
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 224: Paging Dr. Doolittle

Lionel's thumbs were tapping on the dashboard in a rare spate of nervous energy. The back of the vehicle was loaded with the things they'd bought, both for the house--finishing touches, paintings and antiques, things of that nature--and as gifts to take back home, along with an exquisite ivory gown with gold trimming and veil.

His fingers had started drumming in rhythm with the wipers, but as the rain had lessened, and then stopped entirely, Dominic had switched the wipers off and they'd picked up their own frantic beat as he watched the huge SUV chew up the miles between the town and the cottage.

They'd had a quick, brief lunch in one of the little pubs in the town, sandwiches and the Guinness that everyone drank like water, and stew to ward off the chill of the day. He'd been half expecting his telephone to ring, and twice his hand had gone into his pocket when other phones in the small town had rung. It was an almost physical itch, the need to pick up the phone and pester his son and Clark, but he didn't.

Instead, he was driving Dominic batty with the tapping fingers.

Dominic was ready to skin his dear, darling, wonderful, beautiful lover, alive. He was a ball of nervous energy which, at Lionel's age, was no small feat, but there he was, moving, jolting, all but damn dancing in his seat. He'd been like that all through their shopping, their light lunch, and all the way damn home, until Dominic finally shrieked, "Stop the tapping or I swear on the sweet head of baby Jesus that I will THROTTLE YOU!"

Lionel jerked his hands off the dashboard at that, and glared. "I am worried, Dominic. We have been gone most of the afternoon, it's nearly three now, and we've not heard a word from Clark or Lex. And I am wondering if the cottage is still standing, if my son is still there, if Clark is still there, or if they've slaughtered each other."

"Then bloody well call them, Lionel, but the insistent tapping isn't going to bring us home any faster! Unless you'd like to strap the SUV to the back of the school bus before us, we aren't going to go any faster." Dominic shot back, with a small glare, even if he leaned over for a kiss. "I love you for worrying. They're fine, I know it. Clark would have called if it weren't."

"This thing is built for all terrains. There are no houses here. Simply pass the fucking thing and be done with it!!"

"Lionel. I barely remember how to drive properly. Would you like to be sent home in a pine box?!"

"Then pull this fucking thing over and I will drive it." He raked his fingers through his hair, mussing the already-frizzed curls, and started tapping his fingers against the armrest of the seat instead.

Dominic ground his teeth. Almost audibly. And glared at his lover from the corner of his eyes. Thankfully at the next stop the bus turned right, and Dominic turned the SUV left, cruising through the streets of the lovely little town. He went a tad over the speed limit, risking a ticket as he was related to all of the policemen in town, and rolled to a stop in front of the path that led to the cottage.

The rain had stopped, thank Christ, and the clouds seemed to be happily lifting, so there was an odd, sunny, yet overcast feel to the day. Dominic pushed the SUV off as he noted it, looking out the window for a half a moment before opening the door and stepping out.

Lionel was already out of the SUV and closing his door by the time Dominic was just stepping out. "Leave the things in the car; we'll come back for them once we've made sure the boys are all right." He was rocking lightly on his heels at the front of the car, holding his hand out to his lover. "Come on. Watch your feet in the mud, but at least it stopped raining."

"Indeed." Dominic stepped over a particularly grizzly looking puddle and linked fingers with those tapping ones of his lover, squeezing them softly and leading them down the path. Truth be told, their was a panicky little sliver of anxiety in his heart and he was almost as anxious to see that the boys hadn't killed one another as Lionel. He pushed the key to the door into the lock, turned it, and pushed it open, quickly, tapping off his muddy shoes on the porch before stepping in. "Hallo?"

Lionel burst into the house after his lover, and stopped short at the end of the couch. Clark and Lex were sleeping, together on the couch. The fire had again burnt itself down to ember and ash, and they were wrapped together in the quilt from the back of the couch as they rested.

Lex blinked sleepily at the slammed doors and bellowed greetings, and dropped his head back on Clark's shoulder. "G'way."

Dominic stopped himself, barely, from slamming into his lover, though he bumped into him, and grasped his arm as he peaked over it. The both of them. Asleep, together. Together being the operative word and he smiled, broadly, behind his husbands shoulder as he squeezed his arm. "Quite sorry. We'll leave you to it, then."

Lex poked his aushna' gently, and then flomped back down on his shoulder. "Shoulda... brought th'pups. Chew your ankles off."

Lionel returned the squeeze of his arm to his lover's hand, and sighed. "At least they're not dead," he muttered softly, glaring at the both of them. "Lex, are you feeling all right? Not sick?"

A snort. "M'fine. Lea'me 'lone."

Clark cracked open an eye, blinked blearily at the two men, and let a small smile touch his lips. He stroked Lex's head gently, motioned for him to look and start to wake up. "You guys'r back?" A blink… a look up. "Heey. it stopped raining!"

Dominic's lips curved over his lovers shoulder, and he side stepped him a bit to look down onto the two boys. "You look wonderful, chaps. Everything cleared up, then?"

Clark grinned and nodded.

"Fabulous. Now, no more crying jags, we're on vacation!" A beam. "Lionel and I spent the morning buying trinkets, and Felicia's wedding gown. Lex, as you're the fashion mogul, you'll have to tell us if it was a correct choice. It can be taken in, fixed any way you can have it, and I'm sure Rico would do anything we needed him to do on it. How is the rabbit?"

Clark's grin disappeared, and he winced. "Uh... well. Let me go check on him.:"

Lex rubbed his eyes like a sleepy child as he glared blearily up at the two babbling adults. "I'm feeding you to the dogs as soon as we get home." He yawned, deeply, and dropped his head back on Clark's shoulder. "What in the hell are you babbling about Felicia's wedding dress?" He cracked another yawn, and sighed. "I'm sure it's absolutely gorgeous."

Lionel chuckled at the astute observation. "Yes, it did stop raining." He continued to glare at his son, waiting for an answer. "How do you feel?"

"Better than I have in a long time," Lex answered, and he grunted as he got up off of Clark, so he could go and check on the rabbit. "I'm fine, Dad, and I'm not sick." Another glare as he looked at Dominic. "What the hell are you on?"

"Coffee and nerves, as your darling father hasn't stopped pestering me." Dominic replied cheerfully, as Clark rose and slipped away into the other room. The smile slid away, and he fixed his own glare on Lex. "How did everything go? No blood shed, no torn up house. I'm assuming you both worked out your differences."

"I did not pester you, Dominic," Lionel huffed.

"Everything went... it was good. We got everything out. We talked it through. We shared everything." He held out his hands, and they didn't shake. "I'm not sure how to explain it. It's just... better now. Much, much better."

"About bloody time," Lionel growled again, glaring.

Dominic squeezed his lover's hand, to tell him to be more gentle, and sat down beside Lex with a grin, still wrapped in his coat and scarf. He gave him a hug, a tight one, and beamed. "Fabulous. I'm very glad. Though of course, it doesn't mean you can't have crying jags. I was just joking about that."

"Okay, one rabbit is good to go." Clark said, smiling, as he walked back in, and padded over to them, winding an arm around Lionel's waist and squeezing tight in a sideways hug. "Someone said something about a wedding dress?"

"I know, Dom." Lex hugged back though, and cradled his head in his hands. "Christ, now I've got a headache." He looked up, though, as Clark walked back into the room, and his smile was just short of blinding.

