
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 343: Day and Knight

Anyone who saw them at that moment would have seen them for what they were. Two powerful, influential men with a net worth of a small country, screaming good taste, and *power*. From the Italian cut suits to the briefcase that probably cost what some made in an entire year. Their intelligence was obvious, their status unquestionable.

But the one thing that made them nothing more than two men raising a child was the infant Lionel Luthor was pushing in a stroller.

And the diaper bag slung between a Gucci business bag and an Armani briefcase on Dominic Senatori's shoulder.

Neither man said a word as they walked into the building, ignoring the stares--or possibly not even aware of them. They got in the elevator that two gofers kindly vacated to give room for the stroller, and when they arrived at the top, they moved off down the hall to the corporate offices.

Which were in a state of disaster.

Phones were ringing, papers were in piles on fine, antique wooden desks, coffee was everywhere, and Charlie was running back and forth, legs pumping and arms full of papers.

"I thought we were coming to work, not enlisting in World War 3," Dominic said calmly as he nodded at his sister as she waved from her office, then at the secretary--a woman Dominic didn't recognize, which shocked him--and walked down the hall a step behind his lover and his daughter.

Lionel hadn't been about to leave his daughter at home. "Work *is* World War Three. You've just never noticed before," he pointed out, keeping his grip on Aurora's pram tight as he steered it off the elevator and down to their offices. "And do please stop walking behind me, it makes it difficult to drive and talk to you at the same time when I'm staring over my shoulder instead of in front of me."

"Well, I can't help it if Aurora takes up more room than I do and needs one hundred percent attention," Dominic muttered, but he sidled up beside Lionel. He'd left his cane in the car, though he figured by noon he was going to need it, if the state of their offices was anything to speak of.

That, and Adam Knight was behind his desk.

He didn't say a word about it just yet, though, and instead followed Lionel to his lovers office where he set the bag, briefcase, and diaper bag down before peeking in on Aurora. The baby was asleep--why couldn't she bloody sleep at night?--so he left her to it as he pulled his suit jacket off. "Are we meeting with anyone now in the morning, love?"

Lionel parked the stroller beside his desk, then reached in and lifted her up to his shoulder, holding her carefully against his broad chest. "No. We don't have meetings with anyone until this afternoon, around one o'clock. I made sure that Charles kept the schedule clear so that we could come in, get settled back into our offices, and have a decent lunch before we dove back into the hellish pit that LuthorCorp has become."

"Fantastic." Dominic unbuttoned his sleeves, pushed them up, and turned to the door, straightening his shoulders. All the work with that inbred ass had broadened them a little, got him strong again, and it was with that confidence that he threw open his lovers door, stalked across the hall, opened the door, and said in a clear, concise voice to the ingrate behind his desk, "As of today you are Lex's assistant. His office down the hall. Get your things, get yourself, and get out. You have thirty minutes."

And he turned, and walked back to Lionel's office, letting the door shut behind him.

Adam just blinked at the order. "Fuck you very much!" he yelled at the shut door. "Rude asshole!"

Lionel was just rubbing Aurora's back when Dominic came back into his office, and despite the fact that she was asleep, he couldn't help addressing the comment to her. "You know, little princess, I think your father enjoyed that far too much."

"Deliriously satisfying," Dominic sighed happily as he plunked down in the chair in front of Lionel's desk and opened the briefcase, rifling through it and pulling out the paperwork he'd gotten together to finally get LuthorCorp back in order. He and Lionel had spent two days doing it, but he thought that with it, it would work. "I hate that guy." he shook his head and waved a hand. "Regardless, I think the first thing we should do today, after we've settled in as you said, is get Accounting in here and give them the correct numbers."

"I've noticed you do, and for no good reason other than he's done a reasonably admirable job," Lionel said, shifting Aurora just slightly when she cooed and started to suck on his hair on her sleep. "I agree; they need to know what they are working with and where the mistake was made."

"No, Lionel. I don't like him because he has absolutely no manners at all, and I cannot handle rude people, especially when they're being rude to *you* and to *Lex* and you don't call him on it. I won't, as it's not my place, but I hate the little bastard."

Lionel snickered softly. "Be that as it may, you do have the right. You are second only to me in this company, Dominic, a fact that I don't think you've comprehended yet."

"Probably not," Dominic offered, smiling at him the smallest bit. "I haven't had much time to get acquainted with it." A moment, before he exhaled softly. "Regardless. Accounting and Finance both, and then we need to go through Personnel and see how things are going on that front. I'm most curious about the PR right now, I think, and see if we can't spin the new accounts LuthorCorp landed under Lex's tutelage to our supreme advantage."

