
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 357: Montana

Clark didn't like Bruce Wayne, and that was that.

He didn't like that Bruce had a sway over Lex. He didn't like that Bruce could throw his money around and make it seem like he wasn't throwing his money around. He hated the way Bruce looked at him--eyes full of distrust and mouth tight. He hated that he was so jealous of Bruce.

He just hated him.

So it wasn't making him feel any better that in two hours time, he and Lex would be touching down in Montana to stay at Bruce's newly-bought ranch for the fucking People shoot. There would be fashion people and makeup people and other sorts of *people* and he barely restrained the growl in his throat.

"I can hear you growling," Lex said, slightly amused and mostly resigned. "Bruce was nice enough to lend us his property since I passed on the Kentucky deal, and he's going to let us stay there while I check out the other ranches and stables in the area while we're here."

This time Clark *did* growl. He didn't need Bruce fucking Wayne's generosity, and it had almost been the killing blow that would have kept him at home. As it was, all he did was growl and sulk like a child, arms crossed and a glare on his face. Lex thought he was sneaky, not telling him exactly where they were going and he growled at him.

"You know, if you keep scowling like that, you're going to get wrinkles," Lex said, turning the pages of the pharmaceutical report he'd printed out before leaving the apartment.

There was something naggingly familiar about the list of drugs, but his computer hadn't flagged anything, so he was taking it to Bruce to ask if he'd run it through the Batcomputer when he got back to Gotham and let him know the results.

Clark heard an echo of Lex's thoughts and growled all the deeper, arms crossed across his chest tightening. He hadn't spoken more than a few words since Lex all but physically dragged him on the plane--Clark had never been one to sulk, but this was prime sulking opportunity here.

"You're starting in on a spectacular brood there. Bruce will be jealous that you're infringing on his territory."

Clark glared. "It's his fault in the first place. Goddamned rich boy."

Lex's eyebrow elevated. "And I am what, then?"

"Goddamned rich aushna'."

Lex snickered. Had to. "I love you too, Clark."

Clark's glare softened, but only a little bit as he leaned back in his seat and grumbled. "Fucking stupid fucking Bruce Wayne with his fucking ranches and his fucking islands and his fucking gadgets. Mangy vermin."

"I don't suppose it would do any good for me to tell you that Bruce has no interest in me whatsoever outside of friendship?"

"No." Grumble mutter.

Lex sighed. "And it would be equally as useless to reassure you that I have no interest in *him* other than his friendship and his crime-fighting resources?"

"I trust you," Clark muttered, "But I don't have to like him. At all. He's stuck up and spoiled and he likes you way too much and I just don't like him."

"He... likes me way too much?" Lex asked. "You realize I'm going to have to ask you to elaborate on that?"

Clark looked up, a glower on his face. "I don't want to elaborate. I want to brood."

"Well, you can't brood. You have to elaborate, because now I'm curious, and you know how I get when I'm curious. I'm like a dog with a bone, Clark, I won't let it go. Throw me a bone here. Elaborate. Please."

Clark looked at Lex and suddenly sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair, across his face, and over to scratch one ear. "I'm sorry, Lex. I'm being difficult... I don't want our trip to be ruined because I decide to be an asshole. I'm sorry."

Lex got up from the chair, only half listening for the "please fasten your seat belts" call which he knew would be coming shortly, and crouched beside Clark. "It's okay, baby," he said quietly, reaching up to run his fingers through Clark's bangs. "It's trying for you to spend time with Bruce; I understand that. I just... don't want my chosen life mate and my best friend at each other's throats. And he's just as guilty as you are; I just haven't had a chance to yell at him in person lately."

Clark's lips curved up a little when he pressed them to Lex's. "It's okay. I'm just cranky when it comes to him, I can't help it." Another kiss. "You think he and I would be able to get along better knowing what we do."

"What? That you're both stubborn sons of bitches?" Lex grinned as he returned the soft kiss, and then it turned mischievous.

"That too," Clark admitted, and shared the mischievous smile. "Just about the only thing where he bigger than me."

Lex snickered. "Oh, no, Clark, he's not more stubborn than you are. He's just harder to crack."

Clark sniffed and raised his chin. "And I'm a harder fuck, so nyeh."

"Yes, you are a much harder fuck," Lex agreed. "I don't think that Bruce ever quite got over the feeling that he was going to break me if he let--and suddenly I'm realizing you don't need to hear this."

Clark's eyes had darkened to deep emeralds as his lover spoke, and he gazed at Lex, furious at being compared with... with *him*. He turned his face away and folded his arms back across his chest.

Lex reached up and put his hand on Clark's cheek, turning Clark back to look at him.

Clark just *glared*. He was horrified to feel tears swim in his eyes. "I don't want to hear about that."

"I know. I'm sorry." Lex raised up just a little to kiss his lover. "You're the only one that matters anymore." He kissed Clark's mouth again softly. "I'm sorry. That was thoughtless. I'm sorry, aushna'."

"It's okay," Clark relented quietly, and gave him a small smile. Very. Very small. Lex plus Bruce plus sex made jealousy swamp in his chest, and to control it he kept his eyes on the window.

Lex stayed on his knees beside Clark, gazing quietly up at his aushna'. "Don't be jealous. You're my aushna', you're my lover, my master, my pet. Please, please. Don't be angry, don't be jealous."

Clark's hooded eyes met Lex's, and almost immediately he caved. He hated seeing Lex sad, so his arms wrapped gently around Lex's and pulled him to sitting in the chair beside him. "I'm not angry. Shhh... it's okay, aushna'."

Lex crawled over the arms of the chair separating them as he curled in Clark's lap, his arms tight around his lover's chest. "I didn't want to upset you. I'm glad you're not upset with me."

Clark nodded at him and kept him close, brushing his lips across the high point of one cheek bone, but didn't say anything until they were flying over Montana. It was twenty minutes till touch down and he shook himself free from his somewhat ugly thoughts to touch Lex's hand gently. "We're almost there. Do you have a driver waiting?"

Yeah. Bruce. But he didn't say that. "Yeah, there's going to be someone there to pick us up and take us to the ranch for the shoot. They're going to have wardrobe and makeup on site."

Go in. Do the shoot. Stay for a few days. Go home. He could do that, it wasn't exactly difficult, after all. He contented himself with that as he brushed a kiss along Lex's cheek again, stroking his fingers over the back of his naked head and pushing their foreheads together. "I love you, you know."

"I know. I love you." Lex closed his eyes and luxuriated in the soft kisses and the strokes on the back of his head, and decided to bite the bullet.

"Bruce is going to be picking us up."

Clark froze. Tensed all over. Grit his teeth. "Bruce."

"Yeah. He's going to be picking us up in the Land Rover."

Clark closed his eyes. Counted to ten. When that didn't work, he started over and counted to a hundred. And only after he had did he open his eyes and offer Lex a small smile. "Okay. Is Dick here too?"

"Yes, and so's Alfred. And Rico and Aden are doing makeup and wardrobe; I told Them that's who we were used to dealing with, and they flew them in special to work with us."

Rico. Aden. Bruce. Dick. The two worlds clashing into one spectacular mess. Oh yes, this was going to be fantastic. Clark didn't say though--he bit his lower lip and simply smiled. "All right then."

Lex snuggled back into Clark's lap.

Figured he might as well go for complete broke.

"One of the stables I'm looking at is a 32 acre horse ranch next to Bruce's."

Clark's left eye began to twitch. Violently. "Oh?" he asked, voice a little higher than normal.

Lex couldn't quite meet Clark's twitching eye. "Yeah. It's got a twenty-stall barn, attached living quarters for a full-time stable-hand or caretaker, thirty two acres of land with training facilities and breeding facilities, as well as a corral and grazing. It's a little more in need of repairs and updating, but it's by far the biggest one on the market, and the best eventual investment."

"Hmm," Clark said, as if he weren't about to have a minor breakdown. "Sounds very nice," he managed. And it did. He and Lex were aushna', so what was his was Lex's and vice versa. But... still. Next. To. Bruce. Wayne. It was the *principle* of the thing, and he cut off the growl in his throat before it managed to become more than a low purr. He cleared his throat. "I think it sounds like a good investment."

Lex perked up. "Really? I mean, the main house is ready for habitation--the seller just moved out less than six months ago, so it'd be ready to move into whenever we want to, minus the time to redecorate." He reached back into his chair and grabbed the portfolio of pictures. "See, the decor is just... very not anything I'd have."

It looked kind of like the Kent house, only more... Western. The previous owners had taken the cowboy theme to the extreme, with lassos mounted on the walls, steer heads over the fireplace, and horns mounted over every window.

"But, as soon as you and I look, and *if* we both decide that we like the property, then we can call the decorators in to start revamping, and hopefully have it ready for habitation during the summer break between the Winter and Fall semesters."

Lex was buying a ranch. With horses. And animal heads mounted on the walls.

Yeah, *this* was a good omen.

Clark gave him a tentative smile anyway, because he could see Lex was excited about it, and Clark's muses thought the idea of spending a summer writing on a ranch, surrounded by nature, was wonderful. So, even though he thought living next to Bruce was like living in hell, it was... well, it was nice. "Are there horses there already?"

"No, there's not; the previous owners got rid of most of their animals a little over a year ago, in anticipation of selling the ranch. But, I've got contacts in the area who are already investigating the purchases of new thoroughbreds, complete with pedigree papers--" and there was a brief melancholy as something Bruce once said flitted through his mind-- I don’t ever, *ever*, want to hear that word out of your mouth again, unless you're talking about some nice horses you plan on buying. Understood? "--and we'll be ready to go with breeding and possible racing in three months."

Clark heard the echo of it in his lovers head and squeezed Lex's hand, warming up to the idea more now. "It'd be a nice vacation spot, huh? Is there any water, lake or river or something?"

"Yeah, there is. There's a blue lake on the back of the property." He handed Clark a picture of it. "That's why I want to change the name of the ranch to Crystal Lake."

Clark smiled. Couldn't help it. "Is this the main water source?"

"No, no, there's three wells drilled on the property, two for the main house and one for the barn. The lake is there just for... you know, swimming. Fishing. Whatever."

"It's a manmade lake, then. You should see if there are any papers for it--my dad had to get a permit for the one he had built on the back lands of our farm."

"Got it," Lex said, delving deeper into his briefcase and dragging out a sheaf of papers on the property an inch and a half thick. "And then some. This is all the paperwork on the property that you could possibly ask for."

Clark took it, leafed through it, and memorized it in under ten seconds. He handed the papers back to his lover, giving him a warm, but sheepish, smile. "Looks like theirs everything in there. And there's thirty three acres, not thirty two, because they count the forest behind the property. The last owner was interested in training hunting dogs and he purchased the forest a few years ago."

"Oooh. I hadn't noticed that." Lex couldn't quite help that the "ooh" sounded like a little coo of glee. Because it was, actually, a little coo of glee. "I think that once we get all the animal heads off the walls, and the horns out from over the windows, we're going to be able to visualize our own look to the place, but it's kind of hard to do that when there's a bull wearing a ten-gallon hat hanging in the living room."

