
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Part 163: His Home Was Theirs

Lionel guided Dominic out onto the floor and let the elevator doors clang shut behind him before tapping his lover on the shoulder. "We're here."

"I know. I'm not thinking about it." But he cracked his eyes open, and smiled, just the smallest bit. "Heey. We're home."

"We're home." Lionel held out his hand for the keys. "Here, give me your keys so I don't have to dig mine out."

Dominic handed them over without a word, tugging his hat and scarf off as he did, and rubbed his fingers through his slightly damp hair as he watched his lover open the door. The floor was quiet, as it was almost midnight, and Dominic had never. Been. Happier. Then pain of opening his front door just twenty four hours ago was so much different to the joy of now, and he beamed as he rubbed Lionel's back tenderly, and kissed his hair. "I do love you."

Lionel smiled at his lover, arching slightly into the gentle touch and leaning his head against his lover's shoulder. "I love you, Dominic."

"Hearing it will never get old." He smiled, softly, eyes dancing as he gently stroked the long line of his back. The scent of pot roast was already in the hallway, and he sniffed softly, in pleasure. "You're making me roast more often, sir." A soft kiss to his ear, and Dominic let his fingertips slide down to a slender, sturdy hip...than a warm crotch. "Even if I have to beg."

Lionel caught Dominic's hand against his crotch and ground lightly against it. "You won't have to beg, Dominic... I'm surprisingly malleable to your will." He thrust forward again.

"I know. Maybe the begging," he lowered his voice, very quietly, into Lionel's ear. "Is the best part." His fingers cupped and caught the hardening column through denim, rubbing softly, slowly, against the tightness of the jeans. "Seeing now why being hard when you're wrapped in denim feels so good?"

"I'll... take your word for it." Lionel sighed softly against his lover's shoulder. "I prefer... my suits. They're looser, and will hide a multitude of sins."

He grinned, broadly, and caught an earlobe with his teeth. "Lionel? Open my door."

Open the door? Oh. Yes, of course. Lionel shook his head for a moment, clearing it as he slipped the key into the lock and pushed the door open. "There we are." He put his hands on either side of Dominic's hips and dragged him into the foyer, closed the door with his foot, and pushed his lover gently against it. "All right. It's open. We're inside."

Dominic let his lover push him against the door, because it only gave him leverage to raise his hips and give a hard, poignant thrust against Lionel's crotch. He circled his hips against it, grounding in, and his eyes went glassy and rolled up in his head at the feeling. "Yes... we... most certainly are. It smells... divine in here, don't you think?" His fingers reached out and spread his lovers jacket, pushing it off his shoulders so it fell with a ploft on the floor.

"I'm not thinking," Lionel pointed out, gluing his mouth to his lover's throat. "I'm acting. In fact, if you have to be told that I'm not thinking, then I'm not doing something right." All this was growled into Dominic's skin as Lionel's hands rubbed over his lover's shirt.

Dominic grasped his lovers hips and lifted off the door, very efficiently swinging his lover around so he banged against the door, and feasted. His mouth raked over a long, tender column of throat, teeth scraping a little harder than he'd intended, but didn't truly give a a shit. He tugged Lionel's arms up in that moment, pushing the turtleneck down with his chin as he covered his mouth over the hickey he'd given his lover just yesterday, sucking fiercely at it. His hips arranged… braced Lionel's against the door... and thrust, hard, beginning a steady, pounding little rhythm which he was just tall enough to make feel so very, very good. Hard, even thrusts, denim to denim, curve to angle, valley to hip.

And he never once let his lovers hands down.

Lionel didn't struggle to get free, either, the sensations of being thrust and rocked against like that too good, and too hot, to even attempt to think of stopping. Instead, he arched his throat into the sucking, sharp little cry escaping his throat as he thrust back against Dominic, feeling his ass bang against the door with every thrust and whimpering as he moved.

"Knew… I could make you.... cry out for me," Dominic ground out, letting go long enough to tug Lionel's turtleneck up. Careful not to get it caught in his hair and let it drop a moment later, moaning harshly at all that lovely skin. "Baby, yes." He groaned, as his lips came down to hard nipples and lapped against each one. Brought the one minus the ring into his mouth, nipping around it and sucking as his free fingers rubbed the other one into full hardness, his hips still moving insistently against Lionel's. All that denim, and Dominic's fingers couldn't help but let go of taut nipples and scrape over his ass, squeezing tightly and bringing him in closer as he moved.

Lionel growled in pleasure, and reached down, dragging one of Dominic's legs up to wrap around his hip, moving his head to bite against his lover's shoulder. He rocked forward, teeth worrying the fair skin of Dominic's shoulder as his hard, aching cock throbbed against his lover's, trapped in the tight heat of it's little denim prison. He thrust all the harder against Dominic's weight as it pressed him back, whimpering softly.

At the whimper, he let go. Smiled up at his lover, cheeks flushed, eyes dancing, and took his hand. He walked into the kitchen, stopping for the tall bottle of tequila, lemon and salt, and the bowl of strawberries and cream, handing the tequila to his lover and leading him to the bedroom with all of it in hand, their fingers clasped tightly, his shaking more than just a little.

Lionel did something he hadn't done in decades; he pulled off the lid to the tequila bottle with his teeth, and took a long drink out of the bottle. Welcome fire burned through his belly and he hissed. "Do you know how long it's been since I've had tequila?" Lionel asked softly, following Dominic into the bedroom and putting the bottle on the table beside the bed.

The site was probably one of the most erotic he'd ever seen, and Dominic's mouth dropped as they walked into the bedroom. He was completely dumbfounded by the things he'd discovered about his lover today, and he gasped softly as he reached up to kiss, whispering, "Share with me."

"All right." Lionel used both hands to cup Dominic's face, firmly but not roughly, and kissed him hard, letting the harsh, grating taste of tequila flow from his tongue to his lover's, let Dominic suck it from his mouth as he kissed, fingers stroking his cheeks and one gently fisting in his hair to hold his head still.

He groaned, loudly, tongue sliding into his lovers mouth and taking. He sucked, kissed, the flavor of Lionel and tequila like an addiction. He was quite sure he was tipsy, but he didn't care, as his mouth sucked over his lips, his mouth, kissing him hard as he arched back into the fist holding him still. "Ughumph." He groaned against his lovers lips, letting go with a bite and nibbling kiss to his lover lip. "Good."

"Yes, it is." Lionel pushed his lover to sit down on the bed, and then slid his hands down to the buttons of his jeans. He didn't say anything, just kept his eyes on Dominic as he unbuttoned the tight brass button, eased the zipper down, and then carefully, and slowly, he slid the jeans down, and then off, sliding it over each powerful thigh and down each leg before tossing them to the side and climbing back into the bed beside his lover. "Much better."

Of course, through the show he'd unbuttoned his own jeans, fingers sliding in to grasp his cock and stroke, hard, with each movement. Striptease had never been so good, and he shuddered out a hard groan as he finally stripped out of his jacket. Let it fall somewhere not here, kicking his shoes off, and moaned softly as he reached forward and covered his mouth over the tense, hard cock hidden behind lovely boxer shorts. He sucked over the lump, over cloth, mouthing the entire length as his fingers came up to rub soft balls through silk, groaning softly as he shuddered, fingers speeding up on his cock.

