
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 202: The Pastry

It was six fifteen in the morning. The dew clung to the early morning grass, the cold, nippy air made all the cooler by the lapping ocean off the rocky ridge.

And yet, Dominic sat there.

He'd awoken almost an hour before, surprised because he and his lover weren't supposed to sleep all night, by any regard. But they had, and after the very odd crying jag, after his lover had calmed enough to be held, they'd slept on, and must have slept all evening and night.

Not that Dominic minded, anyhow. He'd awoken, showered, and brewed coffee on the stove, a nice big kettle of it. After dressing in jeans, polo, sweater and jacket, Dominic had started a fire in the bedroom hearth to keep the room warm for his sleeping lover, and went outside. He took a cup of coffee with him, as well as a blanket, and had sat on the edge of the rocky incline. Five feet below the roaring ocean lapped at a sandy beach, and Dominic watched it, quietly, as he looked out over the fast bay. The sea water was still dark, as the sun had yet to rise, though Dominic waited patiently for it, sipping his hot coffee and watching the fisherman begin their day.

Lionel was standing silently in the doorway of the cabin. He was wearing a turtleneck sweater and one of the new pairs of jeans he'd been given for the trip, and a lightweight blazer rested over his shoulders. He had a cup of coffee in his hands, beverage of choice for the morning, and he was listening to the ocean crashing against the rocks below. Hadn't come out to disturb his lover, because this was his home. Quiet, beautiful, Dominic's. It's what they'd come halfway around the world to experience, and he wouldn't get in the way this morning. Other sunrises, they could enjoy together. But this, this one was his lover's.

Before him, the few clouds of the morning broke, and over the tall mountains facing the north, the sun broke and crested. It spilled the sky with orange, red, yellow, the dark blues of night still intertwined with it and it was probably the most beautiful thing Dominic had ever seen.

Should have seen. He only caught a moment of it before he turned and looked at his lover, and offered his hand.

Against his better judgment, because Lionel could never refuse the beckoning of his lover, he carefully picked his way down the path to the little bluff where Dominic was perched, and crouched behind him, the seat of his pants resting against the back of his heels as his arms went around his lover's waist. His chin nudged Dominic's head back around, so he could see the last of the sunrise.

Yeah. Right here. His lover holding him tightly, and he wound his arms around the arms around him and watched. The fisherman down on the water crossed themselves and Dominic did too, as he reached up to kiss his lovers cheek bone tenderly. "You're supposed to be sleeping."

"I couldn't sleep without you there," he confessed in a soft whisper, so as not to disturb the quietude of the morning. He tightened his grip on Dominic briefly and hugged, and then rested his chin on Dominic's shoulder. "It's beautiful."

"Of course it is." His feet, hanging off the incline, crossed at the ankle as he scooted over gently for his lover to share the blanket he was sitting on. "Did you get some coffee, love?"

"I did." Lionel settled carefully onto the blanket, and retrieved the cup he'd carried over. "Bit strong, but I don't mind." He smiled. "If I'd thought, I'd have filled the thermos."

Dominic's eyes twinkled, as he pressed a kiss to his lovers bearded cheek and lay his head on his shoulder. "Mmm. Have to buy a coffee maker, love." He curled in, close, and wound his arm around his lovers waist. "I love this, you know."

"I'm sure we can find a coffeemaker somewhere in this little town." He gave a small smile down. "I moved cities; I will not move countries."

His laugh filled the little incline as he looked up, and cracked up all over again. "Oh, come on. I thought you were supposed to be God!"

"I am God," he reminded firmly, smile in place. "However, even the Almighty draws the line somewhere."

He was still grinning, though he lay his head back on his husbands shoulder. "Alright, alright. But. You have to promise we'll come visit, as much as we can, and we won't tell my family every single time that we're coming."

"We won't tell your family at all." Deadpanned, as he cradled Dominic close to him.

He snickered, softly. "My Gran called about fifteen minutes ago. She's coming by, with biscuits and pastries. Then we're off to go see the sites. How do you feel... about going to see Blarney Castle, then having a picnic in the old Druid ruins?"

"Tell me that Ms. Finn is the only one of your relatives accompanying us on this sightseeing excursion," he said softly. "It's been quite a while since I've been to the castle, though I will not hang out over the battlements to kiss the Stone again."

"Aye, but we'll be goin' alone." Dominic smiled, softly. "She's kept the relations away until this afternoon, when we're going to her home for tea and dinner, and a game of American football. The Finn's have kicked the O'Toole's asses, every time. We'll see again about this year."

"Football?" Lionel asked curiously. "Not rugby or soccer?"

"Mmm. Don't ask me why, but my cousins are fascinated with it."

"Perhaps we can see about outfitting the teams the, while we're here?" Lionel sighed softly. "Although I wonder if they'd choose to wear the padding or gear, seeing as I am envisioning mouths full of missing teeth."

He laughed, softly, but there was something in the laugh that even made himself stop. "Lionel, I think they're a bit upset at me. For not coming back. Couldn't you tell, yesterday, with Gideon?"

The smile he'd been wearing turned quickly into a frown. "Yes, I could tell. I wasn't happy about it, at all. I wondered what was behind it, as I know you've been back when you could."

"No. I haven't." He looked up. "I haven't been back when I could. I could have come back before this, but I chose not to. Not because I didn't want to... because the time isn't right. I don't think they're going to understand that… I'm trying to warn you, before this afternoon. My family is very kind, but when they feel they've been wronged, it sticks, and rarely goes away."

