
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 52: Surprise!

It had not been easy for Dick to watch Pete walk out of the apartment.  He hadn't said anything to his friend--lover--as he'd gone, but it had hurt inside.  Bruce... God.  Bruce's arms were warm, tight, and strong around him, and he'd missed it so. 


But... Pete.  It hurt a little--a lot--inside to hear what Pete's last words had been. 


I'll catch you tomorrow.  Bruce... take care of my friend here.


Friend.  That's all he'd ever should have been to Pete was a friend. 


"Bruce... I didn't think you'd look for me."  He kept his face buried in Bruce's shoulder.  "Didn't think I mattered."


"You mattered." Bruce's voice was soft, warm into dusky skin, and he held him as tightly as Dick would allow.  Buried his face in all that hair and kept him close... rocking him, quietly. All the pain, all the horror, all the misery of the past six months boiled down to this single moment, and Bruce’s voice was gruff and hard as he spoke. "You've always mattered."


"I didn't think you'd miss me, but I hid anyway, in the smallest place I could find.  How did you find me?"  He wouldn't break down, not in front of Bruce, but oh, God.  Home. 


"Chance. Pure chance. I would have missed you... I came to Lex, finally, for help. I couldn’t stand it, not anymore." And it was hard for him to vocalize what he felt, so he just pressed Dicks hand into his chest and held it there, with both of his palms...finally gazing into those beautiful blue eyes, "I love you."


"I love you, Bruce... didn't want to.  Did everything I could to stop but I couldn't.  Couldn't stop loving you."  He rubbed his cheek against Bruce's shoulder before looking up again.  "I knew Lex was here, but I stayed out of his way by hanging out with the kids in high school... even enrolled myself a senior to keep out of his way... can't believe you found me."


"A senior?" Softly, and his eyebrows his eyes became misty, and he looked away. "It was so bad… that you had to hide in this way, Dick?"


Dick swallowed down hard, and made Bruce look at him.  "Yeah, man.  It was.  I didn't want nothin' else to do with you; I didn't think I mattered enough to you for shit.  I just wanted to get out and do it all over, you know?"  He blinked away tears.  "But when you walked into that shithole coffeeshop tonight... it just all went right out the window."


"I’m so sorry." Softly, stroking each of those soft cheeks... and gazed at him. "I’m so sorry. I’m sorry you thought you didn’t matter. Dick… you mattered too much. You matter too much. My business, my life, Batman... I would give up everything, anything and everything, for you."


"You don't gotta give it up, Bruce.  Just let me be a part of it."  He gazed up at his love.  "I mean, I don't expect you to let me into every little corner, not yet, but... you know what I mean.  Robin needs to be with Batman, Bruce.  He needs it, just like I need to be with you.  Robin's not ready to go out on his own yet, and neither am I."  He stayed in the warm circle of Bruce's arms.  "Just let me in, Bruce.  Please.  That's all I'm askin'."


"In every way, my love." Bruce murmured very softly, cheek gently stroking the warm, soft brow hair that fit perfectly along the side of his face. "I need to be with you… and Batman needs to put Robin under his wing. Dick... I adore you. You’ve humbled me, in ways you don’t understand." He cupped his cheeks, ever so tenderly, and gazed into his eyes. "Dick...go to bed with me. Be a part of me. Please." He wanted… no, he needed to show Dick that he accepted him into his life and his heart, in every single way he understood and knew how. Since his parents death... he'd been closed off, and he knew it. And Dick’s simple, sweet outlook on life is what had changed all of that around. Terrified him... invigorated him. "You make me so alive, Dick."


Dick raised onto his tiptoes and pressed a hot, sweet kiss onto Bruce's mouth.  "I'll go to bed with you, Bruce, but not here.  Not in this bed, no.  This... this is Sam's place, and Sam's bed--with Pete.  Not gonna spoil that, not gonna start us off here."  He reached for his jacket on the coat rack.  "Let's get out of here.  Where are you staying?  With Lex?"


His eyebrows furrowed....oh. Oh, wait. "You...and that young man, you were..." Jealousy, a hot, tight fist, and he buried it as deeply as he could. He simply nodded at the question, linking his fingers tight with his lovers, and removed the keys from his pocket. "With Lex, yes. Alfred is already there...asleep by now, I’d wager."


But Dick wasn't stupid.  "Say it, Bruce.  Yeah.  Me and Pete were lovers.  I loved him.  I still do love him, but, Bruce... I belong with you.  We all know it, and even though I tried to deny it, I can't.  I love Pete... but I'm in love with you."


Bruce nodded at him, very gently, and took his hand... squeezing it once more, and bringing it to his lips. "I am so in love with you, too." And yeah, he'd filled his word quota for the decade in the last two days, and he swallowed, throat working as he helped his lover into his coat. "He must be very heartbroken. Losing you...its like losing part of your life."


Dick shrugged into his jacket.  "Wasn't easy watchin' him walk out, Bruce.  If you hadn't showed back up... I'd been happy here with Pete for the rest of my life."


He closed his eyes at that... tightly, and held open the door for him. "I don’t know how I can apologize."


"Lettin' me in is a damn good start," Dick said softly.  "And not beating the hell out of Pete would be another, because I know you, Bruce.  And if you hurt him, you'll be sorry."


"I won’t." He shook his head. "I don’t know how you...Dick, I hurt you like this, and you're just...letting me back in. Why? Why are you giving me a second chance?" He didn’t deserve one, that was for damn sure.


"Because Pete was right.  He said that you loved me, and that I loved you, and that there wasn't anything else that mattered."  He looked up at Bruce.  "And Pete's right, about everything.  You do love me, I do love you, and if you're willin' to admit that you were wrong to shut me out, then I can admit I was wrong to run away and we can work on the rest of it."


Bruce was silent for a long moment. Studied his young lover...the honest, deep blue eyes... the soft, short hair that could so easily sift through his fingers. Honest smile that could flash in an instant, and frown just as quickly. Warm lips that memory told him felt like sin against his skin. Sleeping and waking with this boy... this man, every single morning, and his eyes were wet as he watched his lover. "When you love someone so deeply that they become your life, Dick, it’s very easy to think that person will do anything for you. Understand you. And sometimes... It’s not that way." His voice rumbled softly in his wide chest, and thick fingers gently touched a tender jawbone. "I have learned that I cannot hold any part of me away... if I’m truly to have you, I have to give everything myself to you. That is the lesson I’ve learned, Dick. A hard lesson, but a lesson nevertheless. I was wrong, and I am so, so sorry, from the deepest part of my heart."


Dick was quiet, leaning into Bruce's gentle touches, and his arms went around Bruce's waist.  "Bruce... I can't tell you just how long I've been wanting to hear that."  He laid his cheek on his love's shoulder.  "Since the day you took me in--despite the fact I basically told you to fuck off and die--you've taught me so many things.  But the most important thing you ever taught me is that a partnership goes both ways.  And we're partners, Bruce.  In everything.  And anything else... yeah, it hurt, but... I can forgive it, as long as you're still here.  Still alive.  Because I couldn't live with myself, Bruce, not if I thought there was something I could have done."


"I understand." Softly, and he sat his cheek onto Dick's head, and squeezed his eyes, very, very hard. "I thought I'd lost you. I tore the city apart looking for you... I thought you were dead. Dead somewhere, and," He took a breath, to calm himself, and only made things worse. "And I thought I'd never again hold you like this."


"You'd have known," Dick said softly, quietly.  "Right in here."  He put his hand over Bruce's heart.  "You'd have known right there if something had happened to me."


"I’m sorry I ruined what you had here. I’m sorry you thought you couldn’t come home to me. I’m so sorry for so many things I’ve done, and there's nothing  I can do to make it better, Dick." Bruce murmured every so softly, and let go of his lover to clasp his hands.

Dick shook his head.  "Don't be sorry for that, Bruce.  Just don't be.  I didn't want to come home, because I didn't know you'd changed your mind, didn't think you'd changed how you felt about me.  So I've got just as much responsibility for that as you do."  He swept his arm around to indicate the small apartment.  "Yeah, I was damned happy here.  I had friends, I had someone I loved, but... Bruce... as much as I love Pete, I gave that up for you.  Didn't have to do that, man.  Could have left your ass out in the hallway and called the cops on you to haul you off.  But I didn't.  I made the choice.  I wanted to be with you, and I wanted to give us the second chance."


