
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 142: Boulder

Jonathan was whistling as he was stacking the last of the winter hay in the hayloft. Now that spring had come again, the cattle would be out to pasture again, and the need for hay would, if they were lucky, decrease, and the hay could be stored in the mow until next fall.

As he loaded it, the whistling changed to tuneless singing, and then he dropped down the ladder to duck under the spigot from the well, rinsing the hay dust and dirt off his chest and arms.

He moved on towards the barn and the tractor, which was still in need of repairs, and he made sure the notepad was tucked in his back pocket.

Thanks to the decision he'd made last winter, they finally had the money to buy the parts they needed to make this old thing run right, and he ran his hand over the curve of the machine as he looked back towards the house, and his beautiful wife. She was crouching on the porch, filling the flower boxes along the windows with spring flowers, and he couldn't believe how lucky he was.

A beautiful wife, a fine boy like Clark who was enough to make any father proud, and a new baby on the way. It put a spring in his step as he crossed the yard and dropped a kiss on the back of his wife's neck. "Hey, gorgeous."

Her eyes widened and she grinned, wrinkling her neck as it tickled with her husbands whiskers. it had been a truly lovely day, and she'd been glad she'd gotten out to plant her flowers. A chuckle up at him from under the brim of her straw hat, and she winked. "Heya, handsome. Ready for some supper? I thought we might eat early and go out to a movie tonight."

He wrapped his arms around her chest, tugging her back and hugging her carefully, hand stroking the swelling mound of her stomach. "Mmm. Sounds like a plan to me, honey. I'll go get washed up and--"

His words were interrupted by a black sedan-type car rolling down their driveway. He didn't recognize the car, and he slowly let go of his wife as he stared.

Martha's slender brows wrinkled at the center and she set her little magnolia's down, tugging off her gardening gloves, covered in little purple flowers, quietly off. She flexed her fingers, which were brown to getting swollen now that she was pregnant, and rubbed the mound softly as she watched. She was...big. Bigger than she ever thought she'd get, but it was just a shock, she supposed. Four months pregnant did that to a woman though, and she slid her arm around Jonathans waist as she watched.

The black sedan carefully enclosed a black man wearing a black suit and black sunglasses. Tall, very broad of shoulder and slender of waist, and he looked to be more of a CIA operative rather than the school principle he was. Ex CIA, anyway. Reynolds closed the door behind him, pocketing his keys as his shoes crunched gravel. "Mr. Kent? Mrs. Kent?"

"Yeah, we're Mr. and Mrs. Kent," Jonathan said, watching the imposing black man coming towards there house. "Who's asking?"

"My name is Joe Reynolds, I'm the principle at Smallville High." He climbed the steps and extended his hand, as he took his glasses off and pocketed them as well.

Jonathan shook the extended hand. "Mr. Reynolds, what can we do for you? Clark's not in any kind of trouble, is he?"

"That's what I came to talk to you about, sir. Might I have a word with you and your wife? If its not any trouble, I'd like to speak to you about a matter that has come to my attention."

Jonathan definitely didn't like that. "Course it's not any trouble; we're always interested in what's goin' on with Clark." He put his arm around Martha's waist. "Come on in; sorry about the mess, but we just finished workin'."

"Its no trouble at all." And because he was nicer than he looked, he smiled at Martha. A little. "Congratulations, Mrs. Kent."

She blinked at him a moment before she, "Oh!" And smiled, rubbing her belly softly. "Thank you, very much. Please, come in, would you like some tea?" She walked into the house, opening the screen door for her husband and the man as she stepped...waddled in, going to the kitchen. "Go on into the living room, Jonathan, I'll bring it out."

"Don't put yourself to any trouble, ma'am."

"Its none at all, I assure you." Another smile, though she was nervous and what had Clark done this time?! and got glasses out.

"Right this way," Jonathan said, stuffing his bandanna into his back pocket after wiping his hands clean on it. He pushed the door the rest of the way open, and led Reynolds through the kitchen and into the small but pleasant living room. "Have a seat, Mr. Reynolds." Jonathan sat down in his recliner, and then got back up immediately as he went into the kitchen to help his wife.

She was getting tea and little biscuits on a plate, carefully filling the pitcher with lemon wedges and a bit more sugar, before setting the rest of it on a tray and handing it to her husband. Oh, and a handful of napkins as well, linen and lovely, and she followed him back into the living room, a palm on the small of his back.

"Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Kent, Mrs. Kent." Reynolds said pleasantly, as he set the small folder he'd brought in with him to the side of the table. "I don't mean to impose."

"You're not imposing at all." Jonathan carried the tray easily, and sat it on the coffee table in front of Reynolds. "Iced tea?" He poured a glass for himself and one for Martha, passing it over to her and waving her over to the chair to sit beside him.

"Please, thank you."

Martha took it and smiled her thank you, settling in on the chair with a pillow supporting her back.

Jonathan poured a third glass for Mr. Reynolds and passed it over to him. "What's happening with Clark?"

"Ah, I had some paperwork I needed you to sign for me. Its State Clause 7291 Article Four, dealing with farm families. Basically says that certain days of school absence are excused when they're needed to work at home." Reynolds opened his file after taking a sip of the very, very good tea, smiling at the little red headed woman. "Its very good, thank you."

Jonathan traded a quick glance with his wife. "Mr. Reynolds, I don't know what you're talking about. We haven't ever kept Clark outta school to help us. Nothin's more important to us than Clark's education."

"And that's what I was afraid of." The folder fell open, and he set his tea down. "Your son... has been absent for school eighteen days this past month. It didn't come to my attention until my secretary pointed it out to me, but like my own family, I could remember staying home to work. I'm sorry for insinuating such a thing, Mr. Kent."

"No, it's okay. Lotta families round here do it, we just never needed to with Clark." Then what Reynolds said sunk in. "He's been absent how many days? Absent as in, not there? Or absent as in late for class and marked absent anyway? Clark... tends to have a problem gettin' places on time."

"Absent as in, every single class was skipped." Reynolds said quietly, compassionately because he didn't like tattling on his students. "And he's been seen in town with that Luthor boy, Mr. Kent. Now, its none of my business what your family practices, Mr. Kent, and I don't mean to insult you in any way. But I was the head master for a school Mr. Luthor went to in England, sir. And I assure you, he's... bad news. Clark... is a remarkable student. He's been on the A honor roll since I began here in Smallville, and he's never had a problem with coming to class. Being tardy is another subject entirely," A smile quirked his lips, though. "But he came."

Jonathan frowned. "Luthor's... not all that bad, and believe me, it pains me to say that more than you know. But this... this is completely unacceptable." He shot another look at his wife. "That's almost the whole month!"

"Yes, sir, it is." Reynolds said, wincing at the both of them. "His grades have understandably slipped..." He handed Mr. Kent a report card for Clark. Two C's, four D's and two F's. "And when he does come to class, he isn't... there, if you understand what I mean."

Martha was just… shocked. Her son had never done anything like this, and she blinked as she looked at the report card, blinking again in shock. "He's never... never done anything like this before."

Jonathan took the report card. "Can I keep this, Mr. Reynolds? I'd like to show this to Clark when I talk to him tonight." And his face was set firmly. "And I will be talking with him. Luthor too."

"That's fine, Mr. Kent. There's one more thing. If Clark misses even one more day this semester, he'll have to go to court to testify before a judge, and get community service, and more than likely, go to summer school."

Jonathan's face hardened. "Don't you worry, Mr. Reynolds. There's not going to be any more problems. You can count on it."

"That's fine, sir. I trust you to take care of the problem. I've also set up a class counseling session for him to attend next week, during school, so he can get back on track." Reynolds rose, and offered his hand.

"He'll be there." Jonathan got to his feet and shook hands with Reynolds. "Even if I have to take him myself."

