
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 87: E. T. the Erotic Tailbump

Christina Aguilera, Shakira. Enrique Iglesias, Santana. Yeah. Toni had been swallowed whole in the sweep of Latin music that had impacted the industry in the last few years, and almost all of her newer CD's were Latin music. Especially in her little Honda. She had recorded it on tape, because the car didn’t have a CD player, and Christina Aguilera was singing about how she wasn’t a doll who means nothing.

Or something. She didn’t say she could speak Spanish here, people.

She had it on low, her eyes dancing as she continued to glance at Graham. They'd had a very...hormone tingling day, to say the least, and she hoped he was good and aware of himself and her. She liked planting those little thoughts into a mans head.

Graham felt like the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck were standing on end. Little shudders shot through his large frame every few seconds, trembles that made his fingers itch to stroke over smooth, chocolately skin, trembles that made his skin completely and totally aware of the warm body heat radiating from the beautiful woman beside him.

God only knew what was on the radio; he wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to it. His attention was on Toni.

Alright. So maaaybe playing footsies with him at the restaurant had been cruel. Slipping a pair of underwear into his coat pocket? Horrid. Breathing soft little kisses over his neck through the movie? Terrible.

But when she glanced at him, smiling, it pleased her on every level that he was so attentive.

And she'd never been more in love with a man then she was right now. And damn him for making her feel it.

"We're almost there, sugar pie. Do you think Shane will like the toys we bought him?"

"I think he'll love them; he loves all kinds of toys. I just hope they distract him from the fact that Lionel's not here." He rubbed his palms on the knees of his jeans nervously.

Nervously wasn't the word for it. He was on the edge of his bloody seat with the energy that seemed to be crackling out of every pore. "Toni--"

"Yup, sugar?" She maneuvered like a damn pro through the Metropolis streets, speeding sometimes… and now, as people fought like banshees to get into the airport lanes, she was extra attentive.

Didn’t mean she was ignoring her passenger.

"I'm glad he'll like them. He's such a beautiful baby, such a good boy."

"Thank ye. You've made me... very happy today," he rumbled softly. He wasn't even bracing himself on the dashboard any longer. "I only wish you could be gettin' on the plane with me. But I know you can't, so I'm only going to say... I miss you."

Oh, shit. She'd applied her mascara with great care that morning, and she wasn’t going to mess it up. ...So maybe she sniffled. And her eyes filled up even as she pressed her lips together. No man... no one, had ever told her they missed her. No one.

She liked it. More then she could say. Just like she liked the rumbling, deep tone of his voice that she was positive, if she buried her face in his chest, she could feel it through her whole body.

Damn tempting.

"I’m going to miss you too, sugar. You’ve got to come back in a hurry, alright?"

"I'm hopin' t'be back by the end of the month, if everythin' goes well. I didna like agreein' to it, but Morgan's talked me into lettin' Lionel's realtor handle the sale, and all th'papers will be sent t'me here, if I c'n find a house that fits me here. But I gotta pack everythin' up at the house first, and truck it back here. Morgan's already got me a storage place here, and I c'n stay with him until I buy a house here."

"Its going to be--" She leaned her head out of the window. "GET OUT OF THE DAMN WAY YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Then back in. "--wonderful. I think you'll really like Smallville... very quiet, very residential. And I think Shane will like growing up with his family around." She smiled at him. "Shayla... your mother, Dominic, and Lionel."

Graham laughed as she stuck her head out the window, and he took the opportunity to lay his hand on the smooth back of her neck. "Riley n'Marie live in Metropolis wit'their brood, Shane'll have quite a bit of family round him."

Oh. Hand. Neck. It tingled and she grinned at him, eyes dancing as she pushed past the guy she'd just very rudely told choice words to and got into the far right hand lane so they could get their exit. "How is Marie, by the way? The baby, Ariel? How’s she doing?"

"She's doin' very well," Graham answered with a grin. "Looks like her father, poor child, only she's got Marie's eyes instead of Riley's. Green bright instead of blue."

"Oh, come on." She grinned again. "You, Dominic, and Riley are just... yeah. There's no doubt you're brothers. You guys all have this sheer male beauty that comes from outrageously good genes. And the funniest part is none of you know it." She grinned up at him. "I’m glad she's doing well. Marie had quite a time delivering her."

Graham blushed brightly. "We're a set of three lunks is what we be," he muttered gruffly. "And aye, I remember the delivery, she threatened poor Morgan to death."

"Hunks is more like it. Clark and I had a really nice time talking about your butts once. Man, and was he ever right."

"You didn't discuss my posterior with that boy!"

Another growl as she spit out lewd curses that would make a sailor blush right out the window, bellowing and flipping some guy off who'd just cut her off, twice, as she took her exit. She sent him a flashing, winning smile and hummed innocently as Christina switched to Shakira and bellowed about being underneath peoples clothes.

"Oh, sweet Mary, mother o'Jesus," Graham lamented. "I'm never lookin' that boy in th'eye again."

"If it helps, he was just as embarrassed about it as you." She grinned and pat his thigh… a little too high up, but what the hell. She lived on the edge. She left her palm there a few moments longer then she should have, before taking it back and taking an abrupt left into the parking lot.

"Doesn't help a'tall." He growled, but then it changed timbre in his throat to a rumbling purr as her hand stroked his leg. He reached down to touch her hand, but by the time he'd moved it was gone, and they were turning into the parking lot of the airport. "Toni, you're goin' t'make me beg."

"Am I?" She said innocently, and pulled into a parking before the bitch a mile down the lane could take it. Fucker. She growled, pushed the car into park, pulled the handbrake, and leaned back to rest a minute. "Have I told you that only you could make me drive to the airport in Metropolis?"

"Y'are." He leaned over the console as she leaned back in the chair, and kissed her softly, his hand cupping her cheek as his tongue flicked lightly over the soft fullness of her mouth.

Oh. She'd seen it coming a split second before his mouth had covered hers, and it was bliss. He had a talent with his mouth... the kind of talent that reminded a woman of cottages by the sea and Saturday nights cuddling and making sweet love and a life with a picket fence and a dog.

And to tell the honest truth, it would have taken her knees from under her had she been standing.

As it was she moaned softly, her fingers reaching forward and grasping his coat to bring him closer. Deeper. The edge of need was fine and sharp in her brain, and his mouth, his lovely, soft mouth with its talented tongue could bring her so much pleasure.

Graham moved as close to her as the little car confines would allow, hand still cupping her jaw as the other rested on her hip. Her mouth was soft and sweet, and her breath was soft as his tongue met hers.

Easy dips and thrusts, his tongue swept through her mouth like a soft breeze before a storm, fast and gentle and leaving a cool feel behind from the heat of his mouth.

She swallowed as soon as he departed a little, her tongue flickering out over her lips to catch his taste, and once there was no more of it, she let her eyes open. They were fogged with lust, bright and big, and she let out a shaky sigh as she gazed up at him. "Mmm."

"Yeah. I agree with the Mmm," he teased gently. "C'mon. Walk me into the terminal." A bright grin. "Help me carry th'bags."

Bags? What? She had to... oh. She gave him a glare, putting her nose in the air as she pulled the keys from the ignition and flounced around the car. "You just wanted to cement your manhood after the ass comment, didn’t you?"

Graham got out of the car, and grabbed her by the waist as she flounced around. He pulled her in close to him, lifting her up so that they were face to face, and his hand rested on the small of her back. "Didna need to cement m'manhood, darlin'. Y'did that for me," he said, letting her feel the hard length between his legs pressing against her thigh.

