
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 6: Garlic Kisses

Whitney had been sitting at the curb in his truck for nearly ten minutes, trying to build up the courage to walk down the sidewalk and knock on Chloe's ".  He was pathetically early; she'd told him to be here at seven, and it was a quarter of.  Desperate much? he thought to himself, and then finally, took a deep breath.  Chloe liked him.  It's just a couple of good friends going out to a movie together.  Only he didn't usually feel like there was a herd of butterflies doing the hokey pokey in his stomach. 


He slammed the truck " louder than he meant to, and he fiddled with the six daffodils he'd picked up from Nell's flower shop earlier, on his way over.  He hoped that Chloe'd like the flowers, seeing as how they were nearly the same color of her hair.


With squared shoulders, Whitney straightened his letterman's jacket and walked down the sidewalk, ringing the bell once and waiting for Chloe.


She was rushing. She hadn't meant to, really, but the shower had taken longer then she'd meant to, and her hair wasn't curled, and she was near tears with wishing her mom were still around. She had giant purple curlers in her hair and stood in front of her floor length mirror in her underwear, pulling on her sheer stockings as quickly and riplessly as she could. She shimmied them up her knees...over her thighs, up her hips, and YAY! No runs! She quickly leaned down and got the slim dark maroon dress that was her outfit for the evening, slipping it on over her feet. She slid the straps over her shoulde--....The bell rang. "DAD!" She raced to the steps, trying to make her voice sound cheerful and you know, less desperate. "That's Whitney! Let him in, will you? I'm almost ready!"


"Okay, pumpkin!" He called, wiping his hands on a small dish rag he'd been using while cooking some dinner and opened the front ", raised brow in place.


"Chlo--oh.  Mr. Sullivan."  Whitney swallowed hard.  "I'm here... I'm here to pick up Chloe.  We're going out tonight.  I'm... kinda early."  He worried the fragile stems in his fingers, suddenly wishing he'd gotten yellow roses instead.


"Oh, yes, she told me earlier, come on in." Steely eyed dad looked at the young man and he held the " open wider, smiling charmingly. "So. Where are you both off to, son?"  He led the way back into the kitchen, hearing Chloe thudding around upstairs.


"Um... we're going to see a movie.  I think we decided on Austin Powers, but it might be Signs.  I'm kinda hoping... that she'll let me take her to dinner too."  His feet were suddenly fascinating, and he held his free hand out.  "Whitney Fordman," he said, suddenly conscious that he hadn't introduced himself and kicked himself for it.


Her hair was flat. She stared at it in her dresser mirror and almost wept. Completely… flat. It hadn't even wanted to curl a little bit. It just lay there, dead, like limp noodles around her head. Okay. Project fixin', right on the double. She could do this. She could!


He rose a brow and shook the hand firmly, his inner voice chuckling. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Fordman."


Whitney made sure that his handshake was as firm as he could possibly make it.  "Does Chloe have... well, what time should I have her home by?"  His shoes were suddenly fascinating again, and he was definitely glad he'd worn a shirt and tie.


It gave him an immense sort of pleasure to know he had this effect on his daughter's dates, and rose a brow accordingly. "I trust my Chloe. I'd like her in before midnight, but if it’s a little later that's fine. I can be assured that no funny business will go on tonight, right?"


She knew her father. And she knew he was embarrassing Whitney so badly right now that he was probably pink, so she rushed. She clipped her hair up with tiny adorable butterfly pins that matched her dress and slipped into her mules, tying on her necklace and slipping her rings on as she finished applying her makeup. Come on Chloe, move!


"Midnight."  Whitney'd head bobbed in a nervous nod.  "Funny business?  No sir.  I--I really like your daughter, and... and I'm not gonna screw that up."  Absolutely fucking fascinating shoes.


"Mmm." He turned back to his baking chicken, and grinned at the wall for a minute before getting stony as he turned back again. "I won't have her feelings hurt. If this gets serious, and she cries over you for any reason, I will nail you to my wall. Clear?"


Whitney raised his eyes and looked nervously at Chloe's dad.  "Yes sir.  I understand... I won't make her cry."


"Alright, then." He looked over his shoulder as his precious daughter came into view at the bottom of the steps, making sure all the places that should be covered up were, and smiled easily. A little bit of shoulder showing, but a sweater was in her hand and it was a chilly night.


Oh. God. Predatory look, Whitney blushing pink. This was so beyond not good. She smiled tightly and linked her arm through Whitney's, tugging him along to the " as she snatched her bag from a small front table. "Okay, Dad, we're leaving!"


Whitney held out the small bundle of flowers.  "I got these for you," he said quietly.  "I.. um, didn't know what you liked, but... they reminded me of your hair.  So."


"Be careful. Drive five miles under the speed limit, Mr. Fordman. Don't eat too much. Call me and check in."


She stopped her rampage and her expression truly shone. She took them from him, burying her face in them, and looked up at him with the purest of sweet pleasure. "Whitney... you shouldn't have, they're beautiful!"


"Just like you."  Then he blushed and dropped his eyes.  "I was kinda hoping... you want to go to dinner too?  I told your dad I was going to ask, and he was okay with it," he hastened to reassure her.


"Oh please, daddy trusts me." She murmured it, grinning wickedly in that private way she had sometime. "I'd love to go out to eat, most definitely." She smiled again, that kind, gentle smile this time, and brushed her thumb over his hand as she took it in hers. She rose her voice to the kitchen as if her dad wasn't eavesdropping. "We're leaving, dad!"


Whitney grinned like an idiot when her thumb brushed over his hand, and he squeezed her fingers carefully in his.  "Hey... it's cold out there.  You wanna maybe... borrow my jacket?"


Her giggle was priceless. "Nah, I've got my sweater, I'll be okay." Liar, dork, idiot, wearing this dress in 50 degree weather! Moron! "What movie do you think we should see?"


Whitney didn't listen, instead taking his jacket off and sliding it around her shoulders anyway.  "Um... you wanna talk about it over dinner?  We can go... you know, wherever you want."  He opened the front " for her, and let his hand fall to her back as they walked out.


Dork! Stop smiling! "Hmm...I think maybe you should choose." She wrinkled her nose prettily at him. "As long as its not that god awful Indian place on main street, I'm completely happy."


He escorted her down the sidewalk, and then held the truck " open for her too.  "How about that new steak restaurant?  The one that just opened up on 23rd?  Or we could do Italian?"  He slid into the driver’s side quickly and turned on the heater to warm the chilly interior.


She hid the shiver, smiling at him as she latched on her seat belt and tucked a strand of hair she forgot to pull up over her ear. "Italian sounds wonderful. I'm in the mood for some linguini." A quick nod as she set her purse in her lap and sniffed his yummy, yummy cologne.


"I know the greatest place."  Whitney couldn't help grinning like a loon as he put the truck in drive and carefully pulled out into the street.  "Your dad's... a very great guy."


"My dad is an over protective creep sometimes...I hope he didn't embarrass you." She hoped he didn't notice that she'd kept one of the daisies, and had ever so quickly slipped it behind her left ear and into her hair. "Did he do that "nailed to a wall" speech?"


Whitney nodded.  "Yeah.  But that's cool, cause... I don't want to make you cry anyway."


She cracked up, laughing out loud as they stopped at a stop sign. "He made Clark cry the first time he gave him the speech. It was long, too, and he wouldn't let me interrupt. I don't think I've ever seen Clark that red in the face."


Whitney laughed too.  "Yeah... it's kind of... intimidating.  But... you know, you're your dad's little girl, and... I think I'd be ticked off too if some insensitive prick made my girl cry.  So... I can kinda understand it."


"You're kind of sweet when you wanna be, Whitney Fordman." She squeezed his hand softly on the steering wheel, gazing out of the windshield as other couples and young families laughed and talked, the yearly winter sales on Wickard Street just closing for the night. "I meant to ask you how you're doing on your school work. Do you need me again?"


Whitney blushed intensely.  "You're real sweet too, Chloe.  When you're not out to kill people, that is."  He kept his eyes on the road, afraid that if he looked at Chloe he'd get very distracted.  "I think I'm doing okay, but... I'm kinda worried about midterm.  I really zoned out on a few things early in the year.  I was hoping you'd help me study and get caught up?"


She snickered at the killing comment, then glanced over at him with a huge amount of excitement she tried valiantly to hide. "Of course. I mean, whenever you're not busy, I'll be more than happy."


"Since my uncle came down to handle the store, it's not like I don't have free time... when's good for you?  I know the Torch keeps you busy, so we can work around it."  He risked a glance at her, and smiled widely when he saw the smile on her face.


"Whenever. I mean...yeah. Whenever. I've got the issues of the Torch done until next month, so....just a few public interest pieces and voila."


"If you're not sick of me by then... how about tomorrow afternoon?  We can hook up at the library or wherever, and maybe grab something to eat?"


