
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 116: New Friends and Old

There were very few quiet places on campus for one to think. Had he had his powers, Clark would have zipped off campus and been home in two shakes. But as it was, Smallville High was an ass end from his house, either of them, and he didn’t feel like walking an hour in the cold.

So, he was stuck with a dilemma. To hide or not to hide, that was the question. Go to class? Definitely not. He had blood, his own and Whitney’s, all over his shirt. But hiding... where could one hide on Smallville High Campus?

Turned out, the career center.

There was no one even remotely near when Clark stepped in. The lights were dim, just enough to see but not enough to be blinding. He closed the door with a quiet click behind him, and ducked behind the enormous book shelves filled to brimming with sources for jobs.

Great. Get me out of this, God, and I promise I'll come back.

His boots were silent on the carpet as he slipped around one large book case, hidden from both sides, and slowly sank to the ground. He was bone weary and emotionally exhausted. And alone. Always alone.

The link had been snipped. As easy as a silver thread, it had been cut and closed. Clark couldn’t feel anything, other than his own ragged heart beats and the crushing sadness surrounding that heart and squeezing. Lex was gone, just as he'd predicted. But were they not aushna’s? Clark knew these things about his lover, just like he knew everything about him. And he knew this day would come eventually. He'd tried to tell himself it wouldn’t, but here it was and he was unprepared.

Mar-EL was gone. His home world, gone. His parents, his brother, everything he'd come from. His earthly parents. His sha'nauch. Everyone was...gone.

He pulled his knees to his chest and hugged them, hard, as he watched the books.

A head full of flaming red hair, with dark highlights in it, pulled back into a ponytail peeked in the door. If the voice had sounded like Lex before, it was a near carbon-copy now. "Hel-LO?" Rich, as he was too cool to be known as Richie any longer, poked his head in the door. "Pops? You in here?"

Clark looked up. Froze. The door was on the other side of the shelves, and he glanced up, swallowing hard. "L... Lex?" Hope. Sheer, blinding hope, blooming in his heart.

"Not hardly. Where you hiding, Dad?" Rich followed the voice to the bookshelves. "Come out, come out, wherever you are? Dad?"

Clark gasped. Hard. His books fell to the ground as he rose, face whitening as he looked out over the shelves he was high enough to look over.

And swallowed, whatever was left of himself. "Oh, God."

"Dad... I'm a little too old for peek-a-boo." Rich shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, and followed the line of sight until he was standing in front of the short aisle leading down to the shelf Clark was sitting against. "Hey."

The child was beautiful. Dark red hair, like the head of a phoenix, blinding. It was like licks of fire, rich and deep, with just enough brown in it. Beautiful, large eyes, eyelashes that most women would kill for. A handsome boy, devilishly so, with just enough innocence in him to be sweet.

"I have to sit down."

And he did. Clark plopped, all 6 foot, five inches of him, right down on the floor. He sat down hard on his pelvis, feeling it whine its protest but ignoring it, staring at the kid standing before him.

"Mind if I sit with ya?" Rich plopped down beside Clark, the same long limbs bending and twisting the same slightly-awkward way that Clark did, then he gave a low whistle. "You look like a Mack truck has had it's wicked way with you, Pops."

Clark stared at him. Stared. He could he not? But he... and... fuck.

Clark reached out, stroking both palms over softly freckled cheeks, cupping the jaw line in both hands. Stroked his thumbs over the boys face, over his cheeks, temples, and finally through his hair, to drag him into a hard, tight embrace.

Rich wrapped his arms around Clark and hugged tightly. "Hey, Dad. I'm here." He hugged Clark back just as tightly as he could, shaking the hair that pulled loose from the ponytail back over his shoulder as he rubbed his cheek against Clark's. "What's wrong?"


It wasn’t a dream. His son, sitting here, looking like Lex, was not a dream. His child, who looked so much like the both of them, talking to him.

Clark swallowed, hard, and let go, looking over him in shock... denial... pleasure, and nerves. "Nothing....nothing is wrong, Mar-El." He whispered, touching his child’s face. The pride of a healthy, strong son was just... it overwhelmed him, filling his heart to overflowing with joy. His beautiful son would have been amazing.

"Daphstemlin'aq, Amlaut." (I love you, father.) Rich raised his hand and brought it to his chest, where a heart beat midway between where Clark's rested and where Lex's was located. "Papa Lex is being a jerkoff, huh?"

"I love you, my son." Clark said softly, pressing the center of his own palm to his heart, before touching it to his child’s. He took the palm gently in his hands, keeping their hands linked as they spoke. Touching, feeling, feeling what his son could have been. "Lex... has his own way of things." Clark said softly. Couldn’t take his eyes off. "My son, how are you here?"

"Gramps. He knew you and Papa Lex were upset, and figured you guys would need help getting your heads out of your asses. Not that he put it like that, but you know. He's a geezer, but I love him." He squeezed Clark's hand gently. "I talked to Lex this morning... I think that him seeing me like this would have freaked him out."

"He does not believe." His son, his father, his aushna. So much lost, so much gone. The pain was bright and hot, and Clark swallowed, tears clouding his vision as he bowed his head, and lay his forehead on their joined hands. "My son, I buried you. We were unable to give you anything, my child, not anything. Please, tell me you knew you were loved."

"You're kidding, right? C'mon, Dad. You guys gave me everything. You loved me, you took care of me, you didn't let anyone mess with me, and you did all the right things. You and Lex, you guys loved me so much. That's kinda how I can be here, but you'd have to ask Gramps for the details next time you see him." Rich slipped his fingers through Clark's hair. "Don't cry, Dad. Please?"

"Your father doesn’t cry." Clark said, voice quiet from his soft position. What a lie. Lie, lie. "My son, my child. I loved you with your dying breath. I can never... say I’m sorry enough for losing you. For never giving you a chance, to play and eat and watch movies and have... have toys. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, my son."

"I saw you cry, Dad. Both you and Lex." Rich scooted closer to his father. "You don't gotta be sorry, Dad. It wasn't your fault, okay? Gramps told me. It's not your fault; your body wasn't ready. I get that, and I don't blame you. And you know? I have Pet. I have Gramps and Gram, and Uncle Kon. So don't be sorry, Dad. I have it all."

In that instant, hearing his son speak those words, Clark had peace. His son would have what Clark could never have given him... a home amongst people who were his true heritage, his true family. Merciful God, thank you. He looked up, then, away from his son until he could compose himself enough to speak. "I only thank God that you have someone, Mar-El." He gazed at him, then, into those beautiful eyes... and smiled. "You are beautiful."

He blushed. "I'm... what did Gramps call it... devilishly handsome. That's it." He grinned at his Dad. "Now you gonna tell me what the problem is with you and Papa Lex? I mean... that's why I'm here, to help out. Make things better." He squeezed Clark's hand tightly in his own.

"You are my son." Okay. Clark puffed up in pride, throwing his shoulders back. "You are El. Of course you're handsome." The mention of Lex made him deflate again, though, swallowing hard. "Losing you... was very, very hard, Mar-El. Losing a child you had yet to do anything with is very, very hard."

Mar-El laughed at that. "Yeah, all of us El's have it. You should see Uncle Kon--looks just like you, only his hair's long, like mine long, and tied back in a ponytail." Then he sobered too. "Dad... you can't put your life on hold and neither can he. And you can't let it come between you. We're El's. We're stubborn people. We come from a great long line of stubborn people. Gramps says so. But don't be so stubborn that nobody can help, you know?"

"We try. It is just so hard." Clark said quietly, rubbing his fingertips over the smaller palm in his own hands. Both of his palms covered the smaller one between, and Clark kept it close, touching gently. "Lex, for all the stubbornness I have, matches it. When we both hurt, our tempers flare... bad things are said." Clark shook his head gently, reaching out to touch Mar-El's cheek. "No one understands."

