
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 99: His Surprise

She was in love with the world. With its skies, and its seas, and its pain. She loved the world with ever fiber of her being, loved being alive, loved knowing she was alive, and she'd been given a chance to help that world. She loved knowing that she was going to make a difference in her life time, and it helped when the hard times came around.

However, right now, all she could think was that her world had shattered. And she tried to pinpoint the time when Whitney had become her world.

She’d skipped class. Of course she'd skipped class. She couldn’t be expected to function when her heart was broken. And the funnies thing, was that the results of the pregnancy test... at this point in her life, in her heart...weren’t what she wanted. Just deluded herself, thinking it was better this way, and it wasn’t.

It hurt.

She was behind the wheel of her little pink orgasm, revving the engine as she sat in front of her house, and tried not to weep.

Whitney had skipped too. There just... there wasn't any way that he felt like going to school today. There just... wasn't. He was sad, of course, that Chloe had said no to his proposal, but it hadn't changed the way he'd felt about her.

But it had, apparently, changed the way she felt about him. He'd known she didn't want to be pregnant this early, but he... he couldn't help the fact that he was happy about it.

The thing that saddened him the most is that at this moment, the child that he'd helped to create was most likely being destroyed. That broke his heart, and he couldn't not cry. He didn't know what was the final straw; it seemed as though bad thing upon bad thing was being piled onto his shoulders. Going as far back as last year... his father got sick. He lost his scholarship, his father died, he was thrown out of the Marines because of the tattoo, Lana was killed. Then finally... Chloe had been a ray of sunshine in his life that he'd needed to survive, and he loved her intensely, but now she was gone, and so was his hope for a family.

He sat across from her house, curled up against the trunk of a neighbor's tree, just watching.

She didn’t know where he was. Just didn’t. She tried his house, Fordman’s, Shay. She'd called Pete, and Steve, Whitney’s best jocko pal. She'd done everything, and she just... she didn’t know where else to look. Her car was off, her gas nearly empty, and she wept, rubbing at her red, wet cheeks every few minutes. She didn’t know where else to look. She didn’t know where she'd find him.

He hated her. He hated her, and now there would be nothing to do but break up and because she was so intensely stupid, lose the love of her life.

Whitney watched her pull into her driveway from his perch in the neighbor's yard. He didn't say anything, didn't move from his huddled position as he sat back against the tree. Her teary face nearly broke his heart, because he couldn't bear to see her cry and it just... killed him to know she was sad.

She sniffled, hard, rubbing the heel of her hands against her eyes as she wept. she empty. Every part of her felt empty, heart, body, mind. Whitney would never know how much she adored him, what an integral part of who she was was his. Would never know that the love she had for him as intense, and would never go away.

And she felt, for the first time in her young life, helpless.

Whitney rested his chin on his knees as his arms wrapped around them. "Chloe," he called out. "Over here."

She bolted, and slammed her head against the window, eyes widening as she saw him. Sitting there, below the tree, and her entire face crumbled as she sobbed.

Whitney got up, brushing the first flakes of snow from his jacket and the pieces of bark and dirt from the roots off his butt as he started to pick his way carefully across the yard.

She bolted again. What else could she do? She ripped the seat belt off, tore the keys from the ignition, and couldn’t even pocket them as she ran across the short expanse, door ajar, and leapt into his arms. Right where he stood, arms and legs wrapping around her, and she hugged him as tightly as she could, and just didn’t CARE if he pushed her away as long as he got to... hold her.

Whitney wrapped his arms tightly around her, catching her as she threw herself at him, and one arm held her around her back as the other slipped to her legs and kept them around his waist as he walked, carrying her against him until they got to her front door. "Open the door, Chloe... kinda got my hands full." He buried his face in her hair, and that was all he said.

She nodded, shaking as she hopped down, and tried to push the key into the keyhole even as she sobbed. She was crying, couldn’t stop crying, as she tried and failed, twice over, three times.

Whitney's hands slid around her wrist, steadying her hand as he guided the key into the lock. He took her hands away entirely, put them back around his waist as he opened the door, and then picked her up and carried her inside.

Chloe couldn’t stop crying. No words, he was angry at her, he had to be, and she buried her face in his neck and wept burning, painful tears as she panicked. Leaving her, gonna dump her, hate her because she was such an ungrateful bitch and she shook in his arms, feeling his tensile strength and his own pain as if it were hers. She could almost read his thoughts, feel what he felt, and she cried for it.

Whitney kicked the door shut and then carried Chloe over to the sofa. He cradled her gently, stroking her hair, and then set her down carefully on the sofa cushions. "Chloe."

"Don’t be angry at me, don’t hate me, please, I’m such a bitch and you deserve someone so much better then me, pl..." She had to stop blubbering. She had to. She sat on the couch, where he set her, and covered her face with her palms.

Whitney sighed. Took a deep breath, slowly let it out, and then took Chloe's wrists in his hands and tugged gently. "Baby... look at me, okay? I don't hate you."

"You do, I can see it, you think I hate you and I’m so sorry." Her voice was hitching, her eyes full of tears, and her hands clenched. "You're my world. You don’t know how much I love you. I love you so much I can’t see anything in my life without you."

Whitney swallowed hard. "No. I don't hate you. I'm... I'm not sure what I think you feel for me right now, but I don't hate you. Not at all." He let go of her hands, but only to lean forward and wrap his arms around her waist. "I don't hate you, Chloe. I love you."

"You don’t believe me." Pure. Hot. Panic. "You don’t believe me."

"I believe you." Whitney rested his cheek on her chest, stroking her hair. "I believe you, baby."

"You don’t. Whitney." She gripped his hands, as tightly as she could, squeezed with iron fingers and stared up at him. "Whitney, I’m not pregnant. And as soon as I found out, I couldn’t stop crying."

"You're not?" He hugged her tightly. "Then I know that's made you happy." Some of the tight ball in his throat eased when she said that. At least... she hadn't gotten rid of their child. "Chloe... listen to me, baby. Please. I love you. That's never changed. Yes, I'm sad that you said no, but that doesn't mean that I don't love you."

"No, but Whitney," She gave his hands a hard shake. "Knowing your baby wasn’t growing inside me made me sad. Can’t you understand? Whitney, everything I said, its a lie. I’m just scared, but I love you, and I know its you who I want, and I don’t want you to think I don’t!"

