
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 318: New Guy

He really didn't know who Clark Kent was, and honestly, he really didn't care.

But if he got called "Mr. Kent" one more fucking time this morning, he was going to have a very quiet fit.

His office was nice and neat, barely moved into yet, with a brand new computer, empty filing cabinet, and a desk full of paperwork. The brass plaque on the door gleamed brightly, and his name had been etched clearly into the metal.

Adam C. Knight.

Not bad for a kid just a year out of grad school. Probably hadn't hurt that he'd graduated top of his class a year earlier than he was supposed to.

Well, either way, he was ready to get started. Problem was? The boss hadn't shown up to tell him exactly what he was supposed to do yet. So, he settled himself behind the computer, and did the only thing he could think to do. Turned it on.

When it asked for his password, he called the IT department to set one up, and he spent half an hour on the phone with them.

The morning was very pleasant, indeed. Food, relaxation, a warm bath, and Dominic had been either ready to go out, or ready to go to sleep. As it was, he had taken a short nap in the car while waiting for Lionel to finish and send them packing, but unlike many other times, it was a short nap and he lifted his head from the seat a few minutes before they reached LuthorCorp in the morning jam of cars and pedestrians trying to get to the very same place.

Lionel had decided to go to LuthorCorp today, and was taking Dominic along with him. Personally, Dominic didn't think his husband trusted him, but after thinking about it for a few minutes, Dominic didn't have a great track record with keeping himself out of trouble, so he'd agreed to accompany his lover. Work, he'd said. Getting some paperwork, finishing some things, and welcoming the new young buck who was going to be filling in for Dominic until he was well again.

Perhaps it made him a petty old man to hate the git before he'd even met him, but so be it. Kept his mouth shut about it, of course. But so. Be. It.

He and Lionel had gotten out in front of LuthorCorp, and after Lionel helped him into the blasted wheel chair, they set off. They smelled of money and riches today--expensive suit for Lionel, a cool sweater for Dominic, with a blanket Ms. Bird had knit him just the week before over his legs.

The very thought of Dominic left to his own devices had sent Lionel into the shower that morning for a five-minute laughing fit, because he could envision himself coming home to find Dominic dangling from the upper chandelier with a perfectly plausible explanation as to why he would be swinging from the light fixtures.

Instead, he'd bundled his lover up and brought him to work with him. "Just remember," Lionel said softly. "This is the first time most of these people have seen you since your accident, and they will be glad to see you. Prepare to have your arm wrung off."

"Glad, or hopping mad? I'm afraid I can't scare the fear of God into my interns anymore. Lucky little bastards that they are," Dominic answered, as he burrowed under the blanket. It was at least 85 degrees today but as he usually was, Dominic was a bit on the chilly side, and he was glad for the warmer clothes he'd put on. Or rather, Lionel had put on for him.

Their morning routine had gotten a bit mussed. Lionel usually awoke before Dominic did, and had himself a cup of coffee before venturing upstairs. He'd wake Dominic up, help him take a piss, and together, they'd bathe. Teeth were brushed together, deodorant slapped on, shaving done, and Lionel had even gotten a stool for the bathroom, so that when they looked in the mirror, Dominic from his wheel chair and Lionel from his stool, they were eye to eye instead of one being taller then the other.

His lover was a considerate man. And Dominic's heart spiked in private love for him even as they rolled across the compound.

"I think they've already had the fear installed so deeply in them that they're not going to be playing around," Lionel said, trying not to grin.

"And damned right as they should be. Look at my hard work with Charlie--I even potty trained him," Dominic said, a note of sardonic pride in his voice, as they rolled across the warm grounds, Lionel pushing behind him, Dominic trying not to grip the sides of the chair as they rolled in fear his lover was going to pitch him over.

"Yes, you did, and I feel very glad that I no longer have to lay out newspapers for him when he visits my office," Lionel agreed. "And if you're so afraid of my driving, would you like to turn the wheels yourself?"

Dominic shook his head, firmly… then looked up in surprise. "Stop the mind reading business, you. I'm on to you, don't think I'm not."

"I'm not reading your mind, only reacting to the fact that you're gripping the arms tightly and trying to pretend you're not. I'm merely observant. And I have no great plans for you to be onto, just for your information."

"Right, and I've sprouted wings. Right now in that fuzzy head of yours you're planning world domination. And our next vacation," Dominic said, his teeth blinding and his dimples winking on as they rolled up to the Zeus building.

"I'm always planning world domination," Lionel sniffed as they rolled onto the ramp that led up to the automatic doors, and then pushed his lover into the lobby.

Dominic tried not to shrink like a violet. The onslaught of greetings, from everyone, was enough to give him a headache in the fifteen minutes it took them to make a usually three minute trip up to the offices. His hand, as Lionel had predicted, was wrung a thousand times, and though it galled him that some people crouched to be at his eye level--he was not a bloody invalid, dammit--he and his stoic lover nonetheless made it into the elevator, and up to their floor.

Of whom the first person Dominic saw was Charlie.

"Mr. Luthor! Mr. Senatori-Luthor!"

Was he waiting by the elevator to ambush them?

Well... yes, actually.

"It's wonderful to see you both out!"

"Thank you," Dominic answered, as regally as he could from a wheel chair and under a blanket, but he couldn't help feeling a little excited for seeing his little apprentice. Because yes, that's what he considered them. "And how are you, Mr. Siegel? How is Ms. Emily?"

"She's doing just fine. Mr. Ross says that she's one of the most talented girls he's worked with in a very long time, and he's going to help her get through the Met U art program so she can come to work for him full time! And she may be going to Gotham with him in a few months when he does something for Mr. Wayne!" He was almost breathless.

Dominic gave the poor bastard a little smile. "Sounds fantastic, I'm quite glad. And you, Charlie? How is everything?" He asked, as they rolled down the hall. "Everything looks like it hasn't blown up--a job well done."

"I shouldn't really mention the almost-explosion in the old boiler room, but Wally and I got the repair crew down there in time." He beamed. "I'm doing fine. Can't wait for you to get back, though."

Lionel's eyebrows shot up.

Dominic didn't have to look back to see Lionel's eyebrows at the nape of his neck. "Fantastic. Your speed dial is still working, then," he said, happily. His speed dial had saved his life many a time over. 911, the clean up crew, Wendy's, the Daily Planet, the Pentagon, and Lionel's cell phone. "Where is Mr. West?" he asked, as they reached Lionel's office.

"Wally's on his way to Gotham City to meet with Bruce," Charlie said. "He got promoted to intermediary between the two offices, so he's racking up the frequent flier miles as he goes back and forth," he explained, walking down the hallway with them.

"And that leaves you in charge?" Lionel asked skeptically.

"No, sir. That leaves Mr. Knight in charge." Hard gulp down. "After you, sir, I meant that, he's in charge after you sirs."


Another hard gulp. "Mr. Knight, sir. Mr. Luthor--Lex, I mean--hired him last week, and he started today. He's going to be replacing you until you're ready to come back, and then once you're here, he's going to take Wally's place as Lex's assistant."

Dominic's eyes narrowed.

The little git had a name.

"Knight, hmm. And where is he? I hope to meet the one who's going to be in charge of my office." Cause damn but no one could do it like he did.

Charlie pointed to the office down the hall, at the very end, because not even Lex would have been stupid enough to put anybody in Dominic's office. "That's his office, sir, and he's been in there for the last hour or so, arguing with the computer department over his email and his intranet password."

Incompetent. Arrogant. Check. "Hmm. Well, Lionel?" He looked up at his lover. "Would it be alright if we sit in your office for a bit, until Mr. Knight--" decides to "--joins us?" he asked, softly. "I'm a bit tired, love."

