
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 8: You're What's Left When the Air Clears

Lex rolled over, reaching out for the warm body sleeping beside him.  He was shocked to full wakefulness when his hand touched the cold sheets.  He pushed himself up, looking around the room.  Clark was nowhere to be seen.  He listened for the shower, but the room was silent.  "Clark?" he called out, stifling disappointment, sadness, and anger.  "Clark!"  Still no answer.  He turned over, and found a note--a note--in bed beside him, on top of Clark's pillow, held down with an apple and a rose.




I had to make deliveries for my dad and get a few things from the market for my mom, and I'm so, so sorry I wasn't around to wake up with you. I bet your skin tastes so good in the morning.


I love you, and I'll be back tonight. Wanna do something?


I left something for you in your office. Hope you like it.




Love you, see you tonight,




All of the note was scrawled in his messy but attractive penmanship, and the paper smelled of the still dewy rose.


Lex picked up the apple and crunched into it obediently, not bothering to dress as he swung his feet to the floor and padded down the steps to his office.  Enrique, God bless him, was waiting at the foot of the stairs with a robe, and Lex shrugged into it as he continued to nibble on the fresh fruit, the rose still gripped tightly in his hand as he licked his fingers clean of the sticky apple juice.  Almost half afraid to, Lex peeked into his office.


His office was full of white roses. Hundreds of them, in vases and lying in tied bundles...on his desk loose, sitting in his pencil holder. A few dozen poked up from his waist basket, his seat covered in them. The carpet had rose petals all over it, the couch, the fire pokers. Dozens and dozens of them, and the sweet fragrance of them was as gentle and beautiful as anything itself. The office windows were open, the light breeze carrying in the sunshine and the smell of grass, and it was like walking into a paradise itself. On the desk, against a single red rose, was a small note.


You are one of a million. I love you.


Lex was definitely glad to be barefoot still as he walked across his office to the desk, reaching out to pick up the red rose that was the twin to the one that had heralded the note upstairs.  He ran his fingertips over the note, pressed the roses to his lips as he moved to sit carefully in his chair, clearing the stems and sitting on the silky softness of the petals.  The sweet fragrance wafted up, and Lex opened his desk drawer, and pulled out the flat box that held his mother's picture.  Opening it and running his fingertips over her face, Lex pressed a soft kiss to the note and closed that in the box as well, preserving it forever. 


Pulling the phone to him, he smiled as he brushed the roses against his cheek, debating whether or not to call his lover, and instead, called his father's penthouse.  Now that he knew the truth about his lover, he knew Roger would be trying to find a way to use his proof of Clark's abilities as well as whatever else he'd stolen, and if he sniffed around the Kent's, chances are, he'd been seen and could be tracked. 


Picking up the small handset, he dialed the penthouse and waited for an answer.



~ * ~ * ~



When again long, quiet dreams let their grasp on him go and he woke up from his doze, the sun was bright in the sky. Birds chirped happily...children laughed on the street below. It almost seemed a sin, to be here on this wonderfully crisp Sunday afternoon in the arms of his lover, the sun shining over them like a golden beacon. His arm lay in the crook of his lovers waist, spooned behind him and his face in his hair. He breathed in deeply, enjoying the scents of sun shine and earth and class, murmuring softly into a cool neck.


Lionel breathed quietly, his chest rising and falling as his fingers wove tightly through Dominic's.  The feel of his lover pressed tightly against him, warm and trusting, made Lionel feel... overwhelmed.  The jagged scream of the telephone ringing shrilly by the bedside ripped into Lionel's quiet contemplation, and he reached out to check the display.  Lex.  He turned onto his back, pulling Dominic against his side as he picked up the phone.  "Lex, this had better be good."


He buried his lips in Lionel's throat, kissing gently as he held him close. Stroked his hair, his arm, lovingly tugging the blanket up over their shoulders to trap in the warmth. Another soft, tender kiss and he smiled into his patch of skin, close enough to hear and to intent on what he was doing to listen.


"So sorry to interrupt whatever it is you're doing, but I think I might have some more information on you about Roger Nixon."


Lionel sat up.  "Wait."


"Oh, like I've got nothing better to do.  Please, Dad... take your time."


Lionel dragged the phone base over, and clicked on the speakerphone.  "All right, Lex... talk."  He turned back to Dominic, nuzzling him quietly as he listened to his son.


He sat up with his lover, noticing the abrupt change in mood and he touched Lionel's hand gently, question in his eyes before accepting the quiet embrace.


Lionel pulled Dominic close, listening to Lex.


"It's... been brought to my attention that Roger's been sniffing around the Kents.  I... happened to get a hold of a doctored photograph of Clark lifting a tractor.  Obviously that's not possible, but if he's sniffing around the Kent family, then he can be traced, possibly still in Smallville."


He heard it and his eyebrow peaked high then wrinkled in the middle, questioning glance at Lionel as he mouthed, "Perhaps?"


Lionel nodded in acknowledgement.  "Do you have it under control, or do you want me to turn the investigation over to you?"  Lionel turned his eyes to his lover to see the reaction to that offer of trust in his son.


And in return, he got a sweet grin from Dominic and a steady nod, fingers wrapping around his neck and hugging.


Lex choked, strangling on the sip of water he'd just taken as he finished the apple his lover had left him.  "Dad?  Are you... on drugs of some sort?  Because whatever it is, I'm sure I'd like to try it."


Lionel nearly growled.  "I am not on drugs, Lex.  I am merely offering to turn the investigation over to you as a sign of my faith in you."


He barely held the snort in, his eyes dancing in mischief as he took a soft bite on Lionel's shoulder and let sweet fingers drift down.


Lionel sucked his breath in as Dominic's fingers slid down.


"Dad?"  Lex's eyes were wide on the other end of the phone.  "All right, who are you, and what have you done with Lionel Luthor?"


Lionel's eyes bore into Dominic's and stole a brief kiss from his lips.  "I'm fine, Lex.  Don't be foolish."


He watched him intently, wrapping his fingers around the limp organ in his hand under the blankets and gently stroked, letting go to explore because he was a sadistic bastard and wanted to see if Lionel's voice would waver. He stroked the thighs very gently, watching with both dismay and amusement, listening quietly and wishing for coffee.


Lionel's voice caught on foolish, and he turned a dark glare on his lover. 


"Be serious yourself, Dad. You've never done anything like this before."


"Perhaps I... think it's time... to trust you."  Lionel's voice hitched twice more, bare pauses in his speech as his tone remained steady.


His expression was full of pride as he glanced up at his love, then down to slowly flick his tongue across the hardening head. Again...twice...then straightened to look at him with the pure tease in his eyes, smiling softly.


Lex was nearly stunned, and he leaned back in his chair.  His father... was trusting him.  "Then... yes.  I want you to turn the investigation over to me."


Lionel let a curse slip out.  "Fuck!"


"Dad?"  Lex was... shell-shocked.  "Did... did I interrupt something?  You sound... busy?"


Lionel's hand slipped down to cup the back of Dominic's head, pushing him down gently on his growing shaft.  "I'll make the calls within the hour to put the investigators in your power.  I've appropriated four men on the reserve task force to take care of personal business, but I'll turn them over to you as soon as they've completed their task."


Silence on the other end of the speaker, and Lex was speechless.  "Dad... I..."


He slipped his mouth over his love, grinning into him because HAH, he'd made him curse! Ohhhh. He was so very good. A hard suck before he let go of him again and this time seriousness was in his face, letting him finish his conversation in peace as he stroked his mouth over the warm neck, peppering it with loving kisses, murmuring to him about being a good dad.