Reynolds smiled. "He's a good kid, just got off the path a bit. Hopefully, with the three of us working together, we can get him back on track." A smile at Martha, and he shook her hand gently. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Kent, Mrs. Kent."

"No, sir, thank you for takin' the time to let us know what's goin' on." Jonathan's face was still slightly dark. "Thank you very much."

"Of course. You both have a good evening. I'll show myself out." He smiled at them again and off he went, his folder tucked under his arm.

A moment later the screen door gently closed, and a few moments after that the car started and drove off.

"I. Am going. To kill him."

"Not before I do." He tossed the report card down on the kitchen table. "And I'm gonna talk to that Luthor boy, and my foot's goin' down. Clark's still my son, for another year at least, and I'm not gonna have him messin' up his life like this, and if that boy cares anything about our son, he's gonna agree."

"Call him, Jonathan." she hissed it, as she clanked the glasses on the tray and hauled off towards the kitchen. "Because if I do, I'll kill him. Kill. HIM."

"An' you say that like I'm not gonna." Jonathan picked up the phone, and dialed the Luthor house immediately.

Ms. Bird answered the phone. "Lut'or Estate."

"Yeah, this is jonathan Kent. I'm callin' to talk to my boy, Clark."

Ms. Bird sighed. "'es at work."

"Oh he is, is he? Thanks, Ms. Bird." He hung up. "Boy can't drag his ass to school, but he's workin'." He yelled it into the kitchen.

I AM GOING TO KILL HIM!" Martha shrieked back, and the clatter of dishes and thumps from her Keds on the tile floor.

"Not 'fore I do." He dug out the phone book, and dialed up the coffeehouse.

And ironically enough... "Hello, The Talon, can I help you?"

"Clark Jerome Kent, you are in deep trouble young man." Jonathan didn't even waste time coming to the point.

Clark rubbed his fingers clean on his apron, grinning over his shoulder at April as she huffed and flounced off, and he set the telephone in the crook of his ear as he build a latté with extra foam and extra cinnamon... eyes widening when his fathers voice came over the line. All but dropped the phone, blinkblinkblinking again, and the horrible guilt from the previous days poured back into his heart.

And the clouds outside darkened, just the smallest bit.


"Don't you Dad me, young man. We just had a little visit from your principal, and you are in so much trouble, you're never gettin' out of it."

Blink. "Huh?"

"You're flunkin' biology and math, and you've got Cs and D's in everythin' else, and on toppa that, you been absent EIGHTEEN DAYS this semester!"

Oh shit, and Clark's eyes immediately fell to the latté he'd been building, motioning Constance over and pointing to the phone before he took the cordless into the back room, his fingers going through his hair. "What? Dad... d…Dad, calm down. I haven't... eighteen days? I--" He had. Between the baby and the aftermath… God. "Dad, its.."

"It's nothing! I want your butt home--and I mean this farm--right now."

"Dad, I have twenty minutes left, I can't just leave work."

"Yessir you can, cause if you don't get these grades back up, you're not going back to work there. Now, you can either come home now, or I can come up there and bring you home."

And because his father was good to his word, and Clark knew what was coming, he squeezed his eyes tightly shut and nodded. "Alright. I'll be there in five minutes." He clicked the off button and looked up, walking back out into the main room as he untied his smock and tapped Nell gently on the shoulder. "Ms Nell?"

Nell finished a sale and looked over at Clark over her shoulder. "Yes, Clark?"

"I'm… I'm in some trouble at home. M... my d... I've got to go. I'm really sorry, really, really sorry. I'll make it up, if you don' fire me. I'm sorry."

Nell actually felt sorry for him, because if Jonathan's temper was anything like Hiram's used to be... well. "Don't worry about it, Clark. It's a slow night, I think I can hold it down for twenty minutes without you." She patted him awkwardly on the shoulder.

"Thanks. Thanks, so much. If you need me in for extra time this week, just tell me and I'll be here. Thanks, again." Clark quickly took his smock off and hung it and the phone up, wincing as he dug his keys out of his pocket and briefly considered driving to the farm. ...It'd be faster to run, and he had a feeling his dad wasn't doing the twenty minutes from now you can come home spiel. So he walked off down Main street, took Millar's point, and raced home.

All of twenty seconds to get to his house and he slowed down as he came up the drive, walking normally through the gate and up the porch steps.

The door was open and the screen was closed, so he knocked softly, fixing his t-shirt and jeans out of habit. "Mom? Dad?"

Jonathan got up from the kitchen table and opened the door. "In the house, Clark. Now. Sit down."

He immediately let his eyes drop to the floor as he walked in, walking to the kitchen table quickly as his throat worked.

"You wanna tell me why you been outta school for EIGHTEEN DAYS this semester, Clark? And why you been out about town with Lex Luthor insteada in school where you belong?" Jonathan was standing with his hands on his hips, glaring at his son.

His breath stuttered out of his lungs, looking at his mother, who was glaring at him too, and sat quickly at the table, swallowing. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry is not enough, Clark." Martha was quiet about her glaring, but it was glaring just the same, her palms propped on the table and her belly under it. "Why have you been absent?"

"I-I...I d-didn't....I'm sorry."

"Answer your mother, Clark."

"I didn't... didn't know it was that many days." He said softly, looking down at the table as his face flamed with shame. "I didn't know, I'm sorry."

"Clark, I'm not gonna ask you again. Answer your mother, now."

"I... I was out with Lex, mom."

She let out a breath and brought a palm to her face, rubbing her eyes with her fingertips.

"Then that's it, Clark. I was willin' to give that boy the benefit of the doubt and not say anythin' about the situation, but that's over with. You're not leavin' this farm. I'm takin' you to school in the morning, and I'm pickin' you up as soon as it's out. You're coming home, you're doin' your homework, and I'm gonna check it every night."

"And then you're staying with me. You are not leaving my side unless you're going to pee or sleep. Are we clear? You are not skipping, you are not seeing Lex, you are not going to do anything but study and work." Martha looked at him hard. "I had all my trust in you, Clark, and you took advantage of the faith your father and I put in you."

He wasn't even listening to them. His heart was cold, and dead, and rain began to hit the window. His aushna was worth more than the world, and he knew they would have a falling out this night, because he wasn't leaving his lover's side. When his heart wasn't open he didn't get hurt, and he simply stared at the wood of the table he'd sat at a hundred times or more.

"Clark, you answer your mother when she is talking to you." He slapped the failing report card down. "If you miss one more day, you're gonna have to go to court over it. You're gonna get your mother and me in trouble, right along with you, cause we're your parents and we're the ones responsible for you. You completely took advantage of us, Clark."

He hadn't even heard his father, over the rush of blood in his head and pumping his heart. Cold, clammy hands, pale skin. He looked up at him, and wished, more than words could ever express, that he wasn't so alone on earth. That there were more of him. They'd understand aushna, they'd understand why being even this far from his lover was tearing him apart.

Jonathan leaned over the chair. "That Luthor boy's been nothing but a bad influence on you, Clark, and it's gonna stop. You're not listening to me, but you're going to listen when you don't leave this farm."

He just looked at him, with the same emotionless expression. "Nothing you can do will keep me here."

Jonathan glared. "You wanna bet, son? You're still my boy, and you're gonna do what I tell you. And you're not leavin'. You're stayin' here until we can get this situation back under control, and then we'll see about trustin' you again."

Martha looked at her son in shock, eyes wide as they rushed to Jonathans. Clark had never openly defied them, in anything, and she bit her lip.

"You don't get me, dad. Nothing is going to keep me here. Not you, not mom, not this farm." The cold, frozen parts of his heart were warming, with thick, hot, dark, deep fury, as he looked at his father with the same calm, dead eyes. "I'll go to school. You don't have to worry. But I'm not going to be away from him."

"Oh yes, you are." Jonathan was just as furious. "We trusted you and him, and this is what happened. No sir, not again. You're staying here, and away from Lex Luthor until you've got your act straightened up, do you understand me, young man?"

