
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 90: The Conference

Lionel sat in his office, legs crossed in his chair as his fingers twirled the band on his left hand.  The inter-office security feed showed the press filling up the large, glass-walled conference room.  Daily Planet, Metropolis Inquisitor, Smallville Ledger, Lives, even the television stations were coming in to film the conference.  Worldwide correspondents were showing up as well as domestic; Lionel picked out the press credentials of New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Journal of America, Newsweek, USA Today, Time, and those were just the ones he recognized off the bat.


He looked at Dominic, who was perching in the chair across from his desk, and he rubbed his lips with his finger as he watched.  Lex was pacing outside Lionel's office in the hallway, occasionally glaring through the door and turning away the few brave pressers who had enough balls to sneak up to Lionel's office for a preview.


Bruce Wayne was around here somewhere, but he'd apparently picked a corner somewhere to brood in and was out of notice for the moment.


It looked like something out of a movie, he thought to himself as he flicked off the security camera.  A sea of trench coats and microphones, a podium on a raised dais, a wall hung with the LuthorCorp colors and logo.  Flashbulbs and videos poised and ready to go off at a moment's notice, recorders held at the ready to capture and twist his every word.


A deep, explosive sigh and he looked at his husband gently.  "Do you have the laptops?"


Dominic glanced up from where he'd been idly reading the newspaper, swallowing and nodding. He was nervous... he usually was, when Lionel did these types of things, but now he had the pleasure of being able to show it. He shifted a little, outwardly appearing normal, even as his fingers tapped and his belly did the conga.


And his suit was doing the uncomfortable-as-hell thing. Dammit.


He motioned to both laptops, which both had to be upgraded soon enough, and smiled a little as he reached out and took a sip of the tea in a mug on the corner of Lionel’s desk. "Everything’s ready. Don’t worry, beloved, I’ve faith in you. Theirs a lot of people, there is, but you're going to be fine. Of course, plan to have yourself on the cover of every magazine in the country, you know."


"Good."  Lionel leaned back in the chair.  "I'm not worried; there's been enough speculation and innuendo flying around this weekend to fill a battleship; I'm intending to put those rumors to rest.  What troubles me is why there is quite so much attention on this deal rather than anything else LuthorCorp has done in the past.  Granted, it's similar in scope to the merging of two superpowers, but still; there are non-business publications out there."


"It is a bit odd, isn’t it?" Dominic switched legs, comfortably reclining and watching his lover, his mate, his husband. "Perhaps its because it's Bruce Wayne. The lad does have quite a reputation, you know." He smiled and tipped his head. "I think it rather amusing these people had to wonder all weekend long. Like a bunch of ravenous hyenas, for the love of God." A cluck of his tongue, and he ran his fingers through his newly trimmed hair. No signs of balding, yet, but he still groused over it. "You know, I’m thinking about doing that hair club for men thing."


"I'm not just the president, I'm also the client?" Lionel asked softly.  "Dominic, don't worry.  I have more than enough hair for the both of us."


"On your head." He grinned crookedly. "It smelled good this morning. Waking up with you… now, its so different. So much...more." At that, he sighed in pleasure, the sound windy and soft, and smiled again as he took a sip of the tea. ....Spiked with rum, but his lover didn’t need to know that part.


Lionel nodded, and smiled at his lover as he picked up his own teacup.  "You know," he said, lowering his voice, "Lex hasn't yet noticed anything; don't tell him yet.  Let's savor the moment... drag it out as long as we can."


"Oh, darling, you're really telling the wrong person." Dominic’s smile was cheerful as he sipped from his cup sweetly, eyes dancing over the rim. He swallowed, leaned back further, comfortably, like this was no more than a normal afternoon at the mansion, and switched his crossed leg for the other. "The right opportunity hasn’t risen yet."


Lionel let his eyebrow drift upwards.  "Perhaps not but other things have certainly risen to the occasion."


Dominic blinked, and his own expressive brow rose. He hid the grin into his cup, blinking at him innocently, and shifting again. "Really? What might those things be?"


"Certain... private assets," he drawled out.


Dominic slipped from his chair...glancing at the door once, before back to his lover. So much time had elapsed since he did this certain thing, but he was certain his lover would understand as he walked around the desk. "Sir...would you like me to help?"


Lionel turned in his chair to face his lover as he approached.  "Oh... I don't know.  I usually just have my assistant take care of this for me."  He stroked Dominic's hip as he approached.  "But... I think I can let my husband take over."


His belly turned to goo. It was the first time Lionel had said it in context, and the fierce honor in the title just made his nervous, tense belly go to water. "I think your husband wouldn’t mind." He hitched up his slacks so he could bend down, hidden behind the large desk of his lover, and gazed up at him as he slowly, gently pressed the center of his palm to his lovers crotch. He found it hard, wanting, and he murmured his approval as he gently touched. "How much time do we have?"


"Not enough, I'm afraid," Lionel murmured, looking at his desk clock.  "We have to be ready to walk into the room in five minutes."


"I can handle five minutes." Dominic leaned down, spread the flaps that surrounded the zipper, snagged the zipper, and dragged it down with his teeth. His tongue snaked in, dampening the underwear already growing wet with pre come, and pulled his lovers boxer briefs down as he slipped between his thighs and sucked the hard, beautiful cock he knew like the back of his own hand down his throat. He pushed it back past his gag reflex and began to swallow around it, as his mouth went to work. He sucked, furiously, hard, fingers clamped on the sides of his lovers desk as he moved.


Lionel hissed his breath out sharply, thrusting his hips gently into his lover's mouth.  Hot and silky tongue wet against the hard shaft of his cock and he trembled.  "Dominic!" he grunted out softly, hands going to gently cup the sides of his beloved's face.