"I understand you being scared, Chloe. I don't blame you for being scared. I know that you've got a lot of things planned in your life." He didn't let go of her. "Don't be sad. You were right; the time's not right. Not for us, not right now. But it will be. I have faith in that."

"Whitney," She let out a sob. "I love you, you’re the only person I’m going to love, please, you have to understand. I want to go to college, I want to be a stupid college girl with you, and see you get a good job and have sex and be with you, because just being with you makes me better."

"You will." He kept stroking her hair, petting it gently. "We'll do all those things together. You'll be my girl, Chloe, because I don't want anyone but you. I love you. We'll get you in college, we'll get me working, and we'll have all those things you just said. I promise."

"And get married, Whitney, and have kids. Please, don’t think I don’t want it. I want it, s-so much, just not yet. We're too young, we have too many things to do still." She gazed up at him. "I’m so, so sorry I hurt you. I’m so sorry."

"I know, baby." He smiled softly at her, the only kind he could muster right now. "We got all the time in the world, okay? I won't jump the gun any longer, I promise."

She knew things were not okay in any way, and she just… she didn’t know how else to fix it. She didn’t. She couldn’t stop the tears that weren’t drying up, just kicking off her shoes and pulling her legs to her chest. "Is it because we've slept with Clark and Lex?"

"No. It's not because of that. I'm actually okay with that." He sat back on the floor and looked up at her as she curled in on herself. "It's just... it hurt me, Chloe. I'll be okay, because I understand it. But it hurt. Give me a few days, okay? I'll be better."

"I'm so sorry." Her face crumbled and she buried her face in her knees. "There’s no one I love more then you. You don’t believe me, but I love you more then anything in the world. I never meant to hurt you... I freaked out, and I’m so, so sorry."

"Chloe... I believe you."

"No, you don’t. You’re looking at me with th-these horribly sad puppy eyes and I can't take it. I can’t take seeing you like that, and I’m just… I’m so sorry."

"I do, Chloe." He got to his feet, and squeezed himself onto the couch beside her. "I do believe you, baby."

She scooted as much as she could, and what she couldn’t, she wrapped around him. "I’ve been in love with you since I was fourteen, Whitney. I crushed on you, and I loved you, and I don’t want to take advantage of it. I’ve treated you like shit, and I... I’m sorry."

"You haven't. Chloe... you haven't. I just... I love you. Okay? Nothing is going to change that. You can turn down my marriage proposals a hundred times or more, and I'd still love you and ask you the hundred and first time." He wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her close to him. "I love you so much."

"I love you. I love you Whitney. I adore you. I love you so much, so deeply." She whispered softly, pressing her face into his arm, where the scent of his cologne was just so addictive and lovely. She sniffled softly, staying cuddled with him for a long time. And finally, when she gazed up at him. Her face was streaked but her eyes were clear. "Will you let me do something?"

Whitney didn't say anything else, just rocking her against him, snuggling her tightly, holding her. "I love you, Chloe." He waited until she looked up and the question surprised him. "Yeah, baby. You know that. You can do anything." He pushed damp bangs out of her face.

She sniffled, hard, and climbed out of the couch, and for once, looked small. She had a slim, tiny frame, and her big eyes and wet cheeks only made it look smaller. She offered her hand, tugging softly at it to get him to stand. "Come with me."

"Okay." Whitney got up off the couch, wrapping her little hand in his much larger one.

She tugged him up the steps, gazing back at him several times, her eyes wide and her knees and elbows trembling. She led him around the cat, who was snoring on its belly in the hall, a basket of clean laundry in front of her bedroom her dad had threatened her life on if she didn’t put it away today, and finally walked into her room. it was much cleaner then it had been the day he'd come, the white comforter against the whicker gleaming and pretty, and she pushed him towards it as she nodded. "I have to get a few things. Lay down, baby."

"Okay." Whitney tugged her with him, though, and pulled her down on the bed beside him. "Shh... it's okay. I love you, Chloe." He hugged her, tightly, and pressed her tightly to him.

"I love you too." She said softly, hugging him just as tightly. She kissed each of his cheeks, then his lips, hugging him softly before letting go and standing again. "Just lay back. Take your shoes off, but that’s it... I'll be back."

Before she left the room, however, she closed the blinds, lit all the candles in her room, put on Pavarotti, and slipped into the bathroom.

"Okay." Whitney settled back on the bed, eased off his shoes, and turned onto his side, watching his beautiful girl moving around the room. "Mmm... Chloe? You don't have to do all this," he called out behind her.

"Yes." She stopped before she closed the door. "I do."

And with that, she slipped inside the bathroom and began to get ready. She washed herself with a cloth and soap, slipped in a woman’s condom and shifted it until it was comfortable inside of her. She put her hair up in a bun, slipped into lacy, light pink underwear and push up bra stitched together with butterflies, and grabbed the things she would need. Lubrication, one. Lotion, massage oil, a damp towel and a dry one. And finally, her present to her lover. She stepped out of the bathroom a moment later, shyly instead of vixenish, and stepped across the plush carpet until she got to the bed. "Hi." She said shyly.

"Hi," Whitney said, his eyes sliding up and down her body. "You look... beautiful, Chloe. Just beautiful." He pulled her close, his hands running over her hips, spanning her waist, and teasing her skin, cheek resting against her flat, bare stomach.

She smiled again, in soft delight, and blushed as she climbed up onto the bed. "I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, Whitney. And now..." She nodded it, softly. "You don’t know what you mean to me." She slid up, crawling up until she was up on hands and knees over him. "I want to show you."

Whitney pushed his torso up as much as he could without dislodging her. "Chloe... you don't... you don't have to do anything, I know... I know you love me. I love you." His hands stroked her cheek carefully, rubbing away tear tracks.

"You don’t. But I’m going to show you." She softly, quietly lay down over him, stretching her body out over him. "I want you to know." And with it, she claimed his lips. Her mouth covered his, kissing him softly but strongly, pert tongue stroking into his mouth and claiming it as her own.


His words were cut off as her mouth took his, and he didn't argue; he kissed her deeply, letting her have control for now, taking her hands in his and guiding them up, letting them go so that they pinned his wrists to the bed. His tongue thrust back against hers, and he moaned softly.

