
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 338: Starburst

"--Lionel, and you can't seriously believe that!" Dominic said. His cheeks had high points of color, his eyes were animated and alive, and his hands were gesturing rapidly. "Where is your gay man's camaraderie? Hmm? He should be commended for still singing after all these years, and still be hot enough to have Justin bloody Timberlake do his video!"

Dominic was, of course, defending Elton John while his lover glared at him. "Just because you're a metal head doesn't mean we all are!"

"Dominic, I have a fine appreciation for many kinds of music, and I have given a chance to many of the questionable genres masquerading as music today, as you well know having subjected me to many of them in your car on the way to Elaine's office. Gayness aside, however, Elton John is simply an artist I do not care for. His flamboyancy and his overstated attitude does absolutely nothing for me, and his lyrics are insipid at best and music slightly better than that which you would hear in an elevator!"

Dominic's eyes were laughing while he yelled right back, his amusement seeping into his words. "Oh, and that hard rock buggery you think I don't hear you listening to while masking it for opera music is music? Lionel, you could crack your head open listening to that crap! You're going to go deaf from it one day, you just wait."

Lionel cupped his hand round his ear. "I'm sorry, Dominic, could you repeat that? I don't believe I could quite hear what you said."

Dominic grinned. He couldn't help it. "You're going deaf, I knew it! I could crawl into your lap and bellow it, love, and I still don't think you'd hear what I said."

"Why don't you try and see," Lionel invited. "We who are losing our hearing need all the assistance we can get."

"Because if I climb into your lap, the last thing you're going to be thinking about are my views on that crap you and my sister both think should be labeled music," Dominic flirted back, flushing shyly a little as he looked back down at his partially eaten dinner.

"And you are saying that like it would be a bad thing."

"You're saying that to make me blush, aren't you?" Dominic demanded, smiling up at his lover before setting his fork down. "Come alone. Lex and Clark aren't coming up from the lab. Shayla's upstairs... should I get her?" He stopped. "That is, if you still want to go to the tub."

"Of course I'm saying it to make you blush. I'm also saying it in the hopes that you will, in fact, *do* something about it," Lionel said. "And yes, we can still go to the tub, or we can bypass the hot tub altogether and proceed directly into the bedroom, which is where, I admit, I was hoping to end up."

Dominic's lips twitched as he looked down at his wine. "Forward, aren't you ducks?"

"I could perhaps be a shrinking violet, put my wrist to forehead in dramatic fashion, rend my bodice, and implore you to take me, but that's rather more flowery than I care for," Lionel said, sipping from his wineglass calmly. "I am merely being... direct."

Dominic grinned into his wine, taking a long drink even as he thought that through. "You're not just doing it... because of what happened a few weeks ago, yes?"

"A few weeks ago? No, no. Dominic, I am lucky if I can recall last *night* with crystal clarity with all the work we have been doing. The events of a few weeks ago are but a foggy, distant memory," he reassured.

He shifted a little uncomfortably, at that. "I never make you feel uncomfortable."

He nodded, setting the wine glass down. His entire body suddenly thrilled at the thought, and he swallowed a little bit, glancing at Aurora. "All right. Well, I'll get my sister, you get Aurora's things?"

"Of course. I'll bring her and her bag up to your sister's bedroom, and we will meet you there, won't we, princess?" Lionel said, directing his last comment to Aurora as he bent over to pick her up. "Then your father and I are going to have some adult time. Yes, I know. That sounds incredibly boring without you, but believe me, when you're older, you're understand just how exciting it can be."

"She will *never* find out how exciting it will be," Dominic suddenly said, glaring as he rose to his feet, grasping his cane. "You say that as if she isn't going to be in a nunnery by the time she's eighteen."

"If anyone touches my daughter I'll snap their bloody fingers off."

Lionel blinked. "With a brother like Lex, you can't honestly believe she won't know everything there is to know by the time she is five?"

"No." Dominic sniffed.

Lionel almost wanted to pat Dominic on the head. "You have a very enlightened view of my son, don't you, Dominic?"

