
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 249: Competition

Luthor Auditorium was filled to brimming. Hundreds of people, much more than the allotted four hundred, had shown up, though Dominic wondered if it was because his lover and himself were here tonight. The first two acts of twenty had already danced, and they were having a brief intermission, thank God. It gave Dominic a chance to look around, after all.

After being harassed by Rico, dressed to the nines, hair cut, the whole thing, he'd been presented in front of his lover like some dress up doll. Too which he had finally exploded and told Rico off in such a fashion that his fiancé, Aden, had burst into sobs, and Rico had kicked them out of the salon.

Served them right. He was no ones idea of a goddamned trophy wife.

And damned if he wasn't still stewing over it.

They'd run here, cut through traffic--thank God Phillip was a saint behind the wheel--and made it to the Auditorium with ten minutes to spare. They'd scarcely gotten their seats when the competition had begun, and now that the rush was gone, Dominic finally stopped to enjoy himself. The dances were going beautifully, the audience members were dressed to the nines, and just behind them, Lex, one of the Clarks, Chloe, and Whitney were all seated. The other Clark, Kal he'd presumed from the shock of red hair, was sitting next to himself, far enough away from CK to not be traceable.

Lionel had been snickering softly, and had reminded himself, in the back of his head, to call and apologize to Rico and Aden Monday morning. Perhaps send them something nice--a little fruit and wine basket, or a small... something. He'd worry about it then.

Competitions of this type rarely interested him, and this was no different. The music was loud, cacophonic, the press of people around them irritatingly warm despite the air conditioning, and the little red-headed irritant was sitting on Dominic's other side. He still had not quite forgiven the boy his actions of earlier, but was loathe to say so in front of Dominic, or Lex for that matter.

Instead, he straightened his bow-tie, made sure the white kerchief was still stuck in his pocket, and sat back in the chair, nails scraping silently on the upholstered arm of the chair as he scanned over the program.

Dominic sneered, darkly, at his lover at the little snickers that were still coming from him. Thank God they'd died down from the boisterous guffawing from the car. He glared at him, though he didn't dare give his thigh the pinch he wanted to. Too many people watching, after all. So he just opened his own program and kept nice, scanning it over. His sister and Pete were number thirteen--Pete's lucky number supposedly, and they were only on dance number three.


"Boring you?" Kal suddenly murmured from beside him.

Dominic nearly dropped his program. "Of course. Spectacularly. Yourself?"

"I'd rather be chewing on some nails. Or a nail gun."

Lionel's little smirk just increased at his lover's dark glare, and he leaned over when Kal stopped talking. "Perhaps instead of an athletic supporter, I should find something to protect my thigh from your vicious pinches," Lionel murmured into his lover's ear, behind the protection of the program.

"My dear, you say that as if anything could protect you from my vicious pinches." Dominic leered back at him, but it was just teasing, as he leaned forward for a soft brush of lips. "I'm not your trophy wife. I hate this haircut. I want to take my shoes off. Why can't we be at home, after all?"

Lionel kissed his lover softly, and made deliberate eye contact with Kal after he'd done so, then dropped his attention back to his husband. "Because, as you informed me, your darling sister is dancing, and we must be here to support her. Otherwise, Lex could have made the appearance as the Luthor representative, and we could be home, watching CNN and having Ms. Bird's crisped duck in lemon herb dressing."

"And sex. Don't forget that part." He ignored the snickers from Chloe and kissed his husband again, before lifting his own program up to hide the back end, and nuzzled Lionel's nose softly with his own. "Sex and chicken. Instead we're here with stupid ties on. I hate bow ties. I hate them. With a bloody passion. We look like penguins."

Lionel laughed softly, and covered it with a cough, ignoring the disdainful looks from the people around them. "We do not look like penguins. We look quite dashing together, I'll have you know."

"Yeah. Right. I wish I was wearing my ratty jeans and my t-shirt right now. Shayla owes me so big for this." He grunted, before leaning forward for another long, soft kiss. "And you taste so damn good. Blast it all to hell and back."

Lionel returned the kiss softly, and nudged his lover's head back forward. "At least pretend to be watching," he chastised softly, leaning over for a quick nibble of his lover's neck before sliding his fingers inside Dominic's collar to tease at the nape of his neck. He couldn't help shooting another glare at Kal, and then leaned his head over to rest his cheek gently on his lover's head.

"Pretending sucks." But he turned, a heaved, put upon sigh on his lips, and noticed his lover looking at Kal again. He looked up, then across at his seat mate, and then back to Lionel. "What all happened between you and he, anyhow?" He asked softly, his eyebrow perched up high even as he linked their fingers tightly together.

"I'll tell you later," he said softly, with another glare. "It's not fit for speaking of in public."

"Hmm." He murmured quietly in response, and watched, with a heaved sigh, as another set of dancers took their mark. A very old tune started up, and he couldn't help being amused. "I Believe in Magic? Dear God. How mortifying. But look, the girl's outfit is cute."

Lionel raised his eyebrow. "Cute? I have not yet seen a single outfit in good taste in this classless parade. Nor have I heard a single note of music that was not an affront to my eardrums."

"I don't think my sister and Pete's choices were any better. But look, the girls poodle skirt is cute. Oh," he winced as the boy, wearing a very Fonz outfit, dropped the poor thing flat on her bum, and he winced visibly as she nearly tore his nuts off with her eyes. "So much for that."

"Let's do hope your sister and her partner don't have that problem. I'd hate to have to watch them mop up the blood, as I sincerely doubt your sister would stop with merely a glare."

Dominic choked on the laugh and turned to look at him, scandalized, but amused, deeply. "You horrible sod. Though I don't doubt it, at all. Oh, look, the poor dear is limping. Lionel, honestly, you should have judged this year. Though..." He squeezed Lionel's fingers, and gave his thumb a very... innocent... stroking. "I'm glad you didn't."

A soft chuckle. "Now that is one thing I have to be thankful to your sister for. Her presence in the competition disqualified me from judging."

"I'm sure you're horrified." Dominic deadpanned. "Look, there's the fifth couple. Aweee. The girl looks nice. I wonder what they're going to dance to."

"Oh, yes, just crushed beyond expression." Lionel turned to look at the dance floor. "I'm not sure that I want to know."

"Cher. Of course. The poor boy looks horrified. Though they dance good." Too good, for his liking, and he glared at the both of them.

Then the girl had to rip her dress off, to show she was wearing an exact replica of the hosey outfit Cher wore in her Turn Back Time video, and Dominic's mouth fell open. "Ahh! Oh my God! What in the living fuck?!"