He plucked her up easy as the breeze, and rose her at least a good 10 inches so they were face to face. Her fingers grasped his shoulders and her eyes went very, very, very wide. His heat was obvious, and it was strange. She was used to men getting all hot and bothered over her, but she'd never quite reciprocated the feeling like she was reciprocating it now. And making this man have an erection, this man be hot for her, was something new entirely.

Yeah. Also, you know, he was huge.

She trembled against him, a racking shake of want, and looked up at him with big eyes filled with ache. "You're so big."

"And you're s'tiny," he said softly, still holding her against him with one hand. "You're so little, I could break ye in half if I tried." He pressed a kiss to her cheek as he looked at wide eyes. "I want ye too."

"Can’t break me." She murmured. "You'll find out soon enough how much strength are in these bones." She kissed his chin, then squirmed… which, yeah. You know. Muh. "Put me down, will you? Before they think that you’re a lumberjack stealing some city girl?"

"And ye say that like it's not an appealin' thought," he teased as she squirmed. "Tossin' ye over m'shoulder and carrying you off wit'me."

"Graham, if you toss me anywhere your shin will be black and blue." But she was grinning as she tried to get down. "You are really hell bent on me staying up here, hmm?" A moment... she looked around… then gasped, mockly. "My God, it is a whole other atmosphere up here."

"Told ye so." He hoisted her up a little farther, over his shoulder, her taut little tummy bouncing against his shoulder blade. "How d'ye like the air up there, my darlin' lass?"

"Graham, if you don’t put me down this instant, I am going to pee on your arm." She said it deadpanned, and glared down at him...then reached down, took a handful of ass, and pinched. Hard.

He yelped and instinctively, his large hand landed across the firm curve of Toni's ass.

Her eyes went... well, they went wide. Very wide. She blinked... hoped he didn’t really notice the shudder through her, and gave him a swift smack to his back as she squirmed. "Graham, put me down this instant." Cause yeah. She knew he'd felt it, and she was embarrassed beyond mortification.

Graham slowly let her slide down his chest until her little feet touched the asphalt. "I'm sorry, darlin'."

She blinked and looked down at the ground between them.

Yeah. Maybe her nipples were hard as rock through her thin sweater. So what?

She glanced up, offered him a glare, and threw her head back. "Not a word."

"Big and dumb Irishman, right here," he said, shouldering all of his bags without a thought. "Won't say a word." He mimed zipping his lips.

His hand had fit perfectly across her backside. Yeah. "I’m not going to make it. A month. I’m not sure I can do it. You left me your address, right? I might have to break my sacred vow never to go to Canada and come and make out with you." Bluntness to perfection, and she took two of his bags, setting them on her own shoulders.

He nodded. "It's sittin' on your dresser, on a white card." He rubbed his cheek against hers. "I love ye, Toni."

And those three little words made up for every frustration she had with him. She gazed up at him... gazing into those lovely eyes for a long moment until she could grasp his hand in her own, and pull him close. "I’m usually not this big of an idiot." She murmured. "I usually come across suave. You take the suaveness out of me. I love you, Graham."

His fingers laced through hers and squeezed them just tightly enough. "I'm really going to miss ye; I'll call you when I get home."

She walked easily with him… ignoring the hubbub, and the rude people... just grasping his hand and gently pulling it closer to her. "Come back to me, Irish."

He slipped his arm just a little around her waist. "I dinna have a choice; ye have m'heart. I'll always come back to you."

Yeah, well. She knew what he was going home to do, and she gazed up at him and smiled a little. She wasn’t so sure he'd be able to come home and leave the house where he'd had so much joy. But it was alright, she understood. It nearly killed her, but she understood, more then he'd ever know. So she'd enjoyed the time she'd had with him, and played and teased...and was almost glad they hadn’t made love. He was so very much like a lost soul flying along in the wind, and as deeply as she wanted to be his anchor, she knew he might not be ready. Not yet.

So she kept her civility, and she kept her dignity, and she had fallen in love with him regardless. Set yourself up for a broken heart again, Ton.

What else was new?

"Ms. Bird and Alfred say they'd be here with the baby?"

He nodded. "And they're returnin' the van too; I rented it here for everyone. I'll be drivin' m'own tank back down, cause I'm not leavin' it behind. Finally found a car with legroom."

"Which can be good." She smiled at him again, bright for his benefit, and squeezed his fingers. "You had to fold yourself in my car, sweetie." If you stick around, sugar, I might go buy something with a little more leg room too. "Its perfect for me though." She smiled cheekily up at him.

"I don't mind foldin' into your car," he said with a grin. "Felt kinda like puttin' on m'boots. You'll love th' Expedition; bigger than that gizmotronic Porsche of Lex's, that's for sure."

"Its green, isnt it? And tan?"

"Tha's right," he nodded. "And I could put your car in the back seat."

He totally didn’t seem weirded out by her guess, and she brightened considerably. His words only amused her, and she winked at him as her fingers tightened around his and brought them around her waist. "Little woman, little car. Big man, big car."

Little woman, little car. Big man, huge car to truck the rest of the family around in. Mama, Shayla, Lindy and Ellie." He hugged her waist tightly as they kept getting closer to the terminal.

"Graham, before you go...I need to tell you something." She smiled up at him, though it was just a little soft, as they paused in the middle of airy hall which was flooded with people. She really didn’t give a shit, just looking up as her fingers found his other hand.

Graham turned around so that he was looking way down at the beautiful, tiny woman in front of him. "You c'n tell me anythin'."

"If this gets serious... I don’t want you thinking I ever lied to you, alright?"

Graham's brow furrowed. "Wha'would you have lied t'me about?"

"I didn’t lie... I just haven’t told you." She let go of one palm to push a stray lock of hair off her forehead. "Can we sit down somewhere? Before we find Alfred and Ms. Bird?"

Graham bullied his way through the crowd, towing her behind him and scaring a young man with a nail through his lip off the table as he sat down and pulled Toni down beside him.

She settled in the small cafe on the stool, and was glad. They were more at eyelevel like this, and she set his bags close to her legs. The last guy she'd told this to… the last serious guy, had wanted nothing to do with her afterwards. Which in itself had been very hurtful, but she just sort of looked at Graham for a long moment, her head tipped.

"What is it?" He stroked her cheek with the back of his free hand as he took both of hers in one of his.

"Let me start from the beginning." A shift. "I’m an orphan. Before you start saying how bad it is, I should tell you Selma a... a Jewish couple, Rebecca and Jeremiah, from the Bronx, raised me. I was put in their home when I was about seven, and they loved me very deeply. They are my parents." She smiled it, because it was evident how much she did. "My parents are a blip on the radar. Never knew my father... probably some john from where. My mom was a prostitute. She gave me as good a life as she could, and I remember her… sort of. She OD’ed on coke when I was three, and that’s when I started floating around the system. But," She waved a hand. "Its not a sob story. I'll tell you more about it sometime when you're not needing to make a flight."

"What I’m trying to get to is... I have..." Oh. Heart break. And she cringed, just a little. "I can’t have kids, Graham. I lost two babies, one in '97, and another just two years ago."

Graham's hands tightened on hers, and he held her tightly for a minute. "Of course you can have them, darlin'. You can have mine, for example. I'll gladly let you have Shane." The words were teasing, but his voice was serious. "And I'm sure that Lindy'll let you have Ellie from time to time."

Alright. So she laughed, though it was a little wet, and she looked up into his eyes. "I’m not... not insinuating that you and I... I just thought it best to tell you, before things got serious. You’re not upset, Graham?"

"I'm sad for you, but no, I'm not upset." He framed her face gently. "I don't count myself a man because of the children I have. I count myself a man by my actions and behaviors."

