
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 43: Little Red Riding Lex

But it was a dream, and as all dreams go, it was too sweet and gone far too fast. The night wore on...his skin itched but it was sort of a subconscious itch, that he only scratched at when he got the inkling too. He recalled moving...shifting during the night, turning and snuggling spoon style behind someone who smelled good.


The wet sheets were a warm beach, and he snuggled into the sand until morning broke.


Dawn and its fiery, golden rays were lying over the sheets when again Clark was aware. It felt like coming up from a night of drinking...sleepy awareness and belly roiling nausea. The rolls in his belly faded, after he clamped his eyes shut and buried his face in close. Sniffed....soft. Soft and warm and silky under his cheek, and without thought he rubbed his face into the clouds that seemed to be all around him.


Lex felt Clark moving behind him, and attempted to roll over, but he couldn't.  Something was pulling and tugging on him--likely Clark's weight.  He opened his eyes and immediately knew something was not right.


There was something laying all over him.  At first, he thought it was just the clammy sheet, which was now half dried, but no... it was... he caught a flash of red out of the corner of his eye.


...the fuck?


He opened his eyes the rest of the way, and just stared at himself in openmouthed surprise.  He knew why he couldn't move. 


Clark was lying on his hair.


On his motherfucking hair.  Hair which he most definitely should NOT have.


No, actually. He wasn’t lying on it per say. He was sniffing at it.


Rich, gorgeous clouds of the most beautiful auburn hair he'd ever seen. Handfuls of it that smelled like angels wings, and Clark couldn’t stop rubbing his face against it...tangling his fingers in it. He didn’t know a little part of his mind he knew this wasn’t right, but in that time right before waking, everything seems to be okay with the world. So he sniffed, softly, smoothed his cheeks of locks like silk, and groaned in dark, guttural pleasure at how sweet a fantasy it was.


Lex was still a bit at odds with how he could have grown hair overnight.  Martha Kent, bless her soul, had not mentioned this as a side effect.  "Um... Clark?"  He tugged, experimentally.  "You mind if we wake up now and figure out why in the name of God I have hair?"  Just out of curiosity, he looked down and found his cock nestled in a thick patch of red curls, much like the ones he'd had when he was a child.


And that thought was disturbing enough to snap Lex out of it entirely.  "Clark?"


Cock? Speaking of cock? Because surely his wasn’t the one pressed into warm, slightly soft ass cheeks, pressing and rocking rhythmically. Nope. Couldn’t be, when he moaned and ran his fingertips down a hairy male arm, knowing the skin underneath was Lex's but he just didn’t want to wake up enough to make his fantasy fake. Just scraped his fingers over the thick patch of hair at a strong, agile chest, pressing his mouth into a back that had tiny, invisible white hairs that were a sin to lick at.


Lex felt the cock pressing against his ass, and smiled.  Waking up with Clark was nice, because apparently, Clark woke up horny.  Lex could deal with that.  If he weren't on the edge of a fucking hysterical breakdown because he suddenly had a body full of hair that he couldn't quite explain.  He turned as much as he could, pressing his mouth to Clark's ear and then shouting.  "CLARK!"


He jumped a foot, squealed...and fell off the other side of the bed. Landed, actually, with a heavy thump on marble and grunted, lying on the freezing cold stone he could feel, strangely enough...and blinked. Hard. So hard. And cold! And awake! And WET! And Lex, screaming! "L...Lex?"


"Thank you!  Yes!  Get the fuck back up here, Clark, and tell me if you happen to notice anything different."  Lex was busy staring at himself, running his fingers through the long wavy tresses that fell to pool on the bed, the thick forest of hair on his chest, the hair on his legs, and even the curls around his cock.


He sat up with a grunt...peeked over the side of the bed, so only his big green eyes and his mop of unruly curls could be seen...and his eyes crinkled with a smile, as if seeing Lex with all that hair was totally the most natural thing in the world. "You're so beautiful."


"Beautiful.  Yes, well, that's one word for it."  He looked over at Clark, and almost smiled when all he could see was hair and eyes.  "Another word for it would be... Abso-fucking-lutely fascinating."


"Its weird." He slowly got back up on the bed, crawling in and leaned down on his knees, sitting on his feet. "It's pretty. fire." His voice was slightly awed, as he picked up a long, silky tress from Lex's shoulder and let the long expanse run through his fingers. "Long. Look how long." He leaned in and sniffed again, softly, and lapped at his lovers ear. "You're so pretty."


Lex pulled Clark's hand over his stomach.  "It's everywhere, Clark."  He directed Clark's fingers down through the curls of his pubic area, and then stood up, pulling Clark with him. 


The hair on his head fell past his ass.  Long and straight, there wasn't a curl in sight, only body waves.  Against his delicate white skin, it looked almost artificial, but it was too soft to be fake.  His cock poked out from the new nest of curls, as though curious to see what everyone was talking about, and Lex held out his arms, also covered with fine hair.  "You like it, Clark?" he whispered softly.


"I dreamed about it." Softly, his voice unable to lose the amazed, gleeful quality, no matter how hard he was trying to hide it. He crawled off the covers and stood... sliding softly into the given embrace, and the strange, fine beard pressed to his cheek. It couldn’t be his Lex... but it was, the big blue eyes proved it. He dragged his fingers through all that hair... yanked gently at it, and dropped his mouth to Lex's. Soft, gentle, easy and tender like the breeze, and Clarks fingers couldn’t stop stroking...his back, where the long, thick, straight hair slid like silk through his fingers... his own shaven crotch rubbed delicately against the haired one, and his free hand ran, over and over, over the chest hair. "'s pretty." An almost silent whisper, gently running his hands over his cheeks...down his chest. "S'pretty."


"I've got a fucking beard, Clark."  He hadn't realized it, hadn't felt it until Clark rubbed his cheek against it.  "I've never had a beard a day in my life...  Please tell me I don't look like my father."  He turned into his lover's arms, facing him, hair falling over one shoulder to catch on the hair on his chest.  "Clark... I... I'm glad you like it.  But I feel so... odd."  He wrapped his arms around Clark, arching up for another kiss and rubbing his furred chest against Clark's bare skin.


And he snapped out of it. Very suddenly, standing there in Lex's arms...was Clark. And he sort of blinked...eyebrows furrowed...blinked again....and glanced up and down, with a look of the most utter shock ever uttered on a human beings face. "Holy fuck."


"Now you notice," Lex said wryly.  "Welcome back.  And before you ask, I don't know.  But yes, that's the same reaction I had."


He yanked back, but not in anger... just shock, grasping his lovers shoulders hard and shaking him...which only made the hair move, and his eyes boggled out of their head. "Holy FUCK!  LEX! Jesus Christ, you have hair!"


"Thank you, Clark, for pointing that out.  I don't believe I'd noticed."


And just because he was shocked didn’t mean his erection went down. No... in fact, it swelled, as he stared in awe at the thick patches on his chest and face... down his back. "Lex." Said softer, eyes still glazed with shock as he gently tucked a long strand off his shoulder. " hair? And..." He swallowed the lump in his throat hard. "We...we have to go to my mom, she'll know what’s wrong, hurry, get dressed baby, come on." He turned on his heel and started to the open door of the closet, where his clothes were hung and folded neatly... by Ms. Bird, of course.


"Nothing's wrong, Clark," Lex said softly.  "Come here."  He held out his hand to his lover.  "I feel fine.  Come here... let me look at you.  Let me see how you're doing." 


He stopped mid step and turned back...looking at his lover with big, soft green eyes. "I feel okay. I remember my mom...she helped you?"


"She did.  She helped me take care of you."  Lex crossed the bedroom, headache mostly gone.  "How are you feeling?"


"Okay." An almost graceful shrug of a burly shoulder. "I’m itchy. And... and uncomfortable."  because he was doing his best to get his instant, gut reaction to the beautiful waves of fire flowing from his lovers head out of his blood. "And you... Lex, my God. You... come here." He grasped his lovers hand and pulled him gently, leading him to the closet... and to a full length mirror. They stepped in and Clark slipped behind Lex, sliding his hands around his waist so he could see. "Look. Look at this."


"Jesus Christ.  I look like my fucking father."  He raised his hand to rub over the beard.  "Christ on a fucking silver pogo stick."  He looked at their reflections together in the mirror.  It was absurd in a way, his slender, willowy frame covered with hair.  Hair on his chest, around his cock, on his arms, face, legs... head.  "My--my mother's hair was this color, Clark."  He ran his own fingers through it, brought it over his shoulders so that it brushed Clark's hands on his waist.  "I didn't think I'd ever see it again."


