
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 143: Making a Baby

Going back to see his father was possibly the hardest thing Clark Kent ever had to do in his life.

He struggled not to struggle, his fingers loose and soft on his lap. He hadn't said a word since they'd climbed into the car, newly showered and washed.

And he'd hated the reflection in the mirror.

He hadn't said a word when his lover had called the farm letting his dad know they were coming. Hadn't said a word as they got in the car, and hadn't said a word even now. He was just quiet, and dead, and aching to stop feeling as badly as he did. Rock bottom hurt when you hit it again, and he was in so much pain.

Such a stupid little boy.

Lex drove the only automatic transmission vehicle he owned--the Cayenne. He and Clark were piled in the front seat of the SUV, one hand on the wheel and the other stroking his lover's hair. The seats were separated by a console, and if they hadn't been, Lex would have had Clark sitting right beside him. as it were, he was only watching the road with half his attention, the other half centered on the beautiful, loving young man next to him. "Clark. Baby. Talk to me."

"Mmm." Clark rolled his head to look over at him. "I'm just tired, Lex." And it wasn't a lie, because he was. Tired of feeling like this, tired of being so sad, tired of hating himself when he knew he was worth something in this world because Lex loved him. Lex loved him, and that was worth everything. "So tired."

"I know, baby. But we've got to take care of this. And if I have to, Dad and I will have you taken away from the Kents and given to me, just until you're eighteen. Its all legal paperwork, that our lawyers could juggle in our sleep, and Dad owns a few judges in Metropolis." Lex kept his hands stroking through his lover's hair, soothing him as much as he could. "It'll be all right."

A gentle shake of his head. "Its not that. They're my parents, and I love them, Lex. Its not that." His fingers came up to his lovers, taking his hand and clasping it in his gently. "He was so disappointed in me. I kept this from them and I hurt them. I just... didn't know how much. Didn't know."

Lex threaded his fingers through Clark's. "He wouldn't have understood, and we both know that. He showed tonight that he didn't. You had a right to keep it private, Clark. It was a private thing. Something that everyone didn't need to know about. You had a right to it." He squeezed his lover's fingers tightly as he pulled into the Kent's driveway. "You ready for this?"

"No." But he ran his fingers through his hair, fisting for a moment before he climbed out of the SUV. Wearing simple jeans and a blue t-shirt, boots in place, and his feet crunched on the gravel as he came around the car, offering his hand to his lover as he looked at the farm. A place he already felt so alienated from and his throat bobbed, Adams apple moving tightly as he grasped his lovers hand tightly.

Lex jumped down out of the SUV, turning on the burglar alarm and slamming the door shut as he took Clark's hand and started walking to the front porch, and up the stairs. He pounded on the door. "Mr. Kent!! Mrs. Kent!"

There was quiet thumping inside, and Jonathan opened the door. When he saw who it was, he turned his back to the door and went back into the kitchen, where a suitcase was sitting on the kitchen table. "What do you want?"

Clarks fingers viced on his lovers, tightly, and he stepped into his kitchen, his lip caught tightly between his teeth. "Dad."

"What do you want, Clark?" Jonathan repeated, going into the living room and going through the small stack of books and magazines by the recliner until he found what he was looking for and tucked the two novels and three magazines into the suitcase outer pocket.

Lex put his hand on his lover's shoulder. "Mr. Kent, we're here finish the discussion you were having with Clark."

Jonathan shook his head as he kept moving in the living room, and spoke over his shoulder. "It's done, Luthor," he said, muffled. He came back into the kitchen with the afghan that Martha had knitted years ago and put them with the suitcase on the table. "Did you block the truck when you parked?"

Lex bristled at the obvious dismissal. "No, we didn't. We parked to the side of it."

"Good." He disappeared up the steps, came back down a few moments later with a handful of clothes that he started folding into the suitcase too.

"Are you going to ignore me again, dad?" The soft words were strong, and trembling, as Clark finally let go of his lover and took a step forward. "Are you going to dismiss me too? Lock me out?"

His father wanted nothing to do with him, and the obviousness of it made his very heart and soul burn in horror. These people who'd given up everything to give him what they could, and his throat worked hard. "I'm sorry for the things I said. I'm sorry for the way I acted."

Jonathan slammed the suitcase shut a bit harder than he meant to. "I'm not going to lock you out, Clark. House is yours, just like it's always been. You got a house key, you can come in any time you like." He didn't look up at his son. "You might be sorry, son, but that doesn't change much, does it?" He flipped the latches closed, and picked Martha's purse and cosmetic case up off the counter and set it on top of the suitcase.

"No. It doesn't." His heart died, because as his father spoke the hard, hateful words, he knew why he was packing the suitcase. Had to ask anyway, though, and his words were soft as he spoke. "Has she lost it already?"

"No. But they're keepin' here there a few days to make sure." He did finally look up. "Not long after you took off, she started havin' cramps and by the time we got her to the hospital, she was spottin' a little bit of blood. They've got her calmed down and sedated, and they're hopin' that after a few days of rest, it'll get straightened back out again, but that's why they're keepin' her, in case it doesn't work out that way." He paused for a minute. "If I ask you not to come, you'll understand why."

Lex's temper seethed. "You can't seriously think that you're going to keep Clark away from his mother?" He glared at Jonathan, and moved to stand in front of his lover. "That is his mother, Jonathan!"

Clark's chest heaved twice, in silence, looking down at the floor before up, shaking his head very, very tenderly at his lover and touching his arm. "Its okay, Lex. She shouldn't see me, she'll start to have another panic attack. She can't lose the baby like that, after they tried so hard." Not his mother, not because they both didn't want to see him, and his fingers stroked the back of his lovers head softly. "Lets go home. Tried."

"No, Clark. No. I'm not going to let that... bastard, keep you away from Martha, not when she needs you the most." The fingers on the back of his head did very little to calm the rage he felt on his lover's behalf, and the urge to strangle Jonathan was back, more than ever.

Jonathan just turned his gaze onto Lex. "Don't you dare presume to tell me how to run my family, Luthor."

"Doesn't need me, baby." Clark said softly, as he tugged gently at his lovers arm. Couldn't meet his fathers gaze. Couldn't. "Lets go."

"The hell I won't." Lex pulled away from his lover and stalked towards Jonathan Kent. "You, Jonathan Kent, have your head up your ass. I've been dying to tell you that since the day I met you, but I've held back for Clark's sake. I won't any longer. You're a self-righteous stuck up bastard. You've emotionally abused your son, you've screwed up his priorities, and--"

"That's more than enough outta you, Luthor." Jonathan shoved Lex a step back, and took one back himself. "You don't know what you're talking about, so stay the hell out of my life."

Clark didn't say a word as his lover stood up for his honor. Didn't speak as barbs were traded.

But the very moment that Jonathan shoved Lex back, he let out a cry of fury, stepping between them. "Don't you EVER touch my aushna like that again, you trenk fguhny, don't you EVER, or I swear to every God that's listening to me I will tear you limb from fucking limb." The last three words were dark, deadly, and the man looking at Jonathan was no longer Clark in any fashion. "You have hurt me. My child is buried and yet you find no compassion in your heart for me, or for Oakenepel, you attempt to KEEP me away from the thing that has kept me sane. You will not hurt me any longer."

Jonathan was afraid of his son, but he didn't show it. In that instant, Clark showed himself to be far more alien than he had ever been before, and Jonathan refused to show fear. "You're right. I don't have a shred of compassion for Lex," he said, guessing that the foreign word he'd spoken referred to Luthor. "I have it for you, Clark, because you are my son and I love you. But until you can start actin' like... well, a civilized person, then no. You didn't have any use for your mother and I when you were in trouble. I don't think we're gonna need you now." Yes, he was hurt, and he said it to hurt.

And it did. It did just as it had intended to do, and it hurt. So much, so badly. He'd vowed a long time ago that the words out of his fathers mouth would never hurt him again, and yet here it was. And he realized no matter what he said he wouldn't get through to him, wouldn't get through to his father, and that hurt worse than anything in the world. So his Adams apple bobbed and he just stepped back, shaking his head softly. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'll pack whatever I have left here, so you can use the space for something else."

"You're welcome to stay or not, Clark. But I have to get to the hospital. Your mother needs someone there with her." He picked up the suitcase and the other things he'd gathered. He couldn't look at his son yet.

Clark didn't say anything else. Just stepped back, not looking at him as his father went past him. Didn't bother speaking, because there was nothing left to say.

Lex had more to say. "Mr. Kent... you don't realize what you are doing here. You are throwing away the last twelve years you had with your son. You're destroying your relationship with him, and cutting your ties. Is that what you want?"

Jonathan ignored Lex as he set the suitcase in the truck, and put the purse and the makeup case on top of it.

His eyes traveled to his fathers back, watching him for a moment. This man had loved him more than anything else in the world, had sacrificed his life, and he had told his son that he didn't need him. And the hurt of it was worse than anything he'd ever felt.

And he'd be damned if he apologized again.

He turned and walked through the house, not seeing it with blurred vision and climbed up the steps to his bedroom. Blind sadness as he went into the hall closet, where there were always a lot of extra boxes folded up in case they needed to move things or store things. Clark took out two and some tape. Wouldn't need much, just one for his bedroom and one for the loft.

Lex looked from father to son, and followed Jonathan out to the old truck. Full head of angry steam on his lover's behalf and he shoved Jonathan against the truck. "You stubborn son of a bitch!" Lex hissed. "Do you ever listen? Do you think this is going to be any better for Martha when she finds out what is going on here? Do you think it's going to help her any to know that you've told her son to go to hell and not come back? He's leaving, Jonathan, and this time, he won't be coming back, don't you get that?"

Jonathan just kept his gaze trained on Lex. "He made his choice, boy. He chose you over us; I think Martha'll understand that."

"Then you are a fucking fool." Lex thumped the back of Jonathan's head against the truck cab. "Do you want to lose your son? Because you're about to." He let Jonathan go then, and walked back in the house to find Clark.

He assembled the box...after two tries, and began to fill it with his stuff. Clothes for the summer, his favorite books, his DVD collection. Old collectibles, photographs, his stuffed animal Chloe had won for him at the state fair last year. His box of letters from them, and that was all he had to do with his room as he looked back at it in darkness.

And couldn't help sitting on the bed, quilt grasped to his chest, and he shook. His life was a nightmare, a never ending nightmare.

Lex knocked on the door. "Clark?"

"Yeah. Hey." Forced calm as he looked up. "Come in, baby."

Lex walked slowly into the room and sat down beside Clark. "Clark... don't do this. Don't cut all ties with your father because he's hurt and angry. I did, and look what I turned into." He didn't waste time.

"He just told me he doesn't care, doesn't need me." Quietly. "He asked me to leave. When someone asks you to leave, Lex, its cut and dry."

