
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 355: Sex Toy

It only took them minutes to arrive at the mansion, and just in time because the closer they'd gotten to Smallville, the darker the clouds became, and just as Lex touched down on the front steps with Clark, the skies opened up and began to pour. Whitney's truck pulled in moments after their landing, and Lex opened the door with his key. "Take the bag upstairs to the girls, and wait for Whitney and I. If you touch, I will know." He landed a sharp slap on Clark's ass. "Go."

Clark was going to bite his fucking lip off tonight. He was sure of it. He just nodded, trying to find his legs after the ride, and stumbled into the dark, quiet house. He went upstairs, feet shuffling, cheeks flaming with the knowledge that he was about to be humiliated, and kept his head down until he found Chloe and Shayla in her old room.

he knocked, three times.

Shayla lifted her head from between Chloe's spread thighs, licking her lips from where she'd been gently nuzzling and licking against Chloe's wet slit. "They're here," she said with sparkling eyes, and slid nakedly off the bed to answer the door. "Come on in," she said, and held her hand out to Clark, frowning slightly. "Clark, are you okay?"

He nodded. Yeah, he was fine. Just in huge trouble. He looked up from under his curly fringe, gave her a shy smile, the same to Chloe, and shuffled in. He set the bag down by the bed and sat on the edge of it. "Hiya."

Chloe's eyebrows were knit, both from the pleasure a moment ago and Clark's expression. "You got in trouble, didn't you?"

A nod from under the mop of hair.

Shayla sat down on the bed beside him, and the first thing she saw--and smelled--was come. "I take it it's the fun kind of trouble?" she asked softly, pushing his gummed-together bangs off his sticky forehead as best she could.

Clark shook his head... then nodded, looking up at her, flushing, and looking down. "I didn't do what I was supposed to. Lex got mad at me."

"Then we'll just have to get Lex un-mad," Shayla said, nibbling softly at his earlobe as her hand snuck slowly down to his lap, as thought still not quite sure she was allowed.

And then drew her hand back quickly when she felt not flesh, but metal and leather. "What in the--"

"It's called the Gates of Hell, and unless you'd like to find out what I have for naughty little girls, I suggest you keep your hands to yourself." Lex was leaning idly against the bedroom door, ushering Whitney in front of him.

Whitney swallowed hard as he sidled into the room and sat on the bed beside Clark. He'd been told precisely what was going on with his ashimel and what he was--and was not--allowed to do, and he ran his hand over Clark's groin lightly as he looked over. "Ashimel," he said softly.

Clark swallowed hard and looked up at Whitney through his fringe as his ashimel swept his fingers lightly across his crotch. Even that small sensation was enough to make him groan--in horror and in pleasure both, eyes sweeping up to Lex before down again. "I was bad," he repeated softly to Shayla.

Chloe didn't like it, but? She also knew there was a system of understanding between Clark and Lex. They lived out their fantasies together, and if Clark wanted to be controlled, she wasn't going to stand in the way. That, and she thought it was absolutely fucking arousing. She gave a soft, quiet moan and said, "We've got to keep it down… John's asleep across the hall, all right?"

"I sincerely doubt you were that bad, Clark. I doubt anybody was." She looked pleadingly up at Lex.

Lex ignored her. "We'll keep it down. I believe I brought enough gags should they become necessary." He looked at Clark. "Come up here, Clark. Stand beside me and take off your clothes."

Clark nodded and climbed to his feet, albeit a little more slowly than usual, and his hands fumbled on his shirt as he stood beside Lex and pulled it up. It fell to the floor with a soft whoosh, and Clark's fingers moved to his fly. He unbuttoned it and unzipped it, and hesitated, almost willing this to *not* be happening as he flushed in embarrassment and a nice, healthy arousal that was being squeezed out of him and kept in place.

"Don't make me add hours, Clark." Lex held his hand out to Whitney. "Your belt please, Whitney."

Slowly, Whitney obeyed, handing the leather strap to Lex. "You hurt him, and we're gonna have us a talk," he said softly to Lex.

Clark nodded softly and pulled his zip down, before yanking his jeans down. He blushed red as he kicked his shoes off, then tugged off his socks, and stood there, naked but for the come across his face and chest and the heavy black contraption between his legs.

And Chloe thought it was the sexiest thing on the planet. Clark, trussed, obviously unable to come or get soft, with Lex holding the metaphorical leash and she *moaned*, her fingers sliding between her thighs.

"As you can all see, Clark is being punished tonight. He is not being allowed to come, but he can participate, as much as he is able. If any of you try to take the Gates off? You'll be the next one punished and I can assure you that you won't like it." He looked at Shayla then. "You will learn, ashikeeneh," he said softly. "This is the way of things. Don't worry, simply enjoy."

"Yeah, right," she said with a slight frown, obviously unhappy at seeing her friend and lover humiliated this way, and slightly stymied as to why nobody else was reacting to it.

Whitney reached over and stroked her little blonde head. "He's right," he said softly. "Trust Lex."

Clark kept his head ducked low, listening to Chloe's soft moans, Shayla and Whitney talking, and him, standing there, trying to hide himself with his hands and looking at the floor in horror. "I'll be good Lex," Clark whispered, nodding several times without looking up. "Promise. Be good.'

"Then put your hands behind your back and stop looking at the floor. There is no shame in being punished, Clark, and if I want to display you like this, I will."

No shame in it. Clark's slightly trembling fingers slid behind his back and he managed, with all of his will power, to look up. He met Whitney's eyes… then Shayla's, and finally Chloe's and they were so *quiet* and he cleared his throat a little and shifted his weight.

"Spread your legs," Lex murmured softly, reaching into the sex toy bag and bringing out a small inflatable plug. "Keep your hands behind your back, don't move, and don't look down." He looked around for a moment. "Shayla. Come here. Suck his cock, but that's it."

"No, no, no," Clark whispered in horrified excitement as he spread his legs. He didn't look down but he closed his eyes, hands behind his back and his hard cock bouncing against his stomach with every sluggish twitch. It was a rod of agony between his legs, prickling and hot and oh, oh, oh.

Lex stroked his hand over Clark's twitching stomach, stroked lightly and soothingly as he rubbed the head over the split between Clark's cheeks. He was slick and open from the sex before, and he just teased Clark by keeping the head stroking over his opening. "Shayla? I don't like to be kept waiting."

Shayla moved across the room, rubbing her hands on her thighs as she looked up at Clark. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly, even as she got on her knees. It made her ache to see Clark's large, red cock trapped in the obviously-uncomfortable toy, and she stroked gently over the head before placing a soft, gentle kiss on it.

Clark nodded jerkily, then roughly shook his head, then nodded again. He was alright… but he wasn't. The toy made him feel trussed and trapped, and though he kept panicking over it, the panic was giving away to awe inspiring pleasure. He'd never been tied up quite like this, and he whimpered as his hands clenched behind his back.

Shayla licked over the head of Clark's cock, sucking in as much of his cock that wasn't bound and trussed in metal and leather. Her hands stroked over his thighs, nails teasing lightly over the rough hairs standing up as she nuzzled against Clark's cock.

"Good girl." Once Shayla had started sucking Clark in earnest, Lex stopped teasing his lover and quickly shoved the toy inside, pushing it in to the hilt in a smooth stroke and then patting Clark's filled ass. "There we go, Clark."

Whitney's hands were clenching and unclenching into fists as he watched, calming himself with what little control he still had because he didn't *like* seeing Clark suffer and he didn't *like* not being able to help.

Clark made an undignified sound, throwing his head back and arching his back when Lex shoved the toy in, inadvertently shoving his cock into Shayla's mouth but he couldn't quite help it. He looked back at Lex, desperate, though for what he didn't know, and his knuckles went white behind his back. He wasn't used to fucking like a normal human and everything felt about a million times more sensitive--including the burning in his ass that was on the fine edge of pain and pleasure.

Chloe? Was ready to die. She had known Clark for much longer than anyone in the room, and she understood his personality. Clark was the *epitome* of dominant alpha male in everything in his life, and to see him totally helpless at the hands of his lover was...inspiring. She groaned softly and squirmed over to sit beside Whitney, her heavy breasts nestled close to his arm. "Shhh... watch, baby," she murmured, kissing his cheek, licking his earlobe, then down to nibble on his neck.

Shayla nearly fell backwards at the shove of Clark's cock into her mouth, but she took it, wrapping her arms around his waist to steady herself and widening her mouth as much as she could to suck past the first set of ring and leather, her tongue darting inside the metal ring to lick a small circle against the hot, hard shaft trapped between it and the next ring.

Whitney kept his head arched, just enough so that Chloe's delicious nibbles on his neck would and could continue, and he gave a soft growl even as he felt her body pressing against him to calm him down. The stroke of her hand over his back, her nipples against his skin, her mouth gently kissing his skin, and he still didn't like it. "Hurting my ashimel," he grunted softly, keeping his eyes on Clark.

Lex just watched for the moment, arms crossed over his chest and glaring at Whitney. "Would not hurt my aushna'."

Clark jerked and nearly hit the floor when he forced his eyes open and looked down at Shayla. Tiny, tiny little girl sucking his cock in and it was...fucking arousing as *shit* to see her ruby pink lips, so soft, wrap tight around him. He moaned loudly and let his head fall back, chest heaving for breath as his ass contracted around the dildo inside of him and squeezed. "Fuck, oh, oh, fuck!"

Chloe looked up from nuzzling Whitney's hair and met Lex's face. "He doesn't understand, Lex. Not yet. Be proud he protects his ashimel," she murmured, and pressed soft kisses to Whitney's chest before... Well.

She slithered to the floor an rubbed her chest against Whitney's legs until they spread to admit her. Shayla was sucking Clark's cock right beside her, and if she shifted a little she could see the two of them perfectly, in profile.

It was easy to match Shayla's sucking, as she brought her mouth around Whitney's cock and took him in as deep as she could--and what she couldn't take she squeezed with her hand, watching Shayla out of the corner of her eye as she did so.

"No fucking yet," Lex murmured softly, kissing Clark's lips as they were offered. "Bad boys don't get to fuck yet." He turned his attention to Chloe. "I am proud he protects his ashimel, but he should know, Clark needs no protection from me."