She smiled into his mouth. "Oh. You like that baby?" She whispered into his lips, licking over it, over where his razor had missed that morning, the scratchy stubble around his lips so lovely over the flat of her tongue. She licked over his lips, traced the shape of them with her fingertips before she let the tip of her tongue flicker across the tip of his.

And kept his arms up. "I’m going to show you how I love you."

"I like it." He licked up, seeking her tongue with his. "But you don't have to show me, baby. I know you love me."

Every time he said it., she just wanted to show him more. Her mouth slipped down his chest, the flickering candle light the only thing she could see, as her fingers stroked down the long length of his arms, across the underneath of them, and to his button down shirt.

Which she ripped open, button for button.

Her mouth dove in, slickening the cotton of his white undershirt, lips rubbing against the tense, tight nubs under the shirt as she licked and lapped, dampened the cotton.

Whitney moaned softly, and kept his arms over his head until she said he could move them. He could feel the heat of her body against him as she moved, and the ripping of buttons caused his body to surge up and rub against hers as the wet touch of her tongue licked over his shirt. "Chloe... Chloe!"

"Shhh." She whispered, stroking her palm down to cup the hardening length under denim, rubbing the heel of her palm against him as she licked and lapped at his nipples. She drew her short nails of her free hand down his chest, and slowly worked the white t-shirt up and her hands under, to touch scorching hot skin.

She couldn’t stop scratching against his nipples softly, with her long nails.

Her mouth was a frenzy, running over his chest, long sinews, curves, angles. The sheer masculinity of him was beautiful, and she had no problem showing him what she felt as she rubbed, licked, tickled, titillated. Her moan was soft, her pleasure in pleasing him strong, and her mouth circled a bared nipple as she ripped his t-shirt in half. "Oops?"

"No oops... I don't care." His hands came around, unable to stand it any longer, and he stroked over her shoulders, down her back, over the breasts being pushed up by the wire cups. "Tear it, throw it away, whatever... don't care, baby, I have another, I've got a whole goddamned drawer full."

She laughed in pleasure and glee, beaming up at him as her fingers stroked over the skin of his chest, worshipped her man, and began to undo the button of his pants. It came easily undone in her practiced hand and she drew the zipper down...ducking her head so she could suck at him through the flaps of the zipper and his underwear. Dampen the head of his erection, make it as hot as she could with her mouth, as her fingers stroked his hips and thighs.

Whitney's hand caught in Chloe's hair, stroking the silky strands through his fingers gently as he tugged. "Baby, Chloe, God." He lifted his hips up, helping her to slide his jeans and his underwear down. "Chloe, you're... perfect."

"No. You’re so beautiful... built like a Greek God. So beautiful, all these long, hard limbs and strong body and giving heart inside. You were waiting for me. You’re going to be a beautiful husband and father, and you are my fantasy. I want you to need me like the air you breathe, Whitney. Because I love you like the world is you, and you are my world." She lowered her head and shucked him of denim and cotton, until he was bared before her, on her bed, naked and lovely, little goosebumps everywhere she couldn’t help tracing. "I love you."

"I do, baby. I do. I need you so much." He slid his hand down, pulling at her hair gently, touching her fingers as they stroked over him. "Baby, I need you like you wouldn't believe; you're my reason. You make me smile and laugh, you're the ray of sunshine in my life lately, and I just don't know... I was so miserable without you just yesterday and today, and I don't ever wanna be without you again."

He pushed himself against her, offering himself to her. "I love you, Chloe. Do anything."

She smiled up at him, this side of wicked even though her eyes were filled with happy tears. "I plan to."

She leaned down, and as Lex had taught her, stroked Whitney’s cock all the way down her throat, until her lips were stretched open around the base.

She sucked, hard, as hard as she could, her left fingers clamping around his hip, the others stroking over his balls, which always amused her but he just loved it, and she couldn’t help pleasing him. She stroked over them, tugged at the wispy white hairs growing from them, as her throat worked around the hard, long member, so long, her eyes shut tight as she breathed softly through her nose.

Whitney's hands knotted in the sheets as he pushed up into her mouth. He kept himself paced, made sure that he didn't just grab her and fuck her sweet mouth, which was the urge that hit him as soon as delicate little fingers touched his balls, tugged the hairs on them, and he growled in pleasure as he arched up, pushing into her mouth. "Chloe, Jesus... baby, I love you, you're so good." He kept his hands knotted in the sheets, not wanting to hurt her.

And she just kept on sucking. Once. Twice. Three times. And she let go, drawing his long length out of her throat as she lifted his knees so they bent, and dipped low, drawing her mouth down to his balls. They both fit easily, squirmingly in her mouth, and she sucked at them softly as her small hands wrapped as much as they could around his cock and stroked up and down. The saliva still on him made her fingers slippery, stroke over the head and back down. And she rubbed her thumb over the vein.

Harsh moan as his hard cock shivered in her grip. Hot wet cavern surrounding his balls, tight little fingers sliding over his length, and he whimpered. "Chloe, Chloe... baby, feels so good... going to die... feels so right, you're so beautiful like this." He had no idea what he was babbling.

And she knew it. So when she let go of his balls, and licked her way down to the small rose bud waiting for her, she couldn’t say a word. She licked her tongue flat across the tiny hole, spreading his sweet thighs further apart, and dipped her tongue inside. Just a little, because he was tense with wanting to orgasm, and she rubbed her fingers over his legs and chest as she rose again. "On your belly, my love."

Whitney's entire body jumped, back arching as her tongue slipped inside him. A dark sob tore out of his throat, and he was shaking his head, trying to comprehend what she was saying. "Turn over. Belly. Right." Slowly Whitney untangled himself from her bedspread and turned onto his stomach, squirming until his hard cock was situated somewhat comfortably.

Chloe gently straddled his legs, and landed a sharp, but not painful slap, to his lovely ass before she covered him, chest to toes. Her mouth licked a trail, from the back of his eat to the center of his shoulder blades, as her fingers massaged, titillated, fingers slipping underneath to rub his nipples.

Whitney shuddered under the little licks of her tongue, and he turned his head to look at her over his shoulder. "Chloe... you're so... I love you so much." He made to roll over and pin her beneath him, and then another slap to his ass electrified him.