"He's just hurting, Clark." Lex stroked his lover's cheek. "He's hurt, worried, and upset. He doesn't know what the hell he's doing."

"I don't want them to be out of my life." Whispered, into his lovers hand. "I don't want them to be. My mom… she... because of… because I shouldn't have told them. I shouldn't have."

"Stop. Your mother is going to be fine." Lex kept expecting to hear the ignition of the truck, but he never did. "You heard your father. They expect her to be fine in a couple of days."

His throat got hot and tight with tears. "I'm freaking out again. I can't think clearly these days." His face crumbled, as he leaned into his lover. "Do you think he really hates me?"

"No, son, I don't think he hates you at all," Jonathan answered from the doorway of his son's room.

Clark couldn't look up, just getting off of his lover and staring at his hands, and his heart trip-hammered.

"Lex, you wanna get lost?" Jonathan held the cordless phone out. "Call Martha and tell her I'm gonna be a few minutes late gettin' there."

Lex refused the phone, and looked back at his lover. "Clark?"

His light green eyes were so full of pain, even as he squeezed Lex's hands tightly. "Yeah. Its okay, yeah. Call her, Lex."

"I'll be downstairs. Yell if you need me." He reached out, caressed Clark's thoughts with his own. I won't be far. He took the phone from Jonathan without a word, and the stairs squeaked as he went down them.

"I don't hate you, Clark."

"Bullshit. Came to make sure I got the clue?" Clark snapped back at him with fire he hadn't expected from himself, even as he rose to his feet and folded the quilt carefully. His mother had knit him this quilt when he was seven years old, and it had been on his bed every night since. It had felt strange not having it at Lex's house, but it was a problem he would soon rectify.

"No. I just came to tell you, I don't hate you."


"You told me to leave. What else am I supposed to think?" He shot back, pushing the quilt into the box harder than he'd intended.

"I told you that you didn't have to leave, that you could come or go as you wanted to." He crossed his arms in the doorway. "Don't know what you want outta me, Clark, but whatever it's been lately... apparently I ain't been able to give it. And I'm sorry for that."

"You know what I want from you, dad?" He looked up at him, then, holding a pillow before shoving it into the box. "I want understanding from you. I don't want compassion, I don't want pity, I don't want anything else, because you fail to comprehend what's happened to me. You know why Mr. Luthor and Mr. Senatori know, dad? because they were there when Lex found me, bleeding to death in the shower. That's how they know, dad. That's why the people who know about me do. Because they were part of it, they saved my life. I asked them not to tell you and mom for two reasons. One... I knew you'd react like this. And two... because mom couldn't lose her baby the way I lost mine." His words cracked on the last few words and he slammed another pillow into the box. "I just need you to understand that I didn't skip school because I was out having a great old time. I'm not like that, and why you'd think Lex didn't want the very best for me and my education just... boggles my fucking mind."

Jonathan moved to walk into the room, but aborted it at the last minute, instead staying against the wall, leaning. "I didn't think you'd skip school on your own, Clark. I know that's not how we raised you. But when Reynolds comes by and tells us, eighteen days, and that you'd been seen out with Lex instead of in school... that Lex wants the best for you is a little hard to swallow." He held out his hands. "I don't know what you want from me on the rest of it. I hear what you've said. I don't know that I... have taken it in yet. I can say you've lost a baby, but... it's like I didn't even know, Clark. Yes. I know how painful it must be for you. But... how do you expect me to react to something that I don't know nothin' about?"

"Come here, and I'll show you."

Jonathan stepped cautiously into his son's room, and went towards the bed, sitting down on the mattress beside him.

Clark didn't want to touch him, not right now, but to show him he had to. And he'd show him, he'd show his father everything. He carefully cupped his father's head, palm above each ear, and pressed their foreheads together, his eyes falling shut.

And everything with his child came pouring out of him, like a river. The big, beautiful eyes, the soft hair, the way his sons little body, bloody and tiny, had fit into his arms. Lex screaming in sadness, Lionel and Dominic...deaths door, as his blood sheeted down the drain. Every moment from the instant his child died until this very moment was poured into his father, his fingers clamping and his tears tumbling down his cheeks as he did it.

And when it was done, he lifted his head, and looked at him without a word, as he stood up and continued to get the things he wanted to take with him.

Jonathan's eyes were wide as an almost over-load of information was poured into his head. Memories, thoughts, feelings, agonizing pain. He felt the blood pouring out of him, felt the tiny, tiny weight of the dying child in his arms, so much lighter than his own memory of the first time he'd held a toddler Clark.

He wanted to scream but couldn't, his entire neural system on overload as he assimilated the information that Clark had poured into him.

A small river of tears poured out of his eyes, down his face as he saw the ghost of the boy grow up in the single day, ache of losing him all over again. Double whammy as the memories taken from him that day in the barn were given back to him tenfold, and his throat only worked to make quiet, squeaking noises.

Clark heard the noises and he couldn't face his father, the shame of it so deep. So very deep. "T… that's why, dad. I haven't talked to you. I'm sorry I haven't, I'm sorry. I feel... I feel like maybe you'll think that the reason I'm telling you is to get out of it. I'm not. I just need you to understand why it is I've been distant, why I can't leave Lex."

When Jonathan finally could move, when the overload had faded and he had control of his own body again, Jonathan went to his son and hugged him. From behind, didn't make Clark turn around, just wrapped his arms around Clark and held on as tightly as he could. Squeezed as hard as he could.

His breath whooshed out, though it wasn't from his dads arms.

And couldn't make himself turn around. "I'm sorry, dad. I'm so sorry. If I hadn't ever... you wouldn't be hurt, mama wouldn't be in the hospital. I'm sorry."

"It's all right, Clark." Jonathan let his forehead rest against the back of Clark's head. "I'm the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I'm the one who's supposed to be the adult here."

"I'm an adult too. I think I qualify now." Clark said it softly, and then was silent, as he let his father hold him, hug him close to him. When he finally spoke his words were tiny, small, and swallowing. "Do you still want me to go?"

"Yeah, I want you to go. I want you to go downstairs and get in the truck and go to the hospital with me to see your mother." He just hugged tighter.

"I love you, dad." He said it softly, and finally brought his hand to his dads hands around his waist. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, Clark." He shook his head. "I'm the one who should be. I told your mother earlier tonight that I ain't cut out to be a father, and I think... I think I just proved that true."

"No, dad." He was so calm, so quiet. "You're just not equipped to be the father of an alien."

"Yeah... you're right, there." It hurt him, but he knew it was true. "I'm sorry that you got stuck with me, Clark. You'd been better off with another man."

"No. I wouldn't have." But he didn't have it in him to go further than that for a long moment. "You loved me, and took care of me. I could never ask for more. You fuck up sometimes, but we all do. I do. You're human, and you raised me as one, and for that I'll always be grateful. Its what's saving me now, what hasn't driven me completely insane."

Jonathan just held his son again for a long minute. "You're a better man than your old man, that's for sure. And, if it helps... I think... you'd have made a great father." He kissed the back of his son's head. "I just wish I could have been better for you."

"I think Lex would have." Clark said softly. "I wished, so many times, for you to be there with me. But I couldn't share my shame with you, dad. You're someone I look up to, someone I respect. I couldn't let you see me like that."

"It's nothin' to be ashamed of." Jonathan swallowed hard, well aware for once how Clark had felt because it was even now rolling in his stomach. "Nothin' at all. This... God help us, this is something that happens to everyone."

At that...Clark cracked a tiny, tiny smile, finally looking over his shoulder at his dad as he gave him the yeah. right. look.

"Well, okay. Not everyone. But son... people... they lose children, and it destroys them for a little while but they move on, just like you did. It's not anythin' to be ashamed of." He gripped Clark's shoulders as tight as he could. "I'm always proud of you, boy. Always. Even when you make me so mad I can't see straight."

He smiled again, just a little bit, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm trying. Its been three weeks. But I'm trying, as hard as I can." His throat worked as he swallowed. "It means a lot. For you to say you're proud. If you had seen me these last few weeks, you would have known I wasn't worth anyone's pride. I'm wallowing in my own self pity...I am, just now, when I showed you. I'm not strong, dad."

"Yeah, son, you are. Even if you are feelin' sorry for yourself, it takes a strong man to keep movin' despite it." He tightened his grip. "And you have. I'm proud of you for that." He put his forehead back on Clark's head. "I'm so proud you're my son."

This time, though, Clark turned around, slowly, and wrapped his arms around his dads broad back. "Thank you, dad." he said softly, hugging him gently close to him. And while he was there in one of the safest places in the world, he allowed his fingers to grip his dads shirt, and for his hug to be hard and tight. "I love you. I love you so much. I'm so sorry for hurting you."

"I'm sorry too, Clark. I'm sorry for hurting you after all this." He hugged back, just as hard as he could. "I'm damn sorry, son." He didn't say anything else, just held him, hard as he could.

"Don't make me leave Lex."

Jonathan's trip tightened, if it was possible, before relaxing. "I won't. I can't take you away from him. Not now, not knowin' this." He looked his son in the eye. "Just promise me somethin'. Promise me that if anythin' else happens, you'll come t'me or your mother."

"I promise." Clark said softly, as he looked at his dad with the same quiet eyes. he let go of his father gently and looked back at the box he'd packed, walking over to it. "Can... can I leave this?"

"I hope you do." He walked back over to the bed and pulled the box out of Clark's hands and set it on the bed. "Here's where it belongs, in this room."

Another small smile. "Can… can I take my blanket? Its kind of hard to sleep without it, sometimes."

Jonathan nodded at that. "Course you can. You can take anything you want; stuff's yours. Just... I don't want you to leave entirely."

"I won't. Just my blanket." Clark said softly, and nodded at him, gazing up. "I met my dad. My... my other dad. He's in the ship. After Mar-El died, we didn't have anyone to turn to who would know why it had happened, so we went to see if we could find answers. My... he programmed himself into the ship before he died. He helps us, Lex and me, with the alien stuff." Clark nodded again, swallowing and pressing the blanket to his belly. "It makes me not so alone."

"I'm glad. Glad that he keeps you from being alone." Jonathan looked into the box. "We never... we never wanted you to be alone, Clark. We... were just so scared that someone would take you away from us."

"You and mom," Clark touched his fathers hand softly. "Are the best thing that could have happened to me." And it was all he could say. That was it, he was done bearing his soul for any more people. He gave his father a smile though, a soft one, and looked at the door. "You should go to her."

"No, son. We need to go to her." He nodded towards the door. "Come on. Lex can follow in his car."

"Okay." And out the door he went, down the steps, and as soon as he saw his lover there was a quiet thrill and joy in it. Just simply seeing him, and he reached his hand out for Lex softly, offering himself again as they walked into the kitchen.