Bruce Wayne was a very genteel, elegant, reserved man. Had always been enigmatic, proud, and indestructible. But here, torn down to the nitty gritty--wearing the clothes he'd slept in for two days straight, with flowers and coffee and his lover standing there, like a dream he thought he'd never get to be a part of again...and Bruce Wayne did something he'd never done. Never thought he'd ever do. Hadn’t done since his parents died.


He dropped his head to Dick’s shoulder, and wept.


Dick shook with surprise when he felt the tears soaking through his shirt, but he tightened his grip on Bruce's waist and held him tightly.  "It's gonna be okay, Bruce.  I'm here.  I've got you.  We're together now, and we're gonna work it out."  There was a ball in his throat as he tried to swallow back the guilt that Bruce's tears were raising in him.  "C'mon, man... it's all gonna be okay."  He pulled Bruce back into the apartment, back down onto the couch and pulled the larger man against him, cuddling him as much as he could.  "It's okay, big man."


He wasn’t a man open with his emotions, and this shamed him on a level he never thought possible. But it was another thing he planned on doing. He was going to show Dick that he wasn’t strong all the time... that he could be frightened, or sad, or angry, just as everyone else. And these tears... they were terror, and sadness, and depression, all coming out of him in those tears. As soon as he felt the cushions of the couch he pulled his lover close... fiercely, holding him as tightly as he could.


What a fool he'd been. What a fool, to drive the one good thing in his life away, because he was too scared to let him in.


Dick's arms squeezed Bruce tightly, hands stroking over his back and moving up into his hair.  "I'm not gonna leave you again, Bruce.  I'm goin' back to Gotham with you when you go.  We'll get through this, I promise."  He closed his eyes as he rested his chin on Bruce's shoulder. 


This was something he'd never expected to see, Bruce breaking down.  It scared him, on one level, and on another, he was completely awestruck.  He'd never seen Bruce Wayne as anything other than a paragon of strength who didn't know the meaning of the word "crack." 


But he was cracking into pieces here in Dick's arms.  "I'm sorry, Bruce... I didn't mean to break you like this.  I'll help put you back together, I promise."


"You broke my heart." He swallowed, hard, and pressed his face into a warm shoulder as he held him close. "And I broke yours. It w-was an even trade." He swallowed again, and ran his fingers over his lover... face, shoulders, arms, hands. Back… hair. Over the slopes of his jaw, and the rough patches of his side burns. Memorizing him, once more. "I love you. I love you, so much."


Dick pressed gentle kisses on Bruce's wandering fingertips.  "I love you, Bruce... you know that, man.  Didn't mean to break your heart, I'm sorry."  He leaned into the warm, safe embrace, and gave his own warmth and safety in return.  "We'll put each other back together."


"Of course you did. It got my head out of my ass... I needed it. I’ve been wrong to you for so long... I don’t know how you put up with it. From now on, things will be better. We'll be better. I swear that, to you, as the only good thing I can promise you."


"I know, Bruce.  I know."  He moved so that he could look into Bruce's eyes.  "I know.  I trust you... I know you.  Once you decide on somethin' that's how it's going to be."


"Once I’ve decided, that’s how its going to be." He repeated softly, running his fingers through his hair, and set his forehead on Dicks. "You are the sunshine in my life."


Dick smiled softly as his love.  "And I won't let any more rain in your life."


~* ~* ~ 


Whitney... wasn't very happy.  Well, that wasn't exactly true.  All things considered, he was a very happy guy.  He had a pretty good life, a beautiful girlfriend... and a very, very fucked up sexual life that was either a wet dream or an absolute fuckin' nightmare, depending on who you talk to. 


Not only did it give him serious, capital-I Issues about himself... there was this whole new wrinkle with Lex...... and Chloe.  His Chloe.  And that, in a nutshell, is what he was unhappy about it.


Which is why he sat, brooding, on her couch, waiting for her to come downstairs.


She was getting ready. What else would she be doing? She couldn’t see her boyfriend with her house clothes on, for the love of God. She'd let him in then run upstairs, and was currently digging in her closet for something acceptable.


Fifteen minutes later, donning a snug blue scoop neck sweater that was soft as a baby’s cheek and just as snug, bell bottomed jeans, Chloe hopped down the steps. She smiled at her boyfriend, and scooted to the kitchen. The hot chocolate had just finished, and she poured it into two mugs...added a ton of marshmallows, and walked carefully back into the living room, balancing both cups. " we are. Sorry about that, hun." She handed it to him and grinned, sitting down next to him as she drew her legs up indian style on the thick, full couch. "I wasn’t expecting you... can’t say I’m not happy, though." She positively beamed at him, and snuggled a little closer. "Want to watch some TV with me?"


Whitney switched the mug to his left hand and snuggled her in close to his side on the right, smiling at her.  "I know you weren't... I'm sorry to just drop in like this but... I wanted to talk to you.  Just us, I mean."  He sipped the hot beverage thankfully, and then pressed a warm, chocolately kiss to her mouth.  "Can we talk?  I mean, your dad's not around, right?"


She kissed back... giggled, and licked his lower lip, to catch a drop of chocolate that had slipped over his lip. "You can drop in anytime you like. And no, my dads in Metropolis again." Her eyes danced. "I think he's got a girlfriend."


"Wow... that'd be good for him if he does."  Whitney grinned down, and then leaned forward to set the cup on the table in front of them.  "Chloe... I need to talk to you about Lex."


"Lex?" She tipped her head and switched positions… bringing her knees up to her chest, half leaning on Whitney’s own. "What about him?”


"How..."  This was hard.  "How you feel about him, maybe?"  He kept his voice soft, not accusing... just asking.


She caught the change in his voice, and both brows rose before furrowing. "Feel about him? Well, he's Lex. He's a good friend."


"I'm... I'm jealous," he confessed softly.  "Seems like he's a lot more than that."


 It caught Chloe by surprise. Her eyes widened...and darkened. "Jealous? Whitney, why? A..." She swallowed. "Have I done something wrong? I… I’m sorry."


"No... you haven't, it's just... ever since we... you know... there's just... you and Lex click somehow."  He pulled her close to him, trying to reassure her.  "In... in a way that we don't.  And I don't know how I feel about that.  I don't doubt that you love me, Chloe... that's like the one thing I believe in more than anything else.  But... I just don't know what else I think or feel."


"Whitney!" She let go of him, her eyes wide, and just...stared. "Whitney, I can’t believe this..." Her throat worked again. "Are you regretting what we did with Clark and Lex?"


"No... not really... just... that felt right.  And that's one of the things that's bothering me."  He sighed.  "I really don't want to think about what that says about me."  He shook his head, and got up off the couch.  "Just forget it, Chloe.  I'm sorry--I'm sorry I brought it up.  You haven't done anything, okay?  Don't think you have." 


"No." She got up right after him, and grabbed his arm before he could take another step. "Whitney, this is really bothering you." And it broke her heart, because she saw it in his eyes. "Whitney, sweetheart, to me. I love you, so much, and I can see you're hurting. Come on."


Whitney let her pull him back down onto the couch.  "I just... I just always had this... I don't know, call it a dream, something, of the way things were supposed to be.  One guy, one girl, lots of love, a big wedding, a family, and that's what I thought I wanted.  I still want that, with you."  He rubbed his hands over his face.  "Nowhere down the line did swingin' with a gay couple figure into this scenario.  Neither did lettin' my girlfriend watch me get banged up the ass by her best friend... neither did me doublin' up with you.  None of this stuff I ever dreamed up, and it's right here now.  And it felt right, and that doesn't set right either."


Oh. Chloe winced just a little… and took his hands in hers, squeezing the much bigger palms tightly in her pixie like fingers. "I want that, too. With you. A wedding, a family. And alright, I never thought... that we... no. I never thought that Id ever be a part of something like that. But it feels right, and... I don’t understand it. But Whitney, that’s just sex. Good sex, granted, but sex. What you and I have... that’s making love. That’s us. What we have with Clark and Lex… that’s...its strange, and I don’t get it. But...that stuff? Watching you...and Clark.." She swallowed, again, very hard. "And being inside me with Lex. That’s... it.... it was amazing, Whitney. Doesn’t it feel like...since being with them, everything is so much clearer then before?"


"Some things, yeah... but other things... not so much."  He kissed her hands lightly.  "I don't get any of this.  I really don't."  He touched her cheek gently.  "I wish that you'd never seen that first tape.  I know... I know you say that it doesn't bother you, but I still wish you'd never seen it... I wish I'd never let that happen.  It bothers me that you know I like it up the ass too... it bothers me that you might think I'd rather be with one of them than you.  It bothers me, too, that I think you'd be happier with Lex."


