
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 321: Marked and Taken

Lex was very much used to being thrown out of places. His home, his apartment in Metropolis, schools, clubs, prep schools, colleges, and had he mentioned the clubs?

Though he thought this was the first time--at least, that he could remember--that he'd been thrown out of a hospital room.

Although there was that one time he hadn't been allowed to see his father. Did that count of being kicked out?

Well, didn't matter. They'd all been thrown out--him, Clark, Pete, and even Shayla. Whitney was running himself ragged giving reports of how much she'd dilated and what curse she was putting on him, and was nearly tripping over his own grinning feet.

He could really use a drink right about now.

So did Clark. Well, that and he and Pete had been playing rummy for the last two hours, and he'd yet to win a game.

Chloe had been in labor for over ten hours, and she was getting desperate, he could tell. She had another at least five hours to go, the doctors said--a baby born in mid-morning, more than likely. Clark glanced at his watch, gave an exhausted sigh, and threw his cards down to lay his head on Lex's shoulder.

Shayla was highly amused by the entire situation, and she picked up Clark's cards. "Okay, I'll take over getting my ass kicked." This was... kind of like normal, even, and she had a glass of orange juice at her elbow that she was sipping on occasionally.

Lex leaned over and kissed Clark's head. "I could show you how to cheat and count cards."

"I'm not a cheater. ....Well, only when I'm not so tired," Clark said, as he lifted his head, set his chin on Lex's shoulder, and kissed him softly back. His stomach had been growing tight for the better part of an hour but he was doing his best to ignore it. "We'll… have to go for a snack break soon, what do you think?"

"Yeah, thanks Clark, I needed that image." Yeah, Pete and Shay had been filled in on Clark and Lex's... situation... a few hours ago, and he snickered at the memory. He'd laughed for the better part of ten minutes, and he grinned at the mental image as he looked at his cards and winked at Shay.

Lex's fingers stroked through Clark's hair. "I think so too; the sooner the better, in fact," he murmured softly. "We'll go after Whitney's next report; he seems to be cycling in every ten minutes or so, and that should give us enough time to take care of our business."

Shay was studying her cards, and didn't look up except to wink back at Pete. "Guys, the waiting room is deserted. Why don't you just come out and say you're going to the bathroom for a blow job break and you'll be back in a bit?"

Pete doubled over in rude snorts behind his cards, clapping a hand to his mouth as he did it and sniggering. Loudly.

"Cause," Clark said, a blush staining his cheeks, that he buried in Lex's neck.


"Because nobody wants to tarnish your virgin ears, Shayla," Lex replied, his fingers skipping down to Clark's crotch.

"Nothin' on this body is virgin anymore," she said proudly.

Lex raised an eyebrow at Pete. "Your dick fits into her ears? I'm impressed you two even thought of that, much less accomplished it."

Pete flashed Lex a crooked grin that was this side of painful, glanced at Shay, and cleared his throat. "Your turn Blondie, and no cheating."

Clark gnawed on his lower lip when his lovers fingers got personal, and he grinned upward at him before sideglancing Shay and Pete. "Kinky, Pete."

"Just because I beat you every time we play doesn't mean I cheat. It just means you don't know how to play." She examined the cards Lex had had in his car and brought upstairs for them to play with. "You know, I didn't think people could bend this way," she said, staring at the naked people on the card backs.

Lex leaned over and sucked the gnawed lip into his mouth for a kiss. "Very kinky; I approve."

Clark grinned into the kiss, gently catching the lower lip between his to kiss, softly, before delving in for a warm taste of Lex's mouth. Coffee, and Lex, and Whitney, and it was a good taste. He licked and sucked to his hearts content, happily cuddled right where he was and kissing just what he wanted to, which he showed his appreciation for with a nip of the soft, wet tongue.

Lex gave a little purr as Clark nipped his tongue, and his fingers slipped down further, actually easing the zipper of Clark's jeans down as he returned the wet kisses hungrily, the fingers of his other hand stroking and petting Clark's hair.

"All right, guys? Take it somewhere, I don't wanna watch you grope all over each other," Pete complained, from the left.

Yeah, well. Clark was in seventh heaven, Nirvana, and all those other things. He licked and kissed Lex's mouth, turning his head so their noses didn't get squashed, and this was his favorite way of kissing, because their mouths fit perfectly and it was all very delicious.