"Not even you guys." Mar-El looked down at his hand between Clark's. "Dad... Papa Lex thinks he's going out of his head. He doesn't know I caught that, but... yeah. You gotta know he doesn't know this is really possible. He doesn't get it. Don't... don't be angry because he's a stupid idiot, okay? I'm going to go yell at him--again--when I'm done here, and see... see if you guys can't meet in the middle?"

"He does not believe. How much else will it take? He has seen me, he saw your birth, he saw Jor-El. Why is seeing you, here, so hard for him to cope? To understand? I don’t understand, I don’t understand. He has been with me through my cycles, through everything that has happened, developed, changed. But now, this, he is frightened. He things he's insane." Clark heaved a frustrated breath. "What else can I do to prove to him? What else can I do to show him I love him?"

"Dad? Lex isn't like us, remember? He's human. He's seen you through this, yeah, but how long? How long you guys been together, anyway?"

"He has been mine for eight months. And my friend for two years."

"Dad? Lex is good but he ain't that good." Mar-El giggled. "Trust me. He's been... the way he is, for like, all his life. Can't change that in a few months, right?" Then he grinned. "Gramps says I'da been good at... whatdyacallit... debate team!"

His child would have been good at everything. Mar-El would have been beautiful, fun, kind, intelligent, and a child he felt such pride in. And the thought, the thought of it had Clarks eyes filming over, and his hands tightening around the smaller hand. "I am proud of you, my son. So proud."

"I'm proud of you too, Dad. You've been great. But I gotta go." Mar-El frowned slightly.

"No." The sound escaped him before he could say anything else. "Don’t leave me, my child. Don’t go, not yet."

Mar-El gently tugged his hands away as he stood up. "I gotta, Dad. I can't stay forever. But I'll always be inside you. I'm never really gone."

"No, pl..." He swallowed, hard. Not here. Not in front of this young man, this beautiful person he had been given the gift of meeting. "I feel you. I always feel you. You’re a part of me... please remember, I love you so much."

"I love you too, father." He held out his hands to help Clark up. "Come on. Give me a hug before I kick Papa Lex's ass."

Clark rose by his own inclination and pulled the boy, tall and slender, into his arms. He hugged him, hard, holding him close as he pressed the child into his arms. "Will you do one last thing for me, Mar-El?"

Mar-El returned the hug tightly. "I'll do whatever I can, Dad."

"Tell my father... tell Jor-El, that everything he did for me, everything he gave me before everything exploded... it has saved my life. Tell him, that his lonely child wasn’t so alone anymore. And tell him... I will always make him proud."

"I'll tell him, but Dad... he already knows." Mar-El tightened his arms around Clark one last time. "I gotta run. But you'll see me again, I promise."

"Thank you, Mar-El." Soft, but tight embrace, and Clark dropped his head to kiss the soft hair. "Be safe, son."

"I always will be; you made sure of that. You put me on the right road and the safe path." He hugged Clark again. "Now... there's going to be some ass-kickage. I love you, Dad." And then he pulled away, shoved his hands in his pockets, and disappeared out the doors of the career center.

Clark watched his child walk off, watched him leave. Watched him disappear. Watched a beautiful child he could not bring into the world, he could not rear, he could not help live, leave. His hands still felt like him, the healthy smell of a child who ran in the sun and played. His child. And oh, God, the pain he felt. But his child was safe, safe, with his father. And Jor-El was a man he trusted with the very life from his bones. His child would be safe, for eternity.

It helped.

~ * ~ * ~

When Lionel felt the sudden change in air pressure pressing against the car's, side, he thought it was just a sudden burst of wind, and fought to keep the car on the road.

A cold rush of panic slid through his veins but he was quickly able to pull the car back onto the asphalt without a problem, and he gave his passenger a reassuring smile. "Dominic, do you have those Araset contracts, or are they still sitting on my desk at home?" He reached with one hand for his briefcase while the other rested on the wheel.

The lovely scent of salted French fries was permeating the air, their cokes and shakes sitting beside them on the tray in the back seat. Briefcase behind his legs, shoes splayed as he was comfortable, and Dominic gave Lionel's hand a smack as he rose a brow. "Road. Watching. Bovine killer." He himself went into his palm pilot, pulling it from his coat pocket. Four buttons later, and he responding, "Still at home. Only partially done."

Lionel moved his smacked hand back to the wheel of the car, and glared. "I am watching the road."

Dominic smiled, brow risen. "I thought it was just a surge of blood through your head. Darling, might I ask you something?"

"You may ask me anything," Lionel answered grandly. "And I will even answer you."

A grin and he twisted to tug a leg up underneath him, chin on his palm as he rose a brow innocently. "Why did you flip out when that girl called us fags?"

"Because coming from most people, it's an insult, and I'll not stand to be insulted. Especially not because of who I love."

Dominic reached over and gently set his palm on Lionel's, holding the steering wheel. "Lovely one, we're two gay men. You're the owner of half the free world. When we finally… finally, come out, and tell the world that you have a love to call your own... what do you think people will call us?" He gently squeezed, and looped their fingers. "Don't let things like that upset you, baby."

"I don't care what they call me behind my back, Dominic. They will, however, be respectful to my face, or they will pay for it." He squeezed the precious fingers that looped gently through his. "I'll not let anyone disrespect you."

He grinned, crookedly. "I take pride in it. That means I've done my job, and I'm proud of who I'm to be, and what I am. I like knowin' that people know you and I are an item." Wicked chuckle as he brought their fingers to his mouth, kissing their joined fingers.

Lionel's voice was serious as he spoke. "You are my husband, Dominic, and I am not ashamed of you. However, you are my husband. That entitles you to an entirely different mode of treatment than you have received, and that means, you must expect better for yourself or people will treat you no differently."

Dominic's eyebrows lowered and he looked at his lover quizzically. "What? What do you mean? People treat me with respect wherever I go... my assistants grovel at me feet."

"You have to expect people to treat you as they do me, because you are no longer just the assistant in the background. You are my mate, my vice president, and you will be just as much in the forefront as I will be."

"Oh." He chuckled at that, one eyebrow arching up again as he traced the veins on the back of Lionel's hand. "You must be joking. Command respect and that? Oh, Jesus. Lionel, its me."

"No, I'm not joking." Lionel gave his lover a hard, serious glare. "I know it's you. And there is nothing about you that does not command the respect you deserve except for the fact that you don't seem to believe you're worth the treatment."

Blink. "You're deadly serious, aren't you?" Dominic straightened a little, still sitting on one leg while the other fell back to the floor of the car. "Lionel, I command it when I'm in a room of twenty somethings and they're my assistants. All six of them quiver and piss themselves in fear whenever they see me. But I canna do that to everyone. I don't know how."

"I'm deadly serious. And if you can command six people, then you can command six thousand. All you have to do is project it. You are a strong man, worthy of people's respect. Once you start believing it, you'll project it, and in turn, receive it."

"Mmm." But he cheerfully changed the subject, snuggling Lionel's hand close for another kiss, up the palm, wrist, and lower arm, before letting him go again to drive. "So when exactly do we be leavin' for Tokyo?"

"We leave for Tokyo next week; Wednesday morning." Lionel put both hands back on the wheel as he turned into the long road leading to their driveway. "I'd like to have the Araset contracts done by that time, as well as have Mr. Ross' team hired and in place, though taking Mr. Ross' attitude into consideration, I'll be lucky if he can have two people chosen by next week."