"I can’t believe you'd think that." She looked away, and swallowed. "I won't deny it...I think Lex is hot. I like being with him, and I like it when he touches me." And she looked up into his eyes. “But a million nights with Lex could never add up to the single look you give me when you want me. He can never, ever come close to what I feel for you. I like him… but I love you. He's my friend... you're my best friend." She squeezed his hands again, tight as she could. "And the only thing that bothers me about your liking it up the ass is where on earth I’m going to buy a strap on."


"I hate that I feel this way, Chloe... I don't want to.  I don't know why I do.  I just... when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I think is oh, thank God... Chloe still loves me.  But the second thing I think is... can she still love me knowing that I slept with two other guys despite the fact I love her?"  He sighed.  "And I know the answer to that, Chloe... I just... I don't know.  I can't tell you what's in my head right now, I can't find the words."  He looked up at her.  "You... baby, you make me so happy.  I've never loved anyone as much as I love you, and it scares me that I have these other thoughts, these other feelings for Clark, and Lex, because I don't want to lose you over them."  He blushed then, and hid his blush against her stomach.  "You could ask Lex where, he'd know."


She gently stroked her fingers through his hair...held him close to her, and with a shift on the couch, had him curled half in her lap and half on the couch. She continued to stroke his hair, gently, tracing the shell of his ear with her fingertip softly as her free hand laced with one of his.  "I'll find one for you. That..." She trembled. "Oh...oh, yeah. And..." A little swallow. "Whitney...Lex made me promise not to say anything, but I can’t deny you. Not you. Clark’s not like us, baby." Spoken ever so softly.


Whitney squeezed her fingers.  "I can't believe you'd want to do that with me."  He kissed her fingers, but then looked up when she talked again, and turned so that his eyes met hers.  "He's... not like us?  What do you mean?  Or can you tell me?  Is that why... we feel like this?"


"Of course I would, Whitney. I love you, and if it makes you feel good...I'll do anything for you. Plus, you know, total hot factor." Chloe let her fingertips stroke through his hair again, looking down into his eyes. "I can’t tell you because I don’t know. But, strange has Clark acted in the last five months? I mean, all possessive, whatever allergy he had to the red meteor fragments, not to mention the foreign language he picked up from somewhere. Last time I looked, he wasn’t Russian, or whatever it is he speaks. And...and I know, too, because he can give me multiple orgasms just by touching my hips." She nodded.  "And last time I looked, that’s not exactly an acquirable skill."


"And here I was hoping to be able to pick that skill up."  He gave her half a smile, and curled up tightly in her lap.  "What... you're saying Clark's some kind of... like, X-Files Alien or something?  He's odd, yeah, but come on..."


She just looked at him, for a long moment. Stared. Her brain fired a thousand miles an hour... and she blinked. "Whitney, you do realize you're indecently intelligent baby, right?"




"I’d like it to be known." She threw her arms over her head. "My. Boyfriend. Certified genius." Then down to him. "Baby, it makes sense! Don’t kick me out on my ass, and alright, this is so left wing, but he's know, or a mutant freak. Whitney, it makes sense."


Whitney... blinked.  Rapidly.  "Lemme get this straight.  You think Clark is either an alien... or a mutant?"


"Yep." Self satisfied nod.


He rubbed the tattoo on his shoulder.  "At this point?  I'd buy that he's a mutant."


"That’s why Lex won’t tell me. That’s why Clarks been acting strange... Whitney, can you imagine sweet, chaste, wonderful Clark with his cock down Lex’s throat, Lex's down his, engaged in a foursome with you and me, if he weren’t effected somehow? By something?"


"Okay, so, that means me, Clark, and Lex are all horny meteor freaks."  He rubbed his hand over his forehead.


She couldn’t help it--she giggled. "And I’m just a horny freak. Normal, that’s me." She leaned down, and kissed his nose, and grew seriously a moment. "Are you angry with me?"


Whitney caught her as she kissed his nose, and in answer, he kissed her.  Slowly, deeply, sweetly.


And she kissed right back...and smiled into it, meeting his tongue...licking the top of his lip....then sucked the bottom tenderly. "I love you."


Whitney rolled so that she landed on top of him.  "I love you too, Chloe... even if you do leap tall theories in a single bound."  But he laid his cheek against hers.  "But I believe you... I'm not making fun of you.  Just... teasing you.  I believe you, Chloe."


“I don’t believe me." She giggled it and snuggled atop him... cheek to his, and her hair in his face. But that was okay, because when he sniffed at it a certain way, it made her all gooey in the pit of her belly. "Its just having fun. Clarks just a regular guy, you know? Just weird, but he always has been... that’s why I love him." She smiled again, into his ear.


Whitney breathed deeply, sniffing her hair and mmmming contentedly at the scent of it.  "Clark's a pretty great guy," Whitney agreed.  "He got us together--if he hadn't let me have his seat that day in biology, don't know if I'd have got up the nerve to ask you out."  He tugged a lock of her hair gently.  "Glad he did."


She giggled, very softly into his ear. "Gotta scratch him off my hit list, then." And her fingers...they got a little bit to exploring. Stroking his face...his chest....and she thumbed a nipple through his shirt with interest... watching it as it peaked under the cloth. Huh. She didn’t know they did that... thought only girls did.


A quiet intake of breath in her ear, and then he nibbled it gently.  "That feels nice," he said softly, licking the lobe delicately before tugging it between his teeth.  "Very good."  He slipped out of his jacket, leaving his chest covered only in a white t-shirt.


She giggled...ducking her head into his mouth… those talented teeth, and rubbed again. "You want to know som--..oh... something interesting?"


"Mmmhmm," he nodded, sucking slowly.


"I didn’t know boys had sensitive nipples before I met you." She grinned again, stroking all around the hard nub...then stroking it teasingly, again.


Whitney arched gently.  "Oh... yeah.  Don't know... if any others do."  He snuggled her close.  "You want to know something else?"


"Huh?" She flicked a fingertip against the other one...then touched both at the same time, eyes slit half shut.


Whitney arched again, and bit down on the earlobe in his mouth.  "Never used to be... not till... started going out with you."


She squealed, loudly, and thumped his shoulder for biting her, because yeah. Straight down to her groin. She squirmed on top of him and exploded into giggles, leaning down to lave one through his shirt...dampening the spot all around it, until she could all but see it through the thin cotton, then bit and nibbled at it around the tight material. "See? Shows you what..." She bit, lightly, all around the pebble. "I can teach you."


Whitney pressed his hardening cock against the valley between her legs and thrust up.  "All... all kinds of things, huh?"  He slid his tongue down her throat as he whispered.


Oh. So. Her lashes fluttered again and closed, and her whimper was soft and female into his throat. Submissive and trembling, as she leaned herself in close to rub herself against him… give herself pleasure, and give him his own. "Oh...oh, yes. So much." On a long sigh, arching her back and pressing in close. Her mouth reclaimed his nipple...biting it through his shirt before her palm snaked up his shirt, pinched the skin around it, and she sucked through the shirt as her fingers squeezed underneath it.


"So teach me, baby."  He wrapped his leg firmly over her ass, pressing her down hard against his cock as he rocked upwards, rubbing his body against hers.


"Oh, God!" She cried around her mouthful, whimpering before she figured he'd… yeah. She reared up... sat atop his slender, muscular hips and pressed herself down, sighs catching in her throat as the valley of her thighs, wet and hot through her jeans, pressed into the zipper of his. "How... is it..." She swallowed it, grinding down, "That you can make me.... make me so… so fast?"


"Same way you do it to me," Whitney grunted, hands going to her hips and moving her against him, rocking her against his thrusts.  "Dunno how... you're just... so hot."


No. No, no, no. She swallowed and climbed off of him...her sports sandaled feet snapping against the hardwood, as she offered her arms. "C'mon, Whitney. Will...I… if you want?"


"What do you want?" he asked, sitting up and taking the arms offered her, wrapping them around his waist.  "Just tell me what you want, and... that's what we'll do."  He dropped his head just enough to nibble at her throat.  "I want it... to be all about you."


"And I want it to be all about you, so we have a problem." But she smiled, and put her arms around his throat...tipping her head back and getting up a little on her tiptoes so he could reach. "Come upstairs with in my bed? With me?"


Whitney linked his arms at her back, sliding his hands down to her ass and lifting her so that her legs wrapped around his waist.  "Yes," he said softly, nipping her lips.  "God, yes.  I'd love to... in your bed.  So you think of me every night you roll in there."  He kissed her.  "Just like I think about you."


