
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 310: Treat

If Whitney hadn't known better, he'd have started to think that he was destined to spend his life in a hospital for one reason or another. His father, his mother, Lex's brief flirtation with a hospital stay, Dominic's hospitalization and his girlfriend's insistence on being there when Shay was, and now, Shay's hospitalization.

He was tempted to ask if he could bring in his big-screen television and his recliner, but he figured that might get his ears pinned back by his lovely lady who was already waiting for him in Shayla's room. The nurses, who knew him and Chloe both by name now, waved him through and asked in passing about the baby, and Whitney answered without really thinking about it as he walked down the hallway.

He still wasn't used to the lack of pink in the room, and it worried him, on a lower level, that Shayla didn't care enough to decorate this space with anything that made it her own. He knocked on the door as he leaned against it. "Avon calling," he said with a tired grin. "I bring greetings and donut holes," he said, rattling the bag.

"Bully for you," Shay said, from her spot on the bed, curled up near the pillows. "Come in, sit down, and shut up."

Chloe looked up from where she was drinking a glass of caffeine free tea, and rose a brow at her lover as she gave him a very tired smile. She'd been feeling odd for the last two days, very sleepy and serene, and she reached for his hand when he came in. "Hi, baby." She patted the chair she'd pulled up next to hers. "Come sit with me. Shayla's refusing to talk but for snarks."

He tried to look optimistic. "But at least she's talking, right?" he asked hopefully, opening the bakery bag and offering it to his girlfriend first, and then to Shayla. "C'mon. They're fresh glazed, just like you like."

"Drop dead, you dumb jock."

"Oh, and she's been saying those sorts of things," Chloe said, cheerfully. "So far she's insulted my heritage, my hair, my weight, my feet, my clothes, you, and my infernally cheerful attitude. John thought it was amusing."

Whitney could tell the cheerfulness was cracking, though. "You want to go get something to eat? Let me stay with her a while? She can insult me all she wants, and it bounces off. Brick wall after all," he said, squaring his shoulders.

"Right here, you know. Haven't gone anywhere. Don't talk about me like I'm not here, asshole."

"Well, if you'd act like a real person instead of a brat, then I'd treat you like one," Whitney said back, popping a donut hole into his mouth.

Chloe leaned forward and bit off half of the donut hole her lover was putting in his mouth, chewing and licking the corner of her lips as she rubbed her enormous belly. she was as big as a house, no one needed to tell her, but unlike other women, she didn't give a rat's ass about it. She just watched the show she and Shay had been watching, X-Files, as her friend was stony and silent, or snarky and unhappy. "Want a donut, Shay?"

"When hell freezes over," Shay declined.

"You sure? They're tasty," Chloe answered, eyebrow arched. "And I know hospital food isn't doing it for you."

"I don't give a fuck how good they are. I don't want the damn things. I don't want you here. I don't want your dumb as a doorstop boyfriend here. I want to be home, only nobody seems to give a shit what I want, so fuck you all." She turned back onto her side, back to the room.

Chloe counted to ten, slowly, to calm herself.

"My fiancé is not dumb. You can call me all the things you like, but you won't call him dumb, Shayla," she said, easily. "I know you want to go home, but you can't. Deal with it. I'm trying to keep you company so it doesn't entirely suck."

"Too late, Chloe. It already sucks."

Whitney put his hand on Chloe's knee. "You know, I might be dumb," Whitney said conversationally. "But even I know better than to fight the people tryin' to help me out. That's not just dumb, that's flat out stupid and spiteful. But, what do I know?" he asked rhetorically. "I'm just a dumb jock."

Chloe's eyes flashed in anger at her lover. "You are not dumb," she said, furiously, even as she squeezed his hand in her love for him. She turned her eyes back to Shay, and took her hand, too. "Please, Shay, let me help."

Whitney just nodded. "Sure I am, baby. Just not in the way she means it. There's a lot I don't know, but there's a lot I do know too." He kissed her hand as she squeezed his. "But thank you, for taking up for me."

Shay sighed, and dug under her pillow for a moment. She came up with a metal necklace charm, about the size of a fifty cent piece, curled and twisted into a stylish knot. "Here. You can have that if you will just shut the fuck up and go away, okay?"