She shifted in her seat, smiling at all the Octoberfest decorations and wondered when the turkeys would go up on main street, glancing over at him with a fair amount of excitement. Another date? Oh man. Yay! "That would definitely be okay, Mr. Fordman."


"Mr. Fordman sounds like you're talking to my dad."  He grinned, and as he looked at her, for the first time he noticed the flower behind her ear, and for some reason, he blushed.  "That flower... really looks great on you."


She wrinkled her nose at him again and her dimples flashed. "You're just lucky it’s my favorite flower."


Whitney beamed proudly.  "Really?  I didn't know.  What you liked, I mean.  I just... picked something that made me think of you."  He turned into the restaurant parking lot, and parked in the first open spot he found.  Sliding out, he sprinted around to open the " for Chloe.


She waited for him to open it, despite the fact that every ounce of girl power screamed at her to just get out, squirming a bit in glee. Man. He was so cute, and so very handsome and oh, look, she's cheesing, and okay, don't squeal. Be a lady. A lady!


Whitney opened the " for Chloe and then offered her his arm.  "I know, I know.  Women's liberation and all that," he mumbled, blushing.  "But... humor me.  I like... I like showing a lady she's a lady."


She snickered at him as she hoped down from his truck...both heels still intact, and wound her arm around his offered one. "You'll very soon know what a lady I'm not."


"You're always a lady, Chloe."


"I like to pretend, but really, there's nothing to me but good old Chloe, who's dad works at a crap factory and her two best friends, male friends, are bumbling idiots." A serious nod. "I'm more comfortable burping around you then you'd think."


Whitney shook his head.  "C'mon, Chloe.  There's more to you than that."  He held the " for her again as they walked inside.  "I mean... someone who can dress up like this and be so beautiful it turns me into a gibbering fool can't be all un-ladylike."


Ah, man. She blushed at a lady who gave her a knowing smile, biting the side of her lip before turning her gaze up at Jocko. "You've got a way with words, Whitney Fordman, I'll give you that."


Whitney blushed.  "Just... just telling the truth.  Nothing fancy about that."


She shook her head with a melodramatic sigh and slipped his coat off, folding it over her arm so her shoulders were bare but for the sliver of straps over her skin. She smiled at the hostess, staying a bit behind Whitney as she slid her fingers down and took his hand.


"Uh... yeah.  Two."  He looked back at Chloe.  "Um... yeah, booth is great."  He squeezed her hand as he laced their fingers together.


They were led immediately back, despite the line of hungry families, to a tiny two person booth in a back room reserved all for dining couples. Candles were lit, the lights were low, and okay, even to Chloe it was really, really romantic. She turned her face up to catch Whitney's eyes, smiling as she slid into one of the seats. "This is really, really nice, Whitney."


Whitney briefly contemplated sliding into the same side of the booth as she was, but instead slid across from her as the seats weren't quite large enough to accommodate two people on the same side.  "Yeah... I... well, you're worth something really, really nice."  He smiled back, and slid his hand across the table.


She took it and blushed, rolling her eyes good-naturedly as her legs crossed at the ankle and theirs menu's were set down by the hostess. "You're buttering me up to go see Signs, aren't you?"


The movie hadn't even entered into his thoughts.  "I hadn't even thought of it, to be honest."


Oh. Well that was unexpected, and her cheeks burned sweetly. "You're such a good guy, Whit. Why don't I ever see you returning the girls fawns over you?  There's so many girls that…" Are prettier then me, smarter then... no, actually, not smarter. Hah. Okay, sorry. "…could give you a lot more then little old smart mouthed me."


Whitney shrugged.  "Not interested in most of them, and the rest of them were just... too dippy.  I mean, I know I'm not the brightest bulb, but... they just didn't have what I was looking for."  He squeezed her hand.  "You did."


She grinned. "Okay, I'm officially gonna stop blushing now." She took her hand back from his and opened her menu, peeking inside. "Have you been here before?"


Whitney hid his own blushing face behind the menu.  "Yeah, I've been here... twice.  Both times with my parents."  He couldn't remember the last time he'd spent an entire date pink.


And wasn't it the most endearing thing ever? She tugged his menu down to lay flat, peering at hers a second before drawing a single mauve fingertip down to a little paragraph. "Shrimp Alfredo with the garlic sau--.." ...And wasn't it geeky just to stop like that? "Garlic sauce. Though, it’s not that great, so, you could ask for it without know...garlic. Or at least I'm going to, when I order." Why did she choose an Italian, garlic-bready restaurant? Sigh.


Whitney laughed.  "It's not too strong; I've had their garlic chicken parmesan, and it's not noticeable after you chew a piece of gum or something."  He peeked over the top of his menu.


She could hear herself blush. "Oh." Say something! "That actually sounds really good...uhm...the chicken parmesan thing. I think I'll have that." A serious nod as she flipped over the little menu and looked at the listing of drinks so she could do something with her eyes.


Whitney put his menu down and smiled at Chloe.  "You know, it's okay.  Cause you're not the only nervous person here."  God, it felt good to say that.  "I mean... that's assuming you're nervous and not just... you know, being polite before telling me to get lost."  He almost bit his lip after saying that, half afraid that it might be true.


...Instead of, you know, thinking about kissing Whitney which was now a permanent picture in her forebrain. She glanced at him with a grin tugging at her painted lips, giggling softly. "I'm nervous. Very. Or, well, trying not to be and not succeeding. I don't intimidate you, right?"


"You... you scare the hell out of me, Chloe.  I mean... you're this beautiful, smart, funny, wonderful person.  And I'm just... the dumb jock."


"So not the truth." She said it with surprise in her face, indignant. "Hello to the hunkiness of you. And you're sweet, and kind, and smart. What's not to love here? You're the total package."


Whitney blinked.  Nobody had ever said what Chloe had just said, not about him.  Not even Lana.  He'd always felt huge, clunky and stupid around her, and he didn't around Chloe.  "I'm... I don't know what to say to that.  I mean... nobody's ever said that before."


She blinked at him. "You're telling me in your whole life, no ones told you you're a hunk?  Whitney, oh my god. You are seriously one of the best people I've ever met. You're fun and sweet and you've got this whole honor and integrity thing going. What's not to like here?" She reached over and grasped his hand, squeezing. "Take it for what it is. I don't have it in me to bullshit."


"Well... kind of.  I mean... everybody says that I'm hot, but... nobody else ever said the rest of it."  He dropped his eyes.  "All the girls just think I'm cute."  When her hand squeezed his, he picked it up and kissed it on impulse.  "You're the only one who's just... not like the rest.  And... that's why I like you so much."


"I think maybe you're starting to grow on me, Fordman." She grinned at him with all the pure happiness of her geeked-out self, squeezing his hand again as the waitress walked over.


"Hello, welcome to Derchi's. What can I get for you both?"


"You're already growin' on me, Sullivan."  He grinned back, and held her hand tightly in his as the waitress came over.  "Um... Chloe, you ready?"


"Yeah, I..." She peered at her menu again. "I'd like the chicken parmesan… light on the garlic if you can, please." Private grin to Whitney. "And a Dr. Pepper."


The waitress scribbled it down quickly and efficiently, then turned her eyes to Whitney with a welcoming, sweet smile.


"I'd like the same thing, and Coke for me."  His eyes never left Chloe's face.


"Allllrighty. It'll be about a twenty minute wait, but I'll bring your sodas out." She smiled at their love struck gazes and slipped away.


She bit her lip slightly and blushed again, shaking her head. "So, Whitney. Dish. What makes you tick?"


"What makes me tick?  Um... lots of stuff, I guess.  I like sports--football and basketball--and I do want to go to college one day, if I can make it."


"Not what I asked." She tipped her head at him and donned a reporters voice, pretending to have a mic...before dropping it and taking his hand again with hers. "I mean...what do you like to do? Do you watch the Discovery Channel? What stuff do you read?"


"Oh.  Um... sometimes, but I like Animal Planet better.  I read a lot of..." Whitney blushed.  "Fantasy books.  Knights and dragons and kings and wizards and stuff."


"Tolkien?" She asked, not at all fazed by how dorky he was, because okay, she was just as dorky, or dorkier. "I loved "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." She grinned. "Terry Brooks? "The Sword of Shanara?" Her brows wriggled.


"Piers Anthony, and yeah, Terry Brooks.  And there's this guy, Stephen Lawhead, he does this whole King Arthur series.  And the Dragonriders of Pern."  He dropped his eyes for a second.  "Tolkien was too... hard for me to wade through and I didn't want to admit it, so I pretended not to like it."


"Everyone rants about the Lord of the Rings. Well, you know? I can't swallow it. Reading him is like reading a text book, but get this, Sir Gawain was co written with another guy, whose name is eluding me right now. So its like... wow. Just… wow. And okay, I've read the Dragonriders of Pern. I loved the hero so much. Studly, most definitely." She was getting excited, and flapped her hands accordingly, beaming as her face flushed when she spoke about something she enjoyed.