Lionel bristled softly, at that, some of the anger he'd felt in the night sliding into his consciousness again. "Then they'll have to deal with me, not you. Because they'll not misuse you. They'll not use you badly, as long as I'm around."

"Its not about misuse at all, love." Dominic looked up, and gently squeezed his waist. "Not at all. They'll understand. it might take them a bit, but I don't mind. Because now that we have the house, we'll be around more often, and that makes me very happy."

Lionel didn't calm. At all. "The plane will be ready on demand, to bring you over whenever you'd like. It'll be at your disposal, and I'd like for us to come together at least, every over month, and especially to bring Aurora to meet her relatives."

Dominic looked up, quietly. "Lionel, what happened during the night?"

He shook his head gently. "I don't know. I woke angry, and then as soon as I woke I heard you crying, and I knew that's why I was upset; my subconscious, I suppose, had pointed out to me how upset you were."

He frowned, quietly. "I was in a dead sleep. I remember dreaming, about... about Clark and Lex. And then suddenly, I just felt this overwhelming hate and jealousy, and it... I don't know why I wept."

"You were dreaming about my son and his boyfriend?" Lionel hugged his lover tightly. "I'm sorry. I don't know why you were crying either, but it made me so furious."

Because it amused him, he rolled his eyes up at his lover. "Dork. Yes, I did. I dreamt about them... they were at home. Something happened, I don't know, but they were rather upset." He squeezed his lovers waist. "I don't know. I don't cry for nothing. I don't cry a lot anyway." Cough. Glance up. Daring him to argue. "Odd."

Lionel knew better than to argue, and he just kissed the tip of Dominic's nose. "Don't worry. I'm sure Clark and Lex are doing just fine without us, and are, in fact, taking advantage of the fact we're not home to enjoy themselves thoroughly."

Dominic made. A. Face. "Thank you, Lionel. I appreciate that. Just when I was going to ask you if you want to christen the house, you go and make me think of that."

Teasing smirk. "You're quite welcome."

Dominic glanced up, glared, and let his lips twitch. "If you want, though, we could still--"

"And I know the two of you are freezing. Catch your deatha cold. Get up now, before I'm runnin' you to the clinic in a horrid state!" Granny, packed with jacket, sweater and scarf, glared, holding a big white box and a thick thermos, clucking at them as she walked down the little lane towards the house.

Lionel stopped in mid-lean, and reminded himself that this was the relative that Dominic adored more than him. "Tell me why I can't kill your grandmother?" But, Lionel pushed himself to his feet and started walking towards her. "Let me help you with that, Ms. Finn."

She clucked again, glared, and walked into the house with a butt push against the door.

Dominic just... he grinned, broadly, and rose up to his feet to catch his lover in that kiss he had been about to receive. He wound his arms around his neck and kissed him, softly, deeply, with the rising sun behind them, and gently nibbled the corner of warm lips as he caught his breath. "I might. Stopped Lionel kisses."

Lionel rolled his eyes and stepped back into the kiss that his lover was giving him. His arms held Dominic's waist tightly and he kissed back, firmly and eagerly, sighing softly at the sensation of Dominic kisses and coffee.

"Okay. Get rid of granny. Check." But Dominic was smiling, as he hugged him close to him for a moment before letting go, and retrieving the blanket and his cup of coffee. He drew his fingers through his hair, though it did nothing for his unruly locks of spiky hair, and grasped his lovers hand.

"Getting rid of Granny." But he didn't move, instead, running his fingers through Dominic's hair and smoothing it down, putting it back in some sort of order. "There. You don't look quite so mussed."

Dominic's lips twitched, as he looked up to catch a kiss on his lovers wrist. "Liar. Different climate... my hair doesn't like it. Neither does yours, by the by." He tweaked a slightly frizzy lock and smiled, as he kissed his lovers chin and jaw. "Come on, Gran made her biscuits fresh. They're so good they're a sin."

"This is why I packed conditioner. And as soon as I get the chance, the hair will once again be returned to it's usual state of excellence."

Granny glanced up, eyebrow raised, as her grandson and his husband came in, smile unavoidable as Morgan cracked up. Her lips quirked, as she poured hot cocoa into paper cups, and set about opening the box of pastries. "And what are you laughing at, my darling?"

"Lionel and his lovely hair." Dominic grinned, as he pressed a kiss to his granny's cheek. "Oh, this looks fabulous."

"He finds it slightly amusing that my hair doesn't like the climate." Deep sigh as he picked up the cocoa, eyed it with slight distaste but drank it anyway, ignoring the sweetness of the chocolate and instead, sucking in the warmth of the beverage.

Gran saw the look Lionel gave, and slyly pushed a second cup his way, taking the one he'd been drinking and setting it in the sink. "Irish coffee, little teacup. Margan, you know what all I make... Lionel, would you like a cream filled or a normal? They're not sweet... filled with creamed cheese."

"Bless you, Ms. Finn." Lionel took the coffee, laced with a few drops of Irish whiskey, and snuggled the cup into his grasp and inhaled the aroma softly. "Mmm." He blinked at the array of pastries, and sighed. "No, thank you, but I'm not at all a breakfast person. The coffee is excellent."