He glanced up, smiling around his lovers cock, and sucked harder, faster, talented tongue stroking around the hard erection. He slicked it up, where he sucked hard at the head like it were a Popsicle, then down, over and over. His fingers wrapped around the shaft, tugging on the skin as he moved up and down, giving the organ more friction as his eyes fluttered closed.


He kept his mouth closed tightly, keeping the sounds that wanted to come out buried tightly as he thrust deeper.  Dominic's tongue was talented and skilled, and he'd been doing it long enough to know just what turned Lionel on.  He was squirming in his chair, hands moved to grip the arms of the chair tightly, and a shudder wracked his body.  "Close."


Dominic murmured softly around the hard cock, swallowing as he rocked and moved to keep his mouth from overflowing with saliva. His lover ached, and he slid further down, closer, wrapping his arms around Lionel’s waist now and burying his face between those sweet thighs. He sucked harder, teeth dragging up and down the sensitive vein and large head, and he sucked all around the tip as he got up, mouthing the ridges before going back down.


And squeezed his lovers ass with his hands.


Lionel's fingers closed in his lover's hair, holding tightly and firmly as he thrust up, shuddering out a hard orgasm as Dominic's hands gripped his ass tightly.  Short, hard, humping thrusts as he came, throat arched and head pressing into the back of his chair.


Oh, God, the mouthful was sudden and he had to work to swallow it all, eyes clenching shut tight as he swallowed his lovers orgasm down his throat, fingers stroking that lovely ass as he lapped around his love, milking him for every single drop before he began to clean him. Easy, clean sweeps up of his tongue, licking away any evidence of orgasm other then his own saliva on his lovers cock, murmuring softly, pleasurably, as he did so.


Lionel moved his leg out, straightened it and sliding it between Dominic's as he murmured.  "Dominic... Dominic, you... I won't go without taking care of you." 


He moaned, softly, murmuring quietly as he shook his head, and tucked his lover back into his underwear. The head disappeared under soft fabric and he leaned down, tugging the zipper back up with his teeth, and kissing the lowest part of his lovers belly before buttoning it. He smoothed his loves shirt, gently stroked his waist and thighs, and squeezed once around the leg between his own. "Later." He whispered, raising up and kissing his lover. He kissed him, warmly and softly, sharing the taste of his own orgasm, the rum from the tea, and what was surely himself with his husband. "Have to go now, beloved."


Lionel's hand held tightly to Dominic's shoulder, kissing him deeply, tongue sweeping and tasting every cranny.  He lapped at the back of his mouth, where the light, bitter taste of rum lingered, sucked at the flat of Dominic's tongue where Lionel's own taste lingered, and he pressed his hand tightly against the bulge in his lover's lap.  "They can wait," he said, but even as he said it, he was standing up.  "You're right... we have to go."


Salad. Grass. Soda. Mama. Ms. Bird. Shane-o. Babies. Gravel. Newspapers. Old women. He arranged himself a little, as his beginning erection faded, and called it a small victory in his control over his cock. Yeah, he was getting better. He grinned at his lover, downed the rest of the tea, and straightened Lionel’s clothes and his own. He straightened his tie, smoothed his shirt, and his face physically smoothed. He went blank emotionless, except for a blinding smile to his love, and picked up the case holding the laptops, putting it over his shoulder. He picked up his briefcase, as well, and nodded to his lover. "Carolyn has the internet connections set up, already, they’re just ready to be plugged. They'll jack in through our laptops, and go onto a screen behind us, so our financial doubles in Europe will be able to watch."


Lionel picked up his own briefcase and it was easy for the distance to fall back in place, the distance that he shrouded himself in every day.  "Make sure Lex's gets jacked into the connection too; they'll be displaying from his instead of ours; yours and mine has too much confidential information on it, and the one Lex brought today has been wiped except for what we need for today's presentations and conference."


"Done." He pulled his cell phone from his pocket, dialing like lightening as he followed Lionel, and barked orders to the team of computer analyzers to get it set up. His briefcase was tight in hand, the laptops on his shoulder, and anyone seeing them would have seen to highly professional strangers, from different corners of the globe, working together to meet an end.


Someone who’s sight was sharper would have seen the matching wedding bands and the soft fingers Dominic stroked with his own.


Lex straightened from his slouch at the end of the hallway, and rolled his eyes.  "I don't even want to know what took you so long, but come on.  They're waiting for us, and I've been holding the elevator for you both.  They're warming up now, coffee and snacks are being passed out, and they'll be ready by the time you make your grand entrance."


"Lex, did you bring the laptop?"  Lex was pushing it into Lionel's hands before he even finished.  "I don't suppose you know where Bruce is?"


"He's downstairs, waiting in my office.  Michelle is waiting downstairs from PR and she's going to make sure we look nice; pleated, makeup, the nine."


Dominic huffed, once, and quoted a line from his favorite book. "I don’t know about you southern cows, but I look fine. Like a Georgia peach in the summer time." But he was grinning, cause yeah, it was the gayest thing he'd ever said, but he wanted to break the tension flowing around the two men as they got pumped for this press conference. Press conference or not, they had to be cool about it. And cracking really bad jokes usually did it.


Lex cracked a wry smile.  "Your hair is thinning, standing up slightly at the back, your goatee is a little ragged, and your lips are swollen, which... no.  I'm not even going there as to why that is."  Lex held up his hands, fingers in a cross as he held it up in front of Dominic.


Dominic all but fell on his ass. He sent Lex a glare straight from the devil, and hugged his wounded pride close to his chest even as he tried to keep the grin off his face. "You can tell me my goatee is ragged. You can tell me my hair is sticking up. You can bloody well tell me I’ve a zit somewhere that’s obvious. But leave a body's hair alone! Wicked, wicked thing! I’m going to have to buy a toupee." A sad sniff. "And yes, you're not going to go there, because if you do I'll be very blunt and embarrass the both of you."