She gasped...then sighed, languidly and softly, as he hitched her up… and her little surprise rubbed against the very bottom of her belly. She smiled, eyes dancing up at him as her arms linked about his neck and held him close.


He was so hard. And so big.


"Whitney...I belong to you. Only you. No one will ever be inside me...inside me me. Only you. You. In pleasure, in asking God for children. Only. You."


Whitney growled softly, happily, as he buried his face in her throat and nipped sharply.  "God... that's... you don't know how that makes me feel."  He thrust up against her again, rubbing against her as he started towards the stairs.  "Want you to be mine, Chloe.  Always mine."  His hands firmly kneaded her ass, squeezing and molding his hands around the firm skin.


Her giggle got caught with a moan, and her back arched as she offered herself to him. Submissive as she'd ever been… letting him have his way with her. Whatever he wanted, and her pleasure was sharper, if possible, by the letting go of that want of power.


She pressed back against him... rubbed the lump in his jeans against her own, and a flash of heat trailed all the way down to the pit of her stomach. A groan, softly, and with every knead of his hands, her muscles clenched, and she grew wetter and wetter. "Pl...yes, baby, please!"


His grip tightened on her as he carried up the steps, biting lightly at her throat and chest as it was exposed to him, rubbing his chin against her breasts before pulling her close and pressing them against his chest.  "Please what, Chloe... please what?"  He kept nipping at her throat, hands squeezing, fingers kneading.  "Tell me what."


"Please, oh God, Whitney, please!" She cried it, grasping his hair in her hands, handfuls of it, and pressing him into her chest... aching for his mouth on her breasts, him inside her. "Please!"


"Which one is your room, baby?" he asked softly, nuzzling her cheek as he topped the stairs with her in his arms.  He rocked her against his cock, rubbing his chest against hers as his mouth pressed to her ear.  "Which?"


"Second one." She choked it...then, yeah.




She jumped down from his arms, shoved him against the wall, very, very hard. Strong little woman, she was. She yanked at his button until it came loose...yanked his zipper down, and his cock was in her mouth before she'd finished drawing it down.


She sank to her knees, pulling more, and more into her mouth, much as she could through his clothes and his size, and sucked as hard as she could. What she couldn’t suck she jacked in both palms, scraping her teeth along the bottom before sucking at the head, like a Popsicle, circling it in her mouth.


Whitney slammed his hands and the back of his head against the wall, grunting loudly as she surprised him and sucked him down.  He fisted his hands tightly, afraid to touch her hair quite yet because he didn't want to hurt her.  "Chloe... Jesus."  He pushed forward, holding himself back as much as he could as she licked and jacked at him, knees locking in place to keep him up as he scrabbled against the wall for purchase.


She… well. She didn’t know what to do. But she'd seen enough porn, and she'd watched Clark and Lex, and Lex had taught her, over Clarks cock. So she kept licking the bottom, where the thick vein met the tip, and sucked at the top as her fingers worked over him. Her eyes were shut tight… she was overwhelmed, and aroused out of her mind, but dammit, he was going to have this if she knew what she was doing or not.


She sucked...harder, faster, until he was as hard as she'd ever felt him, and he was so... so hot in her hands.


And her huge doe eyes opened, to look up at him, lips stretched around his cock as she sucked.


"Fuck," Whitney swore softly, pounding his fists against the wall again as his hips thrust forward.


Goddamn those eyes... innocent, beautiful Chloe eyes staring up at him over a mouthful of dick and Jesus fucking Christ his balls were just BOILING.  He finally let his fingers slide through her hair, fighting not to pull her forward and choke her with his cock when all he desperately wanted to do was shove deep into the hot, welcoming wetness of her mouth.  "Chloe... Jesus... gonna kill me, gonna kill me if I don't come soon."


At the touch of her hair...well, Chloe was anything if not take charge. If she wanted something, she took it. Right? Right.


Once she was sure he was wet with her saliva, with his precome, and the desperation in the jerking of his hips increased, she let go.


Jerked the button of her pants open...zipper down, and her jeans were barely off before she leapt up onto him and sank down onto his cock. A thrust of her hips...a languid roll, and he was buried inside her...through the crotchless panties, and deep, deep inside her, where she was so wet she could feel it rolling down her thighs.


Another twitch, and she felt his balls press against her ass, as she gripped him like a fist inside… and watched him, as she took the first, hard thrust, right there against the wall in front of her bedroom.


A loud scream from Whitney, and he pounded into her as soon as she was fully impaled on him.  "Chloe, Jesus, fuck!!!"  He bit down hard on her throat, marking her with a bruise under the already reddening skin, and he kept his hands firmly on her ass, holding her up and bracing her against him.  He dipped his mouth to capture one nipple through her shirt, sucking it hard and darkening the blue material with his saliva as his tongue licked over it, nipping through the thin cloth.


His eyes were slammed shut, the wet heat clenched around his cock and Jesus, God, it was so hot inside of her... hotter than he remembered and with a crack of his head against the wall, he realized why.  No condom, and then he didn't fucking care as he felt the twisting squeeze of her muscles around him, and he pounded her again, cock slippery and sliding easily in her wetness.  "Fucking... Chloe, my God... so hot... feels so good."  He was trying not to come, trying hard, but it wasn't working. 


The scream made her sob with want, and she arched against him as he began to pound into her. Hard, fast, YES! She cried out again...then added her scream to the pierced wails, throwing herself back. Bedroom. Bedroom. She prayed to god he understood. Bedroom. Bedroom, please.


The bite. Then his mouth, his mouth on her breasts, and she sobbed with want, meeting each and every single thrust. He felt...he felt so hard, inside of her. Wet and real, and it wasn’t plastic. It was him. And it was beautiful. She heard the hard crack... felt him slamming inside, and she arched her back, taking him in another half an inch with his upstroke as her thighs and ass clenched and straightened tight with his thrust. Again... again, hard, her inner muscles clenching around him with each thrust, and she was barely holding onto him. "Whitney!!!! Oh, GOD!"


Okay.  That was it.  The scream of his name had done it, and in a quick move, he slammed her against the wall, wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, and thrust hard.  He tilted her just enough to change the angle and slide all the way inside her before dropping his hands from her hips and lifting one nipple to his mouth while he pinched and rolled the other one.  Hard, hammering strokes into his lover, his cock on fire as he could barely breathe through the need inside him.  "Chloe, baby... I'm here, I got you, baby, I'm here."  His left arm went around her back and helped support her against the wall as he pounded her.


The sudden whirl...movement...and she slammed against the wall, screaming with her need as she held him tight. She tightened and held on, sobbing loudly with each pinch, with each stroke, with each touch of his mouth. Each pound of him inside of her was like a claiming, and she took it, wholeheartedly, took him in as fast as he could go, and with each stroke in her fingernails scraped down his back. "YES! Oh, GOD! Fuck me! Fuck me, hard, take me hard, Whitney, Oh, God YES!" She wailed atop her lungs. He was taking her like she'd lit fire inside of him, and she only hoped it mirrored hers, because he was inside and he was taking her and claiming her and she was delirious with pleasure.


And as he watched her, and made those hard, dark, groaning noises in his throat...she dropped her head, lifted her breast, and sucked her own nipple into her mouth.


Whitney growled as he watched Chloe's mouth wrapping around her own nipple, and oh, fuck.  His fingers gripped her hips tighter, pulling her down harder to meet each slam of his cock as he fucked her.  "Chloe... gonna fuck you hard... as you can take..."  He winced once as he slammed too hard and backed the intensity down as best he could, sliding his hand down to rub over her hip and lower belly where he'd slammed too hard into her. "Sorry, baby, didn't mean to, didn't mean to be so hard, but oh, fuck, Chloe, what you do to me."  His arm was still around her waist, his cock sliding with hot friction in and out.  "Please... gonna come soon, baby."


She sucked… hard...  let go and wrapped her mouth around his, biting his little nub as tight as she could without hurting him… and squealed into his skin. The hard, hard thrust had...spiked with pain, and....she got so hot that she gasped and arched, letting go as her head hit the wall and she bared her throat, bucking her hips up to his as he slid into the wet heat and out. "No, Oh GOD! Again! Whitney, again, again, WHITNEY! Again!!!"


His hand stopped rubbing and soothing and he growled again, grunting as he let himself go and slammed into her again, just on the edge of too much.  They'd both be a little sore tomorrow but he didn't give a fuck, not in the moment.  All that mattered was Chloe, his Chloe, she was screaming his name, and yeah... he was going to give it to her.  He leaned forward, pinning her bodily against the wall with his weight, his hands pulling gently at her slick, wet nipples before he pulled her head back to his chest.  "Please, Chloe, please... bite again, yes, please, now."