Dominic glared, lips curving treacherously as he got up and pushed his chair back in. "I'm finding my sister. I'll see you in a moment."

He went through the kitchen, raising a hand in greeting to Ms. Bird without saying anything as he went up the back stairs, slowly but firmly. he was panting a bit by the time he got up to the top but he was all right as he walked down the hall to his sisters door. Enormously loud, thumping music was coming from the room, and Dominic winced as he lightly knocked on the door that had been painted a bright, blinding pink.

"SPEAK FRIEND AND ENTER!" Shay bellowed at the top of her lungs, and then turned off the music with a flick of her remote as she spoke into the phone. "Look, Adam, just... I'm going to be coming to see you like, tonight or tomorrow, okay, so don't go running your fat mouth to my brother, Lex, or big Daddy, okay? Lex is funding the project, he just doesn't know what it *is* yet and I'd like to keep it that way, okay?"

"It's me, Shayla," Dominic said, pretending he hadn't heard any of that as he pushed the door open and stuck his head in.

"Come on in, bro!" She glared at the phone. "Not one fuckin' word, okay? Yeah. Right, I got it, dumbass. Ask for Adam at the desk and they'll buzz me up. Christ. Okay." She hung up on him, and beamed at her brother. "What's up, doc?"

Dominic's face stayed passive and calm. "I was hoping you could do me a bit of a favor, love."

"Sure thing!" She closed the lid of her pink Apple laptop, and then bounced off the mattress. "What is it?" she added as an afterthought.

"If you're busy, or are otherwise distracted, it's all right, but.." He shifted on his feet. "Would you mind watching Aurora for a few hours?"

"Aurora!!" she shrieked. "Bro, I got nothing planned that I can't stop and take care of my kid niece so you can go fuck Lionel," she said with a grin.

Dominic, for his part, didn't blush. He just cleared his throat, twice, and shifted again. And all right, maybe blushed a little. "Ahh...yes. The thing is, you must... MUST take good care of her, Shayla. No flipping her upside down, or over feeding her, or leaving her alone on the bed, or some such nonsense."

She snapped her fingers. "Guess that means no dropping her out the window to see if she bounces. Morgan, look. I've been taking care of Shaney and Ellie since I was like, twelve. I think I've figured out proper babysitting techniques."

"Yes, but this isn't any child. This is *my* child. And if you break her, I'll break you."

"Break her? *BREAK* her? Like she's a toy?" She sighed, and yanked her brother down on the bed. "Morg, check it out. Yes, I'm on Prozac, and they probably should have stuck me on it years ago if you want to know the truth. But just because I cracked like an eggshell doesn't mean I can't take care of Aurora for you. I know what she means to you, okay? I was there for all of it, from conception on down. I'm not gonna let anything happen to her."

"That's not what I mean. Oh, I don't know what I mean." He rubbed his fingers over his face. "She's three weeks old, Shayla. Lionel and I need an hour, two at tops, that's it. I just… I don't trust anyone with her, I don't mean to make you feel I don't trust you, darling." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple. "Thank you, for it."

"Only two hours? But... yeah, you're old dudes, so that should cover it." She grinned up at him and hugged him back. "You're welcome, Morg. I know what you mean. Chloe's the same way about John. But... really. I won't let anything happen to her."

Lionel knocked on the door to Shayla's bedroom, and didn't flinch any longer at the pink. "I'm sorry it took us quite so long, but we had to make a stop in the kitchen for an extra bottle and the changing table for a refill on diapers." He hitched the bag carrying the black leather diaper bag further onto his shoulder as he carefully cradled Aurora.

Shay held her hands out. "Gimmie the baby and put the bag on the bed," she ordered.

"Hold her behind the neck. And be careful not to jostle her. And she likes her pink blanket, and her diaper changed once every two hours unless she's pooped. And be careful not to keep the bib too tight. And the burp rag under her chin. And she likes the binkie with Bo Peep on it, the Muffin lady one is just an extra," Dominic said, taking the bag from Lionel. "And if she gets sleepy, make sure she's on her back if you put her to sleep."

