
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 352: Submissive Dominant

Dominic was quite a sleepy man.

He wasn't a hundred percent well yet, and being too active too much during the day made him dreadfully tired. It didn't help that he was driving around town by *himself*, but dammit, it felt too good to be behind the wheel of a car again not to. And he'd driven slow.

And maybe he'd stopped at the toy shop, and bought his baby girl a huge care bear. That was green. And had a four leaf clover on it.


He glared at said bear seat belted beside him in Lionel's lovely old Cadillac--the only car in the garage that had been green and to his taste this morning--and shut the car off. He was parked in front of the Talon, which had the worlds worst coffee but delicious hot cocoa, and if there was one thing he had craved worse than driving today, it was something sweet. So he got out, and wasn't stupid enough not to grab his cane, which he leaned lightly on as he walked into the Talon, car keys in hand.

He picked up the Saturday morning paper from a stand in the middle of the coffee shop and hobbled to the counter, where the woman who owned the shop, Nell, was busily loading a tray with the most delicious biscuits he'd seen in some time.

Oh. Well.

"Good morning, Nell," he said, and smiled. "Might I have a cup of cocoa to go, and a dozen of these?" he pointed at the cookies.

"Of course you can, Mr. Luthor," she said with a grin. "It's nice to see you up and about; the women's auxiliary was beginning to wonder if you'd be able to make it to the Fall Fever dance next month," she said, her eyes twinkling as she started to pile twelve of the sugar-dusted cookies in a pink box embossed with the Talon logo in gold foil. "Mrs. Birchtree's held back three jars of her damson and honey jelly for you, and Mrs. Sandosky has been making you cookies for two weeks now."

Dominic wondered how, in exactly one hundred words, the woman had managed to totally feminize him. He looked down at himself--minus total mobility, but he still had his penis. He looked up, cocked a brow, and almost literally bit on the sharp retort that had come to the tip of it as he plastered a charming smile on his face. Instead of dumping cocoa on her head. All right. If she wanted to see him with a loose wrist, well then, he'd provide. PR. PR, people! "Oh, that jam is *divine*. The woman has an eye for canning, I'll tell you." His eyes twinkled. He hoped she didn't realize he was trying not to laugh. "I believe I'll be able to make it to the dance, if only to root you all on! All night dance contest, yes? Have you all already booked your music?"

Nell had been around the Luthors far too long not to recognize exactly what Dominic was doing, and she bumped his wrist with the box. "Mrs. Birchtree is a hundred and ten if she's a day, you know. She's been around long enough to figure out how to can a good jar of jam." She gave him a little grin as she added in the last cookie, then slid in two extra because he was skinny as hell, and closed it up. "Large cocoa? And do you want whipped cream? We've got the Startown Players lined up, but they may be backing out next week, if their banjo player doesn't get out of the hospital. So we're trying to line up Crystal Waters just in case."

Dominic's eyes were positively *dancing* when she nudged his wrist with the box. "She's a darling, you know. She knit Aurora a pink sweater--one of the best I've ever seen. I've got to visit her this week, I swore I'd bring baby pictures, and baby pictures I'll bring." He paused. "With whipped cream. And could you get me a cappuccino as well? If I don't bring something hot for Lionel he'll throw a fit." He rested his hip against the counter to take some weight off of his bad leg. "You're going to raise an incredible amount for the orphanage, you know."

"We hope so," Nell said seriously. "Nobody really gave it a thought to what bad shape the place was in until the whole situation with Lex and Clark and the little girl they tried to adopt," she said. "Which just made people look at the local place and see how much help they really do need." Nell was speaking over her shoulder as she filled one tall cup with cocoa from the large urn on the counter, then with a flick of her wrist, sprayed a perfect twist of whipped cream onto the top, and then covered it with a large, domed plastic lid for easy portability. "Now, cappuccino for Lionel? With cinnamon or nutmeg?"

"Mmm… nutmeg." He nodded at her though, frowning. "I've brought it up to Lionel. I may have something for you later in the week after I talk to him."

"Nutmeg, got it." Nell sat the full cup of cocoa on the counter beside the box of cookies, and turned back to one of the other urns, this one a brass one with a rather large eagle-looking figure on top of it, and pulled the lever to fill the cup. "Whatever you two do will be greatly appreciated, you know," she said seriously, still looking over her shoulder.

Yes, well. The idea Dominic had would take serious talking to Lionel about, and he thought about it as he set the newspaper on the counter with the cookies and shifted his weight again. A serious talk, and then napping. A nap sounded really, really nice right now, and he thought for a moment as Nell finished getting the cappuccino. He pulled out a twenty from his back wallet and handed it over, giving her a distracted smile. "I'll be in touch."

Nell sprinkled the nutmeg on top of the cappuccino foam, then set the two coffees in a drink tray, and popped up the little handle on the cookie box.

When she rang up the purchases, it came to a little over eleven dollars, and she handed him his change with an appreciative smile. "I'll be on the lookout for it," she said. "You need help carrying all that?"

*No, god dammit, I am not a bloody invalid!*

"No, I'm fine," Dominic said on a smile, and after putting his change in his pocket, hooked his cane over his forearm and took the box and the coffee. "Thanks. Good day to you, love."

Nell watched in surprise as Dominic balanced all that. "You know, I'm not sure *I* could balance that and I carry trays!" she called after him with a grin. "I'll see you later, Dominic, take care of yourself!"

He could, dammit. "Thanks," he said again, and off he hobbled. It... took a bit of maneuvering, and he swore he almost dropped it all twice, but with a bit of clever manhandling he got the cookies beside the big bear, the coffee snug on the floor so it wouldn't spill, and climbed back in the drivers seat.

It took him ten minutes to get home--he was very slow, almost to the point of paranoia, and made sure to be very alert on the road. He was tired, but he didn't want anyone to get hurt for that. He was man enough to admit when he got to his limit, after all.