"Clark Kent, so help me God." Martha finally exploded, standing up so fast the chair almost tipped and fell over. "Don't you DARE sit there and tell us what we can do or what we can't do! You are OUR son, you are OUR child and what we tell you to do! You are not going to make this a nightmare just because you think you're in love with him!"

Clark stared at her for a moment... and just... he laughed. Couldn't do anything but laugh.

Jonathan did something he'd never done before in his life.

He struck his son. Hard, across the face, and shook his hand an instant later as he realized the futility of it. "Clark Kent, don't you dare disrespect your mother like that in her house," Jonathan said very quietly, very deadly.

The blow didn't hurt, so much as the shock did. The laugh slid away and the pain of losing his child came back so hard that he had to look down. He never would have... never, to his baby, never. His parents wouldn't, to their new child. And he looked up a moment later, with the same dead expression. "Want to know what a nightmare is?"

"What are you talking about, Clark?"

"Nightmares. Do you want to know what one really is?"

"Does it have a damn thing to do with why you've been acting out lately?" Jonathan's hands went back to his hips as he got up and paced around the table. "Because I don't want to hear anything that's not an explanation."

"Acting out?" Couldn't help it. It was such an inadequate term that he just... he laughed, all over again.

Jonathan got up from the table, and locked the front door, slamming the wooden door and locking it too. "Go to your room, Clark. If you're not there when I come up there in half an hour, I'm callin' Ethan and lettin' the police deal with you."

His dad didn't even want to know. And he didn't have it in him to cry anymore, as the storm raged outside. He just looked off into the corner, instead of moving. His dad didn't... he didn't even want to know, he was just dishing out punishment as he saw it fit, and Clark just… he knew. His mom's baby was what they'd always wanted, and they'd write him off as a problem child and he almost couldn't stand the thought, his throat swallowing.

"Martha, call that Luthor boy and have him pack up Clark's things and send 'em back home where they belong. Clark and I are gonna finish our little talk."

"You don't even care." Said so softly. "You don't care. You see a problem... you fix it. You don't care about why the problem is there. Just... solve it, any way you can." He looked up at his father, every part of him hidden and locked up deep. "Do you even care?"

"Clark, if I didn't care about it, then I wouldn't be bustin' my butt to fix it," Jonathan shouted.

Martha waddled to her feet, and she was just sobbing as she walked to the kitchen, getting the phone and tissues so she could calm herself.

"You never answered my question. I asked... do you know what a nightmare really is?"

"Yeah, son, I do. I know what a nightmare is. A nightmare is your child leavin' home because he doubts you love him after twelve years of lovin' him the best you could. A nightmare is findin' out that the trust you put in your boy was abused and destroyed so he could go out and play with his boyfriend."

"No. That's not a nightmare." A little tip of his head as he thought and he knew how detached and insane he was in this moment and he didn't care. "That's a bad dream. Not even one of the really bad ones, that's just... sort of bad, cause you can still wake up and you're alright. But a nightmare. A nightmare follows you for years... six years, seven, twenty years down the road, you still remember it, and how you felt when you had it."

"All right, son, then, you enlighten me. Enlighten me, from your vast stores of seventeen years experience, what a nightmare is."

His eyes moved from their roving to lock on his fathers in the stare of the cold death he felt every waking moment...a feeling he did his best not to think about, to push away, but it had never been clearer, or sharper, than in this moment. "A nightmare is burying your son with your own two hands, feeling the cold earth around him as you cover his face, knowing he'll decompose because he's dead, and there's not a thing on this earth that you can do to change it."

Jonathan crossed his arms over his chest. "And I suppose that you and Lex had a baby?"

Now his chin trembled. And he looked down at the wood before him.

"Clark, if there's somethin' you wanna tell me, tell me. Otherwise, get on up to your room."

"That was always your biggest problem, dad. You're told something, and yet, you don't believe. Want to believe?" He slammed back from the chair, pushing the table forward a handful of feet as he turned, lifting his shirt.

The scar, blood red and deep, cut from hip to hip, and even now it was raised, ugly, discolored and nasty.

"Holy God." Jonathan stumbled back a step, in shock. "What in the hell did that boy do to you, Clark?" He reached out to touch the scar, but flinched away right before he could.

"You really can't stand him, can you?" He laughed again as he dropped his shirt and backed up a step. "Don't fucking touch me."

Martha had seen it through the small wall alcove and the phone had clattered out of her hands as she gripped her hands, ice cold, and pressed them against her heart.

"Don't you talk to me like that, Clark. Sit down and tell me what in the hell is going on." He turned at the clatter of the telephone, and went to Martha, wrapping his arms around her. "Come on, Martha. Sit down. It's not good for you to go through this."

He hated them more in this instant than he ever had. He felt so bad for it but he couldn't find himself caring. He hated them. Hated everything they stood for, everything they'd have, everything they were. Hated them, and he sat down again, as the storm slammed against Smallville. He looked up at the window, watching as the water hit the window pain in great gusts, and stared without seeing.

"Clark, now tell us, dammit. There's just about enough of this playin' around!!" The anger he felt made the words snappier than they should have been, but they were edged with fear. What in God's name could tear his son's invulnerable skin like that?

He turned to stare at him again, startled from his thoughts as he looked at him. He'd carefully closed anything but happy thoughts from his lover, because he didn't want him risking his life in this rain, and blinked at his father. "What part, dad? The part about the nightmare?"

"Any of it!" He bit the words off sharply.

"Well, lets see." He said it conversationally, as he leaned forward and folded his hands. "I got pregnant about...three weeks ago. Only for four days, though. I had the baby by myself in the bathroom of the bedroom I share with Lex, because silly me, I didn't know what was happening. I bled and bled, and bled, and my child was born dead. I nearly died... couldn't really, you know, go to the hospital," Conversationally. All of it. Like he were recounting what had happened at school yesterday. Bored, almost. "Lex and Bruce Wayne sewed me up. Oh, also? Bruce Wayne knows. Lionel Luthor and Dominic Senatori? Know. My friends? All of them? Know. Couldn't really be helped, with my dead child laying right there." He laughed. "Should have seen Chloe and Whitney's faces." He shook his head and dropped his head to rub the back of it and leaving it there.

"You... what?" Jonathan's mind was completely aghast. "You... you..."

"What part, dad? Telling Lionel? Or having a baby? Because you've got the same face for everything, and its kind of hard to figure it out sometimes. Oh, and? Opened the space ship, had a talk with my real father. Nice guy. Helped me and Lex, when we buried him."

"A baby?" Jonathan was a little... behind in the conversation.

Martha... was just weeping. Because she knew her son, and she knew he was incapable of telling a lie. And she just... she wept, for her child.

"Yeah. Really cute kid. You would have liked him. As it is, only Lex and I saw him alive. Yeah... you know, that Luthor Kid. The one who held my hand and loved me and his life was almost destroyed. The same one who saved my life, when I was going to die. The same one who put his entire soul to the side so he could help me with mine. That Lex."

"So, dad, you wanted to know why I've been gone for eighteen days this semester. There you have it. Would you like to know how and when Lex and I have sex, now? Are you going to forbid me from seeing him? I'd love to see what you've got to say next."

Jonathan was still speechless. "You... Clark, you... you... you didn't... why? Why didn't you tell your mother and I?" He glared at his son. "Yes, you're fucking well grounded! There's no way! He's got you skipping school, lying to us, keeping secrets from us, and we're your parents! I'm not gonna leave you in that boy's hands no matter what he's done for you!!"

He was speechless. For the first time in a long, long time, Clark was... was totally speechless. He'd just told his father... his baby was in the ground, he'd just...and his father... "I'm not grounded, because I'm not staying here. I skipped school because I was in too much agony to leave. I lost my child. How can you sit there and blame me, for keeping secrets? My child died in my arms, and you're telling me I'm grounded?" He stared at him before he slammed free from the table. "Look, dad, I know you're trying to do the right thing, but there is no right thing."