Growling softly, she rolled over just enough to throw the metal object at Chloe, and then rolled back over.

Chloe caught it, nearly dropping it as she clasped it tightly, and her eyes widened slightly as she looked down at the charm necklace in her hand. "What is this?" She asked, tracing the design with her thumb, as she squeezed her lover's other hand.

"I thought you were going away now?" Shay asked, and rolled onto her back to stare at the ceiling. "Occupational therapy. I like to play with metal, so they give me a little metalworking kit to make jewelry with. Some of the other headcases in here make leather thongs or thread the chains, and the OCs make the little clasps and voila. Cheap therapy and you get pretty bangles made by crazy people."

And in Chloe's pretty little blond head, something started to form.

An idea? Surely.

A plan? Maybe not. But if she thought about it for a while..

"Can I keep this?"

"With my compliments," Shay snarled. "I've got a hundred more of them because surprisingly enough, I'm the only one they trust with hot metal. Now, you've got your shiny thing. Go. Away."

"You know, if you snap at my girlfriend one more time, I'm going to snap your scrawny ass over my knee," Whitney said conversationally. "Cause I'm tired of it. I'm tired of you. You're acting like you're the only person who doesn't want to be here. Guess what? You're not. I don't want to be here. Chloe doesn't want to be here. But we're here because for some reason that I'm really having trouble remembering right now, we care about you and want you to get better. If you want to stew in your own shit, that's fine. But if you want to act like a human, that'd be much appreciated."

Chloe barely heard it. Right at that moment, at any other time, she would have scurried to leave with the pendant and her cockamamie scheme stewing in her head, but as it was? She couldn't get up. It had happened a few times in the previous days, and she struggled with the hand rests before exhaling. "Whitney? Honey, help me."

"You got it." Whitney rose easily from the chair and gave his hands to his girlfriend and pulled her easily to her feet as well. "You okay, baby? Doctor's just a few floors down, if we need to stop there."

"Nope, I feel great." And she did. She was all glowy and rosy cheeked like all of the clichés said. So all she did was lean over Shay's bed, kiss her cheek, "I love you, sweety. I'll call you later." and with Whitney in toe, waddled out the door.

"FINALLY!" Shayla shouted, shoving her head under her pillow for a few moments, crying softly until she could get control of herself, then pulled her head out, and started flipping through the television channels.

"Goodbye, Shay," Whitney said amiably, closing the door behind him and sliding an arm around his girl's waist. "You look good, baby. I was worried for a minute."

"I'm great. can't get up anymore," Chloe muttered distractedly, looking down at the pendant necklace in her hands.

And grinned. Broadly.

Whitney cringed. "I don't like that grin, Chloe. That grin usually means a lot of work and none of it fun."

- = - = -

Clark was asleep. Totally. He vaguely remembered his father singing him to sleep as the cramps soothed, at the sound of his voice. There was something about his fathers voice, the rustle of fabric, the warmth of his hands in his hair, that made Clark feel unspeakably safe, the link glowing warm between them. It was the bond of child and birthing parent, his father of whom he loved more then words could express. He fell asleep there, in the nest of blankets, and though he wanted to rise out of it frequently, the feel of his fathers hands lulled him back to sleep.

Speaking of someone being asleep. Lex carried Victoria into the bedroom, asleep against his shoulder and snoring softly. Superbear was being dragged along, bopping against Lex's back as he walked, and he kissed Clark's sleeping forehead softly. "I'll be right back," he murmured softly, and carried Victoria across the hall.

The bed was freshly made up, and big, because it was where Chloe and Whitney usually crashed. But tonight it was going to be Victoria's bedroom. At least for a little while.

Lex tucked her carefully into the big bed, pulling the jacket and socks and shoes off of her, folding them over the foot of the bed and putting the teeny running shoes on the dresser. The pink Ariel shirt and blue jeans he left on, and pulled the blanket up to her shoulders, tucking Superbear in beside her and sitting on the edge of the bed a minute, making sure she didn't wake up.

She didn't, and Lex kissed her forehead too, and left the door open a crack, and went back to his bedroom, making sure to close the door behind him to prevent curious little onlookers from seeing something that she shouldn't.

Lex climbed into bed beside Clark, and snuggled up behind him, arms going around his waist before he nibbled his lover's ear. "Honey, we're home," he teased softly. "And the little girl is asleep across the hall."