He climbed out of the car, putting the cookies and the bear into the toy store bag, and with cane and coffee in hand, handed Enrique the keys and walked in the house. The very... very quiet house. Very. Very quiet. He sighed, looking around himself, and shucked out of his coat and shoes, which he left on the bench by the door, and hobbled up the steps to the second floor nursery.

Which didn't exactly look like a nursery any longer.

Lionel had... rather taken it over.

One side of Aurora's lovely crib was papered over with yellow Post-It notes, all of them scrawled in Adam's messy handwriting, or Charlie's neat lettering, or Lionel's own questionable penmanship.

The beautiful forest-green carpet was no longer visible under the large purple and silver throw on the floor and the explosion of papers that seemed to haphazardly litter over it. Aurora herself was on one of the play mats on the floor, little tinkly music coming from the mobile as she kicked at it, yanking at the big plastic shapes hanging from the bar over the mat.

Lionel's shirt-sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his glasses were hanging out of the corner of his mouth, his suit jacket was currently occupying the baby's cradle, and his tie was open, showing that the first two buttons of his shirt were also opened as he shouted into the cell phone at his ear.

Dominic peered into his and Lionel's bedroom, and upon finding it empty, and hearing his baby girl squealing, he took another two steps--and bit his lower lip to keep from laughing. The room had utterly exploded. The laptop was on the floor between Lionel's knees, paperwork was stacked everywhere, posties and clothes and he grinned around his lip-biting, deeply amused. Ever so carefully he knocked on the side of the door.

"Come in!" he barked, and snarled into the phone before hanging it up. "Do not step on the piles, please, they have been sorted and spread out accordingly."

Dominic arched a brow and decided to ignore the bark. Instead he walked over to the dresser, set the coffee down, and took the large bear out of the bag. He set it in the babies crib in one corner, and decided the green clover on the bears belly was perfect. Everyone needed a bit of the luck of the Irish, after all. He lifted Lionel's coat and tie, setting them over the door jam, before going over to his daughter, who he grinned down on. He was so pleased when she looked up at him, tiny mouth in a tiny 'o'. "Has papa lost his mind, lovey?" he asked, as he slowly and carefully got down on the floor.

"No, he has not," Lionel said testily. "Aurora was simply quite cranky downstairs, and since she seemed to calm more in her own nursery and familiar surroundings, I thought it prudent to join her."

"Ohhh, papa is *cranky*," Dominic said knowingly to Aurora as he gently lifted her up into his arms. Her, and all her yards and yards of frilly dress. He mentally rolled his eyes, though was careful not to in Lionel's presence as he pulled the bonnet from her head and pressed a kiss to her tiny curls. "My beautiful girl, how I missed you and your papa. I brought you something, though you won't be having it till tonight. And only if it doesn't frighten you. He's quite smashing, though, I think you'll enjoy it."

Aurora had *no* idea what to do when the other person picked her up and cuddled her, so she did the only thing she *knew* to do.

She pooped. And then gave a loud sob to alert the entire world of her accomplishment.

The smell got to Dominic's nose a minute later, which he wrinkled as he looked down at her. ...And her soiled pants. "Ahhh. Darling, we'll have to *change* you," he said, with delight, as he carefully stood back up with a low groan. He kissed her cheeks and then her tiny sobbing mouth, feeling her fingers grabbing at his hair as she cried. He went into the closet and got a very cozy cotton shirt, little frilly pants, and the pink sweater Mrs. Birchtree had knit--one of the army she'd already knit that was, in a pretty sunshine yellow. He lay her down on the table and quickly changed her, cleaning her up and pulling the soiled dress off too, to put her in the cozy cottons. "There, now. Clean baby. Here, let's get a bib on you...I've never seen a baby drool like you," he said, grinning down at her.

Lionel glared at the new choice of outfit. "That is positively scandalous, I'll have you know. My daughter is not going to know if she is a princess or a tomboy if we do not come to some sort of accord," he growled.

"Oh, didn't you sound positively Captain Sparrow right then?" Dominic hummed innocently, as Lionel was obviously in a *foul* mood. It took his lover a long time to get over it sometimes, so he just played with his daughter, tickling her toes and hoping to coax a smile out of her as he got her all freshened up.

Lionel just gave another snarl and slammed the laptop shut.

Aurora did give a big, gummy toothless grin as her toes were played with, and ooh, hey, toes! She tried to get them into her mouth, and when that didn't work, she just drooled more on the nifty thing that was covering them up.

Dominic gazed down at her in delight, grinning like an idiot as she beamed at him and then lifted her sweater and t-shirt up enough to blow a raspberry on her tummy.

Oh, she liked that.

Whatever that was she liked it, and she kicked her little feet to show it, giving a happy squeal and gurgle as her fists waved too.

Dominic grinned like an idiot, gave her another raspberry, and then kissed her cheeks as he got her clothes to rights and lifted her onto his shoulder before even thinking about turning to Lionel. Who had just slammed the laptop shut. He arched a brow. "What seems to be troubling you, Lionel?"

"The bastard that butchered you is going to be receiving special consideration from the federal prosecutor because he has agreed to turn State's Evidence against Sir Harry," he said in complete disgust.

And *there* went his good mood.

His smile slid off his face and he didn't say anything for a minute or two. Then he just nodded, resigned, and turned to the crib to lay Aurora down for her nap. He lay her on her back, pulling the soft blankets up around her, and then wound the mobile before he slid into the rocking chair beside the crib and regarded Lionel silently for a moment. "It will put Sir Harry in prison for a good long time, I assume."

"For what is left of his life, I've been reassured," he said, throwing down the folder of papers in his other hand.

"And Jaheel?"

"Will serve an *appropriate* sentence," he said, sneering the word appropriate. "And will then be released, stripped of his medical licenses and will be barred from ever administering as a doctor again."

Suddenly, Dominic was very, very tired. He rubbed his face with his hand and rubbed his mouth with his palm, gazing out the side window. It made sense, after a fashion. He wasn't dead, and Victoria had been a child. No child should endure what she had endured--no sick fuck like Hardwick should be allowed to roam the earth freely. For what, to experiment again? No. No. Jaheel had hurt him, but it was nothing medicine and surgery couldn't fix. Victoria, however... her life...