Lionel just hid the violent, violent snickers and snorts behind his program as he watched. "It's rather like a train wreck. I can't rip my eyes away."

Dominic hid his face behind his hands and hid the whole thing in his lovers shoulder as he heard Chloe gasp from behind him. "I can't believe I'm watching this. Dearest God." There were gasps from the audience at well, at the girl's obvious daring, but Dominic didn't care. Had he mentioned EW?!

"I'm actually rather... disgusted. The talent will actually be wasted as I sincerely doubt the raciness will win them a high score."

Dominic sighed, and when ten minutes later, they were awarded the highest points yet, he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This is like hell. Lionel, we need to go for a quick snog somewhere. Don't you think? Can't we escape?"

Lionel scowled at the judging panel, shrouded in darkness. "Geyhauser's voting with his balls instead of his brain again this year. And no, Dominic, it would be rude to walk out in the middle of the event. If nothing else, we will wait for intermission."

Dominic choked on the snort, and his eyes danced as he sideglanced his lover, rolled his eyes, and looked back at the contest. A boy in a top hat and a girl in a raunchy French madam can-can skirt did a song from Moulin Rouge, and were very, very good. Dominic couldn't help thinking that they were fabulous dancers, and his heart kicked for his baby sister as he watched them finish. Next came a heavily Latin song and dance. So done. But he watched politely, regardless, then sat through the mandatory Like A Virgin number.

Number nine.

Victor Anderson, son of their once board member. The music started up, and though it was so gay it was bordering on truly flaming, the dance steps were good. Very, very good. Total Eclipse of the Heart. Such a gay anthem. Dominic had to snort at the choice, even though his sisters wasn't any better. They were dressed in clothes from the eighties, and they were dancing their very asses off.

Oh Christ. Spike of fear for his sister, now.

He squeezed Lionel's hand and gasped when Victor tossed the young woman he was dancing with in the air like she weight nothing. They weren't wearing difficult clothes to dance in... Keds, jeans, she with a sweater sliding off her shoulder, he with a wife beater. And they were dancing their asses off. Had he mentioned that? "Fuck."

Lionel was watching carefully, eyes raking over the performance, noting half-steps off the beat, heavy treads, breaking the box, and other minor deductions, but he had to agree with his lover.

These two were, quite likely better dancers than his sister. Not better than Pete, based on what he'd heard, but likely better than Shayla, and Lionel had seen in past competitions how one partner could pull the other down.

"They're screwed, caro." Dominic muttered, and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

They ended, with a flourish, very Dirty Dancing, and the next couple came out. The last, before the intermission. A younger couple than the first, who did wonderful, but chose an awful piece of music. From Aladdin, the Disney movie. She in an Arabic costume, he in something very ratty yet gleaming. And though they danced beautifully, that kind of thing was for a skating rink, not a dance competition such as this. He clapped politely, then sighed, deeply, as intermission was called.

He didn't get up, though everyone around him did.

Lionel studied the program quietly. Shayla and the young Ross boy were the next couple after the intermission, and he stayed in his seat alongside his husband, and touched his hand gently. "Don't despair. Wait until you've seen her performance before you write them off."

"Lionel. You saw how that boy danced. My poor sister. If this breaks her heart I'm breaking Mr. Ross's legs." He said it darkly, even as he caught Kal from getting up with a grasp on his arm, without looking at him.

"No stress, Dom. Gonna get a soda. Want anything?" He looked past Dominic, at Lionel.

"Yes, I did. I have also, in years past, seen Mr. Ross dance. I believe he will go a good way to carrying your sister, if she can hold up her end of the performance," he said firmly, and made sure that his voice held the firm belief of it. "No, thank you, Kal."

"Alright." He shook Dominic off and stood, straightening his suit, and off he went.

"Alright. Everyone's moving around. Tell me what the bloody hell that boy did to you. Do I have to break his legs too?" Dominic demanded, his glare ominous and threatening as he looked at his husband.

"I believe if you tried that, my son would kill you," Lionel said dryly. "And I'm not entirely sure that I am joking."

"Fine. But what happened?"

Lionel sighed softly, blowing the breath out through thinned lips. "Your persistence is to be admired, were I not cursing it." A pause. "He climbed onto my lap, straddled me, and proceeded to writhe in my lap in the interests of provoking a physical reaction."

"Oh. Well yes, I kind of figured that out on my own. I mean, why haven't you made up with him?" Dominic tipped his head sideways, and rose a brow. "Thank you, though. That was an indecently… arousing thought."

Lionel gave a little growl. "Because I do not wish to."

"Oh, beloved. Grudges were always your strong suit." A squeeze to his hand. "I'm so nervous for my darling. You do think she'll be alright, right? You aren't just saying those things?"

"I do think she'll be all right. I am not sure that she will take first prize, I am however confident that she will place in the top five standings."

Which was exactly what Pete was thinking down in the wings.

He sideglanced his poor girlfriend, sitting with her head between her legs, and shifted his weight to his other foot. He was pumped. Truly, completely, pumped. They were number thirteen... the other two couples, who had been low in their state contests, were performing in the other auditorium while intermission played, to see if they'd be twenty one and twenty two tonight. Pete? He wasn't panicked. Nervous, jittery, excited, but not panicked.

Of course, his girlfriend was making him panic, this year.

"Baby, its fine. I swear. Deep breaths. We're up in ten minutes, baby. Please, tell me you're okay."

"It's fine. it's FINE? How the bloody farragin' hell is it fine, pete??" Shayla's brogue, which never appeared unless she was at an extreme emotion, was thick enough to cut with a knife. "Did ye no' see th'bastard tha' just got done?" She was sucking in deep breaths as fast as she could, resting her head down between her knees and shivering. "Ach, if I survive this bloody thing, I'm goin' to kill ye, Peter Ross."

"Okay. I promise, when we survive this, you can kill me. Stab me in the gut yourself, baby. I won't even move. Promise." He bent down in front of her, lifting her beautiful face, and smiled into smudged eyes, filled to brimming, and kissed her trembling lips. "I'm so proud of you. You're going to be amazing. You're going to show all of them up, and you're going to dance your ass off. I know you will. Fuck Victor--he's a show off. You're going to be wonderful, baby."

"Y'better not move." She sucked in great, trembling breaths between his kisses, and glared. "He's no' m'type. But did y'no HEAR th'scores? They got the highest marks i'the program tonight!!!" she bellowed, and put her head back down.

"Have you seen you? Have you seen how good you are?" He whispered, and stroked her arms softly. "I have faith in you, Shay. I know you're going to be amazing. You'll see. When we go out there... you'll forget everything. And I'm there with you. Trust me, Shay. I won't hurt you." He squeezed her hand, gently, kissed her palms softly, and helped her to her feet. "Shoes buckled tight?"