Lex slid his hand into Clark's easily, rising to his feet to wrap his arms around his lover. "Are you all right?" he asked softly, stroking Clark's cheek with his fingertips and palm with his thumb.

A nod, a hard nod, as he hugged his lover softly, and looked up at his father. "We're okay now." Murmured so gently that only the three of them could hear it, and he swallowed hard and gazed at his lover. "We're going to go visit my mom. Please come?"

Lex nodded. "I got off the phone with her a little while ago, and she was asking for you both. I told her you were talking and she said to come when you were done." He hugged Clark back as hard as he could. "I'll take you both in the SUV if you want."

Jonathan shook his head. "Thanks, Lex, but I need the truck there to drive tomorrow."

"All right." He looked up at Clark. "Of course I'll come."

"Just for a while." He looked up at his father. "Lex's dad just got out of the hospital today." He grasped his lovers hand tightly, and walked out onto the porch with him. The light from the small porch light buzzed softly with the need for a new bulb, and Clark looked perfectly in place, even if he didn't know it.

Lex didn't let go as they walked. "Kidney stone," he supplied softly. "Just passed it this evening, and I called the mansion while you were talking, and they'll be holding dinner for us." He brushed his shoulder against Clark's.

"Didn't know Ly was back in the hospital." Jonathan swung into the seat of the truck. "You ridin' with me, son? Or with Lex?"

"I'll go with you, dad." Clarks eyes roved to his lovers, to impart to him how important that was, and he leaned in and kissed a sharp cheekbone softly. "Follow us, okay?" Whispered into soft skin.

Lex just nodded understandingly. "I'll be right behind you." He kissed Clark's cheek back. "Am I going to have to kill him?" Lex whispered in return.

"No." Though he smiled, as his father closed and locked the door. "No."

"Sure. Take my fun away." But he smiled, too, and wrapped his arm around Clark's shoulders. "I'm glad you worked it out with him, Clark. I don't want to see you where I was."

"Almost. But we didn't. learned from you, because you're a good teacher." Clark whispered, and didn't realize how comfy and together he and Lex had grown to look. Little idiosyncrasies that they'd taken from one another, so that they met when they kissed, and they knew which arm would go where to snuggle just like that.

He loved this man. He loved him, he loved him, and tonight he'd fought for him for the first time.

And he was insanely proud of himself.

Lex smiled at that. "You should hear me lecture some day, if you think I'm a good teacher. This? This was yelling and thumping your father against the door of the truck, which I have to admit was disturbingly satisfying. I'm beginning to see how he endeared himself to Dominic." He reached up to tuck strands of loose hair behind his aushna's ear. "Come on. Let's go, you need to see your mother."

"Okay." He arched into the soft touch before his fingers laced with Lex's, and he tucked him close to his arm as they came down the steps. His father was waiting for him by the truck and Clark let his lover go gently, smiling at him before looking at his dad a little. "I'm ready to go."

Lex got into the Cayenne and revved the engine, making the huge machine purr.

Jonathan looked down at the keys in hands that still trembled, and then he pitched them over to his son. "Maybe you better drive, Clark."

Clark caught them easily, and he looked at his dad, blinking softly. Didn't say much though, just carefully nodded and walked around the car until he got into the truck, sliding in easily. He turned the engine, listening to it come to life, and looked at his father questioningly as he got into his seat belt. "You okay?"

"Yeah, son. I'm okay. Just... a little shaky. Worried about you, you mother, lotta stuff to take in on top of that... I'm okay."

And there, in the dark, he felt even worse, and he rubbed his hands softly against his jeans. "I'm sorry, dad. I'm real, real sorry. I'm sorry for giving you more." The car cranked out of park and Clark turned them around, shifting from reverse to drive as he did it, and slid around the Cayenne, driving out in front of his lover.

"No. No, don't you dare be sorry. I'd rather be in the loop, than outta it. Even if that means there is a lotta stuff I have to take in, the least of which bein' knowin' that you're having sex with Chloe and Whitney." He rubbed his hands over his face. "Knowledge I coulda lived without. You're just... you're outgrowin' me, Clark. You're gettin' now to the age where you're an adult already, and pretty soon... there's gonna be loads of other people to answer your questions for you, and... I kinda miss bein' the one you ask, even if it kills me when I don't got the answers."

Oh FUCK and Clark stomped on the brakes, eyes going wide as he stared at his father. The...Chloe and Whitney comment had thrown him for a total loop and he swallowed, hard, chastising himself for sharing too much as he began to slowly drive again.

And for the first time, in a long time, felt his face heat. "Dad... I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean... to share that much." A hard, hard swallow. "You need to know. About me. The things...I can do, the things I am. So much is happened, and I haven't... haven't told you. Either you, or mom. It was just so exciting and I lost sight of where I come from, and who I am. And dad... you missed something very important. Its not that I don't go to you for answers anymore... its that I take what you gave me and share it with the people I love."

Behind them, Lex threw on brakes the second Clark did, thanking God and Hans for top-of-the-line ABS that kept him from rear-ending his lover. He glared through the windshield and lightly tapped the horn to remind Clark that there was a two-ton SUV behind him and to please give a little more warning next time.

Jonathan studied his son in silence as he started driving again. At the honk from behind he automatically flipped Lex off without thinking who it was before he spoke again. "Once again, you've proven to be brighter than your old man."

At his fathers finger he just laughed. Choked it as much as he could but it amused him, in a way nothing else had lately, and he coughed again, shaking his head at him. "Not brighter. You taught me, dad. I'm just using what you taught me." A sideways glance. "Chloe and Whitney... its sha'nauch. Life friends. Lex and I are aushna, soul mates, and there's so much love between us that it spills over. And the people we chose for it to spill into was Chloe and Whitney. They're just another extension of Lex and I, but different, because we adore them. ...Does that make sense?"

Jonathan just shook his head. "No, but I'm willin' to take it on faith, son. Because if you say it, then it's gotta be true."

A small smile again. "Yeah. We love them, a lot." A pause. "I have two stomachs."

Jonathan let out a chuckle at that. "Now that doesn't surprise me in the least, son. Not the way you pack it away. Least now we know why. Two stomachs."

"Two stomachs. One for..." A swallow then, a shift. "For the womb in my back. The food, so Lex has found out, is separated whe... when I'm..." A swallow, again, harder. "So only the best nutrients go to the baby."

"Now that's a step up on human biology." He looked over at his son. "Turn here, in the patient parking. It's closer, and since your mother's here, we're not just visitors." The question had been dancing in his head for a while now, but he hadn't had the nerve to bring it up yet. "Can you... again?"

"Have another baby?" A nod at his father in the dark as he turned into the parking lot. "We just didn't know. My father, from the spaceship? He told me that its not uncommon in first births, for the baby to die, especially because I'm so young. Mar-El...that was my son. His lungs weren't formed. But us, Kryptonians? We have a third lung, like a dorsal lung. And that's how Lex and I could meet him, before he died. He was surviving from the fluid inside of me still inside his dorsal lung." A nod at his father, again, because telling him about this was taking a dark, hard weight off of his heart. "We can have another baby again in about a year. We probably won't, but the possibility will be there whenever we want to take it."

"I stand by what I said before, Clark. I think... you'd make a wonderful father." He leaned over, and hugged Clark's shoulders. "Did he tell you it wasn't your fault?" Then, a pause. "Kryptonians?"

"My father? Oh, yeah. It wasn't my fault... it took a long time to believe it, though." A soft nod as he searched for a place to park and he fucking felt like he lived at the hospital he spent so much time here. "Krypton was my home. I was sent away in the space ship because the planet blew up. My father is my birth parent... he's the one who had me and my brother, Kon. Kon didn't live through the birth, though. But... he sent me in the space ship, so I could live. He uploaded himself, his intelligence, his feelings, in the space ship and that's how... he could tell me everything."

"I'm sorry." Jonathan's hand tightened on his son's shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that. I know... I know you were hoping... that you'd find more like you... more of your people." He couldn't imagine how alone his son felt... and then he felt it, as it jumped in his memories of Clark's feelings.

"Don't be sorry. I'm not. My life is here, with you, and Lex, and mom. My life is here. I was sent here for a reason, its just hard to see sometimes." And finally he spotted two spaces side by side and he slid into the first one, cutting the engine and pulling the keys out. "I'm grateful for the life I was given, when so many of my people died."

Lex pulled the Cayenne into the second spot, and parked it, locking it and turning the alarm on as he walked around the truck. "Clark Kent... doesn't anyone ever warn you about laying on the brake pedal??"

"You were sent here for a reason, Clark. You were sent here to live." He picked up the suitcase. "Come on. You can help me carry your mother's things. She's on the third floor."

Clark offered his bitching lover a soft smile and climbed down from the truck right into his lovers arms, giving him a big, soft kiss before grasping his hand. "Dad knows we have sex with Chloe and Whitney. It was a breakable declaration."

"Oh, yeah, that's definitely--he *what!!*"

Shh, aushna. I had to show him Mar-El... he saw our love for our sha'nauch. Shhh, I love you so.

Lex's expression was akin to a fish's as his mouth opened and closed several times before he rose on his toes, and kissed his lover softly. You certainly have a way of breaking things to people, aushna'.

His lips spread. The anxiety and depression were tolerable now, and he gripped them closed as he gazed at his lover with his tender expression, linking their fingers tenderly. "Of course I do." And then over his lover, to his dad. "I have something important to talk to you about later, dad."

Lex's fingers wrapped around Clark's as though they belonged there, and he stayed close to his lover, shoulders touching. "Do you need me to be there with you when you talk to him?" Lex asked softly. "I won't let him hurt you again."

Jonathan nodded, and he led the way into the hospital. "I'll be here when you're ready, son." Nobody bothered them as they entered, despite the fact that visiting hours were over, because Jonathan, Martha, and their situation was well known in the hospital, and they made an exception for the family.

Clark shook his head softly, as his fingertips gently moved over his lovers, rubbing his thumb softly along the inside of his wrist as he followed his dad. His mind was distracted with thoughts of his mother and he swallowed, shifting closer so his shoulder bumped his lovers.

"She'll be okay, Clark." Lex watched his lover as they walked. "She'll be okay once she sees that you and Jonathan are all right."

A little nod at his lover and suddenly there they were. And his mama was laying in a bed and his throat worked as he entered with Lex and his father, staying a step behind his dad. The room was cool, in warm shades of pink and yellow that seemed cheery even at the late hour. So much apologizing to do, and this is what he'd dreaded most of all.

His mother.

She'd just begun to doze off when she saw her husband, son, and future son walk in. Oh, and she just looked awful, and her fingers came to her hair, smoothing it as best as she could as she sat up a little bit. "H... hi, Lex." A bitten lip. She wasn't looking at Lex. "Clark."