"I am considering having him murdered in his sleep," Lionel said conversationally.

Dominic's heart slammed against the inside of his chest, but his voice was calm and even. "Really now?"

"No, not really," Lionel said, disgusted again. "But you have to admit the idea does have merit."

He shrugged a shoulder. A faint feeling of guilt settled over him for thinking badly about Lionel, but… well, one never knew when he was being sarcastic. "Let the courts do their work, I should think."

Lionel snorted. "Yes, by all means, let them do their work, lock one psychotic bastard away for life and let the other go free."

"There's nothing we can do, Lionel."

Lionel just glared at his husband for that asinine comment. "Thank you, Dominic, for that reinforcement of helplessness."

Yes. So much for his day.

Dominic climbed to his feet, and pulled the cappuccino from the little tray, handing it down to Lionel. "Drink it before it goes cold. I'm going to lie down for a bit, all right? Aurora's nearly asleep now. Take care to keep quiet."

Lionel nearly exploded with another comment about having already raised one child and being well aware of the fact that you didn't interrupt naps.

However, he didn't, merely accepted the Styrofoam cup in the spirit it was given to him. "Thank you, Dominic."

Dominic saw the flash of temper in Lionel's eyes before he looked away and Dominic didn't say a word. He just went through the door joining their two rooms and carefully pulled his top-sweater off, leaving him in his t-shirt. He sat on the edge of the bed after he drew the blinds and looked down at his hands. Jaheel. The man who had nearly destroyed his life. He was going to walk free. The man who had left a net of healing scars all over Dominic's body would be given nothing more than a light slap on the hand.

In the deepest, most selfish parts of Dominic's heart, he hated. He hated and he hurt, and he dropped his head in his hands to rub his face tiredly.

Lionel rose to his feet in the nursery, and carefully placed his coffee back on top of the dresser, and walked into the bedroom silently.

He sat down on the bed behind Dominic, and raised his hands, warm from the coffee cup, to rub gently at Dominic's shoulders.

Dominic didn't even open his eyes--he just leaned his head on Lionel's shoulder and rested. "Have a lie down with me. Are you finished banging your laptop about and growling at whoever the poor soul was on the other end of that phone?"

"The state district attorney," Lionel said softly. "He was the poor bastard that drew the short straw and was chosen to call me and tell me what had happened," he continued, kicking his shoes off as he brought his feet up into the bed.

"Poor bastard," he echoed. Dominic did the same thing, stretching out beside Lionel and pulling up the warm quilt. He held it tightly against him and stared up at the ceiling, studying the plaster as his mind moved in circles around what he'd just been told. Life was so desperately, inconceivably unfair. So, so very unfair. He turned his face into Lionel's shoulder and shifted closer to him.

"If you'd like, I can have him simply disappear."

Dominic shook his head the smallest bit. "No. Let him take what punishment will be given him. God doesn't like ugly. Jaheel will get coming to him all that he did to his patients and more. He will suffer, but not by your hand, or my hand. I trust in that."

Lionel just kissed his lover's forehead softly, and then his cheeks and then his lips. "I'm glad that one of us does."

Dominic kissed him back just as softly, cupping his cheek warmly before he turned, rolling onto his side to set his head on Lionel's shoulder and bring him close. "I love you," he murmured, and linked their free hand together, twining their fingers.

Lionel squeezed his lover's fingers tightly. "I love you, my little cricket," he said easily, moving closer as Dominic scooted in.

"Promise me you won't be rash."

Lionel gave a dry chuckle. "Would I be rash about anything, little cricket?"

Dominic snorted. Rather loudly. "No, you're the face of civility," he teased lightly, looking up before down again. His fingers tightened on Lionel's. "I wanted to speak to you about something."

"Speak then," Lionel said, rubbing his lips lightly against Dominic's temple. "I promise not to implode."

"It's not really anything. It seems a bit surreal right now." His voice didn't quite old the cheerful lilt it usually did. "I wanted to know if you'd like to match the money raised at the dance contest next week for the orphanage."

"I don't know why we couldn't double it, depending on how much was raised and how great their need is," Lionel answered, finally, after a moment's long contemplation.

Dominic offered him a small smile, carefully shifting on Lionel's shoulder, getting more comfortable. He fell silent, quiet, the room silent around them--peaceful. But quiet. So very, very quiet. The whole house was very quiet. Rather than irritate him it calmed him down some, and made his muscles all relax. He closed his eyes silently, resting his eyes and letting himself drift without a thought for a while.

Lionel let his lover make himself comfortable, letting his fingers stroke slowly and rhythmically over Dominic's shoulder and upper arm.

Dominic did the same, gently sweeping his thumb back and forth across the back of Lionel's hand. It was… comforting, after a fashion, and he opened his eyes to look at the ceiling again. Everything was lightly tinged blue from having his eyes closed for so long, but he didn't bother blinking it away. He carefully squeezed Lionel's fingers in his.

"What are you thinking about?" Lionel asked softly, feeling Dominic's fingers squeeze his gently.

"Nothing in particular." His voice was vaguely grainy and sleepy. "Life is a bitch."

"Yes, she is, and an unfaithful one at that."

"She's in bed with Faith. That cunt," Dominic said, as flippantly and effeminate as possible, turning innocent blond lashes up at his lover.

Lionel had to laugh at that. "They're both cunts, if you'd like to know the honest truth," Lionel said, his lip curling in distaste at the churlish word.

Dominic tapped his fingertip against the lip curl, but turned into his lover, on his side--he wound a leg between Lionel's and tugged him close, winding his arm across his chest. "I'm going to go to the flea market tomorrow. Would you care to come with me?"

Lionel gave his answer all of thirty seconds' consideration. "Absolutely not."

"I thought that was what you were going to say," Dominic said, and his eyes crinkled softly as he rested against Lionel and let Lionel rest against him at the same time. "I'd...I'd like to take Aurora."