He sniffed at the faintly fragrant skin...without realizing, smelling the same bitter liquid from the night before, that had turned into flowers as they'd slept. He smelled like sunshine and the cool grass, and it was a drug Clark almost couldn’t help. He sniffled softly, licked at the lovely pale skin, fingertips stroking through all of it… before tugging away and clearing his throat. "What caused th… this, Lex? What the hell caused you to grow hair? Last time I looked, I didn’t make my parents grow second heads, okay?" And behind Lex's slender frame, Clark gave his balls a vicious twist, and the erection he'd begged to go faded softly. Jesus Christ thank you.


Lex trembled at the lick, his cock twitching very interestedly as Clark touched him.  "You think I have clue one, Clark?  I don't know.  If I had to guess, I'd assume you secreted something during the night that stimulated the growth in my hair follicles despite their irradiated state."


"Heee. I secreted. .....Sorry." He coughed softly, and nodded, crossing his arms....well, and stroking the long, long hair, but just for a second. He couldn’t stop himself, and he traced the soft, slick strands down his back.


"Makes sense. I gave something off, you inhaled, ate, choked, soaked it...and now you have hair. The question is...for how long?"


Lex smirked at the joke.  "You can touch it, you know," he said, watching Clark's muscles ripple in the mirror.  "I don't mind."  He studied his reflection.  "I don't know for how long.  Maybe permanently.  Maybe for as long as you'll be molting and secreting... whatever you're secreting.  Maybe just for a few hours."


He jumped half a mile, and immediately backed up a handful of steps. "You know? About the molting? That… its know? I don’t want you to touch me when it starts." He shook his head firmly. "No, no, no." Yes, yes, yes. Fist his fingers in that hair, yank him back, fuck him so hard against the wall he wouldn’t be able to--NO! Clark!


"Yes, your mother told me.  And Clark... i don't care.  You know... you know that I always want to touch you."  He turned, putting his back to the mirror, and his hair swirled with him, half of it sliding over his shoulder as he looked at Clark.  "I can't feel you in my head," he said softly.


"You really don’t want to." Not right now, no, nuht uh. Nope. "Lex...we have to find my parents...maybe your dad will know. He knows I’m....yeah. Maybe he'll know, you know?" He swallowed and nodded, gently pushing the long strands back from the sturdy, lightly haired shoulders, and pressed open mouthed kisses to each one. "Do… do you want to shave? Or...or leave it?"


"Yes, I do... it's not... I don't like being alone."  He slid his hand over his beloved's shoulder.  "My father is still in the hospital, and I don't really feel like going out in public like this."  He rubbed his bearded face against Clark's.  "What do you want?  You like it, don't you?  Do you want me to leave it?  For you?"


"I like it." Involuntary whisper. "I like it, but I like you more. I like you any way, any package. I love you, baby." He swallowed. "Gimme...gimme a while. And I’ll open the link again, kay?"


"I love you, Clark."  He pulled the hair back into a ponytail with his hands.  "What do you think?  Tie it off, slide it down the back of my shirt, put on a pair of sunglasses.  Think anyone'll know it's me?"  He rubbed against Clark with the rest of his body.  "I'm not afraid of you, Clark... not afraid of what you're feeling.  If you'll let me, I'll help you."


"Feeling not good things." He whispered breathlessly, unable to help the soft rubs right back as his big green eyes fluttered closed. "Tie it back...corduroy pants...t-shirt. Saw them in th-the closet." Large, wide palmed fingers slid down a slim back, and he grunted quietly, trying to shift their hips away. "So beautiful. So, so beautiful."


"Don't push me away, Clark," Lex whispered.  "I'm not afraid of what you're feeling.  If it's pain, share it with me.  I'll help you bear it.  If it's anger, share with me and I'll help you get rid of it."  He arched into Clark's hands on his skin, suddenly more sensitive because he was aware of his limbs because of his hair.  "I know what outfit you mean."


Pain, no. He wasn’t feeling either of those things before... but Lex asked so prettily, and he had such a soft spot for such romantic whispers. He clasped their hands... set their foreheads together, where their hair could press and tangle together, and shared his thoughts.


Turned on as all get out. The rough, young, needy male want of a teenager who didn’t know how to ask, to vocalize his pleasure, and images of Lex revolved around and around to the tight leather skirts and bodices. The one image, the one thing that kept revolving around, and around, and around in his mind...was Lex, dolled up in a dress, on his arm.


Except the part where he was in a dress too.


"Oh, Clark..."  Lex slid his arms around Clark's waist, and returned images of his own.


Bald Lex, only a few years ago, dressed to the nines in stilettos, sequins, and a wig that resembled his regular hair.  A brief shot of the clothes in a trunk, then of the half-closet.  "Remember... remember when I put the skirt on for you, Clark?  I said I had a surprise?"  More images, of Clark leaving a flannel shirt behind one day, Lex turning it over to a seamstress, and a wardrobe being created.


Dresses, skirts, blouses, undergarments, even shoes.  A flash of the other side of the half closet, then of Lex returning the shirt with a secret smile.


Image of Lex on his back, heeled and hosed legs and feet wrapped around Clark's waist as Clark thrust into him, his own skirt rucked up just enough to reveal his cock.


He gasped, thrust into the warm, soft hair as hard as he could, hard as rock at the sudden onslaught of sensations. He could almost feel the hose tight around his skin...see the tiny little red panties, feel the light swell of breasts that were fake. Drive his cock hard into his lover’s, just to see those breasts bounce, those legs tighten. "Lex, Lex, Lex, Lex." He gasped, heavy, hard. 


And came, like the indecently horny boy he was, at the image of Lex looking over the women’s clothing he'd bought for Clark without ever knowing he'd one day make use of it.


His orgasm was hard and tight and out of the blue, just him thrusting up and coming all over taut belly, letting a sobbing cry erupt from him. Wigs, makeup, shoes. Oh, Christ.


Lex pressed his mouth to Clark's, pulling his hair and moving his head down to Lex's level, letting the hot rush of Clark's orgasm rush over him.  "Let's... go back to the bed," he whispered softly, rubbing his cock through the come on his lover's belly, running his fingers through the come on his own.  "I will promise you something, Clark," Lex whispered.  "You and I... will go out like this.  I'll shave the beard... help you get dressed... and we will go out.  I know a special place to go.  Would you like that?  You and me?"


"Yes, yes," A shuddering wail, grasping his hair tightly and dragging him close, thrusting the rest of his orgasm out with soft twists of his hips. Hard, dark moans, and he was trying to be good, he was. "Gotta...gotta figure i-it out, Lex...Lex, have to...your skin smells...its like flowers, Lex, we...oh, God, your nipples look so dark." And he dropped his head to lick one… then suck at it, hard.


He shuddered.  Skin was more sensitive now, and he shuddered.  His leg slipped around Clark's waist.  "Yes... we have to.  I want to.  Please, Clark... need to."  He let his nails slide gently down Clark's back, then back up to scratch through his hair.  He thrust his chest forward into his lover's mouth.  "Missed you, baby, need you now."


" could hurt, Lex, you could get h-hurt by...oh, fuck it, we have to see what happened, we have to figure it out, Lex, Lex, we have to.." Broken by moans, hard as rock, and he rubbed his cheek against his lovers. Rough and lovely and sexy. "Have to, h… you feel so good, so warm...have to, Lex."


"Not hurt, I don't care right now."  Not even his head hurt anymore, and that was a surprise, but no more so than the hair.  "I'm fine, nothing is wrong, please, I just... please."  Lex took handfuls of his hair and rubbed it over Clark's skin.  Cheating, maybe, but he wasn't beyond it at this point.  He flattened his hands against Clark’s chest, rubbing the strands of his hair over Clark's nipples.  "I need you, Clark.  You have to, I need you to, please."


He mewled like a wounded kitten then groaned like a lion, harsh and reverberating in his throat. Soft, long hair stroking his nipples, and yes, was he going to die? Survey says UH HUH. He streaked his fingers in it, dragging his lover close to bite at his throat... jaw... down, to his nipples, sucking hard at them as his fingers kneaded his scalp. "Oh, God, baby, yes, AJ, please, let me....oh God, you’re so warm, y..." Clark stroked a palm down to the hardening cock in the midst of all those red curls, stroking it gently, fingertips catching the hair at the base and he hoped to God Lex understood now why it was so sexy when he did that to Clark.