"No," Lionel said softly, and reached down, pushing Dominic's mouth away from his cock as he moved. "Let me." He straddled his lover's hips, one hand catching Dominic's wrist and pinning it to the bed as he swallowed Dominic's cock down.

He reared up, letting out a sharp half scream and half cry, as his cock, which had been hard and soft, hard and soft, denied the whole night, was suddenly brought down, and oh Jesus and God Christ. He let out another cry, his free fingers sliding and fisting through his lovers hair as Lionel towered over him, and he couldn't help the thrust upwards. His eyes closed, tightly, and he could smell the cool sheets with the soap he'd used for years under him, and to smell Lionel in a bed covered with rainy soft detergent made his head swim. He let out another cry, shuddering hard as his legs came up to wrap around his lovers chest, shivering hard and thrashing. "Li-Lionel!"

Lionel kept his lover's hand pinned to the sheets as his mouth worked. Never before had he been able to swallow his lover like this; always Dominic was ready to come, and he sucked as hard as he could, teeth scraping lightly over the length as his tongue lapped the hard column, throat tight around his cock as his lips touched Dominic's balls for a brief moment before sliding wetly back up only to swallow him down again.

Lose his mind, LOSE HIS MIND. Another sharp sound of pure pleasure, terrified to move because Lionel was sucking on him, sucking on him and he wasn't ready to come, not yet, the alcohol tonight had dimmed his normally way too fucking fast response and he was losing his mind. A wail of pleasure, as he thrashed his head, arching his back in offering because uh, fucking Christ, Jesus almighty, this had never felt so good. His fingers stroked through his lovers hair, shuddering hard with begging, the tequila sharp on his tongue as he moved his hips. "L-Lionel... Lionel, belo-beloved, oh God."

Lionel barely pulled his mouth off enough to answer. "I'm here, Jiminy, I'm here." Then he dropped his mouth back down to his lover's cock, deepthroating him and swallowing him deep, sucking hard with each swallow and nibbling as he rubbed his palm over the scar on Dominic's thigh.

He couldn't help but look down.

Lionel. His lips spread around him, his beard scraping against his balls. Concentrating, eyes closed, the muscles in his throat and jaw working and he was in there, and maybe it was a very masculine response but he had never seen anything so fucking erotic in his entire life. He couldn't help watching, pleasure all over his body, all over in his brain, sparking it and short wiring something as his lovers palm rubbed right there. He tossed his head back, letting out a sharp cry, and his body ached to thrust, but his heart said no. Couldn't hurt his lover when he was giving him such exquisite pleasure. "Lionel!"

No verbal answer, just a harder suck on his lover's cock, finally releasing Dominic's hand as he reached down and lifted Dominic's hips physically, thrusting his cock deeper.

He came. He couldn't not come. His balls tightened, hard, orgasm ripped from his body as Lionel's palms came under his hips, lifting him up to his mouth. He let out a harsh, loud cry and orgasm danced behind his eyes, sending bolts of electricity from his crotch and up, over his mouth, chest, cheeks, mouth, and ass, shuddering hard as he let his eyes close. The thrill and pleasure of orgasm only heightened by the fact that Lionel was the one giving it to him, the one sucking him and pleasuring him, and he let out another sharp sound as he shivered all over, pushing up to work it out of him. His entire body was flushed, hidden still under clothes, and this dirty.

So. Good.

Lionel sucked, swallowing as he felt Dominic coming, and he slid his mouth to wrap around the head, swallowing each spurt as it came out and jacking Dominic's cock to squeeze out every bit he could. His tongue lapped at the little slit, sucking it clean with every thrust.

Dominic splattered against the sheets. And stared. Couldn't help it, watched his lover with wide, dark, impassioned eyes, mouth trembling open as he fought for words. Didn't really have any fucking clue what to say to that, because...Lionel was just so very good with his mouth, and even better with his heart, and he whimpered as he reached down for him. "You are such a bastard. You can get me to be in the throes of orgasmic bliss in five minutes. I love you. Let me... you. Please. Want... to lick you, please."

Lionel raised up over Dominic, and just grinned down at him. I've been wanting to do that... for a very long time." He rolled onto his back beside his lover. "You can do... anything you want."

He was still shaky, still shuddering, as he climbed up to his feet and stripped out of his clothes. tugged his shirt up and let it fall, wriggling down out of his wet jeans and boxers, tugged off his socks, and climbed back up over his lover, leaning down to give him a long, soft kiss. He was kind of beyond words right at the moment, as he delved in to taste himself and his lover, and groaned softly when the familiar flavor flooded his mouth. His fingers came down, working down his lovers hips under the boxers, squeezing a warm, tight little ass before sliding free... and coming up the bottom of the shorts, to stroke over balls and the base of a hard cock still caught in silk. His mouth came down, licking so softly, kissing tenderly over warm skin, his body warmed up and ready for round two. Ohhh yes.

He slid his fingers free and reached for the bedside table over his lover, taking the lime wedge and the salt.

Squeezed some of the juice over his lovers nipple. salted it, and licked it up, taking a drink of the tequila, and sharing it with his lover.

Lionel opened his mouth as he swallowed the dribble of tequila that fell from his lover's mouth into his own. He tasted the harsh liquor, the taste of his skin on Dominic's tongue, combined with Dominic's come that still lingered in his mouth, and he closed his eyes as he swallowed, savoring the mingle of flavors as his hand came up, stroking over his lover's bare flank and cupping his ass carefully and teasingly.

"Did I do it right?" He whispered softly, licking his lower lip and shuddering, all over. "Never... before." He rocked back into the fingers on his ass, kissing his lover again, licking the salt and the tequila still on his lovers tongue, kissing him softly as the sharp taste of it tickled the back of his throat and made him shudder all over with pleasure. "Never had anyone to do it with before."

"Almost," Lionel whispered softly. "Let me show you." Lionel rolled over again, licked the back of his hand, took the salt shaker, and covered the wet spot with salt. He straddled his lover's waist, pushed up his shirt to bare his belly, and bit down on the same lime wedge Dominic had squeezed. "Here's where you went wrong." Lionel took the tequila bottle and poured about a shot's worth onto Dominic's belly, and then licked it up, sucking lightly against his skin to lick away every drop.

He let out a sharp breath, then another, eyes wide and mouth trembling open as his lover lapped over his trembling belly, it going concave with every breath he was taking that… barely wanted in. "Oh... G--God. Let me try."

Lionel handed the bottle back to Dominic and rolled over again, letting his body stretch out under his lovers. "Try," he whispered softly.

He took the tequila the American way of it, licking the flat of his thumb, pouring salt over it, bit at the lime, licked over the salt again, and then poured the tequila, so it ran in rivulets down his lovers chest. He leaned down and licked it all up, leaving soft trails of lime and salt and liquor, drinking it down with every lick and then coming up, to share, again. Always to share, as he purred very softly in his chest. "L... like that?" He whispered, as his fingers came down to gently tug down Lionel's boxers, his lips licking, biting, sucking and nibbling at the long line of his throat and neck. He nibbled, bit, dragging his mouth down over the hickey.

"Yes, like that, just like that," Lionel sighed, arching into the licks and sucking fervently at the tongue that shared with him. "Just like that." He shivered at the splash of cold liquor on his hot, so hot skin, and it just caused him to arch further into Dominic's hot mouth.

