
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 331: Spaghetti and Beer

"I liked it, so much," Clark said, softly, smiling into Lex's throat. "I love you, Lex."

Lex just tightened his arms around Clark's shoulder, and nestled him in closer. "And I love you, Clark. I loved you then, I just didn't know how to verbalize it."

"Did you feel it?" Clark asked, leaning his cheek on Lex's shoulder to look up at him. "Did you feel that we were destined to love each other... to be together? I knew... even when I didn't know, I just...I did."

Lex nodded. "I did, Clark. I couldn't think of anything but possessing you, making you mine and no one else's, so that no one else could have you in any way that I didn't." He brought Clark's hand to his mouth and kissed the wide palm softly.

"Ditto. Did you know, when I came to you, I had no clue what you were gonna do? Never had even read about gay sex on the net," he said, blushing softly and grinning at their fingers as they intertwined.

"I was just the opposite," Lex murmured into Clark's ear. "I had a list of things a mile long that I'd do to you if you let me."

"And have you?" Clark asked, a low shiver running through his body as he gently stroked his toes across Lex's.

"Have I done them all?" Lex gave a little nod. "Most of them, yes. A few of them got lost along the way, because I wouldn't do that to someone I loved, and a few more got filled when we found our sha'nauch."

"Like what?" Clark looked up curiously, tucking their joined fingers around his tummy.

Lex chuckled softly. "You don't want to know, Clark." He stroked the back of Clark's hand gently. "They immediately got tossed to the wayside when I realized that what I felt for you wasn't as casual as anything else I'd been involved with before."

Clark beamed. "I'm not casual," he said, as if snubbing all those who had come before, and as if he weren't a giant, snuggled into Lex's arms like the puppy he was, hugging the warm arms close around him. He felt so safe. "Speaking of kink, I'll love you forever if you wear the corset and skirt tonight."

"You'll love me forever whether I wear the skirt and corset tonight or not," Lex pointed out proudly.

"True," Clark lowered his voice mischievously, "But I'll love you even more if you wear it. And lipstick."

"And are we looking for a repeat of Alexis?"

"Oh." At that, the slew of emotions that had come with her came up and made Clark really uncomfortable, and he frowned down at their hands. "We haven't really gotten to talk about that... I'm sorry for the way I acted, Lex."

"Don't be," Lex said easily. "I think I can safely say that I wasn't myself, and I don't expect for you to be able to handle a sudden change like that with all due aplomb."

"It was... really embarrassing," Clark mumbled.

Lex raised his thumb to stroke along Clark's cheek. "Don't let it be."

"I'm not made to fuck girls," Clark said, uncomfortably, shifting around.

"No, you're not," Lex said, letting go of Clark so that he could turn around and they were sitting face to face. "And that's just fine; just because I do doesn't mean you have to, and just because you didn't know how to react to me in my... ah, changed state doesn't mean you loved me any less."

He nodded, shyly, and leaned forward to kiss Lex's lips, just a little. "You were PMSy, that was for sure."

Lex caught the kiss and turned it deep for a long moment before letting go. "Yes, I was. I think the term bitchy, is what you're looking for."

Clark blushed all the harder. "Class A," he said, but smiled and stroked his lover's cheek. "I loved you, though, a lot. I never meant to hurt your feelings."

"I know, Clark." Lex slipped his fingers back through his lover's. "And I never meant to hurt yours, though I know I did. I said things... I said things that I shouldn't, but I did anyway because I wasn't myself. It's not an excuse... but I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I understand," Clark said, smiling and nuzzling his cheek. The smile faltered the smallest bit, though, as he looked up into Lex's eyes again, turning a little more to look up at his lover, and he said softly, "I wish this weird stuff wouldn't happen to us anymore."

Lex just shook his head. "Let's face it, Clark. If weird things didn't happen to us, we'd be bored to tears within a month."

Clark couldn't help his lips twitching. "A whole month?"

"I'm being highly optimistic," Lex said with a wry twist of his lips.

"Love me, Lex? Even when I drive you batty with my heritage?"

Lex nodded. "You know that I will, Clark." He leaned forward and brought Clark's head down just a little, so that they were eye to eye. "You know that I will always love you, no matter what comes."

"I'm glad," Clark said, quietly, and reached up to kiss Lex's mouth. "Hey, Lex? Did you... I mean... did you notice something in your dad and Dominic's relationship? I mean... aren't they..." he fell silent for a moment. "Aushna?"

Lex nodded. "Yeah, they are. I think you're right. But had I noticed it? Not... not really. Not as a conscious thought, I don't think. But now that you mention it? Yeah."

Clark nodded, nuzzling his lovers neck, and then easily pulling Lex more comfortably to his chest. "Ive noticed it, but now I can see it. I didn't know that human people could have aushna."

"I'm human," Lex reminded softly. "Well... mostly, anyway. And I have an aushna'."

"Do you still consider yourself human?" Clark asked, curiously.