Lionel ignored everything that Dominic was saying. "We know that she's in the best hands, Shayla, thank you." He laid Aurora carefully in Shayla's arms, making sure that her elbow supported Aurora's head and the blanket was tucked warmly around his daughter's shoulders. "There you are, little princess. Now, I expect you to be on your best behavior for your aunt Shayla, despite all the pink," he said with a smile.

Aurora blew a spit bubble.

"I'll accept that as an affirmative." He turned around and grasped his lover's arm. "We'll see you in a little while, Shayla."

"Just a little while. If we aren't back to get her in two hours, call me on my cell. I'll put it on the loudest setting, to wake me up if anything. And if she gets ill, or she's crying, or doing anything out of the ordinary, then call. Anything, Shayla, I mean it," Dominic said, allowing Lionel to pull him to his feet.

"Yes, mother," Lionel answered, tugging him out of the room.

"I won't even dye her hair pink, Morg, I promise," Shay teased.

"Don't call me mother!" Dominic glared, even as Lionel tugged. "Be careful, Shayla!" And then the door was closed and Dominic felt anxiety course through him. "Lionel, we shouldn't have. We... she... will she be okay?"

"I won't call you mother if you will stop acting like a mother hen," Lionel said. "Speaking from experience and the quasi-successful childrearing standpoint that I have questionably attained over my lifetime, yes, she will be all right. Your sister will take care of her, and she will be dry and sleepy when it is time to pick her up," he continued, steering his lover down the hallway.

"But what if she isn't? What if my sister puts that god awful music on? Or... or paints her nails or something? What then?" Dominic demanded, even as Lionel tugged him down the hall and down the long one towards their own.

"Then Aurora will sleep through the music, and I have faith in your sister not to attempt to lacquer the nails of a three week old infant," Lionel replied.

Dominic's slightly tensed body relaxed at that, at Lionel's easy confidence, and he sighed, nodding as he hooked his cane over his arm and let Lionel hold his hand, keep him from pitching over to one side. "I can't believe we' know, no newly wed couples should ever be this sexless for so long."

"Notice you hear not a word of disagreement from me," Lionel pointed out.

Dominic grinned, as the anxiety of leaving his daughter faded a little. He and Lionel needed a little time, just a little, to themselves. He ever so carefully grasped one long, warm shoulder and turned his lovers back to the wall, easing his weight against him as he looked up under his long blond lashes. "No. No disagreement from you," he murmured, and licked over his lovers mouth. When that wasn't met with any negativity, he let his mouth trail a lovely, warm jaw to a tender little ear, which he nibbled on.

Lionel didn't attempt to stop his lover at all; on the contrary, he leaned back against the wall, hooking one arm around Dominic's waist to haul him in closer as he kissed Dominic's temple, and then down to *his* ear. He bit sharply on the soft earlobe there, sucking the sting away in the next instant as his other hand slid over Dominic's chest and up his shoulder.

Dominic chuckled against his lovers skin and dragged his teeth lightly down a slightly stubbled neck to a warm shoulder, setting his face there and inhaling, deeply, softly. "I love you, Lionel."

Lionel took a deep breath of his lover's cologne, rubbing his cheek against Dominic's. "And you know that I love you, my little cricket."

"Sweet husband," Dominic murmured, kissing the warm neck gently. "Come. I'm not quite ready to do this against a wall." He lifted up, his eyes sweet and his mouth curved, taking Lionel's hand.

"I am," he admitted frankly, returning the smile with one of his own.

Dominic's eyes all but danced, and he glanced at his lover quietly, not shyly but...a little vulnerable, actually. He squeezed Lionel's hand, bringing it to his lips, and pressed a kiss to the back of it. "Lead the way, love."

"Don't tell me you've forgotten already," Lionel teased, keeping hold of his lover's hand as he drew him further down the hall. "We were just here a few hours ago," he murmured, tugging Dominic behind him in his hurry.