"I don't know why we can't. Especially if it is pitched through the light that Lex is stepping up admirably, putting his life on hold to help tend to the family business during times of distress, and is now choosing to step back out of the limelight to fulfill his own obligations and desires in his life, namely those of returning to school for completion of his masters and doctoral degrees."

"My proud bouncing baby boy," Dominic twittered, but he grinned after it, eyes dancing mischievously as he thumbed through the papers. Eighteen minutes. Eighteen minutes and he'd have his office again. "He and Clark went into Metropolis today, correct? They'd better be careful, theirs rain set for tonight."

"Yes, they did. Lex had a meeting with the Dean of Admissions of Metropolis University, I believe to begin the paperwork for his classes to be taken locally, until he and Clark make a final decision whether they're staying or moving to New Jersey to be near the University." Lionel rubbed his daughter's back again gently as she started to kick her feet restlessly. "I do hope they intend to stay in town, though I believe they've enough family and friends in the area that they will."

"Indeed. I don't see them moving anywhere," Dominic agreed, as he reached out and gently tickled the restless little toes. "Oh… love, she's dropped a sock. Did it fall behind the desk?"

"No, it's trapped in the crook of my elbow, and I haven't let go of her long enough to pick it up and put it back on her," Lionel said, motioning with the elbow in question.

Dominic's lips turned up at that, eyes dancing, and he stood and walked around the desk to retrieve it. He crouched, letting out a low sigh as his muscles pulled, and took said sock from his lovers elbow before putting it back on his daughter backwards.

She looked like an angel, her bonnet askew, her eyes closed and her chubby cheek squished on her daddy's chest. Her tiny fist was curled up beside her face, and her little lashes, long and dark and as lovely as her hair, lay on her cheek in sleep.

For the first time since she'd been born, Dominic felt a peace inside of him he hadn't known was possible. He supposed until now he hadn't really accepted her as anything but the new baby, but now...

He leaned over and brushed his lips across her plump cheek and smiled. "Beautiful little princess," he murmured, before he climbed to his feet with a groan.

"Yes, she is." Lionel looked concernedly at his lover when he groaned, and shifted Aurora a little higher on his shoulder. "Dominic? Are you all right?"

"Mmhmm." He grinned down at the concerned old eyes looking up at him and dropped a kiss, though much less chaste, on that warm and lovely mouth. "Mother dearest," he murmured, licking the lower lip softly and sliding his fingers through the thick, fluffy hair.

Lionel returned the kisses with as much fervor as he could without squashing the baby in his arms as he nuzzled his cheek against Dominic's.

Dominic gave him one last warm kiss, nipping the bottom lip, before smiling at him. He pushed Lionel's glasses back up onto his nose, fixed the hair he'd pushed into a disarray, and kissed Aurora's sleeping head one more time before going around the desk to plop back in his chair. "Eight minutes."

"Eight minutes until?"

"That bastard vacates my office."

Lionel couldn't help snickering. "Now now, Dominic. Be generous."

Dominic eyed the clock. "All right. he can have nine minutes. But don't ask me for more, lovely. There's only so much a man can take, and after the last six weeks of Jonathan Kent, which was *your* fault," he jabbed a finger at Lionel, "I deserve to kick that deadbeat out of my office."

"You have to admit, Dominic, that working with Jonathan did you quite a bit of good, and extra muscle besides, not to mention a better understanding and tentative truce with the man," Lionel pointed out, knowing full well that his lover wouldn't dare to smack him as long as he was holding Aurora.

Dominic *glared* with all the viciousness of an Irishman behind it. "Take that back."

"I shall not."

Dominic glared all the more. "I have no truce with Jonathan Kent. He is a slave driving inbred farmboy without an ounce of sense in his head, and you shan't ever hear me say the opposite."

Lionel snickered again. "Of course I won't. But you can think it, and I know it's the truth."

"Are you a mind reader, now?" Dominic asked, eyebrow arched. Christ, he'd missed flirting with his lover. "You haven't the faintest what goes on in my head, deary, regardless of the fact that you've seen it in all types of states, including cracked open."

At that, Lionel frowned greatly, and most of his good cheer evaporated at being reminded of how close he'd come to nearly losing his lover. "Let's get our papers in order, so that you're ready to move into your office," he said quickly, leaning over and placing his sleeping daughter back into her stroller.

Dominic winced as Lionel's face changed in a heartbeat, and he flinched the smallest bit, looking down at the paperwork. "All right, then. I've got accounting and finance here, and you should have all the new accounts in your briefcase. The meeting is at one, you said?"