Whitney's eyes closed softly as he groaned. Chloe's mouth was hot, wet, and tight around his cock and his fingers twisted in the bedspread. He kept his head up, eyes a bare slit as he watched Clark getting his cock sucked by Shayla as Chloe sucked his, and he groaned.

Lex surveyed the situation easily. "Shayla, stop. Clark, go and sit on the bed beside Whitney. Shayla, on your knees beside Chloe." Yes, he liked that arrangement better. He could see both rounded asses of the girls, and still see the wet, bobbing cocks belonging to his aushna' and Whitney.

Clark shook his head frantically but he found his limbs were answering the call his brain wasn't. He jerked and pulled free from Shayla, clenching his eyes shut for a moment to steady his knees or he was going to fucking hit the floor. As it was a gut wrenching moan left him and his knees were trembling badly by the time he sat next to Whitney.

Sitting on the plug was… fucking unbelievable, because it was short enough, and curved enough, to rest right against his prostate. He yelped, *loudly*, shifting his hips and jerking his hips up even as he opened his eyes and saw absolutely nothing.

Chloe looked up, only for a moment, before returning to the task at hand. She ran her mouth over the tip of Whitney's cock and down, sucking him hard, sucking him deep, her fingertips playing gently with his balls just like she knew he liked, one hand creeping up to pinch those tiny little nipples that always made him feel good.

Shayla waited until Clark was seated on the bed beside Whitney, and she got on her knees between his legs. Her mouth found his cock quickly and easily, swallowing the length to the top of the harness, just as she had before. Her hands went down and gently stroked over his taut, hard balls, stunned to find them slick and shiny with the tightness of the skin, and she deserted his cock for a brief moment as she dipped her head to lick over them.

Whitney breathed harshly as the bed dipped beside him, and he was moaning softly as Chloe's mouth expertly sucked him off. The pinches at his nipples were added spears of bliss stabbing through his belly and his brain, and his hands fisted carefully in Chloe's hair, pulling her further onto his cock as he leaned over, biting hard on Clark's shoulder to get his attention, then stretched over to press a kiss to Clark's slack mouth.

Shayla licked over his balls and Clark thought he was going to die for certain. He jerked, hips snapping the smallest bit before he controlled them, and gave a low, hard cry into Whitney's gently pushing mouth. Whitney kissed him and Clark kissed back, trembling all over as he pushed his tongue into Whitney's mouth and took over the kiss--some semblance of control here, something, as his fingers cupped the back of his blond head and tugged him close.

Chloe listened to the sounds of the two men kissing as she lightly sucked and licked. She took the long cock in hand and pulled off to gently lick and tap the tip of her tongue along the slit, blowing soft breaths on it before sucking him down again. After carefully rearranging herself, settling more on her haunches, she relaxed her throat and pulled Whitney deeper, eyes closed as she did so.

Shayla sat back on her heels at the cry from Clark that her licks brought, and instead, she removed her mouth entirely, simply stroking Clark's cock instead, hand stroking over the harness and shaft both.

Lex watched, his arms crossed over his chest, and waited until he'd seen Clark relax. And then he spoke. "Chloe? Shayla? I do believe the two of you called us here to help you with something? Clark, would you like to come and lay out the things that we brought for them while they tell us?" He never let Clark get *too* comfortable doing anything, and that was part of the punishment as well.

Clark tensed again and nodded, giving Whitney one last parting kiss before climbing to his feet. His cock felt like it weighed twice what it normally did, and the gentle pressure that had been on his prostate while sitting only made it worse when he stood up and the rush of adrenaline, or whatever it is his body used, coursed through his body. He did as Lex told, carefully opening the bag on the bed and looked towards Chloe and Shayla.

"Lay it out, Clark, slowly," Lex said, his foot propped on the edge of the bed as he leaned his elbows on his upraised knee. One hand reached out to skritch gently through Clark's hair as he worked, and his gaze turned to the others. "Yes?"

Whitney gave a whimper when Clark's mouth was pulled away from him, and glared at Lex as he called Chloe too. He let his fingers slide slowly out of her hair, and satisfied himself with rubbing his thumb over her cheek as he waited for the answer.

Chloe nodded and gave Whitney's cock one last nuzzling lick before she climbed to her feet, and reached out for Shayla's hand. "Yes."

Clark carefully pulled the things out one at a time--the double edged dildo that made him whimper, nipple clamps, a leather harness with a dildo attached. There was still more left but he didn't know if he should take it out too, and looked towards Lex as his cock tried to twitch in the leather contraption.

"Everything, Clark, and then Chloe and Shayla can pick what they want to use. The rest of it... Well, I'm sure there's *some* use we can find for it." He reached down and gently pinched each of Clark's nipples before going back to stroking his hair like a beloved pet.

Shayla swallowed hard and linked her fingers with Chloe's as they went towards the bed. "We thought... we thought you'd like to see. Watch. Maybe help while... we were with each other," she said quietly, squeezing Chloe's hand and then kissing the back of her shoulder softly.

Whitney groaned softly at the two soft, female bodies twined together, the soft press of lips against familiar skin.

Yes, well. Just the thought of Chloe and Shayla putting on a show for them made his cock twitch again, harder, and the pre-come Shayla had licked away came back with a vengeance, gathering and dripping down his cock until he whimpered softly. He pulled out another harness, then almost stopped it and fell over when Chloe... when Chloe...

When Chloe leaned down and tucked Shayla's small breast in her mouth.

She sucked hard on it, bent over as she was, hips wriggling as she suckled and nibbled at the high, hard nipple, suckling hard at it as her other hand came up to Whitney's head and pulled him in close to her own breasts to nibble and play.

Whitney didn't have to be told twice. His mouth went immediately to one of Chloe's nipples, raking his teeth gently over the puckering nub, licking away the occasional beads of milk that pooled at the tip, kneading the heavy weights in his hands as his tongue lapped over her skin, laving every inch, teeth nipping and teasing as he sucked. His cock throbbed lightly as his hips rocked, rubbing his cock against Shayla's hip.

Shayla gave a little squeal, one leg going to rub against Chloe's slightly spread thighs while Shayla's hand traveled down, her fingers finding their way into Chloe's wet slit, barely stroking inside as she sought out Chloe's clit, and then once she'd found it, rubbed it teasingly as she gave little moans.

Lex leaned down a little further so that he could whisper to Clark. "Look at that." He picked up the double-headed dildo, and rubbed one head over Clark's full, pouty lips. "Don't they look eager?" He reached over and picked up a pair of thick nipple clamps, and closed them tightly on Clark's nipples without warning, clipping one then the other in quick succession. "Wonder if they'd notice if I decorated you." Lex reached into the false bottom of the bag and brought out little bells on the end of little nipple weights that matched the clamps. "It's not exactly bells on your toes, but it'll do." He clipped the bells onto Clark's chest, and then, with a flourish, picked a heavier weight and a heavier bell up, and clipped it to Clark's cock.

Clark was in his own world. He'd been watching Whitney feast on Chloe's chest, and Chloe on Shayla's, and somewhere between Shayla stroking Chloe's clit and Chloe bucking into her hand did he come back to Lex, just in time to--"Oh!" he cried out, hands jerking towards his chest but stopping *just* in time. He let them drop, trembling as the teeth bit into each nub, and then Lex *weighed them down* and he couldn't stop the cry this time, desperate eyes meeting Lex's as he squirmed and the weights tugged his nipples down and the clamps wouldn't let *go*.

And then Lex weighed down his cock and a spurt of pre come dribbled down to the floor in a long string. He whimpered, face flushing and body going tight and hot, blood roaring and limbs squirming and oh, oh, oh. "L.. L... Lex, Lex, n... no, oh, G..."

Chloe looked up from Shayla's breast and gave a hoarse, deep, soft moan. "Oh, Clark," she whispered, bucking into Shayla's fingers as she groaned even louder.

Lex stroked his fingers gently over Clark's chest, and then up over his face. "Do you know how beautiful you are to me like this?" Lex asked softly, kissing Clark deeply as his fingers flicked one of the bells, just to hear them jingle. "But tell me, Clark, tell me honestly, if this is too much or if I've crossed the line. Use your safeword, tell me to stop, and we stop here." As he whispered into the kiss, Lex's fingertips skated over Clark's throat, teasing the taut line.

Shayla whimpered when Chloe's mouth left her breast, but the moan got her attention as she looked over her friend's shoulder. Her fingers slowly stopped churning in Chloe's slit as she got an eyeful of Clark, the bells and the clamps and the plug in his ass, the kisses from Lex and his curious fingers, and she shivered violently. "Oh God," she echoed.

Whitney looked up when Clark squeaked out Lex's name, and he sucked in a deep breath as Clark stood there, decorated, naked, and surrounded by sex toys, and he had to reach down and squeeze his balls roughly in order to keep the orgasm down.

Clark whimpered and shook his head as he tipped his head into Lex's kisses. Everything was was intense, and he wasn't used to being this overwhelmed with pleasure and pain. He wanted to cry and scream in the joy of it, shivering hard all over, ass contracting around the plug and his cock was dripping and his skin was streaked with red and nipples were going rosy and dark, and oh, oh, OH.

Chloe gave another moan, then another, trembling as she looked at him. "Oh, God, you look so..." she whispered, and let go of Shayla a minute to reach out and lick her tongue over the broad width of his clamped left nipple just to hear the cry wrench somewhere in his chest. His muscles tightened and his wet cock brushed her thighs as she licked again, then again, the bell tingling as Clark jerked with each lick of her mouth, whining high in his throat.

Lex broke the kiss slowly. "Tell me, Clark," he said softly, pleadingly. "Tell me if I've hurt you." His fingers still brushed over Clark's neck and shoulders, encouraging him to answer.

Shayla looked back at Whitney, and then jerked her head towards Clark as she got on Clark's right side, lapping around the clamp on the right nipple, the bell jingling with every breath that Clark took, with every spasmodic jerk of his body.

It didn't take Whitney long to figure out what he was supposed to do, and he slid under all the bodies, lying on his back as his mouth reached up and sucked the underside of Clark's cock, licking over the rings and harness, nuzzling his cheek against reddened balls that looked ready to pop.