"What, Lex?"  His voice was gruffer than he'd meant for it to be as Dominic's murmur in his ear made him feel... good.


"I... Dad... I..."  Lex bit his lip.  He could do this.  For Clark.  "I love you."


Lionel's eyes locked onto his lover's, shocked into a stunned silence.


He'd heard it too and he met Lionel's eyes with wide ones of his own...waiting for him to respond. When he didn't, he motioned for him to speak...waiting for a long moment before question lit his eyes with anger.


Lex listened to the silence on the other end of the line, hand gripping his rose tightly and not even aware of the thorns digging into his flesh.  He reached to disconnect the call when a call of his name over the line stopped him.


"Lex."  Lionel shook his head helplessly at the anger in his lover's eyes.  "I... have always loved you, son."


He nodded a bit but the mood for gentle afternoon sex was gone and he rose to his feet, walking to the bathroom but not shutting the door. He listened to Lionel's voice in the bedroom as he struggled into long pajama bottoms Lionel had told him were for him, and washed his face with cool water.


"Dad... you never... you never said."  Lex's eyes were shining, his throat tight.


In the Metropolis penthouse, Lionel reached out to catch Dominic but he was already gone.  "I thought you knew.  Everything I did was for you."


"We'll... talk?  Later?"


"Of course, son."


"Goodbye... Dad."


"Goodbye, Lex."  He waited until Lex had hung up, and then turned the speaker off.  He laid in bed several moments longer, and covered his eyes with his arm.  He waited for Dominic to come out, and when he didn't, he rolled to his feet, and walked to the bathroom, looking at the hunched over figure of his lover, dressed for the first time since his arrival.  "Dominic?"


He shook his head a little, arms perched on the sides of the sink as he looked at his feet, willing himself to straighten. He did, slowly, and turned to look at Lionel with an unreadable expression. "I think I'm having an impression on you."


"You... seem troubled?"  Lionel was at a complete loss.


"Overwhelmed." He murmured it, nodding softly. "That's...the first time since I started working for you that you've said those words to your son, Lionel. I could see it in your face when you realized it."


Lionel nodded.  "Yes... it is.  The last time... the last time that he said them to me was at his mother's funeral.  I didn't answer them then, just walked away from him.  You were angry with me that I left him there."  Lionel scrubbed his eyes tiredly.  "I didn't think... that I still had it in me."


"If you weren't a die hard cut throat, I'd probably say this after school special was a success and call it a day." He leaned in and wrapped his arms around Lionel's back and waist, hugging him fiercely to him. "You are truly remarkable."


Lionel let his arms fall around Dominic.  "Only with you to guide me, Jiminy."


"Then this Jiminy must say he is utterly famished. But first..." He dropped to his knees and in one quick slurp had Lionel down his throat. He wrapped his fingers around his lover, the other around his ass, and pushed him in close. "Teased...I'm sorry..."


Lionel's graceful fingers slipped into the short strands of Dominic's hair, hips moving easily.  "It was... an interesting... experience.  There was a time... I wouldn't have blinked."  He spread his legs, steadying his stance.


He nodded around the cock sliding in and out of his throat, sucking and lapping at it gently as he spoke between thrusts. "You''re remarkable...strong and... and sure of yourself." He sucked harder, easy and adoring...then let out a yelp and fell back on his ass, gaze fixed behind Lionel's side as the bodyguard from downstairs stood flushing in the door way.


"S...Sir...I'm so sorry, sir...I..." The guard was flushing at Dominic's embarrassment, then at Lionel's complete nudity, and the messed up sheets and okay. "I'm sorry sir, I'm truly sorry, but we've had an accident, and...and you weren't answering your phone… I w... wanted to make sure you were alright, and...I'm sorry sir."


Lionel turned and glared down his employee.  "I thought... that I left... very explicit orders that I was not to be disturbed unless the world was ending or my son's life was in danger.  As I just had a phone conversation with my son, I am assuming that you have called me forth to witness the end of the world, or perhaps the second rising of Jesus fucking Christ himself?"


"No! I...No! Sir," He looked straight ahead, speaking professionally despite the very close to naked couple in front of him. "Theirs been an incident at LuthorCorp. An explosion. People are still caught inside. The bomber called the police station and left a message for you."


"Was my son notified of this?  And do you, perchance, have the message for me, or are you simply bearing the news?"  Lionel's fury was slowly growing with the man's incompetence and idiocy.


Dominic was embarrassed sick and quickly climbed to his feet, so very glad he'd decided on pants as he swallowed hard and stared at the wall too. Interesting stucco, there. Then a pause and his hawk-sharp gaze pierced the guard's, listening with quiet intensity.


"Y-Yes, sir, he said, simply, that it would be soon, and he hoped you understood h-he was serious now." Quietly, now watching the floor because okay, one set of eyes watching him was bad enough, but two? Shit.


"And I don't suppose our mystery 'he' was obliging enough to leave a name?"


"No, sir. No name was left."


"Make sure Lex is notified, have casualty figures and a situation update waiting for me downstairs, and call the helicopter pilot and have him here within the hour."  Lionel dismissed the guard by turning his back to him, and looked at his lover.  "I suppose this qualifies as an interruption."


His face was still twisted in embarrassment as the guard slipped away red faced, giving his lover a sweet grimace with a crooked smile at the edges. "I suppose no pancakes or waffles, either. Sigh."


"Unfortunately not, but I can have room service bring up a fruit tray."  He leaned in and brushed a kiss over his embarrassed lover's mouth.  "We're going to have to push things into overdrive, Dominic.  I'm going to need you to help me make sure that this turns out all right in the end."


"Of course." He nodded it as he kissed back, grasping his loves hand tight as he led him out of the bathroom, searching for their clothes. "And don't worry about the food. First, disaster. I have the press release for something of this nature on file… the words can be changed a bit and we can release it in ten minutes." He was searching for his cell phone... found it in a pile of his clothing, and flipped it open. "Give me five minutes." He turned away and dialed, barking orders almost immediately as he stepped out of the bedroom... noting the broken glass but filing it away for later questioning, ordering like no ones business.


Lionel picked up the phone again from the bedroom, dialing quickly and setting into motion the process of turning Nixon's investigation over to Lex.  His own voice barked a gruff counterpoint to Dominic's, reeling off his own set of orders to another set of people, setting into effect a media blackout that would keep this incident out of the press until he'd had a chance to get to Smallville and assess it for himself.  There were clean suits for himself and Dominic, already unpacked in the closet, and he laid out a black suit for himself and one for Dominic as well.


He gave his personal assistant distinct orders to get the press release ready, and to get out the disaster protocol. Complete media silence, paid but hushed, and as he neared the kitchen to retrieve a glass of water for Lionel...he called Lex. The phone rung in his ear, and he waited patiently, feeling sneaky from his lover but he felt he needed to give the heads up, peaking through the open kitchen window as Lionel got the suits out.


Lex was in mid stride as he picked up the ringing phone.  "This had better be good."


"It's Dominic." Soft accent in his voice as he spoke, but his manner was all business. "There's been an accident."


"Accident?"  Lex stopped in his tracks.  "What kind of accident?"


"The bomber set off an explosion at LuthorCorp. From what I've gathered, several are thought to be dead. Your father and I are on our way to Smallville again."