Clark whimpered. Loudly. The blanket was still wrapped around his belly and chest, though more loose then before, and his stomach cramped badly as he woke up. He cringed in on himself as he began to wake up, gummy eyes opening to look blearily across from him. He was so hungry, so hungry, his mind was playing tricks on him, it--

Lex was home.

He turned, nearly hyperventilating, and began to tear at Lex's clothes, mindless of where they flew. He tore the sweater his lover wore right down the middle, the t-shirt under flying across the room and hitting something that fell with a crash. The belt was torn in half, the slacks ripped apart at the seams, and Clark covered his mouth over his lover's cock and sucked hard.

He began to suck in hard, tight movements, coaxing with all of his willpower as hard as he could as his eyes clenched shut, begging nourishment from the reacting organ in his mouth as he threw himself behind his task as fast and hard as he could.

Lex yelped as Clark attacked him, and his hands went to shove at Clark's shoulders, frightened and terrified that Clark was out of his mind in the molting fever, and he didn't want himself or Clark to get hurt.

He tried to pull away but he couldn't, his back arching as his hips thrust, his cock hardening rapidly under Clark's hard sucking and rough licking. Whimpers escaped his throat instead of shouts, and his nails were scraping over Clark's shoulders as he tried to both pull away and push himself deeper, still terrified that Clark was sick but frighteningly unable to stop his body's overwhelming need to rock into Clark's mouth.

Clark whimpered again, then once more, his mind on over drive as he fought for what he was craving so badly. He was aware, strangely that his sucks weren't normal--that they were more like an infant at its mothers breast. Disturbing analogy but he whined around the hard length, tongue stroking the head, around the edges, the vein down the middle, as he begged with each suck, his fingers stroking over his lover's mostly naked body as he whined.

Lex's fingers slid through Clark's head, tugging and directing gently, body shuddering as Clark sucked and nursed at his cock. The whines sent shivers down his spine, and he guided one of Clark's hands to his balls, so that while his cock was engulfed in Clark's mouth, his balls were being gently stroked and worked by Clark's warm hand.

Clark did as he was shown, the cramps in his stomach worsening with the tease of Lex's two droplets of precome, and he whined louder as he stroked Lex's balls firmly in his hand, the other tugging at his slacks and stroking against the dry hole with his thumb, over and over, teasing the nerve endings there. He sucked harder on Lex's cock, eyes clenching and cheeks flushed as he sucked, and then he rolled over, tugging Lex with him to sit up on his shoulders. He sucked, harder, his fingers returning to his balls as he lowered his chin and sucked his lover in as deeply as he would go, down to the root so his nose was pressed to the smooth hair at the base. He began to suck again, just like a baby sucking at a teat, whimpering over and over as he worked the hard organ into giving him what he wanted.

Lex spread his knees wider, so that his hole opened a little wider and brought Clark's thumb in, just past the fingernail as he squeezed. His body was moving instinctively, before he was thinking as he rocked into Clark's sucking tongue, whimpering as Clark did and stroking his fingers quickly and quieting through Clark's hair as he sped up, trying to help Clark achieve his goal.

The rhythmic stroking of Clark's thumb over his hole was a tease, and he tried to pull more of the teasing finger in, regardless of the dryness, as he worked himself in Clark's throat.

Clark brought his thumb up to the base of his lover's cock, his bottom lip, where he was drooling a little bit with the position, and wet his thumb enough so that when he went back and pushed against his lover's opening, it accepted him readily. He pressed his thumb in as deeply as he could, stroking it inside as he continued to work the long length, sucking hard and whimpering in steady sounds as he did so., praying to all the heathen gods that his lover came soon or his stomach was going to cramp and stay that way.

Lex's body closed tightly on Clark's thumb, sucking it down to the base as he rode the digit hard, squeezing it as he tightened his grip in Clark's hair. He was so close to the edge, because Clark had never done this before, and he could barely speak with it. "Teeth, Clark, teeth," is all he could say, begging with his mind for Clark's teeth to rake over the head and the length, because that's all he needed to go over the edge.

Oh, God, and Clark did it. He scraped his teeth up over the corona and the edge on Lex's stroke up, and sucked him down deep a moment later, squeezing his lover's balls at the very same moment as he waited, waited...