Lionel's consideration time for that request was *considerably* longer. "Do you think she's ready to go out into the hot, dusty world of crowded retail shopping?" he asked. "And this will be the first time you've gone on a serious shopping spree since you've come home; I don't want you to wear yourself out taking care of the baby as well as yourself. But, I have no problem with you taking her if you want to because, Dominic, no matter what I think, you are her father too, and you have the right to spend time with her in whatever way you want to, just as I do."

Dominic *knew* he was going to say that. Just...he *knew* it, had been *waiting* for it. He didn't say anything, just inclining his head softly. "I may just take her to the toy store instead."

"Dominic, no. If you want to take her to the flea market, by all means, do so." He sighed, and rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. "I am just worried about you, I suppose. I don't want you doing too much and wearing yourself out."

"I was rather tired today," he admitted, though it grated on his already sore ego. "And Nell treated me like a flaming ponce. it was rather disconcerting."

Lionel gave a soft snicker. "You are a flaming ponce," he said, but said it with a teasing grin. "You *do* listen to Elton John, let us remember." He turned back on his side, to gaze down at his lover. "It is entirely up to you whether or not you take Aurora out, or where you take her."

Dominic grinned as Lionel turned to him, and carefully stroked his lovers long, lean back. "I don't flame, thank you." He shifted and shrugged one shoulder. "I might take her to the toy store, and out for ice cre--uh, well, just out." Was he about to admit to Lionel that he'd already let his two month old daughter lick vanilla ice cream off his thumb for the better part of ten minutes last week? of course not. "Window shopping, I think."

Lionel's eyebrows rose, but he didn't say anything about the slipped mention of ice cream. "I would ask you if you needed money to spend, but I know that you would kill me if I did."

"Happily," Dominic said cheerfully.

"Which is why I did not ask," Lionel replied, just as cheerfully.

Dominic buried another smile in Lionel's chest, though it was slightly sad. He ran a hand gently over Lionel's shoulder blades. "Is there anything to be done about Jaheel?"

"Nothing that you would like, or allow me to do," Lionel said frankly.

"Homicide is not on my top ten list of things to encourage my husband to do," Dominic said dryly, and thumped Lionel on the back lightly.

"I need little encouragement, Dominic," he said in response to the thump on his back. "Merely permission."

Dominic carefully rubbed the thump away, fingers tracing the vertebrae of his lover's spine. "Permission, then. Lionel, honestly, sometimes I wonder if you should have a more bloodthirsty vice president. I'm afraid I haven't the bollocks needed for this work sometimes."

"You are quite fine," Lionel reassured his lover. "You make a fine vice president, and if you will stop and consider it, not all vice presidents are wed to their presidents, nor do they have control over what their presidents do. You, however, do."

"Thank God I'm not an evil little toad then, hmm?"

"I would kiss you if you were, in the hopes of turning you into a charming prince," Lionel teased, rubbing his beard against Dominic's.

Dominic closed his eyes and his little grin bloomed into a full one, dimples winking as he gently kissed Lionel's jaw. "As if I'm not a charming prince all ready. Honestly, Lionel, that was rather rude of you."

And it was rather rude of him to let his hands skim wickedly down Lionel's backside, tickling softly through the thin slacks.

"You were the one mentioning toads, little cricket, not I," he said, grinning back down at his lover and returning the little kisses.

"Nope, not me! When I said 'evil little toad', I meant 'devilishly handsome blond man'," Dominic teased as he brushed his lips across Lionel's jaw again, then once again, and then pulled back the smallest bit to see if that was all right.

"Oh, well, you're already that, no need for my kisses." Lionel pretended to sulk as Dominic teased kisses down his jaw, and smiled down at him when Dominic looked up for encouragement.

"I always need your kisses," Dominic murmured, brushing his lips across the indent at the base of Lionel's throat, and when his lover smiled down at him, he grinned himself and kissed gently across Lionel's neck as he began to deftly unbutton tiny little buttons. "Even just-awake kisses, or after-garlic kisses, or sleepy, half-yawn kisses."

"Or grumpy after a bad day kisses?" he asked, adding them to the litany as he rolled his shoulders forward just a little, giving Dominic enough slack to finish unbuttoning his shirt.

"Or grumpy, after a bad day kisses," Dominic agreed, unbuttoning the fourth button down, and brought his mouth down to the ring peaking from one nipple. "Or grumpy, embarrassed kisses...or sloppy, wet kisses, or kisses that taste of come."

Lionel gave a pleased little sigh as Dominic's tongue looped through his nipple ring and tugged. It caused the nipple to pebble up firmly, and Lionel reached into his shirt to pinch the other into the same hardness before popping open several more buttons on his shirt and revealing more of his chest.

Dominic smiled up at his lover as his long fingers popped open the buttons on his shirt to tug at his other nipple. He ducked his head down, gently kissing the tensing nipple, and suckled softly at it. The heady taste of *Lionel* was so very pleasing, and he smiled against the nipple as he carefully pulled the shirt out of the waist band of the pants.

When Dominic pulled the shirt out of his slacks, Lionel made a soft noise of happiness deep in his throat and reached behind himself, tugging the shirt off entirely and letting it drop to the floor before rolling onto his back and tugging his lover with him.

The shirt disappeared and Lionel was tugging him and suddenly Dominic found himself sprawled over Lionel's wide chest. He anchored his knees around his lovers hips--which just so happened to gently cup their two crotched firmly together--and looked down at him with amusement. "I always knew you were stronger than you let on," Dominic said, and licked his lovers nipples again, sucking softly on one before carefully trailing his mouth downward.

"Of course I am; I've been working out," Lionel sniffed. "Doctor-supervised and trainer-assisted, in fact."

At that, Dominic actually looked up. "What?"

"I told you about this several weeks ago," Lionel reminded. "The doctor recommended that I begin a cardiovascular workout regimen three times a week, which I have been following faithfully with the help of a personal fitness coach," he clarified.