"A few hours ago? Flirting?" Dumbledore grinned and squeezed Lionel's hand, following him through the downstairs and then up, up the steps and he was keeping up fairly well. it gave him a deep boost of pride, in that.

"Me? Flirting? Dominic, do I look to you like the kind of man who indulges in flirtations when there are far, far more satisfying things to be had?" Lionel was proud of his lover for keeping up as well, and made sure that he never went too fast or dragged him too hard.

"Of course you do. It's your gift, really. Flirting. And looking sexy. Those are your two strengths, my darling."

"And here I thought it was my intellectualism and keen business acumen that you prized in me."

"Well, Mr. Senatori prizes that. Dominic prizes what's between your legs, and what's in your head."

Lionel turned around at that and stuck out his tongue for a brief moment, wiggling it lewdly. "This?"

Something dropped and kicked in Dominic's stomach, and the flirt did rather... interesting things to his anatomy. He didn't get hard too much these days, not purposely anyway, and this was the first erection of lust he'd gotten in quite a while. He exhaled slowly through his nose as they walked down their hall, eyes falling to half mast. "That. On my cock."

"Here? Now?" Lionel made a show of looking up and down the hallway, exaggerating slightly. "Well... your wish is nothing less than my absolute command."

"Nooo," Dominic's eyes widened, but he licked his lower lip, clearing his throat. " Yes." He pushed the door open with his hip and stepped inside, eyes big and dilated, his trousers tented most embarrassingly.

He didn't bloody care.

He dropped the cane, toed out of his shoes, wrapped his arms around Lionel's neck, and dove.

Lionel followed Dominic into the bedroom, and when Dominic shifted his weight, they fell back onto the bed. Lionel landed on the bottom, on his back to cushion the jarring impact on his lover's body as he spread his legs open so that Dominic's hips fit right between them as he slid his hands down and squeezed firm handfuls of Dominic's ass tightly in the process of pulling him up just enough so that they were touching body to body.

Dominic attacked his lovers mouth, feeling powerful, masculine, for the first time in months. His whole body felt strong like it hadn't since he'd fallen and he kissed his lovers mouth with renewed verve, sliding down his neck to bite at the delicious throat, the neck, the collar bone, as he grasped both sides of Lionel's button down shirt and yanked.

Buttons went flying as cloth was laid side to side, and Dominic didn't hesitate as he wrapped his mouth around a hard nipple and sucked.

Lionel arched into the welcome sucks from his lover's mouth. A fierce want was growing inside of him, after months of barely being denied, of getting a bare taste of what he wanted and then having it denied again was feeding on itself as he slid out of the remains of his shirt.

He tossed his hair back out of the way so that it was no longer caught under his shoulder as he reached down, sliding his hands down Dominic's back to untuck the shirt he was wearing and started to drag it up his chest. His legs tightened around Dominic's thighs, pressing them together and holding him still so that Lionel could raise his hips and rub against Dominic's groin to get some sort of relief.

Yes, well, Dominic began to rock, and blew his lover's barely orchestrated clothes-removing to hell.

He ground down on the hard length between his thighs, sucking hard on the nipple until it was a peak, before moving to the other to loop his tongue through the ring and suckle. He bit, tugging at it and growling low in his throat in pleasure, his heart thumping, soul crying in joy as he did so.

But that wasn't enough. It wasn't ever enough. He moved down a long torso, a lovely stomach, yanked his lovers pants open and groaned aloud as the hard cock finally sprang free.

A treat denied to him for too long.

He leaned forward and dragged the broad width of his tongue up Lionel's cock, groaning all the while as he nuzzled his nose along the hot tip, then down to the thick hair, sniffling and licking and enjoying himself immensely.

Lionel barely got his lover's shirt ripped off before Dominic slid down his body. He didn't even have a chance to crumple the garment up, just drop it half on the foot of the bed and half on the floor as Dominic yanked open his fly, and then roared loudly as Dominic's tongue wrapped around his cock.