Lex exploded. Couldn't stop it, couldn't shout out a warning, nothing. Just came, hard and shatteringly, his hips pumping hard as he all but shoved his come down Clark's throat.

Oh, GOD. Clark didn't even wail, sucking hard at Lex's cock as the warm sustenance poured down his throat, finally finally calming something tense in his stomach that had been clenching terribly. it soothed it, it eased it, and for the first time in almost four hours, the aching need in his belly was sated. He mewled like a kitten around his lover's cock, swallowing and sucking every single drop from him, wringing him dry before he let the softening length slip from his lips. He looked up at his lover, heavy lidded with pleasure, and sighed, deeply, softly.

Lex collapsed back on the bed, panting for a moment, and then rolled back over onto his side and touched Clark's skin. "Come on, let's get you in the bathtub--if we can keep you cool from the start, maybe we can head off the fever," Lex said softly. "Or do you want me to bring the sheets in here and soak you in them?"

Clark looked sideways at his lover, still licking his lips, and curled up beside him like a cat, snuggling in close, arms around his lover's waist. "Not molting," he murmured in pleasure, and began to lick his lover's skin with the broad sweep of his tongue, licking his lover's cock clean from the glistening spit on it, murmuring in pleasure at the heady, still-bitter flavor as his skin goose-pimpled. "It's something else."

"If that was just your way of saying you're glad to see me... Clark, a kiss will suffice next time, even though I missed you too." He leaned over and nuzzled Clark's ear. "Not molting? So, you're okay?"

He shook his head, looking up with a slightly lazy smile at Lex's face. "Last level of maturation. I drink your come. As much as possible. My stomach was so cramped that my dad had to put me to sleep," he murmured, still licking his lover's skin. "There's... some problems."

Lex blinked. Twice, in fact.

"Run that by me again?"

He shook his head, and sat up a little bit. He was still dressed, still sated, and he hadn't gotten hard.


Rather then dwell on that, he opened the door to his bedroom and pittered out in socked feet to the bedroom down the hall from theirs. He quietly knocked on the door, waiting for it to open. "Father? It's me."

Lex had noticed, because in the back of his mind he'd been ready to reciprocate the action, but instead, he rolled out of bed, and instead of padding down the hallway naked, he paused long enough to pull on the closest pair of pants--Clark's jeans, and hopped on one foot as he followed Clark, rolling the cuffs up until they didn't drag the ground, and grabbed the flannel shirt hanging by the door and buttoned it over his bare chest, just in case Victoria happened to pop by.

"Enter, Kal-El," Jor-El said, from the center of the room. But instead of sitting in the middle of the room like he had been before, he was currently dangling upside from a metal rod.

It took Lex a moment to realize that Jor-El was using the magnetic boots that Lex had gotten over a year ago and never used.

Clark opened the door... blinked, but didn't say anything for a moment as he stared. "Father?" But then that went away, and he shook his head as he bounded onto his fathers bed like an exuberant puppy, pulling one of the pillows by the foot of it to his chest and lap as he folded his legs indian style. "Tell Lex what you told me? About what's happening to me?"

Jor-El didn't open his eyes at first, but his head turned in Clark's general direction. "No, son, I have not taken leave of my senses. But I take it from your ebullience that you have... I believe the term is, gotten laid?"

Lex clapped both hands over his mouth to keep the undignified whoop of laughter in.

Clark beamed. "My stomach doesn't hurt anymore!" He totally ignored Lex's guffaws, instead smiling at his fathers form, grinning at the hanging hair. "I didn't get any laying done, but mmmm. I feel like ice cream now."

Jor-El laughed softly. "I could make a joke about that, Kal-El, but I think that you would kill me if I got much more amusement out of this at your expense." He turned his head towards Lex. "Your aushna' is going through the final steps of his maturation, Kenep. What he is suffering from now is malack'chiak, the sickness of adulthood. Physically there is nothing wrong with him; physiologically and psychologically, Kal-El requires that he feed off your semen until his body fully assimilates your organic matter into his bloodstream and his physiognomy. Once you are absorbed, his body will not reject your children as a parasitic infestation, which is likely why Mar-El and Kon-El both were not formed completely; in my son's case, he has not matured enough to assimilate your organics, and in mine, I believe that I had not ingested enough of Lara's by the time conception occurred." He sighed softly. "This will likely last for some days, Kenep, because you are not of our people, and his body will have to work harder to assimilate you as native. I do believe, however, that your exposure to and mutation by the fragments of Kryptonite on this world will speed that process up to days, instead of weeks that it might take a full human."