Now Dominic felt massively guilty. He got up on one elbow, staring down at his lover. "You've been doing this for weeks now? Lionel, I didn't remember." The fact that he didn't was a little alarming. "I'm sorry love. I feel so dreadful."

"Don't," Lionel said quickly. "I have generally made sure to schedule my time with the trainer when you are working, or at home with Aurora, so as not to infringe on our time together. I'm not at all surprised you don't remember, seeing as how you've not been exposed to it."

It still made him bite his lip, and he frowned and gently leaned down to press a kiss to Lionel's belly, then another, and got back to the task at hand with more gusto. He trailed his tongue over Lionel's belly button as his own busy hands pulled his sweater up, and he only pulled his mouth free of Lionel's skin when he had to yank his sweater over his head.

He gave his lower belly one gentle kiss before leaning over the bed. He tugged the bag out from under the bed that had their extra lubrication and some of their more frequent toys, and pulled out a few of the things--the tongue vibrator, the lubrication, and a ribbed condom. "Can I play?" he asked softly, hopefully.

"Of course you can," Lionel answered, just as softly. "You don't even have to ask."

Dominic smiled softly and licked his lower lip as he regarded Lionel before him. Long, lean, lightly muscled--he looked deliriously sexy and Dominic sighed happily as he rubbed his lovers arms softly and climbed back between his thighs. He hoped Lionel didn't mind changing his clothes, because he was about to mess them up. He brought his mouth down and sucked softly on the hard length hiding behind cotton pants and underwear and nibbled lightly on it, gently rubbing between Lionel's thighs at the heavy balls he could feel *just* through his clothes.

Lionel gave a quiet groan as Dominic's mouth slid down to his cock, letting a little frustration enter his tone when Dominic didn't bother to open his fly. Instead, Dominic chose to lick and nibble through the slacks, tonguing the fabric and rubbing the material of his underwear against his cock.

Dominic wasn't in the mood for fast, hard and furious. He was in the mood for wicked, teasing, evil, and strangely enough, gentleness. He licked and sucked lightly on Lionel's slacks, thoroughly wetting them and rubbing the hardening tip tenting his lovers pants, nibbling very gently before he began to work on the button and zipper.

With his teeth.

He got the button undone, with a few clever flicks of his tongue, and snagged the zipper, tugging it lightly down, nose and cheek rubbing gently against the hard, aching flesh through Lionel's underwear. He made sure the zipper was brought all the way down, gently tonguing the hard flesh through the damp underwear, before lifting his head up and tapping Lionel's hip. "Roll over, love."

Lionel gave soft little moans as Dominic teased him, growling occasionally as a cheek or nose rubbed against an exceedingly sensitive part of his anatomy, but for the moment was patient--though it was rapidly waning--to see what his lover had in mind.

The order to turn over, however, had him more curious than anything else as he obliged his lover, drawing one of the pillows under his chest to make himself more comfortable as he turned over.

"Up on your knees," Dominic murmured. "But stay on your chest. I like that."

Lionel was *even* more curious at the new set of instructions but did as he was told, pulling himself up to his knees and leaving his shoulders and chest down on the bed, folding his arms to pillow his cheek on. "I shouldn't ask what you've got in store but my curiosity is nearly killing me."

Dominic's lips twitched. "Are you comfortable?"

"Oh yes, quite comfortable," Lionel said, sliding his pillow in under his chest a little more.

"Good." Dominic settled on his haunches behind Lionel, running his fingers gently but firmly over taut cheeks. "I always wondered if there were ways to get you to come without a touch to your cock," Dominic murmured, firmly rubbing his thumb between his lover's ass cheeks, through slacks and underwear. "Do you think I might be able to?"

Lionel arched his back just a little as he pushed back into the lightly teasing touches. "You might," he said, rubbing his cheek against the pillow.

"Hmm. Tell me how I might be able to," Dominic murmured, as he pulled his lovers belt free from the loops with a whisper of leather, and set the belt down beside him. He drew his lovers underwear down as well, but only enough to expose the shadow and curve of his backside--not enough to let his cock free.

"The tried and true method is sex," Lionel said, spreading his legs just a little wider.

Dominic hid a grin as he settled more comfortably between his lovers legs and blew a very soft breath over his lovers hole. The fact that Lionel was still partially dressed--still had his bloody *socks* on--was unbelievably arousing. "Oh, I know what we need," he murmured, and leaned down off the bed to retrieve his lovers tie. He very, very gently and carefully slipped it over Lionel's head, careful with his hair, and tied it just snugly enough to be felt around Lionel's throat. And tugged the tie back over Lionel's back, so the end of it bit right against the gentle curve of his lower back. "Mmm," he murmured, and got comfortable again.

He very, very gently licked over his lovers taut cheeks first, rubbing his face gently against each one, before he licked the broad width of his tongue across his lovers hole. Firm, lithe little strokes, he rubbed and licked until he could dip his tongue inside the slightly loosened muscle, working it open with his...very talented tongue.

Lionel gave a soft gurgle of pleasure when he felt the wide end of the tie looping gently around his throat like a silken collar, then tossed his hair over it as Dominic's little tug brought his attention back to it.

For some reason, Lionel liked the idea that Dominic held him on a leash, and he kept his head raised.

The licks across his hole caused it to twitch with every little motion, little trembles until Dominic's tongue worked its way inside and he moaned, lowering his head and shoulders as he raised his ass further.

Dominic took his time. He squirmed his tongue into that tiny little entrance, pushing deep until he was content with the stretch, and then pulled his mouth free. His thumb took the place of his tongue, marking his place and keeping the muscle from contracting as he gently thrust in and out.

He hooked the vibrator behind his back teeth, careful it was snug on his tongue, and then flicked it on. It began to tremble, and really, it was rather easy to pull his thumb free and slide his tongue back in, vibrating now, and he began to thrust it in and out. It was so *fucking* erotic, and he was hard in his pants, but he kept his calm as he pleasured his lover, hands on those firm hips but not touching the aching hard erection between his lovers thighs, hidden behind cotton.