"This is th'bloody ballet all over again," she mumbled, but let him pull her up on wobbly feet. "Aye, they're tight, m'feet are cursin' me but they willna fall off an' neither will I."

"Good. Deep breaths, baby. They're about to call us. Look at me." He moved her face towards him, as he stopped near the director in front of the doors that led out to the enormous ball room floor. "Ignore them. Ignore all of them. Its just you, and me, and we're dancing because we want to. Because its sensual, and its beautiful, and it makes your blood sing. We're going to dance because we want to. There's no one here but you and me. Don't look at the crowd... ignore the lights. Its just you and me, and baby, I'm going to have you so good." He whispered, and smiled as he stroked her arms gently. "Just Lex's ball room. We're alone, and we're dancing. Don't forget that."

"Aye, you and me an' every other bloody fool i'the buildin'." But she took a deep breath. A'right, Shayla Senatori. Yer no' a babblin bint, and ye better stop actin' like it! Act like a bloody Senatori fer once! Another deep sigh, and she shook her head and her shoulders.

"You're so sexy." Pete murmured, gently, and grinned at her as they began to be announced. "Remember. No one but us. Just practicing, baby."

She glared. "I'm good, but I'm not that good, Pete." Deep breath. "Just practicing, aye."

"You're gooood." Pete murmured, and then grasped her hand as their names were announced. Deep breath... one... two... the door opened, the director winked at him, and out they stepped, onto the ballroom. Roar of applause, and Pete smiled across at Shayla softly, ignoring the crowd as they clapped, and got into position, letting her hand go gently to walk a few paces from her, slightly behind her. "Saturday night, baby. Alone, in the gym." He whispered, softly, across the small expanse. "Ready?"

"Absobloodylutelynot," she breathed in a single breath, and waited for her music cue. Closed her eyes, breathed in deep again, and as soon as she heard it, she made her brain turn off and let her body--which knew by now what was expected of it--do it's thing.

All that echoed over the room was Whitney Houston's beautiful, clear voice, and Pete began to move. His mind, like Shayla's, switched off. He knew these steps in his sleep. He had perfected them, made them graceful, poignant, to match his beautiful Shayla's. She danced like an angel, and now, everyone would know. He came to her, took her waist gently and turned, letting her spin, pressed to his chest, on one shoe. He looked sad, for the case of the character, and tried to kiss her, even as she evaded him.

Then the beat began, and he lost his mind, as she pushed him back and walked away.

Shayla was waiting for the beat to start, and as soon as it did, she shoved Pete back gently and flounced away, heels tapping a counterpoint to the rhythm in the song as she walked away, shaking her head as he tried to talk, pulling her arm away as she turned away from him again, the lower half of her dress flaring out just a little with each half spin of her body and the straps of her dressed sparkled with every thrust of her hand out to keep him from coming close.

He turned, doing a delightful half back step that cleared that need, and caught her hand, yanking her close and doing a very, very hard, very, very dizzying spin, spin, twist, turn, spin, lifting her up again and turning, her dress fluttering around them until she shoved again. He set her down with a click and turned, falling on his knees as she began her personal dance around him, before they did The Infamous Ross Flip. Dear god, let him keep his eyes.

Thank God her body knew what to do, because her brain was panicking left and right. God? Yo, now would be a great time for me to go all Jennifer Gray and do a perfect flip here! she yelled mentally to the Almighty. Whether or not he heard was debatable as she stomped her way towards him, heels tapping out a rapid backbeat to the music as she twirled into position.

Pete grasped her, begged her to come towards him, was pushed away, begged, then turned, grasped her hips, plunked down hard on his ass on the ground, and flipped her over his head. He heard gasps, but if it was his own gasp or Shay's, he couldn't tell, praying to god... and then her heels clicked on the floor and he continued without a beat missed.

YES!!! She couldn't help the extra little twirl at the landing, because it had actually WORKED and maybe God did occasionally smile down on little blond Irish dancing girls, because she slid smooth as silk over him and her heels hit the floor as she started walking off the last time, setting the stage for his final begging and her return.

He turned, grasping her hand before she could move, and turned her into his body as they began to dance together. His eyes begged, even as she pulled away, but he turned and moved expertly, twisting her back and forth, letting himself be twisted, as their dance became a dance of passion. The song paused mid way, and he did as well, dipping her low and turning her up towards him, slow, carefully, as the beat stopped... then slammed, HARD, and he let out a whoop as he began to dance with her, all the harder. He lifted her above him in the three quarter turn, spinning her fast and hard as they moved across the floor. His dance steps were original, and he enjoyed them, deeply, as he danced with her, his very soul screaming in happiness as they moved.

As soon as the tempo picked up, Shayla moved into every step Pete made, their personal spaces seeming to flow and meld into once as they were perfectly comfortable, pressed tightly together as they danced.

Mostly because they were friends and lovers, not just partners, but their movements together were intimate, hot, scorchingly sensual and achingly beautiful at the same time, because genuine emotion fueled the moves, the feelings, and the steps.

They slowed down, as the steps slowed down with the song, And Whitney's last echoing, notes were gorgeous as Pete stopped, and dipped Shayla low, her back bowing as he leaned over her, ran his lips down her throat, and then gently embraced her, as the song came to a close, leaving them hugging each other tightly, her arms around his neck, thigh on his hip, body bowed to his kiss.

She was panting in his ear by the time the music faded, but she didn't care. She had her face buried in his neck, trying not to hear the scores as they were read off.

As if they could be heard over the pandemonium. Dominic was sobbing hysterically, on his feet, clapping ferociously with the rest of the stands around him. That had been... dear Jesus. He was sobbing, and vowing murder on Pete Ross's head for touching his baby sister, but he was clapping as hard as he could.

Chloe was squealing on top of her lungs, clapping and jumping up and down, doing a little dance as she looked down at her friends and just squealed.

Lionel was on his feet beside his husband, a feat in and of itself, to get him to rise, and he was applauding, along with, it seemed, everyone else in the convention hall. He hadn't had a chance yet to say I told you so to his husband, but he supposed the wild applause was doing it for him.

CK was all but standing on his chair, bouncing as he whistled shrilly as he clapped. He was beaming down at Lex, who was, like his father, slightly more restrained as he applauded, and then beamed again at Whitney, who was jumping with his girlfriend and whooping loudly as he could.

Pete couldn't hear any of it. He just held his girlfriend for a moment tighter before letting go, spinning out straight beside her and bowing to the crowds as he did so, eyes dancing as he grinned at his girlfriend. "I told you so." He murmured softly, and winked at her as the judges tallied their scores.