"M… mom. Hey." He quietly sat down on the bed beside her, letting go of his lovers hand as his fingers clasped his mothers. "Mom."

Jonathan came into the room with Clark, and sat down in the chair beside her bed. "I brought your things, your pocketbook and stuff like you wanted."

Lex held his hand out for the bags. "Here. Let me put those things away for you." He took the suitcase to the small wardrobe cabinet on the other side of the room, out of the family's little circle.

"Sorry I'm late, baby, but I had to pick up a couple strays on the way up." He tried to smile, but she looked so pale.

"Mom, hey. Dad and I, we talked. Things are better, mom. I'm so sorry."

Hearing it made her believe it, and she grasped her songs hand hard, reaching for Jonathans and catching it tightly, so they were a unit. "I... am so glad to hear that, wouldn't you know it. I've just been worried, Clark. I don't want you believing this is your fault, young man."

Couldn't break down again, there was nothing left in him to break, and he just kissed her hand, over and over. "I love you, mom. I love you."

"And I love you, baby." Martha said softly, bringing him and Jonathan close to her. She was terrified, for her unborn child. But hear, knowing that if anything were to happen to the baby she'd still have her two men, made life so much better.

Her three men, soon, and she held her hand out to Lex. "Stop skulking around and come here."

Jonathan wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders, his other arm going around Clark and holding tight. "Your mother's right, son. This isn't your fault. It's not, so don't think it." He rested his head on Martha's shoulder as he hugged them both, as tightly as he could.

Lex tucked the empty suitcase into the bottom of the cabinet, and walked over to the side of the bed. "Mrs. Kent--I hope you're feeling better, very soon." He came to stand beside Clark, hand on his lover's knee.

She just gently let her son go, to hug Lex. Brought him in and hugged him, and yeah, she was just positively thrilled that this... things were okay. She'd spend the last four hours crying for her men, for her family, and now... now they were alright. When they'd been fighting, screaming and Clark on the verge of something and her husband striking their child... she'd known.

So she'd created a little story and faked a few pains. If an IV was what it took for the people she loved from making the biggest mistakes of their lives, she'd suffer through it like the little trooper she was.

And her smile for Lex, around the edges, was just a liiiitle sneaky.

Lex hugged Martha back, just as carefully, and he quirked an eyebrow at her as he caught the edges of her smile. "Martha Kent... what did you do?" he whispered softly, kissing her cheek to cover it as he pulled away. He smiled back at her, glad to know that she was all right.

She just blinked at him, dripping innocence before she squeezed his hand and looked at Jonathan and Clark again, sighing softly. "I'm a little bit tired, boys. Do you both mind going outside a moment, though? I'd like to speak to Lex alone, just for a moment."

"Not too long, darlin'. You need your rest." He leaned over and kissed her forehead gently. "We'll be outside if you need us."

Martha nodded, heaving a soft, sleepy sigh, and smiled at her husband gently, patting his hand as Clark rose as well. A squeeze to his shaky, cold hand and she watched them leave quietly together.

And as soon as the door closed, she shot a glance at the beautiful bane of her existence. "Tell them and you die."

Lex gave a sharky smile. "Not a word to either of them. About anything."

"I had to do something. I couldn't just sit there and not do something." A raised red brow. "Am I horrible?"

Lex shook his head. "Not at all. I beat Jonathan... just a little. Does that make me horrible?" He kissed her cheek again. "Not a word. And Martha... it worked better than you dreamed."

"I thought it might." She looked very, very pleased with herself, even if she'd hurt her men, it had taken their heads out of their asses. She gave Lex a big hug, and smiled at him, though her eyebrows creased gently. "Take care of my baby tonight. And let him take care of you. I'm so sorry, Lex, from the bottom of my heart, for what happened to you. And unlike my ape husband, I understand why you didn't say anything. You're adults now, and this was a private pain he'll never understand. But if you need anything, Lex, don't you hesitate to call me. Okay?"

Lex hugged her back again, and squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, Martha. Taking care of Clark... is my only priority right now. He means everything to me." He gave her a quiet smile. "Clark was only worried about you, and his little brother. He didn't want to add any stress on you that would cause you to miscarry. He loves you." He smiled at her again. "We'll take care of each other, don't worry."

- = - = -

When Clark and Lex left the hospital, Jonathan was still sitting by Martha's bedside as she drowsed lightly. Lex was very, very upbeat, buoying his spirits for his lover as he tucked away his and Martha's little secret deep down, so Clark couldn't find it.

He even let Clark drive the Cayenne home, while he sat in the back seat behind him and gave his tense lover a smooth, platonic back rub.

Enrique was waiting for them at the door to usher them in, and Lex's arm was around his lover's waist as they walked down the hallway towards his office. "Ms Bird, is my father home yet?" The fiery little lady was folding up the quilts he'd pulled out over the last couple days and tucking them back in the linen closet.

"Dey are in chur office," she nodded. "Dinner vill be served vhen chu are ready," she continued, not even letting him get a word in edgewise. "Chu need to eat. Chu are skinny as rail." She thumped Clark's stomach. "See? Look et dis boy. He is big and strong. He can break you in half." She put her hands on her hips. "Chu need to eat."

"Of course, Ms. Bird," Lex placated smoothly. "I'll eat tonight at dinner. Thank you." He kissed her cheek and went into his office. "Clark... next time, you come in the room first, kay?" The last thing he needed to see was his father and lover sleeping together on the couch, with Lionel's legs spread side and Dominic sliding down from a straddle. "At least they're wearing clothes," he groused.

Man, but they were cute. Really, really, really cute, and Clark squeezed his lovers shoulder gently as he rose an eyebrow at him, and gazed at the two of them.

Dominic's cheek was pillowed on his lovers shoulder, legs splayed with his husbands as he slept. He was just tired, and he'd tried more than once to get up. Instead he found his will weakened and sleep tugging at his eyelids, and rather than showering and typing up the notes from his little notebook from the day, he was asleep. Not so much though, that when Lex and Clark came in he woke up, groggily, leaning up a little with all but crossed eyes and mussed hair. "Mmphrh."

"Rise and shine, Dom. We're home." Lex reached out with his foot and nudged his father's shin. "Wake up, pops."

Lionel didn't even open his eyes. "Alexander, if you refer to me as Pops again, I will disinherit you."

He splayed a hand groggily on his lovers belly and rose up a little, from his squish against the back of the couch, and he yawned heavily as his eyes, half lidded and glassy, looked around him. Damn. He shoved at Lionel's leg sitting in his crotch and glared at him sleepily, before stumbling to a sitting position and dropping his head into his hands and ffuuuucck. "Muhremph."

"Well, look who's grouchy after his nap." Lex put his hands on his hips. "Come on, work with me here. Wake up enough to eat dinner, at least, because I need to talk to you guys and it's NOT going to be fun." He kicked his dad's shin again, and then moved to kick Dominic's shin. "Wake up."

"Kick meh'gain 'nd Ima re'range your intestines." Dominic muttered from where his face was pressed into his hands, and he turned to shove at his lovers leg as he climbed to his feet. Blinked, almost lost his footing, caught it, and groaned as he walked past Lex. "Need drink. Stiff drink."

Clark chuckled very softly and caught Dominic's arm, shaking his head and winding an arm around his shoulders as he kissed the older mans cheek. "No drink. You've got to be sober when Lex talks to you."

Lex held his hand out to his dad. "Dad... are you okay?"

Lionel blinked at the seriousness of his son's tone, and he realized, possibly for the first time, that Lex had been worried about him. "I'm fine, Lex." He took the offered hand, and used it to pull himself up from the couch, then kept it to pull Lex into a hug.

"Aww. Now give me some vodka." Dominic muttered, as he pinched his lovers side and plopped a half asleep cheek on Clarks shoulder. "Should have left us to die."

"You both have too much to life for, just yet." Though Clark smiled and led the older man out of the room, leaving his lover and Lionel alone for a moment.

Lex hugged his father tightly. "I'm glad you're all right. I... was worried about you." It still wasn't easy for Lex to admit he cared about his father, or that he worried, and it was even less easy to demonstrate it, but he did. He hugged Lionel tightly, and hid his face in a broad, comforting shoulder, and he drew strength from it. All the hurt and fear and worry that Clark's upset had reawakened in him, he buried in his father's hug, and just held tightly.

"I'm all right." Lionel just tightened his grip on Lex gently, stroking his back and not letting go until his son chose to. "And so are you."

"Mm. What're they talking about?" Dominic asked his young mate as they walked towards the stairs.

"Manly stuff. You know. Grr. Arg."

"Oh, of course. Couldn't go a day without talking of the manly things, you know."

"Yeah, 'course. Cars, chicks. You know." He grinned though, shaking his head at Dominic and squeezing his shoulder. "You're nuts, Dominic."

"And don't think you're the first to say it, either."

Lex finally pulled away from his dad, once his smile was back in place, and he nodded towards Clark and Dominic. "Come on. If they get to the table before we do, then there's not going to be any food left for us." He gave a soft chuckle.

Lionel's hand closed on his son's shoulder. "You're right, of course. Eat us out of house and home." He started walking when Lex did, following him down the hall.

Dominic stopped at the steps, and slipped from under Clark's hand, motioning him towards the table. "I'm going to go get cleaned up, lad. Get our Luthor men comfortable, will you? I… stink."

"I didn't want to say anything..." He tried for a little joke, smiling a bit.

"Indeed." Smirk back and Dominic headed up the steps, tugging his top shirt off as he went.

Lex and Lionel appeared in the dining room not long after Dominic's disappearing act, and Lex went to stand beside his lover, winding his arms around Clark's waist as Lionel raised an eyebrow. "And where did Dominic disappear to?"

"Went to go scrub. He said he stunk... I agreed." Sage nod but he chuckled and wrapped his arm around Lex's shoulders now. "You can join him if you like, Lionel... we'll get dinner set up, help Ms. Bird."

Lionel shook his head. "This wouldn't be another thinly-veiled attempt to keep me from working, would it, Clark?" Lionel asked softly, raising an eyebrow in teasing.

Innocent brow came up. "No. Never. of course not, Lionel, I know how much your work means to you." Very, very soft cough. "I...uhm. Didn't mean to, but I heard... you screaming? And..." Hot blush. "You... should take it easy until everything heals."

"Mmmhmm. And me being in the same room with a showering, naked and slippery lover is going to help me relax how, exactly?" Lionel's brow inched up further.

"Well Mr. Luthor, I can do everything but put the lube on you, you know." Even more innocence.

Lex blinked. "Am I the only one who finds this conversation disturbing?" he demanded.

"Yes," Lionel answered softly.

"Lionel, Lex is just cranky." Clark nodded gently and pet the mans arm, shaking his head. "Because of the thing that he needs to talk to you about during dinner. He's got some personal issues he's got to work through."