"He's no' s'bad." Dominic grinned, reaching behind them into the back seat for coats as he gave a little sneeze into his hand, sniffling and shaking his head as he went into his pocket for his kerchief. "He's a good lad, actually. And he's got an eye for art, Lionel. I doubt that finding people will be that hard, especially once they see the buildin's."

"I certainly hope that's the case, though the irreverence in his attitude for authority bothers me more than I can tell you. I won't deny his talent, and I hope that his irreverence for me does not extend into a disrespect for his artwork. He is the original artist; I would expect him to take some pride in his works."

"He's got a smart mouth, but I think he has a healthy respect for you, love. I sincerely hope he fixes it the way it should be. He's--" His cell phone gave a short chirp from his pocket...than began to bleep Luciano's piano sonata. He pat his pockets searching for the source of the tinkling music, finally pulling his little foldable cell out and pulling it open. The number... was unfamiliar, but he picked up regardless. "Senatori."

"Aye'n dat any way to greet'n old friend?" Gideon Gallagher was sitting in his wheelchair, drumming his fingers on the armrests. "Senatori, as though I dinna e'en know who I was callin'."

"Aye!!!" Dominic cried in joy, letting out a laugh. "Aye, 'ello Gideon! Far'de love of Christ, where are ya? Jesus, but I wasn'a espextin' ya for another day or so!"

"Didna think y'were, an' dat's why I'm 'ere! Bloody cold as 'ell." He snuggled his fleece jacket around his shoulders. "Where in d'ell d'ye think I am, id'it! M'at d'arestreep!"

Lionel... just blinked. He knew Dominic was speaking, could hear the sounds coming out of his mouth. But understand them? Not a chance in nine hells.

"Aye, but i's been a'long time, now, hasn'it? Miss ya, I did. Are'ya at d'arestreep 'ere en Smallv'lle? Or be ya in Metropolis? Tell meh'here you be, nd' I'll have th'limerzine brought round." Dominic was grinning like an idiot, n pleasure and joy. His friend! His best friend! He hadn't seen Gideon in almost six years, and Christ but he missed him. "Ol'lout, ya are, you arse. Why did'na tell me you were comin'? Coulda had mama make'er famous pohtaytose."

"And r'ye fool enow t'think I wouldna called sweet Miss Rosie an'let her know I was on me way?" Gideon laughed heartily at that, booming laughter that peeled over the cell phone. "ne'er 'erd of a surprise? Course I'm at th'arestreep in Smallvull. An whirelse woulda be?"

"Knowin' yeh, mos' likely in bleedin' 'la'bama, for all tha'I b'knowin'. Well, 'ang on, matey, I'll b'callin' th'limersine 'round. Be ya at United Airw'y? No one canna miss you, afta'll, bu' be lookin' for a wee fellow, laah-tino. Aye?" Dominic wriggled in his seat in pleasure, unknowing they'd parked and Lionel was staring at him as he spoke rapid fire.

"Aye, an'uld dat be Sweet Rosie's youngfeller?" Gideon asked with a choking snort. "B'watchin' for'em, aye."

Dominic snickered, wickedly. "Aye, tis 'im. Alrigh' laddie, see ya ina bit! I canna wai'fer you to be seein' my young Shayla. Has gr'wn up, sh'as. Stay put, matey, w'll be round. Boye, now."

"G'bye, an'ull be round in a bit!"

Dominic was still grinning as he hung up his phone, a little wicked smile of pleasure and joy as he whistled, glancing at his lover and stopping with a crooked grin. "Gideon is here early, Lionel. He'll be joining us, if you don't mind."

"What in the name of Christ were you saying?" Lionel asked, astonished.

Oh, Dominic threw his head back and laughed. Reached over, pulling his arms around Lionel's neck to give him a hard squeeze, before he squirmed and wriggled out of the car, coat in arm. "Gideon is an old mate of mind. He'll be coming 'round… I'm going to send Enrique over to the airport to get him. You're going to love him, Lionel...he's a lot like me, and completely unlike me at the same time."

"Oh, yes, well, that's quite the contradiction." Lionel returned the hug, and then got out of the car along side his lover, reaching into the back seat and retrieving their French fries and their milkshakes. "Another of your clan's extended family. I don't know if I can stand it."

"Oh, you will. He's fun as hell, and an amazing artist to boot." Sly grin as Dominic took the milkshakes from him, reaching up for a kiss as they walked into the house. "He and I used to chase the skirts in Dublin when I was a lad… or, actually, he chased the skirts, I chased the men the skirts were after." Loud snort. "We had a lot of fun, he and I. Always got drunk, right off our asses."

At that, Lionel heaved a sigh. "Dominic... you and your kin are going to be the death of me yet."

"Oh, but ya havna' even met my Da's side, darling. My family is very tame in comparison." Little hum as he turned around, walking backwards and facing his lover as he spoke. "My Da' was part of a family of eight. Lessee. My auntie is divorced five times, owns a strip club, and has fifteen children, all girls. Four are married, six have children, one died of a mysterious series of events no one knows 'bout. My other aunt, Aunt Sarah, is a witch. My two uncles are in jail, my other Uncle, who's younger than I, works for Bill Gates. My other Aunt is Tori Amos. I have thirty seven immediate cousins, about fifty twice removed." Dominic was getting outrageous glee out of watching his lovers face, and reached into the bag he carried, getting a French fry. "And lets no' even go into my cousins, Husband. You might faint. Needless to say, I'm the talk of the family, what with being gay. And now, marrying you, the richest man in free America. Its quite an accomplishment for a Senatori."

Lionel... just blinked. "You have... quite the interesting family tree, Dominic. Makes me quite relieved to know mine is safe."

A door slammed down the hallway, and then there was a screech of metal then a loud slam as something was torn off the hinges and thrown aside. Another screech of metal as it was twisted further, and then a spate of cursing in a language that sounded like nothing from a human throat.

Dominic jumped, almost tripped...then did so, falling backwards over a carpet and plopping hard on his ass as the scream of curses and the metal crashed like thunder. He blinked, hard, still holding their drinks he'd managed to save as he turned and stared behind him... blinking.

"I believe Lex is having a tantrum," Lionel said calmly. "Put the drinks down on the table, and come on; let's talk to him and see if we can stop him before he wrecks the house."

Oh, yeah. Big time. Dominic reached up, putting the drinks aside as he scrambled to his feet, following his already long-strided lover quickly towards where the screams had been coming from. "Holiest of hell, what is he doing?"

The metal door to his lab had been replaced a few days ago, and the old one--what was left of it--was sitting in the hallway. Lex was methodically shredding the door into ribbons of steel and twisting them into knotted balls, then slamming each ball together just because he could. His anger and his frustration mounted, and twin red lasers shot out of his eyes and sliced the metal balls into nothing but useless bits of slag.

"Holy shit." Dominic watched, from the top of the flight of steps, as Lex red eyed metal, twisting and turning it in a fit of rage. Okay. Alright. A blink, another, and he slipped almost unnoticed behind Lionel, staying behind his lover as he watched the boy. Lionel was his father and Lex wouldn't hurt his father, even unintentionally. Dominic was, however, free game, and he swallowed, fingers clamping on Lionel's bicep as they walked down the steps.

Lionel surveyed the damage in front of him, and was very quickly reminded of another time, after Lillian's funeral, when he had gone to check on his son and found Lex's bedroom completely destroyed, turned upside down and trashed beyond reckoning. Thirteen-year-old Lex had been perched in the middle of the wreckage, back to the door as his shoulders shook with his sobs.

"Lex? What are you doing?"

"What the fuck does it look like? I'm clearing out the old door," Lex growled, melting another chunk of twisted steel into scrap.