"Oh, God! Oh GOD!" Clark sobbed out loud when Shayla took her other nipple and *Whitney*...he was their toy. The knowledge of that almost made him come--his eyes rolled back and his cock hardened almost rigid, dark with blood as he jerked his hips. It was the single most arousing experience of his entire life and he didn't want it to end, didn't want it to end *ever*. He shook his head at Lex, gasping out, "Not h-hurting me," before he was caught in another wave, body tense to come but unable to, Whitney sucking on his cock and stroking his balls and Shayla and Chloe, and...oh, oh God, oh God.

Chloe gave the nipple she was attending one last lick, and smiled at him before taking Shayla's hand. "I'm going to fuck her, Lex," she murmured, looking up at her ashimel shyly with a warm smile. "Is that okay?"

Lex gave a relieved smile as Clark gasped out his answer, and Lex kissed him deeply again, his tongue thrusting through to suck a prolonged kiss from his lover's mouth. When Chloe asked him a question, however, he turned his attention to her and let his fingers stroke through Clark's hair once more. "That's quite all right," Lex said, indicating the toys they'd laid out. "These are what we brought, and if there's anything you need that isn't here, it won't take me long to run back to the studio for it."

Shayla panted softly at Clark's gasps, her cunt slicking more than she'd ever felt with every noise, the tug between her legs unbelievably potent as she followed Chloe's tugging hand the few steps over to Lex.

Whitney didn't stop licking as he paid attention to his girlfriend and her... well, girlfriend, just licking over Clark's cock, occasionally his balls, and even once back to the stretched little hole filled with the plug.

Chloe smiled again and nodded. She picked up the harness with the biggest dildo on it--as big as the men were, and then lifted Shayla's fingers to gently kiss them. "You can back out now, if this is too weird," she whispered to her friend, stroking Shayla's hair gently. "If you don't want me to." Clark's low cries were music to her ears, spurring her on, giving her confidence.

Shayla shook her head. "You can back out too, though I swear to God, if you do, I'll never forgive you, because I'm dying for you so much right now," she said with a whimper. "Feel like I've got a slip and slide between my legs, and please, I want you." Her free hand rose up to Chloe's face, then when Chloe had finished kissing her fingers, she kissed Chloe's mouth as hard as she could.

Chloe kissed her back, the moans behind her increasing in volume, and her own thighs were slick and hot and oh oh oh. They'd already done their foreplay, now time for the hot fuck.

Chloe let go of Shayla's mouth and quickly unbuckled the harness. She picked up another vibrator, attached it to the D ring on the inside of the harness, and then slid it inside herself as she lifted the harness up around her hips and moaned deeply. She snapped and buckled it firmly in place, making sure everything was connected right, before turning to Clark and reaching up for a handful of his hair, tugging him down away from Whitney and to her. "Suck me."

Clark shuddered and gasped for breath as he ever so carefully got on his knees in front of her, hands trembling as they ran over her hips, and sucked the hard plastic into his mouth. He began to suck like it was Lex's cock, the fleshy rubber smooth where his tongue slicked it, and a hot, thick, sticky rush filled him around the butt plug. Whatever natural lubrication he made was making the butt plug slip out of him and he made a sound in his throat, eyes flying open and looking up at Chloe, her fake cock pressed down his throat.

Shayla stepped back, getting onto the edge of the bed and spreading her legs as she waited for Chloe, her fingers slipping into herself and stroking deeply.

Whitney followed, his hand going up to catch the plug slipping out of Clark's body and holding the glistening object up to Lex.

Lex chuckled softly as he let go of his lover, and tossed the plug into the sink. "Next time, I'm going to remember to bring a strap to strap it in," he said, and his eyes flickered to Whitney as he pressed his lips to Clark's ear. "What would you say about Whitney

Lex chuckled softly as he let go of his lover, and tossed the plug into the sink. "Next time, I'm going to remember to bring a strap to strap it in," he said, and his eyes flickered to Whitney as he pressed his lips to Clark's ear. "What would you say about Whitney's cock filling you up instead. That is, as soon as your mistress is finished with you," he said.

Clark nodded hard around Chloe's cock and returned to the task at hand, sucking and moving against it. The pushes of his head pushed the vibrator into her, he knew, and he watched as she flipped it on and suddenly the cock in his mouth began to vibrate very gently from the one inside Chloe. He groaned around it softly, slurping and licking and spreading his heat.

"That's enough," Chloe said, lifting his head off the cock and leaning down to kiss those swollen, ruby red lips. "Mmm," she murmured, and licked once more before turning to Shayla. She grasped her cock and stroked it just because she could, advancing on her girlfriend and with a gentle but firm push, pushed her back onto the blankets and sheets. She looked down at Shay...then glanced towards the collection of sex toys. She picked up a slim little anal vibrator and carefully lubed it with the open tube of KY, before sliding back between Shayla's spread thighs. "Lift up," she ordered. "And spread."

Shayla whimpered, keeping her thighs spread open as she raised her hips, sliding her arms under her back to hold herself up as she offered herself to Chloe. "Yes ma'am," she said, with a coy bat of her eyelashes.

Lex leaned back and pulled Clark back against his chest, rubbing his still-dressed body against his naked lover's skin. "I'm going to watch him fuck you," Lex promised softly. "And while he's fucking you, you're going to suck my cock, and swallow everything. And when he's finished with you, then I'm going to fuck you. Ride your ass as hard as I can, blow my load in your hot little hole, and then offer it to Chloe to fuck with that big cock she's strapped on. And if she's too tired, then maybe, *maybe* I'll let you come after you've cleaned her up." He motioned to Whitney to come over.

Whitney crawled over to Lex and Clark, reaching out for Clark first thing.

Clark jerked at the words and gave a gasping, deep groan, right from the pit of his heart. Used for everyone's pleasure and he shuddered and trembled, nodding fervently and rubbing back against Lex, despite how much it hurt against his weighed nipples and his cock, which was ready to fucking fall off. It had gone from dark red to an almost maroon purple, and was spitting pre-come almost continuously. "Y-yes, please, yes, I w-want, yes."

Chloe smiled down at Shayla, listening to Clark plead, and bit her lip as she pressed her fingers into Shayla's ass. Two fingers and deep, stretching just enough to pull out and slide the vibrator in. She made sure it was firm against Shayla's skin, wiped her fingers on someone's t-shirt, and then without giving Shayla a chance to breathe, kissed her deeply and with her hand, led the fake cock in.

She thrust into her friend in one hard push, deep, all the way in until their thighs were pressed tight.

Shayla squeaked as the vibrator slid into her ass, and she clenched down on it. Before she could breathe, think, react, do anything, Chloe's cock was pressing into her and she was squeaking again. Felt big and huge, splitting her open like Clark did, every time he fucked her, but it was *Chloe* with soft breasts waiting for her mouth. Her legs wrapped around Chloe's hips, squeezing tightly as her hands slid out from behind her back to pinch the full nipples waiting for her, bringing the heavy breasts to her mouth for eager suckles as she lunged up against each stroke of Chloe's cock.

Whitney took Clark into his lap, stroking his cock through the harness as he murmured into Clark's ear. "Lovely ashimel," he said softly. "Want you to watch, want you to enjoy, want you not to hurt, tell me not hurting if I fuck you hard," he pled, undulating against Clark's slick opening.

"Fuck me hard, pl-please," Clark sobbed out, arching into Whitney's chest and rubbing back against the hard cock. The one on his hand nearly killed him, making him jerk and writhe, but at least the weight was pressed against Whitney's thigh and his cock wasn't weighed down. Still, he squirmed and writhed, moaning softly and deeply and continuously. "Please, I need, pl-please, p..."

And then Chloe had to go and thrust into Shayla and Clark was gone. A hard, choked wail escaped him, arousal spiking behind his eyeballs, in his chest, up into his cheeks, and his balls felt so hard, almost as hard as his cock, as he pushed and moved back against Whitney. "PLEASE!"

Lex put his hand on his lover's shoulder, and reached down, loosening the first ring of the Gates, which relieved some of the pressure at the tip but only made the other rings all the tighter as the blood rushed and swelled his lover's cock even further. But Lex knew that if he left it on too long, he would permanently damage his lover, and that he didn't want. So he loosened the first ring, and then nodded to Whitney. "Do it," he said softly.

Whitney didn't need any further invitation, his arms going under Clark's armpits and lifting him up just a little as Whitney slammed his cock into Clark's slick, stretched little hole. He gave a sharp, loud wail at the heat that swallowed him easily, the hot gooey substance inside sliding over his cock and making it so easy for him to thrust deep, sheathe himself to the balls with every stroke.

Clark threw his head back, neck corded, muscles clamped, thighs and calves stone hard, as Whitney thrust in. Hard, deep, one push and he was suddenly viced open, thrust in deep, claimed and his back arched *hard*, head tight against Whitney's shoulder. When he got his breath back he gave a hard, sharp wail, because Lex had *done* something and suddenly the fucking toy hurt all the worse, something missing from the top but now all the rings in back squeezed and he was going. To fucking. Die. He felt himself expand as he always did before orgasm and *stay* that hard, bigger and harder than he'd ever been in his life. He arched against Whitney, didn't stop, didn't *want* to stop, feet planted on the outside of Whitney's thighs, facing the girls fucking on the bed.

Clark very happily lost it.

His mind spaced out as Whitney fucked him, deep inside, almost as deep as Lex could get...a tease, just brushing the good place inside of him, making the bump on his back *throb* in need. He jerked and moved, pushing and writhing into each hard thrust, each pound into his body. His toes curled against the carpet, his eyes clenched, and his muscles stayed tense, moving with Whitney.

The words around him grew foreign--he couldn't understand what they were saying, all he could understand was *this*--fucking, pushing, moving, building the pleasure to levels he'd never thought imaginable.

Whitney was whimpering, raising his hips, thrusting as hard as he could into Clark with every rocking movement. His cock was hard, harder than he'd ever thought it had been before, and his fingers reached around, pinching Clark's nipples around the clamps and bells.

The ringing and jangling cut through the moans and slaps of flesh on flesh in the room, and Whitney was watching over Clark's shoulder as his girlfriend buried a massive--for their smaller size anyway--cock into Shayla's body, over and over again.