"At the plant?  When?  How long ago?  Why wasn't I notified?  Heads are going to roll, Dominic.  I want to know why I wasn't informed."  Lex's stride turned into an almost-jog as he climbed the stairs to his room.  "I'll meet you at the checkpoint outside the plant."


"Your father and I just learned of it moments ago. It happened ten minutes ago, and now I'm notifying you."  Deadpan delivery, and he mentally rolled his eyes. Young men could be so annoying. "We will be there in less then twenty minutes."


He picked the glass up and went back into the bedroom, offering it to his lover as he mouthed "Lex" into the phone as Lionel spoke on the other, barely even looking at the suit as he started to pull his pajamas off.


"I should have been notified before you, Dominic.  I run the plant; it's my responsibility."  Lex was dressing as he snarled at Dominic through the phone.  "I'll have the TRU meet us there."


Lionel accepted the glass gratefully, pausing in his orders to drink the cool liquid, soothing his throat.


It amused him. Damn, it amused him. What could he say? I was sucking your father off when we both found out? "Lex, please." Another shake of his head at his love and he covered the mouth piece to chuckle. "He's a boy at times." Then back into the receiver. "We've got a release ready to go live, the disaster protocol has been set in motion, the police notified."  After a moments hesitation, "Sir."


"Tell my father that next time, I want to be notified first."  Lex was in the process of slamming the phone down, when he heard Dominic's voice.  "Yes?"


"Nothing. I'll let him know." He hung up, dropping the phone down as he struggled into his pants without any time for such pleasantries. A tug into his dress shirt and he was already gathering his things to go, tie hanging loose around his neck, two buttons only done as he walked out and started to do the rest. How he managed to hop into his socks...never know, but he was doing so as he gathered the paperwork into the briefcase.


"I trust my orders can be carried out without too much trouble?  Good.  I expect to see results by the time I reach Smallville."  Lionel hung the cordless phone back on the base and straightened, tucking in his shirt and reaching for his tie.  Dressing and juggling the phone was something that he was used to doing, and he retrieved the corporate laptop from the closet, slinging the strap over his shoulder as he picked up his already-full briefcase from beside the bed.  He was lucky; he'd never unpacked anything from it, and it was ready to go with him.  "Dominic.  Get dressed.  Do one thing at a time."  He piled his things beside Dominic's and quickly tied his own tie in a crisp Windsor knot.  "We've done everything that we can here."  A pause.  "Let me guess... Lex was ranting because he wasn't notified first."


"Of course. I didn't want to tell him the truth." He zipped his pants up on his hips, finishing buttoning the shirt as he tucked it in and buttoned. And STILL managed to look unrumpled and clean cut as he buttoned the sleeves and started in on his tie.


Lionel brushed Dominic's hands away and knotted the tie quickly and efficiently, as though he'd done it hundreds of times before, and smoothed it down his chest.  "The truth?" Lionel asked, crooking an eyebrow.


"Yep." He smiled as he stepped into his shoes, dragging his fingers through his hair and very grateful for the shower earlier this morning as he buttoned his brief case shut and buttoned the last two buttons of his jacket.


"The truth being we were a bit busy at the time?"  His eyes twinkled as he picked up his laptop and briefcase, phone tucked into the laptop case.  "Coffee is waiting on the roof."


"You could say that." Cheeky grin, wriggling his brows as he opened the door to the pent house...closing it a moment and reaching over to give him a heart stopping kiss full of passion and intense love. "This has been a weekend I won't soon forget."


Lionel's arms wound around Dominic and returned the kiss deeply.  "I won't forget it either, Dominic."  He brushed his fingertips over his lover's bearded cheeks.  "You've changed my way of life."


"You've changed me." He murmured, squeezing his free hand tightly before he slipped out the door, waiting for him to follow as the phone in his pocket trilled loudly and he nabbed it, speaking into it.


Lionel followed, the door locking automatically behind them as he climbed the steps to the helicopter.


"Senatori."  A pause, and he went deathly pale, holding the phone out to Lionel with wide eyes. "Its for you, sir."


Lionel took the phone, shifting his laptop and briefcase to Dominic in the process.  "Luthor."


He took them gladly, sliding into the Helicopter beside his lover as the engine whirred to silent life outside of the cabin.


"Did you think I was joking, Mr. Luthor?"


"Ah, Mr. Nixon.  So nice to hear from you.  To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"  He covered the mouthpiece and looked at Dominic.  "Trace."


"So you've finally figured it out. It only took you a week." Amusement was bright in his voice. "You missed your window of opportunity, Mr. Luthor. To be honest, I was surprised."


He reached over and clicked a little button on the head set, nodding at Lionel with a swallow.


"I figured it out days ago, Mr. Nixon.  You were exceedingly stupid to take the files from my office when it would have been much easier to have taken them from my son.  The surprise, dear boy, was entirely mine in your sloppy handling of things."  His hand was white-knuckled as it gripped the door handle.  "What do you want, Mr. Nixon?"


"I've leaked a very...interesting piece of information to the Planet about your son. It will be published in fifteen minutes if I don't have twenty million dollars put in my bank account."


"I'm surprised the Planet will take your credentials.  I'll pay your money, but I'm currently in transit to Smallville; I'm sure you can hear the helicopter blades in the background.  I'll land in twenty minutes, and you'll have it in twenty-five."  He covered the mouthpiece again, and whispered.  "Call Lex.  Give him the trace frequency."


He took out Lionel's cell phone immediately, dialing quickly and silently as he tried to stay quiet for the tracer.


"I'm sorry Mr. Luthor, I cant do that. You have 13 minutes." Dial tone.


"Fuck." He hissed, clicking cancel before the call went through. "Fuck. Fuck."


Lionel looked at Dominic.  "Get my son on the line.  I want Nixon's account numbers immediately.  Then, get on the phone to the Planet.  I want to know what the story is."  Lionel unzipped the laptop carrier, pulling the computer and booting it up quickly, fingers tapping in impatience.  "Actually... Give me the phone.  I'll call Lex.  You deal with the Planet."


He gladly handed it over, taking back HIS phone and dialing, sitting back and that very rare slick fury took over his expression, sending it to stone. No one messed with what he cared for, dammit. He had a Mr. Perry White on the phone in a heartbeat, talking coolly and calmly as he could.


"It's done." Roger hung the phone up and looked at his associate from across the desk, setting the receiver down with a click and a sigh. "The bait's loose."


Lionel dialed his son 's number from memory as he tapped in the keystrokes that opened his private funds account, and waited impatiently for Lex to pick up.


Victoria looked over at her accomplice.  "What did Lionel want?"


"No. No no no. You don't seem to understand, sir." Dominic was murmuring very quietly into the phone. "The evidence you were given is completely false, and if you release it, Mr. Luthor will be sure to blame it on you. Do you know what he does to people who ruin his business, sir?" Silence. "Keep the story held, and tell your reporter I don't give a damn if she's going to do it anyway or not." Click.


"Twenty extra minutes." A snort, and Nixon crossed his arms. "What do I look like, an idiot? I'm not dumb, I could hear the tracer."


Lex grabbed his phone and answered it.  "Luthor."


Lionel spared a brief smile for how much alike he and his son were.  "Nixon's leaked one of your transgressions to the Daily Planet.  Dominic is tracking it down, but I need Nixon's account numbers right away."


Lex rattled off the account number and the verification code.  "What does he want?"


"This story in the press."  Lionel tapped in the sequence of numbers and the verification code, and watched the virtual transaction take place.  Twenty four hours, and the transaction would be irreversible.  "We'll be there shortly."  Lionel hung up, and looked at Dominic.  "What's the story?"