"Clark, what do you expect us to do? Let you just dance off and throw your future away?" He just... he blinked. "You are our son, Clark, and we love you. That you couldn't come to us with this... that just shows there is some kinda problem here, and that's my fault. I haven't been keepin' a close enough eye on you, we ain't been talkin' lately, and that's definitely changin'. And until we get things back on an even keel, you're stayin' here."

Martha was sobbing into her hankie, holding it to her face and she just… she couldn't speak.

"My god. You're for real. My God." Clark rose to his feet and he couldn't… he couldn't comprehend what the fuck was going on here, and he gripped the sides of his head as he turned, before looking back at his father. "I didn't tell you because of mom, because of your happiness, because of everything! I didn't tell you because I have been the walking dead, I haven't been able to leave the house without crying at every single thing. I had to give Lex my powers because I would have killed him and I had a child. What part of that is not registering with you?"

Jonathan was just... thunderstruck. "You... that you didn't trust us, Clark," Jonathan finally said softly. "That... that you'd rather have had a bunch of strangers help you than your own family." He dropped into the chair at the table, and put his head down. He didn't say anything else, just... silence.

"How? How could I tell you this? How? How could I let your happiness with mom… how could I tell you, when she could have a miscarriage? How could I tell you, dad? Please, tell me, I want to know. How could I tell you?"

Jonathan didn't say a word, just kept his head down.

"Please, dad. Don't make me hurt for this too. Please." He could see how much it had, how wrong this had been and he kept backing up. All the fight was gone and familiar, wrenching *pain* was back and he had been so happy today. So happy and he couldn't even breathe now, as his fingers clenched tightly.

Finally Jonathan looked at his son, and didn't attempt to hide the tears. "What do you want me to say, Clark?"

His breath hitched and his heart tightened and squeezed so tightly he could barely breathe, as he turned and escaped into the rain. He ran down the steps as fast as he could, the pouring thunder and he ran, as hard and fast as he could, not caring which direction he was going, just going. Lost his shoes, didn't care, he just ran, as hard as he could and he couldn't hold the handles on his emotions any more as he sobbed and screamed into the night. God DAMN you for doing this to me, DAMN you for hurting me like this, DAMN you for tearing every single part of my LIFE AWAY! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU!

And he ran. He ran forever, he ran as hard as he could, with only the sheeting rain slapping his face. It disappeared after a while but he didn't care, ignoring it as he ran through the night. Over state lines, in the foliage, in the trees and streets with only the moon to guide him. Ran until it froze his skin and he reached ocean, until he could go no longer without flying.

And when he finally stopped, on the ice cold, desolated beach in Quebec, he sat down on the stony pebbles that made up the small beach into cold, hard water and sobbed. He cried for his salvation, for the family he'd lost, for his child, for his parents. He cried because he was alone, he cried because he had hurt so many people, he cried because he was the biggest idiot that had ever been. He cried because he never thought he'd see his fathers tears, and never thought they'd ever be about him. He cried for his sadness, and he cried for his pity, and he cried because he hated his life.

Jonathan put his head back down on the table, turning one cheek over to look at his wife. "I did the best I could by him," he whispered softly to her. "M'sorry." He reached out with his other hand and touched her stomach. "Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a father."

Lex heard it. Through all the barriers he hadn't realized Clark had thrown up, he heard his aushna's tears, his sadness. Down in the lab, his head shot up as though he were scenting the air, nostrils flaring as he felt sadness, tears, anger, and despair. Clark?

He didn't hear the tentative words over his sobs, face buried in his knees, even as he felt his lover. it was raining, raining everywhere and the droplets began to pound down on him and he had to go home, he had to go home to Lex. Couldn't ever look his father in the eyes again. His dad was so ashamed of him, it was obvious, so obvious and Clark just... he got up, and he ran. As hard as he could, foreign words tumbling in his mind, he needed to go home. Home.

Clark... what is wrong? Lex put down everything he'd been working on, and got up off the stool, climbing the steps until he got to the main hall. Clark, answer me. Please... what is it? What's wrong? He kept asking, over and over again, trying to find a way through the barriers and the walls Clark had put in his way.

My dad, he knows, he knows, I had to go to him from work, from, tardy, he knows, he hates me, crying, crying, mom, the baby, knows, HATES ME.

Lex tried to stay calm. Where are you? Do you want me to come to you? I'm going to the farm. Are you still there? At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to strangle Jonathan Kent.

Coming soon, raining, raining hard, coming home, wanted me take from you away, away and no, said no, was happy gone tried gone away gone tardy gone gone school goneGONE.

He raced across three state lines as fast as lightening, as hard as he could as he screamed in rage and fury and horror and despair.

Okay. Clark, please. You're frightening me; calm down. Lex tucked the terror deep in his heart. I'm still at the house; I'll wait for you here, and then I'll go and talk to your father. Clark, please. Be careful. I love you; I can't lose you.

He was panicking. Panicking so much, the pain was back and it was fresh and new and he stopped running when he reached home. Stopped, mind fragmented, furious and horrified and his bare feet came up the steps, quietly, as he knocked softly on the door.

Lex pulled the door open as soon as heard the knock. "Jesus, Clark!" He reached out and wrapped his arms around his lover, hissing softly at the cold. "Christ, what the hell happened to you? Where are your shoes? Come on, you're soaked. Let's get you upstairs and soaking in the tub before I go and kill your father."

He couldn't be touched. A shake of his head and he just... he couldn't be touched. He was wild, half mad with grief, and he stared at his lover for a long moment before down at himself. "I... I w... went to Quebec."

"What... why?" He let go, but still, his heart ached. Fucking bastard of a man, re-opening all of Clark's wounds. "Please. Baby. Come upstairs. Get in the tub, get cleaned up. Get warm. Please." He held out his hands to his love. "Please. For me."

"He...he cried." Clark whispered, shaking his head. He wasn't crying... he wasn't in despair. He was very, very quiet, very calm. He felt calm, even as the rain screamed. He'd hit rock bottom again, and he simply took his lovers hand. "Get an umbrella? I have to see Mar-El. Will you come see him with me?"

"Of course. We don't need an umbrella; let's just go. I don't mind getting wet." He wove his fingers tightly through Clark's. "Come on."

The rain was cool but not freezing, and he stepped out of the mansion with bared feet, looking up at the sky a moment, his long curls soaked and hanging in his eyes as his fingers clamped tightly around his lovers and he stepped onto the grass. The fury, the horror, the pain, felt so small. He'd felt so happy today and he couldn't let the healing go. He refused to. He refused to lose more of his time with his lover, refused, and his fingers wove through his lovers. "Tell me our child was worth it."

"Our child was worth it, Clark." Lex said it, and believed it, with every ounce of everything that was in him. "He was the best, the most precious thing, that has ever happened to either of us, and even... even if we had to do it over again, knowing that we would lose him, I wouldn't hesitate. I wouldn't hesitate because I couldn't stand not knowing him. I couldn't stand not having had him in my life, even for such a short, short time."

Its what he needed, in that moment, and his fingers clenched in his lovers, bringing their intertwined hands to his lips. "Tell me our child was loved."

"Our child is loved to this second, Clark. He was loved when he was conceived, even though we never knew it, he was loved when he was born, he was loved as he lived, he was loved as he took his dying breath."

And Clark believed it. Every word of it, he believed every word his lover said as they walked up the muddy hill, as the rain poured down around them. "Tell me he didn't live in vain."

"He couldn't have lived in vain." He climbed the hill with his lover. "He wouldn't have, because we loved him. He brought us closer together, and he showed us that we can overcome anything. Showed us that we will have a family of our own." Lex's hand was tight around Clark's, squeezing hard.