Lionel nodded. "Yes, that's correct. We should have enough time before lunch to make sure all things are in order."

He nodded, chewing on his lower lip for a moments thought, before he said, "I love you, you know."

Lionel reached across the table and took Dominic's hands in his own. "And I love you, little cricket." He rubbed Dominic's thumbs with his own. "It's... very difficult for me to hear you make jokes, when I came so close to losing you entirely."

Dominic's fingers tightened around Lionel's as soon as Lionel took his hands, and he squeezed gently as he looked into those dark eyes. Little could he have known what his lover had gone through, but he knew enough from Clark and Lex to know his lover had almost lost his mind. Dominic stroked Lionel's fingers gently, and weighed his words for a moment. "Perhaps this was fates way of cementing what we have, you know. Terrible thing to say, but I can't help but feel that you're different. For me... I was hurt, and no time passed. For me, I'm still back in May on my bloody birthday. For you, five months have passed and you've gone through seeing the person you love nearly die. I don't know why, but I feel... this was supposed to happen to us. Perhaps it made us stronger. Who knows." He linked his fingers through Lionel's and brought them to his lips. "I love you more than words can express, for enduring so much, including my moods after I woke up, and still sleeping by my side and living your life with me."

Lionel tightened his fingers through his lover's and closed his eyes as he listened to him speak. "It wasn't just five months," he said. "It was one of the worst periods of my life. I needed you there to help me through it, and you couldn't, because you were the one who was injured, nearly dying. Every moment made it that much worse, because my strength, the rock that I leaned on, was gone. I had no support, Dominic, because my support needed *me.* It was... difficult."

At the words Dominic climbed to his feet again and came around the desk. He let go of one hand to thread through his lovers hair, the other pressed both his hand and Lionel's against his chest, as he leaned down to gently, warmly, deeply kiss him. To know he'd been wanted, been needed so desperately, made something he'd locked in the depressed part of his heart warm like a stone in the sun. "You were magnificent. As always. Lex told me you were a pillar of strength, and never once faltered. Even though I wasn't there, you carried on, love. That's all anyone could have asked you to do. I'm so proud of you." He kissed his lover again, and once more.

"Never faltered that Lex could see," Lionel corrected softly. "What I did in the privacy behind locked doors is another story entirely." He wrapped his free arm around Dominic's shoulder, squeezing him tightly and holding him close.

"It's over now. Your faith brought me back, and I'm here to stay. If falling down a flight of steps didn't kill me, nothing will. And I'm here to help you, to be with you again. Don't be frightened," he murmured, and kissed Lionel one more time. "I love you dearly, husband of mine."

"I'm not frightened. I just don't want to think of it happening again," he said quietly.

Dominic lifted his shoulder. "No one can tell, with life, love. I can promise you I'll try very hard not to take swan dives down flights of stairs anymore, though."

"Good," Lionel said softly, letting his head rest on his lover's shoulder. Then, "Your nine-minute deadline has passed."

Dominic blinked… looked at the clock, and positively *sneered*. He looked up at the ceiling and said, "God? If you've any pity for me, please let him still be there. I need the venting ever so much."

He dropped a kiss on Lionel's head and opened the door. "Care to join me?"

Lionel chuckled softly. "No, little cricket. I think I will let you handle this on your own authority."

Dominic beamed. "I was hoping you'd say that."

He closed the office door behind him, lest he wake the baby with his bellowing, and opened his office door, peering inside.

Adam was sitting on the side of the desk, shuffling and sorting the last stack of memos that had just come into the office, leaving one stack on the desk for Dominic to deal with and slid the other stack into the box at his feet, then dropped several personal items into the box as well--a framed photograph, his radio, a quirky little pencil topper shaped like a bobble-headed dog.

"Your thirty minutes, with an extra *five* tacked on just for courtesy's sake, are over, Mr. Knight."

"Yes, sir. Tell that to your little lapdog, who just brought this last stack of papers in here to be sorted and signed," Adam sneered back. "Those are the ones you have to take care of," he continued, pointing to the ones on the desk. "Mine's in the box."

"That lapdog has a name, Mr. Knight. It would do you well not to forget that, considering the fact that you're a lapdog as well." He moved out of the doorway, pointed. "Your desk is in Lex's office. From now on, you and Mr. Siegel will work for Lionel and myself, though you answer to Lex. Do I make myself plain?"

Adam snorted. "I might be takin' the demotion to personal assistant, Mr. Senatori, but I don't kiss anybody's ass, and I'm nobody's lapdog." He kept methodically filing papers from the stack in his hands, either to Dominic's stack or his own box.