"Ah... if by clearing you mean using it as an anger post, then yes, it does appear that that's what you're doin'." Dominic arched a brow upwards, peering at him diligently as he surveyed the damage. Yes. Well. At least Lex couldn't catch himself on fire. Silver lining, Dominic.

"Would you rather it be your head I was pounding into the floor?" Lex asked, looking up. He was sweating from the heat and the exertion, and it was stinging his eyes as he glared."

"Lex. That was uncalled for. Dominic is merely expressing concern for you." Lionel stepped closer to the wreckage. "Now, stop this and tell me, what is going on?"

Lex dropped what was left of the door and looked at his father. "Well... your son is losing his mind, he's hallucinating, and oh, yeah, Clark told me to fuck off and leave him alone until he comes home from work today."

"If it would clear your own, gladly." Dominic glared right back, letting go of his love as he walked over to his son. Oh, and then the words, and he heaved a quiet sigh as he crouched low, not exactly near Lex, but closer then before. "Wha' happened?"

"Which time?" Lex moved down so that he was on the same level as Dominic. "Well... it started after Clark left for school. I was re-organizing the closet and the dresser drawers--bless your hearts, you guys moved us but had no clue about order--and the puppies dragged me downstairs and oh, by the way? You're both missing a pair of loafers. Cleo got your Prada, Dad, and Dom, she got your Gucci Blacks." Small smirk. "Ms. Bird donated pink house slippers. As they're playing and I'm watching... I had a thirty-minute conversation with my son."

Okay, what? Lionel blinked, and sat on the steps beside Lex. "You... what?" The shoes just went over his head, for a moment, though he tucked it away to yell about later. "Lex... you realize that... it's not possible?"

"Tell me somethin' I don't already know, Dad." Lex leaned his head against the wall. "I'm losing my mind, Clark's going off his rocker, he was beating the hell out Whitney when I got there, and when I told him about seeing Richie... he just went off. Accused me of not caring and told me to leave him the hell alone. So I did."

Dominic did as well. Damn, but he'd been looking for those shoes. But at the moment... hello. Psyche, 101. He blinked just a little, swallowing hard as he got on his knees and bit his lip. Seeing the child, the baby? How could that be possible?

Yeah, well, Morg, how can an alien be possible?

He shifted, seated now on his feet, and swallowed. Clark acting strangely was not strange in itself... the boy had been through a very traumatizing ordeal. Nor was Lex seeing the little baby strange... Lex had lost his son, and it was natural to see him after he was dead. When Dominic's father had died, he'd seen his old Da sitting around the house all the time. It was in his heart, though, and he understood the pain Lex was going through. "Its just been a hard time for you both, Lex. Clark's angry and you're scared... its natural. But fighting about it isn't."

Lex just gave a hard glare. "So it's natural for me to see a seven year old child with my hair and Clark's cheekbones, hugging me and calling me Dad, conversing with me and playing with the puppies like he was real?" His eyebrow arched up past where his hairline should have been.

"It is. I saw me father after he died. Its the missing of them that brings them alive in your heart, Lex." Dominic said quietly, gazing at him with furrowed brows and worry lines around his mouth.

Lionel put his arms gently around Lex's shoulders. "Lex... if this is true, if this is what you are seeing, then maybe this is your subconscious way of dealing with it. What did he say to you?"

"He couldn't believe his dad was so bald." Lex drew his knees up to his chest and gripped them tightly. "That he--that he was always with us, and we didn't have to miss him. That he was worried about Clark being hurt during the birth, and that he loved me. And that his grandfather had said it was okay to visit us."

Holy shit. "Lex... are they things you've been worryin' yourself over? Are they things you're frightened of?"

Dark auburn hair, like licking fire. Enormous blue eyes... lovely cheek bones. The face of a man, strongly boned and square jawed. His body was lean and firm, tall and slender. Built like an athlete...built with the best qualities from both fathers.

And Richard sighed, softly, over Dominic's head. "You know, dad? Dominic is a really cool guy. Grandad heard about Dominic and Grampa trying to have a baby... he's got a little soul waiting for them. Its just going to take you and your incredible brain power," And at that he snickered like the nineteen year old guy he was. "To help them. Still don't understand how you've got like, a billion brain cells and you still can't figure out the washer, though."

"Lex, just don't be frightened by your waking dreams. They happen to everyone, after things like these." Dominic was saying quietly, gently squeezing his step sons hand.

Lex smiled over Dominic's head. "Hey, Richie. I'll have you know, I can operate complex equipment; I've got a cyclotron in the lab that can spin down to subatomic separation. But the washer is a machine spawned of Satan, one that I will never get along with."

Lionel looked around curiously, seeing nobody in the room but himself, Lex, and Dominic. "Lex?" he asked softly. "Who are you talking to?"

"My son," Lex answered cheerfully. "Richie, say hello to Dominic and my dad."

"Oh yeah? Then what about the dishwasher? The blender? The hot tub? Dad, you and complex modern machinery that have names you can pronounce are not your friend." Richard smiled, tipping his head as he gazed at Lionel a moment...and back to Lex. "He can't see me, you know. They both can't...they're not gifted like you and papa are, Dad." He tipped his head. "I saw him a while ago. He wasn't really happy."

"Oh, sort of like me and the laptop recharger." Lex's smile fell. "I didn't think they could. But you know, it never hurts to be polite." He looked over at his son. "I know he's not happy, Richie. He wasn't happy at me for stopping his fight with Whitney, and he told me to get lost and leave him alone."

"Yeah... see, Dad? Pops has issues with being treated like a dumb kid. Now, granted, I get that… lookit how Grandad and Grampa Dom are staring at you. But Pops is real gentle like. He's...way smarter then you think." Richard slipped around Lionel, carefully treading the carpet in his expensive looking, designer jeans, snug sweater in place. "You know, dad, you've got a gift with Pops."

"Lex... there's no one here. But Dominic and I." Lionel rubbed his son's shoulder gently. "Lex?"

"You can't see him, Dad. But that's okay. I can." Lex turned his attention back to his son. "I wasn't treating him like a dumb kid; I wouldn't do that to him. I was trying to protect him. And I know what a gift your father is to me; believe me. I know it every day."

Lionel just stared at his son as Lex seemed to carry on half a conversation with thin air. "Lex! Stop it, this moment."

"Naw, dad. Your gift with Pops is that you're you, and not another person you could have become. You opened up, you let yourself love. And now, lookit ya. You've got Clark, your fiancé. He's hurting real bad right now, but he loves you. You've got a family with Grandad and Grampa Dom... you've got a future. Dad, before? There was nothing for you. Nothing but badness, I could see it. But now..." Richard offered a grin. "Now, things are cool."

Dominic was staring at the young man, blinking twice as he turned and whispered to Lionel, "Should I call someone, beloved?"

"Who would you like to call, Dominic? Would you like to explain that Lex is seeing the half-alien child stillborne by his alien male lover? They'd be carting you off, not him." But he squeezed Dominic's hand gently, heart aching. "Dear God, why are You putting my son through this?"

"And I do love Clark," Lex admitted. "Probably more than is healthy for me to. I don't want him to hurt, I'd give anything if he didn't, but if I try to help him or take it away, or shield him from my own, he gets angry with me. I don't want to lose him, Richie. I don't know what I'd do if I did. But I don't know how to handle him like this, either."

"You gotta know, Dad, Pops is way too proud. Don't try and shield him from stuff... he's a young guy, but he's way too proud to be good. And you hurt him, more so, when you don't tell him stuff, or treat him like a kid, or someone to be protected. He isn't pedestal boy. He's the guy you're gonna spend eternity with, and you need to know, he can handle his own. Stubborn as an ox, but damned if you aren't too." Richard tipped his head, and offered his hand to his father. "I was sent back to make sure you guys were okay, dad. When the sun sets, I'll be gone. You've got to remember... this wasn't your fault. None of this. But you can't let yourself get angry when Pops can't let him get angry when you try and keep him safe. Work it out. Not to sound like a broken record, but go and talk to him. Dominic and your dad have it right on...just talk to him. Promise, things will get better if you do."