Charlie gave a delicate little cough. "He's not very happy, sirs. Lex was supposed to meet with him this morning and he hasn't shown up yet. That's why he's arguing with the computer department, because they haven't gotten an executive okay from you or Lex or Mr. Senatori-Luthor."

Dominic didn't pipe in with his two cents, because he didn't really care, truth be told, just sagging a little back against his chair in their somewhat-private hallway. He really was tired, but he didn't want to appear weak in front of whoever this little incompetent, arrogant snotty git barely out of nappies was.

Lionel surveyed the situation. "Very well. Go and tell Mr. Knight that we'll be over to see him in a few moments, after we have a few other things taken care of, and until then, to wait in his office and not to leave."

Dominic looked up at his lover, quietly grateful after all the hand shaking, plastered smile, cheeks aching thing he'd had to do downstairs. He could have done with a stiff drink, actually, a nice glass of scotch, but since his lover was on a No alcohol until you're well, Dominic kick, Dominic just had to sneak it when they got home. Dammit.

"Y-yes sir!" Added under his breath, "but he won't be happy."

"Frankly, Mr. Siegel, the state of Mr. Knight's happiness is none of my concern." With that, Lionel swept into his office, pushing Dominic before him.

And as soon as the doors were closed, Dominic hissed, "I haven't met the bastard and I already don't like him. Can we fire someone an hour after they've arrived?"

Lionel chuckled softly. "No, Dominic, we cannot. We cannot fire this man until we've seen whether or not he is capable of performing the job he was hired for."

"So it doesn't matter a lick if he's a totally intolerable bastard trying to work PR?" Dominic asked, eyebrow arched as he reached across the table there beside Lionel's desk for the bottle of liquor... stopped... glanced up guiltily, and instead poured a small glass of orange juice. Orange juice which would have tasted better with some vodka in it, but he refrained from saying so.

"You don't know a single thing about him, Dominic," Lionel reminded him, and moved the liquor bottle completely out of Dominic's reach and pushed the juice pitcher closer as he picked up the phone and dialed the computer department.

"Of course I don't. First impressions and all that, remember?" he asked, even as he glared at Lionel moving things around. He wasn't a baby, dammit. He drank from his glass instead, shifting a little in his chair to make himself more comfortable, and ran his fingers through the spiky fuzz on top of his head that had long since started to grow back to its usual unruliness.

"You haven't met him yet. You can't have an impression of him, at least, not an accurate one." Lionel cut himself off quickly as he had a few quickly spoken words with the computer department about getting Mr. Knight set up as quickly as possible.

A jealous little pang hit in the put of his belly. "Fine. Then lets meet him, shall we?"

Lionel raised an eyebrow, well aware of what was in his lover's voice.

Dominic scowled back at him, but didn't say anything as he looked back down at the glass in his hands.

"Dominic?" he said quietly.


"Whatever it is you are thinking, stop it this moment."

He would not sulk. He would. Not. Sulk. He didn't know what to say though, so he just nodded.

Lionel glared across the desk at his husband.

Dominic peeked up at him, and then sighed into his juice. "Fine. I won't. I promise."

"Please don't," Lionel said. "I don't want you thinking badly of me."

Alright. Well, that made him feel a little bad. "I'm not thinking badly of you," he said, softly, and reached across the desk, offering his hand. "I trust you, and I love you."

Lionel reached out and took Dominic's hand in his, linking their fingers together. "Good. I don't want you to doubt me." He leaned his head down enough to kiss the back of Dominic's hand, and then smiled at him. "Ready to go and meet him?"

"No," Dominic said truthfully, but offered him a little smile. "Come, then." He wanted to ask Lionel if he looked intimidating, but didn't bother, instead straightening his shoulders.

"You look fine," Lionel said, answering the unspoken question.

Dominic glared at him. "Keep your mind reading skills to yourself, Mr. Luthor," he said, but his lips twitched a little as he leaned over, kissed Lionel's whiskered lips. "Push me?"

Lionel found that slightly amusing, and just nodded. "Of course I will." He put his hands on the handles of the wheelchair after coming around the desk, and started out into the hallway. "And, we will have to speak to Lex today and see how he and our young Mr. Kent are doing, because I believe that he and Lex had something to take care of and perhaps that is why Lex is late for this meeting," Lionel said. "Still, though, I do hope that Clark is in this evening, because there's a few things we must discuss."

Adam's office door was open, and as the people in the hallway were entering his office, the first thing he heard was, "I hope Clark is in."

And that was it. He slammed the phone down, and glared. "Doesn't anyone read around here? You'd think with all the Ph-fucking-D's that you people could READ the name plate on the door and see that it very CLEARLY says KNIGHT, not KENT!" he shouted.

"He and Lex are having sex," Dominic answered, because… well, he just knew. "They learned how to block me out, I think. That is what was happening, yes, why I was getting sick, a delicate condition?" Dominic asked, looking up as they left the office. "I feel fine today."

And heard the shouts.

And his eyes, already dark, burned deep and dark with anger.

He hid his emotions well, though, and arched a slender, killer brow that had once reduced young men and women to tears.

Lionel just took in the young man standing in front him.

The first thought was that yes, he could quite understand why, based on the outburst, why people were mistaking him for Clark.

Tall and dark-haired, both young men shared the same type of deep-set eyes and high, raised cheekbones. Both had the quite full lips, though this young man's were slightly narrower than Clark's. They both also shared the same, wide-shouldered and tapering-waisted shape, though Clark was broader and thicker while this man leaned slightly willowy.

And they both had quite large hands and feet, from all appearances. "Mr. Knight, I presume?"

Adam turned around at that, and did a double-take. "Mr. Luthor," he said, inclining his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize your voice when you came in. I'm Adam Knight, temporary vice president of executive operations." He offered his hand.

Dominic didn't know how he didn't stop himself from hissing like a serpent. Yes, he was cocky. And yes, definitely cocky. A little older then Lex, but no where near Dominic's age. Ohhh the jealousy, it was gnawing a hole through his stomach. Temporary vice president, blah fuckity blah.

"Lionel Luthor." He shook the outstretched hand, and then nodded at Dominic. "And this is Dominic Senatori, my husband and the man you are replacing until he's back on his feet again."

A sardonic eyebrow lifted as Adam sensed the waves of dislike coming off the other man, but he held his hand out anyway. "Mr. Luthor."

"Nice to meet you." You little git. He shook the man's hand, attempting to stay as stoic as possible. Didn't say anything else. Didn't bother saying anything else, they all knew why the little shit was here, so let him get on with it, eh?

Oh, yes. Stuck up fucking bastard, that one, Adam thought to himself, and withdrew his hand as quickly as diplomatically possible. "I'd like to apologize for the explosion earlier, but everyone seems to be confusing me with this Mr. Kent person."

Yes. The boy looked exactly like Clark--no doubt where Lex's mind was when he hired this young punk. Firmly in his pants. He didn't bother making a sound of disgust, desperately depressed over this stupid kid and why he was bloody there, but the company had to continue, but what if Lionel found his work superb? What then?

Oh, his head.

"Yes, well."

Yeah. He was definitely not liking this Senatori bastard. Instead, he turned his attention to Lionel Luthor, and smiled. "As I was saying sir, my apologies."

Lionel sized the young man up carefully. "Yes. I quite understand the frustration, but the next time you release it in such a way, no matter who is at the door, it will be the ending of your employment with my company. Have I made myself clear, Mr. Knight?"