"Why did he want the extra time?" Victoria asked.


Dominic muttered something under his breath about retarded people, dialing again.


"They're flying to Smallville at the moment. He said something about not being able to do the transaction in the air, or some stupid shit like that. Like I said, I ain't dumb."


"Yes, you are!"  Her clipped British tones echoed in the room.  "It's not like they have modem connections on board the helicopter!"


A pause as Dominic listened, reaching over to Lionel's pad and pen, scribbling quickly on it as he mmhmmed into the phone before hanging up. "Yacht theft, winter of 95." He murmured it, hanging up the phone as he rubbed away the headache forming behind his eyeballs. A pause. "Yacht theft?" He looked down at his own handwriting. "Has Nixon lost his mind?"


Lionel's laugh was forced.  "It's merely the mildest and most absurd of the charges my son encountered.  He was drunk and ended up stealing the Wayne Enterprises yacht for a joyride in Gotham Sound."


Dominic's grin was original. "That sounds kind of fun. Good show, Lex." Except this wasn't a laughing manner and he let the smile slip away, leaning back for a moment to close his eyes and sigh.


A soft beep from Lionel's laptop let him know the transfer of funds was complete, and he was half expecting the phone to ring again.  "He brought it back in fairly good condition, except for the bar.  The liquor cabinet was drained entirely."  He massaged his temples, and then looked at Dominic. "We will prevail."


He rolled his head to look at his lover. "Sometimes dumb people give me such a headache. Honestly, is it a necessity to be that idiotic?"


Lionel's voice turned steely.  "It is if you choose to go head to head with the Luthor family."


He nodded. "That I understand." Another lengthy pause, frowning. "There's a hundred instances where Lex has done things better or worse then the yacht. Why exactly did Nixon pick that incident? Random... or is he trying to tell us something?"


"Chosen deliberately," Lionel guessed.  "A childish prank that got out of hand; something that could be easily dismissed.  It would harm his reputation, certainly, but nothing that could not be repaired over time."


"You're quite correct. But.....maybe he's going to destroy your line of boats next? Just a guess, though I suppose I'm reading too deeply into it."


Lionel nodded.  "Make the call. Have the harbor patrols doubled, and call in our favor with the Coast Guard to have the ships heavily watched at all times."


He lifted his phone and did so, officially exhausted for the time being as they circled over Smallville, heading to the large plant that sat on the edge of the city. "Lionel...does being rich ever exhaust you?"


"Constantly.  But the trick is never to show it."  He squeezed Dominic's hand tightly.  "You've got to be exhausted.  And your leg?  How is it?  When we touch down, I'm afraid there won't be time to rest until this is done; I'm sorry."


He squeezed back, smiling at him softly. "It hurts a bit, but not as bad as before. The cream seems to be working wonders." He squeezed again, comfortable companionship between them. "I'll be fine...I'm just worried about you, old man." He lovingly stroked the soft spot below Lionel's eyes, caressing gently. "You look tired."


Lionel caught the caressing hand and held it to the side of his face.  "I am old, Dominic.  And I am tired.  More... more than you realize.  But I will be fine; I have gone through worse things."


"Bah." He shook the comment loose. "You're not old. Mr. Lowery, from the bank? He is old. Lord, Jesus and God almighty, I have to but scream into the phone every time he picks up."


Lionel chuckled softly and let it go; better not to remind him of the nearly thirty year difference in their ages.  "If you say so, Jiminy."  He kissed the caressing fingertips lightly.  "If I... If I do anything during this situation to make you feel less than... what you are to me, please believe that I don't mean to."


"Of course not. But are the boss. I'm your employee. I will keep what we have separate of that." As long as I can. "Besides..." His smile was wicked at the edges. "Its very fun when you make it up to me."


Lionel smiled in answer as the helicopter landed.  "Just remember, Dominic; even though you are my employee, you are my lover and my equal, and I want you to act as such."  He leaned over to whisper.  "And I will make it up to you, harsh words spoken or not, merely because making you scream my name is the most heady feeling I have ever had."


He shuddered all the way through his body before sending an adoring look into Lionel's own. He'd called him his lover. Oh. He smiled softly and turned his head to steal a soft kiss from him, squeezing his warm hand tightly. "I love you."


"As I love you."  The words were coming easier to him each time he said them.  "We will work better than ever together; can't you feel it?"  He opened the door of the helicopter as soon as they landed, and headed straight for Lex.


He watched Lionel go with a grin, watching him with adoration in his heart as he gathered their things and murmured to no one, "God, yes. I do." It took him just a moment to catch up with Lionel, stern, professional eyes falling onto Lex's face.


"Has Nixon called?"  That was Lionel's first question, not bothering with greetings.  "The money's been transferred, and it's been ten minutes and no call.  Have you heard from him?"


"Hello to you too."  Lex's voice was devoid of his usual sarcasm.  "No, we haven't."


Dom listened quietly, shouldering the laptop as the helicopters engines cut. "He's up to something."


Lionel nodded.  "Dominic pointed out that since what he chose was your... incident with the yacht, that his next strike will be at our shipping lines.  They're amply protected, but it's not usual in this kind of situation not to hear from the ransomer.  Especially when his demand has been met."


No, it really wasn't. Because he was busy holding a gun straight into Victoria's chest to check if the ransom had been paid. "Pretty face. Pretty fuck. Don't you know our goals are different now, darling?"


"What do you mean, different?  We both want revenge on the Luthors, and I want half the money to pay back what they did to my father's company."  Victoria had no idea what Roger was talking about.


"Its quite strange, I'll give you that." Dom murmured, mind whirring as he thought, trying to piece the clues of the puzzle together, going over and over in his mind the list his secretary had given him of the business owners and their current whereabouts. Lex in Smallville...Bruce in Japan with the Prime Minister. Heath and Natalia Bridgestone in Las Vegas, as their wedding anniversary gift to themselves. Hempner, Giralari. Everyone checked out. Even Sir Harry did, as he was in Canada conducting business dealings with the Canadian government. What the hell was he missing?


Roger smiled ruthlessly. "No, darling. I don't want revenge, and I don't want half the money. I want all of it. And you know where I want it to be? Underneath a Pulitzer Prize."


"You'll never make that without me, Roger!  You don't know these Luthor's like I do!"


"Sure I do." He was smiling as he pulled the trigger. "They're bastards, just like me."


Lionel reached into the briefcase and pulled out the list that Dominic was reading over in his mind, and one name glared out at him.  "Dominic... where is Victoria?"


Victoria's body crumpled as the shotgun blast tore through her chest and shattered her heart irreparably.


Dominic was wondering the same thing as miles away, Victoria was letting out her last breath. "In Metropolis, holding the metaphorical fort down until Sir Harry and his entourage return. ...." A pause. "Which is actually quite strange, in fact. She always accompanies him."


"Get her on the phone, now."  Lex snapped the order to one of the many people flocking around him.  "And if you see Clark Kent around here... tell him to go home."


Nixon felt nothing, as his idle fingers wiped the blood off the keyboard and he checked his account from the world wide web. Up from 1500 dollars to 20,001,500 wasn't bad. He lifted the phone and hit a button, and what felt like a world away, Lionel's phone trilled.


"Lionel. Lionel?" Dominic gently shook his arm to get his attention away, and broke a gentle thought process which he hated to do. "Your phone."


Lionel brought it instantly to his ear.  "Luthor."