And right there, he put himself above every single man she'd ever met. And her heart kicked, furiously, as she fell in love all over again.


"Well." She let go, sniffling again softly and smiling a little as she stood up and grabbed his bags again. "Come on, sugar pie, you're going to miss your flight." And then she rolled her eyes heavenward. "I can’t believe I’m dating an Irishman from Canada." A mock shudder.

Graham laughed at that, and pulled her close again. "I can't believe it either," he snuggled. "I can't believe you're dating a Canadian Irishman either."

"It helps that he's cute. And tall. I’m sure you'd be jealous, Graham."

As long as he doesna throw you over his shoulder and carry ye off before I get back and stomp him inta the dirt, we'll be okay."

"Don’t worry, I don’t let just anyone carry me off. Unless they want their balls in a jar. Oh, but he's got this really nice spank. Shhh. Don’t tell him I’ve got a kink." She sighed, heavily. "Whatever will he think."

"I won't tell him, Darlin'." The smile was widely spread across his face.

She'd just smiled up at him when she saw, out of the corner of her eye, Alfred and Ms. Bird talking to one another. Shaney was on his hands and knees in front of them, chewing on a toy.

And she reached up without looking away, pointing Grahams face to the baby as Shane angled himself...and got up on twin wobbly knees.

Huh. So that’s what these things did. I mean, alright, people. Shane isn’t stupid here, and after seeing all these big dumb big people move around, he'd decided to give it a try. Why not, right? Yes, well, it was a little harder then he thought. At least Yummy Food Lady and Mr. Wrinkles weren’t looking, cause then they’d squeal and scare him witless.

Graham's face nearly split wide open as he watched Shane get up. On two feet. On his own two feet without help. "Toni... Toni, look. Look. He's... he's standing up!"

She bit her lip, grinning broadly and nodding up at him as her eyes danced. The tiny little blond baby was so chubby and cute and there he was, up on his feet, his blond hair sticking up everywhere as he chewed on his toy on his little tennis shoes.

Graham couldn't call out. He was afraid that if he said anything, he'd scare Shane back into plopping onto his butt, and oh, Jesus. The baby was standing up and he'd be walking soon, and Missy... Missy had to be seeing this from wherever she was. "He's so... big."

Wobbly. Very wobbly. How did big people not fall more often? No matter, Shaney had the weird watery thing the big people kept sticking in his mouth. Everything else they said no to, but then they gave him this toy, as cold as the water could be in the BathTub of Doom, and told him to bite it. What, exactly, did they think it did other then make his tongue numb?

It was nice when Annie Shay put jelly on it, but that was another matter entirely.

So he sighed and didn’t dare moving the wobbly things. If he fell, he was going to scream his head off, and he was enjoying the watery thing.

Toni smiled softly, nodding...gazing at Shaney and grinning as she gently Graham close. "He won’t see you...stay over to the left."

Graham moved where Toni directed him, just looking at his little man. His little Shaney. His one thought was that Lionel was going to absolutely die that he missed this. "He hasn't fell once, look at that. He's just standing there like he knows what he's doing."

"Of course he is. He’s chewing on his teether... I bet you he forgot he's standing."

No he didn’t. Parents were just dumb. Shaney sighed, and because the wobbly things were getting tired, he let them wobble until he plopped onto his very ploppable pamper, peering at the cold thing in his hands. Huh. it wasn’t cold anymore. So how come when things were hot, they got cold too? And the cold things got hot? WHY?!

Darn it.

He peered up at Yummy Food Lady and Mr. Wrinkles. They were too busy mushing their faces together. Ew. Why did parents do that anyway? Gross, man. He sighed, looking back down, and sniffled.

Graham, laughed at the peering, quizzical look on his boy's face. "Come on, let's get my boy and tell him how good he is."


Shane squealed on top of his lungs as soon as he spotted him. He'd noticed early on, way back when there was that other lady, that his daddy was big. Really, really big. REEEEEEEEEEally big. When he flew Shaney over his head, Shane thought his daddy was gonna toss him out onto the sparkly things on the black at bed time. And he just squealed and squealed and laughed, just like he was doing now, wriggling his fingers. Up! UP! Come on! "Da'yyyyyy!!!!!"

Toni gently ignored Ms. Bird and Mr. Alfred as she and Graham approach, her face lighting up in delight at the cry of the little boy. "Okay Graham, remember. Don’t let all of your insides turn to goo."

Too late. Graham dropped everything and picked up his son, twirling the boy around over his head like an airplane. "Hey, my big man!" Graham twirled him around again and again, and then hugged him tightly, adjusting Shaney against his chest as pudgy arms went around his neck. "My sweet, beautiful little man."

"DAAAAAIIIII!" He squealed, laughing loudly as his daddy did the zoom thingy and yeah! YEAH! As soon as he was close he hugged him and just didn’t let go cause this was his daddy and stuff was safe here. He hugged him and squealed, rubbing his head against the raspiness off his dads chin and hugging him.

Oh! And the dark lady who kissed him a lot. He gave her a big, gummy grin, not letting go of daddy’s shirt cause yeah, he was so not going anywhere.

Graham rubbed his cheek against Shane's, hugging him tightly and grinning broadly. "You're going to be walking, my man, you're going to be walking soon, running all over the place, and oh, Shane... you're going to be grown up before I know it." He rubbed Shane's back, squeezing his fingers gently and playing with them.

Alright, enough mushiness here. There was time for mushiness later, when he wanted chocolate and his daddy didn’t wanna give him any. Yeah. He knew chocolate. He was a chocolate fiend. So he pulled up and peered at the red stuff on his daddy’s cheek. He peered, blinking and rubbing it...then blinking when it came off on his hands.

Alright, what?

He blinked at his dad, and showed his fingers to him.

Graham caught the little red-tipped fingers and kissed them. "That's right, that's Ms. Toni's. Your dad likes Ms. Toni, a LOT." He kissed the little red fingers again, and then hugged Shane again. "We're saving the chocolate for the plane."

Alfred became, suddenly, quite aware that there were people about. He blinked, letting Hilde go quickly, and blinked up.

And blushed.

He hadn’t been this smitten since he was twenty years old, and things got away from him so it seemed. Even Master Bruce had commented on it, and as Bruce wasn’t one to comment… or talk at all, he'd been furiously embarrassed. So he rose, nodding at the two of them as his face flamed. "Master Graham. Miss. Braxton."

"Hi, sugar." Toni smiled at him, and at Ms Bird, and handed the keys over. "To the van. I'll drive you both to get it. Would you mind waiting out in my car?" She handed him the second set of keys. "I’ll be out in a bit."

Help Master Graham with luggage. Or make out with Hilde.

"Yes, miss." He took the keys, and offered his arm to Hilde.

"Chockat!" YEEEEEESSSS! YES! Things were SO much easier these days when he could kind of pretend to know what the big people were talking about! And chocolate was one of them! YEEEEES! He squealed and hugged him tightly, grabbing onto his daddy’s hair and forgetting about the red stuff for the moment.

Ms. Bird smiled brightly and took the arm offered to her. "Ve vill... vait for you outside." She looped her arm through Alfred's elbow and tucked it carefully into the crook of her own as they left.

Graham watched it with amusement, because NOTHING could dim the happiness he felt over Shane walking. "Let them go; we'll get one of the skycaps to help, there's only about ten bags or such; Lindy's is in with mine, and she's taken an earlier flight so she can meet me at the airport there."

"Check. Luggage and pretense." She lifted two bags and kept the other two on her shoulders, eyes dancing. "Come on. Shane, baby, you've got your daddy wrapped around your little finger. Do you know that? Just a biiiig sucker."