Couldn't help it; the hot trembles shot through his body, zinging down to his toes and his fingertips as he thrust up, mindlessly arching and pleading for whatever Dominic was going to give him. His fingers knotted in the bedspread as he pulled himself up further onto the bed, so Dominic's knees wouldn't be on the floor, and that was as far as coherency and consideration took him as he growled hoarsely and demanded more.

Dominic reached up and stretched out on the bed, adjusting himself the smallest bit without losing his treat. He sucked at the tip, tracing the slit and groaning as the familiar hot length filled his mouth and GOD it was like coming home. He moaned, stroking his lovers balls as he suckled, slicking his lovers length before slowly beginning to bob his head and suck, eyes long since rolled closed. His fingers teased the warm balls, stroking them as his mouth made mush of the most private part of his lovers gorgeous body.

Lionel growled again, holding back the most enthusiastic of his thrusts as his hips rocked back onto the bed to keep from choking his lover with his desperation. Dominic's tongue sliding over his cock made his eyes close, and he gritted his teeth as he pushed up into each stroke.

Dominic looked up, eyes aflutter, his own erection digging into the blankets as he looked up at Lionel's face right before his eyes closed. The man looked so gorgeous, so stretched out, and Dominic whimpered low in his throat, his pleasure rocking down to the depths of himself. He suckled and licked, tongue tracing the veins, then down down down and he let go with a hot, wet pop.

Instead he sat back on his knees and pulled at his lovers slacks and shoes, socks and underwear, until he was naked before him. "There... hands and knees, love," he whispered, and climbed from the bed. He undressed himself, quickly, and then leaned down to drop a kiss on the back of his lovers hip before hobbling to the closet and disappearing inside it.

Lionel didn't argue. He helped take off his clothes as quickly as he could, lifting, rolling, kicking and stretching when necessary, and then sighed, deeply and luxuriantly, when he was naked. He reached out to help unclothe Dominic, but when he was ordered onto his hands and knees, Lionel knew better than to argue.

He assumed the position quickly, spreading his knees and thighs wantonly, hungrily. He could hear his lover thumping in the closet, but couldn't make out what he was doing, and reached underneath himself to quickly stroke his cock once, quieting the whining urge in his head, and then gave his balls a rough tug to remind himself that he was not to come yet.

Dominic emerged a moment later, triumphant, leaning on his cane. He didn't look down at himself--if he did, the mood would be over. All he knew was that his cock was *aching* hard, his balls tight, his head spinning, and the taste of his husbands cock in his mouth glorious. He ditched the cane and leapt back on the bed, giving the scar of the bite he'd given Lionel a nibble before he uncapped what he had in his hands.

Liquid Star Burst candy.

He squeezed out a dollop, humming and giving it an experimental lick--the scent of strawberry and grape exploded on his tongue, and he sighed in pleasure as he squirmed between Lionel's thighs, squeezing out more on his fingers.

The bite on his ass had Lionel twitching uncontrollably. He didn't *mean* to do it, but the teeth on his body felt deliriously exquisite after so long with nothing, and he shivered.

The sound of a tube uncapping and the squirt of air coming out of a tube had Lionel giving a little moan as he spread himself wider, inviting the slick fingers he expected to be spreading him open.

"Anxious?" Dominic murmured, licking his candy coated fingers once more before he settled on his haunches and smeared the cold wet liquid candy over his lovers ass, around the star burst, and just within, stroking a candy coated finger within an inch or so to spread it.

"God yes," was Lionel's choked-out reply, and he heaved a deep, rattling moan as the cold gel was spread over his opening and inside it, shuddering with each stroke of Dominic's fingers.

Dominic didn't thrust deep. Rather the opposite--he pulled his fingers free, and buried his mouth between his lovers thighs.

He licked and sucked at the candy along his lovers skin, lapping over the perineum, over the balls slick with his own come, and then up over the star burst, which he pushed his tongue through and sighed happily at the delicious taste. He groaned and lapped, slurping, pushing his tongue deeper as he spread his lovers cheeks with his hands, keeping him open and wide for his assault.