"Awww, they're kind of cute," Shay protested. "Let 'em. At least somebody's gettin' laid."

Lex filed away the complaints to be dealt with later, and concentrated all his attention and all his senses on Clark, the way he felt and tasted, how hot and hard his cock was, how velvety-soft the skin covering the shaft was, and how well his hand fit around it.

And that they were in a waiting room and Lex's hand was down his pants.

Clark started from Lex's mouth, drawing a shallow, sharp breath and looked at Lex with drug hazed eyes. Lex's fingers were...and he began to move his body against the touch, and then flushed crimson--waiting room. Public. "Lex," he whispered, scandalized.

"Clark," Lex whispered back.

Yeah, well.

Clark looked over his shoulder at Shay and Pete, and turned to his lover, wrapping him in his arms. If they were going to make out, might as well do it properly. There were several blankets sitting beside them that the nurses had given them before disappearing, and Clark opened one of them, pulling it over them so they were hiding a little, and turned his back to Pete and Shay as his mouth came to his lovers and his fingers stroked down a long belly to his lovers own tight crotch.

Lex shivered at the quick waft of air that breezed over him as Clark opened the blanket, and then spread his legs when Clark's fingers slipped over his stomach and down to his groin. His mouth had moved to Clark's throat during all this, dragging his teeth down Clark's neck as he scooted over on the little couch, so that he was all but sitting in Clark's lap.

They were sitting side-by-side, and it was easy enough to lean Lex against the wall and to lean close as Pete snorted a few chairs away. Clark ignored him though, pulling the blanket up high around them, and as he kissed his lover his fingers stroked down to his crotch. He gently pulled Lex's leg over Clark's own, as Clark was facing Lex with one leg tucked under him, and he was able to prop Lex's leg on his thigh as he leaned in to suckle softly at his neck.

"That feels good," Lex murmured softly, his fingers sliding back down to grasp Clark's cock and stroke it firmly in his hand. "Can't wait to taste this again, Clark," he said, rubbing his thumb over the head as he shivered, arching into Clark as he started to ache for his lover.

Clark? was having entirely too much fun. He just grinned, impishly, against Lex's neck, licking it softly, then leaning up and practically begging for more kisses. His fingers carefully worked into Lex's own pants, his excitement starting to thicken his blood and his eyes closed quietly as he swallowed the moan at the couch. "Can't believe we're doing this."

"I can," Lex said, devouring Clark's mouth as it was offered to him. "You make me wanton," he said between kisses. "You make me want to fuck you in front of the whole world so they know you're mine."

Clark glanced around, blushed crimson, and hid under the blankets, kissing his lover softly. After getting his fill of warm, sneaky tongue and hot breath he set his head on Lex's shoulder again and began to suck softly at his neck, as his fingers wound tightly around Lex's engorged cock, after finally getting the zipper undone. He stroked tight and hard, letting go for only a minute to gently touch the huge, heavy balls. "hurt?"

Lex gave a little whimper as Clark stroked over his balls. "hurts," he nodded, his hips thrusting just a little, offering their burden to his lover. His fingers left Clark's cock and rubbed over his stomach. "Hungry?"

Clark nodded against his lovers neck. "Hungry," he affirmed, but.. "Public. Should we go somewhere?"

Lex nodded. "Need to," he admitted. "Don't want to. Want you too much." His fingers stroked back down to Clark's cock and stroked again.

"I could jack you off, and… lick it up," Clark murmured, for Lex's ears only, as he gently stroked his lovers erection. it felt warm, veiny, big and swollen and oh, it would feel absolutely divine inside of him.

The very thought made him shudder all over.

Lex gave another hard shudder. "Could go to the bathroom... fuck you hard, but can't... can't waste it," he whined softly.

Oh, God. The image...the feeling...he gasped and squeezed the cock in his hand, eyes closing tight as he began to stroke. "Inside, pulsing inside me, Lex, hard inside."

Lex nodded, his hands going to grip Clark's hips in a near-bruising, if he'd been human, grip. "Hard and fast, pounding you, filling you up inside," he whispered, rubbing against Clark's stroking grip. "Making you ride me."

"Make you come, make you come, then stroke you inside and fuck you so hard and so fast you get hard again," Clark murmured, against warm skin, even as goosebumps flushed his skin.