Dominic slammed a hand to bar the mans exit, and looked at him, close, nearly nose to nose. The boy had nice bone structure, stunning eyes, thick, wavy hair. Very handsome.

Too bad he was an utter *prat*.

"Then be careful what you say, Mr. Knight. Mr. Siegel has worked long and hard to be where he is, and unlike others of my most unfortunate acquaintance, he understands that staying in my good graces is just about the only thing that will keep him from becoming a paper pusher until he's an old, bitter man." He tipped his head, speaking quietly and low. "You will work hard, or you will be fired. If kissing ass is what it takes, then you will pucker up. If brewing coffee is what it takes, then you ask what kind. If organizing meetings and business ventures is what it takes, then you take out your calendar and take notes." His voice dropped again. "I was once in your position. I worked for this company for twenty years before I was promoted to Vice President and I'll be *damned* if the man I send out to get business deals and talk to clients is going to be an unpleasant little *fuck*. You will not tarnish the reputation we have gained because you think you're high and mighty and have nothing left to learn." He let his arm drop. "You will behave yourself, Mr. Knight, or you will learn just how unpleasant my anger can be."

Adam watched Dominic's little tantrum impassively. "Okay. Got it out of your system? Good. First things fucking last," he snarled. "Don't tell me what I am and am not going to do. I work for one man in this company--Lex Luthor--and Lex Luthor only. Second. You don't send me out anywhere. I've been going out on my own since I got into this damn building, and I've brought the clients in and I've gotten the deals signed. I've been here until three in the morning, and I haven't complained because it's what I signed on to do and it's what I like doing. But you, Mr. Senatori, are not going to stand there and tell me I haven't been doing a good job, because I know that I have. I might be fresh out of school, and I might have more of an attitude than Lex ever did, but I also know I've got the work and the moxie to back it up." Adam shoved the last few papers on the desk into his box, and picked it up. "You've got a problem with me because I came in and replaced you, and I'm really sorry about that, but you're not gonna take it out on me."

Dominic's lips twitched. He'd raised the little beast's hackles.

A part of his soul leered wickedly.

"No, my dear Mr. Knight. Lex Luthor will very soon be out on his own and will have nothing to do with LuthorCorp. You work for Lionel, and for me, just as Mr. Siegel does. As for the job you've done I'll be looking over your work, though I'm sure it's up to par. If it wasn't, you would have been out of here long ago." Oh. Oh, he was enjoying this. He liked to see the little critters who worked under him all in a tizzy--it was what had given Dominic so much respect for Charlie. It meant they were passionate about their jobs, and this one, though he loathed to admit it, was. Very passionate. Dominic, for all he hated the boy, liked that and knew Knight would do a decent job.

"The day Lex Luthor walks outta here, then so do I," Adam said, tossing his box back down on the floor. "Because I'll be damned if I work for someone who's already made up his mind about me."

Dominic fought the grin with everything he was worth. His face, though barely, remained calm. "Prove me wrong, Mr. Knight. Show me that you're worth keeping here. Give me a reason to eat my words."

"The work I've already done for you should do that," he snarled back.

"No. The work shows you can do your job." He shook his head. "LuthorCorp, as you've come to realize, is more than that. Show me you want to work here." He walked to his desk and lifted a folder of work from the top. "These are just numbers. Calculations, words. Show me you want to take care of our clients, that you care about this company. Show me by doing what you're told, and channeling all this moxie you've claimed to have into your work. Show me by offering the delegates who come to LuthorCorp coffee, or staying late into the night, rubbing elbows with *me* of all people trying to get work done. Show me by coming up with solutions to problems Lionel and I can't wrap our brains around." He paused. "You have it in you. You're a strong willed and passionate person, and I admire that." He arched a brow. "Show me, Mr. Knight, and I'll eat my words."

Adam glared. "I'll work with anyone else in this company but you, Mr. Senatori, because you won't be fair. Nothing I do will ever be good enough for you, and I refuse to work with someone who's prejudged me. Set me up with anyone else, and I'll show you exactly what I'm capable of."

"I'll be fair, Mr. Knight. I don't have to like you to be fair, Mr. Siegel will tell you that." He sat in his chair without giving away that his knee was killing him. He was rather proud of the fact. "No, nothing will ever be good enough for me, but that's the way I am." He leaned forward. "Or are you afraid of the challenge, Mr. Knight? What I'll do if you make a mistake? Surely you're not intimidated by a short Irishman." He arched a brow.