"I... actually don't know what I am anymore, other than your aushna'," Lex said honestly. "I know that I am Lionel Luthor's son, I know that I was born on this planet to Lionel and Lillian Luthor, I know that my life and my metabolism and my follicles were changed by the meteor shower that brought you here. But I don't know who I am, outside of those facts. I'm more than the sum of them, I know that, but other than that... no."

"You are Oakenepel, my aushna', of the planet Krypton," Clark said, softly, nuzzling his cheek. "My mate and my lover."

Lex nodded back, and tightened his hands around Clark's wrists. "Yes, I am," he said softly. "But I'm also more than that, Clark. I just... don't know what that is yet."

"You will. I have faith in you," Clark whispered, eyes shining up at him. "You've got your journey ahead of you, your path laid out. its just a matter of walking it, and choosing the right paths veering away from it."

Lex shook his head. "My path isn't laid out anywhere, Clark. I make my own way. I always have and I always will." He stroked his hand over his aushna's cheek gently. "But thank you for having faith in me."

He nodded crookedly and lay his cheek back down on his lovers chest. "I always will."

Lex let his fingers slide through Clark's hair. "You know, Dad mentioned earlier that they're trying to bring Shayla home. Has she said anything else to you about the jewelry idea?"

He shook his head. "Not a word."

Lex just shrugged. "I'll ask her when she gets home. The worst she can do is tell me to go fuck myself sideways." He kissed Clark's temple. "You know that I love you, Clark."

"I love you too," Clark said, smiling up at him sluggishly. "Dominic's got Victoria… can I coerce you into an afternoon of napping?"

Lex wrapped his arms around Clark's waist. "I think that I can be... persuaded."

Clark's eyes gleamed, even as he yawned softly. "Our cozy bed is calling to us."

"Then we should answer it," Lex said teasingly. "It's rude not to take your calls."

Clark grinned, broadly, and climbed to his feet, offering his arms down to Lex. As he did, he noticed the... impressive package Lex was sporting, and he whispered, "You're bulging, baby. If this is permanent, I've got to teach you the techniques."

"If this is permanent, I'm going to need new clothes," Lex grumbled, letting Clark pull him to his feet. Once he was standing, he leaned forward and rubbed the package in question against his lover.

And maybe Clark rubbed right back. "Is it sensitive?"

"Yeah, it is," Lex said, with a little bit of a purr to his voice. "I kind of like it."

"More area to… rub," Clark murmured, with a delighted little murmur into his lovers neck. "Lots more to fuck with."

"Which I'm not complaining about," Lex said, rocking back against Clark.

"Are you trying to come on to me, Lex? I like it when you reach the sweet spot inside of me," Clark said, softly, eyes dancing as he licked his lovers throat.

"If you have to ask, then I'm obviously not doing something right," Lex answered, sliding his hand under Clark's shirt. "I've never done it before, but it felt good on my end."

"Done what before? Come on to me?" Clark asked, because, well, his brain was somewhere else right now, as he gently, slowly nipped at Lex's neck, his shoulders, the warm crook of his throat.

"No, hit that spot inside you." His hands slid down Clark's back and over his ass, squeezing it and yanking him forward by double handfuls of firm, taut asscheek.

Clark couldn't help but grin, eyes dancing wickedly as Lex hauled him close and rubbed against him. "You hit something that made me… wet. It was kind of gross... did it make thrusting easier?"

"It made it much easier. And much faster. And deeper," Lex said, punctuating each adjective with a thrust forward.

Yes, well. Clark hitched a quiet groaning sound every time Lex thrust himself against him, and he rubbed back, his boxers doing nothing to show how...nice that felt. Very. Very. VERY. Nice. "I..." he was breathless for a moment, pressing into and nuzzling his lovers neck. "It hit inside, good inside. I think… you always will, if.." he shuddered. "If you stay like this."

Lex snorted. "If I don't, I'll have it enhanced. Because that? Was too good not to repeat again... and again... and again." Each word was a little rubbing thrust against Clark's lower body, and his hand slipped into the open flap of his boxers to stroke his lover's shaft. "Mmm."

Clark groaned, softly, and rubbed himself against Lex's hand, his own finally getting unlocked from shocked pleasure to run over Lex's spine, down to his ass, then around, to fondle his lovers heavy balls, which even now were slowly returning more to normal, and the enormous cock. He stroked, rubbed, licking his lower lip at the remembered, slightly sweet taste and groaned softly, hardening even more at the memory of the thick head in his mouth.

Lex just kept stroking, tightening his grip around Clark's cock as he eased it out of the opening so that his fist could slide along the entire length.

His breath caught in his throat as Clark's fingers wandered over his cock and balls in return, and Lex raised one leg to wrap around Clark's hip, pulling closer to his aushna' and giving his wandering fingers more room to touch.

Clark groaned, very softly, both in soft amusement and pleasure. "I don't want to see your face when come splashes your comic books. Lets go upstairs, kay?" he murmured into his lovers neck, throat, licking and nipping again.