Lex gave a full-body shudder as Clark's fingers caught in the hair around his cock.  Jesus, Christ, and God All-fucking-mighty.  Each tug was like being jacked off a hundred times a second, and he was going to come damned soon.  He couldn't help the pleasured hiss as he sank his teeth into his lower lip.  "Yes, do it, Clark, you can even call me AJ if you will just... fucking... touch me."  He stroked his hair over Clark's skin, noticing how it inflamed him and stroked more.


He moaned hard as a warm chest was rubbed against his cheek, and Clark tried so hard to make this good. Sucked hard at each buried nipple, laving repeatedly at them.. biting and tugging, then sucking the poor abused nubs. Rubbed with his lips and with his hand, catching Lex around and slowly but surely jacking him off. Hard, pushing strokes of his hand, engulfing what he could in his palm, stroking the rest with his fingers.


Then fell to his knees, turned Lex so the sun caught his hair and made it shine, and sucked his lover right down his throat.


Lex's fingers tangled in Clark's dark hair, shivering as thrust forward into Clark's throat.


Hilde Bird hadn't lived seventy odd years without having seen almost everything.  Almost, she reminded herself.  Ghosts, on the other hand, was one of the things she'd never seen before, and nearly thought she'd seen it now. 


Pale-skinned wraith standing haloed in the sun, fire dancing down from its head in wavy, cascading sheets, and she put her hand to her chest.  "Ees... es dat chu, Miss Lilly?"


The voice startled him from his revere and Clark let Lex slide from his mouth and body, falling back onto his ass with a thud and gasping. The soft, awed voice was Ms Birds, and he scrambled a few feet away from Lex with a hard swallow.


Lex whirled at the voice, and turned to see Ms. Bird standing in the doorway.  "It's not a ghost, Ms. Bird.  It's just me."  Lex turned back and smiled at his beloved.  "This is just not our day," he said softly, holding his hand out to his lover.  "Not at all."


"Master--Master Lex?"  She left her hand on her chest as she padded into the room, the boys' naked state not bothering her in the least.  "Chu... chu hef... hef hair!" 


"Yes, thank you... I noticed," he said dryly.


He was blushing, from the roots of his hair to the tip of his toes, and he grabbed the sheet from the bed, lacing it around the both of them as Ms. Bird just stomped right in. Oh, good Jesus. He covered them up, coughing a little and hiding his face in Lex's shoulder and all that glorious hair, nodding a little as he held onto his love.


"But... but how?"  Ms. Bird ran age-gnarled fingers through the strands of hair.  "How did chu get thes?"


"That, my dear, is the question of the hour."  He rubbed Clark's shoulders.  "If you don't mind, Ms. Bird... could you please excuse Clark and I for a moment, we'd like to get dressed."


"Dressed. Yep." He nodded several times, glancing up under his long bangs that he hadn’t gotten cut in too long a while, green eyes laced with embarrassment before he broke his gaze away and back to being pressed to Lex's shoulder.


"Oh.  Yes.  Vell.  I vill be... breakvast.  Yes.  In de kitchen, if chu need me."  Her fingers let go of the hair she was touching.  "Vould chu like me to call somevun?  Martha, perhaps?"


Lex shook his head.  "No, thank you.  Clark and I will be returning to our room and getting dressed, and then going to see my father.  You can bring the tray to our room on the other hall, please, and see that this room remains undisturbed."


He grabbed Lex's hand tight behind them, where they were holding the sheet, swallowing and not saying anything as his red cheeks slowly returned to normal. Ms Bird was...not okay with it, but… she didn’t mind, that they were naked. This was a plus! And yes, clothes, for the love of God, CLOTHES.


"M...Ms Bird? Can...can you bring some orange juice? Too? Please?" Quietly, glancing up once before back down.


"Of course.  Two pitchers.  Vun for you, and vun for Master Lex."  She reached over Lex's shoulder and pinched Clark's cheek.  "Chu are a kute vun."  She looked back at Lex, blinking again as she tried to get used to the new growth.  "I vill not say a vord... no vun vill belief me."


Lex smiled as he clutched Clark's hand tightly in his, resting their clasped hands on his hip.  "I knew I could count on you, Ms. Bird."  He tried to muffle a snicker as she pinched Clark's cheek.  "Thank you."


But he just beamed at the little old woman, smiling at her with his thousand teeth and blushing again… hiding his face in Lex's neck for a minute before back up. "Thank you, Ms. Bird. And… and, well, people will see it. Or, the people in the house will..Lex doesn’t want to go out too much."


She patted Clark's cheek gently.  "Dey vill, ja.  But dey vill see for demselfs that it is not de ramblings of a senile old voman."


"You're not senile!" He nodded several times, then shook his head. "You're nice to me and Lex, and you don’t have to be. You help us all the time, Ms Bird. I dunno if everyone else appreciates you… but we do." Solid nod.


And oh, she blushed.  "Chu.  Chu and Meester Dominic, chu will be the death of this old voman yet.  No, I em not senile yet.  But ef I go down talking about Lex hefing hair, dey will tink I hef lost my mind."  Another pat to his cheek.  "Of course I do.  Chu are my boys."


He grinned, shyly, ducking his head a little. "Shayla'd run you over running up here to see." He chuckled, glancing at Lex. "Hair stylist tips, you know." Then he leaned over and hugged the elderly lady softly, giving her cheek a kiss. "Thank you."


"Chu're welcome."  She hugged Clark back, and then fluttered her fingertips at him.  "Chu're both as bad as Meester Dominic and Sir Lionel."  She made tsking noise with her tongue.  "I vill hef to start knocking on doors.  Off vith you now."


Lex smiled at her as well.  "You take very good care of us, Ms. Bird, all of us.  We do thank you for it."


Oh, and how his face flamed. It went red as a tomato, cheeks redder then the rest of his face, and he groaned as he buried it in Lex's new hair. "Ms Biiiiird!" He cried it, loudly.


"Ms Bird, I was--oh." Megan stopped mid step through the hall and her eyes widened. Some man, with more hair then she'd ever seen, Clark buried next to him, and...Ms Bird? What?! "Ms Bird?"


"Out vith chu, Miss Meggy!"  Ms. Bird turned and started to try to hustle the willowy young lady out of the room.  "Chu're on de wrong hall.  Out vith you."


"Hello, Megan," came Lex's voice calmly, pulling Clark's arm around his waist.


"Is everything alright in here?" She stepped in, looking absolutely stunning in a soft pink sweater, low riding stretched tight jeans that flared at the bottom, and pink Ked sneakers. Her blond hair was up in a twist, her face natural and clean, and she looked like a million dollars...even in her Wal-Mart wear. And she just… sort of... blinked.


Because it was Lex.


"I...what?" And she was beat out by Ms. Bird, and because she had at least two feet on her, stared over her head. "What?"


"You know, Lex, do you ever feel like these people have seen more of our naked skin then they should have?"


"Might as well put our butts on parade." Soft sigh, and he stayed curled close, which was really cute because he was had Lex by a few inches in height.


"Out, Miss Meg," Ms. Bird said sternly.


"Everything's fine, Megan.  Don't worry."  Lex smiled as he felt Clark nestle close.  "You'll get used to it, Clark.  I can safely say that Megan's seen everything I have at least once in her life, and it's not nearly as shocking as you think it is.  You, however... privacy is not a Luthor trait."


And Megan was, effectively, shoved out of the room, the door closing with a quiet little click.


Oh. Flair, of hot, hard jealousy that fisted in Clarks gut like a rock, and he rose his eyes to look into Lex's. "What?"


"Many years ago, Clark, long before I met you, I was out to hurt Dominic.  Screw him over in the worst way.  I ended up with his sister, Megan.  The beautiful young lady who just walked out."  He turned around, looking at his lover.  "It was years ago."


"Oh." He sucked his lower lip into his mouth and bit it. "A long time ago? Was it...I you....was it just the physical stuff? And all?"


"It wasn't even about the physical stuff, Clark."  Lex rubbed his thumb over the bitten lower lip.  "It was about screwing Dominic over.  And when I was done, I was done.  And I haven't seen her since."