"Chokat!" He beamed, squirming in his daddy’s arms. CHooo-cccoo-llaatee! YEAH!

"No, little man. No chocolate until we're on the airplane." He checked his pockets to make sure the tickets were still there, and he took Shaney's bag from Toni, and dropped the other one with the rest of his luggage as it was being loaded into a small wheeled cart for checking. "Toni... are ye sure you willna come?"

"I’m sure." This is for you, sugar pie. "I'll be here waiting for you" if you come back. "Don’t worry, okay?" Another grin and she pinched his arm, leaning up to give Shaney’s cheek a kiss, and laughed when he squirmed and giggled and put his sticky hand on her nose. So she just had to kiss it, and give him more lipstick to play with as her eyes flickered up at Graham. "No matter what... I’m glad you saw something in your brother in laws doctor."

Graham leaned over and kissed her quickly, before Shane could grab anything and yank it. "I'll miss ye."

"Mmhmm." She kissed back, fingers sliding over his cheek as Shane squealed and tried for her earrings. She laughed, tickling his tummy, which just made him squish up and laugh, and she smiled and nodded again. "See you soon."

Graham squeezed her hand again, and shifted Shane a little higher. "I'll be back t'you as soon as I can," he promised.

"Okay. Be careful on the flight, okay?" Toni gently kissed Shane again, and yeah, she was going to cry, alright? She was. Because this was it, and it was fun, but it was done and she smiled again. "Take care, sugar pie."

"We will be." Graham suddenly remembered something. "Toni!! Take Shaney's bag, an' look in the front pocket! I got it the other day and stuck it in the bag because I had it wi'me and forgot until now." Graham shifted Shane on his hip, and started pawing through the bag. "Damnation, I know it's in here... if that little brat of a sister... ah! There." He came out triumphant, a long box with gold foil on it. "There. And this is from me and Shane," he grinned. "Sort of a goodbye present."

Toni took it, and yeah. She wasn’t going to cry. Not yet. Toni Braxton didn’t cry, excuse me. She waited until she was in the privacy of her own home. Or with Fel. So she just blinked a few times and smiled in thank you, taking it and holding it close to the center of her breasts. "Thank you, Graham."

"You're welcome." He smiled at her again, kissed her quickly as the boarding call for his flight sounded. "Damn. That's never good. Toni... I know yer wonderin'... don't wander. I'll be back to you."

"Mmm." She hugged him gently, kissed, and handed him back the diaper bag as she smiled at the both of them. "See you later, sugar pie. Bye, Shaney boo!" She waved at him, and was delighted when he waved back.

Daddy was running! It was an abenture! Run daddy! Run fast! HEEEEEEEE! He waved at the pretty dark lady and squealed, grabbing onto his pops as he barreled. YEAH! Like a Foontball player!

Graham turned back and waved too, and held Shane tightly against him as he hurried to the gate. He just made it in line, and turned back to wave at Toni again before disappearing into the walkway and boarding the plane.

And Toni waited. She waited until the plane was boarded… until the stewardesses locked the door tight, until the plane turned. Terror and panic seized her, and she pressed a fist to her heart as she pressed her face to the window and broke her number two rule.

She watched, as her life flew away, and wept bitter tears.

~ * ~ * ~  


Lex had held Shane, letting him sleep until Ms. Bird had come and peeled him out of Lex's arms to go and meet Graham at the airport.  Lex was sad to see the boy go, sad to feel the trusting arms around his neck pulled free.  But he needed a shower, as he still smelled like stale dog piss.


He petted Samson quietly, who was still sitting on Clark's belly, occasionally chewing his foot and his tail, and then kissed Clark silently before shutting himself in the bathroom.


Hot water and soap and scrubbing, and he scrubbed off not only the dog urine but the last of his makeup from the night before, cleaned the smudges from under his eyes, rubbing his skin harshly as he cleaned off the still stale reek of alcohol. 


By the time Lex got out of the shower, his skin was streaked with red, and he wrapped himself in the folds of a bathrobe before slipping back into bed behind Clark, pressing his chest to Clark's back and holding him tightly.  A soft kiss to the back of his lover's neck, his nose tickled by the curls, and he smiled softly.  "Hey."


Those full, tender lips and powerful arms roused Clark from a partial sleep, and she shifted a little, back into that embrace, and murmured softly. He didn’t feel safe much these days, but there was nothing like Lex's strong embrace to do it. Clark had more then a foot on him but somehow, when they were wrapped up like this, Lex felt so strong, big, holding him protectively.


It was a feeling he tended to love.


He murmured softly...smelling the soap his lover had washed himself with, and sighing as he watched Samson in front of him. "Hiya, AJ."


"Didn't mean to wake you, but we've got the house to ourselves."  Another soft kiss.  "Come on.  We can get down to my lab and get started, if you life.  But please, leave the dog here," he pled.


"Its empty?" He asked, and turned in his lovers arms to look into his eyes, and nearly rub noses with him. "No way. You’re totally kidding me."


"Enrique and Ms. Bird drove Graham's van and all his crap to the Metropolis airport, so he can catch his flight.  My father and Dominic?  Still in Metropolis.  Bruce and Dick?  No idea where they are, but at least they're quiet about it.  That annoying little pink twit of a thing is sealed in her room with Pete."  He leaned forward and did rub his nose against Clark's.  "The house is ours."


Oh, Clark grinned, and rubbed right back, his palm sliding up and over to caress Lex's backside and thighs gently, snuggling closer and blushing. "Here I thought we could walk around naked." a mock sigh. "But I suppose we can go downstairs, and I’m taking my dog." He nodded it, and gazed at his little puppy. "Isn’t that right, Samson? We don’t want to leave you alone, do we baby?"


"We can walk around naked.  It's our house."  He glared at Samson.  "If he pisses or sheds on anything down there, he's getting the boot.


Huge puppy yawn, and oh!  His tail was itchy!  He chewed it until it stopped itching, then yawned again.  The Clark was talking to him!  He wiggled his non-itchy tail, and barked.  "BAWR!"


"You here that, Sammy baby? No peeing. Okay? We'll go get your bowl and your food, and then we'll go down." Clark smiled it softly at his lover and climbed out of the bed, keeping the towel secure as he went into the closet to look for a pair of jeans. Found, and he paired it with one of his army of t-shirts… this one a bright yellow, and he was tugging on his socks as he walked back out. "Come on, Samson, lets go get your stuff and leave Lex alone."


But... the Lex was WARM!  And Fuzzy!  and WARM!  He whined pitifully as he snuggled up against Lex's fuzzy.


Lex looked down at the puppy curled up in his bathrobe and he melted.


"Lex, baby, be careful not to drip on the sheets. You know how hard it is to get stains out of silk." Clark grinned broadly and slipped out the door. It took him about 20 seconds to go get Samson’s bowl, ready to be filled down in the lab, and a big zip lock bag of dog treats and kibble.


Underneath one arm he had a liter of orange soda and a bag of pretzels, too, and he set it all on a small table beside their bedroom door as he entered again. This time, though, he snuggled into bed behind Lex and pulled him close to the wide expanse of his chest, snuggling him in deep. "Did you drip?"


Samson cuddled in deeper to the warm fuzzy thing and heaved a huge puppy sigh.


"I didn't drip," he said quietly, fingertips scratching behind Samson's ears.  "Me and your puppy just curled up and considered napping."


"Want to? Are you sleepy?" Clark asked softly, rubbing the side of Lex's head gently.