"Plus, he's my aushna," Clark chimed in cheerfully, feeling much, much too good to be upset by anything. "And that'll count for something, cause he's more like me than not," he beamed. "Which means, aushna' baby, you're gonna be one sore guy for the next few days." He paused a moment, his eyes going wide, and snapped his gaze to his father's face. "What happens if he can't get hard?"

Jor-El fought a smile. "Then you wait."

Lex sat down on the floor. He had to. Because really. "Clark... Jor-El... let me get this straight. Clark... is going to be sucking my dick raw for the next few days because he needs my come? And we're talking non-stop? Jor-El, there's a lot I can do, yes, I do actually pride myself on my ability to get hard actually, without the use of the chemicals I used in my youth, but there are limits to what I can do."

"I'm persuasive," Clark offered, with a hot blush. "And... no sucking on me, and no sex unless it's with condoms, and pretty much me inside you because if I lose even a drop I swear I'll die. Lex, the cramps were terrible, like I was starving. Literally."

Jor-El nodded. "Kal is correct; his fluids at this time are dangerous to you, Kenep, as they will cause mutation and alteration at the cellular level, and cause you to grow or regenerate things that you possibly should not have. If you do accidentally come in contact with anything from Kal that tastes bitter, immediately stop and flush out your system as quickly as possible. Yes, Kenep, that would be what caused your hair growth; the hormone that Clark is secreting, both during molting and maturation caused your hair follicles to regenerate despite the irradiative exposure in your youth. That caused your hair to return, until the hormone had cycled out of your system through natural elimination."

"All right." Lex nodded; the scientist in him understood that much. "That explains a lot, and actually gives me some ideas on the regenerative research I was doing with the therapeutic cloning protocols."

Jor-El nodded. "Yes, humans do have a roughly analogous hormone, though it's not actively secreted. I will help you isolate the genome that produces it and see if it can be activated."

Clark didn't say anything as they talked scientifically. It was… well, hot, to hear his lover take off the boyfriend hat and put on the scientist hat, and he watched in fascination as they talked like they knew what they were talking about. It was making him... kind of hot.

"So, I get to suck you until I'm full, and you get to be a science geek. Everyone wins." Clark said, cheerfully. "I'm hungry. Come on, Lex."

Lex looked rather frightened at the moment. "Clark... you can't be serious. I'm good. I'm not that good."

Oh. He whimpered, and his stomach growled very loudly.

Lex's eyes widened. "You are serious."

Jor-El moved his torso, and started himself swinging on the metal pole that his boots were attached to. "You have my sympathy, Kenep."

Clark's lower lip trembled and he looked down at the pillow in his lap absently, before saying in a very, very tiny voice, "Please?"

Lex pushed up from the floor, going across the bedroom and kneeling in front of Clark. He took the pillow out of Clark's lap, and took his lover's hands in his own. "You don't have to beg, Clark. You told me once that those of the El clan don't beg--they take what they want and what they need. If this is what you need, then it's what you need. I will do everything humanely possible and then some to make sure I'm ready for you. Okay?" He tugged on Clark's hands. "Okay, Clark?"

He looked up, tears caught in his eyelashes, and nodded. "Father said I'd go crazy if I went hungry too long. Literally," he said in the same tiny voice, even as he let go of the pillow and climbed up to his feet, his fingers still in Lex's. "See you later, father."

"I won't let anything happen to you," Lex said firmly. "You've got to trust me, Clark. I won't let you go crazy." He brought their intertwined hands up to wipe away the tears in his aushna's lashes. "Please, trust me to take care of you."

Clark nodded. He did trust Lex, he did. So he sniffled again, rubbing the tears from the corners of his eyes with his wrist, before walking out of the door with his lover in tow. "I'd rather be molting," he said, still sniffling. "At least another change is making me emotional as usual."