Lionel hugged Clark back, and gave a little snort. "Yes, Felicia threatened Dominic and I both with death if we didn't bring her back one of the Irish style wedding dresses done by a Ms. Lindsay Fleming. Therefore, we've been on the hunt of them. We finally found a store that had what we were looking for, surprising since as far as I know, she doesn't usually sell in stores, but regardless, we have the dress in the car, and Lex is going to lend us his eye for fashion."

Dominic smiled, broadly. "Yes, indeed. Lex? Would you mind helping me haul in everything from the car? We've got about… eh... eight bags or so of things we bought for everyone."

Lex... just blinked. "You're... manual labor?" He gave Clark a little grin. "You're serious? The things I do." He pushed up from the cough, and heaved a put-upon sigh. "Let's go. Look at me, relegated to nothing more than a bald pack mule," he lamented.

"Yes, of course. The horrors never cease." Dominic dead panned back, and rose to his feet. he shucked out of the coat and scarf so he could move easier, and retied one of his running shoes before stepping out, walking down the path with keys in hand.

Clark smiled, very softly, and watched them both go, Lex a little more irritated, and gave another little grin down at his shoes. "Want some coffee, Lionel?"

"No, thank you, Clark. I think if I were any more wired, Dominic truly would skin me where I stood." He tightened his arm around Clark's waist. "How are you? Really?"

Clark looked up at him and his teeth flashed white for a moment as he smiled, though the smile was soft, and only muted some of the sadness in his eyes. "Good. Very good. We… we worked everything out. We... we cried for a while. And grieved. Its...its the first step back in the right direction. Lex finally understands… he understands everything. Things… they're right, again."

Lionel nodded softly. "Good. I won't deny how worried I was for the two of you. But I'm glad to see that you're working it out, the both of you. I'm even more glad to see that Lex has pulled his head out of his pretty ass to see what was wrong and fix it."

Clark smiled, again, a little, and picked up the quilt from the couch, carefully folding it and setting it up where it had been. "It wasn't just him. It was me, too. I was... being really stupid, and ignorant… not seeing how much he hurt, too. But its fixed now, I think. Its definitely better."

Lionel shook his head. "Just so long as you don't let him weasel out of his part of the blame," Lionel said softly. "I think you both had problems, and it took something like this to get you both to see it."

"I think so too, Lionel." Clark said, softly, and closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them again and looking up. "When its time… for us to have our babies... we… we want it to be here. I wanted to talk to you about it, Lionel. We want… to have our children here. This place… it has magic." He didn't know how else to explain it.

Lionel nodded. "It does, doesn't it?" Lionel pushed Clark to sit down on the couch, and then sat down beside him. "I don't have a problem with the two of you coming here to have your children. I sincerely doubt Dominic will either. You let us know, and we'll make sure everything is ready here for you."

Clark nodded, softly. "Next time we're going to be prepared. We're going to come here to... to conceive, too." His cheeks burned crimson. "And we'll be ready, and safe."

Lionel just gave a little smile. "You should. There are little places in the woods beyond, little clearings, that are beautiful places. I will show you, before you leave. You should see them; I think you'll like them. Those are the places you should conceive, where you're closest to the heart of the land."

Clark swallowed, tightly, and nodded a little, looking down at his lap. "We know how, now. We know what to do." More embarrassment, but he lay his head on Lionel's shoulder. "I want... you guys. You and Dominic. To be here for the birth. And my father, too. And... our sha'nauch."

Lionel kissed Clark's temple softly, just as he would have his son. "We will make all the arrangements we can to have everyone here for you." He put his arm gently around Clark's shoulders. "Dominic and I would be honored to be a part of it."

Honored. The word brought out pride in Clark's heart, deep pride, and he closed his eyes for a moment. "You're my family. My parents... my earth parents. I love them, so much, but... neither of them... they're not prepared for what I am. No matter… how much I try."

Lionel just gave a quiet chuckle. "Your mother, I think, might be. But not your father. Jonathan... is a very basic, very simple man, and despite the fact that I cared deeply for him, once upon a time, I do not think he understands exactly how different you are, despite the amount of time you have been with him, simply because your needs, your abilities, and your situations, transcend his careful delineation of black and white in his life."

Clark looked at him, for a long moment. "I think… you're right. I want them to be a part of this, but I'm scared to ask, when the time comes. I don't think my dad believes me, even now. I told him about Mar, twice, once when we fought and then just before we left… and I still don't think he's grasped the concept of what happened to me. From the way he acted. I could tell he didn't believe anything I was saying, even if my back is proof." His eyebrows knit. "My mom does. I need to talk to her when we get back. She believes it… I think she's very sad." He looked up at Lionel. "I want her there with me, too."

"I'll make sure she's there with you, Clark," Lionel said softly. "Your mother... is an amazing woman, I well know. She believes, even if Jonathan doesn't. She realizes how special you are, and she isn't limited, as he is, by her worldview. I think... Jonathan did the best he could by you, but he is simply not capable of understanding your special needs."

"Maybe being with me during that special time will change his mind?" Clark wondered aloud to Lionel, looking up at him softly. "Lex and I haven't talked about it… but I'm hoping it can be during my first year of college."

Lionel gave another little smile. "I don't think it's going to take that much convincing on Lex's part," he predicted. "I think my son is just as eager as you are to start his family." The very, very back part of his mind wondered why it wasn't strange to be talking to this young man about bearing children, and then he realized, without thinking about it, that having seen what he'd seen this young man go through gave him perspective. "I don't know if Jonathan is capable of having his mind changed," Lionel pointed out. "But we'll talk to him and see; rather, your mother and I will, because you don't need the added stress."

Clark glanced up, with a little wicked grin. "What am I, but a ball of tension anyway?" But he smiled to himself. "Thank you, Lionel. I think...waiting until college will help. I'll be twenty… Lex will be almost twenty four. It'll give us some life experience behind us, it'll give our children a good opportunity at being normal, once we've worked out all of our crap."

"I think it will too. It will also give you a chance to spend time with Aurora, and see exactly what it will entail, having a child as part of your life, and you may decide that you want to wait even later, or that you want to go ahead even then." He rubbed Clark's shoulder gently. "You are a ball of tension, Clark, and you shouldn't be. That's why you and Lex needed this vacation; need a real one even later. Perhaps over the summer? Dominic and I are thinking of a summer trip to the islands; somewhere warm, with a lot of sand on the beaches. You and Lex should consider a similar trip."

Clark nodded, softly, and closed his eyes as he thought. "Lionel? Can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can."

"Lex... he thinks you aren't going to love him anymore, when Aurora is born." He looked up. "At least not as much."

"Then he's a fool," Lionel said calmly. "I have always loved Lex, as much as I was able to, and that will not change with the birth of my daughter."

"He's not a fool. He's just young." Clark said, quietly, softly. "You should talk to him about it. He feels like he'll be second string now. Its terrible, and I shouldn't have told you, but you should tell him you love him." Clark nodded, and winced quietly. "I'm in his position, too. My mom having her babies. I feel like that sometimes, too."

"Neither of you should feel like that." Lionel sighed, and then sat up to look at Clark. "Your mother, and me, for that matter, will not stop loving you just because there's another child in the family. You... you are her first, oldest son. Lex is my only son. I love him more because of what happened to Julian, and no one will ever displace Lex in my affections. I will love Aurora, yes. I intend to spoil her to the fullest extent possible. However, that doesn't mean I will love Lex less. I think Martha and Jonathan will tell you the same thing."

Clark let a smile come and go when he spoke about spoiling Aurora, and then looked down at his hands. "I think Lex and I are both spoiled, too, you know. Jealousy doesn't look good on us." He reached out, and squeezed Lionel's hand, tightly.