"I'm not sleepy so much as I am tired and it's nothing... nothing that a nap can fix."  He snuggled back into Clark's soothing warmth.


"I want to touch you." Was his soft, quiet response, even as he pressed his face into the side of Lex's neck. "I want... I want to..." Make sure you're okay. Make sure our claim is still strong. Touch you because you're beautiful and you deserve it. "But… if you're not... its okay."


"I want you to," Lex said softly, turning onto his back so that Clark's face nestled into his throat.  "I want to touch you; I want you to touch me.  But I wasn't--won't--push.  I want you, Clark; need you.  But... only what you want."


"I want to touch you." Was the repeated response, as Clark ran his fingers down the robe, over a chest that rose and fell with each in taken breath. "I don’t... not to get... I just want to touch. I want to make sure." He couldn’t verbalize more than that, and he slowly stroked over Lex's arms, up his shoulders and down his torso. He stopped...lifted Samson up, and though he loved the little baby, this was not the place for him to be right now. He lifted the shirt he'd been wearing off the floor, and wrapped it around his little puppy, before climbing from the bed.


He walked out the door, and into the bedroom that adjoined theirs, softly nestling the little guy among the sheets. "Stay here, baby, okay? We'll be back for you."


Samson didn't blink.  Wrapped up in Warm Fuzzy Clark Smell and he was a happy puppy.  Gave a little snort as he put his paws back on his nose and went back to sleep.


While Clark was gone, Lex slipped out of his robe, folding it over the foot of the bed.  The red streaks on his skin had mostly faded, and he lay on his back, waiting for his lover to return.


Clark leaned over, rubbed his cheek against Samson’s head, and with a soft pet he left. Back around to their bedroom, and entering… and seeing Lex waiting for him, made his heart jack trip and tears fill his eyes. He'd almost believed that his lover would never again accept him, and he blinked them rapidly away as he walked in.


The bed dipped under his weight as he got on his knees, and slowly crawled up Lex's body. His knees were firm around slender hips, his hands investigating, and he slowly began to caress that lovely body as he met Lex's lips with his. Warm, tender kisses that didn’t delve, didn’t dip, just kissing for the pleasure of it...because he could. His wide lips met Lex's more slender ones, kissing them gently, reverently.


Lex's arms wrapped around Clark's shoulders, pulling him down and kissing him back, tongue teasing the fullness of his lover's lower lip, teeth nibbling delicately around it as he laved it.  His legs wound around Clark's, entire body holding his lover close and cradling him as he kissed, whimpering in pleasured joy as Clark accepted him again.


He caressed that slender, tall body like it were art. His fingers were always gentle, on every part of him… belly, chest, thighs and hips. He kept away from his lovers loins, for now, just gently skimming over the little sensitive spots he knew gave his lover joy. His wrist...the soft spot, right beneath his left pectoral which never ceased to give Clark pleasure at his lovers reaction. Each flank, blowing warm breath lightly down and over each side, as his palms slipped under his lover to hold him closer. One palm lay against the small of his babies back, keeping him up close to him, the other moved over his back, shoulders, neck. Down, to rub over each soft, full lobe, then lower still to caress warm thighs. It was all done gently, adoringly, as he touched the one person who he loved without exception.


Lex lay quietly, soft moans and whimpers his only cry out as he arched and rolled into the worshipful touches of his lover.  He panted softly, back bowing as Clark skimmed over his chest, trembles as he was held close.  His arms moved again, sliding up and down Clark's back, holding tightly, showering kisses over his neck and throat, murmuring soft words of love and asking forgiveness.


"You were forgiven when you came to me." Clark whispered softly, his mouth following where his hands had stroked. His mouth, hot, wet, and silky, slid over and down that long, lovingly throat, not stopping as he normally did. He went straight down to rosy nipples that had been taunting him, and licked the flat of his tongue across the left... blowing softly on it after he did it, and following suit with the other.


Lex's fingers slid through silky black hair and held Clark's mouth tightly to his chest.  His left nipple throbbed slightly, the mark around it twitching gently under the ministrations of Clark's tongue.  It pebbled hard as Clark blew on it, and he shuddered.  "I love you, Clark," he whispered softly.  "Forgive me; I don't mean to hurt you."


"It's done now." Clark murmured into the right nipple, pinching it softly with his teeth and tugging it up away from his lovers body. A soft, lovely suck at it as he pinched and writhed his tongue around it, then let it go to blow gently on it as well. "I’m sorry that I made you feel like you were anything less then wonderful in my eyes." He kissed down the long, lovely torso, large hands stroking over his sides… the edges of his ribs, as he lapped down the long belly.


Lex's arms went back to support himself, thrusting his chest forward as his hands planted themselves palm-down on the silk sheets behind him.  "I don't think it anymore," Lex panted out gently.  "Not at all; I was a fool to in the first place."


"You’re beautiful. Strong." Clark murmured, stopping at his lovers belly button. He dipped his tongue in, sucking softly as each wide palm rubbed his hips gently. His heart ached to show him, his love, show him how much he meant to him, and he was willing, able, and wanting to do anything in the world for him. His mouth caressed that little dip, his lovers navel which was so different then his own, lapping softly at it before going down again.


"Clark... Kal-El... you are so special to me."  Lex's fingers stroked over his cheeks.  "I never knew what it was to truly be in love with someone until I met you and I promise you here, now... I will not do anything to endanger us again."  He tightened his grip on his lover's waist with his legs.  "My thoughts will be always, What would Clark do? and I will do that."


"I love you. You are so strong, so special, so wonderful. You make me a good man... you make yourself a good man. I love you." Clark murmured, gazing upwards before down. He pressed soft, tender kisses to each side of his lovers beginning erection, lapping at the top softly, at the shaft of it, spreading soft, tender kisses up and down it. He pressed a kiss to the slit at the tip, then reached underneath and kissed his balls, each one, before trailing down. The left thigh, his fingertips stroking the right, he kissed down until he reached his lovers knee, licking at the underside before back up. "Turn around, baby."


Lex nodded, turning around on the blanket, lying on his stomach and raising his hips on offer to his lover.  "Clark... I want... I want to touch you.  After this... to know you're still mine.  Let me?"


Oh, the chuckle that erupted from Clarks lips couldn’t be helped. The wriggled, raised, sexy little ass had him sinking his teeth into one cheek, then the other, before reaching up and murmuring into his lovers ear, "I’m not done yet."


He gently spread Lex's arms with his own, linking the fingers with his on top as he began to kiss. First across that lovely head, kissing each spot he could reach… sucking on the knob at the back, and then down his neck. He bit at it, tenderly, nibbling little kisses from it as he covered his lovers body with his own clothed one. His mouth kissed over and down each shoulder, before stopping at the tensed shoulder blades, and kissing them too.


Across, then, across the back of his arm, all the way until he could raise the backs of Lex's fingers to his mouth and kiss each one, press his mouth to them and give them the love his body was being showered in.


Lex purred, deep in his throat.  Dark, rumbling sound as his body stretched happily, swimming in the adoration he was being showered with and loving the feeling of being utterly spoiled by his lover's attention.  "You're spoiling me," Lex gasped out, arching into the love bites and kisses and licks as his body softened into a pile of pliable goo.


"I know." Back up across his arm, and Clark stopped to nibble at the junction between arm and chest, sucking softly at the little spot before across to his shoulder blades again. He licked at the freckles dusted over the white skin... marveling that he'd never given himself a chance to enjoy this, and God, enjoying it he was. He took each tremble, each sigh, each moan into his own heart, letting his ego ride from it as he began to bite each vertebrae. A line of them, all the way down, and he sucked and bit each one, as each palm caressed his sides.