And she just couldn’t stop smiling. She nipped at each shoulder blades, his sides and flanks, all the while landing sharp, stinging smacks to his ass. it was becoming red with her hard slaps and she covered one red splotch with her mouth, biting and sucking hard as she slowly dipped her knee between his legs and spread them. "I love you, Whitney." Where the last words she said as she dipped her mouth between his cheeks and dove her tongue into his little puckered entrance.

So much easier this way, so much, and she got her tongue in all the way, squirming and wriggling as her teeth scraped the tender skin and her nails scratched over his cheeks.

And she moaned.

Whitney moaned loudly as well, nails digging into her pillow as her tongue slipped into him. Dark, happy moan because he'd never dreamed she'd understand how much he enjoyed this, and he couldn't help the clench of his ass on her tongue. "Chloe," he strangled out through the moans.

She grinned into his skin, licking and sucking at him until she reared up, gazing down at the long expanse of his golden skin as she rubbed his cheeks softly. "Tell me, Whitney. What do you want right now?" Spoken of course, as she reached over to one side, unfolding the dry towel so she could get her lube.

"Want... want... want to make love to you... want..." He looked over his shoulder at her again. "No... I want to be fucked, baby."

Her eyes just danced. Who's wouldn’t? She smiled in pleasure, eyeing him softly, gently, even as her finger speared into him without any soft or gentleness. Straight, up and in, no preparation, no asking, just in. She stroked until she felt the lump she'd felt in Lex, and murmured her approval as she gently scratched her nail over it and leaned over, to bite a sucking kiss from one of his shoulder blades. "Want me to fuck you with my big, hard cock baby? Is that what you want?"

Another arch, this one into her body, and he rubbed his ass against her hand. "Yes," he gritted out. His eyes closed as he realized who was asking him this, and what she was going to do, and he didn't care. He wanted it, and he loved her enough to admit it. "Please, Chloe... I need it. Need you in me."

The feeling of her finger inside of her lover, deep, where it was giving him such obvious pleasure was something she'd keep in her heart for later. Not now. Too hot, too much, this was for him. This was for her lover, and she wouldn’t derive any pleasure from it other then the joy of making him feel good.

Even if it was hot as hell.

She gently stroked, slowly, in and out, and whispered quietly, "Want me to make you come? Thrust in...out...smell me? I want this. I want you. I want to watch your face as I slide…" She pulled her finger out, and stroked two in, crooking them and stroking harder. "Inside you."

A sharp hiss of intaken breath, and Whitney whimpered again, rubbing his cock against her bedspread. "Chloe, please... I want you to fuck me, please. On my knees, on my back, I don't care... just... want you inside me." He looked at her again over his shoulder. "Please, baby... I love you. I need you."

"I need you to have this." She whispered back, fingers slipping free as she gently tugged at his shoulder, rubbing his skin softly as her eyes danced and she smiled. "Want you to watch me put it on. Lay on your back."

Whitney turned back over, spreading his legs so that they fell on either side of her, his left leg rising up just enough to snag her waist and tug her in a little closer to him.

She wiped her fingers on the towel and reared up onto her knees as she slowly extracted the fake cock. She'd already done what the instructions had told her, and it was a little heavier then before. She grinned at him as she showed him the dildo...and just what she had planned with it. She connected it to the ring of black leather, little lip caught between her teeth in concentration, and laced it between her wet thighs. A trembly little sigh, and each nipple, covered by a lacey butterfly but other than that bare, peaked as she grew hard. She tied the cock around her hips... and couldn’t quite get the latch. A soft whimper of panic, embarrassment, and she tried again.

Whitney sat up, brushing her hands away and fastening the clasp for her. "You... Jesus, Chloe. You're... so wonderful. Not every girl would fuck her guy up the ass like this." His mouth covered hers with wet, hungry kisses as his hands slid down to her breasts, kneading the little butterfly-covered nipples in strong fingers as he arched up, rubbing his hard cock against her plastic one.

Oh. Oh, boy. Then he had to go and rub against her like that, and she gasped in pleasure, eyes wide as she arched up, each thrust rubbing the leather against her clit. She moaned in pleasure, kissing back just as hard as he touched her, and her fingers stroked over his own chest, his nipples... and whispered, "Suck it. Put it in your mouth... get me wet for you."

Whitney nodded, and lay back on the bed, pulling her hips forward as he scooted down until he could angle his head. Opening his mouth, he slid the hard plastic cock into his mouth and sucked hard on it. His tongue pushed down against the head, teeth tugging the head and wiggling it, just as he would in a regular blowjob so that the motions were echoed against Chloe's body. He sucked it down into his throat, deepthroating it as many times as he could, slicking it with his tongue.

Oh. CRAP. She gasped, and alright, what had she thought about not taking pleasure from this? Oh. God. She groaned softly and nodded, pulling his hair gently so he'd let go, and she'd seen Clark and Lex enough times to understand how this worked. She gently pushed him back against her pillows, kissing him softly but strongly, and her fingers returned to his stretched hole, sliding in just to make sure. "Here. Here, baby. See?" She slipped her fingers away, fingers wrapping around his cock as she set the head of the dildo against his stretched opening and gazed up at him in lust. "Feel me. Feel me sliding inside of you." She jerked his cock once and stretched over him, belly to hips, chest to upper belly, as far as she could reach. Her mouth sought out his, her fingers pinning his wrists to her pillows, and began to push inside.

Whitney didn't want to let go at first, and it wasn't until she pushed him back that he did, and his eyes widened as she pressed against him, fingers stroking inside. "Ch--Chloe. Baby. Yes. Please?" He caught the mouth that sought his out, kissing her hard, deep, fast, and wet, hips pumping and shoving his cock into her stroking hand as he forced his body to relax. Slowly she started slipping inside him, and when she pinned his arms down, he moaned softly. "Please."

Instead of this being the pimped out, kinky thing she'd expected it to be, all she felt in her heart as she saw the expressions of pure pleasure washing over her lovers face was joy. Ecstasy, pleasure in making him feel good, only instead of him making love to her, she was to him. And she felt... he couldn’t place how deeply it affected her, only that her eyes filled with tears, her smile was completely unstoppable, and she whispered, "I’m going to make you feel good tonight. You’re mine, baby. Gonna make you feel good. Like it? like me in you? I love being in you, my love, my angel," She let go of his wrists to stroke over his arms, chest, sliding in slowly but surely, as slowly as she could as to not hurt him, and giggled softly.