And because he felt like it, he took the opportunity for Lex's fingers to be in a cross to poke him in the belly.


Lionel calmly put the strap to his briefcase over his shoulder, and raised both hands.  One went over his son's mouth, and the other over his husband's.  "Gentlemen, please.  I realize that it's asking quite a bit of you, but decorum?  Can we both please act like the adults you appear to be and not the juveniles you are in your actions?"


Dominic blinked innocently at his lover, darted his tongue out, and lapped at the palm pressed over his mouth.


Lionel didn't say a word, merely glared.


Lex shoved the hand off his mouth.  "He started it."


"Nuht uh! You started it, when you told me my mouth was swollen, and what business is it of yours, Little Luthor?" But he grinned at him in friendship, straightened, and tossed his head back a little bit. "Decorum. Dignity. I can do dignity."


"I did not."


"Children, I'm going to ground you both if you don't shut up and behave."  Lionel gripped both of them by the scruff of the neck as they were in the safety of the elevator and gave them each a little shake.  "I don't care who started it, I am going to finish it."


Dominic just grinned wickedly up at him. "You know, Lionel, darling, you should know better than to think I don’t like this." Which of course, he said for the benefit of Lex, who he smirked smugly at.


"Bastard," Lex grumped.


"Idiot." Dominic shot back.


Lionel gave Lex another little shake.  "Don't talk to your father like that." 


Lex... blinked.  "I wasn't talking to you, Dad, I was talking to Dominic."


Lionel... just let it go. 


Dominic barely, barely, kept the laugh in. Barely. He simply straightened his tie, and his suit, and filed away Lex's absolute denseness to catalogue and go over after the meeting. He smiled, brilliantly, at his lover, reached in to press a kiss to his cheek, and fell silent.


The elevator doors dinged a second before they opened, and Lex held the door with his arm as Lionel and Dominic filed out.  The PR woman was there with a small makeup kit, and she moved through each person in moments, making sure they were picture-perfect before allowing them to enter the main conference room.


Lionel strode in first, brisk steps carrying him behind the podium without a thought, then he took one of the seats against the wall.  Lex stood at the podium, ready to make the opening remarks as his father and Dominic settled in behind him.


Dominic sat beside his lover, ignoring the faces staring out at them… hundreds of people, and his belly gave a jitter before he calmed it. Easy, simple, just ignoring the people standing before him as he set his briefcase and laptop beside him on the ground. The table of representatives sat before them, on either side of the podium, and when Lionel rose to speak, the two seats beside the podium would be for both Lionel and Dominic. The laptop was set up behind them, by the ever quick Carolyn, and things were going off without a hitch. For now.


Lex looked out over the podium and the sea of faces.  "Ladies and gentlemen... welcome.  I know that some of you have journeyed quite some time to be here, and we would like to welcome you to Metropolis as well as to this event.  I trust you all have been served coffee and are sufficiently warmed up enough to proceed?"


A quiet murmur of assent swept the crowd, and Lex nodded.  "Excellent.  My father has a statement to make, but he and I have decided that in the case such as this, since any statement that we make cannot possibly combat all the rumors that are going on about our dealings, that we are going to change the format of this meeting.  We're going to open the floor to questions before the official statement is made, and then once all your questions have been exhausted, we'll proceed on to addressing the other issues."


Dominic didn’t say anything, simply gazing out over the eager faces of journalists by the dozens, and murmured quietly under his breath, "Doesn’t it seem like they're all ravenous hyenas, waiting to pounce on the kill?"


A couple of dozen hands went up, people speaking all at once... including a very, very petite and slender woman who had battled her way to the front row. She rose her hand that had the pen in it, and the camera man beside her had the footage rolling.


Lionel nodded his agreement, fingers tapping on the arm of his chair, wedding band making a quiet, rapping sound.


Lex looked out over the crowd to the overly-enthusiastic woman at the front row.  "Yes, the young lady down front."


She rose, lovely black hair tumbling down her shoulders, and with pen and paper in hand, introduced herself. "Lois Lane, Daily Planet." On her first assignment alone, no less. "Is it true, sirs, that you indeed did fire over three hundred employees this past Friday, and that over fifty of them have filed lawsuits?"


Dominic quieted, taking out his laptop and booting it up... thankful to have muted the sound before closing it down last time, and quietly waited for it to boot up as he set it on his... well, his lap. He needed notes of this.


A little instant message pinged up  soon as the laptop booted.


LovelyOne:  Hello, Mr. Bergman... what are you wearing?


Lex confirmed the question.  "Yes, Ms. Lane.  That's completely true.  We terminated three hundred and fifteen employees on Friday, and yes, we have been contacted by our legal department as to wrongful termination lawsuits being filed against us.  However, LuthorCorp is sure in it's position as we have proof, on file, of the wrongdoings named in the dismissals."


Dominic cocked a little brow, though his face stayed carefully blank, and he typed back quickly and silently, as the press whirred about them, snapping photo's every few moments and asking dozens of questions.


JiminyC:  Good morning, Mr. Bogart. I wasn't expecting you to contact me so soon after the smores incident. Though I know you're a busy man, I should tell you that I'm wearing a leopard print thong and a white tank top. With ruffles, because I'm that sort of fellow.


Lois nodded, once, thanking Lex as she took her seat and glanced at her camera man. "Sorry, Steve. Lost my balls at the last minute."


LovelyOne:  A leopard skin thong and a white ruffled shirt?  How daring of you.  The s'mores incident is safely locked away in my memory, never again to be resurrected.  I must, however, remember to remember that marshmallow goo is hot.


Lex nodded, and moved on to the next person. 