His palms slipped underneath Lex's belly, cupping and rubbing it as his mouth paid attention to the small of his lovers back, nibbling and kissing every square inch of the handhold he used to hold his lover close.


It had to be, aside from the valley of his lovers thighs, his favorite place.


" 'm 'posed t'spoil you," Lex muttered, feeling entirely too good under his lover's ministrations to even think about speaking clearly.  The teeth along his spine tickled but in a good way, and he moaned appreciatively, whimpering and sighing in pleasure as Clark's mouth teased his back.  "Tick'lish... f'lls good."


Clark smiled against Lex's skin and gently, reverently, slipped down to the warm cheeks waiting for him. He licked and kissed across the expanse of each one, wiry and strong and entirely too good, tracing the line that split them with his tongue. His palms stroked down, over each hip, not touching yet, not yet, until he had spread the warm cheeks gently and his mouth stroked along inside them. From the back of his sac to the end of the split he licked, tracing, exploring as his fingertips danced along his lovers erection.


Down, then, down to the little hole waiting for him, and he blew softly on it as he touched the head of the cock so close to his hand.


Lex shuddered.  A hard, hungry shudder as his opening twitched and he felt it.  He realized, too, that he was achingly hard, hadn't noticed before because he was lost in the other sensations, and he started rubbing his cock against Clark hand and across the silky glide of the sheets.


Clark gently pressed his tongue over the tiny opening… over the little wrinkles surrounding it, and in, just the tip of his tongue, to the dusky, gorgeous taste right inside. He licked, softly, tenderly, before pulling away and traveling again.


His fingers slipped down each thigh as his mouth trailed down the right one, nibbling each moment as he slipped down the long leg waiting for him. The back of his lovers knee was heaven and he licked and murmured in appreciation, nibbling softly as his fingertips slowly lifted his foot up. He traveled, down, down, further down his leg until he could raise those delicious toes to his mouth and feast on them.


A dark, satisfied moan slipped out of Lex's throat as Clark's tongue teased him, and he pressed back against it before whimpering at the loss.  He grunted in happiness as Clark's mouth moved down, and then groaned as his toes slipped into the warmth of Clark's mouth.  Long, drawn-out sound that started from those toes and rolled throughout his body before out of his mouth, and Lex all but liquefied.


Clark murmured softly, slowly kissing up his leg after letting each lovely toe go, and peppered kisses up his thigh. Around each loving, muscled cheek, and Clark repeated the process to the other leg. Each toe was sucked into his mouth, kissed and loved, and the arch of Lex's foot tasted like heaven.


Another low murmur as he kissed up, gently hooking his palms on his lovers hips as he pressed into him, legs, torso and chest, gently nibbling again at his ear. "Feel good, aushna'?"


"Feels... beautiful," Lex answered back, turning so that his face pressed against Clark's.  "Feel... treasured.  Loved."  His arms reached around behind him, uncomfortable angle but willing to endure it for the moment as he held his love.


Oh, and it was bliss. He gently rolled from his lover, taking him with him though so that they were spooned, chest to back, hip to ass. His fingers stroked down all the neglected skin that had pressed into the sheets while he'd been licking his lovers back, and he gently stroked over it as he murmured, "How do you want me?" His fingers encased Lex's erection loosely, warmly. "Or here?" And he gently stroked his hand away from the front, to the back.


Lex rolled over so that he was behind Clark, and pushed Clark onto his stomach.  "Like this, for just a minute."  He settled over his lover's hips, hands rubbing Clark's shoulders, squeezing the tight muscles as his hands slid down the broad tan expanse of Clark's back.


It shocked him, that his lover would push away pleasure of either kind, but he followed instructions. He stretched out on his belly, sighing softly as he pressed his cheek into the pillow, and murmured softly as he rubbed his cock against the inside of his jeans. He'd been so hard, but now he let himself relax, sighing softly as he pressed his cheek to the pillows. "Your weight... I would know you anywhere."


He caught the straying thought in his own mind, and Lex leaned over, pressing his lips to Clark's ear.  "You are my pleasure," Lex whispered softly.  "Your pleasure is mine."  His hands pressed down at the base of Clark's neck, and then slid it down his spine, gently massaging as he'd promised to do for his lover so long ago.


It was so warm, and he murmured about nothing as he felt his muscles go lax. The one tight around his heart loosened, as well, and let his heartbeat slow down from its frantic pulse as his lovers fingers stroked over him. He rose a little bit, the long, slightly strange line of his spine flexing before he gasped in soft pleasure, and sighed heavily as he lay back. "Mmmm."


Lex didn't stop his slow massage; it gave him pleasure inside to touch Clark like this, to know that he was giving back the feelings that Clark gave to him.  His fingers kneaded a little harder, seeking out the knots and the hard spots inside his lover's arms, sliding down to his elbows and working them out before back up to the small of Clark's back and beginning on the tight bunches of muscle there.


He mumbled, softly, and tried to rise. "Oakenepel… no... for you, not me, want this for you." Clark whispered, keeping his eyes closed as he tried to move. "For you, want you to feel good, not for me. So selfish of me, I want to please you, please let me."


Lex let his lover feel how happy he felt at this moment.  From himself, Lex let flow the happiness and contentment he felt at doing this for his beloved.  "You please me by letting me touch you; let me please you.  I want to feel you inside me but let me please you first.  Let me worship you and care for you."


Christ. He couldn’t deny his baby, not right now, and he slumped back on the silk through no will of his own. Lex had a talent for his fingers, and as they worked over his back, he felt himself loosen, felt all the tight muscles go as lax as they'd ever been...and some of the weight of the world slipped right off of him. He sighed in contentment, murmuring his pleasure as he hugged the pillow under his head, and let his eyes close.


Lex slid a little further down, situating himself on Clark's ass as his fingers worked the taut tightness right at the base of Clark's spine and the top of his ass.  He hummed softly, wordless, unidentifiable melody as his fingers worked on the tight knots.


Oh, Christ.


He let out a gasping, guttural groan as Lex touched something and sent his system into an uproar. He groaned, deeply, pushing his hips into his clothes and the bed, his body breaking out into sweat as he whimpered and arched his back up again. More. More, please.


The pleasure was outrageous, quick to take his breath away, as he squirmed and moved and let out unmanly squeaks.


Lex answered immediately, moving his hands back to the very base of his lover's spine and pressing hard again, palm rubbing over it in strong, firm circles as his fingers kneaded the skin around it.  "Like that, baby?" Lex crooned softly.  "Come on, then, let me give it to you."


Now he did squeak, loudly, followed by a gasp and a heavy moan of pleasure. He arched into the touch, biting the inside of his cheek as his fingers clasping around the soft pillow and held tight. It was unbelievable, blinding want that left him breathless and helplessly aroused, his body quivering and shaking in need as Lex touched him. It was connected to something in his groin and ass, because with every rub the muscles contracted and burst with pleasure. He gasped again in need, murmuring absently as he rubbed his face into the pillow, and bit harder on his cheek.


Lex rubbed harder and faster, kneading it and twisting the skin and pressing down hard on the base.  Anything to give his love pleasure, and he rubbed his cock against Clark's ass as he rubbed.  Over and over again, the same spot kneaded and rubbed and pressed and Lex slid down his lover's body, kissing and biting.


Quick, too quick, and he whimpered and shook his head, thrusting down into the silky sheets as Lex rubbed and stroked. No, no, he couldn’t come like this, but the pleasure was sweet and good and Christ it felt wonderful. He arched his ass against his love each time, suddenly balking and starting to shed his jeans the way his shirt had all but melted from his body. He yanked at the denim until it ripped right down the seams and he pulled it off and away, yanking again to get it off, and rolling over his lover.