And Clark believed him, as he brought his lover to the hill where the purple flowers flowed in the breeze as if they weren't even touched, and he sat amongst them, with his lover, where his child was buried before them. "Nothing will ever take you away from me." A soft moment. "They wanted me to stay with them. Ground me, lock me up, for not going to school because I had Mar-El. even after I told him, he was going to keep me there. ..I told him no." His eyes were glassy, his words soft as he looked at the grave and the rain began to slow down from its torrent. "You were my lesson I had to learn, baby." He whispered to the grave softly, and caressed the soft soil gently. "I love you. I'm so glad you came into my life... I'm so sorry you had to leave me."

Lex got down on his knees beside Clark, in five hundred dollar slacks that were ruined the instant mud touched them. But he didn't care. He got down on his knees beside Clark, arms wrapped around his waist. "Mar-El was the most precious gift you've ever given me, Clark. Outside of your love, the most precious thing in the world."

"He... he made me feel bad, Lex, for not... not telling him. Couldn't... him and… they don't… they haven't cared for so long. He said... why I didn't tell him. I... I d-don't know, Lex, I don't know."

Lex just wrapped his arms around Clark. "Don't worry. I will talk to him tomorrow. He won't hurt me, don't worry. I'll make him understand." He hugged his lover as tightly as he could. "I'll make him pay for bringing all this back to you. You don't deserve this. My father's been more of a father to you than Jonathan has; he's got no right."

"No. He… he cried." Clark was still in dark, soft shock over it, his throat bobbing. "Cried over me. I don't… don't want him to cry anymore, Lex. No one should cry anymore, over this tragedy. Mar-El has to one else can cry over this, Lex. Lex." He reached behind his lover, pulled him closer, and shot a lance of heat into the ground behind his lover, where the flowers ended. Several long minutes of it, the pouring rain putting the fire out, until he was positive that all of the worms in the nest were charred and dead.

God, he was a freak.

"He's a manipulative bastard," Lex soothed. "took something that was about you and made it about him." He stroked Clark's back, resting his cheek on his lover's shoulder, watching his eyes and the dual lasers. "What was that?" He stroked Clark's shoulder again, kissing it softly. "Baby, if you want him to stop crying, you're going to have to go and see him. Apologize to him. Then go. I'll stay and make him understand."

"The worms." He said softly, looking back to the grave of his small child. "He hit me. M… my dad, he never hit me before. He hit me because I laughed at my mom. She said that my ditching school was a nightmare. And I laughed."

Lex sat down flat on the muddy mound, pulling Clark back against him. "He's a bastard," Lex said again, stroking. "Did he hurt you?" He wrapped his arms around Clark's waist, nestling them together in the rain.

The rain had begun to taper off, falling now only in soft drizzling sweeps that made his hair stick up and frizz in every direction, dampen his skin and make him sweat. The fragrance of the newly moistened flowers was sweet in the air, and Clark set his cheek on his lovers shoulder gently, letting himself be held as he drew peace from this place. "I think he broke something in his hand." Choked little laugh, that he felt horrible for the next moment, and his fingers fisted in his lovers shirt.

"Serves him right if he did." Lex didn't say anything else, just thinking of as many calm, soothing thoughts as he could as he swept Clark's damp hair back off his forehead. "I love you, aushna'."

"I love you, aushna'." repeated softly. "I'm sorry I freaked out like a twelve year old."

"Clark, you're joking. You had a right. You did what any normal person would do, only I don't think any of us could make it quite as far as you did when we ran." He stroked his lover's hair. "You had a right to freak out, and I'm going to kick your father's ass."

Another choked laugh, as his fingers viced in his lovers shirt. "I shouldn't have run. I'm sorry, Lex. I'm sorry for not being stronger. Should have, but he was crying. It unnerved me so much."

"It's okay. Believe me, I understand. I'd have the same reaction if I caught my father crying." He rubbed his cheek against Clark's. "You want to try seeing him again? This time, not alone?"

A hard nod, against his lovers hair, as he pressed their temples together. "Don't leave me there. He's going to make me stay. Don't let me, Lex."

"No, he's not going to make you stay. Not unless he's got the powers of Hell and Earth at his disposal. You're going to come home with me. Even if I have to beat his head in with a tire iron." A small smile.

"Promise me?"

"I swear it, Clark. On the memory of our son."

And it was enough. "I love you."

"I love you." He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lover's mouth. "I love you so much." He looked down. "Let's go in and get changed first, huh? We don't want to go over there all muddy."

"Okay." Softly, quietly, as his fingers squeezed his lovers and he pressed his fingers to their joined mouths, pressing it to the small grave before he rose. "D... did your... your dad? Is he okay?"

Soft wince. "The stone is currently--and slowly--passing through the urethra. They're expecting it to be completely out by eight."

"Oh. Ow."


The screams all but peeled the paint from the walls. His skin? Melting off his face. The nurses snarled at, the doctor ducking from hurled objects. Yes. A passing kidney stone the size of Mt. Saint Helens had just sharpened his lovers mood tremendously, now hadn't it?

He'd stayed out of the way of flailing limbs, and a short while ago had massaged his back, as much as it hurt him and god, Dominic knew how it hurt, and had relaxed the muscles enough to get his lover a moments rest.

That was then, however, and this was now, and Dominic sat beside his lover wincing with each breath, each curse, each yell, and didn't dare say a word, lest he get beaten about the head for it.

Lionel was in fine temper. He was hurting. Megan had wisely gotten the hell out of his face, and there were no more objects within throwing distance.

The fucking boulder in his dick wasn't moving, he was thoroughly sick and tired of pushing. "Gods be damned, every single one of them! I am not having a baby, Doctor," he snarled. "If you tell me to push once more, then I will be pushing your head through this wall!!"

Dr. Tierney was trying very hard not to lose his temper with this hellion of a man. His son? Had been a dream to work with in comparison to this. "Mr. Luthor, if you don't help the stone to expel itself, then there's no telling how long this could take," he repeated again.

Dominic just stayed quiet. He knew better than to say a word, simply staying close to his lover and wincing his apologies at the doctor as his fingertips tenderly stroked over a tense arm. He'd been told that if he didn't shut the fuck up he'd be spending the night in Tijuana, and since Dominic didn't doubt a word, he simply stayed his ass quiet, swallowing.

Okay, but he was a stupid man, so, "Y... you might want to try baby?"

"Dominic, if you do not shut up, I will put you on the plane to Mexico myself, this moment," he snarled. But he complied, tightening his hands on the bed railing and pushing hard. He gritted his teeth down on the scream, and pushed until his back ached, and then he leaned back. "Doctor, do not attempt to touch me again, or I will break each one of your fingers."

Cough. Cough. And he winced up at the doctor as he shooed him out of the room, just shaking his head as he climbed to his feet. "Baby, just... calm down. Its not going anywhere because you're as mad as a hornet. Calm yourself down a bit...take some relaxing breathings, darling. Breathe calmly, okay? Don't hit me again or I'm putting another bruise on your arm." Warned, eyebrow raised.

"Oh and I suppose I have absolutely NO reason to be angry or distressed, is that it?" Lionel found he was mistaken; there was something else to be thrown. He ripped the bedpan out from under himself and hurled the empty plastic container at the wall, watching it bounce harmlessly.

Dominic ducked just in time, eyebrow cocking up before he turned to glare at his lover. "Are you just about done?"

"Absolutely not." Lionel was looking around for something else to hurl, when he grunted, cried out, and then gripped the bedrails tightly again as he bit down on his lip.