"Yes, sir," Adam said, straightening his spine and barely resisting the urge to flip the old man a salute.

Of the one-fingered kind.

Jesus. Jesus. They were putting their PR department, their PR fucking department in this young buck's hands.

Dominic wondered if anyone in the north hemisphere would still buy their products after this little shite was done with them.

"I assume you've read all of the paperwork Lex gave you in regards to the daily tasks a man of my station, and now yours, is required to do?"

"Of course not. I just thought I'd come in here and fly by the seat of my ass for a few weeks until I got the hang of things." Adam smirked.

Dominic prayed, quietly, to every God, hoping that he could keep his temper. He very gracefully glossed over the comment, hoping to make the boy feel stupid over the attitude he'd brought to his new job as he kept speaking, never breaking eye contact. "Then you are aware of everything that will be asked of you."

"Yes, I am." Barely, barely kept the sarcasm in check. "Go ahead, ask me anything." He leaned a hip back against the desk, barely wrinkling the crisp lines of his black suit, and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I do not need to ask you anything, Mr. Knight, you are our employee, not the other way around. You are here to do a job, and a good job is expected of you," Dominic said, still with his grace in tact. "See that you do what is expected of you."

Adam shrugged. "You're the one who's got the problem with me, Mr. Luthor."

Count to ten. One. Two. Don't kill him. Three. Fourfivesix. He's just a boy. Seven. Eight. ...Fuck this. "Right at the moment I have no problem with you. However, if you should give me one, you will find yourself out of this company in less then a heartbeat. I have never tolerated half assed jobs in my department, and I will not tolerate it from you, your Stanford degree and fancy credentials or not."

"Technically, it's not your department. Not as long as you're on leave. Second, you do have a problem with me--you've had one ever since you walked in the door, because you know--I might be young, but I'm not stupid. You don't know me. You don't know what my credentials are, and until you do? I'll thank you not to threaten me."

"GENTLEMEN!" Lionel roared. "I will not have this kind of behavior in this office!" He turned an angry glare on Adam. "You, Mr. Knight, are one more comment away from being fired for insubordination. Second, Mr. Senatori-Luthor is still acting head of this department, despite being on leave, and is well within his rights to assess your job performance."

Plus, the fact that I don't like you. "Give me a reason to think highly of you, Mr. Knight," Dominic said, instead, not giving in to Lionel's yelling because it kind of blew over his head. "Of course I have a problem with you--you are technically replacing me until I am well again. I don't like you on principle, even if you were the nicest individual in the world. That you're not makes it worse, you see. However, I am not here to see if you are a pleasant individual or not, I do not care. You will not shame this department, Mr. Knight, with whatever antics you decide to pull."

"Funny, I just thought you were a dickhead," Adam muttered under his breath, loudly enough to be heard, but quietly enough to be ignored.

Dominic's fingers twisted in the blanket in his lap, over his thigh, as he fought for a second's control. Just one.

Lionel tactfully ignored the muttered comment. "Dominic and I are going to return to my office--we have quite a bit of work to catch up on--and I will expect a report from you by noon today as to the status of yesterday's acquisition of Kingsley Intercontinental."

"Already done, sir. I took care of it while I was waiting for the computer department--didn't need a password to access the word processor." Adam sorted through several piles of paper on his desk until he came up with four sheets stapled together, and he passed them over. "There's one more set of estimates coming, but I can't get to them until I get my password."

Dominic didn't bother saying anything. Jealousy was eating at the lining of his esophagus, he was tired, and goddammit, he wanted to go home. His lover was going to be insufferable, and Dominic just wasn't in the mood to listen to him berating or whatever it was he knew Lionel had coming to him.

He just didn't care, though he hid it well behind his mask of quiet indifference as the two men spoke.

Lionel took the report without reacting. "I spoke to the computer department earlier, and you should be set up and ready to access by this afternoon. I still expect a report by noon, and one before you go home, as to how the situation of the company stands."

"Yes, sir," Adam said indifferently.

"Lets not waste any more of Mr. Knight's time, then, Lionel," Dominic answered, fingers still fisted, anger still livid, and oh, jealousy.

Lionel nodded. "Good idea, Dominic. Mr. Knight, we'll be expecting to hear from you." He handed the report to Dominic, and wheeled his lover out of the young man's office.

Adam sprinted over and slammed the door behind them, muttering under his breath. "Supercilious old fuck."

Lionel kept pushing Dominic towards his office. "Well... that was certainly... interesting."

"Cocksmoking young punk," Dominic muttered under his breath, between clenched teeth, and his fingers squeezed and unsqueezed in rhythm to his wildly beating heart. "Get Charlie, Lionel, please."

"As soon as I get you settled in my office," Lionel said firmly.

"Lionel, dammit," Dominic hissed. "Get him. Please."

Lionel pounded on Dominic's office, hearing Charlie yelp in surprise and fling open the door. "Follow me," he snapped as he sped up pushing his lover down the hallway.

Dominic nodded to himself and tried for a calming breath as Lionel pushed them both into the office. This time, he didn't bother reaching for the liquor--he'd need a whole bottle to calm himself, and he didn't think getting drunk, at least right now, would do.

Jealousy felt ugly inside of him, and he attempted, in vain, to make it go away.

Charlie nearly fell over his own feet hurrying out the door, dropping papers in a little trail behind him as he went along. "Sure thing, M-Mr. Luthor!" he squeaked.

Lionel rolled his lover up to the desk, and crouched beside him, taking the report and tossing it onto the desk as he looked at his lover.

Dominic gave his lover a look, a small one, but looked away when Charlie came rushing in. "Close the door and come sit down, Mr. Siegel," Dominic said, quietly but firmly.

Charlie barged into the office, then banged the doors shut as he took the chair beside Dominic, pen and pad propped in his lap as he got ready to take notes.

And Dominic? Dominic was proud of him. He smiled, though, and shook his head. "You don't have to dictate notes, Charlie. Lionel and I were just in to see Mr. Knight. He's quite a piece of work. And so, I am going to remind you of something I told you many months ago. You are my assistant, and by default, Lionel's assistant. You work directly for us. You are no one's gofer, and you are no one's lapdog. If Mr. Knight treats you as such, I would like for you to remember that you are higher up on the food chain than he is, and feel free to remind him of so--do not let him treat you like garbage, Mr. Siegel, because you are a bright, hard working young man."

Charlie nearly toppled out of his chair at the praise, his eyes wide as dinner plates. He opened his mouth to thank Mr. Senatori and reassure him, but what came out was, "Are you on any pain medication that I should know about?"

Dominic couldn't help but grin, roll his eyes, and side glance at Lionel, slyly. "Probably. Could be why Lionel's been keeping me away from the liquor." He looked back to Charlie. "I meant what I said. Do not let him make you feel small, because that's just the type he is."

Charlie just nodded, and puffed up his chest and shoulders. "Thank you, Mr. Senatori, sir, that's probably the best things you've ever said about me, and wait until I tell Emily that you really do like me!!"

"Well, I never claimed that," Dominic said, but he smiled again. "Go on, and to work with you. Lionel and I have quite a bit to do, hmm?"

"Yes, sir, I'll be in my--your--our? old office if you need me again!" He leapt to his feet, and completely knocked the chair over as he did. When he bent over to pick up the chair, the pad tucked under his elbow knocked Lionel's pencil cup all over the desk, sending writing implements scattering.

Dominic muttered something about "Tonks." under his breath, but rolled his eyes as his spirit lightened a bit. At least he could finally let the twisted blanket in his lap rest in peace after its terrible strangulation.