Her crossed ankles pressed hard into the small of his back and she raked her fingernails down his back, leaning forward and biting hard. The thrusts were spiked with the delicious knifes edge of pain, and it burned pure, hot, molten pleasure through her.


Oh, God.


She let go of his nipples, eyes screwing shut tight as her nails dug in. She shook...jerking hard against him...and came.


A loud, echoing scream as she thrust up, body arched as she shook, violently, orgasm lighting under her skin like bolts of lightening. A thousand pinpricks of pleasure flew over her skin, and she saw vibrant lights behind her eyes as she cried out for God, and mercy, and the most exquisite, sharp pleasure she'd ever known with her lover.


Whitney screamed sharply as Chloe came.  Her entire body pressed down against him and he held her tightly in his arms, trembling against her as her body wracked itself with orgasm.  He fused his mouth against hers, swallowing the echoes of the scream as he thrust his tongue into her mouth.


Shattering seconds later, he came.  His entire body seemed to lock rigidly in place, cock jerking as he shot deep in his lover's wet depths.  His own trembling grew as he felt the wetness seeping around his cock, felt the spreading heat through the flush of her skin, held her close.  "Baby... oh, baby."


She gasped...arched heavily. Warmth seared her insides, all the way to her brain, and her eyes fluttered open, vacant and unseeing, as she arched and pressed herself as close as she possibly could. Heat, heat, such good heat and she moaned harshly, before burying her face into his neck and shuddering.


Whitney wrapped her arms around his neck as well, kissing her face and whispering soothingly to her as he trembled.  He reached down and looped his arms under her knees, and cradled her to his chest as he took the last two steps down the hall and went into her bedroom.  He didn't take the time to marvel at the surroundings; his target was the bed and he laid her gently on it, rolling her to the back side as he stripped and got in bed beside her, cuddling her close.  "Chloe?  Baby, are you okay?  Did I hurt you?"  He stroked her arm.  "Please... did I hurt you?"


She was aware he'd carried her… and yeah, that was gonna be something to squeal over, later. Prince Charming, anyone?


She lay languidly in her blankets and sheets... and when he spoke, let her eyes flicker open. Her voice was dark, husky, heavy with post orgasmic bliss, and she murmured an affirmative softly, holding her arms out to him.


He curled into her offered arms, laying his head on her shoulder and half his weight on her.  "Didn't want to hurt you," he murmured softly.  "Chloe..."


"Mmm?" She whispered softly, tugging the blankets over them… heee! She still had her shirt on! And the crotchless panties! Dammit, that was funny, and she giggled groggily as she cupped his cheek, turning her face so she could look into his eyes.


"We didn't... use anything," he said very, very quietly.  "If... you know... I'll help you.  Whatever you decide to do."  He curled even tighter around her as he said that, turning his face into her hand.


She grinned, broadly at that, and mumbled, "Felt good. Inside me. 'ma go to the doctor nest week...get mornin' after pills... Birth control pills. We... we can do that, then, every time." Her eyes danced. "You like?"  Oh, and she giggled again, yawning and curling under the blankets as their legs twined. "Little Whitney."


“Oh... oh yeah.  I like."  He wrapped around her.  "I like a lot.  And... you know, if you need money, so your dad doesn't find out... let me know.  I can help there too."  He sighed happily.  "That's my girl... think of everythin'."


"Got my appointments set up already." She curled and pulled him close, chest to chest, snuggling in deeply as he lay half atop her and half on the blankets. Mmmm. Whit blankie. "I have everythin', don’t worry." And then her smile was a little wicked. " can help me save for the strap on."


Whitney buried his blushing face against her shoulder.  "Did I tell you... that kinda turns me on?"  He rubbed his face into her skin, sighing deeply and snuggling warmly against her.


She snickered from above him, and rubbed her thigh against his wet crotch, gently and lovingly. "Don’t get ideas. Sleepy here."


"Sleep... yeah.  Sleep is good.  Life is even better."  He propped his chin up on her shoulder.  "What time... your dad gettin' home?  Cause... even though he likes me... don't think he likes me enough to find me sleepin' in his daughter's bed."


"He said bout one...but if the storm starts, he'll be home when he can." She nodded again, and giggled. "He bought me a years wortha groceries."  She motioned to the window, where the snow was happily falling, and giggled wickedly.


Whitney grunted.  "Guess I can sleep, then," he grinned.  "Don't gotta worry about angry Dads coming to rip my balls off."


"Nice balls. Made my tummy feel nice." She murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his sweaty forehead. "How did it feel? tell me?"


Whitney propped his chin on her shoulder again, looking up at her.  "Kinda... kinda hard to put it into words."  He smiled wickedly.  "You know how I always tell you that you're hot?  Well... you really are.  Felt like... a volcano inside.  So hot... hot and wet and slippery, and I never knew just how hot before."  He slipped his hand down to rub her tummy.  "Felt... promise not to laugh?"  He waited for her nod to continue.  "Made me feel like a real man.  Not that I never did before, but... you know, in the whole this is who I'm gonna be with for the rest of my life kinda way.  Made me feel like I could be a stand up guy... do right by you."


"Just by coming inside me? Really?" But she wasn’t teasing... she blushed in pleasure, and beamed at him as her cheeks flushed red. "I made you feel like a real man?" And yeah, she was just beaming her head off, positively glowing as she smiled at him. "You are a real man. You're my man. You’re gonna do fine by me... you’re gonna be with me for the rest of my life, too. That’s the cool part about being in can be a permanent thing." Her eyes were just dancing.


"Yeah, really."  His own eyes twinkled as he moved up just enough to kiss her softly.  "You always make me feel like a real man, Chloe... this just made me feel like a real man, like... in the real sense.  Not a kid, but... yeah.  A man."  He snuggled her.  "I want it to be permanent with us.  I want us with a little white picket fence and a dog and two cars, you know?"


"Yeah." She smiled, ever so softly, and cupped his cheeks. And knew, in his big blue eyes, her future lay before her. She bit her lip tightly...then leaned up and kissed his, bringing him close for a gentle, warm mating of lips. "I love you. I love you, so much, Whitney."


He returned the kiss, just as gently and as thoroughly as she gave it.  "I love you too, Chloe... I can't tell you how much you mean to me, what a difference you've made in my life."  He laid his head back down on her shoulder.  "I've been wanting to do this since the first time we made love."


Oh, she grinned. "Mi bed es su bed." She snuggled into her sheets and blankets and pillows...all smelling faintly of her citrus lotion, and wrinkled her nose at him. "You've never been in here, have you?"


"No, I haven't."  He grinned.  "It's pretty.  You'd hate mine, though."


"Guessing a big old no." She smiled right back, and stroked his longer calf with her smaller toes as her fingertips did the same to his arm. "My dad wanted the white wicker. I was all for making my room Buffy themed, but you know my dad. I’m like the last semblance of his youth. He's gotta keep me his baby." And her voice shined with love, one bare leg outside the blankets, and with her free tiny toes, she pointed to a picture she'd framed of herself and Whitney.


"I like the wicker.  It's... you.  Strong, bendy... but kinda fragile too... and you gotta take good care of it."  He snuffled closer to her, inhaling her sexy scent, and huffed.  "You have that?  God.  I thought I burned those."  He buried his head under the pillow.  "The duck hated me, he attacked my hair, and it looks like I've got a mohawk." 


She giggled, eyes dancing. "Quite bendy, and don’t you forget it." She pulled the pillow up and joined him, giggling at him in the near darkness. "You were adorable, I got the duck off, and you looked so miserable I had to kiss you. See? there's nothing bad about that."


"I was not adorable," he groused, but smiled at her glittering eyes as he nestled under the blankets with her.  "I'm stealing one of your pillowcases when I leave," he murmured.  "Smells like you.... gonna take it home and put it on my bed.”


"Okay." Softly, as her palm settled on said pillow case, and her nose almost touched his. "I love you, Whitney."


He scooted his head over just enough, and rubbed his nose against hers.  "I love you, Chloe."


A little rub of her thumb against his cheek… his lower lip. "I’m not so lonely anymore."


He kissed the rubbing thumb gently, sucked it for a moment, then kissed it again.  "With me around?  Never gonna be lonely again.  I'll make sure of it."


"Kay." A little murmur, as her eyelids drooped a little. "Don’t leave me alone. Stay the night."