Lex methodically stripped, wiggling his toes in the long satin stockings as he clenched pleasurably around the beads in his ass. His own cock was hard and red, drooling with pre-come as he walked around, sitting on the bed beside Shayla so that Clark could see him without strain as he started to teasingly stroke his cock as he leaned forward and caught one of Chloe's nipples in his teeth, tugging lightly.

Lex was such. A fucking. Bastard. Clark couldn't help but think it, mind wild, heart slamming, skin sweating, and if he could focus for longer than any one moment he'd have realized that Lex was teasing him. But he couldn't. He was gone. His mind was somewhere back in metropolis, his body moving as Whitney moved him--Whitney was strong and easily fucked him, pulling and tugging his hips without effort. Clark didn't have anywhere to hang on as he was brutally fucked, so he reached a hand back to grasp the back of Whitney's neck tightly, hand scrambling down to his cock.

He stopped, inches from touching himself, and gave a wild cry, throwing his head back into Whitney's shoulder as his cock dribbled.

Chloe gave a short cry herself, echoing Clark's as Lex sucked on her nipples. She mewled and bat him away, but only enough to hug Shayla to her and roll over. "Ride me," she whispered behind Shayla's ear, nuzzling the blond hair as she stretched out on the bed, taking handfuls of warm, soft breast and squeezing.

Lex gave her nipple one last lick before he was bat away, and sat back, keeping his stroking hand moving steadily. He pursed his lips and blew a teasing kiss at Clark as he slid one purple-stockinged leg up over the other, wiggling his toes at his lover.

Shayla gave a deep whimper as she was shifted around on Chloe's cock. Her arms went around her lover's waist and held tightly to her, and then when Chloe gave her the order to ride, she gave a soft, deep little squeak as she slid her hands down her hips, getting onto her knees as Chloe moved over. Up and down, her wet cunt slid along the plastic shaft as she rode it hard, swallowing it to the plastic balls before rising up to the tip and slam back down against Chloe's thighs.

Whitney groaned as Clark's hands fastened on the back of his neck, and he kept his lover moving constantly on his groin, shuddering as he pushed his cock in to the hilt with every stroke. His fingers were leaving red marks on Clark's hips as he hauled him back, then when Clark's throat was exposed to him he went for it, biting and sucking the long arched expanse.

A tingling rush moved from Clark's neck, down his throat, making his nipples peak and his eyes roll back and all he felt was the thud thud thud of the thrusts and the slapping of Whitney's thighs against his own.

And the bells around his cock and nipples ringing.

Chloe pushed up into Shayla, whimpering as the hard dildo rubbed...right...against her clit, so each of Shayla's thrusts masturbated her and she squealed and squeezed around the vibrator inside of her, twisting and pushing up against Shayla hard and fast. "Oh! Oh!" she cried out, and squeezed Shayla's ass cheeks, rubbing them together against the vibrator in her ass.

Lex slid off the bed and went to kneel in front of Clark, sliding his tongue over the head of Clark's cock, lapping hungrily at the slick jets of pre-come that drooled from the tip like water. He didn't touch Clark other than to lap at his cock, and he blew soft breaths across the shaft and damp balls.

"Suck his fucking cock," Whitney demanded, growling at Lex. "Give my ashimel the pleasure he deserves." He bit on Clark's neck again, tongue laving over the ring of teeth marks as his cock pounded his lover's prostate and the bells jangled loudly.

Shayla whimpered as Chloe kneaded her cheeks together, riding the plastic cock impaling her as hard as she could. "Oh, Christ, Oh, Christ, Chloe, fuck," she moaned, riding harder, grinding her ass back into Chloe's surprisingly firm grip as she squirmed, bouncing on her friend's lap.

Tears spilled down from the corners of Clark's clenched eyes in pleasure and frustration, and at the touch on his cock he almost blacked out. Hot, licking, sucking, and Whitney's snarled words at his ear and the *teeth* and Clark was twitching almost continuously, and would have surely fallen off of Whitney's lap if not for Whitney's hands on his hips. He was *drenched* with whatever it was his body made to slick his passage, dripping down his thighs, across Whitney's groin, and his bump felt so, so tender to the touch, so when Whitney fucked him upwards and scraped his stomach across it it made him want to fucking die with need.

Chloe squirmed her legs as Shayla moaned on her lap, pushing and moving against her friend, and then canted her hips and grabbed Shayla's plug. She used it to fuck her friend as they fucked in front as well, and she needed to *come* and it was so close and she was tingling, nipples rock hard, skin slick with sweat and hair stuck to her forehead. "Shayla, oh God!"

"Only when he's learned his lesson," Lex breathed, nonetheless wrapping his mouth around the head of Clark's cocks and sucking hard.

Whitney snarled again, keeping his grip tighter on Clark's hips and hauling him back. "It's okay, baby, I've got you, I've got you, baby, I got you," he growled softly into Clark's ear, kissing him and fucking possessively against his ashimel. "Gonna make you feel good."

Shayla gave a little scream, strangling it because of John sleeping, but screamed nonetheless as she bounced on Chloe's lap. The vibrator stroking in her ass was a sin, pushing the plastic in her cunt to rub roughly against her clit. Her nails dug into Chloe's shoulder as she leaned over, nipples rubbing against nipples as she sucked a rough kiss from Chloe's tongue.

The hard suck had explosions going off behind Clark's eyes. He was beyond speech, beyond understanding, just moving, just fucking, just moving, come please come soon please come soon please, need please touch need hot need.

Chloe squealed herself when Shayla ground down against her, and the cry was muffled into Shayla's mouth when she leaned down the furiously kiss her. When Shayla's tongue dragged against her own, when the hard nipples scraped hers, that was it for Chloe. It took two hard clenches around the vibrator and bucking up into Shayla for her to come, *hard*, her small body clenched in waves of pleasure as she did. "OH!"

Whitney scowled down at Lex. "Do *not* mistreat my ashimel!" he roared angrily, his cock buried to the hilt inside Clark's tightness. His hips thrust up, pounding hard as he could to relieve the sweaty, desperate need he felt flowing through Clark's blood. "Relieve him!"

Lex nodded, and reached around, sliding each constricting ring of the Gates off until Lex had the harness in his hand. He let it drop to the floor, and closing his eyes, he deepthroated his lover, his nose buried in Clark's pubic hair as he braced on his lover's slick, taut thighs as he sucked.

The pressure on his cock released, and it took exactly two sucks of Lex's mouth to make his screaming balls come and oh, God, it hurt so much but it… it felt so good his hair stood on end. It all hurt so much but it felt so *good*, so incredibly good in ways he'd never felt before and as his climax overtook him, seconds later, he was able to experience the pleasure long enough to look down at Lex swallowing his come, with Whitney's hands tight around his hips in his peripheral vision, and his own limitless submission, and Clark..

Clark blacked out.

It was mortifying. Really. Later, he'd be horrified and embarrassed and humiliated. But for right now? He sagged in Whitney's arms, still coming, still clenched around Whitney's cock.

Lex swallowed as long as Clark came. He could feel the hot rush of come spreading in his chest and belly as his arms looped around Clark's waist. He rubbed his cheek against Clark's wet thigh, licking the spent cock clean.

Whitney screamed. He felt as though the hard clench of Clark's body was ripping his cock off at the balls. He came, hard, screaming and burying his face in the sweaty back of Clark's shoulder. His hands relaxed slowly on Clark's hips as he held Clark tightly against him, arms around Clark's chest holding him up as he shuddered out his orgasm.

Growled softly at Lex as Lex tried to tug Clark off his lap, but when Lex bared his teeth in warning, Whitney slowly surrendered Clark to Lex's desperately tugging hands.

Lex stayed on the floor, for the moment, tugging his insensate lover as he held Clark tightly to his chest, showering his face with soft kisses and gentle strokes of his fingers.

Shayla's eyes were wide at the screams and noises from Clark and Whitney. She had stilled on Chloe's cock, her cunt tight and clenching as the vibrator in her ass pushed the plastic against her clit and she came as Chloe did, shivering on her friend's lap as she kissed her, eyes locked on the three men.

Chloe whimpered on the tail end of her orgasm, her eyes watching Shayla, then following Shayla's vision. Clark, slumped in Whitney's arms, Lex on his feet in front of him, and then Whitney coming and "Oh, God, isn't h-he beautiful?" His blond head thrust forward and his muscles shook and shuddered and he looked...almost more beautiful than Clark did right at the moment. Flushed, sated, streaked with hands and bruises on his hips and thighs, neck bleeding the smallest bit, bite marks decorating the long arch of his throat. He was the picture of debauchery and Chloe moaned again, and once more, arm circling Shayla's waist as she sat up, keeping Shay snug on her cock. "Oh, God."

Shayla shuddered on Chloe's cock, her head falling to rest on top of Chloe's head. "God yes," she whimpered. "Beautiful, beautiful, look at them, so pretty," she said softly.

Whitney was panting, breath coming and going explosively as his chest heaved. His body was drenched in sweat and Clark's secretions, sticky and gooey and completely uncaring as he gave a little smile to his girlfriend.

Clark whimpered softly, sound muggy, eyes foggy, as he opened his eyes and looked up. His body… oh, God, his balls... everywhere hurt, everywhere tingled, and he felt *sated* in a way he hadn't in a long time. He moaned softly but deeply, low in his throat, as he looked up at Lex, the tender kisses on his cheeks feeling divine to his over heated, sweating skin.

Chloe smiled at her boyfriend, then up at Shay, and looked down at Lex and Clark on the floor. She whispered, for Shayla's ears only, "Ashikeeneh," and licked Shayla's throat.

Shayla gave a soft little whimper as she wrapped herself around Chloe, hugging her and rubbing her friend's back and shoulders with her hands. "Ashikeeneh," she said, rolling the word off her tongue as she got more comfortable in Chloe's lap. "Do you want me to go and check on John?"

Lex stroked slowly over Clark's chest and hip, occasionally flicking the clamps on Clark's nipples to make the bells chime as he held his aushna tightly. "Chloe? Do you want to fuck him when I'm done?" Lex asked softly, picking up the discarded Gates and dangling them in front of Clark.