Lionel reached out and touched Charlie on the shoulder, which caused him to straighten up instantly and Lionel narrowly missed a broken nose as he jerked back. "Mr. Siegel, please. I can take care of this. Please, return to your office and what you were doing." Before you destroy anything else in my office, he added silently.

Charlie quickly backed out of the office, eyes wide. "Yes sir!!"

Dominic couldn't help smiling as the door closed behind the boy. He glanced up under his lashes, amused, as he reached out to steady the pencil holder back up, ironically enough, the very same one he'd stared at the first time he and Lionel had fucked like crazed bunnies. Which actually amused him, and he gave it a little nostalgic sigh as he began filling it with pencils again.

Lionel sighed as he closed the door after Charlie and knelt on the floor by Dominic's wheelchair as he started picking up the pens and markers that had fallen to the floor. "I am going to speak to one of our nurses or physicians and see about getting that boy on Ritalin."

Dominic smiled again, as he reached out to gently tuck a loose curl over his lovers shoulder. "He's a good boy," he said, as he looked down at Lionel's nimble fingers picking up the pens. "A bit hyper, but I had to tell him, Lionel. I won't have that bastard running him about like a slave."

Lionel nodded. "I'm glad that you did, because I was intending to have a similar conversation with the young man myself. However, I can see why Lex likes this young man--he won't be bullied about by anyone, and will hopefully keep the people under him in line."

Woo! Like a punch to the gut. Dominic was wishing, more and more, that he'd stayed home. "I don't like him at all."

"Nor do I," was Lionel's surprising reply.

Dominic looked up, eyebrow raised. "Then tell me again why we're going to keep him around?"

"Because I believe that, given his background, he has the potential to do a good job," Lionel explained. "And because I want to give Lex a chance to prove that he is competent and capable of hiring personnel."

"Lionel, I love Lex. To utter death. You know this. But Lex is not capable of hiring anyone. Remember when you let him hire his bodyguards? He hired the mafia! And the fencing instructor? She was a bloody super model BDSM practitioner in white."

Lionel snickered. "Heike came quite highly recommended, despite her unorthodox teaching methods, and it came as quite a surprise to me when Lex fired her after only a few lessons."

Dominic snorted under his breath, but rose a hand before Lionel could argue further. "I trust your judgment. You've been hiring people for many years. So, I'll be quiet. I have said my piece."

"No, don't do that. You know that I value your opinion."

"I know you do," Dominic soothed, but kissed him softly. "Come on. Show me what work you've been doing."

Lionel kissed his lover again, and rubbed his cheek against his lover's. "It's mostly the same work we've been doing at home, just... more of it."

The very thought was exhausting. "Fabulous," he smiled. "Lets get on with it, before you shunt me home."

Lionel had the good grace to look ashamed. "I was actually going to take you home now, and have dinner with you there before coming back to work during your therapy sessions."

Dominic bit his lip, a little. "Oh." He was mildly ashamed that that sounded like a fantastic idea, and a little blush worked into his cheeks. "That would be wonderful, actually. I'll help you tonight, though," he added.

Lionel nodded. "I'd appreciate all the help you could give me without overextending yourself. And perhaps, if you're home and see my son and his lover? You could tell them that I need to speak with them."

"Is everything all right?" Dominic asked, softly. "That's the second time you told me--what's wrong?" He studiously ignored the overextending yourself bit.

Lionel sighed. "They believe that whatever is currently... ah, affecting Clark and by proxy my son, is leaking through Lex's connection and affecting you as well."

"Yes, I know. Or, well, I did after I woke up," Dominic said, a little cryptically. "I don't know how. I just did. Well, that and screaming Clark's name yesterday," he snorted, but then fell silent for a moment. "You aren't… angry?"

Lionel shook his head. "No, I'm not. There was a time when I might have been, but... no. I'm not. I've realized that... there are more important things to be angry about than something that is not under your control."

Because you trust me, you daft man.

Dominic couldn't help smiling. He leaned forward between the space separating them and brushed his lips gently across a high cheekbone. "I love you."

"I love you too, little cricket," Lionel murmured softly, and put the pens he'd been holding in his hand back into the cup on his desk. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yep." He wanted, badly, to get out of here. "I could just have Phillip drive me, you won't have to leave. He's right downstairs, love."

"Absolutely not," Lionel said firmly. "I don't trust anyone else with your safety and care."

"Lionel, we're going to the mansion, not the Grand Prix," Dominic grinned, and kissed the worry line between Lionel's eyebrows gently.

"I don't care," he said stubbornly.

"I'd rather you be here then leave Senor Moron in charge. He'd probably sell the whole company to Peru, or some such nonsense," Dominic said, firmly. "I'll call you as soon as I'm home, Lionel."

"If there is a reason you do not wish for me to take you home, then please alert me of it," Lionel said rather stiffly as he straightened. "I assure you, the single drink I had on the telephone earlier has not impaired my abilities."

The sudden change in attitude had Dominic frowning, and straightening a little in his chair. "What are you talking about, Lionel? I just don't want you to have to make an extra long trip just for me--I can handle it on my own."

"And I have made it clear that you are no burden, Dominic. I would not do these things if I did not wish to do them. The decision is yours."

Lionel's sudden change did nothing for the jealousy and upset growing in the center of Dominic's gut. "I don't mean it like that. It's just more convenient, Lionel."

"Then I shall allow you your convenience and call for Phillip at once," Lionel replied, moving back to sit behind his desk and reach for the phone.

"Why are you upset?" Dominic asked, quietly.

"Because you obviously no longer wish my company. Why I do not know, but I believe that I can guess. You believe that, for some reason, I like this young hothead better than you, whom I have given my life to, and you obviously do not wish to be around me because of this. Very well, I can oblige," he said, picking up the phone and dialing downstairs to the garage.

Dominic… just... stared. He would have laughed, if what Lionel had said wasn't so upsetting to him. "Lionel." He reached across the desk, took the phone, set it down in its holder, and took his lovers hands. "I am leaving you here to work, and do your job. Like the thousands of other times I've done it. I don't give a bloody fuck over the brat--you love me, and I love you. I know you are a true and good husband."

Lionel let himself relax just slightly. "Then let me take you home. Because nothing else is more important than making sure you get home safely, and get well as quickly as possible so you can come back with me here."

"That's fine, love. That's all you had to say," Dominic murmured, and kissed the backs of his lovers hands. "I don't mind a lick. I just didn't want you to have to leave again and have to come back, it's a hassle when I'm fine enough to do it on my own. But if it pleases you, then be all means."

"I have tried to say it for the last five minutes," Lionel pointed out, reaching across the desk and squeezing both of Dominic's hands in his own.

Dominic's lips twitched. "Well, then. Lets get going, shall we? The sooner I finish all of my therapy, the sooner we can fuck," he said, without so much as a blush. "Eddie's going to have me on my feet tonight."

Lionel's eyes widened. "That's excellent news. You seem to be making amazing progress indeed."

"Well, by on my feet I mean he's going to be holding onto me while I try and put my weight down. And very likely smashing into the floor once or eight times."

At that, Lionel grinned. "I'm quite sure the floor is very well padded, and if it isn't, tell me at once and I will arrange for more padding to be brought in."

"Ever the sweet and thoughtful lover," he deadpanned in return, and snorted as he kissed Lionel's hands again. "Come on. I need my nap."

"Yes, you do." He came around the corner of the desk, holding tightly to his lover's hands. "And no, I'm not sweet and thoughtful. I just don't want any marks or bruises on you that I haven't put there myself."

Dominic's eyes twinkled at that. "Every time I move, the scar on my thigh tugs. Its a nice feeling," he murmured in pleasure, smiling up at him.