Lionel gave a very, very undignified whimper when Dominic's fingers left his body, but then he nearly choked on the noise when Dominic's tongue slid inside his opening.

His legs were taut with the strain of keeping them apart, his cock was aching between his legs, and Lionel dropped his forehead to the bed, raising his ass just a little and pushing back against Dominic's teasing tongue. "If you don't... don't do something," Lionel gritted out. "I may have to kill you."

At that, Dominic thrust his tongue in, deep, to the quick, and stroked his lover's hard cock as he played. He licked and suckled, the candy and Lionel's taste on his tongue and his eyes rolled to a close as he tasted. It was glorious, delicious, fantastic and wonderful and perfect, and he groaned happily as he kept flickering his tongue along the inner recesses of his lovers body.

He let go, only once. "What," he asked, as his thumb stroked into his lovers ass, as if to keep his place for his tongue, "would you like me to do?"

"You... you honestly expect... a coherent answer?" Lionel said, barely pulling together enough brain cells to answer his lover. He arched back against the thumb that was barely holding him open, trying to pull it further into his body.

Dominic's lips curved gently and he gave his lovers wet, red-tinged arse one last gentle kiss before murmuring, "Get me the lube, love, will you?"

Lube. Yes, lube. Lionel's brain was three quarters of the way shut down, but the part that was still working propelled him across the bed, to the top drawer of his bedside table, in the rear left corner. The bottle was nearly half empty, a result of all the self-gratification Lionel had been putting himself through lately, and he dragged his cock over the blanket, hissing as he tossed the bottle to his lover.

Dominic sat back as Lionel got the lube, luxuriously leaning against the foot board, stroking his hard cock with the other hand lightly stroking his nipples. He arched his brow as the lube fell in front of him, and let go of his nipple long enough to gently hand it back. He didn't comment on it's less than full state. "Why don't you lay back against the pillows, love? Show me your beautiful cock, and stretch yourself. Show me how much you want me."

If he had been a lesser man he'd have screamed with the frustration.

Either that or thrown Dominic on his smug little ass and fucked him within an inch of his life.

Lionel's cock really, really liked the second option.

But he ignored it, picking up the lube bottle as he settled against the headboard, shifting the pillows around until they cushioned his back to his liking, and then opened the bottle. He didn't even have to think as he squirted some of the cold jelly out, or warmed it in his hands, or even as one hand wrapped around his cock, stroking it, squeezing the head, rubbing a thumb over the tip as the other reached down, under and around his leg until his fingers could reach his opening.

His back arched as they slid in, allowing Lionel to push his fingers deeper, spread the warmed lube further inside his body as he shuddered, squeezing his cock again but this time to hold back the orgasm that wanted to come.

Dominic groaned, deeply, and his cock if possible hardened even more. His heart was slamming in his ears, his erection was stone hard, and he gently stroked it just like he liked it as he watched Lionel lube himself up. "Slow, Lionel… push as deep as you can... how does it feel, love?"

"Lonely," Lionel croaked out, shuddering as his fingers thrust deeper into himself. "Not nearly... a substitute for the real thing," he continued, arching just a little further. "Hungry and adrift, needing what I've been missing for too long, the part of myself that you've become."

The words inflamed Dominic and he crawled forward, like a little cheetah, cock bobbing hot and wet beneath him as he crawled towards his lover. "How hungry, Lionel? Tell me."

"I can't... describe it," he panted softly, still stroking with his fingers. "There's an emptiness inside me, Dominic, a ragged hole with no patch, that i can't cover up and can't fill without you."

"Do you want me deep?" Dominic whispered, his voice hoarse from pleasure, from the rush of his own ego and masculinity, as he got in close, closeclose, leaning over Lionel to breathe out across his soft, wet lips, "Do you want me to fuck you hard, love?"

"God, yes, yes, please, Dominic," he murmured softly, raising his head to kiss the lips that were breathing words across his own.