Oh. Oh, God. More sex? Clark gave a low, deep throated, hoarse moan from his spot in Lex's lap, and despite itself his used and abused hole clenched. Without his powers it was... sore, used, and it felt... it… it felt *real* and good and strange and he couldn't *think*. "Water," Clark whispered hoarsely, sitting up the smallest bit as his numb nipples chimed.

"I'll get it," Whitney said, standing up for a minute and then carefully stepping over Lex and Clark cuddled in the floor. He put on his jeans without underwear, and then shrugged into his shirt without buttoning it. "I'll bring a six-pack."

Lex was mildly outraged. "Ty Nant does not come in six packs, Whitney. You'll have to count out six bottles. There should be a cooler in the kitchen pantry; put the bottles in the cooler and bring some orange juice for Clark as well."

Whitney threw a salute. "Aye, sir!" He goose-stepped out of the room, to Shayla's tittering laughter.

Clark grinned, but it was a ghost of his usual smile. He felt...strange, and shattered, but in a good way. His own limitless submission, like this, was new to him. It made him tingly all over, and a part of him that was always tense finally relaxed. it made him loose in Lex's arms, cheek laid sleepily on Lex's shoulder, eyes closed and his breath coming quietly as he rested.

Lex nibbled softly on Clark's ear, then kissed his cheek softly. "As soon as you've had something to drink, I'm going to get you hard again, strap your cock back up, and fuck you as hard as I can," Lex murmured softly. "And then I'm going to offer you to Chloe again."

Clark nodded--this sounded like a fine idea to him right at the moment, where he was resting against his lover. He curled closer, ignoring the sticky, squelchiness inside of him, and nuzzled Lex's throat where he had his eyes closed.

Chloe smiled down at the two of them as she ran a hand down Shayla's hip, looking across at her and gently pulling on her hips to get her off the dildo. "Have you seen Clark and Lex have sex?" Chloe whispered to her, smoothing Shayla's hair back to brush a soft kiss across her temple.

Lex's arms tightened around his aushna' and he rubbed Clark's shoulders possessively as they cuddled together.

Shayla gave a little whine, but lifted herself off Chloe's strap-on and sunk into a boneless heap on the bed beside her. "Seen as in sat and watched? Not... really, no. Seen as in participated? Yeah."

"I think this is gonna be one of those watching ones," Chloe murmured, and sank down beside her, resting against the blankets, but only for a moment before she climbed to her feet and grabbed Lex's button down shirt from the floor. "Let me check on John. I'll be back," she said, and dropped a kiss on Lex's naked head, though didn't try anymore right now because they were in one of their possessive moods, and slipped out of the room.

Shayla just nodded as she curled up on the bed, fluffing the pillows as she dragged herself onto them, wrapping up in the thick, soft, comfy quilt on the bed as she smiled down on Clark and Lex. "You guys are adorable."

Lex growled softly at the kiss from his ashikana, but settled easily when that's all it was as he drew Clark even closer. His hands stroked and roved roughly over Clark's chest, flicking his clipped nipples, listening to the bells jingling. "Want me to take them off and put them back on when I strap you in the Gates, or leave them on until we're done with you?"

The thought of having those things taken off, then put back on, made Clark jerk. He didn't think he could handle it, not tonight. "C-can you take them off and leave them off?" he asked in a small voice, looking up with a little whine in his voice. "And leave the... the gate thing off too? I'll be good, I promise."

Lex gave a soft purr as he stroked over Clark's hip. "You think you've been punished enough for disobeying your aushna'?"

Clark put on his most innocent, most sweet puppy face, and bat his lashes to boot. "Uh huh."

Lex tried not to smile in return. "I told you that you wouldn't get to come at all tonight, and I took pity on you. Gave you an orgasm."

Oh. Now he was a *selfish* aushna' and Clark ducked his head. "It was so good."

Lex rolled over, and tugged Clark flat on his back. "Yes, it was good."

Because he knew it was going to hurt when he did this, Lex leaned over and kissed his aushna' deeply, as roughly as he could, and unfastened the left clamp, tossing it and the attached bell and weights to the side.

And then, before Clark could breathe, he did the right one just as quickly.

The "OH!" Clark cried was muffled into Lex's mouth as intense feeling returned to his nipples and he twitched and writhed, whimpering. Nothing had ever felt like that, not ever, and he groaned and squirmed against Lex, both in body and mouth. As soon as Lex let go of him to breathe Clark whimpered and squirmed. "Oh, ow!"

"Sssh, baby, I know it hurts," Lex murmured softly, raising his hands to cover each throbbing little point and massage it gently, rubbing feeling back into each one as blood rushed to fill it. "I'm sorry."

Clark winced with the soft rubs, and though his crotch tingled pleasantly, no way was he getting aroused for a little while yet. He'd just had the most mind blowing orgasm of his young life, fucked to oblivion and back again. His balls were *sore*. "Feels good. pain is good," Clark whispered, eyes closing to relish the sensation of Lex stroking his chest before he opened them and met Shayla's gaze, where she was watching them from the bed.

Shayla gave him a grin and a little wave from her warm nest of pillow and blanket. "Did I mention the cute and the sexy part?"

Whitney's foot kicked the door open. He was carrying, on his arm, a large, soft-sided drink cooler, and was balancing in his hands a rather large chocolate layer cake with fudge icing, and in the crook of his elbow were five glasses. "Dude. Shayla. Get the fuck up and help me already."

Shayla darted over to Whitney and flashed him a grin. "You're shattering all my dreams, Whit. Big, strong man needs little bitty girlthing to help him." She grabbed the plastic glasses and tossed them onto the bed, and then held her hands out for the cooler. "Give the cooler, and put the cake on the dresser."

Clark? Needed a drink. Badly. His eyes followed Whitney's movements and he croaked, "Water?"

"I got water, Clark, I got OJ, and I got a gallon of milk from Ms. Bird to go with the cake," he muttered. "Take your pick." Whitney straightened his elbow and let the strap of the cooler fall into Shayla's hands.

The weight almost took her off her feet, but she managed to get it heaved up onto the bed, and unzipped the lid. There were two gallon jugs, one of juice and one of milk, and six big blue bottles of water. She bit her lip and took one of the bottles out, getting on her knees beside Clark and Lex, not too close, and held the bottle out in quiet offering.

Clark took it without waiting to see if Lex said it was all right. He opened it and offered it to Lex first, though he all but squirmed.

John? Was a sound sleeper. Chloe changed his pamper, fed him, and the baby had gone right back to sleep. They'd have to keep it quiet for a few minutes, but he'd sleep deeply for the rest of the night. Which was a godsend at the moment, as she set the empty bottle in the diaper bag by the bed, because she didn't think that the night was over, not by any regard. The harness, sans dildo but still filling her, said so. She made sure he was warm and cozy before crossing to the other room, closing the door quietly and making sure the baby monitor was set on high by a huge chocolate cake before rejoining Shayla on the bed. "Kiddo's asleep."

Whitney just grinned like an idiot at the mention of his son. "Course he is. He knows Mom and Dad have important business to take care of tonight." He plunked down on the bed beside his girlfriend and nuzzled into her neck. "You smell good after you've just had sex."

Lex just shook his head slightly. "You need to drink, Clark. Drink it; there's more downstairs I'm sure."

Oh yeah. Clark did just that. He swallowed half the bottle before he came up for air again, in fact, Adam's apple bobbing roughly with each hard swallow, and a dribble of it ran down his chin, which he wiped away, the scrape of stubble strangely loud to his ears, with the back of his hand.

Chloe grinned up at Whitney, kissing him gently and snuggling close, as she said all too loudly, "I think you broke Clark, Whitney."

Lex nuzzled Clark's damp throat, licking the dribble of water as it spilled. "I think he did too, but I'm sure we'll have him back in working order shortly." His hand slid down to stroke Clark's still-tender cock, and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Clark jerked--nearly choked--and set the bottle to the side now that his tongue wasn't stuck to the roof of his mouth. He spread his legs, there in Lex's arms, offering him what he wanted as he curled in close and closed his eyes, making low, humming noises in his throat.

Lex angled his head down to take one tender nipple in his mouth, tugging it with his teeth as he bit sharply. His hand still stroked Clark's cock, occasionally sliding down to squeeze his balls before coming back to tease.

He looked at the three people sitting on the couch, and then he looked down at his aushna'. "Clark? Who do you want to suck you hard again? Whitney? Chloe? Or Shayla?"

Suck him hard? Oh? Eh? He blinked up at Lex.

This time Chloe *did* laugh. "Lex, not only did you break him, you took all rational thought."

Clark glared at her. "Did not," he said. His voice was gruff from screaming and tension, and rumbled throughout the room. "Shayla."

"I think you have your fiancé to thank for that. After all, it was Whitney who fucked him into a slick little pile of Clark goo. I just let him come." He nibbled at the other nipple, and then looked up again. "Well, Shayla?"

Whitney's hand reached around Chloe's back and shoved Shayla forward. "Yo. Skittle. Move it."

"Hey! Little girl!" Shayla nearly went ass over teakettle from Whitney's push, and glared at him as she got off the bed and went over to kneel beside Clark. She stroked her hands over his stomach and thighs as her eyes flickered up to Lex's.

"It's all right, Shayla. I won't bite your head off. This time." His fingers laced tightly through Clark's as his mouth returned to his lover's nipples, alternating sucks and bites to each nub.

Clark arched his neck up to the kisses and sucks on his nipples, but his eyes never left Shayla's. In fact, they stayed glued on her face as she moved between his legs and her fingers stroked his stomach. It felt... good, but oh God, he couldn't get hard this fast again, could he? How was he ever going to have another orgasm? ...Ever? Nothing could top the last one--*except maybe Lex fucking the sweet spot, Clark*. And even if it could, could he withstand another orgasm feeling the way he was feeling?

He didn't know, but damn did he want to find out.

"Thank you... for not… putting the gates on," Clark whispered to his lover, stroking his loves fingers with his own where they were laced.

Lex lifted his head and kissed his lover softly, gently, with all the love he felt for Clark. "You asked me not to," he said simply. "All games and everything to the side, you asked me not to, you said you didn't want it, and I would not force anything on you that you didn't want," he said frankly.

Shayla's little heart melted at the sweet, love-filled whispers being traded over her head. She gave Clark a little grin as she kissed his belly, then slid down so that her tongue could lap around the base of his cock.