Dominic swallowed, hard, but didn't say anything else.

"Don't go. Please stay, Richie. I know... I know you can't be here all the time, but... we need you. Don't go. Please, don't." Lex took the hand offered to him and pulled himself up from his slump on the stairs. "I need you. I have to protect Clark; he's all I have left. I lost you; I can't lose him too." He hugged his son tightly, bald head resting on a soft, sweatered shoulder. "I'll talk to him, I promise. Just... please don't go."

And in that moment, Lionel could not have defined how frightened he was for his son's stability if a gun had been put to his head. A sour, cold sweat had broken out over his body as he'd grown quiet, watching his son converse with empty air, then to see him hug and embrace... nothingness... just shattered him. "Why, after everything else, must he go through this as well?" Lionel asked the Universe softly. He received no reply, and his hands fisted into helpless balls on his thighs.

"I won't ever go, dad. Never. Me and you, we're always gonna be pals. I'll drop in, from time to time... but dad, you can't dwell on me, and what could have been. It wasn't meant for me to stay..." Richard hugged him, hard. "Because you and dad still have stuff to do. Still have things, very, very important things, to do. Dad, have faith. Have faith in what you can have with Pops. He loves you, and I know for a fact you love him beyond any measure. Just remember that. Love carries you through anything, and what you've got with Clark will carry you through this." Richard looked up, at that instant, and grinned at Lionel's stunned, horrified face. "Here, and before I give Grandad a heart attack. Touch his hand, dad. Right now."

Lex nodded. "Okay." He reached out, and took Lionel's hand in his own. "Dad?"

"Yes, Lex?"

"Just a second." He looked up at Richie. "What now?"

Richard reached out and touched Lionel's other hand... and came into existence, just barely, for his fathers father. He was a shadow, because Lionel had loved but not with a parents love like his pops and his dad. But he offered the older man a smile, gentle and quiet, as his ghosts fingers squeezed Lionel's.

Lionel... blinked. In utter and complete shock. "R--richard?" He gripped the ghostly fingers tightly, feeling them slide across his skin. "Richard?"

His voice, when he spoke, was quiet, wispy, as if he was speaking through a tunnel. It echoed, quietly, and he smiled again, nodding gently. "Dad isn't crazy. Help him, Grandad. You and Grampa Dominic... take care of my dad."

"We--we will. I give you my word, we'll take care of them both." He blinked at the hair, the cheekbones, the shadowed eyes. The hair was Lex's, there was no denying it. The cheekbones were Clark's, high and beautiful. "You... you were loved so much, young man. You are missed."

"We'll be together soon." Richard murmured, before looking back at his father... squeezing him hard, once, hugging as tightly as he could. "I have to go. I love you, dad. I'm always in your heart... don't ever miss me. I love you, and I'll be waiting for you when the end comes, and we'll walk into the light together."

Lex hugged Richard as hard as he could. "I'll always miss you, Richard. I love you, so much."

"I love you, dad." Richard smiled at him, then again at his grandfather, giving his hand a hard squeeze...both of them, and slowly, with the wispy, strange touch of a ghost, brought their hands together, so his father and his grandfathers hands clasped.

And he was gone.

Dominic had been watching, silently, as Lionel's eyes filled with tears, as his husbands face crumbled. He didn't see what was happening, but he backed up, swallowing hard as he watched them.

Lex gripped Lionel's hand tightly for a long minute, and he wept. His throat was tight, chest hurt, and he was afraid he was breaking his father's fingers in his grip but he couldn't quite let go of it.

Lionel was feeling the tight squeeze of Lex's hand on his own but didn't say a word. Instead he pushed that away, focusing instead on the tears of his child and he held Lex tightly against him, rocking him. "I'm sorry, Lex. You're not losing your mind. You're not; I don't know how but he was here; I saw him. Don't worry. You're not insane."

Lex didn't stop sobbing. He just held tightly to Lionel, letting out all the anguish and the pain as he held the memory of his son to his heart.

Dominic had been watching, silently, as Lionel's eyes filled with tears, as his husbands face crumbled. He didn't see what was happening, but he backed up, swallowing hard as he watched them.

Lex gripped Lionel's hand tightly for a long minute, and he wept. His throat was tight, chest hurt, and he was afraid he was breaking his father's fingers in his grip but he couldn't quite let go of it.

Lionel was feeling the tight squeeze of Lex's hand on his own but didn't say a word. Instead he pushed that away, focusing instead on the tears of his child and he held Lex tightly against him, rocking him. "I'm sorry, Lex. You're not losing your mind. You're not; I don't know how but he was here; I saw him. Don't worry. You're not insane."

Lex didn't stop sobbing. He just held tightly to Lionel, letting out all the anguish and the pain as he held the memory of his son to his heart.

Dominic bit his lip, hard, his arms wrapping around himself tightly. He held himself, shaking as he watched Lex sob into his fathers shoulder, as he watched the emotions playing over Lionel's face. He didn't understand what had happened... couldn't even guess as to what it was. But he swallowed, hard, rubbing his biceps softly as he took another step back.

"No?" Lionel asked softly, turning his head to look at Dominic. "Don't leave. Please... don't."

He shook his head, swallowing and staying put. He couldn't quite go to them... not his place, not when Lex wanted his father for this pain, and he swallowed again, encouraging his lover gently. "I'm not going anywhere. He needs you, Lionel. Don't worry about me right now."

"Lex needs his family right now, and that includes you," Lionel said softly, holding his arm out.

A hard swallow around a tight ball of heat in his throat, and Dominic took a step close...another, and slipped into the arm Lionel offered, his hands gently holding Lex, too, He wrapped him, as well as his husband, gently in his arms... then tighter, holding them both close. His head fell and he pressed a kiss to the crown of Lex's head, Lex's sobs hard and loud and they broke his heart.

Lex shifted so that one arm slid around Lionel's waist and one arm slid around Dominic's. Here in the safe cocoon of his family's arms, he could break down, he could dissolve, and then he could be strong again later when he went to talk to Clark. "Dad--Dom--did you see him?"

"I saw him, Lex." Lionel held Lex's head tightly to his shoulder, resting his own head on Dominic's shoulder. "He was beautiful. You're not crazy, Lex. He was here." Lionel turned his face in to rest against Dominic's throat for a long moment, murmuring into his lover's skin. "He's not crazy, Dominic, Richard was there. He was. Neither of us are crazy."

He hadn't. But Dominic answered, anyway. "Aye. A beautiful boy, he was, Lex. A lovely boy, indeed. He makes me proud, knowing that he came from you." The grip around him was unexpected, but Dominic hugged back, wrapping his arms tightly around him and holding him close. His cheek pressed to Lionel's temple, holding them close to him. "I didna' have to see, to believe." Dominic whispered.

"He's right. I have to talk to Clark. I have to make sure he's okay. I can't... I can't lose Clark too, but oh, God. Dad... he was here."

A hug, tighter, closer....and the click, of the door. Dominic looked up, suddenly, eyes wide. He'd sent Enrique to go get Gideon before this mess had happened, and shit. Dominic let the both of them go, quickly, enough to tug them into the office right off the hall. "Here. In here. Me friend, he's here. Lionel, be with Lex. I'll go ward him off....he's going to want to meet you. Tell me when you're ready." To Lex he took in his arms, hugging him, hard, and disappeared before another word could be said.