Whitney's face relaxed when she mentioned her feelings on Lord of the Rings.  Somehow he was afraid that she'd think less of him for not being able to wade through those books.  "Oh yeah.  And hey, have you read the one book by Anne Rice?  The Mummy?  I don't really like her stuff that much, but I loved that one.  I bought it after I saw the movie, the Mummy, cause I was stupid and thought it was the same thing, but then when I read it, it was different.  But it was still good."  He loved watching Chloe enjoy herself; she was beautiful when her entire face was alive like this.


She grinned. "Anne Rice is a little too weird for me. She's all about the black death, carnage and blood, blah blah. Vampires are demons, Buffy says so." A serious nod as their drinks were set down and the waitress disappeared again. "One of my favorite authors will always be Michael Crichton. I just love that guy to pieces. Hello, Jurassic Park."


Whitney shook his head.  "Guy's too technical for me, though the movie was excellent."  He took a drink of his soda, and looked over at Chloe again.  "But you think he's good?  I'll give him another try."


"Fantastic." Grin. "I've got all his novels, I'll give them to you sometime. Jurassic Park was a lot about theories and crap, and it got kind of annoying after a while. But stuff like Congo and Andromeda...ohhh." A mock shiver as she took a sip of her own soda.


"Congo... that's the one with the diamonds and the apes, right?"  And bit his lip when she shivered, because the shiver caused her to move appealingly in certain places that he really didn't need to be paying attention to right now.


"Yes! Diamonds, apes, so much better then the crappy movie." She nodded, and caught his gaze a split second before it came back up to her face. A part of her really, really liked that, and she got a gooey feeling in the pit of her stomach. She took another sip of soda, enjoying him immensely, and rose a brow. "You've awoken my inner science nerd. We've gotta go see Signs now."


Whitney looked concerned.  "You sure you're okay with a scary movie?"  The thought of her clinging to him all night certainly had its appealing points, but... he didn't want to move too fast with her.


"Sure. I can take it." She puffed up a bit in pride, throwing her chin back. "Plus, Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix. They certainly take the chill off." She sent him dancing eyes.


Whitney snorted.  "Isn't Mel Gibson a little old for you, Chloe?  The Phoenix guy creeped me out in 8 Millimeter."


"You've apparently missed out on the "Chloe digs every male actor on the planet" conversations I've had with Clark and Pete, despite their usual "Damn, Chloe, not again"'s." She nodded seriously. "Plus, okay, Mel? He'll never loose the charm, even when he's old and gray."


"You mean like the whole Sean Connery thing."  Whitney nodded wisely.  "My mom's got a thing for him."


"Sean Connery, oh." She pretended to fan herself. "Anthony Hopkins, Harrison Ford. They've all got this...thing."


"I'll, um, have to take your word on that."


"I'll stop." She winced mockingly, and put her chin in her hand with a barely restrained grin. "It all started as a way to get back at the guys for talking about Yasmine Bleeth's breasts all the time and spanned into boy craziness. Its like an illness, Whit."


"Well, she does have great breasts.  I mean, kinda hard not to notice when she's running in a little red bathing suit."  He was sure that his face was turning ten shades of scarlet.  "But um... not my type."


She laughed out loud, eyes wide as she watched him blush...and decided she really, really, really liked him. And he was worth giving up her proud stance as the head of the female order of kick-assers to go out with him. "Man, never tell that to Clark and Pete. Somehow, it'll end up as an argument over who's cooler, Cat Woman or Jean Gray.  Its not at all pretty."


Whitney blushed again.  "Catwoman."


"Ahhh." She raised a brow as the waitress approached, a hint of wickedness in her expression. "So you're a leather guy, hmm?"


"Okay, here are your orders." The waitress set down both plates, smiling at them. "Enjoy your dinner."


Whitney's entire face and throat was red at the leather comment.  "Yeah.  The leather.  And the whip."  And Christ, did he just say that, to Chloe?  Idiot, kiss your second date goodbye.


Except she laughed out loud, tinkling and loud and very sweet, shaking her head at him as she looked down at their food. "I will so pretend you didn't just say that, except I did and I'll catalogue it for later Whitney blushing." She sniffed and mmed softly, picking up her fork. "This really good."


"Thanks."  He hid his face by looking down at his own plate and inhaling.  "Yeah, it usually is, and it tastes better than it smells."  He cleared his throat.  "And Chloe?  Thanks.  For you know... not letting me blow it just now."


Her gaze shot up at him, her eyes dancing at the obvious dirty joke she would have made with Clark or Pete, but Whitney was so sweet and so kind that she just couldn't, instead giving him her best winning smile and shaking her head as she reached over and speared a piece of his chicken with her fork and put it in her mouth with an mmmm. "You're too sweet to blow." ....okay, she cackled, but squeezed his hand tightly to make sure he knew it was a joke. "Sorry. Comes with the Chloe territory. I told you I wasn't a lady."


Whitney blushed again, but not in mortification this time.  "It's okay.  I'll get you back."  He grinned, and squeezed her hand in return.  "But you're still a lady, Chloe.  At least to me."  He speared another piece of his chicken and blushing, offered it to her.


She took it, mming in delight. "Okay, this is good." She said it after swallowing, nodding several times as she twisted her fork in the pasta. "Really...really, really good."


Whitney watched the way her mouth closed around his fork and he slowly pulled it back out, and then dipped it back in his chicken and brought it to his mouth.  There was a trace of her lipstick still on the fork, and he could just taste a hint of something he knew wasn't the Italian.  "Yeah... it is," he said, looking at her instead of the food.


She was very, very aware of what he'd just done and it made the gooey feeling in her belly double, humming happily through her blood like it was nothing. She licked her lower lip and ate another mouthful of pasta, despite her belly saying it was too tight to accept food. She smiled down at her fork as they fell into a comfortable silence, until she broke it. "So, tomorrow after the studying...maybe we can take a drive? I haven't seen a lot of Smallville, despite my living here for a few years already."


Whitney grinned.  "Yeah?  Then there's a lot you haven't seen, though the cornfields start to look the same after a while.  But there's this one field... just seems like it goes on forever."


"Yeah? Maybe we can get some flowers." ...Pause. " know, your mom, or Ms. Beales. It'd be nice."


"Or for you."


She wrinkled her nose, biting her lip and smiling to hide the frantic pulse of her heart. Oh. Boy was sneaky, and he was squirming right to her heart strings. "Maybe I like daffodils and daisies."


"There's a lot of wild daisies that grow there," he said quietly.  "I used to help my mom pick them when I was younger, and she'd make daisy chains.  And belts and stuff."  Whitney looked up.  "I didn't know you liked them too; but I'll help you pick some."


Heart. Strings. TUG. "Oh yeah? That's actually really cool. I never knew how to make a daisy chain." A pause. "My mom used to bring them to me when she came home...I always had daisies in my room, and every time she did I tried to make daisy chains with them."


"Okay, no gay jokes please, but... I can show you how.  I watched my mom make them.  And... anytime anyone finds out about that... I really don't want you to make fun of me for that."


She smiled softly and took his hand, squeezing as her eyebrows furrowed. "Whitney, you're not gay for knowing how to make a daisy chain. You're really, really sweet. Cemented in your manhood to say it, and that's more then I can say for the other buffoons in my life." She nodded softly as she took a sip of her Dr. Pepper. "I'd never make fun of you."


"And that officially makes you the first person not to make a joke about it."  He laced his fingers through hers, not letting go.  "Chloe... I know you wouldn't.  And... and that means a lot to me.  I like who I am around you, because even though you scare me sometimes... I just like being around you."


"I like being around you too." She smiled softly, her eyes glazing with tears as she let go, waving a hand in front of her face to try and control it. "Okay, see what you did?"


"Don't cry, please.  C'mon, I promised your Dad I wouldn't make you cry, and... it'll just kill me."


"I know. I just...I haven't been this happy in a long time." She admitted it softly, nodding a little as she rubbed at the corners of her eyes with her fingertips and inhaled. "Okay. Dork moment, totally over."


"My whole life's a dork moment."  He squeezed her hand again, wishing that he had sat on the same side of the booth with her because now would have been the perfect time to hug her.


A low chuckle that had her eyes dancing up at him. "Maybe Austin Powers is a better idea after all."


"As you wish, m'lady," he teased gently.  "As you wish."


She bit her lip tightly and looked up at him from her almost full plate of food she didn't really even want, shaking her head. "You're definitely interesting, Whitney. Who knew you were hiding right there in the open?"


Whitney gave a little half-shrug.  "Nobody looked."


"I did."


"And that's why we're... here."  Whitney looked straight at her, for probably the first time that night.  "That's what I meant before.  Nobody else had what I wanted except you... nobody had the desire to look."


Okay. So maybe her heart was now sitting in his hand. Sigh. "Whitney?"


"Yeah, Chloe?"  He took a deep breath, hoping like hell that she wasn't about to kick him to the curb.


She leaned over their food and pressed her mouth to his. Just a hint, just a skim, nodding a little before she leaned back and nodded softly.


