
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 77: Revisiting Yesterday

Lionel stretched out on the sofa.  Dear God but that was the dinner party from hell! he thought to himself.  The jacket to his tuxedo was thrown over the back of one of the chairs, there was a glass of brandy sitting at his elbow, and his shoes were surprisingly kicked out of sight instead of neatly put away.  He was just too... tired to deal with shoes.  Between Graham's scene, Felicia's bombshell about moving, and the shock of finding out that Felicia was dating the local law enforcement...


Lionel was on the verge of a migraine.  "Dominic... do remind me next time to send my regrets."


For being a dare devil, who could run on energy stores up for days... Dominic was tired. The dinner had been, in his humble opinion, a total success... even if he was going to need a energy fusion. Leaving the restaurant had been interesting unto itself... the Paparazzi were much more vocal and in-your-face, and Dominic had all but decked one of them in the face for trying to prod into Lionel’s line of sight.


The most interesting part was that they were photographing him as well, instead of saving their film. Idiots.


They'd made it home without a hassle, dumped everything, and were completely sacked out on the couches. Dominic had splattered into a love seat, and he was yawning every ten minutes or so, sighing. "I think we did alright."


"Define all right?" Lionel said, throwing back half the glass of expensive brandy in a single chug.  "Your brother nearly storming out on the lady doctor?  The near-show of tears we had from said doctor?  Felicia's choice of date?  Or perhaps the fact that she's moving, which is, in fact, the only good thing that I did see about tonight, considering she accepted our offer to work for LuthorCorp as soon as we're established here."


Dominic rolled his head and looked at his lounged lover, the chuckle thickening his voice. "No, I’ve got to say, the highlight of the evening was Felicia knocking over the wine and getting my brother in the crotch." Oh, he laughed. "I'll have the image of him leaping up until the day I die."


"He deserved it."


""ts rented! Its rented!"" Dominic squealed, then burst out laughing all over again. "I thought Toni was going to explode trying to keep the laughs in. And when she dropped the shrimp in her dress and couldn’t find it?" He couldn’t stop the giggles.


"I thought Graham was going to volunteer to go after it," Lionel said, eyes rolling.  "I shall never go out with him again, by the way."


"He's a darling man." Dominic chuckled, but looked at his lover again with a nod. "Felicia coming is going to be wonderful. She's a good lass, she is. She and I go back, baaack back."


"So I understand, and what was this about having your pants still?"  Lionel pinched the bridge of his nose, sliding his glasses off and tossing them onto the table.  "Why does Felicia have your pants?"


"She must have kept them after I moved out." Picturing her in his pants was, by all accounts, amusing and sweet. "She always loved my wild array of workout pants, you know."


"Your ex-girlfriend--and that in itself is a troubling thought, you and Felicia together--has your pants.  I find that immensely... disturbing.  And yet... completely in keeping with what I have come to expect from anyone in relation to the Senatori family."


"Indeed." And Dominic drank to that. Warmed milk, with his cookie still waiting on his thigh. "It wasn’t all that bad. Fellie and I had some good times… almost two years worth." He waved a hand. "I went through a straight phase. Anyhow, she... we were friends, then lovers, then fiancées. I was going to marry her, and... she caught on. She knew she wasn’t the one, 'nd that I wasn’t as interested in her breasts as she once would have liked to believe. She caught on, that I was lookin' at her brothers arse every time he came over." He tipped his cup, took another sip. "Broke that girls heart, I did." And he knew, in his heart, that it was the worst thing he'd ever done, and the worst feeling he'd ever had, to see her cry that fateful morning. "And the funniest thing was, the very next week we went out for pizza and such, and things... they were okay."


"She must have liked you a great deal, to still be friends with you through all of this."  Lionel sipped his brandy slowly this time.  "I can't imagine being friends with any of the men or women that I have had my dalliances with."


"I’m still friends with most of my ex lovers." Dominic nodded it. "The five I’ve had, including you. Felicia... Antony, when I was a teenager. He and I went out for six months, actually, and he's teaching in Coast City as a kindergarten teacher." A chuckle. "I would have liked to be a kindergarten teacher. Anyhow, he's teaching now. Alice May, she's been dead a few years now, to breast cancer. You know of Fel, and then of course Ethan. But that’s very much the crux of my affairs, as it were."


Lionel was quiet for a long moment.  "Do you know, I can't remember half their names?" he finally mused after a moment.  "Lillian of course, Jonathan, Martha... you."  He sipped again.  "Other than that... it just seems a faceless blur."


Dominic gazed at his lover, and reached over the small table to grasp his lovers hand. "Sometimes its better that way. Sometimes its better to close chapters of our lives, and forget about them. They’ll always be in our hearts, but… its better not to think about it sometimes." He nodded softly, and squeezed the fingers in his hand.


Lionel squeezed them in return.  "Yes... I think you're right.  I think I'm actually glad that I don't remember them."  He brought Dominic's fingers to his mouth for soft kisses.  "The only things I remember is the feeling of random emptiness after one or the other of them, but that quickly went away."


"There's one I'll always remember." Oh, and now he chuckled. "In a single week, there were three men, handsome blokes if I remember. And at the end of the week...a woman. Tall, maybe 6'2, 6'3. Willowy as a tree branch, with arms like a dancer. Scared me, she did. And I remember, later that night, her walking away with the biggest grin on her face. She smacked a kiss to the crown of my head and waltzed out to the limo." Dominic chuckled wickedly. "Wearing your suit."


"Oh, yes."  Lionel toasted the memory.  "I recall that.  The men were three members of... God, some environmental committee, and the woman was merely because I was tired of men, at the time, and wanted someone soft.  Little did I know what I was getting into, because soft was the least of what she was.  But she wanted my suit and it wasn't like I didn't have others like it."


"Cracked me up, it did." He grinned and laced his fingers with his lovers. "I’m glad, though. I’m glad you don’t do that anymore." His voice had a wicked tinge. "Because as fun as tall women are.."


"You, my cricket, are much more fun, and all that I care to handle right now."  He used the laced fingers to tug his lover's arm over, indicating without words that he wanted Dominic sharing his couch instead of all the way over there alone.


Hee! Yay! Dominic bit into his cookie, taking a sip of milk before setting both on the coffee table. He kicked his own shoes off, not caring where they happened to land, and squirmed onto the couch with his lover, pressing in snugly and tight. The penthouse smelled clean, gorgeous, and all the airy, modern rooms made him sigh in pleasure. Beside the couch was an outstanding view of the entire city and the bay, and Dominic peeked over the couch a moment before snuggling in beside his lover and enjoying this view much, much better. "And shorter!"


Lionel linked his legs through Dominic's, arms around his lover's waist and clasped hands resting on Dominic's hip as he nuzzled softly at a tender ear.  "Mmm.  You're just the right size for me."


His grin was broad when he tipped his head up. "Funny, you're right about the perfect size for me." The soft music in the background only lulled him, his lovers mouth sated him, and he mumbled softly as he closed his eyes. "Mmmm. I’m comfy."


"Comfortable was the general plan," Lionel answered dryly, moving his mouth down the throat exposed to him by Dominic's bent neck.


"Dork." Lionel’s hair moved easily through his fingers as he stroked… then laced and held on, when his lover hit a little spot... the little spot. Right at the crook of his neck, where shoulder met throat, and his breath hitched as he mumbled a little curse. "Th... oh. Feels go... good."


"I am not a dork," Lionel protested as his teeth bit down on the little place, watching as Dominic's throat hitched.


"Oooh. N… not a dork, do that again." He whispered, as his fingers tightened, and his top leg slipped through both of Lionel’s, angling up to rub very gently against the covered crotch.


Lionel growled as Dominic's leg rubbed against him, and he bit down again, a little harder than before, then let his tongue lap gently at the bitten flesh, soothing the sting as his lips sucked at it, all working the same little spot at the base of his neck.


"Oh… Lionel… you neck s'good." Dominic groaned softly, arching at the bite and sighing as his own mouth worked its way over his lovers cheek... jaw, what he could reach, then his ear. He caught it between his teeth, the soft lobe, biting it before doing the same to the soft skin behind it, sucking a bruise from it as his arms tightened.


Lionel all but purred at the compliment, his mouth never leaving that sensitive spot.  His tongue licked around it, pressed down, slid along the little train of his shoulder, gently tongue-fucking the small crease of skin visible over his unbuttoned shirt collar, and then nosing the white fabric out of the way as he moved up to kiss and suck another bruised kiss from the sensitive flesh.


"Muh... uh.. mmph," Throatily moaned, arching against his lover and sucking harder... before around... down, catching his lovers tongue and mouth and pulling them into his own. Soft, heated, tongues meeting and lacing as their mouths melded, and he poured heat into this heady kiss, desire and comfort in it. He cupped the slender jaw in both palms, stroking the cheek bones that peaked from the newly re-grown hair, and pulled him in at another angle to do it all over again.


Lionel shifted onto the couch to lay flat on his back, Dominic splayed over him.  A large, warm hand slid into the deep V of open shirt to fondle and gently tweak a hard nipple.  His tongue thrust against Dominic's as they kissed, hand holding him close and stroking his face as his other busily teased pebbled flesh. 


Oh. Dominic loved pressing into his lover, being over him, and he took the control he wasn’t sure was handed to him willingly. His mouth peppered soft, tender kisses all over those cheeks and mouth, nose and throat, avoiding his forehead all together and moving down. Sucked, warm kisses from his throat, nimble fingers working Lionel's shirt open as his mouth ascended and sucked on the glinting nipple ring.


Probably the last time he got to be in charge for the night. Hee. Oh.


He moaned at the thought, pressing his growing heat into his lovers, and raspily laughed as he stroked bared skin, twining his fingers through the luscious hair. "You make out well." And back to his lovers neck, sucking and kissing as his knees pressed into the cushions around his lovers hips.


Lionel took Dominic's hands, brought them up to his wrists, and left them there as he raised his wrists over his head, and arched into his lover's hot mouth.  "You... inspire me to overachieve," he growled softly, panting and lifting, rubbing his cock against the hard organ pressed to his. 


He returned the soft kisses eagerly as he could, nipping his lover's shoulder, rubbing his cloth-covered leg over Dominic's firm backside, squeezing one hip as he wrapped the same leg around it.


His heart overflowed as his eyes latched onto his lovers, hope and love in them, and he was smiling as he thrust against him, holding onto those slender, strong wrists with strength of his own. His mouth trailed, neck to jaw to lips, biting there before flowing down his throat… his chest... and suddenly grinning a little, shyly. "Lionel?"


"Mmm... yes, Dominic?" he asked softly, rubbing against his lover.


"We can play later tonight?" His voice was softly hopeful, his fingers stroking down long arms, over his arm pits, down his chest to grasp his lovers sides and thrust gently against him.


"Oh... most definitely," Lionel said softly.  "It's why I brought you here instead of suggesting we go back to Smallville and come back in the morning."


"Okay. Then I can do something, and you won't kill me yet." He whispered, and he stroked his lovers sides… then down, around, between Lionel and the sofa cushions. He grasped his ass, hard, raising it up and squeezing as his tongue trailed and tickled the nipple ring.


God, he had a great ass.