"Feel you tight and hot around me, just waiting for my come," Lex grunted. His cock twitched in Clark's grip as his lover jacked him off. "Spanking your ass, just like Whitney did, popping every time because you're mine, Clark, and I know you like it. Bite you, hard, suck until you can't stand it and cry out."

Clark shuddered, from his hairline, to his toes. "We have to find somewhere," He whispered, and fumbled to get Lex decent enough to throw the blanket off. He covered him up, tucked himself away--though it was a battle, and shakily got to his feet, dragging Lex with him. "If...uh," his voice cracked. "Whitney comes? Tell him we're...indisposed."


Shayla snorted at Pete. "That was crass. I prefer the term boffing. It's more descriptive and less offensive."

"Shayla, honey... it's fucking," Lex said. "Down and dirty, cock up the ass, body pounding fucking."

Cock up his ass. Clark shuddered, all over.

Pete snickered, first at Shayla's words, then Clark's shudder. "Lex, take the boy somewhere quiet before he shivers himself off the chair. As funny as it'd be, I'm sure none of us want to explain why he cracked the steel welded chairs."

"Because they're cheap-ass hospital chairs," Lex answered, but wrapped himself around Clark like a second skin anyway. "But to spare your delicate sensibilities... we're going."

Going? Was good. Clark nodded firmly, and climbed up to his feet, grabbing Lex tightly around the middle, and shuddered again, cleared his throat and squeaked something about, "going now!" as he dragged Lex out the door of the waiting room. "Where?"

With Chloe getting slowly closer, the hallway and the rooms on her hallway were no longer safe because of the doctors and nurses that were patrolling the room. "Bathroom, end of the hall, outside the double doors," Lex grunted, directing with a point of his head and nudge of his hips against Clark's to show the way.

Fucking in a public bathroom.

His cock got so hard that he was sure it was going to break the button of his pants, and he tensed all over, shuddering as Lex rubbed against him to show him where to go. He walked backwards, then sideways, losing the blanket somewhere but not caring. The door of the bathroom slammed open, and he dragged Lex to one of the small, but very highly build and strong--thank God--stalls. He kicked the door open, pushed Lex in, then hipped it shut, turning the lock and giving a soft, throaty moan.

Lex's hands were already pulling at Clark's shirt and tugging at the button of his jeans so that he could let Clark's cock slide back out for him to stroke against. The backs of his knees were pressed against the urinal but he didn't care as he shoved Clark against the door, kissing and biting.

Clark, who's taste had turned to dark, dirty, and intense as of late, moaned into his lovers mouth as Lex shoved him back and began to move against him. His fingers, thick and clumsy as they always felt when his cock was hard, moved over Lex's shirt, unable to get the buttons so he just shoved the damn thing up and pinched hard on his nipples, one leg going around his hips to grasp him tight. "Please, Lex, I'll eat later, just fuck me, fuck me please!" Clark cried against his lovers skin, sucking hard at his jaw, his ear, his cheek, then down to wrap his mouth around the pebbled nipples he'd exposed and bite them, hard.

Lex's fingers tightened in Clark's hair and jerked his head back. "You'll eat when I say," Lex growled softly. "And I say now, because I won't have you going out of your mind on me. Do you understand me, Mr. Kent?" he asked, voice silky-smooth and hot.

Clark shuddered, from his hairline to his toes, at the darkly whispered threat. It was so good, so hot, so unspeakably arousing that he just nodded, eyes wide as a moan came up from his chest and out of his mouth in the form of, "Please." His fingers shook down his lovers stomach, caressing the skin softly, until he got to the undone lip of Lex's pants, and felt inside for the hard cock. "But I want..." he whimpered, squeezing tightly around his lovers imaginary cock in his ass and he whimpered again as he began to stroke his lover.

Lex stroked Clark's upturned face gently. "I know what you want," he said quietly. "And I know what you need. And I'm going to take care of what you need, first." He pushed Clark back a step, and he spread his legs as far open as the little stall would allow. "Eat. Then we'll see."

Clark moaned, softly, and fell to his knees. He grasped Lex's hips, tightly in his hands, and ducked his mouth down, sucking his lover into his mouth. It was an easy slide, as his lovers cock was already smeared and spread with pre-come, and he sucked him in deep as he slowly began to suckle. His eyes closed as the insistent hunger, at least the kind that made him hungry, was abated as he sucked, slowly but surely, tongue sweeping over the pre-come at the tip on each sweep. It was delicious, and he moaned softly as he sucked a little harder, his hand coming down to cup his lovers balls tightly.