"There is going to be no coming on my comic books," Lex agreed. "Upstairs sounds good, as long as I don't have to move," he added.

Yes, well.

He couldn't avoid the smile. He lifted Lex up to wrap his legs around Clarks hips, hitching him so they were crotch to ass, and gave a suggestive wriggle as he moved out the door, closing it with a foot, putting the key in his lovers pocket with an exaggerated grope as he made for the stairs.

Lex gasped at the grope and reached down, making sure Clark's hand stayed in his pocket and on his cock as they wandered towards the stairs.

His hands went through Clark's hair and gripped tightly as Lex leaned over and licked Clark's lips, teasing and priming him for a deep kiss.

Which Clark nimbly moved out of the way of, instead navigating the stairs, sure he heard Ms. Bird giggle somewhere downstairs but he didn't care. He got them down their hallway in one piece, slammed the door closed to their bedroom, and with a pitch forward, rolled them over their bed until he lay sprawled between his lovers spread thighs.

And he grinned, rakishly, before leaning down to devour his lovers mouth.

Lex pouted for the ten seconds that it took to get to the bedroom, and as soon as Clark landed between his legs, Lex opened his mouth and accepted the kiss that Clark gave him. His tongue thrust back against his lover's, sucking and slurping and devouring as he arched his back, rubbing his hips against Clark's, his legs sliding along Clark's thighs.

Clark pulled away much too fast, smiling down at him wolfishly. He gave twin peaked nipples a lick and nibble, and rose up enough to tap his lovers hip. "Roll over."

"Take your clothes off," Lex retorted, squirming out of his as quickly as he could, silk sliding over his arms and shoulders as he worked out of the robe, and started unbuttoning the waist of his slacks.

Clark grinned, broadly, and started to shuck out of his own clothes, quickly, pulling them off to land somewhere nowhere near him, naked in a half a second and helping Lex pull out of his clothes, too. "Hurry," he said, on a giggle, leaning down to bite his lovers ass through cotton.

"I'm going as fast as I can," Lex answered, arching into the bite and squirming out of his slacks entirely as he kicked them off. "Just don't do like Dominic and bite a hole in my ass, because I'd hate to have Toby come sew it up."

"I'd lick you clean," Clark purred, and as soon as Lex had pulled his slacks off, Clark… well. He hauled his lovers hips up so he was on his knees, chest and head still sprawled on the blankets, and buried his mouth between firm, taut cheeks.

He stroked his tongue over the rosebud where he wanted to be badly, his tongue swirling around it before he nipped, fairly sharply, his hand coming around to very lightly caress his lovers cock.

Each nip caused Lex's cock to shudder, shiver, and twitch between his legs as it thickened and hardened. His fingers dug into the pillows and sheets, whichever he could reach as he pushed back against Clark's tongue, whimpering for more as his hand joined Clark's on his cock, stroking roughly.

"Aht," Clark said, slapping Lex's hand away. "No. Bad puppy," he murmured against a firm butt cheek, before he continued in his pleasure. He bit and nipped all around the little hole until he pressed his tongue against it, feeling it give way, and pressed in, biting roughly at the rim just to hear Lex cry out.

Lex whimpered as Clark called him bad puppy, and his cock twitched as well, sending a jerk of precome out to slicken the tip. He brought his hands back, linking his fingers behind his neck and keeping himself face down on the pillow, spreading his thighs and opening himself completely for his lover's explorations.

The rough bite and the quick entry of Clark's tongue caused another jet of precome to shoot out his cock and Lex whimpered again.

Clark... LOVED… the sounds Lex made. They were erotic beyond his wildest dreams, and he murmured his pleasure in hearing them as he licked and nibbled, stroking his tongue in deep. When he tired of that, he gave the slightly stretched hole a parting kiss, before replacing the place with his fingers. He stroked one in, deep, the slightly dry channel making it all the more pleasurable, as he reached in, crooked his finger, and rubbed against his lovers prostate.

The whimpers of need turned into groans as Clark's fingers stroked inside him. He tightened his muscles on the one finger that was crooking inside, rubbing his passage and stimulating his prostate.

His hips were thrusting, rubbing his cock against Clark's hand and his sheets, trying for friction as he pled wordlessly for more.

Clark gave it to him. He wasn't entirely heartless, after all. He leaned over his lovers back, rubbing his damp cock, already hard and ready, against his lovers slightly stretched opening as he leaned over for the lube on the side table. He teased his sweet lover with his cock, rocking and rubbing against him, before opening the bottle. He leaned to sit on his haunches, and pat his lovers hip until he lay flat on the bed. "Shh. Rest. I'll take care of you."

Yeah. Right. Rest. Lex didn't know the meaning of the word at that point. He just kept his legs spread, ass lifted up in the air in offering, fingers still linked behind his neck. The little pats to his hip had him rubbing against the sheets as Clark pushed him down, and he whined softly. "Hurry, please," he begged.