Adam let the derogatory snort out. "I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Senatori. I just don't like you."

He beamed. "Wonderful. Then it's all settled. Our first meeting of the day is at one o'clock, to meet with the company heads." He handed over the files he'd grabbed on his way over. "Here's finance and accounting--Lex made a right mess of it, but I was able to make right ends with it. Thankfully, there wasn't much of a problem, though I'll ask you to double check it. At twelve thirty I'd like for you to get Lindy--ah, Ms. Senatori, and double check with her to make sure she doesn't have any extra notes for the meeting."

Adam shoved the files that Dominic handed him into his box, and barely checked the urge to bare his teeth at the man. "I'll have it ready for you by noon."

"Wonderful," Dominic said again, smiling brightly as the boy left.

As soon as the door clicked shut, he couldn't help letting the snickers he'd pent up out, and he bit his fist until he was in control again. He glanced over his desk, still grinning, and sighed as he shook his head.

Damn he felt like he was at home, again. He smiled at the desk lovingly before climbing to his feet and crossing the hall again, watching as Adam walked off, muttering under his breath, and slipped back into his lovers office.

And beamed brightly. "Not so bad, that one, is he?"

Lionel chuckled softly. "Aurora and I could hear you from here," he said. "She woke up fussy, so I changed her and gave her lunch. She's ready to go back to sleep, though, but she wanted to see her papa first."

Dominic beamed and reached into Lionel's arms to take his daughter up. "Oh, my angel. Yes, daddy's here. Did you eat?" he looked at the sleepy, cranky eyes and nuzzled her cheek gently with his nose. "Come now. That's enough of the grumpy face, it'll get stuck like that if you aren't careful. Ask your Papa Lionel, he's got the proof of that." Dominic's eyes danced as he met Lionel's before down again to kiss the baby's forehead. "There we are. Get cozy, then." he shifted her to his chest and smiled at Lionel. "It's all taken care of. I feel... ever so much better. I find that my pure Gryffindor nobility has been tarnished by your wily Slytherin charm--I just manipulated that boy pitifully."

"And you say that like it might be a tragedy," Lionel said, relinquishing his daughter reluctantly. "If you ask me, it sounds as though he needed not only manipulation, but a serious attitude adjustment."

"Mmm. I think he's been humbled a bit, if that's any case. As much as I dislike him, he has passion and sheer nerve. He'll do well, if we can mold him into the proper weapon." His lips twitched. "Reminds me of another man I know."

"Oh, do tell," Lionel asked snidely. "Would you be insulting myself or my son?"

Dominic grinned back at him innocently. "I plead the fifth."

"Mmm. You're not particularly convincing, little cricket," Lionel said with a mock glare.

"Of course I'm not, you've seen me at my most devious. Most of it including various chains, straps, and toys." He gave the baby in his arms one last kiss on the forehead and lay her in her stroller to sleep. "There, now. Lets get to work."

Lionel's brow raised with the mention of chains and straps. "Tease." but then he cleared his throat. "Yes, let's do get to work."

Dominic's eyes danced at his lovers gentle blush and smiled as he buried himself in his paperwork.

- = - =-

The penthouse had *great* ceiling tiles.

That was pretty much all the brain that Lex had left to consider with. The tiles were perfectly square, each one spackled with a different design, set in a non-mosaic order to create a non-repetitive non-corporeal pattern.


His chest was still heaving slightly as he panted, and he was still seriously sticky from come, sweat, and lube. Clark's head was resting on his shoulder, their clothes were strewn from the hallway to the bedroom, and he actually wasn't sure whether or not the front door to the apartment had gotten closed or not.

Oh well.

Clark? Was grinning. He couldn't help it. When he was inspired he could make his lover's body sing. The most interesting noises came out of him when Clark stroked certain places at certain times, and he was sure the people in the apartment four floors down had heard them, but he didn't care.

He was wet, sticky, sore, but he couldn't move. He doubted he'd ever be able to move again.

And he beamed at the thought, as his body cooled on his lovers.

"Eventually we're going to have to shower," Lex said after thinking for a minute. "And check to see if the door got closed."

"And if we broke that lamp. I heard something crash," Clark said, his voice grating from the screaming as he nuzzled his lover's throat and gently brought an almost limp hand down to massage his lovers outer thigh.

"There are too many lamps in this place anyway," Lex pointed out.

"Much too many. Might have been that pretty blue vase, though." Clark blinked, as he gazed out the room at their clothing literally every corner of the room. "I think I ripped your shirt off, too. Mmm..." he lifted his head the smallest bit, skin sweaty, hair sticking up and looking thoroughly well fucked, and grinned wickedly down at his lover. "Three orgasms in the space of two hours, Lex. So much for apartment hunting."