A sigh. They'd been doing this for at least two hours, and he sat on his lovers bed, tipping his head and wincing. He hated seeing his lover in pain, and he reached for the soft cloth and cool water, moistening the towel and gently stroking his lovers skin with it... forehead, cheeks, shoulders and throat. "Shh. Baby, shhh. I know, I know my love, I know it. Just listen to me for a bit, mmm? Don't think about anything but me. About the beautiful time we're going to have together as soon as this is over... a lovely honeymoon, just you and me, with out a worry in the world." His voice was soft and quiet, honey over a flame, as his palm gently massaged his lovers chest. "Having tea in the morning, and watching the sun come up. I think you'd love to see it, my darling."

"It's... rather hard to think... with a rock in my cock." He barely loosened his grip on the side rails as he listened to Dominic and he tried to force his body to relax. Calm, soothing thoughts, the memory of the rain-scented air substituting for the sea air outside the little cottage. Deep breaths, and he could feel his heart pounding, and he slowly synchronized heartbeat and breathing.

"Its just you and me, for miles and miles, with the green grass and the white lilies that grow about in enormous thickets. Theirs clovers, and roses, and every type of bird for miles. I know how you love bird watching'll be in a paradise. The waters right off the house, rocks and sand for as far as one can see, and the water, stretched out like a brilliant blue canopy. So clear you can see right to the bottom, watch the fish swim about your ankles." Dominic's green eyes were latched onto his lover, even as he cooled him down with his little towel. "So lovely, my darling."

"Clover... you say? I had... in my youth... a horse named Clover. Lovely little gelding he was. Chestnut brown, nearly matched my own hair." Lionel gritted his teeth, and nearly screamed as he felt the stone move. "He was... quite the handful for anyone not me."

"Of course." He soothed softly, palm coming down to gently stroke the tense muscles in his lovers belly, to get him to jerk down, to push the fucking thing out. "You like things with a temper, don't you? You've a knack for calming wild beasts."

"Having... dealt with my own temper... gives me quite a boost up... in dealing with others." He bared his teeth at Dominic's pressing. "Cease that at once or I'll have you not just fired but dismembered!"

"Of course you will, my darling." Dominic soothed tenderly, still pressing as he urged him to speak. "You liked horses, darling? Why don't you ever ride them anymore?"

"Because... I sold the ranch... after Lillian died."

"You should get some again, you know. After we have our house built, you should buy horses again. I'm sure you'd enjoy it, as will our baby." A smile at him as he tenderly caressed, pressing his palm up and down on his lovers belly. When Megan had done it to him when Dominic had gone through his own ordeal he'd nearly chewed her arm off, but Dominic was doing it as carefully as could be, speaking softly to him. "You must look so magnificent, riding a horse."

"I haven't... ridden in years," Lionel grunted. "Dammit, man, will you for the love of all that is holy STOP PRESSING DOWN ON ME!" he roared.

A blink. A raised brow. And he kept right on doing it, ignoring the outburst. "I haven't swum competitively in years. Both passions we should engage in, and share with one another. I'm terrified of large beasts with lots of hair, though you yourself don't qualify, but I'm sure you can help me beat my fear."

"Wait until we are done here. I'll qualify," Lionel swore. "Because I'm going to have you murdered in your sleep."

"Of course." Tenderly spoken as he leaned in to kiss his lovers chest, moving his palm a little deeper, a little faster. Just a little though, just a little. "Except you sleep in the bed with me darling, and your silk pajamas might get splatters on them. And since I do not like Rico coming out and fondling you to a hot, sticky wardrobe, I'll stay alive, thank you."

"I'll sacrifice the silk IF YOU WILL JUST STOP DOING THAT!!" he bellowed, and then winced sharply as he felt the stone move again, and he turned his face into the pillow as he let out a piercing shriek as the stone moved closer to the tip and being expelled.

Oh, and Dominic knew how it hurt and he winced harder as he dug his palm in, pushing up and down and getting the muscle to contract, to move, wincing at his lover as he did it. "I know baby, I know, its almost done, come on, its going to get out, shhh, baby, come on, my darling, shh, come on." He slowly let up to let his lover calm down again, kissing everywhere he could reach and wincing at him as he got his little cloth and cold water. "Baby, I know. I know it. Come on, I won't do it again." For a while.

Lionel tried to calm but couldn't, his body determined to expel the intruder now at all costs. He couldn't stop the painful contraction of muscles, the hard push, and Lionel tightened his fists on the bed rail, holding as hard as he could and screaming again into the pillow as the stone finally passed into the catheter tube.

Dominic... blinked at his lover screamed, and looked down before the bowl went BACK on the table and he was up and around the bed, bellowing out the hall, "Need help!" Before baaack around to his lover because the blood was spotting through. "Baby! Oh! Thank you God. Darling, beloved, oh. Don't kill me. Baby, its done, it went through!" Dominic did a little dance as he kissed his poor lovers tortured face, over and over. "You did it!"

Lionel's hand shot out at the kiss, and wrapped long, elegant fingers around Dominic's throat. "Stop. Dancing. Now."

"Can't help it!" But he grinned at him, broadly, unpeeling the fingers from around his neck and hugging him hard instead. "Baby, its done. Aren't you happy?"

Doctor Tierney came into the room, raised an eyebrow at the hand around Mr. Senatori's throat, and lifted the catheter tube. "There we are, Mr. Luthor. That's a nice sized stone; you can see it without a microscope. Would you like to keep it?"

"Only to grind it under my heel," Lionel snarled.

Dominic rose both brows as he looked up at the doctor... grinned, and back down to his husband. "Wrap him up so we can go home, doctor."

"The release papers are already at the desk, Mr. Luthor. You'll still be tender in that region for a few days so I suggest no strenuous activity and no sexual activity either, whether it's with yourself or your partner. There will be a little blood in your urine because of tissue abrasion, but it should be gone by tomorrow morning. If not, give me a call, and we'll get you checked out, okay?"

"Doctor Tierney, if you do not shut up this moment, I will cheerfully strangle you. Dominic... my clothing, please. It's in the closet."

The doctors were ready to get him out but Dominic didn't dare laugh, just wincing at the man and straightening as he pet the doctor gently on the arm. "Lionel, darling, they've got to remove the catheter and IVs and such... I've got some clean clothes waiting for you in my bag, alright? I'll step out while they remove everything they should, darling."

"Do see if you can hurry the release process along." He snarled at the doctor. "And do see if you can possibly remove these trappings so I may depart this facility, hopefully never to return?"

The doctor buried a snort. "Of course, Mr. Luthor. Just lie back and be still, and we'll have these things out in a jiffy."

Dominic stepped out in the hall...coughed to hide the laugh, and he wound his arm through his sisters as she climbed to her feet.

"Bastard of a man. Is he alive?"

"Quite." Dominic rose a brow, and smiled at her. "His was small."

"Because he eats well, and you eat like a college student."

Lionel did as he was told, leaning back and lying still as things were removed from different parts of his body, and glass vial containing the stone was placed in his hand.

"You know, Mr. Luthor, I had a patient once who had his stone made into a tie-tack. Another man I heard of, had his made into a ring. Any plans for your stone?" asked the doctor.

Lionel didn't even dignify it with a response.

- = -

Papers signed, and it gave Dominic a dark glee to sign them as his new name. It felt strange...but right, and he looked at it once for a long moment before up, grinning, and handing the paperwork back to an eye rolling Estelle. His sister had gone off ahead of them to get the car started and Dominic made it back to his lovers room, knocking gently. "Alright to come back in?"

"Please do." Lionel was sitting up on the edge of the bed, waiting. The doctor? Had wisely left the room.

Dominic slipped in and shut the door behind him, smiling at his lover, just a hint shyly, and opened the black bag waiting for him in the chair beside the bed, taking the promised clean clothes out. "The clothes that were in the closet are already home, being laundered my love." He handed him the clothes, down to shoes, and sat on the bed beside him to tease. "Are you really going to fire me?"

"I'm seriously considering it." A luxurious sigh as he stripped out of the hospital gown--they'd refused to let him wear his own pajamas this time, because of access problems--and he slid his own underwear on. "Although this just might get you forgiven."