"I won't kill you for anything that you do," Lionel purred, moving up with his lover in anticipation of what was to come.  "You can... do anything you like, in fact, and I won't kill you."  He spread his legs just a little, widening the space for his lover to slide into.


And he did. He slipped right into place, unbuttoning his lovers slacks and tugging them, and his boxers, slowly down his legs. He left them part way before back up, sliding the undone tie away and onto the floor, where it hit with a soft pat. The white shirt, next, each unbuttoned button inviting his tongue to taste the newly exposed flesh, until he could spread both and stroke his fingers over his lovers chest and belly. Strong, hard, tight... sexy.


Then down, down again, tongue trailing like fire until he reached his lovers cock. He gave it a gentle nudge with his lips… kissing the head very softly, and peppering tiny kisses down the long shaft.


"You... are an unmerciful tease," Lionel breathed softly, twisting with each tug of clothing and each touch of lips and tongue to his skin.  His hands slid inside Dominic's shirt, and in a fit of pique, he tore it.  Buttons went popping, and Lionel pushed the loose shreds off his shoulders.  "Now that is how you undress."


Oh. God. Dominic gasped, eyes wide as Lionel tore his shirt open. In any other circumstance, he would have laughed until his sides were sore, but oh... God. The hungry look in those soft brown eyes had the tease in him leaping out.


Dominic offered him a wicked, soft grin, and went back to his task. Soft kisses down the shaft… down, to the warm balls, where he licked and kissed each one.


And he kept going. Further, further now, until his tongue flickered against the hard, tiny hole, laving the puckered ridges as he pulled his lovers hips up just a little. He kissed all around it, softly, his goatee tickling it much like his lover had done to him. His fingers stayed on Lionel’s ass, supporting it, tugging it back when he wanted more... and finally, he covered his mouth over the entire area and sucked, hard.


Lionel braced himself on the couch with one hand, and the other wrapped around his cock loosely, stroking it as Dominic's tongue slid inside of him.  Shudders wracked through his body, causing the entire couch to tremble under him as he stroked roughly, no pattern to his strokes as he pushed against Dominic's tongue.  He let go of the couch and instead, slipped his fingers through the back of Dominic's hair, pressing him tighter, pushing the tongue deeper.


Nonoon. Not how this was going to work. He shook Lionel’s fingers free, biting the rim once for good measure, and kissed back up to his balls. He sucked each one into his mouth, nosing the base of his lovers cock, as he gently worked his mouthful with his tongue. Satisfied of it, he let them go and moved up, blowing hot, hot breath over the overeager cock and back up to his lovers belly button. Covered his mouth over it...and sucked.


Lionel was not happy to have his hands pushed away, and he growled softly, but arched into the suck on his bellybutton.  The growl turned into a placated, sated moan as his wet tongue licked, and he laced his hands behind his head, cradling his head with his intertwined fingers.  "D--Do with me what you want," he nodded softly.


"Want to fuck you." Dominic whispered around his belly button, traveling up to press hot, scalding kisses to each nipple. "Can’t... soon." He whispered, arching against the naked cock beneath him, and groaning. Hot, like fire underneath him in this quivering, lovely, alive man who took his breath away. And oh, he sighed. "Love you, my Lionel, my lovely. Love how you look at the world... love your temper. Love you even when you're a jerk. Love when you're happy... love your eyes, and your eyebrows, and here, this little freckle," He whispered, tongue said freckle right below the nipple ring now wet with his saliva.


"You can fuck me, but only if you know that I will exact my revenge for this slow torment when you're done," he promised evilly, his hands holding his lover's mouth to his nipples as a large, hot hand slipped down to stroke their cocks together.  "I love you, my cricket, my conscience.  I love you so much, you can't begin to imagine."


"Can imagine." He whispered, broken sighs escaping him. He caressed the skin in his reach and even that right out of it, stroking and loving his baby as he kissed him. "Same way I love you. Same way." And he arched... groaned, when Lionel’s long, gorgeous fingers slipped around the both of them. "Oh... b... but baby, still hurt?" He whispered, grunting and setting his forehead on Lionel’s collar bone as he squirmed into the touch, and tugged and pulled at the nipple ring.


"No, I'm fine," he whispered into his lover's mouth, kissing him hot and wet and hard, arching his nipple ring into Dominic's tugging fingers as his hand jerked both their cocks together.  He was shuddering, whimpering deep in his throat as he sucked passionate kisses from his lover's tongue, and suddenly his free hand came around and popped Dominic sharply on the ass, just once, then rubbed the firm backside as his hand slid up to hold him into the passionate kiss.


"GRAH!" He cried into his lovers mouth, gasping and bucking forward, their teeth clacking together as he arched. Fuck. Fuck. And. Fuck. The slap went straight to his groin, setting his fingers shaking as he began to peel his lover free of his clothing, struggling until they were gone, on the floor, away, his mouth streaking back down to suck at the hard little hole.


He wormed his way inside, stroking his tongue in as his fingertips pressed the spot between his balls and beneath his shaft, pressing into it with his thumb as he stroked and thrust his tongue inside. Okay. A little eager? Possibly. Oh, but he hadn’t had sex this way in months, and he ached.


Lionel arched roughly, legs wrapping around Dominic's ribs and pulling him up, harder and deeper into his opening.  "If... if you don't... if you don't fuck me, Dominic... I'm going to... kill you.  Bury you... in the bathroom."  He grunted, arching into the pressing finger.


Dominic laughed, breathlessly, muffled against his lover and vibrating along that shallow tunnel as he nearly fell off the couch. "Slicker. Gotta... gotta f-find... be right back, baby, I gotta…" He nodded, hard, climbing to his feet albeit shakily and rushing to the bathroom.


Retiled since they were last here. Nice. Not that he didn’t give it more then a cursory glance and opened the cabinet. Inside were two little bottles of KY, and he snagged one, making sure it was full, before walking, have clothed, slacks on one hip and falling off the other, one sock off and one on, and jumping back on the couch with a grin.


Lionel's hands gripped him tightly as soon as he was on the couch, pulling him and adjusting him into position, hands shoving down the slacks completely off his hips, his own legs spread wide in open invitation.  "You do know I could care bloody less about the lubricant right about now?" he panted quietly. 


"Yep." And he was still grinning, giddy and delighted, as he squeezed some out onto his fingers and slid down and below his lovers balls. A single finger gently pressed in, and he set the bottle beside them as he grasped one of his lovers hands gently... rubbing his belly with both their hands as he moved. "Been too long, baby, since you... hurt yourself."


Lionel didn't try to pull his hands away as his lover rubbed them gently.  "Yes... it has been... but I'm fine now."  He spread his thighs further, lifting his ass and thrusting down, taking more of Dominic's finger inside of him.  "And never enough like this."


"Want to... oh." Dominic swallowed hard, and panted softly as his finger lipped inside full length. He rubbed softly at the walls, searching for the small gland, his eyes closing to a half mast as he kissed his lovers spread legs. Calf to thigh, licking and sucking tiny, hard bruises from the tender flesh.


"Want to--Dominic!"  Lionel's entire body jerked hard as his probing finger found what it was searching for, and his legs' grip around Dominic's body tightened.  "Want to--to what, love?  Anything... just as long as you're inside me."


"W...want to ride me? Or...get on your hands and knees." Softly asked with a moan at the end as his hazy, blurred vision slipped up to his lover. Every cry, every gasp, every cut off moan was pleasure right to his brain, and he ached to keep his lover doing that all night long.


"Hands and knees," Lionel gritted out.  "Ride you... ride you later... when you're chained down, can't move, and hard as a rock for me, begging me to fuck you... then I'll ride you," he promised.  He tugged Dominic up for a hard kiss, and then rolled carefully off the couch, propping his upper body on the cushions as he presented his ass to his lover.


Oh God.


The mental image was enough to have him leaning down, and biting the back of Lionel’s shoulder, hard. Enough to leave a mark, leave his excitement imprinted on his lover as he climbed off the couch as well. He pushed the coffee table out of the way and slipped in a second finger into that gorgeous ass, trying to distract himself from coming by gazing at his lovers long, strong back, and the way his hair fell against the back of his neck just so. So gorgeous, so easy to burry his face in it as he arranged his knees along Lionel’s legs and stroked his fingers in and out… stretching his beloved, and scratching his nails along the outside.


Lionel rocked back against the stretching finger, making wordless noises of want and need as he hungrily took every inch that was pressed into him.  He felt Dominic's face buried in his hair and he leaned his head back, rubbing it against his lover's face gently.  One hand slid up to tug the pierced nipple and he could feel his muscles tightening around Dominic's fingers as he tugged.  "Can you... can you hurry, please?  I need you, Dominic, need you so much."


"Hurrying. Want to be gentle, beloved, gentle with you... you're my lovely man, don’t want to be rough." He whispered it, softly, mindlessly, stroking his fingers until he could feel his lovers resistance give way, and wiped his fingers on his pants before lacing with Lionel’s on the cushions itself. "I love you. I love you, goin' t'make love with you, don' want you to hurt." He whispered, and positioned himself slowly...before entering, just as slowly.


He felt the entrance to his lovers small sheath open....admit him, and he ground out a dark, long grunt of need. Enveloping, breeching, sex. God, how Dominic adored being with his lover.


The deepening of Dominic's accent as he whispered to him only turned Lionel on more, made him want deeper because he knew--he knew--that the thicker accent meant the thickening of emotions as well.  He wanted to feel Dominic buried inside of him, wanted to be one with him again.  "I love you, Dominic, my Jiminy, my beloved, so much," he whispered back, head arched to rub his cheek against Dominic's as their fingers held tightly together. 


Then, when Dominic breached him gently... a dark, guttural moan as Lionel thrust back, enveloping the shaft as quickly as he could on the thrust, pulling Dominic forward by their linked hands.


The wail was not of his doing. No way could Dominic have suppressed it, not when Lionel pushed back and accepted him, and the second, sobbing cry erupted from him when he realized he was buried to the hilt inside of the inferno of his lovers body.  He shuddered, grasping, and pulling Lionel’s hands with him, wrapped around Lionel’s chest and held on, tightly, face as close to his lovers as it could be.


His balls were pressed tight to Lionel’s body, their bodies shaking there on the warm couch, and it was in his power to take the shakes away and make them moans. So slowly... tenderly, he began to rock, hips pulling back as he held his lover protectively, before back up, thrusting easy and gentle.


Lionel rubbed his back against Dominic's chest, moving one set of linked fingers to his nipple ring, tugging it gently and letting his lover feel the resulting throb of his passage.  A whimper as Dominic pulled out, and then a soft cry of pleasure as he pushed back in, and Lionel moved with his lover, rocking in tandem, kissing their intertwined fingers, sucking them gently, and keening Dominic's name lowly.


Dominic rocked, softly, intending to keep it warm and gentle love making, even as his body screamed in pleasure. Easy and sweet, the kind they'd had in this same spot months before, and it made Dominic grin as he slipped out, almost all the way, before pushing back in. A little harder. A little faster. And his voice was in Lionel’s ear. "Must… lik'is... spot." He grunted, one set of fingers dipping low on his lovers belly and grasping his erection, even as Dominic set his head on Lionel’s shoulder so he could watch what he was doing to his lover.