He let out a harsh groan as she slipped inside him, and he couldn't keep the pleasure out of his face. "Chloe... you always make me feel so good." His ass clamped down again, squeezing the plastic in his ass with his muscles as it slid in and out of him. "I love it, baby, I love you inside me... because you're already in here." As she stroked over his chest, Whitney caught her hand and pressed it over his heart. "Already in me, right here."

"You’re trembling." She whispered softly, rolling her hips, her thonged backside rising and falling behind them as she rose and fell, stroking out, then in, like he always did to her. Slowly. Softly, as her palm cupped where his heart beat, kissing his sweating chest before...well.

She wanted to see.

She grabbed his shoulders and with strength in those tiny, wiry muscles, rolled over, tugging Whitney so he'd moved. so she lay back in the pillows and he....oh. God. He was sitting above her, in all of his outrageous male glory, with half her cock still to go. "Hi." She said softly, her fingers stroking over his cock and balls, which she went ahead and put a dot of cream on each. Ben gay.

And waited for his scream.

"Can't... can't help trembling." Then he shuddered as they rolled over, and slowly, gently, he started riding her. Slow undulations of his hips, pushing himself down and swallowing more of the plastic inside his ass.

Then he felt her little fingers dabbing cold cream on his balls, and he shuddered. And then he groaned. A hard, dark noisy sound, and he ground his ass down, taking the rest of the length down and into him as he felt the slow burn spreading over his skin.

Oh, fuck. His thighs were tight around her, the dildo was gone, and she whimpered as she tweaked his nipples, hard, pinching each one... connecting clamps to each one. Clothes pins, actually, because she couldn’t ask for Lex's. This would have to do. She gazed up at him, murmuring her approval as he pushed down onto her, and whispered, "If it gets to be too much, tell me, lover. Ride me. let me see you work for your orgasm." Which she said as she wrapped her fingers around his cock and rubbed them back and forth, tugging the skin as she made the motion of starting a campfire with a stick, only slower and much more intense.

"Christ, Christ, Chloe, Christ, motherfucker, Christ." Whitney rolled his hips harder and faster, the clamps on his nipples, pinching and twisting without Chloe's hands even being on his chest, hands jerking his cock, and his head fell back. His hair teased his neck, his chest was thrown out, back was arched as he rode, his cock throbbing in Chloe's hand.

She let out a gasping moan, watching him as he rode her. Rode her cock. Rode HER. His body was so gorgeous, everything she ever wanted, and she thrust her fingers up and down his cock until--


She yanked, shoved, pushed him until he was back on his back and she could kiss him. Hard, violently, tongue stabbing in and possessing him with everything she was as her hips surged and she began to fuck him in earnest. Stroked down the length of his thighs and tugged, so he could wrap around her, and gazed down at where they were joined. YES. She pushed, in and out, tugging and titillating the clamps around his purpling nubs, moaning in pleasure as she undulated her hips, sweat breaking out over her skin. "Love fucking you. Love fucking you. So inside you.... you’re so beautiful." She grabbed the tube beside her, taking out another dollop of the cream and setting it right at the base of his cock.

That was it. The cold/hot slather of cream around the base of his cock as Chloe jacked him off sent him over the edge. His legs wrapped tightly around Chloe's waist and jerked her down, pulling her down on top of him. Her breasts pressed down onto the clamps on his nipples, causing them to throb and twist.

He came. A loud, hard cry of Chloe's name as his ass clamped down on Chloe's cock. "You... God!! Chloe!" His hands gripped her hips tightly as he shuddered.

She let out a squeal, grabbing his cock and jerking him through his orgasm as she buried herself deep, reached down to the base of the dildo, and pushed the button.

And the hot mixture of liquids that was as hot and as slippery as come shot out of the dildo, and deep into her lover. She pressed her lips to his, staying stock still and twisting her hips inside of him as she wriggled and squirmed, moaning harshly.

Another hard moan as hot fluid shot into his ass. Savage twist of his hips as he came down, and his mouth sealed to his girlfriend's, kissing her and sucking her tongue hard as he rode her cock. Deep whimpers into her mouth as he rolled onto his side, hooking his leg over hers and cuddling her close.

She kissed him, just as hard, murmuring her pleasure at seeing him, feeling his come squishy and sticky between them, and she sighed her pleasure as she kissed and licked softly at his lips, her joy evident as she snuggled him close, still buried deep inside of him as she wrapped her arms around him and just hugged.

Whitney buried his face in her hair, sniffing her scent, her hair, licking her neck as he nipped and kissed. "I love you, Chloe."

"I'll do better next time." She whispered softly, licking at the rivulets of sweat falling down his temples. "I love you. I love you so much."

"You did fine; you don't have to do better. You're perfect the way you are." He cradled Chloe against him. "You're perfect."

"Liked it?" She asked softly, gazing up at him.

"Loved it, baby."

"Forgive me?" Chloe whispered even softer.

"Of course." Whitney kissed her temple. "Forgave you the minute it happened."

She still didn’t believe it, but she cuddled with him, held him, and loved him. Simply because she could.

~ * ~ * ~

Felicia couldn't help grinning at herself in the mirror. "You... are one lucky bitch," Felicia said to herself. "You are going to be moving in with the sweetest guy in the world, you're going to be having a baby with him, and he loves you. You're finally going to get to be with Ethan, the guy you love, and you need help packing, right? Right." She nodded at her reflection, still grinning, and reached for the phone. She dialed Toni's phone number from memory, and grinned like a dork at the receiver

"Pizza Hut, can I take your order?"

Her arms were up to her elbows in suds of soap, and she leaned back in her jeans, rubbing a palm against her belly as her bucket of soap and sponge sat in front of her. She'd been scrubbing her house since day break, and the floor was the only thing that wasn’t up for a sparkly clean.

Arnold couldn’t stop staring at her, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

Arnold just peered at her. Ms. Toni had been acting strange ever since she got home from dropping off Large Idiot somewhere, and Arnold really didn’t know what to make of her. She'd cried into his back for at least three hours, and it had just smushed his poor little canine heart. But, unlike the other creeps he bit away, she kept on crying. Females were so heart wrenching, and he nosed her cheek softly as she talked in the phone.

"I'd like to order a double pepperoni with cheese, and I need it delivered by my best friend. Cause Toni? I need serious packing help here. Clutter issues? Not even close."