"Ah. Personal issues. About this discussion. This grows more and more interesting by the millisecond."

"Thank you, Clark." Lex stomped down as hard as he could on invulnerable toes.

Which just wiggled with affection. "Go on up, Lionel. We'll get things ready while you're gone."

Lionel's other eyebrow joined the first at the bottom of his hairline. "We'll be back down shortly. Lex... don't kill your boyfriend."

A small smile and he just waltzed his way down the hall towards the kitchen, and with each step he let the facade fall. He was trying, desperately, to be cheerful for his lover and his lovers parents, but he was fighting depression each step of the way. The baggage he'd just teased about weighed heavily on him as he pushed open the door, and mustered a smile for Ms. Bird. "Mmm. Smells really good, Ms. Bird."

"Of course it does," she sniffed. "I made it." She pushed him down onto one of the kitchen barstools. "Chu. Sit down and tell old Hilde vhat is botherink chu."

He smiled at her again and settled into one of the stools, letting his feet hook on the bars comfortably as he propped his chin in his hand. "Just a little blue, nothing to worry about. Smelling your cheesecake is suddenly making things so much better, though."

"Chu mey fool de rest of dem, but chu do not fool me." She handed Lex, who had just walked in the door, a steaming tray of steamed chicken and rice pilaf with vegetable kebobs. "Chu. Go und put dese plates on de table."

Lex blinked. "Yes ma'am." He staggered slightly under the tray's weight until he got it balanced, and wondered when he'd started allowing a little old lady to boss him around like that.

"Don't worry." He offered her another smile, tipping his head as he watched his lovers little hips swish and sway under the weight into the other room and mmmm. A moment, as he was distracted, and he blinked up at Ms. Bird a moment before.. "Oh. Don't worry, I'm fine, I promise."

Ms. Bird rolled her eyes at the hormonal distraction, and snapped him in the back of the head with her dish towel. "Do not try to pull de vool over my eyes, Clark. Chu are not fine."

"I'm not!" And for shows sake he rubbed the back of his head. "I'm much better. Worried about my mom. She's at the hospital... she was getting some pains, and some blood. They're checking her over."

"Chu are." She put her hands on plump hips. "I vill call on her tomorrow at de hospeetal. But now? Chu vill eat. Then chu vill tell me vhat is wrong."

"Okay." A smile at her because he'd disappear faster than she could nab his ear, and he nodded as he looked up at his returning lover and thrust out the silverware. "I'll get the iced tea."

"Do not think chu vill get avay from me, boy," she said, shaking a threatening finger. "Chu cannot escape."

Mm hmm. "I won't!" He rose from the stool and gave her cheek a kiss as he walked past her to the cabinet full of glasses.

Lex came back into the kitchen bearing his empty tray. "There we go, the plates are--"

"There chu are. Take dis to the tebble, und Clark vill bring the glasses and the ice." Ms. Bird took the tray and put the pitcher in Lex's waiting hands.

"--served," Lex finished. "We're just waiting on Dad and Dom."

"Hey, Ms. Bird? Where's Ms. Rosalyn? I haven't seen her for a while." Clark said as he set the four glasses on the counter top, and went into the freezer for ice.

A soft clearing of her throat. "Rosalyn moved. Out, into de hotel. She didn't vant to stay here, vith her daughter seeing Mr. Ross under de roof."

Clark's eyes all but rolled around in his head as he rolled them up, making a distasteful face as he clunked ice a little too... strongly into each glass. "She... really cannot know what happened, Lex." He said towards his lover, even as he concentrated on not breaking glasses. Pete was his fucking friend, and he...Graah! Stupid people. "With Enrique?"

"No, Enrique hes stayed here. He knows vhere his loyalties lie, and it is vith dis family."

"Threatened him bodily harm, didn't you?" Clark asked, eyebrow raised at her though he was still in a dark temper, filling the glasses with just enough ice before taking two, handing them to his love, and taking two more. "Close minded stupid little.." The rest was muttered under his breath as he went into the dining room.

All she did was grin in response. "He still goes on his days off, und vhen he has de time." She just chuckled as Clark walked out muttering. He really was a good boy.

Lex smirked at his lover. "I wonder if Dominic's realized that Rosalyn's gone, or if he's been too busy with Dad."

"You could just ask me, you know."

Flushed from more than his shower, his eyes danced as he rubbed a palm through his still mostly damp hair, glancing over his shoulder at his husband before turning back to the boys and blinking. "She told me she was leaving. I told her if she needed an extra suitcase. However... something you should know about my mother. She tends to over react, and I gave her another two days before she's back in this house bothering me again."

Lionel chuckled over his lover's shoulder. "And I sincerely hope the lady finds her present accommodations so pleasant, she never darkens this doorstep again." He moved to the right side of the table, pulling Dominic's chair out first and then his own, folding his long form into the chair and pulling up to the table.

Lex blushed softly at getting caught, but it drained quickly. "Sorry, Dom. Didn't know you were done in the shower yet."

Amusement flickered over Dominic's face as he rolled his eyes at his step son, taking the seat Lionel offered and smiling at him as he settled in cozily. They'd... mmm, and he bit his lip sweetly as he tugged up the sleeves to his sweater, smiling again as Clark got into the chair before him. "I'm sure she's enjoying Smallville Motor Parks lovely accommodations." Smirk of his own. "She wasted all of her money for the month in Metropolis, shopping with Lindy. You just wait and see, she'll come back, declare it was my fault all along, and ask to come back without really asking."

Lionel leaned over and kissed his lover's shoulder. "And before she does that, I'll have an apology out of her for what she's said."

"When pigs fly." But before his lover could move to much he leaned in and kissed him softly.

And for the first time, Clark noticed how their bears mushed together when they kissed, and you couldn't tell who's was who's. And for some reason it struck him as entirely too beautiful, as he watched it. Their eyes never closed all the way... as if they couldn't miss a moment without seeing one another, and it was just… it was so beautiful. And he knew his lover was gagging next to him, so he carefully shared his feeling in this very moment, and smiled over at him.

Lionel was dimly aware that Clark was watching them but he didn't care as his hand came up to stroke softly over his lover's cheek. Gentle kiss, because he loved his lover, and his fingers slipped to the back of Dominic's head, cradling it gently.

Lex didn't care what warm fuzzy feelings Clark got out of it. It was not giving him a happy to sit there and watch his father and Dominic kiss, especially considering what he had to talk to them about tonight, and he just glared at his lover.

He finally let go, smacking his lips and his eyes danced as they flew to Lex, his shoulders shaking with silent chuckles as his lips spread, rolling his eyes innocently as he tugged Lionel's chair closer to his. "I am so sorry, your highness."

"I'm not." Lionel leaned against his lover's shoulder, fingers twining under the table as he brought his other hand up to raise the tea glass to his mouth. "So, Lex, what is it you wanted to talk to us about."

Lex looked slightly green around the gills. "There's... something I need to discuss with you, about getting ready for the baby."

Dominic couldn't help it that he looked thrilled. He squeezed his lovers fingers, hard, thumbs lacing tightly, and he just...beamed. Like an idiot. But he didn't care because their baby, and he just... he had so much hope. "What about? Is everything alright?"

Didn't know how long he could ward off the choking giggles, so Clark just sipped his tea as he began to eat.

Lionel squeezed back just as hard, smiling softly at his lover before turning back to listen to his son.

Oh, Lex wanted to kick his lover. "Yes. Everything's all right. That's actually why I need to..." Lex was overcome by a coughing fit. " talk to you," he finished, after clearing his throat several times and taking a sip of tea. "You see, my work has progressed to the point where... everything that I can do I have done. To proceed further... I need certain... materials. From you and my father. Specimens, if you like." He was sure the flames in his face could heat a small country.

"Ohh. You mean the come?"

Clark exploded, and nearly, nearly sprayed tea everywhere, catching it instead in his napkin and bursting. Out. Laughing.

Lex gave in and did kick Clark this time. "No sex for you," Lex hissed through his teeth, the blush in his cheeks increasing.

Lionel just blinked. "You didn't have to make such a production out of it, Lex. All you had to do was ask."

"I. Did. Ask," Lex ground out through gritted teeth."

"Yes, by asking for specimens for the love of Christ. Its come, Lex. Not a big deal, ducks." Though he hid his smile behind his tea as Clark continued to laugh, winking at him before back, innocently, to Lex. "You don't have to get technical beloved, its just us. Family, here, you know. What's a bit of come between family?" Innocently, an eyebrow raising as his green eyes danced.

"Dominic, I don't intend to spend the next few days down in the lab sitting there and thinking that I am touching my father's... come." He could barely choke out the word. "Please. For my sanity? Specimens."

This time he did laugh, rolling his eyes and nodding. "Specimens it is. When do you need it by?"

"The sooner you get me the specimens, the sooner I can get your embryo ready for implantation," Lex said softly.

And Clarks cold heart warmed in pleasure a the smile that crossed both men's faces at the words, and he beamed at his lover, squeezing his hand tightly.

"Really?" His heart was so light it was going to flutter out of his chest. "Really?"

"Lex, are you serious?" Lionel leaned forward. "You're truly that far along in your work?"

Lex nodded. "Yes, I'm that far along. I wouldn't be if not for Clark--when I had his powers, I was working ten, fifty times as fast as I usually would for days. Bruce double checked my calculations, God only knows how he kept up with me, but yes, we're that far along. The strand is designed; all that I have to do is isolate and insert the chromosomes at the proper points and I'll be there." He paused. "I can tell you what sex your baby's going to be, if you'd like to know."

Dominic was in shock, just... pure shock. His big eyes skittered to his lovers, searching for a moment as his throat bobbed. He already knew, but confirming it... but he wouldn't say anything without his lover agreeing first, and he shifted, rubbing his lovers fingers softly in his own as he swallowed.

Lionel looked down at his lover's face. "Well, little cricket? Do you want to know?" He stroked the soft skin of Dominic's cheek with gentle fingertips. "And I suppose this means we should be looking at a nursery."





And he all but squirmed in his seat, bouncing about and beaming. "Okay. Yes. Definitely. I want to know."

Lionel pressed a kiss to Dominic's temple, and then looked at his son. "Well, Lex? Boy or girl?"

Lex grinned softly. "A little girl," he replied. "If I read my dominant genes right, she's going to have blond hair and brown eyes."

Dominic. Was grinning. Like an idiot. He squirmed again and finally turned to throw his arms around his lovers neck, hugging him so, so, so tightly. Just hugged the stuffing out of him, snuggling him in tight and beaming into his hair.

"Good deed of the century." Clark said softly and he took his own lovers hand, smiling at him with soft gentleness, with sadness, but with joy for these two people who cared so much about them.