This she'd learned to do and be good at, and her tongue teased his balls, sucking and kissing each round, hot little globe before moving up his shaft with her tongue, wrapping around the length as she guided the head in her mouth and went down, swallowing as much as she could before starting to bob her head in a deep, steady motion.

Clark gave a low, deep hiss from the sensations down at his crotch as he looked up, tensing and trembling all over even as he whispered back, "I love you so much. You have no idea w-what this means to me," he said softly, licking and kissing Lex's lower lip, his cheek, his jaw as his fingers slid from Lex's hands to cup the warm, bald head.

Lex's mouth moved up to deeply kiss his lover, his tongue thrusting in to tease Clark's as his hands stroked carefully through Clark's hair, touching him reverently.

Shayla gave a little squeak as Lex rolled on top of Clark, but it brought his and Clark's cocks together, and she licked over both sets of balls before wrapping her hands around each shaft, rubbing the heads together before sucking both heads into her mouth. It was all she could fit in, just both heads, and her tongue flickered over them as she sucked, her fists stroking the shafts.

To his pleasure, or perhaps horror, Clark felt himself begin to stir. It just felt so good, Lex was so warm, his body so close and comforting. Clark moved up against him, making a soft, deep, inarticulate noise as he licked and sucked Lex's mouth in all his pleasure. "You taste so good," he whispered, lapping at the corners of Lex's mouth as one hand went down to stroke through Shayla's hair.

Shayla pushed her head up just a little against Clark's stroking fingers, and let go of Lex's cock altogether in favor of sliding her mouth back along Clark's, which was finally starting to harden. Slowly and sluggishly, she didn't blame him a bit for being slow to rise as she sucked. Her fist still stroked Lex's cock, fingers rubbing his balls occasionally as Shayla worked to get Clark ready.

Lex jealously dragged Clark's hand back up to his head and his shoulder, rubbing against his aushna's chest. "You're so hot," he murmured softly, keeping Clark's hands pressed to his body.

Clark wondered, vaguely, if he meant that his skin was hot or if he was sexy, but his brain was still much too muddled for much of that. Instead he kissed Lex's head, his ears, nibbling softly as Shayla suckled on his cock. He was firming up, to his horror, because he knew just where Lex was taking this. He closed his eyes and canted his hips into Shayla's mouth, muscles protesting the movement even as he wrapped one leg around Lex's hips and arched up towards him, there where they were sprawled on the warm, soft carpet.

Lex returned the kisses eagerly, rubbing his own hard cock against Clark's hip as Shayla continued to get his aushna' hard. "I could give you to Chloe first," Lex murmured. "Strap your cock with a regular cock ring so you can't come until I fuck you. But I could give you to her. Let her fuck you until she gets herself off on the dildo that's packed in her tight, wet cunt even as we speak. Look, it's still wet from where she just fucked Shayla with it. Do you want to clean it off before she fucks you with it?"

Clark whined low in his throat, shaking his head and cringing softly against him. "Want you, please? I w-want, want you, please baby, want." His voice was hoarse and gravely, rumbling in his chest as he bucked and groaned when Shayla stroked a particularly good spot. His skin felt hot and tight all over, sweat slicking his skin and plastering his hair to his forehead, with the come form before.

That was it. Lex growled softly at Shayla, and reached down to push her away by the forehead. "Enough. Get off. Get away." He growled it, and yanked Clark possessively close as he pushed Shayla away.

Clark's cock popped out of Shayla's mouth with a loud sucking pop as she was pushed away, and she gave a little whimper when Lex shoved, but she didn't argue. She just leaned over, lapping up the long strand of pre-come from the tip of Clark's cock as she scooted back, a little fearfully, and kept her eyes on Lex as she curled up on the floor, between Chloe's feet and Whitney's.

Chloe gently touched Shayla's shoulder where she scooted back against them and watched, silently. There was nothing more beautiful than watching Clark and Lex have sex--she'd seen it only once or twice since they'd become their sha'nauch, mostly because both of them were usually too enthralled with the two of them.

Clark nodded frantically, arching into Lex's body, linking his leg more tightly around Lex's hips and an arm around his lovers neck, the other stroking down Lex's body. "Yes, oh, God yes, please, I need… please, Kenep, need, your aushna' needs, inside, please!"

Lex turned and concentrated all of his attention on his lover. "Back or stomach?" he asked softly, stroking his fingers down Clark's body in echo of the strokes of Clark's fingers. "Tell me, and you'll have it. I'll give it to you, Kal," he murmured softly, soothing his aushna' with little touches here and there. "Tell me what you want."

"Like this, knees on your shoulders, like this!" Clark cried out and grabbed his cock, roughly stroking it the rest of the way to hardness as the hunger in him swelled. "Like this, like this!"

Lex reached down and slapped Clark's hands away from his cock, leaning forward and pinning them over Clark's head with one hand. "Don't move, don't touch, not until I say." Keeping Clark's legs firmly seated on his shoulders, Lex moved closer, until the head of his cock rubbed against his lover's wet, slick hole. The thick goo still trickled out of Clark's opening, and Lex slicked himself liberally with it as he teasingly rubbed the head of his cock over Clark's hole. "I'm not going to let you come," Lex confided in a whisper. "Not until you've found it in yourself to fuck me. I'm still wearing the plug you slid inside with your own hands. You don't get to come until you've taken it out and fucked me hard. Then you can come."

"Oh God," Clark sobbed. He'd forgotten, forgotten about it but he *needed* it, needed to come, needed to come *now*, and his hips bucked as Lex rubbed over him. He didn't know if Lex wanted Clark to fuck him now, or later, or what he wanted, and Clark suddenly felt a wave of guilt that softened his cock the smallest bit. "Want? I can give, give my aushna', I'm sorry, selfish, I'm sorry."

Lex gave a little shake of his head, and reached down to give Clark's cock a firm squeeze. "Later. Much later. *I* want to give now. Tortured my aushna', you were so good, now I want to give to you. Always want to give to you," Lex said quietly, stroking Clark's cock so that it wouldn't soften any longer. "You first, you always. Not selfish to take what is given."

Clark whimpered and nodded sharply, more of a trembling buck than a nod, as he spread squirmed his backside, knees all but pressed to his chest and cock jutting out firmly. "I will give, so hard, so hard, promise, all my heart, promise, please, inside aushna', inside me, please, fill me inside!"

Lex did. The desperate, hungry pleas of his aushna' moved him more than anything, and his slick cock eased into Clark's passage in one deep, smooth stroke. He buried himself to the hilt in Clark's body, pushing and stroking until his balls were situated against the curve of Clark's ass, and his hands moved to gently pinch and massage sore, red nipples as he started to thrust.

Clark closed his eyes and floated. Lex slid in deep, right inside to that *spot*, the good sweet spot, deep inside and the bump on his back *throbbed* against the carpet where it was squashed. Clark writhed against it, then up into his lover, flying on bliss with his eyes rolled back and his mouth trembled open, gasping and panting for breath in intense and beautiful pleasure. Slow, careful thrusts into him and he gave in, his legs sliding down from Lex's shoulders to squeeze his back and hold tight as they moved. Delirious, divine, incredible.

It was beautiful. So, so beautiful. Clark was all dark lines and caramel skin and Lex was pale and pink and soft, and two see them writhing on the floor was a wet dream come true. At least for Chloe. She rubbed and squirmed against the bed as she watched, moaning softly, her heavy breasts bopping softly with every trembling, panting breath.

As he felt Clark's legs slide down, Lex's thrusts picked up speed, his hands stroking along the undersides of Clark's calves as they linked behind his back and pulled him down. The tighter wrap around his waist let him slide deeper, the head of his cock sliding as deep as possible with every push of Lex's hips.

He was moaning softly with every thrust into the hot passage that clasped tight around him, shuddering as he fucked his aushna' hard and fast.

Whitney grinned, moving behind Chloe so that his legs slid to the floor around hers, pulling her back against his chest as his fingers found her nipples and tugged lightly, flicking what fingernails he had across the pebbled nub.

It was slow, warm sex, something Clark...enjoyed beyond the telling of it. His muscles were all straining and burning from the last few hours, he was exhausted and nearly spent, but felt so good. So very, very good. It was warm and strangely relaxing, like coming home after a long, tiring day, and Clark peppered kisses all over Lex's face and neck, stroking his back as he kissed. His cock was only secondary to Lex's mouth, his ears, the dimple on his chin, and he enjoyed it all as they moved.

Lex loved moving with Clark like this, gentle thrusts that were fast, deep, but not brutal and hard as he'd been fucked all night. Gentle, satisfying strokes, meant to soothe his aushna' and remind him that Lex loved him, no matter how hard or roughly they played. His hands went to stroke through Clark's hair as his hips rocked steadily in and out, pulling Clark's delicious mouth up to his for a deep, wet kiss, his tongue stroking in tandem with his cock.

Clark gave a low, deep, quiet moan into Lex's mouth as they made love, rubbing and pushing and Clark wrapped his arm tighter around Lex's neck, holding him closer, firmer, nearer as he showered his lover with kisses and touches. Over his shoulders, down his back, across his ass and then up across that gorgeously naked head, to rub the back as they moved.

The little moan drove Lex wild. He loved hearing Clark's moan in his mouth, in his ear, and he wanted to hear more. His teeth bit teasingly at Clark's lip, tugging it into his mouth for sucking as his cock started pound harder, pull out further before thrusting home again, his hands digging a little harder into Clark's shoulders as he pushed his lover down into the mattress for better leverage for the deep, shuddering thrusts.

Shayla could vaguely hear Chloe whimpering behind her as Whitney touched her, and... she could really have cared less. She couldn't take her eyes off the amazing chemistry in front of her, the way Clark and Lex fit perfectly together, meeting and touching and caressing, anticipating every movement and moving into it.

Clark stroked his hands roughly down Lex's sides to his hips, holding them tight and moving with them. He reached up to cover his mouth over Lex's, kissing him hard as their pace picked up and Lex shifted and hit... right… there.

Clark sobbed into his lovers mouth and went crazy--his body became a frenzy under Lex's when Lex struck that spot, the *good* spot, over and over and over--hitting it firmly, perfectly, making Clark arch, beg, wail. He trembled and shuddered, fucking his hips hard against Lex's to get more of that delicious, insane heat in, deeper, in the core of himself. "OH!"