Lionel's brain was so awash in pleasure it took him a few moments to figure out what Dominic was talking about, and then he remembered the sun's hot rays on his body, the gentle twist of his body as Dominic had entered him for the first time ever, the gentle worship of his body as though he'd never known a lover's touch--and he hadn't.  "My--my lover," Lionel said softly.  "first time... ever made love to me here."  He surged back against his lover, thrusting his cock into Dominic's fist. 


Dominic tightened the sheath his fingers made, whispering mindlessly as he thrust and moved, cock entering and pulling back, entering and pulling back. Hot pleasure licked up his spine with each movement, clenching his jaw and sending goosebumps all over his body as he whispered. "You were s'soft… so wonderful, shakin' li' it was your first time, 'nd it was. Fell s'deepleh in love with you, right there a-and then."


"Oh, God," Lionel moaned, knowing he said it out loud as he shifted his hips.  "The--yes, first time, first time I'd been made love to, I'm so glad it was you, Dominic, so glad, so glad," he chanted softly.  He pushed back and forward, not sure which direction he wanted more, and another shift of his hips brought Dominic's cock rubbing against his prostate.  "L--love you so much, Jiminy... love... love your voice when you talk like this!"


"Love you when your' shakin' like this." He whispered, mindless, stroking against his lovers prostate now that he'd found the angle, and his free fingers reached up and stroked Lionel’s ring, chest, throat.... lips. He arched and took his lovers mouth, kissing him blindly as he sped up. Harder, now, faster, solid thrusts in and out that were sending pleasure through his brain like he hadn’t felt in so long. Responsive, beautiful man below him, accepting each thrust, and he realized in a corner of his brain that he'd forgotten to slick himself but it didn’t matter because this was so good and he could barely breathe through it as he went faster, jacking his lovers cock harder and wailing into his mouth.


That just brought more shudders as he trembled in Dominic's arms, and he cried out with each stroke to his prostate.  His sheath clamped tightly around Dominic, sliding back against him and thrusting into the tight fist that wrapped around his cock.


The hard vibration of Dominic's cry in his mouth was the trigger, and it shot all the way through him as his cock twitched, then his entire body stiffened, locking his muscles in place as he came hard, forcing the hot jets of semen out of his body and into his love's stroking hand.


"Love you, love you, love you, love you," Dominic chanted mindlessly, thrusting in as far as he could and he came. Brilliantly, sweet sex bringing back a sweeter orgasm, and he groaned in pleasure and triumph as the climax shook him down to his toes. He worked the orgasm from his lovers body as Lionel’s body forced it from his, and he was shaking in pleasure as he let a breathy, soft sigh fall from him.


Completely sating, gorgeous, beautiful love...and it satisfied him on a level that nothing else could bring. "Mmmmm."


Lionel leaned back for just a moment, pressing himself against the length of Dominic's body, and then flattened himself on the floor, inviting his lover to rest against him.  "I second that Mmmmm, beloved."


Dominic followed right after him, tugged by his lovers body by his embedded dick, and he rolled and cradled him in his arms. He pulled his Lionel against, spooning him tightly and protectively, and sighed in rich pleasure. "'s gooooood." He mumbled against his cheek, his hair, kissing him softly and sighing deeply.


"It's very good."  He ran his hands over Dominic's, nestling into the warmth offered by his lover's protective clasp.  "And just what I needed, to recover from that horrid, horrid dinner."  But his face was softened with a wide grin.  "There's a surprise for you in the freezer," he continued, squeezing Dominic's cock once with his muscles. 


He grunted quietly, burying his face in his lovers hair, hiding there for a moment as he fought to catch his breath. "Wasn' bad? Was good?" He murmured, his heart fluttering in panic that it hadn’t been good, and he stroked a strong, sturdy hip protectively.


"No, no, no... Dominic... it was... better than the first time, even."  He clasped Dominic's hand to his hip.  "It's never, never bad with you."


"Good. Good." He whispered. "I w… want you to feel good, whenever… whenever I... I want you to feel good." Masculinity in tact, however, and he grinned and rose up on one elbow, to look down at him. "Surprise?"


Lionel reached up and caught Dominic's face between his hands, forcing his lover's eyes onto his.  "YOU feel good to me, Dominic... whether nestled inside me like this, sheathing my cock in your ass, or sucking me down your throat, or holding me in the night.  YOU feel good to me, and there is NOTHING that you can do that would NOT feel good to me.  I want you to understand that... know that."  He rubbed the bristly cheeks with his thumb.  "Yes, a surprise.  Something I know you're quite fond of."


Okay. He felt better. Dominic’s face broke into a grin and he leaned down to press a kiss to his lovers nose, mouth.. .chin, and mouth again, kissing him softly and cradling him close as his softening cock gave a little thrust. "I know. its been so long... I didn’t want to hurt you on the inside, when you're still healing." A nod, and he kissed his lovers jaw gently. "I love you. You're the light of m'life. Waking up with you, and seeing you choose the colors to paint your day is my greatest gift. Sometimes it's black… sometimes i's blue. A lot of the time its white, and red, and pink, and green. But just watching y'do it… its the joy of my life.  Now. Unfinished business. Freezer. Surprise. Something I love." He pursed his lips and thought.


Lionel kissed the softly pursed lips.  "Mmhmm."


"It's not liver, is it?" He made a goofy face at him. "My mother's been trying to shove it down my throat for the past month."


"No, because you don't like liver."  Lionel kissed his lover's nose.  "This is something I know you like."


And he followed right back with kissing his lower lip, nipping at it softly. "It wouldn’t be... oh... I don’t cream, would it?" And oh, his entire body vibrated with glee and pleasure.


"I don't know, but it might be."


An unmanly whoop, and he slipped out of his lover, kissing him fiercely, and padding from the carpet to the tile, yelping at the cold as he walked quite nakedly into the kitchen that separated the living room with a kitchen island, much like his own. "Ice creaaam... come on... YES!" He bellowed, and he held up his surprise even as he rummaged for spoons. "Rocky Road! How did you know?"


Lionel pushed himself up on his elbow and snickered.  Loudly.  "Could it be because I have seen you eating it time and again?  Or perhaps that you gazed lovingly and longingly at the half gallon of it Lex had purchased for Clark?"


"Oh, God, I thought I was going to have to fight the farm boy for it." Spoons found, and Dominic hopped from foot to foot until he could scurry back to the carpet, treasure in hand, and offered his hand as he balanced the spoons on top. "Don’t laugh at me, you'll see how good it is." A giggle as he set the freezing bucket of it, Ben and Jerry’s mmmmmm, on his hip.


"Where are we going?" Lionel asked, pulling himself to his feet and using Dominic's weight to counterbalance as he rose.


"To bed. What, you think you can eat ice cream in the living room?" he snorted, loudly, and looked at their spread clothes… considered picking them up… then shook his head and grasped his lovers hand, pulling it through the loop of his elbow as he led the way. "Ice cream requires beds, fluffy pillows, and a movie of some sort on the tellie, I swear."


"There's requirements to eating ice cream?" Lionel snorted as he followed his lover.  "Silly me, I thought you merely purchased and consumed it."


"No! BLASPHEMER!" Dominic cried, gasping at his lover like he'd just committed a cardinal sin though his eyes danced.


"Off with my head," came the droll reply, as Lionel's eyes rolled.


"Which one? I’m sure the other ones almost blown off a few times." Came the sweet reply, as they entered the bedroom.


Oh. Memories, like a bulldozer, swept over him. Fucking, screaming for God and mercy as pleasure had rocked through his body harder then he'd ever known. Dominic swallowed around a suddenly dry throat, coughing softly, and pulling his lover in.


"Get your mind out of the gutter, Dominic," Lionel chastised softly.  "The top one, of course."  He caught the soft cough and smiled.  "Memories or anticipation?"


"Both." He whispered...then glared at his lover. "Don’t read my body language." He wagged a finger at him, then jumped on the bed, grinning as it jumped up and down. "C'mon. Movie in order, and ice cream. You'll like it, I swear... there’s not a soul on earth who doesn’t."


"If you don't want me reading it, don't scream it so loud."  Lionel nipped the wagging finger, and then watched as Dominic bounced on the bed like an exuberant puppy.  "Dare I ask what movie?  Or shall I simply be surprised?"  He walked in a more stately manner over to the bed, and smoothly rolled into his side of it.


Dominic wriggled up higher on the bed, sitting Indian style and setting the cold bucket between his legs, peeling off the lid without looking as he flipped on the television in the corner. "Whatever might be on, at," He leaned over, waaaay over his lover, and peered at the clock. "Twelve thirty."


Lionel caught him as he leaned over, tucking Dominic comfortably against his side.  "And whatever decent would be on at half past midnight?"


He chuckled and nodded, curling up next to him, dipping the spoon in, and offering it to his lover. "C'mon. Open up. If you don’t like it, you can cosh me about in the brains."


"I told you before, the first time we lay together in this bed in fact, that I detest ice cream because of the sickening sweetness."


"You also said you'd never eat at any place so underhandedly named McDonald’s," Dominic chided, and instead slipped the spoon between his own lips and sucked the chocolate off. A marshmallow amidst the chocolately goodness, and he sighed in deep, deep pleasure, groaning in giddiness as he squirmed and ate another spoonful. Same way... sucked off the metal spoon, lick by lick, happily watching as his lover flipped channels.


Lionel steadfastly ignored the groans, squirms, slurps and sucks coming from the other side of the bed.  He dialed swiftly through the news and weather channels, all the other networks.  He paused briefly on Brigadoon, as it had been one of Lillian's favorite movies, and passed it by in the next second.  He flipped through seven HBO feeds, three Cinemax feeds, six Showtime feeds, and finally found The Lord of the Rings on Starz.  "This looks to be the best of the meager offerings out there," he said, tossing down the remote.


He was still happily eating, propped up on pillows... and he sat back up again, getting comfortable as he ate the best. Thing. In. The. World. There'd been a while in his twenties when he'd survived on Rocky Road ice cream, as he'd been too tired, lazy, and depressed to actually make food.


He dubbed it, food speaking, the best time of his life.


And he chuckled at the mental thought of it, as he watched Aragorn and the blond guy gaze adoringly at one another.


Lionel, meanwhile, watched his lover.


Watched as Dominic found a comfortable position, watched closely as his lover's lips closed around the spoon and sucked it clean, watched as Dominic's tongue snaked out and caught the drips at the corner of his mouth and over his lips. 


Lionel despised ice cream, but began to think he could love watching his lover consume it.


Oh, he was in seventh heaven. A quarter of the bucket was already done, and he peered into it, looking for more almonds. None. Dammit, probably buried at the bottom of the bucket.


Oh well.


He ate another marshmallow happily, watching one of his favorite movies, and really, who could say no to ice cream, gay guys, and his lover? Really? That was, until he noticed his lover watching him, and he had the spoon in backwards, sucking it as he dragged it down and put it back in the bucket. "What?"


"Nothing, just watching you."  Lionel had his head propped up on his hand as he watched.


Dominic grinned at him. "I’m eating ice cream, darling, not a bucket of pig innards. I promise, its not toxic." He offered it again.