"You're not spoiled, Clark. You're just only children. All only children feel like this when a sibling comes to displace them. Lex went through a small time of it with Julian, but he came to love his brother more than anything else, and I think that's why it devastated Lex so when he died."

Clark nodded, quietly. He didn't want to talk about any more babies dying, and he glanced up, as Dominic and Lex started trooping across the porch. "Their they are. I was wondering if they got swallowed by a black hole." He rose and opened the front door for the two of them, helping them in with the piles of bags and packages they were both carrying. "You were saying something about being a pack mule?" Clark snickered at his piled upon lover.

"You thought I was joking?" Lex was weighted down with boxes and bags of all sizes, and Dominic, the bastard, was carrying in two shopping bags, and whistling a soft little tune. "I told you they were going to make me a bald pack mule." He sniffled in an attempt to get pity, but carefully heaved the bags onto the table and then held out his arms so that the boxes could be unpacked.

Clark took the boxes easily out of his lovers hands and set them on the table as well, helping him get everything down as Dominic closed the door... then gasped, softly, his eyes locked over Lex's shoulder, as Dominic tucked up the miles of plastic covering the wedding dress, and unfurled miles of soft satin and silk, velvet and taffeta, and his heart fluttered, softly. "Oh. Oh, wow."

Lex gave a groan of relief as he was relieved of his burden, but turned around at the soft gasp. He walked around the dress, examining it through the plastic, using his hand to smooth the line of it and let it fall to the ground, his imagination supplying the outward flare of the arms and the skirt, and he nodded. "It's exquisite."

Dominic beamed. He couldnt help it. He walked past Lex and opened the kitchen door, hanging the hanger up on the end of it, and opening the plastic casing it was in, so they could see the whole thing. Soft, lily white, with embroidered trim, lacy sleeves, and a thick, full skirt that he knew Felicia would love. "I ordered it last month, actually, and Lionel would have heard me say it if he hadn't been leaping about." A glare at his lover, before back to the dress. "The neckline is exquisite, no? The veil has the same stitching." A soft, proud smile, as he looked at both boys. "What do you think? Think she's going to like it?"

Clark looked at it, softly, for a long moment, watching the silk stream down with every touch Dominic gave to it, and heaved a very soft, quiet sigh.

Until he saw the price tag the bag had on it, and he let out a squeak and almost fell over. "Six thousand dollars?! Holy mother of pearl!"

Lionel just cocked an eyebrow, but only said, "I wasn't leaping about."

Lex walked over to the dress and fluffed it out, feeling the layers of air-light lace and material, flaring the skirt out and watching it pool, following the trail of the neckline with his fingertips. "I think she's going to love it." The high waist would hide, or at least accommodate, Felicia's pregnant body, and the flaring sleeves would be gorgeous.

Then he had to swallow the reaction of laughter he had when Clark saw the price tag. "Then you don't want to know how much I paid for the Versace tux I bought last year." He looked up at Dominic. "You did a good thing. The only thing you'll have to do is get her in it, and see if the waist is going to need to be let out or taken in, depending on how large she is with the pregnancy. Otherwise, you should be good to go."

Dominic nodded, though he winked at Clark. "That was just the dress, love. Getting the women who make these dresses to have it made for us by the time we got here entirely different ordeal, indeed. Though it is exquisite, and she'll never know the price, do you hear me?" A glare at the two of them. "She'll never forgive me if she finds out." He carefully set the dress behind the plastic again, then zipped it up in the second case surrounded it. "We've got to find a cool place to keep it, so the silk doesn't get wrinkled and horrid."

"She won't hear it from me." Lex held his hand out. "You can hang it in the third bedroom there, with all the crap in it. Nobody's going to light a fire in there, and I sincerely doubt it'll get warm enough, in three days, to cause it to wrinkle or fade."

"Fabulous. Lionel and I are going to fix it up tonight, more than likely, if we find the chance." he smiled at the both of them. "Grab me those bags. Lionel love, its a good thing we brought extra suitcases." He took the dress, an armful of bags, and walked down the hall to the extra bedroom.

Let out a shocked yell.

And closed the door behind him, taking a step back. "Lionel? Baby? The window is open a crack. A possum got in." He kept backing up, until he hit his bedroom door with his back. "Ew. Ew. Ew."

"A what?" Lionel blinked uncomprehendingly.

"A possum! A rat! A THING!" He pointed and let out another cry. "Its the size of a fucking dog!"

"Ah. I'm assuming an animal of some sort?" He sighed. "And you'd like me to do what, exactly?" Raised eyebrow.

Lex just rolled his eyes. "Come on, Atticus. Guess it's up to us." He poked Clark in the stomach.

Clark made a face. "Eww." But he followed, and tugged Lionel along with him. "Here, grab Dominic before he crawls up the wall. I'll show you what a possum is." He stopped in front of the extra bedroom and opened the door a half of a crack, peaking in.

Yep. Possum. Sitting there, eating what looked like a peice of paper. "Here, Lionel. Come see."

"It's... a cross between a rat and an armadillo," Lionel commented, peering over Clark's shoulder.

"Its a ratmadillo." Clark bumped his hip against Lex's to get him to move. "I'm going to need a box, babe. And a stick of some kind...and some food. Cheese or something that smells strong. Kay? Go get it."

Lex peered over Clark's other shoulder. "Not that I'm the world's biggest Dr. Doolittle or anything, but it's actually kind of cute, when it's not roadkill." He listened. "A box, a stick, and something smelly. Got it." He clamped a hand around Dominic's wrist. "Come on, Dominic. You're on cheese patrol. I'll handle the box and the stick."

Lionel kept peering. "You're not going to hurt it, are you?"

Dominic just made a face, depositing the bags and the dress on his bed, before peaking over Lionel's shoulder into the room. "Eeeww. Ewwww! I hate those things. They used to make nests behind this very cottage, and my mother would make Graham and I chase them out every spring. They used to bite at me, the bastards."

Clark glanced up as Dominic and Lex went to go find what he needed, and he glanced up, grinning at Lionel. "No, Señor Peep. I'm not going to hurt it. I'm going to catch it, and take it back outside where it belongs."

"Good. I don't want it hurt. And I am not a peep."

The stick was easiest to find; he dug through the pile of kindling until he found an especially long little twig, and picked it up. The box was next, and he found one simply by emptying out the contents of one of the boxes he'd just trucked in the house. "Dom? How are we doing on the smelly food front?"

"Found it." Dominic appeared a moment later, with a slice of gouda and a bit of left over bacon, and nodded. "Food. Stick. Box. Check." He rose it up and handed the food to Clark, as well as the box and the stick. "There you go. Have at it. Have fun."

"I need help."

"Not from me. I'll just leap and yell and possibly take out an eye or two." Dominic shook his head. "Not doing it."

"Outta my way. I always wanted to be on Wild America when I was a kid. I OD'd on the National Geographic channel." He elbowed his father and Dominic out of the way. "Your wish is my command, oh Guru of God's Creatures."

Clark's lips twitched, as he motioned an elbow at Lionel. "He asked us not to hurt it."

"Of course he did." Lex rolled his eyes. "He's getting soft in his old age."

Clark didn't wait for the yell from that, he just pushed open the door enough to slide himself and the box in, tugged Lex along with him, and closed it behind him. He crouched, low, and made a motion for his fingertip on his lips, as he set the box down, stitch atop it. He perched the stick up under the box, making sure it would collapse when touched, and set the bit of food under it.

We're doing a box trap? Lex asked incredulously, in his lover's thoughts. What next, dropping an anvil on his head? And this makes me Wile E Coyote, super genius?