He did it again, over his lovers nipples...lick, pour, bite, suck as the cold tequila which had been residing in his fridge poured down over his lovers belly and chest. Sheets damp with it, the sharp scent of tequila in the air, and then down. Down, to his lovers hard cock, and he licked his thumb, poured salt on it, the second lime wedge, and then poured tequila over his lovers cock, and falls, diving down in the next moment. He licked and sucked at all the lovely skin, lapping over the head where the liquor was caught in curves and veins, and down, laving his balls free of all the cold liquor. The tequila had slid down past his balls, and he dived, lapping at the soft stretch of skin between balls and ass, and drove his tongue into the tiny hole in the next instant.

Sharp hiss as cold liquor hit his cock, and he cried out, spreading his legs further and lifting himself up, spreading himself open for Dominic's tongue. He hadn't expected the tongue to slide in his ass but he didn't care, it felt too good. Lionel's hands were knotted in the sheets, his back bowed, feet flat on the bed as he held himself out, hungry and open to his lover. Shivers and tingles wracked through his body as Dominic lapped at his opening, and he made soft noises of pleading in his throat.

He lifted his head, but only for a moment, to drag one of the pillows on his big bed down from beside Lionel's head, and propped up those lovely hips before diving again. His tongue worked in, letting go only to let more liquor trickle down, and he was going to have to give his lover an enema after this was through but for now...salt, lime, tequila, laving his tongue inside with each sharp thrust as his fingers slid up to his lovers wet cock and began to jack. Hard, sharp movements counteracting each push of his tongue, each bite of his teeth, with a hard, hard suck. He stretched with his tongue, pleasure sharp in his heart, his thumb stroking insistently over the head with each movement.

The endorphin rush of pleasure sang brightly through Lionel's body, the sting of salt in tender places turned into mere tingles as his lover rimmed him. His hands stroked over Dominic's shoulders, then he pulled away, whimpering, and he rolled onto his knees, spreading his thighs wide and inviting Dominic back inside him with needy noises in his throat as he changed position.

Oh "Yes, God, yes." He brought his mouth back to his lovers balls, then back into the little hole, once, giving it a soft kiss before he sat up and reached down, under his bed, to the box of things he kept down there. He'd left it here in the apartment because Lionel had a wide selection of toys, and only pulled out his nipple clamps, a small little vibrator strangely shaped, and the bottle of lube. The clamps he attached, quickly, as his lovers nipples were still hard as stone, and let them eat into his little nubs. The little vibrator he slickened with tequila and his own saliva, before sliding it over his tongue. It connected in the back to the backs of his teeth, and under his tongue, and he returned his mouth to his lovers little hole... sliding his tongue, and the tiny, shaking vibrator, in.

Sharp hisses as the clamps bit into his nipple, and he quickly adjusted the one on his pierced nipple to hang on the small ring like a weight instead of painfully biting down on the piercing. Then a shrill scream, quiet but high-pitched, as the little vibrator slid inside him, making not only Dominic's tongue vibrate gently but sent the motions throughout his own body, making his ass tighten uncontrollably around his lover's tongue.

The tightening had him moaning, harshly, his own cock hard against his belly. Lionel's scream made him shudder in ecstasy and he slowly, carefully began to thrust his tongue into the tightened little hole. Hard because his lover had clamped up, but he slowly soothed him with his free hand on his back, pushing in and out as he continued to stroke his lovers painfully hard cock. Soft, slow movements with his tongue before quickening, pushing in and out, his fingers stroking over and over and over his lovers cock, working to get him to come, because he wanted to be in, and he wanted his lover to give his lover another orgasm, when they were connected and deep inside. So he worked to get him to come, jacking him off to the beat of every thrust into his lovers body, moaning softly with each sharp movement.

Lionel shuddered and thrust forward, his knees giving him enough room to move, hips pushing his cock through Dominic's fist as he rocked against his lover's tongue. One of his hands braced himself on the mattress, the other slid down and wrapped around Dominic's on his cock, stroking together as he tossed his head back, arching his throat and shuddering as he trembled, working for orgasm.

He slid his tongue inside... and left it there. The little vibrator, once stopped being pushed, sped up automatically, shuddering hit mouth against his lovers ass and it felt so good to be giving his lover this, his fingers squeezing and thrusting tightly as he began to move his mouth again. In and out, sharp, hard jabs, and fucking shit, he'd wanted to wait but couldn't. Could not. He slid his tongue free, taking the vibrator off and onto the floor, and let go of Lionel's cock enough to slicken his own. Enough, enough, and he pressed the blunt head against the stretched little hole, and slid in, easy as silk, soft as butter. He worked himself in, sliding out before pushing in twice… three times, until he lay flush against him. "On your e-elbows," He whispered, his voice gruff and dark, as he leaned over him, fingers sliding back down around his hip to his cock. "Let me feel you."

Hard, hard shudder, and Lionel tightened his grip on his cock, wrenching his cock hard to keep himself from coming as Dominic slid into him. Never felt before this man, and never wanted anyone else inside him ever again. He did just as he was told, slid down to his elbows, raising his ass further into the air for his lover sheathe himself into, and he tugged the chain connecting his nipples, grunting as his ass tightened around Dominic's cock. "F--fuck me."

"Want me to? Want me, beloved?" He whispered down at him, leaning over with him to brace his hand beside his lovers head, mouth streaking over his spine, nipping and biting each vertebrae... connecting the dots of his lovers freckles with his teeth and tongue. He was driving himself insane, insane as he'd ever been, but he whispered it anyway, caressing his lovers side, his chest, the clamps... then his hair and face, tenderly. Not to tease... just to ask, his hips aching to work inside, and he thrust a tiny bit anyway, unable to stop himself. "Tell me how you w-want me."

"Yes, I want you to," Lionel whimpered, and turned his head over his shoulder, as much as he could. "I want you inside of me, Dominic, in the same skin as me, as deep in as you can get, until we're one person. That's how I want you, love, as deep inside as you can be."

His breath skated out of him, twice, three times, moaning softly as he buried his face in Lionel's neck and began to thrust. Soft movements, working in and out as it had been a while since they'd done this, moving softly, gently. His cock burned from the salt still in his lovers tight sheath and he moaned in pleasured agony. The feel of Lionel's body, slick, ready, hot, made another grunting groan shudder from his chest, his body quaking as he thrust. "You, its you, I love you." His palm came down to his lovers cock, stroking it softly, steadily, warmly, as he moved. "You, who I love, you, my angel, my Lionel, you."

Lionel didn't want slowly and gently. "Faster," he pled softly, rocking back against his lover and squeezing his cock firmly. "Please, faster. Harder. Make me feel it; I want to feel it when you're inside me any more; I want to feel you inside me, please."

Uh, God, and it was so in him to give him that. He pulled his hips back and fucked forward, hard, bruising, fast, steadily thrusting into the warm depths of his lovers body with each shaking shudder of his heart. Push, thrust, faster, aching body causing sweet friction, and sweat broke out all over Dominic's body, dripping from his forehead, his cheeks, down his back. He jacked his lovers cock harder, pulling out almost entirely before thrusting back in, and took a tight handful of his lovers hair, yanking his head back so he could feast on his throat.