"I am, baby," he soothed, gently, and after lubing his fingers, ran them back down to the stretched entrance, where he pressed in two together, gently rubbing Lex's back and shoulders to relax him and let him in. "Shhh. I know, I'm coming, soon baby," he murmured, licking and nipping Lex's shoulder blades, his neck, then the back of his head at the little knob, as he stretched his fingers apart to get the muscle to loosen.

"Now," Lex demanded, arching back against Clark's fingers and swallowing them whole as he pulled them in with his muscles.

"No," Clark murmured, stretching Lex in, stretching him deep, making sure he was open before pulling his fingers out. He stroked them over his cock, making sure he was wet as well, before cleaning them off on a corner of the sheet and leaning over Lex's heaving back, elbows at his lovers arm pits, his nose buried against the skin of Lex's neck. "Tell me you want it."

"I want it," Lex said, breathless as he rubbed his entire body along the length of his lover's. "I want you to fuck me, Clark, pound and use and thrust until you can't anymore, then do it all over again until I feel like I'm going to die with it."

"I'm not going to fuck you, baby," Clark whispered, gently kissing his lovers neck, his throat, before asking softly into his lovers ear, "Steady my cock? I don't want to squish you."

"You won't; I want you inside me, Clark, please, I need you inside," Lex whimpered, reaching back and sliding his hand over Clark's hip and ass.

He smiled into Lex's ear. "Grab my cock, Lex. Pull it into you...pull me inside, show me how much you want me."

Lex could do that. He raised his hips just enough, so that he was pressed against his lover's groin, and he could feel Clark's cock pressing against the curve of his ass. He reached back, an awkward angle but it didn't matter. He moved until he could wrap his hand around the base of Clark's cock, then shifted his hips until it pressed against his ass.

With a deep breath, Lex shoved backwards, body opening like water to swallow the length of Clark's cock as Lex's fingers knotted into the sheets with a deep moan that shook his entire body.

Clark's answering moan echoed into the flesh of his lovers shoulder, and he slowly pulled back the smallest bit before thrusting in in one long, deep stroke, all the way to the base, and moaned deeply, softly, shakily as he kissed his lovers skin. "Yes baby, like that, like that," and with those words, he began to thrust in gentle, rocking movements.

Lex moved to meet each motion, lifting and arching as he bent his head back to press it against Clark's shoulder. "Harder," he whimpered, squeezing Clark's cock with his ass as he tried to encourage Clark to move.

Clark wrapped his arms around his lover, rolling them over onto their sides, so Lex's top leg was thrown over Clark's hip, the other pulled forward, open for Clark's thrusts. "Harder," he murmured, and slowly upped the pace. In this position it was so much easier to reach the prostate, and he nudged it on every thrust as he nibbled and sucked on Lex's skin, sheened with sweat. He groaned himself, deeply, thrusting against his lover carefully but deeply, over and over and over.

Lex shifted his weight, throwing it so that Clark rolled onto his back and Lex ended up on top, his back facing Clark as he leaned forward. His hands braced on Clark's strong, wide calves as he started to ride his lover, bouncing up and down on Clark's cock as he took it deeply, as hard as he could with every bounce.

Clark gave a soft, low moan, leaning in to kiss his lovers mouth deeply. With ease, and grace, he rolled the two of them over until he lay splayed between soft, silky thighs, and gently stopped the rapid fuck they'd started to have. Instead, he slowed it down, licked over his lovers throat, his neck, as he began to move against him in gentle, slow movements. He trailed his mouth over all that skin, beloved, adored skin of his beloved, adored man. His heart surged and thudded against the shelf of his heart, trembling madly as he hugged his lover tightly.

The pain from before, the sadness, slipped out of him easier then the breeze, to be eclipsed by this... absolute, indescribable adoration. Even though they had lost, they would have in bounty, even though they could not have, they could endure and wait, and reach, and together, through the power of their love, they would have anything they wanted.

And for it, because of it, Clark lifted his head from the silky shoulder, and whispered, "I love you, Lex."

Lex whimpered softly as he wound his arms and legs around his lover, pulling Clark close and arching into the sweet kisses, the soft curtain of skin, wet tongues and love that cascaded over him with every motion.

His hands rose to tug through Clark's hair, rubbing his cheek against his lover, soaking in the feelings that flowed through their link as he stroked his fingers against Clark again.

"I love you, aushna'," Lex whispered back.

Clark beamed at the words, more beautiful then any other on the earth, and leaned down to nuzzle his cheek as he moved. It didn't really matter that he was thrusting, that the bed was rocking, that they were panting and trading kisses and moans. This was right where he belonged, and it just... Lex fit him, and he fit Lex, and he never would have thought that when they came together, it could be... this good. it all connected in a way he'd never felt before, and he licked and kissed Lex's skin, his ears... and his mouth, nipping sharply at gentle skin.