"...apartment hunting. Right. We've got a few hours left before we have to meet Rico and Aden. We can see a couple of the places, and then come back tomorrow for the rest," Lex said, letting his head fall back on the bed.

Clark. Snorted. "See a couple of places. Lex." He punctuated the word with a wicked little thrust downward, though there was no more lust in him to be had. "We've just spent the afternoon fucking. I don't think I can move, baby, tell you the truth."

"Neither can I," Lex groaned.

Clark smiled and rolled off of his lovers body, leaving them incredibly sticky and wet and slippery all over, but he didn't much care. He loved sex when it was messy, and he snuggled up to Lex, wrapping him in his arms and pulling the sheets up just for a little while. "Lex? Can I ask you something?"

Lex groaned as he rolled over against Clark, cuddling up close to him and rubbing his cheek on his lover's shoulder. "You can ask me anything."

Clark snuggled the bald head close, warming it with a hand gently rubbing over it as he thought. "You know how the other day, when we were with Whitney and Chloe... I said that… that our little community will increase with each of the children born between the four of us?"

Lex nodded. "Yeah, I remember that."

"I was thinking about it yesterday, about the people you and I trust. And you know what? In my head, in my heart... if we have kids, Lionel and Dominic will become a part of our… thing. And that? That freaks me out. I like your dad and all, Lex, but ew."

Lex sat up straight in bed at that, sheets and everything bunching around his waist. "There is no fucking way on God's little green Earth that I am sleeping with Dominic *or* my father."

Clark got up on one elbow, and he couldn't help it--he stroked a hand down the long back to the little crack just peeking from the sheets, where he'd fucked his lover to oblivion. "You said that about Shayla, if you'll remember."

"Yes, but that's different. Shayla isn't my *FATHER.*"

"I know, but Lex? I can't control it, and neither can you. If it happens… it... well, I'll talk to my father. But don't be too surprised if Dominic cages you in the office one day and tries to have his wicked way with you."

"If he does that, then Rory's going to be down one father," he growled.

"Oh, I don't know. He's a compact little guy, but he's got to be great in bed if your dad is any clue." Clark was teasing him mercilessly, but he couldn't help it. It was just so fun.

"You're not exactly furthering your chances for more sex later tonight," Lex threatened.

Clark's lips curved brightly. "Well, its either your dad and Dominic or Steve and Pete. Though now that Pete's in Gotham, there's not much to be done, there. And he hates you, there's that." He tipped his head. "Your parents are looking like the only choice, babe." he grinned wickedly and leaned down to take a bit out of one butt cheek currently sitting on the bed, then nibbled up a back, across a warm spine, licking over old scars until he suckled at the knob at the back of his lovers head and snaked his hands around a hip to grasp Lex's warm, wet cock and tease it before sliding down to manhandle heavy balls.

"Clark? I invite you to consider your mother and father."

Clark made a face. "Hey. Now that's just not fair. You've got the possibility of Dominic, at least." His fingers stroked over his lover's cock again. "Maybe Bruce and Dick. Would you like that, Lex? Seeing me screaming in ecstasy, speared on the end of his cock? Dick, before you, sucking on you?" He licked his lover's neck teasingly and let go, sliding around to the front. "Of course, I say that as if I'd let Bruce within a hundred feet of my children."

Lex's cock twitched interestedly at that thought. "Bruce," he said with a little purr. "Would be a great choice. You and he would learn to get along... you'd be connected to the League in a way you never were before." He rubbed against Clark at that thought.

Clark laughed out loud, at that. "You could say that. And hey you, no fantasies about Bruce when we're both naked in bed." He nipped Lex's lower lip. "We've got a long while to worry about it. For now, lets get some food."

"No fantasies about Bruce," Lex agreed, nibbling at Clark's lip in return. "Food. Actually sounds like a good idea, now that you mention it. What time is it?"

"One something." He smiled, kissed his lover once more with a happy smack of his lips and climbed to his feet.

And immediately pitched over to the ground, disappearing beside the bed as he looked down at the tangled pants he'd left on the floor wit one show still in them, and sighed as he climbed back to his feet. Blushing crimson, of course. "I… uh…"

He turned and fled, naked butt shimmying as he slipped into the living room. The door was closed and locked, but the lamp was totally trashed on the tile and there was clothes *everywhere*, including a pair of underwear caught on the lampshade of the other lamp by the couch.