"Course I will," he murmured back, just as quietly so he didn't wake her up.  "Stay with you all the nights if I could... will stay with you all the nights for the rest of our lives."


"Mmm." She mumbled, and slid a little closer...then turned, and spooned her backside to his front, snuggling as warmly as she could, as she pressed a pillow to her chest. All cupped in and snuggled… and it was only a few moments before her breath evened out, and she slept.


Whitney pulled her close, snuggling her, watching as she fell asleep in his arms.  He covered her with the blanket, then laid his head on the pillow beside her, face pressing to the back of her neck as he closed his eyes, listening to her breathing as he fell asleep beside her.


~ *~* ~


She was pregnant.


She couldn’t stop staring at the little plastic tube. Second one, she'd bought that morning, during a lull in the snow. She'd had a feeling something was up... she wasn’t on her period, and she was days overdue.


Well, now she knew why she was overdue. She was pregnant.


She couldn’t be. Her age... no one would understand. No one would accept that she and... that they were pregnant. Not now. Not when... oh, God.


The first test she'd thought if a fluke. She'd followed the instructions on the package to the letter... alright, she'd dropped it, but that’s why she'd bought two. Just in case.


The little red plus sign shall set you free.


Oh. God.


Martha set the little test tube down...and groaned.


Jonathan heard the groan in the bathroom, and walked over to the door, knocking on it.  He had no idea what she'd been in there so long for.  All he knew was that she'd bought something at the drug store this morning, and had disappeared into the bathroom.  "Honey?  Are you okay in there?  C'mon out, you're gorgeous without whatever it is you're doin' in there."  He leaned against the door, and rested his head against it.  "Martha... honey, c'mon.  Answer me."


"I’m… yes. Hold on." She wrapped the tubes in the plastic boxes, rushing, getting them into the plastic bag, and she tied the plastic bag tight and pushed it into the garbage can. Took the garbage bag out, tied IT off, and opened the bathroom door with a sunny, warm smile. "Sorry. I... I’m fine."


Jonathan grinned at her, and touched her silky hair as it fell over her shoulders.  "See?  Toldja you were beautiful."  He wrapped his arm around her waist.  "Thank you, by the way... lettin' me move back up here... it was odd, sleepin' without you beside me."


She smiled at that...looped her arms around him, trash bag swinging behind her. "Its definitely going to get more interesting."


Jonathan smiled.  "I can live with interestin'."


~* ~* ~


Shayla wasn't used to waking up to warmth.  Not in this drafty castle, anyway.  But oh... there was a very warm body behind her, and it felt so good.  Not even half awake, she snuggled up to it, pressing as close as she could to it.  She would have turned over, and buried her face in the warmth too, but there was a beautiful, large, warm hand nestled under her shirt, right between her breasts, and it just felt nice.  Sighing, she shifted back against the warmth, and tried to go all the way back to sleep.


He was utterly unaware. He hadn’t slept the night through so much as stayed unconscious for a good part of it, and now, as the shifting beside him brought him to wakefulness... he grew aware of something soft under his hands. Round and beautiful and female, and despite the groggy question… it was pleasant.


A move of his hand had his fingers over a warm breast, and he cupped and squeezed sweetly as he grunted and tried to wake.


Oh.  That sent pretty shivers through her, and she turned onto her back, shifting.  She opened her eyes, and oh yeah... Pete.  She looked down, followed the chocolatey skinned arm with her fingertips to where it rested under her shirt, and... giggled.  Breathlessly, because... yeah.  Never been touched like this before, and oh... nice.  Breathless giggle, and she turned into the touch as she trailed fingertips over his cheek.  "Pete?"


A feminine voice, right there in his ear, giggling, and he didn’t... he just wasn’t awake enough to comprehende what he was doing. He pressed his palm in to rub the peaked nibble, and mumbled something into a warm ear as he shifted.


Oh.  Another breathless giggle, and then a soft moan as her nipple hardened fully under his palm, whimpering softly as zings of wetness and something she couldn't quite identify shot down between her legs at the touch.  She knew that she really should wake him up... but God... he felt so good.  She slid one of her legs down against his, and she rubbed the back of her thigh lightly against his groin.  "Pete..."


The insistent, quiet voice...the moan, and he shifted… opening his eyes and seeing...well, pink. Pink, everywhere. Something rubbing against his...oh, God. He swallowed and his hand froze, looking into her huge eyes as he burned in utter, and complete, mortification, and slowly began to slide his hand away. "Shayla." He swallowed… her name vibrating in his slightly muggy head, and he trembled. "I… I’m so sorry."


Shayla slid her hand up his arm and caught his wrist.  "No... Pete, it's okay.  Don't... be sorry.  Felt... felt good.  Very good."  She caught his eyes with hers, and wouldn't let go.


Oh, God. He trembled again, hard, right down his spine, because he was laying in bed with a soft, scented, round and beautiful female and the scent of her blankets and the feel of her skin had him hard, throbbing hard, and aching and he could barely breathe for a minute... trying to gasp for air without bringing attention to it. Her eyes… she wouldn’t look away. "I..."


"What, Pete?"  Her leg still rubbed gently over his groin.  "It's okay... you can tell me, I'm your friend, remember?"  She still didn't look away, and wouldn't let him look away either.  "I'm really... really flattered, if you want me, but I know too... sometimes it's dreams and stuff.  So, you know... either way, I'm cool." 


"No... not… not dr..." She rubbed, and his eyes squeezed shut...very hard, and he stilled, completely. A warm, soft thigh against him, and his heart stuttered hard in his chest, thudding against his ribs with each pulse of his body. Oh, God, he had to get out of here, and couldn’t quite get himself to move.


"Pete... it's okay."  She grinned up at him.  "Just... tell me what you want, Pete.  You want me to leave you alone in here for a few minutes?  You want me to stay?  Just let me know how I can help you."  She hadn't let go of his hand, either, and moved slightly so that her breast shifted under his palm.  "You make me feel good.  If you start making me feel bad, I'll tell you."


"No..." Another harsh, dark male sound as he cupped her skin again...rubbed his thumb so, so softly against the nipple. "Sh... so wrong... just taking ad-advantage of you, you're better then that... Shay... I can’t..." Softly, and he was trying very, very hard not to thrust into her thigh, but it was becoming difficult with every passing moment.


"Ooooooh," she moaned softly, letting him hear the hungry noise in her throat.  "You can, Pete... not taking advantage of me, promise.  We're friends, my man, friends are good to each other, and I wanna help you feel good."

"I don’'re a virgin..." He whispered, eyes unable to deviate from the harsh peak that strained from the cotton of her shirt. Heavy and full... pert little breasts that were the perfect handfuls, and he gave his current one another squeeze... massaging it in earnest, to harden the nipple even further.


"I don't mind... if you take it," she said between pants, arching up into his hand on her breast.  "You're... sweet to me... make me feel good... want you to take it, if you want it."  She slid her hand over his shoulder, over the back of his head as she pulled him closer to her.  "Feels so good, Pete."


God, dammit. There was no way he was leaving this bed yet... every male part of him screamed to stay. But there was also no way in all of hell that he was taking her virginity, and he didn’t care how hard he was, how mewly she was, or how wrong this was. He wasn’t taking her, and that was that.


Dick and Bruce probably had sex all night long.


Jealousy fueled him... and this beautiful girl dulled it to a little bit of revenge. And she smelled so good, and he wanted for so many reasons… just to dull the ache.


The tiny palm... so different then Sam’s, gentler and tinier, pulled him close... but he wasn’t going to kiss her, either. Instead... he gently ducked his head, and tugged the nipple poking through her shirt into his mouth. Clamped it lightly between his teeth...then pulled up, and shook his head a little, the tiny pebble still caught in his mouth, as his free palm stilled her slightly moving hips.


Shayla whimpered.  She tried to move against him, but his free hand held her still, and she licked her lips hungrily.  "Pete... oh, God... that feels so good."  She tried to push up against his hand, ended up shifting her ass against the sheets, rocking down into the mattress and then pressing up into his hand. 


Then she twisted again, and dug her nails into the back of his neck.  "Lemme... shirt off.  You... your mouth... hot and wet, feels so good."


"Shhh...its okay, shh." Softly, as he laved at the cotton... and God, no, he shouldn’t be, but he was, and he rolled over her... pressing her down into the soft, comfy mattress with his heavy weight. "Shhh." He rolled her shirt up her chest... gently palming the skinny sides... the slope of her breasts and ribs...and thumbed underneath one as he gazed down at her. Oh, God. She was... she was beautiful. Who knew this had been hiding underneath all the insane clothing?