He saw her leaning over, met her a split second later as the chaste kiss was pressed to his lips and then retreated.  "Wow," Whitney breathed softly.  "That was... nice."


She wasn't going for nice. She leaned over again and this time...a little more heat, a little more slick heat, wet and soft and warm and way less chaste and way more...very hot. Whitney was going to be the death of her, that she was sure of.


One of Whitney's hands slid up and held her gently, his fingers stroking her cheek and hair as he kissed her back, tongue barely tasting hers as he waited for her to show him the way of how much she wanted.


And it was too much for her right now. She let go with a little inhaled breath, sitting back as her belly did a conga with her insides. "Ooh." She breathed.


"Wow."  Whitney's hand dropped from her face slowly as he watched her.  "Hey... are you all right?  You want to... go?  Out, I mean?  Get some cool air?  We can take this with us," he said, indicating the food.


She nodded it, not taking her eyes off him because had he felt what she'd felt? Was there mutual feeling happening here, or was she making a fool of herself? She decided very suddenly that she'd rather not know right now, smiling a little as she pressed a hand to her stomach. "I'm fine. And fresh air… yeah, it'd be great."


"Yeah.  Definitely."  And Whitney realized, as he was moving towards the end of the booth, that he had a little problem with standing up.  Fuck.  He flagged down the waitress, and asked for take out boxes for both their dinners, and for the check.


She grabbed her purse and climbed to her feet, smiling at him because yeah, she'd caught his little shakes and it warmed her inside. Good. She was glad he was as shaky as she was, that way she wasn't alone in godfuckinglordjesus had that been intense. Just a touch, and he'd sent a shock wave through her. She'd kissed some truly desirable guys, but never...never like him. Never.


Whitney dug into his wallet and threw down two twenties, which would cover the bill and the tip both.  Not bothering to wait for the change, he gathered the Styrofoam containers in one hand, and stood quickly.  "You ready, Chloe?"  He really prayed that she didn't notice his little... problem.


She wasn't clueless. She noticed. And the gooey feeling? Yeah, it was full on post-goo and into pre-lava. Wow. She'd never felt like this, and it scared her....and it thrilled her. And he...reacting to her was in itself amazing. No guy had ever reacted to her. Ever! She was having reactions, and it was the best feeling she'd ever had. "I am indeed." She took his hand and squeezed, his letter jacket and her sweater in arm, purse over her shoulder. 


Whitney almost dragged her out of the restaurant, not letting go of her hand until they were back in the parking lot and back beside his truck.  He tucked the food in the empty toolbox so it wouldn't spill out, and then took his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.  There was a moment of awkward silence, and then Whitney brought his fingers up to brush Chloe's lips, asking silent permission to kiss again.


Oh. Her knees were gelatin but her fingers latched onto the front of his shirt tight and she nodded without saying anything, her eyes wide and doe-like in her face.


Whitney's arms slipped around her, supporting her and keeping his lower body away from hers as he touched his mouth to hers.  He exerted only a small amount of pressure, free hand sliding over his jacket to gently brush her neck before cupping her face as he had before.


She tipped her head up into the kiss, softly meeting… letting go... meeting… letting go... meeting with that warm and tender way of exploring first love always had. She touched, mouth to mouth, not sure of what to do, because okay, she hadn't kissed a thousand guys here. She kept her fingers tight on his chest, holding on as he sent her mind reeling… her heart screaming.


When she didn't pull away at the gentle pressure, he parted his mouth slightly and licked her lips once, tasting her lipstick and her and making a soft noise of want in his throat as his arms tightened around her, and his problem grew.


Her whole body was very, very aware of him, and she did a full body shudder as he licked her lips. Oh, my god. She whimpered quietly and tasted his lower lip with her tongue, mouthing it softly as she tried not to be overwhelmed by...him. God. He was sending her reeling...and he knew it.


Another small noise in his throat as she sucked lightly on his lower lip, and he tasted her mouth once, his tongue sweeping through and raking lightly over her teeth and the roof of her mouth before breaking the kiss and stepping away.  "Chloe... God.  I..."


Oh. She did something wrong. Oh. Whimper, soft in her throat, and she caught her lower lip in her teeth, watching him. "I...I'm sorry."


"No... no.  God no.  Don't be... don't be sorry."  Fuck.  He'd fucked up.  "It's not you.  Jesus.  I just... I had to stop while I could."  He touched her face, wrapped his arms back around her.  "I don't want to ruin anything between us, and if I hadn't stopped... I think I would have."


"Why?" And she was genuinely confused, looking up at him with scrunched eyebrows as her arms linked around his waist.


Whitney gritted his teeth, and let his lower body touch hers, his erection pressing hot and hard against her leg.  "That's why."


Her gasp was hard and quick and her eyes widened into saucers, staring up at him because, was she pre-lava before? Yep. Now she was full on, raging, oh-my-god-this-is-so-hot and her mouth dropped open. "I...I did that? Whitney? I did that?"


"Yeah.  You did."  His thumb traced her lips and her cheekbone.  "You did that."


Oh. She wanted to touch, she did. But was she going to? No. Because she was a chicken shit. Instead she bit her lip tight and wound her arms around his waist. "I've never done that to someone before. It… its kind of...of really...really hot, Whitney. Really. Really that I want to see you tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next, because my heart is giggling and it won't stop."


"You can see me anytime you want to, Chloe."  Whitney felt her arms around his waist and pulled her closer, shielding her from the cold wind with his body.  "I want to see you, too.  Every day... I want to spend time with you, even if it's just a few minutes in the newspaper office sitting and watching you work, just because it's seeing you happy."


She tucked her face in his shoulder from the cool frost of the air, as if she wasn't anything but boiling under the skin. Pfft. "You're so amazing. So amazing and sweet and perfect. Damn dumb people for not noticing it, and yay for me for noticing."


"I'm glad you noticed, Chloe.  I wanted you to... very badly."  His hand pressed lightly on the back of her head, keeping her against him.  He dropped a light kiss on the back of her exposed neck.  "I was so afraid you'd never even give me a second thought."


"To tell you the truth...I gave you more than just a thought over the last year." She turned her head into his mouth. "Whenever I saw you with Lana...I was so jealous. I tried to concentrate on liking Clark, wasn't always about him. It was you...the whole time, it was you."


Whitney kissed her again, not hesitating to tease her mouth open with his tongue and not afraid to hold her as close as he could, letting her feel how much he wanted her.  His hands pressed her tightly against his body, and his legs shifted so that she stood almost between them.  "I know," Whitney whispered quietly.  "Lana wanted Clark but she wouldn't leave me; I wanted you but Lana never let me go."


She whimpered, and she was aware she'd done so, but okay. Two could play at that game. She shifted a bit and pressed her chest into his, leaning in close as she sucked softly on his tongue...then nibbled softly at the jaw she'd been aching to lick since the first day she'd met him. She met the curiosity with a nip, sighing very softly at how delicious he tasted. Like honey and sunshine and Whitney. "Teenagers are very, very dumb."


Whitney made another noise in his throat, a quiet groan as he felt her pressing deliberately tight against him.  "Chloe," he gritted out, struggling to keep his hands on her shoulders.  "You're so... Christ.  Beautiful.  Sexy.  Desirable.  Pick one."


This was getting very very naughty very very quickly. She was a good Christian girl… why wasn't she stopping? "You make me feel all those things." She pressed tighter, then slowly rubbed the hard peaks of her breasts against him, watching him as she breathed shallowly. "We shouldn't be doing this." Another nip at his jaw.


He shuddered.  "No... we shouldn't."  He nibbled her ear as he breathed into it.  "We should stop, but, God... Chloe... I don't want to.  Tell me and I will, but God... know I don't want to."


She nodded and they were in the dark parking lot of a restaurant where people she knew were eating inside and it was the naughtiest thing she'd ever done. It was exhilarating. "We should. We should." She groaned it as she licked his lips again, and shifted into his stiff erection that she'd caused, just by being herself. An arch, slow and soft and she watched him with fear and desire all rolled into one. "We shouldn't."


Whitney thrust forward against her as she pushed into him.  "You're... Jesus.  Not helping."  He caught her face between his hands and kissed her hard, full and deep, his tongue possessing her as he leaned against her, pinning her against the truck as her breasts rubbed against his chest and his hips barely rocked against her.  "What do you want me to do, Chloe?"  He pressed tender kisses to her face.


"N… nothing... parking lot... virgin... Christian... movie..." She moaned, feeling very tiny and possessed, and she'd once thought that was a scary feeling...when in fact, it was completely freeing, as if her binds had finally been stripped and she was free to fly wherever she wanted to. And him… he... oh, God. He was so, so hard under there, and with each soft stroke into her he was giving her bad thoughts about where that could it would make her feel, and she shivered.


Whitney pressed a last, hot kiss to her throat, and then stepped back, pulling his coat back around her shoulders, his body shaking.  "This is me stopping."  He dug through his pockets for his keys, and unlocked the truck so that she could get in the seat.  "Chloe... I want you to know... I'm not usually... like this."  He rolled the window down and looked at her behind the safety of the ".  "I'm usually a better man."