Lex laughed softly at Clark's unintentional acrobatics. "Bring me the phone and the black directory under it," he shouted. "I'll call down to one of the closest restaurants and have them bring lunch up to us. What do you want?" He knew better than to get out of bed, and just settled back against the pillows.

"Chinese. And lots of it," Clark yelled back, stepping over the glass and going into the kitchen for water. He filled two big glasses with it and walked back, ignorant of the dried come on his stomach but fully aware of the squishy slippery feeling between his butt cheeks as he walked. he squirmed around it, and swallowed half the glass of water in his left hand as he gave Lex the one in the right. "Should I draw a bath?"

"Sketch pad's in a drawer under the TV," Lex said, taking the telephone and flipping through the book until he found Shinji's Wall. In flawless Mandarin, Lex ordered enough food for seven people--five entrees, four appetizers, two orders of lo mein noodles, an entire Peking duck, and a quart of egg drop soup for delivery.

Clark rolled his eyes at his lover, and after listening to him for a moment he caught on and could understand what eh was saying. Which was crazy, actually. He grinned at him and moved to the bathroom… stopped... whistled. Wow. He'd never been in this room in the Penthouse--the bath was gorgeous. Big and deep and perfect for more than one person. He turned it on and put some bubbles in, beaming, before coming back out to see his lover lounging. "Come on, I'm itchy."

Lex groaned. "They'll be here in twenty minutes. Are *you* going to get out of the tub and pay the nice delivery man?"

Clark grinned wickedly and swept Lex up into his arms, arm under his knees and one around his back, before walking him into the bathroom. "Yes, Princess, I'll get out and pay the nice delivery man." He set his lover in the bath and plopped in right in front of him, sending water splashing everywhere as he lay against his lover, chest to chest, Lex's back against the tub.

Lex snorted. "I am not a princess, thank you, I am a queen."

"Not anymore you're not." Clark ran his fingers over the broad chest...down to grope the long, warmly soft cock. "You're not at all. You're strong and perfect and big. I love it."

Lex purred, he couldn't help it, and he arched his back, rubbing along Clark's chest and throat. "Mmm. I love it too, Clark. I love being big enough to fit you. Fit perfectly inside you, in fact, fill you up, every inch, packed tight in your ass and fucking you hard."

Clark's eyes widened as his lover hissed those dirty words right into the little pocket between them, and with each filthy word his eyes widened even more, until he was staring at his lover, stunned. His cock thought that was nice, too, because it stood up and saluted, if the twitching against his belly was anything to say. "Packed tight?" he whispered, and a flash of images crossed his minds eye--Whitney, stuffed with his girlfriend's panties, Lex with the boxers, the enormous dildos, and Lex's *huge* cock, which he looked down at and shivered.

"As tight as I can fill you," Lex nodded. "Shoved in deep, packed tight, so tight you can't move without feeling it, crammed in your ass until mo more can fit, squeezing it hard as you can but it's not enough, because it's not *moving.*"

Clark bit his lower lip tightly and sat up on his lovers thighs. "You're a naughty boy, Lex," he whispered with a tremble. He took Lex's hand and brought it not to his cock but to his tense stomach and thighs. "You make me tight all over. See?"

"I'm a very, very, very bad boy," Lex agreed, dragging his nails over Clark's thighs and up his lover's stomach. "I should be punished."

He couldn't help it--he grinned at his lover's wicked words, and leaned forward to kiss him. "You may be the only person who can make a man hard after three times, Lex. I have no stopping point with you, you know." He shifted softly, smiling down at him as he cupped warm cheeks and pressed a gentle, kiss to them. Instead of moving to do something wicked, he stretched out against his lover and snuggled against his side, laying his cheek on his lover's shoulder and holding him warmly. "This so beats going to school."

Lex's hand slipped down idly to stroke his lover's cock. "Mmm. Yes, yes, it does beat school. It beats school all to hell. And when you test out? We've got several months to wait until you'll be able to start with the next semester at the college, so just think of all the fucking we can do." He laid his head on Clark's shoulder. "Think how many times I'm going to make you scream."

Clark looked up, blushing softly. "Think of all the times I can seduce you," he said softly, as he linked their fingers and lay his cheek back down on that warm chest. It was deliriously cozy, and he snuffled the warm skin there for a moment as he thought. "You're my best friend, Lex."

Lex's fingers tightly gripped his lover's, and brought them to his mouth for a kiss. "That's the one thing that I've always wanted, Clark. Since I came to Smallville, I've wanted to be your friend. Maybe I haven't always, but I've tried. You... I don't have words for everything you are to me. Best friend, lover, lifemate... all the good parts of me are summed up in you."