"That's fine, my darlin'." She smiled, though, broadly, as her grandson took two, and the look of longing on his face told her he wanted a third. She grinned, instead setting the white box to the side and picking up the basket she'd retrieved while they'd been necking like teenagers. "I've your luncheon, my dears. Roast beef club sandwiches, fresh fish and chips, dill pickles… some croissants, and the beef stew my sleeping birds missed yesterday." She smiled at the both of them. "I'll pack some of these sweets in, as well, and there's a thermos in the fridge full of sparkling cider, cups and the like in the basket, as well."

Lionel just blinked. Picked out a third pastry and handed it over to Dominic and peered into the wicker basket.

Which was filled to the brim with food. "My dear woman, we are going on a day's excursion, not a hike in the Amazon! There's food enough in here for ten men!"

She beamed. "Of course there is. Whatever's to the taste of your palette. The weather man said it'll be warm by the early afternoon... sixty degrees, so I want you both to dress accordingly. Sweaters and jackets, of course. Margee is going to lend you her SUV for the trip, though she hopes you don't mind a bit of baby puke." Granny grinned. "She'll be around by eight thirty, if that's to your liking?"

Lionel blinked. Couldn't resist. "Yes, Mother."

Oh, Granny just about died laughing.

Dominic grinned, around the first bite of his second pastry, and covered his mouth with his hand as his shoulders shook. "Tha's tha spiri', L'i'nel."

Lionel turned an evil glare onto his lover, and thumped him on the back as pastry threatened to spray out through everywhere. "Be nice, or I'll dangle you by your toes."

"And you'd be tall enough to do it." Granny kept right on giggling, as quickly slipped plastic spoons and forks into the basket as well. "You both be right careful… Lionel, I've heard of your lead foot," Chastised glare, as she wagged a finger. "So if you end up driving, be careful. And the ruins are quite lovely, but don't get hurt!"

Lionel rolled his eyes at that. "Don't worry, Mother. I won't be driving; my instinct would be to drive on the incorrect side of the road and kill everyone, and since I'd like for us to survive the trip, I'm leaving the chore of driving to your darling little grandson."

Oh, and she beamed at him, as he swallowed the last bit of his second pastry. "Good. My little teacup drives quite well, I know." Though she flicked a dish rag at Lionel and glared at him. "Granny! Granny, Granny, Granny. Now." Her lips twitched. "I'm going home to finish the hot chicken pies, and I expect you both at Margee's before seven."

Dominic nodded, eyes flinting with adoration, as he bit into his next pastry.

"Good." A kiss to Morgan's head, and then a kiss to Lionel's. "Be careful, dears!"

Lionel allowed the kiss. "We'll be careful, Ms. Finn, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to your little... teacup."

"Good." Amused smile, as she bustled off on her way.

Dominic waited, exactly five seconds after his Gran closed the door behind her, to go into the box for another pastry, and grin, guiltily, at his lover.

Lionel flipped his hand towards box. "Please, help yourself. Eat all you like; I won't tell on you. Wouldn't want the dear lady's work to go to waste, after all." Lionel sat back down on the bed, and put his feet up, still sipping the delicious coffee.

Dominic took a bite of his next pastry, grape jelly filled, and was still chewing on it when he got up from the table and slipped over his lovers lap. he straddled him, taking the coffee out of his hands, and replaced his mouth, after he'd swallowed, over his lovers. He kissed him, warmly, deeply, and leaned back, gently pressing his lover back against the warm bed that Lionel had made.

They were about to unmake it, if Dominic had his way.

Lionel watched calmly as Dominic took his coffee away and set it on the rickety table by the bed, and then as his lover climbed onto his lap, and then watched again as he leaned back on the bed, and he smiled. Sat up straight, and slid his hands under Dominic's shirt, pushing the polo shirt up and nibbling at his lover's skin as it was revealed, licks and kisses from navel to sternum.

"Mmm." He murmured, softly, as he wriggled on his lovers lap and let him undress him. He sighed, deeply, pulling the sweater and the polo off, so he was bare-chested, and purred softly as his fingertips moved over his own lovers sweater. They could get redressed later. Later. Now... making love. "Got the lube?" He murmured, quietly, as Lionel's sweater fell on the wooden floor, and he rubbed himself gently against his lovers still caught in denim cock.

"It's still packed in one of the bags," he answered softly, thumbs sliding up to rub over Dominic's nipples and sucking lightly on his throat, pushing him back down once he was bare-chested as Dominic was and leaning back over him. One hand slid up his lover's arms and held his wrists together as he sucked his way down, from elbow to shoulder, and then down his chest, leaving small red marks behind.

"Lionel." Breathless word, breathless murmur, as Lionel's warm lips licked and sucked all the way down. He purred, quietly, wriggling slightly as his lover held his arms pinned down, and oh, that was a deliciously lovely feeling. "We... are going to need it." Groaned softly. He arched up gently to rub against Lionel, carefully, in slow, easy circles, and purr like a cat in its element.

"Yes, yes, we are." But he didn't stop his attentions; his mouth moved down, sucking and kissing, licking along his ribcage, dragging his beard down to scrape lightly against the pale trail of hair that led towards his lover's cock. His hand kept Dominic pinned as his other worked the buttons and zippers of Dominic's jeans, and then slid them over his hips.