"It's ripping my heart out," Lex said softly, squeezing Clark's hands tightly. "I'm giving them something I couldn't give you, something I couldn't have for myself, and it's killing me. But it's making them so happy."

"Its all you can ask for." Whispered, and Clark brought his lovers palm to his lips to kiss. "We'll have ours, Lex. Its just... we can have them, and they can't. You're giving them the best gift in the world."

"Okay. Alright. I'm not going to cry. I am NOT. I fucking refuse, in fact." But he was all misty eyed when he let go of his lovers neck, and he kissed him once, twice, three times and hugged him tightly before beaming and leaning over the table, grabbing Lex over their food in a big bear hug. And if anything spilled it didn't matter, cause he just... yeah. Hugged, as tight as he could.

"I know, Clark. But it still hurts." The rest of his words were cut off by Dominic's hug, and he hugged back, smiling into Dominic's shoulder. "You're welcome."

Lionel was sitting there, in quiet shock and elation. He couldn't quite comprehend that his and Dominic's dream was so close to coming reality, and he surged forward, adding his arms to the group hug and clinging tightly to both Dominic and Lex. "Thank you, Lex."

"Well, don't leave me out." Clark rose and hugged too, so they were one big snuggly group.

Stupid Irish genes and he was all weepy and full of joy and he couldn't speak as he squeezed three of his most favorite people in the world, snuggling them in tight before he laughed and let go to cup Lex's head and give him a big, loud, smacking kiss. "Christ, I adore you, you stupid boy."

"I'm not a stupid boy," Lex protested, but he just hugged Dominic back. "You're a great guy too, Dom. You really are."

Dominic beamed and hugged him hard again before finally letting go and plopping back in his seat. He... could not eat, in any capacity, and every bad, crappy thing that had happened today was underneath his joy right at this moment. "When do you need us to go masturbate? I want to do it now. I don't care. Oh, my God."

From his little corner, Clark grinned and rolled his eyes to heaven. "Dominic, you're going to make Lex have a heart attack in his pasta."

"I don't care. Oh, but don't die, Lex. But oh. HEEE!"

"DOMINIC!!" Lex's face had gone from red to purple. "DO NOT! I don't care where you do it or when, I just do not want to be a party to it!"

"Is there a specific way you want us to do it?" Didn't even hear Lex's bellow, just looking at him imploringly.

Lex just sat down at the table, and reached into the sideboard behind him to bring out a large bottle of brandy. He uncorked it, and took a long, hard drink. "I don't care. Just make sure it ends up in the specimen bottle with your name on it."

"Noononon, I mean, do you want us to alcohol swab and the nine? As pure a specimen, darling?"


"I didn't say I had nine. I meant, do you want me to dip it in some swabbing alcohol? Because come can get a bit messy, you know. We'll wash well before."

Lex picked up the brandy bottle again and took a deep, deep drink. "Dad... Dominic... I don't care how you do it."

Lionel hugged Dominic tightly. "We'll take care of it Lex. Clark... thank you. For helping Lex do this. Thank you."

Clark suddenly had bronchitis, because he was just about coughing up a lung, but he caught his breath when Lionel spoke to him, and just smiled, nodding softly and reaching across for his hand. "I want you to be happy."

Big huge BEAM and Dominic hugged Lionel tight.

Lionel gripped Clark's hand tightly. "I am happy; we both are, Clark." He squeezed again. "But I don't want it to be at your expense." He tightened his arm around Dominic, leaning his cheek on his temple.

"Not at all, Lionel." Clark smiled at him again, and squeezed back, cupping his other hand over the back of Lionel's palm. "Its... more than okay. Don't worry, Lionel."

Dominic was passed happy. He was just a mess of nervous twitches and beams and grins and his eyes were just on fire with joy and giddiness as he squirmed and hugged his lover tightly.

"I won't worry then." He looked back at Dominic, then at Clark again. "Thank you. For the both of us, thank you."

Lex held the bottle out to the room at large. "Anybody want a drink?"

"Of course, but this calls for champagne." Dominic rose to his feet and skidded out of the room in his socked feet, and down the hall he went.

Another smile after the blond man was just about all Clark could manage, as his fingertips took Lex's for strength. He smiled at Lionel softly, shaking his head and rolling his eyes after Dominic, and shifted in his seat. "I'm so happy for you, Lionel. Know the funniest thing?"

"Champagne. Of course." Lex just leaned the chair back against the cabinet.

"What, Clark? No, I don't know." He moved around the table, pulling the chair from the head to sit beside his son, and pull Clark down with him.

Clark moved so he was sitting next to Lionel and Lex, and smiled up at him, rolling his eyes. "She'll be my sister in law."

Lionel blinked. "Yes, I suppose she will be." Then he grinned. "Which reminds me, that makes Shayla your aunt in law also, and Lex, do you realize, by the by, that Dominic's sisters are your aunts now?"

"I'm not calling her Aunt Shayla."

"One big, incestuous family." Clark snickered, and poked his lover in the ribs over Lionel's arm, and mimicked, "Oh, oh, Megan, oh, YES!"

And Dominic looked a little green about the gills as he blinked at Clark, entering with four glasses and the champagne bottle under his arm. Another blink.. "I hope to God I will never hear those words again, Clark Kent." But another smile came to his face as he set the glasses down, and the bottle as well, popping the cork and filling the glasses.

Lex smirked at that. "You don't have the tone quite right. It's a little more higher pitched." He cleared his throat. "Lex!! Oh! Lex!! Oh, yes! Right there, Lex, baby, please, yes, right there, oh! OH!!"

It hadn't been that long since he'd slept with her, after all. Only... five and a half years.

Dominic's face blanked. He stared at Lex. Considered doing something extremely rude... just… continued to stare. "Lex? If you value your balls, you will not ever again speak of having sex with my twin sister."

Clark put on crushed face. More for the stuff he could get OUT of having crushed face. ...Sniff.

Lex just gave a smirk towards Dominic. "I didn't realize she was your twin until later; I just knew she was your sister." He didn't elaborate further. Then he caught sight of Clark's face, and he turned around entirely. "Don't be jealous, baby. She's in my past, you're my now and my future." He kissed Clark gently, stroking his face. "Believe me, please."

Cough, "Wrappedaroundyourlittlefinger" Cough. And Dominic suddenly seemed to have bronchitis too, coughing a few more times as he cleared his throat and plopped down, serving the glasses. "Megan has quite the reputation for being a harlot. ...Alright, no she doesn't, but I'm presuming she is, and why are we talking about my sister having sex? Shopping for condoms and such with her is just about as much information as I need, entirely."

"She's using condoms now? Quite the smart lady, she is."

Clark sniffled for good measure, and kissed his lover back softly, snuggling up with him.

And gave Dominic a winning smile over Lex's shoulder.

Lex ignored the coughs, cuddling his lover close and stroking his back, whispering softly into his lover's ear, soft words of love and need.

Slap to his face and he muttered. "First my Meggie, then Shayla, what next? Is Ms. Bird going to get a boyfriend, and totally crush my delusions of grandeur?"

"You didn't realize she was having quite the torrid relationship with Mr. Pennyworth?" Lionel asked calmly.

"NO!" Dominic gasped it as he looked up. "No! No, no, no! We will have none of that!"

"You'd have to take that up with her," Lionel shrugged.

A moment. Two. Okay.

He very, very suddenly wanted Lionel. And he wanted Lionel right now. If they were going to make their baby, they were going to do it right. And he lifted his glass, eyeing him like a piece of raw meat.

Like something completely delectable. "Toast. To the future, to our baby, to no more sex talk."

"I'll drink to that." Lionel raised his drink and clinked it against Dominic's glass.

"Amen to no more sex talk." Lex raised his glass.

Dominic swallowed the whole glass, got up calmly from the table, and grasped his lovers hand and the champagne bottle. "We'll be upstairs."

"I don't want to know this!!" Lex wailed.

Lionel got up with his lover, and followed him up the stairs. "We'll see you shortly, Lex."

Wasn't even to the stairs before his arms were around his lovers neck and he was kissing him.

Hot, hard, his arms laced around his lovers neck, up on his tiptoes so he could feel and uh, god. "Want," Gasping words between kisses and nuzzles, necking and arching his hips. "You, now, FUCK, LEX!" He let go of his lover enough to skid back down the hall. "Cups. Need them. Now."

Lionel's arm went around Dominic's waist, holding him up as they kissed, and he rocked against his lover. Slight burning pain as blood flowed into his cock but the burn was nothing but pleasure and he got harder the more it burned. "Go get them; I'll meet you upstairs."

"Go, I'll be right there LEX! I said now, dammit!" Hop. Foot to foot. Trying to conceal the erection that was slowly hardening in his pants.

Lex... just sighed. "Let me go to the lab, Clark. Then I'll meet you in the bathroom; hot soak and back rub, okay?" He walked past his hopping friend, studiously ignoring him, and came up with two glass jars, labeled L. Luthor and D. Senatori.

"Names not Senatori anymore." Dominic snagged both bottles and ran down the hall, skidding, nearly dropping the champagne, and his feet pounded up the steps. Didn't look back, didn't speak, until he raced into their bedroom, set the bottles as calmly as he could in the chair by their bed, and leapt at his lover. Legs around Lionel's waist and he sent them sprawling, rolling over the sheets and he attacked.

His mouth skid over his lovers skin as fast as he could, body and soul boiling as he began to yank at clothes. He grasped his lovers sides and stroked, up and down, up to the front of his chest and he yanked and ripped Lionel's shirt open in a wide V, enough to feast. Sucking licks, hips rubbing and moving over his lover, and he was an animal of passion as he snarled and ripped the rest of his lovers shirt open, wide, yanking it out of his pants and spreading it so his nails could rake down his nipples.

Lionel shuddered hard under Dominic's sensual assault. Harsh groans as Dominic's hands tore at his clothes, and he bounced on the bed as Dominic pushed him back. His legs raised and wrapped around his lover's hips, rocking up and rubbing against his cricket as his own hands slid into Dominic's sweater, rubbing and pulling it up to bare his chest.

"Yes, now, YES"! Nothing pretty here, at all. He came faster than the both of them, so this, now, would be for his lover. A trip...he thudded off the bed, climbed back to his feet, and grabbed the jar marked with his lovers name before stripping out of his clothes. His sweater over his head, glasses following, forgotten. Slacks tugged down to bare no underwear and the soft golden curls, where a thick cock was standing at ripe attention. He climbed back on the bed and snarled, hard, yanking at his lovers pants and tugging the belt off. Snapped his lovers crotch with it before he threw it on the ground, leaning over for the lube sitting on their little bedside table. "Going to take you hard, ready?"