Clark beamed up at him. "Me too. I'm really happy, Lex." His eyebrows fell, his eyes sobered. "I thought something was wrong with me. I was so sad, Lex. Victoria left, and Pete left, though Pete and I haven't been close for a long time now. And Dominic almost died, and then all the babies were born, and I couldn't..." He bit his lower lip. "I'm supposed to be Superman, and I crumbled like day old bread."

"You are Superman," Lex said softly. "But even heroes have the right to bleed, Clark. You lost a friend, a friend who never really accepted you or who you were. You lost Victoria, who'd come to be your daughter. And if that were not enough, everyone you care about was given the gift of a child, when your son was torn away from you for no good reason." Lex's arms tightened even more around Clark's shoulders. "You had a right to be sad."

"And I was craving your cock like you couldn't believe," Clark said, a little mournfully. "I would have loved to stay chained to a bed somewhere for a few days."

"Unless there's a major catastrophe, the weekend's free."

Clark grinned and rolled his eyes as he playfully splashed him. "Ass." And he would have said more, if the doorbell didn't ring. "Oh! Food!"

He splashed as he climbed out of the tub, sending water everywhere, and grabbed the robe behind the door. He muscled it on as he walked through the living room, and had just belted it shut and grabbed the money from the wallet in his pants--pants which he lost somewhere to the bedroom earlier--and opened the door.

"Shinji, delivering to Mr. Luthor," said the deliveryman, Chinese flawless as he pointed to the big box of food on the little dolly beside him. "Total is $225, delivery included."

Clark choked and began to cough, hacking furiously with a hand over his face as his eyes watered. He stared at the man, still choking, and rasped for a breath as he asked, voice grating, "I'm sorry?"

"Total is $225 dollars," Shinji repeated, moving the largeish box off the dolly and holding it out.

"Surely you mean twenty five?" Clark asked, eyes wide--and then stopped. Realized this was Lex Luthor they were talking about. And he just rolled his eyes. "Hold on just a sec." He closed the door part way and disappeared back into the bedroom, where he found his lovers pants--under the bed--removed two hundred from the thousands in the wallet. Considered chunking the wallet at his lovers head.

Instead he walked back through the house, opened the door, and handed the money over. "Thanks," he said, and took the box from the man.

Shinji bowed as Clark took the box, and then put the money in his pocket. "You are very kind, please give regards to Mr. Luthor?" he asked, stepping out of the threshold and pulling the door closed behind him.

Lex was still luxuriating in the tub. "Clark? If you'll look under the cabinet, there should be soda, and a bottle of wine, if you'll bring both!"

"Sure, sure, thanks," Clark said, and closed the door, locked it, and turned and stared. He set the Chinese on the counter, got the soda, wine and an ice bucket before he walked back into the bathroom.

He set the food on the bed, took the ice bucket into the bathroom, and dumped it onto his lovers head.

Lex shot up out of the tub, cursing as the cold ice cascaded down around his body to melt in the cold water. "What the fuck was that about?"

"Two hundred and twenty five dollars for Chinese food?!" Clark shrilled.

Lex blinked. "You dumped ice on my head because I ordered Chinese?"

"Because you ordered two hundred and twenty five dollars of Chinese! Lex! When I said Chinese I meant the four dollar deal down on the street curb!"

Lex snorted. "That may be fine for you to eat, Clark, but I prefer Chinese food that's not going to give me food poisoning. Shinji's been here for twenty years now, and I've never gone anywhere else for Chinese food, and I don't intend to start now. I hope you tipped him well--Shin's always made sure to make my deliveries personally."

"I gave him two hundred and fifty dollars, you fool ass. TWO. HUNDRED. And fifty dollars!" He nearly pulled his hair out at the blank look Lex gave him... sighed, and couldn't help a smile. "Ass." He lifted his lover out of the tub and snuggled him against the robe. He kissed the slightly disgruntled lips. "Sorry I dumped ice on your head."

Lex frowned. "That's only a twenty dollar tip. I usually make sure he gets at least fifty. I'll have to make it up to him the next time he delivers to me." He pouted, even when Clark kissed him, but he ended up smiling. "You should be. Erection? Gone. No thoughts of sex now for you."

"Mine deflated about the same time I heard 'two hundred and twenty five dollars'. On all that is holy, I will teach you the joys of neighborhood cuisine."

"Shinji's *is* neighborhood cuisine," Lex said, reaching for the box as he settled back into the tub.



go on to the next part