His eyes danced. "Mmmm." A lean forward to press his lips against his lovers nipple ring. "And dismember me?"

"No, you are... ah... infinitely more useful in one piece." Then, a pained moan as blood tried to engorge tissues already tender and sore.

"Keep it down, Lionel." Dominic soothed, dipping his fingers into the cold water and sliding a line of cold water down his lovers calf. Very... very uncomfortable, as he'd found out when he'd been with Ethan, and he kissed his lover once more as he rose to his feet. "Come on, get up darling. Lets get your pants on in a way it won't hurt."

Lionel hissed at the cold water, and he glared at his lover as the erection that had been attempting to rise subsided. "I don't care if it hurts or not. I want dressed and out of here this instant." As he talked, he pulled on his undershirt first, and then a black turtleneck, fluffing his hair out over the high neckline as he tossed it back over his shoulder.

Dominic brought his lovers pants up, carefully hooking them over his hips and shifting him a little bit before zipping. As carefully as can be, softly, making sure his lover wouldn't hurt more than necessary, and he bit his lip as he fought with the clasp. "Its easier getting it off, you know." A moment... there, and he reached for the shirt, handing it to his lover and giving him a kiss on the lips before down to get shoes on.

"Thank you." He returned the kiss gently and then as soon as the shoes were on his feet, he stood up, arm around Dominic's shoulders, and stretched. "We are leaving."

"Okay." And he just beamed. He was exhausted, covered in paint, sweaty and sleepy, but yeah, he was a happy Dominic. And he wound his arm around his waist and snuggled him in, beaming up at him. "A lot of shit happened today. Know what the best part was?'

"Mm... Megan showing up?"

"That too. But there was something better."

"What's better than that darling sister of yours, hmm?" Lionel's arm was secure around his lover's waist as they walked.

"Signing my name on the release forms." Quietly, shyly said as he glanced up, his fingers tightening around his lovers waist as he hooked the bag tighter on his shoulder, snuggling his arm around his husband...around his best friend.

Lionel didn't say anything, just squeezed his lover tighter and pressed a kiss onto his temple. "I love you." Soft declaration that were the truest words he'd ever spoken. "I'm proud of that new signature, just as proud as you are."

"I love you, too." Dominic said softly, squeezing his hip gently as Megan honked the doors outside of the doors, and he bit his lip, smiling up at his lover from his snuggle against his side. "What do you feel like when we get home? I've got all of your medicine in the bag, but I don't see why we can't get some McDonalds on the way home." A teasing squeeze. "Lex is going to make some dinner tonight, but its early yet and perfect for a snack."

"All?" Lionel asked distrustfully. "Which reminds me, Dr. Nacheyez came by today and agreed to reschedule our appointment for Friday, which means we will be seeing her Thursday as well as Friday, to make up for today's missed session." Then at the offer of McDonald's, he smiled. "Yes, I think I could do with something solid to eat, after all the liquid they've been pushing into me."

"All. Antibiotics, my love." Dominic squeezed again. "Pain killers, don't worry." However, at the mention of the kindly doctor he grew a little uneasy. He didn't like thinking about her and he shifted as he brought his lover close. "Indeed." It was best for them, the both of them, and he offered another smile up at him. "You haven't peed like that since the morning after the Christmas party… 1995, I believe." Another smirking giggle, as he rubbed a hand over his lovers lower back. "I am sorry I hurt you, my love."

"I just have one bloody question. Where were their painkillers during the midst of this expellation endeavor, I'd like to know? Where were their fucking painkillers then?" The automatic doors opened at their approach, and he breathed deeply of the cool night air. It had been freshly washed by the scrubbing rains that had fallen, and it smelled of clean breezes and night flowers, and he liked it. It was very different from a Metropolis night, filled with exhaust fumes and unwashed masses, but each had their own distinct perfumes. "It's been raining quite a bit lately; I hope this downpour today doesn't hamper the building efforts."

Dominic grinned like an idiot. "Pain killers relax muscles. And since you needed all of yours to expel the little bugger, there wasna much we could do, my love." Though he tried to look helpful, as he rubbed his lovers lower back. "You...were quite angry, you know. I don't think you'd have accepted it even if it was offered." Innocent little blink, though he reached up to kiss his lovers jaw. "I have a lot to talk to you about. But maybe... tomorrow? I'm tired. And I think I'm getting a bit of a cold."

"If you're getting a bit of a cold, then you're staying home tomorrow. Ms. Bird will get you taken care of right well, with orange juice and whatever other cures she has stashed away, and I'll take care of the business on the site."

"The hell you will. can't keep me away, pumpkin." Amused grin as he lifted the trunk and set their bag in, before coming around and opening the door for Lionel. "Get in, darli--"

"You are both lazy asses who think I'm some type of chauffer." Bellowed from the front seat. "I am a very angry pregnant woman! In, and don't track any rain in!"

Sigh. "Baby, its drizzling."

"Do I look like the type of Irishwoman who cares?"

"Indeed, you don't."

"Well then?"

Lionel smothered a laugh as he got into the back seat behind Megan. "You are a very beautiful chauffeur, Megan. You're nearly glowing with happiness, and it becomes you quite well." He scooted over and made room for Dominic in the seat beside him.

"My ass. An hour ago you were telling me to get my fat ass out." A humph and she tossed her elegant hair behind her shoulder, giving a hard snuffle as Morgan plopped in like the big oaf he was and she gunned the engine.

"Of course I was. But, I was also under duress and you wouldn't hold anything I said against me, now would you?" Lionel was at his charming best.

A sniff. "Maybe." Maybe meaning he had better buy her something very, very pretty, and she snuffled again as she pulled the car out of park… and sent them flying.

She cut at least 60 going across the parking lot and the tires screamed as she gunned a turn and went down the street.

Dominic slapped both hands over his face and hid behind his lovers shoulder. Just...not saying a word.

Lionel laughed heartily as he leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes. "Aaaah. We'll be home in no time."

He whimpered and hid behind his lovers shoulder, staying there as he grasped tight to his lovers arm. "Asking now why I'm scared of small, confined, fast places?"

"Wimp!" Megan crowed, hit a bit of sidewalk and sent them thumping along. The streets were packed with people... workers, mostly, staying at the packed full motels and apartments in Smallville. She waved at one of them, winking much to their gawking pleasure, though she wasn't entirely sure if it was because of her or her car.

No matter. She sent a saucy wink over her shoulder at her passengers, had Morgan's face draining, and she laughed as she cut down the street towards the mansion. "Ah! You wanted to go get some fries, right?" Wince as she was already half to the house. "Sorry, darlin'. I'll take you for breakfast tomorrow mornin'."

Lionel just shook his head as he pulled Dominic against him. "It's no problem, Megan. Lex is going to be making dinner tonight, or at least that is the plan. I don't mind waiting until tomorrow for my fries." He stroked the back of his lover's head. "There there, Dominic. She doesn't drive nearly so bad as I do."

"Liar." Muttered from somewhere against his lovers side, where he was smushed.

The tires really DID scream this time as she pulled into the long road leading towards the mansion, and she caught a puddle, sliding down the hill like a speed demon. Stomped the breaks and they skidded to a lovely stop, perfectly right up against the sidewalk leading to the house. "Theeere we are." She said cheerfully, as she unbuckled her seat belt.

"Thank you so much, Miss Megan." Lionel leaned forward and kissed her cheek through the seats. "I've got to pry your brother off the seat now, but thank you nonetheless."

"Anytime." She climbed out of the car and rose a hand at her lover standing at the front door, beaming at him as she motioned towards her charges. "I told you Id get them home just fine."

Dark muttering. Just.... he couldn't do anything ELSE as he climbed from the seat, sighing as he rubbed his fingers through his hair and grasped his lovers hand gently. The rain must have been hard here, because there were enormous puddles in the drizzle falling, and rolled his eyes as his sister took out her umbrella and hid under it as she managed to even waddle gracefully to the door.