Dom let his hand drop away, watching with avid interest because...ahh, yes. The look on his lovers face told it.


"Hello, Mr. Luthor. I'm glad to see my demand was met. So...the question is, what exactly are you going to do for me... so the public doesn't find out that Lex is gay?"


"You think that my son's sexuality is something to be afraid of?  Whatever... proof you think you have that he is gay, I have twice as much that he is not.  And if you know me at all, Mr. Nixon... you know that I do not bluff.  We have had our own... dealings, have we not?"


Oh, my God. Dominic winced visibly, looking at Lex from the corner of his eye as Lionel barked into his phone.


Lex was stone-faced and angry, his arms crossed over his chest as he listened to his father's side of the conversation, head cocked to the side.


He was laughing loudly into the phone, and twirled in the chair where just a few feet away, Victoria's body was slowly bleeding out. "I have someone here you might enjoy talking to."


"Oh?  Who?"  His finger flipped the silent tracer that Dominic had slid in the phone before, and nodded to Lex to pick up a headset.  "Who do I need to talk to?"


"A friend of your son's. Lovely, really...dark, curly hair, big eyes. A real peach." He snickered it.


"Victoria."  Lionel's voice held positive conviction.  "That scheming little... tramp."


"What's left of her." He tipped his head to the side, climbing to his feet to gather his things. "I'll contact you." Click.


"She's dead."  Lionel ended the call and slipped it into his coat pocket.  "What did we get?  Anything on the trace?  Dominic; backtrack Victoria in Metropolis.  Talk to whomever you have to.  I'll send the reserve team over to you.  Lex... I want to know where we are in finding Nixon."  Lionel rubbed briefly at the pounding pain behind his eyes.


Lex blinked.  He'd never seen his father give an indication of pain before.  "Dad?"


"I'm fine, Lex.  Just... tired."


Shocked silence from Lex.


" you have something for your father?" Quiet voice asked quiet words, and Dominic's gaze pierced the younger Luthor's as his fingers ached to ghost over the soft skin of his lovers neck. "Aspirin of some sort?"


Lex blinked, still watching his father closely.  "There... there should be some in my office.  Three doors off the first hallway, the entrance is open."


A solid nod and he disappeared as good all employees were wont to do, into the dark recesses of the large building. A solid walk through the first corridor, confident and secure, buttoning his coat buttons once more as he reached the third door. Reached down to open it, then stopped as something cold touched the back of his neck. A solid hand latched around his forearm and he blinked at the oak in wonderment before understanding clouded his senses. "Roger."


"I'm almost feeling loved here, Dominic."  A snicker, and Nixon shoved Dominic through the door, closing it and latching it behind him.  "Almost.  I guess since you're here, so's Big Daddy?"


He tumbled forward onto his knees, bruising them a bit as he looked...and he gasped. Oh, God. He leaned over and dry heaved, immensely thankful to Lionel for not letting him eat as Victoria's big, lifeless brown eyes stared at him. Oh, God. "B..." A hard swallow, looking up in fury. "Bastard."


"Oh, I see you met Victoria.  Vicky, meet Dominic.  Or... have you met already?"  Roger grinned as Dominic called him bastard.  "My parents were married, thank you."


Dominic struggled to his feet, watching him in anger and horror, terror and strength. "Fuck you."


Roger reached out and slammed his forearm across Dominic's face.  "Fuck me?  No, Dom... fuck you.  Or is that something else Big Daddy's got covered?"  Roger's rough fingers traced the visible bruises on Dominic's open shirt collar.


Dominic jerked away, his mind screaming not to fight the man with the big gun but God damnit. He hissed at the touch, taking a handful of steps back as his chest heaved, and he hated to admit it...but a cold sweat slicked over his skin like a dash of cold water. "What do you want?"


"What I've always wanted, Dominic!  Money!  Pulitzer Prize!  Fame and glory, all rolled into one, and I'm gonna ride the wave of Big Daddy and his little boy all the way to the finish line!"  Roger dropped into the leather chair behind Dominic's desk, and twirled.


He could run. He could. But a bullet in the back wasn't his way of starting off his life by Lionel's side. So instead he breathed as evenly and calmly as he could, watching the little rodent man with dark eyes. "You have money. 2 millions worth."


"Not nearly enough!  I want the lifestyle, Dom, and I've gotta tell you, this little bit?  That's just a drop in the bucket."  Roger was tapping his feet together like a little kid.


"And you plan to do it by bringing Lex and his father to their knees." Statement, not question. Dark eyes.


"They're the biggest fish in the pond," Roger answered with narrowed eyes.


"You're a slimy, sadistic little man." Said with enough malice dripping from his voice to fill a small tug boat, glowering darkly at him.


"Oh, I'm just trembling in my loafers."  Roger pulled the gun back up to aim at Dominic.  "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your ass straight to Hell."


"If you kill me, Lionel will make sure you know the true meaning of agony." His voice was calm but dark, angry, heady. He wasn't afraid to die, not by a long shot. "You'll never again wonder how much pain you can withstand in a single night's time."


"He'd replace you and move on; I've seen the way he treats his son.  He wouldn't give a damn about you either!"  Roger's eyes narrowed again, however, and his hand twitched slightly on the stock of the shotgun.


"No, Roger. I'm not the replace and move on type." Quietly, deathly still, eyes defiantly pointed at Rogers face, and not the gun head pointing at him.


Roger's hands shook again, and he used the barrel of the shotgun to back Dominic up against the wall.  "You call out there.  You call out there, and tell them that I'm breaking this story and they can't stop me.  No matter how much money they pump into my bank account, they won't be able to stop me."


"Alright." He murmured it, nodding as he kept his eyes on his captor, and not the gun in his chest. "I'll call."


Roger threw the office's cordless phone at him.  "Now!" he shouted.


He didn't want to die, but his warning might be the only way to keep Lionel and Lex from loosing their family corporation. There was nothing more grievous then burying a dead business. It might be the only thing that kept them both alive. The most grievous of all things was burying a dead son or father. He slowly dialed Lionel's phone number, pressing it to his ear.


Lionel jumped when the phone trilled, and dug it out of his pocket.  "Luthor."


"Lionel, its Dominic."


Lionel froze in his pacing, body stiffening as his back went ramrod straight.  The hair on the back of his neck stood on end.  "Dominic."


Lex swung his head around as soon as his father's phone trilled, and he dumped his own conversation with a terse "I'll call you back" before crossing the few steps to his father's side, but stopped well away when he saw the change in stance and attitude.


"Listen to me very carefully." Dominic nodded, swallowing as he watched Rogers eyes. "Rogers in here with me, he's got a gun to my chest. He's going to turn Lex's files into the media," His voice was tumbling, words overlapping each other in the eagerness to get out as he met his captors eyes. "Cut the phone lines from the plant, Lionel. I love you." And with a single slam, the phone lay in pieces against the wall and the blood drained out of his face.


"Dominic! DOMINIC!"  Lionel raised his voice, but the phone was dead.  He turned a fierce gaze on the tactical team around him.  "Cut the phone lines.  Now.  Do it.  Physically destroy it.  Take down the satellite.  Do it in the next five minutes."  Cold voice and even harder expression.




"This isn't a game anymore, Lex."


Dominic stood his stance though his knees shook in terror, lifting his chin. "I'm no ones bitch."


Roger slammed the shotgun against Dominic's throat.  "Bastard!  You think you're gonna play the hero and sacrifice yourself so that Big Daddy and his little prince don't get dirty?  Forget it!  I've got other ways of getting that information out!"