Lex was more than content to let Clark nibble and bite as he lifted into the caresses. His ass tightened on Clark's cock as he scraped his cheek against Clark's bristly one, and he could feel the cool sheets sliding under his skin as Clark pressed him down.

His legs slid around his love's waist, pulling him down, pressing their bodies together as Lex's mouth devoured Clark's, tongue thrusting and plunging through to taste everything, sliding in as deeply as he could get as their bodies met and merged, over and over again, their hearts meshing the same way with each kiss, nip, and nuzzle.

Clark smiled down at him, broadly, licking each corner of his lovers face where sweat had slid down his temples, and nibbles gently on his lips as he caressed Lex's bunched thighs around his waist. His fingers stroked his lovers skin, all the way down to the firm, taut ass he was buried in, and gently stroked and rubbed softly as he moved. His mouth came down again, to share more of the devastatingly delicious kisses, and he kissed his lover, deeply and softly. "I love you, I love you."

Lex sucked at Clark's full lips, his arms going around his lover's neck and holding on for dear life. His fingertips slid through the sweaty tips of Clark's hair as Clark thrust into him, and Lex gave little pants and grins between kisses as he moved to accept each one. "I love you," he whispered back, his ass moving to swallow in more of Clark's thrusting cock, his mouth moving to suck Clark's tongue, every physical part of him reaching for a part of Clark to be one with as they rocked together.

"I love you, Lex, I love you," Clark said in return, burying his face in his lovers neck as his body finally rested against Lex's. He used his height to his advantage, the hard muscles of his belly rubbing Lex's cock as his mouth buried itself against his lovers shoulder, nipping and licking, sucking and biting, as his thrusts grew harder, more intense.

Lex's body responded eagerly to the long-awaited escalation of Clark's thrusting. His hips rose and fell in time with Clark's, taking his lover to the root before releasing him only to take him again, and Lex licked over Clark's ear, sucking the lobe, murmuring soft little whispers into it between pants. "love when you fuck me... feels like the missing part of me is finally here, Clark. you, a part of me." He rubbed his cock against the defined abs and stomach of his lover, whimpering softly as the head caught and rubbed against his skin.

Clark moaned, low and deep in his throat, and picked the pace up a little more, feeling the hips surge under his, and the pleasure made him groan, low and deep in his throat. He moved into his lover slow, easy but deep, grunting in exertion. "Love when you let me make love to you," Clark whispered into his lovers ear as he shuddered, eyes squeezing in pleasure as his mouth fell open, sucking in dizzying breaths. "God, baby, I love you, I love you so much."

"I'd let you do anything you wanted with me," Lex confessed breathlessly, back arching and pressing his chest against Clark's as he rode his lover's cock as it stroked into him. "I'm yours, do anything, everything, I can't stop you," he said, dragging one hand from around Clark's neck to stroke his chest and cuddle himself close. "I'm yours, I love you, I'm yours."

At that, he whispered, "You can always stop me. I won't hurt you," he murmured, voice low in his throat as he panted softly. He was close, getting so close, and he jerked deep into his lover, over and over, his moans spilling free finally as his mouth attached itself to one ruby red nipple.

Lex gave a deep, throaty cry as Clark's mouth finally found his nipple, hard and aching as it was sucked into his lover's mouth.

His entire body jerked as Clark sucked the tender nub, his ass clenching tightly like a fist as he reached down, jacking off his cock with hard strokes.

His head rolled back, eyes screwed shut as he humped his hand, working his ass on his lover's cock in the process and chasing his orgasm as Clark's teeth started to worry the little nub.

Clark loved it. He couldn't tell why, but knowing his lover was crazed over his need for something pleasured him in a way he didn't really understand, and didn't care he didn't. Instead, his smile turned a little wicked, and he pulled his cock almost free on the next thrust, until just the head of his erection lay in his lovers body, before fucking forward so hard the headboard thumped the wall.

Lex's eyes shot open though they didn't see anything but Clark towering over him like a giant.

His mouth was open in soundless pleasure as it wracked through every one of his nerve endings like white-hot fire. The hard, vicious thrust pressed Lex's body into the mattress, slammed his head just barely against the headboard, and his hands tightened into fists as he fucked up hard against Clark.

He let his arms fall to lay flat on the bed, stretched out to either side of them as he turned his palms down on the bed. "Clark, please, hard, hard as you can, I need it, take me, please," he begged softly, whimpering as his body accepted every single hard pound.

Clark knew it, he could see it written all over his lovers face. He threw his back behind his thrusts, pushing forward and pulling back viciously, as hard as he possibly could, his own pleasure written like wild fire on his face. He groaned, deep and almost silently, his pleasure a true viable thing that nearly tried to eat him alive in the stunning... aliveness of it.

He smiled down at Lex and thrust into him with the full length of himself, feeling his orgasm begin to approach. "Hurry, Lex. Lex, come, baby. Come!"