Groan. Just...groan. Lionel was always so attentive, so lovely, and he whimpered, his fingers tightening into fists over his head as he wriggled and lifted his hips. His breath exploded from him in soft pants when he realized his lover was going to... oh, God, and he whimpered, softly, shuddering and wriggling. "Yes, please, please. I love you, I want... please, I want."

Lionel dipped his tongue into Dominic's navel, and slowly released his lover's wrists, dragging his hands heavily over the prone body under him, down until he had handfuls of fabric in his hands and he tugged down, baring his lover entirely. A brief, teasing lick that promised more swiped over the head of Dominic's cock, and then Lionel moved down his thighs, alternating kisses as he slid down, pulling the jeans in front of him. Shoes were tugged off, socks were folded carefully, and jeans and underwear last, folded neatly and laid over the end of the bed.

His lover was naked under him, and he grinned down as he started at Dominic's ankle, tongue licking the indent on each ankle bone before licking up his calves, his thighs, nudging them apart as he went, until his mouth was blowing moist breath over Dominic's balls, and his fingers were separating his lover's cheeks to expose his opening.

Dominic wasn't sure if anyone could ever understand, fantasize, about how good this was. Even Lionel's many, many, MANY female admirers couldn't come close in their imaginations to what it was like to have Lionel Luthor as a lover. He had at least forty five years of experience under his belt with how to pleasure ones lover correctly, and ever since the get-go, Lionel had known what he'd liked. He didn't know how he did, but he did.

He looked down, and knew that no one could ever understand how painfully, completely arousing it was for Lionel Luthor to be between your thighs with just that smirk, with just that happiness in his eyes, and his chest was heaving as his head fell back again. The wet kisses on his calves and thighs burned like touches of a flame, and then… then the hot breath skating over his balls and he groaned, quietly, as he spread his legs further.

Lionel's eyes twinkled softly at his lover as he waited for Dominic to move, to relax and open further for him, and once he did, Lionel moved again. His beard scraped lightly over the curve of his lover's ass, his mustache scraped the delicate tissues between Dominic's cheeks as his tongue licked out. Over the little opening, teasing it with light licks, feeling it twitch softly before he pushed his head forward, just a little, pushing the tip into the little opening.

Then back out again, back in. Shallow thrusts, teasing he knew, and his hands kneaded Dominic's ass as he pulled him closer, the shallow thrusts slowly pushing deeper as his hair spread out over his lover's thighs.

Oh "GOD!" His entire body quivered with pleasure, gasping and arching his back as he wailed. His fingers scrabbled for a moment... found the blankets and fisted. Yeah. No one had any clue what it was to have Lionel as a lover, and that single thought overjoyed him beyond words. It was unbelievable, unbelievable, to feel Lionel's tongue sliding into him, over and over, slickening him like a big... sexy... THING. Christ! Aroused beyond words, his cock painting ribbons over his belly, and he reached down, grasping it and shaking in agonized pleasure.

Lionel let go of his lover's ass, and reached around, guiding Dominic's hands from his cock to Lionel's hair, tightening them there and sliding back down to firmly grip and spread his lover open, his tongue spearing even deeper as he licked, teeth nibbling lightly, what they could reach, and beard scraping over sensitive skin.

"Oh GOD!" The cry shook the walls as he arched his hips up, heels planted firmly on the bed as he lifted up, begging as he nearly sobbed. He grasped his lovers hair, tightly, thrashing on the pillow so his body bloomed with an aroused flush of desire, swear beading on his forehead as he wailed. "Lionel, LIONEL!" He was shaking, continuously, and it was arousing beyond speech. No one could ever understand this, no one.

Lionel didn't say a word, just increased the speed of his licking, burying his tongue completely in his lover, flicking the tip against his lover's walls, and then sliding back out only to push back in again. A small smile spread over his lips as his mouth grew wet with his thrusts, and he just licked all the harder for it, the hands tight in his hair sending pulses to his cock and making his body thrum.

The screaming had stopped and now... yeah. Dominic would admit it one day, but now he was left with mindless groans and cries, shaking, shuddering, thrashing on the pillow. Lionel wasn't stopping and his cock ached, though the ache was sending waves of pleasure of his body. Sweet torture that felt so good he could have cried, not letting go of his lovers hair even if he wanted to grasp his cock and come. Didn't, because Lionel didn't want it... instead he let one go and brought a hand up to pinch and knead at his nipples, wailing as his lover thrust in and his nipple was squeezed and UHN!

Lionel took pity on his lover, pressed one last kiss to the small rosebud, and licked forward, over Dominic's balls, kissing each of them in turn, then enveloping the length in his mouth, absorbing it inch by inch until every bit was deeply embedded in his throat.

Oh FUCK. Fuck, fuck, FUCK! He gasped and his hips came up, pressing into the hot wet heat, and he was so out of his head he didn't stop to think that maybe his lover didn't want to be thrust against. Couldn't help it, as he wailed, grasping his lovers hair tightly in his hands and tugging, tugging, without knowing where he wanted to tug, just sobbing in pleasure. His ass was hollow, thumping, waiting for something to slide inside of it, and had he mentioned GUH? "Lionel, Lionel!"

Lionel was slow, taking his time, letting Dominic thrust into his mouth, sucking his lover hard with every push into his mouth. Felt his own cock throbbing, screaming inside his jeans and he didn't move to take them off yet, determined to see to his lover's pleasure first, make sure he was fully out of his mind with it before Lionel took him, and he slid his thumbs up to rub over his lover's hipbones in aimless circles as he sucked, regulating the thrusts into his mouth.

