share the food as well as our happiness with one another."  That was as close to a prayer as Graham ever got.


Jonathan's heart was quietly breaking as he listened to Dominic and Lionel speak.


He looked up at his lover, and knew exactly what image he made. Dark head of hair, huge green eyes, and his full lips wrapped around his lovers wet cock as he swallowed the seed pumped into his throat, more then happy to take it. Let it slide away...soft, silky sucks at the head for a few more moments, then he was jerked into a heated, passionate kiss, and he groaned darkly in his throat. "Clothes. Shower. Naked." Ooga booga.


"I’m sure they can make out without you, Shayla." Eye roll at her sister in law.


"Oh, baby, yes. I want family. I want to give my siblings someone to dote over." A soft grin and he scrunched his nose at his lover. "We're just way too mushy."


"AMEN! Now pass that stuffing before I have a heart attack alrea....fuck."


Riley...blinked. His wife never used that language if....oh, no. "Hunny, why didn’t you tell me?!" He growled as he set the fork and knife down, backing his chair up and staring at her.


Staring at her of course in her chair, with her broken water all over the place. "Er...I was fine?"


Dominic blinked at his sister in law...blinked again, and understanding dawned in his eyes as he leaned over to his lover. "She just went into labor, of course."


"Christ, Marie! You have to TELL ME these things! Jesus Christ!" There was plasmatic fluids...everywhere, and Riley gave Lionel a purely apologetic glance, which looked exactly like Dominic’s. "Sir, I’m so, so sorry." He said as he gently helped his puffing wife.


"Heeehooo. Heeehooo. Move your fucking ass!"


Eleanor blinked twice....then got up on her chair, pulled her velvet dress off mama had put her in, and danced in her underwear as the adults started moving and talking and screaming. "Fuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkiiinnnn aaaaaaaaasssssss!!!!!  Fuu-uuck-iinn Asssssssssssss!"


Lex nodded.  "Yes.  A shower. Naked.  Without your clothes, unless you wish to show up at the table with wet clothes, Clark."  He spanked his lover again on his bare flank.  "Move it, lover."


"Party pooper."  Shayla sulked, and then jumped out of her chair when Marie swore.  "Holy shit, she's havin' the baby!!!!"


Lionel sat quietly, serving his plate and passing the dishes over to Dominic.  "Would you care for some macaroni and cheese, Jiminy?  Or perhaps some sweet potatoes?"  He studiously ignored the commotion going on around him as he picked up his wine glass and sipped carefully.  "It's no problem at all."


"ROSALYN ELEANOR BRADSHAW, YOU STOP THAT THIS MOMENT!!"  Lindy rushed over to the children's table, and shook Ellie by the arm.  "Put your clothes back on this instant!"  She popped the little girl on the back of the legs.  "And you do not use words such as that in this family!!"


Holy shit.  Marie was having the baby, and Graham was having a cow.  "All right!!  We gotta move, now!  Shayla, stay close to me, and I'll beat you if you move!  Car!!!  We need the car!  The van!  I'll go and get the van! Shayla!!  Follow me!"


A dark groan… and someone was singing, but really, Clark could barely hear, instead... leaning up and kissing his lover softly, full of emotion and meaning behind the gentle mating of lips. "I love you so much."


"Oh, they look wonderful." A smile and Dominic served himself a bit of them, then offered the basket of rolls to his lover. "These are really wonderful with a bit of butter and sugar. My mother used to make them for me when I was younger."


"Mama?" Bleary little eyes had opened, and Shane held his hands out to Lionel until... until his other favoritest Uncle Ommie gave him a biscuit with butter. He was watching in half awe as his daddy directed traffic, blinking and grinning at him as he took a mouthful of buttered bread and chewed with his two teeth.


Oh, God. The chin trembled...the face broke....and the screams of someone being murdered erupted. "IIIIIII SOOOORRRRYYY MAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"


"Been...having...contractions," Said, of course, amongst heavy gasps as she rubbed her belly. "Its fast, fast, we have to HURRY HERE PEOPLE."


Clark smiled into those soft lips. "You make me feel so free. Like its okay if I wanna do things like this. Thank you, baby."