Ten. Ten. Nine. Seven. Ten. Ten. Ten.

He gave a low, heavy sound of joy escape him and leaned over to hug his girlfriend, tightly as he could.

Second place.

Shay followed suit, curtseying low as Pete did and then straightening up as he twirled her back into his arms to hug her. "Wow. I didn't kill you, and we did okay!"

"Of course we did. Big smile baby, one more bow." he turned and bowed low to the crowd, eyes dancing as he did so, then spun her once before they turned and walked to the wings. "We did it. WE DID IT." He yelled, half a second after they'd entered, and he was sweating, exhausted, kinda dizzy, and all he did was grasp Shay, lift her up, and let out several loud, shaking woops of pleasure.

She was right behind him, squealing as he lifted her up, and she squeezed his neck hard as she could. "We DID IT!" she squeaked, her legs going to wrap around his waist. She nuzzled the top of his head as she giggled insanely, and let her muscles sag.

And Dominic was just beaming, wiping at his eyes, sniffling as he plunked down in his chair and just beamed at his husband. He was so proud his chest felt like it was about to burst, and his beam didn't lesson as he wriggled and sighed happily. "That is my baby sister. Did you see her?"

"I did indeed," Lionel said with a nod. "I told you not to write her off until you had seen them perform, but of course you'll not listen to your husband." Little huff, but he was smiling, and he held out his cell phone. "I'd suggest you wait until the end of the competition, and the winners are formally announced, but perhaps you'd like to order her some flowers?"

He was still sniffling, and he just beamed at his delightful husband as the next couple got on the stage to dance. "She was amazing. Darling, I already ordered six dozen roses. They're waiting for her at my apartment. They were there about forty five minutes before we got here. My darling sister, she did so beautifully. Didn't she? Oh, I'm so proud I could burst."

Chloe was, too. She wiggled, and giggled, and beamed at Whitney, then across at Lex and Ck next to her. She'd been amazing, and if they weren't in the middle of the competition she would have squealed and ranted about how beautiful they'd danced, so much more amazing then all the times she'd seen them practice.

Kal was smiling, faintly, as he watched, listening to Dominic babble beside him with light amusement, even as he watched the dancers with rapt attention.

Lex was only paying partial attention to the dancers; the rest of it was split between CK and Kal. Both of them seemed to be enjoying themselves, and having Kal within eyeshot of CK seemed to be doing the trick, holding down the possible panic attacks and separation anxiety.

He was happy for Shayla and Pete, especially because they'd placed so well without having to buy off the judges, but he couldn't bring himself to make more than a superficial pass of applause, pride, and glee.

CK was wiggling just as hard as Chloe, and his seat was squeaking as he did, but he didn't care. He was squeezing her hand and bouncing and wiggling like an overexcited puppy. He couldn't wait to see his best friend and Shayla and congratulate them when the competition was over.

Kal watched, silently, quietly, as the competition dragged on. Six more couples danced, all placing well below Pete and Shayla, and Kal rose to clap with the others in the stands as they final awards began to be given out. It was all kind of a blur, kind of like he was sitting in a roller coaster, trying to watch everything, and he couldn't take it all in. He wanted to learn, so badly, and he couldn't read what the enormous billboard was saying but he was listening to the judges as they gave out the awards. Shay and Pete, all but crying, taking second place, and he was so happy for them, but at the same time, so desperately sad. Three hours were gone from the little time he had left, and he could feel himself getting antsy. He could be doing a million things right now, a million things, reading, watching TV, skinny dipping, having sex, eating Chinese food, squeezing a soap dispenser just because he fucking could.

And he was wasting it.

It was like a suffocating blanket, as the roars and cheers around him became dull in his ears, and he found it indescribably hard to take in a deep breath.

CK was getting jittery beside Lex, feeling the unease radiating from Kal, and he latched tightly onto Lex's arm, shifting just a little bit as he moved closer.

Lionel was watching Kal out of the corner of his eye, and could almost see the crackling energy dancing off the young man's body. He didn't say anything, though, just turning his attention to Pete and Shay's award, clapping in all the right places.

Lex wrapped his arms around CK and quieted him with little pets and kisses, stroking his hair carefully, and hugging him gently. "We'll be out of here soon," he whispered softly. "Don't worry."

Kal couldn't wait. He was suffocating, there were too many people, he needed the earth and its air and he abruptly pushed past Dominic and Lionel, nearly shoving them down in their chairs as he rushed down the aisle, as fast as he could. He was swamped with dizziness, his pulse was racing, and he moved past a couple sitting at the end before he was able to break free. He ran up the steps as fast as he could, ignoring the people who watched him as he pushed past the guard standing at the closed door. He moved as fast as he could through the lobby, his body aching as he moved further and further away from CK, but the pain was almost worth it as he burst out into the night and gulped, swallowing enormous puffs of air.

CK gave a shrill cry into Lex's shoulder as Kal kept pulling away, going further and further away. His grip tightened on his aushna', squeezing bruising tight as he started to panic, sucking in deep breaths, giving off little cries, and panting as Kal got further and further out of range.

"Goddammit," Lex swore softly, and glared all around at the world. "I've got to go and get him. CK, I want you to stay with Chloe and Whitney, all right? They'll take care of you until I get back. Don't worry; Pete and Shay won't hurt you."

"Kenep, Kenep, no, don't go, don't want to be alone, no, please, Kenep, stay, stay," CK was clinging tightly to Lex, on the verge of tears at the thought of being abandoned with all these strange people and no Kal and no Kenep.

Lionel put his hand on Dominic's shoulder. "I'll go and bring the little brat back."

Dominic nodded, tightly, and looked up at Lex as the people around them broke into gossip, wincing as he reached out to squeeze CK's hand. "Lionel's going to go get him, sweetheart. its alright love, Lex isn't leaving."

Kal had sunk down to the pavement, ignoring the valet staring at him, and breathed in as deeply as he could, wishing violently for a cigarette. He just swallowed air, trying to calm his racing heart, and rubbed his fingers through his hair as he yanked his glasses off and shoved them in his pocket. He shuddered, waiting for the panic to slow down, for his heart to stop racing, and he rubbed a fist against his chest as he did it.

Lex could not have given a lesser shit about the people gossiping around him than he did in that second. Instead, he just wrapped both arms around CK. "Hush. It's okay. I'm here, CK. Kenep is here." He tugged CK towards the exit at the back of their balcony. "Come on. Let's at least get out in the lobby, maybe out to the car." He kept his arms firmly and tightly around his aushna'. "You with me, CK?"