Lex gave a deep, sharp growl as Clark started to move back against him, pounding his cock into Clark's ass with vicious strokes, every one of them pounding the same little spot, over and over again, dragging across Clark's prostate to slam hard against the inside part of the bump on his lover's back.

The secretions were flowing from Clark's body again, his cock moving easier with the slickness, no resistance allowing him to thrust even harder and faster than before as the lubricant slid him in and out without trouble.

Clark's body was one electric fire from before and he wailed, squirming against the carpet and his lovers hands, rubbing the bump hard against the hard surface as he humped up into Lex. His thighs tensed and trembled where they were wrapped around Lex's hips and he screamed into the muffle of Lex's mouth as Lex threw his weight behind his thrusts and fucked him properly.

Clark came. It was helpless, undeniable. Too much too soon tonight. He exploded over his belly without a touch to his cock, hips moving madly as climax took him over. He sobbed with it, tears splashing down the sides of his face in pleasure and pain as his abused balls exploded. Pleasure shook him, nearly to unconsciousness, as he gasped and panted and groaned.

Lex gave a muffled shout as Clark's ass locked around his cock. His nails dug into Clark's shoulder, the kiss becoming harder and deeper as Clark wailed into it, and Lex couldn't move in the tight clasp that held him motionless.

His own balls were boiling, and he shifted his hips just a little to cause the plug in his ass to move as he stayed trapped in Clark's body, until finally, Clark went slack and Lex could move again. His mouth had let go of Clark's, listening to the wheezing little groans and pants as he kept stroking inside his lover, so close to coming.

There was no possible way Clark was getting hard again tonight. None. Nada. But he remembered his promise to his lover, and that's what had him stopping Lex's hips with one hand, grabbing one of the pillows Chloe held out to him, shoving it behind his shoulders, and reaching back for Lex's ass. He grabbed the end of the butt plug in orgasm-trembling fingers and pulled it slowly, carefully out. "Whitney, get me the big purple dildo on the bed."

Lex stopped his motions when Clark's hand on his hip held him still, and he gave soft little whimpers as his cock stayed pressed tight in Clark's ass even as Clark's fingers reached back behind him for the plug.

Whitney nodded, and reached over for the dildo in question. Thick, long, and wide at the base with purple testicles, there were raised veins running along the shaft, and Whitney held it out to Clark. "Here you go," he said softly.

Clark took it and reached under him, to where Lex was lodged tight inside of him. The stuff Clark produced was more slick than even lube, and he slipped his fingers through the mess on his thighs, using it to grease the dildo up.

And without warning his lover, without telling him just what he was going to do, he planted his feet on the carpet, squeezed his ass around Lex's cock, and pushed the dildo into him. Carefully but thoroughly he filled him, pulling the dildo back when he couldn't push forward until Lex's body gave--pushed until the purple balls were snug against Lex's skin.

He pulled it back, and thrust it in. Hard.

Lex gave a jolting cry at that, his ass clenching around the purple dildo as his own cock throbbed inside Clark's passage. His hips thrust back against the purple dildo, his head fell back as he rocked back against it, riding it as much as he could, fucking his lover at the same time he fucked himself on the dildo, chest heaving and cock throbbing.

"Just like that, gorgeous aushna', fuck it, fuck it hard, so gorgeous, so beautiful," Clark hissed in Lex's ear, clenching around Lex's cock with each push into him as he rode Lex with that purple toy, hard, powerful strokes, his own head falling back in the arousal of this--of having Lex caught between himself and...himself. It was arousing as hell and he snarled his love, biting kisses along Lex's collar bone.

Lex did just as he was told, moving his hands down to brace against Clark's stomach, gripping his hips tightly as he rode and thrust back against the hard dildo fucking his ass, riding it roughly as his cock pounded into Clark.

His orgasm erupted all at once, without even a hint that he was coming, just a hoarse shout of warning as he rocked down, swallowing the purple dildo to the balls in his ass as his come poured out and into Clark's body, hips thrusting weakly to stroke every bit of it out.

Clark fucked him through it, through the orgasm, the hot rush inside of him joining what Whitney had already left--they'd fucked him too soon, he had the sperm packed in him tight and he needed to clean it out, but for now--bliss. He exhaled softly, nuzzling Lex's throat and ear, pulling him close to his body and kissing his cheek, his jaw, his ear and throat. "Aushna', aushna," he whispered softly, nuzzling the soft skin behind his ear.

Lex let himself roll to the side so that he was curled up beside his aushna', his cock sliding out to let some of the semen leak out, if possible, panting and heaving for breath as he stayed as close to his aushna' as humanly possible.

Clark pulled Lex close into the circle of his arms, sharing the pillow Chloe had given him and nuzzling him close. He circled his leg over both of Lex's, tugging him close, as they were on their sides, and nuzzled Lex's cheek gently, licking his skin with the broad width of his tongue, down down, bathing his throat with his tongue.

"Wow," Shayla said, breaking the silence with a breathy exclamation. "That was... *wow.* And did I mention *wow?*"

Clark looked up over Lex's shoulder blearily to meet Shayla's huge eyes, and gave her a sleepy smile as he nuzzled Lex's shoulder to get him to look too.

"They're not called 'aushna' for nothing, Shay," Chloe said, her lips curving up as she sighed softly. "You guys are so beautiful together, you know that?" She didn't dare get close, not yet when Clark's eyes were all but glowing.

Lex's eyes barely cracked open enough to glare. "Make yourself useful, little skittle. Cut the cake. Pour some milk." His arms tightened around Clark's waist. "Make Clark's piece big."

Whitney laughed softly at that. "Hang on, Shay. I'll help you; the dresser's taller than you are." He pushed up off the bed, moving over to the dresser and picking up the cake, putting it down in front of the mirror, which was more on Shayla's level to reach it.

Shayla beamed up at Chloe. "I know, but still. Damn. They're hot together." She waited until Whitney was past her to get up, and she crawled over and pecked a teeny kiss on Lex's nose, and then scooted up to her feet as she started setting out the paper plates Ms. Bird had sent up with the cake. "Big piece for Clark, big piece for Whitney. Chloe? Lex? Size you guys want?"

"Little piece. I'm watching my weight," Chloe said.

Clark snorted something about, 'skinny waif' as he licked Lex's throat again, then once more. "I'm gonna go shower, kay? You bring the enema?" Clark asked his lover as he stood up and walked over to the bag. He was a big, streaked, wet, slightly bloody mess. He found what he was looking for and just grabbed the bag, heading towards the bathroom. "And a big cup of milk!" Clark said, before he closed the door behind him.

"Just a regular size for me," Lex clarified. "Shayla? Eat what you want, all right? Don't make yourself sick, but eat as much or as little as you want; nobody cares." He padded over to the bed, looking through the rest of the dumped out toys and stuff before he found what he was looking for.

Shayla felt a warm grin suffuse her entire body as she ran over and gave Lex a hug around the waist. "Don't worry, big man. I'm doing a lot better. Elaine's been working with me, and the nutritionist has been thrilled with the stuff I've been eating lately and I gained back almost thirteen pounds now, so I'm almost back to my regular weight." She squeezed tighter. "Thank you for worrying."

Lex cleared his throat as he blushed lightly, and gave her a squeeze around her shoulders before pushing her back to the cake. "Remember. Big for Clark. He'll be hungry." He kissed her forehead, kissed Chloe's cheek gently, and then disappeared into the bathroom behind Clark, locking the door after him.

Clark looked up when Lex walked in and smiled sheepishly at him, shyly. "Lex? I... thank you. For tonight. I don't think you know what it means to me. I feel.." More relaxed than he ever had in his life. "So good."

Lex reached his arms around Clark's waist and tugged him backwards into a hug. Lex's mouth pressed soft kisses against the back of Clark's shoulder, cuddling him close. "You're welcome," he murmured softly. "I'm glad I could help make you feel good."

Clark smiled back at him, blushing quietly, gently, softly as he wrapped his arms around Lex's and closed his eyes, resting back against the firm, warm chest that was as big as his own. "I love you. You make me feel so safe."

"I love you," Lex murmured softly against his lover's ear. "I like keeping you safe; I like you trusting me enough to keep you safe." He nuzzled against his lover's neck, right under his ear. "I like that you trust me enough to let me do this for you."

Clark trembled all over. "It felt so good, Lex… like I didn't have to worry about anything, like I could... could submit to you and you'd take it all away for a little while. The powers… who I am... it gets heavy sometimes, you know? So heavy, like my shoulders are about to cave in."

Lex's hands rose to rub over Clark's shoulders as he talked about them. "I can just imagine how hard it gets for you." He kneaded gently. "I can just imagine. But don't worry, Clark. I'm strong enough to bear that burden for you, as long as you need me to."

Clark smiled at him over his shoulder, the kind of smile that lit up the room. "Thank you. I don't think I can say that enough for you to understand what it means to me."

"You're welcome," Lex murmured softly, basking in the warm glow of Clark's smile. "I'm glad that this is something I do understand, and can help you with." He dropped another soft kiss to the back of Clark's neck. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up, and then we'll see if we can't get you something more substantial to eat besides chocolate cake."

"I'm dying for some chicken. And egg rolls. I don't know why," Clark said, grinning shyly at Lex as he took out the supplies they'd need.

Chloe herself was currently licking chocolate cake off her fingers, curled in close beside Shayla and smiling at her. Whitney was stretched out on the bed in front of them, looking handsome and divine as always, as they ate. "You know, I think I could get used to this. I just wonder something."

"I'm almost afraid to ask what you're wondering," Whitney asked, occasionally pausing to take bites of the cake offered to him on Shayla's fork.

"I'm actually not afraid to ask, so I will. What you wonderin' about, C'lo?" Shayla popped a bite into her mouth, and then shared another one with Whitney.

"If every time one of us has children, our family will expand."

Shayla blinked at that. "... you know, that raises some very serious questions, now that you mention it."

Whitney stayed reclined on the bed, looking for all the world like a naked Grecian god waiting to be fed grapes and fanned with a palm frond. "Yeah. The implications of that are kind of... troubling, and when the fuck did I start using words like implications??" he demanded, shaking his head.