Megan had her hand around Riley’s back as he paled, gently leading him and Marie both to the door...knocking over chairs, a plate of shrimp, and Adrian down as they moved. "Its alright...hee...hooo....remember Lamaze, Marie, come on..."




"Lamaze! Lamaze!" Where were the tears? Eleanor twirled. "And fuckin!"


Lex slipped his fingers through Clark's mop of sweaty hair and kissed him harder.  "I love you, Clark... never doubt that."  His tongue lazily licked at Clark's mouth, tender and sweet.


"Oh, these are homemade?"  Lionel took a bite of one of the fluffy rolls.  "These are quite good.  Perhaps we can persuade your mother to part with her recipe for these before she departs.  Ms. Bird is quite talented, but I'm afraid she cannot make rolls this light."


"C'mon, Marie!!  I'm getting the van!  Shay'll help you get out the door!"  Graham was still moving in a blur, trying to dance around and do everything, direct traffic, and leave to get the car all at the same time.


"ELLIE!"  Lindy popped Eleanor again.  "You be quiet, young lady, and you put your dress back on this moment!  We've got to go!  Auntie Marie is about to have her baby!!"  She pulled the little girl behind her.


'Love you more." Teasingly, gently nipping at the tongue licking his lips and sucking at it softly before Clark got to his feet. "I'll be back. Gonna go through the stairs in the study, kay?"


"They are indeed. Aren’t they lovely?" Dominic leaned over and methodically wiped a bit of butter from the side of Lionel’s lip, and nearly didn’t think of the action. "My mother learned to cook from my great grandmother, who grew up in the boughs of Ireland. So indeed, these are Irish rolls. Sin, aren’t they?"


And Eleanor found herself tucked under an arm and hauled in her undies. "Mamama! I WANNA SING!"


Shane blinked...shared a look with his uncles, then craned around to peer at the insane people leaving. "Papa?"


"Graham, for the love of all things good and holy, GO! Get the van! She’s gonna have the baby!"


"Heeeeeeehoooooo. Heeeeehooooo."


"I'll get the overnight bag!" Megan turned and ran up the stairs as fast as she could, running into the bedroom Marie and Riley were staying in... and found where the kids had gone. "Come on, guys! Mama's gonna have the baby!"




"Come on, Jonathan! We've got to help!" Martha cried, gathering up small kids as they raced down the steps.


"Try the stuffing, dear. My mothers own recipe.”


"Mmmm... good idea.  Because if anyone else sees you naked, I will have to blind them.  Nobody sees what's mine."  Lex rubbed the slap mark on Clark's ass and slowly let his lover's hand go.


"Mmmm... an absolute delight.  It's a wonder that you stayed as small as you have; although I bless your metabolism, sometimes I wonder if I shall ever be able to feed you enough."  Lionel looked back at the baby in the high chair.  "Hello, young man.  Nice to see you're awake from your little nap!  The insane people are leaving, and we will soon have the house quietly to ourselves."


"I'm going!  I'm not going!  I don't have the keys!  MAMA!!  I don't have the keys to the van!  Where are the keys to the van!"


Jonathan swept up some of the younger children as well, following behind his wife. 


"Graham!  Calm down!  The keys are right there on the table, beside that box!"


"Yes!  Right!  There they are!  Thank you!"  Graham grabbed the keys and nearly tripped over his own feet getting out the door.  "Shayla!"


Shayla ran to Jonathan's side and picked up one of the squirming bundles about to fall out of his arms.  "Need some help, Jonathan?"


Ms. Bird watched as everyone poured out of the dining room and into the main hallway to the door, and then back at the table.


"The stuffing is excellent!  Perhaps we can let your mother stay after all, if only to cook for us."  Lionel blinked up.  "Yes, Ms. Bird?"


"Aren't chu coming?"


Lindy kept dragging Ellie along with her.  "You can sing in the car, but Miss Ellie, if I hear those words out of your mouth again, you'll get more than a warning tap!"  As she carried her daughter, she struggled to get the wormy, squirmy girl back into her dress.


A soft smile and Clark walked through the adjacent door to the warm study....walking by the fireplace, and up Lex's stairs to the landing above. It led through a secret hallway only Lex ever used, and now he himself, and almost straight to their bedroom.