"Yes, yes, yes, out of here, go now, yes, please, Kenep, I don't want to be here any more." He had his face buried in Lex's shoulder, regardless of the scene he was making, and squeezed tight. "I want Kal. Kal left, bring him back, Kenep, make him come back."

Whitney looked at Chloe. "Stay with Dominic; I don't want you getting hurt. I'm going to go and help clear the way for them to get out to the car, all right?"

Lionel casually walked outside, looked up and down the sidewalk, and then came to stand in front of Kal. "You know, you're getting all kinds of disgusting dirt on that suit," he said.

Kal didn't say a word, just burying his fingers in his shocking red hair as he fought for his composure. "What's it to you? I'm fine. Leave me alone."

Dominic listened quickly and nodded, sharply, as he opened his cell phone. "Phillip? Yes, yes, everything's fine, we just need the limo brought around, straight away. Yes. yes, thank you." He closed it with a snap and squeezed CK's hand again, gently, as he looked up at Chloe. "Chloe darling, stay right as you are. Phillips bringing the car, and we'll be able to leave. Lex? Is he alright?"

"You are most certainly not fine," Lionel snapped. "Get up from the ground, this minute, and act like a man, if you've the spine for it. There's a man inside of you somewhere, or is all of what makes Clark a man inside the other one of you?" he demanded, challenging Kal's pride to get him on his feet.

Lex shook his head. "No, he's not all right. He's panicking because he's been separated from Kal, and the further apart they get, the worse it'll get."

CK wasn't even verbalizing any longer, just clinging to his aushna' with little cries and a grip of iron.

Kal turned a ferocious snarl at Lionel, so hard and loud that the valet boy jumped and hid behind the car he'd been about to get in. He rose to his feet and puffed out his chest, made himself as big as possible, and snarled, "Are you challenging me, Luthor? I could snap your pansy ass like a twig. I act like six times the man you are."

Lionel shrugged coldly. "Growling like an animal doesn't impress me, young man. But at least you're on your feet, so there has to be something slightly human inside of you. Now what is your problem, or are you too childish to bother telling the people who are worried about you why you ran out of here in a fit?" He slid his hands back in his pockets as he smoothly manipulated Kal and felt not a bit of remorse.

"I didn't have a fit, you stupid old man." Kal snarled back, and didn't dare move from his glowering stance, his eyes dark and full of fury.

"Of course you didn't," Lionel said, patronizingly. "You just stormed out of the theater for no reason, reducing CK to a whimpering mess who is, I am sure, clinging like a burr to my son, who is worried about you, would have come after you in fact, but for the fact that CK nearly had himself a fit at the thought of Lex abandoning him too."

"I couldn't breathe. Alright? Is that the answer you so desperately want?" Kal snarled. "I hate you. Fuck I can't stand you, I can't believe I ever touched you."

Lionel reached into his pocket and silently offered one of his cigars to the boy. "I can assure you, the feeling is quite mutual."

"No, thank you." He declined the cigar and turned to the street, ignoring him completely, as he drove his hands into his pockets to keep them from balling up and punching Lionel in the face. "Leave me alone."

"I'm sorry, I can't do that, and you know it," Lionel pointed out, tucking the cigar back into his pocket and shrugging. "At least not until you stop panicking and go back in there, like the semi-civilized faux-adult you seem to be."

Fake adult. Fake person. Fuck. "I need to go home is what I need to do." Was all he snapped back, and looked out on the cool street.

"Oh, yes, of course. Whyever did I think that you might actually stoop to considering someone else over your own selfish desires?" Lionel turned for a moment as he lit his cigar, using his body to protect the flame as he puffed the tobacco cylinder into life, and looked back at Kal. "Of course you don't care about the wreck that CK is in, nor do you care that Lex is worried about you."

"I'm tired of worrying about other people. I'm tired of not being selfish. I'm tired of putting everyone around me before me. I'm tired of feeling like its so terrible to take care of myself once in a while. I'm tired of people like you, who make me realize that my life isn't even my own, just an outstretch of other people. I'm tired of worrying." Kal snarled back. "But you wouldn't understand that feeling at all, would you? You work for yourself, you don't care about anyone else, and you do not understand what its like to have others want from you so much so often that you can't ever take care of yourself, even when you're trying to mourn your fucking son."

Lionel took a careful draw off his cigar. "Did my son ever mention his brother?"

"Lionel, how many fucking times do I have to tell you? I am Clark, Clark is me. I was there that night when I told you to stop blaming yourself over Julian's death. I'm just an extension of Clark, remember?"

"I remember quite well," Lionel said without becoming riled. "I merely wondered if Lex ever mentioned him to you."

"Of course he has. Am I not his fucking aushna?"

"I'm glad he has," Lionel answered calmly, ignoring the expletives. "I'm glad that he is able to share that with you." He took another draw off his cigar. "What I don't believe that Lex knows--or you, for that matter, and I'd like to keep it that way, as far as Lex knowing--is that yes, I do know what it is. I know, too, what it is to sit in a stupor for months afterwards, believing that it is your fault, that you were to blame, that something could have been done differently. I know what it is to lose a wife because she couldn't bear to live in the world without her son, and I know what it is to live for a year and a half under the influence of alcohol and prescription drugs in the attempt to forget whatever pain you were feeling and shut out the rest of your family while doing it." He paused for another drag. "I know what it's like to be depressed, Kal, and to be treated for it by a therapist who believes you are less than dog shit on her heel, to be scraped off on the welcome mat." One last drag from the cigar, then he ground it out under his heel. "So before you presume to tell me what I do, and do not understand, perhaps you should get your fucking facts straight first."

"You have the stunning skill, Lionel, of making everyone around you feel that their problems aren't justified, aren't warranted. Did you know that? You really do. Aces on that, big man. I'm sure Dominic appreciates it."

Lionel brought his eyes up to pin Kal's without a word. "No, Kal, I am just pointing out that whatever problems you have, and I don't deny that you do indeed have more problems than I am capable of dealing with, the chance is, you are not special. You are not the only person having to deal with those problems, and you will not get special treatment from me or anyone else because of it."

"No? You know Lionel, come spout off your bullshit at me when you find out in less than," Kal consulted his watch. "Sixteen hours you're going to be dead. Then you tell me how calm and careful you feel, how put together and mindful of others you decide to be."

"Dead? You won't be dead, Kal. You will merely be back where you belong; a part of a bigger whole, the whole that makes up Clark. You will not be dead, boy. You may not have your physical body, but you will be alive, in the part of him that is you."

"You don't understand." No one did, it seemed, but Lex. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it off his forehead, and looked up at the cloudy sky silently for a moment, before looking back down the street. Depression rocked him right down to the core in one steady wave and he just turned again. "Lets go back."