"How? How, Roger? How exactly do you expect it to, w-" The lights cut off and he would have smirked if the sunshine from the late afternoon wasn't shining in through the huge paned windows.


Roger screamed in frustration, and racked the slide back on the shotgun.  "You've earned this one, Senatori."  He pressed the barrel against Dominic's throat, and his finger itched against the trigger.


And he smiled. "Then I suppose I've already won."


Lex was barking out orders as the power to the plant was cut, and the gas mains shut down.  The phone lines were in the process of being taken down, and there were men cutting the physical lines on the building. 


Lionel was standing in the middle of the action, his arms crossed over his chest, the light breeze billowing his coat and hair out behind him. 


Roger pulled the trigger, but instead of it tearing through Dominic's throat, the blast tore through his shoulder instead.  "You call that bastard you work for.  You tell him I want the power back now."


And Clark… well, Clark was watching everything with fascinated eyes. He hadn't meant to follow Roger....okay, he was a liar. Yes he had. But he hadn't meant for Dominic to come in, hadn't meant for any of this to happen. Hadn't meant for the older man to get shot. How the hell could he get in... and not set off the explosives strapped to Rogers chest? He watched in fascinated x-ray vision, crouched low in the room right across from Lex's office.

Roger kicked the wounded man. "You call now!"

He didn't process what happened. It was so quick, the rush of blood so devastating, that all he could do was look down in surprise at the hole in his shoulder. He'd sunk down at some point, watching Roger with vision already hazing, and knew beyond all things that the pain was going to be outrageous, for the little time that was left for him on earth. "F...." A gasp. "Fuck you."


Roger kicked him again, and put the shotgun against his other shoulder.  "You call or I shoot."


"I wont let...let you destroy him." Dominic was shaking, shuddering with pain beginning to make itself known. "Kill me. I… it won’t matter."


"He's just using you!  Like he did me!  Like he does everyone who works for him!  Why are you determined to die for him?!  And Lex!  He treats you worse than shit!"  Roger racked the slide back.  "Do you really want to die for the Luthor's?"


"Yes." Loud, echoing, and he pressed his palm against his shoulder, panting loudly. "I b… believe in them. That's something you lack, R...Roger. You don't have faith."


Roger cocked the shotgun as he steadied the stock against his shoulder, pressing the dual steel barrels to Dominic's head.  "Then die for your faith, little man."


Clark watched it in interest, trying to stay impartial as he looked down at the gun barrel. He'd never seen one shoot...the puff of ash, the vibration of the gun. Rogers look of pure psychotic malice and anger...Dominic's sadness and strength. Such a pure look of understanding in those eyes, and he walked into death willingly for those he loved.


Clark wasn't a very smart guy, but he thought that was pretty damn cool.


He twisted the barrel of the gun, punching the handle back into Rogers face as time shifted back to normal. Barely. The bullet had barely been stopped. Dominic's eyes rolled in his head and he collapsed. Good.


Clark let his eyes drift to the now bleeding man, amused passiveness on his face. "Hi."


Roger blinked in sheer shock as the barrel twisted back, and then cried out as he felt the stock shatter his nose and he fell to his knees.  "You!" He stuttered out.  "I knew there was something strange about you, freak!  Knew you were an alien!"


"One who's going to kick your butt all the way back to Metropolis." Clark hissed, pulling his fist back.


Roger ripped off his shirt and held up the detonator.  "Hit me and I blow all of us up... you might be a freak but I bet I can take you with me."


"Do it."


Roger's thumb fumbled with the button as he flipped the cap open.  "Last chance, Freak.  I'll take you and everyone else trapped in here with me.  And if I'm lucky, I can take Lex and Big Daddy too."


"Roger, you need help. You need someone to talk to, someone to get advice from. You need to go to an institution where they can help you." He knew in his heart what was about to happen, but tried to prevent it anyhow. "Please."


"What I need is to get this information out to the press!  Let them see what kind of person Lex Luthor really is, let them see what Lionel Luthor bought off to keep his son's name clean!"  Roger's thumb pressed down harder on the button.  "Back off, freak boy." Roger giggled.  "Once I'm done with the Luthor's, then I'll put your story out for the world to see... Alien Freak Hiding In Middle America!  Can a man win two Pulitzers in his lifetime?"


Clark felt terror, deep in his soul, engrained by his mother and shaking in deep. No. God, no. "Roger, please. You need help. Please. Don't let it end this way...theirs a better way. Please."  He held out his hand gently, offering the step back onto sanity, the one link to bring him back into the world of human kind. Gentle. Kind. Clarks eyes forgave as his blood roared.

Roger had left all vestiges of sanity behind. "This is the only way, Freak! I'm going to get my story, one way or another!" His thumb completely pressed down on the detonator, and the digital timer on the bomb strapped to his chest started counting. Fifteen seconds. and time was running out fast as Roger cackled. "They can't escape this one!" Roger roared.

His eyes were very wide as he backed up completely, shaking in fear. Fifteen seconds....12....8 it wasn't enough to disable it even with super speed...and he still had a life he could save. He turned and ducked, pulling Dominic's limp body in close to his, covering himself as much as he could over the prone man. He cradled the head into his chest, pressing his face hard to Dominic's, and waited for the blast.


The explosion came in seconds, rocking the foundation of the plant.  Roger didn't even see the blast.


Lionel moved as soon as the blast rumbled through.  A gout of fire shot forth from the plant, debris raining all around the temporary tactical post where Lionel and Lex waited.  


"Dominic!"  Lionel moved forward, nearly heedless of the falling wreckage until Lex's hand jerked his shoulder and pulled him out from under a falling block of masonry that had nearly crushed him.


"Dad!  You can't go in there!  Forget it!"


"Dominic's in there!"


"I know!"  Lex was shouting in Lionel's ear as he dragged his father down and backwards, behind the safety of one of the flimsy tables as they waited for the debris to stop falling.


The building crumbled in on itself. Half the west wing sucked in, tumbling in on itself as it had been designed to do. The chemical vats were immediately sealed and locked as the passing alarms were hit as the walls fell. Hundreds of thousands of dollars… gone, because of a mad man on a rampage for money and power. It was almost sad.




He was buried. Heavy cement lay all over him, and he lifted himself up on his elbows to keep the weight off of Dominic. A shove...push...raining rock. Fire everywhere, singing his clothes and his eyes and his hair.


As soon as the initial explosion had passed, Lionel pulled himself to his feet, surveying the terrible destruction.  Fiery chunks still occasionally rained down, but nothing like the constant stream of before.  "Dominic," Lionel said softly, his entire body stiffening as he looked at the partially-destroyed plant.  His shoulders locked as did his legs, and his eyes were no longer the happy brown that they had been but were two stony pools of near-black. 


He should have known.  He had dared to love again. 




Lex.  His son.  Speaking to him.  Ignored.


"Dad, come on.  We can't stay; they're evacuating the entire radius in case one of the methane tanks blows."  Lex reached out and put a hand on his father's shoulder, recoiling at the bitter gaze and the physical flinch.  This was the father he'd known all too many years, and briefly cursed himself for getting his hopes up.


"Go if you want to, Lex.  Someone has to stay and start the clearance to get in there and find out what's going on.  If you don't feel up to the task then I'll do it." 


"This is not about risk, Dad."  Lex's voice was almost a sneer.  And then... he remembered.  Dominic.  And cursed mentally.  "This is about... Dominic."


"Do not start, Lex."  Lionel's voice was icy.