Lex returned the hard hug, and then blinked up at his father. "Who?" He felt, despite the powers in his body, all of twelve or thirteen again, when a hug from Dad solved everything and Dad still had all the answers. "What's going on, Dad?"

Lionel held his son tightly against him. "Dominic's friend from Ireland. He's here to help with the renovations on the buildings. Come on. Let's smile and meet him, what do you say? Another clansman of my little cricket's."

Dominic stepped through the office doors, closing them quickly behind him, and rubbed whatever moisture was in his eyes away as he stepped into the hall. Enrique...and oh. His friend. His FRIEND. Dominic gave a big grin and strode over, leaning down to give his friend a hard hug and a manly handshake. He looked exactly as he'd remembered him, and he laughed in pleasure, through the pain for his step son heavy in his heart. "You ole' bastard. Lookit ye, eh? Bloody skinny waif."

Gideon grinned up from the wheelchair, and returned the hug. "Aye, n'yer nae diff'rent. Next puff'o wind an ye'll b'flyin' away like a kyte." His own laugh was infectious, and bright green eyes sparkled as he shook out the long mane of hair and ran his fingers through his beard. "An' where be sweet Rosie? Bettin' sh's no'appy bout yer man."

A loud snicker, as Dominic offered him in. "Tis me home now, wouldna know it. How was'the fligh' over on 'ere? Long? Look up an'skirts?" Another snicker, as he smiled and nodded at Enrique and led his friend in, picking up one of his suitcases. "Youre'a gonna lemme invite'ya, aye? You're to be sleepin' with the rest of us blokes 'ere in this palace."

"Palace? More'n museum, no tha'ye ast me." He grinned up at his friend. "Course if y'insist, got no choice. D'luv to stay wit'ye."

"Good. Vera, vera good." Dominic rose his voice. "Mama! Mama, Gide'n be 'ere! Were areh ya at?" A heavy, melodramatic sigh at his friend as he set the suitcase down near the steps, to carry up later. "Tha woman hast been drivin' me up the wall, wouldna know it. She's mean as a prickleh pear. 'ey, you need to be meetin' me spouse, tha'person who's to be givin' ya your pee'check."

"GIDEON GALLAGHER!!!" Rosalyn's voice bellowed out from the upper level. "Morgan Senatori, you keep that boy where he is!!!" A door slammed, there was the heavy patter of feet, a soft oof as someone was shoved out of the way, and Rosalyn appeared at the top of one of the stairs. "Gideon!!!!"

Lionel's head shot up at the banshee like scream.

"Sweet Christ on a cross," Lex swore softly. "Pull that woman's vocal chords out!!"

"Ach, an'dere be my sweet, sweet Rosie!" Gideon rolled over to the foot of the staircase and crossed his arms over his chest. "Sweet Rose Gallagher, an'yer a sight fer sore eyes, ye are!"

Dominic winced, but grinned crookedly, hands slipping into his slack pockets as he gazed up the steps at his mother. "Aye, and she be makin' ya some pumpkin bread, if tha' tis what I be smellin'. Lucky bastard, ya are. She dunna make it for ever'one." Dominic slipped away a moment, just across the hall into the small room, and peaked in at his lover and his step son. "Everything okay?"

Lionel nodded. "We're just considering murdering your mother, that's all."

Rosalyn hurried down the staircase, muttering the whole time about how unfriendly this whole house was, and threw her arms around Gideon. "An'so're you, lad. You're such a happy, happy sight from home." She squeezed his neck tightly as she inhaled. Part of her still imagined she could smell the Irish coast in his hair.

Gideon wrapped his arms around his aunt and just squeezed. "Aach, sweet Rosie, dinna ye cry now. Ye'll have me'n tears too, and you dunna wan'make this big man cry, do ye?"

"Dont think I havna thought of it. Maybe he'll take her home with him" Dominic said, pretending to be eerie as he smiled gently at his step son, tipping his head as his worry lines returned. "Okay?"

"Yeah... I think so." He reached out and hugged Dominic quickly. "Yeah. I think I'm okay. Or I will be. Come on. Let's go meet your friend."

Lionel rolled his eyes at Dominic. " Sweet Rosie? He must not know your mother very well at all."

"MORGAN SENATORI! I DIDN'T RAISE YOU TO BE A RUDE BASTARD! YER LEAVIN' YOUR FRIEND IN THE HALL TO MAKE OUT WITH THAT LITTLE BOY AND I DINNA LIKE IT!" Rosalyn bellowed. "Pun'kin bread be in the oven for ye, and dinner t'night, I'll make my potatoes."

Gideon winked up at Rosalyn. "Lass, dinna bother him. The lure of hot pun'kin bread be music ta'this old nose."

Dominic hugged back… surprised. Very, very surprised, and he hugged his step son back gently before jumping out of his skin, nearly hitting the floor, the door, and the wall, and turned to below back. "IMA COMIN' MA! Stopa the SCREAMIN'!" He glared at the door, gave his family a helpless look, and walked quickly back in the front hall. "n'd for de love of Jesus, mama, he isno' a little boy!"

"And he be younger than me? He be a little boy!" She stood behind Gideon and glared. "Here this man flew 'round th'world to see your dumb ass, and yer off makin' nasty with your little boy!"

"I wasna makin' nothin', mama." Dominic grit his teeth, and gave his friend a helpless look as he walked towards them. "We're to be havin' drinks, mama. Okay? Okay. Come on, now, Gideon, move yer horses." Dominic stood beside him, gave his mama a last shooting glare, and walked into the office.

Gideon was dissolving helplessly into great peals of deep laughter. "Aye, Jesus. Sweet Rosie, give over. He's sotted b'the man."

Lionel. Had had. Just about enough. "Rosalyn Senatori." He barely raised his voice as he walked out of the little room. "You will not call me little boy again, Ms. Senatori. If you do, you will find yourself in need of another place to live. I have done nothing to harm you, I have fought for your respect, and I shall have it. Do you understand me?" A pause. "Good evening, Mr. Gallagher."

Dominic looked up at his lover, and just grinned the wicked grin of disobeying parents. He looked down at his friend, than up at his lover. "Gideon, this be Lionel. Me husban', after all. The lad back there 's Lex, me step son. Lex, Lionel, this 's Gideon Gallagher."

Lex held his hand out. "How do you do, Mr. Gallagher?"

"Fair'nough," Gideon answered, shaking the offered hand heartily. "Don'let sweet Rosie get t'ye so, Lionel. She's just a little thing, and yer a big brute of a man."

"Morgan Senatori! Are you going to let this... this... person speak to your mother like that!?"

"Yes, he is, because Dominic does not control my actions, madam. I am in control of my own faculties, and I have had just about enough." Lionel's fingers flexed gently into fists.

Dominic grit his teeth again. Hard. Jaw grinding, until his temper, which flared whenever he was around his lovely, wonderful, beautiful mother, calmed. "Mama, Lionel is his own man. Please… calm... down."

"Well, don't you like that?" Rosalyn crossed her arms over her chest. "Never thought I'd live to see th'day when Morgan Senatori wouldn't defend his own mother!"

Gideon was fighting snickers at the scene. "Lionel, laddie... how old be ye?"

"Fifty-nine today," Lionel said calmly.

"He's got y'there, sweet Rose. Barely younger'n ye."

"Yes!! Barely a year younger'n me, and he's married to m'little angel boy!" She put her hands on plump hips. "Younger'n him, t'be his son!!"

Today was his lovers birthday? Great. Just great. He hadn't known because Lionel was deeply, deeply private about his age. His mother was being....HERSELF, and Dominic reached up, pinching his nose. Okay. He could do this.