Yeah. Out of his mind? He was there. But despite it, he didn't forget about his lovers pleasure, and he whimpered, stilling as his legs came around Lionel's hips. "Touch, touch, can I… please, want to, please? Please, want to s-suck you, please, please." He begged as prettily as he could, because he knew Lionel liked it, and arched his hips, even as he struggled to sit up.

Lionel pulled up and away from his lover's cock, and smiled down at him. "No," he said softly, and he pushed his lover back down, hands gentle on Dominic's shoulders as he did. "Not this time." His mouth moved to suck at hard nipples that had just been pinched, teeth nibbling on each one.

"Wh..." Why? Because he's pleasuring you, you bonehead, shut up and enjoy it! "Lionel, God, please, baby please," All he could say, all he could think to say, as he was pressed back down, and that gorgeous mouth covered his nipples and sucked. He grunted, groaned, his hands stroking over his lovers back and down to his jeans, where the rough denim was rubbing against his over-sensitized cock and making it jump. He rubbed his hips upwards, undulating them softly as he made quiet noise, and shuddered all over more than once.

"Soon, my little cricket," Lionel promised, and he sat back on his heels, reaching over the footboard for the bag that contained the lube, then, once he had it in his hands, set it to the side on the comforter and leaned forward again, teeth catching one of Dominic's earlobes. "Tell me what you want," he whispered throatily. "Anything you want me to do."

"Ahh... aht," Fuck, fuck, earlobe and biting and aroused beyond speech and thinking while he was aroused was definitely not one of his strong suits. He grunted, his hips still moving up and rubbing, and whimpered. "An-anything, anything y-you want, anything you want to d-do with me."

Lionel shook his head no, and when he did, his hair fell half over his lover's face, and he tossed it out of the way. "No. Not right now, not this time." His leg moved in between Dominic's, letting the hard bulge of denim rub against his lover's bare flesh. "I want you to feel... like you've never felt before. Here, in your home, with me. Tell me."

His breath shuddered out, and he opened his eyes, unseeing, out the window at the lovely morning. It was hardly seven o'clock, and this kind of good sex should be out of the question, but he just shivered, hard, whimpering softly. "Like this. I want... want you like this, over me, in me. Please, inside me. I love it when you're inside me, love it so much."

Lionel's hand slid down and gripped Dominic's cock, stroking it firmly even as he squeezed it, to keep his lover from coming. His other hand came up, to stroke his lover's hair. "Is that all you want?" he asked with an indulgent grin. "Nothing else you'd ask of me?"

"Its all I ever need." Dominic whispered, teeth gritted as he gazed into his lovers eyes, and shuddered as the hand gripped his cock. "All I ever need is you. Don't need anything, just have you, no dildo or fingers can take your place. You, I want you, inside me, pounding inside me."

Soft kisses answered him, all over his face and cheeks, and Lionel moved into position. Didn't take his jeans off all the way, just pushed them down to his knees, then changed his mind and kicked them off, followed quickly by black silk briefs, and his cock was dark red, nearly purple, and he picked up the plastic bag beside them.

The lube flowed easily from the bottle, and he cursed slightly at the temperature of it, holding it in the palms of his hands as it warmed and liquefied in the heat from his body, and then he let the warmed gel trickle over his cock, stroking gently with one hand while with the other, teasing a wet opening with slick fingers and sliding two in, rotating gently and stretching.

Dominic's eyes closed, his breath staggering in and out, as he spread his thighs more for his lover, opening his legs. Lionel would never know the pleasure of what fingers sliding inside of you did, not ever, because he could never know the pleasure of what it was for Lionel's fingers to slide inside. It thick, gentle waves of air and water, and he choked down the cry as he pressed down, accepting the fingers inside with a soft burning and pleasure. He knew anal sex was sixty percent emotional, and he couldn't agree more, because this felt so good with his lover. "L-Lionel, please, L.."

"Ssssh." Lionel's hand was still steadily stroking and squeezing his cock as his fingers prepared his lover for entry. When two moved freely, he tried a third, and when he felt his lover's body give way to the third, he withdrew his fingers completely and moved into position, the head of his cock slick and sliding easily into the stretched passage waiting for him, and he drove his length completely in with a quick snap of his hips.

"GRAAAAAH!" and FUCK! And SHIT! And OH MY GOD! Dominic wailed and lifted his hips, his body accepting his lover in one quick push because oh my GOD that was good. He let out a heavy sob of pleasure, his fingers tugging at his lovers body so he'd lower and lay over him, his body shuddering and shaking as he ached. "Yes, yes, baby, yes, yes, please, yes, fuck me, fuck me hard, please!"

Lionel complied, letting his weight settle over his lover, arms holding his torso up just enough to give his lover breathing room as he thrust forward, rocking firmly and sheathing himself completely with each stroke, pulling out almost completely to push deep again and again, steady thrusts as he laid over his lover, hands moving from support to caressing, rubbing Dominic's shoulders and chest, thumbing each nipple gently.