At that, Clark couldn't help a grin. "Damn cowboys." His lips curved up though, and now he was honestly as happy as Lex about the purchase. "It would be a great vacation house. Plus, I'll bet we'd *never* see Bruce, what with thirty three acres between us."

Lex just gave a little cough, though he didn't say anything. "It really would be nice for vacations, wouldn't it?"

Clark smiled and nodded. "It really would. I like animals. We could never have horses on the farm because they were too much upkeep, though I used to love Lana's. It was easy to tune her out." He grinned at his lover, eyes twinkling. His good mood from before was restored, and he leaned over to nip Lex's lip affectionately.

"It was easy for me to tune her out too," Lex agreed, leaning into the lip nip. "She was less than nothing on my radar."

"Mine too, and I knew her longer than you did." But alas, he didn't want to talk about her, and instead he leaned back in his chair comfortably, propping one ankle across the other knee. "Do you know what kind of questions People is gonna ask yet? And what about the pictures?"

"Well... the last I heard from the photographer, they're going to be doing a Country Mouse/City boy type theme, and of course we're going to be on the cover. I have no idea what the frontispiece of the actual article is going to be, but they've assured me it's going to be classy and tasteful."

Clark harrumphed, though he glanced shyly at Lex from the corner of his eyes. "I just don't want to show a lot of skin. Its embarrassing."

"Don't worry," Lex said, giving his shy little lover a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sure they're not going to have us stripped naked and dancing around a fire or anything like that."

Clark suddenly looked incredibly, indecently *offended*. "Did you say country mouse and city boy? Excuse me. I am *not* a country mouse."

"You're my little mouse--isn't that what Rico calls you? Mouse?" Lex gave a little grin at that. "Don't worry; if you don't like the idea, we'll have them change it to something else."

Yes, well. Clark straightened his shoulders and tried to look sophisticated. All he managed was looking like something particularly revolting was wafting under his nose. "I'm not a country boy." Farm boy, yes. And wasn't that the same thing? "Dammit."

"You're just a country boy, country boy at hearrrrrrrrt," Lex sang under his breath. "You're my country boy, Clark, and I wouldn't change it for the world."

Clark glared at him, and would have said more if the seatbelt light hadn't flashed on above them. He strapped himself in, muttering about not being a country boy as he shifted and crossed his boots at the ankle, crossing his thankfully flannel-less arms.

Lex ground his ass down on Clark's groin quickly before sliding back into his seat and buckling his seat belt too. He smiled gently at his aushna' as he packed the papers about the ranch into the pocket of his laptop carrier, and made sure his cell phone was safely tucked into the padded pouch as well. "I'm sure they'll have flannel for you at the shoot," is all he said.

Clark. *Hissed*.

Lex just looked innocent.

Clark glared all the more fiercely at him and adjusted his crotch the smallest bit before settling more comfortably against his seat as the plane started to circle the landing sight. It took twenty minutes for the big bird to set down--nineteen minutes too long in his opinion--and was starting to feel a little claustrophobic as his ears popped and he shifted. "Okay, we're here, gimme out."

Lex did as he was told, obediently getting to his feet and going to the hatch. He swung it down easily, the workers down below catching it and bolting the staircase to the tarmac as Lex shouldered the strap of his laptop. "Come on; I'm sure Bruce is here waiting to pick us up."

Oh, *joy*.

Clark bit his tongue against that though and clumped down the steps behind Lex, glad he'd thrown a jacket on because it was fucking *cold* in Montana. The air was crisp and clean in a way Kansas wasn't though, and the trees... oh, he liked it. Green for as far as he could see, heavy clouds dull and gray with rain, and it felt... it was fantastic. Clark fell in love with the land before he'd even finished getting off the plane, and his eyes were foggy with pleasure as he looked around.

Lex didn't miss the look of absolute happiness on Clark's face. "So I take it that you'd be willing to let me be extravagant and buy the ranch?"

Clark nodded, still dreamy eyed as he took in the rambling forests that went on for *miles*, and there was barely any people, barely even a shack for a terminal, and he all but purred as he climbed down off the steps behind Lex and took his hand. "It's *beautiful*."

Lex tightly linked his fingers with Clark's, and brought Clark's fingers to his for kisses. "I knew you'd love it here," he said softly. "You make me remember how much I liked coming here with Mother and Dad."

Could it be because Clark was grinning like a loopy eyed goof? Possibly. He couldn't help it though. "I want to ride the horses. Think Bruce has horses?"

"This from the man who told me he didn't want to take polo lessons because he didn't like horses," Lex said with a snort. "But yes, Bruce has twelve horses, two of which are breeding studs which I will likely be using on my mares."

"I can learn. I want to learn," Clark said, breathlessly happy as he all but breathed in the air as deep as he could. He was a boy of nature, and this place made his very skin tingle, his core of power shining like the sun.

Lex raised a hand and waved at the hunter green Land Rover SUV that was just rolling onto the tarmac, and then he slid his arm around Clark's waist. "I can hire you a riding coach, you know, to teach you everything you need to know."

"Is that him?" Clark asked, and couldn't help it--he tensed all over.

"Yes, that's Bruce," Lex answered, rubbing gentling strokes over his lover's back.

Clark swallowed the growl before it had a chance to leave him and tried to remain calm, relaxing the smallest bit in Lex's arms as he looked off towards the forest. "It's cold. You were right--sweaters and jackets were a good idea. Does it get this cold here all the time?"

"Only during the winter, and yes, it actually gets colder than this; the worst I've ever seen it is about ten to twenty below, with the wind chill even colder with the wind rolling across the flatlands."

"Sounds invigorating," Clark said, in total honestly, sending Lex a flash of a dimpled smile before the green SUV pulled up beside them and the driver got out.

Bruce was so fucking gorgeous. Why did he have to be that gorgeous? All rich clothes and tasteful haircut and bronzed enough to look nice but not out of place in this landscape.

Clark. Really, really. Hated him.

"Lex, Ka--...Clark," Bruce amended quickly, and gave them both a welcoming hand shake as Dick got out of the passenger seat. "Nice to see you both. Good trip?"

Dick bundled his jacket tightly around himself as he got out, trying to wonder why in the hell he'd decided to hitch a ride to the airport.

And when he got a glimpse of the glower on Clark's face, he quickly remembered why.

Lex shook Bruce's hand tightly, but because he was still angry over Bruce taking Victoria from himself and Clark, he didn't try and make it into an embrace. "It was a good trip," Lex said. "Clark and I got to go through the paperwork for the ranch, and we're nearly certain we're going to buy it, so thank you for sending the papers my way."

Clark tried to keep the glare off his face with all his might, just nodding to Bruce before turning his eyes to Dick and offering a quiet smile. "Hi, Dick. How are you?"

"Freezin' my fuckin' nuts off," Dick answered with a grin, and shook Clark's hand. "How are you doin'?"

Bruce noted the slight distance, but didn't push it as he unlocked the trunk of the SUV, opened it, and let the men from the airport load the luggage, two bags and a laptop bag. "I thought you might like it. You'll see why it's worth your time and money when you see it. Are you both hungry?"

Lex gently poked his lover at that. "I'm not hungry, but I bet Clark is."

"No, I'm okay." He spoke over his growling stomach. "Just want to get to the ranch. Are the People people there already?"

"Since early this morning. They're setting up lighting in the rooms they thought to use...there's a few sign offs you both need to sign, and later this afternoon they're going to begin, if you're both up to it," Bruce said, and went back around the SUV, motioning for them to get in as well. "They mentioned something about evening shots today and morning shots tomorrow."

Lex kept his grip on Clark's hand tight. "Wonderful, at least some of it will be inside, and we won't be freezing *our* nuts off--sorry, Dick," he said with a grin, tugging Clark towards the car. "Clark, you want the window seat or the door seat?"

Dick snorted. "Lex, they're both window seats, and Clark, I can hear your stomach growlin' way the hell over here."

Clark had the decency to blush as he slid into the car and moved over for Lex to sit by him. Both seats *were* window seats--the both of them were so huge now that they took up the whole back seat with long legs and broad shoulders.

"I'm sure you're both tired. There's an excellent cook in employ at the ranch--he'll make you just about anything you could want. He knows you're both coming, so he made sure to stock what you might like."

Clark tried not to dig for an offense in that. "It was a long flight," he admitted.

Lex just rubbed his thumb over the back of Clark's hand, giving him gentle, soothing touches. "Thanks for coming to pick us up, Bruce."

"Of course," Bruce said, looking in the rearview mirror. "Even we city boys need to leave once in a while." And just because he couldn't help it, "Though not for you, Clark, I'd imagine."

Clark's temper flared but he said, very calmly, "No, not for me. In fact, I feel like I'm at home. I know how to survive off the land." Take THAT.

Touché, Kent. "Regular boy scout."

"You could say that. Feel like taking a hike tonight, Bruce?"

"Not sure. It gets dark out here. Wouldn't want to get lost."


Lex would have normally moved to stop his lover and his friend tearing at each other, but he didn't. Instead, he just kept his thumb rubbing over the back of Clark's hand and let them go at it.

Dick gave a little snort. "Dude, I wouldn't trust either of you out hiking together. Neither one of you'd get ten steps before leaving the other one out as bear bait."

"There are worse things than bears."

"Like bats."

"I was thinking something more like skunks."


"Rats. Chew your nose right off your face if they're given half the chance."

"Children!" Dick shouted, glaring first at Bruce, then at Clark, and then at Lex. "If you're not gonna play nice, I'm gonna have to separate you."

Bruce gave his lover the innocent eye as he turned off road to the small road that led to his ranch.

"Leave him on the side of the road. I'm sure someone will find him. Or what's left of him," Clark said, unable to help that last jab. He felt enormously pleased, and settled comfortably in his seat as they drove.

Lex gave his lover's hand a little squeeze. "Be nice," he said softly, kissing the back of Clark's hand again. Then, to Bruce, "Did you happen to see what kind of wardrobe they're laying out for us?"

"I'm not sure," Bruce said, thankful for the change of topic from the grumpy alien to Lex. "I do know they wanted to talk to you about doing a nude photo."

Le twitch. Clark jerked all over. Nude?!

"No," was Lex's first answer. "Nothing that shows skin."

Dick hooted. "This from the man who was swinging his dick all over the pages of L'Homme magazine four years ago."

Clark started at the front seat. "Lex has posed nude in a magazine?" He turned to look at his lover. "You've posed nude in a magazine?"

Lex sighed. "When I was nineteen, yes, and under the influence of Sugar, a custom drug that I'd formulated in the chem lab. Not long after Bruce left Excelsior, in fact, one of the older students who's brother did photography for L'Homme asked me if I wanted to do it. I'm sure if I'd been sober and in my right mind, I'd have said no, but as it was, there are pictures of Alex Josephson, complete with a red wig and nothing else, in the September 1999 issue. The only reason it hasn't come to light so far is because my father bought out L'Homme's parent company, and has discontinued printing and back issues."