Clark just smiled in the quiet room, watching the possum twitch its whiskers and look at the food. It works, every single time. Where do you think cartoons got it from? He slipped back, just a little, until he was leaning against the door and out of the danger zone for the possum.

Watched it, as it inched closer. See how its watching us?

Well, I still think it's cute. Lex did the same thing, leaning against the door and far enough away so that the critter would think it was safe, and he stroked his hand over Clark's shoulder. I wonder if it's a he or a she and if it has babies outside. Should we take extra food out there for her, just in case?

No. Clark looked up at Lex with an eyebrow raised. If you take food to it, it'll always think that it can come in here whenever it wants, looking for chow. You never, eeever do that, Lex. He waited, watching, looking down as the animal inched closer and closer... then felt a wash of relief when it hit the stick going in for the cheese and bacon and closed itself in the box.

It twitched, screeched, the box moving around, but stayed inside. "And...voila."

"We can't just let it starve, Clark. I mean, if it came in here looking for food, then it's got to be hungry." He stared at the twitching box. "And it's cute. Granted, it looks like half a rat, but still. Maybe if we left the food further out, away from the house? Like, see where it runs when we put it down?" Lex crouched down, and put his hand on the box. "Sssh, little fella. We're not going to hurt you, just take you out of the house, okay?"

"Señor Peep, Jr." Clark muttered, as he grasped the lid of the box and pushed it underneath as he lifted at the same time, so the possum was trapped in the box as he climbed to his feet. "Come on, open the door up. Lionel! We caught your baby!"

Lex moved and opened the door as he watched the box wriggling in Clark's arms, and he moved quickly through the house, opening the back door for his lover too and clearing the path. "Come on, let's get her outside."

Lionel glared at Clark. "It is not my baby, I just didn't want to see the bloody thing hurt!"

Clark grinned at Lionel in passing, and motioned his head. "Come with us. We're going to let him, or her, go. Lex wants to feed i--"

"NO!" Dominic cried, in shock. "You can't bloody feed it! If you do they'll never go away!"

"But if it's coming here, it's hungry!" Lex pointed out. "How would you feel if it were Freddie, coming around and sneaking into someone's house, huh? You'd want to feed it! Just because it's not cute and cuddly like a kitten or a puppy or that baby rabbit in there doesn't mean we shouldn't take care of it!"

Lionel just blinked. "And where is this coming from, Doctor Doolittle?"

Lex shook his head. "I have no idea."

"Lex, it is a RAT! Its a possum! Its a wild animal that would eat YOU if it were hungry enough! Damn stupid boy." Dominic made a face at him. "It lives in the wild! You've not a clue how they're like. They're evil, evil scavengers who eat everything. it was eating a piece of paper, for Christ's sake!"

Clark was just watching all of it, amused, as he stepped out onto the damp grass and walked up into the woods behind the house, just a little.

"Because it didn't have anything else to eat!" Lex yelled.

Lionel gave a soft snicker, and he followed Clark. "Is it hungry, Clark? Or just curious?"

"Curious." Clark smiled at Lionel beside him as Lex and Dominic yelled at one another. "Probably hasn't seen the house with people in it for some time, and he was just seeing what was going on. Possums eat pretty much everything, but with these woods, which are really lush, and the water right below, he, or she, has no problem finding food." He looked up. "In seriousness, if we feed it, it, and his friends, will take over the house. You won't be able to open the front door without having them all sitting there, waiting for food." He nodded at Lionel as he leaned down and set the box on the grass.

Lionel nodded. "You are our resident wildlife expert; I defer to your judgment on the matter. I just didn't want the creature hurt as we exorcised it from the house." He put his hands on his hips. "I don't envy you the task of telling Lex not to feed it. He... has a tendency to get attached to small furry creatures."

Lionel paused. "Perhaps because he was denied a pet in his youth."

"I don't know if I should take that as an insult." Clark snickered, his dirty joke of the day requirement fulfilled, as he stood and leaned back. He lifted the box top, watching the possum chitter and shake... then get really pissed off and start screaming at him, jumping at him to make sure he backed up. "Woo boy, he's mad."

Dominic stopped yelling with Lex for a moment to look at the thing, and made a face.

Lionel gave a little jump and backed up with Clark. "He does seem to be angry, yes."

Lex smacked Dominic hard on the shoulder. "He's just defending himself!"

"Oh, yes, the rabid little creature wanting to scratch out your eyeballs is indeed defending himself. Christ, Lex, you become more and more like Hagrid as the days go by. What, next you're going to acquire a tiger to sleep in your bedroom with you?" Dominic glared back at him, stomped his foot, then turned and walked back on to the house.

Clark choked on the giggles as he tried to keep them in, watching as the little animal took off into the woods.

"That actually might not be a bad idea, if I got the right permits." Lex came off the porch and went to stand beside his lover. "What do you think, Clark? A baby white tiger? I have connections that can get one of the albino cubs from Sigfried and Roy, if you'd like."

Lionel rolled his eyes. "I don't think Dominic was serious about that, Lex," Lionel reprimanded.

"I'm not having a tiger as a pet." Was all Clark said, as he wound an arm around his waist and walked back into the cottage. "Nothing exotic. Period. Cats, dogs, maybe a fish. But no tigers, lions, or anything that could eat me in my sleep."

Lionel followed, a few paces behind, watching the two of them together.

Lex heaved a sigh. "I guess that means no to the constrictor that Talbert was trying to give me."

Clark looked at his lover, horrified, and tucked their hips even closer together as they walked, squeezing his lovers waist. "Hell no. Snakes are some scary shit, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm not going to be worried my puppies are becoming snake food."

"He'd stay in the terrarium. He couldn't get to the pups." But then he snickered. "No snakes. Check. How about a beta fish?"

"Beta who?" Clark stared at him as they entered the run room, and walked through the hall to the front room.

"A beta fish. It's a mean little fucker; you can't put it in an aquarium with any other fish, because it'll kill them. They're fighting fish, but if you get just one, and put it in it's own little tank with a mirror, it'll try and fight itself, but it won't kill itself. You can put grass, water lilies, whatever, in the top of the vase or the tank, and it's like in it's natural habitat."

Clark made a face. "Lex? Babe? We already have one mean, aggressive little fucker with Freddie. We don't--"

"Freddy is not a mean little fucker!" Dominic cried, mouth hanging open. "We're down to insulting my cat now, eh?? The bloody hell! That's my cat! He is a bastard, but damn you all for saying it!" Huge pout.

"Freddie likes me. He doesn't bite or scratch me. It's just YOU he doesn't like." But he grinned up at Clark. "Okay, no beta fish. You know, the list of potential pets is dwindling."

Lionel just... patted Lex on the head as he squeezed by to get to his lover. "Perhaps you should think, less deadly and less exotic, Lex."

Dominic's pout increased. "Just because he doesn't like me doesn't mean he's a bastard." He sniffled, and wound his arms around Lionel's belly. "The mean little fucker."

Clark grinned at him, then down at Lex, and rose a brow, quietly changing the subject. "Ms. Finn? Aren't we going to go see her in like… an hour? We should probably get ready."

"He is a bastard," Lionel said firmly, and kissed the top of Dominic's head. And then, at Clark's word, looked at his watch. "You're right, it's nearly four. We have to be there at five; we should be getting ready. It's a big dinner, but it's not formal. Dominic? Jeans should be all right, yes?"