Lionel raised his hips and wiggled to help Dominic slide his slacks off. "Yes, I'm ready." He relaxed his body, ready for his lover's cock to slam into him. "Yes, fuck me, Jiminy. Please. You... you feel so good inside me. I've wanted you, since you bit me, take me like that again." His nails raked down Dominic's back, mouth sliding over his throat and down to his nipples. He sucked the little hard nubs one at a time, raking his teeth over them.

He bat him away because no.

Wrapped his fingers around Lionel's half bared cock, yanking his pants down as he squeezed his lover tightly and thrust up and down, over and over, his fingers squeezing his lover as he did it just the way he liked. The little bottle of lube shook in his hands as he uncapped it, and he squirted an ample amount on his hands, rubbing his palms before his fingers dove into his lovers hole. Pushed in without a warning and he twisted himself around, sinking his teeth into the bite mark. It had healed but Dominic sucked on it regardless, raising it up and rushing the blood to it as he moved.

Lionel grunted hard, pushing his ass back on the fingers that drove inside him, crying out in soft pleasure at the teeth that worried the bite on his ass, and he pushed his cock through Dominic's tight grip. He turned his cheek into the pillow as he screamed. His cock throbbed even as it burned, pain on the edge of pleasure as he thrust into Dominic's hand.

And it was all he could handle.

He slicked himself before crawling up his lovers body, bringing Lionel's legs up...higher still, to rest on each shoulder, and without a warning, sunk into his lovers twitching passage with a single, long groan. Hot, lovely, delicious and he reared back before pressing in more, deeper, pushing himself until his balls rested on his lovers ass and his fingernails gripped slender calves on his shoulders.

The bed rocked when he pushed out and slammed back in.

Lionel's fists pounded the mattress once before unclenching and locking on Dominic's biceps as Dominic leaned over him. His nails dug in, dragging over his lover's taut muscles as Lionel pulled himself up, mouth locking back on Dominic's nipple and sucking hard, wanting to share the pleasure as he cried out into his lover's skin.

Oh fucking Jesus and his cry was harsh, loud, vibrating as Lionel's teeth scraped over tender flesh and UH! He let out another sharp, hard cry, snarling in furious pleasure as his fingers dug into his lovers thighs and leaned over, daring him to make a noise as he pounded in. His fingers grasped the back of his lovers hair and yanked, not hard enough to hurt but enough to get his attention, and crushed their mouths together over his pounding cock. Free fingers came down and squeezed a hard cock, the other keeping a grip on his hair as he forced his lovers eyes open, to see and feel everything.

Lionel keened once, loudly, as Dominic's hand fisted in his hair, and his entire body arched. He pushed his body up into Dominic's downward thrust, turning unabashedly needy as his mouth opened to Dominic's kiss and he sucked the tongue that pushed hard into his mouth. Deep whimpers in his throat as he sucked, watching Dominic's savage face over his as he rocked.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK, he wanted the FACE, that one that his lover made and Dominic snarled, letting his lovers cock go, pausing to rearrange himself, and slamming himself home, hard, into his lovers prostate. Their, and uh God. Thrust harder, harder still, fingers returning to his lovers cock as he squeezed those tense thighs around his ears as he fucked the hell out of his lover. As hard and fast as he could, back arching and slamming in, tugging out only to move back in as hard as he could.

Lionel screamed into the pillow as he rocked up, his ass clamping down on Dominic's cock as hard as he could with each slam of his prostate. His teeth bit down on his lower lip, body rigid with pleasure as his cock burned inside and out. Fuck fuck, fucking hell, and he growled each word. "Fuck fuck fucking hell, Dominic, I'm going to come, you're going to wring it out of me!"

His eyes were dark and primal and amused, giddy glee and pleasure and dark strength. He pounded into his lover, over and over and over, as hard as he possibly could, as his mouth dropped down to his lovers nipple ring, snagging the ring itself and giving his head a hard shake, so the ring was nearly ripped out. A single drop of blood rolled free and down his lovers chest but he couldn't care because it was like something had possessed him and this is how he'd dreamed, in every dark fantasy of his life, of taking Lionel Luthor.

Of taking his husband.

And he reared and thrust harder still, crying out in dark, primal pleasure.

Lionel screamed again, pushing his nipple into Dominic's mouth as he felt it gently tearing his skin. He felt the blood rolling down his chest and one finger wiped it off, and he pressed the bloody digit into Dominic's mouth as he clamped down on every bit of orgasm he was going to have. His legs tightened around his lover's body, squeezing him tightly. The hand not in Dominic's mouth scratched over his chest, raising red welts with carefully manicured nails.

He leaned down and sucked the entire finger into his mouth, sucking the bitter, iron taste of blood as well as his lovers fingertips, which tasted like dusky HIM, and moaned, hard, around it as he arched, heavy, heavy, keeping orgasm at bay by a THREAD because he would NOT come before his lover. NO. Slamming rocks that thrust the bed hard against the wall with each movement but he couldn't even SEE enough to BEGIN to hear and he let out a howl of pleasure, arching his back as the fingertips scratched his chest and he squeezed his lovers cock, jacking it as hard and fast as he could.

Lionel batted Dominic's hand away from his cock, hand feeling frantically around on the bed for one of the glass jars. One rolled into his grip and it was marked with Dominic's name and he tossed it back down, feeling for the other one and then shoving it into Dominic's hand as he let go. "Baby, please."

He sobbed, in pleasure and joy, as he slammed in to his lover, grinding against his lovers prostate as he jacked his lovers cock, the head pressing into the glass jar as he pushed, harder, letting go with the jacking hand to brace himself and slam home, over and over and over, into that one spot, as he howled and arched his back, slamming in once more before he came.

Erupted like a river inside his lover, his scream rattling the walls and windows and the very door itself as his entire body came out through his cock, jerking and throwing his head back as he clenched in outrageous pleasure. Uh, god, UH!

Lionel screamed as Dominic did, the flood of hot come in his ass triggering his own orgasm. His body twisted as he rode his lover's pounding cock, clenched down on the throbbing length that was filling him even as he emptied.

His back arched, pushing down on as much of the length as he could take as his body shuddered, exhausting it's reserve.

Oh, God, couldn't stay up any longer. Dominic just barely put the glass jar straight up and down on the floor before he collapsed onto his lover, panting, exhausted, spent.

His entire body was vibrating with the energy he'd just spilled, leaving him weak, shaky, and so fucking good he could barely stand it. He was just...delicious and muuuuuh. He barely had the energy to breath, just laying sprawled over his lover without a care because he could. Not. Move.

And didn't plan to, either.

Lionel had just enough energy to screw the lid onto the glass jar, preserving the integrity of the sample, and he collapsed back in bed beside Dominic, panting softly. "You... you... I love you."

Didn't. Move. Could. Not. Move.

Just lay there, limply, his hardened cock slowly softening inside of his lovers warm, tense, tight little channel.

And he purred. Like a cat.

Lionel laughed softly at that, raising a hand to stroke his lover's sweaty chest.

"Muhver ucker." Muttered from his arm, and his accent, his eyes still closed as he gave a soft, shallow thrust and did a whole body shudder.

Lionel shifted and let his lover's cock ease out of him carefully. He rolled onto his side then, stroking his fingertips over Dominic's skin. "You were a wild man, and you were beautiful."

Okay. At that he lifted his head, sweat having plastered his hair to his forehead, and gave a big, shy, soft, sleepy, happy grin. Kissed his lover sooo tenderly, licking his lover lip, and heaved a long breath of pleasure as he brought his hand down and worked the come that his lover hadn't squeezed out of him out, grunting softly and shuddering. Only a little but that was okay, and he wound his arms around Lionel's waist, snuggling in tightly. "Muhver ucker."

Lionel wrapped his arms around his lover in return, snuggling him close and tightening his grip. "We're going to be fathers, in a few short months," Lionel whispered softly in his lover's ear.

Big dweeby grin into his lovers shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around his lovers waist and snuggled him in tightly, hugging and kissing all the skin he could as he rubbed his fingers through his lovers hair and pressed him close. The whisper made his neck and ear tingle, and he pressed close to Lionel in return, fingers stroking down his lovers long back. "I'm so very, very happy."

"So am I." He ran his fingertips lightly over his lover's hip. "At the end of the week, we need to run into Metropolis. There's a store on Norlandt Avenue, and they've a cradle I want you to see. It'd match our bedroom here perfectly."

At that he looked up, leaning away just a little to look into his husband's eyes. In truth, he'd been terrified that Lionel would want her to sleep in her own room, but hearing him say the words put calm back into his heart, and his fingers stroking over sweaty skin again as his fingertips stroked over a soft, firm, warm bottom. "I can't wait. Id love to see it."

"I hope you don't mind her sleeping here with us; I won't have her in another room." Not after Julian, he added silently. "I want her with me."

His lips spread, and he nodded, softly. "I was worried it'd become a fight with us... I want her here, too. I don't think I could stand not having her here with us, beloved." His fingertips stroked over Lionel's hair and he heaved a hard yawn. "Can we buy her baby clothes, too? And toys? What if its not a girl, and through some miracle its a boy?"

"I trust Lex. If he says it will be a girl, then it will be a girl. But, if you'd like, buy everything for a boy too, because if we do not use it, we can always donate it to a children's organization."

His eyes danced in amusement, as his fingertips moved over Lionel's moving lips. "I thought we might just buy things monogamous. Yellow and green, not blue and pink. Teddy bears and ducks, not ballerina's or baseball players. We shouldn't type cast her anyway... my mother was that sort. I wore blue for the first twenty years of my life, and that's why its a blue moon when I'll wear it. Megan the same, with pink."

Lionel frowned slightly. "Not to disagree with you, little cricket, but I had in mind little pink dresses with ruffles and frills, and ribbons and beautiful things to match."

Dominic's lips curved and spread. "And I thought of blue jeans and little blouses with Barbie tennies and fisherman's hats."

"My little angel is not going to be wearing blue jeans."

"And mine won't be in frills she can't move in."

"She will still be able to move. I won't have her constricted, but she will be properly dressed!"

"Of course, my darling." Dominic rose his brow but stayed quiet, just leaning over his lover and retrieving the glass bottle that was his... and still empty. "I'm going to clean up... and then we fill this up, too, alright?" A blinking little smile that was wicked round the edges. "Such an effort for me, you know." But he rolled from the sheets and padded to the bathroom, rubbing a hand unknowingly around Lionel's handprint currently plastered to his ass, and went into the sink for alcohol rubbing. Just had his… in... places that should not be in a sample for his daughters DNA and he got out two small towels and a bar of soap as well.

Poured the alcohol into the towel and scrubbed himself clean of all the liquids on his cock, cleaning himself until he all but shone, and rubbed soap between both palms before bringing it back down to his interested cock. Damn thing. Never sated.

He washed it clean, toweled dry, and stepped back out, padding quietly across their darkened room.