Toni just grinned, leaning further back on her haunches as she rubbed Arnold's poor head, giving his forehead a kiss as she climbed to her feet with her bucket, setting it on the counter with the rest of her cleaning supplies. "I thought you said you were gonna hire a crew? I’m telling you, if I go over there I’m going to throw everything away Fellie."

"Well, I was going to hire a crew. And then I decided that I was going to do it myself because I wasn't going to take all of this old crap to Ethan's, but now... now I can't decide what to take, what to store, and what to get rid of and Tooooooooooooononnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!! Helllllp!!!"

"Alright! Enough with the whining." But she was grinning, as she slipped into her tennis shoes, grabbed her coat and scarf, and looked back at her dog.

Pitiful sniffle. He hoped it worked.

It did, dammit. "Fellie, mind if I bring Arnie over?"

"Bring him!! I'll feed him old shoes."

She grinned and grabbed the leash, snapping it on which she just knew pleased him, and few ecstatic and at excuse to ignore her own pain. Helping her best friend was always the highlight of her day, and it was a bright and early Tuesday morning. She didn’t have a shift until Friday, for the first time in YEARS, and she giggled. "I'll be there in an hour and a half."

"Hurry!!! I'll be buried under an avalanche of my own crap by the time you get here!" she pled in to the phone.

"An hour and a half!" And she hung up, grinning at her enormous dog. "Come on, Arnie. We're going to go see Auntie Fellie."

He knew the world Fellie. He did. She was the nice lady who fed him lots of treats and had interesting smells in her house. However, a long time later, after sticking his head out the window and letting the cool wind run across his face, and a drive through the city, they were... well, it smelled like Fellie's house, but LOOK? God, no. He peered at the little miniature Chihuahua Ms. Fellie owned, glaring at it until it yipped and ran off, and sat next to Ms. Toni with a blink.

"Arnie!! Don't scare Friedrich like that!" she scolded. "Toni... Oh, thank God. Thank you. Come on in. Please. If you can get the door open."

...Right. Toni thought better then to set her keys anywhere, and instead slipped them into her coat pocket. Her brow rose up high, her fingers poised on her coat, and blinked. "Babe, did you set of a bomb of some sort?"

"No!! I'm... er, well... sorting?" Felicia's head emerged from behind the bookcase. "This pile is stuff I think I wanna keep, and the pile there at the door is being stored."

"....Okay." She understood her friend. Loved her for years. She had some kooky ways, but regardless, sometimes her systems made sense.

This was not one of those times.

"Alright, sweetie?" She peeled off her coat, to reveal slim leggings, a big blue t-shirt that shed stolen from Graham, and tennies. "Lets...go room by room. Boxes? Do you, you know, have them?"

"Boxes? Yeah. I got boxes. They're... um... I think they're on the couch, under the pile of jackets and coats."

Pinched. Her. Nose. She'd gotten it from the Luthors. "Alright. Lets get the boxes first then, shall we?" She walked around her friend, nearly tripped on Freddy, and lifted him, tucking the puppy under her arm as she walked. She set the baby on the couch, our of harms way, and picked up an already folded, ready box, dropping the coats INTO the box. Oh. Look. Floor space. JOY. She pulled out another two folded them, taped them, and handed one to her best friend. "Room by room."

There was nothing better then moving to forget a guy.

"Room by room? You mean, I can't just... you know, pile all the shit up and then box it up?" Felicia grinned. "Freddy, my baby, I need to find a safe place to hide you so you don't get stepped on." Then she hugged her friend. "Toni... you're so great. I love you so much, have I said?"

"Not lately, but I like milking compliments." She grinned and hugged her friend right back. "Come on, lets start with your bedroom."

"I love you, Toni. You're my best friend, and I'm just... totally freakin' out here because I just... I don't know what in the hell I'm going to do and Ethan's so happy and I'm so happy and we're going to be parents, and I'm going to be living with him and we're just.... happy!!!!!!!!!!"

Yeah. She smiled for her friend, and inside her heart was a smushed ball of smushdom. But she wasn’t the kind of gal who sucked out her friends joy, simply hugging her and giggling. "Your sheriff is a catch. Honest, good hard working, and he's going to give you a good life. Just... promise me ONE thing."

"I'll name the baby after you."

She grinned. Broadly. "Hell, I was jut going to ask that you don’t name the baby Bubba Joe, but hell, name him or her Toni! its a multiple gender name." She beamed that part, and linked her arm around her friends waist as they entered...the Twilight Zone. Also known as hell. Also known as the room just exploded.

Toni sighed, heavily.

"No, we won't. Anthony Ethan Goodall Jr. is what we're thinking of for a boy and Antonia Felicia Goodall for a girl." She bounced into her bedroom, and picked her way carefully through the debris field. "You can shove the stuff off the bed and sit; the Hellmouth's not really as bad as it looks."

"Are you kidding? if David Boreanaz comes and sweeps me off my feet, I’m leaving you to your own devices." She plopped down in the middle of the island of clothes, and nodded sagely, tugging her feet under her. "You guys… when are you getting married?"

"Ewww. You can have him. Give me the guy who plays Xander any day." She plopped down in the floor in front of Toni, and sighed. "I don't know. He wants to right away, but I told him to wait a month or two and let us get settled in living together first. So... I think it's going to be in late February or March."

"I can't believe it." She tipped her head and smiled at her friend, leaning over...then plopping on her belly on the clothes on the bed, crossing her arms and resting her cheek on her hands as she watched her friend. "its amazing, you’re getting married. Babies and marriage and cops. I’m just... I’m so happy for you, Fellie. No one greater could deserve it."

"Cept you." She glared. "Give that Man Mountain time, Toni. You'll be in the same fix as me." Her hands fluttered. "There's just... God, how did I accumulate so much crap!" She looked at Toni again, and grinned. "You know, being married to a cop... who'd have ever thought it for me!!"

"He's a good cop, you know." She offered a smile and glanced around. "You know, I’m telling you just to hire someone. You can tell them what to pack and what to chunk. They'll be done in a day."

"But I can't tell them!!! This is my stuff and I can't even decide!" she wailed. "You gotta help me, Toni." She was panicking. "I mean, There's no way I can move all this crap into Ethan's house!"