"That has to be the most disgusting imagery I've ever had the misfortune to encounter," Lionel said with a disgusted grimace.


"Heh! Be glad you didn’t grow up with me, then, beloved." He chuckled wickedly. "We used to taunt one another with fairly disgusting things in pig Latin while eating supper. Mama used to bellow at us, but that’s how I got such a strong stomach." He grinned again and scooped more up, sucking it from the spoon and wriggling it on his tongue.


Lionel moved fast for a man of his age, sealing his mouth against his lover's and licking every taste of ice cream off the wiggling, teasing tongue.  It was still sickeningly sweet, but pleasantly creamy combined with his lover's taste.


Oh, God. The spoon fell somewhere, and he had an instant to react before Lionel’s mouth sealed over his. He moaned, hard, grasping Lionel’s face... his hair, and kissing back and offering his mouth for the licks… the tastes, gasping in shock as he swallowed some of it down when it slid to the back of his throat.


Yes, well, his skin was properly goosebumped now, wasn’t it?


Lionel's tongue devoured his lover's hard, sucking, licking, nipping and biting until all he could taste again was his lover, and he released Dominic with a teasing lick to his bottom lip.  "I still don't like it."


And he left Dominic in a gasping, shuddering puddle, frozen as his eyes boggled from his head, and he gazed at his lover in shock. Holy crap. "I... L..." His voice cracked and he cleared it gruffly, picking his spoon back up, having not taken his gaze from Lionel’s, and put it in the ice cream... scooping some up, and sliding it into his mouth with trembling hands.


Lionel reached over, snagged the spoon from his lover's trembling, unresisting hand, and grinned.  Dipping it back into the carton, Lionel scooped out a meticulous spoonful of ice cream, and then lifted it to Dominic's mouth, pressing it softly against his lips.


He opened his mouth, accepting the cold cream in... and this one didn’t have any chunky goodness in it. So really, it was perfect to suck Lionel’s finger into his mouth, eyes rolling closed as he squirmed his talented little tongue around that finger, sucking hard on it as he swallowed him to the root, and swallowed around that thick, gorgeous digit.


Lionel's free hand came up to the back of his lover's neck, holding his head still as Lionel's finger slid in and out between red lips, almost like a blow job to his finger as he kept thrusting, slowly at first and then faster.


Dominic moaned around that digit, lips sealing around it as he looked up into his lovers eyes with renewed want, interest, temptation... sucking harder at those warm fingers until he let them slip away, and he reached up to kiss his lover again.


Lionel pulled him forward, into the hot, smooth kiss, wet fingers slipping down to pinch a nipple, roll it carefully before tugging it out just a little and letting it snap back against Dominic's chest.


"Grah!" He cried into his lovers mouth... though it wasn’t of pleasure. "GRAH!" He pushed at his lover's shoulder and barely kept a handle on the squeal.


The ice cream, as fun as it was, was not nice on his hardening cock.


The cold bucket had pressed in niiice and tight and he grunted, pushing it away as he squirmed and let out a hiss through his teeth, eyes narrowing. "Oh. Cold."


Lionel had to laugh.  Deep, baritone peals of laughter rolled out of him as the mood was completely, totally shattered to bits.


"Its not funny!" Dominic wailed, though… okay, it was pretty funny, but hello, HIS cock had been up against FREEZING ice cream! Hello! He could have been… damaged! Or something! "It was cold!" He cried.


"I know how to solve that."  Without another word, Lionel leaned over and sucked Dominic's cold, abused cock into his hot, wet mouth.


"GRAH!" And this time, his cry was pure, gorgeous pleasure. He gasped, threw his head back and propped an arm behind him as he kept his legs loosely crossed and had... his lover, oh fuck. His free fingers wound into Lionel’s hair, moaning harshly as he was sucked and soothed. Oh, yes.


Lionel closed his eyes, working his tongue around the shaft, teasing the vein along the length as his lips tugged at the underside of the head.  His teeth nipped delicately at the base, then dragged up the length with just enough pressure to be felt.  His hand came and rolled Dominic's balls together, stroking them gently.


"Lionel… Lionel…" He whimpered, loudly, sharply, throwing his head back as his lover sucked. Oh, God. Oh, God. He felt the mouth, hot as an inferno, working over him in warming strokes and his body shook from head to toes. Even his hair stood on end, skin goosebumping as he moaned, working his hips up just a little and whimpering. God, he wished he was in chains.


He didn't look up in answer to the call of his name, only sucked harder, and then let his fist wrap around the wet shaft and pump hard as his lips tugged at the head over and over again.


Then, with a slightly evil grin, Lionel twisted his lover's balls.




"GRAAAAAAAH!" He screamed, on top of his lungs, unable to be helped as a spike of pain raced up his spine, and his erection began to wilt. "AH! AH!"


"You don't come until I say, beloved."  But in remorse for the hard twist, Lionel soothed his lover's heaving chest with licks and kisses.  "I am sorry I hurt you."


"Oh, holy fuck," Dominic moaned, hard, laying back on the wide bed and panting as he struggled to get his mind off the orgasm track. "Mmph… I’m fine..." His curved lips certainly said so. "Just shocked me. No coming until you say, got it."


"Good."  He licked each nipple once, and then settled back on the bed.  "Now finish your ice cream."


"Ice cream?" There was… oh." He slowly sat back up, trembling as he took back the bucket from hell that had nearly castrated him, and slowly, with a tight belly, began to eat it again as he watched his lover with hawked eyes.


Lionel deliberately didn't pay attention to his lover, instead watching the movie--which he could have cared less about--and made conversation.  "You realize, of course, Sauruman is a fool."


"Who? ...Oh." Dominic looked back to the TV, barely seeing it, and swallowed. "An idiot. Yes. I agree. His hair, also, very girly, not at all cute."


"He believes Sauron will spare him."  Lionel shook his head.  "If Sauron gets the Ring, then he will destroy his allies first, so none are powerful enough to oppose him."


He nodded.  "And with the elves departing for Valinor, then there's no one left in Middle Earth with enough power to fight them."


"The humans do. Fight. Or something. I can't really follow you, darling, the bloods pooled in my groin and I’m having trouble focusing." He said matter of factly, eating more ice cream. "They’re all gay, you realize."


Lionel laughed again.  "Yes, I gathered that."


"Aragorn, though, he's a handsome guy. I wouldn’t mind if he came and kinged me." Said of course, innocently. "The blond guy? Gayer then a flying fuck. Come on, honestly. What man is that pretty?"


A serious look flitted over Lionel's face, and he touched Dominic's cheek softly.  "You are."


Dominic. Just. Glared.


"Not effeminate, Jiminy," Lionel reassured him.  "But you are beautiful."


Better. He brightened, and reached up to hug him, softly. "You are the most of the lot of us. So beautiful, and I do love you so."


Lionel left his arms around his lover, holding him tightly.  "I love you, my cricket."  He rubbed Dominic's back gently.  "You know... I have an idea."


And after a minute, he let go of his ice cream bucket, put it on the floor, and curled under the blankets. He stretched out, warming his cold belly by, you know, snuggling up to Lionel and his pillow, scooting back into the warm arms and sighing softly. "What idea?"


Lionel mouthed the back of Dominic's shoulder very gently for a moment.  "What, precisely, do you have planned for Sunday?"


"Well, lets see." He paused, teasingly, to think. "Nine o’clock, wake up. Coerce you into sleepy morning sex. Ten thirty...get up, make coffee. More sex, on the kitchen counter, because really, it was made for fucking." Innocently. "Ten fifty, make waffles and eat. Noon... tie you up, and tease you until you scream. Two thirty, run down the street to McDonalds for French fries and Big Macs. Four o’clock, watch "Braveheart". Its coming on TNN, you know. Six thirty, have wild sex with you in the living room, because don’t you think I haven’t seen the hooks for the sex swing," He chided it. "Eight fifteen, back to the bedroom... to pack up our things, and coerce you into more sex." He sighed, dramatically. "I’m booked, darling."


"How about... seven thirty, wake up... eight o'clock, pack a small bag.  eight fifteen, leave for the airport.  Eight thirty, take the LuthorCorp jet to Rome, take a quick sail to Venice, get married, stay until Monday afternoon, and fly home?"


His heart skipped. Twice. Tears filled his eyes, much to his horror, but he gazed up at his lover as his mouth trembled open. His throat worked, hard, and his chin was trembling when he spoke. "I think we can work that in." He whispered, and grasping his lovers hair, pulled him down for a hard, shaking kiss.


Lionel's hands caught Dominic to him, stroking sweetly over his body, caressing his face just as gently as their kiss was hard and rough.  "You really think so?"


He pressed his lips together, hard, and nodded many times, holding him tightly to him as his chin trembled. "Yes. Right now, this minute, you've made me the happiest person in the world." He whispered, touching those slender cheeks, that crooked nose, those soft lips. "I love you, so much."


"Do you love me enough to get dressed, while I roust Jacques out of bed to open the store for us to choose our rings?"


He laughed out loud, though it was half whisper and half laugh, nodding and rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands, sniffling softly, and sitting up, his grin breaking his face. "We don’t have to, baby."


Lionel's eyebrows elevated to his hairline.  "Morgan Dominic Senatori... have you been planning something behind my back?"  His voice was completely shocked, in a very teasing sort of way.


"No... well, kind of, but no." He squirmed from the bed, and walked over to the suit cases they'd brought for the weekend. He leaned down on his knees, opening his and rooting around in one of the side pockets until he came out with a tiny leather and gold box, and he brought it back over, plopping on the mattress. "This... this is why I wanted to go antiquing. I was giving you a clue, but whoosh, right over your head." Dominic grinned, and squirmed close, as close as he could without crawling into his lovers skin, and cracked open the leather.


Inside sat two, simple, but beautiful, masculine wedding bands. They were old, very old, but sturdy as he picked one up, and his voice was low as he spoke. "One is my Da's. My mother kept it, because she said when he died, he wanted me to have it. He knew, even then, that I wasn’t after the little girls... and he gave it to her, for me. For..." He swallowed, and gazed up at his lover. "For the person who would join me in my life. I've had it for a very, very long time.... it was made in the thirties." He nodded, and picked up the other one. "This one, its got the same design, you see? I found it in Coast City last month, and I recognized the design… I had to have it."


"I'm a clueless idiot," Lionel agreed softly, and ran his fingers over the bands.  "Your father's?  That's... Dominic, they're beautiful."  He stroked the designs gently with his fingertips, feeling the carvings.  "I love them; they're simply perfect."


"I didn’t... did you want to choose them?" Dominic looked up at him, swallowing and shifting a little. "I wasn’t sure... I just liked them. They have meaning... we have meaning."


"No.  I don't.  I like these, Dominic... I love these, in fact."  He closed both their hands around the box.  "These are special to you; they're meaningful to me because you would give me something that belonged to your father, and truly make me a part of your family and your life.  I could not have chosen a better, more meaningful pair of bands if I had looked for the rest of my life."


Dominic reached over him, and laced his arms tightly around his lover, pulling him in so he could hug him. "Christ, I love you. I couldn’t love you more then I do right now. We're... Lionel, when we go home, we're going to be married. I love you. I love you, so very much, and threes nothing that could ever truly show you how I do."