Lionel gave deep, shuddering moans as the vibrating tongue came back to his opening. It tightened uncontrollably, trying to pull his lover's tongue in deeper as he kept his fingers knotted in the pillow, refusing to touch anything as he trembled roughly.

The moans made Dominic moan himself and dear God, he couldn't wait for Lionel to lose control. Dominance and submission games had been absent from their bedroom for too long, and it was unbelievably pleasurable to be *doing* this, to know *he* was in control, and he groaned again as he thrust his tongue in and out. He did not touch his cock--when he did it would be hot, fast, and furious. So he just thrust his tongue in and out, mind reeling, fantasizing about everything he could stuff up into this hot, tight little channel to leave Lionel tense and irritable and so *fucking* sexy. Ice cubes? Beads? A squat little dildo that would keep him dilated, open to every one of Dominic's whims? Fucked hard and rough wherever he liked?

His cock was leaking.

Lionel's legs were spread even wider as he kept his ass up in the air, trying to pull Dominic's tongue as deep as he could get it. The vibration was driving him insane, so close to the rim and the sensitive muscles there that caused his opening to twitch and pulsate, but never deeper inside, where he was starting to almost *itch* and wanted it badly.

His toes were curled inside his socks, digging into the mattress as his fingers did the same to the pillow, his beard scrubbing across the pillowcase as he rubbed his face into it.

Dominic didn't wait for Lionel to misbehave. He thrust his tongue in deep and grabbed the tie, jerking Lionel's head up, hair flying back, and ground his free hand against the hard lump in Lionel's pants. He pulled his mouth free and yanked the vibrator out--his mouth felt slightly numb, but his voice was clear and strong as he leaned up, pressing his very, very hard cock, still clothed, into Lionel's ass. "You'll come when I say, and not before, do I make myself clear? You will not touch yourself, or you will be punished and I can say you won't like it."

Lionel moaned sharply as strong fingers fisted in his hair and yanked it back, causing his cock to twitch as he felt his opening spasming and reaching for what was pressing against his cheeks but still clothed. "You make yourself clear," Lionel panted, rubbing his beard against his shoulder and that was all he did.

"Good," Dominic hissed in his ear, and after giving it something of a savage little bite, lifted himself up from his lovers body. He opened the tube of slick and greased the little plug he'd retrieved along with the tongue vibrator from the bag, and with one savage little twist, pressed it into his lover to the hilt, firmly making sure it was in tight. "I'm not sure you're sincere. I think you just said that so I'll touch you, Lionel," Dominic murmured, and bit the scar he'd left on Lionel's ass cheek, nibbling around the mark. Wild fantasies ran through his mind, each more lurid than the last, until he leaned up again, pressing his crotch against the base of the plug inside Lionel's ass as he hissed in his ear, "Would you like me to leave you like this, Lionel? What if I make you put on women's lingerie? How would you feel wearing panties and garter for your evening meetings?" He gave a hard, rolling thrust through his pants, driving the plug inside Lionel a little deeper. "Cock tied back so that with each and *every* step your cock head rubs this lovely plug lodged tight inside of you."

"When... when have I ever... been sincere... under duress?" he said with a half grin, moaning through the tug against his hair and the teeth on his ass feeling delightfully burning.

His eyes shuttered closed at the whispered threats from his lover, and all he could do in answer to them was arch back, rub his ass against Dominic's cock, whimpering softly.

"I love to fill you up," Dominic hissed into Lionel's ear, and bit at the crease of his throat, not enough to draw blood but enough to bruise. When Lionel bucked back against it instinctively, Dominic landed a hard spank on the firm, taut ass in the air. And then another. And then another. He spanked Lionel hot, whispering dark, devious obscenities into his ear. "Is that what you want, Lionel? I'd love for you to be my little bitch, between my thighs with your waving, pantied arse in the air as you suck me off like the devil is under your heels, desperate to come and I won't touch you. Or maybe you'd like a leash around your neck and a bit between your teeth, my little pet." On those words he yanked the tie back so Lionel's throat arched. "Begging for a touch... just one," he hissed into Lionel's ear.

The spanks were like red pokers of fire shooting straight to his cock, and Lionel whimpered, bucking his hips as his cock rubbed helplessly against nothing but air.

The yank of the tie cut off his breathing for barely a second as he raised his head, and arched back into Dominic's body, rocking on his knees and staying quiet, hands still dug tightly into the pillowcase as he kept him tautly in the position Dominic put him in as his cock ached and throbbed.

"You will come without a touch," Dominic snarled into Lionel's ear, and with a yank, unzipped his slacks, yanked down his underwear enough to let his cock bob free, and slathered himself with lubrication. Lionel still wore his own pants and underwear, still drawn only below his cheeks, still *on*, and Dominic swallowed the groan at the image. He made sure he was slick though, and grasped Lionel's hair with one hand, yanking him back until the back of Lionel's head lay against Dominic's shoulder, and twisted the plug out of Lionel.

He thrust into his lover in one plunge, nice and thick and deep, rocking and packing himself in tight into the hardly lubricated, but stretched, sheath. Only when his balls were pressed tight to Lionel's ass did he lower his mouth to Lionel's ear, continuing his dirty whispered words as if he hadn't just thrust in deeply into his lover. "Or perhaps what you really want, what you can't help but want, is you tied to the bed and me making your body sing. Do you want to be tied, Lionel? Wrenched, submissive, hands above your head, collar around your throat, legs tied and spread so I can do whatever," he punctuated this with a hard thrust, "the fuck," and another, "I want with you?" And another.

Dominic's yank on his hair had Lionel giving a deep, throaty moan as he grunted.

His ass tried to hang onto the plug, desperate for any kind of penetration, but Dominic twisted it out anyway, leaving him open and clenching for only a few moments before he was filled again.