Except Chloe wasn't going to be doing any fanning, and if Whitney wanted grapes he'd be going to get them himself. She slept next to the oaf, and put up with all the belching, smelly feet, and farts besides. There was nothing Grecian about him. ...Except for the gorgeous body, of course, and she grinned at him. "Since you started fucking Lex Luthor and his lover on a regular basis," Chloe said, and then shook her head and rubbed her shoulder gently where the shirt she'd thrown on prickled. "I mean, its fairly obvious that Clark and Lex don't control who they chose--it's almost like they do it subconsciously. I know when we became their sha'nauch they were as surprised by it as we were."

Shayla raised her hand. "Living proof of the surprise of the chosen!"

Whitney popped her lightly across the back of her head. "You think *you* were surprised, Shay? Think how shocked we were. NO idea they were going to absorb you too. Though... come to think of it, I'm actually kind of NOT surprised it was you, kid."


"Oh, what. You're still a kid, so shut up." He smirked down at her. "I don't think they're actually conscious of who they pick, but yeah... I think they know who they're gonna pick. Cause... in our case, I think we were lucky, cause we were together, and Clark likes me and Lex likes you. But, when John was born? Didn't you notice that like, about halfway through your pregnancy, Clark started to take a liking to the skittle?"

Now that Whitney said it, she had. He'd talked to her, and taken a definite shining to her, and she regarded Shayla thoughtfully. "You're right about that. He was always trying to talk to her, and you should have seen him when you were in the hospital, Shay. He asked me about you about five times a day, but was always shy when it came to coming to see you. it was pretty cute actually." She thought for a moment. "I was just thinking about it because unless you live in another country, you've noticed they're starting to talk about having kids again, and the only people who I can think of who Clark and Lex like and trust are Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, after Lionel and Dominic of course, though they're out of the question because of the family ties." She grinned. "Sick, huh? Your ex-boyfriend's ex-boyfriend, and the star of my fantasies for the better part of five years."

"I thought that was me," Whitney said, throwing one of his wadded up socks at Chloe.

Shayla couldn't help it. She just burst out laughing. "Chloe? You've got a better chance with the next additions being my brother and Lionel than you do Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, because Clark absolutely *despises* Bruce, and I didn't even have to think hard to figure THAT one out!"

Chloe inclined her head. "Hates him, sure. But I think Clark trusts him. Very, very much."

"How's that work?" Whitney asked, curious. "How you trust someone you can't stand?"

"Because. If something ever happens to him, I think... Clark knows Bruce will take care of Lex and their children. How much more trust can you have in someone, Whitney?" She stretched her toes out. "You just wait. It's not going to be long before Clark and Lex tell us they're going to try again."

Whitney gave a little growl on Clark's behalf. "Bruce ain't fucking waiting for anything to happen to Clark before trying to take care of Lex."

"Not that you're hostile, or anything," Shayla added in.

Chloe grinned at her friend before turning her eyes back to Whitney. "He loves Lex a lot. I think that works in his favor in this situation, even though Clark is jealous."

Shay just flashed an unrepentant grin at her friends.

"Clark's got every right to be jealous," Whitney growled again. "Fucking bastard. If they *do* get chosen? I'm going help Clark kick his batty ass."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "In no way is that healthy, Whitney," she declared, sniffed, and lifted her nose as the shower started in the bath. "When they're finished, we're getting some real food. I'm famished," she said, and climbed to her feet. She'd long since shimmied out of the harness, and she felt sore and tender and very deliciously well used. At that, she smiled at Shayla. "Did tonight go like you thought it would?"

"Don't give a shit," he said with another growl.

Shayla gave a huge, bright grin. "Oh yeah. I could do that again. *Easy.*" She was more than a little sore herself, but the rest and respite had done her wonders, and the chocolate cake hadn't hurt any either.

"Excellent. I'm going to get the baby," she said, and opened the door. She crossed the hall, and finding John awake, blinking owlishly up at her, she smiled and picked him up. He was still dry from before so she nuzzled him in the crook of her elbow and crossed the hall again, letting him snuggle warm against her breast as she took her seat next to shay again. "I knew he'd be awake. He woke up in time for dinner," she said, and after tickling his little chin she bared her breast and led him to it, holding him gently close.

"That's cause he's a smart kid," Shay said, leaning over and around him, nibbling Chloe's other exposed nipple herself. "And a hungry kid." She slid off the bed and went to pound her fist on the bathroom door. "HURRY UP! THERE'S HUNGRY PEOPLE OUT HERE READY TO GNAW YOUR ARMS OFF!!" she yelled, and then flounced back to sit down on the bed and gently stroke the back of John's head.

Whitney couldn't help the puffing up of his chest. John was the most beautiful kid he'd ever seen, and maybe he was biased but fuck anyone who said differently. "He's got Daddy's appetite, that's for sure. Food, on time, and a lot of it."

Chloe looked up--glared. "Say that again when it's your boob he's gnawing on, Fordman."

Five minutes after Shayla banged on the door Clark emerged with Lex in tow, looking a little pale but otherwise okay. "I really hate that part," he muttered, and reached into the bag to pull out a clean pair of jeans and t-shirt for himself, which he tugged on.

"That's sad. Really. We want food, and we want it know. John, the lucky bastard, is already having his dinner, which leaves you guys responsible for feeding the adults in the family." Shayla's hands went to her hips and glared.

Lex returned the glare with an elevated eyebrow. "And we are responsible why?"

"Yeah. What he said!" Clark declared, glaring at her. "I was the fuckee tonight. I'm taking a nap."

"Because I say so," she said, stamping a little naked foot.

"Somehow I'm thinkin' that's not gonna hold a lot of water here," Whitney said from the bed, still lying beside his girlfriend and their son.

"Somehow, I believe you are correct, Whitney," Lex added, outrageously amused as he went to the closet and pulled out black slacks, a purple turtleneck, and a pair of black dress shoes as he started to get dressed.

"If you guys go clean up, we'll take you somewhere to eat," Clark relented. His body, weak and human, was exhausted, rung out, and sore in all the right places. he needed a lie down, really bad. "Get cleaned up, I'll nap and take care of John."

Chloe arched a brow as the baby in her arms let go of her nipple, and she lifted him to the opposite shoulder, beginning to gently burp him. "Where are you going to take us?"

"As long as it's got the words all you can eat on the menu, I'm game," Whitney said, grunting as his back popped and headed towards the shower.

Shayla held out her arms for John. "Go, shower with Whitney, make sure he scrubs behind his ears. I'll burp John and shower while you guys are getting ready."

Clark tried to imagine Lex and "all you can eat" and he burst out laughing, trying to calm the snickers but unable to. He sat on the edge of the bed, grinning at Shayla as he looked coyly over his shoulder at Whitney.

Whitney died laughing about the same time that Clark did, having caught a whiff of the idea floating through Clark's head and nearly losing it. "Yeah, I can see where that wouldn't work," he said, leaning against the wall for support as he guffawed.

Lex looked slightly offended as he tucked his turtleneck into his slacks. "I'll have you know that I will gladly take you field hands wherever you would like to eat, drop you off, come back, and pick you up once you are full."

Clark couldn't help grinning at his lover. "Don't tell me you don't eat a lot more now than before you changed," he said, and ran a hand down the long length of his lover's slender hip. "You've got to feed all of this," he murmured, and rubbed his lips over Lex's crotch gently, smiling up at him. "Don't think I didn't notice all the cookies are gone at home."

Lex coughed and cleared his throat. "I do not devour cookies like a crazed monster," he huffed. "And no, I do not eat that much more. My usual diet suffices."

"Chloe. Bathroom. Shower. Now," Whitney said, nodding his head towards the shower stall. "I'm hungry, dammit."

Clark grinned and watched them go before looking back up at Lex. "You don't devour cookies like a crazed monster? then where did the cookies go? Did *Shay* eat them?" he looked at Shayla beside him, who was as skinny as always, and glanced back at Lex with an eyebrow arched.

"Uh, HEY!" Shayla cradled John carefully against her shoulder as she burped him. "I haven't binged out on cookies in like, months, so don't you look this way!"

Clark winked at her and looked back up at Lex. "The mystery of the empty cookie tin, then."

Lex just huffed. "I have no idea what you are speaking of." He sat on the edge of the bed to put on a pair of black socks, then ease the shoes on over them. "So where are we taking our hungry little bobbleheads?"

"Not sure. Wherever you think," Clark said with a nuzzle against his cheek, and then scooted over next to Shayla to nuzzle her too. She smelled like sex as he nosed through her hair, and he loved that. It smelled so good, warm and perfect and he purred softly as he snuffled against her throat.

"Oooh." Shayla gave a little coo of delight as she shifted John to the other shoulder and leaned into Clark's nuzzles. They sent little shivers down her spine, and she nipped at his earlobe before sucking it gently. "I vote for McDonald's," she whispered.

Clark grinned against her neck. "Lex. McDonalds. He doesn't bode well there," Clark said, and kissed her neck gently before taking the baby. John was engulfed in his huge palms and he gently lay the baby against his shoulder, keeping him close and gazing down into that sweet little face. "What do you think John, hmm? Though you don't care much, do you, since you just had your dinner. And what a dinner. Lucky little man."

John just blew a spitbubble up at Clark, and kicked his feet with a wordless little cry of happiness.

Shayla burst into giggles. "Okay, yeah, Lex and McDonald's would be like the trip from hell, kind of like when me and Chloe took him to Wal-Mart." She rubbed the back of John's head gently, then kissed him. "Okay. No Mickey D's. Hey! Your Royal Luthorness! Where you want to go for dinner?"

"Excuse me?" Lex asked, glaring.

Clark kind of floated on the happiness of having the little baby in his arms. He grinned down at the little tyke like an idiot, making faces for him and offering his damp curls to pull and other such things, as he blew raspberries on his tiny little palms to get him to smile.

John's grippy little fingers grabbed onto Clark's hair and yanked, dragging them to his mouth for the process of being drooled and chewed on as he giggled, squirming and kicking his feet when Clark fiddled with his hands. His toothless gums were visible in the huge, wide grin he gave, and he gurgled happily as he hauled more hair to his mouth for chewing.



go on to the next part