"That kind of sucks." A little nod, and green eyes cast downwards. "Cause she’s... she’s so... so nice. And all. And you're nice, too, but you both weren’t nice together. That sucks. And also? Why are we talking about this now, when the subject of your head full of hair is still number one on the agenda?" He let go of his lover, letting the sheet flutter to the ground. "Lex… I didn’t... do you still want me to...?"


Lex snickered.  "I don't know, Clark... why are we?"  He slipped hands through Clark's hair.  "Only if you want to, Clark."  He leaned forward, nipping Clark's lip gently.  "The mood is... rather broken," he smiled wanly.  "How about... we go see my father, and then... come back and see if we can find it again?"  He brought Clark's hand to his groin.  "Because... I haven't exactly lost interest."


Oh. Smile. Priceless. It broke out all over his face, shined in his eyes, and he squirmed close to nibble Lex's lip right back, stroking his fingers through the long, soft hair. "Baby...we should shower. And all. And... you... your hair, it smells like flowers. You know? It shouldn’t." He shook his head. "Cause its new, and all. Something’s up there, right? And... and your skin, I want to lick it all over, taste these little spots, cause they taste like rose petals. I’m trying curb it, but...Alien me wants to roll you over and lick you till you squeal. Not in a sexy way, either." He grinned, softly, stroking his thumbs across his cheekbones.  "Are you weirded? By the alien me?" Clark whispered ever so softly into a warm cheek.


"I'm not weirded by you.  At all.  Alien you, real you, the you that eats so much grease you should have turned into a McDonald's box by now."  He wrapped a leg over Clark's hip and thrust forward.  "I want you to do whatever you want, Clark.  I need to know that I'm doing everything I can to make sure that you're happy."


His eyebrows perked at that… just a little, and he held him close as he thrust easily forward, rubbed his lovers cock between his own and his hip bone. "Lex... you don’t have to make sure I’m happy. I... what’s wrong?" He frowned a little, because he didn’t like Lex surrendering everything, or not vocalizing if he didn’t like something. "Lex, I’m okay now. The fevers gone... the voices are gone. You don’t... don’t have to give me everything. Be selfish, you know? tell me what you want."


"I am being selfish, Clark."  He stayed wrapped around his lover.  "I--there were times when you pushed me away.  Told me to get away from you.  I know it wasn't you, it wasn't your doing, but I didn't like being pushed away.  I don't want you to push me away again."  He leaned forward, nipped Clark's lip again.  "I want you to touch me, use me, you know what I like and I trust you."


His breath caught...hard, and his eyes shined in the darkest, sweetest of pleasure, pressing tender kisses to Lex's cheek, nose, chin. "Yeah?"


"Yes."  He closed his eyes, letting Clark's kisses soothe him.  "Yes."


He grinned, all teeth and lips, and slowly began to drag his fingertips up and down his lovers side. As soft as he could, barely touching, and wicked intent lit in his eyes as he did so. "Really."


Lex twitched away, giggling.  "That tickles."


And Clark just cracked up, laughing, eyes dancing, and he held his lover close. "See? I told you I could get you to giggle!"


And he linked both Lex's wrists with his fingers and dragged him to the door, tugging and stroking his belly with the same light touches...then under his arms, dragging his thumbs devilishly back and forth. "You know, Lex, about a month ago you dared me. You said, and I do believe this is a direct quote..."I’m not ticklish, Clark."." He blinked innocently.


"Asshole," Lex choked out, still giggling.  "I was never ticklish before."


He tugged him, down the secret steps through a small closet, down to the hall where their bedroom waited for them. Clothes laid out on the bed... more then likely the illustrious Ms Bird, and Clark hauled Lex close...and tickled him, without mercy. Under his arms, under his neck, fingers dancing down his spine and over his ass. Inside of his thighs.... around his knees, and his belly, always his belly, tickling and thrusting at the same time. He couldn’t stop laughing, pressing quick, devious kisses to spread lips, and he rolled them over their covers… laying atop him and touching without mercy.


Lex was trying to twist away, writhing and laughing until he nearly cried, arms and legs wiggling as he landed on his hair.  His eyes watered as he pulled his own hair, then rubbed up against Clark in an effort to stop the tickles.  He could not stop laughing, giggling, and he was gasping.  "Clark!  I will ::giggle:: get you for ::snicker:: this!"


He couldn’t stop laughing, rolling down his body to tickle the bottom of his feet and his calves, blowing raspberries on his belly button and giving sweet, quick sucks to the hard cock there for him to touch. Tickled under his arms... laughing and crawling up to tickle around his nipples and up and down his sides… watching the dusky nubs go hard before he blew raspberries on them, too.


"Clark!!"  Lex arched up into the tickling blows of Clark's mouth.  "That's... stop it!  That tickles!"  He twisted his hips, slid his hands under his ass to protect his underarms, giggling helplessly.  "I AM NOT TICKLISH!" he yelled between laughs, as though stating the fact again would make it so.


He was cracking up. Just dying, listening to his lover trying to remain calm and he just couldn’t. He rolled over, then again, arching his lovers hips as he gently stroked a finger inside of him...masking the fact that he was doing so by tickling his lovers neck and shoulders, and blowing another raspberry right along his side, where hip met belly. "You are so!" Up, to get under the arms Lex was trying desperately to protect, and he tickled mercilessly.


"I am not!!"  Lex jerked his head down, trying to hide the juncture of neck and shoulder away from Clark's teasing mouth.  He writhed and twisted, pushing himself down unknowingly on Clark's finger as he rocked back and forth.  "Am not!  Am not!  Am not!"  Lex's ass bounced on the bed with each word.


Which just let him slide another finger inside, so deep, pressing against his prostate as deeply as he could as he tickled his neck and underneath his arms in tandem, mouth at the lovely neck, blowing air hard on it, then underneath his arms, where his fingers were busily making his lover laugh. "Are so! Are so! Are SO!" He bit at an ear lobe, and his fingers reached down to his knee, pinching it in just a way that his own dad used to do to him that tickled like nothing else on the planet. He cracked up all over again at his lovers denial, watching his hips bounce with glee as he grinned.


Lex's entire body jolted at the touch on his prostate and he cried out, choking on his laughter.  "CLARK!!!!"  He jerked his knee away, curling around the happy ache in his sides from laughing so much.  "I.  Am.  Not.  Ticklish!!!  This is a fluke!"  He grinned widely, gasping and gulping in deep breaths as he wiggled on Clark's fingers.  "Guh... uhg... God."


He grinned up at him and thrust harder, mouth soothing the giggle tears that had slipped from his lovers eyes...soothing the panting chest, the rosy skin that was so delicious to lick and nip. Soothed him from the giggles, as he ever so gently slid his fingers away and replaced them with his cock. He sucked on twin fingers, moistening the pre come and spit over himself, and slid effortlessly, sweetly inside. He cupped his lovers bearded cheeks, looking into his eyes, and smiling, slowly began to move. "Fluke, my ass." And he was so bad, because very innocently, be began all over again, under his arms and his neck, up and down his sides...over the thighs curled about his.


"Oh, God!!!  Clark!"  Lex had barely caught his breath from the giggles before his lover pressed into him, and he arched up, accepting the intrusion into his body.  He twisted closer to Clark's body, working himself on his lover's cock as he tried to escape the tickling fingers and press down harder on the cock inside him.  "I love you, Clark," Lex gasped out, grinning between giggles and moans.


He smiled into his neck, eyes dancing as he watched, and slowly began to stroke. In, out, gentle, teasing movements like the rocking of a boat... easy and sweet. His tickling fingers became soothing ones, stroking his belly... then down, where they were joined. Lex's hard cock, gentle thumbing the tip, then each of those sharp hips. His am moved up, around Lex's back, and pressed Lex's chest close as his free palm went down to press against his lovers ass, holding him close to Clarks own thrusting body. They moved, in tandem, only it was so close and fun and sweet, and Clark gently tongued a strong neck as he moved. Gave pleasure and joy, as well as he knew how to, and kissed every inch of skin he could find.


Lex wrapped his arms and his legs around Clark, pressing himself against his lover.  His chest hair scraped along Clark's skin, feeling strange and joyous all at the same time as it tugged Lex's own skin.  He mouthed and bit along the strong column of Clark's throat, twitching his hips so that the cock sliding in and out went deeper inside him.  "Oh, baby... yes.  I love you so."  He rubbed his bearded face against Clark's cheek.  "I missed you, I was so afraid you wouldn't come back to me."