He dropped his forehead to his crossed arms, giving a low cry as Dominic's cock thrust completely into him in one long, slick movement, and then raised his head again when the pull in his hair got insistent.

The whispered words made his sheath tighten around Dominic's cock, grunting softly with every thought as he straightened his arms and gripped the headboard tightly with his hands.

When Lionel grabbed the headboard, Dominic knew, beyond a doubt, that he was going to die when he came. Coming, which was only a few short minutes away. "Hang on tight, because I'm going to ride you so fucking hard you're not going to sit for a week," Dominic snarled, and true to his word, he pulled his hips back and snapped them forward *hard*, shaking the bed with the power of his thrust as he moved against Lionel's body. The pants got in the way but that's what made it so incredible, unspeakably *delicious*--dirty and hot and wet and they reeked of hard sex. Dominic was sweating, hair plastered to his forehead, moving against Lionel and yanking his hips back to meet him until he angled it just right and knew beyond a doubt that he'd struck Lionel's prostate head on.

Lionel muffled the sharp, shrill scream that came out of his throat as Dominic's cock finally slammed against his prostate. He could feel the need to come building in his balls, was nearly tempted to stop it in his tracks, thought briefly about the punishment that Dominic might give him, and then it went beyond his control.

The thought of Dominic, his strong, brave little cricket punishing him was just the extra stimulus he needed for his already over-teased body to seize up and come, muscles spasming around his lover's cock as his own jerked out its orgasm.

When Lionel's body seized around his own Dominic moaned aloud, unable to pull out for a few short moments as Lionel--oh, fuck. OH, *fuck*. Lionel came, in his pants, and Dominic's hand flew down to the hard mound hiding behind cotton, rubbing it hard and firmly as he finally gave in, finally gave in to the tease and thrust in deep, a handful more times before he came himself. He exploded, balls drawing up tight as he moaned aloud against his lovers shoulder, filling Lionel up because he felt like he came for *ages*.

Only after he was sure he wouldn't collapse and die, he carefully pulled out of his lover and with trembling fingers, brought Lionel's pants and underwear back up, watching as the little hole, leaking the hot come he'd just filled it with, dripped out before he very carefully buttoned and zipped Lionel's back up.

And then he, ever so cheerfully, collapsed beside his lover and pulled him down to him, kissing him furiously.

Lionel wrapped his arms and his legs around Dominic, tangling their limbs together as he kissed his lover deeply, hands stroking over his back and shoulders, even over his hip to pull them together.

Dominic kissed him back just as furiously, rolling over Lionel so he was on top of his lover and licked and nipped, sucking on the warm, offered tongue before diving deep again. It went on for eternities, and when Dominic finally let his lovers mouth go he was panting. He smoothed Lionel's hair back from his forehead, his neck, and kissed Lionel again, so, so gently and tenderly, before drawing him close to him. "Okay?"

"Okay," Lionel echoed quietly, closing his eyes for a moment as he let his head rest on his lover's chest.

"Good?" Dominic asked, stroking through the lovely hair gently, bringing him in to cradle and hold.

"Very good," he answered again, letting Dominic hold him close.

"Did I hurt you?" Dominic whispered softly, running his hands down his lovers body and cupping his ass gently.

"Not at all," Lionel answered, quickly reassuring his lover. "You didn't hurt me at all."

"Good." He licked Lionel's throat. "You can change, but not just yet," he murmured, rubbing between the firm cheeks at the wet heat he could feel there. He shuddered in post coital bliss, the hot, squishy, damp mess pressed into his belly through Lionel's clothes, the hot, squishy, damp mess he'd left in his lovers ass. "Delicious," he whispered.

"And quite messy," Lionel said with a teasing grin, making no move to pull away, move, or change anything, instead staying right where he was.

Dominic beamed up at him. "I didn't mean to be so rough. You're sure you're not hurt?"

"I'm positive," Lionel said. "I'm not hurt."

"I'm glad," Dominic said, and pressed his lips to his lovers throat. "I love you so very much," he murmured, and kissed his neck again.

"I love you too, little cricket," Lionel replied softly, keeping his head turned so that Dominic could have complete access to his neck.

Dominic brushed his lips ever so gently against his lovers neck, then once more to his lips, and with a gentle movement, got them both on their sides. He linked his legs through Lionel's, cotton rustling between them as he dragged the blanket up over them. "Take a nap, love. I'll get up if Aurora cries."

Lionel shook his head, even as he yawned. "You should rest for your shopping trip tomorrow. I can listen for Aurora while I finish working."

Dominic shook his head, and sat up the smallest bit onto his elbow, leaning down and cupping the side of Lionel's face. he gently stroked his lovers long hair back from his head, and thumbed high cheekbones dusted with warm stubble. "Sleep," he murmured, and pressed his mouth to Lionel's to seal the point. Lionel tasted of sin, sex and musky Lionelness. "God, I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," Lionel whispered back, turning his face gently into the soft caresses of Dominic's fingertips.

The words did nothing to dispel some of the anxiousness that seemed to have been plaguing him for weeks, but he smiled anyway. He lay his cheek on Lionel's chest and closed his eyes. "Rest."

Lionel raised his hand and stroked gently through the new growth of Dominic's hair as his lover's head lay on his chest. "All right, little cricket, but you must rest also."


"Yes, Dominic?"

"Are… are you ever frightened? Of being a parent? Do you worry?" He was very still on Lionel's chest, and drew strength from not looking at him. "You seem... so strong. You know exactly what you're doing."

Lionel gave a quiet chuckle, that he imagined sounded like a rumble in his chest. "I am constantly terrified, if you want to know the truth. And yes, I do know what I am doing because I have had two children before," he said softly, not dwelling on Julian's passing. "It isn't until Aurora gets old enough to ask questions about what is on her chest and between her legs that I will be in unknown territory."

The rumble echoed under his ear, and it was comforting, after a fashion. Dominic gently laid a hand over Lionel's chest. "Ms. Bird told me. About Lillian that is. Ms. Bird said Lillian wanted nothing to do with Julian for the first few weeks."