Once Lex was sure that Clark was going to listen to him, he loosened his grip in his lover's hair and petted him lovingly, stroking through the thick black strands as he thrust forward into his lover's throat. He couldn't stop the little whimpers of pained pleasure as Clark's strong fingers roughly groped his balls, and he gave a savage twist of his hips in pleasure as he shoved his cock into Clark's mouth.

When Lex thrust in, Clark moaned, loudly, around his mouthful. It muffled as he sucked, harder and faster as he slowly got caught up in the need. His own cock was painfully erect and he reached down to squeeze it as he worked his lovers cock into his mouth and throat, relaxing enough to let him in and let him deep.

"No," Lex said suddenly, and one foot shot out, pressing Clark's hand down to the floor, shoe pressing down against his wrist. "No."

The movement made Clark start, and he almost choked as he lifted his mouth enough from his treat to look down around Lex's cock. Lex was stepping on his hand, keeping it down, and he looked up, all stretched lips and wide eyes.

"Keep sucking," Lex said gruffly. "I didn't tell you to stop."

Clark moaned again, very, very softly but very, very deeply, as he began to suck again. Slow at first but it built speed as he moved his head up and down, back and forth, sucking harder and harder, licking. He moved one hand to carefully brace his lovers cock, which was so hard it felt solid under his hand, and held it straight as he sucked it. Over and over and over, the taste eclipsing everything else, the hunger that was gnawing at his belly, and he moaned as he stopped from moving back down to take in his whole cock as he suckled at the tip in a frenzied way, slurping at it hard before swallowing him back down.

Lex grunted as Clark sucked him down, and during the last quick swallow, Lex thrust forward and came. Faster, quicker than he'd meant to but his balls seemed to have a mind of their own as they poured out shot after shot of thick, creamy semen for his lover.

Clark moaned softly and grasped the base of his lovers cock firmly as he pulled back enough for the hot wash to slide into his mouth. The taste brought shivers of pleasure, goosebumps and flushed cheeks and eyes that rolled back in absolute ecstasy. He moaned softly and swallowed each mouthful, slurping at Lex's cock until there wasn't a bit of it left, and moaned, softly but deeply.

Lex's knees buckled as Clark slurped and sucked him dry, and he balanced himself with hands on his lover's shoulders as he panted, and tried to catch his breath. His balls were empty, but his cock was stirring again in the wet heat of Clark's mouth, and he tugged Clark's head back again. "Better?" he asked softly.

Clark let his lovers cock slide from his mouth and he nodded, eyes heavy lidded as he licked the corners of his lips to catch any stray drops. Good. So… so good. He murmured his pleasure softly, and pulled at the hand under Lex's heel, as his eyes half closed.

Lex lifted his foot up, looking down at his shoe as though he had no idea what was going on. "Sorry about that," he murmured softly. "I don't... don't know what came over me."

Yeah, well, Clark gave him a brilliant smile. "I's good," he murmured, as his fingers returned to his cock and slowly stroked. "My father said this might happen. Trying to get ourselves comfortable for the rest of our sexual lives."

Lex raised his eyebrow as he still panted softly. "So I'm going to turn into a power-hungry control freak. That's... wonderful." He snorted, and got down on his knees in front of Clark, nudging Clark's hand out of the way and stroking it himself.

Clark's lips twitched but his eyes fell to half mast. "No. I was already the control freak yesterday, now you get to, too. Eq--equals, oh god that's good," Clark moaned, softly. "Please, but Lex... I want you inside, please, I want..."

"Want me buried to the balls inside your ass?" Lex guessed.

"So far I feel you in my throat," Clark affirmed, giving a little shudder and wriggle of his backside, as he looked over his shoulder gently and hopefully. "Please? can?"

"I can," Lex murmured softly. "I can." His hand was stroking his cock, hardening it completely as he rubbed against his lover.

"I h-have," Clark went into his back pocket, the pull on his jeans against his cock making him groan as he pulled out his wallet. Inside of it were four condoms--boy scout and all that--and he plucked one out and offered it to Lex, as he reached forward to kiss his lovers glorious mouth. "Extra lubed. Don't have to stretch… just slide in, kay?"