Dominic didn't need anything more. He shifted, pulling a pillow from beside them to cant his lovers hips up a bit, and then after gently pulling Lionel's hand free, he pushed inside.

Wet. Hot. Tight.

His mouth descended and he kissed his lover furiously, thinking of something, ANYTHINH else other than this amazing pleasure because if he came before he was fully seated in his lovers body he'd never forgive himself. His chest heaved as he panted, hard--it had been almost six months since he'd been inside of his lover, and he moaned, low and deep in his throat, as he pulled out the smallest bit and pushed further in, deeper, his hands holding Lionel's tight on the pillows.

Lionel's fingers locked tightly with his lover's, his back arching, offering himself to his lover, pushing back against the cock sliding inside him as he whimpered softly and didn't really care that he did.

The pull out was met with resistance, Lionel clamping tightly around his lover's cock, and he only relaxed when Dominic started to thrust forward again. He shivered all over with that, dragging Dominic's arm over, kissing his way up until his mouth caught his lover's, kissing wetly as his tongue thrust deep, licking each and every inch that he could get to.

Dominic slowed, careful not to hurt Lionel when his lovers body clenched around him, and his hands tightened around Lionel's as he waited for his lover to relax. As soon as he did he pushed forword again, always slow, always careful, his chest heaving and heart beating like a mad thing. He groaned into Lionel's mouth as he slowly, carefully seated himself within his lovers body, squirming his hips until they were settled, breathing hard. "Oh… God."

"My thoughts exactly," Lionel panted softly, shuddering helplessly as Dominic's cock filled him for the first time in longer than he wanted to contemplate. "I missed you... so much," he breathed, moving his hips just a little to encourage his lover to move as well. "I missed you more than I think I can tell you."

He whimpered when Lionel's hips gave a stroke, and it was like riding a bicycle. The first pull out and thrust in was a bit awkward, but Dominic found his thrust soon enough as he slowly, carefully, gently began to move within his lover. It was glorious, sensational, amazing, the feeling making him groan again as he buried his face in a soft, warm chest and sucked and licked at the little nipples. "So good, so good," he gasped, moving a little harder, firmer.

Lionel gave a throaty groan as Dominic *finally* started to move inside him, and for a long moment it was a desperate battle of his willpower to stop the orgasm that welled up inside him, but he finally managed to push it down, reaching down and yanking his balls, feeling the need subside but not very far. "Too good," he murmured. "I can't... hold on long, please, Dominic, *please.*"

Dominic gave a low sob and finally, finally, let go.

His thrusts grew hard and long, rocking the both of them as fire exploded in his gut. He was eaten alive with it, swamped by it, until his throat all but closed and he could barely breathe. Hot, short, thick movements against his lover's body, and Dominic gave a sharp cry, then another, wailing into his lovers shoulder as he fucked him raw.

And that was what Lionel had been wanting.

The fast, hard strokes that rocked his entire frame, the hard grip of Dominic's fingers clamped around his own, the feel of his lover's weight pressing him down as he lifted into every thrust of Dominic's cock.

He shuddered, hard, his head tossed back, hair getting tangled and matted with sweat but he didn't notice as he rocked faster, kissing their intertwined fingers as he panted into his lover's ear.

"Hurry, Lionel," Dominic whispered hoarsely in his lovers ear as he moved, surging over Lionel's body, thrusting into him hard, fast, painfully wonderful so their bodies slapped together, surging with sweat and heat and noise and delicious *ache*. His groin burned, his heart slammed against his chest and his mouth tangled along his lovers neck, biting hard enough to break skin but not bring up blood, before sucking hard the small wound.

Hurry wasn't quite the word, because Lionel had completely lost control of himself. He was rising further with each of Dominic's strokes, slamming into him, shuddering and twisting his hips as Dominic's cock rammed against his prostate.

And that *was* the last of Lionel's self control, his hands letting go of Dominic's before he squeezed too hard and hurt them as he came. His entire body stiffened, back arched almost uncomfortably as he shuddered, almost bouncing on the bed with the force of his trembles.