Lionel did sober, at that. "That's true, she didn't," he mused softly. "She didn't want to get attached to him because she had just been told how sick she was, and she didn't want the child to get attached to her to simply have her die on him." He closed his eyes. "It didn't quite work out that way."

Dominic squeezed his lovers hands, very gently but very firmly, and didn't say anything as he all but felt his lovers pain radiating out of him. He brought Lionel's hand to his to press a kiss against the back of it. "She was a lovely mother."

"Yes, she was," Lionel agreed softly. "She was the best mother Lex could ever have had, and I think my failure to live up to her standards is what alienated me from my son those many years. I made wrong decisions, I never was able to be as good as Lillian in his eyes."

"I don't know about that." Dominic carefully played with his lovers nipple ring, eyes unfocused as he thought. "I knew you before Lillian died, Lionel. The man you were, and the man you became, were different people. You didn't fail--you were overcome with grief. You couldn't even take care of *yourself*, let alone Lex. There was nothing to be done for it. You did your best, beloved, but just as every other human being on earth, you aren't perfect. You could have never predicted any of it."

"No, Dominic. I refuse to believe that my best allowed my son to grow up believing that his father hated him," Lionel said quietly.

"Your best was to make sure your son, idiot son at that, didn't commit suicide or land himself in prison." He stroked a warm chest, across firm ribs, and then up to stroke his lovers side, right underneath his arm pit. "He hated you because you were tough--" Dominic looked up now, getting onto his elbow again. "--and I believe in my deepest of hearts that if you hadn't been, Lex would be dead today."

"Lex hated me because he thought I didn't love him," Lionel corrected his lover. "I know this, because I've heard it from his own mouth." He sighed, and shook his head on the pillow, eyes closed. "I think Lex would have survived just fine on his own, or found some other way of getting my attention."

Dominic *sincerely* didn't think so on either account, but rather than argue with his beautiful lover, he just lay back down. "He's happy now. Happier than I've ever known him to be. When he called that he and Clark were getting everything unpacked in their new home, he sounded... he sounded his age. Twenty three and happily oblivious to his own youth." He stroked his thumb gently under Lionel's nipple. "You do realize it's only a matter of time before I can start calling you 'grandpa', right?"

"And you do realize that it will be at that point I begin to refuse to answer to anything out of your mouth that isn't 'Lionel' or 'husband'?"

Dominic's lips curved, and if it was an evil curve, well then. "I'll be the world's first thirty five year old grandpa. No, thirty *six*, I'm sorry. Thirty six year old grandpa--dear God, my hair is going to turn white."

"And I shall, as always, remain this color brown until the day I turn elegantly silver," Lionel said stubbornly.

Dominic choked on the laugh that exploded from him, but all he did, through his titters, was lift up enough to brush his lips across each graying temple, beside each graying jaw line, and beamed at him as he settled in close to nuzzle his neck. "It'll happen all at once, then? You may want to invest in Clairol until then."

Lionel looked utterly scandalized. "I'll have you know that I have no intention of using or investing in Clairol." He gave a little cough. "I have already laid by a supply of Grecian Formula."

Dominic burst out laughing all over again, trying to hide it, but oh, hee. Hee! "I'll just bet you do," he said, eyes sparkling with mirth as he pressed his lips to Lionel's neck. "You look so handsome half gray. A bit like George Clooney, only much more handsome."

"I look nothing like George Clooney," Lionel sniffed, running his fingers through his slightly graying beard.

"Much more handsome," Dominic repeated, brushing his mouth across a soft ear, and then caught the fingers as they stroked through Lionel's beard with his own. "You've a right to be gray. Look at all that's happened to you in the last year."

"It's a wonder I've not gone stark white already," he sighed. "Between my life, my son, and my husband's near-death experience, I count myself extraordinarily lucky that I have as few gray hairs as I have."

"Not to mention that, but you got married, your son in law nearly died, we found out he was alien--we found out Lex was alien by default. LuthorCorp moved, our daughter was conceived, my mother tried to kill me, we went to Ireland, we nearly broke up--have I missed anything?"

"Our daughter was born, my grandson died in my son's arms, your sister spent some time in the hospital battling bulimia, we survived a blizzard complete with an appearance by Batman, and lest we forget, we dealt with Clark's duplication."

"Oh, now that was just fun," Dominic said, suppressing a laugh. "Poor Clark. The boy has more issues than a newsstand."

"Yes, yes, he does, and I wonder if my son acerbates, complicates, or ameliorates those issues," Lionel said with a great, heaving sigh.

"Your son complicates all he comes in contact with. It's his gift," Dominic said with amusement, looking up at him and gently pressing his lips to Lionel's. "Much to do with his youth."

Lionel laughed at that. "It is, I am sad to say, a gift he comes by honestly, because I can safely say it is me he inherited that from, and not Martha. She is the great *un*complicator."

It was one of the only times Lionel had ever called Lex's mother by name, but he didn't say anything. He just smiled and rubbed Lionel's stomach. He looked so relaxed, lounging there on his back, and Dominic enjoyed seeing Lionel that carefree immensely. "I do believe I must agree on that point."

"Of course you must, since your life is one that I complicate quite often." His jaw cracked in a yawn, and he looked surprised at himself as he did that.

"And I do so enjoy the complications," Dominic murmured, and closed his eyes on Lionel's shoulder. "Love, if we don't clean up we're going to be very unpleasantly sticky when we get up."

"And yet, I don't find that enough incentive to get up," Lionel answered with another jaw-cracking yawn.

"Neither do I," Dominic admitted, grinning as, right by his ear, Lionel's jaw popped. "Careful, too hard and it'll fall off."

"Well, we can't have that." Lionel yawned once more, and rolled onto his side.

"Would be terrible," Dominic agreed and spooned up behind Lionel, hugging him close to his chest. "I love you, beloved."

"I love you, little cricket," Lionel said, snuggling back against his lover as he kneed the blanket up and pulled it up to his hip.



go on to the next part