Lex chuckled softly as he took the condom from Clark's hand. "Okay," he said, ripping the package open and rolling the slick latex down his shaft, spreading the lube over his cock before peeling it back off and tossing it into the little garbage can. "Remind me to talk to your father about other kinds of birth control," he grunted, and then pushed at Clark's shoulder. "Turn around."

Clark's lips twitched as he turned, spreading his thighs around Lex's knees and getting as close as he could, snug until his bared backside, which he tugged at until he was naked from the knees up, was pressed to Lex's crotch. He gave a low, sultry squirm against him, undulating softly as his eyes closed heavily, and he moaned softly as he pressed his palms against the door and bent over without having to touch the floor.

Lex rubbed the slick head of his cock over Clark's opening, making the little hole twitch and glisten with lube. He brought one hand down and grabbed Clark's hip, and with the other hand, he leaned his weight forward, pushing himself into the tight furnace of his lover's body.

"Just like that… oh... God!... oh, God," Clark choked down the wail as he spread his thighs further. The memory of the hot burn made him shudder all over, though he had all of his powers right now and could feel none of the delicious, exquisite pain that came with this act. He didn't care though, because now was not the time, so he tugged on his cock as Lex filled him with his, slow and sure and gorgeous.

Lex grunted as he pushed his way through into the tight hotness of his lover's body. Without having been stretched, Clark's body was sucking him in, rubbing against every inch, and he dropped his forehead down to his lover's shoulder. "You're so fucking tight, Clark, don't think you've been this tight since the first time I made love to you."

Clark moaned, softly but deeply, as he arched his back for Lex to rest against, and in the process, lifted his hips more for Lex's entering. He was slow, careful, moving into him with the slow, practiced thrusts of a man who knew just what he was doing, and he groaned again, deeply. "So big… so big, Lex," he moaned.

Lex gave a grunting smile as he pushed himself entirely into Clark's body. His groin pressed flush against the curve of Clark's ass, rocking forward to embed the last few inches into his lover's body. "Took me all, I'm so proud of you, Clark, all of me inside you," he cooed.

Clark whimpered at the last, rolling thrust that sat his lover tightly inside. It was so hot, so unbelievably tight, an inferno, Lex was huge and he shuddered, skin breaking out into sweat and his limbs shaking as he humped back against his lover, the long heat of him lancing into everything and making him mewl like a bitch in heat. "Please, please, please!"

Lex's hands gripped Clark's ass and kneaded the firm globes as he leaned over Clark, licking his ear. "Please what?" he teased. "Please stop?"

"No, don't stop, no," he moaned, humping harder against him as his lover massaged his ass in such a way that sent all the muscles back there into contracting tightly. "G-God!"

"Oh, so it's please fuck you?" Lex withdrew, and slammed back into his lover as hard as he could, his cock plowing deeply into Clark's body before pulling back out.

As soon as Lex contacted all the way inside Clark gave a throaty cry. He absently heard the bathroom door open, and saw shoes under the door, but as soon as he cried out they were gone again, with a "well, really!" echoing through the room.

Didn't give a fuck. He reached down to his groin to squeeze his cock… not stroke it, because Lex hadn't said he could, but squeeze it tightly, hoping to let out some of the pressure making it hard as stone. "God, oh God!"

"No, Lex," he corrected. "Not God." He lunged harder into Clark, wincing softly as his groin bounced off Clark's body, feeling a tenderness radiating but not giving a damn as he plowed in deeper. "No coming yet."

"Lex!" Clark cried, then, and let go of his erection to grasp the wall again. His mouth was shuddered open, goosebumps all over his skin, tightening his nipples and flushing his cheeks. His eyes were dark hollows in his face, throat bobbing tightly in pleasure and deep, soft, erotic moans spilling like pleas and prayers from his lips, as his body shook. "Lex… L-so good... s... Lex..."

Lex's fingers left their intense grip on Clark's hip and moved up to his shoulder, dragging Clark back into his strokes. "Yes, baby? Good?" He kept pounding as hard as he could, resting his head on the back of Clark's neck. "Feel me?"

Like ecstasy, he wanted to moan, but he couldn't speak for more then a croak. This was so dirty and so delicious, hard, pounding thrusts into his body that worked his entire body, his entire soul, making him quiver in delight on each hard, pounding thrust. He jerked back into his lover with each movement, Lex's hands pulling back into the hard thrusts, and he choked a wail into his fist as he did. "Y...yes!"