"Good," Lionel said, crouching beside the wheelchair and rubbing his fingertips over the scar, through Dominic's clothing. "I like to know it's there."

"You own me," Dominic murmured, and the thought made a frisson of pleasure run up his spine. "And I own you." He gently stroked the nipple ring through his lovers dress shirt.

"Yes, you do," Lionel murmured softly, leaning forward to mouth a soft kiss against his lover's throat.

What was it about Lionel's office that always made them so dreadfully randy? "Lionel? You won't ride me, even if I ask? Take your pleasure on my body?"

Lionel drew back and glared down at his lover for suggesting that. "Absolutely not," he growled. "Not until you are at your best again and are able to be entirely participatory."

He pouted, a little. "I miss how your body feels, inside," he said softly, looking a little ashamed at his lovers growl and blushing gently again.

Lionel gave his lover a dry look. "I believe I am intimately familiar with the feeling."

Dominic grinned a little but he was dreadfully embarrassed, and cleared his throat a bit. "Well. Home, then?"

Lionel made his lover look at him. "Believe me when I say this to you, Dominic--I have months of missing you that you were unconscious for, and my body has forgotten nearly everything except the feeling of my right hand. I am just as eager as you are, however, I will not risk your health nor will I use you for my own needs when you are not able to participate."

"Masturbation is overrated," Dominic said, but nodded, softly. "I understand. I won't suggest it again, I promise. All of this really is the medication this time."

"I would not be so sure," Lionel said softly, and he wondered what his son was doing at the moment.

"I don't feel like I'm about to break apart with the lust of it, Lionel," Dominic answered. Well, maybe only a little bit. "I'm fine, I swear it."

"I'm quite sure you are fine. However, I'd like to make sure, for myself, that you stay that way, and to do that, I need to have a conversation with Clark and my son," Lionel said.

"You won't embarrass them, will you?" Dominic asked, frowning quietly. "They're going through enough as it is, you know, so don't you rain on their parade."

Lionel raised his eyebrow. "I will do what is necessary to make sure that their activities are not harmful to you, and that is all that I can promise," he replied solemnly.

Dominic glanced up, shyly, a smile playing at his lips. "I don't think 'harmful' is quite the word you're looking for."

Lionel snickered softly, and kissed the smile playing at his lover's lips as he pushed up to his feet. "Perhaps not, but it is draining, both to your energy and your body, and I'll not have them taking energy that could be more profitably funneled into your recovery wasted."

"Spoil sport," Dominic muttered, but kissed back just as gently. "Can I tell you something, without you flying off the handle?" he asked, as Lionel took the handles of his chair again.

"I never fly off the handle," Lionel said regally. "At least, not without reason."

Dominic tipped an eyebrow up, as if disbelieving Lionel had said such a thing, and rolled his eyes. "You fly off the handle every time."

"I most certainly do not," he huffed. "But, tell me what you need to tell me."

"In a moment," Dominic said, as they walked out of the office.

More hand shaking, making the normally three minute trip to the front doors nearly twenty, and by the time they got outside, Dominic tucked under his blanket, he was exhausted, his shoulder hurt from all the clapping against his already sore muscle, and his mood had definitely dropped a little as they walked across the courtyard to their car waiting for them. He nodded at Phillip, displeased that everyone who was still watching was going to see how terrible it was to get him in and out of any car, and he sighed to himself at the sore indignity of it all.

That's what Dominic thought. "Phillip, if you would be so kind, please bring the car around to the garage; it's quite a bit easier to maneuver on the asphalt and ramps rather than out in the middle of the traffic circle here in front of the building," he said clearly, handing the keys to Phillip and following the flower-lined sidewalk past the fountain and towards the parking deck.

Dominic looked up, in silent gratitude, and looked down at his lap again. He was sleepy, very much so--this little outing had exhausted him, and he wanted to curl up somewhere under the covers and sleep for ages. "Thank you," he said, quietly.

"You're quite welcome," Lionel answered, just as quietly. "If the landscaping staff would not have my head on a pike, I would pick one of the flowers by the wayside for you."

"Do it and I cut off your dick," Dominic growled, squaring his shoulders as he gave an emasculated huff.

"As I like my head and my genitals where they are, notice I am not," he said with a grin as they entered the shade of the parking deck. The dark blue blot of convertible glided past them like quiet wind, and he nodded at Phillip as he drove by. "I believe that Hans is almost finished with your Jaguar," he added.

His jaguar. He'd forgotten all about it in the fact that he'd been in a coma and ill for six months. "Hmm," he answered, as Phillip in all of his quite enormous glory stepped out of the car and came around to them. "Does the chair fit in the trunk all right?" he asked, as he reached down to his side and unbuckled himself.

The brawny chauffeur nodded. "It does; it folds down quite easily and slides into the trunk like nothing," he reassured. "And yes, the car is almost finished; I have made four runs into Metropolis and three to Granville to retrieve specially-ordered parts and tools. All that is lacking now are brake pads, a new gearshift, and a speedometer for the year your car was made."

"There you see?" Lionel said, moving to stand in front of the wheelchair. "Your car will be waiting for you and ready to drive by the time you're ready to drive it."

Dominic flashed a grin up at him. "Running over cows?" he asked, amused, as he pulled his arms out from under the blanket and lifted his arms when his lover bent down for him.

"I have not run over any cows of late, and I don't intend to begin either," Lionel said with a sniff, putting his arms around Dominic's shoulder and waist, and lifting him out of the chair. At the same time, Phillip pulled the chair back and tucked it into the truck as Lionel maneuvered his lover into the front passenger seat.

Dominic grasped his lover, tightly, holding onto him tightly though he knew Lionel would not drop him, and grasped the side of the side, helping Lionel get him into the car. As soon as he was reasonably comfortable for the short trip home he buckled the seat belt, and sighed back against the leather as he relaxed.

Lionel leaned in and kissed his lover softly, and then accepted the keys from Phillip after he closed the door tightly. "Keep me informed of Mr. Knight's comings and goings," he ordered. "If he leaves the premises with a driver, I want to know whom, where he goes, and when he gets back. If you see my son coming in this afternoon, call me."

"Yes, sir, Mr. Luthor." Phillip tipped his chauffeur hat and stepped back after surrendering the keys.

"That'll be all," he said curtly, and then slid into the driver's seat, gripping the wheel easily. "Ready to go?"

"Ready to go," Dominic affirmed, as he pulled his blanket more comfortably onto his lap.

"Then, off we go." Lionel quickly put the car in gear and reversed out of the parking garage, then floored the accelerator as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto what passed for the main thoroughfare in Smallville. "You will call me this evening, if I haven't gotten home in time, and let me know how your therapy goes with you getting onto your feet, won't you?"

"I think the bruises will speak for themselves, but yes," Dominic answered, smiling, even as he gripped the side door handle for dear life. "Of course I will. And you'll tell me how all goes with Mr. Knight, correct?"

"Of course I will. Do be sure to check your email and your cell phone messages when you can, because I have the most sincere feeling that I will be calling, more than once, to update you." Sardonic little smile. "But I will not fire him until I can call you and let you have the pleasure of delivering the news to him."

"Sounds good," Dominic said, lips twitching a little. "I'm a bit jealous of him, Lionel. Not on a personal level, but on...a business level. You know?"

"Yes, I know. I can just imagine that you are, in fact. However, don't be. He does not have nearly the experience you have to back up the obnoxious attitude." Lionel gave his lover a quicksilver smile. "His time with us, I believe, will be mercifully short. In case you did not notice? He looks more than a little like Clark. How do you think Clark will take it, once he sees whom Lex has chosen to be his assistant?"