"Hi, I'm Cat Grant, with Channel Five news?  Is it true that included in the people you fired over the weekend were the majority of LuthorCorp board members and major stockholders?"


"That's correct.  We have five board members remaining.  Myself, Reynold Coffings, my father, Charles Windsor, and our new partner."


Dominic had an ear listening to the people, while at the same time typing on the computer. He looked classy, busy with some sort of work... when all he was doing was flirting shamelessly with his husband.


He'd have to ask him where on earth he figured out how to use IM.


JiminyC:  It is indeed, Mr. Bogart. You should know by now, through our many social engagements, that I’m at the cusp of the fashion industry. As for the marshmallow goo, how are the burns healing?


Another hand rose, this time an older gentlemen who was still spry for his age, and he lifted his pen.


LovelyOne:  They are healing quite well, thank you.  Thankfully they were not in a vital place.  I have, as a consequence, lost my taste for that particular campfire treat.


Lex nodded at the older gentleman.  "Yes, sir?"


JiminyC:  Aren’t you a liar. I’ve learned, from an inside source, that you were spotted in Albertson’s buying Hershey’s chocolate and great bags of white fluffy marshmallows. As I’m sure they’re not to fill your gooey center, they must be for something else, and I’m positive you wouldn’t know. Right?


"Marcel DeLum, National Enquirer. This question is for Mr. Luthor. Is it true, sir, that you were in Venice Italy over the weekend, and that’s why the meeting had to be postponed until today?" The man said without a hitch, pen poised to write as a ripple went through the room. All of the journalists had been loathed to ask, because it was Mr. Luthors personal business, but Marcel worked for the Enquirer. They didn’t have a lot of integrity.  


Dominic’s head snapped up at that, and his eyebrow cocked up an inch higher.    

Lex's jaw worked tightly.  "Mr. DeLum, If you have any questions please direct them to me, not to my father.  He will be speaking later.  As for your question, the conference was postponed until today to allow the real journalists from around the country and the world to join us here, per a request from our Public Relations department."  

Lionel's eyebrows both shot up.  

LovelyOne:  Should we tell them?  Lex's reaction on national television?

JiminyC:  You wouldn’t believe what I just saw on the telly.  Some man, Marcel something or other, was just found tarred and feathered, with a small note card with the LuthorCorp insignia on his arsehole.


Dominic blinked a moment, and glanced up. Thought. Tried not to grin.


JiminyC:  Do what you feel is right, my darling. I won't tell you what to do otherwise... though I’m sure Ms. Lane down on the front row won't appreciate dry cleaning the brain matter off her nice suit after Lex's head explodes.


"So you're telling me that these pictures," Marcel lifted a big one, of Lionel walking with Dominic down the board walk, with a limo in the background. "Are fakes?" He hmmmed loudly, as the other reporters all looked at him in either disgust or interest. "They sure do look nice, don’t they?" But the man sat back down.


LovelyOne:  Let me rescue Lex before he kills the man; this isn't how I envisioned letting the world in on our wedding, but so be it.


Lionel put his laptop in his seat and rose to his feet, putting his hand on Lex's shoulder.  "Let me take this, Lex."  He nudged his son back to his seat and Lionel took his stance at the podium.  "Mr. DeLum, let me first congratulate you on an exquisite invasion of privacy.  And second, let me express my wonder and amazement that you were allowed into this conference, despite your... sterling reputation."


That sent a wave of sniggers through the crowd.


"But, lest you think I'm avoiding your question... no.  Those pictures are not fake.  However, the ones in my office are of much higher quality."


Lex... stared.  His mind?  Boggling.  He could feel the vein in his forehead throbbing.  Father.  Dominic.  Venice.  Weekend.


Just... throbbing.


Dominic moved Lionel’s laptop to the side so Lex could sit, and gently pat his knee. His voice was very low as he spoke, calming his young friend as he watched his lover speak. "Calm yourself. He was probably there looking for naked photographs of my sister, and stumbled upon us instead."


"Is that so?" He rose again, nodding. "I’m sure they are, Mr. Luthor. What I’m asking is why you waited, and lying to us about journalists around the world is not going to get you there. We are the voice of the American public, and we want to know why you fired three hundred and fifteen people for the hell of it, then postponed the reason as to why you fired them, for a day and a half. Not only does it look shady, but it really puts a damper on your company’s honesty policy, don’t you think?"


"I waited because my company, by Friday evening, had had requests from Tokyo, Beijing, Surinam, Seoul, and Honduras, not to mention several other companies, requesting that we hold this conference until such time as they could send their representatives here."  He looked at Dominic.  "Dominic, can you please call the communications center and have the requests faxed to the room, please?  We'll distribute copies to those of you curious."


Lex ignored Dominic.  He had to.  Because if he hadn't, he'd have been making a very public scene.  And that's NOT what was needed.


"Yes, sir." Dominic lifted his cell phone, demon dialing and setting the phone to his ear, as he rose and walked down the small platform off to one side so he could rightly chew the people out on the other end of the line. He demon fired a hundred orders to be executed in the next three minutes, and walked calmly back up the steps after putting the fear of God into the people on the other line. "The faxes will be here in five minutes." Dominic said softly to Lionel before taking his seat once more.


"You mean to tell me," Marcel was on a role. "That you aren’t having an affair with Gina?"


To Dominic’s credit, he didn’t burst out laughing.


Lionel almost choked on his laughter.  "I'm sorry, no.  I'm not having an affair with Gina."  He waited a few beats for dramatic pause.  "I'm actually sleeping with her brother."


The entire room fell silent. Just... dead... silence. There wasn’t a word spoken, for at least ten seconds, before a thousand questions erupted at once. No one had any inkling as to who Gina's brother was, as she kept a very private life, and everyone was on their feet, speaking all at once.