"Love you more." Soft whisper, undulating his hips up a little, so the tip of his cock would gently nudge the hot nub inside that his lover so adored. Gentle, easy thrusts, and now, that they were here...he whispered, "Let me link with you. Please, baby… please." Murmured against soft, warm cheeks... a slender neck, a hard shoulder. "Please. Let me inside. Please."


A shudder of his own as Clark's cock rubbed against his prostate, and he caught Clark's hair in his hand.  "Yes... yes, Clark, please... I want you back inside me, so lonely without you, my aushna'."


And so he did. Quiet, without a word said, he pressed into his lovers mind and washed through his emotions, his heart...basking in them like they were rays of the sun. Shared his own memories, his own thoughts, his own feelings...letting his lover feel the shock and pleasure after such a hard night...of seeing him lying there on their sheets with all that hair. The erotic, mind numbing edge that the wisps of the leather skirt and heels...the bodice, and Lex's promises to him.


His hips sped up at the thoughts, moaning heavily as he pressed in and slid out, his fingers possessive and tight around Lex's body. Held him close...rolled with him, so they were on their sides, and held him even tighter as he moved. Lex's left leg caught under his waist...Lex's right over him, and he thrust hard, but tenderly. "Love you, love you, love you so much," Dark, desperate babbles, the lust swimming in his veins and coming off of his lover in waves. "Love you, love you, I love you, I love you so much, baby, I love you."


Lex felt the gentle entrance into his thoughts, welcomed it, opened and shared every thought that was in his mind.  The worry for his beloved, the fear, the happiness of seeing him back to himself.  The deep hurt of being pushed away, the exquisite happiness of being pulled back close to him this morning. 


Quiet murmurs of need and want as Clark rolled them over, soft cries of hunger as Clark made love to him, face to face as he claimed long, wet kisses.  Bright flares of love foremost in his thoughts as he wrapped himself around the slender silver thread that connected him to his lover, and clung tightly to it.  “Mine,” he growled softly.  “Mine.”


"Always, always, never gonna hurt you, never again, love you, so sorry, baby, I love you, come for me, want to feel you, come for me," He was babbling, lost in pleasure, and the bright laughter of only a few moments before replaced itself with underestimated pleasure. The fine edge of need brightened his eyes and sheered the edge of his need, so it scraped his insides with each stroke in. The pleasure that was only this strong because of the mind numbing love he felt for Lex. For his lover.


He clasped their fingers, tightly, set their foreheads together...and gave his lover what he was feeling. Every nuance of feeling, the flurried need, the push his body made, the way his body slid into Lex's so easily. Made for one another. Made for one another. Clark gave his lover his pleasure, his love, completely.


And asked for nothing but for love in return.


Lex's hands tightened around Clark's as Clark clasped it, his eyes closed as he accepted everything Clark gave him, and gave everything he could in return.  He moved one hand down to his cock, his and Clark's fingers still intertwined so that they both stroked him off.  Lex's forehead pressed tightly against Clark's as he whispered to him, body moving and reaching for his lover.


"God, Clark, never felt so much before, never felt this good before, never felt you like this before," he murmured, over and over again.  "Want you, all of you, love you so, want to be yours." 


His ass tightened around Clark's cock as their strokes grew faster, and he shuddered.  "So close, baby, so close."


And he felt it. In some part of himself, he felt that he wasn’t the child he'd been only a few days ago. Everything...he felt older, more mature... strange. He felt like what he'd always thought a young man to feel, not a big kid. And he clasped Lex's hips and rolled once more, splaying over him, and met his lovers eyes with the maturity of an adult’s, and the pleasure of a man’s. "Almost there...almost there....feel so good, so beautiful, so beautiful, you're amazing, want to love you till I die, love you, feel me inside you so deep, heard and body, love you, I love you, come for me, baby, baby, come for me." Clark whispered the words quietly but frantically, fingers clasping tight around the hard erection and stroking in tandem with the speed his hips had taken, fast and hard and all that beautiful hair and he just wanted to apologize to his lover for the pain he'd caused, because he adored him.


"No, don't apologize, it's all okay, it's part of loving you and I don't care."  Lex lifted himself up, felt the final wash of his lover's thoughts and words over him, and his body shuddered.  Long, hard, twisting shudders as he felt himself shattering inside of his lover's thoughts.  Explosion of his orgasm as he thrust into Clark's grip, pulled the larger man down on top of him and held as tightly as he could.  "Always will have me, Clark, I swear it... always will be yours."


Clark slowed his hips as his lover came, stopping and stroking his fingers over his hair, his eyes, his hair, his shoulders, gently pressing warm, soft kisses to every spot he could find that was for him to touch. "Sorry," Kiss. "I love"--kiss--"You, so much, love only you, forgive me, please,"--kisskisskiss--"Came so beautiful, orgasm so beautiful, just gorgeous, beautiful, mine."


Lex caught the wildly kissing mouth with his own, pressing a deep, long kiss to his lover's luscious lips.  "Of course I forgive you, Clark, I forgive you anything and everything you need forgiven, but I need you to come for me now, I need to feel you coming inside me and making me yours again.  Please, let me feel that."


He kissed back...the hot, wild mouth, tongue thrusting inside as free and wild as he'd ever felt, and he moaned hard, shoulders shuddering so all the muscles in his back bunched and trembled. "Beautiful. Beautiful." He put his arms around his lovers shoulders, pinned him close, and rolled once more, sheets and blankets tangling them up in his lover sat atop of him. "Ride me, baby. Please, let me watch you. Ride me."


Lex nodded silently, lips curving in a small grin as he pressed his legs tightly to his lover's waist.  "Remember the last time I rode you like this, Clark?"  His thoughts flashed long and hard on the leather skirt and the black corset.  "Remember that, baby?"  He brushed his hair over his shoulder so that it rubbed against Clark's skin with every movement as he started to ride, swaying his hips slightly as he pulled himself up and then slid back down again.


He moaned loudly, thrashing his head and gripping Lex's hips hard enough to let him know how much he wanted it, but not enough to bruise. "Yes, oh, G...God, Lex.." He looked up...watching him, watching the red hair sway as Lex rocked on his aching, agonized cock...the thicket of chest hair that felt like silk through his fingers as he stroked...the small bush around his cock.


And he imagined it all, quite vividly, hiding underneath women’s clothing.


That’s all it took. He bit his lip to keep the scream in and thrashed his hips up, bucking under his lovers riding thrusts once… twice... and shot so, so deep. Hot, like molten fire, and he let a single guttural moan rumble through his chest, eyes clenched tight as his fingers stroked up and down the soft hips.


Oh. God.


Lex's hands tightened on Clark's wrists as they slid over his hips, and grinned softly to himself as he felt the heat of his lover's orgasm spreading through him.  He leaned down, kissing his beloved very softly, very deeply, and ran his fingers through Clark’s hair--he loved seeing Clark's hair disorderly because of him.  "I can give you that, Clark... I will give you that... but we have to see my father first."  He nuzzled Clark's throat gently.  "Promise you'll never shut me out again."


He gasped, heavily, as Lex rode the rest of his orgasm out… whimpering softly as he caught his lover and kissed him. Hard, possessive, skilled, and he stroked his tongue without abandon for several long moments before speaking. "Love you. I love you. Its go-going to happen, I know that. But know this." And he caught Lex’s face, angling it towards him. "I want no one but you. No woman could ever come close to who you are. This... is a kink. But I love you, you, my bald, beautiful lover. Whatever happens in the days that come... baby, please know that."


Lex slid his hands over the slick skin of his lover's chest.  "I know that, Clark.  I don't think you'd ever leave me.  Just like I'd never leave you."  He drew a finger down the middle of Clark's chest.  "But we both like... kinky things, sometimes.  Doesn't mean we love each other less, we just like spice sometimes."  He looked down, and caught Clark's eyes with his own.  "Don't ever think that, Clark... don't ever think that I'm looking for a reason."


Yeah. Well. He smiled, broadly at that, and grasped him hard and tugging him down into the circle of his arms. He hugged him, hard, kissing each rough cheek softly, and smiled. "I’m in love with you."


"And I'm so in love with you, it scares me sometimes," Lex confessed softly.  "But I'd never change a second of it."  Then he frowned.  "I'm also going to end up giving you rug burn."  Still grumbling, he rolled to the side.  "I don't know how in the hell my father does it; Dominic should be rubbed raw."