"Alright, caaalm. Remember to breathe." She reminded, as she gazed around. "Ethan’s not gonna care if you move it in, sweetie. When you get married, you'll be moving your stuff and he'll be moving his. Don’t stress. First, separate what you don’t want into trash bags." Which she found under her leg, offering the box to her friend. "Bag it. Whatever you want, box it."

whimper. "But... Toni... what if I throw away something I find I need later!??"

"You won't. And if you do, buy it new." She grinned at that, broadly. "The joys of moving." She raised her voice an octave. "Oops, there went the DVD player! I guess I'll have to buy a new one."

"No!!! I wouldn't do that to him! Besides, mine's uncoded!" She wrapped her arms around the huge stuffed penguin she slept with. "But what about Sir Huggins?"

Brow. In. The. Air. Toni just grinned, rolled off the mattress, and handed her friend a box. "Let us begin. Put Sir Huggins to the side, and lets start throwing things away. And packing!" She added quickly.

"Maybe I'll see if one of Dominic's nieces or nephews can use Sir Huggins... I mean, Ethan won't want to sleep with a huge penguin." She put Huggy on the bed, and picked up the next thing. A red sweater she hadn't been able to fit into since she'd dated Dominic.

Toni peaked over her shoulder. "You'll never be a size XS again. Throw it away, sweetie."

"But... I wore this on one of my dates with Dominic!!"

"And do you honestly want it sitting in your closet while you're having hot monkey love with Ethan?"


She mimicked severe panting and moaning, just to get a rise out of her best friend. "Oh… yes… Ethan… red... sweater... gay... ex... LOVER!"

The red sweater hit Toni smack in the face. "Start a bag for Goodwill; I can take the clothes and stuff and donate them."

She cracked up, and leaned over to hug her friend. "Come on, sweetie, don’t keep stuff for sentiment, keep it if you want it and can wear it. You'll just stare at this sweater and realize you've grown boobs, and what a shame it is really cause your clothes don't fit anymore. I, on the other hand, will never have this problem." She pushed the sweater into a plastic bag and hung it on the bathroom door, so she'd remember if it was for goodwill or not.

"You can have the sweater if it'll fit you, cause... yeah. I've got a bit more in the boobs department than you do." A huge fit of giggles as she held up a green one the same size. "More Dominic-era clothes. But I'm not giving up the Adidas pants! those things are COMFORTABLE!"

"Fellie... TPQ." Totally personal question, and she shifted from her stance on the bed as she began to sort through clothes. "How.... how’s Dominic? You know? In the sack?"

Felicia bit her lip. "He's great. He really is. Lionel is a lucky son of a bitch. You gotta get him started, though. I love the man, but... yeah. Doesn't know a woman from a hole in the ground. But once you help him out on what goes where? He's a damned monster, Toni. There was this one time? Sore for THREE DAYS."

Her eyes widened. A lot. Big in her head. Click. "You know, he seems the type. They both do. Lionel’s got some years, but he's like aged wine. Lex grumbles all the time about hearing them." She grinned, broadly, shaking her head. "I love them to death, you know?"

Felicia went into giggles. "I want to find someone to ask about Lionel. But the only reliable source? Dominic. And I'm just... not gonna go there with him." She leaned forward. "But seriously? Toni? I saw him and Lionel at the hospital, and I thought Lionel was going to bite the head off this one guy who dared to talk down to Dominic."

"Had my hands elbow deep inside the both of them. I feel all... mama henny. Which is funny, considering they have about a combined age of 30 years on me." Her eyes widened too. "Yeah, that sounds like them. They go ballistic over each other. It makes you wonder, how a thirty year old guy finds it with a 60 year old. And it works, and its just... not fake at all. They’re really passionate. Also?" She smirked. Wickedly. "Get Dominic with some alcohol in him, and he'll spill the beans on Lionel. He's proud as hell."

Felicia nodded. "Eww... burn that." She tossed Toni a pair of maroon slacks. "Can't figure out why in the hell I bought those. And yeah. Totally. They just... they click in this really cool way. You know... when I found out Dominic was gay and I helped set him--pardon the pun--straight... I didn't think he'd waltz back into my life with a lover. Not serious one, anyway. Cause he was always hung up on somebody and didn't--you're joking? Give me the phone, Toni. I've got a case of Guinness in the fridge. He got me hooked on the shit, and it's damned good. I'll get him over to help, we'll crack the case, and he'll sing after about four beers."

Toni caught the ugly pants with ease, tossing them into a bag as she watched her friend sort. When her brain was off the task, she did ten times better, and grinned at the thought. "They really do. I’ve never seen love like the both of them have, not the real kind that doesn’t rely on sex and stuff." She shifted, tipped her head. "How did he tell you he was gay? Did it just sort of… come out or something? And what do you mean, hung up? Girl, I know you’re about to dish it."

A slight frown. "It... just sort of became evident. And I just... sat down with him one night and we talked. He's actually the one who brought it up. I think... I think he knew I knew, or something. Cause he apologized for hurting me, and everything." She swallowed a little. "It... wasn't a big surprise by the time he came out, and then about a week or so later we went out for pizza... it was great, but it was hard for me. But the more we just hung out as friends, the better it got, cause it didn't hurt as much anymore, and I just kept remembering all the reasons why I'd liked Dominic in the first place. Just... it was kind of hard not to be in love with him for about a year or so."

Friederich yipped as he wiggled his way into the room, and Felicia picked him up and put him safely on the bed as she kept speaking.

"But... yeah. After we got to be just friends, he and I would talk, hang out... dinner and stuff. And he was always, always hung up on this guy where he worked. He never said a name--”

"He told me once that the hardest thing he ever did was break up with you. Or, well, told me in one of his drug induced moods when he was shot. I went over to the house to change his bandages, and he kept talking about this woman who's heart he'd broken. One of his best friends." And suddenly, Toni cracked up. Just laughed. "You mean to tell me all those years ago he had a yen for Lionel?"

“--or anything, and I didn't DREAM it was Lionel Luthor, you know? But yeah... I mean... for like the last DECADE you could tell. Dominic had like, zero interest in anyone but this Work Guy. He had a couple of really lousy boyfriends, one of which I was gonna castrate had Dominic not left him when he did. I got mean after I went to see him in the hospital." Then she cracked up. "Yes! He's had the hots for Lionel for YEARS."