Lex pressed kisses to the back of Clark's neck, biting and sucking as he dove himself deep into his lover, pinching his nipples through Clark's shirt and whispering against his skin. "you want to touch yourself, don't you? What are you going to do, Clark, if I don't let you come?"

"I want to touch, please, please let me touch!" Clark cried it, loudly. His cock was so hard it hurt, heavy and tense and dribbling pre come and he could hardly stand it as it slapped his belly with every twisting thrust, every movement into him, making him thrash against Lex in wanton abandon. "Please!"

"No," Lex grunted, and arched his back as he came.

Clark wailed, loudly, as his lover expanded a little inside of him, the feeling increased over how unstretched he'd been before the fuck, and then Lex exploded inside of him and he felt the hot, heavy, delicious stuff splash his insides with warmth.

He was shaking with need, his entire mind set on nothing but the need to come.

Lex whimpered as Clark's body viced tightly around him, and squeezed out every bit of come in his balls. He stayed leaned over Clark, panting for breath, and then he slowly eased out of his lover. He plunked down to his knees, running his tongue over Clark's abused hole, and letting his come trickle back out into his mouth.

Once he had taken all he could, Lex crawled around to Clark's front, stripping his shirt off as he went, and offered his mouthful of come to Clark, bare-chested as he reached for his lover's cock and started stroking it himself.

Clark opened his mouth to his lovers kiss and didn't realize his mouth was full--his eyes widened and holy God it was dirty but Clark sucked it all in, licking it from his lovers mouth. He sealed his mouth to Lex's, sucking and swallowing and licking every drop as he got in close to him and moaned, loudly, as his cock was taken in hand.

It only took him three strokes to come.

He gasped, threw his head back, Lex's shared come smearing the side of his lips as he arched, thrusting hard into the hand around him, and came. He shot hard, streaking Lex's chest and belly, and then gave a short, soft moan as he orgasmed.

Bliss. Utter. Total.

Clark's come felt like fire streaking down his body and Lex just shivered. His tongue pushed the come into Clark's mouth, kissed and nibbled as much as he could as he shared it with his aushna', and arched until his back screamed into the streams that came out of Clark's cock. He pulled his lover a little closer, and used the head to rub the sticky white streaks into his skin as he kept kissing.

Clark whimpered into his lovers mouth, sitting there hugging Lex as he was with come smeared between them, his eyes rolled back, and orgasm lighting his body. Every nerve ending sizzled and he gave a short, low moan into Lex's mouth, before sagging against his lover. His face kind of slit on its own accord into the curve of Lex's shoulder and neck, shoulder and back slumping against his lover and smearing the both of them with come but he really didn't give a shit.

Lex cradled his lover close to him, and angled his head so that he could whisper in his lover's ear. "Did I break you?"

Clark grinned, his lovers lips tickling his earlobe, breath warm on his face, and nodded. "Uh huh. Broken now."

"Then I guess I have to wait for us to get home for you to return the favor?" he asked teasingly. "Besides, I suppose we really should get out there and see if Whitney has brought out news about Chloe and the baby."

"Oh, yeah. Baby." Clark reached forward to pepper his lovers neck with thank you kisses, and give him a tight hug before letting go somewhat shakily, and grinning between them. "We smell like a bathroom stall."

Lex took in a deep breath. "All I smell is you," he pointed out, rubbing his fingertips through Clark's come still on his chest.

Clark blushed, very prettily, and licked Lex's fingers, tongue sliding between them. "Your come tastes like that," he murmured, licking the sweet stuff from his lovers fingers. "It's sweet, now."

"I hope that makes it more palatable," Lex murmured, oddly content to let Clark lick his hands clean.

"What's that mean? That I'll swallow it?" he snickered as he licked Lex's fingers clean. "When have you known me not to, even when you taste like rotten eggs?"

"No, palatable means better tasting," Lex said with a grin. "And, surprisingly enough, you always swallowed. The first time you sucked me off, I had visions of me convincing you to swallow, showing you how and proving that the taste was entirely too delicious to pass up. But, there are some who are spitters, no matter what you do."

"I'm not," Clark said, with a little bit of pride, as he smiled around his lovers aristocratic fingers. "I was kinda fumbly the first time I sucked you off. I don't think I knew what to do, other than swallow."