"Yes!" Burst out of his throat before he could stop it and he shuddered, arching greedily into every sweaty thrust, every pound into him, and his cock shivered in Dominic's grip, head pulled back and he loved every second of it, the jerking of the his hair, pulled back to expose him, and he was in that second utterly his lover's possession and he'd wanted it. He grunted again, twisting his cock in his lover's grasp. "squeeze, hurry, going to come, want you to fuck me, please," he babbled softly, not even realizing he was babbling.

"Mine, say it, you are mine." Dominic snarled, fucking him harder, pounding thrusts that shook the entire bed, He yanked Lionel up on his knees, fucking upwards, hard into the tightened sheath of his lovers body, and hit his prostate at this angle each and every time. "Say you are mine!"

"I'm yours, I'm yours, always yours." Lionel declared it with every thrust into his ass, every clench of his sheath around his lover's cock. "I'm yours, Dominic, as long as you want, I'm yours." His head stayed arched back, feeling Dominic's hands knotted in his hair and keeping his throat exposed.

Dominic lay hard, biting kisses along his throat, the column of it, leaving bruises everywhere he bit, and grasped the tequila bottle, letting the hard liquor fall on the bites as he fucked forward. So close, so close, beyond words now as he moved, yanking on his lovers cock... on the chain between the nipples, tugging fiercely as he lay hot, biting kisses to his shoulders and neck.

Too much. Lionel exploded, his cock throbbing, his ass clenching, scream bursting out of his throat as he sagged onto his elbows again, panting hard as he came, his entire body twitching with it.

His lover dropped forward and Dominic followed him, feeling him coming all over his hand and uh GOD. He arched, putting his weight on both hands around his lovers shoulders now as he bucked forward, twice, three times, and followed him into orgasm. He jerked, letting out a harsh, thick, deep, and loud cry of pleasure as he wrenched forward and exploded. His lovers body accepted everything Dominic gave it, squeezing tightly around him, and he was ten seconds from singing a high note as his eyes rolled and he grit his teeth, hard. Oh, mother of Jesus and Christ it felt so good, and he whimpered and moaned in ecstasy as he shuddered, leaning down against his lovers back and panting for mercy and breath.

Lionel let all of his weight fall forward, pulling Dominic down with him, and fell face-first into the pillow. He turned his face to the side, breathing deeply, and just relishing the feel of his lover's weight against his back. "I love you," he gasped out, between pants for breath. "Don't move."

He couldn't, so it didn't really matter. He was physically incapable of moving. His muscles burned with the work for orgasm, his body tingled all over, and he was just...he was dead, to the world, as he leaned up enough to share a sloppy sideways kiss, full of tongue and lips, his body shuddering over his lovers. There was something about laying over the person you love, feeling the strength in their body, the sweat you made them produce, the scent of sex and liquor and making love and he was just... uh, Jesus. "I love you." His voice was dark, deep, gruff and accented. "I love you, so much."

"I love you." He raised a hand to stroke against his lover's face, then let it fall limply to the bed. "Later tonight? I want to see our star."

"Mmkay." Muttered. He was...slightly drunk, sticky, wet with orgasm and liquor, and he muttered in soft pleasure as he peppered soft, tender kisses and licks to his lovers body. He wanted a bath, strawberries, and roast with his lover. However, not right now. Right now he was resting, heart pounding, and he muttered into his shoulder, "Gotta get salt out. I have the things... to do it. Okay?"

"All right," Lionel echoed. He didn't really want his lover to move, but... yeah. Clean up would be necessary.

"Had fantasies of fi-filling you up. Making you all you up." He groaned.

Lionel just nodded. "Then do it." He wasn't able to deny his lover anything. "You're... my husband. Can do anything you want."

He shifted, couldn't get it hard. For anything. He didn't want to get out, but he gently slid his fingers down and ran it over the swell of his lovers ass. "Will get infected, baby." He nibbled softly on his lovers shoulder tenderly, his neck. "Tequila, salt, lime inside. Have to clean you, beloved, have to clean you out, okay?" He kissed along his lovers spine, sliding his tongue softly around each little knob, as he reached under him to unclasp the nipple clamps. Felt the one attached to his ring, realizing his mistake, and winced as he rubbed his lovers nipple tenderly. "Sorry, baby."

"S'okay. Didn't know." He winced softly as Dominic pulled himself out, and relaxed onto the bed, rolling onto his back for a second before pulling up to his feet. "I know you have to, Dominic... I don't mind, believe me. I don't want salt up my ass."

His lips quirked as he slid off the bed with him, and wrapped his arms around his waist, bringing him in close for a long, sloppy, soft kiss. "Liked my vibrator, didn't you?" He whispered, eyes dancing up at him as he pressed warm, tender kisses to the sexy throat that he loved dragging his teeth down. He nipped, gazing in pleasure at the four hickeys peppering his lovers throat, and giggled wickedly as he kissed each one.

Lionel grinned. "I did." He ran his fingers over the ragged bites, and slid his arms around Dominic's waist. "You need to do that more often."

"Do what?" He purred softly, as he let go enough to take his lovers hands in his own and lead him towards the bathroom. "Have you ever... had one before, my love?"

"Fuck me," Lionel said calmly. "Just like you did tonight." Then he squeezed his lover's hand. "Yes, I've had them before."

"Really?" He looked up at him. "Like I'm about to do to you?" He squeezed his lovers hand right back, stepping over the threshold to the bathroom that...was still in chaos. Dominic grinned, broadly, slapping his forehead as he slid back out to the linen closet, bringing back several towels. "Hold on. Go get the roast off the stove, I'll clean this up and get our bed changed."

Lionel snickered. "All right." He picked his way through the clothes flung around the bedroom, and didn't bother to get dressed as he went to the stove. Then, thought better of it, and snagged the sheet, wrapping it around his waist and chest so that he didn't get spattered by boiling liquid.

Whistling the Beach Boys' Kokomo, Lionel took the roast off the stove, took the lid off the pot, and inhaled. His mouth watered, back in the back corners, and he grinned as he reached for a fork. It was so tender it had fallen off the bone, and that was perfect. A small bite, and it had just enough of a spicy bite to it to make his teeth tingle. He cut it, as best he could, in bite-sized pieces, then sealed them in one of Dominic's Tupperware bowls and put it in the fridge, then rinsed the dishes before sticking them in the dishwasher.

Then he smiled to himself. He knew more about everyday living than he let on; just because he had people doing things for him didn't mean he couldn't do them himself.

The sheet was spattered in several places with roast beef juice, and he peeled it off as he walked back. "Dominic? Do you need help?"

Yeah right. In the ten minutes Dominic had been gone, Dominic had scrubbed the bathroom completely sparkling clean, and was busy changing the sheets, mop carefully put to the side to put back into the utility closet in the kitchen, and was busily changing the sheets. He never bought anything other than white sheets, as too many colors gave him a headache, and a fresh new, pastel green comforter over the top. The white pillows, about ten of them for cozying into, and he was just crouching down to tuck them in when his lover entered. He smiled up at him, softly, raising a brow at the sheet his lover was unwinding, and chuckled softly, as he climbed to his feet. He was a little... tipsy, and it took a moment to orient himself, but when he did... hee. He reached his hand out, reaching in to give his lovers neck a sniffle, and sighed. "Sex, cologne, and roast beef. I believe I'm in love."