Huh? Oh, my god. She was in his car and she could smell both their arousals and oh...they stopped? What? Oh. She blinked a little hazedly, watching him with a dry mouth as she silently nodded, unable to speak. Just sat back, aroused out of her mind and almost couldn't believe what had just happened. Oh, yes. Whitney was a keeper. She sat up a little, looking at him as she fought to control her breathing. "I know, Whitney."


He slid her hand out through the open window and kissed the palm.  "Movie.  Austin Powers... definitely."  He leaned against the side of the truck.  "Chloe… I just want you to know something."  He took a deep breath.  "I really, really don't want to mess things up with us.  I want us to have something... good."


She smiled at him, squeezing his hand softly as he kissed her and made her feel like a queen. Could she remember the last time she'd felt like this? God, no. Ages and ages. "I want us to, too. I really, really do." She nodded it and licked her lower lip, mouth parched as she swallowed hard.


"The theater's not far... do you want to walk, maybe?"  He thumped his head against the ".  "Sorry.  No, too cold to walk."  He walked around to the driver's side and slid in, resting his head on the wheel for a brief second before looking over at her.  "In case I haven't told you already... you look beautiful tonight."  His thumb rubbed over her lips, shuddering slightly when he felt the wetness of her mouth gliding against his skin, and he pulled away as he cranked the ignition.


"Whitney?" She murmured it softly, leaning back against the seat as her body blazed hot.


"Yeah, Chloe?"


"You make me very, very hot." She bit her lip softly, watching him as he started the truck up, rubbing the heel of her hand over her thigh to get that sweaty palm not so sweaty. "Very."


Whitney reached over and tangled her fingers in his, letting her feel the heat from his hands and his arm as he pulled her over to sit beside him, stretching the seat belt to the limit.  "I know the feeling, believe me."  He stopped in the driveway and pressed his flushed face to her cheek.


She nodded and kissed that warm cheek softly, touching her lips to it as she wound her arm around him and hugged him tight. She kept their fingers interlocked in between them, tightening her hold on him as she kissed the corner of his lips. "I hope you don't think I'm a tramp."


Whitney pulled out into traffic, but kept a close watch on Chloe.  "No... God no.  Why would I?  I mean... I don't want you thinking I'm a dog either.  I don't usually go humping girls like that, but... you make me feel so.... good."


She nodded at him, and ached to rub her fingers where she could still see the bulge...the bulge she'd made from her own desire. Oh, Jesus. "Well, I wanted to make sure. Because I'm about to tell you that I really, really want to make out and... yeah." She brought their joined hands up to gently kiss the back of his.


"I really want to make out with you too, Chloe.  I want to... to touch you, everywhere, but... I'm afraid.  Because I don't want to scare you off with how much I--I want you."


"No one ever has." She admitted it softly, nibbling at his knuckle, and didn't it taste amazing. "You... you do. You scare me. But..." She smiled. "I trust you.  And… okay, very excited and not in the "yay, we're going to Disneyland" way." She wriggled her brows teasingly at him to lighten the mood, watching him drive cautiously and expertly.


Whitney laughed, a small strangled sound as he held Chloe close to him.  "If I... if I get too scary or go too far... just tell me to stop.  I swear I will, Chloe, I swear."


He was so cute, and damn wasn't she a sucker for the cute ones. "I know." She gently soothed him with a stroke of his hand, gently interlocking their fingers.


Whitney squeezed Chloe's hand almost desperately.  The theater was only four blocks away, and they were lucky enough to get a parking space close to the front.  He turned off the car, and unhooked her seat belt as he pulled her almost into his lap.  He buried his face in her throat, kissing softly.  "What... are we going to see?"


She scooted in close, her head tipped forward a little as she watched him with huge eyes...then let them flutter closed as his mouth touched her skin and okay, she was going to loose her mind. "Uh...uhm..." She let her slim fingertips slide through his hair, the velvety locks sliding between her fingers as she did it again and grasped on, groaning when he licked a sensitive patch. "What… whatever you want to."


Whitney pulled back, moving his mouth to hers, afraid of marking her flawless skin.  He licked her lips as he nibbled them.  "I don't... care.  I just... want to be with you."


Pete was going to flip when she dished. And she had to dish. He was practically her girlfriend, after all...not that he'd ever like to hear that, but ohh. She was even sounding like a 15 year old girl now, and the thought made her giggle into his mouth, then blush a second later. "Sorry. I was thinking about...I....I get now why girls get dorky about good guys." She smiled, her cheeks flushed a sweet pink. 


Whitney nuzzled her pink cheeks.  "You're not dorky, Chloe... and I'm not a good guy.  I'm just a lucky one."  He kissed her cheek, then back to her lips as he sucked her lower lip into his mouth.


She let a little breath whoosh out at that, eyes fluttering closed as her fingers tightened on his jacket. "Wh...Whitney.." She murmured, skimming her lips softly across his...a tiny kiss, another, and none of it chaste. "Let's go inside...wanna.." She couldn't help it. She couldn't. She let her fingers drop and touch the button of his jeans... lower, just a little, to touch. She'd never done this before...ever. She'd never even seen what one looked like, and her curiosity was warring very loudly with her lust.


Whitney groaned, eyes closing and head tilting back as her fingertips skimmed lightly over his erection, and pressed her palm down tightly against his length before he realized what he was doing.  "Oh, Jesus.  Chloe.  Fuck.  I'm sorry.  Please... Jesus.  I just... please don't let me have fucked this up."  His eyes were wide and panicked, and his hand was scrambling with the truck ".


She laughed out loud. She couldn't help it. She giggled and brought his hands around his neck, pulling him in close in the shadows of the truck. "You're so adorable. Whitney... I wouldn't have touched if I didn't want to." She caught his lips again, feeling the tremble in them, and skimmed her fingertips back down....touching a little harder against him as her thighs warmed strangely wet. "And I want to...oh, god, I want to."


Whitney groaned into her mouth again, shuddering under the hard and yet exploratory touch.  His tongue thrust deep, and he rested his hands on her shoulders, then stroked down over her breasts once before resting his hands on her hips and rubbing his leg against hers.  "I want you to," he whispered achingly.


She was rendering a man to shakes. It thrilled her, down to the bottom of her heart, and she rubbed softly...slowly, completely unaware of how to do it, but she liked his cries in her ear and wanted to keep on hearing them. She shivered and rubbed her body to his, kissing warmly and passionately and she was going to die. Sure of it.


Whitney slid out from behind the steering wheel, moving so that his legs were free and he stretched them out so that Chloe ended up between his legs as his hands very slowly and very gently rocked her against him.  He sucked her tongue as it slipped into his mouth, kissing her back and praying that he didn't come in his pants.


Her breath gasped loud in his ear as she rubbed her hips against his, her eyes fluttering shut tightly as she wound her free arm around his neck to keep her close. Close, close. With the other she searched for his hand...found it...and led it to rest on her breast, the peak pressing into his palm. A soft, echoey moan into his lips as she let go, gasping for breath.


His hand squeezed her breast firmly, massaging and kneading carefully as he moved his fingers just a bit to scrape over the hard tip.  He sucked her tongue even harder as he touched her, hoping that his touch inflamed her as much as hers did him.  "Chloe... God... you're so... beautiful," he gritted out between kisses, hand still carefully working her breast and her nipple through the fabric of her dress.


Yeah. Okay. He was doing it on purpose. His hands were very, very skilled and she gasped hard again into his ear, eyes wide as she stared at the back of his truck and leaned in for the touch. Oh, good god. Electricity shot up through her chest and down straight to the valley of her thighs and she cried out, leaning in to bite the curve of his neck to muffle the sound. Her fingers stopped moving and she squeezed his thigh hard because...yeah. She'd never been touched before. And he had touched, and oh, his was a knowing touch.


He moved his hand down to her stomach, brushing his fingertips gently over the trembling skin as he moved away from her breasts.  "Chloe... God... are you all right?"  He wrapped his arms around her, pressing close and pulling her head into his shoulder as he breathed in her scent.  "Tell me... tell me you're all right and don't want me to stop.  Or you do.  Just... God, tell me you're okay."


"Y... yeah... m... m..." Breathe. "More than... than okay. Oh, God. You know e...exactly what you're doing, and...ohh." She swallowed hard because her thoughts were on making out now and she couldn't expand the energy for anything else. "You smell so hard and strong...Whitney, I don't w...want to stop."


Whitney kissed her hard.  "I'm not... I won't make love to you, Chloe... not because... I don't want to... but because... you deserve more."  He slipped his hand back up to cradle her breast, rolling a taut nipple through the fabric.  "God... I want you so much though."  He licked her throat, not daring to suck or mark it.