A heavy push with his shoulders...nothing. Goddammit. So Clark did what he was really good at. He grabbed Dominic to him (dead? Unconscious? God if he knew.) and heaved up, breaking through the debris only to find himself in the pitch darkness.




He lifted Dominic up onto a wide shoulder, oofing softly. "Less steak, more salad, Dominic." He murmured, and began through the wreckage. It appeared that he had gotten them onto what was left of the third floor...that was now the first floor. Beams of sunlight broke in through the cracks of the structure, and he knew any moment the thing would collapse and Dominic would be killed.


He stepped through a small corridor where electrical wiring hung deadly off the walls, broken glass and wreckage under foot. The walls were caved in, smoke billowing through the building, and it was a struggle to breath, let alone think. His mind, claustrophobic by nature, screamed for him to find a way out. Out.


Lex glared at his father.  "This… this is all about Dominic.  It's not about who stays behind."  It finally clicked.  "I knew you were fucking him, I just--"


Lionel turned an icy glare on Lex and nearly raised a hand to his only son.  "My affairs with Dominic are strictly that--mine.  And I'll not have you digging through them for your own sordid means."


Lex suddenly understood so much more than he should have.  "You… you must love him a great deal."


Lionel made no real answer.  "One would think, wouldn't you, that I would have learned my lesson by now."


Lex took a deep breath, and put his hand on Lionel's shoulder.  "I'm still here, Dad."


Lionel shrugged his hand off.  "Leave me be, Lex."


A shove, hard, through another corridor...debris fell hard and Clark shielded the unconscious man on his shoulder best he could, bringing him down to cradle in his arms. He held him close, and blood...blood was everywhere, all over himself and Dominic. Dammit.


Another push… if he kept going, he'd eventually get outside.


And very, very suddenly...he was. He blinked out into the vast apple orchards behind the plant, blinking at the warm trees a moment before turning and looking up. Oh, God. He super sped a bit away... and the entire plant caved in with a roar. Dust, fire squelched, rocks and concrete and dry wall.


He frowned at it and gathered the man tighter in his arms, starting to trudge around the enormous structure.


Lex paced angrily around his father, then as the grinding noise of the plant collapse came, Lex dragged his father down with him.  "Dad... I'm..."


"Be silent, Alexander."


Lex stiffened.  Those were the exact same words that Lionel had said to him at his mother's funeral.


Clark turned around the corner and held Dominic tighter to him as the plaster and stuff collapsed, watching it like he might a very interesting creature. The long legs of his burden swung bonelessly, head hanging back over the strong arm without movement. Clark looked down at him a moment and....there. Strong heart, beating slowly but surely in a strong chest. He'd live.


Dust followed him as he went, the air a dark black of debris and junk, crap...everywhere. And he winced as he saw Lex and Lionel crouching low. Oh. Lex was gonna kill him.


"You can't shut me out, Dad. Not like you did when Mother died."

"Alexander, leave me be. Don't you think I've paid for my peace?"

Lex forced his father to look at him. "You bastard," he hissed softly. "You're not going to shut me down again. I've spent the last fifteen years trying to open you back up to me and I'm not going to let you close down again."

Lionel whirled on his son, knocking Lex's arms from his shoulders and gripping him by the collar, saying nothing before letting go and shoving him back a single step.

The smell of blood was tangy in the air. Ripe, pungent like a sack of burning pennies. All of the assistants were watching him in awe...but Lex and Lionel seemed to be too deeply heated in argument to notice his approach. He shook the dripping strands of hair from his eyes, feeling the sweat which was so unlike him to produce drip down his back, fall in his eyes. He felt so dog tired, just beat.


Lex shoved back, knocking his father's hands from his collar.  "Fuck you, Dad!  This place is mine too!  I have a stake in this, and in you!  You're my father, for God's sake!  I'm not going to let you treat me like this again!"


Lionel shoved Lex back again, still not speaking, and Lex growled.  "Fucking talk to me, Dad!"  He balled up his fists in anger, and before he thought what he was doing, he rocked back on his heels and let his fist fly at his father. 


Lex's fist caught Lionel on the jaw, and the elder Luthor raised a hand to his mouth, bringing it away and blinking in shock when he saw blood.  "You dared." 


Oh, shit. Punches thrown. Holy crap. Clark swallowed hard around his dry throat, one of Lex's assistants already on the phone with an ambulance, struggling to speak through the smoke clogging his wind pipe.


"Yeah, Dad.  I did.  I dared."


Lionel turned away, delving in his pocket for his handkerchief, simmering deep below the surface. 


Lex clapped his hand on Lionel's shoulder and he turned, bringing his hand up to shove Lex's hand off his shoulder, and he caught sight of the soot-covered boy, and shoved Lex towards him.  "Go play with your new toy, Lex.  And let me be."


Dominic opened his eyes. Pain was a far away feeling… just the clouds in a blue sky. If he listened close enough, he could hear the birds squalling in terror.


Clark looked up through the strands of hair in his eyes and finally lost his footing. His knees went week, like jelly, and he fell on them, the grip on the body in his arms loosening as he swallowed hard


"My... Clark!"  Lex stumbled as Lionel shoved him, and he ran towards Clark, and then he realized Clark had a body over his shoulder.  "Clark!!"  The closer he got to Clark, Lex recognized the back of the blond head over his shoulder.  "Dominic!  DAD!" 


Lionel almost didn't turn around, but the desperate note in his son's voice made him.  Lex was waving him over, and Lionel moved quickly.  When he got within shouting distance, he saw Lex pulling at the body over Clark's shoulder.  "Dominic?"


Clark slowly leaned forward and got Dominic down as gently as he could, grasping the loose head as he lay him down in the gravel before escaping into a heavy fit of coughing and hacking. Gasping. He'd never coughed in his life, he didn't even know how to react, and he watched Lex with desperation as he hacked.


"Clark... God.  You... we got to get you out of here."  Lex dragged his coat from around his shoulders and wrapped it over Clark.  "We gotta get you out of here before anyone gets their hands on you."  He looked at his father, who was in the process of moving Dominic's head into his lap.  "Come on, now."


A stir. Familiar warmth, and it brought Dominic back from the teetering edge of unconsciousness. A blurry person above smoke in the air. War zone. Where had the birds gone?


He continued coughing violently, so hard that he leaned over Lex and puked hard, his back convulsing with it. Oh, God. He'd never barfed ever, either, and the feeling was horrible. Horrible. He felt like his insides were going to come up his throat and out. How the fuck did anorexic people do it?!


Lionel cradled Dominic's head in his lap, touching him gently and carefully.  "Dominic... don't leave me."  Lionel raised his voice, bellowing for ambulance attendants to get to him now.  "Stay with me, Dominic.  That's an order."


His heart smiled, even when his body couldn't. The pain was outstanding, coming in vicious, heavy waves that shook him all the way down to the gut. Lionel. Lionel was there. God, he loved him. He didn't bother to say anything… simply searched for the hand weakly with his own. God, please let him understand.


Lex put his arms around Clark, holding him and rocking with him.  "Christ, Clark.  Can you get up?  We gotta get you out of here.  Or away from Dominic and my father where nobody will see you being sick.  Come on."  He started dragging Clark to his feet.


He was a Kent, dammit. He climbed to his feet, body wracking with the horrible need to get whatever it was out of him and he shuddered, turning his head away as they started to hobble away. "S...something in...Lex, there's something in the plant." He gasped. "Something with meteors."