"I love you." Dominic whimpered, softly, as he wound his legs around Lionel's hips tightly so he could rock, too. He thrust back and up, up and down, carefully and slowly with each movement Lionel was giving, and reached up for his mouth, slanting over it and kissing him. Soft, peppering kisses, all over his face, lips, mouth, deep, deep inside, kissing him as he wound his arms around his lovers neck and moved to meet his thrusts. They had a pattern, a symmetry, the two of them, knowing what they wanted without ever having to ask, and his hands moved, one into his lovers hair, the other down to his lovers chest, tweaking his nipples, too.

Lionel gave soft little moans as Dominic started moving against him, hissing in pleasure as his hair was tugged, and his cock pulsed hard in his lover. His hips snapped and he drove deep, lowering his head to bite Dominic's throat firmly, sucking the bruise into prominence as he growled, humping harder into his lover's sheath as Dominic's fingers rubbed over his nipples and tugged his nipple ring.

"Lionel, baby, yes, please, please, yes!" Dominic cried it, softly, deeply, as his lover began to move in earnest, and the bed began to creak. His heart soared, blood roaring through his veins as he moved, and didn't dare touch his cock. It was hot, boiling against his belly, and he hoped his lover would forget about it, because he was in no way through here, no way. His muscles ached with the tension to keep himself from orgasming, though he loved it anyway, and cried out softly as he tugged at his lovers nipple ring, over and over, rubbing the hard nub as much as he could.

Lionel's thrusts sped up as he rocked into Dominic. The tugging and the rubbing on his nipple ring were shattering the control he was holding onto, and as he levered himself up to thrust, he forgot about his lover's pleasure. His own was burning through his brain, and he felt like he was about to break into pieces with it. He wrapped his arms strongly around his lover, body shuddering as he came, teeth sunk firmly into his lover's shoulder to muffle his cries.

The flood of his lovers orgasm inside of him was shocking, and Dominic's eyes flew open, in agonized aching pleasure. His lover never came this fast... ever, and he gasped, softly, because he understood the impact of making love here, where it was so beautiful, and they were so perfectly alone. He groaned, deeply, squeezing his lover inside of him as tightly as he could, milking him of his orgasm.

And when he was certain his lover was empty, shuddering in his arms, he pushed, rolled him over, and reached for the lube. The little bottle was wet and slick, but he got just the right amount from inside it onto his fingers, and slid them into his lovers body.

Lionel let himself be rolled over as he panted softly, trying to catch his breath after his orgasm. Hated himself for coming so fast, but couldn't help it, and then moaned in satisfaction as Dominic's fingers pressed into him. He spread his legs open to accommodate it, tilting his hips up and whimpering.

"What?" He panted, cock hard as stone between his thighs as he loomed over his lover. "Thought I wouldn't?" He stroked and pressed, making sure that his lover was open enough, and then slid inside. Like a heavy, tight, wet heat, engulfing him inside with the slippery ease of a well lubricated little passage. Halfway in, before arranging himself and pressing in as deeply as he could, his lovers sweat slick body under him. He rose Lionel's legs to wrap around his hips, and took his face, kissing him tenderly as he began to move.

Soft moan of absolute pleasure as Lionel wrapped his legs around his lover's hips. Tilted his hips up further as Dominic slid into him, arms around his lover's chest, taking the gentle kiss offered hungrily, devouring his lover's mouth as he raised his body to move with his lover's, welcoming Dominic inside of him with every stroke. "I love when you're inside me," Lionel confessed softly, into Dominic's ear. "You make me feel complete."

"I love when you accept me." Dominic whispered back, as he situated himself into his lover. He was only a few minutes from orgasming, but it would be enough, to make his lover feet loved. He dropped his mouth to tense little nipples, licking and sucking on them, as he began to rock. Not even thrusts... just rocking against his lover and Lionel rocking back, slow, easy, the movement of their bodies doing the thrusting for them. Making love, warm love, giving to his lover because he wanted to. He licked and sucked, kissing him all over, fingers gliding through lovely hair as he moved. "I love you."

Lionel moaned softly as he was loved, and his hands stroked over his lover's strong back, dipping down into the small of it and teasing the very apex of the split between his lover's cheeks. "I love you, my cricket." He arched up, rubbing his chest against his lover's, legs tight around his hips.

"Tell me, why you like this." He whispered, and didn't give specifics, just an extra sharp thrust as he began to move his hips a little more deeply.

Harsh cry as Dominic thrust sharply, and he moaned softly. "B--because it's you," he said softly, opening his heart carefully to his lover. "Because I've never before you, and you showed me... so much." Another shudder. "B-because it feels good, to have you inside me."

The words brought joy to Dominic's heart like he hadn't felt in a long time, and he looked down at his lover, open to him in every way. This was the Lionel inside, only visible to Dominic when they were making love, and he'd gladly fuck for the rest of his life just to see his lovers eyes, slitted and beautiful, to the lips that were swollen with kisses and open a sliver, to pant. This was the Lionel he saw, this was the Lionel he had, and what other people thought he was, what other people fantasized about, was nothing, not even a fraction, compared to the real thing.

And Dominic came, on that thought, looking into those beautiful eyes.

Lionel shuddered as his lover's orgasm filled his body, and his back arched, squeezing down on his lover's organ out of habit, rubbing against him with pleased little strokes and little licks as his arms tightened, holding Dominic against him and refusing to let him budge. He moved just a little so their joined bodies rolled onto their sides, and he held his lover firmly in his body, just as he did in his arms as he cradled him close.