"No, you're quite right, I don't understand. The only thing I do understand is that you are being prideful and arrogant, and though you despise me for it, through dealing with Lex's misled youth I know how to relate to you, in a way that I am not sure that Lex does. You will not find coddling from me, Kal."

"I don't want anything from you. At all. Stay away from me." Kal answered quietly, before starting back for the front doors.

"Would that I could," Lionel muttered under his breath, following a few paces behind. "Believe me, Kal," he said in his normal tone of voice. "I wish to have as little to do with you as you wish to have to do with me." He picked up his pace, and caught up with him before he opened the door. "Remember one thing, however, and that is this: I don't have to like you to respect you."

Kal ignored him. Totally. His face was set in stone even as his whole heart warred. He waited for Lionel to open the door, silently, not even looking at him as he waited.

Lionel waited for Kal to look at him, just as stubborn and prideful as the young man was and not willing to budge an inch.

"Open the fucking door."

"Acknowledge the fact that you heard me speaking to you."

"I'm not going to give respect when I haven't been shown it." Kal snapped back.

"Then show me a reason to respect you," Lionel said quietly. "All you've shown me until now is disrespect to everyone, including yourself. Once you've shown me a reason to respect you, you will receive it in kind." His words weren't nearly as stinging as they should be.

"Open. The. Door." Kal said, quietly, dangerously, without looking at Lionel. "Or I swear to fucking God I'll tear the goddamned wall apart to get in."

"I don't think you have the strength," Lionel said softly.

"Bullshit. You don't know what I have or I don't. Open the fucking door, Luthor!" Kal snarled it, though he didn't dare push Lionel. If he hurt him, CK would never forgive him. "Open the door!"

"Actually I do know. When you were assaulting me earlier? You weren't holding me down nearly so hard as you could have, and it wasn't because you weren't trying."

Kal took a very, very deep breath. He had to calm himself down. If the old bastard wasn't going to move, he was leaving. But he couldn't quite find it within himself to leave, so he just turned and ran his fingers through his hair again. "Leave me alone. Why are you doing this?"

"Because you have a very terminal lack of respect to yourself that reflects badly on you, and on my son," he said quietly. "That you would treat others this way means only that you would treat yourself this way, given the chance, and frankly that sickens me. If I can thicken your skin and bring you some respect to yourself this way, then I will do so."

Kal was so angry, so deeply furious, that the rage was barely contained. He almost couldn't breathe around it, just clenching and unclenching his hands as hard as he could. "Leave me alone. I don't want to fucking talk to you. Move out of the way or I'm screaming bloody murder until the cops come. Get out of the fucking way."

"You can bring the cops all you like, Kal, but before you do that, you might want to consider the consequences--mainly, being separated from CK for quite a long period of time, possibly not being able to return to your former state of union as Clark. Stuck permanently here, never Clark, just... yourself. Always, ultimately alone."

Being separated from CK. CK, his other. Another hot lick of fear raced down his spine. "Then let's avoid all of that, shall we? Move your fucking ass away."

"Only when you learn to respect yourself. Which I realize is a large feat to comprehend, however, I am asking that you attempt to do so, and stop acting like a macho five year old and begin acting like the normal person that I am fairly sure is in there somewhere."

Kal just decided to ignore him. If the big ass wasn't going to move, he didn't really give a rat's ass. The competition was almost over, and he had as much will as Lionel did. So he just went back to ignoring him, looking away from him and watching the street. The valet had recovered, somewhat, and though he kept glancing over he went on about his business. Kal ignored him, and ignored Lionel, watching the street again as the fury flowed.

Lionel was nothing if not patient, and he watched with the intense attention of a lion scoping out his prey.

Kal looked back at him, evenly, even cheerfully, even if he wanted to lash out and rip Lionel's eyes out.

Lionel would not be the one to break his will first; he'd had too many long years of practice doing this to many other people far more experienced than Kal, and he remained silent, his gaze never wavering except for steady, necessary blinks.

It was the first thing Dominic saw, as he came up into the lobby with Lex, the kids, and CK. Lionel and Kal, staring one another down, and he all but flinched as he squeezed Lex's forearm to stop him, and pointed. "Ticking time bomb, love. Lets get everyone out of here before it goes off, shall we?"

Lex nodded. "CK and I will get Kal; you get Dad. Chloe, Whitney... I don't know what mood he's going to be in, so I'm asking you not to come with us. Go, celebrate with Pete and Shayla, and apologize for us. If we need you, we'll call you."

"Its alright, honey." Chloe leaned in to kiss Lex's cheek gently, then CK's, and winced at the both of them. "Good luck. We'll call you in a little bit, to see how everything's going. Okay? Be careful, Lex." She gave him another kiss on the cheek, and a warm, gentle hug, before waving. Grasped Whitney's hand before he could say no, and began to drag him off back into the auditorium.

"Oh, thanks. I get the lion. Aren't you giving. I'm like the tamer, whip and all." Dominic muttered under his breath, as he pulled the door Lionel had been standing in front of open, and poked him in the back. "Move over, Luthor. Ahhh! We were worried, Kal." Chipper voice. "Feel better?"

"Much." Kal muttered, without looking away from Lionel.

Lex put his hand gingerly on Kal's shoulder. "Are you all right?"

CK didn't even bother with formalities, just giving out a soft little cry as he launched himself at Kal and wrapped around him, arms and legs around neck and waist as he clung like a burr, rubbing his face in Kal's strong throat and whimpering softly. "You left me," over and over again.

Lionel moved, but didn't break eye contact. "I'm not in the way, Luthor," he said back softly.

Kal finally looked away when CK launched at him, and he winced because WOO what a scene they were creating. "CK… baby, not right now. Not right now. You're with Lex, remember? lets get in the car." He helped him down, glancing around once more before motioning with a jerk of his neck, before the paparazzi realized they weren't in the building anymore. "Come on. Stick with Kenep." He shot Lionel a thoroughly impertinent smile as if to say, 'I got him anyway.' and quickly followed Dominic towards the limo.

As soon as Kal put him down, CK re-adhered himself, arms and legs wound around him again, because he was NOT getting separated from Kal like that ever again.

Lex just shook his head, and was surprised to find that Lionel was there beside him, blocking the view of the limo from anyone around it, as both twins got into the car, CK clinging to Kal even as Kal tried to peel him off.

Kal plunked into the car, half carrying his others weight which exerted him greatly, but he flumped in the car finally and tugged him close into his lap, keeping him close and kissing all over his face and neck, lips and throat, there in the darkness of the limp. Ignored it as Kenep, and Dominic, and Lionel all got in, just kissing his other as hard as he could, fingers stroking over his back, his butt, his legs, up again to string in his hair. I was so afraid. The building was suffocating me, I couldn't breathe. I'm so sorry baby.