She pressed the back of his head into her skin and brought her fingers down, working off the passion slamming in her veins to squeeze him between his legs, hard. She didn't care if she did it wrong or badly, but she rubbed it as she thrust her chest up to his hand, moaning very...very loudly. "We...we c...can' earlier in… in...our....oh god." She groaned loudly as his thumb traced the shape of her nipple and it got harder if possible.


Whitney moaned and thrust up into her hand.  "Too early," he agreed.  "Not right yet."  He slipped his hand inside the dress, touching her warm skin and waiting to see if she'd let him continue.


She didn't stop, didn't stop moving or touching or making the tiny noises into his ear, rubbing her lips over his temple as she dared to rock against him. A slow agonized gasp, holding him close as her heart stuttered in her chest.


Whitney's thumb rubbed over her bare nipple as he kissed her throat.  His own hips kept pushing up against her hand as he groaned hotly against her skin.  He moved between each nipple, neglecting neither as he trembled.  "Chloe... stop... don't want get you dirty.  Will if you keep touching... making me come."


She hissed loudly and arched back, mouth dropping open as her eyes squeezed shut. He was touching her, rubbing against her bare skin, and okay, she was gonna lose it, loose. It. Loose the it which she was very desperately holding onto...and then his words made her loose the it. She groaned and reached in to grasp his mouth, unbuttoning his pants furiously with fingers that didn't want to cooperate, because she had to see. She had to know. And she couldn't, because it wouldn't open and she hissed out her intentions with a long, soft sound, feeling like a tramp and it was so hot. "Want to... please... will you... you let me? Wanna see... I want... I want to... Whitney, want... want your mouth on me... please..."


"Yes... Christ yes."  Whitney arched his back as he unzipped himself, sliding his pants down so that his hard, wet cock peeked out at her.  His mouth crushed hard against hers, and he brought her hand to wrap it around his naked length.  "Can't wait to taste you, Chloe."


Her mouth shuddered open, looking down at their joined hands on… on him, and oh, God. Oh. Good God. He felt strange underneath her palm...velvety and smooth and wet, and she was shuddering hard. She'd never seen one, ever, aside from health class and she almost couldn't believe it. It was so long in her hand...thick, and this was supposed to go inside her? How?! "Y… you... you're... you're so big....Whitney..."


Whitney moved her hand slowly, and then tugged the strap of her dress down as he brought one nipple out to lick gently.  "Not too big," he murmured against her nipple.  "Never been this hard before.  Cause of you."


Her eyes rolled closed and this was the hottest. Thing. Ever. And how was she...and oh god. His mouth, on her, her, his mouth ON her and she moaned softly, resting her chin on her chest as she watched him lick, flushed from the roots of her hair to her toes. "How...I...." She looked at him helplessly, gently skimming her thumb over the base where her small fingers were around him.


"Stroke, Chloe.  It's okay.  You can touch... please."  A small smile rumbled against her nipple as he bit it lightly and then covered her back up before baring the other breast and kissing it.  "You can do anything you want."


"Oh.." Well, okay. She stroked up...letting go to skim her fingertips over the head, watching her hand move against him between their shoulders his mouth.... She cried out, pushing him in close with her fingers in the back of his hair, the more sensitive nipple hard as rock and aching. She thrust against his leg, shuddering, bringing her head down to rest on top of his. She didn't know how, but she wasn't a stupid girl, so she wrapped him tightly in her fist and pushed down.


"Yes... God Chloe.  Just... like that!"  He pumped his hips into her fist, and he wrapped his tongue around her nipple, tugging it deep into his mouth.  He moved so that she straddled his thigh, letting her ride against him.


This was happening, this was happening and she was terrified and thrilled and turned on beyond her wildest dreams and she wasn't wearing any panties and yeah, okay, it'd be bad if they came home from their date with her body excretions all over his leg. So instead she tugged him down, laying back so he was atop her a little at a comfortable angle, still moving her fist as she felt him move into her hand. Oh. God. Then, then the hot mouth around her and she was going to die very easily, moaning softly as the weight of him lay partially over her.


Oh Christ.  Whitney's cock thrust faster into Chloe's hand, the slickness of his precome making his cock slide easy in her tight grip.  His hands tugged her dress down her shoulders, baring both her breasts as he licked one and kneaded the other, shuddering.  "Chloe... Chloe... gonna come..."  His cock was jerking and he felt orgasm building in his balls.


What?! Oh god! Oh god! She pushed harder, moaning loudly as her hands started to shake and goosebumps erupted all over her body, watching him with soft gasps because she was about to make a guy come for the first time in her life and it turned her on more then she'd ever known. "Yes... yes... it's okay… Whitney... it's okay... please..."


Whitney rolled onto his side, making sure that when he came, it was aimed to the side.  He wrapped his hand around hers and together, jacked himself with two strong strokes, and then streaks of white shot out of him, spraying the underside of the dash.  He sunk his teeth into his lip.  "Chloe!!"


She was trembling nonstop, her fingers shaking around him as her mouth dropped open, watching him come with an almost quiet awe. Oh, good god. He'd shot whatever it was onto his car, and she wanted to taste it… she did, but she wasn't going to. Not this time. Instead she followed his soft jerks as he finished orgasming, and she shuddered hard as she pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw.


Whitney shuddered, feeling the tender, gentle strokes on his cock as he closed his eyes, kissing her face and throat.  "God, Chloe... beautiful... I need... I want to make you feel this... let me taste you, please... I want to touch you."


She shuddered again and nodded her okay, feeling too hot inside but oh, it was a delicious feeling, moaning into his skin, "I made you come."


"You made me come.  So hard."  He licked her throat, licked down between her breasts.  "And I want to make you come too."


That brought a low sound from her throat, shuddering as she streaked her fingers tight in his hair, whispering hoarsely, "I've n… never… never d… done this, never, Whitney, please don't laugh at me."


Whitney moved so that she was tightly held in his arms.  "Never laugh at you, Chloe.  I swear it.  And if you don't want it, that's okay.  I'm not... I promise you, I won't do anything you don't want.  I love you, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."  He ran his fingers through her pinned-up hair.  "You're too sweet to hurt."


She smiled at that. Okay. So she was envisioning herself with this man and kids. So what, alright? She had a right to dream.  "You're so sweet...Whitney, you're so adorable....such a good man, so good..." She whispered it, kissing him softly and gently.


Whitney returned the kisses, cradling her close against him.  "It's anything you want, Chloe, I promise... I'll do anything to make you happy, give you anything I can.  I promise."


"We're missing our movie." She murmured, rubbing her fingertips over his wide shoulders, feeling so protected and loved in the cocoon of his embrace and the seat of his truck, winding a leg around his... and... okay. " still don't think I... I'm a tramp, right?"


Whitney shook his head.  "I don't think you're a tramp," he said, kissing her ear as he held her close.  "I think you're the most beautiful, most amazing woman I've ever known."


"Good." She giggled it softly, whispering, "I promise my dad wont find out. You don't have to worry about wall hanging-ness." Her smile was priceless, soft and sweet in her face as some of her flippy hair fell down from the pins.


"I... I don't care about your dad.  I'll let him nail me up on the wall, as long as it means I get... I get to spend more time with you." 


"You will." She nodded softly, pushing the strands out of her face. "You most... most definitely will. By all means of time spending will you have." To have the English makes our English speaking good, Chloe. Eye roll. " know what I mean."


"I can spend all the time with you I want?" Whitney translated.


"Yep." Cheesed out giggle. "Most definitely yep. But...what time is it?"


Whitney looked at the dark clock on the dash, then turned the ignition back on.  "Quarter of eleven."


She nodded and used his movement to sit up, leaning over to kiss him softly as she pulled the straps back over her shoulders. "Let's....want ice cream? We can walk by the pond and watch the ducks...they're beautiful when the moons out."


"Yeah... I'd like that.  A lot."  He gave her a cheesy grin.  "Wait... there's this store by the park... you want to go in and get some bread for the ducks?  We can feed them together."


Another nod and she smiled, looking into her lap a little shyly as she tied her seat belt back on. "That...I'd love that, most definitely."


Whitney reached for his own seat belt and buckled it in place.  "I meant what I said, you know."  He blushed, surprisingly, as he cranked the truck and backed out of the parking space and back onto the highway and towards the park.


"About what?" She pulled the skinny sweater on, watching him through the wisps of hair that had fallen.


"When I said that... that I... I love you."  He turned his red face out the window as he merged into the lane of oncoming traffic.


She smothered the huge grin, nodding softly. "I know." She watched him drive for a long moment, as his foot worked the pedals, and murmured, "You gave me a gift tonight."


"The flowers?"  He looked at her over his shoulder, watching her watch him.


"No." A tip of her head. "You made me feel wanted in a way no one else ever has. You made me feel beautiful, and for that I thank you."


Whitney reached over and let his arm wrap around her shoulder.  "You are beautiful, Chloe.  And if nobody else sees that, well... they're just as stupid as I was."


She grinned again, dimples winking, and hugged him gently as they drove. "I'm really glad we didn't go see Signs."