"Wow." Clark paused. "That'd make great before and after, I think." He glanced up shyly at his lover under his eyelashes. "I don't think it would be so bad. I mean, as long as… we're not totally naked. And...stuff. But I mean..."

"The photographers from People have been specifically investigated by my people. They're the top photographers in the field. If they do show skin, it'll be a classy affair."

*Thank you for butting in on the conversation between Clark and I,* Lex snarled in his head. "I appreciate you running the check, Bruce, but I think that America has seen enough of my bare ass for it's lifetime."

Clark? Giggled.

"People won't show anything below the waist, Lex."

"It was a rhetorical statement, Bruce," Lex countered softly. Then he looked back at Clark. "But it's up to you, Clark. Whatever you're comfortable with we'll do, and what you're not comfortable with we'll change."

Dick shot a look at Bruce. "Is he pissed off at you for some reason I don't know about?" But to be honest, he was kind of glad, for a change, to see that Lex *wasn't* clinging to Bruce like a vine.

Bruce shrugged one big shoulder, and the car fell silent. Almost a half hour passed before they got to the gates of his ranch, and a soft drizzle had begun to fall The house sat on the hill up the way, made of more glass than wood, with golden lights shining warmly in waiting. It was a beautiful house, one he'd had his top architects design for his specifics, and he'd given it to Dick two years ago for one of their anniversaries. He smiled at his lover warmly before typing in the code to open the gates, and then they were rolling up the hill towards the house.

Lex just raised a brow at all the glass. "So, I guess throwing stones is out of the question."

"Unless you want to pay for new windows," Bruce agreed. The dark storm clouds behind the house made it all the more beautiful and dramatic. "When it rains its like you're right outside. Dick designed the windows, and the deck."

"Its beautiful," Clark said, and he meant it. He'd never seen a warmer cottage...if you could call the huge house a cottage, anyway.

"As long as the roof doesn't leak, I'm happy," Lex said, smiling at Clark's comments. "Which rooms are we going to be photographed in, or have they told you yet? ... and why am I asking you?" Lex let his head thud on the back of Bruce's headrest. "You're not the photography manager." He sighed. "Sorry."

Bruce didn't answer that. "They're setting up in twelve rooms, which include one of the bathrooms, the sun deck, one of the living rooms and one of the bedrooms done all in white," he said. "I'm not sure if they've added anything else. They're planning on a lot of photographs, I'll tell you that. You'd better make sure you know just what they'll be photographing."

Lex. Just. Sighed. "You know, there are reasons why I don't deal with national publications that often. You should have just let us come out last year in Lives. It'd been a hell of a lot simpler." He leaned his head on Clark's shoulder. "What do you think, Clark? Too late to run away to Maui?"

Clark grinned at him. "By a couple of months," he said, and squeezed Lex's knee gently. "It'll be all right, you just wait and see." he paused as the car stopped, and opened the door, slipping out as he added, all wicked tease, I wonder how much powder they'll have to use to keep the shine off your head."

"Entirely too much," Lex groused, sliding out behind Clark. "Give me the laptop and one of the suitcases, and Bruce? Show me to a shower because I'll be damned if I show up to talk to these people without cleaning up first."

"That's fine. You'll both be sleeping in the eastern part of the house, facing the lake," Bruce said, pulling out the keys from the ignition and handing them to one of the butlers that came to assist. "Park the car behind the Bentley, please," he said, and pulled the suitcases out himself so Alfred, already coming down the steps, wouldn't dare haul them in himself.

Clark reached out and took the heavier suitcase from Bruce, easily handling it and ignoring his glare as they walked up the steps together.

Lex took the other suitcase and shrugged the computer carrier back onto his shoulder. "Evening, Alfred. You can rest easy, Bruce didn't let me drive."

"And we all made it back in one piece," Dick chimed in, standing beside Bruce with his arm around his lover's shoulders. "He and Clark didn't kill each other, and there's absolutely no blood in the car for you to clean up."


Alfred turned and went back up the steps, all British airs.

"Don't mind him… he's a little cranky at having left Gotham for this, as he put it, 'barbaric, freezing wasteland'," Bruce said in his best British imitation, as they entered his home.

Done in all warm, rich wood, it was the epitome of country ranch home. Their was a light ranching, Indian theme done in the room, all dark woods and dark fabrics, but still managing to be classy, understated, and comfortable. There was a fire roaring in the hearth in the front hall, and in the living room, through an airy, open walkway, sat a small group of people. Rosanna McArthy, vivacious, stunning woman with a heart of gold and the eye of an eagle, was the reporter. Her photographers, Jean Bacarti and Adrian Smith, were the best photographers in the business, and the makeup and wardrobe men Lex had recommended, Ricardo Vasquez and Aden Skaroulis. The five of them were drinking cocoa around the warm fire, talking, and he rose a hand in greeting as he entered with his lover and Clark and Lex.

"Rico! Aden!" Clark said happily.

Rico kicked Aden lightly in the shin as Rosanna raised her hand to greet Clark and Lex. "Looks like the little mouse and his over protective boyfriend is here," he murmured softly. "Mouse!" he said, a little louder for the hearing of all. "Come on over, we'll make room on the rug." So saying, he scooted a little closer to Aden on the sofa they were sharing. "Lexy, thank you for the job, you're a darling to get it for us." A little kissy mouth. "Just for that, I put in a good word with the new import dealership beside the salon, and he'll hold the new Murcielago for you until you pick it up."

Rosanna was even more vivacious and stunning than Bruce thought. She was sassy, sharp witted and no ones chew toy, and she made sure all her subjects knew that before she worked with them. She'd been turning this assignment over in her mind for months now, since she'd first heard about it, and had been delighted when her editor gave her the assignment. She had ideas for the layout already, and the kind of light she wanted to reflect on the hottest couple in the nation.

She grinned, all dimples, at them. "I'm sure we're the last people you wanted to see, you must be exhausted."

Clark blushed. Next to the polished beauty and classy photographers, he and Lex looked like the tired, slightly grubby men they were.

"We're going to roast marshmallows and tell spooky stories," Rosanna said, all wicked slyness, batting her lashes at Mr. Wayne until he smiled at her.

"I'll show you to your room," Bruce said to Clark and Lex, and led them down the hall to the flight of stairs.

Dick just snorted at the woman, and didn't have the heart to break it to her that the only pussy that Bruce was interested in came attached to a six foot Amazon named Diana Prince. He just flumped down on the rug, and reached for one of the cups of hot chocolate. "I'm in for the scary stories."

Their room? Sounded great. "Thanks, Bruce," Lex said again, following Bruce down the hallway and away from the noisy people at the fireplace, including Rico and Aden.

Although, the thought of the new Murcielago waiting for him to buy it and drive it did cheer him up quite a bit.

The thought of having Lex all to himself for the next forty five minutes cheered Clark up immensely, and he was even quiet as Bruce led them to a suite made for a ranchero king. Huge bed in thick, heavy oak that looked sturdy enough to withstand power thrusts, with deep blue blankets and accents all over the room.

"There we go. Take all the time you need. Phones on the table, intercom by the door. House extension is four," Bruce said, and turned, closing the door behind him to leave them alone.

Lex, to his credit, did not give into the temptation to raspberry the closed door.

He did, however, dump the suitcase and the bag at the foot of the bed and collapsed onto the sinfully soft cloud-like mattress with a deep, heartfelt groan.

Clark collapsed next to him, arm behind his head, the other on his chest, and turned to look at Lex. "Why are you all pissed at him, Lex?"

Lex studied the ceiling, and debated not answering his aushna'.

But, he finally did.

"Because of Victoria. He took her away from us, Clark, without consulting us, asking us what we wanted, or considering how it was going to affect you."

Clark didn't answer that. He just gently kissed Lex's shoulder, and sat up enough to look down on Lex, leaning his weight on one hand. "He did what was right, Lex."

"No, Clark. What was right was letting that little girl stay with people who loved her, and were willing to fight for her."

Clark leaned down to kiss Lex's mouth softly. "Lex? Can I ask you to do something for me?" He stroked that warm, soft bald head with his thumb. "I don't want to think about anything sad this weekend, Lex. I'm tired of being sad, I'm tired of the both of us being sad. What's happened has happened--I want to live for the future, for what's happening, for what's going to happen. I'm tired of thinking of the children we've lost, I'm tired of being depressed. I want to live. I want to be happy. I want to forgive and I want to forget."

"You can ask me anything." Lex kissed the base of Clark's thumb as it stroked gently over his cheek and head, listening to the softly-spoken wise words coming from his aushna'. "I want you to be happy too," he said, finally. "I'm happy just being with you. And for your sake, I will let it go."

Clark leaned down to kiss his mouth gently. "We've turned over a new leaf, Lex. It's not a time to be sad anymore. It's a time to be happy. To be free. We're young--we have our whole lives ahead of us." He stroked Lex's head more gently and smiled down at him to kiss him again. "Everything will work itself out in the end, you'll see."

Lex returned each of the gentle kisses with firmness and love behind them. "I believe you, Clark," he said softly, running his hands up and down his lover's arms. "We're going to be happy."

"Yes. Damn right we are. And that starts now, okay?" He pressed his mouth to Lex's again, gently, and sat up. "Come on...I'll wash your back if you wash mine."

Lex let Clark pull him up, and he grinned at the offer. "Mr. Kent, are you propositioning me?"

"And here I thought I was being flirty," Clark said, a mock pout on his lips as he pulled Lex up into his arms.

Lex wrapped his arms tightly around his lover. "I prefer the flirty explanation myself," he agreed. "And it's a fair trade, scrubbing each other's backs. But? I want to scrub your front, too."

Clark snorted, stroking his fingers up into Lex's jacket and peeling it down so it fell with a dull thump on the floor. "I don't know about the word 'scrub', Lex. Titillate. Massage. Stroke. But "scrub"? That just made my balls shrivel, I'll tell you."

Lex rubbed his chest against Clark's. "Okay. So no scrubbing. I can handle… massaging your front." He said it with enough wicked leer to make himself shiver. "I can massage VERY well."

Clark couldn't help the delighted smile when Lex shivered all over, and his eyes narrowed wickedly as he carefully lifted Lex's sweater over his head, letting it drop down on the floor behind them. His wide palms stroked over those warm shoulders, down a lean back to a narrow waist, which he cupped in his hands and pulled forward so Lex was tucked in against him in all the right places. "Who said I'm going to let you?" he murmured, mouth drifting, open and hot, over the sensitive shell of an ear.

"I do," Lex answered back softly, his hand going down to squeeze the shaft of Clark's cock as it lay tucked against his thigh.

"Naughty," Clark murmured, licking the shell and then biting gently on the earlobe--hard enough to be felt but not enough to hurt. "You taste so good," he whispered. Down, down, stroking his palms over the swell of a lovely ass, down to the pucker hidden behind Lex's pants.

Without warning he ripped them down the seam, exposing his ass to the air, and flipped Lex over so he was hanging upside down. He led Lex's thighs around his head, held Lex's waist and back tightly, and delved between those hot cheeks, driving his tongue in deep as Lex's cock twitched, still behind zipper, button and belt, against his neck.