Something very deep and very primal had awakened inside of him at the touch, and it was evident in his expression as he thrust now against his lover, gathered him close, and kissed him.


Lex opened his mouth and bit hungrily at Clark's tongue, sucking it as he wrapped his legs around Clark's waist, rubbing himself against the leaking cock of his lover.  "Yes... please, Clark."


"No, no, like this, like this reshkuma." Clark grabbed each of their hands, set their foreheads together... and swamped them with pleasure.  Like the first time, when they'd first linked, the outcry of pleasure from his mind was outrageous. He joined their bodies into one, two minds molding and lacing together as it was in his power to do. He held onto his lover, rocked over him even as joy exploded in his mind and heart, and every single fantasy he'd ever had… they'd ever had, raced through his mind. Twisted, tied up, on a beach, in bed. Making love, candles and fruit, whips and chains. With breasts, as themselves, in public, in private.


Every single thought Clark had ever had pertaining to his lover exploded across the expanse of both their minds, and in the real world, Clarks fingers stroked deep into his lover without knowing. Thrusting, opening him with both of the drops of liquid they'd both secreted, before he slipped himself in… easy as a breeze, and perfect.


Lex arched, his eyes and mind full of his lover and their love.  His own thoughts spilled out into the mix--dreams of river-wet kisses and first glimpses and cold skin warmed by hot touches.  Wanting and needing and winning his heart and feeling more than he'd ever felt before.  Thoughts of family and seeing the thoughts of Clark in his mind and the image that matched in both of them was a beautiful little red haired baby.


Clark was inside of Lex before he noticed it, and he felt... completed.


Christ, and with Lex's thoughts came his own, distinct, mind numbing pleasure as the thought of children, beloved babies, of the first time Clark had come to speak to Lex at the mansion, and seen him sword fighting with that woman. He'd felt, even then, twangs of displeasure and jealousy, and as time wore on it only got headier, and stronger.


Realizing, one warm night while his fingers were around himself and his mind was filled with images of Lex, that he was gay… and the pleasure of finally putting the question to rest. And finally, seeing him, making love with him that first time...losing his virginity over Lex's desk, and in his bed...and he was laughing in pleasure as he began to stroke. His fingers slowly slid up Lex's legs and tightened them around his back, as he moved softly, slowly...easily. He slipped out of Lex's mind and thoughts with a smile, his face flushed with pleasure as he held his beloved baby close, kissed him, and thanked god for this special man.


Lex returned the sweet kiss deeply, hands holding him tight, mouth smiling against Clark's as he kissed, melding their bodies close as he pulled himself up.


Soft pang of amusement as he remembered Clark's reaction to Heike from his own side, the displeasure and distaste that had shown through, and then the withdrawal left him feeling bereft for a moment until Clark moved inside him and he felt himself filled in another way.  His legs were guided around Clark's hips and he held on tightly, using the angle to pull himself up and hold tightly to Clark and rub his cock against his lover's stomach.


"Muh... love when you do that," Clark moaned, sheets and blankets mussed around them, curled like a cocoon around their moving bodies as he began to thrust. He pressed his muscled belly into every one of Lex's soft undulations, pushing against him heedlessly and murmuring in pleasure. Yes. Oh, God, please, yes. He smiled down at his lover gently, holding him as they rocked, easy as water lapping against them. "Hated her." He managed, stroking easily as he caressed his lovers face gently.


Lex panted out softly, grinning up as he thrust, rubbing his cock and biting Clark's shoulder.  "Why... d'ya... think... she never... came back?" he grunted, pulling himself up and clinging tightly to Clark as he rode the easy, rocking thrusts.


Oh, and he just laughed, pleased and pleasured all in a lump, and he sped up, grinning down at his lover as he kept his hips close, rubbing against them on each stroke out, and filling him on each one in. He loved it, loved feeling himself wrapped tightly around his lovers body, and even as the sweat slid down his skin, dampening his back and face, he still grinned. "Good."


The laugh made Lex grin, and his hands slid over Clark's sides and ribs, teasing them with gentle strokes of his fingertips as his cock still rubbed against Clark's belly.  "Didn't... want you thinking... I was taken."


"Was gonna... uh... gonna kill that woman... for touching you," He grinned, gasping as he spoke, sliding deeper onto his elbows so he was closer to his beloved, pressed tight, as he rocked. Because of the height difference they were eye to eye, and he just loved being able to gaze down into those big blue eyes and stroke in and out of him at the same time.


"You coulda," he said, staring into Clark's eyes.  "Was sick of getting my ass kicked."  He rubbed his cock against Clark's stomach, then brought one of Clark's hands to his cock.  "Here... touch me."


"Love when you do tha-that, too," Clark moaned. He brought his fingers down as his lover wanted, gripping his cock so that the side of his hand rubbed against his belly with each stroke. He pressed and squeezed, jacked and soothed, stroking him with a practiced hand now as he moaned in pleasure. Each thrust had his lovers body quivering around him, and Christ almighty, it was the best feeling in the world.


"God!"  Lex's hips thrust hungrily against Clark's hand as the gentle fingers wrapped tightly around him, stroking and jacking him easily.  He was so hot, so needy, but everything was so easy that he didn't want hard and hot yet.  He rubbed against Clark, leg wrapping around his lover and pressing him, body shuddering and teetering on the edge.


"Love when you do this too." Clark whispered hungrily into his lovers ear, as he began to thrust and stroke faster. Not hard and agonizingly pleasurable, but easy...sweet. His fingers tightened on the length of flesh and pressed faster, harder, his rocking increasing with each pant and each cry from his beautiful man. He grinned into his ear, lapping and licking it, biting the lobe, as he whispered, "Love it when you want me so much."


"I always--always--want you so much."  He arched up, licking the shoulder and the throat exposed to him, and he gripped Clark's biceps tightly as he thrust up.  "So--so close," he murmured.  "Don't... don't wanna, not without you."


"Come baby." Clark whispered again, softly, as he reached back...taking one of his lovers hands and moving it down to the base of his spine again. "Come....come for me. Rub close, baby, b-been keeping it tight," And God, his belly hated him for it. "Will, with you, with you, okay?"


He stroked harder, faster, rubbing the head with his thumb as he supported his body on his elbow and arched his legs, pushing in faster...harder...deeper. He rocked and thrust with fierce determination now, unable to keep his eyes from Lex's...because the pleasure written in them was unmistakable. Beautiful.


Lex's hand slid down and rubbed hard at the base of Clark's spine, fingers seeking out the same spot as before that had brought his lover such pleasure.  He pressed down against it, kneaded it, then cried out as he came, back arching and pressing his body against Clark's as his cock twitched.


Oh, Christ.


Clarks scream was not under his control. It wasn’t. Contractions flew over his lower body, tightening and loosening with each hard rub against his back, and Lex's body quaking around him...he lost his mind.


He thrust in, three times, hard and violently as his erection expanded and exploded. He moaned as he came, his body emptying of what he'd kept a tight fist around.


And he climaxed.


A short, gasping, thrilling cry as he arched, pushing his erection in as deep as he could, and a thousand lights went off behind his eyes. He lost control of himself and grasped the bed sheets so tightly they tore, a harsh cry erupting from the well of his chest as he moaned and collapsed onto his lover.


Lex kept stroking the new zone on his lover's back as he raised his hips, accepting the hot rush into his body, muscles rippling tightly around his lover's cock.  He pressed wet, soft kisses over Clark's cheeks and mouth, licking his lips and nibbling his chin as he held tightly.  So tightly.