CK just whimpered softly into the kisses, rubbing his hands over Kal's face, his shoulders, his back, even through his hair as he bounced agitatedly, trying to reassure himself that Kal was really here. You left me, you scared me, you left me alone and I hated it, don't ever leave me again, don't make me be lonely, please Kal, please, please, I can't stand to be lonely, I'm so scared of being lonely.

I know baby, I know, I'm so sorry. Come here, get closer. I love you so much, I love you so much. I just had to get a deep breath, I felt like I was going to faint. I'm sorry, I should have said something. I'm sorry baby. More hot, deep kisses, hugging him as tightly as he could to his body. He was aware of the limo moving again but ignored it, burying his face in CK's shoulder and holding him close.

Dominic was trying his best not to watch. He just winced at Lex, sideglancing Lionel's stony face as if to say, 'meep?' and looked back out the window, sighing deeply.

CK wrapped around everything of Kal's he could reach, panting softly and giving soft little mewls as Kal stroked him and held him.

Lex ignored his father entirely for the moment, instead sliding his hand down CK's back comfortingly, and squeezing Kal's hand tightly as he could.

Lionel looked back at Dominic with a little shrug, then looked back out his side of the limo.

"Not here." Kal whispered, softly, into CK's mouth, because he could hear the threads of arousal in his voice. He just held him close to his body, rocking him carefully. "Its okay, see? We're all fine. Don't worry baby, you're safe. I'll keep you safe."

CK couldn't help the arousal that was building inside of him, and instead, he just pressed his body tighter against Kal's, hiding it as best he could as he nodded against Kal's shoulder. "Safe," he said softly, nodding again.

"Safe." He whispered. "I'll keep you safe, baby, I promise. I love you so much. You're my whole world." Kal whispered softly into his ear, then moved his head back enough so CK could sit beside him, cuddle in close, and keep Kal's attention off of Lionel, who was stoic and silent.

CK stayed right on top of Kal, keeping close and cuddling in as tight as he could.

Lex squeezed Kal's hand again, then slid his fingers through Kal's so that they were linked, but didn't tighten them in case Kal wanted to pull away. He was prepared for that, and reminded himself that it didn't always mean a rejection.

Lionel didn't say a word as he half turned in the spacious limo, and reached into the little refrigerator behind the seat and pulled out small bottles of water and passed them around.

Dominic shook his head, though with thanks. "I just want a very big brandy, love. Thanks, anyway." A slight glance at his stepson's lover... s… and then a smile at his husband, to try and get the tension off his face. "Wasn't the competition lovely? I'm so proud of Pete and Shayla both."

"It was great. They deserved first place, though." Kal said from his corner of the limo, as he nuzzled CK's neck.

Lionel tucked the unaccepted bottles back into the fridge, and settled back in his seat. "I'll fix your drink when we get home," he said softly, and opened his own bottle, sipping carefully. "Yes, they did deserve first place, actually. However, I'm quite pleased that they placed, considering the judging panel is less than friendly this year."

"And rigged as hell." Dominic added, quietly, and sideglanced the twins again as he felt an uncomfortable sense of... discomfort. He didn't like this, not one bit. Lionel was never this calm. Ever. "So, did one of you threaten to de-ball the other? Why are you so quiet?"

Lionel just gave a little shrug. "I am always quiet, little cricket."

Lex carefully disengaged his fingers from Kal as the clasp wasn't returned, and instead wrapped both his hand around the bulbous base of his water bottle. "If you threatened him, Dad, you'll answer to me."

"Lex, do shut up. Honestly. You'd think with all your schooling you'd have learned how." Dominic glared at him, before looking back at Lionel, then the twins. "I don't want you to fight. You're both my family."

"Don't talk to my aushna' that way." Kal growled, low in his throat, at Dominic, glaring at him darkly.

"Then don't sit there and make me worry about mine, Kal." Dominic said carefully, as he shifted comfortably.

Lex touched Kal's leg gently, enough to send a thought of soothing to him, and then withdrew again. "It's all right, Kal. I'm just being protective. Dominic understands that sometimes I get overzealous; I just don't want to see you hurt." He looked up at his father expectantly.

"I did not threaten him, Lex. I merely told him that he needed to learn to respect himself."

"Like you respect yourself?" Kal sneered.

Dominic just... rubbed the bridge of his nose. Too old for dealing with rampant teenagers, check. "Kal, do be quiet and listen to Lionel for a moment. I'm sure it will do you a world of good."

"I have respect for myself," Lionel said softly. "However, I know when I am and am not worthy of it. You simply don't have it, nor do you have the discretion yet to use it, though the capability is there. Just... grossly underused."

"I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. You're babbling out of your ass. Now leave me the fuck alone, Luthor."

"Congratulations, Kal. Now you sound like your father," Lionel said with no little sarcasm.

"Is there something wrong with sounding like my father?" Kal demanded.

Dominic bit his lip so hard he tasted blood. He all but had to slap a hand over his mouth... then did so in the next moment, looking back out the window in case the hundred barbs that came to his mind all slipped out.

Lex just glared at Dominic. "Not one bloody word," he warned softly. "Not one."

Dominic shook his head, his hand still clamped tight over his mouth, his green eyes huge over his palm. Didn't dare speak. Just didn't.

"Of course not, once you realize that Jonathan can sound like a biased bigot on occasion," Lionel said as he calmly sipped.

"My father is not a fucking biased bigot!" Kal yelled, so loudly that all he made CK jump, even as he snarled. "He's a fucking good man, and a good father! How dare you sit there and talk about him like that. He raised me, he loved me like his own, and he didn't have to. So shut UP about him!"

Lex nearly bit his lip through at that, but he managed to remain painfully silent. Jonathan Kent had been a biased bastard, and it had nearly cost him his aushna'.

"No, he didn't have to. Instead, he raised you in a home where he would have had you judge my son on his last name alone? Where he nearly disowned you for choosing my son, merely because he is a Luthor? Where he nearly tried to separate you from Lex after the birth of your son? Yes, I agree. Jonathan Kent is a wonderful father."

Kal, very barely, kept himself from striking out, though his muscles quivered. "You three are sons of bitches. He never disowned me, he tried to separate me to keep me safe. He loves me the only way he knows how, and fuck you all for having your set of opinions on him."

The insult struck Lex hard, but he didn't show it, instead wrapping his masks firmly around himself and locking them in place so that he could fix a small, uncaring smile on his face.