"Yes, yes," Dominic said, missing the gaping of the two boys as he motioned a hand. "jeans should be good. Tomorrow, though, I expect you all to be dressed to the nines, of course." Pointed look at all of them, even as he picked up the rest of the packages. "I'm going to leave the things in the bedroom, and we'll move it later."

Lionel just nodded. "For the big dinner, yes. You did bring suits and such?"

Lex nodded. "I brought a suit and a tuxedo for me, and there's a new suit for Clark in his bag, I think, and if there's not, I'll have it expressed over tonight." He looked up. "I hope the suit will be enough." He gripped Clark's hand tightly. "Which reminds me." He turned around to look at his lover. "When we get home? I'll show you where I put the boxes at, with the rest of your clothes and boots in them."

Clark nodded, though he didn't respond to it as he looked up at the two men. "Be ready in a few minutes. I'm guessing those bottles of wine are for Ms. Finn?"

"Gran." Dominic reminded, his lips twitching. "Call her Gran, or she'll hunt you down."

"Or Crystabel," Lex added helpfully.

Lionel sniffed. "She lets me call her Ms. Finn, so I think that anything you choose to call her will be acceptable."

Dominic snorted and led his lover back into their bedroom. "Quite unlikely. Lionel, lets get a shower in. I pressed our clothes earlier, so it'll be alright... Lex, Clark, if you need the iron, its in the hall linen closet right next to our bedroom."

"All right." Lionel nodded towards his lover. "Don't worry, boys. You'll be fine tonight."

Lex just gave a distracted nod as he turned to Clark, and took Clark's hands in his. "I'm sorry, Clark."

"Don't be." Clark said, very softly, as he squeezed his lovers fingers in his... then brought their intertwined hands down, to stroke very lightly, softly, over Lex's crotch once Lionel and Dominic had gone into their bedroom and closed the door. "I want." Said in a very low, very tiny voice, looking up a little, before back down.

Lex ducked his head to look up at his lover. "I want, too." His hand moved to stroke over Clark's, then he rose on tiptoe to tangle his fingers in Clark's hair and pull his mouth down for a kiss. "You can have."

Clark kissed back, softly, deeply, his tongue tangling with his lovers as his fingers cupped his lover and squeezed, gently, in easy, smooth motions, as he backed them up. Steered them towards the hall... then let go enough, to take his lovers hand and tug him into their bedroom. He kissed him, again, again, deeply, his breath starting to pant in his lungs as he sucked and licked at his skin.

Lex returned every deep kiss with one of his own, nibbling at Clark's lips, then over his chin and his ear as his hands started pulling up at the sweater he had on, pushing it up over his head to bare more skin to Clark's licking tongue as he started to do the same for his lover, pulling Clark's shirt out of his jeans and sliding his hands under it, rubbing and caressing warm skin as his fingers sought nipples to pinch and tug while Lex's mouth moved again to feast on Clark's throat.

A heat had started in the deep pit of his belly, and with it, with his arousal, Clark trembled. His nipples felt electric, alive and more sensitive than ever before. His belly was roiling with his passion, his cock hardening tightly in his jeans, as if it had a mind of his own. He sucked and licked at his lovers throat, at his jaw line, as he closed the door with his foot, and moaned, softly. His fingers wound tight and heaved Lex up to wrap around his waist, holding him up just enough so he could suck on his lovers tender nipples. "Want you to pierce them." Clark snarled, softly, into the scarred one, and pinched, hard, at the one he wasn't sucking, the one he was sucking getting bitten. "So I can pull on them and make you scream."

Lex arched his head back, throwing his chest forward in offering as he did it, moaning softly as his legs were wound around Clark's waist and shuddering roughly. "W--with little silver rings," Lex promised. Didn't even stop to think that his father had done the same thing. "Want that?" he panted, even as he kept his fingers threaded through Clark's hair as a secure handhold. "Will... will go to Metropolis... when we get home... get it done, know some people still." Legs wrapped around Clark's waist, and Lex's hips rocked, thrusting forward, still trapped in slacks as he rocked against Clark's jeans.

"Mine. Lead you around with a chain... tug at you... from here..." A hard suck at the nipple again. "And here." Then a snake down, and he grasped Lex's cock, hard, squeezing it in his hand as he toppled him over onto the bed without another word said, and stripped out of his clothes. He was hot with want, aroused so much, and he knew they should be making love after all the fighting they did but all he wanted was to claim, to fuck Lex so hard he never thought of anything else again. His jeans fell and he grasped his cock, which hadn't been this hard in a long time, squeezing it tightly as he pushed Lex over onto the sheets and mounted him, looking down at him with hunger. "Brought your toys?"

"S-some of them, they're in the closet, little black trunk." He arched up against Clark, stripped free from his clothing and rubbing every inch of himself against his lover that he could. "Want you, Clark, so much, so much, please, please, I want you." His eyes were full of pleading want as he arched his body, and his heart sparked with every second of contact. They'd made love and had sex, but nothing like this in a long time, where there wasn't a need to make something else go away, when it was just the act and the pleasure, and Lex was pleading with everything he owned.

"Go. Go get them." Clark snarled, as he kissed his lover again, stroking a hand down his body and grasping Lex's cock tightly, squeezing and stroking it over and over and over. "Bring it to me. We may be late for dinner. Bring it to me… set it on the bed." he rose himself, fluidly, grabbing a towel from the bathroom, winding it around his waist, and opened the bedroom door, closing it behind him before knocking on Lionel and Dominic's. "Lionel?"

Lex nodded, licking Clark's collar bone as he got off the bed, and went to the closet, moving their suitcases around as he followed Clark's bidding.

Lionel had just gotten out of the shower when he heard Clark knocking. "One moment, Clark!" Lionel left one towel hanging around his shoulders, to catch the dripping from his hair, and picked up the pair of pajama bottoms that had been discarded early that morning and put them on as he walked to the door, and then opened it.

Didn't expect to see Clark in nothing but a bath towel, but he could adapt. "Yes, Clark, sorry about that. What can I do for you?" Half of his mind was already laying bets that he and Lex were going to have make up sex, a lot of it, and the other half of his mind told him to shut the hell up.

"Lex and I might be a little late tonight." Was all Clark said, throat bobbing tightly as he tried not to be embarrassed by his more than evident hard on, laying like steel against his belly, which he tried to keep hidden by keeping his hold on the towel wrapped around him above his cock. "A half hour, maybe. Okay?"

Lionel tried hard not to laugh. "Dominic and I will leave a set of instructions for you so you can find the house; if you need to call a cab, just tell them to come to Morgan's house, and we'll leave cab fare on the dining table with the directions."

Clark caught the bubble of laughter in Lionel's voice and he offered a sheepish grin, hopping from foot to foot. "Okay. Thanks Lionel." He turned and rushed back into the bedroom, letting it slam close, and dropped the towel, advancing on his lover again. Now that he knew they were going to have plenty of time he all but swallowed his lover whole, kissing him furiously as he lay back over him. Their cocks ground together, tightly, snuggly, making him moan in aching pleasure as he pushed and rubbed. "Got it? Got it for me?"

Lex groaned as he tried to point towards where the little black chest was open, and the top raised and the drawers of it open. His tongue pushed into Clark's mouth as he arched his body against Clark's, the towel having disappeared as hard cock stroked against hard cock and he trembled. "G-got it, always got it, for you."

Clark grasped his lovers body and rolled, so Lex was over him, deliciously putting pressure on his aching length, and he pointed at the toys. "Take what pleases you. I want... you to put on the clamps. Tight, around your nipples, so I can pull them." He whispered, trembling as he said it. "I want... something hard, and hot, for me. I want… the collar, for you."