Lionel chuckled, deeply. "Lead on to the shower, Gunga Din. We're both ripe."

"You smell like salt. And tequila." Dominic purred, licking his shoulder softly with a smile on his face. "Kind of like being twenty on a beach. Salt, and tequila." He had already taken the enema out, fresh from a new box, and it was still in its packaging as he nodded at his lover. "You're full, beloved. When I was inside of you I kept getting burned and I didn't know why." He motioned. "When was your last time?"

Lionel raised an eyebrow. "Probably... twenty years ago, if not longer. They're not exactly a common occurrence in my life."

His lips curved, very softly. "Really."


"Doctor's office?"

"Yes, I believe so. During one of my more... thorough physicals." He snorted. "He realized, promptly thereafter, never to become quite so thorough with me ever again."

His lips curved, broadly. "Hmm. I... well. Lets not go into my practices, shall we?" he motioned towards the bag. "I filled it already, warm water and soap. It might get a little uncomfortable... I got one of my plugs, if you don't mind, because the need to get it out will be very quick. Lean over wherever you like, and try to relax."

"No, I don't mind." Lionel looked around the bathroom, and ended up bracing himself over the toilet. He spread his legs on either side of the bowl, and looked back over his shoulder. "Ready when you are, little cricket."

Yes, well, he was trying to get over this lovely sight, and he swallowed, leaning in to kiss his lovers hip softly before he got the lube and smeared his first finger, letting it slide in. He slid it in as deeply as he could, rubbing the walls and making sure all was smeared, before sliding out and wiping his hand on a towel he'd kept nearby for the very reason. He slid the nozzle in… only three fourths of a bag, because he was sure his lover wasn't experienced in this at all, and kissed his hip and the small of his back again. "Relax, baby. Its going to be a bit uncomfortable at'll cramp a bit. Don't worry, its what you're supposed to do. If it gets too be too much, tell me."

He pushed very gently on the bag, hand rubbing gently up and down his back. "There, Shh, there we are."

Lionel jumped slightly, startled when the warm water started sliding into his body, even though he'd been braced for it and had expected it. It felt... very peculiar, the pressure growing inside, and he concentrated instead on the feeling of Dominic stroking his back. Certainly enough, he did cramp after a moment, and he rode the minor cramps out without too much complaint. "Jiminy, enough."

"Baby, you've taken a cup. Its not enough. Trust me, alright? I've… done enough of these to know. Just calm down, alright? Concentrate on my voice, beloved," He pushed more in, squirted it gently into his lover, keeping a sharp eye on his hand as he stroked his lovers back softly, up and down, tenderly. "You've got to take the whole thing. Its not even a whole bag, beloved. Just stay calm... the cramps will go away."

He nodded. "I trust you." Lionel's hands tightened instead on the sides of the commode, holding them tightly as he concentrated, listening to the soothing sound of Dominic's voice and the easy, gentling touch of Dominic's hand sliding up and down his back.

He watched as his lover took more of it...more still, until he had half the bag, and his fingers gentled even more. "Cramps gone, my love?"

"Close enough," Lionel said, inhaling softly, and then exhaling slowly, through thinned lips.

"Good." But he knew the full feeling was definitely... definitely there, and his cock was hardening as he watched, biting his lower lip as he soothed his lovers back and moved from his hip to the sink. The slender plug he'd washed and dried just to be careful of dust mites and the like sat on a little towel, and he picked it up, watching as the entire of the bag entered his lover. Carefully… so, so carefully, slid the nozzle of the bag out and the plug in, as deeply as he could, making sure it lay flush against his lovers skin before he straightened and stroked his lovers back. "Still feeling alright?"

Hiss as the plug slid into him and a very, very mild panic as he realized he couldn't expel either the water or the plug. Deep breaths. "I'm all right. Just... a different sensation than what I'm used to, that's all."

"I know. Just stay calm, the water will come out in a minute." He opened the bag in the sink and emptied it out, washing it quickly before he filled it with cool water, making sure it wasn't too cool as he peered at it, and took the thoughts off his cock, which was hard as stone against his belly. He capped the bag quickly again, scrubbing the tip clean with a small towel and soap, making sure it was all soap free before he turned back to his lover, carefully sliding his fingers down over his ass...gently, over his balls and his cock hanging pendulously, gently kissing his back as he soothed. "Give it a moment, and I'll let you take it out. We can do the cold water in the shower, because it doesn't have to stay in."

Lionel nodded, and then startled again at the sensual touch to balls, then to his cock, and he was surprised to notice that he was beginning to pay attention to the touches, despite the situation. "I'm--calm," Lionel protested, shifting slightly against the porcelain. As he shifted, he felt the back of his leg rubbing against--"Dominic?"

"Yes?" Softly spoken, as he pressed another few soft, tender kisses to his lovers back, down his spine, swallowing as he fought to keep his movements the soothing ones of a husband, and not the completely turned on ones of a half hysteric lover. Seeing his lover like this, as he'd imagined him so many times, was driving him this side of completely, completely insane, his fingers stroking his hair. "A few more moments, okay?"

"It's not that." He paused softly. "You're... this arouses you, doesn't it?"

He didn't speak, throat bobbing instead. His dirty little secret that he couldn't quite explain, shivering softly as he stroked his face. "I..." He was so embarrassed, and so painfully aroused, his cock darkening with the surge of blood he got from his lover looking over his shoulder at him just like that. Dark hair over his shoulder, thighs spread, the blue plug deep inside, full of water, ughumph.

"If I'd known... Dominic, why didn't you tell me? If I'd known... you could have slowly introduced this. For you, I will try anything once."

He shivered, not really knowing why he hadn't... it embarrassed him, mostly, and he put thoughts to words as his fingers slowly stroked over his lovers hair, the back of his head, his neck. "It is embarrassing." He said softly, as he shuddered once, hard, when his lover shifted and he swallowed deeply, as he pointed to the toilet. "I'll step out. Just take the plug out and sit down. The water will come out. If you don't think the whole of the bag... about... say, a cup for brandy, full to the top. That much should come out. If it doesn't, tell me, and I'll get it out for you, okay?"

"It's not embarrassing, Dominic. No more so than any of the things I've done with you." Lionel straightened, wincing slightly as he turned to look at his lover. "You don't have to go; we've gone this far together, we can go the rest of the way together too."

"Alright." he smiled, crookedly at him. "Be careful. It'll hurt, the first moment, don't tense up. Just let it come out, Lionel." But his throat bobbed, as he pressed his lips to his lovers, very tenderly. "I love them. I don't know why. I never had one until Ethan, but after that… its indecently pleasurable, and I don't know why. He used to plug me up for an hour or more, completely full, an-and whip me." His throat bobbed. "I had some very powerful orgasms from it. But...regardless," A waved hand. "Sit down. I'll get the shower started while you empty."

Lionel turned at sat down, back giving a twinge from being bent over so long, but he didn't move to take anything out. "Dominic... come here. To me."

Dominic turned back around to him, mortified over how hard he was, and he reached for his lovers hand as he swallowed, deeply, looking away. "Yes?"

Lionel reached up and made Dominic look at him. "It's all right; why in Christ's name would you think it wasn't?"