"I’m always hungry, darling, you know that." Dancing eyes. "You should have seen me when I was younger. I was skinny as a pole and could eat twice what Graham could." He followed Lionel’s eyes to the baby and grinned at the butter and bread crumbs stuck all over the gorgeous little guys face.


"I-nol! Inol!" A beam and Shane wriggled his fingers, looking straight at the little basket of French fries on the table that had been set there for the kids.


Dominic glanced up ever so gallantly at the lovely Ms Bird, smiling and offering her a piece of bread. "Join us?"


"Lets go! COME ON!" Megan screamed back through the open door, as Riley and Marie slowly walked down the front steps.


"You're doing fine, darling, just fine, just keep breathing, like a good girl, come on... breathe..."


"I’M NOT A DOG! Do not TELL me to breathe because I will breathe only if I want to and you will NOT tell me I’m doing fine because I have a bowling ball ready to come out from between my legs!"




"Serves you right, bastard!"


Eleanor was fighting the dress every step of the way. "What words mama? Is fuck a bad word? Why is it a bad word? Its pretty!"


Lex reclined back in his chair, his eyes closed.  There was nowhere else he'd rather be... unless it was in the shower with Clark.  But, no.  He couldn't do that, yet.


"You want the French fries?  Sign of high intelligence."  Lionel held the basket out.  "Here, have some."  He moved the baby's chair closer to the table so that he could reach the fries.  "Not too many, though."  He looked up at Ms. Bird.  "Coming?"


"Look at chu!  Chur seestir is having her baybee and chu!  Chu are sitting like nothing is happening!  You move your butt, sir Dominic!  And you too, Herr Lionel!  Both of chu should be ashamed of churselfs!"


Lindy popped Ellie once more on her behind.  "Eleanor, if you do not put this dress on this instant, I shall let Lex take all of your hair!"


Clark padded across the hall to his and Lex's bedroom, and walked silently through the brandy colored bedroom to the golden bathroom. He lifted a towel from the open shelf and slipped into the stall, closing it and setting the towel over the glass for easy grabbing.


He had come on his belly. Uh. God.


Shane looked into the basket for two entire minutes before selecting the biggest ones he could find, two, one for each hand, and tried to eat them both at the same time.


"She's had a few already, Ms Bird! We've got a while before she pops out this one." But Dominic looked ashamed.


Here came the screams. Loud, murderous screams atop her voice, loud and quaking. "NOOOOOOO MAMAMAAAMMAM NOOOOOOO!"


"No, no, young man, we can't eat them both at the same time.  One at a time, please," Lionel said, holding one fist down and keeping it from going to his mouth.  "Ms. Bird... she is not my sister, and I have no desire to see her dropping a child that does not belong to me."


Ms. Bird reached between them and grabbed an ear in each hand, one belonging to Dominic and one belonging to Lionel.  "Chu get that little boy and chu be out on the front steps in two minutes or I vill be back for chu and chu vill not like vhat I hef in store!"  Giving both ears a vicious wrench, she huffed out.


As she walked out of the dining room, she noticed that the box from Mr. Luthor's friend, that horrid Hamilton man, was still sitting on the table by the door where it had been delivered.  Shrugging and knowing better than to mess with Lex's things, she left the box on the table.


Lindy popped Ellie one more time.  "Now, young lady, put this dress on this moment and don't you say another word until we are at the hospital!"


Lionel rubbed his ear, completely aghast.  "How dare she?"


Alright... the grin he threw at Lionel was this side of mischievous. "I didn’t even feel it. My ears still numb from before." But he sobered and sighed, pushing back from the table and undoing Shaney’s high chair table top. "I suppose was might as well." He leaned in, unsnapped the baby, and lifted him up, snagging the bottle that had been beside him on the table. "Come on, love...maybe we can find an empty room in the hospital and neck."


The van had been pulled around, Marie, Riley and Megan were already in, and Marie bellowed out the window, "Baby! Having one! Move your asses!"


"MAMA! I DIDN' DO NUFFIN!" She wailed, putting the dress on as big tears dripped down her face.


Lionel reached over and took Shane from him without a word, situating the baby once more in the cradle of his arm.  "Pick up my jacket for me, please.  It's laying over the table by the door."  He leaned over and kissed Dominic softly on the cheek.