Dominic didn't say a word through his orgasm. Just watched, through slitted eyes, as his lover arched, his body giving and taking, his eyes closed with shocking pleasure. Watched it all, catalogued it to be thought over and loved over later, as his body shook with orgasm. Lovely, gorgeous, the sensation of knowing his lover was full of him making him ache all over with ecstasy that even brought a little shivering gasp from his lips. He licked and kissed his beautiful lover, all over his face and neck, lethargic pleasure that made him moan, quietly.

Lionel's hands slid through his lover's hair, stroking it, tugging him into deeper kisses, rubbing against his lover softly, feeling Dominic's orgasm inside as he shifted and moved, licking his lover's mouth and murmuring softly. "I wanted... it to be perfect for you," he said softly.

"Perfect. I love you. No words could, express how much I care for you. I worship you, Lionel. I adore you, so much." He kissed him, tenderly, rubbing his thumb gently against high cheek bones. "You make me alive."

Lionel blushed slightly, behind his beard, surprised that he still could. "Don't worship me," he said softly. "Don't put me on a pedestal, because it'll only hurt us both when I fall." When, not if. "Just love me."

"Are you joking? I'm on the pedestal with you, cause I damn well know you worship me back." Dominic grinned, softly, as he kissed his lips, and wriggled another thrust into his lover. "I love you. I don't think there's any space in my heart to love you more. I already have it over-spilling into my belly, so every time I see you it squeezed and warms."

"I do," he said softly. "I do worship you." A little smile. "And spoil you mercilessly." It widened, as he ran his hand over his lover's belly. "And there better be more room in there, because our daughter is going to take up a huge chunk."

"Of course." Dominic smiled, softly, overjoyed, and kissed his lovers lips, his chin, his cheeks, and each eyelid. "Thank you for bringing me here, Lionel, even though you can't stand my family." His lips quirked.

"I am sure they will grow on me, just as your siblings, nieces, nephews, and assorted animals have." False sigh of suffering, and he couldn't hold it as he smiled. "You're welcome, little cricket."

He smiled at him, softly, for a long moment, before wrapping his arms around his waist and snuggling in. His cock came free, a slow, soft little movement with hardly a sound when he pulled out, and he tugged the mussed blankets over them. "Wanna nap?"

Lionel sighed. "As much as I would love to, I don't believe I want any more of your relatives seeing me unclothed. Isn't your... cousin?, is Margaret? bringing over the van?"

"Margee, you can call her." Dominic murmured, against his lovers shoulder. "Eight thirty. Nap time. Lots of time for napping. Hour. Only six forty five. Sex, which must be then proceeded by nap, then shower, then clothes. Nap. See? Can't mess with that."

Lionel sighed. "Well, if we must, then we must. We can't disrupt the routine."

"Its set in stone." Murmured, quietly. "Everywhere we go. Sex. Sleep. When its disrupted, I'm a Jiminy not to be harassed, for I'll eat your brains."

"Well, I like my brain just where it is. I don't think I'll interrupt the Wild Jiminy's naptime."

"Arrr. I am an evil, evil Jiminy, set out to nibble at your ears and suck your brains. Bwaahahaha." Sleepy mumble.

"You can nibble my ears all you want, little cricket. But you can't feed on my brain. I need it." A lick to his lover's ear as he snuggled close.

"You can nibble my ears all you want, little cricket. But you can't feed on my brain. I need it." A lick to his lover's ear as he snuggled close.

"Mmm. Its pretty." He muttered, quietly, then gave a little giggle as his lover licked him. "Stop that. That tickles. Sleep, remember? Arr?"

"Grr," he growled back. "Go, go on to sleep." Little kiss to his temple.

"Grrrrrr." Dominic growled back, though he was grinning, so so much for that. He wrapped his arms around his lovers waist, gently tugging him a little closer, and set his ear over his lovers beating heart. "No one knows what its like to have you."

"No... they don't." He stroked his hand lightly through his cricket's hair. "Nobody knows, but you."

"I was thinking... how lucky I am. No one ever got to see you just like this. Just me. I like that."

Lionel smiled softly. "Nobody has before."

"I love you."

Lionel's smile softened, and went just a little crooked. "I love you, my cricket. I'm sorry it took me so long to say it."

"Mmm. Didn't take long. Knew all along." He crooked one eye open, grinned, and closed it again. "Know what would make me love you even more?"

"Letting you go to sleep?" Quiet snort accompanied that.

He grinned again, and shook his head. "If you got up and got me another pastry."

"Being your slave/I live but to tend/upon the hours and minutes of thy desires," Lionel quoted as he rolled out of bed. "Do you want coffee to go with it?"

"Mmm. Coffee. And possibly a blow job when you get back." But he was grinning, wickedly, as he pulled his lovers pillow against his cheek and cuddled into it.

"Pastry, coffee, and blow job. Mmm. We'll see about the blow job, but I can fetch coffee and pastry." He sighed, and out of habit, reached for his jeans and slid effortlessly into them before padding across the small cottage to the table where the pastry box was sitting, and loaded two of the flaky treats onto a paper napkin, and balanced it easily as he poured coffee into one of the paper cups, and then carried it back to the bed, getting down on one knee before presenting it to his lover.

Dominic grinned, from his lovers pillow, and rolled up to sitting as he accepted the pastries and coffee. "Too good to me. Here..." He reached over to the tiny table serving as a night stand, and offered his lover the remote to the small TV Dominic had packed before coming. Yeah. He thought of everything. "If I'm still correct, channel 3 should be news."