Lionel laughed dryly. "My opinion of your father is based on our friendship, our affair, the decay of both, and the rebuilding of the friendship. I think I have the right to call him a bastard when he acts like it."

"Not to his son." Kal snapped back. He didn't even want CK near him right now, but he couldn't let go of his other, sitting there in his arms. "Just stay away from me. I'm sick of your opinions of me, I'm sick of you treating me like a dumb kid. Just leave me the fuck alone. Lex? Not to be unkind, but stop taking it so fucking personal." He snarled at his aushna'. "You're mine, so just shut the fuck up and stop being so goddamned touchy about everything."

"Fuck you, Kal," Lex said softly. "Stop telling me how I should fucking feel. Stop telling me it shouldn't hurt when you reject me or insult me. Just... fuck you too, all right?"

"Fine. You wanna be like that, I don't give a shit. I'm tired of all of you. Leave me the fuck alone." He turned his head away, then, and looked out the window, darkly.

CK wasn't saying a word. To anybody. He was just staying with Kal, and to heck with it.

"Kal, apologize to my son," Lionel said softly, but steely. "If you are angry at me, then I honestly do not care, but you will not take it out on someone who has done nothing but love you and try to help you and protect you."

"Don't tell me what to do, Luthor. You aren't my mom, and you sure as fuck ain't God. Leave me alone."

Dominic didn't dare say a word. He knew when his comments were needed, and he knew when they weren't, so he kept himself completely silently as he watched the interaction.

"If you had the sense and the mental capacity to know what you should and should not do, then you would not need someone to tell you what to do, and I would be more than thrilled to leave you alone. However, until you can find someone to fill that role for you, it falls to me."

"Leave him alone, Dad," Lex said quietly, frozen masks still in place. "He can do what he wants."

"I do have someone to fill that roll for me." Kal said, in a silky, dangerous voice. "And I sincerely don't need you filling in anything for me. I told you to leave me alone. Stop talking to me, because I sure as fuck don't want to talk to you."

"With your attitude? I am sincerely surprised that anyone wishes to converse with you. I understand why Clark tends to keep you hidden away; you are quite the unpleasant person yourself."

"Dad, stop it," Lex warned. "You're about to cross the line."

"Yeah, Clark keeps me tucked up and out of the way." Kal snickered, even if his soul sobbed. "He doesn't like me too much. Its why it makes him such a pansy assed bitch half the time. He needs some aggression in his life, but, alas."

"It makes him a likable, respectable individual," Lionel corrected. "Not some petty child who lashes out to hurt the people he loves, just because he can."

"Also why he's so fucking boring." Kal smirked, and rose a brow.

"He's not boring; Clark is actually one of the more intelligent, interesting young men I've had the opportunity to meet," Lionel said amiably. "Clark's personality has more than the single note of arrogance and hurt that you seem to have; it's a shame that you didn't inherit more."

"Too bad that Clark's also a severely boring individual." Kal grinned again, seemingly amused. "CK got all the good qualities. He is the good qualities. I'm all the nasty things Clark keeps locked back, all those primal urges he would just love to jump into."

"Yes, well, I can see why he keeps you locked back." He turned to Lex. "I can't imagine what you see in him."

"One can only assume what I see in you." Dominic said, very quietly, neutrally, and rose a brow as if daring Lionel to argue that.

"Too bad. Poor bastard needs some fun in his life." Kal snorted. Inside of his head it was war, screams and sobs, and his very chest felt like it was caving in, despite his light, amused air. He wasn't any of those things, not any of it, and every insult was a sharp jab into him. He ignored them. If none of them liked him by the end, letting go would be so, so much easier.

Lionel ignored his lover, save for a raised brow of his own. "He certainly does not need you in his life, Kal. And were it not necessary for you to be a part of him, I could wish he never have you inside of him again."

Lex didn't bother to tell his father to stop; it apparently wasn't bothering Kal, and every time he opened his mouth, Kal only deliberately lashed out and wounded him further, so he said nothing, just staring out the limo window and wondering when in the name of God this ride from Hell was going to be over.

"Tough noogies, that, huh? I hope it eats you alive. I hope that you know that every kiss Clark gives Lex will be me inside of him, kissing him and making him love him." Snorted again, as he squeezed CK's thigh and begged him without a word said or a finger to beautiful lips, not to say a word of what was going on inside of them both.

Lionel just shook his head. "I have more faith in my son than that; if that is so, then there is some redeeming quality in you somewhere. Perhaps something I haven't seen, and don't wish to see, but whatever it is, I hope that Clark puts you back under lock and key once you are reunited. You do not deserve my son."

CK wasn't even listening. He was off in his own head, pretending none of this was going on because if he had to listen to it and feel it he was going to go crazy.

"No one deserves Lex. Pity it had to be me, huh? I'm sure you would have been pleased as punch with a daughter in law and a gaggle of kids. Sorry!" Sing song voice at the end. "All you've got is me. Tough shit, huh? And when Clark is around again? I'll be sure to be there as much as I physically can."

"We're here." Dominic said, quietly. He just thanked Christ, because another moment of the shot words and he was going to go crazy. He opened the door as Phillip stopped the car and stepped out, taking in a deep, silent breath before holding the car open for his lover and his stepsons.

"Clark deserves Lex," Lionel said softly. "Thankfully, though, Clark is not you. You are nothing but a part of him, a mere fragment of humanity and when you are gone, you will not be missed." Lionel swept out of the car and closed the door behind him, lighting a cigar as he entered the building, taking drags from the fragrant cylinder as he strode through the empty lobby, heels clicking on the floor.

"Shows how much he knows." Kal answered, even as he soothed CK's back and neck, gently, holding him close and smiling tenderly, sadly, into his eyes. "I'm sorry for that, baby. Didn't mean to make you feel caught in the middle. Come on." He glanced, slightly, to his left. "You coming, Lex?"

CK just nodded dully, climbing out with Kal and clumsily finding his feet as he clutched Kal's waist tightly.

"No," Lex said softly. "I'm not. I think I'm going to have Phillip drive me to Dominic's apartment, just to put in an appearance for Pete and Shay, and see if Chloe's explained to them what's happened. They deserve that."

"Alright." Was all Kal said. No more. No less. He squeezed CK's hand as hard as he could and led him up to the door, letting the doorman open it for them, and walked inside without a backwards glance. He led CK across the elevators, taking the second one up to the floor Lionel's penthouse was in. Wasn't even sure if they'd be welcome there, but it didn't really matter, after all. "You alright, CK?"

Lex closed the door to the limo and sat alone in the back for a long moment.

"Sir?" Phillip asked softly. "Do you want me--"

"No. Just... drive."

"Very good, sir."



go on to the next part