Lionel felt Dominic's hand reaching for his own and grasped it tightly.  "That's right, Dominic.  I'm here.  I'm not leaving.  You're going to be all right.  You... you have to be all right, Jiminy."  He laced his fingers through Dominic's and squeezed.


Lex slipped an arm around Clark's waist and one of Clark's arms around his shoulder.  His head snapped around as he heard his father's voice talking to Dominic, and hearing... hearing his father call Dominic Jiminy was just... more than he could comprehend at the moment.  He knew now, though, that this was his father in love, and for a brief moment, Lex was seven again and curled up in his father's chair, arms around his neck.  Then Clark mentioned the meteors, and Lex's attention snapped back to him.  He picked up their pace, moving them faster along.  "I think that's what Level Three was all about; that's what Earl was infected with, and that's why you reacted that way to him."


Oh, lover, his heart murmured. I'm not going to make it. Please look at me and just...just let me see your eyes one more time. Dominic's heart hurt every time it beat, a stabbing pain in his chest...and for the first time he damned it. Please, stop hurting me.


Lionel leaned over, touching his forehead to Dominic's hand.  "The medics will be here soon.  I'm ordering you, Dominic.  I'm ordering... I'm asking.  Please.  Don't leave me alone in this world."  He swallowed hard, looking down at his wounded lover--his love--with eyes glassed over with unshed tears.  "Stay, Dominic.  Hold on."


God, it hurt to hear his lovers words. He wanted so badly to just let go, give in and surrender to the peace that seemed to be calling his name. But instead...instead he held on to the thread with both hands, grasping it like a drowning man. "L....lo...." his voice croaked. ""


Lionel pressed his fingers lightly over Dominic's lips.  "I love you," he said softly, then louder.  "I love you, Dominic."  His hand squeezed tighter to Dominic's as the paramedics finally arrived and loaded him onto a gurney.


"I'm sorry, you can't--" started one of the paramedics, before she realized who it was.  "I'm sorry, Mr. Luthor.  Just step back long enough to let us get him taken care of, please."


Lionel moved to the other side of the gurney and took hold of Dominic's other hand as they bottled him with IVs and surrounded him in a flurry of movement before pushing him into the back of the waiting ambulance.


"Lex..." Clark coughed again, struggling fiercely to keep it under control. "I think I-I breathed it in...Lex, I need my parents."


Lex changed their direction instantly.  "All right.  We've got to get you out to my car.  Come on.  It's parked outside the cordon.  We'll get you there."  He kept his arms tight around Clark.  "I'll make sure you're all right."


"My mom knows what to do… Lex… this has happened b...bef..." He leaned over and threw up again, not as badly but bad enough. His body was convulsing to rid himself of the poison in his body, gagging violently and shuddering. "Gotta hurry."


Lex watched the attendants loading Dominic, and cut around behind them.  "I'll get you there, Clark."  A few hundred more yards, and they were by his car.  Lex clicked off the alarm instantly, jerking the door open and manhandling Clark into the passenger seat.  A few seconds later, Lex was in the driver's seat, peeling out in front of the ambulance and heading to Kent Farm like a bat out of hell.  His hand was frantically shifting the gear stick as his foot pressed the accelerator to the floor.  He thanked the car gods for precision handling as he redlined the engine, kicking the speed up to nearly 140, far faster than he'd ever gone before and it still wasn't fast enough.  "Clark!  Talk to me, Clark."  Lex didn't take his eyes off the road, not daring to the way he was driving.  "Come on, Clark... talk to me."


Dominic’s shirt was ripped open immediately, the wound spurting dark blood. He didn't even feel it, just watched his lover with sad eyes, holding on as hard as he could. Bandaging, gauze, and the siren screamed over their heads as they pulled out. "Lionel..." He murmured it softly, as the adrenaline that had been pushed into his veins by the tip of a needle worked his blood. "Lionel..." A squeeze of his fingers, holding his lover close as the two women paramedics threaded IV's through his skin in his legs and one in his arm, oxygen mask fogging with each word. He'd done it.  Had he done it?  Clark... the gun. He'd been staring at death in the eyes... and suddenly, he'd woken up to Lionel's big, beautiful eyes that hinted green in the sunlight and his soft, warm hair.


"I'm here, Dominic.  I'm here."  Regardless of the IVs and the straps, Lionel raised Dominic's hand to his mouth, kissing the blood-encrusted knuckles softly.  "Rest now.   I'm here."  He listened to the siren as they roared to the hospital.


"I...I'm okay..." His forehead was against the cool glass of the car door. "I'm okay... Lex... Lex, slow down, Lex.  Lex. Lex slow down now. Lex..." Too late. He'd tried to warn him, but...instead, he dry heaved hard, throwing up a little bit on his lap as his chest heaved in agonized pain.


His puke was a disturbing shade of green.


So were his eyes.


Lex hadn't even tried to slow down; the interior of the car meant NOTHING compared to Clark.  "That's right, Clark... Christ.  Throw it up.  Get it out of you.  Jesus... I'm going to kill that bastard."  Lex shifted into higher gear, getting another twenty miles of speed out of the car as he fishtailed the turn onto route 5 and then rocketed straight down the path until the farm came onto the horizon.  He slammed on the brakes just enough to make the turn, and left skid marks on the pavement as he spun into the driveway and stopped the car millimeters before it crashed into the porch.  He laid hard on the horn before vaulting out of the car and moving around to the side, opening Clark's door and helping him spill out onto the ground.  "Mrs. Kent!" Lex shouted.  He set the car alarm again, then sent a rock through the windshield, setting the alarm off as he tried to get the attention of the Kent family.


Dominic smiled. "I know." His eyes closed peacefully, and the normally jumping red line zoomed straight on the heart monitor.


"Dominic!!  Dominic!"  Lionel shook his lover, rough hands on his shoulder jerking him.  "Damn you, Dominic, I gave you an order!" he roared, and the female attendant winced.


"Mr. Luthor, I'm going to have to ask you to move!"  She shoved the bandages out of the way, and slapped on contact pads.  "Paddles.  200J."  The male slicked the paddles with conductor jelly, and she slammed them down on his chest.  "Clear!"  A second later, two hundred joules of energy coursed through Dominic's heart, trying to jump start it.  "Again!  Clear!"




"Give me three hundred joules!  Clear!  450 epi, stat!"  The woman glared at Lionel as he tried to move closer.  "Mr. Luthor, I'm only going to ask you once more, stand back!  Clear!"  With a press of the paddles, she sent another three hundred joules of electricity jumping through Dominic's body.


He gasped raggedly, eyes opening wide and fluttering hard as his heart began to beat furiously again, hard and rough against his rib cage. Dominic’s glassy eyes fluttered to Lionel's, wide and not all their, groaning darkly as the pain came to him for the first time. Agony. Agony. "S...sorry." He met his lovers eyes, or tried to, but they kept swimming out of focus.


"Hold the epi!"  The woman felt herself shoved out of the way as Lionel moved back beside Dominic. 


"Dominic... no... don't be sorry, just... don't do that again.  You... can't.  I don't know what will become of me without you."


He didn't have it in him to tell him he'd be fine. That he'd go on. He just concentrated on breathing, trying very hard to stay conscious as the ambulance slowed around a bend and straight ahead to the massive Smallville General. The ambulance jolted to a halt outside Smallville General, the doors of the ambulance were thrown open, and Dominic was hustled inside and onto the operating table.  


Lionel paced outside, stalking the waiting room, hair bristling as he waited for word.





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