The smile that came up onto his face whenever he was dealing with business clients or annoying children graced his face, and he turned, gently taking hold of his mothers arm. "Mama, y'know I luff him. 'm no' an angel anymore...come on. Lemme take ya to to the kitchen, where you can start on tha' lovely pie, eh?"

Gideon reached out and put his hand on her arm. "Sweet Rose, remind ye of Nicol, if ye'll think? Dinna he have a few years on ye?"

Dominic sent his lover a helpless look, his eyes fluttering closed as he attempted to calm down and not kill his mother. He adored her. Really. From a distance. And suddenly laving home all those years ago seemed so shiny and new.

Rosalyn shook her head. "No like this, he didna."

"Aye, maybe no, bu'he did." Gideon stroked her hand gently. "I know a sweet Irish lass who wouldna listen to'er fam'ly an'married th'man she wanted."

Lex leaned over and whispered in his father's ear. "Justifiable homicide, Dad. The lawyers will have you off in like, six months tops."

"Mama? Its only twenty years. Ima gettin' up there in age, now." Dominic said softly, gazing at her as he stroked her hand softly. "He is tha person who I lovf. Canna change tha', 'nd I dunna want to try. Okay? So go make your pies, 'nd we'll be along shortly."

"Morgan, dinna talk to y'modder like tha. Rosie... if ye'd listen'd ta Mama and Gran, ye'd no'have a family t'all. Dinna take it 'way from Morgun."

Rosalyn hugged Gideon tightly. "C'mon with ye, lad. Y'need meat on yer bones. C'mon, Lionel, y're just as skinny as he."

Dominic looked at Lex. And sighed. And as Gideon and his mother went ahead of them, he leaned over and muttered in Lex's ear, "Be glad you're to be gettin' better in-laws than your papa. And if you can ignore Jonathan's shit eating, you'll be right well off."

Lionel? She'd called him Lionel? Wow. "Mr. Gallagher... thank you. Rosalyn... may I escort you?" He offered his elbow to the older woman.

"Don't ye think this means I like ye," Rosalyn sniffed, but she took Lionel's elbow as they started towards the kitchen, Gideon rolling along in front of them.

Lex cracked a very, very wide grin. "I can ignore Jonathan's existence," Lex confided. "I'm getting a great deal better in-laws than you are." Then he smiled softly, a little sadly. "That is, if Clark doesn't change his mind about getting married."

"And you must learn, calling the po'lice every time the cows scream in horror is just embarrassing. Keep him away from the cows after dark, and you've got yourself a keeper." Dominic tipped his head, letting the three of them walk ahead and more then likely trade horrid, terrible stories about him, as he talked to his step son. "He won't. Clark is a good boy, but more importantly, sharp as a tack. He won't let you go... you both have this bond. You're.... more. More. Than anyone I've ever met."

"What Jonathan does with the cows is his own business. You won't hear me questionin' it." Lex shook his head. "Hope you're right, Dom. And you are, if I had faith. But... I don't have faith right now, not since he told me to get lost, and I've got to find him."

"Its his temper that's hurtin'. Pride, and that." Dominic shook his head. "You remember, a while back now, as it were, right after I got shot?"

"Yeah, I remember... hard not to."

"Aye, well. The day your father and I had the fight, and I destroyed your War room. Yes, well." Dominic snickered softly. "I gave him quite a few blows. Damn proud, too. But the thing is, we fought because I didna have any faith in him. I found him and Shit Eater hugging, and I immediately went ballistic. I almost pushed your father away from me, because I was a scared, stupid man. and didna believe that he loved me for me." He touched Lex's shoulder. "I see you makin' the same mistake, Lex. Even if he's to him. I can guarantee he feels the same way."

"Damn," Lex said lowly. "I wondered what happened in there, but I'm not surprised." He looked up at Dominic. "How did you learn to have faith in him? What all did it take for it to go through?"

Dominic smiled, than, softly and shyly. "It was nothin' special, actually. Just realized, one afternoon, while we were sitting about doing our work. And he was there, with me, sitting right next to me, trading numbers quietly and rubbing our toes together. Jus' like a lot of other times, but there was something about it that just...I knew he would always be there. Rain, shine, sleet and hostile take-overs."

Lex nodded. "Sort of like knowing that even if you screw up the worst way you can, he'll forgive me and love me and at the end of the day, reach out to me and hold me."

"'Xactly. No matter what you do, they love you for being you. It doesn't matter what went on during the day...when you go to bed, you'll roll over and be in his arms, and everything will be alright with the world. And you can say there, in the dark, that you're sorry, and you love him still. And that's what faith is, Lex. Its not a tangible thing, its not something you have to do, or something you force. It is simply there. You love this person, and you're going to be with them for as long as God deems worthy of it. And you must have faith it will always be there."

Lex nodded. "You're right. He is always going to be there for me. And I'm always going to be there for him. Tell your friend goodbye for me, but I've got to go. I've got to talk to him, Dom. Gotta make sure he knows I love him still."

"Aye, and that I'll do." Dominic gave him a smile, and pointed towards the door. "Off with ya. Be careful, Lex."

"I always am." Lex paused, then gave Dominic a hug. "I'll be home soon, tell Dad." He put his sunglasses on, and walked down the hallway, and then out the front door. Once he was standing on the steps, he got his bearings, and then... just started walking.

Dominic hugged him back, held on a moment longer, and let his step son go, watching him leave. "I will. Good luck to you, lad."

He watched Lex leave, staring after him another moment before turning down the hall, towards the swinging doors of the kitchen. Stopped in front of them...took a very, very deep breath, and stepped in.

"...y'wouldna thought a lad's bare arse would shine lik'th moon, but it was!" Gideon's laughter boiled out of the kitchen as soon as the door opened.

Dominic groaned, turned on his heel, and tried to scamper back out the door.

"Dominic!" Lionel's voice was surprisingly chipper for having been closeted with Rosalyn for so long. "Gideon was just telling us a few stories about your youth, come and join us!"

"I'd rather stick a bleeding stick in my eye." Dominic muttered under his breath, but turned and sighed at them, regardless. "Gideon, Ima goin'to kick your bleeding skinny carcass all over the linole'm."

"Y'll do nowt o'th' sort." Gideon chomped down on a piece of freshly baked pumpkin bread and sighed happily. "Was just tellin'em aboot th'time your bare arse got stuck up a tree."

Oh. Dominic pinked, and he turned a little look at his lover, swallowing hard. "I was only one and five, you've to be rememberin'. Didn't have a lick of sense in me when I was a lad." He seated himself in the stool next to his lover and just couldn't meet his eyes.

Lionel leaned forward. "I was under the impression you still had that problem. Regardless... I was hoping that Mr. Gallagher could tell us a few more tales from your youth?"

Dominic kicked his husband viciously under the table, but smiled at his friend easily.

"You kicked me," Lionel accused.

Gideon choked on his coffee. "Ar'ye still five years old, Morgan?"

A heaved breath. "Apparen'ly. Lets not be tellin' any stories, eh?" He was blushing. He could feel it. "Lionel doesna want to hear them."

"Quite the contrary, actually. Lionel would be quite happy to hear them."

Dominic dropped his voice, so only the three of them would hear, and not his mother. "If Lionel would ever like to have any ass again, he wouldna."

This time Gideon's coffee went spewing over the countertop. "Sweet Virgin Mary, Morgan! Tha'still works? Y'sure y'know tha'man, Lion'l?"

"No, dammit, it doesna work, farking hell." Dominic glowered at his lover and took some napkins from the holder, helping Gideon mop it up. "For the love of Christ, Lionel doesna' know about... most... of what we did."

"Shove off," Gideon said, eyes wide. "Ye didna tell him of the time we went streakin' in Dublin?"

Dominic's forehead thudded against the Formica table.