He blinked a few times as he thought, in shame, shifting and shrugging a shoulder. "I don't really know. Because Ethan said it wasn't."

"And of course, we believe everything that the walking pile of dog shit that Ethan Hill is says to us, don't we?"

His lips curved. "Well I didn't say I believe it now. Its just not anything we've done, and I remember how it used to be with he and I. But… but I've never... to anyone else. Seeing you... leaning over like that, is..." He shuddered, all over, and let his fingers slide down to give his aching cock a squeeze.

Lionel reached down and squeezed with him. "Is what, little Cricket?"

"Very, extremely, completely erotic. Knowing you're full because I put you that way, and I could torture you if I so chose to."

Lionel stroked the hard cock in his palm. "Then why don't you choose to?"

"Because I know how much it hurts, and..." He looked up, throat bobbing. "I don't want you to be hurt, and this is your first time doing it in two decades on top of that." His fingers stroked over his cock, which had darkened in the lust he was having, and he shivered all over with pleasure of the thought. "And I don't know if you like it. I know you're hurting, right now. Get yourself emptied, Lionel."

"It hurts me more that you think there is something that you can't share with me." Lionel kept stroking his lover's cock, noting the shivers, leaning forward to kiss his lover's shoulder, which was the highest he could reach at the moment.

"I'm… I'm sorry, beloved." Dominic said softly, wincing as he gently cupped his cheeks softly, his apology in his eyes as he stroked his hair. "I'm sorry, Lionel. I didn't mean to, I just never... never wanted to bring you into this part of what I like, for your own sake. Its...not the cleanest thing in the world, and not the most sane thing in the world." He pressed his lips to his lovers. "It must be hurting you, beloved. Get it cleaned out."

Lionel opened his mouth, sucking a kiss from his lover's lips and stepping up the stroking on his cock. "There's no part of what you like that you can't show me. If I don't like it, the worst I will do is say so." He gripped tighter as he stroked, rubbing his thumb over the head.

He shuddered, hard, at the stroking, groaning hard as he threw his head back. Never thought his lover would ever... he'd had his fantasies over the years, many times truth be told, but he never... it was the most erotic thing in the world, aside from every other most erotic thing in the world his lover made him feel, and he let out a sharp sound of pleasure as he began to speak. " I... oh, Jesus... I didn't know h-how to bring it... it up. Couldn't just say, Yes, Lionel, I'll have some brandy, would you like to take an enema and let me whip you?" The last part he said on a grin, shuddering down at him as he rocked his hips forward.

Lionel raised himself just a little, stroking Dominic's cock faster as he slid his lips over Dominic's neck. "Yes, you could have," Lionel breathed into his neck. "I might have said no, or I might have said show me."

He whimpered, loudly, as his fingers slid over his lover, as they tentatively moved over his chest, his belly... and he whispered, before he touched, "Can I touch you?"

"Yes, you can." Lionel kept stroking Dominic's cock, but slowed a little, loosening his grip just a touch, to make it last.

"Can...I suck you?" He said, even softer, as he slid his fingers down over his lovers hands, so he could take them. "Will you stand for me… let me suck you down my throat?" His fingers stroked over his belly, where he cold feel the water sloshing around, his hips, his thighs, looking up in pure pleasure as he gave his lovers shoulder a tentative lick.

Lionel nodded, letting go of his lover completely as he stood up, balancing slightly with Dominic's shoulders, the weight of the water throwing his balance and his center of gravity slightly off until he got used to it.

He couldn't help the sharp, tiny little cry as his lover stood, and immediately dropped to his knees, sucking his lover down his throat. He worked him in, deeper, taking a sharp breath and pushing him past his gag reflex. He closed his lips around his lover and began to suck sharply, licking and sucking, licking his tight, heavy, large balls on the down stroke before coming up, to kiss the tip. He was in a fever, impassioned, dragging his mouth back down as his fingernails raked down his lovers cheeks.

Lionel moaned softly, rocking just a little, thrusting against Dominic as his lover swallowed him down. His hands slid into his lover's hair, using the better grip to balance with as he concentrated on having his cock sucked, not the gentle sway of water inside him. His cock was hard, growing harder as Dominic sucked, and he whimpered softly.

Dark, dark thoughts. Tying his lover up, whipping him, letting Lionel fuck him when Lionel himself was stuffed full, whips, chains, clamps, tight, pain, and he shuddered all over as he touched his cock. Sharp intake of breath and hiss at the pain his cock produced. So hard, too hard, pleasure sliding through his blood as he began to stroke the stiff column, his mouth going over, and over, and over his lovers cock. Thinking things that were entirely too evil, as his free hand stroked over his lovers distended belly, pressing in just slightly before down his hip and thigh, around to the mark on his ass.

Sharp whimper came as soon as Dominic pushed in on his belly, but his cock throbbed just as he did, the shifting pressing inside him, against something that felt good and he brought his lover's hand back to his stomach, whimpering softly and rocking on his heels.

He was going to come. Going to come, going to come, goingtocomegoingtoCOME! There was no stopping it, as he pressed on his lovers belly and his hand stroked even harder, letting go when it felt too good to stroke and instead moving over his lovers ass, over the plug, sweat sliding down his temples and down his back as he fought the storm raging inside of him. He sucked, harder, pressing into his lovers belly and moaning around his long cock as Dominic returned a hand to his own cock. He stroked, hard, fast, because orgasm was right there.

And then it was right here.

He exploded, coming all over his lovers thighs, his hand, the floor, as he moaned in indecent pleasure, teeth scraping on his outstroke from his lovers cock as he shuddered, all over.

Lionel shouted, his cock jerking and trembling in his lover's mouth, coming in heavy, irregular spurts as teeth scraped over his shaft. His hands locked in his lover's hair, keeping him from pulling all the way off, kept the head of his cock right inside his lover's mouth as he shook.

Dominic didn't even take a breath as his lover exploded all over his throat, the back of his tongue, swallowing convulsively as he worked through the throes of his own, body shaking as he slowly came down, swallowing his lover back down. He squeezed everything out of him with hard swallows, lapping at the base as he looked up, Lionel still buried inside of him.

Lionel's hands slid out of his lover's hair, cupping his face and rubbing his cheekbones with his thumbs. Then he held his hands out to his lover. "Come get in the shower with me. We can get everything... cleaned up."

"Okay." He whispered, sliding up to his feet.. a little unsteady from the rush of blood back to his head and his half liquored state, swallowing as he took his hand tightly in his. "Lionel... Lionel, thank you. Thank you." He squeezed his lovers hands, tightly in his, bringing him tightly against him for a squeezing embrace, kissing his shoulder, his neck, his hair. "Let m-me, get, the cold bag."

Lionel wrapped his arms around his lover and held him close. "You're welcome." He wrapped his fingers through Dominic's and squeezed in return. "Thank you, for sharing it with me."

Umphgragh. He grabbed the bag and took his lovers hand, sliding into the little corner glass shower stall, and put it on as he slid inside. "A little small, baby. Come on, come in." The hot water was already spraying down his neck and down his back, as he offered his hand. Towels were within a hands reach for when they got out, and he kissed his lover, fiercely, wrapping his arms tightly around him as he did so.