He giggled, quite unmanly at that, and loudly, sitting up while still inside of his love and rubbed his cheeks all over Lex's, laughing and tickling him again. "Like you could give me rug burn. I'd give YOU rug burn!" But he giggled and sobered, fingers lovingly cupping Lex's backside, and blinked wickedly. "You don’t know if he's rug burned or not."


Lex smacked his lover on the shoulder.  "Oh, now there's an image I didn't need.  'Dad, do you think that I could possibly trouble you for tips on how to make love with a beard and not give your lover rug burn?'"  Lex grimaced entirely as he rubbed his backside into Clark's hand, gently massaging Clark's shaft with his muscles.  "Not a conversation I'd really like to have with the old bastard."


He was still giggling, kissing his shoulders… his mouth, softly. And completely unaware that the length of his back looked like the skin was bubbled. "Lex, sweetie, I think we can deal. Plus! I’ve got some tough skin, here." He winked. "Maybe you need rug burn tips for you. I’ve got some mean stubble." But Clark pressed a soft kiss to his lovers lips, his full and wide, his lovers soft and wonderful. "Lets go by the farm, baby...then go see your dad. And hey, lets shower first? I’m a little, you know, sticky." He swiped a finger through Lex's drying come on his belly...sucked it clean, and sighed in pleasure. "Mmm. Sticky."


"Yes... we do need to see your mother and father, let them know that you're okay.  Pardon me, though, if I do hide behind you, because I don't think your father was too thrilled with seeing me in bed with you yesterday."  He slipped his hands through Clark's hair, and down his shoulders.  He noticed an odd feel to the texture of Clark's skin, and raised his head to look.  "Baby, let me see your back."


"Hold on a sec." He squirmed Lex up slowly...tenderly tugging out of him with a soft, wet feeling, sighing softly and rubbing the small of his lovers back. "That was so good." His smile was this side of wicked as he pressed his face to his lovers. "Plus, I knew you were ticklish."


"I am not ticklish."  He rubbed his beard against Clark's cheeks as Clark moved around him.  He was shocked to the see the appearance of the skin, and he touched it lightly, expecting brittleness, like a dried husk.  "Baby... is this... did I do this?"


"Hmm?" He glanced over his shoulder...then cursed quite colorfully, loud and angrily. "Fuck! Fuck! Dammit! Fuck! Lex, don’t touch it." And his voice was laced with disgust, arching his back away from his lovers fingers. "Oh, ick. Ick. Fuck."


"Clark!"  Lex slightly raised his voice.  "Stop wiggling, I'm trying to look."


"No! Don’t look at it! Don’t even touch it! Pretend its not there!" And his voice had a distinct disgusted, whiney quality as he wriggled and pulled back. "Oh, ick. Oh, ew. Ew. EW."


"CLARK!"  Lex put his hand on Clark's shoulder which was still... normal.  "What's wrong with you?  It's nothing bad!  I don't mind it, I'm just curious about it, and worried if you're okay or in pain or not?"  He rubbed softly.  "I don't think you're a freak."


"Its not about being a freak, or anything, or that! Its gross! Lex! Its disgusting!" And he was completely unhappy as he let his lover look at it and touch if he wanted, growling and setting his forehead on Lex's shoulder. "Its bad. Its gonna get so bad. If it'd come off at once, okay. But no! Now its gonna peel and be ICKY!”


"It's not gross, Clark."  He stopped touching it, and turned his love around.  "Look at me, Clark.  I love you.  And I respect you.  If you don't want me touching it, then I won't touch it.  But... it doesn't gross me out.  I love you, and this is just part of who you are."


"You can touch." He sighed, heavily. " doesn’t gross you out, but it grosses me out. Like...its like a sunburn, you know? And picking and peeling at it is just icky."


Lex couldn't help but grin at the slightly petulant tone in his lover's voice, but he quickly masked it.  "All right.  I'll pretend it's not there, but if it starts bothering you or hurting you, we'll look into it and see if there's anything we can create in the lab to help."


"It doesn’t hurt." He nodded, then squirmed a little bit because suddenly he was very AWARE of the new skin already growing underneath, and god, it was so gross. "It bothers me because its there. And I can feel it coming off, and it just makes me gag." He pouted, heavily, and looked up at him with a little pitiful sniffle.


"Have you tried something simple, like aloe vera gel, or some kind of other skin de-sensitizer?"


"Doesn’t work." Another sigh. "Like throwing bottles of Motrin at a brick wall."


"Hmm."  Lex rolled out of bed, pacing back and forth and mumbling curses to his hair.  "When the meteor rocks affect you, Clark... do you feel any numbness at all?"


He just… blinked. Sat amongst the tussled blankets of their bed, and he pulled a blanket up onto his lap as he watched his lover go into scientist mode. And heee! It was so cute! But he didn’t let on, just watching him attentively and responding when he was supposed to. "What do you mean, numbness?  Like, can I feel my fingers through the mind numbing pain?"


“Well, yes, that would be helpful, but since you're feeling pain, then the answer is no, there is no numbness."  Lex continued pacing, mind sorting through and discarding possibilities as quickly as he could think of them.  "Those pills that your mother has, what are they, exactly?"


"The pills? My mom and dad make them, from herbs in our garden. I think that the soils effected somehow...the pills help calm my insides, and they act like... like that stuff mom has in the first aid kit, that makes you throw up. What’s it called?"


"Emetic," Lex replied absently.  "Hmm... if she'll tell me how she makes them and provide me with some of the herbs and soil... I might be able to concoct something that will either help numb your skin so you don't feel it as much, or at least stop the icky feeling."  More pacing and more thinking.  "Have you tried just a simple mud pack?  From the soil in the garden where your mother grows the herbs?"


More blinking, and God, it was so gorgeous watching his lover think. "Hmm? Oh, nope. I usually just hide somewhere until its all off. Then I’m raw for a day or two, and its all better." He nodded. "She used to sit with me in the cellar until the raw feeling was gone… cause its so cold down there, ya know?"

"Then the first thing we'll have to do is get soil samples from your mother.  The more she can spare, the better.  And if I can figure out what is making the soil different from anything outside of Smallville, perhaps there's a way I can replicate the nutrients and make a poultice or even a pill that would make this easier.  Barring that, however, I'd like to make just a simple mud pack for you to try tonight, and tell me if that makes a difference."


He giggled. Couldn’t help it, as he rubbed at his forearm, blankets all snuggled in his lap and his eyes on Lex. "Have I ever told you that your Scientist Speak turns me on?"


Lex paused in mid-pace and looked at Clark.  "My what does what to you?"  Then his eyes narrowed.  "Let me see your arm, and don't scratch it."


"Your Scientist Speak." Sweetly, but he tugged his arm away and wrinkled his nose with good humor for just a minute before climbing from the sheets. "Lex, sweetie, theirs not much you can do. Its gonna come off, its going to be the most disgusting thing you will ever see, and its going to take a few days. Or a few weeks, depending on how much I can take off myself, and I swear to you on my grandmother’s grave that I wont pick at it around you."


"Let me see your arm," Lex repeated, holding his hand out.  "It's not disgusting; it's fascinating, actually.  I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a piece of it once you've shed it, because it'll afford me an unprecedented glimpse into your cellular structure.  Do you realize the things I could learn about you just from studying this?  What causes your invulnerability, how your cellular structure works... Clark, this is an opportunity that I would never have had.  You shedding your skin like this completely eliminates any of the even slightly invasive tests that I could have ever wanted to do.  If you shed the outer hair follicles with the skin, then I won't even need a hair sample.  Everything I'll need will be right there."


"No." Stubborn met stubborn head on, crash collision, and Clark moved his arm away. "You can have your skin when its off. Until then, you aren’t touching me." He glared, but it wasn’t all in anger. "You can study all you want, but you aren’t coming near me until its off. And WHEN its off, I will present some to you. Until then, don’t even look at me." And he shuddered, from the tips of his hair to his toes, shoulders moving with it. "Gyyyyyyuh. So icky."


"Clark, you've got to be kidding me.  You can't let an opportunity like this go by!"  Lex went back to pacing again.  "Just the chance to watch the actual process in a human instead of a reptile is just... it's never been done before, Clark.  Or to be a part of it!  Total exfoliation by a biped is nearly unheard of in natural circumstances.  This is a glimpse into your biology, one that I've never had the chance to see before, and won't get to see until the next time this happens.  Do you realize what a wealth of information you're passing up here?"  He paused, and looked at his lover.  "There's no way I'm going to not look at you, Clark, and I'm not going to stop touching you, either.  I don't care if you are shedding, you're still my love and my lover, and I'm not going to let that stop me."