Lex closed the door a little harder than he should have on Jor-El's snickers as he wound his arms around Clark's waist. "I don't mind," Lex murmured softly. "I can handle emotional. I can also handle you not molting because the hands off rule was driving me insane last time." He rubbed his hands gently over Clark's back in proof.

Clark smiled, shyly, at him, as they entered his bedroom. He stripped his clothes off this time, though, before climbing into bed. the blankets rustled quietly as he bit on his lip, waiting for Lex as he sighed, eyes falling to half mast as he rubbed his rumbling belly, which was tightening again. "Is Victoria okay?"

Lex nodded. "She's okay; I tucked her in for a nap, and I left the door open in case she needs anything, we can hear her moving around across the hall." He rubbed his hands over Clark's bare shoulders, and kissed the back of his neck as he slid out of Clark's clothes easily. "I hope you don't mind, but I ended up buying her one of the big bears, because she was a good girl. And we got lunch on the way home, so she's good to go for a while."

Clark nodded, eyelids hooded and quiet as he waited for his lover to join him. "What time's it?" he asked, slightly sleepily, as he stretched out onto his back.

"Four... eighteen," Lex answered, looking at his watch before taking it off and placing it on the bedside table. Once he was naked, he crawled into bed beside Clark, climbing onto his hips and straddling them as he smiled down.

"In the afternoon?" Clark whined, loudly. He'd had the drapes pulled for a while, and he sniffled sleepily. But then Lex had to go and climb up on him, and he mewled softly in begging, reaching for him. "Let's get on our sides, kay? So you're comfortable and it's easier for me. Okay?"

"Yes, Clark, in the afternoon." He rolled onto his side beside Clark, and hooked his leg over Clark's thigh so that he could move into Clark's reaching arms, sliding into his lover's embrace. "There... better for you?"

"Uh huh," he murmured, eyes closing to half mast as he kissed his lover's neck, his cheek, his earlobe, before gently nibbling on the corner of his mouth. He bypassed that luscious mouth, instead sliding downward toward his still flaccid prize, which he hoped, as he slurped on little nipples, would react to his body. He was hungry again, pitifully so, and he slid down that delicious body to lick and lap at his treat.

Lex's tongue flickered out to the corner of his mouth, licking Clark's taste there as he nibbled his own lip, his hips thrusting forward and arching slightly as Clark caressed his body.

His cock was twitching as Clark licked it, and his hands slid through the strands of Clark's hair. He stroked through gently, calming and soothingly, feeling himself rising and reacting to the hot frissons of desire and hunger that were skating up his spine.

Clark began to suck, softly at it, unhappy with the way his mouth wanted to work the hard length but unable to stop it. He slid as much in his mouth as he could and sucked, mewling around the long length in hunger as he did. His belly was tight, his spine tingling as his own body reacted to how gorgeous this felt, how wonderful it was to taste his lover again--he could have stayed right here for weeks, months, eternities, as long as Lex didn't take it away. One hand snaked down to his own cock, coaxing it into full hardness as he slurped on the hard length in his mouth and made sounds of utter delight as he did.

Lex didn't move as Clark sucked on his cock, just shuddered hard with each pull. He saw Clark's hand working to get himself hard, and he wanted nothing more than to lean over and suck, but he knew that he couldn't. Instead, he pulled away for a brief instant to reposition himself in the bed, so that his hand could reach down and stroke with Clark's, squeezing and stroking as his hips started to move and thrust his cock into Clark's throat.

Clark almost cried when Lex pulled away, and his chin had trembled for a moment until Lex repositioned himself, and his fingers wrapped tight around his erection. Clark let go of it as Lex's hand took its place, and went back to Lex's own cock, sucking steadily on it again, claiming it his as he did, slow and sure as he sucked.

Lex's hand on him was exquisite, but it wasn't his primary concern right now. What he wanted was his tongue to be bathed in his lover's very core, his essence, the delicious creamy center of his lover.


Lex murmured reassuringly as he arched, pushing his cock deep into Clark's throat, whispering apologies into his lover's skin as he stroked Clark's cock hard, pulling back to lick his hand and slick his palm before going back to stroke the hard length with firm, rapid strokes.