It was a few, long, hard moments before Clark could speak. He was in ecstasy, his body thrumming in pleasure, and he simply moaned out a simple word as he trembled atop his lover.




"And a nice one it was," Lex croaked softly.


Clark smiled all over again, though he couldn’t move, murmuring in soft pleasure as his lovers hand stayed on his back. "Muh. 's why we gotta figure me out."


"I like it," Lex murmured softly.  "Like being able to touch you there."


"I's connected." Clark moaned. "Why I like to rub my back. Oh, fuck." He trembled all over again. "All the muscles inside. They all moved."


"Is that good?"  Lex looked up at his lover.  "Can I... do that for you again sometime?"


"Muh." Was his only response, his shuddering moan harsh and lovely. "Feel so good, Lex... love you... feel me? 'm here. Not going anywhere."


Lex's fingers slid up through Clark's hair, stroking down his throat.  "I feel you... know you're here.  know you won't leave me ever again."  He kissed Clark’s mouth softly.


"I love you." He kissed right back, trailing his mouth gently over Lex's as their free fingers twined. "I adore you."


"I cherish you," Lex replied easily, squeezing Clark's fingers in his own.


scratch  scratch  "WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE"


"...Lex, unless that was your dick making that noise, I think we've got a pissed off puppy at the door."




Clark couldn’t help laughing, sliding easily out of his lover with a soft pop, and gentling his palm over Lex's empty belly as he kissed it. "I love you, my lover."


He rose to his feet, slipping into a pair of boxers he stopped to grab from the closet, and peaked out the door.


"BAWR!"  Samson was snarling at the closed door, whining and scratching at it, and then he glared up at Clark, growling.  "WHOOF!"


Oh, man. Pissed off puppy. Clark opened the door all the way, crouching down to peer at his little baby with an eyebrow raised. "And just what are you doing, mister?"


Samson growled at the Clark.  There had been all KINDS of noises and the Samson had been left OUT!  That is NOT a happy puppy.  He yipped.


Which Clark just reached out, lifted his baby by the scruff, and kissed the top of his head.


He pulled him in to the circle of his arms, hugging him tight, and grinning into his floppy ears as he held him close. "C'mon, Samson, my angel, my love, my baby from above." He walked back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him, and smiled at his lover gently as he motioned to the little guy in his arms. "He was not a happy baby."


Samson's tail begrudgingly thumped against Clark's arm.  Now THIS was better.


"He's just a spoiled little puppy," Lex said with a grin, reaching out to pet Samson behind the ears. 


Clark smiled right back, settling on the sheets and blankets and setting Sammy on the bed to investigate. Clark reached over, pulling the blankets up higher on his lover, and a blush stained his cheeks crimson as he coughed and spoke. "He… uh. Can smell... you know."


"Yes, he can.  Dogs have a more highly developed olfactory system, and each person has a particular scent.  It's how a bloodhound can track a person, even if they are deceased, because the scent lingers on clothing and such."  He held his hand out to the puppy, and let him sniff it.  "I'm sure the scents emitted during sex are different to him and he's curious about them.


Samson licked Lex's fingers and wagged happily.  He pounced into Lex's lap, snuffling at what was hiding under the blankets, and then turned around and pounced into Clark's too, snuffling again.


"Curious. Okay, he can be curious. Can I still be grossed out?" Clark cocked a brow as he stroked his babies head, letting him smell what he wanted to smell and trying not to be utterly icked out by it. It was normal, though, and if Sammy was going to be their dog, he'd have to get used to the smell. Cause...yeah. Clark had sex with his lover a lot. So he just grinned and kissed his babies head again, gently, rubbing his cheek against his ear.


"Bawr!"  Samson wiggled happily, snuffling against Clark's crotch, and when he was satisfied, he plopped down in the middle of his lap, pawing up the blankets and heaving a puppy sigh.


Clark grinned, broadly, as those soft, long ears plopped every which way. He gently stroked his head, his back, and sat back in front of his love Indian style, to support the little guy. "Lex... I really like dogs. Have I told you?"


"No, you didn't, but I guessed it when you brought this little fella home," he said quietly, grinning.  "A boy and his dog."


"My parents never let me have one." Clark grinned. "Its why I had a torrid love affair with Annie, our little barn cat."


Lex blinked.  "Runs in the family, does it?  I've heard unsettling rumors from Dominic about your father and Bessie, but now?  You and Annie?  Clark, I'm disillusioned. "  He smirked as he stretched and scratched Samson's head.


He grinned, broadly. "Bessie is our oldest cow. She survived the poison last year and everything. Old bitch of a thing, pissed as hell all the time. Half her calves are star cows, though, so my dad hangs onto her with her bad temper." He squirmed in pride. "All her babies won first prize at the fair last year."


Samson flopped onto his back and exposed himself for petting.  Like, now, people.


"Shall I be building a stable out back for one of Bessie's calves?" Lex asked, watching his lover squirm.


He grinned again, shaking his head and wrinkling his nose. "Getting too close is bad." Clark rubbed Samson’s belly, scratching him gently and kissing his head again, laughing as he cuddled him up. His ears flopped every which way, which just drove Clark to lunacy with love, and he hugged his puppy gently and lovingly as he rubbed.


Lex watched his lover and his lover's puppy, and he grinned.  Any second now there'd be a baby bouncing on the bed and the picture would be complete.


Only... there wasn't one, and Lex leaned forward and kissed his lover's cheek over Samson's butting head.


And the image of the tiny little child with soft red hair and green eyes made Clark grin lopsidedly and kiss his lovers cheek right back. "Got you thinking, didn’t I?"


"Yeah.  Yeah, you did."


"We will. Someday. And we'll have more than one." Clark promised quietly.


"Dogs or children?" he teased softly, stroking Clark's cheek with one hand and Samson's head with the other.


"Both." Clarks teeth glinted. "Lots of kids, lots of dogs. A house, if you want it, somewhere."


"A house.  A little brick house... twenty rooms or so, built... how do you feel about Riley's field?"


"Yeah… yeah." Clark smiled all over again. Someday. Someday, when I’m out of college, and you're done being the president. We'll have a lot of kids, Lex. Lots."


"When I'm done being president, I'm going to fire the Secret Service agents that are supposed to follow me around," he groused.


Then he looked down at Samson.  "How would you feel about being the First Dog?"


One ear raised up and he looked at Lex.  No clue what the Lex had just said but okay.  "Arf!"


Clark grinned broadly down at his puppy and let him up so he could stand. "Okay. I’m gonna clean up, then I’m going to haul you down to your lab if you like it or not. Coming, Sammy?"


"What, I don't get to come with you?" Lex asked plaintively.


"You’re the one I’m hauling, dork." Clark smiled it and reached down, very literally hauling his butt naked lover up into his arms, putting him over one shoulder, and striding into the bathroom.


Lex laughed as he was upended over Clark's shoulders, and his hands braced on strong but narrow hips.


What?  Laughing?  Fun?  And he was left out?  AGAIN?  This is NOT right!  Samson wiggled his puppy butt over to the edge of the bed and then whined as he saw how high up he was.  No way he could jump down, and he whined again, crying sadly.  He was left BEHIND!


Okay, no. Alright? Clark didn’t leave babies crying. So he walked over, held Lex by the ass on one shoulder, and heaved Samson up on the other. He held them both, sighing melodramatically, and walked into the bathroom all over again.


Samson wagged his tail and licked Clark's hand as he was picked up and lifted up.  Woo!  This was living!!


Lex laughed.  "You are puppywhipped, Clark Kent.  Completely puppywhipped."





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