"Move!!  I vill get chur jacket!" Ms. Bird barked.  "Enrique has the second car vith Martha and de children, go!"  She grabbed the jacket from the table, and was so busy herding the others out that she didn't notice the box had gone crashing to the ground.


Lindy watched as Ellie got back in her dress.  "I told you those were bad words, Ellie.  Now you listen to your mother, all right?"


The box hit the hard stone floor with a soft thud.  The vials were all sealed, and packed tightly in their inner rack.  There were, however, four glass vials that had been labeled "Mistakes," and as they clattered together, one of them shattered.  Red powder spilled out onto the floor, in front of the vent that led into the mansion's ventilation system.


Dominic grinned up at his love and kissed back, pushing shooed out by Ms Bird, and who was he to even TRY to not follow what she wanted. He snagged Shane-o's diaper bag and then Adrian and Aaryn’s, hauling the pooh bear themed bags over his shoulder as he snagged a blanket sitting in a chair in the main room and hustled out the door. He reached to his lover and set the blanket over Shaney’s whole body, keeping in covered up under Lionel’s arms in the bitterly cold weather.


"O-okay, mama." Sniffle.


Shane blinked. Well, alright. As long as his best friend had him and he had his French fries, things were seriously okay. Even if he was in the dark. And he didn’t like it. So he squirmed and chewed and whined loudly.


"Ruddy dear, come here." Dominic hefted the seven year old close in his arms in the big car, snuggling his oldest nephew in his arms and smiling down at him. "You should be happy! You’re gonna get a baby today!"


"Nother kid to watch." Mutter.


Lionel tucked the blanket in around Shane's face, making sure that he cradled the delicate head in one large hand.  "Hush now, young man, you have to learn to be a brave young fellow, and brave young fellows like yourself aren't afraid of the dark!"  He knew that not a word he said was being understood by the little boy, but he absolutely refused to speak in baby talk.


"Now, I want you to sit here and be quiet and put your seat belt on, Missy."  Lindy had her arms crossed over her chest. "And if you misbehave one more time, I'm going to give you to Lex."


"Everybody in the car?  Yeah?  Good."  Graham looked at Dominic.  "Morgan... you're gonna have to tell me how to get to the hospital from here."  He put his foot on the gas, and tore out down the long driveway.


Shayla sat in the back of the truck with Jonathan and the middle-aged younger children.


And strangely enough, he got it. Shane sniffled and ate his French fry, pushing the top of the blanket off his already sweaty hair...and offered his fry up to Lionel in one little fist.


"I be good mama! I promise!" And Ellie buckled up and didn’t say a word.


"Yes, well, don’t cut out at...HOLY SHIT! GRAHAM! WATCH FOR THE COWS!" Dominic bellowed.


Thunkthudkerplunk along the bumpy road as they tore out to the hospital. "Good god, Lionel." Megan turned her head, grabbed onto the head rest in front of her and peered. "Is he always such a weenie?"


"The wheels on the bus go round and round! Round and round!" The kids were all singing along with Martha.


Murder. Homicide. Marie could make these people disappear. She...was going to have the baby in the front seat. "Oh god! Oh God! GRAHAM! HURRY!"


"No, thank you, though," Lionel said, pushing the blanket down now that they were in the car.  "You can have it; I don't mind."  He pushed the fry back to Shane.  He barely smirked at the question.  "Yes, he is.  But, he has an excuse.  Apparently, he and Lex were out joyriding and Lex seems to have instilled a fear of cars and cows in him."


Finally!  Lindy set back in the seat beside her daughter.  "Mommy loves you, Ellie, but you just have to behave, all right?"


Jonathan was ready to put the barrel of his shotgun to his temple and blow his brains out.  Instead he took the hands of the child in his lap and helped him clap along to the song that his wife was singing.


Shayla was doing the same, singing along with the kids, and she leaned over to Jonathan.  "You look like you're about ready to kill yourself and these kids."


He only growled in response.


Shane beamed and stuffed the entire thing into his mouth.


...And Dominic was giving directions as he fished in Shane’s mouth and took out the huge soggy mess, stuffing it into a napkin he kept ever ready in his pocket and glared at both his lover and his sister. "You say that now; wait till you have to scrape cow off the front end. LEFT!"




go to the next part