Lex didn't need to be told twice. His hand was rubbing his cock faster, fingers pinching and tugging at the head as he moved against Clark, lifting and arching into every long stroke.

When his fingernail scraped over the head, Lex gave a little scream and came hard, jerking as his cock sprayed Clark with stick white come, shuddering against the sheets and clinging to Clark, his ass squeezing and keeping his lover's cock buried deep as he stroked out his cock.

Clark groaned as his lover exploded under him, feeling the tenseness of the muscles, hearing the cries of pleasure from that gorgeous mouth, and opened his eyes to watch Lex come. His face was totally unguarded in these moments of sheer pleasure and Clark watched, dumbfounded, as he jerked his cock forward and spilled.

Lex's mouth opened wordlessly, embracing his lover, squeezing tightly with his thighs as he felt Clark's come pouring inside him. The only noise he was capable of making was a little squeak as he panted for breath, dragging Clark closer to him and licking out wet kisses.

He kept himself screwed tightly around Clark's cock, holding it inside and stroking it with his muscles, milking every bit of come out as he looked up, eyes opening and smiling up as Clark looked down at him.

Clark thrust forward a little bit, letting Lex's body pull everything out of him, and he finally gave a low, searing moan as he climaxed. He shuddered all over, sprawling against his lover as the pleasure overwhelmed him, and he moaned, again and once more, low and soft in his throat.

He lay there over his lover, panting, still lodged deep but softening, and his eyes closed on their own.

Lex held onto the softening shaft, giving soft little keens of pleasure as Clark's weight settled over him like a comfortable blanket, warming him and reminding him of everything that Clark had brought to his life, how Clark had opened him up, taught him to be a man instead of a shell, and he kissed his lover deeply despite Clark's closed eyes and panting, imparting as much as he could how much Clark meant to him.

Clark kissed him back, all tongue and lips and sloppiness, and couldn't have cared less.

And yeah. Falling asleep.

Lex rubbed his cheek against Clark, keeping himself underneath and entwined around his lover, pressed close and touching every inch.

"I think that's the thing I love most about you," Lex whispered softly, after a long moment. "The fact that you can protect me and no one else can."

"I protect you f'ever," Clark muttered into his lovers shoulder, and with one last low, groaning shudder, rolled off of Lex and gathered him close for a snuggle. "Sticky," he groaned, entwining their legs and sated for the time being.

Lex whimpered as he felt Clark sliding out of him, but he cuddled close to his lover anyway, making sure they were still entwined. "You make me feel safe, Clark," he said. "I didn't... I didn't realize all the things you gave me until now, until we were downstairs just a few minutes ago and I thought about the person I was before you met me. And I think of who I am now, and I realize what a gift you are to me."

Clark beamed. Just… well, dammit, he beamed. "I love you too, Lex," he said softly. He pressed his lips to his lovers, once, twice, three times, smiling at him and nuzzling his cheek. "Know what?"

"What?" Lex asked softly, nibbling Clark's earlobe again.

"I feel like spaghetti," he said, playfully, nipping his lovers own earlobe, then down his throat to suckle at his neck, "and a beer. Feel like eating in bed with your poor, dorky lover?"

"A... beer?" Lex asked, his tone of voice implying "A... dead animal?"

Clark grinned. "A beer. Heineken, I like those. Dick gave them to me before." His smile was absolutely brilliant. "Want me to get them, or would you like to?"

"I wasn't even aware we had those in the house," Lex reflected. "But, if you'll tell me where they are, I'll bring them up as I start the spaghetti downstairs."

"Nah, we've got cold spaghetti in the fridge," Clark said, smiling down at his lover and wetly stroking his crotch against Lex's own spent, mixing their seed together. "And beer in the cellar. I'll heat spaghetti up, you get the beer, and we'll meet back here?"

"I'm vaguely frightened that you're more aware of the contents of my refrigerator than I am," Lex said dryly. "Check and see if Ms. Bird still has the frosted mugs in the freezer for the beers."

"Lex, I'm nineteen. I know the contents of every fridge in the vicinity," Clark teased, smiling as he kissed his lover on the lips, murmuring into them, "knew you drank beer," before scuttling off his lover. He pulled his boxers back up on his hips, for now, and wrapped himself in Lex's warm robe, covering the come covering his belly, and scooted out.

Lex gave a little stretch and winced as something in his back twinged, but then worked itself out and left a nice, warm sensation in it's wake.

Sliding to the edge of the bed, Lex slipped his feet into warm slippers as he stood up and looked down at his naked body. He paused, looked for his robe, realized Clark was wearing it, and scoffed as he picked up the nearest thing--one of Clark's flannel shirts, that still smelled like him, and he wrapped himself in the oversize garment as he walked down the stairs and towards the beer cellar.

Clark zipped down the steps, pausing to wonder for a second when the sun had set and it had gotten dark, before scooting into the kitchen. Thankfully, Ms. Bird wasn't around, so he pulled plates out of the fridge until he found the left over pasta. He made two big plates, toast too, and then as Lex had told him, found the beer glasses in the freezer. He snorted to himself, something about, "I could have cooled it myself", but loaded the little tray up with forks, napkins, the plates and mugs, and started back up the stairs.