The blood rushed to Lex's head, making him dizzy as he braced himself on Clark's legs. He closed his eyes, urging the blood to settle in faster, but that just made him dizzier as he brought his hands up. He moved until they were bracing on Clark's hips instead, fumbling with the zipper and buttons until Clark's jeans were open, and Lex shoved them down enough to pull Clark's cock out of his underwear.

He swayed again as Clark's tongue started to fuck him, and he gave a deep little moan of ecstasy as he finally felt the blood leaving his head and rushing to his cock, enveloping him in another wave of dizziness before his equilibrium restored and he could swallow Clark's erection as it rubbed against his cheek.

Clark nibbled hard enough the rim of the little hole before pushing his tongue deeper, lashing it against the tense walls and working Lex open, because he wasn't getting much more than this as lubrication.

He jerked as something hot stroked against his crotch and then groaned, loudly into Lex's body, as his cock was engulfed. Oh. Oh, this wasn't going to last, no, not at all, and he pushed against the muscle of his lovers ass, thrusting his tongue deep, fingers stroking hot hips and back as he kept Lex still. He turned, walking backwards carefully, and because he knew the bed could handle it he slid his tongue free, hissed, "let go of my cock and hang on," and threw himself back on the bed, so Lex was lying over him, his beautiful, pale thighs trembling.

Lex moaned roughly as Clark's teeth nipped at his opening even as his tongue thrust deeper, and he sucked harder against his lover's cock for it. He sucked until the head thumped the back of his throat, tonguing it so desperately he didn't hear Clark's warning until they'd started walking.

Reluctantly he let go of Clark's cock, stroking it with one hand while the other braced against Clark's hip again, and he closed his eyes when Clark fell back onto the bed. As soon as they were still again, Lex's eyes opened and he bent his head, intent on devouring Clark's cock again.

Clark drove his tongue deeper, pushing the muscle open by sheer will, moving it and getting his lover slick and hot. Then, and only then, eyes clenched against Lex's exceptional talent on his cock, did he hiss, "Ride me."

The command took several extra moments to penetrate the lusty, dizzy fog that seemed to permeate Lex's brain.

But when it did, Lex did exactly that. He swung his legs over Clark's hips, turning around so that he was facing Clark as he braced on Clark's stomach and started to slide down his cock.

Slowly, feeling the slightly stretched burn and loving it, Lex forced himself down further on Clark's cock until he had taken every inch, and was sitting flush against Clark's thighs.

Clark gave a deep, echoing groan of satisfaction. His skin hummed with the charge he and Lex always shared when they were close, heightened to a zapping under his skin that made his hair stand on end.

As soon as Lex had settled against his thighs Clark grabbed his hips but did not fuck Lex on his cock--he waited for Lex to move, to get comfortable, pushing a little bit of his invulnerability through the link--enough to keep Lex's tender human body from hurting from a spit fuck, but not enough to keep Lex from truly feeling it, burn and all.

Lex grunted as Clark's hands gripped his hips tightly, and he brought his hands up to cover them, squeezing gently as he started to move.

He rolled his hips gently, sliding up to the crown of his lover's cock before slamming violently back down on the length, forcing Clark's cock to ram him roughly, taking the hard, wanton fuck that he wanted from his lover. His own erection jutted out proudly between his thighs as he rode, bobbling with the motions of his rolling hips and dripping tiny pearls of pre-come onto Clark's caramel skin.

Oh, God that felt fucking good. He moaned, softly, stroking Lex's thighs gently as they began to tense and move with this beautiful act they could do together. He tensed his thighs and moved up against Lex's thrusts down, eyes locked on Lex's bouncing cock, on the pale skin, hard nipples peaking from a smooth chest, and up to Lex's red, swollen lips and sweat beading his upper lip and suddenly Clark wanted nothing more than to lick it away.

So he did. He grasped Lex around the waist and rolled, sprawling Lex out under him, guiding those beautiful thighs up around his waist, and leaned down to swipe his tongue along Lex's lip, temples, and jaw.

And then he threw his back behind his thrusts. He leaned down and sucked hard on those tight little nipples, biting them hard enough to make the body under him jolt, make his ass clench.

Lex gave a quick whimper when he was rolled out of his favorite position, but his legs clasped Clark's waist firmly as they locked at the ankles, his arms going around Clark's neck so that he was sealed tightly against his lover's body.

Hard shivers wracked his body as Clark's tongue lapped over his face, and he darted his own out to meet it, teasing and licking along the edge of Clark's.

Then the hard thrusts, and Lex's eyes nearly crossed. Teeth closed roughly around his nipple and he cried out, his body jerking with every bite and every suck, his muscles clenching hard on Clark's cock as he tried to withdraw it, so that he didn't lose a second of that beautiful filled feeling that came with every one of Clark's thrusts inside.

Clark... loved to hear Lex cry out just like that. In fact, he'd say he lived for it. Wanton, glorious muscles writhing around him, soft, deep voice crying out in his ear, pale skin stretched out for miles all for him, and a wave of aroused adoration poured through him as he stroked Lex's skin, pinching hard thighs, stroking his fingers along a tense cock trapped between their stomachs, mouth stroking over Lex's neck and chest.

The bed didn't rock once.

He looked for Lex's prostate, rocking hard against him differently each time.

Lex didn't notice the bed, but he caught a brief flitter of it in his lover's thoughts. "I swear to you, Clark, I will *buy* the fucking bed if you will just fuck me," Lex growled, thrusting up to meet Clark's pounding strokes.

He shifted, just once, to let the pillow caught behind his shoulder fall to the bed, and he couldn't help the howl as the shift of his body brought Clark's cock in contact with his gland.

As soon as Clark found Lex's prostate he stopped thrusting. He lay against Lex's body, panting, grounding against the little gland, and brought his hand to Lex's cock, savagely jacking him off as he ground hard against the little gland. Cock boiling, heart soaring, eyes dancing with wicked mirth and indescribable pleasure and need, watching Lex through the slit in his green eyes.

Lex just knew he was going to murder his lover in his sleep tonight, and to hell with the evidence.

The hand on his cock was sheer sin, amazingly good and hard and *just* firm enough that it felt perfect, better than when he ever masturbated himself, but Clark *wasn't moving.*

He whimpered as he rocked his own hips, trying to slide his ass along Clark's cock could thrust against him, even as the steady pressure against his prostate made him whimper and grind up into his lover's stroking hand. "Please--Clark, I'm going to fucking kill you, move, please."

"Come like this," Clark hissed into Lex's ear. "Fuck yourself in m-my hand, just like this." His hand moved all the faster for it, flicking against all the good spots Lex loved, against the spots he knew drove Lex crazy. He stroked until he felt Lex's balls climbing up, until he felt the flesh between his hands expand the smallest bit, and then he swiftly and surely cut the orgasm off before it could explode from his lovers body. he kept his fingers firm around Lex's cock and balls, not letting up the pressure at all, as he sat up on his free hand and knees, cock buried between his lovers firm, taut cheeks.

And then he began to fuck him again. Fast, hard, even strokes, braced over Lex's body with his free hand, the other keeping his lover from coming, as he drove against Lex's prostate *hard*, over and over and over.

Lex did just what Clark ordered him to do; he shivered at the authoritative hiss in his ear, and he did just what he was told. His cock slid easily in the slick grasp of his lover's fist, the leaking pre-come lubricating the tight tunnel as he thrust.

And then he nearly choked on the strangled curse that he swallowed down when Clark's fingers closed around the base of his cock and cut off the orgasm. He could feel his cock burning with the need to come, his balls almost bursting with their load.

When Clark started to fuck him again, each glancing blow to his gland was the purest, most torturous pleasure he'd ever felt. Each slamming thrust made Lex's cock try and twitch the orgasm out, but it was denied by Clark's grip, making him instead boil harder as he thrust up against his lover, giving out harsh little cries of need as he started to plead for orgasm.

Clark hissed his pleasure for his lover, leaning over him the way he was, fucking the hell out of him. He didn't hold back anything except his powers--he fucked his lover with the full length of his cock, moving against him, the desperation and need in Lex's eyes making Clark's spine melt from the base of his spine up. His bump tingled, goose bumps raced across his skin, and he moaned loudly as he pushed and moved, seconds from his own orgasm. "Christ, I love you," he gasped.

Lex let go of Clark's shoulders and used his hands to shove himself up, so that he was chest to chest with his lover, and giving himself slightly more leverage so that one hand could reach around Clark's back and grind hard against the bump at the base of his spine. "No more than I love you," Lex whispered into his aushna's ear as he stroked over the tingling bump, and screwed his eyes shut as he clamped down hard on Clark's cock, tightening every muscle of his ass as firmly as he could.

Clark snarled, the sound more cry than snarl, as Lex viced around him and he exploded. He let go of his lovers cock at the same time so Lex could come with him, tense and jerking and hot and tight against Lex's body. His muscles all locked, mouth trembled open, before he panted for breath. His cock was streaming, his balls tight and hot and high, and he clenched his eyes shut seconds before the pleasure swamped him. He wailed with it into Lex's shoulder, jerking and twisting into his lovers body, hand flying over Lex's cock.

Oh, God.

As soon as Clark let go of his grip on Lex's cock, Lex came. Hard and fast, his balls nearly exploded from the force of the pent-up orgasm. His ears rang with a shrill scream, not Clark's but his own, and his body shook. Lex's arms pulled Clark down onto him so that his lover's weight rocked against him and his come soaked both their bellies as he clung tightly to Clark, riding out the intense waves of the orgasm.

Rosanna glanced up, a saucy grin flying across her face as she looked over at Jean. One of her favorite people in the world, Jean was straight up Cajun and had enough passion for six men, let alone one. She'd chosen him for this assignment because, though while not gay himself, he knew had to artfully pose gay men in ways that didn't bother the delicate sensibilities of those central states that had no real purpose other than bringing good numbers to the magazine every month.

That, and he had a wicked sense of humor.

"I think they heard that one in the next county."

Aden was a delicate shade of lobster red. "They... erm. Its... you don't… know Clark and Lex until...well, that's... how they always are."

Jean reclined back in his chair, and flicked an imaginary ball of lint off the arm of the chair. "Cher, if dey is always like dat, den ah t'ink People is not the magazine for them."

Rosanna's easy smile flashed again as she sipped her brandy.

Aden flushed even hotter. "Well, they can keep their hands off each other... for... uh... about an hour at a time."

Bruce muttered something about needing to sound proof the walls as he rested in his chair and looked morosely at the fire.

Jean just gave a knowing grin as his fingers expertly shuffled a deck of playing cards, and then he held them out to Rosanna. "P'raps you'd like t'deal a hand, cherie, while we wait for dem to finish what dey started."

Dick was still sitting on the white rug in front of the fire, his back against the chair Bruce was sitting in, his head resting on the big man's knee.