Dominic hadn't thought of that. His eyes widened, into twin spheres, and he gasped as he looked at Lionel. "Lex is dead meat."

Lionel just gave another little smile. "And so, I believe, will Mr. Knight be."

Well. Dominic felt better about that, and he smiled the smile of the wicked as he looked out the window. "Well then, when you put it like that you're quite convincing," Dominic said, sweetly, as he leaned across to take Lionel's hand in his. And itched to take something else of Lionel's in hand.

Lionel wrapped his fingers through Dominic's all-too-curious ones. "When you are well," he repeated, bringing their hands back to Lionel's knee. "And yes, I am quite convincing, which is why I am also determined to speak to Clark before he sees Mr. Knight, because I believe that afterwards, all rationality will have gone out the window."

Dominic exhaled a loud, irritated huff and sighed as he settled for holding his lovers hand. "Clark's going to hit the bloody ceiling when he sees him. Lex wasn't thinking with the head on his shoulders when he hired that punk, I'll tell you that."

Lionel just chuckled softly. "No, I'm sure he wasn't, at least, not entirely."

"Poor boy," Dominic said, as his fingers stroked over his lovers thigh... then inner thigh... then realized what he was doing and pulled his hand back into his own lap. "Needless to say, I think they're having sex," Dominic said, a wrinkle at his lip but ohhh.

"Yes, I would imagine the same thing, and I would also imagine that Lex has done nothing to block you out of his mind." Lionel gave a noisy exhale.

"Nope. Probably Clark," Dominic said, as his fingers, without his control, slid under his blanket and-- "Ohh," he gasped, softly.

Lionel's eyebrow elevated.

His throat tightened, hard. "I...can't..." help it. His pants were too snug right now, but he stroked through them, biting his lip tightly as setting the back of his head on the seat even as he fought to pull his hand away. He struggled, pulling his fingers away after just a moment, and grasped the blanket tightly, to his chest.

Lionel nodded in understanding. "If you can wait until we reach the mansion, I will... help you alleviate the problem," he said with a smile. "We are nearly there, only a few moments more."

"I want to touch you," Dominic said, his voice trembling a little, though if it was with a sob or with arousal, he couldn't tell. He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them again, and bit his lower lip.

Lionel reached out and brought one of Dominic's hands to rest on his shoulder, then through his hair. "I know you do," he said quietly. "The feeling is more than mutual, but this is not... healthy for you, right now. I wish I could take advantage of what you are offering me now, but I can't."

"It's not taking advantage. Please, please. You can... if you want… you can masturbate us together, o-or sixty nine, or something," he said, a little desperately. "Please, I... want."

Lionel's hands tightened on the steering wheel until his knuckles were almost white. "I know you want, Dominic. I do too. But I won't. I can't."

A quiet, soft, unhappy whine. "Yes, you can. I promise. I'll be fine. I'm strong now, its just my legs. Please? Please, Lionel."

Lionel shook his head as he pulled into the garage at the mansion. "No, Dominic. I can't. When you are... no longer affected by Lex like this, you will understand that."

Yes, well. Dominic gathered his pride around him and said, softly, "Do you not want me?"

Lionel nodded. "I want you, Dominic. I have wanted you for months," he growled softly. "Do you realize what torture it is, to know that you are sleeping beside the man you want, who would let you, if you even thought it, do anything you wanted to and with the body you crave so much, despite the fact that he cannot enjoy it because of his illness? How tiring it is to be vigilant every second that you do not say or do anything that even hints at how much you want him? Do you, Dominic, know what it is like to say no, over and over again, to the very thing that you want most in the world? Of course you do. Do you realize how hard it is for me, Lionel Luthor, to deny himself something when he has never been denied anything in his entire existence?"

At the angry words Dominic flinched away, and he looked down at his lap. He'd been upsetting Lionel, asking so much, and he supposed he should have realized that. "I'm sorry."

At that, Lionel reached over and shook his lover. "Do not be sorry!" he shouted, then drew in a very deep breath. "I am not angry, Dominic. Just... frustrated. That is all."

At the shake he flinched again, shrinking away from him and biting his lower lip tightly. "I should have realized that. I'm sorry I didn't."

Lionel slammed the door harder than he meant to as he stalked around to the trunk. He counted to ten in three languages, then to twenty in two more as he got his lover's wheelchair out, and quickly snapped it back into its usual shape. By the time he got to Dominic's side of the car, he was calm.

"Listen to me, Dominic, because this is quite probably the last time I will tell you this. You do not have to apologize to me, especially when I am simply frustrated over something. If you need to apologize, I will let you know," he said with a small quirk of his lips. "But you do not need to apologize for anything right now, nor are you in the wrong for anything you've done."

Dominic looked up a little at Lionel before back down, his throat tightening and bobbing a few times as he swallowed the lump stuck in it. "I'm sorry I can't be what you need. I w-want you too, I want," he said softly, but didn't know how else to explain it after that, as Lionel spoke to him.

If I throttle you, will you comprehend the words that are coming out of my mouth any more clearly? Lionel wondered to himself. Aloud, he said only, "You are what I need, Dominic."

He looked up, then. "No… I meant... well. I want to be well, so we can.." he exhaled a frustrated breath. "I'm sor--" He stopped himself. "Never mind."

Lionel sighed. "I know what you meant. Comprehend what I am saying to you, Dominic. Well or sick, you are everything I need. And I can wait until you are able to participate and enjoy yourself as well as take my own enjoyment from it. To do anything less would be to... abuse you, almost, take advantage of you certainly, and I will do neither. Just... understand that I love you, and I won't do anything to jeopardize you getting well."

God, what a depressing thought. "I understand," he said, quietly, and nodded firmly up at him. "I understand what you're saying, now. Though it wouldn't be taking advantage, but if you feel so, then we can wait."

"Dominic... it is taking advantage of you so long as Eduard has not given you medical clearance," Lionel sighed.

"Eddie is a pup in nappies," Dominic muttered, but didn't say anything else as he lifted his arms up to help his lover, one going to grasp his neck, the other grasping the chair seat, and he helped swing himself into the seat with a heavy huff.

"And yet, he is one of the most highly recommended therapists in the field," Lionel reminded him, getting Dominic settled and spreading the blanket over his lover's lap. "He will tell us when it's time."

And in the mean time, Dominic was going to cook in his own juices. "All right," he answered, as he pulled his blanket over him more firmly, and settled into the chair, sighing.

Lionel grasped at the nearest straw. "If he is getting you up on your feet, surely that means soon," he continued hopefully, heading towards the temporary ramp they'd had installed for just this reason.

Maybe. But Dominic didn't say that. "Are you going to stay for lunch, love?"

"Of course I am," Lionel said with a nod. "But after lunch, I'm returning to LuthorCorp for the afternoon, and will return home in the early evening."

"Sounds good, love," he answered. "I'll have Ms. Bird make us something special for tonight." They rolled out of the garage and through the door leading into the house. "What time is Eddie going to be here?"

"He's to return here at three, and work with you until six," Lionel said, rolling through the kitchens. "And I thought that after dinner, if you felt up to it after your session, that we would go and visit your sister."

"Which one?"

Oh, Lionel glared at that. "Your youngest, the one in the psychiatric ward? The only one who requires actual visitation instead of waiting for them to descend upon you like locusts on a crop?"

"Oh, her. I talked to her on the phone this morning. She sounds utterly miserable," Dominic answered. "That's fine, I think she'll do well with a visit. We need to talk to the doctors about getting her out of there."