His own cock was hard, and he was grunting as he pushed forward, shuddering. His body was reacting differently, faster than it usually did, because even as Clark sucked he could feel the tug of his mind directing his body to react faster, feel more than he ever did, to produce what his lover needed, and he whimpered softly with it as the pleasure started to overwhelm him.

Clark began to cry out with each press, each thrust, sucking harder on his lover's cock, begging with each suck and nip, teeth scraping, tongue stroking, as his fingers began to steadily massage his lover's very full balls, stroking them and waiting for his treat. His head bobbed with each movement, forehead peppering with sweat as his cock gloried in the stroke of his lover's hand. It was swift, sure, warm and delightful and wet, and he whined loudly as he began to thrust and move faster.

Lex cried out sharply as Clark's teeth dragged over his cock, sending him into tight, toe-curling convulsions. He tightened his grip around Clark's cock, stroking it hard and fast, squeezing a little too hard as he came. His balls ached as he shot, feeling heaver than they ever had before, throbbing as he emptied them and they lightened, no longer feeling like heavy stones between his legs.

Clark gave a cry when Lex came, sobbing as he swallowed every single shot. It poured over his tongue, then down his throat when he pushed the tight, hot organ down his throat to suck in each little bit. He swallowed convulsively around his lover's erection, his stomach cramps easing as the warm heat hit his belly, and he gave another mewl, then another, around Lex's cock, as he sucked and licked every bit of it. He lifted his head from it and tongued the head and the ridge, sucking and licking every single drop from it as he lazily thrust his erection through Lex's hand, murmuring in pleasure.

Lex whimpered as Clark tongued his cock, and closed his eyes for several moments as he panted, tightening his grip as he stroked Clark's cock. It was an effort of will not to lean over and suck, but he knew Jor-El wouldn't have told him not to if not for a good reason, and he whined again as he rubbed the head of Clark's cock against his cheek as he stroked it.

Clark let go of Lex's cock with a little pop, murmuring in pleasure as his chest heaved for breath.

And became aware of his erection.

He looked down at Lex, surprised, eyes wide as he watched Lex stroking him. "Hey. I'm hard."

"Yes, you are," Lex murmured, still stroking it over his skin as he kept his mouth away.

"You're touching me," Clark whispered, in surprise, as he arched his hips into the touch and gasped. "Oh," he whispered in glorious ache, thrusting into the tight sheath of his lover's hand. "Oh, God, that… oh," he shivered all over, shuddering, raising his fingers to his own nipples to pinch and twist as he squeezed tight around… nothing. "Can… can… dildo? or something? Please?" he begged, softly.

"I want to lick you," Lex admitted. "I want to fuck you, but I can't. Yes... yes, a dildo, fill yourself up, Clark, let me get you off."

Clark keened softly but loudly, his breath trembling as he moved out of Lex's hand and reached under their bed. They kept a small bag of essentials there for when they didn't want to get up, and he rooted in it until he found the green dildo they'd used some time ago, which Clark himself had washed and put back. He grabbed the lube, and some condoms as well, and sat up, his hands shaking. He tore one of the condoms open and rolled it over the toy, quickly, before stretching back out beside his lover and lubing his fingers.

He turned on his side, gnawing on his lower lip as he reached back with his hand and slowly teased his entrance, the hot pleasure making his eyes fall to half mast before he slid one very wet finger inside. He squirmed, pushing it as deep as his position would allow, and moaned. Oh. Oh, this felt *exquisite*. He groaned, pressing his hips back into it, and then pushed his second finger inside, spreading them and stretching as much as he could as he shuddered.

Lex moaned softly as he watched Clark stretching himself, whimpering in the back of his throat as he wanted more than anything else to slap Clark's hands out of the way and do it himself, slide the condom over his cock and pound into his aushna', pleasure him instead of letting plastic and silicone do the job.

He ached to take care of his aushna', his cock sore but rising anyway, more in frustration than in anger, as he kept stroking his lover's hard cock, squeezing it with every stroke. "When this has passed," Lex said softly, voice thick with frustration and need, "I am going to fuck you as hard as I can."

Clark whimpered as he stretched himself hard, his hips bucking back into his fingers as his entire backside tingled with each push and stroke of his fingers. He lifted the top leg and shifted, looking over his shoulder for a second before pushing the toy into him. The hot, luscious burn of entry made him moan, softly, deeply, even as he pressed it in and squeezed hard around it.