"Don't worry, Dominic... I know how much."  He pulled one hand down to his chest.  "Right here, I know.  Despite my insecurities and my fears... I know it, inside here.  Where I thought no one else would ever reach again, I hold you."


"Good." And he grinned, hiding his wet eyes into his shoulder. "Good. I’m it. And I'll now have free reign to beat people if they so much as look at you twice." But he chuckled, looking up at him and cupping his cheeks. "I love you... I’m so happy. I swear, I'll be a good husband. ...Most of the time."


"And I'll be a good husband to you... I will even go so far as to promise to keep Rocky Road in the freezer for you, though I will not be caught dead in the grocery store, ever again."


A moment. Staring. Until he could finally croak, "You were in the grocery store?" ...And he burst out laughing, and fell backwards on the sheets, howling. The image of Lionel, in his three thousand dollar suits, peering at Hagaan Daaz and Breyers nearly made him fall off the bed. "Oh! Oh, great Christ! Oh, God!"


"How else do you think it appeared?" Lionel groused.  "The Ice Cream Fairy struck this dwelling off her list decades ago."


"You... did... did you h-have a shopping cart?" Oh, God, and the image made him laugh all the harder, tugging his lover down over him to kiss the pout away, as much as he could.


"Thank you, no I did not.  I merely walked into the frozen section, which was an adventure unto itself, studied the selection carefully, chose what looked the most familiar, and went through the horrid checkout line."


He was going to need an oxygen max. He was absolutely tickled at the image, and he was still cracking up as he wound his legs around his lovers hips and kept him close. "What did the... the check out girl say??"


"Nothing; she was too busy staring at me.  I had to snap at her three times before she could ring it up, and do you realize what a god-awful production it was to get my change?"


Dominic threw his head back and just about died. He could picture Lionel, snarling at her, the girl quaking like a leaf, and he was just laughing until his sides ached and tears ran down the sides of his face.


"Imagine a functional facility that has such trouble making change for a simple purchase.  I stood for ten minutes while this idiot of a girl had to get the manager of the bloody store to open the safe!"  He raised his eyebrow at his hysterical lover.  "So happy that you find my travails amusing."


"Oh, my GOD!" Dominic kept right on laughing, at least five straight minutes, until he gasped, gulping in air and choking. "M-my god, how much d-did you give her!?"


"A simple one hundred dollar bill."


If Lionel hadn’t been over him, pressing in close, Dominic would have fallen off the bed laughing. He cracked up all over again, pressing his face into Lionel’s shoulder as he died, all over again, laughing until he couldn’t anymore.


"Dominic Senatori, what is so incredibly amusing about a store not being able to break a single one hundred dollar bill without so much fuss and chaos?"


"For ice cream?!" He cried, laughing helplessly at his incredulous face, rubbing at his aching sides as he panted for breath. "Oh, good Christ, oh, God, that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard."


"It was the smallest bill I carry!"


"Darling," He was still gasping for breath, and giggling helplessly. "Darling, beloved, when you marry me, learn to carry smaller."


"You seriously do not expect me to walk around with thousands of dollars in small bills on my person, do you?"


He grinned, broadly. "How about just a five, for me?"


"Absolutely not.  It was a mere fluke, in fact, that I had fifties in my wallet the other day at that horrible Denny's you forced me to eat at."


"It wasn’t so bad." he was still grinning, and pressing soft kisses to his lovers face. "Come on, it was alright."


"I shall only return there under duress."


"And if I beg prettily?"


"That I will consider duress."


Hee! He was so in love. "Come on, call it being worldly. Sandine’s too Denny's, Liberache's to McDonalds." He motioned a hand and nodded sagely. "We're opening up new eatery horizons."


"Being worldly.  No, beloved, being worldly is being able to order from Sandine's menu because you can read French.  Which, by the way, I know you can."


Innocent. Blink. "I didn’t want them to feel bad."


"Mmmhmm.  Leaving Felicia and I to be the only ones who spoke it."


"Of course. Ethan was quite impressed." And at that, he giggled and undulated his hips very softly against his lover, as he rubbed the ends of the hair hanging down over his neck.


"Whatever does a woman like Felicia see in a man like that?"


"He's sweet. Has a big heart." Dominic nodded and his lips curved, watching his lover. "She's strong willed. She needs a big softy."


"Ah, yes, strong willed.  That is one word for it, yes.  Perhaps I need to take lessons from her."  His arms looped around Dominic's waist tightly.  "For I seem to have been turned into a... what is it again, a softy?"


"Uh huh." And it pleased Dominic on every level. "I think you were a closet softy, all along."


A light slap to Dominic's firm backside.  "I was never a softy."


He gasped, and chuckled wickedly, nodding up at him, deep green eyes staring into chocolate brown. "No, darling, I’m afraid you always were. Except when you scared me half to death, but even then."


"I was not.  I had half of the Eastern seaboard quivering in fear last year at the Yachting Association’s meeting when I threatened to buy out every one of them and throw them to the sharks."


"Oh, come on. I sucked you off, after that, and you were shaking like a leaf. ...Though, thinking back, it might have been in rage." Dominic peered up at him, daring him to deny it as his mouth reached up, tongue tracing the shape of his lovers mouth before grinning. "Though they certainly believed it."


"And I would have done it, if someone hadn't taken it upon himself to relieve my stress level."


"See, now I’m good at that." He chuckled it, eyes dancing. "You were quite sated, if I remember."


"Yes, yes, I was.  Quite calm, and I might say you single-handedly saved those people from a watery grave as shark snacks."  He sighed, and held his beloved close.  "I will go with you to Denny's anytime that you like.  But I am not a softie."


"Mmmhmm." Keep believing that, sugar. "Not a softy at all. Nope. No one can say Lionel Luthor is a softy. ...Except me." He punctuated the words with another chuckle and a soft thrust, his dick screaming for him to do something, even as he talked with his lover. ""


"No.  Not until I say, and I haven't given you permission."  Payback is a bitch, isn't it, Jiminy? he thought smugly.


He pouted. Big eyes, little lip sticking out, looking pitiful. "Why not? What did I do??"


"You're an unmerciful tease.  You teased me earlier, and now, I'm teasing you.  But that aside... do I really need a reason?"


"No." He giggled. "What did I tease you about? So I can make sure to do it again?" And he teased now, undulating his hips softly against his lovers, rubbing hardening cocks together as his fingers danced down his back.


Lionel reached down with his hand, caught their cocks together, jacked them once, and then rolled away.  "Dominic... keep going, and you'll be punished."


"I know." He groaned, then rolled his head to look at his lover. "Are you gonna let me come soon?" Soft begging, following to lick and nip at a delicious shoulder.


"No."  A sharp, no longer playful slap to his lover's ass.  "In fact... you may not get to come until after the wedding... and you belong to me."


Dominic gasped… moaned again, and lay back, looking at him and tipping his head. "What is it that you want, sir?" And he rubbed his ass, where Lionel had slapped, rubbing the heat away.


Lionel leaned over and slapped again.  "I didn't tell you to touch that, did I?"


He gasped, shook his head, and ducked his head submissively. "No, I’m sorry, sir. What is it that you want from me?"


"All of you.  Everything that you are... I want you, Dominic."


"You already have me." He whispered, gazing at him and aching to touch, but he'd said no, and he wouldn’t until he was told.


God, it was hot.


"Then I can do... anything I want to with you?"


"Just don’t hang me upside down." Dominic nodded at his lover, and his eyes danced. "Everything else, you can do."


Lionel stroked Dominic's face gently.  "I won't."  He kissed his love softly, delicately, touching him.  "Put your arms over your head."


"Do you want me at the top of the bed, sir?" He asked, as they were lounged sideways near the bottom, on the enormous mattress. "Or stay here?"


"Stay right where you are.  I'll move you later.  For now, just do as I've told you."


"Okay." He rose his arms over his head, laying flat on the blankets and biting his lip. His heart was hammering, his eyes were peaked with interest, and he fought not to squirm.


Lionel leaned over the foot of the bed, picking up the cuffs and the chains that remained on the bed from the last time.  Quick motions, and Dominic's wrists were cuffed together, chained to the bottom of the bed.  Then, without a word, Lionel straddled his lover's chest.  But instead of shoving his cock down Dominic's throat--which indeed was his first instinct--he leaned over, pressing feathery kisses over his forehead, over closed eyes, over his cheeks.


Sudden, instant movement, and he'd gasped in fear and arousal until... until those soft lips had started stroking over his face. His forehead, to each eye, his cheeks, and he tugged experimentally just once at the chains that had stuck his hands together, gasping softly as he angled his face into the warm kisses.


Lionel smiled into warm lips as he kissed them, just as softly as he'd kissed everything else, then moved his mouth down, over an arched throat with trailing, nipping bites before licking up a stretched shoulder, and then kisses up the bound left arm.


Okay. Soft kissing, in any other situation, was more then welcome. Pleasant, lovely, arousing. Now, though... it frightened him deliciously, because as much as he loved them, there was something coming. He could feel it, and he moaned softly, watching his lover kiss up his arm with soft, slow shakes. "S… sir… what..."


"Another word and I will gag you, Dominic."


Helloo. He nodded, swallowing down his questions, and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lover rubbing over him immensely.


Lionel rose up from the bed, disappearing into the living room long enough to retrieve a bottle of brandy, and brought the entire decanter back into the bedroom with him.  "Do not speak, just listen.  The last time I did this, you were still wounded, and I didn't get the chance to show you just how much I adore you, your body, your heart.  I will do so this time, do you understand me?"


The words were in his mind, and a thousand memories skipped through his brain. Pleasure like he'd never felt, with fear and confusion and joy all mixed into it until he'd had to scream to get the pressure out of his body and heart. Lionel... was going to touch him again? No, but that’s… that’s not how it worked here, Lionel was supposed to torture him and fuck him blind. ...right? He nodded at his lover, looking at him in confusion and desire, swallowing hard as he tugged lightly at the binds.


"What, Dominic?"  Lionel rocked back on his heels and looked down at his lover.  "You can ask me, I will let you speak now without punishment."


"I w..." Selfish, stupid boy. "I want y... you to. It made me feel good." He nodded, and swallowed hard. "I… if you want to. You don’t have to."


"You want me to what, Dominic?  Speak.  Tell me what's causing the confusion in your face."


"I didn’t…" He swallowed again. "Touch me. I w... want you to touch me. I just... y-you're supposed to fuck me, here. Not..." He shook his head. "I’m y-your slave, wh... when we play." Stop stuttering. "You’re supposed to... to t-take me."


Lionel looked down at his love, stroking his throat gently.  "But here, Dominic... here is what you don't understand.  As my slave, you are at the mercy of whatever whim I have.  My whim, at the moment, is to worship your body without mercy."


He shook, like a leaf, trembling as his lover whispered to him, touched his neck so softly, and the words had an involuntary moan rumble in his chest before sliding from his lips. "I... oh... o-okay." A hard, trembling swallow.


Lionel kept stroking, but never gripped to hurt.  "You, beloved, are mine.  To do with as I please.  And what I please is to prove to you that this act of two people together does not always have to be about hurting you."