Dominic was trying, very hard, not to laugh. He was. It was almost too amusing, and he kept a straight face as he glanced at Lex.


The Vein of Death was pounding furiously.


Bruce stepped into the room at the last few words out of Lionel’s mouth, and both brows shot up before he could help it. He stepped up and around to take the seat next to Lex, and leaned over to whisper as a new flock of questions had the journalists in an uproar as to why Bruce Wayne was here. "Its a madhouse, a madhouse."


Lex's head felt like it was going to just explode.  He knew fucking well who Gina's brother was, and he just... Glared.  At Dominic.  Didn't stop glaring.  "My Father.  Just.  Came.  Out."


"In quite a classy manner, might I add." Dominic assured his friend, patting his knee again as he looked up at Lionel and the press, screaming to try and get heard over one another. "Bruce, I take your its a madhouse and raise it to Arkham never looked so good."


That got a chuckle from Bruce and he grinned at Dominic, watched Lex's face as the veins all slammed blood in his naked noggin, then crossed his legs and watched Lionel speak.


"Sir, Sir-" Marcel was trying to speak over the ditsy brunette in the front row, and not succeeding.


"Mr. Luthor!" Lois rose the mike, at ease now as she waved it. "Sir, can you give us a name?"


"I can, Ms. Lane.  But I won't.  Because I, like you I'm sure, believe that everyone is entitled to a private life."

If Lex hadn't been so furious, he'd have been impressed.  Lionel had just neatly maneuvered the press as a whole into a corner.  To press for a name would be to intrude boldly on privacy.


Oh. Lois liked him. I mean, really liked him. She grinned and nodded, and though her camera guy was going to take out a rib with his elbow, she sat down again. She already had her assignment in the she just had to sit back and watch it all unfold.


"Lex, you're going to have a stroke." Dominic murmured under his breath. "Your blood supply to your heart is going to stop if you don’t take a deep breath. Just inhale and exhale slowly… you're beginning to flush."


Bruce was, on Lex's other side, having the time of his life.


"You... you... my father... fucking Italy and where the fuck does Megan fit into this???"  All snarled as quietly as possible.


"Sir?" A very tall, slender woman waved her hand. "Keana Ligs. Sir, can you tell us why Mr. Wayne is here?"


"Darling, if I told you, you might not make it through the press conference." A solid nod from Dominic. "And I promise you, only the foreign magazines have the pictures of us naked on the beach."


Lionel nodded.  "Of course, Ms. Ligs.  This will be a part of the official statement later in the conference, but Mr. Wayne is here as the new majority stockholder in LuthorCorp."


Yeah, so maybe the journalists were all just sort of blinking. What a press conference. This was the conference of a lifetime. And Lois was here. This was going to make her career, and she squirmed in her seat cheerfully.


Lex.  Just.  Kept.  Glaring.  "Dominic... I'm really not going to like this explanation, am I?"  Just then, light flashed off his father's hand as Lionel gestured at the podium.


Off his left hand.


Where there shouldn't be a glinting object.


The throbbing in his head just grew.


"If it helps, you don’t have to call me daddy." Deadpan delivery.


"Sir, Miles Crewer, New York Times." One of the men in the polished suits near the front of the room said. "If its at all possible, sir, I’m sure I can speak for everyone when I say we're eager to hear what you have to say." He had a calming, deep voice, and the journalists slowly took their seats as he spoke. "I’m sure we're ready to hear your presentation, and the impact it will have on our economy. Please, proceed."


"Call... you... daddy?"  Lex's voice was a low, murderous growl.  His head--not just the vein anymore but there was a throbbing in his entire head--pounded with every word, and he was fighting very, very hard not to commit felony murder right here on the podium. 


After all, it would be a very messy thing.  And very, very hard to deny when the eyes of the world were upon you.


There'd be plenty of time later, when nobody else was around.


Dominic didn’t say anything more, simply gazing out at the press as Lionel spoke, nodding at Miles, a personal friend of his, and listened in on the conference while ignoring the man beside him. His laptop back on his lap, he continued to type, taking notes now of things they'd have to ask later.


And wished he had a Polaroid of Lex's face to give Megan for her clip board.


Lionel nodded to Mr. Crewer.  "Thank you, Mr. Crewer."  Lionel cleared his throat, and took a quick drink from the glass on the podium.  "Now.  As most of you in the business world are aware, due to certain personal issues and injuries, I have been convalescing in my son's home in Smallville for the past few months.  During my absence from Metropolis and LuthorCorp, it was discovered by my executive assistant, Dominic Senatori, and his assistant, Carolyn, that many of my employees from the upper echelon down to the mail room, were taking advantage of my absence.  Therefore, when I recovered, I made several drastic moves and changes in LuthorCorp's corporate structure and it's future.


My first move was to fire all those people who had been willfully abusing company expense accounts, software, hardware, and the like.  There were also many of our board members dismissed for fraud, embezzlement, prostitution, and murder.  The proof is now in the hands of the Metropolis Police, who are prosecuting these cases to their fullest extent.


My second move was to contact Bruce Wayne of Wayne Enterprises, and we--along with my son, Dominic, and Bruce’s young genius Dick Grayson, arranged a merger between our two companies to create the super conglomerate, temporarily named WayneCorp. 


My final move was to put into motion a plan to move my corporate headquarters from Metropolis.  The move has been finalized, and we are in the first stages of preparing the new site now."


Lois was the first to speak, raising a palm in the air. "Sir, why the move? And can you give us details of the when and where?"


Dominic had always known his lover, his beloved husband, was intelligent… but these times when he was talking to the press, it was painfully obvious. He hid his smile, typing into the IM in the second window,


JiminyC:  When you start LionelSpeaking, my heart quivers. Wouldn’t you know it, but I’m sitting here behind you, hard as rock?