One hand reached down to squeeze his cock stroking it savagely as he came, prolonging his orgasm until there was absolutely nothing left and his body relaxed all at once.

Dominic's hand met him at his lovers cock and he gave a low, keening sound of hot pleasure as his lover constricted around him and sucked the orgasm right from Dominic's body. His eyes rolled back as he pushed in, thrusting deep and holding it there as his lover came between them, spreading wet heat and warmth everywhere.

And that was it for Dominic's strength.

He collapsed down onto the body below his, breathing hard and moaning almost continuously as he gently rocked, letting his lover feel all of his pleasure, as well as himself. He just moaned, softly, whimpering quietly.

Lionel rolled onto his side, spilling Dominic gently on the bed beside him as his arms wrapped loosely around his waist, pulling him up so that they were face to face, Lionel's tangle of sweaty hair melding with the frizz on his lover's forehead, panting softly as he rubbed their foreheads together, occasionally squeezing his lover's cock with his ass.

Dominic shuddered, moaning low in his throat as he wrapped his arms tightly around Lionel's chest and waist, and slowly pulled himself free. As soon as the quiet pop signaled his release he crawled up his lovers body, still panting, heavy eyed and trembling, and held Lionel as close as he could, kissing him deeply and slowly. His tongue traced over those lovely lips, the scratchy beard, and finally that warm, luscious, cavernous heat of his mouth.

Lionel's mouth opened under Dominic's and he returned the kiss deeply, his hands rubbing his lover's back gently, sliding up to cradle the back of his head as they lay there together, tightening his grip on Dominic's waist.

After five long, torturous minutes of his lovers mouth, he let go with a wet, warm sigh, and nuzzled his lovers ear, his throat which was swollen and bruised, and whispered, "Why, hello, ego. It's nice to finally meet you again."

Lionel chuckled softly at that. "Feeling more like your old self, I take it?" He rubbed his cheek against Dominic's, rolling onto his back and pulling his lover to cuddle beside him.

Dominic grinned and snuggled down into the curve of Lionel's side, snuggling his head on his lovers shoulder, just where it fit. "Feel good?" he asked instead of answering, rubbing his fingers through the wet heat of his lovers belly and grinning wickedly as he licked his lower lip. "I still taste strawberry candy."

"I feel..." Lionel paused as his brain sorted through all the appropriate adjectives. "... much better than I have in a very, very long time," he finally settled on.

Dominic smiled again, and kissed the side of his chest. "Indeed. I… need to rest for a bit though. How long until we get Aurora?"

Lionel raised his arm, which still had his watch on. He frowned, because he usually took it off, but sighed. "A little less than an hour."

"Mmm. You never got to suck my cock, you know. Promises, promises," Dominic mumbled from his lovers side, already half asleep.

"It'll give you something to look forward to the next time," Lionel pointed out, snuggling Dominic close and using his foot to kick one of the blankets up within reach.

"Mmm. Ne'st time," Dominic murmured.

"Yes, next time." Lionel tucked the blankets around his lover's shoulder. "Go to sleep, little cricket. I'll wake you up in time to shower and go pick up our daughter."

"I's she okey?" he opened one glassy green eye at that, and looked up. "Is she okay, you think?"

"I'm sure she's quite fine in your sister's care," Lionel reassured him.

"Mmm," Dominic murmured, licking his lovers nipple softly before closing his eyes.

Lionel chuckled softly. "*Sleep,*" he ordered. "Rest. Everything is fine, don't worry."

"We should call?" Dominic murmured against his lovers shoulder, but he was falling asleep. Couldn't stay awake even if he wanted to, and he dropped off to sleep before he could hear the answer to his question.

"No," Lionel answered, and realized when he heard the soft little snore that his lover had fallen asleep anyway. He gave a little sigh, kissed Dominic's forehead, and put his arm behind his head, gazing up at the ceiling and giving silent thanks for his lover coming back to him.



go on to the next part