She grinned, but tipped her head. She'd read in his file about abuse of some sort, and pegged it with this loser boyfriend. Sigh. Another grin though, and she set her chin on her upraised knees. "Tells you love can span a decade. Isn’t that strange? Who knew Dominic would come over from Ireland and meet him when they did. Cosmos stuff, I’m telling you." She giggled and sat up. "I’ve got a thing for his accent. I’ve got a thing for his brothers accents. I’ve got… yeah. Irish. Mmm. Whenever he says 'bloody', my brain pzzts. No wonder you were in love."

Felicia's face softened, and she grabbed Huggy. "You know... He used... Dominic used to be very very different when I knew him. He'd literally just got off the boat. We were at Duke together for about two years, and we both graduated in the same class... bastard graduated higher in the class than I did though. He was... very different. Something happened to him, though. When he started working for Lionel. I don't know what. He just... changed. Everything about him changed. The way he talked, the way he looked, the way he carried himself. He... it's like he got the weight of the world on his shoulders. He lost the accent, he lost his smile. He's only lately gotten it back, seriously. If I didn't have Ethan... I'd be having serious rejection issues, you know? I mean... he's more like the Dominic I used to know."

Toni's eyes furrowed, and she tipped her head. "Do you think maybe someone teased him, because he was Irish or something?" Another frown, and her heart went out to the poor, sweet boy. "Lionel told me he used to be really skinny, and had a lot of hair."

"I don't know. But I'd like to castrate whoever it was." Felicia giggled. "Oh, I can do so much better than that." She dove under her bed, chucking out boxes and such over her shoulder until she came out with a photo album. She flipped through the first few pages and then yelped in victory. "Check it out." She handed over the album opened to the fifth page, which was her and Dominic on their beach trip after graduation.

Toni. About. Died. She almost fell off the bed laughing, cooing at Fellie in amusement. "My God. It was the eighties all the way.

Dominic, thin as a rail with wild, long hair, with his arm around Fellie, with bleach blond hair and too much makeup, grinning in front of the ocean for the camera.

The funniest thing was that Dominic’s hair was more red then blond in the picture, and she squealed her amusement.

"Yeah, I know. We were horrible eighties children. But yeah, check out the hair. He was such a damned carrot top blonde that I wanted to beat him! I would have KILLED later in life for those red highlights."

"You guys were so, so cute. Now you're just... old." But she grinned and elbowed her friend, passing the photo back. "What changed about him? You’re telling me he went from this cute kid, to…?"

"Yeah. That's exactly what I'm tellin' you." Felicia carefully tucked the photo back into the album, and then put the album in one of the boxes. It was a definite save. "It wasn't just someone makin' fun of his accent, Toni. That didn't bother him in the least. I don't know what it was."

"Well, you know what?" She reared her hips up and dug out her wallet from her pocket where she'd stuck it, pulling out her little sheaf of numbers...aha! She waved the paper, in Dominic’s own messy scrawl, at her friend. "Celll phhoonnee nuummbbeerr."

"In my mind," Felicia retorted. "I had it before you did." She dug through the crap on the dresser. "Crap. Where'd I throw the goddamned phone? Toni, it's your fault. If you hadn't woke me and Ethan up that morning, I wouldn't have heaved the cordless somewhere."

"You know, its a shame you live like this." Toni grinned, leaned over the bed, ass in the air, and reached under the bed where Fellie had been throwing the phone for the past twenty years. She lifted it, wriggled it, then tossed the cordless to her friend. "For SHAME."

"It's even worse that you know where I chuck it." She caught it as Toni tossed it to her, and dialed Dominic's cell phone off the top of her head. "Answer it, Irish."

Dominic was zoned. Completely. He was watching his lover talk on the phone, he was listening to his lover talk, but was he HEARING? Not. A. Word. He'd sworn no more alcohol in his lovers presence, but did that mean no coffee? Hell no.

He was on buzzed zone cloud nine.

Buzzzzzzz. Oh. He reached into his pocket, retrieving his cell phone, and flipped the lid. "'lo, Dominic Senatori."

"Hello, Irish." Felicia's voice was incredibly chipper. "Are you busy taking over the world right now?"

"Indeed. I was just about to invade France when your impromptu buzzing awoke my crotch." And because hearing from her always made him a little happier, he zoned back in. "What can I do for you, darling?"

"I awoke your crotch?" She kicked Toni viciously to get her attention. "I thought your crotch was Lionel's property? Anyway... I need your help, Irish. I'm moving. Er, well, trying to pack anyway. Please? Clutter issues, remember?"

Toni exploded into giggles. "Tell him he better leave his crotch alone, and to come help us shovel."

"Aye. Tis vibratin', you know." He shifted. "Tis his property, yes. But as he's on the phone with the ambassador of France, I’m not sure he'd appreciate being reminded of the knowledge." Another shift. He had to see people? Fuck his inability to say no. "I might be able ta help for an hour or two. I'll ask Lionel if he needs me, and I'll be about."

"YES!! Toni's here to help too, and so's Arnie the Labrador and Freddy the Chihuahua. And, if you're nice, I'll crack open the last case of Guinness in my fridge for you." A pause. "Oh, and Toni said to leave your crotch alone and get over here and play with us instead of yourself."

Dominic managed a weak smile. "See ya in a bit, darlin'." He hung up, and gently reached across the desk to touch Lionel’s arm. He picked up his pen, and scribbled on an old bank statement, Fel moving, asked me to help. Hour or two, mind if I go?

Lionel looked down at the scribbled note, and a small smile spread across his face. Go. Have fun; it will be good for you. Give Felicia my love; take your time. Dinner is at eight; the chopper will leave here at six.

He nodded, not saying anything more and climbed to his feet. He gathered his things silently, keeping it all together so it would be easy to grab and leave, and just decided to take his cell and wallet.

And instead of leaving without saying more, as he desperately wanted to... he slipped himself right into Lionel’s lap, wound his arms around his neck, and hugged him. Nothing said, just hugged, and kissed softly.

Lionel nodded to Dominic, squeezing his waist. He didn't say anything either, just accepted the silent kisses as he listened to the litany of French on the other end of the phone. He pressed a soft, silent kiss to his lover's mouth, muffling the phone briefly against his shoulder.

He kissed his lips softly, hugged him once more, then rose... pressed his lips into Lionel’s hair, and escaped.


go to the next part