Rico snorted at Aden's comment, and just patted him on the knee. "We brought the handcuffs for a reason, darling. We can handcuff them to the furniture and keep them apart."

Jean grinned at that. "Oui, but t'would be ver' hard t'pose dem."

Rosanna smiled again and crossed her legs comfortably, settling more cozily into her chair as she took the cards in one hand, setting her brandy down with the other, and began to shuffle as the upstairs grew strangely quiet. "Aden, Ricardo, you know Mr. Kent and Mr. Luthor, correct?"

Rico made a face. "Aiyiyi. Rico, please." A shudder. "But yes, we know them, unfortunate though it is."

"Rico, then," Rosanna said, shuffling for the four of them. "Can you tell me about them? All Mr. Luthor's people would give me is his biography... I don't need his bio, I want to know the man."

Rico shook his head at that. "Sorry, but I can't do that. Most of my stories about Lex don't bear repeating in polite company, and besides, you're not here to interview me, you're here to talk to him. You want to know about him, you ask him."

Rosanna winked at him. "I respect that. Don't like it, but respect it." She dealt the cards out before setting the cards down and drinking a sip of brandy. "I should probably let you three know I've never played poker in my life."

Jean used the tip of his boot to tap Rosanna lightly on the knee. "Don' worry, cherie. Jean will he'p you, if you show him de cards."

Rico gave a little cough, because being what he was--a dirty minded pervert--the mention of poker was enough to send him careening into Dirty Thought Land, and he didn't say a word about it. "Don't look at me, I usually play strip Twister."

Clark? Was currently slumped against Lex, nearly asleep. Lex's come was stuck between them, his own buried deep in Lex's ass, and they were still panting. Lex's fingers were in his hair, Clark's fingers were around Lex's free hand, and they rested sleepily together. "Mmm," he murmured.

"I second that," Lex whispered back.

His fingers were still stroking steadily through Clark's hair, which calmed and relaxed him as he luxuriated in the warmth of his lover's body on top of his, curled tightly together with his aushna'.

"Feel good?" he whispered, licking Lex's neck softly. "Taste like… like sweat," Clark said, a giggle in his voice as he looked up, shifting his hips and driving his softening cock a little deeper. "You look beautiful though."

"Feel amazing," Lex answered, rubbing his cheek against Clark's as Clark licked. He gave a little groan as Clark's cock pushed into his body, and tightened around it as his thighs squeezed Clark's leg, which was tucked between them. "I can't look beautiful; I'm a sweaty, come-covered mess."

Clark gave his lover a soft smile, licking his cheek gently, then nuzzling his neck with his nose and cheek. "You look beautiful. My aushna' always looks beautiful, always, even covered in come. You look sexier covered in come," Clark murmured, licking Lex's throat.

Lex laughed softly. "You have a strange idea of sexy, but I can't argue with it." He snuggled in closer to his lover, turning his head so that Clark could lick and nuzzle to his heart's content. "Eventually we should think about showering and going downstairs."

"Eventually," Clark murmured, but sighed and gently lifted up, grasping Lex's hip and gently pulling out of him. "They said something about photos."

Lex gave a little whine of loss. "That is why we're here, you know."

"Photos or sex?" Clark smiled down at him, nuzzling his neck gently before climbing to his feet.

They showered, teasing one another and kissing softly, and twenty minutes later, freshly dressed in jeans and sweater for Clark and sweater and slacks for Lex, they walked downstairs, hand in hand, a bit damp but otherwise okay. Clark stayed a little behind Lex, letting him do the talking as they walked in the room.

Lex surveyed the quiet room carefully, from the woman hunched over her cards to the brown-haired man in black sitting beside her, to Rico and Aden sprawled on a low divan, to Bruce brooding--what else?--in front of the fire, with Dick close by.

"Rosanna," Lex said quietly. "It's been a few years; how's the journalism path working out for you?"

"Lex." Rosanna smiled warmly and stood, leaving her cards face down next to her brandy, and stopped in front of him. "And Clark. It's so wonderful of you both to agree to this."

Lex didn't mention he'd been half considering a way to delay it again, at least until Clark had started school. "It's something that we've been wanting to do for quite some time now," Lex answered, squeezing Clark's hand tightly and idly noticing the way the firelight flickered off his ring. "Your magazine's offer just happened to come at a bad time, what with Dominic's accident and everything, but we've finally gotten all that cleared up and we've got the time to devote to it."

"Completely understandable." And a story one of her closest friends, Lois Lane, had gotten the scoop on. "I hope you both had a good flight." her dimples flashed. "You know Aden and Ricard--...Rico," she corrected, smiling at him. "This is Jean, my head photographer. His assistant, Adrian, is getting one of our first photo shoots ready. I hope you both don't mind if we get started right away."

Lex tugged Clark forward. "I don't mind, no." He turned to look at his aushna'. "Clark, do you mind?"

"Not at all," Clark answered, as the other three men stood. "Depending on what it is, of course."

"Nothing distasteful, I assure you," Rosanna said. "Jean already knows what I'd like. He's going to take you to get outfitted and ready... I'd like to talk to Mr. Wayne, if that's all right with you?"

Lex looked over at the man named Jean, and was surprised to notice he was staring at them with surprising concentration, absently shuffling the top card on the deck--an ace of spades--back and forth, from the top of the deck to the bottom. It was almost hypnotic, and Lex shook himself out of it. "Of course, I don't mind. Jean, is it? Could you tell Clark and I a little about what we're going to be doing?"

Jean swept the cards up. "Of course, cher. We're goin' t'do the fron' page of th'art'cle tonigh', so ah think you'll bof need to drop down t'yer skivvies, an' let me see wha'cher wearin'."

Clark flushed bright red, all the way up into the roots of his hair.

"He's joking," Aden said quickly, sliding up behind the men with Rico in tow. "Come on, we've got your clothes waiting."

"Ah'm act'lly not jokin', cher," Jean said, tucking the deck of cards into his pocket as he stood up. "Seein' dem together like dis gives Jean ideas, which are dangerous, non?" Little click of the tongue. "Down to your underwear, gent'lmen."

Lex glared at the man in front of them. "I can save you the trouble Mr. ..."

"Bacarti," Jean supplied. "An' don'cha go gettin' high'n mighty on me, Mr. Luthor. Ah know what ah'm doin' or I wouldn' be here."

Clark was flushed red hot. "Could… could we… maybe go... somewhere less living room-y?" He said, looking up under his lashes shyly.

"Su'cherself," Jean said. "De room is down here, and ah think there's a dressin' screen y'can use to hide b'hin', but you'll still need to show Jean wha' y'got on."

Clark looked at Lex, squeezed his hand, and after one last glance at Jean, went down the hall where Jean pointed. Someone was moving around in there, so Clark pushed open the door... and blushed even harder.

He'd thought this Adrian person was a man. Uh, no. She was a woman, a very *tall*, Amazonian woman with a shock of bright blue hair atop bubble gum pink glasses, with a milky white complexion and a smile on her pretty face.

"Hiya! Clark Kent and Lex Luthor, right?" She smiled and extended a hand. "Adrian. Nice to meet you both. Jean send you back here?"

Lex shook the outstretched hand, and wondered just when it was that the human race had decided that colors not found in nature would be good for hair dye. "Yeah, he did, and I'm a little... confused as to why he's going to need to know what underwear we've got on?" he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, stripped. Right then, go ahead and take your clothes off," she said, and beamed as she waved and Aden and Rico coming down the hall. "You boys brought the fancy underwear, right?"

"From Gucci to Calvin Kline."

"Gucci makes underwear?"

"Gucci will make you anything when the words "Lex Luthor" are involved."

Lex still hadn't moved. "Excuse me, Miss? You still haven't told me *why* exactly we're doing this."

"No clue. What Jean says I do. I'm his assistant," Adrian said, smiled, and motioned towards the privacy screens.

"I don't think so. If I'm going to strip down in front of strangers, I either need to know why I'm doing it, or be under the influence of chemicals so that I don't care. Seeing as how I'm no longer a drug addict, I would like to know *why.* And if you can't tell me, then perhaps we shouldn't be doing this shoot," Lex said calmly.

Rico stuck his head in the door. "Lexy, shut up and take off your clothes like the nice woman tells you to, darling. We've work to do, you know."

Clark bit his lip and looked from the woman, to Rico, to Lex, and just...what the hell.

He turned around, thanking God he and Lex had foregone any plugs in lieu of a good wash, and stepped behind the screen. He pulled his shirt over his head and let it fall in a heap with his boots, which he toed off.

"There, Clark knows what he's doing," Aden soothed, gently nudging Lex towards the screen as he began to set up his extensive makeup collection, including over a hundred and fifty different shades of body makeup.

Rico didn't bother with a gentle nudge. He shoved Lex towards the screen where Clark was already disrobing. "Follow Clark's example. Or, if you prefer, follow his bare ass. Either way? Strip, Lexy."

"Tell me again why we're friends?" Lex asked sourly as he started to strip, folding his sweater neatly over the edge of the screen, then toeing off his shoes and tucking them under the chair before taking off his socks as well, meticulously folding them into his shoes. The last thing he did was unbuckle his belt, and laid it neatly over the back of the chair as he stepped out of the black dress slacks, then folded them crisply along the pleat and draped them over the top of the screen beside the sweater, which left him clad in black silk briefs, that clung to and outlined everything that he owned.

Clark? Was wearing straight up flannel boxers. Blue checkered ones. They were comfy, which was why he'd put them on, and he pulled them up on his hips a little more as he gave his jeans, sitting in a pile on the floor, a kick towards his boots. And crossed his arms across his broad chest. "Its cold in here."

Aden muttered under his breath about making nipples less rosy and began pulling out more foundation.

Lex held out his arms. "Come here. Let me get you warm," he offered, wrapping them around his lover's shoulder. "All right, Miss. We've done what you asked."

Adrian was a professional. She did not ogle. Wanted to? Yeah. Did she? No. She just smiled encouragingly from behind the camera she was getting set up. "Jean! They're ready for you."

"Ah seri'usly doubt that, cher," Jean said as he came in.

They had their clothes off, which was actually much more than he'd been hoping for, based on what he'd been told about the Luthor kid. "Mr. Luthor, ah think y'll do jus' fine. Mr. Kent... ah think we're gonna have t'change you. Rico! Brin' a pair of the..." Jean studied Clark, and then reached out to wiggle the waistband of the boxers. "Ah thin' the Kline bask't fronts'll do won'ers for th'boy."

Clark blushed *hard*, clearing his throat in embarrassment and staying next to Lex. They were… and underwear changing, and he... oh dear God. He wasn't *small*, not in any sense of the word, and tight underwear just... he looked like a duck in them. A really stupid duck. "It… I... uh."

"Is goin' t'show ev'rythin' that God give ya? Oui, which is why ah wan' y'to wear 'em," Jean nodded, and stepped out from behind the dressing screen. "Adrian! Cherie, get de black sheets off th' bed, an' put down de beige instead. Clark's too dark for de black, an' Lex is too pale for de white."

Everything God gave him? No. Bad! Because... well, because he was shy, and he curled up closer to Lex shyly.