"Which brings me to another point of discussion about your sister," Lionel said smoothly, going through the house, down the hallways, and into the office, that once was Lex's and had now become a rather cluttered shared office space between Lex and his father. An arrangement which was not working out, but was, thankfully, only temporary.

"What's that?" Dominic asked, as they finally stopped in the horrendous hell of the office Lex and Lionel usually fought in at the top of their voices and woke him up repeatedly.

"Ah, yes... I found it mixed in with some of my papers the other day, let me find it." Lionel picked up the stack of folders on the desk and sorted through them until he came to one with a vivid pink file tab. "Ah, yes, here it is. The tentative name is something completely god-awful, but the idea has merit." He handed the file to Dominic. "Lex has even ordered Chilean copper for a custom piece."

"What are you talking about?" Dominic asked, as he took the folder from Lionel. Couldn't see a thing, so he pulled the glasses he'd stuck in his shirt collar and put them on, before peering down at the folder. "What does--"


He stared at the business proposition and blinked up at Lionel. "A jewelry store?" His first instinct was to say, no way in hell, but as that was something his mother would say, he asked instead, "A jewelry store?"

"This assumes your sister has the talent, which judging by the photographs of the brooch she gave to Chloe, she has." Lionel leaned against the desk. "It's strictly custom orders to begin with, and from what I can see, Lex is rather keen on getting this started for the young lady." He looked over at his lover. "Yes, a jewelry operation."

"Shay's always played with metal and beadwork, ever since she was a wee girl when we were living all at home. She liked braiding--she used to braid everything she could, and make pretty knots. I just didn't know she was still involved with it," he said, as he pulled the pictures out. "She and Chloe?"

"At the moment, I believe just Shayla," Lionel corrected. "Apparently metalwork and beadwork have been part of the occupational therapy they've been having her participate in, and because she is the least dangerous, they have trusted her with actual soldering irons and metalwork. This was the result, or one of them, anyway. There's a message from the hospital, I'm assuming Lex is looking to see if she's created anything else. This was given to Chloe as a gift, I understand it."

Dominic nodded, quietly. "When you're gone, I'll read over it. It'll give me something to do in any regard," he answered. Something to do with his hands, anyway. He tucked the folder into the side pocket of his wheel chair.

"And, hopefully something to discuss with Shayla this evening. I gather she's none too thrilled with the proposition."

"Shayla isn't thrilled with anything these days," Dominic answered, but he could relate with her, so he didn't say anymore. "I really want to have her home by tomorrow, Lionel. Elaine said she'd be willing to take her on, here at home." He looked up, then. "Is Elaine living here now, Lionel? She's been here for almost two months now, correct?"

"Have you spoken with the dietician and the nutritionist?" he asked. "I do know that they ran blood panels on her yesterday, to test her mineral levels, and have had to resort to feeding her intravenously at least twice, but I don't know her current situation, or if they're at all confident of her willingness to cooperate with treatment." He chuckled at the mention of Elaine. "Sadly, no. She is still commuting every morning from Metropolis, and returning in the evening. It's quite a drive, but she seems unwilling to leave the city."

"She'd make a fortune, here, in Smallville," Dominic mussed, but frowned and shook his head. "Shayla isn't being cooperative because Shayla does not cooperate with anyone but her family. She dyed her hair pink, remember? She's a little rebel--you have to know how to react and interact with her. Even if it takes tempting her with junk food, and keeping the pantries locked."

"I will leave that up to you, my son, and Clark, because you all seem to have quite the better grasp on her than I do." He sighed. "I shall call a locksmith tonight and have him come out first thing in the morning and begin fitting the cabinets, pantries and refrigerator with locks."

"The big fridge should be all right, as it only has milk and juice and things in it. To encourage her to drink it," Dominic said, then looked up. "Thank you, Lionel, for helping her. She's such a confused child."

"I think that you and one of her other family members--quite possibly Megan, if she can be pulled away from Philippe and the new baby for a few hours--should go through her room, and remove all the possible sources of temptation. I believe Elaine mentioned secret food stashes and things of that nature."

"I believe I will. Or maybe Pete? He'd help, I'm sure of it." He frowned a little. "Not that I've heard from him for a while. I hope he and Shayla are not arguing," he said, but shook his head. "I'll get it taken care of, not to worr--" He stopped.

"Victoria? What are you doing, sweetie?" he asked at the door, as he looked at the small, sleepy little girl standing in front of him.

The little girl yawned again as she rubbed her eyes. "I's lookin' for Baldy and Clark. They lef' me with uncle Jordan and he tucked me in last night but they forgot 'bout me this morning!"

Clark and Lex had forgotten about quite a bit last night, and Dominic frowned as he went into the side pouch of his chair, removed his cell phone, and speed dialed Lex's number.

He was shocked when Clark picked it up.

"Hello?" Clark cried, over Chloe's screams and vehement curses, his hair standing on end from where she'd grabbed it.

"Clark? What's going on? Where's Lex?"

"Right here! Hold--ow!--on!" Clark cried, and reached across Chloe's belly to hand Lex the phone.

"Luthor!" Lex shouted into the phone, cradling it between his ear and his shoulder while he tried to disengage Chloe's fingers from Whitney's nether regions.

"Lex?? What's going on? Is Ms. Sullivan all right? Where are you?" Dominic said, loudly, to be heard over the screams as he beckoned Victoria to him gently.

"We're at the hospital; Chloe's having the baby, she's fine except for the whole labor--ow, goddammit, Chloe, I am NOT the one who knocked your ass up!--labor pains issue!" Lex wrenched away from the claw-like fists of death, leaving Whitney to fend for himself as Lex ducked back out into the hallway and relative silence.

Victoria went obediently over to Dominic, and climbed up into his lap before he could stop her.

Oh. Well, that made sense. The worry lines disappeared from Dominic's face to be passed over with a grin. He helped Victoria up over his good knee, pulling her closer to him so she wouldn't fall off, and switched the phone to his bad hand, which held it despite being a little shaky. "That's wonderful! How long is she along? Do you need Lionel and I to come?"

"Not nearly long enough," Lex grunted. "The OBGYN came in and told her she's got about twenty more hours at this rate, because she's not dilating quickly. That... made her less than overjoyed, I'm sure you can hear. And no, her father's on the way, and we're here. I think that's more than enough men for her to swear at. Though, if you can call up to the psych ward and see if they'll bring Shay down, that might help. Might."

Victoria reached up and yanked the phone out of Dominic's hand. "I's mad at you, Baldy. You and Clark forgots about me." She sniffled. "I's gonna run 'way from home."

Lex froze. "Fucking hell. Victoria!"

Dominic grinned, looking over his shoulder at Lionel as he motioned to the little girl in his arms with his chin and rolled his eyes, as he kinda gently cuddled her a little closer to him. He had a soft spot for cute little girls, dammit. "Language, Lex," Dominic said, beside Victoria, as he took the phone back from her. "I'll see what I can do about Shayla. I'll watch Victoria, Baldy."

"Bite me, Dominic. And if you call me baldy again, I'll shave what's left of your hair off again," he growled. "Just... tell her we didn't forget about her, and we'll see her soon." He swore quietly to himself.

"Victoria, Baldy says to tell you he luffs you and he didn't forget about you," Dominic said to the little girl, then to Lex, "I'll explain it to her. Go on, with you." And he hung up, setting the phone back into its pocket, and looked at the child on his lap. "Baldy and Clark's bestest friend is having a baby, and they had to go right away to help her. But they didn't forget about you, they asked me to take care of you yesterday and I forgot," Dominic lied, point blank, but with a totally straight face. "Kay?"