Bruce had to hand it to Lionel. The old coot knew what he was doing, and he listened quietly, close by in case he was needed.


"I decided on the move for any number of reasons, most of them personal in nature.  But in the end, the move is good for the company and for the city that I am moving to."  He paused.  "The final details are still in formulation, but I can tell you that we will be moving to Smallville.  I've already leased a great portion of unused property in the town and will be revitalizing existing buildings, and integrating our new structures in with the existing architecture and artistry of the original sector."


A gasp went through the room, and people began to murmur, though they knew the question asking portion of the meeting was over until the end. Apparently, however, Lois was daft or didn’t give a shit, and rose her arm again. "Sir, are you planning on moving the entire corporation, or just the head office?" She wanted to know the scope of what was going to happen here, and ignored the growls from the other journalists for her to sit down as she asked.


Dominic leaned over, and murmured to the still seething Lex, "He liked the idea for the Grecian buildings, I forgot to tell you. Fell right in love, he did." And because he was evil, "We had sex in six different corners before coming home."


Which just made him think of the night before. They'd made love four times their wedding night, and each and every time it had been beautiful, pleasurable, with exploring fingertips and breathy sighs. It had been extraordinary, and he'd fallen in love with his beloved man all over again.


Waking him up in the bowels of the night, to roll over him and make love, had been the most beautiful sensation that Dominic had ever known. Accepting his lover into him while still half asleep had been, in his memory, the most pleasurable experience of his life, and he typed it, as well, into the instant message.


JiminyC:  I love you.


Lionel nodded.  "That's a good question, Ms. Lane.  And one that we simply do not know the answer to yet.  The move began as a desire to create a satellite office in Smallville during my illness, and has since grown to encompass the entire main office structure.  For the time being, there are no plans to move the rest of the corporation to Smallville, though that could change in the future."


Lex's smile was a rictus grin that was plastered over his face for the benefit of unity in the eyes of the press.  "If you do not shut the fuck up this minute about yours and my father's sexual escapades, I will not be denied the pleasure of ripping your vocal cords out through your ass!"


"Still want to know why my lips were swollen?" Dominic murmured under his breath, smiling at Ms. Lane when she kind of grinned at them nervously. He smiled pleasantly at Lex, put his tongue in cheek, and went back to typing as he listened.


"Thank you, sir." Lois sat back down, and all the journalists around her rolled their eyes. She caught it and smiled, brightly and cheerfully, and went back to listening to the presentation.


"Which I considered doing to you just a few short hours ago." Bruce said easily, listening to Lionel politely. In his hands he had all the financial reports, including Pete Ross's presentation, and he shifted to cross his other leg. Lex's refusal to back him up had hurt… more than he liked admitting. But as it was his way he buried it and let the space between he and his friend slip open just a little more.


Lex merely growled at Dominic.


And glared at Bruce.  "Bruce... threatening me is one thing.  Threatening Clark is another entirely."  And that was all he said as he glared at his friend.  "Considering your situation with Dick, which precipitated your entire visit here, I'd have thought you'd have understood the need for subtlety."


Bruce looked at Lex for a long moment, shocked he'd brought Dick up in such a way in the back corner of his mind, and simply turned away, looking back to the podium and listening to Lionel speak. At his cue he rose, straightening his back as he nodded at Lionel and took a step towards him, his paperwork in hand. He was going to be doing the presentation for the finances, for the money and business magazines, periodicals and news crews.


Lex growled softly to himself again.  Hell fuck and goddamn.  Things were falling apart in his nicely ordered life and he didn't LIKE it.  He rapped his papers more sharply than he intended to as he settled back and listened.


Lionel nodded as Bruce stepped up, and he smiled.  "Ladies and gentlemen... Mr. Bruce Wayne."


At that very moment a terrified looking kid slid into the room. Literally. Jacob ran to the double doors... slid past them on waxed floor and slick shoes, and then calmly walked in with the huge pile of papers he'd ran off. He began to pass them out to the people of the press, stapled into neat packages (he had the staple marks on his fingers to prove it) where it was outlined exactly what Mr. Senatori had asked. And yeah, pissing Mr. Senatori off was like asking for a gun to the head. it was terrifying, for lack of any other word.


Dominic glanced up... gave the kid a hard glare, and when he was positive no mistakes would be made, he looked back down to his computer and chuckled in his head.


Bruce thanked Lionel and stepped up to the podium. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, Mr. Luthor and board."


Reynold just smiled at the little kid, and settled back in his seat at the table. He remembered working with Bruce's dad but a few years ago, so it seemed, and it was almost sixteen when he really thought of it. How strange, and his heart kicked in longful missing for his old friend.


Charles sat beside Reynold, understandably nervous but poised. Yeah. he'd made it. He rocked.


And Marie, her brand new baby settled, sleeping, in her arms, was sitting by the entrance of the room, grinning at the lot of them.


Lionel settled back in his chair, and read the messages that had come in for him while he was gone.


LovelyOne:  I love you, Dominic.  I can't wait for Megan's reaction; do you suppose that there'll be a message on the answering machine waiting for us when we get home?  I think that we are lucky in that Gina hides her true identity so well.  Did I miss the explosion of Lex's head?  Tell me that there were cameras that captured his reaction.  And do you know why Lex and Bruce aren't talking?


JiminyC:  Ah, let us see. Megan is, at the very moment, screaming at the TV. And at me, coincidently.


Dominic copy and pasted the IM that was going on beside Lionel’s.


JiminyC: Sessy Beech:  You've lost your goddamn mind. Not only have you lost your mind, you've lost Lionel’s, too. Pinch his ass for me, will you? He's got such balls. Christ Jesus, I LOVE him.      

See? She thinks you've got balls. ...And I’m mildly aware that she's hitting on you. No matter.