Adrian did as she was told, pulling down the pillows she'd heaped up on it and quickly setting the so called stage, getting everything just right. The silky beige sheets were creamy, luxurious and decadent...something like Lex Luthor was, actually. She moved the pillows, hopping on the bed herself to make it look slept in and cuddled in against, the thick feather pillows indented a bit, and she rearranged the heavy duvet curtains as rain pounded outside. It just made it all look more dramatic, and she softened the big stand lights even more where they were pointed at the bed.

Lex kissed Clark's temple softly, and let his bigger lover hide against him. "I don't think so, Mr. Bacarti," he said firmly.

Jean sighed. Dey are goin' to owe the Cajun big time for dis, he thought to himself. "Lex? Do y'mind if ah call y'Lex?" At the confirming headshake, he continued. "Lex, ah don' care about seein' wha'cher boyfrin' is hidin' under dere. Ah wan' t'make the lines o'yer body as smooth as ah can, s'when ah get y'two in th'bed, there's not goin' t'be any wrinkles in de sheets," he explained, rubbing the heel of his hand against his temple.

Clark swallowed, and when Rico gave him the underwear, he snatched them and hid behind the changing screen again. As quickly as he could he shimmied out of his cozy boxers, and after looking at the smallish underwear with horror, he began to pull them up his legs. It was... snug, and it showed... much too much, but at least it was in a dark color like Lex's, so it wouldn't... be so obvious. He tucked his cock like he normally did, and was mortified by the bulge he created. Tucked it another way… that was uncomfortable. Fucking hell.

He tucked it like he always did, made sure the elastic was on his hips comfortably, and walked back from behind it, swallowing and blushing again. "Okay. Most embarrassing moment ever."

To his credit, Rico didn't squeak.


Just a couple of times as he tried to say something other than *Oh my, what a nice, large cock you have.*

"Ah, there you are, Mouse. Come on, come out from behind there, and Adrian will help you and Lex get arranged in the bed."

"I don't think we need help with that particular pose," Lex said dryly, sliding his hand around Clark's waist so that it rested on his hip.

Clark swallowed and kept close to Lex, uncomfortably.

Adrian tried not to stare. Really. She did, cause she knew it'd offend Lex Luthor, and he'd been a tough cookie to crack and get a layout with to begin with. So she just smiled at the both of them, staying calmly professional as she motioned for them to come over. "There we go. We're going to try a few poses. Is it okay if I call you by your first names?"

Clark nodded at her.

"All right, then. Since this is basically your coming out to the world, as if teenage girls across the country don't follow your relationship and sigh happily... Clark, I want you to take the more submissive role in the positions, if that's all right with the both of you. I don't mean to offend either of you, but look at it this way--Lex, you've always been in the public eye, and Clark is new here. It would look really bad for Clark to take the dominant roll."

Lex couldn't help it. He bristled at the thought of Clark being inferior to him in some way, and it set his teeth on edge. His fingers tightened on Clark's hip, and he gave himself a quick moment to count to ten in Latin before speaking. "I'd rather not, because I'm not sure that I'm completely comfortable with the implication that Clark is, somehow, inferior to me or however you'd like to phrase it. I'd be much happier if we could find something that pointed out the equality of our relationship."

All right. Offended Lex Luthor! Great. "I'm sorry, Mr. Luthor. Didn't mean to offend you, like I said. All right. Well, then… Jean? How do you want them?"

"You didn't offend me, young lady, I'm simply expressing disagreement."

Cranky? Him? Never.

Just because he was as good as naked with his shy lover in front of a room full of people that put his nerves on edge?

Yeah, no reason at all for him to be cranky.

Jean looked through the camera, and tossed a roll of blue tape to Adrian. "Cherie, block off de photo square on de bed; Lex, once de box is outlined with de tape, get in an' fin'a place dat's comf'table for you, an' we'll work wit'it."

Adrian caught the tape, thankful Jean gave her an out as she quickly measured the space and taped off a good space for the picture. She made sure the tape could easily be hidden by the sheets and pillows, and leaned back, waiting for Lex to get in.

Lex turned around and nudged his lover. "Go ahead, get in first, and get under the sheets. I'm right behind you, don't worry."

"The thing is boys, we're working with a five person team that's usually something like forty," Adrian said, hoping to have both men understand as she drew the blankets back a bit for them to climb into. "Usually there's even someone to tweak your nipples rosy if that's the way the photographer wants it. So... I hope you'll forgive us anything," she said, turning her sunny smile from Lex to his big drinka water. "It's alright, hun."

Clark gave the girl a small, nervous smile and climbed into the bed, scooting over to the right like he usually did when they got in bed and making room for Lex.

"There you go. Get comfortable, like you usually do when you're getting in bed. You next, Lex. Aden will take care of the makeup in a second."

Lex *barely* contained the scowl and the growl. He slid into the bed beside Clark, pulling him close and snuggling him in tightly, making sure the sheets were tugged up past their hips as he kept Clark pressed to his side. "It's going to be all right, Clark. I'll kill them later, don't worry." He gave a little grim to show that he was joking--mostly, at least, and kissed him on the temple.

Jean peered through the camera, and made a rude comment in French. "Dere's not eno' powder in de worl' to stop de glare on dat head," he muttered. "Adrian, cherie, get Rico to he'p you move de lights. Dey're castin' shadows an' ah can't see through 'em."

Well, Clark didn't know about that. It was kind of... decadent, kind of kinky, to be laying in a warm bed, in his underwear, with his lover pressed against him. They fit together easy--Clark curled in close to his temple lay against Lex's ear. His arm was around Lex, their legs slid together like puzzle pieces finally coming together, and he sighed softly, closing his eyes sleepily.

They were *beautiful* men, and Adrian was pleased she got to see it, even if Lex was cranky. She smiled at them anyway and motioned Rico over, measuring carefully and moving the lights so the shadows were less dark, casting more light on the sheets then the two men, but still keeping them the focal point of the photograph.

Aden plunked down on the sheets in front of Clark and Lex, giving them a warm smile. "The camera's are meant to keep your complexions clear, not that you need it, and whatever we don't catch here will be photoshopped out later. What we do need is to keep the shine down--I'm going to apply a very light layer of foundation to you both when Jean gets you where he wants," he pointed to the two chairs he'd set up in front of a mirror in the huge bathroom. "Sound good?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine." Lex kissed Clark's temple softly again, snuggling him close and closing his own eyes for a moment and just luxuriating in the feeling of being held by his lover.

Cursed when one of the lights swung around and nearly blinded him despite having his eyes closed, and growled at Rico to get the fucking thing out of his face.

When it was safe to look, he *still* had spots behind his eyes, and he was glaring at Jean.

Jean was humming under his breath as he shifted the camera around, and checked the lenses to make sure they were all the proper setting and shutter speed for the photos, and then gazed through the lens at his subjects. They were smack in the center of the camera's field, and he narrowed the focus just a little so that all would be photographed were the men and the bed they were lying in. "Y'can have dem for de makeup now, bu' Lex an' Clark, ah wan' you to remembah 'xactly where you are in de bed, posin' and all, cause dat's de shot ah wan'."

Aden nodded, gave Jean a wink, and pulled the blankets back from the men. "Come on, guys," he said shyly, sliding from the bed and tying the apron behind his back. "How do you want Clark's hair, Jean?"

"Like he jes' rolled out o'bed, ah think," he said, moving around and fiddling with one of the camera settings. "Matter 'fact, leave it like it is. If ah need it fuller, ah can get Lex here t'run 'is fingers through it."

Aden nodded, blushing hot red as he motioned Clark and Lex into the bathroom behind them, after handing them thick cottony robes. "There we go... I'll need to get some of your chest too, and arms. We don't want you too shiny, it'll make you look sweaty," Aden said, opening his cases and quickly picking out a few different colors to try. "Lets see, Lex... ivory, or even... I've got a lighter white than that," he lifted up the light ivory shade bottle to Lex's cheek, hummed, and kept picking out colors.

"Aden, I can save you quite a bit of time and tell you that the color you want, to match my skin tone, is Ming Porcelain," Lex said, batting away the bottles as Aden held them up to his cheek. "And the last time I packed for Clark, the color for his tone was Bahaman Bronze."

Clark literally choked on the giggle.

Aden's own dimples flashed, eyes dancing. "Well, then."

So it was. He picked out the colors and with the quick hands of a skilled makeup artist, he slathered them in the foundation, though he was light with anything else. Jean had been sure to say he wanted them natural--if he wanted them to look just-kissed, well, then he'd have them kiss. So Aden applied the foundation, careful with Lex's scalp but making sure it would remain shine free. He powdered them both down and filled out their brows a little darker with a pencil, before smiling. "There we are. We're going natural. Lets get you back out there."

"Natural," Lex said through gritted teeth. Though it was no fault of Aden's, the makeup that had been blended from his eyebrows to neck--because he had no hairline to hide it in--felt like a stiff paste drying on his face, and the pencil poking the fine hair of his brows didn't improve his temper much.

There were reasons why he usually did his own makeup when the situation called for it.

But he gave Clark a smile and squeezed his hands. "Come on. Let's get back in bed. Maybe give them a show if they don't stop pissing me off."

"Kay," Clark said, grinning at his lover because he knew just how grumpy Lex was. He stood and followed him back to the bedroom, where Adrian was fluffing pillows and Rico was moving lamps, and after stripping out of the robe with a blush, he slipped under the sheets and curled in against the pillow, waiting for Lex.

Lex was very glad that Clark was amused with his grumpiness, because if Clark were amused, then Clark wasn't panicking and being incredibly shy. He tossed his own robe to Aden, who folded it over the makeup chair, and he slid into bed beside Clark, rearranging himself into the same position they'd been in before, and Lex's fingers slid through Clark's hair gently, petting him soothingly.

Clark snuggled in against him, nosing Lex's jaw softly as he set his head on Lex's shoulder and kissed Lex's neck softly. "Kay?"

"Okay, how's that now, Jean?" Adrian said, giving the lights one last tweak as the fire crackled in the hearth and the storm roared outside.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Lex said softly, smiling down at his aushna'.

Jean nearly fell over himself clicking the shutter, and getting as many of the shots of Lex's gentle smile as he could. "Dat's perfec', cherie." He pointed towards his bag. "Load de secon' camera, an' b'ready when I ask for it." He snapped from several different angles, using his main camera the most, but occasionally skipping to the two cameras on either side to check the angles and take a shot from over Lex's shoulder, or from over Clark's as they cuddle. "Clark, cher, ah wan' t'see more o'your face den what ah'm seein'."

Clark… was not used to this. being on the other side of the camera? yes. Being in front of it? No. He blushed hot and swallowed, shifting under the sheets to get closer to Lex, but also shift his shoulders up so he wasn't pressed into Lex's neck, which was actually his favorite position. "Like... like this?"

Adrian quickly loaded the second camera, rolls of film waiting on the small, rickety table they'd set up for that very reason.