"O-Okay." He whispered. And it was, it was okay. Whatever his lover had in store for him… it was okay. If he could stop shaking, of course.


Lionel's stroking grew a little more firm, but he still wasn't grabbing or choking.  "Dominic... tell me what you expect."


"Torture." He whispered, leaning into the warm hand, struggling not to squirm as he arched his throat.


"And this isn't torture?" Lionel asked softly, pulling his hand away.


"It is." Whimpered softly, and... he was hard. Christ, he hadn’t even realized, and he whimpered again, louder, keeping himself still as he could.


Lionel resumed his stroking and petting, this time drawing his fingertips lightly over taut biceps and forearms.  "And isn't this just as hungry and wanting as anything else I've ever done to you?"


This time, Dominic let himself writhe. He couldn’t help it, moaning softly as those soft fingers moved like angels wings over his arms, tracing muscle and teasing. Oh, God. "Yes... th-thinking about what you h...have planned, what… oh, God.." He moaned.


"And if I tell you that I don't have anything planned except to stroke you like this to my heart's content, teasing you, arousing you, doing everything in my power to bring you to orgasm... and then deny it to you?"


"No! No, please," His voice was a near sob. Tingles had erupted all over his body, pleasure points thrumming with the want to be touched. His cock was hard as rock, nipples perked, lips tingling and his ass moving and thrusting his hips whenever he could. "No, please, no, let m-me come, let me come, please, please," Dominic gasped, groaning harshly.


"Not until I say you can, and I am not ready for you to come yet," Lionel replied, pinching the head of his lover's cock.


His cry vibrated the walls. He arched, crying out again, thrusting helplessly against the pinch as fast as he could, eyes rolling shut. He yanked at the chains, harder, begging wordlessly as he writhed on the blankets.


"Mmm... I think I need to get you a cock ring."


"No, no, no," Dominic moaned, looking at his lover and shaking his head violently. "No, please, no, I-I'll be good, 'm sorry, sorry,"


Lionel leaned over and kissed Dominic deeply.  "I'll be back."  He slid off the bed, walked into the closet where their toys were stored, and sighed as pulled out the little rolling box that had everything in it.  "Here we are."  He opened the top half of the box, displaying cock rings, ball weights, nipple clamps and weights, and small gags.  Lionel let his fingers dance over the implements until he settled on a silver cock ring, and held it up to his lover.  "Do you like this one?  Nod yes or no."


If he nodded, he'd get that one. If he shook his head no, Lionel was going to get something much worse.


He shook his head no. ...No one ever said he was the smart one in the family.


"Hmm."  Lionel turned back to the case and looked, and found... oh, yes.  He brought back the small metal cage with a leather case, and at the bottom of it was a ball sheaf.  "This?"


Oh. Christ. He knew it would get worse! Why the fuck had he said no?! He moaned, harshly, and nodded in resignation, thrusting in the air and struggling with the binds all over again. Off, off, and he could grab his lover and fuck him blind. Oh, God, he could barely breath through the want in his heart.


"You know, Dominic, I'm surprised.  At least with the cock ring, you could have felt me jacking you off, or sucking you down.  I must say, I'm slightly saddened.  I looked forward to having access to your cock, but... you know, I can do other things instead.  Suck other things."  Lionel slipped his mouth down and sucked hard on the crescent scar as he snapped the cock cage in place.


He let out another sob, shaking his head and arching up, begging for his mouth, for something, the touch with the leather and metal was terrible, me, me, FUCK ME, and he was going to lose his goddamn mind, bowing his back and begging without words, because he wasn’t allowed to talk, but then his lover had to go and suck the scar.


He was going to come. He was going to come. He let out a cry of warning, struggling hard to hold it in, hold it, don’t let himself orgasm, and he squeezed his eyes shit tightly and wound his legs around his lovers back, struggling, struggling.


Lionel locked the device in place, keeping his mouth on the scar as he zipped the leather around it, snapped the case close, and clipped the miniature padlock around it.  He held the key up and then reached out, picking up his keys and threading the key onto the key chain.  "There."  He went back and slid Dominic's balls through the stretcher, tightening the silver sheath around them and keeping them separated, stretched, and exposed to Lionel's tongue.


He was losing it.


Losing. It. He was going to come, and he was going to get much more punished then this, and he struggled, hard, crying out harshly as he struggled not to, not to, NOT TO, sobbing with need as he arched and thrust, getting nothing but the hard case around him and he squirmed, trying to rub something, to get off, because yes. Losing his mind? It was gone. "Sir, pl, please, please, p-please," He begged harshly, voice deep and thick with want.


"Please what, my beloved?"  Lionel let his hand stroke the mark instead of sucking it as he looked up at his love.


"L-let me come," He wailed, goosebumps erupting all over his body.


"No," Lionel said firmly.


His cry was pure frustration and need, as he threw his head back against the mattress and struggled with the binds, even as ripe, dark, deep pleasure began to hum through his blood.


Lionel leaned over, kissing the arched throat, licking it softly.  "Stay arched like that," he whispered softly, and then picked up the brandy decanter.  Licking the crystal stopper gently, he dripped the few drops from the stopper over his lover's opening before turning the bottle in his hands and dribbling trickles all over Dominic's chest.


Christ. The alcohol sliding over his skin made him start shaking in earnest, moaning softly as his cock throbbed in the case. He looked down, having to see the alcohol and the... the case, surrounding his cock. Black, leather, studded, sitting lewdly on his belly, and he could just see his stretched balls, keeping his orgasm at bay.


He wasn’t going to make it through this.


He bucked, reared, and the desperate, highly stupid male part of his brain kind of hoped Lionel would fall and suddenly fuck him. Yep. Fucking. He could handle a cock. Oh, Yes. Please. Please. Please.


Instead, a tongue.  Lionel's tongue snaked out over Dominic's chest, licking up the trails of liquor and sucking it from his chest.  His teeth left small marks around his nipple, and he lapped greedily at the hollow of hip and shoulder where pools of the liquid had collected, sucking it down.


"Grah!" Dominic cried, slippery little tongue FUCK! "Lionel, baby yes! Please, oh God, fuck me!" He cried, muffling his yells in his arm as he thrust up, begging, begging.


Lionel just smiled as he carefully finished licking his lover's chest clean of the alcohol, sucking each bit of skin into his mouth for a gentle tongue-bath, sucking again at each nipple before sitting up again.  "I'm going to have to gag you, Dominic... you simply cannot be quiet."


"I'll be good, I promise I'll be good, just please fuck me," Dominic begged so, so prettily, and yeah, he wasn’t aware of how needy he sounded as he reared his hips, a touch, a caress, anything. He was going to lose his fucking MIND.


Lionel shook his head as he reached into the box, and he popped Dominic in the stomach with a riding crop.  "I told you, Dominic... we are working on my schedule tonight, not yours."  He ran the leather-looped tip up his chest, and snapped a nipple with it.  "Gag.  You choose the type."


He gasped, rearing again and crying out, as the leather smacked his nipple, and sent a string of pure lust to his groin. "Oh, fuck," He said gruffly, struggling for composure as his glassy, foggy eyes opened and he gazed at his lover… almost unable to speak, and the words that came out of his mouth were rough and hard, thick and dark. "You."


"Me?  No, I'm sorry, Dominic, I'm not a choice."  Lionel trailed the crop down his lover's leg, and popped his thigh, right above the crescent mark.


"Grah!" He cried it, writhing harder, aching to fuck something, anything, wailing with pent up frustration and need.


"Pick."  snap  "Your."  snap  "Gag."  snap


"GRAH! Oh, GOD!" Couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything but squirm into the hits of the leather crop, and wail. "Any, doesn’t matter, FUCK ME!"


No more words, just a steady stream of snaps against Dominic's flesh.  No rhythm, no pattern, just wherever Lionel thought there needed to be a small red welt he snapped, waiting for Dominic's answer.


Each snap was harder, faster, and his cries were escalating with each hit. The bed was hot under him, sweat slickening his skin, merciless snaps raising red all over his body and God, it was good.


It also fucking hurt.


"B-ball, ball gag!"


"There now, you see?  That wasn't so hard."  Lionel chose a purple ball with a black lycra strap, and he kissed his lover deeply before sliding the ball between his lips, and then fastening the strap at the back.  "If this isn't comfortable, shake your head.  I'll find you another." 


His mouth was stretched open, the ball sitting between his teeth... holding his mouth open as he closed his lips around it.


Oh. God.


He found himself tied up, gagged, with a cock torture whatever bound around his dick and his lover, innocent, all but whistling when he was out of his mind with want. He would have clawed through the very wood that moment to attack his lover, feral and vicious, fuck him till he bled, and he groaned at the thought.


Lionel watched his lover, and he grinned.  "Right now... I'm guessing that you're close to going out of your mind.  And that if I let you go... I'd be in serious danger of not sitting for a week... am I right?"


He shook his head, growling darkly and biting the slightly spongy gag, snarling at him and yanking at the binds that must have been welded to the bed because he couldn’t get out of them to save his life!


Another wide smirk, and Lionel bent over, beginning to suck on each red welt as his eye landed on it.  His tongue pushed and rubbed over the raised red skin as his lips sucked on it, pulling the hot welts into his mouth.  Then after they were wet, he blew on it and kissed it before moving to the next.


"Mmmpha ij oo!" Dominic cried around the gag, moaning helplessly as he bucked and rose with each hot suck. Each welt sent hot, outrageous pleasure to his bound dick, which only filled and tightened further, and he kicked without being able to stop, winding that same leg around his lovers side as he sucked.


Lionel made sure that every welt was attentively worshiped, his fingers gently prodding at the wet ones his mouth had already attended to as he sought out new ones.  With Dominic's cock unavailable to him, Lionel contented himself with licks to his lover's exposed and stretched balls, and then moved up the other leg to begin on the other set of welts on the other side of his lover's body.


He was begging with each suck, begging until he knew the begs wouldn’t be met and he quieted. The pleasure was outrageous, the pain just as much, and each suck went from his brain, to his cock, to his balls and back again. His eye sight was fuzzy at best, so he just closed them and concentrated on not going insane.


And formulating, in the still conscious, albeit small, part of his brain, suitable revenge.


Lionel carefully licked and sucked every mark on his lover's body until he was satisfied with the result.  "Mmmm... you look lovely, Dominic... something is... something is missing though."  Then he snapped his fingers.  "I know what it is."  Lionel rummaged through the box again and came up with a coil of leather, and he set that to the side, and then went back until he came back with the same collar he'd belted onto Dominic's throat their first time.  "This... this is what's missing."  He knelt on the bed beside his lover, and with careful, gentle fingers, clipped the collar into place on his lover's neck.  "There."


Dominic hoped Lionel was grateful he'd gagged him, because if not, he'd be without a finger right about now. He glared at him in complete submission and murder....until he belted the leather.


Then he just moaned.


His eyes rolled shut and he arched his throat, offering access and swallowing underneath the strip of black. Oh, God. Oh, God. He wanted to come so badly; there was nothing else in his mind but coming, hard and fast until he screamed with it. His balls were caught, his cock contained, and he moaned, begging again with his eyes and his reared hips, begging his lover to fuck him, let him get fucked, anything.