Lex leaned over his lover, moaning with each movement as he pushed his own cock against Clark's belly, and his fumbling fingers found the collar first. He dropped it onto Clark's chest as he rocked against his lover for a moment, and then he reached forward again, sorting through the little drawers until he found the requested nipple clamps.

His little nubs were already hard, thanks to Clark's mouth, already wet because of his lover's tongue, and Lex clamped each one onto himself with a little cry buried deep in his throat. Another rock forward as he tightened the springs, so they couldn't be tugged off easily, and he whimpered as he delved into the shallow chest part, looking for something for Clark. Found a pair of wrist cuffs without chains from his clubbing days, and slid them on before dipping his hand in again, trembling as he did, and coming up with one of the remote controlled eggs that they'd worn to the transvestite club. "H--here."

Clark moaned, deeply, shaking as he reached up and slid the collar around his lover's throat. Tied it, tightened so it would be felt but not to hurt, and ground his lover hard onto his cock as he felt the agonized weight of his delicious, beautiful lover push down on him. He took the egg and rose up, carefully, grasping the lube on top of the set of drawers and squeezing some out onto his fingers. He lifted his hips up, Lex still on top of them, and grasped his lovers cock so he wouldn't fall over, squeezing and stroking it even as he slicked his hole, quickly. He did the same to the toy and pushed it in in one swallow, moaning deeply as it stretched him wide, and shuddered all over as it began to move and vibrate inside of his body gently. "Oh, fuck." He moaned, hard, shaking and thrashing his head.

He reached out, trembling, thrusting up against his lovers body wherever he could, and grasped the ball weights he himself had worn when Lex hadn't been around, and weighed his lovers balls down, snapping them tightly around them even as his hips pistoned. "Inside, Lex, inside, inside, have to, have to, going to fuck you!" He snarled, and he grasped Lex tightly and rolled him over onto the sheets.

He lifted Lex's legs up, tightly over his shoulders, and lubed his fingers again, pushing them before the lube had finished squeezing out onto his fingers, inside of his lover. Stroked all the way in, as deeply as was humanly possibly, and crooked them, to stroke his lovers prostate.

Lex's hands went up to the collar and rubbed over it, then down to rub and tug clamped nipples as Clark reached down and stroked himself. Knew better than to touch, and he tapped the wrist cuffs together, the little magnets inside pulling Lex's wrists together and holding them firmly in front of his belly as he rode Clark's hard rocking.

A sharp keening of pleasure when the weights clamped onto his balls and felt the immediate tug down on his sac, and he rocked fiercely, making his balls move and the weights dangle with every stroke.

Then another shout as Clark rolled him over, legs over his shoulders, and his entire body stiffened as Clark's rough, wonderful fingers crooked over his prostate. Little white sparks went off behind his eyes as his back arched further, pleading not in English for his lover to take him and fuck him hard.

Clark stroked, fiercely, over and over, stroking the protrusion even as he stretched his lovers tight muscles, stroking them out enough so that they would accept his aching length, tight and hard down between his thighs, rubbing against the curve of his lovers ass. He was aching to thrust, dying to fuck, and he moaned, deeply, as he kept stroking and stroking, bending Lex's legs further down, hitting his chest so Clark could kiss him, deeply. Tongue stroked in with each thrust of his fingers, until his lovers entrance was slick and wide, and he added a third finger, fucking him relentlessly with his digits as he worked to get him open for the hard reaming it was about to receive.

Lex's bound hands were trapped between his stomach and Clark's, but he raised up enough to worm his shoulders down, and let one fist wrap around the steely length that twitched between their bodies. He sucked at Clark's tongue, whimpering and trying to spread his legs and thighs further for Clark, pleading with his eyes and what was left of his thoughts to hurry and fuck him, the preparation not needed because they had fucked roughly like this before.

"No." Clark snarled into slender, delicious lips, as his fingers kept moving inside of his lover, stretching him thickly, tightly.

Then he stopped, looking down at his fingers… up at his lover.

He spread more lube on his fingers, as much as he could, and his mouth sucked at one clamped nipple, as his fourth finger tentatively asked for admittance.

Lex nodded, and relaxed his thighs, his little hole spreading open further as it relaxed from the tension his thighs were putting on it, and he pulled his cuffed wrists apart and pushed himself up just enough to be face to face with his lover. "Yes," he said softly, and then settled back down, his arms going around to loop under his knees and used the magnets in the wrist cuffs to lock his arms in place, so that he was holding his legs against his chest for his lover.

Clark moaned. Who wouldn't? Who wouldn't, when their lover... Jesus, Jesus Christ. He slid down, just a little, and wrapped his lips around his lovers thick, erect cock, standing at attention and hard as rock, and started to suck at it with the generous lips god had given him. His fingers bunched up tight and carefully, ever so carefully, started to slide inwards.

The heat and tightness made Clark yelp and he pushed in further, past the tight ring of muscle and in, deep, whimpering loudly around his lovers cock. He kept his fingers together, tightly so, and stroked in and out, so softly, so carefully, until his body couldn't take it anymore. He was going to explode, going to lose his mind.

His fingers slid free from his lovers body, as gently as possible, even as Lex's erection slid wetly from his mouth with a pop. His teeth snagged the nipple clamp chain and tugged, hard, even as he raised up, found his admittance, and mid tug with the chain, pushed into his lover.

Lex's body opened up easily around him, slick with the lube he'd put in him, and he pressed in to the hilt in one single stroke, only pulling out near the end and pushing in flush.

Lex screamed, his body clamping around the huge fist inside of his body. His cock was purple with his need, and he gritted his teeth as he forced words out. "C--Clark, please, again, in and out, again, cock ring, need one, please, don't wanna come, don't want this to end, please, again," he pled, teeth grinding down hard as he forced his body not to come, kept his cock from jerking orgasm out by sheer willpower.

Clark was in a state of entire shock, denial, and arousal so hard he'd never felt in his life. He gave his lover slivers of his power, almost immediately, his invulnerability and his threshold for pain, and didn't dare look down. If he looked down, he was going to come.

So was Lex, but that was the whole point. He wanted his lover to come, over and over and over. His mouth came down and wrapped around his lovers cock, shifting slightly and swallowing it to the root, his lovers fingers caught with the wrist binds in his hair, and he closed his eyes as he gently pulled his fingers out, just a little, just a little, and pressed back in.

Lex keened softly as he felt the powers flood him, and he tried to push them back into his lover. "No, no, want to feel, have to feel, that's the trick, gotta feel it, gotta feel the stretch burn tight hot!" His back was arching, and he lost all ability to speak as Clark's mouth covered his cock and started sucking. The sucks, coupled with the careful push of Clark's fist inside him, raking against his walls and his prostate, and Lex couldn't help coming.

So hard, so fast, harder than he ever has before. He saw stars, an entire galaxy floating behind his eyes as his ass clamped down tight on Clark's wrist, keeping the large fist sealed inside his ass as he came. "Deeper!" was the only thing Lex could cry out.

Clark pushed in, just a little, terrified he was going to hurt his aushna', and even as the thought was rolling through his brain, his lovers orgasm pushed through and he swallowed, convulsively, sucking it down as he came, the sticky hot cream sliding down his throat as he suckled. Over and over, bringing him up and down, deeper, squeezing him with his throat muscles even as his lovers muscles squeezed and trembled around him. He was shaking, no clue what the fuck he was doing but this was good, so good, and his cock was so hard even as his lover came around his fist. He was shaking, hard, sucking and licking until his lover went soft, and his mouth came down to massage trembling balls.