Lionel just grinned as he got back into bed beside his lover and picked up the remote. He put his cold feet against his lover's legs to get them warm as he turned on the television, and sighed. "Aaah. Civilization."

"Ahhh! COLD!" He squirmed away, but the squirming tugged his lovers toes under the blankets, as the happy fire crackled beside the second table with the TV on it. And would have said more, except... "Hey! Look! We're on the TV! Wow. That gray suit looks nice on me."

Lionel thumbed the volume up just in time to hear the last of Dominic's speech, and then a few words of his own. "Why in God's name are they re-airing that? It's over a month old!"

"I know. But look, its American CNN. I wonder what warranted us on the news." He bit into his pastry, mmmmming cheerfully, and chewed happily as he snuggled Lionel closer.

"Let's find out." He raised the volume even more.

"...and that is the last public speech we have from the Luthors, made right after their move to Smallville, which precipitated an unheard-of six week stock climb. As you might remember, following an automobile accident last winter that severely injured the senior Luthor, stock plummeted, and a merger with rival Wayne Enterprises was needed to shore up the weakened LuthorCorp. Contrast that with the company you see before you today, firmly ensconced in the small town and their stock prices are nearly doubled what they were before the accident, and they show no sign of falling off. This is good news to the blue-chip investors who held onto the stock last winter. They're surely reaping the benefits now."

Lionel couldn't help the prideful smirk. He just couldn't."

Dominic grinned. Just... heee. He glanced at his lover, rolled his eyes, and finished his pastry with a swallow of coffee. "When fags ruled the earth."

Lionel just petted his lover gently on the shoulder. "I wonder what Bruce is thinking of this news; I'm sure he's loving the lining of his pockets. I'll talk to Lex, and if I need to, I'll take a quick run back to Dublin, and set up a teleconference at the LuthorCorp office there."

"Mmm." Dominic answered, as he swallowed another bit of cream. "You'll do no such thing. This is our belated honeymoon, and we will think nothing of news, LuthorCorp, or business." A glare at him, as he offered a bit of cream on his thumb. "We will not talk to Lex, or Bruce, or my family. We... are on vacation, my darling dear."

Lionel leaned over and licked the cream off his lover's thumb. "Mmm. You're right. You're absolutely right. Lex can handle whatever arises."

"Of course I'm right. I'm Dominic." Said with a grin. "Come on. Come lay down, and watch these blasted pin heads talk about your company like they've a thing to understand. I wish you'd seen when they were talking about you and I, after the Diane interview. I went to the Talon to watch it... highly amusing, that."

Lionel reclined grandly back in the bed. "Speaking of that, I heard from our attorneys before we left, and her network is close to settling with us, and firing her for the hassle."

"Really." if his smile was sharky, he hid it well.

"Really. They've talked our lawyers down to a seven-digit figure, which is, to them, more acceptable than the nine digits we initially asked for." His own grin was unabashedly sharklike.

"You know, Lionel, you're having a horrible influence on me. Once was the day when I would have felt horrible over having such a woman fired. Now? We need to get a restraining order, for after they dump her on her ass."

Lionel's grin turned vulpine. "And you think I don't already have that taken care of? She's not to cross the Smallville city limits."

"Alright, now I feel bad." He hid under his lovers glare before it could reach Lionel's face. "Horrible, really. Even if she is a giant bitch."

"She has no business, no family, and certainly no friends in Smallville. There are no services in Smallville that cannot be easily duplicated in any city across the United States. I have absolutely no guilt in demanding she stay the hell out of mine."

"Not feeling badly. Check." But the word was cut off, with a yawn, after which he drank another bit of coffee. "Mmm. I'm feeling quite lazy, you know, and I'M not entirely sure that's a bad thing. Are we going to go into Cork to get proper furnishings?"

"Yes, we are, if we can fit it in, between the sightseeing and the football game this afternoon."

"Ahh, indeed. The sight seeing won't take but a few hours... its Friday, right? Tomorrow we're going to go out to cork to see the annual musical festival, if you're wanting to go? Then we can buy our things after its done?"

"Yes, it's Friday. Though we should make sure we've some of the money exchanged at least this evening, before the banks close."

"Mmm, that's our first errand today before we go see the castle." Dominic nodded, squeezing his lovers hand gently. "I love you, angel. Come now... I don't think I'll be getting to sleep again. Care to take a walk?"

"I think a walk would be perfect." A sigh. "Of course, we'll have to get dressed first."

Dramatic sigh... though he liked that sigh, and he raised his brow at his lover as he set his coffee aside, and inched closer. "Mmm. Clothes suck."

"Yes, they do." Lionel wiggled his bare toes against his lover's legs.

"And... I suck, too." His brows wriggled in time with Lionel's toes, as his arms went around his lovers waist.

"Yes, you do. In an entirely different, much more enjoyable way."

Wicked, wicked little smile, as he took the remote, flipped the TV off, and carefully straddled his lovers lap again. "We'll see."

Lionel brought his hands up to grip his lover's hips tightly, and smiled back. "Yes... I think we will." Evil smirk, as his thumbs stroked his lover's hipbones. "We'll just see how well you suck."

He was pressing his lover back into the pillows, smiling that purely evil Dominic smile, as his lover spoke. "Let us see."



go on to the next part