Jean finished off his roll of Clark and Lex in that position. "Tha's 'xactly right. But now, I want y'to roll onto y'back, an' Lex, curl up into his side an' let yer head res' on his shoulder." He held the first camera out to Adrian, and took the second, which was identical to the first. "Mark dat roll one of t'ree, and reload wi' the Prism film this time, 'cause ah wan' t'get the soft glow aroun' from de lights, an' dat's what the Prism's for." He picked the second camera up, and then while Lex moved, checked the exposures on the secondary cameras on either side. They were still half-empty rolls, and he nodded as he got back into position. "Don' blush, cher. Y'll throw off de makeup."

Clark blushed anyway, but when he shifted onto his back and Lex moved against him… it felt good. it felt right. Their legs were mushed together and he looked gently across at his lover, drawing Lex's arm across his stomach and holding him close. "You're shivering."

Lex nodded. "It's cold in here; the lights haven't warmed up the room yet." Which they would be shortly, because Lex could feel the sheets getting warm as he spoke, and he tightened his grip on Clark's waist.

Jean was in photograph heaven. The quiet whispers and the looks of absolute adoration on both their faces were precisely what he was looking for as he snapped off picture after picture. "Lex, ah wan' y'to slide yer arm down jes' a little bit, so it's coverin' the sheet, like you'd like t'be reachin' for what's under it but holdin' y'self back."

Lex did as he was told, sliding his arm down over Clark's stomach, until it rested right below his belly button. "Like this?"

"Perfect, cher."

Clark shivered all over, biting his lower lip and trying to *ignore* the snapping going on in the background. "Don't tickle. Do you want to tent the sheets?"

Adrian giggled at that, couldn't help it, as she kept the next camera ready for Jean, with the soft plasma film.

Clark grinned sheepishly at his lover after glancing at Adrian.

"It'd definitely give them something to airbrush out of the pictures," Lex said, but he stayed quiet as he looked up adoringly at his lover's sheepish look, and nuzzled a quick kiss across his lips.

"Don' move," Jean snapped as he clicked the shutter rapidly. "De pictures will b'blurry, an' we'll have t'do dis all over 'gain."

Clark took the kiss and deepened it--he couldn't help it. Lex's hand, warm on his skin, the kinkiness of being *photographed*, and he kissed his lover softly but deeply, fingers reaching up to cover and tighten over Lex's on his stomach. He curled their fingers together, and with his free hand cupped Lex's neck to pull him closer.

Adrian almost dropped the camera. Oh... they... well. She'd never really realized it, till now. Lex Luthor had been in her Teen Bop as a girl, and she'd had dozens of posters on her walls of him and Prince William both. And now... well, she'd never really understood Lex was gay until... now. And dear *god*, could she be gay too please?

"You're ruining the makeup!" Aden squealed from behind Jean. "Stop it, dammit!"

There were only about ten shots left on the roll, and Jean snapped them all of the deep kiss, then handed Adrian the camera, and skipped to the camera over Clark's shoulder. These would be shots of their faces, and of Clark's shoulder and chest, but he finished the exposures in that camera too, and then ran to the other camera and took the reverse shots over Lex's shoulder. "Label dat one as two of t'ree, and den re-load the side cameras, with R1 of 2 and L1 of two," he instructed, picking up the full camera and then leaning against the wall, waiting.

Lex's fingers scraped lightly over Clark's stomach as Clark pulled him closer. He shifted his legs so that they were tangled even tighter with Clark's, which only sealed them closer together. His tongue lapped warmly at Clark's, nibbling his full lips and making them shiny and red as they kissed. He ignored the camera clicking, ignored the indignant screech from Aden, and concentrated solely on Clark and giving his aushna' the soft kisses he deserved.

Clark gave Lex one last, parting kiss, sighing happily at him. "Can we move yet? My leg cramped up," he said, looking up at Jean. Which wasn't exactly true, but any more of this kind of touch and he'd be putting on a show that was... very embarrassing. He jumped when thunder roared outside, all but rattling the windows. He kept stroking Lex's side gently, keeping him close to him.

"Ah jes bet," Jean muttered. "Course you can move, cher. Ah wouldn' wan' t'see any... stiffness from you. Why don' y'sit up, wit'cher back again' the headboar', and Lex sittin' beside you, one knee up agin' his chest?"

Clark nodded and sat up, ignoring the pun and mutter, as he slid back against the headboard and motioned for Lex to join him.

Adrian scurried forward at that. "Hold on," she said. "Mind if I move you guys around?" she asked, and without waiting she moved Lex a bit. She pushed his shoulders comfortably against the headboard and tapped the knee by the edge of the bed up, so the knee bent. Without a trace of a blush she rolled the edge of his underwear up his leg so all that was showcased was pale, taut thigh, and on the upraised knee she put his arm propped up on it. "There." She motioned towards Clark to settle next to him. "Hold his free hand, Clark...set it on your thigh. There we go."

"You read m'mind, Adrian," Jean said with a smile as he hefted the camera. "Dis'll be all for t'night; ah'll be workin' in de darkroom t'develop these rolls, an' you'll sit down wi'me and Rosanna t'morrow after breakfast an' choose what'll be on de article fron' page."

"I believe that you've gotten a copy of my agreement to do this, which includes all negatives and prints from the shoot; once we've chosen what we're to use, you'll turn all the other photographs and negatives over to me," Lex said smoothly. "At least, of this shoot. Depending on what the other shoots are like, I may not exercise that option, but I would feel more comfortable knowing that these extras are not out in the public domain."

Clark had the worst mental image of people bargaining for photo's of him looking goofy, and couldn't help a little grin as he squeezed Lex's hand tightly there on his leg, comfortably slouched against his lover. "Cranky Lex."

Aden scurried in for a quick touch up job, dulling the shine on Lex's head, rubbing some of the makeup along his jaw line off to showcase his stubble a bit better, and after a quick tussle of Clark's hair, he slipped back behind Jean again.

"Ah've got the 'greement, an' I'll turn ever'thin' over to you jes' as soon as we're done wi' the choosin'," Jean agreed. "Rico, turn de light about ten degree dis way," he said, indicating towards himself. "Dere needs to be a bit more light at dis angle.... perfect. Thank you, cher."

Lex's tongue snaked out and licked his lips, and his thumb rubbed gently over Clark's, which were still glossy and red from the kiss. "You're beautiful," he said softly.

Clark almost wanted to forget about these people and fuck Lex through the mattress, like he had only a few short hours ago. He nearly purred at the memory, shifting closer to Lex and flashing his dimples at him. "I feel so weird, Lex. I mean... how do you react when someone's taking your picture, you know? I should probably mention I hate pictures, by the way."

As soon as Jean took ten pictures or so of them like that, Adrian said, "Okay, I want you, Lex, on your back, and Clark, on your stomach. I want you to pillow your face on Lex's shoulder... your back is just beautiful."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth Clark froze, and tensed all over. "My back?"

"You have beautiful shoulders," she said, smiling. "That way we can get away with a little butt too, if you're game."

Clark shook his head. Hard. "No. Not my back."

Aden looked from the puzzled woman to Clark and leapt in on their behalf. "Clark has a bad scar on his back, Adrian. He's a little self conscious about it. Why don't you flip it, make it Lex? Lex has a beautiful back, all lean muscle."

"NO," Lex growled, as soon as Clark froze, growling over Aden and glaring around.

Jean was more than a little taken aback. "Clark, Lex, jes' calm down. If y're that worried abou' t'scar, ah know we can airbrush it out, an' nobody'll evah know it's dere."

Clark tensed all the more. "No. Not my back. It means something to me, and it isn't... I don't want it paraded for the world."

Jean opened his mouth to speak again, and then snapped it shut when Lex roared. Loudly.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" At the top of his lungs. "GET OUT!!!!" Didn't care if they thought he was pitching a diva fit. Didn't care if they got out and didn't come back. Just wanted them *gone* and away from his aushna', and it was taking everything Lex had *not* to snarl at them in Kryptonian. "Get out, get out now, leave us alone, and if you try and push Clark to do something he doesn't want to again, I promise you, you won't like the consequences, get OUT!"

Adrian squeaked, nearly dropped the camera in her hands, and instead set it on its pod and sent Jean a helpless look, not knowing what to do.

"Lex," Clark tried to say, as he stroked a hand over Lex's shoulder.

Lex snarled softly at his aushna' as he glared. "Out. Now." His hand was gripping Clark's tightly under the blankets, hard enough to break bones if Clark had been human.

Jean calmly put the camera on the table, and took the one from Adrian too. "Is alrigh', cherie. Go, get Alfre' to he'p you fix drinks for ever'body. Scotch, for ever'one, there's six of us."

Adrian nodded, turned, and fled, Aden and Rico behind her.

"Shhh," Clark murmured softly, stroking Lex's arms, his shoulders, his scalp, pressing him close and kissing his made up cheeks, his jaw, his lips. "Shhh, you protect your aushna'," he whispered. "Good protection. Love my Kenep, good, brave Kenep. Shhh... it's okay now."

If there had been hair anywhere on Lex's body, it would have all been standing on end. But Clark's words were calming, the gentling touches and kisses soothing.

"Kenep will always protect his aushna'," Lex whispered back just as quietly, as he slowly started to relax into Clark's arms. "Love my aushna'," he murmured as Clark's kisses fluttered over his lips and he gave a quiet sigh. "No one will make my aushna' do anything he does not wish to do," was his final, quiet little growl.

Jean just watched from the wall, eyebrow elevated. "Y'throw qui' the tantrum, Lex," he said quietly. "Jes' lucky tha' Jean don' scare easy."

Clark smiled gently at Lex, ignoring Jeans words and instead, after gently rubbing his lips over Lex's soft ones, sat up. He pulled Lex close to him, hugging him tightly once, before letting his eyes trail to Jean. "There's things you don't know about. Things we keep private. This is one of them. It holds a lot of meaning for us, and to put it out there for even you to see is... well, it's not good, as you've seen."

"Den ah won' ask how you came 'bout havin' it," Jean said conversationally, keeping his hands down and non-threatening. "Wouldn' wan' t'send Lex into orbit."

At that, Clark's lips twitched. "He already lives on the moon," he murmured, and smiled down at Lex until his lover looked up. "Better now?"

"No," Lex growled softly, still glaring at Jean.

"You just like being mad," Clark murmured, laying one last kiss on him. "Are we almost finished here, Jean?"

"Jes' one last roll," he answered, lifting the camera up. "An' while ah don' wan' to give Lex a heart 'tack, ah wan' t'get you, layin' on your back, an' Lex layin' cross you," he finished.

"On top of me?" Clark asked, eyebrows shooting up. "Like how?"

"Kin'a cross your lap, so's you can lean ovah an' res' y'elbow on his back, an' I can fit y'both in the same shot."

"Okay," Clark said, a soft blush curving his cheeks, and pulled Lex gently close. "That all right, Lex?"

Lex's hackles were still way, way up. "Only if he takes the side cameras down, because when you lean forward, they're going to snap your back," he growled, and was tempted to yank them down himself.