Lex was half out of his mind, but he dug into his brain and dredged up half-forgotten memories, scenes half lost to the cloud of drugs he'd been on at the time, of fists in him up to the forearm and elbow, with poppers being shoved under his nose and his ass white with grease. He clamped again around Clark's wrist, tugging him deeper with his muscles, limp cock struggling to rise as fingers massaged and rubbed against his prostate. "Few... few more minutes... will be hard again," Lex panted. "Keep... prostate."

Clark was shaking, hard, didn't know what to do, but he listened and was soothed by the memories his lover had, that he wasn't hurting him, and he whimpered softly, stroking as much as he could in the extremely tight little entrance that was stretched wider than Clark could have ever thought, and their was fear of something new, but also the arousal of something extraordinary, and he kept stroking, softly, as he chanced soft kisses to a flaccid cock and lose balls, licking them like a cat, licking whatever he missed. "Hurting?"

"No, not hurting, feels... feels so good." Lex linked with his lover for a moment, letting Clark feel how it felt to be stretched so wide and packed so full with the broad, rough surface stroking against his prostate. "Not hurting at all." His cock was beginning to show interest again, throbbing weakly as Clark lapped at him.

Clark's own cock, so hard and wet, jerked as he felt the pleasure his lover felt, and he moaned softly, deeply, as his own ass locked convulsively around the egg massaging him on the inside. He whimpered, softly, and kept licking and sucking, stroking with his mouth as his fist tugged out, just the smallest bit, and thrust back in, carefully, softly, slowly.

"Can--can do it harder," Lex panted out, arms still locked and holding his legs to his chest as his cock slowly started to harden, balls feeling deliciously achy with the constant tug of the weights on them, and his nipples felt like little nubs of pure pleasure, squeezed so tight in their clamps.

Clark gave another whimper, shaking his head, and stroked out before in, tightly, rubbing his lovers insides as much as he could, as he watched Lex's cock fill. He wanted it hard, as stone, before he went on, and he wrapped his mouth around it again, sucking quietly, methodically, softly. Over and over, licking it, lapping it, dragging his tongue underneath it, as his fist slid in and out, moving a little easier with each of his movements.

The soft sucks, the rubbing of Clark's knuckles against his prostate, and he was whimpering with the desire and the need, his cock hardening faster and faster as Clark tended to him, and he pushed down, swallowing more of Clark's arm into his body as he rocked.

Clark couldn't take it. This, of all the things they'd done, was too much. It terrified him, because if he inflicted pain on his lover he didn't know what he'd do. He shook his head, letting the cock he'd been deep throat slide free from his lips, and looked up at his lover, flushed with desire and the heaviness of the position he was in. "Tell me. How to take it out. Tell me."

"S--same way... went in. Just pull it out. Slow, like you put it in, just until you get to the base of your thumb, then pull quick... like taking off... band-aid." Could barely speak around the red haze in his brain.

Clark nodded and he slid out, carefully, until his thumb was sitting just inside his lover, and he looked down.

Whimpered, heavily, at how stretched his lover was, and he leaned down to lick around the rim he was closes too, softly, in his sorry for hurting as he moved and pulled his fingers out, just as his lover had told him to do, in one quick movement. He whimpered, again, fingers tight, slick, and cramped, and he kissed his lovers balls, down the stretch of skin, and to the stretched hole, licking and kissing it gently, sliding his tongue in just a little, then out to kiss softly, all around it. "Aushna', aushna'."

Lex pulled his wrists apart and let his legs fall, keeping them spread around Clark as he pulled back, sitting up so that he could bring Clark's face up to his for a long, long deep kiss. "You didn't hurt me," he said softly, panting his words into Clark's mouth as he fought to think with clarity and form his words. "You didn't... felt good, Clark, so good."

Clark kissed back, hard, and yeah, beyond words because he couldn't believe what the fuck he'd just done. He kissed his lover, breaking away only to get one of their discarded shirts and wipe his fingers clean, his wrist from all the lube, before he grasped his lovers fingers in his and held them, tightly, kissing him deeply. He was so hard, so hard, so hard, but he knew his lover was sore and couldn't fuck, not now. Instead he rubbed against his hardened dick, moaning softly, and leaned down to suck on his neck as he grasped their cocks together and squeezed them, tightly, stroking them off.

Lex keened softly. "You can, you can fuck me... just so loose... need something else in there to make it tight enough," he whimpered, thrusting into Clark's hand. "Will be fine later tonight, once muscles close up."

He shook his head. Too far, they'd gone too far, and it terrified him as he kissed his lover, deeply, murmuring his apologies even as his eyes closed tight, and he pushed against Lex's cock. Hard, very hard, squeezing his fingers around the both of them as his fingers streaked over his lovers body, down under his hips to push him up so they would rock against his, meeting his thrusts.

Lex gave a little sob of pleasure and pulled himself away from Clark, sliding down his body to take Clark's cock into his mouth in one deep, hard suck. Later, when they'd both gotten off and cleaned up, he'd explain to Clark that nobody need to apologize. Now was just a desperate, hard need to make sure his aushna' felt the same pleasure he'd just been given, and he sucked harder, faster, deepthroating Clark with every hard suck.

Clark let out a shrill, loud cry of desperate need. Who wouldn’t'? Lex had slithered down his body and sucked him in, sucked him tight, and his cock only hardened further if it were possible, hard, long, tight, so hard it hurt even him as he threw his head back and wailed. Lex was so good, so good with his mouth, his cock feeling a constant, heavy sucking that didn't stop, and his head thrashed, grasping the pillows tightly as he did it. "KENEP!"

Lex just kept sucking, harder and deeper into his throat, his hand going to roll Clark's balls between warm palms as he sucked, then dipping his tongue briefly into Clark's opening, feeling the vibration against his tongue before moving his mouth back to Clark's cock and sucking again. He caught the chain of his nipple clamps on Clark's knee, and moved his torso so that the clamps bit into his chest with every suck of his lover's cock, and his lower body humped the cool sheets of the bed as he serviced his lover.

Clark gave another shrill cry, his legs spreading when his lover slid his tongue into him, and he jerked, wailing even louder as he did it. He couldn't take it, couldn't take it, and he whimpered, hard, trembling as he choked on his whispers, "Hurt? Hurt? Too hurt? Ride me? Please, need you. Please, please, want my aushna'. Hurt?"

"Not hurt, not hurt." Lex let go of his lover's cock to speak, and he crawled up Clark's legs, situating his knees on either side of Clark's hips as he reached behind himself, steadying his lover's cock with his hand as he arched his chest, causing the chain on the clamps to jingle gently. Without any further prep, Lex slid himself down on his aushna's hard cock, loose muscles accepting the intrusion smoothly as silk, and he leaned back, keeping his chest thrust out as his hands gripped Clark's calves. "Tug... tug the chain," he pled softly, and started to ride.

The pleasure of his lovers body taking him in, so easily, had him wailing, loudly, and he thrust up as much as he could into his lover without warning, grinding himself in as he trembled and shook. His fingers clamped on Lex's thighs and his fingers tugged fiercely on the chain between two hard nipples, one hand sliding across a long hip to grasp Lex's hard cock. He stroked it, hard, even as his own thighs bulged, moving his hips in jolting movements as he ached for the pleasure of this, thrusting his fingers down and around over his lovers cock in direct opposite to the movements of his thrusts.