His fingers went to his lover's cock, mewling loudly as he licked over it, twice, three times, in absolute pleasure and surprise. "Again?" he whispered, hoarsely, even as he gave a cry when the dildo pressed against his prostate, and made him buck forward.

Lex nodded, his hands still stroking over Clark's cock. "Again," he whimpered. "Want you so much," he continued, even as he rubbed Clark's cock against his cheek again. He scooted closer, so that his other hand could reach over Clark's hip, and gripped the base so that he could, at least, fuck Clark like this, sliding the dildo in and out.

Clark spread his thighs, groaning deeply, but shook his head as he moved his lover a little bit. "No… sit up, 'gainst the headboard," he whispered. "Up, want it like that, okay?"

Lex almost refused, because he knew if he did that, he wouldn't be able to reach Clark's dildo with his hands. But he couldn't deny his aushna' anything, and he nodded. "Okay." He sat up, back against the headboard and legs spread wide, just like Clark moved him. "Anything for my aushna'."

Clark nodded, his mouth watering with the treat waiting for him, and he mewled as he lay on his belly, stretched with his mouth in perfect...

His tongue lapped over the long length of Lex's gorgeous cock and mewled his pleasure as he squeezed the dildo, peaking out of him, dark green against the caramel of his skin. He led Lex's fingers to the bump on the base of his spine, and began to slowly thrust against the sheets as he sucked on his lover's long length.

Lex grunted deeply as Clark sucked him for the third time, giving little harsh pants as his lips touched a raw or sensitive spot on his cock.

His fingertips stroked over the line of Clark's spine until he found the little bump, and cupped his palm over it. His fingers stroked the bump, caressing it lightly with his fingertips then pressing down on it with his palm as he leaned his head back, letting Clark service him.

Clark heard the thought echo in his lover's head--let him service me--and he moaned, loudly, thrusting into the bed as he settled down to his task, He sucked, firm, hot, hard, not stopping the constant suction and before where it had been fast and ruthless, was now pleasant, warm, and he ground his cock into the sheets as he thrust back into the dildo and forward into the blankets.

Lex's palm pressed harder against Clark's spine, rubbing the bump with rough, steady strokes as he thrust forward, his head lolling back as his other hand slid through Clark's hair, stroking and petting him gently.

His cock stroked in and out of Clark's mouth with hard thrusts of his hips.

Clark groaned, loudly, arching into his lover's strokes and he was aware somewhere that his hips snapped twice and the most exquisite pleasure overtook him, and that his belly and thighs were damp. But he couldn't remember for the life of him why, as he licked and sucked on Lex's long erection, slurping at it to get what was waiting for him in the balls he was stroking with one hand, hard and tight and big, bigger than they'd been, though Clark supposed it was to hold all of what he wanted in his belly.

Lex was shuddering hard as Clark came. He felt his lover's come spilling onto the bed, the sheets, even Lex's leg as Clark's cock stroked against his leg, and he slid his hand up his lover's back to his shoulders, and laced both his hands through his lover's hair.

He was aware that his balls were aching again, and he could feel the skating pleasure sliding up and over his arms, legs, and shoulders, down to his cock as he shuddered, his balls throbbing painfully once and then exquisite relief as they emptied.

Clark pulled his lover's cock all the way down his throat, as deep as he could, and when he felt the balls in his palm contract, swallowed convulsively around his lover's organ, taking it all in, taking it all deep. As soon as his lover stopped spurting, and Clark had finished sucking every drop out of it and licking ever spec off of it, he let it slide free from his mouth, and panted in the curve of a lean thigh as he fought to catch his breath.

Lex was panting too, his fingers still petting through Clark's hair in slow, gentling strokes. He couldn't help the shudders, or the little whimper when he shifted and felt how sore his balls were. "Clark?" he asked softly. "Are you all right?"

He nodded, moaning against his lover's thigh. His belly felt warm, toasty, and he looked up hazily with a lazy smile on his face. "Guh."

"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled as he stroked Clark's hair, then jerked the blankets up to his chest more with his powers than the hands reaching for them.

"Whatcha doin'?" Victoria asked, rubbing sleepy eyes and dragging Superbear with her as she plunked herself on the foot of the bed.



go on to the next part