Lex, meanwhile, had picked up two cases of beer that he hadn't even realized he had in the cellar, one in each hand, and listened to the door lock itself behind him. He gave a little grunt as he lifted both cartons of glass bottles and started back up the steps.

He heard the mutter in his head and gave a little laugh. "Of course you could have," Lex murmured to himself, knowing Clark would hear. "But where's the luxury in that?"

Clark grinned. He couldn't help it. I haven't quite learned how to be a rich guy's boy toy, yet, he teased, as he set the steaming plates of spaghetti in their bedroom and stripped again. He ran his fingertips through the mess on his belly, licking them afterward, before going into the bathroom to wash up before they settled into their meal.

Lex stopped in his tracks at that thought. "You're never just my boy toy, Clark," he murmured, lifting the bottles as he shouldered the bedroom door open. "Save part of the shower for me?"

"Not showering," Clark declared from the recesses of the bathroom, where he'd dampened a cloth and had ran it over his belly, down his cock, and dropped it in the hamper.

He'd also lubed himself up. ...He was nothing if not an opportunist.

Lex put the two cases of beer on the bed, and followed Clark into the bathroom. "Yeah?" he murmured softly, forgetting for a moment that he was in Clark's shirt, the cheeks of his ass and his cock barely hanging out from under the hem of the shirt as he leaned against Clark's back. "Oops," he said softly. "I think I just got you... dirty." He slid down to his knees and licked over Clark's lower back, sucked once at the bump and then started nibbling his lover's cheek, where the come from his stomach had rubbed off.

Clark grinned, broadly, glancing over his shoulder before lightly smacking Lex's hands on his hips. "Come on, clean up, so we can eat and have more sex," he said, ever so cheerfully, leaning down to give his lover a minty fresh kiss before bopping out into the bedroom again.

Lex sighed as he looked down at his poor cock, teased beyond endurance. "Hey, it's not my fault," he said softly, picking up a fresh washcloth to clean himself up with. "Clark's the one who's teasing you."

His cock didn't bother to answer him, which Lex reflected was actually a good thing, and he started rolling his sleeves up as he crawled back into bed and picked up one of the green beer bottles. "I'm going to have to have a little talk with Mr. Grayson about encouraging my underage lover to drink," he said with a scowl.

"If I'm old enough to fuck, I'm old enough to drink," Clark teased, already opening his own and pouring it into the mug. He was buried under the covers, back to the headboard, knees drawn up, and he took a drink of the foamy goodness with a deep, purring sigh before digging into his plate of food.

Lex looked the heaping plate of spaghetti that Clark had brought up and sighed, deeply. "Clark, I can't eat half that much," he pointed out, and abandoned the plate entirely for a bottle of beer. He didn't bother to pour it into the mug, just screwing the lid off the mug and tipped the bottle down to pour the contents down his throat.

Clark grinned. He couldn't quite help it. "If my boyfriend is old enough to be a poor excuse for a role model, then I'm old enough to drink," Clark amended, grinning impishly as he shoveled another two forkfuls down.

"Now that I'll drink to," Lex said, then snarled at the knock on the bedroom door. "What the fuck do you want?" he yelled at whomever was on the other side.

Ms. Bird just huffed. "If chu are not careful, I vill send de peepul up with der cameras to take their peetures of your bare ass!" she thundered.

Clark's eyes widened into twin spheres, the plate fell out of his hands and covered him in meatballs and spaghetti sauce, and he stared at the door.

"People?" he asked, weakly.

"Ja, Peepul!" she yelled through the door. "They are down here with their cameras and and vant to talk to you about setting up a time for the rest of the peetures."

"People?" Lex just... blinked. "Like... the magazine?"

Clark's eyes widened, and as quickly as he could, slid out of bed. He looked through it until he found a proper outfit for Lex, black slacks and a purple sweater, and declared, "You talk to them, I'll wait here."

"Dey demand chu bof," Ms. Bird huffed. "If chu are not down in five minutes, I vill send dem up." Her footsteps faded as she stomped away.

"You think we can get out the window in those five minutes?" Lex asked, eyes still wide and not moving to take the clothes Clark was offering him.

Clark actually nodded. "Sure can. Where do you want to go?" ...He paused. "You were joking, huh?"

"Actually, no, I wasn't joking," Lex answered.

"Oh." He paused, again. "Haven't you always told me not to run away from my stuff?" Clark asked, eyebrow cocked as he thrust the clothes at his lover, went back for some for himself, and grasped his lovers hand. "Shower. We smell like sex."

"Yes, I am. And I'm also the man who's been using back entrances to clubs and theaters all my life to avoid people like this," Lex pointed out.