"I tak't t'be no."

"Morgan Senatori!" Rosalyn's voice was incensed. "You showed your bare arse to strangers in another town???"

"No! Mama!" Dominic looked up, eyes wide. "It be a damn bloody lie, I swear it!"

Gideon smiled innocently into his coffee. "Isna. Ha'the pitchers t'prove it."

"Gideon!" Dominic cried, then to his mother, his best friend, mother, friend, mother, friend. LOVER. And sighed. Heaved a heavy, deep sigh, and just set his chin on his hand, motioning a hand and explaining to his lover. "It was a concert. War time, and we were into the whole 'no peace, love, love, love' thing. Ran bare assed through the streets of Dublin for a good hour... Graham got us out of the jail house that time, aye?"

"Aye, h'did. An'the time he took us to the Black Sabb'th show too." Gideon smiled wickedly. "We ha'our arses plastered wi'Guinness an ran th'crowd shakin' our things."

"Tha' time I got th' both of you out, cause I be a sneaky little bitch. Hid, I did. *Someone* had to post the bail, af'fer all. We were known in our time as the Bare Arsed Boys. Quite a reputation to show, after all." Dominic snuck a look at Lionel.

Gideon grinned. "Aye, now those were good'uns. Never hae'th fun lik'tha since ye left."

Jealousy glinted in Dominics eyes, and he was man enough to admit it. "Bastard. How 's home? I miss it so."

"Same's always." Gideon threw back the last cup of coffee. "Lotta trouble, IRA stirrin' up the pot'gain."

"Damn bastards." Dominic muttered the usual line for the home land. The IRA were constant assholes, and Dominic's sighed softly at his friend. "Youre more'n welcome to stay 'ere, if you're needin' it. If it be alrigh' with Lionel, I wouldna' mind havin' my best friend 'round for a while."

Lionel shrugged his elegant shoulders. "I've no problem with it. Mr. Gallagher, you're welcome here for as long as you'd like to stay."

"Than'ye. Mi'stay a bit, at that. Need ta'get away from Mama and the hens, and mebbe I'll see th'light o'my life while I'm here wit'ye, brother mine." He sighed, slightly dreamily. "Wh'r be Mistress Meggie?"

"Ah..." Dominic's face became instantly amused, one eyebrow perking upwards. "Meggie's in Aussie, doin' a fashion show in Sydney. She....and her fiancé." He broke it as gently as he could, patting his friends shoulder sadly.

"FIANCE'?" Rosalyn shrilled loudly.

"Oh, shite."

Gideon's gentle face broke. "Ach, m'art. Tis broke ferever."

"MY LITTLE MEGGIE ANGEL IS NOT ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED! MORGAN DOMINIC, WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF THIS???" She jerked his ear roughly, dragging him across the table

"MAMA!" Dominic bellowed, nearly falling out of his chair as his ear, numb after years of yanking, gave a scream of pain. "MAMA LETA GO OF MY EAR!"


"I canna! SHE'LL NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!" Dominic cried, trying to pull away and finally residing to having her sitting there, his tiny, sixty year old mother, holding his ear. And he couldn't. Let. GO. "Mama, for the love of Christ, I'm a married man, LET GO OF MY EAR!"

Rosalyn shook her angel son by the ear. "I am not going to let you go until you tell me who my Meggie angel is going to get married to and when or so help me, I'll whale your backside and you're not too old for it!"

Gideon was nearly falling out of his wheelchair laughing. He was doubled over, bracing himself on the arms and his nails dug into the molded plastic of the armrests as he gasped for breath.

And damn it, he was still terrified of her. Dominic sighed, heavily. "Mama, she's to marry a respectable man, and if you don't let go I'm going to tell Gideon where I found you and a certain Latin lover making out like the rabid bunnies you are last week!"

"Inna... closet..." Gideon wheezed out.

"And how many articles of clothing you werena' wearing!!!!!!!!"

"Gideon Gallagher is my nephew, Morgan Senatori, and if you think you can scare me by tellin' him about seein' my bare arse you have another think coming!" Another hard ear shake.

"Mama, for the love of GOD! MY HUSBAND IS SITTING RIGHT HERE!" Dominic squirmed, trying to tug away, even as his ear screamed.

"I see him!" she retorted. "And I want to know about my Meggie!"

"Meggie is marryin' a Frenchman! A Frenchman with a heart of Gold, NOW LET GO OF MY EAR!"

Rosalyn let go of her son's ear. "There! My Meggie is too young to be gettin' married!"

"Mama, she's thirty five years OLD." His ear was burning. Must have been bleeding, must have been ripped from his skull. "She's almost too old to be gettin' married!"

"She's still my little angel!" Rosalyn picked up Ms. Bird's nearest dishtowel, and started beating her son about the head with it. "How long have you known about my Meggie's wedding?"

"MAMA!" Dominic ducked, climbing from his seat and glaring. "Too long, and this is why she didn't tell you! Why are you gettin' so angry?!"

"Because my little angel's gettin' married and didn't tell her Mama!!"

Gideon just smirked at Lionel. "Dinna worry. They're nae s'bad once y'get used ta'em."

Dominic huffed at his mother. "She didna' tell you because she knew you would react like this. He is a bloody NICE Frenchman, and he loves her, and mama, you all but ripped my ear off. What are you to do when Shayla marries her young man?!"

"WHAT?" Gideon embarked on another round of choking. "Little baby's got herself a man?"

Rosalyn gave her son a murderous glare. "Shayla isna going t'marry!"

"A right nice young man. She'll be eighteen in a lick of days, and she's in love with him." Another look at his mother. "Mama, Shayla will marry, and she'll bring many beautiful little babies into the world. Its the way of it. I'll have children, Meggie will, and Shayla will."

"When in bloody hell did little baby turn farragin' eighteen??" Gideon demanded. "T'was just yesterday I was ridin' her in m'lap!"

"Eighteen. Lovely as a picture, with a right handsome, good young man on'er arm, at her beck and call as it ought to be." Dominic nodded, and cocked a brow at his mother.

Gideon shook his head. "When's th'lass comin' home? Canna wait to su'prise 'er."

"I b'lieve she's home...hold on a tick, its about three and half now, aye?." Dominic walked around his fiery, furious mother and called up the back steps. "Shay? Shay, darlin' girl?"

Pete heard the call. He did. But he was balls deep inside of his girlfriend, stroking softly, slowly, in and out, and he moaned into her skin at the far away call. Barely heard it, barely registered it, just thrusting inside of her as she held onto him like a burr. A hard, hot moan, still partially dressed as they'd been in too much of a hurry, and Pete grunted, attaching his teeth to a tight, tiny little nipple.

Shayla didn't hear. Didn't hear a word except for Pete's voice moaning in her ear, pushing up into his body as he pressed into her. "Pete... mmm... little harder." She wiggled under his body, rocking up against him.

Gideon snorted. "If sh's anythin' like us, Morgan... wouldna ask her t'come down til later." that, Dominic grinned, wickedly, and tried in vain not to give his lover a wicked look his mother would catch, instead walking back over to sit next to his quiet lover and lace their fingers. Out of love... and some spite, to his mother. "At least their isna a pup'ent this time."

Lionel wove his fingers through Dominic's and squeezed tightly. "Dominic... you have... the most interesting family I have ever known. And I thank God every day mine is nothing like it."

A loud, rude snort in his throat that Dominic quickly covered.

Lionel crooked an innocent eyebrow and looked at his lover.

Dominic crooked one back, and gave him a smile as he leaned over to gently kiss him. "I love you, Husband."

"I love you, my husband."

Gideon made a gagging noise in his throat. "Aye... and get a bloody room!"


go on to the next part