Lionel just grinned again--wasn't he the happy soul?  "You're so cute when you're sexually frustrated, Dominic."  He picked up the coiled leather and snapped it out, revealing it to be a leash with a metal clip on the end.  He clipped it to Dominic's collar, and then, with a flick of his fingers, undid the chain holding Dominic's cuffed wrists, but left the cuffs on him.


Oh, God, YES. His arms came down and his muscles tensed, waiting for an opportunity to strike even when he could barely. Fucking. Move. He wanted to touch, reveal the tension, but he knew better. His hands lay above him, on the bed, and his eyes watched his lovers as his body trembled. The leash… the leash was too much, and he moaned harshly, struggling his hands down on himself to touch.


"No."  Lionel jerked the leash once, pulling Dominic down towards him.


Eep! He got yanked, and he gasped, eyes huge when he looked up at his lover, and he moaned around the ball gag, hard.


"I didn't let you go so that you could touch yourself, Dominic."


Whimper. Oh, God. Fuck me, please.


Lionel used the leash again, pulling Dominic up to his feet, and then to stand up entirely.  "Stand up."


The blood was in his groin, and his lover expected him to stand?! Okay, he could do it. He climbed, slowly, struggling onto his feet... swaying a minute before he caught his balance, and lowered his head submissively, nodding and letting his fingers hang by his sides.


"Good."  He started walking out towards the living room, using the leash to pull Dominic along behind him.  "Come on; you mentioned the swing set hooks... well... now's the time to use them." 


He whimpered but followed, fingers itching to yank the leather off... but he knew better, and each tug of the leash had a moan rumbling up his throat. He kept his head down, following, feet shuffling as his fingers gently slid down Lionel’s back.


And when they stepped into the living room, and Dominic saw the hooks... in his heart, he began to panic. His breath came in and out a little faster, and he dug his heels in in sudden, irrational fear. No. Not the hooks. No.


In his mind’s eye, the floor became dingy hardwood, the scents and smells of the good, wonderful sex he and his lover had turning animalistic and heavy, and he whimpered, shaking his head and tugging on Lionel’s arms.


Lionel dropped the leash instantly, arms going around Dominic tightly as his hands unfastened the gag.  "Dominic?  What's wrong?  Talk to me, this instant."  He pulled his lover away from the hooks, over towards the couch where they'd made love earlier, over the stacks of their clothes as he cuddled Dominic against him. 


He shook his head, grabbing his lover tightly as the gag slipped from his lips, and he grasped his lover tightly, burying his face in his neck and letting the shakes and trembles ease out of him at the easy, warm, sweet embrace.


He could see the hooks over Lionel’s shoulder, and his heart slammed in his chest, fingernails grasping into his lover’s skin. Being hung from hooks, for hours, and hours, and hours, blood and pain and no. "T… thought..." He worked his slightly sore jaw, whimpering and hiding his face. "Thought it was gone, it was over, ruined this, sorry, so sorry, not the hooks, please, d-don’t... n-not, not the hooks."


"I won't," Lionel soothed quietly.  "I won't, I promise you."  He held Dominic tightly, rocking him, stroking his back, pressing quiet kisses on his shoulder.  "It's all right, my love, it's all right.  Don't be sorry.  You didn't ruin anything, I want you to be able to tell me if I've done something you don't like."  He wasn't strong enough to carry his lover, but he stood up.  "Come on.  Let's go get in the tub--a nice, hot soak, bubbles, steam... quiet music."


"No… no." He shook his head, grabbing his lover tightly. "I don’t… I want this. I want you. I w… want to feel you." He closed his eyes for a long moment. Work through the fear. He had to, for his lovers sake...for his own sanity. "I want.... I want to, j-just… don’t… don’t hang me. D… don’t tie me. O-okay?"


"I won't hang you."  He pressed kisses all along his lover's shoulder.  "I won't tie you.  I won't do anything that you don't like."  He stroked Dominic's chest, which was covered in a cold, clammy sweat.  "I love you, Dominic."


"I love you more." He whispered, and he held him tightly for a moment before letting go, sucking a hard, warm kiss from his neck… then his nipple ring, and then the other nipple, gently nipping it...then a little harder, as he pressed his leather torture case into Lionel’s hard cock. "Be with me." He whispered. "Torture me... show me what you were going to do."


Lionel shook his head, stroking gently over Dominic's hair.  "I was going to stand you against the wall... fuck you hard and fast, slam you into the corner.  Make your cock rub the wall."  He kissed his love between words.  "Then... make you suck me off, until I was hard again... then chain you spread eagle to the bed, ride your cock until I couldn't move."


Oh. God.


All the blood that had rushed out of him in fear surged again, and he gasped, eyes widening, and groaned as the leather was again filled. He grunted, closing his eyes and whimpering as he closed his eyes and leaned into his lover. "I ruined it… I’m so s-sorry, I didn’t.."


"You didn't ruin anything, Dominic," Lionel reassured him.  "I'm nothing... if not creative."  He tugged the leash that still dangled from his lover's collar.  "I can improvise if I must."  Lionel squeezed Dominic's shoulders tightly.  "But only if you want to continue."


He grinned, crookedly, and brought his lovers palm to his overfilled, hard as rock dick trapped in leather. "What do you think?"


Lionel gripped tightly.  "I think we'll forego the gag, for now.  And re-adjourn to the bedroom."


"K-oh...okay." he nodded, and dropped his head submissively. "I promise I won’t scream, sir."


Lionel's fingers tilted Dominic's chin up.  "I know you won't.  Because if you do, then I won't take the cage off tonight."


"Okay." And in those dark eyes, he knew his lover wasn’t fibbing. He swallowed, hard, though a wicked grin played over his lips before he could stop it, and he kept his hands hanging to his sides as he bit his lip.


Lionel's hand gripped his chin tighter.  "What was that grin for?  Did you think I'm not serious?  Do you think I'm just some softie whom you can manipulate for your own means?  I'm not, Dominic.  For that... no release tonight.  You'll sleep in the cage."


"No!" He cried it, shaking his head and reaching for his lover before submitting quickly again, head dropping and looking at the floor. "I... I was thinking about w... what you may let me d... do to you. I wasn’t... no." He shook his head, firmly, even though his lover WAS a softy, all the damn way, but he figured it didn’t bode well to tell him so at the moment.


Lionel leaned over and whispered his next statement into Dominic's ear.


"I will let you do anything to me that your heart desires, Dominic."


Ohhhhh. He trembled, hard, the goosebumps racing over his spine, and he reached forward, ever the slave, and whispered back, "I bought a present just for that purpose."


Lionel smiled, genuinely, and pressed a kiss to the side of his lover's face.  "I'm interested to see what this present is," he whispered again.  "But you're still not getting out of that cage tonight."


Dammit. He looked pitifully at his lover, lower lip poking out as he gave him the puppy eye, sniffling and everything. "Please?"


"No."  But Lionel knew in his heart that he wouldn't let Dominic suffer like that.  However, he didn't let on to his lover. 


He sniffled, looking down and offering the leash again...before looking up, and looking hopeful. "Will you fuck me?"


Lionel wrapped the leash around his hand, pulling Dominic against him.  "Do you really think I could resist fucking you?"


"No." And now, he allowed himself a proud beam, getting yanked, and oh, he groaned, tentatively slipping his fingers around his lovers waist. "I just wanted to make s..." The leather was rubbing against him again, right in the... yeah, and rubbing against his lover with it was torture.


The hand not wrapped around Dominic's leash slid down, urging Dominic's arms around him as he dropped a hard slap onto his lover's ass.  "Sure of yourself, aren't you?"


He nodded, happily at that because he was sure of himself, and it was exhilarating. He dropped his head to a warm neck and licking a stripe from the soft skin warmly, before the slap...yeah. His fingers dug into Lionel’s back again, but for a completely reason this time, and he moaned as he raked them down to the hard, firm ass cheeks.


Lionel kept them wrapped together like this, dropping occasional slaps to his lover's ass as he maneuvered them back into the bedroom.  "Brace yourself against the wall, in the corner."


"Face forward?" He whispered between the sharp breaths and sighs, rubbing his burning ass into his lovers palms as he continued kissing, licking the skin.


"Yes, face forward.  Hands flat on the wall, bent at the waist."  Lionel went to his chest, and selected a leather-covered black paddle.


Dominic didn’t see him, because he was already turning, doing as he was told. He picked the corner by the closet, because it didn’t have a couch or stand in front of it to hinder it, and he bent over just enough, fingers lying flat on the painted wall. "Okay." he whispered.


Wordlessly, Lionel walked over to his lover, and slammed the paddle against his firm ass.


And Dominic, ever so gently, screamed.


The cry vibrated from his throat in shock, the slap hard and violent and good, unable to feel it for a moment... until it began to sting. He gasped, hard, letting out a hollow cry as he tried to muffle it into his arm. Oh, FUCK.


"Oooh, that's going to be a pain, wearing that cage during the press conference in the morning," Lionel said conversationally, paddling his lover a second time.  "I thought you weren't going to scream?"


He grit his teeth as tightly as he could, the second slap bolting him forward on his wobbling knees, and he locked them and kept the cry in, straining with the effort as the pain and pleasure zoomed right through his body. Earlier fear forgotten, his cock was screaming with renewed need for orgasm, and he whole-heartedly agreed. He kept quiet, as much as he could, clenching his eyes as his fingers scrabbled for purchase on the wall.


Another hard spank with the paddle, and then Lionel began alternating cheeks.  Left, right, left, right, each one harder than the last.


Losing. His. Fucking. Mind. He kept each cry in, swallowed the screams, finally leaning his face against one arm and struggling against the want to bite.


Lionel dropped the paddle then, and rubbed his hard cock against Dominic's red ass.  He leaned over, nuzzling the sweaty face with his lips.  "Too much?"  He slipped a hand down, stroking the hot, red globes.  "Ready for me to fuck you against the wall?"


"GRAH!" He cried, as soon as those hands slipped over his ass and Lionel’s mouth moved over his face. "Yes, yes, sir, please, please sir please." He pushed his burning ass into those gorgeous hands, groaning in pain and pleasure, rubbing and aching.


"Then turn around and get me wet."


It was instantaneous. Dominic turned, and before his knees hit the carpet, his lover’s cock was in his throat. He tipped his head and sucked more in, past his gag reflex, sucking at him hard as his fingers wrapped tightly around what he couldn’t get in and stroking it. He sucked, laving him, getting him slick and wet with his own spit, until he was dripping, and let go, looking up just a little before down again. "Pl… please sir."


"Please what, beloved?"


"Please fuck me." Be looked up at him now, desperation in his face, grasping onto his thighs and nodding.


"Turn back around, brace yourself face against the wall, and spread your legs."  Lionel retrieved the lube from the nightstand, and added it to the saliva on his cock as he coated his fingers as well.


"And if I don’t?" He dared him, raising his chin even as he rose, and slowly turned.


"Then I'll tie you to the bed, jack myself off, and leave you to rot with your cock caged until tomorrow morning."