Lionel squeezed into the stall with his lover. "Small I can deal with." He stood with his back to his lover, face upturned into the hot spray so that it soaked his hair as well. Then he was tugged down to kiss his lover and he didn't protest at all, sucking just as fiercely as he was kissed.

Dominic slid his fingers down his lovers hips as they kissed, sideways and backwards but it was so good, as he slid the plug from his lovers body. Their was a splash of water, and he listened to it intently as he kissed his lover hard, sucking hot kisses from his lips... his jaw, neck, fingers streaking through wet hair soothingly as he kissed his thank you. One palm came down to his lovers belly, pressing so the water would get expelled, the other around his lovers waist so he wouldn't fall. The weakness was always strange and fierce, the headrush intense, and he kept his lover braced as he kissed him.

Hard groan as Lionel's knees all but buckled under him, and he grabbed onto his lover for support as the water came rushing out. Ignored the sound it made; wouldn't have heard it anyway because his attention was all on the exquisite sensation of expulsion.

Oh, Dominic knew. It felt almost better than the orgasms always did, and he rubbed his lovers belly to make sure it was out, before he slid down the tile wall in a crouch, as he grasped the bag he'd set on the low shelf, and tapped Lionel's thighs gently. "Spread, baby. Just to clean you out, it won't stay in."

Lionel nodded and spread his thighs as much as he could in the small shower stall, knees bent just a little to allow access.

Dominic kissed one of his lovers cheeks, so, so softly and slid the nozzle in, squeezing it in only two fast squeezes, instead of the many tiny squeezed of the first bag. It was only half a bag of cold water, but he rose back up as he let the nozzle out, listening to the expulsion again to make sure and gauge it all came out, his fingers rubbing his lovers thighs softly, his lower belly and his chest, as he kissed his back tenderly and smiled.

Another groan, though not as heartfelt as the first, and Lionel would have sagged to the floor in a happy puddle if he hadn't been bracing himself on the wall. He turned his head under the shower spray, looking lazily at his lover, and smiling, then looking at the soap. "We reek," is all he pointed out calmly.

The lazy, satisfied grin of a cat had Dominic chuckling as he got one of the two sponges hanging on a tiny hook, and filled it with his favorite liquid soap as he began to rub it over his lovers body. Back, neck, throat, chest, each long arm with particular attention to fingers and wrists, then up to arm puts, as he nuzzled his lovers hair, smiling softly as they were snuggled in the shower. "We reek like day old cheese and liquor."

"Which? Is why we're showering and getting into clean sheets," Lionel pointed out, arching into the strokes and the attentive scrubs of the sponge, like a cat seeking attention.

Dominic ran the sponge down his lovers backside, then his crotch, carefully cleaning a now limp cock and soft balls, before down, between his thighs. He crouched low to scrub his legs, front and back, and feet, cleaning over toes as he got soap on his cheek from his lovers ass, chuckling softly as he rose once more, handing off the sponge and getting the lavender shampoo from the shelf. He squeezed some into his hands and began to scrub through his lovers soft, soft hair, and he hadn't been this happy in... well, forever. He had Lionel, he had privacy, he had good food coming, he'd come three times since they got home, he was satisfied as hell, and he was now the co owner of a crib that had fairies on it.

He beamed, like an idiot, as he scrubbed his nails softly and massaging against soft scalp.

Deep rumbling of satisfaction came from Lionel's chest. "I am just spoiled enough and just hedonistic enough to thoroughly enjoy you washing my hair."

"And I'm just indulgent enough of you to wash your hair and adore every moment of it." He whispered softly, rubbing his lips tenderly against his lovers cheek and jaw, giving the corner of his lips a kiss as he scrubbed quickly and efficiently, rubbing it through until he was sure he had hit every spot, and ducked to the side so his lover could rinse. Slipped in front of him and oh, yeah, he grinned at him, pressing his lips to a bearded jaw as it tipped back.

Lionel raised his hands to lift his hair in the water, and he looked down his nose at his lover. "You were right, by the way. When you said that we should do this more often. It... doesn't have to be this specifically, but... yes. We do need the down time."

"We need it, very badly in fact, my love." He said softly, kissing his lover tenderly as he said it. "Very much. We're much too stressed out as it is." But he smiled at him, as he rinsed, and filled his sponge again, running it over his body and scrubbing at his skin quickly. "And I don't mind spending a day of oblivious knowledge with you." He rubbed the sponge down the line of his body, chest, sides, ass, back where he could reach, and then over his shoulder to catch what he didn't, before leaning down and going over his legs, crotch and feet.

"Yes, we are. We are both entirely too stressed." He stroked Dominic's hip gently, and stepped out of the shower stall, so Dominic could get in the water. "We need to do this about once a week, if possible. One day where we do nothing at all business-related."

"Like have sex and get drunk?" Crooked grin at his lover in the water. "There's a towel behind you. Give me a second." He scrubbed shampoo through his hair in the same breath before ducking his head under the water to rinse, rubbing his fingers through the short strands before he rinsed off all over, and cut the water, stepping onto the lemony fresh tile along with his lover.

"Take--your time," Lionel finished as Dominic stepped out beside him. "But yes, have sex, get drunk, watch old films and have dinner. I think it's called... fun, yes?"

His lips spread. as he looked up, dripping, and took a big white fluffy towel, carefully beginning to towel his lover off. "Id say so. Lex said it himself... we don't have any of it." He leaned up to press a kiss to his lovers cheek as he hooked the towel around Lionel's hips, getting another one for himself.

"And what does Lex know about our having fun or the lack of it, hmm?" Lionel picked up another towel for his hair, rubbing it briskly as Dominic tucked the towel around his waist.

"He told me, a few weeks ago, when I was up eating brisquet and watching TV." His lips quirked. "He said, and I do believe," His accent went flat and strangely American, though there was still a hint of his deep culture around the edges, "Dom, you and dad have no fun, whatsoever. You're going to take on a stodgy old bastard name for yourself if you don't go… out."."

Lionel burst out laughing at the eerily accurate imitation of his son. "Well, at least we know what he's doing with his life these days--worrying about ours."

Dominic grinned, softly, because the weariness of the day was beginning to lay on him, and he rolled his eyes at his lover as he padded into his deliciously cool bedroom. He'd cleaned whatever had to be cleaned quickly, and he stepped into the tiny walk in closet to retrieve some pajamas for himself and for Lionel. Lionel's hips were as slender as his were so he got out a pair of boxer shorts, and a big t-shirt he'd had for a while that would fit his lovers broad shoulders. Did the same for himself, light blue boxers and a white Hanes undershirt, tugging it on even as he handed Lionel his. "I love sleeping over."

Lionel just raised an eyebrow. "You have something against sleeping in the nude, Dominic?"

Another big, but soft, smile. "I'm kind of cold. I'll strip later, when we go to sleep. You can stay nude all you like, but don't come crying to me when steaming roast falls on your chest." He chuckled, softly, as he tugged on socks, too, to step out onto the tile floor.

"It's not steaming unless you heat it back up; it's in a bowl in the refrigerator. You might need a napkin, though, because I didn't drain the simmering sauce, so it's still in the bowl too."

Soft purr. "Want some?"

"Maybe in a little while; I actually ate my dinner so at the moment? I'm just a little full." Lionel plopped quite nakedly on the bed, then pulled the white shirt on over his head. "There."