"So I’m a reptile now?!" He wailed, and backed up another handful of steps, even as Lex paced after him. "Ew, ew, ew, EW!" He kept shuddering and hiding his arm, his free hand out in front of him to keep his lover away. "Lex! My skin is coming off! How is this a glimpse into my biology?! Its like if you were to sneeze out a lump of boogers! Except I have boogers all over me, and they’re gonna peel off! Its gross!  I don’t care about wealths of information! You can care all you want, but I’m going to get it off as fast as I can, gag for a week, and be done with it!"


"You are not a reptile!  I said that until now, reptiles and other species were the only ones who did total exfoliation!"  He kept pacing, around the bed, back and forth, following Clark.  "It's a glimpse into your biology because it gives me a look at everything you've got!  Literally!  I can see your cellular structure, your cellular function, I can, by experimentation on the molted skin, see if I can figure out what makes you susceptible to the meteorites, how they affect you, and if there is a way I can engineer you a resistance to them!"  He threw his hands up in the air.  "I just grew a headful--and faceful--of goddamned hair, Clark!  It's got to be related, somehow, and this can help me figure out how!"  He grew contemplative, and very quiet.  "Maybe... maybe if I do figure that out... maybe my father will accept me.  His son wouldn't be a bald freak anymore."


"Lex, I understand." His voice gentled, but just a little. "I get that you're all for your dad, and the hair, and me, and your inner scientist. And I do love you, you know that. And sweetheart, I’m going to let you study this stuff as much as you can have it all. But as for right now, you're not coming near me with a ten foot fucking pole." Said stoutly, as he scratched at the hollow of his hip...then his side.


"Clark, stop scratching!"  Lex glared at his lover.  "At least let me go with you to the farm.  We can try the mud pack.  See if that will stop the itching.  And if it does, then I can help exfoliate you without the discomfort."


"Would you stop saying exfoliate! Christ! This is not an herbal remedy that’s going to make me look 15 again! This is the top four layers of my skin, Lex! Its going to come off in great big gross chunks! Their is nothing herbally or flowery about this! God!"  And he scratched, just to spite his lover.


"What?  Exfoliation is the process of removing the outer layer of dead or unusable skin cells!  AND would you please stop scratching!!"  Lex was running his fingers over his head, but they were getting tangled in his hair.  "Goddammit!!"  He jerked his hand out of his hair.  "Clark, look.  Stop.  Okay?  Mud pack from the garden will help with the itching, I'd be willing to bet my life on it.  Then we can peel it off together, and I'll sit with you in a ice bath."


"OH MY GOD!" He screeched, and turned and made a mad dash towards the door. "WE ARE NOT PEELING IT OFF TOGETHER!"


"CLARK!!!  Stop!!"  Lex felt like he was in the middle of a sketch comedy as he threw himself in front of the door.  "Stop!  I'm sorry!  We won't peel it off together!"


He almost barreled into his lover, instead taking five steps back and holding his hand out again. "You stay away from me! Stay away from me with your peeling fingers! BACK!" And he shuddered again, bile rising in his throat, and oh, my GOD this was the grossest thing EVER.


Lex held his hands up.  "Clark.  Stop.  Listen to me.  I won't peel it.  I promise."


His chest was heaving and he crossed his arms across his chest...and at the dip of his hip, it had started to peel, as well. Horrid, horrid mental images of walking around the house last year, his skin flapping in the breeze coming in from the windows, and he shuddered all over again, biting his lower lip as hard as he could as he ached for clothing. "You promise?"


"I give you my word, Clark.  I won't peel it.  I won't touch it, if you don't want me to."  He clasped his hands behind his back.  "I promise."


He slowly...veeeery slowly let his guard down...arms lowering. The skin along his forearm was red from his nails, and the epidermis was mottled and colored. His hip was in the same state, his back already bubbled and coming up, and he shifted his weight to the other foot. "Promise?"


"I promise."  Lex left his hands behind his back.  "Right about now is when I'd put my arms around you, but I promised I wouldn't touch."  Instead, he inched his foot out, and stroked his big toe across the top of Clark's foot.


Sniffle. Sniffle. "I don’t want you to touch me. its gross, and your pretty hair'll get all messed up, and it feels icky and weird and I’m itchy." And since when had he reverted to a chin trembling two year old? "And my back is hot and its gross, and I should hide but I cant hide in your house cause one of Dominic’s sisters will find me with my skin peeling and ew, ew, ew."


"I have shampoo, Clark.  I keep it here for you, and I can wash my hair later."  Slowly he slid his arms from behind his back and slipped them into his pocket.  "I don't want you to hide, okay?  But if you want to, you can hide downstairs, in my lab.  The meteor rocks are hidden away in lead boxes, and sealed in my vault.  I have a cooling tank down there, which I usually use for culturing, but you can hide there if you want."


"Y… yeah. Yeah. Can we? I want clothes, and then… yeah. I gotta hide." He nodded it, many times in fact, and walked around his lover to their closet. Walked in...searched for a suitable pair of jeans, and a bright blue sweater he liked, tugging them on as he spoke. "Cause...cause its gross. And all. I gotta go find my parents, help my dad with the chores, and find Chloe and Whitney, okay? You get to your dad."


"Okay."  He waited for Clark to get out of the closet, and then skirted him, trying to respect his lover's space.  He pulled out a creamy white turtleneck, a pair of khaki-colored corduroy pants, and a matching khaki jacket out.  "We've got to stop by my office, first, because you'll need the magnetic key to get in and out."  He sighed.  "I don't know how long I'll be with my father and Dominic.  But we will need to meet up with Chloe and Whitney after I'm done."  He sighed deeply, watching as his lover dressed.  "The police are looking for you, Clark.  I believe they have the impression you caused my... accident, after talking to Chloe and Whitney.  After I talk to my father, we will need to meet at the Talon, and between the four of us, work out a story that clears your name, because I won't have you dragged into the spotlight.  As far as I'm concerned... I slipped on a bar of soap."


But he quieted...finishing tugging his sweater over his belly, and looked up at his lover under his lashes, misery suddenly clouding his face. "You did fall… cause of me. You fell, and you were bleeding, and it was because I pushed you, Lex. I don’t know why you want to be around me..." Softly, as he tucked his wallet into his pocket and started to wind his watch around his wrist. "Why you want to be with me. I’m just some freak. You'd be so much better off with some pretty woman from Metropolis. At least then you wouldn’t have to worry about molting and fevers and if your head would end up getting smashed in."


Lex slammed the door harder than he meant to.  "Stop it, right now."  He walked over to his dressed lover.  "I want to be around you because I'm in love with you.  I think I would go out of my mind if I weren't around you."  He reached up to touch Clark's face, and then quickly aborted it, remembering his promise.  "You're not a freak.  I don't want some bitch from Metropolis.  What I want is someone who loves me, someone who trusts me, and whom I trust... what I want is my best friend.  And that's you, Clark."


"Yeah...I know, I know that, Lex. Sometimes, though, times like these... I wish you didn’t want me. You wouldn’t have to go through this mess." He sighed, softly, and set his lovers palm against his rough cheek. "I’m sorry I freaked out before. I want you to feel free to study me...and I took that away from you just now. I’m sorry, AJ." Softly, and he reached in to kiss his lovers forehead.


Lex stroked his lover's cheek carefully.  "It's okay, Clark... but if you call me AJ again, I will have to rip your tongue out."  But it was said with a teasing grin.  "You're stuck with me... CK.  You're not going to be able to get rid of me.  I don't think we're going through any kind of 'mess,' as you call it... we're going through a rough spot.  Just like we went through the red meteor rock exposure, the sex--" and Lex's voice skipped for a second.  "--the accident, the plant explosion... everything.  We've weathered worse, and we'll weather this.  Together."  His fingers played gently with the ends of Clark's hair.  "I promise."


He nodded a little... smiled crookedly... then set his jaw and let glared. "You’re staring at the skin peeling behind my neck, aren’t you?"


"Yes," Lex confessed guiltily as he slid his hand back to Clark's cheek.  "I'm sorry."  Then he looked up.  "I have... there's something I need to ask you, Clark.  Not about this," he said, sweeping his hand vaguely around to indicate Clark's skin.  "But... it's about Whitney and Chloe."