"Yeah, me too."  He couldn't help the dopey grin that spread across his face as Chloe hugged him.  "You're so great, you know?  We can do anything, and you're just... cool about it.  Instead of a movie, we're feeding ducks and being... well, romantic."


She cracked up. Long and soft and she shook her head too many times. "I'll let you know now I'm the opposite of romance. I'm girl next ", gimmie a beer, lets watch Monday night football and bitch about the women in our lives. Or, well, for me, guys." She grinned. "The only friend I ever had was Lana, and...." Oh. That stopped her, and the smile slid off her face. They were quiet for a long, long moment, before she murmured, "Do you miss her?"


Whitney's arm tightened around Chloe.  "Yeah... I do, sometimes.  I mean... I loved her.  And she was good for me.  But I don't think that I was really good for her.  But yeah... I do miss her."


"I miss her a lot." Softly. "She was the only girl friend I've had since I came to this berg... we went shopping a lot, and had sleepovers. We were normal teenage girls, you know?" Her voice hitched, and she turned her face into his shoulder. "That's why...I....I didn't want to date you, Whitney. Everything inside me is saying yes, but I know I shouldn't, and... I feel bad."


"No... that's not true."  Whitney pulled his car over, easing along the shoulder until they were in the nearest parking lot.  "Chloe... she loved me and cared about you.  I don't... I don't think she'd have a problem with either of us being happy with each other."


"I miss her a lot sometimes, Whitney." She wasn't gonna cry. "Like today, when I found Clark and Lex....I would have gone to her and she would have been sweet and listened and hugged me. She would have given me advice, and offered to go out and buy mocha's and sulk over how their aren't any great straight guys left. She would have...have been there in a way you guys can't. I love you and Pete and Clark, but...she..." dammit. She swallowed hard, squeezing his hand tight.


"She was a girl and we're not."  Whitney turned the car off and hugged her.  "It's okay.  Let it out."  He held her tightly against him, kissing her temple and rocking her gently.


"I can't." She tightened her hold on him, swallowed deeply. "I promised her, Whitney, I promised her before she died. I wouldn't think about her and be sad. She made me promise, she did. I can't break that." She was so, so close, and pressed her face tight into the crook of his neck.


“Chloe... mourning is all right, no matter when it is.  I know you were being strong for Clark, and definitely were for me, but... it's okay now to not be strong."


"I c...can't...Whitney, I can't." She straightened, and her eyes were so bright, but she shook her head as she calmed herself as best she could, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. "I won't remember her and be sad. I won't. Because then every time I do I'll be sad, and I don't want to think of her like that."


"I don't get sad when I remember her, just... sometimes."


She nodded softly and took his hand in hers, squeezing. "She was beautiful, and wonderful. But she's in a better place, right?"


"Yes, she is."  Whitney's answer was immediate.  "She's with her parents."


And my cat, Fluffy." She nodded it. "And the dozen goldfish my dad managed to kill off."


"At least she'll have company, right?"  His eyes were getting slightly glassy, and he blinked them away.  "But I think that she'd be glad we're both happy."


"You know...Whitney, I think so too." She smiled into his arm. "She used to tell me about what a great guy you sweet and gentle you could be. How passionate. I used to be so jealous of her."


Whitney blushed.  "I... wanted to make her happy.  Sometimes I think I actually succeeded."


"You did...she was just a complicated girl. And to tell you the truth… sometimes I think she wasn't all together here. She saw her parents die, Whitney. That's so very traumatizing for a child."


"Yeah... it really used to worry me when she talked to her mom and dad, and have conversations with them.  I mean, talking to them was okay, but when it answered back... that was what was weird."


"She was living off borrowed time, you know that like I do." She paused, because she heard the note of sadness creeping into his voice. "Okay, but... in other news, Clark and Lex. What the hell do I say, Whit?"


"I'm happy for you, Clark, cause you finally found someone to make you happy?" Whitney suggested.


She punched him in the arm and straightened with amusement on her face. "Sure. And he'll think that's so like me to say, instead of, asking, actually, how great Lex kisses."


"Hey, Clark?  Does Lex... you know, use a lot of tongue?  Or is it all dry and stuff?"  He grinned, and eased the truck back onto the road and towards the park.


She laughed out loud, bringing a leg up under her as she turned to face him in the spacious cabin. "Freak! I'm totally gonna say that." A pause. "Whitney...don't let Clark know you know, okay? He's easily embarrassed and sweet."


"Go ahead."  Whitney grinned.  "And I swear, I won't let him know.  Besides... I owe him one."


A nod and a winning beam. "Great. Awesome. I cant' wait to ask him. Clark and Lex... its always been there. Subtle stares, passing glances to each other's bodies...I mean, Lex practically eyefucks Clark sometimes without intending to, and Clark in his usual offbeat way, has no clue why.  He never noticed.  It's sad, but cute."


"Yeah... like, the only reason I got to make my dad's dream of seeing me on the Sharks come true?  Cause Clark felt sorry for me and asked Lex.  I'm just glad he did, but... that's when I started thinking they were already dating."


"And kinda ishy. But that's not politically correct, so I'll just..." She quieted, smiling at him mid babble.  "You think?"


He nodded as he pulled into the store parking lot.  "Yeah, I think.  I mean, come on... Lex is a great guy, but you don't do something like that out of the goodness of your heart, you know?  You do it cause you know you're getting something out of it."  He left the truck running.  "You want something to drink?  I'll get it, if you want, when I get the bread."


She grabbed him by the shirt front before he could slip out of the cab, giving him a searing, heated kiss that left both their blood boiling and a smile on her face. "Some apple juice, if they have it."


Whitney kissed her back, and then grinned.  "Apple juice it is."  He wandered into, picking up a loaf of bread, and then wandered back to the coolers and got a bottle of apple juice for Chloe and rested his head against the cool glass of the cooler as he studied the drink selection and finally ended up with a chocolate Yoo-Hoo for himself.  He walked by the display of condoms and such on the rack, and pulled out his wallet.  There was one in there, he didn't know how old it was, and knew the ones in his glove compartment were almost as old.  Flashing a look to the window and making sure that Chloe couldn't see, Whitney pulled a box off the rack and took everything to be rung up.  As soon as they were paid for, Whitney paused at the counter, sliding the three flat packets into his wallet and throwing the packaging away before heading back out to the car.  He slid back into the warmth of the truck cab, and handed Chloe the bag.  "Here you go, Chloe."  His eyes dropped as he fidgeted with the steering wheel.  It felt... wrong of him, somehow, to hide his purchase from her, but he didn't want her to think that he was pressuring her.


She smiled and clutched the bag to her, nodding as they started up again. "I used to be scared of ducks, when I was little. My dad used to take me to the pond all the time when we lived here before Metropolis...but one time the birds attacked us. That was the winter where all the animals died, remember? I guess they were pissed at us or something, because they went crazy.  A couple of years ago, Pete brought me out here and cured me of my terror, and since then...I just love it. Its so gorgeous there, at night." She reached over and squeezed his hand. "This has been one of the most magical nights of my life, I hope you know that."


"It... it has been for me too.  But... Chloe... there's something I need to tell you."  He fumbled for his wallet.  "Look... I'm not... I don't want to pressure you or anything, because... I'm not... ready, and I know you're not, but... when we are, I'm... I just... I want you know that I want to protect you."  He fumbled out the three wrappers and put them in her hands.  "I bought those while I was in there, and--and I didn't want to hide it and you be mad."


She giggled instead, watching him blush with amusement and wondered if it was possible for him to be any more endearing. A peer down at what was in her hands and she set them in her lap, ripping the foil on one and peeking inside. "I've never seen one of these up close. No clue how to put them on, you know." She nodded it, glancing up at him. "Are you a virgin still, Whitney?"


An embarrassed nod.  "Yeah, mostly.  I dated a couple of girls before Lana so it's not totally unknown territory, but... for the most part, yeah."


"Why are you ashamed?" She stroked his cheek gently. "I think its wonderful. Saving yourself, you know? That's beautiful, not embarrassing." She nodded it, and it almost broke her heart with the passing thought that Lana had died a virgin. "Plus, yay protection." A pause as she pulled the little plastic ring out. "Ohh." A lengthy pause and she swallowed hard. "Well. My dress is stained now." Heavy sigh.


"But it'll wash out, with a little bit of water.  That's the great thing about the lubricant on those things."  He blushed again.  "And... and I'm not ashamed, I just... wish that I knew everything so it would be great.  For you.  When the time comes, I mean."


Her eyes were laughing as she looked up at him. " dress isn't stained from these."


And wow.  That's... shocking.  "Oh.  Um.  Wow.  I wasn't expecting that."  His blush deepened until he was almost beet red.  "I don't... don't know how to fix that."


She kept talking, aware of his eyes on her. "Lubrication, huh?" She couldn't help a giggle. "Like a slip and slide, only sexier." She paused to glance up at him, stroking his chin with her thumb. "You're so beautiful."  His blush amused her so she sat back, crossing her legs in the ample amount of leg room. "I don't know how to fix it either, sadly."