Clark squeezed Lex's hand and looked towards Jean. "If you photograph my back, Lex and I pack and go home. Simple as that. So lets keep it to the front, shall we?"

Jean just shrugged. "Dat's fair enoug'," he said, studying the couple on the bed. "Adrian will b'back with drinks in jes' a few minutes, an' we'll discuss the las' pose den."

Clark nodded and shifted, legs crossed comfortably, as he studied Jean. Long, dark hair, compelling eyes, creamy skin. A handsome man in his own right--and the damning thing was, he looked wicked familiar. Not familiar like he'd ever seen him, but familiar like someone he came in contact with nearly everyday had, and they'd left the weird impression of deja vu on his mind. "Can I ask if we've ever met before? I feel as if I've seen you before."

"Non. Jean would have remembered meeting you before," he said with a small smile. "P'haps y've seen m'picture in a magazine?"

"Maybe," Clark said, and smiled back. "Have you always done photography?"

Another of Jean's little smiles. "Non again, cher. Photog'aphy is somethin' ah've only jes' been interested in fer abou' a year or two."

"Really?" Clark's lips curved. "I've always liked it too. It's a great profession, when you get into it... a good friend of mine does it for a living himself." He pulled his knees to his chest, blanket draped over his legs. He let Lex sulk in peace, listening to the voices outside the door.

"Oui, really. Ah t'ink ah like workin' with people more'n ah like workin' with buildin's, but there's somethin' t'be said for a thorough documentin' of a buildin' floor plan."

"You were an architect?" Clark asked, playing with his blanket covered feet and sitting his chin on his knees.

"Non, non. Jean jes' photographed the buildin's."

Clark gave him a sunny smile. "Where have you been, photographing buildings?"

"Mos'ly big cities; banks, office buildings, anywhere dat's got a lot of special architec're. Overhangin', gargoyles--"

"Rather large safes," Lex chimed in.

Clark blinked, looked at Lex, then back to Jean. …Oh. "You used to be… oh."

"Yes, he used to be a professional thief, if I read my metaphors correctly."

Jean tipped an imaginary hat to Lex. "Oui, you read them right. Ah'm reformed, howevah, so you don' hef t'worry."

Clark was a little stunned. Well...because bad guys were bad guys, and there wasn't any--... all right. That was just stupid. Of course there were gray areas. Hell, Clark *was* a gray area, and he almost grinned at the thought. He was itching to ask why he reformed, but he didn't dare. The manners his mom had spanked into him didn't allow that. Instead he nuzzled Lex's neck and took his hand gently. "I know about reformed people."

"Ah jes' bet y'do," is all Jean said. "R'demption's a hard t'ing to come by, cher. Bu' when y'do? Grab on wi'bof hands, and don' leggo."

On that note Aden came back in with scotch, glasses, and ice on a tray Alfred had given him. He set it on one of the side tables and poured glasses, handing one glass to Jean, one to Lex, and said, "Don't tell anyone I gave you alcohol, Clark," and handed him a glass too.

"Like I'm still a virgin," Clark said, grinning into his glass when Adrian choked and spewed her drink just as she was taking a drink, spraying it into her glass.

Jean just laughed behind his glass when Adrian choked on her drink. "Be careful, cherie. We still got lots of work t'do," he said smoothly, offering her a white linen napkin to wipe her face off with.

"We'll just pretend it's apple juice, so that Clark didn't feel left out when the rest of us horrible grown-ups had a drink in front of him," Lex intoned soberly.

Clark snorted again, finished off the drink, and set the glass to the side. "Come on, drink up, take this picture, and let me put my pants back on. This is so embarrassing."

"I've seen you in less!" Aden crowed, cackling. He could hear Rico laughing in the next room where he was setting up the wardrobe for tomorrow morning.

Jean laughed softly at that. "Don' want t'know. Adrian, what d'you think the pose should be?"

She stuffed the hanky in her pocket, clearing her throat and looking at the two of them as her eyes finished watering and cleared. "No back view... I think..." She stopped suddenly, and smiled. "What if we have them cuddling in the big chair over there? Lex, face in Clark's neck, one leg tucked under him, the other hanging over Clark's knee."

Jean nodded. "Oh, ah like that. Bu' there's somethin' missin' here... oh!" He turned to Adrian. "Sharin' a pair of pajamas... black, maybe? Or green? Clark wearin' the top, unbuttoned, an' Lex wearin' the bottoms?"

Adrian offered, a little shyly, "Cotton. Cream, the same color as the sheets. It makes them look like sin."

"Righ'. Mebbe Egyptian cotton like de sheets." Jean studied again. "Clark, I wan' you t'sit in the chair firs', go on now, lemme see you, and while Adrian's pullin' the wardrobe, ah can set up de camera."

Clark stared at the chair, peeked at himself under the blankets, and turned scarlet. "I'm nearly naked here." But he did as he was told, getting up very shyly as Aden slipped out to fetch Rico, and gave Lex a glare that said 'laugh and you die' as he climbed into the huge, warm chair.

"Don' tell me y'never had a lapful o'Lex when yer wearin' nothin' but yer undies," Jean said knowingly. "Let y'legs hang out straigh'. An' Lex, when ye get in wi'him, cross your leg ov'r 'is knee. Arms 'round his waist, cheek to his shoulder, an' both of you, lookin' into th' fireplace."

"You... want us to snuggle," Lex clarified. "You could have just said so."

Oh! Well, Clark knew how to do that. He motioned Lex over to him, shifting into their snuggling position, and smiled at him warmly. "We're good at that," Clark said, blushing softly as he dragged Lex warmly beside him and curled in close around him so all their limbs fit perfectly.

Jean's jaw dropped.

Couldn't have asked for a better pose if he'd tried. "Adrian, cherie, take de blanket off de bed, an' drape it round their legs; ah wan' a few shots like dis, cause dis is 'xactly de t'ing ah wan'ed."

Clark rolled his eyes. "You have to voice these things, you know. We're professionals at this."

Adrian scurried to grab the slimmer knit quilt under the thick one atop the bed and moved over, blushing over the very near naked states of both men, and draped it artfully over their legs. She had a bit of a foot fetish, so she left Lex's foot, the one hanging over his boyfriends leg, peaking from the bottom. "You both look beautiful," she said, smiling as Aden powdered Lex's head.

"Of course Clark's beautiful," Lex said softly, stroking his hand over Clark's chest, his entire face softening as he did. "He's the most beautiful person in the world." He shifted closer to Clark, letting the quilt fall down to expose Lex's lower back as he kissed the base of Clark's throat.

Jean was busy snapping pictures as soon as Aden had stepped out of the way, catching the soft expression on Lex's face, the gentle stroking of his hand on Clark's chest, the light press of his lips to Clark's skin, and he knew privately that this was going to be one hell of a hard decision to make. The pajamas laid forgotten to the side, propriety be damned, and with men like this, Jean didn't really think the magazine's readers would care all that much.

Clark grinned at the ticklish slide of Lex's mouth on his neck, chuckling softly before he cupped Lex's head the way he liked and dragged him close for a warm, deep kiss. His fingers trailed down Lex's neck, cupping his shoulder, then finally his waist to pull him closer to him.

Adrian gave a quiet, almost romantic sigh as she watched them. The word 'beautiful' didn't fully cover how radiant and gorgeous they were. They were incredible, all skin and hair and cream against pale. Like two sides of one coin, meeting somewhere in the middle. Absolutely gorgeous.

Lex returned the kiss easily, but lazily, his tongue thrusting gently as his hand stroked lightly over Clark's chest again. His nails drew little red trails down Clark's sternum, carefully avoiding nipples for now as the kiss deepened, became wetter and a little more urgent.

The leg slung over Clark's slid up so that it helped to pull Lex closer to Clark, not quite touching but wanting to rub and hump against his lover as they kissed, pressed tightly together, skin to skin.

Clark let go to gasp for air, panting softly, a hot flush working up over his neck. He was... getting a little aroused here, skin prickling, nipples tightening, even as he brushed his mouth over Lex's jaw line softly. Lex could always reduce him to mush like this, and he gave a goofy grin down at him as he stroked softly over a pale skull. "Beautiful, au--...Lex."

"Beautiful Clark," he murmured, just as softly, and returned the smile that his aushna' gave him. He had completely forgotten Jean's instruction to look into the fire, and his eyes were focused instead on Clark's as he gave his lover's full wet lips little loving nips.

And Jean didn't bother to re-pose them or do anything else, just clicked until the insistent beeping of the camera told him that there were no more exposures left to be taken. Slowly he took the film out and handed it to Adrian. "Ma'k this one as 3 of 3, and put all de rolls in my bag, an' ah'll develop 'em t'night, in the darkroom."

Clark? Didn't hear a word Jean said. He was to engrossed in nibbling and nipping his lover right back, tracing the scar with his tongue, eyes heavy lidded with pleasure. He gave another silly smile into those lips, fingers curling gently around one slender hip. "Taste good," he whispered, nipping softly.

Adrian took it and quickly marked it setting the used rolls in the special bag made just for them, and grinned at the two men on the chair. "Guys? Hello?"

Lex was content to let Clark nibble the scar for a moment, his fingers still stroking over Clark's chest. His leg moved higher up, tucking around Clark's hip instead, so that he was sitting almost completely in his lover's lap instead of tucked in beside him in the warm, fluffy chair, and nothing else was registering but his aushna'.

"Ah don' t'ink dey hearin' you, cherie," Jean said with no small bit of amusement.

"No kidding," Adrian said, smiling, and rather loudly, turned towards the door and said, "Why, HELLO Bruce."

Clark let go of Lex immediately, a flare of anger rising in his eyes as he looked all over the room for Bruce, and not finding him there, looked at Jean and Adrian. "Huh? Wha? Are you done?"

Lex's eyes narrowed at Adrian as he felt the surge of anger and jealousy rising in his aushna', and a very low, very quiet growl started in his throat.

Jean was flat-out snickering at that. "Oui, ah'm done wi'you for d'night." He waved at the bag holding the five rolls of film. "Ah'll be developin' dese t'night, an' dey'll be ready for yer perusin' tomorrow at breakfas'."

Clark grinned, giving Lex's hip a pinch to keep his lovers emotions in check. "Sounds good. Thank you, Jean, Adrian. What time do you need us tomorrow?"

"If ah heard Bruce righ', den brea'fas' will be at nine in de mornin', and we'll start shootin' again at ten-thirty, den break for lunch at noon, and ah'll be developin' de mornin' shots while you talk t'Rosanna," Jean explained.

"Okay," Clark said, smiled, and climbed to his feet, Lex in tow. "We'll see you tomorrow at nine then. Sleep well, both of you."

Adrian knew when she was being dismissed, and she nodded, smiling and heading out the door with Jean. She closed it carefully behind her with Aden at his heels.

Clark walked over, calmly locked the door, then turned and grasped his lover, grinding their hips together *hard*. "Want to see just how many rooms we can defile in this place?" he said, grinning broadly as he fell onto the bed with his lover.



go on to the next part