"Yeah?" And his voice immediately softened. Oh, man. Soft, gooey inside parts for Chloe and Whitney....especially Chloe. She was so soft and sweet and female. And kind and gentle. Oh, man.


"Are you... are you all right with what happened?  Or was it just the fever that made you do it the second time?  Or the next morning?"  He didn't let his hand stray from his love's cheek, as much as he wanted to.  "I just need to know, because we'll have to tell Chloe and Whitney something."


"No..." A hot blush splashed his cheeks, and he trained his eyes on the floor between them. "They...they’re so...Chloe, she's...and Whitney, he's got this touch I wanted to do it, definitely." Softly. "I want to, whenever you guys want to." Then he suddenly threw his gaze up. " you like it?"


"Yes, I do," Lex confessed quietly, meeting Clark's gaze head on.  "Especially... especially Chloe.  I don't know why but I feel... drawn to her.  Not on the level that I have feelings for you, but... yes.  I do like it; I would like it to happen again."


Erp. He squelched the jealous spike that peaked up in his heart, pressing it down and gently taking Lex's hands in his. "She's so beautiful. They’re our life friends, AJ." And his lips curved at the nickname, eyes dancing.


"There's... there's nothing to be jealous about."  He'd felt it as soon as it'd spiked.  "I love you, Clark.  And if you say... if you say that no, you don't want this to happen, then it won't.  Because I choose you, Clark.  Always, I choose you."  He rose to press a kiss to Clark's mouth.  "Life friends?"


He grinned a little, shaking his head. "I’m not jealous of you and her. I’m jealous of her. She's the chic in a foursome with three guys. Lucky bitch." But he chuckled, lacing their fingers and gently thumbing the warm corduroy. "Life friends. You know. Friends for life. And hey, Lex?" Sudden quiet. "Bitter. What was bitter, Lex? Was there something bitter?"


"Friends for life... yeah.  I can get that."  And then his brow crinkled as he rubbed his lover's fingers.  "What do you mean?  Like, bitter feelings?"


"No." He quirked his brow as he struggled to remember… those same brows furrowing at the middle as he shifted his eyes in thought. "Something... something bitter in my mouth. It tasted like lemons and... and olives. Kinda. All mixed together. Am I right?"


Lex nodded.  "Yes, I remember.  I tasted it.  Several times, actually, when I kissed you."


"You...I could see, through your head. And then I tasted that bitter taste...yes! When I kissed you! What was that, Lex?" And quite suddenly, his eyes widened and he gasped. "Maybe its why you have hair! Lex! Lex! You have to swab my mouth! Come on!" He grabbed his lovers hand and started dragging him out of the closet.


Lex laughed.  "Clark, calm down.  Come to the bathroom."  He clamped his free hand around Clark's wrist.  "Calm down.  There are cotton swabs in the bathroom.  I can swab in there, just calm down.  It's okay."  He giggled, and he wasn't afraid to admit it.  "You just want to hear me speak in Science mode again."


"Was it that obvious?" He grinned at him, but his eyes showed apprehension and nervousness, following his lover towards the bathroom in his socked feet. "If you are all hairy cause of whatever this bitter stuff was, you've got to look at it... cause, you know, it could maybe hurt you, Lex. And stuff."


Not like Lex hadn't already thought of that, but he didn't say anything to Clark.  "I think that if it were going to hurt me, it would have done so already--it's been nearly eighteen hours since I ingested any of it, so if it were going to have any side effects--other than giving me hair, that is--then it would have done so already."


"We shouldn’t have had sex." A groan, and he slapped his forehead. "Are we stupid, or what the hell is our problem? Lex, I don’t know what’s going on inside me, and it could hurt you." He whimpered. "No more sex until this is over. Don’t kiss me, either. I don’t want you to grow a third arm, or a second dick, or something." He shifted, uncomfortably, and sniffled.


"Now don't say that, Clark.  We're not stupid, but we are in love."  He smiled softly.  "I am a grown man, Clark.  I am able to say no, whether you'd believe it or not.  I'm not staying away from you, and I'm not going to stop kissing you.  If I grow something, then I grow it.  But it's NOT going to keep me away from you."  He deliberately rose on his tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Clark's mouth.


And he swallowed, kissing back just a little and whimpering. "But… but I don’t want you hurt, Lex, I don’t... you're so pretty, and I don’t want your prettiness to get all mushed, and... and stuff." And he realized he was babbling, looking for an excuse in his completely grossed out state, and sniffed again.


"You're not going to hurt me, Clark."  He grimaced.  "I'm not going to get my... prettiness mushed."  He pressed small, comforting kisses on his lover's lips.  "You're not.  I promise.  I trust you.  You are yourself again, you're not under the influence or feverish, and you won't hurt me."  He slid Clark's arms around his waist.  "It's okay, baby.  We're going to be fine."


He ducked his head and pulled his Lex into his arms. "Thank you for putting up with me." Softly, and in his heart, he shared his gratitude and love with his lover. "I'd never hurt you purposely." But Lex, sprawled on the bathroom floor, unconscious, haunted his mind as he pressed gentle.., sweet kisses to his lovers shoulders. " you want to see?"


"No."  He left his head resting on Clark's shoulder.  "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."  His arms wound around Clark's waist.  "I know you would never hurt me.  I don't blame you for anything, all right?"


"No...but..." He frowned and let go, shaking his head. "Look, for me. And… you know, scratch." A little sheepish, and he tugged at his sweater, pulling it up over his shoulders slowly and turning his back to his lover. "If you don’t mind. I cant reach."


The skin of his strong, smooth back was a shade paler then it should have been. Bubbled in place...already peeling in others, and underneath the peels was new skin. Creamy and golden and untanned and gorgeous...smooth. Just peaks of it, and he arched his back, shuddering at the cold air on his skin.


Lex couldn't help but laugh softly.  He rubbed his fingertips over the crackling skin, scratching between his shoulder blades where his lover couldn't reach.  "I can see the new skin underneath it," Lex said softly, rubbing a little harder and scratching faster.  "This is... amazing."


Oh. He sighed, deeply, groaning in pleasure as he let his head fall. "F'lls good." Then a little glance, over his shoulder, and ick, and ew, and ick, but if Lex wanted to see it...then he'd stop being a big baby and let him see it. "You can touch the stuff coming off...but not the new skin. Its really...really sensitive still. It hurts me. When all the skin comes off at once...its like having human skin. It gets cut, it can bleed, it itches."


Lex dropped his hand.  "You should have told me, Clark!!  Jesus!  The last thing we need is for your skin to get infected!  God only knows what could happen to you if you got sick!  There's no way of knowing!"  He hissed.  "There's no way you can wear clothes over that, it'll rub you raw!"


He blinked and glanced over his shoulder. "Lex, my skin is impervious to bullets, ice, knives, rock, and pretty much anything else you can think of. The only thing it does is doesn’t hurt, baby. Remember when I told you me and my mom had to sit in the cellar? That’s why. The cold feeling helps my skin harden faster."


"But if the new skin can get cut and it itches... then... Jesus!!"  He crossed his arms over his chest.  "No!  I'm not going to take that chance!  Not going to let you get sick or hurt.  Not on my watch."   


Clark let his shirt and turned, sweeping his lover up and hugging him, hard...not aware Lex's feet were dangling off the floor, but oh well. He kissed him, smack on the lips, and grinned up at him, eyes crinkled and dancing. "Lex, sweetie, I haven't gotten sick a day in my life, other then the fever before the molting begins. I wont get sick. It itches cause its growing, and it can get cut, yes, but my body heals and seals it in about three minutes. Baby...I'm okay, promise."


"Well, I'm going to make sure of it." Lex relaxed, though, as his lover kissed and reassured him. "No more scratching or peeling."


And just to spite him, he scratched his shoulder, setting his lover down and winking. "I'm gonna be okay. I'm also going to peel it off, because it grosses me beyond recognizable thought."


"Clark, no, don't!" Lex caught at his lover's wrist. "Don't peel! Let it fall off; you can stay in the cooling tank and let your skin harden as the old layer peels off."


"Doesn't work that way, baby." And yeah, Clark liked feeling all loved and protected and stuff, and he smacked another kiss on his cheeks. "Its got to be taken off. My new skin wont grow until the other one is completely off."


Lex growled softly. "I don't like it. But come on. I'll get you the key to the lab; even if that little pink-haired twit finds the door, she'll never be able to get in."

Clark took his lovers hand in his, and smiled as they walked out together. "Its the getting in part I'm worried about."






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