Whitney dipped his head to catch her thumb in his mouth, sucking lightly as his tongue swirled around the pad, teeth barely scraping the fleshy base.


Oh, shit. "Oh...." She watched him with sudden wide eyes, very, very aware of him now and she blinked. "Oh. Wh.." Then he scraped, and oh, god. She made a tiny noise in her throat, swallowing very hard. "Oh."


Whitney slid his mouth down her entire thumb, sucking the full digit between his lips as his tongue wrapped around it, licking the length.  His other hand slipped to her throat, trailing his fingers over the sensitive skin.


He'd taken the sly right out of her and replaced it with awe. She wriggled her finger a little in experiment, the soft sucking sending her mind into overdrive and her fingers itching to touch. Him, herself, whichever. But he was touching her, and it wasn't good because she was still turned on from before and "Damn you for being so sexy."


Whitney let her thumb go as he caught her wrist, and brought it to his mouth, nipping and sucking the pulse.  "If I'm sexy, then you're just... unbelievable.  I can't get enough of you like this... you drive me crazy."


She groaned softly and tipped her head to watch him, breath whooshing out of her and coming back in in a gasp. "You're driving my crazier, cause I say so."


His teeth scraped along her wrist, tongue licking around the smooth skin, and then kissed her palm and then the back of her hand.  "I'll stop now, before I can't."  His own erection was fast returning, and he gripped her hand tightly.  "Come on... still want to walk by the water and see the ducks?"  He kissed each of her fingers as he spoke.


"Ducks....water...." She whispered, her whole arm tingling softly. "Whitney...if I asked...would... later, when we've seen the water and the ducks...will you touch me again? before?"


Whitney nodded.  "I'll touch you any time you ask, any way you want."  He leaned over and kissed her shoulder.  "I will do anything you want."


She grinned and squirmed away from him in that silly way she had. "I want you to watch that rut before we go driving into the lake."


Whitney swerved the truck back on the road and blushed furiously.  "It's your fault, you distracted me.  You... you breathed."


Her laugh was priceless. Loud and reverberating she laughed in delight until she felt tears prick her eyes, swiping them away with a helpless amount of giggles. "Then I think I'll have to breathe more often." She smiled, pecking his cheek as they slowed, and she gathered his coat to her chest. "C'mon, get the bread?"


Whitney pulled the car over, parking it and locking it as he grabbed the bread in one hand, and sprinted around to open her " with the other.  "You ready to feed some waterfowl?"


She grinned and accepted his hand, jumping down with a slight oomph. "I am indeed. ....look, Whitney." She pointed to the lake, illuminated by the huge crescent moon that seemed to sit on the water itself. "Isn't it beautiful?"


He turned around and gasped softly, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him.  "Wow... that is beautiful."  He rested his chin on her shoulder.  "Just... not as beautiful as you.  I'd um... I'd quote something, but... the only thing I have memorized lately are football scores."


"Oh baby, Redskins beat the Bulls by ten." She murmured, smiling up at him as she grasped his hand tight in hers and let him pull her in. "C'mon, let's feed the beasts so they won't eat my arm."


Whitney nipped her ear as he laughed.  "Yeah, let's go."  He pulled her with him as they headed down to the water, and Whitney took his jacket from her and spread it out on the ground.  "Here you go, my lady... a perch from which to feed the flocks."  Then he grinned.  "I, uh, read that in a book once."


Another giggle and she settled down onto the jacket, the warmth of the water making her hum in delight as the ducks' attentions got caught and they came in closer, waddling close for her to throw the food. She did, and the two that came attacked it, spearing it and sharing it between them. "Sit with me?" She murmured, petting the jacket lightly and motioning for him to join her.


Whitney knelt on the jacket beside her, and then stretched out, reclining beside her on his elbow, head resting almost in her lap.


She smiled and sat Indian style, the slits in her dress working for her as the front part covered everything it had to. She smiled and threw another piece of bread, giggling as the ducks squawked in happiness, one flying low over the light cast lake. "This is gorgeous."


"Yeah, it is."  Whitney divided his time between watching Chloe, and the moonlight rippling on the lake.  "After we take our drive tomorrow... you want to bring a blanket and have a picnic here?  I mean, we've got the Italian left over, I can take that home and pack it into a cooler for tomorrow."


"You know, I'm never going to be able to eat noodles again without giggling like a maniac." She murmured, smiling down at his head and the warm blond hair that just ached for a nuzzle. So she did, dropping her head and sniffing softly, rubbing her cheek against the soft locks. "It sounds wonderful."


Whitney shivered as he imagined her lips pursed just slightly as she sucked in a noodle.  "I... think I know what you mean."  He reached up and held the side of her face reverently, keeping her head pressed against his.  "You're amazing, Chloe."


She smiled and kissed his ear gently, sighing into his blond locks as she nibbled at the curve of his ear. "You've got the amazing award for the evening, thank you very much."


"How about we're amazing together?" he asked against her throat, nuzzling gently.


She didn't even bother to pause between his question and her answer. "Okay." She nibbled softly, pulling his face up to kiss gently, stroking her fingertips over his jaw.


Whitney kissed her just as softly as she touched him, slowly deepening it as he moved closer to her, pulling her until their bodies were aligned.


She stretched out beside him as he pulled, unaware of it as she wrapped her arms around his neck and accepted his curious tongue into her mouth, sucking it softly before taking a very soft bite of his lower lip, nibbling gently. Her eyes fluttered closed and she sighed softly, content to be like this forever.


Whitney rolled onto his back, pulling her onto his chest and bracing his hands at the small of her back as they kissed.  "I don't care about the clothes, I can wash them."


She looked down at him with a startled smile, and the full feeling of him from chest to feet was amazing. She learned it with a curious expression on her face, shifting a little as she felt the muscles ripple through him. And damn, why hadn't she ever noticed how strong he was? "Mmmm." Soft murmur as she kissed back, lapping softly at the warm lips.


Whitney's hand slid down to tightly grip Chloe's ass, kneading her fair skin gently as he kissed her, rubbing his chest against her breasts.


Oh! Whoa! Oh! Her eyes widened and she gasped, arching back a bit as she got up on her elbows over him, mouth trembling open. "Oh....w... wow...oh.."


Whitney grinned up at her, slowly moving his hands.  "Sorry.  I got... I got carried away."


Yeah, I.." She couldn't help the giggle. "Your hands were on my ass. And I didn't kill you." Her voice was low and sweet in his ear. "Feel very, very blessed."


"I actually felt... very, very firm."  God.  He was flirting!  And not blushing!  Whitney felt, at that moment, very proud of himself.


She laughed out loud and ground her hips down teasingly, watching him with a wicked grin. "Firm? Where?"


"Two places, actually."  Whitney slid his hands down and squeezed her ass again.  "Right here."  Then he arched up, rubbing his erection against her thigh.  "And right here."


She smiled through the moan, laughing as she leaned in to kiss him. "You are very much teasing me, aren't you?"


"Oh yes.  I am."  Whitney laughed.  "I love teasing you.  I love touching you.  I just... I love it when you laugh because your whole face lights up and makes me want to laugh too."


"You've got a way with words, Whitney, that drives me nuts." She smiled, kissing him softly as she rubbed herself gently along his hard heat, linking their legs. "Whitney?" She murmured it softly into his ear as she continued to move, gently skimming her lips over his.


"Yeah, Chloe?"  Whitney's hands were still warm on her back as he kissed her back.


"I love you."


Whitney's arms locked tightly around her, and he buried his face in her throat.  "I love you, Chloe.  Very much."


She turned her face into his and gave him loves first kiss, gently, warmly... sweetly. "I love you a whole lot. Don't forget it."


"I won't... I swear."  He kissed her back, fingers burying themselves in her hair as he knocked the small clips out and pulled her close. 


His watch alarm beeped; it was time for him to take her home.  "I don't want to let you go, but... it's almost time for me to take you home."


Her eyebrows rose at his watch and she barely stopped the giggle. "You timed it? Oh my God." She let it escape, giggling in delight as she rolled and clasped him tightly to her, kissing him hard. "It's impossible for you to be cuter, I hope you know that."


Whitney blushed.  "Yeah... I did.  Didn't want to get you home late and maybe your dad say that I couldn't see you anymore."  He returned the kiss, his legs wrapping around hers and settling her between his thighs.


"Whitney?" She stroked her fingers through his hair, looking at him plaintively. "When the time comes....I want you to the first. Okay? I just..." She blushed, smiling up at him. "I wanted to tell you."


Whitney held her gently.  "I will be, Chloe.  Just... just like you'll be mine."


She smiled and pressed her lips to his again, murmuring, "Take me home then, baby. Until we see each other again."


Whitney got up from the jacket, and pulled her up.  "Until tomorrow."  He kissed her cheek softly, helped her back into the truck, and drove her home.





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