"Come on. Let's get you inside before you get any sicker. Perhaps we'll see Clark and Lex as we go in."

"Mmm, Lex called a bit ago. He said that he and Clark would be going over to Jonathan's," And his little lip curled at the thought, his eyes darkening all on their own. "For something. Lex sounded upset, so I might be bashing some teeth out again before the night ends." A sweet moment. "Not that I mind."

Lionel's brow furrowed. "Come on. Let's get your car, then." If Lex were upset with Jonathan, then the chances were that it involved Clark, because Clark was the only person Lex got emotional over. "Lex and Clark may need a bit of help."

"I asked, beloved." Dominic just shook his head gently and his fingers stroked down to his lovers hand. "He told me he didn't need help, and rather than offend him, I just told him if he needed us, to call. Alright? He asked for you to get some rest, because he had to talk to us tonight."

Lionel was not happy, but he let himself be pulled towards the steps again. "Why does that phrase, "he needs to talk to us tonight," suddenly fill me with great dread?"

"Because its about the baby." Easily said as he came up the steps, fingers lacing in his lovers.

Lionel stopped in his tracks, and pulled Dominic back down a step by their intertwined hands. "About the baby?"

He looked back at his lover, and simply nodded, gazing down at their fingertips gently as he stroked over the ring. He was nervous, and giddy, and a hundred different emotions as he looked up at him. "I think... I think she's going to be ready soon."

"Ready?" Lionel swallowed hard, grinning broadly. "Ready. Our daughter." He squeezed Dominic's hand tightly. "She's going to be with us. Do you know that's what he wants to talk about?"

His lips spread too, nodding as he squeezed his lovers hands and flushed under his goatee, so he had to look down and rub at his skin. "I'm not sure, but I've got a feeling. Soon, very soon. I… I think." He bit his lip to keep his giddy giggles in.

"I really can't wait." He squeezed Dominic's fingers tightly. "No matter what happens, I can't wait."

"You love me enough to give me a child." Said so, so softly, as he brought slender artists hands to his lips. "I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

"Mmmm, and you love me enough to give me a family, to take my name and be part of me. That's something I will never get used to." He stroked this fingers across his lover's lips and cheeks.

"Just think, you had this fabulous prize just waiting for you, and you had him going for coffee and donuts." Though he was just teasing, pinching his lovers side as he linked arms with him. "Talking to the Ambassador of York, because you and her had quite a torrid past.... finding Krispy Kreme donuts for you in Athens... I could go on, really." But he was just teasing the hell out of him, eyes dancing.

And Lionel just glared. "Yes, that's right. Let's just remind the evil man just how evil he was. That's definitely the way to get the deck stacked against you. If I were a proper evil man, I'd shackle you to the bed until you recanted."

Eyes. Twinkled. "Promise?"

"You can count on it." Lionel held the front door open for Dominic as they went inside.

"Well, you know, if you were evil... what about the time you went to that little town out of Tokyo because I had to have that Japanese lamp, mm? Or the time I got sick from sushi and you stayed at the hospital the whole time with me? Eh? We've been an old married couple for ten years, you know." A beam as he went up the steps into their house and went in, already shucking out of his coat as his delightful sister and her fiancé disappeared kissing. Raised his hand in greeting to Philippe, and rolled his eyes when he tried to do it back and got tackled by his sister.

"I would have gone to Taigaia no matter what," Lionel huffed. "I had business in the province and it just so happens that you were able to buy the lamp while I had several meetings alone." He fought the grin. "And of course I stayed with you."

"Of course, darling." Dominic soothed, though he was trying not to grin too, as he took his lovers coat gently off his shoulders and added it to his own already hanging. "Eating that sushi was the worst experience of my life. You... weren't aware of my not cooked not eating it rules, and we had the prime minister with us and it wasn't a "no thanks" type of thing. Oh, Jesus and God, and it was affirmed why I hate raw anything that day."

"Yes, well. I'm particularly fond of sushi, but I won't be taking you to another sushi bar any time soon, though I'm sure that the American sushi is much less spicy and much more cooked than the authentic cuisine you had the misfortune to take part of." A kiss to his forehead in sympathy.

"You can order in all you like. However I, indeed, will be having something charred." Glare, though he didn't feel any of it, as he took his lovers hand and lead him towards the steps. "Perhaps I am up to what happened today. Its best you know."

"Best I know... what? How you turned into a rainbow?"

"My pride knows no bounds. But... its not that. Ah..." A wince at him, almost a physical flinch. "You're going to kill me."

"Ah." Lionel changed direction, towards Lex's study, and the cognac. He poured himself a large glass of it, then settled on the leather couch, propping one foot up on the cushions and the other braced on the floor. "Tell me."

The stance invited straddling. Invited sex. And Dominic beat down the impulse with a stick, instead softly clearing his throat as he settled in front of his lover on the coffee table, hands folded. "Diane Sawyer got a tape of me yelling at her for being an enormous bitch. She's going to air it." Wince, but he quickly went on. "But she didn't know I'd taken out a restraining order on the press, because word got out that you and I... I was swamped with them at the building. Fellie and Ethan saved me, ironic as it sounds, and there's a restraining order out on the press until LuthorCorp opens anew next week. If she airs this tape... its in our rights to sue her for up to ten million dollars."

Lionel nearly choked on his cognac. "The entire globe knows the woman is a bitch beyond compare, Dominic. It's not like she hasn't been called that before, and don't take this the wrong way, but she's been called a bitch by better men than you or I. The studio won't let her air it and neither will the network, because they'd both be liable for suits, considering they've likely been served with the order and it's effective date. They'll not risk losing thirty million dollars, even as a settlement."

"Indeed. Remember in Argentina? Hee. I didn't know little Bush had a mouth such as he does." But he shifted, swallowing at him. "I just had to tell you before you got angry. Ah.... that's just about it. Oh! The houses are behind, because of the rain. Hopefully the next few days will be lucrative, though. Ah... Dogwood has a new little assistant, and that's why I'm a parade all by myself. That’s' just about it, though. Lex has all the numbers and such, but we're not doing as bad as I thought and I really hope you feel better in the next few days, my darling."

Lionel just sighed. "I'll be out at the site in the morning, surveying and making sure that all is going as it should be." He finished the drink in his glass, and looked at his lover. "Dominic, don't worry about the tape. I'm not."

"I know. I just shouldn't have lost my temper the way I did." He looked down at his hands, than looked up startled and held up a hand, escaping again out the door.

He came back a few minutes later, smelling like rain and damp in the hair with it, as he sat on the table again and held up the small glass container which held....the enormous rock his lover had passed, smiling at him. He also had a champagne bottle and twin flutes, and he set the bottle between his knees as he used the bottle opener easily, popping it without a drop spilled and filling both glasses, taking his lovers cognac glass from him to set to the side. "Do the honors, my love."

Lionel took the flute from his lover, and raised it. "A toast. To... Smallville. Where everything has been given a new beginning."

"Indeed. Including your penis." A kiss as he said it, dancing eyes, and he clinked their glasses together as he took a sip, trying not to laugh as the bitter, delicious flavor flooded his tongue. And held the glass container out to his lover. "Come on. You know you want to."

Lionel looked at the little glass vial. "I want to what? Grind it to dust beneath my heel? Yes. See it burn in the fireplace? Yes."

"You get to decide." Dominic smiled at him and slid instead into his lovers arms, setting the champagne to the side and very easily climbing on top of him. His body slid half to the side, back braced by the back of the sofa, but that was definitely okay, as he snuggled in tight, linking their legs together and let them be in silence for a moment as they cuddled in the comfortable quiet.

Lionel just snickered as he held it up in the firelight. "Perhaps it'd make a very nice tie tack."



go on to the next part