Victoria just blinked. "Is it the Chloe lady? She was really fat the other day, and she told me that she had a baby inside her. Is it comin' out? Can I go see?"

Lionel just chuckled softly as he walked over to the wheelchair. "Why don't you let me hold you, instead of crawling all over Dominic like a little monkey."

"Not today, cause the baby's not coming out for a while yet," Dominic said, even as he grinned up at Lionel. "You just think she's too cute not to carry," he smiled, and then brushed Victoria's hair back from her forehead. "You can go see the baby after she has it, though, what do you think?"

Oh. There was pouting. "But I wanna see it come OUT!"

Dominic paled. Just the smallest bit. "No, you don't. Its gross."

"Yes I does! I wants to see the baby come out!!!" she shrieked.

"Honey, only Chloe and her--" boyfriend. "--husband can see the baby come out. Those are the rules."

Her little mind was quick. "Baldy and Clark! Dey not her hubsandses!"

"They're only there to help them," Dominic smoothed over. "When its time for the baby to be born, they can't be in there, either. Only Chloe's husband."

More sulking. "Dat's not RIGHT."

She looked so utterly frustrated that it took everything in Dominic not to grin. "No, it's not right," he said, in total seriousness, and nodded sadly at her. "But after the baby's born you can see him, or her. The nurses will bring the baby to the nursery and give him a bath and dress him in blue, or if its a girl, in pink."

"But I wants to see it come out!!! Chloe said she'd tell me how the baby got in! Cause it wasn't through her bellybutton like I thought!"

Dominic stared at her in horror for just a moment. "Well, I don't know anything about that. You'll have to ask Baldy. I haven't a clue on how babies get in."

Lionel just gave a soft chuckle at that. "Now that, I can attest to."

Dominic glared up at his husband, before smiling again at the little girl. "Sound good?"

Victoria screwed her face up in a nice little pout. "No."

"Why not? What's wrong?" he asked, shifting her a bit on his leg so it wouldn't fall asleep anymore then it already did.

"Cause I wants to SEE!!!" she yelled.

Lionel held his arms out and picked her up. "Now, now, Victoria... we mustn't throw tantrums because we don't get our way," he said, and he felt very, very strange holding the child-sized version of the woman he'd done some very... pleasurable, but devious things with.

Dominic almost read his lovers mind, and made a little face. Yes. it was very, very odd, indeed. "It's not being a proper young lady," Dominic said. "We mustn't throw tantrums, we must be devious and cunning and find a way to get what we want, yes?"

Lionel nodded. "Yes, that's right. You must be a proper young lady."

Victoria stuck her tongue out at both of them. "Bite me."

Something in Dominic's Irish temper spiked. "Excuse me?" He said it with such cold anger that he surprised even himself, even as he arched a brow.

"Bite me!" she said again. "Clark said I don't have to be a lady, I can be a normal kid and play and stuff if I wants to, so bite me! I can throw a tantrum!"

If it was something Dominic couldn't stand was a child who cheeked, and he grit his teeth. "Yes, but even normal children have manners, Ms. Victoria. And you do not speak to adults in such a manner. My niece, who is your age, would be spanked for ever saying such a thing. You don't want me to tell Clark and Lex how you've behaved while they weren't around, do you?"

Victoria stuck her tongue out. "Don't care! Wanna see the baby, you won't let me, mean mean MEAN!" she shrieked, from her perch on Lionel's shoulder.

"Lionel? Why don't you go give her to Ms. Bird? I'm sure she could do such things as clean and eat spinach all day," Dominic said, arching a brow at the child's behavior.

"Birdy-lady lets me eat cookies and watch television." She crossed her arms across her chest and stuck her tongue out again.

Lionel glared up at Victoria. "You are misbehaving very badly, Victoria, and if you don't stop, I will tell Ms. Bird and she will not allow you cookies, television or privileges of any kind."

"Can't ground me! Not my Daddy!!"

"No, but Lex and Clark are your guardians, and I'm sure if I were to call them right now, they would surely ground you," Dominic answered for Lionel.

Big, big sniffle then. "Dey don'ts even CARE! Dey forgot me!"

"They didn't forget you. Remember? I was supposed to take care of you. I forgot you."

Her chin wobbled. "Did not. Cause Baldy said he'd take me to the day care place this mornin'. And he didn't."

"He asked me to," Dominic said, carefully. "Come on now, Ms. Victoria. Shall we go upstairs?"

"No," she pouted, and wiggled, trying to get down.

"Then where are we going?"

"Don't know. Youse can go wherever you wants. I'm not goin' nowheres." She pouted.

Lionel held on to her as tightly as he could. "Victoria, enough!"

At the sharp words from Lionel even Dominic froze, because Lionel had used that tone only a few times, and it was enough to freeze him in his tracks and made him feel mildly guilty even though he hadn't done anything.

Lionel glared at the young child who had frozen right in front of him. "Now, if you say one more word, Victoria Hardwick, I will turn you over my knee and we will see just who can and cannot punish you. Do you understand me?"

Victoria nodded, wide-eyed. Nobody'd never yelled at her like THAT.

Dominic nodded too, even more wide eyed, and cleared his throat, looking away in embarrassment. Wooboy. "You're in trouble now," he whispered to the little girl.

"Excellent." Lionel put her down on the sofa. "Then you will apologize to the both of us, and then return to your room and read quietly until I come to fetch you for dinner."

Dominic arched a brow, waiting. The little bellow had kind of turned him on. Was he ashamed about it? If the heat in his cheeks was anything to go by, yeah. He was aroused by a change in the wind these days, though.

Victoria just nodded, eyes still wide as she looked at Lionel. "I sorry!!" She changed her glance over to Dominic. "I sorry for yellin'." Then she bolted out of the room and up the stairs.

He watched as the child ran off, then glanced at Lionel. "What a spoiled brat. It's a shame she's so cute."

"Victoria, as I remember it, was spoiled before she left the cradle. I would not be surprised that Sir Harry had spoiled this copy of her as well. Not to mention the fact that I believe Clark and Lex are well on their way of turning her into a complete princess. If we are not careful, they are going to completely spoil Aurora."

"Lionel, I have an intolerance to bratty children. She won't be spoilt, on that I can assure you," Dominic answered. "My mother raised six of us in a town where everyone was family. If we came out of it all right, so will Aurora," Dominic said, a little smile twitching his lips. "Would it be okay with you if I waited on eating and went to lay down for a bit?"

Lionel nodded. "Of course; I'll call down and have lunch held for you, and I will bring up the laptop so I can be there for you when you wake up."

He shook his head, firmly. "No. You'll go back to work. I can get myself in and out of the wheel chair, love," Dominic answered, and to demonstrate it, took hold of the wheels tightly and started toward the door.

Lionel gave a little growl, but he also gave in gracefully. "All right. I will go back to work like a good little boy, and I will work hard until it is time for me to come home, and I will not call and nag you."

"Good. and I will go upstairs, and sleep, and jack off, and eat my lunch. I will call you when Eddie gets here."

Lionel glared. "Do not overextend yourself before Eddie arrives and do not jack off anything you might need later," was his last thought. "I will expect your call sharply at three."

Dominic threw a grin over his shoulder but didn't speak, as he rolled right on out of the room.

Lionel watched as his lover left the room and shook his head as he called down to the kitchen, telling Ms. Bird to hold Dominic's lunch until 2 unless he called for it earlier. Then he called Charlie and had him rearrange the afternoon meetings so that he could squeeze in a half hour telephone session with Elaine for himself, and patted his pockets for his keys and glasses as he headed out to the garage.



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