Lex smiled, at that. "You learned very quickly, and I'm glad you learned to swallow." Lex angled his head down for another kiss, and he reached for his shirt, where it'd been tossed over the door. "Let's go back to the waiting room and make sure Chloe hasn't killed Whitney and Pete and Shayla haven't killed each other."

"Kay," Clark said, shyly, smiling at him as he pulled his own shirt down from where it was bunched around his neck, tugging his arms through it and back down with a blush. He stood up, offering Lex a hand, and pulled his shirt down before tucking his softening, pleased cock away. "Need to wash my hands. Eew. And face. We smell like sex."

Lex rubbed his cheek along Clark's neck. "I like smelling like you. I like being marked."

"I know, but right now?" His lips twitched. "We stink. We should step outside and get our clothes aired out, after we check on our sha'nauch." He leaned down to press his lips gently to Lex's nose, face, cheeks, and tipped Lex's head just a little to kiss that gentle mouth. "Thank you."

Lex licked his lips as he kissed his lover. "For what?" he asked softly, leaving his shirt off altogether as he wedged the stall door open and led Clark out through their joined mouths.

"Lex," he whispered, in shyness, as he tried to cover his lovers shoulders at least with the discarded t-shirt. "For taking care of me. Loving me enough to do these things for me."

"There's nobody in here," Lex pointed out, and took the shirt to lay it carefully over one of the sinks they wouldn't be using. And then he put his hands on his hips. "What kind of aushna' would I be if I let you starve, hm?"

He had the decency to blush. "I love you."

Lex just smiled as he turned the sink on, and reached for a handful of paper towels. "I love you, aushna'."

- = - = -

"I've got country music stuck in my head."

Pete just blurted it, to break some of the silence between him and Shayla, as they sat together playing cards, and blushed a little, glancing up at her shyly. "There's a dance competition this summer in Tallahassee that I'm thinking about entering... if you wanted to, anyway."

"You assume I'm going to be out of here by the time that rolls around," Shay said with a snort.

"Sure you are. What do you think, though? It's a country music competition."

"A... country music competition? Won't two people be an awfully short line for line dancing?" She studied the cards in her hand before discarding a four of diamonds.

"Shayla, you love in the mid west now, hun. People like country here, and it's more then line dancing," he said, amused, as Shay finished her turn and he picked up a card from the deck, before setting down three jacks in his winning pile.

"Look, people like country in Canada, too, you know. I have a tape of Toby Keith songs that Mama listened to all the time in my car, and as much as I love you, I don't think that me shaking my ass to Boot Scootin' Boogie is going to be at all the thing." She made a face at his jacks, and picked up the discard pile, and made a stack of three tens and she laid down the fourth jack to kill his pile.

Pete ignored the snark and instead gaped at her words. "You think Canadians know more about country than a good old Kansas boy?"

"No, I'm just sayin' that we're also not ignorant of country."

"I know that. But you live here now, and there's some great dance moves we could do, if you were up to it. If not, it's all good."

"Like I said. You hold great optimism for me gettin' out of here any time soon."

"Sure do," he chirped, as he picked up another card, a three of clubs, didn't like it, and set it down in the line.

She snorted. "You've got more than I do then."

"You know, you never used to be this pessimistic," Pete said, quietly.

"I also never used to spend time in a psychiatric ward. Kind of has a way of sucking all the positive out of you," she said as she discarded.

"You'll be out soon. You aren't crazy, just having problems with your food. Its no big whoop, Shay," Pete said, with some frustration. "Just… snap out of it, alright? I love you, and Chloe and Whit and Lex and Clark love you. I didn't do anything to you that you didn't do to yourself, and I'm just trying to help you."

"Mmm, right, yeah, eating disorder. That's what they keep telling me, but it's a funny thing--for it to be all about my eating, they keep spending an awful lot of time pokin' around in my head and giving me drugs to make me feel better or sleep better, or shit like that," she said easily.

"Because you're depressed. Even I can see it. Its affecting everything. But I didn't do anything to you to treat me like shit, Shay," Pete answered.

"Poor Pete, stuck with his bitch of a girlfriend," she commented, discarding another card. "You can go complain to Steve or Whitney, I'm sure they'll commiserate."

Pete carefully folded his cards, set them down, and grabbed his jacket. "I'm going out for some air. I'll be back."

"You trust me not to cheat? I'm honored," she called out after him.



go on to the next part