Dominic grinned, and kept typing.


JiminyC:  Lex is about to blow up. can't you tell? The blood is thumping so hard I can hear it. As for the camera's, we can ask Miles. He does look quite evil. Oh! I still don’t think Lex has grasped the concept, yet, by the by.

LovelyOne:  Tell her for me that I haven't lost my goddamned mind.  Not yet anyway.  I'm not yet encroaching on senility, and if she isn't nice, then she won't get the new Maserati roadster that should be delivered by the end of the week.


He bit his lip to keep from laughing.


LovelyOne:  He hasn't gotten it yet?  I gave him credit for more intelligence than that.  Though I suppose it's for the best, so that he can have his breakdown in private, and not in public.

JiminyC:  He saw your ring. The child is sweet as sugar but as dense as a shite-house. What the blazes does he think we did in Italy? Oh, word of the wise, I told him we had bloody fantastic sex on the beach. As for Megan, this is what she says:


Sessy Beech:  Just for that, you're getting a toaster, Lionel Luthor.


Dominic glanced up, keeping an eye on the proceedings, and glanced at Lex sandwiched between himself and his husband as Bruce talked, presenting the reports, slide shows, and the like as he spoke. The press was enthralled, and as the lights dimmed, the glow of the computer skin on his chest was kind of eerie.


JiminyC:  Tell me, Mr. Bogart, as you didn’t tell me something. What are you wearing?

LovelyOne:  Dense though he may be, but he's quite smart when he chooses.


He snickered at the message from Megan.


LovelyOne:  Tell her I already have all the toasters I need; that if she wants to get me something useful, buy a bassinet or a baby stroller.


Another glance around as the room dimmed, and he dimmed his own screen as he typed his third reply.


LovelyOne:  Shameful question, Mr. Bergman.  Alas, unlike you, I am wearing quite boring clothes.  Suit.  Tie.  Shirt.  Underwear belonging to my husband, the usual.


And then Lionel choked as a new window popped up beside him.


AlexTheFab:  Jesus fucking Christ, Dad.  If you were going to come out you might have shared it with the rest of us!


JiminyC:  Your husband won't mind us flirting, will he? I should tell you, I got hard as stone when you were talking to the press. You're so devilishly sexy. I thought I was going to put a hole through my laptop. Yes, laptop. For you see, I’m lying on the beaches of Maui, drinking a fruity drink in a coconut, and dreaming of having you writhing over me.


Take that, and Dominic didn’t even crack a smile as he hit send, going to the other window minimized to half the page so he could keep an eye on his messages. And grinned, broadly, unable to help it, and barely restrained the whoop as he sent her message to his lover.


JiminyC: Sessy Beech:  I’m the one who's going to be needing the stroller, excuse me very much. Lionel’s got money, tell him to go splurge! Money pinching bastard.

LovelyOne:  AlexTheFab:  Jesus fucking Christ, Dad.  If you were going to come out you might have shared it with the rest of us!  

I'll take you a pregnant sister and raise you a bitchy son.


Dominic’s brows rose to his hairline, and he typed back as Bruce spoke, the warm river of his voice the perfect back drop.


JiminyC:  He only has the nerve to curse to you in the spoken word, and I find it indecently amusing. Let him say fuck to your face.


A moment, and because it was called for, Dominic added, 


JiminyC:  Are you alright with it? With coming out, beloved? I was shocked nearly into hysterics… the press, however, doesn’t seem as shocked by it. Sad, that that’s how desensitized people are these days.

 LovelyOne:  Quite the opposite, he won't swear at me in public.  When it's the two of us?  My son can be quite the vituperative little bastard.  

LovelyOne:  By the way, tell Megan that I said she's a fast working.  And yes, before you ask, I am ignoring my son.  And yes, my cricket, I am all right with coming out.  It's not exactly the world's best kept secret; I am subtle and I am low-key; I am not celibate.  I merely kept your name out of it, and will continue to for as long as possible, to protect your privacy.


Dominic thought again, glancing up as he watched Bruce work, and was proud of him for a heartbeat for being such a good lad. He was a strong worker, and worked for what he believed in... and it was evident in everything he did. Dominic glanced at Lex a moment, looked away before Lex looked at him, and continued to write. 


JiminyC:  Love you, Lionel.


Then, because it amused him, he instant messaged Lex.


JiminyC:  Hello, darling!  

JiminyC:  Might I add, your screen name is FABulous. Did you hand pick it from RainbowsRUs?  

AlexTheFab:  Leave me the fuck alone.


He choked on the snicker, and almost couldn’t believe they were having this little drama in front of all the press in the free world. God, it was fun.


JiminyC:  Are we bitter? Is there something I've done to upset you so?

AlexTheFab:  Bitter?  Why the fuck would I be bitter?  I mean, my father just came out of the closet to the global press, admitting that he's sleeping with Gina's brother, who just happens to be you and the first person who sees Gina and you in the same fucking room together is going to know exactly what is going on!  Me?  Bitter?  No.  Because I got left out of the damn loop?  Again?  Because I don't know what fuck is going on?  Me?  No, I'm not bitter.

JiminyC:  We kept you out of the loop because of this exact reaction, idiot. What, do you think your father and I don’t know you by now? And, and, why should their be shame in the fact that I’m sleeping with your father? That we're in love? Why should he and I hide what is there, plain for everyone to see? Are you that ashamed of what he and I have?


Little bastard.


JiminyC:  Would you like to know the entire truth, while sitting here in front of the press?

AlexTheFab:  I don't give a good rat's ass who my father sleeps with, Dominic, including you.  As long as it's not Clark, he can fuck the Easter Bunny.  I just would have liked to have known BEFORE this little Inquisition started, and been prepared for that asshole from the Enquirer!