He gently cupped each of them...rolling and massaging them with his hands, until he felt both nipples begin to peak in the center of each palm. "I don’t... I shouldn’t... Shayla..."


"Yes, yes, you should, you should, you can, please," she babbled softly, arching up against him.  "Pete, please... oh, God... I want... you... want to help you... please, Pete."  She rubbed her hips against him as he pressed her back down, hands sliding over his back, neck, and shoulders. 


His weight felt fucking wonderful.  She pushed up against it, rubbing against him, hands sliding down the open collar of his shirt to stroke over the hot skin of his back.  "You... yes, please, I want this."


He choked...groaned as her fingers slid over him, and leaned down, laving the skin of her breasts with his tongue. He traced his mouth around each one...underneath each heavy breast, where it was soft and warm, around the top, where a nipple begged, and down the middle of her sternum, blowing softly on the sweat dampened skin. He pressed each of the soft round spheres together...creating a little channel which he thrust his tongue between...before blowing a soft breath along each nipple, and sucking one into his mouth.


And her hips, insistently, kept moving against his erection.


"Pete!!"  Shayla chanted his name in a soft, moaning litany.  "Let me, let me, let me... your skin, so hot, want to feel it, please, let me touch you."  More rocking thrusts against his weight, body moving instinctually as she worked one leg free finally and wrapped it around his hip, like she'd seen in porn, and then suddenly realized why that always worked.


His cock pressed and throbbed against her shorts-covered groin as she shifted against him, and she moaned.  Loudly.


The moan undid him.


He gasped...grunted heavily, and pulled her shirt up the rest of the way. Down, away, off, and a hot little V was pressing into his cock and yeah, she knew what she was doing and he had to set his forehead down a moment. Self control. Self control. As much as he LACKED it at the moment, because he was over her, licking her, and this was wrong, wrong, wrong, but it felt so right. His name sounded so right on her lips, and he couldn’t help it. He tried, so hard, but as his fingers were working at the elastic of her shorts...he thrust forward.


God, yes. "Pete, yes.  Yes."  She lifted herself up so that his hands could pull at her shorts, and meanwhile, her hands slipped under his shirt, pulling down and pressing his chest to hers.  She wanted to kiss him, badly so, but no, not even possible of thinking of losing his mouth anywhere else.  "Let me, tell me, want to help you, make you feel this good, let me touch, let me lick, Pete, please, God, yes."  She squirmed under him, pressing up and rocking against his weight.  "feels so good on me."


"No." Softly, and he stilled her squirming, moving hips... looking up to gaze into her eyes from his soft kiss at her ribs. "Shayla. Calm down… calm down. I’m going to make you feel so good... don’t want to hurt you. I'll tell you, k..." He swallowed, hard, at the ball of want that shuddered up and down his spine, and he shook on top of her as he crawled southward. "Kay?"


She tried to stop squirming, but she couldn't help it.  He just felt too fucking good on top of her.  "Try... try to... feels so good, Pete... can't help it."  She wiggled out of her shorts, finally, feeling the elastic catch on the sheets as she wormed them off, pulling her hips up.  "Off, off, please, get 'em off, so hot down there, please."


So new. So sweet. His belly dipped hard...fisted into a tight ball as the scent of her... oh, Christ, God JESUS, and his cock gave a screaming whine inside his shorts...jeans. She'd taken off his jeans? During the night? No matter.


God, how much it didn’t matter.


She was soft and slim, her little mound bare of any hair whatsoever, other then the few wispy blond curls she'd missed while shaving. She was pale, like milk, glistening with her want, and he couldn’t help cupping her hips and just...and staring. Swallowing the look of her, for later guilt. For later pleasure.


He gently slid his fingertips up… moved down, and caressed from her shoulders. Down her arms to her hands...then over, to her breasts. He stroked each nipple, pinched and tweaked, before caressing down her belly. Over her belly button....down her hips...over her thighs, which he tried to open.


They were locked up tight.


Shay... shhh... I’m here... I won’t hurt you... open up for me, sweetheart."


Shayla trembled as he stared at her for so long, and the virgin, insecure part of her wanted to pull herself away and hide from his stare.  "Know... you won't hurt... don't look... know I'm not all that... still want you, Pete, please."  She relaxed slowly as his fingertips stroked over her thighs.  "Please... want you, don't go away."


"I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’m going to make you feel good... don’t be scared." He whispered, looking up at her and reaching for her hand. He squeezed it, tightly, as his free palm gently spread her thighs apart, and the was a drug. Utter. Total. He could have survived on it for the next twenty years of his life.


Slowly... gently... he ducked his head, and keeping her fingers in his...licked, from the end of her lips, where they met the soft skin between her entrance and her little back hole, to the top, where the nub of her clit just barely peaked through.


Her fingers twined tightly through his, and as soon as his tongue touched her--she screamed.  Muffled into the pillow--last she wanted was to bring the house down on their heads, but Oh, God, she couldn't stop the scream as his tongue licked over her. 


Never felt like this, never had anyone touch her like this, and she trembled, shuddering, free hand sliding down to feel his hair under her fingertips, nails raking over his head before sliding over her belly.  "Pete... oh, God, Pete... so... good... never done before... feels so good!!"


Her cry brought the smile to his face... and yeah. She was okay now, so he let go of her palm and slid further down her bed... hanging half off of it as he brought her legs up over his shoulders.


And buried his face between those warm, sweet thighs.


His palm cupped her hip as the other slid underneath her ass, holding her up closer. His tongue, talented and smooth, slid from the bottom to the top, again, twice, before he stopped and concentrated on her clit. It was hot, throbbing, small and tight, and he gently, ever so gently, flickered his tongue over it...clamping his fingers on her skin as he held her close, and gently lapped.


Another muffled scream, and she couldn't stop her legs from tightening around his head, ankles crossed as they rested over his back, knees gripping his shoulders hard.  Her body was taut and trembling, nails dragging over her belly and then up over her nipples, rolling them in her fingers and over her nails as she whimpered.


Her entire lower body was on fire, burning as his tongue licked against her.  Shudders wracked her inexperienced frame as his tongue flicked lightly over her clit, hot jolts and stabs of molten pleasure singing through her body as she arched her back.


Couldn't even speak.  Tried choking out Pete's name but couldn't even get that out as she moaned softly, hips rolling gently.


He rocked, slowly, rolling his hips into her mattress as she shook above him. Oh, yes. He was going to give this gorgeous, beautiful virgin what it was to want... to feel someone giving you pleasure and not have to work for it. He was going to spoil her, because he already knew he'd look back on this in regret… and he didn’t want her to.


He ducked his head and nosed her clit gently, as his mouth sucked all around her entrance. God, she... she tasted like honey, like sweet sugar, like warm apple cider over an open flame. He sucked, softly...the slowly, tenderly, slid his tongue inside, as far as it could go, and flickered his tongue all along the top of her tiny, tight channel.


And Shayla was going to lose her mind.  Totally, and completely just fucking lose it.  She wanted something inside her, she wanted PETE inside her, and she whimpered, thrusting forward on his tongue.


"P--Pete.  God.  Don't... don't stop.  Feels so good, want more, want it all, please, Pete, please."  Fire licked from her toes up to the crown of her head, skin flushed with hunger, want, and need.  "P--please."


He couldn’t quite speak… not through his mouthful. So he just closed his eyes and pulled his tongue back, thrusting forward in hot, tight strokes as the thumb around her hip moved around and applied hard, warm pleasure to her clit. He began to stroke in circular movements against the hard nub, and thrust warmly, rubbing the top wall over and over, where he knew her G-spot was close.


Then he switched. He lifted his head up...lower face covered with her warm secretions, and sucked her clit, as his large, long male finger slid where his tongue had been… slowly working it inside until he was all the way in.


And he made a come hither motion with his finger, rubbing against the little spot he'd found through experimentation women adored, as he sucked at the tight little ball of nerves.


Losing her mind.  That's the only thing that Shayla could think.  She was losing her mind, and oh, it felt so good.  She twisted, bit her lip, dragged her pillow over her face and let out an ear-piercing shriek into the thick muffling fabric as his finger slipped inside her.


More stimulation than she could stand, way more, and she was going off the deep end, finger pressing against her G-spot and mouth on her clit and for the first time in her life...