Lionel pulled himself up into a sitting position, picking up the jar and rolling it between his palms. His own cock was limp and not trying to stir, thank God, because he was absolutely sure the doctors would have a fit that he'd just had mind-blowing sex with his lover.

Oh well. The doctors could go fuck themselves anyway.

"Before you think it, you'll be fine as long as you wash well." Dominic smiled it and leaned down over the bed to gently kiss the soft tip, licking gently before climbing on the bed. "Where and how do you want me?" A moment, and a hard flush swept his cheeks and how he could still blush after that sex they'd just had was a mystery. "If... if yo… you want to at all. I could do it alone."

"Before I think what?" Lionel asked softly. He pulled Dominic on top of him, moving so that Dominic's back was to his chest, and they were snuggled together, body to body. Lionel's legs lay alongside Dominic's, and his hand rested on his lover's hip. "I want you right here, if that's all right with you." He dropped his head to mouth his lover's shoulder while his fingers gently tugged at pebbling nipples.

A race of tingles swept down his chest and across his belly, and he snuggled in close, eyes closing as he let his head fall back onto his lovers shoulder. Oh, and wow, and oh he trembled because he loved this. No one ever really did it to him and he beamed up at his lover, as his fingers rested on the hand on his hip. "Mmmm. How do you put up w-with me."

"Quite easily," Lionel murmured, letting the fingertips of his other hand sweep over his lover's chest. "You're the one... with the patience of a saint... for putting up with me." Each sweep of his fingertips danced lower, brushing over a taut belly and tense muscles.

He arched very softly as his used, abused cock began to swell. Didn't think he had it in him but he DID. "Recovery... time... of a Grecian God." His eyes danced self amusingly at his lover even as he arched, going behind him to pinch and kneed a nipple between his fingers, rubbing the area around it as it pebbled hard.

Uh. Shudder.

Lionel slid his hand down to wrap around the growing cock, and licked his lover's ear. "Beautiful as one, too. The color of Adonis, the build of Eros, and the blush of Psyche." Each was whispered into the light sheen of wetness his lick had left behind.

Uh God, uh, uh, "Uh, oh." His back curved up as his lovers fingers went around him, and he shuddered in pleasure as his eyes closed, toes all but curling. He arched up into his lovers fingers and brought his own down to cover Lionel's, shuddering in his arms softly. "No... liar. B'loved please, feels so good. Oh, God, yes."

"I'm not lying," Lionel whispered again, stroking still. "You're so beautiful. You're beautiful to me, the most beautiful thing the world. More precious than anything I've ever known."

Lionel's words were the most beautiful things he'd ever heard. Hearing them, and for once believing them, and he let out a soft cry of elated pleasure as his lovers fingers did the special things they did on the long column of his erection. Moving and touching, exploring, and his own fingertips stroked over the base, through the soft, curly blond hair, and he whimpered again, hoarsely. "L'nel, pl… please, please."

"Please what, my husband?" Lionel asked softly, his fingers tightening just a little on the shaft, other fingers moving back up over his stomach, over his chest as he nibbled on his lover's earlobe. "Please what?"

He "uh"d softly in his throat, eyes closed and mouth trembling open to intake a soft breath of air. His fingers moved from his cock to Lionel's legs around him, nails stroking softly down his lovers thighs as he shuddered. He lay his head back, closer, onto Lionel's shoulder, eyes shut so he could take in each lovely touch, and he turned his face into the long column of his lovers throat. "Please touch me."

Lionel's fist tightened around Dominic's cock, squeezing firmly as he stroked harder, starting a slow, steady rhythm of sliding up and down the shaft. The sound of flesh slapping gently against flesh was loud in the bedroom, and Lionel moved his mouth from Dominic's hear to his throat, lapping at the base, sucking lightly at his throat as his teeth scraped over his Adam's apple. "Touch you how? Tell me what you want, and you'll have it."

His hips began to roll into his lovers touches, moving with each movement as sweat broke out allover his body and goosebumps raised his skin and the back of his hair, tingling all over. Oh, God, and his nipples hardened in the warm air, his breath skating out as he arched his throat into his lovers mouth. "T… touch like this, just like… oh, God… like this."

His free hand came down, around his lovers, and stroked over the raised scar. And oh Jesus it only had him arching his back and pushing into Lionel's hand, a moan caught in his chest.

Lionel stroked harder, faster, thumb skating lightly over the head of his lover's cock as his fist slid over it, feeling his hand grow wet with precome and not caring as he stroked faster, slick against his skin. He gripped tightly, fingers tugging pebbled nipples and sucking little raw marks in pleasure. "Yes. Touch that mark," Lionel whispered. "Remember how much I love you, know that I'll always possess you and never release you."

His free fingers viced tightly on his lovers thigh, holding tight as he rubbed harder, eyes shut tight as he moaned, heavily, and worked his hips into his lovers hand and oh, God, he had to open his eyes.

Lionel's hand, bronzed and golden, against soft, pale skin, engorged now with blood and ache. Watched, in abject, erotic fascination as Lionel's fingers worked over him. They'd never done this, never, and he never thought his lover would give him something like this. He was struck silent, watching as he moved, as their fingers worked to get him to orgasm and uh, God, it was so close. Balls drawn tight, Lionel's fingers expertly moving over him, and he loved his husband so dearly for giving him this. Shudder, shudder and his head thrashed on his lovers shoulder, as his eyes clenched and he began to jerk as orgasm encroached. "G... G… gonna... L..."

Lionel quietly picked up the other jar, and with one hand around his lover's cock, and the other hand holding the glass receptacle steady, he bit hard at the base of his lover's throat, nudging Dominic's hand away from the scar and down towards his balls. "It's okay, beloved," he said against his lover's skin. "Come for me, come for me now."

He grunted, soft, hard sounds he always made before coming, eyes shut tight as he thrust harder into Lionel's hands, gasped, and came. His eyes flew open as his fingers grasped his balls, stroking as he came, hard, his eyes rolling back into his head as he groaned in pleasure. The bite had done it and he jerked, tight clenched as it crested and oh, GOD.

He gasped, panting as he slowly lay back from his thrust up position, trembling in pleasure as he closed his eyes and made some, deep noises, palm coming up to cup the back of his lovers head and hold him close.

Lionel watched carefully, stroking out the orgasm even as it filled the jar, and he capped it quickly and set it to the side as Dominic pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around Dominic's chest, legs tightening around his waist, and rested his head against Dominic's throat, lapping every now at then at the soft, salty skin.

Uh. God. Oh.

He lay back without a word, shuddering in pleasure as his entire body relaxed, and it had been one of the most erotic experiences of his life. He wound his arms around his lovers and shivered, hard as he turned enough to get close to his love, arms winding where they could around him. Sated, pleasured, and he just shuddered, eyes closed tight.

Lionel reached down to the foot of their bed, bringing up the sheet to cover their bare bodies, stroking his shoulder and mouthing it softly as he kissed. "I love you," he whispered softly. "You've given me everything I've ever wanted, and some of it I didn't know I needed."

"Love you." His voice was grated like sand paper as they curled in together, his arms winding around his lovers waist as they curled in close. "Thank you, b'loved. Made me feel s… so good." A shudder midway through the sentence and his skin was still goosebumped as he snuggled close to his lover and kissed his chest and neck and shoulder so, so gently. "Everythin' to me. I love you, so much. M… made me... nothing for yourself." His eyes were shining when he looked up at his lover. "I love you."

"You gave me pleasure before, remember?" Lionel asked it softly. "It was my turn to give it to you. To show you how much you mean to me, how much I treasure you." He pulled Dominic in as close as possible, pressing soft, nibbling kisses to his lover's lips. "I love you."

"Mmm'dore you." Dominic murmured into his lovers soft kisses, fingers stroking through his lovers hair. "Hurt you? I was hard. Pulled your hair." He reached a hand up to gently caress the back of his head.

Lionel purred at that. "Didn't hurt... it actually felt... good." His skin warmed just slightly as he blushed. "I believe the proper answer would be... I like being your bitch sometimes." A soft grin. "But that is far too crass. Instead, I will just say, was good for me too."

Soft, breathy laugh of the half asleep and ohhh the purr was just adorable, and the blush even more so. He pressed his lips to each pink cheek and snuggled their faces close, his legs winding through his lovers. "I like making you feel helpless. You have too much responsibility in your life... letting go is what I'm here for." A wicked, wicked grin. "And as I recall, you let go quite well."

Lionel smiled at the snuggle, and laughed at the grin. "I do let go well, thank you. Or, should I say, you're welcome? Or should I be thanking you for the experience? This is why I never got into group sex. The thank you notes were entirely too confusing." A soft nuzzle. "I'll take the samples to Lex shortly."

He chuckled softly at him and rubbed his lips over his lovers. "You do, indeed. You'll be sore tomorrow." And oh, yeah, he was trying like HELL to hide the blushing pride, as he hid his face in his lovers neck. "We needed that."

"I don't care about being sore tomorrow," Lionel said quietly. "I don't mind; it will be a very nice reminder." He stroked over the back of his lover's head. "Yes, we did."

"I didn't say I felt badly over you being sore." Innocent hum, as he snuggled in and rubbed his face against a warm bicep. "But that's just about all the teasing I can afford. Little Morgan is not coming out to play until tomor--" Yawn. "--Tomorrow. So... go give Lex his come samples, and do remind him what it is for me, will you? And come back to sleep with me. Cuddles are needed."

"Little Morgan, eh? He has a name now?" Lionel's tone of voice made it clear this would not be forgotten for a very long time. "Do you name all your body parts? Or just Herbert and Little Morgan?" He rolled out of the large bed and picked up the two little specimen jars, and made sure the lids were screwed on tightly.

Dominic leaned up, and caught Lionel's hand. Tugged him close...sat up, so the blankets fell to his waist, and hugged his lover as fiercely and tightly as he could, holding him close to his chest, to his heart. They'd just made a baby between them and the feeling was... yes. So he just hugged his lover as tightly as he could, and kissed his neck, cheek, nose, forehead, and then each eye closed. "I love you. As much as it is for one person to love another, I love you."

Lionel carefully dropped the jars to the soft sheets and used both hands to cup his lover's face gently. "I know, Dominic. And I feel the same about you. For as much as I can love you, I do. More than anything else in this world."

"Love of my life." Dominic whispered, and kissed his lover again, softly, as he stroked his hair from his eyes. "Go. I'm going to get emotional. Go give it to Lex and come sleep with me."

Lionel nodded. "I'll be back soon. Don't fall asleep without me." A quick kiss to Dominic's nose, and Lionel paused only long enough to pull on the discarded slacks from earlier, padding down the steps barefoot and bare-chested as he followed the carpet to Lex's lab.




go on to the next part