Clark tipped his head. "Are you serious?" Not about the clubs, but the escaping, as a slow, almost wicked, smile crossed his face. "You know... we could... go neck in the barn.."

Yes, I am serious," Lex said, but he sighed. "But... sadly, you're right. We're going to have to face them, if for no other reason than to get rid of them."

"Got it. Then go shower, first--I can clean up the room a little until you get back, okay?"

"Or... we could shower together," Lex said, getting up and stretching, still wearing Clark's shirt. "Then we can go down there and see these people, get rid of them... then come back up here and... see where we end up."

Clark tipped his head, and gave Lex a smile, but only a soft one. "All right. No funny business," he said, and led the way into the bathroom. He put the shower on and stepped under the cold spray, waiting for it to warm up.

"No funny business? Clark, I'm hurt." He peeled Clark's shirt off and tossed it into the dirty clothes hamper, then slid in behind his lover and plastered himself to his lover's back.

Clark grinned over his shoulder, but because he enjoyed the sensual touch of his lovers hands on his body, he rested there as the water warmed in front of them. He got the shampoo down and squeezed a blob of it into his hands before beginning to scrub through his too-long hair, the locks wet and sliding down his neck.

Lex's hands caught some of the soapsuds as they slid down his lover's chest, and started to wash him, smearing the suds over Clark's shoulders, his hips and ass, even over his back as Lex peppered little biting kisses over his lover's shoulder blades as his cheek rubbed the soapy hair.

Clark glanced back, eyes dancing, and said, in a mock morose tone, "I even lubed myself up, thinking I'd get lucky. ...No such luck."

Lex's fingers slipped down at that, stroking inside his lover. "Mmm. Shame to let that go to waste, but don't see that either of us are quite that quick on the trigger."

Clark bit his lip as his lovers fingers wriggled into him, and threw dancing eyes back at him. "There was once a time when I was, and now, look at how you've jaded me."

"Experienced is the word you're looking for, Clark, not jaded," Lex said, crouching a little lower and pushing his fingers a little deeper as he wiggled them for his lover's pleasure.

Definitely for his pleasure. He arched his hips back, canting them so Lex could slide his fingers in, and let his eyes close. He caught his lower lip as he gently stroked his nipples, and exhaled a low, soft moan of pleasure.

Should have time for this, Lex thought quietly to himself as he angled his body just a little more so that his fingers could stroke fully in and out of Clark's body. His mouth went to the back of his lover's shoulder and sucked wet kisses as his other hand came around and stroked Clark's belly.

Clark groaned softly, his quiet cock twitching and taking notice. "No...Lex," he said, almost a little desperately, his Adams apple bobbing. "I want...not...without you, okay?" he asked, softly, and though he ground his ass back onto Lex's long fingers one last time, he pilled away from them, his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head over the scrape of them against the rim of his ass.

Lex slid back up Clark's body, pressing his chest against his lover's back. "I want to," Lex murmured softly. "I want to see you come for me, Clark, go down there and face those people with that sparkle in your eye that you only get when I've just made you come."

Clark's chest heaved. "W...we don't… no time.."

"We do for you," Lex said, still whispering softly as his hand stole around his lover's hip, reaching for Clark's cock.

Clark groaned, very softly, his head falling forward to rest against the tiles. "Lex... Lex," he groaned, so softly. "Please, I want to wait, I.." god, that felt good.

Lex gave his lover's cock another hard stroke, then let go and slid his hands back to his lover's hips. "Okay. We'll wait," he whispered, and slid out of the shower.

He made a low, whimpering noise in his throat, but covered it with a light clearing of it, swallowing and washing the soap off his body before following Lex, both snickering and sighing forlornly. "tease."

"I do try," Lex said, stroking his own cock once before turning his back and displaying his ass to his lover as he bent over, digging through the closet and pulling out a suit.

Clark reached forward and lay a slap along that ass, hard enough to sting, and ground his hard cock against his lovers very gullible ass. "Don't tempt me," he growled, low in his throat.

"Bow to temptation," Lex said, angling his ass down and squeezing around his lover's cock with his cheeks.

"Do you want to be a naughty boy, Lex?" Clark whispered, his voice a tease, as he leaned over, bracing himself with a hand to the wall, and murmured into the delicious shell of an ear, "Do you want to have something in your ass while you're trying to be a poised gentlemen?"

Lex wanted to turn around and rub against his lover, but instead, just kept his ass pressed against Clark's cock. "Think they'd look at us funny if I spent the interview sitting on your lap, you fucking me while all these people watch?"

Clark couldn't stop the absolutely rude snort, and gave his lovers ass another gentle slap. "Get dressed, tease," he said with a smile, and grabbed his own jeans.

Lex almost stopped him, but shrugged. He looked at what he'd picked out for himself, put the suit back into the closet, and picked out a pair of black leather jeans and a deep purple turtleneck. He dressed quickly, then pulled on a pair of boots that tucked under the jeans and fastened his mother's watch around his wrist.



go on to the next part