She came.  Hard.  A hard bite into the pillow that nearly netted her a mouthful of feathers as she keened out her orgasm, legs sliding and hugging his shoulders tightly as her heels drummed against his back.  She was arched, locked in place as her body shook, and then everything loosened in her all at once as she clung to Pete for support.  "Pete, God... Pete, yes."  Her voice was rough, muffled through the pillow, and she moved it.  "Pete..."


He felt her tighten around her finger and slid it in hard, letting her muscles work around his digit as he moaned into her warm flesh. He felt her vibrating, locking him in tight....and when she came, when he felt the rush around his finger, he felt this...this utter joy at having gotten her to come. To give her this gift of pleasure. He hadn’t expected it from a virgin, but she'd surprised him, and he smiled a little...kissing her clit softly as she loosened around him.


He let his digit slide out of her...pulled his mouth off, and looked up at her. "Shayla....are you okay?"


"oh--okay?"  She closed her eyes, huge, goofball grin on her face.  "C'n I get back to you on that?"  She pushed herself up on her elbows and smiled down at him, hooking her fingers in the waistband of his shorts.  "Course... course I'm okay."  She tugged him back down on top of her.  "Very okay."


Yeah, and he looked so lewd, with his face covered in her, and his eyes half-mast and filled with pleasure. The tug had him back over her, and he pulled her in close to him, to look at, make sure she was alright. "I’m glad. I wanted....wanted you to have that."


"I'm fine, Pete."  She could not stop grinning at him, even as blood started moving through her limbs again.  "I'm glad... I haven't... you know, ever, and that was just... oh, wow.  I see why people do this, now."


Yeah, alright. So he smiled a little. He chuckled and gently stroked her hair from her cheek, nodding a little as he wiped his chin with the back of his hand… sighing softly and trying not to... to make her aware of his little problem. "You deserve more pleasure then that, but its all I’m going to... to give you. Shay, need to save yourself f-for someone you love. Hear me? Don’t make my mistake."


Shayla nodded as she leaned up just a little and nibbled on his chin.  "I won't, Pete, but... I really do like you... I trust you, know you're not gonna hurt me."  She looked at him.  "If you wanna... I wouldn't mind.  At all."  She licked her lips, wondering which, exactly, was the taste of herself, and which was him.


"I... I don’t.." He shook his head and rolled off of her, staring at the ceiling for a long moment. "Shayla, I like you, too, but I shouldn’t have...Shayla, I just took that away from you. I deserve that with someone who can stay with you, and love you." His throat worked, hard, even as his crotch throbbed. God, she had screamed so loud. Oh, fuck. And then that little lick at his chin... and then sucking on her lips, and he swallowed a moan, closing his eyes tightly.


Oh.  Okay.  That she got.  And she smiled at him, the smile easy despite what he'd just said.  "It's okay, Pete... I'm just glad... you gave me this."  She rested her hand in the middle of his chest.  "You didn't take anything from me, I gave it to you, okay?"  Her smile widened just a little bit, and her flaky persona was back in full force.  "I could suck you off, if you wanted... you'd have to give me a few pointers to get me started, but I'd be glad to, if you want."


He just stopped....turned, to look at her, almost unbelieving what she just said. She'd just...she'd cheapened this, cheapened what he'd just done for her, and hard on or no hard on, he rolled to sit up. Guilt gnawed in his chest, heavy and hot, and a sadness he'd never felt before leapt up in his throat. He set his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands for a few short moments, before speaking. "I don’t... don’t you ever, ever, Shayla, ask to suck any guy off. Never. Never, never. That’s a gift you have to give to the man you love, the man you marry. Don’t you ever fucking go about asking to suck guys off." He climbed to his feet abruptly, and walked around the bed… searching for his pants...found. "Never."


"Pete, come on."  Shayla rolled onto her stomach, and then crawled to the edge of her bed, reaching out to catch him by the wrist.  "I thought all guys wanted a girl who'd offer up blow jobs without askin' for anything else."


"I don’t need pleasure from this. I don’t." Don’t deserve it. I can't believe what I’ve done. "Shayla, Christ! No! Well, guys who don’t have a soul in them, sure, but not me. I’m not going to have you suck my dick just because I... I gave you pleasure. God, no." He pulled away from her small hand and yanked his jeans on.


"Pete... I don't... I don't get it."  She sat back on the bed, crossing her legs.  "You... you'll give me this great, great pleasure, but you won't fuck me?  You'll put your mouth down there but you won't kiss me?  You won't let me do anything for you?  I just don't get it.  I thought... I thought that was how it worked, that we gave it to each other."


He closed his eyes for a moment… and sat on the bed, reaching out to take her hands, and squeeze them between his own. "I won't fuck you. Not for your first time. You don’t deserve to be fucked, Shayla, you deserve a man who loves you, and makes love with you. Not a mindless fuck between two friends. And I won’t kiss you, because you don’t deserve that, either. I’m not going to ruin your... your mouth, not with me. Not going to ruin that first time, either. And you aren’t going to do anything for me because you aren’t a slut. And just because I got you off, it doesn’t mean you have to get me off. Understand?" He squeezed once and let go, reaching down for his boots.


"How 'bout givin' me a little credit for what I want?"  She got off the bed crouched down in front of him, chin resting on his knee.  "Just cause I've never had sex before doesn't mean I don't know how shit works.  Not askin' for the rest of your life,"--well, not yet, anyway, she thought quietly to herself.  "--but I do know I've been kissed before, and... I really wanna be kissed by you.  I mean, I kissed you in the coffee shop, you know I'm not a virgin at that."


"That wasn’t a kiss, Shayla." He swallowed...cupped her cheeks, as he pushed his feet into his boots. "That wasn’t kissing. That was a peck, a kiss between friends. You'll understand sometime, when I kiss you like you need to be kissed." He swallowed again, and he was so hot and bothered and sad, and tears crept into his eyes as he looked away from her sweet face and her body between his knees. "I… and I know, you know how shit works. But I don’t want you to ever think you owe any man, any thing. You don’t."


"Yeah, I do."  She moved so that her elbow was on his knee, and her chin was propped up on her hand.  "I owe you somethin'.  Not cause of this, not directly, anyway, but... yeah.  Don't know if you remember sayin' it yesterday, but you said you thought I'd be pretty without all the dye n'shit."  She swallowed hard, and nodded.  "Nobody's never said that, not seriously anyway.  Mom and the family just yells at me to take it out cause they think it looks stupid.  So um... gonna try it without the dye.  So... so you gotta still come around, okay?  You still gotta be my friend, cause you gotta test out how I look without it."  She studied him carefully.  "You can kiss me now and I'll understand."


He listened, quietly, to her speech… then shut his eyes tight, and groaned. "God fucking dammit."


He reached forward, cupping her face with one hand, and her back with the other, and he tugged her in. Hard and hot and fast, his mouth covering hers with every promise she'd asked from him spilling open. He kissed her as fiercely as he felt for her, as protective. He kissed her like she was a gentle flower, and he the rough storm. His tongue stabbed her mouth, found every pleasure point and touched, sucked, soothed, as his fingernails raked down her back.


He kissed her like a man dying, and when he was through, he gasped and shook her away, climbing to his feet.


Oh.  She melted.  His mouth was hot and hard and so good, and slippery and wet and she wound her arms around his shoulders, fitting her body against his as she moaned, quietly into his mouth, sucking and licking at his tongue as she shivered and trembled in his arms.


And she was never going to leave them again.


When he pushed her away, it was a shock, and she pulled herself up to stand by the bed.  "P--Pete... wow.  I--"


"No. No." Tears were hot and thick in his voice, as he yanked his coat on and ducked to tie his boots. "I never should have...Shayla, please find it in yourself to forgive me. I can't believe I… I’m so sorry."


"Don't do this.  Nothing to forgive you for but of course I do, I just--Pete, please..."


"I gotta go, Shay." He finished tying each boot and rolled back to his feet, starting out of her bedroom door as fast as he could.


"Don't go," she called out after him, but he was already going.  "Pete--"


"I'll call you, Shay."  But as he bolted down the steps two at a time, he knew he wouldn’t.


She knew it too, deep inside, and she shrugged herself down into the blankets that still smelled like them, and were still warm.  And then, in a few minutes... got up and went to the bathroom.  Half an hour later, she came out, and nobody would have recognized her.  Gone was the pink hair dye, the multiple piercings, the eyebrow ring.  The tattoos were covered with her shirt, and her blond hair was brushed down over her shoulders.  The purple contacts were gone, and a small pair of wire-rimmed granny glasses sat on her nose instead.     


She picked up the phone in her room, and called Pete's house, leaving a message for him to call her when he got in.





go to the next part