You so couldn’t do it. "Oh." He whimpered anyway, leaning over and baring his ass , spreading his thighs.


Lionel moaned softly at the sight.  "You, beloved... are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen."  He slipped a slick digit into his lover's opening, thrusting carefully, gently.


And Dominic simply reared back and pushed the digit deep inside of him, past the second ring of muscle until he could buck his hips and suck him all in. He worked his strong muscles around the finger, looking over his shoulder and biting his lip prettily, before back around and moaning.


Lionel growled at that, and thrust a second finger in deep, stroking faster and opening more rapidly than he'd meant to, but Dominic was eager, was willing, and he wanted his lover very badly. 


He pressed the head of his cock into Dominic's opening, and used the leash to haul him back, chest to back as he started to thrust.


OH! GOD! Dominic let out a vibrating cry, raising up on his tip toes when Lionel slammed into him the first time, and working himself back and forth with each leash tug, the back of his head to his lovers chest as he was filled.


And losing his fucking mind. The leather was horrid, terrible, and he let out a shattering cry, unable to fuck anything, and his cock was screaming for a touch. The leather was like wool against him as he wailed, squeezing his lovers cock hard.


Lionel reached around his lover's body, pinching his nipples, fucking his lover hard against the wall.  Each of his thrusts sent the cage around his lover's cock slamming into the corner and Lionel surged forward faster, harder, burying himself deeper with every thrust.  His mouth moved to suck a large bruise at the base of his lover's neck, teeth worrying the nape as he thrust, rocking them both back and forth.


"OH GOD!!!!!!" He cried, hard, throwing his head back, then forward when his lover began to bite, and tears pricked his eyes. "Please let me-oh, God,--touch, please, please Lionel, sir, baby, please let me touch!" Wailed from his lips as he thrust back on each hard push forward, filling and releasing, filling and releasing.


And his cock hit the corner. Every. Single. Time.


"No," Lionel said, but his heart broke as he denied his lover.  His fingers twisted his love's nipples harder, tugging his lover out of the corner and pushed him onto the bed.  He followed quickly, rolling Dominic onto his back as Lionel slid his cock back in, pounding hard with each stroke even as his fingers fumbled for the keys on the dresser.


Displaced air, moving, he didn’t quite know where or how, but Dominic found himself, wet with sweat, on his back on the bed. He arched with every thrust in, sobbing with pleasure as he hit his prostate, and his cock screamed. Dominic grabbed his lover, hard, ankles locking around his back as he arched and thrust, moved with him, unable to concentrate on rhythm, just moving fiercely and groaning.


Lionel dropped the keys onto the bed as Dominic gripped around him, and his hands moved to his lover's shoulders as he moved harder, pounding Dominic's prostate with every stroke.  "Promise--swear to me, Dominic, that you will be mine forever," Lionel gritted out, and then dangled the key over his lover's eyes.


"Don'... Have… ta... say..." Dominic panted, rolling up with each stab into his prostate, white lights dancing in front of his eyes as he reared his hips and his nails raked down his lovers shoulders... back... ass. "Already... oh, God, already... yours, yours... baby, sir, please, please."


Lionel sealed his mouth over Dominic's, sucking those beautiful words into his mouth as he came.  Hard and shuddering in the heat of his lover's body, Lionel's arms wrapped around his beloved's waist, holding him close, kissing and caressing.


He felt the heat sear him inside and he gasped, tightening his thighs around his lovers back an grunting harshly. It poured in him, Lionel’s dick swelling and he could feel it, feel as he came and he threw his head back, out of his mind with need, moaning and shaking as his lover kissed him.


Lionel thrust gently until his orgasm was done, and then pulled out of his lover.  He took the key in unsteady hands, unlocking the padlock, snapping open the cage, unzipping the leather case, and the last thing was unsnapping the ball stretcher.  Throwing the equipment aside, Lionel pinched the head of his lover's cock as his chin rested on Dominic's thigh.  "How do you want to come, beloved?"


The leather was gone.


The leather. Was gone.


That’s all he could think about for a half a moment, staring at the ceiling right beyond his lovers shoulder. The leather. Was gone. He was so hot with need he squirmed, moaning and writhing on the sheets, until his lover grasped the head of his cock, and he cried out in ecstasy. "Don'care, don’t... j… just, pl..."


"Tell me," Lionel pled softly.  "Do you want me to suck you down, do you want me to jerk you off, do you want to do it yourself, do you want to fuck me and come inside me, tell me, love, please."


"C...can you g-get 'nother 'rection?" He whispered mindlessly, arching heavily into his lovers fingers.


"Yes, I can," Lionel nodded.  "It will take a few minutes, but yes."


"Hurry… I c'n wait." Fighting words. "C… can wait," He moaned, whispering mindlessly as he squirmed from his lovers arms, turning the other way, and though he didn’t mount him yet, his mouth wound around his lovers spent cock, sucking and licking at it softly, one knee pressing close to his lovers chest.


Lionel cried out softly as a hot mouth closed around his spent cock, and he felt it trying to stir immediately.  His hands clenched by his side, then his fingers moved to tug and roll his nipple ring, thighs spreading to let Dominic between them.  "T--take your fingers," Lionel grunted softly.  "Inside... rub me... that will... that will help."


"Kay." He whispered, and after slowly taking some of the come slicked on his lovers cock, he pressed inside the small hole, slowly but surely, slipping inside at the strange angle as his mouth sucked. His feet slid under the pillows, one rubbing close to Lionel’s shoulder blade, sucking steadily and softly as his finger slid in all the way... and flickered against Lionel’s prostate.


That did it.  Lionel felt his cock starting to fill, and he cried out softly around the hot mouth that he filled as he hardened.


Dominic flicked his nail over it, softly but steadily, sucking harder as his hips worked into the mattress. He stopped himself in an instant, waiting, sucking harder at his lovers cock, urging him to rise.


Lionel's hands slipped down, stroking his lover's head, arching his hips gently as he pressed into Dominic's mouth.  He filled slowly, and he cursed softly, under his breath, wishing he were younger with a faster recovery time.  "Dom--Dominic, I'm sorry."


He shook his head, mumbling "Don'be" around his lover as he sucked, steadily, nibbling all around the hardening head, and lapping where the ridges met, as his fingertips traced the vein along the bottom. He did, however, let go long enough because he couldn’t fucking TAKE it anymore, and crouched over his lover. Knees on each side of Lionel’s chest, and Dominic grasped his lovers thighs, and swallowed him whole.


Lionel cried out.  He couldn't help the surprised cry that tore out of his throat, nor did he stop the savage twist of his hips as he drove his cock into Dominic's throat.  Moments later, only a few sucks later, He was hard again, fully erect and thrusting into the wetness of Dominic's throat.


Which is exactly what he wanted. Dominic angled his head and let his lover fuck his throat, keeping his fingers clamped on Lionel’s thighs as he led him in and out. His free fingers grasped the base of his lovers cock and balls, rolling them in his fingers as he let his lover use him. And oh, the pleasure of it was extraordinary.


"Dominic... Dominic... don't you... oh, God... don't you... want... to come?"  Lionel's fingers knotted in the sheets as he thrust up, riding the sucking throat as he pushed in, and trying not to come so quickly this time.


He nodded, desperately, but sucked harder, rolling those gorgeous balls in his fingers as his free hand went back to his ass, sliding in two fingers this time and pushing in until he found his lovers prostate again, rubbing it firmly as he sucked. His tongue looped around his lovers cock on each thrust, making sure his teeth only scraped lightly and once in a while, eyes closed as new sweat slid down his temples.


Hard thrusting, fingers almost tearing the sheets, and Lionel whimpered as he thrust in.  He didn't know how much longer he could keep control of himself, and then when Dominic's fingers rubbed his prostate, his entire body twitched, and he reached around Dominic's mouth, pushing his lover's fingers out of the way and tugging hard on his balls.


He whimpered, shaking his head as he saw and felt Lionel’s fingers come around to pull and he shook his head again, groaning as he let the hard cock slide away. "L... no, Lionel, come, w-want you to come, pl... want you to, please baby, come for me, please."


"You first."  He pulled Dominic's hips down over him, foggy mind only now realizing what his lover had been silently pleading for, and he opened his mouth.  Instead of teasing like he normally would do, Lionel sucked his lover's cock down in a single swallow, hands holding Dominic's hips still as he licked apologetically over the shaft and the base.


OH GOD! "Lionel! Oh G-God!" He gasped, rearing back into that lovely mouth, letting out a shocked, lovely cry as he reached down and sucked his own lovers cock again. He settled down on his bent knees, feet pressing into Lionel’s shoulders as he sucked at his lovers cock, caressing what he couldn’t suck as he pressed in as close as he could.


"Sorry, Dominic, so sorry... should have realized it before," he babbled around the mouthful of cock, sucking for everything he was worth.  His mouth slid up and down the shaft, beard tickling his lover's thighs, rubbing his mustache against the base and the sensitive skin around it.


He bucked, shook his head around his own mouthful, trying not to hurt his lover but one more… one... one more suck, and...


He was through.


He let out a sharp, vibrating cry, gasping and closing his eyes tightly as orgasm exploded at the base of his spine. He let Lionel’s cock go an instant before his teeth snapped shut, clenching tightly as he came. Powerful, hard shocks of it, rolling through his entire body, from his hair to his toes and he roared, bellowing out his orgasm with shocked pleasure and outrageous relief.


He twisted, writhed and panted, grasping his lovers thighs hard until all he could do was fall limply against him.


Lionel swallowed hard, fast, deep, drinking everything that poured out of his tortured lover's cock and then clung tightly to him as he collapsed limply, and Lionel urged him to turn around.


Dominic... could not move. He tried, really, he did, but all that escaped him was a whimper and a moan. Vocalization gone, shaking with the waves of post orgasmic bliss, and he struggled to move... and found he couldn’t. Period.


Lionel wrapped his lover in his arms, kissing him gently.  He turned himself around to wrap around Dominic, holding him and caressing him.


His eyes fluttered... opened and closed, laying limp, sated on the sheets as his lover squirmed close, and he moaned low in his throat. "L... L… you, f-fuck m… me...hard bab-baby…"


"Did I hurt you?" was Lionel's first concern.


His smile, when it spread across his face, was priceless. He shook his head, squirming as much as he could, then falling on the sheets again, sighing heavily.


Lionel's mouth widened into a grin as well as he wrapped himself around Dominic.  "Just because you got your way does not mean I'm a softy," he muttered, burying his face in his lover's throat.


"Are..." he gasped. "Are too. Total softy. Love you anyway." Was Dominic’s mumbled reply. He rolled a little closer, allowing his lover whatever he wanted… and closed his eyes. "'m...'m sleepy."


Lionel pulled Dominic firmly against him.  "Then sleep, little cricket."


"Kay." He murmured, and settled down, still in the cuff bands and really, he could have fucking cared less. He squirmed, rolled a little so he was laced tighter with his lover, and fell asleep.


As soon as Dominic was asleep, Lionel reached over, carefully undid the cuffs, the leash, and the collar, and threw them on the floor.  He rolled himself--and his lover with him--until he could pull the blanket over them, and tucking Dominic's head against his shoulder, Lionel let himself fall asleep as well.




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