He grinned, broadly, rolled his eyes, and disappeared. He'd slid the strawberries in to chill when he'd gone for towels earlier, and he took them out, now, and the Tupperware containing sin, as he knew it. He pulled the lid off... sniffed in pleasure, and stuck it in the microwave as he rubbed the back of his neck, leaning his front against the counter. It wasn't as eerily quiet as it always was in his house, and he turned to smile over his dark living room, and quiet front hall. It was... homey, now, and he beamed at it as he pulled his roast from the microwave, taking it, a fork, a bunch of napkins and the bowl of strawberries, back into his bedroom.

Lionel was already sitting, his back against the headboard, pillows tucked in behind him and one leg drawn up to rest against his chest. The Cuban cigars were sitting by the bed, and Lionel loved his little Cricket for bringing them in here earlier. He was the best. He was lighting it as his lover came in through the doorway, but didn't say anything until the fragrant tobacco cylinder had been lit.

Dominic rolled his eyes to heaven and slid on the bed, motioning for him to point it towards the window, which he'd thrown open to cool their room off after the intense sex. He slid into the middle of the bed beside his lover and kissed his cheek before burrowing down into his mountain of pillows, bringing his knees up, bowl of roast resting between chest and his upraised thighs. "Put our movie on, El Moviestro."

"We're starting with Spartacus," Lionel decreed, and he sat the cigar carefully to the side, in the squat juice glass that he was using as an ashtray. He got up easily and rummaged through the tapes until he found the one he wanted, inserted the first of the two tapes in the VCR, and let the intro play. "It has the introduction music, just as they did in the old theaters," Lionel called out, as he went to the fridge himself, and pulled out the bottle of fine brandy he'd bought earlier in the day, and carried in two snifters as well. "I remember when theaters played their movies with the music beforehand, and not the insipid music they play now."

Dominic smiled at him as he ate, half in orgasmic bliss, half in exhaustion, murmuring happily as he chewed and gazed at his lover in adoration of how... very... good... this was. He licked his lower lip, blushing up at him as he snuggled under the blankets, socks falling slightly as he ate. "I would have loved to go see those types of movies. I think the closest thing we have to an epic such as this is Titanic, and before you say anything about it being bad, it made me cry. A lot. And I couldn't sleep for two days, thinking about poor Jack, so don't say a word."

"Titanic was a self-indulgent load of crap. It was badly done, the story disgustingly saccharine, and while there were several affecting scenes, overall, it was tripe. The music? Do not even mention the music to me."

Glare. Just... glare. "Have I mangled Spartacus? No. So shut up about my Jack and Rose. It made me cry a lot, I saw it four times at the theater, twice with Megan, and I have it on tape and DVD. So shh!" He made a snapped mouth motion with his thumb and fingers, glaring as he ate some more.

Lionel was quiet, as the movie started up. He poured a glass of brandy and set it on the table beside his cigar, and then poured another one and held it out to his lover. Then, with his free hand, he knocked the ash off his cigar and put it back in his mouth, still holding the drink out to his lover.

Dominic took it, taking a long, lovely drink, and leaned over to gently whisper, "I love this roast. If I weren't married to you already, we'd be hitting the nearest chapel right about now." He smiled at him and set the glass on the bedside table on his side, snuggling in and eating.

After about five minutes, however, he set the bowl aside as well, and slid down a bit, under the covers, to wrap his arms around his lovers waist, snuggling in as he watched the TV.

He was happy. Happier then he'd been in such a long time. As happy as he'd been on the day of his wedding, and he squeezed his lovers waist, softly. "I'm sorry, Lionel."

Lionel made sure to keep the lit end of the cigar away from his lover as they snuggled. "I'll make sure to give the recipe to Ms. Bird and keep it on hand for you instead of brisquet." He stroked his hands over Dominic's hair, pressing kisses to his temple. "Sorry for what, cricket?"

He paused. "I'm not really sure, for what. Maybe everything. Strangely enough, I'm no longer sorry for yesterday. If we hadn't fought, we wouldn't have rebuilt what we have today, and we wouldn't be where we are right now. We'd still be angry at one another, working our asses off." He looked up. "Today has been out of a dream. Thank you, Lionel. I don't know to pinch myself, or thank God I'm alive and here to be with you."

"Be thankful," Lionel said softly. "For just as much as we needed to relax, I think we needed to fight, too. Because we were both boiling over and didn't see it in each other. It had to come to a head sometime, and I'm thankful it was now, when things were still... reparable."

He nodded, squeezing his lovers waist... then looking for his free hand, to hold. "We were cranky bastards who were holding it in. I promise you, from now on, I'll be quite blunt with my feelings. Alright?" His throat bobbed. "I won't... do things to hurt you, the way I did. The last… the last three times we've fought have been because of me, Lionel. I don't want you to think I'm looking for a fight, or I'm incapable of compromise."

"No, Dominic. They're not entirely your fault. They were mine too, have no fear. And I am man enough to admit that. You had a right to be angry, every time you were angry."

"I'm kind of cranky." He said softly, smiling up at him. "I love you. I love you, so dearly. I thank God every night and every day that you're in my life."

"You're allowed to be cranky, just as I'm allowed to be a codger." Lionel returned the soft smile, and ground out his finished cigar in the ashtray.

His eyes fell to half mast, as he watched the tv, attempting to follow the storyline, but he was already falling. The cool air flowing in through the crack in the window, the cozy, clean rasp of sheets and clean skin, the warm embrace of his very naked lover, and he knew he'd said he'd strip before falling asleep, but he was already on the road as he snuggled up closer, his breath slowing as he watched the TV.

Lionel felt the slowing in his lover's breathing but didn't say a word, just silently sipped from his brandy every now and then as he watched Spartacus, first hamstringing one of his slavers, then being taught in the gladiatorial arts. One hand stroked idly over Dominic's hair and neck, the other cradled the brandy glass.

His eyes drooped even more, flickering open once in a while and straining to watch... before falling again, half mast... then closed. Open... a few blinks, a shift, to keep awake, but it didn't work, and he felt his eyes falling again, and sleep beckoning. "L'in'l. 'm sleepy, b'loved."

"Then go to sleep," he said softly, looking down and stroking his lover's hair from his face. "I'm going to stay awake at least a while longer, but that's just because it takes me longer to fall asleep. You know that; don't worry. Sleep, Jiminy."

"You s're?" He asked softly, looking up but his eyes were already hazing, barely focused on his lover as he shifted, sliding his arm warmly around his waist and tugging the pillow absently under his head a little better. "Dont wa-want you t'b' alone."

"I'm sure. I won't be alone, because you're here with me." He held up the remote to the television. "I'll turn it off in a little while, but for right now... just rest, all right? I'm not alone; I'm never alone with you by my side, Jiminy Cricket."

"I love you." His lips spread, lazily and sleepily, and he snuggled in close to his lover, resting against him, sheets and blankets tugged up as his left sock hung half off his foot, and closed his eyes. Took him only a few minutes... five, maybe ten, to fall deeply into sleep, but it was his lovers hands, his lovers body, and the fact that Lionel's breath, even and soft, his heart beating, was so close. He loved him, as deeply as any person could, and it was with that thought that he fell asleep, falling into dreams as easy as the breeze.


go on to the next part