Dominic sighed, and turned to look at him, murmuring softly, "Things happen that we can't control. Things happen spur of the moment. You should be happy it finally happened, relieved."


JiminyC:  The guy was that--an asshole. Lex, do you still not realize what happened in Italy?


"Relieve this," Lex muttered, making a quick, rude gesture towards Dominic.


JiminyC:  Lois Lane just saw you flick me off. She'll be sure to put it in her report. You still want to run for the presidency someday? You just lost her vote.  

Lex turned on his away message.


AlexTheFab:  If you're getting this, it means I'm sick and fucking tired of you.  Go Away.


It hurt him. Badly. He glared at Lex, closed the instant message, and sat back in his seat, lowering the screen and watching Bruce as the lights came back up. The presentation was nearing its end, and as soon as they got home, revenge would be enacted.


Or, actually..


"Your father and I got married in Italy over the weekend.  Signed, sealed, and delivered. Megan was our witness, and we were married right on the beach. I am, whether you like it or not, your Step Father, and really, I don’t give the bloodiest of fuck how you talk to me, as long as you treat your father with respect, and not like the spoiled little boy you are." A moment, before he continued, his eyes hard and just loud enough for Lionel to hear on the other side of Lex. " We went back to the hotel he rented, had a wonderful night, and came here straight from Venice with our wedding bands on our fingers."


Lex slammed the PowerBook PC shut, dropped it on his chair, and walked out of the conference.


Dominic glanced up at Lionel, shrugged a shoulder, and listened as Bruce closed the conference up.


Lionel shook his head sadly at Dominic.  Lex's leaving could have been attributed to any number of things, including urgent business back in Smallville, and he'd have to make sure to clear it up as soon as he got the chance to. 


And then he'd have to have a talk with the little brat.


"Thank you, Bruce."  He held out his hand for Bruce to shake as he approached the podium.


Bruce shook the hand firmly, aware the entire time that something had been going on, but the Luthors were all weird as hell, despite his caring for them. He took his seat once again, glancing out at the public who were all jotting notes furiously, and smiled a little.


As for Lex... Dominic knew his marriage to Lionel wouldn’t be accepted by him. At this point, he was beyond caring... or so he said. It did hurt him, that Lionel’s son didn’t like the fact that they'd found joy in one another, but he listened quietly to Lionel as he began to shut the laptops down.


Lionel came to stand at the podium.  "You'll have to excuse my son's quick departure, I believe he got an urgent message from his office."  He cleared his throat.  "We only have time for a few more questions, and as that is the case, I'll only be answering questions pertaining to the presentation just given and the earlier statements, and not mine or anyone else's personal lives."


Lois's hand darted up.


"Yes, Ms. Lane?"


She rose. "Mr. Wayne’s presentation was wonderful, but I have a quick question. When exactly do you plan on putting this... plan, actually, into motion?"


"It's actually already been implemented.  As I said before, we've already purchased the options on property in Smallville, and are beginning the renovations to it."


"Thank you." She sat back down again. Christ, this was... yeah. Perry was going to be so thrilled. He'd only been working there for a few months, but he ran a tight ship, and this was sure to get him in the good with him. YESSSSS.


Steve the camera guy hated her, and she could have cared less.


Keana's hand, as well as Miles' rose at the same time.


"Ms. Ligs, and then Mr. Crewer."


"Sir, just a quick question as you're closing up, here. What kind of legal fallout do you expect there to be from the city of Metropolis? Is there anything that might keep this plan from running smoothly, as it sounds you’re going to need just that?" And unsaid--what could she do to help?


"Well, to be honest, we do expect the City Council to attempt to block our move on the grounds that we're violating our city lease, but our lawyers have assured us that's not the case.  We've given them the six month notice that's required in our contracts, and that was our only obligation.  We also expect punitive actions towards us; increased ordinances and such."


She and Lionel had a past. A sweet one, but a past, nonetheless. But she knew, when she looked at him, that he understood why she'd asked. There were journalists here with a lot of power within their respective jobs, who could make or break Lionel’s cause.


The funny thing was, all she'd felt from everyone around her was an almost excitement, at the task Lionel would be taking on. And she was proud.


Miles stood after Ms. Ligs head seated herself, and simply nodded. "I just wanted to thank you gentlemen for a put together, very strong presentation."


And all of the journalists in the room clapped for them.


Lionel nodded, and motioned Bruce forward to accept the applause.  "Ladies and gentlemen... thank you for coming.  Your press packets should answer any other questions that you have, and those that aren't, you can obtain answers through our PR department."


Bruce smiled his thank you as the conference closed, and found Dominic right behind him, with Lionel at his side, as they stepped from the room. Pictures were snapping a mile a minute, a hundred voices speaking at once, but the three of them walked out of the loaded gun that Bruce had so sweetly called hell, and walked with Lionel back towards the offices. "I think that went very well."


Lionel's countenance was stormy as he left public.  "If you don't take into consideration that little temper tantrum that my son threw."


"That was pretty funny, actually." Bruce said, not unkindly. "Congratulations, by the way."


"Thank you, Bruce."  He sighed.  "Now, if you could beat that into Lex's head, then I would be eternally in your debt."


"I need a drink." Dominic murmured, keeping the laptop case tight with both his and Lionel’s laptops, briefcase in hand.


"Not going to happen." Bruce nodded it a bit as they walked into Lionel’s office. "He just needs time. If you give him a little bit, he'll accept it."


"That’s the bloody question. That’s just it." Dominic’s voice was low, and soft. "Why the bloody hell is he so upset over it? Did he not think it was going to happen? We only told him a hundred damn times."


"I don't know, Jiminy.  I wish I did.  I wish that I comprehended my son's thought processes.  I wish that I knew what bug crawled up his ass this morning and wouldn't crawl back out."






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