Lex's fingers dug in tightly to Clark's leg as he rode, his cock throbbing and his sheath tightening with every jerk of the clamp chain. His entire body shivered in pleasure from it, skin soaking with sweat from the exertion, and nearly howled when Clark's warm, firm hand wrapped around his cock and started stroking. He rode faster, chasing down the start of the orgasm that tingled in the base of his spine and was being tugged out with every pull of the chain.

His hand nudged something under the sheets and he felt for it, coming up with the little black remote to Clark's egg, and with an evil grin to his lover, Lex flicked it up to the highest setting, and went back to riding as hard as he could.

Clark slammed up into his lover, screamed on top of his lungs as the egg rolled through his body like he had been connected to a bold of electricity, and came. He erupted, exploded, so hard that his ears went dull with white noise, his eyes wide and sightless, and his cock, jerking, as it was emptied. He'd come so hard, so hard, and he looked up, hazy wide eyes shocked as they locked on his lovers, almost scared, before the pleasure took him over.

He thrust up, tightly, letting out a shrill scream as his climax finally rolled through his body. It was like nirvana, the end of all things, here where his lover was giving him pleasure, and he wailed with each breath he forced into his body, with each shock of electricity over his body, and he didn't care about anything, didn't know anything, beyond Lex and this pleasure.

The sheer blast of pleasure that rocketed through Clark's body flowed through Lex's brain like fire, burning it's way through his cock and out through a second, intense orgasm. He saw the fear in his lover's eyes, leaned forward, as much as he could, and sucked deep, long kisses out of his lover's partially slack mouth, letting him have the breaths he needed to live as he came.

His cock jerked, poured out more semen than he'd ever thought he'd be able to produce in his life, and he rubbed it against Clark's belly soothingly as he rocked, loosened muscles milking Clark's cock as much as they could as he licked his aushna's throat, hands scraping over Clark's chest.

Clark was sure he was still screaming. Or maybe that was just in his head. However, he was sure he was making a whistling noise every time he breathed, almost in shock, and he trembled, all over, shook hard as his arms came around Lex's waist and tried to tug him in.

Realized he was still inside his aushna, and he whimpered, too tired to explain, to trembly to speak, as he tugged lethargically at his lovers hands to come down and lay next to him because he was about to lose his mind.

Lex slowly pulled himself off his lover so that he could lay beside Clark, one arm going to wrap around his aushna's chest, and the other hand laced through Clark's fingers, and brought the hand that had been inside of him up to his mouth, and Lex kissed each digit carefully, reverently, and lovingly.

Shaking. He was just shaking, as he wrapped his arms protectively, tightly around his aushna', and wound him in as close as was possible without crawling into his skin. A low, long, guttural sound of pleasure, intense pleasure, as his head rested next to Lex's, keeping him close as he could.

Lex curled himself around Clark, snuffling his skin, licking the sweat from it, making sure that all of his body touched Clark's in some way as he pressed close. He heard the sounds of pleasure coming from his aushna' and couldn't help smiling with the full head of pride it gave him to have pleased his mate this way.

Clark was shaking, trembling hard, and he finally gave a low, quiet whimper as his fingers slid down his lover's back, and over his ass, protectively. "Hurt?"

"No hurt, feels good," Lex answered back, almost instantly. "Felt so good, you in me like that. Felt possessed... felt good."

"Hurt?" Clark whispered again, because he had to know, he had to make positively sure, as he whimpered and rubbed against his lover's backside, as if stroking and soothing, in his mind, would make it feel better. "Scared."

"Didn't hurt." Lex let his feelings slide into Clark's mind, the pleasurable thumps his ass gave, the heady burn of remembering the exquisite feeling of being packed so full of his lover's fist, crying out for more as he'd pushed down and come hard. "Don't be scared. Didn't hurt. Did good." He licked Clark's throat again as Clark stroked and petted him. "Pleased your aushna'."

The words had some of the fear dissipating, as he felt the hungry feeling, the good, exquisite pleasure his lover had, though his fingers didn't stop stroking, as he tucked him in close, close as he could, and kept stroking his bare, hairless skin. "Pleased aushna'." He whispered, hoarsely, trembling softly against Lex as he tugged the blankets up over them. "Good."

"Pleased your aushna' very much." He nestled into the blankets as he lay on top of his lover, and then rubbed his face in Clark's shoulder. "Can't stay. Promised Dad and Dom... dinner at Crystabel's."

"Was scared." Clark admitted, softly, though he was still very much beyond speech as he let his eyes close, rubbing back against his lover softly. "Thought I hurt...was scared. Too much, didn't know how." He couldn't quite say more than that because he didn't know how, and he just closed his eyes and rubbed against his lover's bare scalp, licking some of the sweat trails softly.

Lex purred softly as Clark's tongue licked him. "You didn't hurt. You knew; you did fine." He raked his hands over his lover's shoulders, and sat up just enough to unscrew the nipple clamps. "Don't be scared, would have said if you hurt me."

Clark nodded, trembling, as he helped his lover unscrew the clamps. They came down and he rubbed at the red nipples gently, giving them back feeling even as he unbuckled his lovers collar. Lex had taken the vibration off the egg after he'd orgasmed, he hoped, though he had a bad feeling as he carefully unsnapped his lovers wrist cuffs, and the ball weight. "Lex? Broke your toy."

"S'okay. Can buy more like it." He gave a little grin. "Need help getting it out?" He picked up the wrist cuffs and put them back on. He picked the collar back up too, and buckled it back around his throat. "They're sex toys and they're fashion accessories."

Clark shook his head, softly, because he needed to rest. He slid his fingers over the collar, though he didn't say anything, as he shook his head again, and let his throat clear before he tried to speak in complete sentences. "We play games in our bedroom. When we are together... no dominant, and no submissive. Together, both." Did he make sense? Not really, but he couldn't get it out better than that right now, as he rolled over and spread his thighs, to get the toy he'd squeezed… a little too hard, out.

Lex brought his hands up to the collar, touching Clark's fingers over it and stopping him from taking it off again. "Doesn't always mean submission, Clark... sometimes just means the person wearing it is taken by his lover."

His eyes opened again, as the mutilated, broken toy fell to the ground beside their bed. "Taken?"

"Claimed," Lex said with a little smile.

He'd understood that, but rather than make a comment, let it slide. He was too tired, to warn out, and he nodded, softly, even as he closed his eyes on the pillow. "Tired."

Lex looked at his watch. It was only five-fifteen, and it seemed like it should have been a hell of a lot later. "Okay. Fifteen minutes, baby, but then we gotta go. Like we promised Dad."

"Tired." Clark reiterated, as his arm came around Lex's waist and tugged him down to lay beside him. Didn't say anything else, just cuddling in, and closing his eyes.

Lex just snuggled in beside his lover, pulling the blanket up over his shoulder, and put his watch back down on the bedside table. "I know, my baby."

"Tired." he muttered again, quietly, as he lay his cheek on his lovers shoulder blade, and heaved a quiet, quiet sigh. "Love my aushna'."

Lex's fingers went to lace tightly through Clark's, where they rested on his tummy. "I love my aushna', more than anything in the world." He squeezed their interlaced fingers tightly.

"Forgive?" And he hoped Lex understood it wasn't just for earlier.

He did understand. "Forgiven," he said softly. "Forgive me?"

"Forgive." Clark whispered, nodded, as he kissed the lump on the back of his lovers head, and squeezed the fingers in his. "Always forgive."

Lex's entire body sparked in happiness at that, and he brought their entwined fingers to his mouth for kisses. "Always aushna'."

Alright. That was it. Sleepy. He closed his eyes and rested against his lover, his heart thumping in his chest, as he fell into slumber and dreams, peace, where it was safe.



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